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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread

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Thread replies: 347
Thread images: 52

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Post your simple/small/stupid questions, if they are Technology related.
If it takes less than 5 seconds to google or wikipedia the answer, fuck off.

Old thread reached auto-sage limit
I'm trying to "install" JUnit.
To that end, i downloaded junit 4.10 and tried to add the jar to my classpath, like this:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~/junit4.10/junit-4.10.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~/junit4.10

Now, that WORKED and i was able to run the example test suite.
But after i close the terminal, and started it up again, the classpath was unset.

How do i permanently set the classpath? it's literally useless if it doesn't stay set.
does anybody have a picture of that tweet Terry Davis had where he used the word 'niggerlicious'???
add the export to your shell init script (For bash, it's ~/.bashrc
I'm starting a managed services company. What services can I resell (think AV, Backup, Remote Monitoring and Patch Management)? Should I bother whitelabeling?
Does anyone have Discord working on Nightly?

I just get RTC connecting forever, happens on a fresh profile too
Please don't post my wife Hanabi

This is my about:config, from what I googled everything I need enabled is
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So, I keep this fucking windows 8.1 partition around, for games I never really play anymore. The only reason I boot into it still is to keep it updated, as you can see it's been a while since I did that. Now this screen has been like this for about 30 minutes now, and I'm getting pretty sick of it. Does anybody know how to fix this piece of shit?
my android keeps crashing.
I know it's a hardware issue because I did a TOT restore and the crashing persists.
I also know it's not the battery because I put in a fresh one and it still crashes.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be?
I also have a last_msg.txt if anyone knows how to read that (I don't).
Some googling suggested the following:

>Don't have partitions...
You gotta be shitting me

>Run the scan again.
great advice

>Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter.
This is a separate program they want me to download, and I'm afraid it's gonna """"fix""" my problem by just installing windows 10, or at least all the telemetry ""updates"", so fuck that.

>Perform a System Restore.
Fuck. Off.

There has to be a valid fix right? Windows just werks right?
What happens with a message sent through a mesh network?

For example firechat, if i send a message from device a and its going to device d like


does the encrypted/unreadable message get removed from devices b and c and in that case how does device b/c know that the message has been delivered and it is time to remove it from themselves?
Windows sucks and so do you for keeping it around. In any case run the windows update fixit tool. You can DL it from MS.
How do I get thumbnails to show up in my filepicker on Linux?
Currently rocking Arch with Openbox installed.
I don't understand. What are b and c? I assume a & d are both phones with whatever app it is you're using.
You mean the troubleshooter thing? Are you sure it won't fuck my shit up and leave me with windows 10 afterward?
Do you have any extensions installed?
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Why would Bill Gates inseminate at the age of 40?
>Pic related
I am horse shit at math. Probably honestly at a 6th-7th grade level. I am very interested in IT stuff tho. Was thinking of getting A+ with self study and then going to testing center but then I heard CCNA is better to get. I have zero knowledge but anything tech related, could someone please help guide me in the correct direction? Also only have Highschool diploma
Only KDE can do that afaik.
for some reason white people have kids when they get old rather than late 20's/early 30's
Where can I find and official Microsoft windows 7 ISO? I have and OEM license but the site request a retail one. and I don't want to download a torrent and chage to the russian botnet.
This is what I'm talking about:

It will stop the service, clear all temp files/downloads/etc, and restarts the service. It also produces a report that you can use to further identify the root cause. It won't force you to update. You can even go as far as blocking the specific update that prompts you to install 10.
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I am going to be installing manjaro today. I already have the partitions made from another time i was installing linux and i intend to install over them.

This is where i am getting confused. I am going to be dual booting, but the linux and windows OS are on totally different physical SSDs. So where should i install the bootloader too?
Zero knowledge about anything tech related* sorry
digitalriver is still around for some reason.Use that.
download torrent and verify the hash
Thanks mate, I'll give it a shot.
A+ is more hardware and OS based. CCNA is all networking. Both are boring as fuck. If you do get your CCNA you'll always be able to find a job with a MSP. I would recommend installing server 2012 R2 on a VM and follow some online guides on how to setup AD/DNS and attempt to create a home domain. That should give you a taste of the kinds of things you'll be working with.
Install bootloader in linux ssd.
Install os-prober.
Use and run grub2-mkconfig
It will actually not detect windows.
Dual booting matters when two os are on same machine. Why not install linxux and windows independently and press f8 at system wake up and chose ssd to boot from?
Could you dumb that down for me? And so you are saying CCNA is worth the effort that I'll have to put in? Bc I really don't want to stay stuck at my shitty job
At which point is somebody considered proficient in any programming language?
Thanks, both end up helping.
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Well, that didn't work. I even rebooted because I thought it might be because widnows update is still running, but nope.
Also should I skip A+ and go straight for CCNA even tho I have no knowledge and not the smartest person
CCNA is brutal. They also require you to take a final test at the end of the course where you receive your certification. To make things worse, you'll have to renew that every few years (5 I think) and retake the test. It's worth it if you can make it. You'll be able to land a job in the 50-70K range depending on how close you are to a metropolitan center.

Warning: You really have to love networking to be able to make it. I reccomend you give yourself a test to see if you're up to the challenge. Here is the test

>Download a trial version of Windows Server 2012r2
>That trial will last for 180 days
>Install the ISO that you downloaded on a virtual machine (vmware is best)
>Attempt to follow this guide: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/22622.building-your-first-domain-controller-on-2012-r2.aspx
>It will not be easy if it's your first time. Use google
>Once that is all setup, install a fresh copy of windows 10 on a VM
>Attempt to join it to the Domain
>It'll most likely fail - don't fret, keep googling.
>Finally you'll get it joined and you'll have created your first network.

If you do that and decide that you like this kind of thing then go for the CCNA.
I just got a new TV, and I'm looking for Android Box / players for it. Mainly, to watch my chinese cartoons.
I'm also looking at chinese alternatives, since I don't have that much to spend on it, but I want to be able to play the most I can without having to re-encode everything.
Anyone know any known product that plays the most common releases or what should I be looking for?
I have an old Samsung S5 (G901F) with CWM installed. Can I change it to TWRP? If so how? Thank you in advance.
I would say 6 months/one time.
Not more than that. If you don't qualify just forget it.
Its easy but you will not see any value until you give exam, pass and get a job.
It gave you an Error Code. Here is the related support article from MS. Try out those steps and see if this helps.


Yeah, behaves the same on a new profile without extensions
Alright thank you so much, do you have a throwaway that we could talk on because I have a bunch of questions and you are the first to answer. If it's not to much trouble having a noob bother you
Yeah that's what i thought would happen. It's just that all guides assume its going to be on the same disk.
In Virtualbox, is it possible to use a secondary HDD with a preinstalled OS? Or is it just possible to use the secondary HDD when installing a new OS to it?

The use case scenario would be using a GNU/Linux in primary HDD and secondary HDD with windows 7 in Virtualbox.
Well, I'm not too sure then. Perhaps check the devblog / submit a bug report to both chrome and discord. Just to be sure though, your matrix isn't blocking any scripts / frames right?
When he can make a product and sell it to become independent.
Although this may seem vague, when you do get the point of really be able to sell your code/product for money, you that you have learned enough.
Bet me, no one in this board has done it. All are wage cucks or Neet or communist open source anime lovers.
I've been thinking about this as well. What I think would work is that you can make an ISO of you windows installation. Then you just transfer that ISO to you linux partition and use a VM and boot that iso. I think that would be the easiest way to use windows on linux without doing A TON of redoing
Lol i was writing to say that os-prober would detect windows but then I realized (in line 3 or 4) it won't so wrote about switching at system wake.
Its not a problem though.I guess its better option than dual boot. My chickpad run so damn slow because of dual boot.

That's going to give you massive driver inconsistencies. You can convert you install to a VHD from a bootable usb and then do what you said. Or you can just do a windows backup to an external and restore to a fresh VM
What does MS shit have to do with CCNA?
I am just getting to concerned about the "jews" I have recently deleted my facebook. I have started a CCNA course to learn more about networks and hopefully I can learn more about network security from that. And that's why i am working on installing linux today.
idk if you're still around but that always used to happen to me on 8.1
i just forced closed the updater and restarted it
it would download some then hang again

I did this multiple times until everything was downloaded
How old are you? I deleted my facebook 2 years back. I work for Juniper.
It's a simplistic test to see if the anon is capable of the much more advanced tasks that he'll be presented with. Once he gets a basic idea of networking he can see if he has a taste for going forward. It'll cover basics like how ports work / DNS / kys
It seems that I can get the windows 7 iso from MS own site if I input the key. With that, should I just wipe both my Z60m with windows vista and T60 with wind7 and install GNU/Linux on both so I can vm those windows OS across my other machines if I happen to run some eroges that don't work with wine?

Before that I was planning to get 4tb HGST drive to back all of my devices.
Anyone know which package/plugin I should install to fix this?

I've searched for "video/x-ms-asf" playback on google and ubuntu forums but so far all of them mention installing either plugins for certain media players or because they can't stream some webradio over the internet on firefox/chrome, I actually got this from playing a game and during the start of one the cutscenes it crashes and gives me this error.

So, how to achieve native playback for whatever "video/x-ms-asf" on Linux without resorting to installing more media players?
Tell me about your background I can give you start and end point of what you should learn.
Those steps didn't do anything either.

I am still around, followed all the steps MS gave me and it still doesn't work. Still just 'checking for updates'.
You can make an image of any storage device and place it on the next as long as the other one is of equal size or greater than the source partition / disk
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Are they any /g/ recommended or otherwise reputable places to pirate windows 7? I figure I may as well ask before I just go on just TPB and torrent whatever has the most seeds.
I need a new email address.
What would be a good email host other than google?
I would prefer something that sounds professional, it's for a job.
BTW, I cannot host my own email server because lack of technical skills so don't even bother recommending that.
I am 23. That pretty cool dude.

I know I am really late on the bandwagon of switching over, and that's the reason why I browse this website.

I got an industrial engineering degree, and I kinda wish I never went to school and I just got certificates.
You tried the DSIM steps too right? If not do that in safemode with networking enabled.
(1/2) So I went crazy and downloaded a bunch of DE's. I basically copy-pasted a bunch of install commands from this website:


From my "history":

36 sudo apt install gnome-shell
37 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop
38 sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop
39 sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
40 sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies.
41 sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop
42 sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
43 sudo apt install gnome-session-flashback
44 sudo apt-get install awesome
45 sudo apt-get install i3
46 sudo apt-get update
47 sudo apt-get install qtile
48 sudo apt-get update
49 sudo apt-get install razorqt
50 sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt install focuswriter
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kde-telepathy-minimal : Depends: kde-config-telepathy-accounts (>= 15.04.0) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

You should host your own email server.
Or you could buy a domain name, and use ZOHO as your mail host. You'd end up with something like [email protected]
You basically got the right idea already. KMS still works I think

[/code] $ sudo apt-get -f install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 229 not upgraded.
681 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0 B/137 kB of archives.
After this operation, 825 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
(Reading database ... 354659 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking kde-config-telepathy-accounts (4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1) ...
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu7) ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

So what did I screw up? How would I fix it?
I used protonmail. I was able to get my name and initials. Easy to say over the phone and makes to look cool because your email is encrypted.
Yeah this is getting ridiculous though.

>When you run this command, DISM uses Windows Update to provide the files that are required to fix corruption. However, if your Windows Update client is already broken, use a running Windows installation as the repair source, or use a Windows side-by-side folder from a network share or from a removable media, such as the Windows DVD, as the source of the files.

I don't have a fucking windows DVD, nor another computer on the network. Wtf are they thinking? I'm really close to nuking this partition altogether desu, what a failure of an OS, can't even fucking update.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure kde-config-telepathy-account

See if that helps
Is that a no to the throwaway email request?
Industrial engineering? CAD and shit?
You have to work hard. Don't waste time on inspiration to come to you. Start it and keep log of it. Every day measure how close you have come. In one month you can find how far can you go in one year. In one year you can find how far you can go further.

Logging is very crucial for chasing something. And don't waste much time here. I browse for refreshment but dedicate 4 hours for own project and 8 office hours. I don't sleep for more than 4 hours.
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I would just like to interject for one bit. What you're alluding to as Linux, is in actuality, GNU/Linux, or as I just the other day began to call it, GNU plus Linux. Linux isn't an operating system by itself, but really another free part of a fully working GNU system fashioned into something practical by the GNU core libraries, terminal tools and essential system components comprising a full OS.

A sizeable amount of computer holders use a subspecies of the original every single day, but do not realize. Because of a strange turn of events, the version of GNU which is applied currently is often called Linux, and many of its holders do not know that it is really the GNU system, created by the GNU Project.

There truly is a Linux, and this population do have it installed, but it is simply a portion of the system they use. Linux is the core: the part of the system that distributes the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The core is a necessary part of an operating system, but cannot work on its own; it can only function in the structure of a complete operating system. Linux is often applied in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is really GNU with the addition of Linux, or GNU/Linux. Every one of the Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
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I take it you have discord working on nightly?
Do you use a useragent or something?

Right now I think discord is trying to get Nightly to connect in a way it's too new for or something
Yeah, that's the world of windows anon. There are a few issues like yours where if you can't come to a resolution while following all the steps, then it's better to start fresh. At my shop we would be making and image of the drive as well as a windows backup before blowing it out and doing a reinstall. Wish I could be of more help.

Side question, does your BIOS support VT-d? If so then you can get near native performance from your video card inside a VM.
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure kde-config-telepathy-account
[sudo] password for ender:
dpkg-query: package 'kde-config-telepathy-account' is not installed and no information is available
Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: kde-config-telepathy-account is not installed

$ dpkg --info
dpkg-deb: error: --info needs a .deb filename argument

Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.

$ dpkg --contents
dpkg-deb: error: --contents takes exactly one argument

Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.

Not so good, but I appreciate the effort senpai.
>does your BIOS support VT-d?
It does, but if I VM it, doesn't that mean I can only use integrated graphics in linux itself? That would be kinda shit, I only have 1 decent GPU.
I pirated Windows 7 to have less difficult times to play games
I used some loader I think dazloader to activate but not from official mydigitallife forum, so might be virus
I also have issue with my Windows often, errors, blue screen and also lag / choppy / freeze

Now I have from friend an official Windows 10 with official code from store I want to use that

I want to know please if any of old pirate install will place something bad on pc i cant remove

What parts do I switch away besides HDD?
What other part should i buy new for 100% secure
I have save money a little

Sorry for bad english I try my best
Please help thank you
>At my shop we would be making and image of the drive as well as a windows backup before blowing it out and doing a reinstall.

Ok I don't need backups of anything on this partition. If I were to reinstall this jokeOS, where do I even get a legit dvd image? Can I get one from within windows? Also where to find the activation key, it is a legit one afaik.
reddit probably has a repo.
I am visiting my parents and my father owns an iPhone.
After an update, it asks for a password to confirm the apple ID.
But the email is a misspelled email.
He already signed up with the real email address, so he can't "choose another email"
How do I fix this?
What sort of videogames would I have to play in order to notice an appreciable difference between a 1080 and a 1080 ti?
>ProtonMail uses client-side encryption to protect email contents and user data before they are sent to ProtonMail servers, in contrast to other common email providers such as Gmail and Hotmail.
But will I be able to receive email from people that aren't using their client to send me email?
And Can I access it through a browser, or is it only available through the client?
Browser only, likely because the encryption isn't something standard clients can handle, but they do have phone apps.
1) Buy a domain
2) Use pdd.yandex.
How do I use tripcodes?
1) Don't.
2) Read the faq on the home page.
3) Really, don't.
Never mind, got it, I'll download the dvd just in case I ever change my mind.
What are some gotchas when picking a new case, anons? I got it down to a few that provide everything I need but now I'm having trouble identifying what is dumb and what is useful.
Having my SSDs in drawer-like containers sounds fun but maybe is just a hassle.
Having 8 fans slots sound useful just in case but who the fuck uses 8 fans
How do i flash my rx480 nitro+ to make it seem like its a 580?
I flashed 2 bioses but the card didnt work anymore so i had to flash the original bios.
Do i have to flash it in silent mode?
Depends on your usage of course, but the thing I always look for is enough USB slots in the front. My current case only has 2, where I would prefer 4 or more.
Yeah I'm eyeing one that has 4 slots, 2 of them 3.0. Sounds pretty good.
That's not even that weird. I live in Europe, and I know a rich guy who lives in a castle. Dude is like 80 and his kids are all 20 to 25
Yep that sounds decent.
How much could I sell my 1060 for?
What's ppd stand for?
>turn off PC
>minutes later PC turns back on
>sometimes PC turns back on a few seconds later

wtf is going on
Yes I got that far, except the media creation tool doesn't start, no error messages, nothing.
You'll never be 100% sure now that malware has been on your computer, but you can be 95% sure if you reformat all your drives.
Something shorting contacts on your motherboard maybe?
Then torrent a disk. The instructions for 7 work for 8 and 10 too.
>8 fan slots
useless unless you shell out extra for a mobo that can run 8 case fans, or if not variable speed then some splitters for your psu to be able to connect to them all. and it'd be noisey as fuck.
my first must have, from several bad experiences is a sturdy well seated power button that's not gonna wear out. other than that, like the other anon said just make sure it has the connections you want in front, has enough space for all your drives and shit, and a little extra space in case you decide to expand in the future
No I have downloaded the ISO already. I now need to make a bootable USB, and the microshit provided tool doesn't even start.
Just use rufus
Ah yes, that sounds familiar. Thanks mate, I'm so used to just dding shit that I've forgotten how to do things the convoluted windows way.
I'm going to install Debian on my desktop / work computer and I saw this on the Debian Wiki.
>As of DebianSqueeze, if you give root an empty password during installation, sudo will be installed and the first user will be able to use it to gain root access (currently, the user will be added to the sudo group). The system will also configure gksu and aptitude to use sudo. You should still verify group membership after logging in as the installed user.

Is this a good idea? I'm going to be the only one using this computer.
Use the KDE file picker or the patched gtk2 file picker. It should be in the AUR
How do I output renamed files on filebot to another directory?
Yes, it's more secure that way. Root is presented on every system, so every ssh bot tries root. But when a root login is disabled, attacker should also guess the username.
How long have you had it? Is it 6 or 3 gb?
You have a ghost in your computer. You should make sure it isn't a demon. Head over to /x/ they'll help you
can you explain why it's a bad idea? Otherwise I'm going to believe >>60582892
>>60582892 is right.
b and c are the phones the message is passing through
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I've got $40 Best Buy in-store credit, what should I get?
I was thinking a wireless mouse or something for my laptop.
I was thinking maybe an MX Anywhere 2.
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How do I close the bottom panel in Firefox in pic related?
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do you have any custom css running?
it might be hiding the top bar with all the options.
No, nothing custom. And it did look like yours, I hit the X in the top right, that disappeared, but the rest stayed. How do you bring inspect element up in the first place? I always do it accidentally so I don't know
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right clicking -> inspect element
or pic related lets you open/close it again.
You're a beautiful faggot, anon. Thanks ;)
anyone know of more websites like scaneye and iknowwhatyoudownload?

iknowwhatyoudownload used to show me a torrent i downloaded a couple months ago but now its gone, and that's sketching me the fuck out, same IP and all
Is it possible to make a Makefile echo messages with colors on Windows cmd? How?
Regardless of whether the sites are up it's still happening
Shit I dont know where you live but here people are getting knocked up young as fuck.
As for minorities like you they have kids for the sole purpose of child support.
it's because all other things being equal which in the u.s. is as much as we can make it, outbreeding the competition is the easiest path to becoming the dominant force in the region
My power supply fan is super loud. I watched a video where a guy had a syringe and poked the back of his fan and squirt in some motor oil or lube. Do all fans have that sticker that you can just poke through with a syringe to fix dry fans? My case looks very similar to his https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvp526IW8x4
Nevermind I just looked again and the part covering the fan doesn't have any holes so I can syringe. Fucking HP
Anyone has links for good tutorials about how to write thesis? I must write one for my app.
I saved this script from /sqt/ some time ago,but what does it do?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my @blobs;
my $count = 0;
my $total = 0;

while (1) {
push(@blobs, ('.' x (1048576 * $count)));
$total += $count;
print STDERR "${total}M allocated\n";

I just checked out that website. I personally don't use torrents, but I live in a student dorm, so it still shows results of other students.
Apparently someone here downloaded the movie Twilight last month..
A few wav files on my macbook have started disappearing, what the fuck is going on?

I googled it and it's a known problem, the consensus seems to be "should have backed them up :^) "

How the fuck does this happen?? I can't imagine anything like this happening on Windows
it endlessly allocates memory.
I've had thumbnails on XFCE and Gnome as well, dude's probably missing a package.
Don't ever copy/paste commands without knowing exactly what they do. If you're going to try out DEs, I suggest doing it on a live USB drive since installing that many DEs on one machine can cause some conflicts in my experience.
I want to learn how to program, I planned on installing Fedora on my spare laptop.
My goal is to learn python on linux, is this a good idea?
X220 thinkpad is the computer.
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why is Debian testing more commonly used for home desktops? Isn't it a beta test? Is it true that security patches are delayed for testing?
Faster update cycle = cool shit faster. Debian Stable uses ancient packages too.

>Q: How is security handled for testing?
>A: Security for testing benefits from the security efforts of the entire project for unstable. However, there is a minimum two-day migration delay, and sometimes security fixes can be held up by transitions. The Security Team helps to move along those transitions holding back important security uploads, but this is not always possible and delays may occur. Especially in the months after a new stable release, when many new versions are uploaded to unstable, security fixes for testing may lag behind. If you want to have a secure (and stable) server you are strongly encouraged to stay with stable.
Do i actually need a vpn for Kodi to stream only Tv shows and movies?

I don't plan on torrenting or downloading anything while using it. I just wanna use it to stream only.

My isp is Spectrum if that matters.
Might be because they take ages to test packages for stable and so packages in stable are several version behind current.
No. VPN only matters for torrents and region specific content.
I want to send files from my PC to my android phone via wifi. What's the best app for that (preferably one that allows me to choose the folder)?
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alarm application that gives alarm at specific time every day

>hbo3 has marathon game of thrones
>2 episodes every evening

its not for me, its for casual user
simpler, the better
Sorry to go off topic but can I point how that CC Smiff has no fucking clue what he's doing?
He's not a sword master, he's a stunt coordinator. I swear to Christ I'm only a noob at HEMA but I could beat Jamie Lannister in his prime in a sword fight.
>this is 10/10 in bongland
so security patches in some cases might be delayed by two or more days? Am I reading this right?
does this happen often?
How do snails eat food?
>If it takes less than 5 seconds to google or wikipedia the answer, fuck off.
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snails are my fetish
Which hole?
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>tfw my next delivery is 10 pounds of escargot
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alright people
windows 10 build in alarm app is actually pretty good and ideal for it
all the sounds are bit gay high pitched
and seems they cant be changed
but whatever...
Thanks I will keep that in mind in the future.
>I've had thumbnails on XFCE and Gnome as well
I'm pretty sure he meant the filepicker that's opened from within a browser, not a regular file manager... All file managers have thumbnails, except ranger and shit. You just need tumblerd, and ffmpegthumbnailer.
Best torrrent client for loonix?
I use Deluge on windows.
for some reason ive got the suspicion that if you have 2 ram strips(?) in the same laptop they have to be the same size (GB); is that true?
They don't have to be, but you do want them to be. Not just the same size either, completely the same.
thanks, why is that?
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I recently dug up my old PS3 to play some games that I can't get on PC. However, I didn't have a TV I could use, just my computer monitor, which doesn't have build in speakers. So in order to hear sound, I got the cable in the picture so that I can plug in my headphones. The problem I'm having now is the audio output is uncomfortably loud. Is there anyway to fix this without another piece of hardware? For example, is there a way to have my computer read the output from the PS3 like a microphone input then output it to my headphones?
How's Windows 10 LTSB in terms of privacy?
Is it as bad as other Windows 10 branches or is it as bad as Windows 7?
i uninstalled avira, because it's so fucking annoying, and slowing down my shitty pc even more.

since i don't want to stop visiting dubious websites, what's a good free antivirus program?

thank you for your time.
I bought this and had the same issue, your software needs to have a volume setting whether it's in the game or in the OS (PSTV).
Is it beneficial to skip A+ and go straight for CCNA
I want a offline backup machine. What would be a cheap setup? Used would probably be best.
It's only gonna be used to rip/burn discs, and just backup data with many HDDs.
A command prompt window (at least that's what I think it is) will open and close itself in around the space of half a second or less on my screen. It's done this three times that I've noticed today. Any idea what this could be? It might be a virus of some kind but I haven't visited any shady sites recently.
How much data are we talking here?
i7 3770, shitty cooler, shitty, messy case.
more or less idle, at 100% fan speed, 50C.
100% usage, skyrockets to 85C almost instantly. I'm not really sure I want to launch an overnight render with these temps.

how fucked is my thermal paste?
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The mkv on the left (Eromanga-sensei) will play on my TV, but the mkv on the right (Owari no Seraph) will not. I was told changing the video codec should fix the problem, but they are apparently the same (AVC).

I want to get the file on the right to play on the TV. Could someone help me identify why it isn't playing on it, and what I should do to fix it? I'll upload the manual for the TV in my next post.
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Here's the manual.
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I really like flash animations, but the program I've been using to download and play them back recently, firefox, has really been shitting the bed. I've found that a bunch of flashes I saved a while ago have become corrupted somehow, and occasionally when I try to download a new one the download will inexplicably fail, causing subsequent attempts to also inevitably fail.

What program should I be using to download and play back flashes in the interest of preserving them for posterity, and how can I get my hands on a copy of it? Adobe itself seems to be trying to kill flash as best as it can so I'm not sure how possible this is, but I'd appreciate all the help I can get. pic mostly unrelated
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Would anyone care to answer a few questions about the very basics of transistors, computer science and binaries for a functional retard? I'm trying to self learn computer science but I already am having troubles understanding the basics. Like, there's this famous transistor diagram, right? What exactly is it representing? I mean, can you explain what is (1), (2) and (3) in this diagram? Which one is the power supply that gives electricity to my computer? I understand there's something to do with a switch, can you explain what's that switch? I know it has something to do with Quantum Physics, I'm just asking how it works not the principles behind it.
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How do i block ads on all my programs?
I'm using some crappy closed source program with shiety ads everywhere. How to block?

Run it through handbrake
What are you using to play the file?
Textbroker a good way to get extra income?
check windows schedule and see it it does anything at that time
I put them on a 128gb flash drive, then put it in the TV and play it through the TV's browser.
Several TBs. I don't have a lot now but I am slowly building it up.
Put together a NAS and use ZFS/Raid as redundancy.
Does /g/ have any recommendations for 2.0 preamplifiers or preamp/dac combos?
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Is there any reliable way to make .mov recordings work with adobe after effects? All google searches bring up solutions like :

>change file extension from .mov to .avi
Could I run Windows or Linux on the machine instead?

I need to be able to do other things besides just storing data.

Transistors perform the same jobs that vacuum tubes used to, and in much the same way: varying the voltage applied to the base changes the voltage between the collector and emitter parts by acting as a voltage-dependent gateway. This allows one to amplify electrical signals, or to switch circuits on and off using no moving parts. Networks of switched circuits can then be built that perform basic logical operations; for instance, a circuit with two switches in series can be thought of as a crude AND gate - only on when both switches are closed.

Might have been an old version of the encoder, or some weird change in metadata, or something. Find a conversion setting in handbrake or something that works and run it through that.
how does /g/ make friends?
and if you don't have friends, how do i make vidya and anime fun again?
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I didn't understand a thing from this. I don't know what a vacuum tube is. I tried making a diagram. Correct me if I am wrong, but the way I understand it, on both pictures, the electricity comes from arrow 1. Basically it's the power supply of my home which in turn comes from my neighborhood's power grind. If there is a blackout, that is going to be the first part that will be turned off, right? So it flows to the right. And, again correct me if I am wrong, I understand that if the electricity passes through that "block" in the middle and then goes "down" to the "route" that is facing donwards, then we'll get a 1. That's what happens on the square to the right, right? And if that electricity doesn't flow "down" in that tube which is on the lower right of the transistor, which is what happens on the left diagram, then we'll have a false (zero). What I can't understand is what does that "route" with the number 2 dashed arrow is. From the diagrams I have seen, it seems like when you turn on the power, you'll have arrow one, and when arrow one reaches that middle "block", arrow two will turn on and electricity will come from it, and its the two arrows that will make arrow 3 happen. What the fuck. Why does that upper tube, route, whatever you call it, have to do with it? Why does it cause electricity to flow through 3? Please help me, as I said I'm a functional retard.
i want to buy a new monitor, either 1080p or 1440p. will games rendered at 1080p look good on a 1440p monitor, or should i just get the native fullhd?
You can put linux on it and just have it be part of the rest of the system.Would not recommend windows.
Think of it like a dimmer.
depending on the ammount of voltage applied to 1 it allows an ammount of current to pass throught it from 2 to 3.
>Would not recommend windows
Why not? It's offline, it doesn't really matter.
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So the energy input, I don't know if this is the correct term, I mean the energy that I'll pay when I get my bills, the energy that is coming in from the plugs, the energy my computer takes when I turn on the power etc is coming actually from both 1 and 2? I was thinking it came just from 1??
With linux your base install can be a few hundred mb. WIth windows you're going to need minimum 10GB base install.
Plus shit is just easier to maintain on linux.
as the other anon said, it's MOSTLY from 2
1 is a relatively small current used as a signal
That doesn't really concern me to be honest. I am best with Windows, and it isn't hard to maintain anyways.
I have little experience with Linux, especially managing.
Quite the question for /sqt/.

There are actually different kinds of transistors, each of which function differently. As a simplification you can just think of them as electrical switches though. Input (voltage) at point 2 basically connects points 1 and 3, and because there is always an output (voltage) at point 1, point 3 also now has the same output (voltage). Without input on point 2 connecting points 1 and 3, point 3 will have no output. The voltage used as input/output is then either ON or OFF, represented as 1 and 0 respectively. For a single transistor used as a switch the output always equals the input.

By combining these switches we can then implement different logical operators like AND, which could be formed by having two switches in a series. This way, only if both of them have 1 as their input will their combined output be 1. With any other combination of inputs (00, 01, 10) the output will remain at 0. All of boolean logic can be implemented in a similar fashion, providing all the blocks we need to design complex digital circuits, like an adder. By repeating the process we can then build even more complex circuits and finally a functioning processor. It's just layers upon layers of abstraction.

Starting from the transistor level really isn't very useful unless you're heavily into EE. Boolean logic would in my opinion be a better starting point.
Oh damn. I didn't even know TVs had that capability.
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fuck fuck /g/ please help me I was just laying in my bed playing around with some app locker on my android phone and thought about how funny it is that I draw the lock pattern with only muscle memory and then my brain went full retard and I realized I don't actually know my pattern anymore and suddenly my muscle memory went late stage alzheimers too and now I'm sitting here at 2 a.m. laughing at how absurd this situation is while being really worried since I don't have any idea what I should do
If you cant decipher it from the fingerprints on the screen, you could just wait it out. It will come back to you sooner or later. I know that feel by the way.
(((Smart))) (((TV)))'s do
Good thinking on the fingerprint, I hadn't thought of that; I hope it'll work when the timer goes back to 0, thank you with all my heart anon
Is there a way to make my color scheme change based on the wallpaper I'm using? (using Mint and XFCE)
4chan always asks me to complete v2 captcha when I make a new thread, even if I disabled them. How do I fix this?
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I think understand Boolean logic very well, to me it comes very intuitively and I would even go as far as saying its beautiful in its nature of absolute precision. What I don't understand is this voltage thing. Firstly why did you say "Input (voltage)" on first line second paragraph. Wouldn't the correct term be amperage or current since it's an electric current that is flowing on those tubes? They're like wires right? In any case, so let me see if I got it right. Use >>60586962 as a reference for what I'm going to say. So there's always electricity flowing in tube 2 or wire 2 or whatever that thing is called. I think it's electrode right? But wheter the electricity from 2 will get to 3 depends if there is, at that given instant, electricity flowing through 1. If there is, then we get a nice 1. If not, we get a roundy 0. Is that how it works basically? If that's so, what is controlling 1 exactly? And why is it that electricity passing through 1 makes is it so that the electricity in 2 goes to 3?
>Quite the question for /sqt/.
I think posting question threads like those of basic things everyone on a tech board is expected to know only degrade the board quality. I very very rarely make question threads even then its on boards like /qa/.
Just to make it more clear, again at all times I was referring to >>60586962. 1 is red, 2 is the orange and 3 is the yellow part. And to put my last question in other words, why doesn't the electricity of the orange 2 goes directly into the yellow 3 regardless of the red 1?
get some sleep my nigga
I don't know for sure, but I remember that Skype for Windows was (is?) full of ads you could block by preventing your router (or your computer?) to access the source of the ads itself, if I remember correctly. Either way, a simple search will probably tell you.
You have to ,to make a new thread.
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What are the last good CPUs from AMD and intel that support Win7?

I ask because I remember reading a few months ago that the new CPUs would not be able to run Win7. A DRM or security measure of some sort that the manufacturers built into the chip from what I understood.
What? I want to use the v1 Captcha, the "Legacy" one that you can enable from the settings. When I make a quick reply in a thread I can use i just fine. It's when I make a new thread that it doesn't show up. How do I enable it?
Did you not fucking read what i just fucking said?
You have to use street signs to MAKE A NEW THREAD.
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What's the best linux/debian server monitoring software / service (load, network, nginx data, the more the better), that is easy to use and easy to install, preferably without any recent 0days, exploits etc.
It's not built into the chip. Windows uses a library to read the CPU code and determine how new it is. If it's new, it won't let it update.

HOWEVER, there is a patch out there some guy released that allows you to avoid this. Look it up.
What? Why?
Ask gook
if you use deluge on windows, just use it on linux as well.
It's not DRM, it's lack of driver support and microsoft blocking updates.

Last platforms with official windows 7 support including drivers and windows security updates until support runs out in January 2020 are Skylake 1151/Haswell-E 2011-3 on intel, and AM3+ and FM2+ for AMD.
How come playing Talos Principle for more than an hour or two makes me feel seriously ill for hours? I usually never get motion sickness from games but this is awful.
Why do computers generate so much heat?
Because of how the semiconductor electrochemistry inside works, if there's no current flowing from 1 to 3 (base to collector), the energy required to get current to jump from 2 to 3 (emitter to collector) is very large, so near zero current flows, it's effectively a switch turned off. When sufficient current is pushed into 1 by the outside circuit, the energy required falls significantly, now lots of current can flow from 2 to 3, it's effectively a switch turned on.
>why doesn't the electricity of the orange 2 goes directly into the yellow 3 regardless of the red 1?
That's due to the way the transistor is built. Of course the electrons would love to move (thus making the current flow) between points 2 and 3 when there is a potential difference between those points (for example point 2 is connected to the plus side of a battery and point 3 is connected to the minus), but (as a simplification) they can't quite make it over the gap, which is made of a different material than the edges, at the center of the transistor without help. Thus we need something at point 1, which is (in a certain type of transistor) connected directly to that gap. This something is, at least for one type of transistor, a potential difference between points 1 and 3, which causes a small current to flow from point 1 to point 3, which in turn "bridges the gap" and allows a much larger current to flow from point 2 to 3. The potential difference could be achieved by connecting the plus terminal of the aforementioned battery to point 1 using a resistor.

Explaining this without starting from the basics of semiconductors might be too hard. I hope I haven't confused you too much with this lackluster explanation. Search for an introduction into semiconductors. Any article should cover the different semiconductor materials, how to make diodes out of them and then how to build a transistor.

>They're like wires right?
They are not quite like wires, which are conductors, but instead they are SEMIconductors.
I'm going to upgrade my toaster of a desktop swapping out everything but the case and the HDD. I have Windows 7 dual booted with Ubuntu (gotta figure out what's wrong with the Ubuntu partition again/eventually, failsafeX graphics mode gets stuck on black screen).

How likely is it that I can just swap out all parts but the HDD and case (motherboard, CPU, ram ,power supply, GPU), and expect everything to figure itself out when it powers on? Google has mixed results.

But I'm guessing I'm fucked and should prep a USB with a windows 7 recovery/install shit.
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Looking at the Masterbox 5t from Coolermaster, it looks like the PSU is boxed in a closed space.
Isn't this dangerous? The presence of a fan on the PSU would suggest that it needs room to breathe.
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To begin with, what you've pictured is a bipolar junction transistor, which have been very rarely used in logic circuits for the last 50 years or so. Field-effect transistors are where it's at for logic. BJTs are more about analogue circuits (like amplifiers) and sometimes for power supplies. Pic related.

But yes, in logic applications they're used just like switches. Exactly how they work depends on the FET in use -- it's not really important for the purpose of understanding computers, but there are four types, N-FET and P-FET, both in depletion-mode and enhancement mode variants. What they all have in common is that the voltage on the gate controls whether the drain-source channel is open or closed. The type of FET just determines what voltage levels does what. CMOS, by far the most common logic arrangement, uses both N-FETs and P-FETs. See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMOS>.

Understanding transistors isn't even remotely necessary for understanding computers, however; you can live on the software level forever without really missing out. But if you want to know more about it, you'd be better off understanding basic circuit laws, the Kirchoff's laws, Ohm's law, and the roles of basic components like resistors and capacitors first of all. Without understanding the basics, transistors won't make sense either.
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Should I buy a 1070 now? I'm worried about the 1180 coming out soon
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Fellas, for the longest I couldn't gather the will power to study programming, months come and go and I give up my consistency in learning.
I live way out in a village in Sweden and I don't have enough money to move close to any educational institutions.

Is there any favorite lectures/tutorials of yours that you could share? I promise I'll put em to good use.
Windows 7 will most likely just straight out blue screen. It might work if you managed to uninstall the old drivers before migrating the HDD. Even after migration you could try using the safe mode to fix the installation, but I personally just reinstall in cases like this. Windows 10 on the other hand seems to survive migrations quite a bit better.

Linux also won't have much problems. You might not be able to start X due to wrong graphics drivers after install, and fstab might need some updating depending on your setup.

There is almost certainly an intake on the bottom of the case for the PSU.
>metric fuckton of circuitry in a square smaller than a Dorito
Also i 'wasted' my time after finishing High school reading history literature and psychology and now I realized I'm still dirt poor.

I thought maybe I can start creating practical softwares suiting my needs and possibly making money out of it.
>130 IQ
>live with dad (failed lawyer)

Again I can't go to college.
Don't eat until you do your codeacadameme course for the day.
Soo uuh taking advantage of this being /sqt/, I would place the PSU upside down, fan facing down?
how can i remove all the bloat from my samsung phone without rooting ?
>Why do computers generate so much heat?
Because switching takes power, and computers do a lot of switching. Power in turns into heat.
>If that's so, what is controlling 1 exactly?
Usually the output from another transistor, which in turn is controlled by another transistor and so on in a very, very long chain until you reach something like a keyboard button or a ROM memory cell.
>And to put my last question in other words, why doesn't the electricity of the orange 2 goes directly into the yellow 3 regardless of the red 1?
What kind of answer are you looking for? "Because that's what transistors do", or the quantum mechanical answer? To put it very briefly, in a BJT (which you've pictured but, sa said in >>60587972 isn't very relevant for computer logic) there is normally a depletion zone between the collector and the emitter which works as an electrical insulator, but a current flowing through the base affects the charge distribution to weaken or remove the depletion zone, making the doped silicon conduct. A FET is somewhat similar, only it's the electrical field from the (insulated) gate that affects the charge distribution in the channel rather than a current.
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How the fuck do you create a Gmail account without giving Google your phone number?
I have tried clearing all my history, using incognito and another browser.
Bluestacks also doesn't work.

No I don't have a VPN and proxy websites won't let me go to gmail.
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> decided im going to learn programming
> I dropped out of high school my attention span is so bad

Well, its 100x better than going into the trades so i guess im gonna start learning. If my cousins pothead friends can code so can I.

because it takes a while to find a gold digger who hasnt sucked 37 dicks
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In the ASUS BIOS, there's two auto-OC things, "EZ Tuning Wizard" and "TPU". What's the difference between the two and which is better for the average Joe? From what I understand, "EZ Tuning Wizard" takes into account your specific hardware while "TPU" is a one-size-fits-all solution.
do not use any auto-OC in any motherboard ever
its always shit, just keep it stock if you dont know what you're doing. auto-OC will only give you crashes and headaches
Should I use FAT32 for external storage so I can use it with many OSes (including older Windows OSes)? I also read that the Windows 9x 128GB drive limit does not apply to USB flash drives in general (except for external HDDs). Does that mean larger USB drives (like 256GB drives for example) would work under 9x?

I don't think you have to give google your phone number. It never asked for my number when I first created my email account (it was 2013 so I don't know if that makes a difference or not).
Exactly. This is how most modern cases do it. Some cases, like yours, have those PSU shrouds in place to hide the cabling thus making it look nicer.
>I don't think you have to give google your phone number.
Yeah, and I just wasted 3 hours and made that post for shits and giggles.

Is there an easy way to uninstall all my windows drivers before I upgrade hardware? Most google results are about upgrading from 7 to 10 but I'd rather just stick with 7.
Sounds like you never used it and you are just parroting horseshit you read on stack overflow.

The problem is not that the system will be unstable, the problem is that the motherboard will over-volt the chip and cause heat issues.

You manually overclock because not all chips require that much voltage, but the motherboard doesn't know that.

It has almost nothing to do with instability.
try http://receive-sms-online.com/ there maybe numbers that you can still use
I see. Thanks, anon.
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>turn off pc and go to bed
>next morning won't turn on
>try different outlets thinking it's the psu, even fucking buy a new one to no avail

So the goddamn Mobo is shot. Any suggestions?
How do I install ffmpeg "dev kit" (.h and static libraries)? I downloaded the "includes" from github but the static libraries aren't there. Is there a right way to install it on Linux (Ubuntu) manually (put the includes and libraries in my project's lib and inc folders)?

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lavformat
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lavcodec
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lswscale
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lavutil
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
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I've been trying to fix this issue with my VPNs for the past couple of days. I have one for school and one for torrents and shit.

My cisco and anonvpn clients just won't open. I try opening them and they don't start, no UI, no error or anything, nothing in the system tray. I've tried reinstalling with and without admin privileges. I can't remember the last time I used them on this computer but I'd say it's associated with the creators update for windows 10. Any ideas?
>Because switching takes power
That's not exactly true. In an ideal CMOS circuit, switching takes virtually no power at all (I believe there are quantum considerations that make it non-zero, but still so extremely small so as to be negligable).
The power use comes from the deviance from the ideal circuit. Real transistors take non-zero time to transition from fully closed to fully open, meaning there is a span of time during which both the N- and P-FET in a CMOS design conduct simultaneously, allowing current to flow directly from Vdd to Vss, whereas in an ideal circuit that time would be zero. Likewise, in a real circuit, there needs to flow some non-zero amount of current to fill up the interconnect capacitance, whereas in an ideal circuit the capacitance would be zero and only the voltage levels would matter.
In theory, the circuit designed could be optimized indefinitely, so that the wasted energy would be negligibly small.
get another mobo stupid
I have been trying to find any good courses on how to program embedded systems with Ada, but I have found nothing good. Anyone know a good source?
Just stop posting you retard.
Most of the losses in tiny CMOS now is charging/discharging the parasitic capacitance and leakage through the FETs that should be off. The shoot through with the P and N being partially on is small in comparison.

I. Know. I'm asking for suggestions.
Sysprep, although I would just go for a clean install if at all possible.
Can't suggest anything if you don't say what the rest of your hardware is.
I don't know the answer to either question.

True. Cpu is an i5, gpu r9 390. Everything else shouldn't be important
I have an nginx webserver. When I connect to it and stream an mp4, is the decoding done on my server or on my client
Do you already know one of ADA or embedded systems programming, but need to learn the other?
This book got decent reviews - <http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/computer-science/software-engineering-and-development/building-parallel-embedded-and-real-time-applications-ada?format=HB&isbn=9780521197168>
AdaCore has a freebie implementation targeting an STM board; look for "GNAT GPL for Bare Board ARM"
>don't know if that makes a difference

2013 is a goddamn eternity ago in google years. They've killed entire divisions that hadn't begun to exist in 2013. Hell, that was 2 years before they were even Alphabet.
>The shoot through with the P and N being partially on is small in comparison.
If that were true, I wouldn't expect power consumption to increase much with higher clockspeeds, which overclocking tests seem to show that it does.
Which i5?

Which case?
Jesus. People still think "cpu is an i5" tells us anything. That narrows it down to like 500 CPUs and half the chipsets made in the last decade.
Higher clock speeds require higher voltage, which requires more charge into the parasitic capacitances, and doing it more often, so more power there, roughly proportional to frequency squared. The higher voltage also gives significantly higher leakage.
Seems to be right about what I was looking for. What did you input to find it? I have keep doing every variation of "Ada embedded" I could think of and kept getting blogs.
I'm pretty sure the power consumption goes up if you set the clockspeed even within the range where you don't need to increase the voltage, including underclocking.
I'm planning to go back to school but not sure which school to attend. Normal or Technical?

I want to work with computer components. I want to learn how they work and how to fix them.

Does anyone work in this kind of field? Which schooling did you take?

Next h440

Sorry 4960k iirc
Pretty sure it was 'ADA for embedded systems' as a search. Be forewarned, you'll have a lot fewer target systems to choose from using ADA than using C/C++.
>libavutil-dev: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - development files
>libavutil-ffmpeg-dev: FFmpeg utility library - development files (transitional package)

What is a transitional package? Is libavutil-ffmpeg-dev just a copy of libavutil-dev?
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im installing windows 7 on a L440 and I get this. i looked it up and everyone else has the same issue but instead its a CD/DVD drive issue. I tried every solution assuming its the same thing but nothings worked so far. Can anyone help?
my laptop supports UEFI boot, which it had enabled when it came with windows 8

I've since disabled it and switched to windows 7
Would I get locked out of my computer if I re-enabled UEFI? How do Linux distros with UEFI support launch the BIOS?
You're retardo lol
Okay so Im fucked right now because I can't torrent SHIT

Heres the downlow
>all of a sudden my ethernet port on computer stops working
>buy a USB to Ethernet port dongle and use that and its totally fine except for one thing
>ever since, whenever I used Deluge (also uninstalled Deluge and installed utorrent same thing happens) my internet immediately dies
>only way to get it back is to disable network and re-enable it
>have tried changing the max connections and all those settings and it still doesn't work

I don't know what to do, it was also happening at my old apartment but I just moved to my current place that uses a different internet and it still happened. I don't know what to do
>UEFI support
They support you turning it off
When changing frequency but not voltage, power change is mostly linear to clock speed, which is from the change in parasitic charge/discharge events per second, and the shoot through events per second.
Systemd equivalent to logwatch?
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Is there a drive wiper for SSD? I got a mean virus and have to wipe everything. Something like DBAN or CCleaner tool?
>Would I get locked out of my computer if I re-enabled UEFI?

By UEFI changing alone, no. Windows will no longer boot.

>How do Linux distros with UEFI support launch the BIOS?

They don't, that's the whole point of UEFI, getting away from legacy BIOS. If you mean the UEFI setup program, you can get to it through efibootmgr, or just by spamming delete/F2/whatever key your board uses so long as you don't turn on the super fast boot mode or whatever it calls it that skips turning on USB.
okay grandpa
format it, untick "quick format"
gee thanks for the help
Sure, parasitic capacitance would scale with clock frequency (and I also mentioned that back in >>60588498), but plain leakage through off-state FETs wouldn't.
Don't be retarded, it's not like viruses live outside the filesystem. Just a plain old format will do the trick.
You can turn on UEFI but you cannot go back. It's not reversible unless you reinstall on legacy boot options.

Modern kernels support UEFI.
Which is why power scales a bit less than linearly with clock speed if voltage is kept constant.
im fantasizing about putting an iphone se camera in my iphone 5s (if that would even work). Even if the hardware side worked out, would the software/ios still hold me back??
>a bit less
Definitely, but in >>60588648 you made it sounds as if switching losses were a tiny minority.
some virsues have been known to embed themselves in hdd firmware
Perhaps, but then you'll just have to discard the drive anyway.
I think this is one of them. Luckily i just found a tool from toshiba to do a secure erase.

I hope to god this works.
Without access to the code, impossible to know. I expect not, but it could very well be hardcoded in the firmware so wouldn't bother trying.
A secure erase is not the same thing as replacing the firmware, it just erases the contents of the visible parts of the device.
if you're working with wikileaks and the nsa targeted the proprietary firmware in your disk drive to spy on you, throw it out
My ram is ddr4 3200mhz but when i check system specs its running significantly less. How do I get it running at full speed
No it's nothing like that. I just need everything deleted it doesn't have to be a secure deletion.

Seems like SSD's are more trouble than they are worth.
What's your mobo?
Couldn't you boot into windows and dd from /dev/zeros onto it?
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I got myself a Dell 7559 with Ubuntu for saving money.

I'm having a massive headache slipstreaming the USB drivers on windows 7 installation and still haven't succeeded a full install. I also heard Windows 7 lacks special power-saving optimized modes compatible with Skylake and would have inferior battery life than Windows 10.

As much as I hate Windows 10 and loathe the idea of giving those fuckers my money, I simply can't settle with Ubuntu for various reasons (it is also bad for battery too).

Is windows 10 cracked finally or not? Can I install security updates on it? Or did Dell and Microsoft just stole me anote hundred bucks?
ASRock - Z270 Pro4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
I mean Linux of course, from a thumbdrive/different hdd
Does it perhaps report half of the expected speed? DDR stands for Double Data Rate after all.
Uninstalling the driver and leaving only the dongle if not reinstalling them both
>ASRock - Z270 Pro4 ATX LGA1151
You must have a setting in your bios to change the ram's frequency.
Leakage isn't a small problem, with current small processes like used on CPUs it can be as high as half the total power in the worst case when pushing high voltages, and is getting worse with every process node shrink.
Not sure, on phone. Could you give me a quick rundown on if that was the case vs if it wasnt
Ok is that super difficult to do/easy to fuck something up and kill hardware?
I don't have access to another computer or HDD.

I can buy a Ubuntu installation usb, but honestly it seems like this is a waste of money.
Yes, very easy. You won't break anything, your mobo isn't some shitty chinese crap, it'll show you the available values. Select 3200 and you should be good to go. Google how to boot into bios for your mobo and look for the section with ram and frequency settings.
>I don't have access to another computer or HDD.
Buy a cheapass thumbstick and borrow a computer from a friend, who doesn't have access to another computer geez.
I've jumped on bios b4 and saw other settings like voltages for it etc, do I just change the freq. and thats all?
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SSDs are resource gobbling pigs, but SDSDs are worse.
Yes, don't touch anything else. Adjusting voltages is one way to break stuff, but they are automatically set on good mobos.
Alright thanks, will do.
No doubt, I'm not contesting that. I'm just asserting that switch-related losses are a very significant factor too. Anyway, the only point I originally tried to make was just that all of these sources of loss are theoretically possible to optimize away indefinitely well, and that there are no, or at least highly negligible, sources of intrinsic loss that couldn't be optimized away even in theory (unlike eg. heat engines).
True, but kinda pointless, everything in electronics can be lossless if we ignore parasitics and time.
Which may or may not be obvious. The post I originally replied to stated that "switching takes power", which is not categorically true.
So my new external hdd simply doesn't works on my machine, its like the drivers refuse to work, i tried everything except updating because i'm on a pirated OS...should i just re-install?
For anything that physically exists it is true. Lossless switching so far is impossible.
Thank you!
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My monitor is fucking up, every line on the screen has a faint, transparent line coming off it from the right. I don't know what to search to fix it, so I made an image replicating it. Is there any fix?
What external drive is it?

What OS?

What makes you think it's drivers?
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where can I buy one of these?
Are you using a VGA cable? If so, that's the problem, switch to HDMI/DVI/DisplayPort/anything digital if possible.
Western Elements 2tb usb 3, W7 and after i re-install the usb 3 drivers it tells me something went wrong with the re-install and to try again.
Same shit goes down.
The thing works in my other pc, my laptop and in all my bros machines.
Also, i tried to plug a new pendrive and the same thing happened.
Then it's probably the USB 3.0 driver that's fucked. If you have a 2.0 native port try it on that.
It happens with the usb2 too, i think i'm going to cut my losses and re-install...it had a good 4 year run and i wanted to wait a couple of months to get a new mobo but what can you do...
Thanks mang
Any tips on how to resize images for lower size losing as little quality as possible? Cant I just convert from 24bit color to 16 or something?
I got pointed torwards using wsusoffline to update windows because apparently it can automatically skip all the telemetry and botnet and whatever updates.

Does it just do that automatically or is there an option on the software that you need to select first?
imagemagick convert
Are my ad-block setting attached to my google account in any way? Is there any way of someone not on my computer finding out about my ad-block settings, including my stupidly signing in/not logging out of some kind of account on their computer?

I have certain politically radical youtube channels whitelisted, and I would prefer this whitelist not to be publicly known.
taking pictures with phone, when i stare intently during camera mode i see the lens pixels moving. thats normal right
and the only light on in here is my ceiling light. its night time so im guessing thats normal i thought my phone is fucked up
Can Windows 7 fully support a T530 or do I have to stick to 8.1 if I want less botnet/bloat?
Is there an equivalent of 10 LTSB on 8.1?
What should I do when I'm too hungry to sleep but too tired to eat?
Is there a program that mass converts files to another file extension in a specific folder?
>converts files to another file extension
the extension is only part of the name and nothing else so you may as well as for a program that mass renames files
Yeah. That's basically what I want.
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