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/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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>Assemble your parts list
>How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

If you want help:
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA).
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate.
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?

>G4560 - Budget builds (<$500)
>R5 1400 is stretching it, but I got mine to 3.9 ghz with the stock cooler.
>R5 1500x - All you really need for 60fps with power to spare; Don’t get an i5 right now.
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; Get a 1600x if you don't OC
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/mixed use; Not required for just gaming.

>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>RX 560 and GTX 1050Ti - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games
>RX570 - 1080p@60hz at high, running most maxed older games at 144+hz
>GTX1060 3gb paired with a g4560 for those with a really tight budget.
>RX580 and GTX1060 - 1080p@60hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; Go for the RX580 if you can.
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@144hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p.
>GTX 1080 Ti - 1440p@144 hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games; You're kind of going overboard with this one.
>Titan XP - 4k@60hz maxed in most, if not all games; You don't need this unless you're curing cancer or something.

>Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
>NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.

Please be nice to people asking questions. No fanboy arguments please.
Building a new rig from scratch. Usage will be software and games development, and some casual gaming from time to time. What do you guys think? I would like to keep it under 700 USD but apparently couldn't. Any revisions are welcome.

Spend the extra 15 bucks and get the 1500x instead. Get a better casing and absolutely don't fucking get the PSU.
>1500x instead
You mean like this? Also which recommendations for case and PSU should I get? Preferrebly MicroATX but I'm open to options.

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How's this look?


Picked it for an aussie friend but I don't know shit about mobos. He doesn't have a ton of cash so cost efficiency is important. Plays at 1080p, looking for solid 60fps on upcoming games (future-proofing not possible, ik ik).

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>tfw pulled the trigger on a 480 8G for 238€ in may, kinda felt like I paid too much but the 5XX were still a bit too above my price range
>tune in again now because a friend asked for advice
>the same card literally do not exist under 275€+ anymore
What the fuck is happening? Shouldn't 4XX go DOWN when their replacement is released?
Also no overclocking.
So the 1060 > 980ti right?

If so is the 1080 worth buying at this point or just wait for the 1160 or whatever the next gen equivalent is called and pay Half the price
Are those pentium builds worth a damn? I keep seeing them everywhere.
Barracuda 2tb is cheaper right now iirc
I would cut down on the SSD and get the ar5 1600. It's $50 difference and well worth it. That PSU is complete and utter garbage, get a budget 500-550w one.

You can get only 8GB ram now, and upgrade later.

Change the HDD for a Hitachi Ultrastar 3TB. It's the same price and it's more reliable.. and comes with an extra TB.
Not in this specific case.

There's crypto currency mining going on right now. And it's done by using a bunch of graphics cards working 24/7... and you know, supply and demand and that's why there's either NO cards available, or at extremely high prices.
EVGA or Seasonic are always quality PSU
what's with the garbage cpu suggestions in the OP?
no current and older games will run good on any of that shit, and it will take years before devs start to give a fuck
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is this build ok or am I el retardo. I'm considering not buying the 1060 and just using my old 5770 until a 580 becomes available or something
I purchased a 600W VS600 from Corsair, after rebate is 24$

Did I make a mistake?
don't get an amd
3200 ddr4 costs as much as anything lower
Is the i7 7700K worth the price increase if I have a 144hz monitor? It's gonna be like almost $200 more with all things considered then a R5 1600 setup would be.
>don't get an amd
why though
do you know if 3200 will work on that motherboard?
pcbuttpicker link?
1600 can do 144 hz on games where that actually matters
because an intel cpu that costs a few ten dollars more that is in top10 on single thread benchmarks will out perform that amd shit for any game released recently, old games and for games released several years in the future
You're probably right. The only game I'm thinkin I might get more out of an i7 7700K is PUBG but that game is just a mess for various reasons.
Go online and read reviews. Cheap corsair are normally a miss on the hit or miss scale.
How are the 4k Ultrasharps? And is Asus quality control improved on their 4k TNs since 2015 ( when a large amount of reviews still had problems ln the third monitor they had to reorder)
Anybody have any knowledge on Mini ITX cases? I've looked over a few and seen some builds but all in all I think the best build quality comes from something like the Node 202.

If anybody knows a bit more than I do, do tell.
Samsung 4k are the best
Sure thing anon. Please don't talk about things you don't know about.
Why do you say that? I've heard almost nothing of samsungs monitor game
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>almost $200 more
Only $200 more for 7700k build damn you Americans, tbf I would go with it.
Oh you want a monitor. I thought you were asking about TVs. Acer QC is pretty good I heard. No idea about theri 4k.
these comparisons are really stupid
Whaddya think /g/oys?
I assume that means using anything higher than 2666 on that board is useless, what mobo should I get then?
Are Intel motherboards the same price as Ryzen motherboards? I haven't looked into it extensively just kinda guestimated because a 7700K is $125 more and it doesn't come with a cooler.
maybe next year lul
Good luck goyim
It's Intel, what do you think?
I'm planning on building a PC pretty much as soon as possible, but I'm also moving to a big city in August.

I was wondering if it would be better to build it now, and use it for a month or so, then ship it, or should I just hold off, and build it after I move?
What do you guys mean? are they hard to get ahold of?
Go look how much they are selling for Ebay right now goyim
My GTX 680 2GB is dying and I need to replace it. I'm considering the 1050Ti -- I don't really care for VR, 120Hz etc, I just want to be able to play the Witcher 3. at 1080p at midish settings smoothly, Overwatch etc. What kind of performance can I expect with an i7 3770k compared to my 680?
lots of useful info on pcbuttpicker you can't search for like virtualization and raid controllers
1050TI will do just fine.
yes, just save up an extra $200 and buy a 1070 or wait for vega
eh Ill get the 480 I dont care
Why that?
480 Isn't any easier to find
there's none on stock either and it will stay that way for a long time
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Good brand? Sounds like trash
Good luck goyim
I want to build a linux machine for windows gpu passthrough
I only play older titles but plan to play bannerlord
a few games would be warband, dwarf fort, skyrim (porn mods), dragons dogma, borderlands
I'd like 25 frames
I have a 1440p monitor I currently use and plan to use an old vga monitor for the pass through
I was recommended a pentium
my budget is 700
also raid support for my 1 array
Get AMD gpus if you wanna do a passthrough, Nvidia makes it a bitch to do so but good luck getting any AMD gpus in the current climate.
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>Old asus LGA1155 motherboard just died
>Running on a frankenstein rig with a 955 Black edition in it for the time being
>Try to see if anywhere sells LGA1155 motherboards anymore
>Only find sketchy shit on ebay
>Go completely apeshit and order a R5 1600 bundled with an MSI B350 and 16GB of 3000Mhz DDR4 Ram
>Throw in a new case to replace my 12 year old husk
>F to pay respects to my old i5-3570

Is the 1600 really that much of a step up from my 3570?
enjoy not having to close any program ever i guess
Having multiple program open is more RAM dependent than CPU
not when your CPU is already being the bottleneck in your games
What the fuck is wrong with people making overpriced build around an i5? >>60968160
Seriously triggers me.
Any particular reason for AMD over nvidia? I was thinking of getting a 1050Ti. I haven't done any GPU passthrough before but it doesn't look too hard to setup.

Currently I have an i3-6100, 8GB DDR4-2133, 500GB Samdung SSD. Thought about adding an additional 8GB when I get my GPU.
AMD drivers are easier to do passthrough with. Go look up the guides.
Gotcha. I haven't researched AMD gpus in at least 6-7 years. I guess the 560 is comparable to the 1050Ti? I work at best buy so hopefully I'll get a discount on it. I've heard AMD prices are outrageous these days due to bitcoinfags
Good luck finding any stock in the first place.
Shit build. i5s seem like a huge waste of money compared to Ryzen. why not just get an i7 if you want Intel? Toshiba HDDs are garbage. I fix PCs for a living and over half of the bad hard drives I encounter are Toshibas. Also just get 1 8GB stick. It's cheaper and gives you room in case you want to bump up to 16GB later.
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It's Seagate you mong. Barracuda is the series
>Also just get 1 8GB stick.
Not him but wouldn't you run into trouble with just one stick? Or at least decreased performances?
I'll look around. I work at a big box retailer and I just saw that we have some listed online. I live in the middle of nowhere so I'm sure there aren't many crypto miners in my area.
Any one got any idea why my PC would shut it's self off if I play a game in a larger resolution?

I can play Darksiders in any format fine unless I enlarge the window on my 2nd monitor (it's a 4k TV) then it'll instantly shut down the PC. I've been able to full screen other games without an instant crash as soon as the gameplay starts so I'm scratching my head here.

I have Hwinfo64 logs of it happening. What should I be looking for that's suspicious?
Trouble? No. You'll get a bit of a performance boost if you have 2x of the same stick running in dual-channel, but it certainly isn't bad. OP wouldn't notice any difference.

It affects integrated GPUs more than anything else, anyways.
Look at temps.
Temps are all damn near perfect even though we're having a heat wave right now.
Insufficient power? Trying running a power virus program like Furmark
Could be a faulty GPU or PSU.
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rate pls
>Buys a 1800x
>But buys 2400 mhz RAM
>Buys FE
>Razer keyboard
This is cancer boys
>b350 mobo
>liquid cooling
>16gb 2400 mhz ram
>b350 mobo
first time build, sorry. Which micro atx mobo do you guys recommend?
Why not?
>liquid cooling
what's wrong wiht it
1 or 2 TB harddrive? I've heard that 2TB hdds are more faulty than 1TB.
If you can afford a 1800x, you can afford 3200mhz RAM
So I should get AMD but they're all caught up in the crypto mining boom? Good thing bannerlord is eternally SOON(TM)

i7700k is currently discounted heavily which is why i chose it. Gonna use it for mainly music production in ableton with a lot of vsts. The gpu is probs overkill but i dont want to run in to bottlenecks if i do choose to do other stuff with it (will be emulating for one)
If you're going to get a 7700K, get a Z270 motherboard.
I'm not going to suggest Ryzen like everyone else, if only because Ableton seems to hate Ryzen processors.
Beyond that, don't see an issue
>Gets unlocked CPU on a locked Mobo
z270 for overclocking? doesnt intel sday not to overclock the 7700k because of heat?
The entire point of buying the K version is to overclock because it's unlocked. If you aren't going to overclock, just grab a normal 7700
Fuck off shill.
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updated. thanks bros.

What do you guys think now?
The entire point of the K version is it's high stock clocks, the fact that it's unlocked is irrelevant to most people and rightly so: they're already getting a 4.5GHz CPU, very few of them benefit from higher than that.
The 7700 doesn't have that clock advantage, and can't be overclocked to reach it.
Stop posting.
Drop to 1700 or 1700x
You can overclock both to get similar performances as the 1800x but for much cheaper, and the 1800x overclocked performs barely any better.
Ok bro, I'll go with the 1700x then. The rest of the parts look good?

thanks a ton
You look like you have money to burn.
Change your keyboard to a Filco.
Change your mouse to a Logitech - G Pro Wired
980TI > 1060 > 980 basically.
Not him but 60mm AIOs are shit. They get outperformed by many air coolers. So either get a good air cooler or 120mm AIO if you really want one.
You can drop down to the 1700 which can be OC'd to equal the 1700X, the X variants are for people who don't want to OC.
The G2 is very nice but see if you can find the new G3 version which is even better, shouldn't cost that much more.
>the X variants are for people who don't want to OC.
That is fucking retarded. The X is for people who want to OC the shit out of their CPU. Why the fuck would you get an X then? What the fuck am I reading?
>Why the fuck would you get an X then?
Because you're a good goy and want to give AMD money or you're too lazy/stupid to OC.
Go look up the reviews, everyone with at least half a brain is recommending to stay away from X and OC the standard versions with will equal the X variants.
Except the X can OC better than the non-X variants. No one actually buys an X and no OC them right? Especially since the X versions require an aftermarket cooler as well.
You clearly have no idea how things are, AMD is not Intel, things are different.
Yes the X variants will OC "better" in a sense that you will maybe get 100MHz more and/or slightly better voltages like <0.1v but that's it.
There are also reports of 1600X that do NOT reach full XFR capabilities while 1600 can be OC'd to 4.0GHz stable.
There are three kinds of people who buy the X variants: 1. those who don't want/can't OC, 2. those who think it's better silicon lottery and 3. clueless people like you.
Of course the 1700X isn't a bad choice and no one blames for buying it but it offers significantly less value than the 1700, same counts for 1600(X).
After all, all Ryzen SKUs, regardless if R3, R5 or R7 are the same CPU/die with n cores disabled. It's only logical to expect SKUs in the same bracket to perform equally if OC'd.
>Except the X can OC better than the non-X variants.
Actually, this hasn't been exclusively proven. It's a total crapshoot with the silicon lottery at the moment. Some 1600X's will OC to just 3.8 GHz while some 1600's will OC to 4.1 GHz. Just because they're supposed to be better at overclocking doesn't mean they are.
Are 6GB VRAM over 3GB worth 50€?
yes, but you'd be better off with a 4gb RX570/580 if you can get one
4GB vram is the minimum these days
Well as you probably know it's sadly impossible to get AMD cards nowadays. I need something right now, I can't possibly order one for August or something since Ryzen has no iGPU I could wait with in the meantime.
The 3GB 1060 is a trap option. Either drop down to 1050ti, go up to 6GB 1060 or buy AMD(assuming you can get one at reasonable price cuz miners).
The 1050ti really has trash performances for something that costs 150+ though... the difference is night and day with a 1060 for current games. I know 3GB is low though.

Will my r9 280x be enough to handle this upgrade in parts? I plan on getting a 144hz 1080p monitor, but I don't play a lot of AAA title games that are graphics heavy. Mostly Overwatch/Quake/TF2 and occasionally Battlefield 1.
It'll do until you can buy a new GPU that's worth it. Vega is coming
[oy vey intensifies]
>R5 1400 is stretching it, but I got mine to 3.9 ghz with the stock cooler.
Santiago santiago said the chip would get to 80-90°C at these clocks with the stock cooler though. I wouldn't really recommend this to people if that were to be true.
Meh, my R7 1700 @ 3.7GHz reaches 75°C during stress tests. I doubt a 1400 hats that much at 3.9, unless you're pumping a very big amount of voltage into it.
The 1400 has worse cooler.
Is this a decent build for 1440p, i want to get into pc gaming...
Ryzen 1600
Why ryzen instead of the i5?
There's just literally no reason to get an i5 instead of Ryzen. The only Intel CPUs worth buying are Pentiums(for cheap builds), i3-7350k(for when you only want the best possible single-threaded performance and don't give a shit about anything else) and i7-7700k(when you only want the best possible gaming performance and don't give a shit about anything else).
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Windows 10 won't detect Intel 600p 512Gb, but speccy can (pic related).

I've checked NWMe drivers are current.

What do?
Why is liquid cooling bad?
check motherboard website for possible bios update.
thanks. forgot that. assuming avoid most current/beta one for stability reasons? I migrated from a 2500K to the Ryzen chip so it's been a while.
7700k>best gaming performance
if it's available, grab one with the AGESA update.
there is. you are awesome. thank you.
Let us know if that works.

Got my 1600 build all ready.
its at 3.9ghz, ram is at 3200, now its gpu time

Do I:
a) wait for Vega and hope something good drops
b) go for a 1070/1080
c) stick with r9 290

Im gayming at 1080p 60hz monitor, but I do like high fps, because mouse seems smoother and its easier to play the gayms.

Will 1600 bottleneck a possible 1080?
I play mostly war thunder.
set a budget and get the most expensive card you can in it, then you'll like it for longer. if you're not upgrading your monitor though, than anything over a 1060 6Gb/580 will be overkill for a long long time.
Look at the benchmarks. Ryzen gets close(and is better at basically everything else), but if all you want to do is run games at 144Hz, the 7700k still wins.
Don't upgrade GPU until Vega comes out AND if you get a 144hz monitor

Roger that thanks :)
stik with the 290 until either vega arrives or prices drop and AMD RX 570/580 cards are widely available again
c) and then a)
War Thunder runs at a constant 100-120fps on my G4620 and 1060 6gb (1920 x 1200, max) so your rig is more than capable for that game and with lower setting for much newer games until the new chips come.
Best 1050ti?
Whichever is cheapest at the time and doesn't have a garbage cooler on it.
I am planning on buying an asrock Fatal1ty Z270 K6 this weekend for my 1080 ti (aorus) and i7 7700k

Is it a good board for them? Or is this board mainly for the 1080?
It's shit, start over again. Protip: AMD cpu needs and AMD chipset.
I've just built one for myself
4560 + used r9 290 + h110 + 2x4gb 2400
320 usd total (I'm from EU and used my old hdd, psu and case)
I think it's awesome for the price I paid
Hold off.
Any recommendations?
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hey guys, I need 4pin 3 x 140mm and 1 x 120mm case fans that are mainly quiet. I have a red theme going on, so neon red will do lol.

Also I need some advice on buying accessories for tidying up the cables, using coolermaster master case 5
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Hope you like all those badly optimized AAA games which you don't actually like because those are all you will be playing, otherwise you feel you have wasted your money (the feeling is correct).
>h-hey guise i need muh rbg leds color scheme custom cables n sheeeiiit
Hell no
Get the 1600
amd Ryzen needs either an A320, B350 or X370 chipset motherboards.
X370 is the flagship, but most people go for the B350.
A320 is entry level with bare minimum features.

whats wrong with them :/
Thanks for that. I swapped it for a b350.
As far as other parts go, everything is fine?

you're spending insane money on the gimped version of the 1060. Better go with a RX570 if you can but since they are always sold out a 1050ti has to be enough. What games are you playing?
The case looks properly terrible and according to the reviews it really is sketchy at best.
Fixed most of your problems like a missing mobo and ssd; ram is still on the slower side:

If you save a bit more you can have a proper non-4k gaming rig:
Nothing, but i think a neon rgb dildo goes deeper in your butthole than 120mm fans :^)
This was a huge help, thank you. No one i know is huge into PC building so i appreciate the help here. Right now im playing alot of Pubg, WoW, league and overwatch. Id like to be able to play games like the Witcher 3, modded Skyrim and new gen shooters on my PC instead of my xbone. I dont need like 100+ fps at super ultra settings, but atleast 60 on high+

ok, so can you guys at least give advice on cable management inside the case
Check youtube for guides on building and gaming performance.
For example if you're unsure how to put the stuff together, search for the case of the mainboard + build. This video shows a basic build (pre Ryzen) in the case of the 700$ build:

A video to show the 1500x + 1050 ti combo gaming performance like this is always helpful but don't be too sure on the performance, you might now get quite as much out of your system because there's still other factors that determine your system performance. You should get withing 95% of that though quite easily:
woops that was the video with the slower Ryzen 1400 but you get the point
AMD R5 1600 • 220€
Gigabyte GA-AB350M-Gaming 3 • 93€
Corsair Vg LPX 2X4GB DDR4 3000Mhz • 86€
GTX 1050 Ti 4GB • 152€
Samsung EVO 850 SSD 250GB • 93€
EVGA 600W • 52€
Corsair Carbide 88R • 53€

TOTAL = 749€~

"Budget" PC for my sibling (1080p/60hz). It'll be their very first PC gaming ever. Did I do good?
I know the PSU is overkill but only other alternative was Corsair PSU and fuck that. I wanted a 1060 originally but prices are dumb and after thinking it over I wasn't comfortable buying the 3GB version. After watching all the benchmarks I could I found the 1050 Ti to be acceptable in high settings (60FPS overall unless for poorly optimized games). Coming from a console anyway I doubt they'll really notice much and I feel like the 1600 will help smooth things out a lot anyway. I just hope 8GB RAM will be enough, if not I can still add 2X4 down the road.
I think 1050ti with r5 1600 is a totally retarded idea
I haven't ordered the 1600 yet, I could go for the 1400 to save more money too but I think the 1600 will age much much better, while the GPU I can still sell it later and buy a better one.

So with that said explain to me why is it still a retarded idea.
hey man. this dude again: >>60971750

BIOS flashed to 3.2, AGESA update was 3.1

No love for Windows detecting the NVMe drive yet, but I could see it as a boot option in UEFI and speccy still finds it
I did. That video was super helpful and really sold be on that build. Thats just what im looking for. He even said the 1500 would preform better. Once again thanks for the help here, just needed some solid guidance. One last question, as far as RAM goes, would getting 8 gb of ddr4-3200 be much more of a benefit over what i selected already?
atleast get a 1060 6gb
not really, for something that's still a budget 4 core build 3200 ram would be overkill imo. Going up to the R5 1600 or the R7 series faster ram is a must have basically but below that it's just paper gains really.
Aside from Samsung, what are good SSD brands?
It's minimum 100 more €... they'll still be able to play anything they want with the 1050 Ti, besides I also believe it'll be good to educate them into lowering some graphics and such rather than having everything on ultra all the time. It's not necessarily making them a good service to hand them a beast of a PC as their first PC, they're just 16.

Bad balance. If it's your brothers first gaymen PC you should go for G4560 + 1050Ti and select cheaper components in general.
R5 1600 is overkill and the 1050Ti will bottleneck it massively anyways and the kid should also learn to appreciate that stuff, don't spoil him with stuff like 850EVO, R5 1600, etc.
This is what i'd go for: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/nBLRxY
Cool, thanks again. Ill probably end up doing that $700 build
asrock h110m r3.0 instead of b250 dude, when will you learn
I also thought of going with the Pentium G but ended up thinking a Ryzen 1400 would be better. Then recently I thought if I'm going Ryzen then let's pick a 1600 because why not. The Pentium G is good in GPU bound games but in CPU bound games it's terrible and stutters a lot.

At this point everything is ordered aside from the RAM and the CPU. Lower I can go now is Ryzen 1400 and 2666 RAM which would make the overall build cost 700€, which is pretty good in my opinion. I didn't want to buy a 120GB SSD, I have a 250 myself and games nowadays are so big I can't even put shits on it, I only have my competitive ones (like 2) on it and have the rest on my HDD.
If you ordered most of it then maybe 1600 isn't a bad idea. If you go for 1600 get fast RAM.
At least you won't need to OC the 1600 with the 1050Ti since it's will bottleneck the 1600 like crazy anyways.
According to Hardware Unboxed the biggest gain you get in frequency is when you go to 2660 from 2400. Above that (29xx / 3200 / 3666) you do get gains but they're not as better.
I'll probably get 3000 because of the price I can get them at.
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>waiting for Vega
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I've decided to build my own pc, this is the second time I do so, but being the first almost fifteen years ago, I might be very much out of the loop.

I've a budget of ~700€ (the maximum being 800€), I'm from Italy.
I would use this mainly as a gaming platform (I already have a laptop for work related things); I play quasi exclusively single player games, and something that could run nicely fallout 4, witcher 3 and the latest asscreeds (pls don't judge) would be ideal.
I already have a monitor, it's an Asus vw222s (1680x1050, 80.2/75 hz refresh rate) and I don't plan for the time being to buy a new one; mouse+keyboard would be a nice addition.

What do you recommend me? What's your advice in the matter?
I already have a vague idea, thanks to a lot of fiddling around pcpartpicker, but I would like to hear your opinion.

thanks in advance
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has anything changed with regard to power supplies or hard drives in the last ten years in terms of compatability?
i got a 5 year old 650watt corsair PS
and a 10 year old hard drive

with those work on a b350 motherboard?
Then make up your own mind about what to get.
Nothing has really changed when it comes to building computers, except fewer people make their own cases these days.
Here's a few build guides to get ya started.

And for reference, here's the build I'll be doing, I've had many people go over it and make sure it makes sense.
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R5 1600 is too expensive, maybe R5 1500X or 1400 for 800€ or a decent G4560 + 1050Ti build for less.
Topkek, my laptop has a higher resolution.

>waiting for Vega
>logical shills
fuck no.
>recommending the i5 over the R5.
>recommending the i3 7350k with a straight face
Any part suggestions over the ones I selected? I think this may be my next upgrade.

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What do you mean by garbage cooler? Should I absolutely avoid those single fan 1050tis?
A single fan 1050 Ti is fine, they only run at 75watts anyway.
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Just finished building mine. It came out pretty sweet.

looks nice anyway
I'm about to buy a 1050ti for my PC for $160 Used (In CAD) is it a good deal? Or are there better GPU's for cheaper or just a few bucks more?
1050 Ti is a quick little card. Since most AMD cards are out of stock and highly marked up; you're doing good with the 1050 Ti
Alright thanks for the info
I would drop the SSD down to 240/250 GB, drop the 1070 to a 6gb 1060, then replace the 1500X with a 1600, and finally, I'd add a 1-2TB HDD
What are the chances of Nvidia supporting VESA Adaptive Sync with Volta? 0%? 0.1%?
i dont want a g4560 cause its not much of an upgrade. 1500x is a little too pricey for me atm. hows this?

fuck that trash
At the very least, look at a Ryzen 5 1400
i figured itd be good since those single thread speeds would be high. ill look at the 1400
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what do you think?
r8, h8
here. This is not much more expensive but it should be better overall.
You can add an SSD later and migrate the OS over. The 3GB 1060 is worth nothing. Either get the 4 GB 1050Ti or the 6 gb 1060. The sweet spot in between them is the AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB which is sold out fucking everywhere due to etherium miners.
k guys

I have a Ryzen 1700x but it's only 3.7ghz, is this bad?
I suggest going with two 4GB sticks instead of one 8GB stick. You're essentially doubling your memory bandwidth by utilizing dual-channel memory.

I recommend going with a GeForce GTX 1070 with the Ryzen 5 1500X, they both sit very closly performance-wise. If that's out of your budget; I'd go with a Ryzen 5 1400 paired with a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB.

If you want me to throw up any part list suggestions just let me know!
7350k is a great choice for emulation. It's basically an overclockable G4560.
Why would that be bad

But he isn't emulating...
thanks anon, much appreciated!
I am this guy >>60972897
if you have more advice I would be glad to hear it
I just want to triple-check this, to avoid static I put the PSU into the case and then keep one hand on the case? Does it need to be plugged in?
I'll write you a part list up and explain my selections.
Don't worry about discharging static onto your components. You have to really fucking try to gather static to get it to work.
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Just to be cautious though, do I need to plug in the PSU to ground myself or not?
When will the new pascal come out? Is it possible that it will hit Q4 this year?
Put the PSU in first, then your mothermoard(after you put in your cpu and cpufan
Whats the cheapest Gigabit quadport Ethernet NIC you can get, used or new?
no retard. He's talking about post testing. When you test if everything works OUTSIDE the case
>wants to buy Ryzen
>No Integrated Graphics
So looking at your budget max of 800 euros; I determined this to be your best fit


1400 paried with a GTX 1060 6GB was a little above budget, so here's your next best bet IMO.

You're getting an SSD, they're better in every way to a HDD except price (which is continually getting lower)
give me a second, realized two of the parts aren't available for you. I'll fix that.
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you are the mvp anon
Alright, so I realized after adding the two missing parts; we're above budget again. So here's the most baseline computer we can put together for 550 euros.

The G4560 and GTX 1050 Ti are a great performance pair. You're also getting 8GB of DDR4-2400 which is the fastest you can go with this motherboard.

You're also getting an SSD with enough space for normal usage. The case is small and tidy, however cable management will be a challenge. Comes with two fans.

PSU is much sufficient for this build.
All good fellow goyims?

here it is
I'd recommend dropping the HDD and spending more on your SSD. One device to rule them all.

I don't recommend 16GB of memory for this machine, I'd go with 8GB of the same g.skill kit 4x2.
Mobo is trash and get the 1600. Rest is fine.
What are the risks of buying a used GPU? Especially if they were used for mining?
Not an expert in this dept. But thousands of hours of running at 100% with mediocre cooling is quite a bit of wear and tear when you think about it; however, most semiconductors are made to last indefinitely until an outside force causes damage.

Proceed with caution.
Any specific mobo to choose?
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Recommended part lists at different price points. Minimal overclocking

>$450 - Fiscally Conservative Choice

>$750 - the "Emulator"

>$830 - i5 Slayer

>$1030 - the "Competitor"

>$1370 - For serious business inquiries only
Autistic question:
Should I buy a PCI-E sound card?
Which one should I go for ? I own a m30x, would I notice any difference ?
soundcards are no longer necessary unless you're wanting to utilize a 5.1 or higher system (you'd need more ports to utilize all of the speakers). motherboards ship with high definition audio.

>recommending that trash with a straight face
Back to Logicalincrements with you.
If you have to ask you don't need a sound card. Honestly, sound cards are kinda pointless, you don't need them for normal use and for professional audio ( recording etc ) you just get an external usb interface.
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this seems that would fit my needs and it's largely in budget
say that I could add ~100€, what could be improved?
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would an all-in-one 240/280 radiator cool an 32core ebyc?
we could throw in a larger SSD. that's about it brotha

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thanks again
I still have a day or two to think about it and make the orders, but I think I'm close to the final decision (of what to buy)
I'm talking about avoiding static you fucks
What to pair with ryzen 1700x?
The Turion is better, right?
I'm making a trash picked laptop
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Just got an R9290 for free, my rig has a 1080Ti in it. Is there any way I can install the R9290 in the same system (while the 1080Ti is in there) and use it for mining or no?
how long till vega?
Sell it for like 300 on ebay
A little over a month.
>1400 when the 1500x is only 30$ more
Why not just spend the extra cash?
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>he thinks Vega will release within his lifetime
When Vega gets released it's gonna get eaten up by miner shits.
I wonder if AMD is just waiting™for the bubble to burst so they can actually sell some cards to people who fill out steam hardware surveys.
W-what about the R3 CPUs and APUs?
why not :/

probably will
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>he still has his hopes up
It better.
I sold my 480 and now i'm just waiting™ and waiting™
>I sold my 480 and now i'm just waiting™ and waiting™
Me too. Hopefully my grandchildren will live to see Vega release..
Does anyone here have experience switching to ryzen on Windows 7? Is the dropped Microsoft support just a scarecrow or are there workarounds that actually work?
>asrock h110m r3.0 instead of b250 dude, when will you learn
Also, I hear that asus is shit for AM4 mobos. What are safe brands? MSI?
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Guys, i can play Skyrim with this videocard?
I want to play all TES, especially Morrowind, but i also want to play Skyrim, Fallout 4 and other games.
Yea, it should run skyrim and other older titles just fine but not fallout 4.
Runs on a toaster. For the rest, check it yourself. Should run at least on low since my old GTX460 1G had no issues running Skyrim.
Thank you. Do you know better videocards with similar prices? Maybe i can ask my father to help me buy and take a better one.
Well what's the price?
I played Skyrim with 8800GTX in 1080 and your gpu is 112% better according to userbenchmarks.
Anyway, RX 460 or GTX 1050 is the absolute minimum that you should buy. Anything lower than that is a waste of money.
I think is a similar price to all of the videocards that appear in this comparison. $99.99/£70-75
I live in Brazil, and it's hard to answer the price of technological products because we have too many taxes.
>why not
because you can't select a portion of the system to do mining like that. When mining, the entire system is doing the thing at maximum stress/performance.
If you want to mine, build a system for it.
What's a good m.2 to use as an os drive? Probably won't use it for much besides that and anything crucial for those is.
And what are the most reliable HDD?
h110m doesn't support Kaby Lake

Would this still be a viable build, price range is $500 cad if you have any suggestions, don't really care for newer title's until I can save up and buy I nice gpu.
Any other MSI Mobo will do, the gaming pro is the only bad one from them.
Avoid Gigabyte, just get the ASRock Pro4 or any MSI one.
>Recommending the 1500x when the 1600 is $25 more and comes with 50% more cores and threads
Why not just spend the extra cash?
GTX 1050ti or 1060 6gb for 2600k?
I think my graphics card may be frying mother boards. Is there anyway to test it somewhere else?
>Wait for Ryzen R3

The current generations APU is not good. Wait untill the new Zen+Vega APUs that should come around this Autummn.
Sure... just that there aren't any available for that CPU size yet. also why are you asking this question? re you going to get it or what? $4000 is quite a price for the CPU.
>GTX 1050ti or 1060 6gb for 2600k?
What resolution? What refresh rate? Read OP
it may be your power supply, anon.
post build and more info.

Is your Ground pin connected to a physical ground?
1060 6GB, 75fps in 1080p is no problem, CPU only bottlenecks with high framerates.
>Is your Ground pin connected to a physical ground

What do you mean? I'm testing everything out of case
Why would you include the Titan XP when it was confirmed marginally worse than the 1080ti?
k so

Arctic Cooling A33 is my cooler I'm going to use for a Ryzen. Will I run into heat issues if I upgrade my card from a higher end NVidia to something else down the line or go 64 gig of ram?
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It's not about the case but the power outlet of your house and your PSU, if someting is getting fried it may be a grounding issue.

Sometimes when houses are not properly grounded or they lack the "third pin" things may fry up if there's a spike in voltage or any kind of short circuit.

>pic related
for example in Japan there's no grounding and that can cause issues.
Not as long as you have good airflow on your case. Also the stock ryzen coolers are great on their own.

I don't think so then? Literally everything else works perfectly, and yes I've tried various outlets.
Does that include the gaming pro CARBON?
That's not true, you can select which devices to use in any decent miner.
>gaming pro CARBON
Thats not a mATX board, every ATX MSI board is good, but why are you going fro spending $80 to a $135 board? Just get the ASRock AB350 Pro4, both versions are $80/$90 respectively.
Hey first time building PC. Will this be a good PC for gaming?

Processor - Intel Core i5-7600K $239.99
Graphics Card - Geforce GTX 1070 $399.00
Motherboard - ASUS PRIME Z270-P $162.99
RAM - Kingston HyperX FURY 16GB $94.61
SSD - KINGDIAN SSD 60GB $38.99 (for OS)
HD - WD Blue 1TB $49.99
Case - NZXT S340 $69.99
Power Supply - SeaSonic S12II 620 Bronze $49.90
CPU Fan - Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO $29.99

= $1,135.45
>buying the 1600 when the 1700 is just 100 dollars more
Dont be fucking pussy, ball out
Is there anything useful to fill empty pcie slots? Had an old WiFi adapter I stuck in one.
I use an external dac so need there, don't have a need for more usb ports or a raid setup.

A friend said he uses a super cheap gpu for a second monitor to not siphon any power away from his main card, seems like a waste though.
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ur friends an idiot && you shouldnt even try to fill all ur pci slots, that said
Is intel bad for gaming?
Also it's good but you could get a ryzen build cheaper.
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Read >>60967459
No, intel is really good for gaming, but the price point offered by the Ryzen series of CPU's makes it idiotic to not buy the 1600 or 1700.
That was actually my first choice, but I got a local sale+rebate, so I got it for 90$.
I've been thinking it was too good to be true, so thank you for assuaging my worries.
read the OP. unless your're playing at 144Hz there's NO reason to go with Intel whe the Ryzen R5 1600 is out.

otherwise it's decent. please do a Pcpartpicker.com list.

please read the OP and post resolution and refreshrate.
Any suggestion on how often to replace a psu? My antec 520 is going on 3 years now
For AAA gaming an i5 is pretty bad when the 1600 exists, it performs the same but the 1600 has more cores so it isn't constantly on it's knees while playing those game and doesn't get as much FPS dips, see for yourself
Don't get an expensive motherboard by the way, something like MSI b350 pc mate Asus Prime b350 plus or similarly priced motherboard are usually great picks (those are all close to the $100 mark)
Since the 1600 comes with a cooler (and a decent one on top of that), you don't need an aftermarket one

Also about the hard drive, is it a WD Blue or a WD Caviar Blue?
No one recommends the Intel Core i5 ever since AMD launched the Ryzen 5 CPU series.
Grab an AMD Ryzen 5 1600, which has 6 cores, 12 threads (as compared to the Core i5's 4 cores and 4 threads), with a B350 motherboard.
Grab the cheapest 3000 mhz, or 3200 mhz ddr4 ram you can get.
Dump the aftermarket cooler. The Ryzen comes with a decent cooler.
Up the SSD to 120 GB

Now why is the Ryzen 1600 big news to everyone? Because it matches performance with Intel's i7 6800k ($330), but costs so much less at $220 msrp, and you can get it now for under $200. It is THE best performance per dollar CPU on the market at the moment.
>Any suggestion on how often to replace a psu?
When it fucking shits the bed? Theres 20, 30 year old computers still running with the same PSU's
And naturally outside of AAA gaming the 1600 annihilates any i5
When a PSU shits the bed, it oftens doesn't want to go alone
WD Blue.

Does the motherboard matter that much anyway? What would be the advantage of an expensive motherboard?
Thats what im afraid of
Gently reminder that in the latest games, more threads showed some benefit so you are better with a ryzen on the long run anyway.
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>inb4 synthetic benchmarks that ignore single core performance.
More i/o, more money in the intel jews' pockets.

Sorry didn't read OP. I haven't picked a monitor yet but after my PC build I should have around $300 dollars left for monitor, keyboard and mouse. Any suggestions?

More expensive boards have better features like better VRM's, additional PCIe lanes (that is more dependent on chipset. Obviously an X370 chipset has more lanes than a B350), and support for dual GPUs.
Both the B350 and X370 support dual GPU. B350 supports ONLY AMD cards in a crossfire configuration while X370 boards support both 2 AMD cards in a crossfire setup, or 2 nVidia cards in an SLi setup.
Both B350 and X370 boards overclock
Thats why you spend the extra cash and get a good one from the start
... Seems like you haven't really thought things trhough, huh.

Start from the bottom. which games do you want to play? are you looking for above 60fps gramerates? do you want to play at 4k?

You don't need a lot of horsepower if all you're playing is minecraft and indie games.
>Any suggestions?
Here's my suggestion, assuming you can get an AMD graphics card.

and here's if you use an nvidia card.

Yea... nVidia's G-Sync is expensive as fuck
>WD Blue
Could you give link to it? There's a solid chance it's a 5400rpm hard drive which would be considerably slower than WD Caviar Blue and other recent 7200rpm hard drives

GTA V, Arma 3, Total War, Csgo, Rainbow 6 Siege, COD. I don't know I got a try everything from the PC realm. Also Battlefront 2 and Shadow of War when they come out.

And of course minecraft.
I bought a g sync monitor for $280 over the weekend. It was on sale and I panicked. I should have gotten a 27" 2k instead.

Just didn't have a diary to write this in. Thanks for listening.
all is well
You mean what you bought is not we full HD?
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It's ok anon, i'm here
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Britfag here. After years of using a high end laptop as a desktop replacement due to being away from home 90% of the time with work, I've reached a point where I don't have to travel constantly and the laptop is fast becoming unable to run new games, also the battery is absolutely fucking shot and the only replacements I can find are from Chinamen on ebay and Amazon, so fuck that. This is my old machine I abandoned years ago, everything here works fine apart from the HDD which needs immediate replacement. I thought I'd just buy a 1060, a storage drive and an SSD and a couple of better sticks of RAM, would I get away with it on this CPU?
Your CPU will bottleneck a 1060 heavily.
1050 or RX560 is probably the most powerful you should go with.
How does this look?

Is the 1080 really worth the price?

The setup for an I5 7600k seems pricey. Are there cheaper and better alternatives?

Should I just get 2133 ram?
Looks perfect.
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Shit, forgot the list.
>Are there cheaper and better alternatives?
Yes, both at the same time, see >>60976499
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You should take a break, anon

Was just reading this. Might end up going with it since it does seem as if I'm getting jewed with the I5.
No. Just no,
Your Kelvin Lake will melt.
>2400 RAM
Slow and expensive.
>120GB SSD
Get 250 or 500.
Fire hazard.

You know an oven doesn't cost $1.2k?
How much do AMD pay you per post?
if i could give one word of adivce to anyone building a new PC avoid XMP like the plague just load optimized defaults set ram to its advertised clock and reboot dont touch anything else repeat after bios updates cause they apparently come with shitty settings
It's a better CPU all around, of course you should go with it
Also, up the PSU to 500 - 550w because 450 is cutting it short.
Okay, then the 1070 seems ideal. Now you may want to get a Gsync monitor... which is pretty expensive.

You can always stick with Vsync on a higer resolution display and lock the refresh rate to 60 or so.

GO with Ryzen 1600 and pair it with fast RAM.

Here, just drop the rest of the stuff

>Is the 1080 worth the price
depends on the resolution mostily.
Drop that i5 out of here anon, get a R5 1600. Read the OP. and if you're getting ryzen get ram at or above 3000MHz.
What's a good 4k movie/animu/shitposting machine only that's a mini build? I
Getting my parts in the next 2 weeks, will be the first time I've built a PC and I'm excited. Just wondering though, how essential is the antistatic wristband? I don't have one.
Alright so according to you guys just get the AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and I should be good?

How's this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tzv9d6.

Also some of these parts I saw cheaper on Amazon and Newegg.
It's time to retire it.
Grab an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 with a B350 motherboard. As an upshot, the 1600 is unlocked and B350 boards are the cheapest motherboards on the market to support overclocking.
If I reach 1000 confirmed sales I get a sample Epyc2.
Everyone is shilling the AMD lol.
>the absolutely obvious shilling going on in this thread is ridiculous he isnt even subtle about it holy fuck
How to piss off /g/
>Core i5 7640X
>AIO cooler
>the most expensive X299 motherboard
>single stick of Corsair DDR4 RAM
>Corsair NVMe SSD as boot drive
>Seagate Barracuda RAID0 array
>non-Fractal Design or Phanteks case (and make it a full-tower ATX)
>Corsair PSU
>Noctua poo-fans everywhere
Save money by going for R5 1600 and with the money saved up the cooler to a cryorig H7 or better, that way you'll get an amazing cooler and better performance by overclocking it
No, the 1600 isn't locked, specific CPUs being overclocking-locked is an intel-only thing. The X version clocks slightly higher but you'd get better performance by getting a better cooler and overclocking the 1600 to it's limit than on stock / oc'd 1600x with a 212 evo
>how essential is the antistatic wristband?
Placebo. Just ground yourself by touching some metal piece like your radiator from time to time, don't wear clothes that produce static easily and stay away from carpets.
Gee, I wonder why...
Who are you quoting?
>How's this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tzv9d6.
still some problems.
the Stock cooler of that Ryzen processor is almost equal to the 212EVO. So either get a more powerful (and probably expensive) one or stick to the stock one.

the RAM needs to be faster, since inter-core connections are done at RAM speeds. so a 3000-3200MHz RAM is recommended.

You don´t NEED a X370 board. but it's fine, you can save some bucks by getting a B350, whcich can overclock the same. the main difference is taht X370 let's you do Crossfir/SLI

get a Windows 10 Pro license from Kinguin.com for $25 usd.

I recommend getting a Hitachi Ultrastar 3TB since the quality is great and the cost /TB is ridiculous.
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>Give in to the AMD shills
>Ryzen 1600 out of stock everywhere I look
B350 allows crossfire too, but not SLI
The 1600x is only $20 more. I can just spend more and get that and the good fan.
yeah, that's what happens when the underdog releases a product that completely invalidates teh competitions offerings.

the "shilling" will be contained once people uderstand not to think automatically of the i5 as the only option.
>the RAM needs to be faster
No it doesn't, his game aren't gonna shit the bed with slower games, he's just gonna get very slightly lower FPS but that's completely irrelevant unless he's on a 144hz screen
Stop spouting bullshit anon. Ryzen doesn't NEED faster ram, my R7 1700 with 2400MHz RAM is giving you the middle finger right now.
There isn't much difference performance-qise between the 1600 and 1600X. They both overclock the same, but the 1600X doesn't come with a cooler and has a higher base clockspeed, which are the main differences.
Is there a way to force pcpartpicker to only show shit that's in stock? This is a fucking joke.
sorry, my bad.

Also, the difference is mostly mareting related. Just give them some small tweaks here and there , so the X370 can be branded as the "flagship motherboards" with all the bells and whistles. while B350 are more simple, but have great performance on their own.
Chill. he doesnt needs it, but it will benefit anyway. If he can find a good deal it's worth it. there was a good review from tech insider explaining it in depth IIRC

My 1700 at 2933 is doing great.
I mean, overclocking is a bit spooky to me. Probably just going to leave everything alone so I don't break it.
it's EZPZ

there are a couple of great Overclocking guides for ryze out there. and there's almost NO chance of breaking shit if you view the guides first.

witht the stock cooler you can get to 3.6 3.7 no problem at warmer temps.
Are mini GPUs actually less powerful? Is there any drawback getting one instead f a fullsize card?
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How about now?
what about memory? Looks good otherwise.
You might wanna get a motherboard that has 4 DIMM slots unless you're planning to get two stick of 8GB
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can i have some opinions?


Is it way cheaper to buy 4g sticks instead?
But he only has a GTX 460. That's worse than the iGPU in a G4600.

>$1188 for 4 threads
holy shit lol
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But he wants a 1060.

Should I pay more for this https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232181&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-LogicalIncrements.com%20Inc-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10440897&PID=5961731&SID=0

Its $135 and I think it's 3200MHz.

what did i do wrong anon?
Why not drop the HDD and spend $100-$130 on a good and higher capacity SSD? You should be able to get a 500GB one.
I'd also avoid MSI motherboards. Shitty manual. Shitty UEFI. Shitty long POST times. Mediocre VRMs.
Get an Asrock Pro4 or ASUS 350M Prime or something.
Mobo is trash, get ASRock Pro4 M or Mortar M, get 240GB SSD, get 3000/3200 RAM, EVGA ACX is shit, get a different 1070 like EVGA ICX and swap the WD Blue for a Toshiba P300, then you're good to go. Well, maybe add a fan or two.

It's trash and have fun finding a RX.
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trolling is NOT fun

whats wrong with it?
lmao im being serious here,
found this for $115 on newegg
Everything and go back to >>>/b/ for shitposting.
it's IMPOSSIBLE to read the OP, I see.

In the case that youre actually thinking on building that. Know that ITX AM4 boards are comming soon, they were revelaed at Computex this past weeks.
what's a cheap 1151 motherboard that has raid support?

Changed up some stuff save the graphics card which I will later after looking around more. Going to keep the 2x8 ddr4 for the sake of it being cheaper and never needing more than 16bg anyhow. Going to bump it up to a 500gb ssd to store certain games on while keeping a 1tb hdd for storage. I will of course add in more fans.

I plan on using this computer in my travels on a 3200w inverter. Has anyone ever had any bad experiences with running a pc off an inverter?
While that may be handy, don't have much use for it. My autism can't handle these empty pci slots.
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A cooler with a locked CPU is retarded (unless you live in a very hot place or are very sensitive to noise), more importantly a 120mm AIO is retarded because it gets outperformed by cheaper air cooler and those are much more sturdy and last much longer (no risk of leak, if the fan breaks the heatsink still provides great cooling on it's own, whereas if the pump fail on an AIO you're done for)
Worse even, you pair a i5 7500 with it: a locked 4 cores 4 threads CPU that shits the bed in AAA gaming, when the R5 1500x is priced the same and 1600 is only $20 more at worst. see >>60976499

You also picked a 500GB $50 WD Black when 1GB $50 WD Caviar Blue exist. WD Black are slightly faster and last more indeed but they are much noiser and much more expensive per GB, they are not aimed at consumers

And that PSU is underpowered, one power spike during load and your computer will shut off because of not enough power

Get an R5 1600, with or without cooler it doesn't matter for your usage. Get a WD Caviar Blue, and get a 500 - 550w PSU.
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fucking forgot pic again
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how do is build computer look?

This build is trash and makes no sense
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Looks good
sorry get help?
It's a cookie cutter gaming build. It's the best balanced build you'll get for that budget. Unless you up the budget to $800 or more, you won't find a better build.
For reference, here's my build, which has a snow/ice theme.
How many case fans should i have?
my pc only has 2
Definitely more. Ast least 6.
Lowest reccomended ram speed for a ryzen 1600?
You can honestly go with whatever speed you want. You will only see small benefits if you are a gamer or a heavy productivity user. The best you can do is go with 3200mhz. The Ryzen architecture does benefit from higher clock ram kits. If you can do 3200, do it.
3200 costs about what 3000 costs so just go up
I only have 1 and my CPU is less than 10C above ambient.
2666 minimum but you can often find some cheap 3000 or 3200.
If all you're doing is 60 or 75hz, then if 2666 is cheaper you may as well stick with that.
Nice build, please buy it and tell us how it worked out for you.
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Didnt think replacing my 8320e would cost this much
> WD Black
has 5 year warranty.
warranty and hard drive longevity is not a concern for consumers
He's using it as a main drive, not a backup drive of such
I'm gayming at 1080p https://pcpartpicker.com/list/wdWQsJ
awful, stop trolling
Help then? I'm not trolling.
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ebin maymay xxxdDDDDDXDXDDD
The 7350k is a shit CPU for AAA gaming and pairing it with the most high end GPU there is certainly is trolling
please stop wasting our time
Fine I'll go to Reddit.

I'll bite.

At what fps do you plan to game?
At 1080p with the highest end GPU.. is just...
I'm falling so hard on this.

Anyway, post budget.
Is a 1070 overkill for 1080p? I just want something that's future proof for a while
Next time read the OP fully before posting poorly done builds, there is a lot of people that come in here asking of help and by forcing us to spoonfeed you such easily available information (you can always ask questions in the thread without posting a build) you're making us spend longer time helping you than others when it's unneeded and could easily be avoided
I need a good wifi adapter for my build. Any suggestions?
>Is a 1070 overkill for 1080p?

>I just want something that's future proof for a while
Wait for Vega
Nah it's good for futureproofing. And you can enjoy playing with a 120Hz monitor without an issue.

There's apretty good Gigabyte one with an Intel NIC and Bluetooth. It should be one of the first ones at PCPP
Shiet I just bought a 60Hz monitor for a killer price and it looks nice. I don't wanna resell I suppose I might have to.

The Vega is in between the 1070 and 1080ti right?
>The Vega is in between the 1070 and 1080ti right?
No one knows. It isn't out yet. All we know is Vega RX is being announced next month in Las Vegas.
Looks solid to me, maybe get 16GB of RAM and faster RAM
New thread:

>Shiet I just bought a 60Hz monitor for a killer price and it looks nice. I don't wanna resell I suppose I might have to.
I did the same thing. Just keep it and use it as a second monitor if/when you upgrade.
Please enlighten us anon. At worst, the Ryzen chips are 9% worse than the Intel chips in single thread or IPC, but have the ability to tackle the Broadwell E chips in multi-threaded applications.
Yeah, a swcond monitor is always useful and doesn't have to be your main gaming one.
For the usual

>not shitposting while you game
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