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DE thread.

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Thread replies: 309
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Lets talk DEs. I tried GNOME 3 for the first time on Saturday. 48 hours later and I still have no fucking clue what they were thinking. Below are my first impressions. Am I foolish or are these accurate?

1) The "Activities" menu is just plain silly. It takes a click just for me to be able to see what stuff I've got running at any given time and it takes me two clicks to open any new stuff or to switch between any two maximised things. I can do most of this shit in Windows with nothing but my fucking eyes.
2) You have to fight it to even get a desktop. Sure, you're not supposed to have a desktop in GNOME 3, but what's Linux if I can't customise it?
3) You need to right-click to minimise stuff. Even Windows is better than this.
4) Is GNOME intended for tablets or keyboard pros? I've already shown that it's not suitable for people who want to use a mouse (too many clicks), so who is it supposed to be for?
gnome is literally bloatware meant to entrap normies
the menu bars for each window are wasting space on a cosmic scale
i dont understand why anyone would use gnome over mate or another reasonable floating window manager
i3 or bspwm are still the way to go
gnome has that sweet outofpocket functionality tho. i used debian and i3 on new macbook air and theres no wifi, no backlight, no brightness control...
absolutely, but it doesnt change the fact that its garbage normie b8
1)What is super key? What is alt-tab?
2)You want to customize? Go for KDE
3)What is workspaces?
4)It's intended for people who want to concentrate on the currently top application he is working and get their job done.
i just want to see someone defend gnome3.
>im too dumb to use network manager and xbacklight
>i3 is worse than gnome
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If you're not going to use a tiling wm there's no reason to use anything other than Xfce.
i actually think i3 is better petformance-wise, but boy who wants to spend a day with lsmod
debian testing + openbox is the patrician choice op
great thing about linux is that you don't have to stick to one DE if you don't like it, just switch to another
> you don't like activities menu
disable it
>you like to get minimize/maximize icon in title bar
enable it in tweak tool

don't want to talk someone in something he doesn't want. search yourself andother DE you may like or don't. It's all about the choices
Gnome works just like i3 does, though.
I've tried GNOME, MATE, i3, Cinnamon and KDE. KDE is by far the best
>takes less time to configure everything to my liking
>works ootb
>never encountered a single error
>highly intuitive (especially for gaymer winfags)
>widely recognized and respected
Yes, GNOME is shit. It was made for fucking tablets because in that era that's what they thought was the future but they were too stupid to back out afterwards. They were trying to make one platform for all devices like Unity. It's awful and everyone who says it's "good" even admits you need extensions to make it usable
Gnome 2 was shit.
When Gnome 2 became a desktop, Gnome 3 was released.
Gnome 3 is shit.
Let's wait Gnome 5.
2) and 3) is invalid since gnome-tweak-tool is default on a gnome desktop for almost any distro, and allows to configure things easily.
4) is kindof true, they intend to keep it accessible trough keyboard (which is great because it speeds up the workflow if you use a keyboard), however if you use it with dash-to-dock i don't see how it's less suitable for mouse than unity.
It works for some people and doesn't for others ,but once they decided upon something and kept it that way for 6 years there is little hope of things changing.
To me it's 85-90% identical to unity, but uses more sane shortcuts so i don't have to change so much after install, and has really good vsync on nvidia proprietary drivers so i will stick with it.
I would move to cinnamon but i feel like its only supported on mint, and i am disappointed by KDE since 5.X came out.
you just took the history of KDE and changed it to gnome:
KDE3 became a desktop
KDE4 was released because muh gradients
when KDE4 became usable they release KDE5 because muh flatmeme
Lets wait for LXQT
>Lets wait for LXQT
We'll all be dead
That was the point of my post, well done.
How do you get xfce to look like that?
Official rankings 2017
#1. Cinnamon
#2. Gnome 2
#3. LXDE
#4. XFCE
#5. Plasma
#6. Gnomeshell
#7. GLXE
Cinnamon makes most sense but i cant stand using it for more than a day. It seems clunky, just like KDE. I would shill it for free though.
With themes.
>source: your ass
xfce is deprecated and you can configure gnome to make it behave like xfce/windows
share your config?

its become pretty bloated now days
You dont need to click activities, you can just flick your mouse to the top left corner. And yeah the workflow is very difrent from windows but is not better or worse, just diferent. It is all a matter of preferance. Some people focus on mouse other on keyboard, some like floating windows other like tilling, some people like to have everything on one screen other want only what they are working on, and so on. Just use what you feel confortable with and let others do the same.
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I used Oomox to create a custom Numix theme and my Xfwm theme (window decorations) is completely custom. I'm too lazy to upload anything sorry.
Meant for
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For me it's xfce, the best desktop environment for GNU/Linux!
I use GNOME but want to switch to something lighter that also has good theming options and we'll supported.

I would do the WM meme but I have no idea how to set that shit up. I'm a babby who prefers GUI configs.

Copy pasting other configs off Google doesn't really teach me what I'm doing exactly.
why are people saying gnome-shell is bloated when you can remove almost everything out of it be left with basically libraries.
are libraries bloat? I remember people from arch raging that you need cheese, nautilus and bluetooth for the shell but thats just arch being arch.
did you even check the link you posted? gnome-shell as a million dependancies compared that a lightweight wm such as i3 or awesome
>comparin a DE with a WM
maggot go and eat shit
still has a million dependancies compared to XFCE or LXDE retard.
>gnome 3 not listed
>implying it should even be in the top 10
I suppose it's "Gnomeshell".
>im too lazy
you're just a jew who doesnt like sharing
>compared to a lighteight wm
my point was its not as bloated (as a DE) as people exaggerate. Especially since it has a working native compositor with vsync, which would just eliminate most WMs and DEs (>>60757027) if you were to compare them.
So yes i was talking about DEs.
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>I'm too retarded to customize gnome to act like I want it to. Instead of figuring it out, I will bitch on an anonymous board about it.
>looks like absolute garbage no matter what
Whatever man. I told you what I used. This shit isn't rocket science.
>comparing modern DE to Xfce and LXabandonware
their code is so minimal that they cant make out (after how many years?) working vsync, polkit, instant file search and proper qt theming, no wonder its not "bloted".
Which always makes me wonder, why cant they achieve these simple things when they don't have to worry about clusterfuck spaghetti code like the bloated DEs?
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>gnome looks ba-
gnome can look good but you certainly havent done it
Minimalism is lief
>799 packages
Cool facebook machine
Panel transparency doesn't look good with your busy wallpaper and your titlebar is too big and looks out of place. Also your terminal isn't wide enough so the screenfetch output wraps.

Overall this is not that great. Probably 3/10.
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o i am laffin
At least modify twily's css enough that it doesn't look fucking broken as shit dude.

Fucking amateurs here.
it's not broken, faggot
Into the trash...
Real dudes use openbox.
>posted from 768p laptop
no wonder this fucker has no idea what high dpi scaling is
Stay mad.
This pretty much. We have Fedora Workstation in my uni lab and once you get used to flicking to the top right of the screen it's alright
Yeah it really is. Don't get so defensive. Just fucking fix it. Your 4chan theme also looks like shit and doesn't match.
your still making your own de, just an openboc based one. DE = WM + status/task bar + a suite of shitty programs
>I told you what I used
>my Xfwm theme (window decorations) is completely custom
>no hardware acceleration
>no modern feature at all
>requires weird outdated hacks to do anything outside of web browsing


There you go homie. It's really easy. It's just made of tiny png images and a themerc file
nice wallpaper, but terrible theme
I can't eat that much rice.
Cinnamon is complete shit
Not really
>24/7 lofi hiphop
Is it a live stream? I swear YT always recommends me that one on the front page.
I think Gnome is for tablets and 2-in-1 laptops.
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xfce + compton reporting in o7
This desu, but only on my laptop. I really like the combined OS X stylee menu / top bar, it makes a noticeable difference to vertical space and I miss it when I don't have it.

Using 17.04 now, guess when 18.04 rolls around I'll ignore it or cross my fingers for a Unity spin. Too stupid to make one myself.
Nice titlebar lmao
just use tweaked gnome. by 2018-04 we will have all the required extensions
can you make the fucking clock smaller on KDE? it bugs me the fuck out how disgusting it looks with those huge fonts
You could put the date underneath it to make it smaller, but sadly there's no option for font size.
Underage go and stay go
It is. It's like a radio, it's always on and they have 1k+ songs there, I always listen to it when i'm to lazy to find new music.
holy shit, this is why i fed up with linux, such a small detail you cant change and can ruin the whole feeling
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>implying you can't make the clock small as fuck

This is what my taskbar looks like so, not sure why you guys weren't able to customizing it.
Also using KDE, obviously.
Ive never used it, thats why im asking, because if you cant customize such small detail its a deal breaker for me. Did you need same special text file editing to make that happen or you could do that with az app like the gnome-tweak tool?
running fedora w/ gnome on wayland and its pretty comfy desu
After few years of running GNU/Linux as a desktop I came to a conclusion that you're wasting it's potential if youre not heavily customizing it.
Let's be honest, comparing windows outofthebox desktop experience to linux outofthebox desktop experience Windows wins hands down.

But with some elbow grease and time you can make it shine in the way that you just cannot do with Windows.
It's all preference anyways lol.
It was actually easy as fuck as you'd expect it from Windows normally. That's also the reason why I chose KDE because i'm a sucker for eyecandy shit and stuff that just works because I don't have the time to spend days on configuring shit like I used to a decade ago.

You do those settings in the "System settings" -> Fonts (I set the dpi to 75) then did some fine tuning with font sizes afterwards and also some other settings in "Application style", "Window management" etc.

Overall it's quite easy and completely GUI driven to set it up like I showed in the screenshot
didn't like it at first, then got really used to the hot corner. I find myself tryng to do it on windows and mac constantly.
>comparing windows outofthebox desktop experience to linux outofthebox desktop experience Windows wins hands down
I disagree.
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>Let's be honest, comparing windows outofthebox desktop experience to linux outofthebox desktop experience Windows wins hands down.

With 7? Yeah.
Everything after 7? Fuck no, Windows after 7 became the dumbest normie shitpile and I couldn't stand it out of the box, meanwhile Mint Mate or KDE were acceptable out of the box.
Alright you talked me into that, Im also a sucker for good looking stuff, a disgusting design is a deal breaker for me, afterall thats what im gonna watch every time I switch my pc on, it must look good.
Funny how few people in here are supporting Gnome. Is it really that bad?
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You will definitely spend some time tinkering around with settings but it's definitely not a big configuration file nightmare, at least if you stick to premade themes and just edit them to your liking. there are some really nice themes already for the modern KDE (plasma) and I also came a little when I saw you can actually have that frosted glass transparency blur of w7 in KDE. The themes that make use of it are usually over the top but I'm looking forward making my own theme soon with SOME frosted glass here and there.

Mmmmmh, frosted glass...

Also, to make it clear, I didn't have to change any textfile to change font sizes, fonts, border or bar thicknesses etc so far.
All that deeper stuff usually happens when you really want to get into the deeper config shit. So yeah, the entry is quite pleasant in KDE.
>using stock gnome
A lot of /g/entoomen really prefer to stick to the proverbial "old iron".
Gnome is completely unorthodox when it comes to the concept of "desktop interface".
Their HIG was designed with ergonomics in mind and really focuses on utilizing both keyboard and mouse.
No study was done on the topic but I am 100% certain if you introduced a child that has never used a computer to both Gnome and an orthodox desktop like you get on Windows, Gnome3 would make more sense to them. But all of us used a traditional desktop for the last 20 years.

Gnome also happens to be a massive resource hog which doesn't help it's case. And it's closely tied to systemd which is a clear philosophically motivated argument against it.
nice, definitely gonna try it out
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I just found out that Gimp is FINALLY somewhat useful when you actually choose the development version instead of the one that you can get in the software manager (2.9x instead of 2.8x).

It fucking finally feels kinda snappy and the icons aren't an eyesore anymore.
Only took them decades to get to a useful state meanwhile Krita took off like a madman in a span of like a couple months.
Whats the best distro for KDE plasma? kubuntu or linux mint or anything else?
KDE Neon i'd imagine
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I'm quite a noob myself and this is my first KDE installation so I only know KDE in combination with Mint (Serena).
Can't say much about bloat since I use 16GB RAM but I don't doubt that there are more efficient DEs.
But since I have the RAM is just sit back and enjoy the ride.
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There's nothing better than GNOME. Pic related.
yeah I would throw it to my laptop which also has 16GB so I dont give a fuck about bloat either, altough I give a fuck about uninstallable amazon tier shit like the ones ubuntu ships with his unity. other distros do this or is this just for the good goys?
Fucking hell it looks abominable.
Is it GTK3 or GTK2?
KDE Neon is probably the best since it's developed by the KDE team if I'm not mistaken. I'm having a lovely experience on Arch though even if it takes a bit of tweaking.
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GTK2 I think.
3 seems to be planned for Gimp 3.x.

Overall I'm ok with it but will most likely get AffinityPhoto soon IF it runs well enough in wine.
I take my word back. Downloaded the AppImage version (because debian lelele ancient packages).

That Liquid Rescale tool and Selection Heal is absolutely fucking mint. Especially the latter is the feature I missed a lot
I want to use i3 just to look cool
Which distro do I get?
kde neon is better than kubuntu because you get a new kde with ubuntu.
If you are just looking for a quick kde experience, I would suggest that you try chakra instead.
It is the best kde distro I have tried, but it is based on arch, so if you can't use arch, you shouldn't use chakra as your main distro.
But chakra is a bit more involved, so it might not be the best distro for everyone.
This is Gnome. If you don't rice it, it looks like absolute trash
Still looks like absolute trash...
fucking this. I'm using Unity purely because it's the only DE that scales perfectly.
i3 + compton is the best
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my rice > default gnome3
What do you recommend then? What's your setup? I am pretty happy with GNOME, does everything I need to do and does not break.
1.) windows key, although GNOME is designed in such a way that you shouldn't have more shit open than you can remember on one workspace
2.) what? you mean the dash-to-panel stuff? is installing a plug-in in one click "fighting"? customize it all you want
3.) there's no point in minimizing in GNOME if you use it the way it's intended. There's also a keyboard shortcut. It's super l - ???. I don't remember since as I said, there's no point. Use workspaces.
4.) keyboard pros
Is there a top bar extension? Last time I looked there wasn't because it's actually more involved than it sounds, I was surprised.
Is that the background Elliott uses in Mr. Robot?
Breddy cool.
I can't see it.

>gayporn in second desktop
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Is it still possible to setup ebay search queries in the RSS reader?

Would be comfy to have things pop up in the reader you were looking for a long time

Just add &_rss=1 to the end of a ebay search URL
Cool, thanks, white nigger
Awesome, thank you
OP here. For those interested, here's a list of every post that had anything to say in defence of GNOME 3.

>>60756355 ("sweet outofpocket functionality")
>>60756595 (it's good when you tweak it)
>>60756858 (it's just different)
>>60757149 (it's good when you tweak it)
>>60759817 (it's not meant for you)
>>60761439 (it'll grow on you)
>>60763634 (git gud, it's for keyboard pros)

I have no idea what to say about this, only 8 out of 126 posts had a noteworthy comment to make in favour of GNOME 3 and frankly, they all look like poor defences.
That's because GNOME is fucking garbage, and always has been.
Also you have severe autism.
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I'm surprised Redshift actually works.

Feeling a lot sleepier and can also fall asleep faster.
Also de-activated it quick and was almost blinded by the light even though it is the same brightness, but balanced out and "neutral" instead of warm.
It is also really noticeable how the screen "melts" with the rest of the room. Feels really relaxing without the neutral white screen and instead having it warmly colored like the lighting in the room.
And since you can turn it of with one click, you could also switch it quickly off in case you need to do some graphics stuff and don't want to get wrong colors.

Definitely worth to try if you're usually sitting in front of the PC even shortly before bedtime.
Arch-based so you look even cooler.
Autism? Allow me to increase it!

8 comments in total, summarised below:
1 comment about "sweet outofpocket functionality"
4 comments that lie somewhere between 'it's just different', 'it'll grow on you', and 'git gud'. Related to this, many of the comments also hint that knowing how to use the keyboard is key to getting maximum value out of GNOME 3, although 1 comment suggested that it's made for tablets.
2 comments point to it being good when you tweak it, although another makes the contrary claim that "You want to customize? Go for KDE".

So, overall summary? "Git gud, customise it to your liking, or go elsewhere"? Well, the last two could be said of any DE, so I can only conclude that either GNOME 3 sucks or we all need to get good. I'll leave that decision to you.
you should try gnome classic
it's still worse than kde imo but at least you get a somewhat sane desktop
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> Well anon, would you like to connect you laptop to the projector to show us your project?
> U-uh, yeah, let me just
man xrandr
real quick
install tint2, bind dmenu_run to your super_l key and use compton
I gave up on full DE's and have switched to i3 but I might hop further into some serious tiling wm autism

gnome/gtk have the same issues, they come from the rhel/poettering/"those" open source dev's school of thought, which may as well be a page out of apple's book, if you like where they're going and don't mess with defaults or don't mind having features added/removed at will, then there's nothing wrong, however if you aren't keen on this you're shit out of luck, see also: no thumbnails in file picker; basically: have fun changing your entire workflow to suit their needs and having it changed in 3 years when they decide to go in another direction yet again

the major problem with this train of thought is that those gnome/gtk devs don't have the backing of apple or people that are actually good at ux so you're basically trapped into a bastard hybird osx/windows design without being appealing to either the osx/windows crowd with the primary development mentality being "but will 70 year olds be able to use this?" which as far as development models for linux on the desktop goes this is by far the most retarded thing I've ever seen

most gtk based DEs/programs have a lot of these issues but usually by no fault of their own, xfce/cinammon would be acceptable if not for gtk3 for instance, gimp is retarded without thumbnails in the file picker

qt: it's nice but it's c++ nonsense meaning all qt based de's are going to be in a perpetual state of being unpolished, the same fate all niche c++ projects

kde: I would say it's better than gnome, and kde is the only major distro I've enjoyed, (outside of gnome2 based distros,) but kde is by far the slowest buggiest piece of shit that is basically unusuable unless you have a decent nvidia single monitor desktop or fairly modern laptop

tl;dr it's all shit
there's also a global menu similar to that in unity but the code is rather horrible
>there's also a global menu
that hasn't really been released yet*
>qt: it's nice but it's c++ nonsense meaning all qt based de's are going to be in a perpetual state of being unpolished, the same fate all niche c++ projects
are you even a programmer or are you just spouting memes that you read here?
>kde is by far the slowest
kwin is a million times faster than mutter
>are you even a programmer or are you just spouting memes that you read here?
where do you think you are, anon?
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that mascot is fucking hideous tho
That's why you choose lightweight DE's. Here are my 3 favorite: IceWM (can make it to look modern) XFCE and Fluxbox
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Only hipsters hate Gnome 3. They hate it just to hate it.
>muh minimalism and 100mb of RAM!!!11
>screen tearing is amazing!!11
Kek. Kys, you Xfeces archfags.

Gnome 3 is what's brought GNU/Linux into the modern age.
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rate my DE

eyebleedingly sharpened mountain wallpaper/10
>ctrl+f, no results for budgie

What the heck is going on in this thread
I use OpenBox!
that's some dedication right there
sorry for not using loli bgd :'(
will be unity8 a great de?
Try openbox. It's easy to config, but you need to edit config files, no real good GUI settings
KDE Neon is the "purest" KDE distro. Enough of an Ubuntu base to function and Plasma slapped on top, with redundant stuff cut out.

I used to hate on the distro for being less stable than openSUSE but I've since returned to it and 5.10 is pretty much perfect. Bloat is only an issue if you're either running it on a toaster, or are literally too stupid to figure out how to turn off desktop effects; my installation idles at half a gigabyte of RAM usage and it's snappy as hell.

no no, I'm sad those are not soft mountains :c
Gnome shell is indeed the worst DE ever designed, Even worse than Windows 8's design.
It really show once you realize you need 10+ extension to get it working at a bare minimum.
Truly pathetic.
GNOME 3 killed any chance Linux ever had of becoming mainstream. But that was their plan after the original developers got bought out by Microsoft.
I love swiping up to unlock my desktop. Makes me feel so autistic.
I think you have to resize the whole panel to make it smaller
True, after Unity my next DE is definitely Plasma
Unity is dead, mate.
From what I've used:
Cinnamon = Xfce > KDE > MATE >>>>>> GNOME 3 = Unity

Cinnamon is functional and pretty out of the box and very easy to make even prettier, though I find some things like desklets are a bit buggy so I have it equal with Xfce, which is quite fast and functional.
>1) The "Activities" menu is just plain silly. It takes a click just for me to be able to see what stuff I've got running at any given time
Learn to use workspaces and the super key. There's a reason Microsoft included these things in Windows 10.

>and it takes me two clicks to open any new stuff
which is also true for Windows for anything that isn't pinned to the taskbar

>or to switch between any two maximised things.
Again, use workspaces. Alt+tab exists too.

>2) You have to fight it to even get a desktop. Sure, you're not supposed to have a desktop in GNOME 3, but what's Linux if I can't customise it?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you one of those people who has a million icons on his desktop because he's too lazy to keep things organized? You can do that in GNOME very easily, either with gsettings or with gnome-tweak-tool.

>3) You need to right-click to minimise stuff. Even Windows is better than this.
Yeah, this is not a good default. It's easy to change with gnome-tweak-tool or gsettings though.

>4) Is GNOME intended for tablets or keyboard pros? I've already shown that it's not suitable for people who want to use a mouse (too many clicks), so who is it supposed to be for?
It's meant to look nice and work well and allow you to customize it the way you want it. Not everyone likes icons on the desktop, and I like the fact that I don't have a taskbar taking up 7-10% of the screen.
Heh, typical gnome user.
don't think it's subtle enough
>you must subdue to the all knowing Gnome devs, they know better goy.
i have installed ubuntu 17.4 and it came with unity8 de. She looks pretty, but I did not use it to know how much beta she still is.
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No, just like anything else you know what you like and you have to change settings to make things work the way you want. You can literally fix 2/3 of the issues in the OP in less than five minutes. Also, if you can't function without a taskbar you should either stick to Windows or try Cinnamon. You could also try KDE, but I don't know why anyone would ever do that to themselves.
Canonical is ditching Unity for Gnome 3, it's dead, no other usable distro is supporting Unity.
>you need 10+ extensions to have a working DE
>totally not a flawed design by pedantic and incompetent devs
Tell me Red Hat shill, how do I get thumbnails in the file picker or configure the scroll speed of my mouse?
>10+ extensions
Are you retarded? Install gnome-tweak-tool, change a few settings, set some keyboard shortcuts in the built in settings app, and learn to use alt+tab and workspaces like you would in any other modern OS. But it really seems like you're just stuck on Windows 7 because it's all you know.
>minor point release update
>everything breaks
No thanks.
I'm not against extensions, i'm against the fact that you need such extensions to make up for poor design choices.
I've been running the same install for over a year now and I've not had anything at all break since I installed it, and that's with updates coming at least every two weeks, if not more often. Stop listening to memes.
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sorry my english is a shit
List extension then, Red sHat shill.
i have read about it, but this name caught my attention
"User themes" is installed by default, and is only there to enable custom shell themes.
>says extensions don't break after updates
>has literally one simple extension
How can you be this retarded?
KDE has a history of copying windows

KDE 3 -> windows 2000 (good idea actually)
KDE 4 -> windows vista (why? oh why?)

gnome 3 and unity are similar "follow the (mis)lead"
>KDE5 because muh flatmeme
-> windows 10 metro(sexual?)
>everything breaks
is exactly what you said. And my point is you don't need extensions. Most extensions are just minor settings tweaks.
>you don't need extensions in gnome fucking shell
Fuck off kid, you are delusional.
is it easy to switch DEs? I've only ever used a terminal but recently got a DE and gnome is preinstalled
Yeah, it's obvious you're a retard and you've already made your decision, so instead of arguing with some stranger on an anonymous Sri Lankan quilt weaving forum just go back to using Windows you insufferable man baby.
>get called out
>waaa windows users are mean!!!1!
Better get used to it kid, because every time you say stupid shit like Gnome doesn't need extensions to be usable you are just wrong.
I've been using it just fine for years now without extensions. You seem to be incapable of using an operating system without a taskbar, so don't use GNOME if it triggers you that much that someone would commit the heinous act of creating a DE that doesn't include one.
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>Gnome shell is an operating system
Tell me then shill, why people go through the trouble of creating countless extensions to give that kind of features if they are not necessary or desirable?
Why did rainmeter ever exist? Why are there a million different ROMs for my Android phone? Because some people enjoy customization and shell extensions are one method of customizing your DE. As I said earlier, most of the "useful" extensions are just settings tweaks but some people would rather use the extensions than change the settings themselves.
Customization is different than providing basic functionality that should've come with the DE in the first place, as I said, Gnome devs hide design flaws with 3rd party extensions.
And I showed you that I have a perfectly functional DE without extensions. Again, your inability to use a DE without a taskbar doesn't apply to everyone.
Yeah I'm unable to use a DE with such little customization that you have to edit a config file to change the scroll speed, or manually patch the file picker because the devs don't even care about functionality.
Yeah like the fact that Gnome shell by default completely kills vertical space with stupid bars that don't accomplish anything.
Like the fact that gnome devs said fuck menus you have to use muh burger menu.
Do you want a file manager with dual view? fuck you, we are removing that feature.
Look, I'm not saying Gnome shell didn't won over the pathetic Linux desktop, after all, Red Hat can do as they please because the fat kike will never say a word about it.
Ratpoison masterrace!
>Gnome devs hide design flaws with 3rd party extensions
Question. How can they do this if they don't control third parties? I don't understand what this thread is about, but you're definitely saying some very stupid shit.
>such little customization that you have to edit a config file to change the scroll speed
see pic

>completely kills vertical space with stupid bars that don't accomplish anything
You mean like a taskbar that accomplishes basically the same thing

>burger menu
Not even sure what that's about

>file manager with dual menu
Install nemo, easy as fuck, see pic
>mouse speed is the same as scrolling speed
>what are taskbars placed in the sides because you know, most screens are 16:9/16:10?
>see pic related, good luck trying to fit a complex program's menus into that crap just because muh header bars yeah1!1!!
>Hurr install a different File Manager becase we can't implement such features
Truly pathetic.
At least you can install a different file manager
Or a different DE and be productive, the magic of Linux, sadly Red Hat thinks different about the matter.
What would you recommend that just works™
So which DE do you suggest? KDE, so you can get lost in all the submenus? Openbox, where you literally have to use key combinations to do anything? Unity, which takes up even more screen real estate with useless bullshit and looks like ass AND disables a bunch of customization? All I'm saying is the last time I installed a GNOME distro I spent less than two hours configuring things and since then I haven't had to fix or change anything with the DE.
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Two clicks to do anything that should require 0-1 clicks. Worst default file manager in the industry.

Gnome is a fucking nightmare.
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>KDE, so you can get lost in all the submenus?
Not an issue if you have an IQ of +80
>Unity, which takes up even more screen real estate
See pic related.
Never used before, cant comment but considering how you don't have problems lying I'm also putting your statement into question.
Eh, I install GNOME3 or KDE on all non-lightweight installs of GNU/Linux since they have tons of fixes and packages that result as dependencies for other packages then install i3wm.
GNOME requires a kghjillion extensions and tweaks to be usable and KDE is like bloated Xfce but I might try LXQt now to see if there's balance
Where exactly have I lied? I'll give you the retarded top bar thing, but nothing I have said has been false.

>not an issue if you have an IQ of +80
When you have submenus inside submenus inside submenus to find shit that's just bad UI design. There's a reason even MS stopped that shit after XP.
>Unity, which takes up even more screen real estate
>proven wrong
>i-i- wasn't lying I p-promise!
Since you are a liar I want a source on that claim.
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Wow, that was so hard!

Anyway, if you're just gonna call me a liar over and over because I have a different opinion I'm done with this shit.
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>being wrong is now an opinion and therefore can't be called out
See pic related, The good thing about KDE is that it's customizable, but we are talking about defaults here, so I provide a pic about the default application launcher on KDE.
Again you seem to be wrong and/or flat out lying, and no, being wrong is not an opinion.
I won't continue replying because I've proven my points and debunked all your claims, I you felt offended please go somewhere else like Tumblr and Reddit.
Try using it without minimizing and only window switching by ALT+TAB.

It's faster to not use a mouse, and grab focus using only keyboard.
I think it depends on how easily your display server will cooperate
xfce is the only sane choice currently.
XFCE 4 life (or at least for now)
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Xfce or nothing
Nice, but how the fuck do I get rid of the clock thing and the shortcut text on the left?

4.1 kB folder
I meant the "tuesday 12 may 2016" thing

Gnome/Sway respectively

sway is designed to work with I3 configuration files for you tiling autists so dont be afraid to try it out

Wayland stream lined I/O and security by not sharing your keystrokes and screen to every process running on your system
window managers are the new meme OP

lower attack surface and minimal memory usage

you get full control over choosing your stack of applications
deprecated doesn't mean broken.

xfce still works and xfce is still great.
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Xubuntu (xfce) on laptop, Mint KDE on desktop.

I like them both
lxappearence is great for openbox btw

great tips in here that work for debian too
(keybinding, volume, fm, toolbars ect)

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If you don't like it switch to another DE, geez why has this got so many Replies?
Does GNOME 3 + awesomewm work?

I like using awesomewm on the desktop, but on a laptop I would like to be able to plug'n'play external monitors, have high dpi scaling, etc.

Maybe XFCE + awesomewm?
Because GNOME is fun to hate. /g/ seems to have the impression that it's not universally hated, despite there only being like 10 posts in this entire thread defending it.
There's nothing but a wallpaper in this picture.
that's a wallpaper anon
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hello here is my DE
Maybe because you asked to defend against 4 arbitrary points that no one cares about, and not to defend the actual DE, retard.
i heard it's only as you good as the addons you use
but i use mate so whatever
Find a flaw.
it's not >>60775217
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Whats wrong with it?
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pls answer
I'm waiting for Ubuntu 17.10.

If they fuck that one up I'm going KDE for good.
I run XFCE cus it's lightweight, totally customizable. GNOME is trash unfortunately.
I have tried many DE and I settled down with Plasma. It has a really powerful WM - Kwin and pretty useful apps.
My second favorite DE is LXQT + Openbox.
what cartoon is this, perfect blue?
>t. turbo autismo
I see you enjoy grey
XFCE is best everyone that thinks otherwise csn suck my dick

have a nice day
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But EXWM is way more comfy with less bloat
What's the best DE for a tablet convertible (like the x230t)?
I'm used to XFCE, but when I rotate the screen the touch input is not rotated and I can't click on anything.
>Not using cinnameme
>all the gnome backend without the retarded ui
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Wew, that's ugly.
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Mah nigga.
Looks worryingly like Windows.

That is, it's fucking awesome!
>using the smiley with a carat nose
u didnt post a screenfetch owo
Unless you require handholding to use a computer, DE's are a waste of system resources. If you can read, there is really no reason to not just use a standalone WM.
There's a bug in Cinnamon 3.2/3.4 where Cinnamon repeatedly segfaults when using wine programs
I'm currently using Cinnamon but at the moment I recommend Xfce
Try tweak tool you fuckig retard. It literally has solutions to all the problems you listed built in.
Also, you can use gnome with pretty much nothing but your keyboard with rather intuitive shortcuts.
So don't be a retard and actually try it before shitting on it.
Ok guys I love GNOME and use GNOME on my desktop. I just got my first laptop today and would like to use GNOME. Do I see a difference in battery life if I use MATE insteafd of GNOME?
But why?
is that a rare tuba-kun?
Because I like GNOME. Everything works and I've gotten used to it. I'm familiar with GNOME 2 so if MATE saves battery I can use it instead.
I like GNOME but wouldn't use it on anything less than 1920x1080.
1. Cinnamon
3. Xfce
4. KDE
5. Gnome
For out-of-the-box functionality, I love it. Better than KDE, anyways, which is an unstable buggy mess.

I just don't like the launcher dock. You need to install extensions to get it to always stay visible (and autohide if a window gets in the way), and also to move it to the bottom, which is what I prefer. I was using Plank on GNOME for a while, but then decided that it's better to have
a lighter desktop and just ended up moving to LXDE with Docky, pic related.
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>pic related
>For out-of-the-box functionality, I love it. Better than KDE, anyways, which is an unstable buggy mess.
KDE user here, I never had any problem with it, using it for like month, except doplhin occasionaly fucks up, but that's all.
I should try this. I installed Debian with xfce then jumped to i3wm. It's been nothing but dependency hell for me when installing new packages, but I've managed.
thats exactly why I do it, all these cunts with <300 packages must never
>dolphin fuck ups
Yes I had things like that, kwin randomly crashing, and other little things here and there that just made it feel like everything was just taped together and could fall apart any second.
MATE is a confy DE
All of those arguments are what i3 dudes use to defend i3, soooo
if you need to tweak i3 that much you aint really workin.
who's that anime slut?

Velvet D. Luffy
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Cinnamon fag here.
When is wayland going to deliver?
>install xfce
>Screen tearing up the ass
>"Lol just install Compton bro"
>Install Compton
>Now I have fancy animations and screen tearing AND pixel artifacts

Guess it's back to gnome.
it is and its uttrer trash music
Do you have a link?
Budgie is shit
Unity is a gnome fork, though, not the other way around
That's hot
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I'm an artist who only uses krita and blender. what's a good DE for me? Thank you
>Lets talk DEs. I tried GNOME 3

I hate de's that have to do a sliding fading fancy production with every mouse click and/or require too many to get anything done.

Openbox and tint2 and then removed the tooltip pauses in tint2 so everything snaps. I don't see why people pay for a fast processor and then want everything to be slow animations. Maybe most people aren't into getting into a work flow.
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>not just using a window manager

i still use xfce
what anime is this
is it perfect blue?
I was also sceptical but I tried f.lux once and never went back. f.lux for Windows, Redshift for Linux, Red Moon or Twilight for Android.
i prefer win10's built in night light now. it doesn't make your desktop lose frames when it activates and deactivates.

night light works, has less noticible effects uncustomized and seamless activation.
They integrated it into the OS? Nice.

GNOME also has it and it's really good.
ye latest big update introduced it. look it up. uninstalled flux immediately. like its nice, but android has it now and so does windows so i haven't needed f.lux in a while.
perfect blue

>prefering anything Windows
Are you new here?
Come to i3, it's better.

Fuck mice.
Not him, but I spent 2 days getting my i3 to do EVERY MINUTE SILLY THING I wanted. Now, I can just jizz over the keyboard and start working.

Even developed a subconscious Ctrl+S Mod+Shift+Q habit that confuses the fuck out of windows.
sudo pacman -Rs conky
awesomewm is better than i3.

It has sane defaults and you can use it right out of the box. If you want to customise it Lua is easy and there are already a bunch of extensions, libraries and custom widgets you can find online.
Is i3 good for visual artists?
Yeah, sorry. One was to OP and I don't know who the other one was.
Dunno, really.
I never tried awesomewm, but i3 worked out of the box as well, it was mostly setting shortcut bullshit to open multiple long-term projects at once etc. Dunno if I really messed with any basic defaults or just added stuff I wanted.
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