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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 26

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Previous thread: >>60502997

What are you working on, /g/?
Ban C
Obot is ANGRY (No pronouns). What the fuck is this train wreck?
Shes anti-black? But she is black!
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So this is the power of diversity... wow...
anyone have any good resources to recommend for an in-depth look at python for programmers? ie not teaching hello world, but more about the language itself from a higher level
I don't understand this

void update() {
static auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

auto currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
float time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentTime - startTime).count() / 1000.0f;

// ...

The startTime doesn't change after the first time the method is called?
Local variables declared as static are only allocated once and retain their value for the duration of the program unless it's changed.
/dpt/ if I wear a cute black shirt will I program good?

startTime is static, so it should be initialized when the program starts, and never again.

Clothes do not make the programmer. Where whatever is comfortable.

If you want to become a good programmer, write programs, and read the source to other people's programs.
don't listen to this troll, thigh-highs are a MUST if you want to kode anything good.


Fuck I hate typos. Also, fuck cooldowns for posting, and cooldowns for deleting posts. I was having a good day and then I misspelled a word on the Internet.
>>> for i in range(1, 101):
... if i % 3 == 0: sys.stdout.write('fizz')
... if i % 5 == 0: sys.stdout.write('buzz')
... if (i % 3 != 0) and (i % 5 != 0): sys.stdout.write(str(i))
... sys.stdout.write('\n')



uhh guys
I thought it was the cross-dressing aspect that was important? In which case thigh highs are no good for me.
You have to understand how this is for me. I've written every bug, I've fixed every bug. I've designed every language, I've ruined every language.
>But she is black
Ummm, no sweetie, just beaceuse zxe looks like an african-american doesnt mean zxe identifies as one, i mean i know that this is literally /gpol/ now but can you like not just assume things like that, its not helping anyone and your probably going to die alone
nice. thanks.
emem obot doesn't have pronouns you shitlord, you refer to emem obot as emem obot
meme robot

Hrm... if I type this into a python3 repl, I can duplicate this behavior. However, if I save this to a file and run python3, I get the correct behavior. If I run it on repl.it, whether I run the script or one line at a time, the correct behavior occurs.

Sounds like a bug in the python3 repl then?
i guess so. is there any other way to print without new lines?
root.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
root.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(4, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(5, weight=1)

Is there a less verbose way of doing this
Some of my functions return an error code, and return variables through passed reference variables. Is this bad practice?
obvious bait is obvious
Shit tier fizzbuzz


for i in range(1,101):
if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0: print('fizzbuzz')
elif i % 3 == 0: print('fizz')
else: print('buzz')
Python3 with Tkinter btw
nice meme you've got there
nice meme you've got there
Receive communion my children, as I present: The Fizzbuzz of the Christ

for i in range(1,100): print("fizzbuzz"[i*i%3*4:8--i**4%5] or i)
no, unless you're intentionally going against the standard language/project way of reporting errors. That's a pretty typical way of reporting errors in languages like C.
see >>60507362
for i = 1; i <= rowcount; ++i
root.grid_rowconfigure(i, weight=1)

for i = 1; i <= columncount; ++i
root.grid_rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
see >>60507369
second should have been columnconfigure
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I think I want to write a bittorrent tracker but, I only know python and my implementation would be slow as ass because python.
Should I learn C first or what?
don't call us, we'll call you
Redpill me on Google Amp, /dpt/
you missed the joke
>meme robot
i impersonated the meme robot specifically to reply to you
ask and ye shall receive
Does this whet your appetite any?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

int main(int whatever, char **fuck_you) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
bool printed = false;

if (i % 3 == 0) {
printed = true;

if (i % 5 == 0) {
printed = true;

if (!printed) {
printf("%u", i);


return 0;
I'm still missing it
i'm not saying your code wasn't tryhard enough, i'm saying you're an idiot and it doesn't even pass the eyeball test to be a functioning fizzbuzz program
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Someone must really like rust.
I'm not the Python poster.
void set_int(int* var, int val) {
while (*var > val) ++*var;
while (*var < val) --*var;
hey man rust is a fun game
nah you just came across like an aspie, and people knew that answering that way would make you lose your nut. see the similar poll i made minutes before you made yours with the opposite results
Write your own Sin and Cos in the language of your choice
do it in python first retard. If you cant do it in python there is no way you will do it in C.
prove it
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r8 me fizzpuczy
int[2] euclidean(int x,int y)
int q = 1;
int r = y - x*q;
if(r > x)
q = q + euclidean(x,r)[0];
goto loop;
return {q,r};

int truncate(int x)
int n = 1;
while(euclidean(x,n*10)[0] > n*10)
return x - euclidean(x,n*10)[1]

int coprime(int x, int y)
if(x < y)
int r = euclidean(y,x)[1];
if(x == 1 || y == 1)
return 1;
return 0;

void fizzbuzz(int x)
double pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0);
int n = truncate((int) (pi * 10)) / 10;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int s=1;s<10000;s++)
sum += 1/s^2;
int m = truncate(((int) sum ) * 4) - 1;
if(euclidean(x,n*m)[1] == 0)
print "phyzze-boughczy";
if(euclidean(x,m)[1] == 0 && not(euclidean(x,m*n)[1] == 0))
print "boughczy";
if(coprime(n,m) == 1)
if(euclidean(x,n)[1] == 0 && not(euclidean(x,m*n)[1] == 0))
print "phyzze";
if(euclidean(x,n)[1] == 0 && (not(euclidean(x,m*n)[1] == 0) && not(euclidean(x,m)[1] == 0)))
print "phyzze";

isometric voxel engine, every pixel on screen is 1 voxel. everything is inter-sectional and has full 3d geometry, dynamic normal/depth mapping and a tool to take 2d pixel art and turn it into 3d voxel geometry

just trying to get some motivation to write a physics engine for it, and see if i can render at 1920x1080 without many issues. currently rendering at 960x540 and scaling by 2 due to render/data limits
Its the convention on c, although some libraries will have the error code as one of the parameters passed as pointer. The opencl standard api does it both ways.
fizzword = fn
(0, 0, _) -> "FizzBuzz"
(0, _, _) -> "Fizz"
(_, 0, _) -> "Buzz"
(_, _, n) -> n

fizzbuzz = fn (n) ->
fizzword.(rem(n, 3), rem(n, 5), n)

IO.inspect Enum.map(1..100, fizzbuzz)

Sounds like reasonable advice.
Thanks, anon.
Anm I a Pointer?
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>with the opposite results
Just going through with the Theano logistic regression tutorial
Did you learn anything useful? Or are you another one of those "I want to learn ML because it's the hottest new fad" fucking tryhards?
thank-you desu

Assuming Python3...
print("hello", end="")
I want this only in Malbolge.
No, Theano is so much more than ML, been thinking of writing a NLP optimizer later
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Is Google basically an overhyped and overblown ad network? Everyone is talking about how hard it is to get a job here, but what do those geniuses actually do? They couldn't even make a new modern language for their OS, JetBrains made it

Wave, Glass, +, Go, Dart etc. Everything turns out to be a shite, yet google is still rich af, what kind of jewery is that?
well at-least their phone battery is charged, i was prepared to give an autistic REEEEEEE
>No pronouns
Nah, you've got pronouns. I'm not talking to you like I'm a cat monster from fucking oblivion
Nice little things about Rust: easy handling of endianness built-in with from_be, to_be, from_le, and to_le methods on integral types. These get inlined, so it's effectively equivalent to a bswap or nop operator in the language.
Don't forget the absolute most important and useful thing about them, and their defining feature: you can type in almost anything on their website and get like at least 60% of all the times anyone has ever brought that thing up.
Is there a word for inability to complete a project?
Is this the fizzbuzz thread?

for n in {1..100}; do
(( n % 3 )) || fb=fizz
(( n % 5 )) || fb=${fb}buzz
echo ${fb:-$n}
Why would endian matter? Just do stuff how Plan 9 does it.
It's very important when dealing with networking or any binary files in general.
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>Project leader fell for the rust meme
I go to American University and let my tell you that this doesn't surprise me. This campus is filled with so many entitled piece of shits that want their safe space.

Host byte order and network byte order may (note: almost always) differ.
never programmed before. what do?
continue not programming
what if i want 2 start pr0gramming?

23 btw
then start programming
start by opening your text editor
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Read a book
Download a book
Read it
Anybody has experience with ENet? I am trying to decypher what ChannelLimit means here, but the only pieces of information I have are:

>size_t ENetHost::channelLimit
>maximum number of channels allowed for connected peers

>channelLimit the maximum number of channels allowed; if 0, then this is equivalent to >ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_CHANNEL_COUNT

I am trying to port the old Cube Engine code base to the newest libraries for fun, but this documentation is not helping.
The old definition of the function enet_host_create did not have the channelLimit parameter.
Good luck :)
Tabs > spaces.
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Camel case was a mistake underscores are superior
muh keystrokes
Study Machine Learning. If you cannot understand Machine Learning, then you are not cut out to be a programmer.
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just paid $77 i don't have for an arduino started kit and a separate book on arduino

my stomach is literally growling as i type this, my internship money doesn't come in until june
>Machine """Learning"""
muh strokes
I just finished writing a webscraper in pure C, AMA. Also shoutout to the guy in the last thread that said it wasn't possible
r8 muh m8kefile
.PHONY: clean

CC := g++
CFLAGS := -c -g
LDFLAGS := -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer

PROJPATH := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))

HEADERS := $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -name \*.h)
SOURCES := $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -name \*.cpp)
OBJECTS := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)%.cpp,$(OBJDIR)%.o,$(SOURCES))

objects: $(OBJECTS)
depend: $(DEPENDFILE)

> @echo Linking...

-include $(DEPENDFILE)

> @echo Checking dependencies...
> @rm -f $(DEPENDFILE)
> @$(CC) -MM -I $(SRCDIR) $^ > $(DEPENDFILE)

$(OBJDIR)%.o: $(SRCDIR)%.cpp
> @echo Compiling $(strip $(subst $(SRCDIR),, $<))...
> @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
> @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I $(SRCDIR) $< -o $@

> @echo Cleaning up...

>inb4 "he still has to use makefiles"
>inb4 "cmake is better"
>inb4 "sepplesfag"
super jealous desu
man i can't wait to not be able to afford to feed myself, i'm way too fucking fat
I'm creating a program that writes to and reads from a database, I want to force a particular value in my database to be one of a set amount of 3 character combinations, a state abbreviation.

Do I implement this in my sql or client side? And if so, how do I do it in SQL?
Why do you make the dir in your compilation recipe?
It's crap.
You definitely want to implement that database side. There are a handful of ways to do it. If you already know what all your possible values are, and there aren't many -- which is what it sounds like -- then I'd recommend making your column an enum.
>>inb4 "sepplesfag"
haha i already inb4'd you so ur fukt
so that if i make a new directory source-side i don't have to be arsed with manually making it object-side
Jesus christ, how fucking new are you?
for what fucking purpose, just use python or even electron lol
>he doesn't know "inb4" means now you can't use that argument for some reason
how new are YOU?
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the buttmad.png
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>mfw this thread is more triggered about Emem Obot than Emem Obot is about anything
I'll look into enums, I'm still learning database design and implementation so I haven't heard of them before.

I have eight possible combinations, six of which are 3 characters, the other two are 2 characters.
An enum would be pretty good for that. It stands for "enumerated," and it's pretty much a way of defining your own type whose values are restricted to a small number of named constants you specify.
whats the definitive guide to working with files on c? text, video whatever
This PDF, starting on page 278


(Page 278 of the PDF itself, I mean. Page 266 if you go by printed page numbers)
Daily reminder you can't do everything in C like some people said here.

Thanks but stop spreading lies.
I'm in skelington mode because I'm too fucking lazy to go grocery shopping
I fucking hate that
That's an exaggeration.

Any program that can be made, can be made in C. You might not have access to certain higher level abstractions, but they aren't wholly necessary.
If you're going to post a standard draft, you could at least post the latest one:
This is another thing i'm counting on when i'm finally able to move out
If there's one thing i'm any good at it's being too fucking lazy to take basic care of myself, i mean that's how i got like this to begin with
Literally the only thing i do for myself is eat, can't wait until even that's too much of an ordeal to bother with
Pretty much the only thing i'm going on living for
>you can't do everything in C
C is turing complete, so in principle you CAN do everything (that a program can do) in C.
>you CAN do everything ... in C
>buying gf
yeah but if you're just gonna order shit food it'll be worse. I like cooking good food and my gf just go by shit I tell her but when she isn't her I'm just not eating so much
what personal project / professional experience / whatever elevated your skills to the next level? I'm sure at some point all the skilled programmers in here were shit, and then they weren't so shit.
fuck i forgot ordering things is a thing

welp time to commit sudoku

I am too old and dumb. I don't understand half of those words in OP pic.
You don't need to, you just have to feel triggered.
>I don't understand
>You don't need to, you just have to feel triggered.
4chan in a nutshell everyone
I will never understand why not
> @g++ $(OBJECTS) -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer -o $(EXECUTABLE)
Why would 4chan be in a nutshell?
It's so you can easily modify the variables later. All of the shit you might need to modify is at the top of the file. You don't need to modify the rules themselves, possibly in multiple places.
Same. But I think that kind of shit only exists in burgerland.
oh wait there might still be hope:
1) it's not like i can afford to just order things 24/7
2) i don't even want to, i want to just stop eating for as long as it takes even if it creates other health problems and/or kills me but i can't because temptations are everywhere all the time, moving out will fix that because i'll no longer be forced to be around them
3) if i can't do it at least i'll have the privacy to kill myself without anyone who cares much noticing
4) why the fuck am i thinking out loud about this here this is /g/
5) C is a meme language
>listing 5 things
(You)'ve earned it kid.
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> >>>/
just ignore him. it's some gatekeeping autist that probably doesn't even program.
>>60509290 (You)
>responding to a list of 5 things
>giving (You)s
Step it up
>man admits to being a fatty and then threatens to kill himself if he can't muster the discipline to go ana
I'm out, this got too real too fast
>Turing complete buddy
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What math should I learn if I want to create/program an anime girl?
linear algebric

Well, learning algorithms are based heavily on linear algebra and probability theory.
Do you know how to program yet?
How do I place a trap at the SSHFS mount command when Ctrl+C is invoked? pls halp!!!


{ ping -c 1 &> /dev/null ; }
declare -x varPingCode=$?

{ mount | grep /tmp/SSHFS &> /dev/null ; }
declare -x varMountCode=$?

if (( $varPingCode == 0 && $varMountCode == 1 ))


{ mkdir -p /tmp/SSHFS && sshfs [email protected]:/ /tmp/SSHFS ; } ## place trap here

elif (( $varMountCode == 0 ))


{ fusermount -u /tmp/SSHFS &> /dev/null && rm -R /tmp/SSHFS ; }

elif (( $varPingCode == 1 ))


{ echo ϟϟ卐ϟϟ ; }

Graph theory to model the neural network
Graph theory also to synthesize language
Trig and physics to model the animation skeleton
Genetic algorithm to get it moving naturally and probably also to operate the neural network
Already started learning that. But it can't be enough.
Is there anything more specific I should learn to give her a high IQ?
learn magic instead
Math would be a prerequisite for that.
Another MySQL question, I want to enforce only positive values for my data, I used unsigned but as 0 is neither positive nor negative then this won't work.
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Sorry, I can pretty much guarantee she won't have a high IQ. At best you'll get a convincing microcosm of sentience; she won't be as sentient as a human being, but the tiny degree to which she actually is sentient will be recognizable, and will be considered charming for its small scale attempt at imitation of real humanity.

I might argue this is more desirable in an anime girl than real sentience and intelligence would be, even if it could even be done at this time. Anime girls don't look entirely real, so why should they behave entirely real, either? Wouldn't it be more *cute* for her to be kind of stupid / not fully mentally human?
mysql, being shit, doesn't support check constraints, so you should probably use a trigger

Takes a bit more than graph theory to do neural networks and natural language processing.
I'm using postgres which does support check, awesome.
Anyone know of a good tool for spellchecking and autocorrecting a massive document? doing some nltk corpus stuff and am getting a little tripped up on this
microsoft word
Playing around with C#, apparently there's a websocket server built in .NET Core, going to make a cool chat and post for you guys to try to destroy
vi doc.txt
:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
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This. In order to break rules you need to learn how those rules work first.
>>ERROR:  type "mytype" already exists
>>ERROR: type "mtype" does not exist

I'm getting both of these errors at the same time. wtf is this trickery
>his language cares about case
>his language can't use dashes in function name

Common Lisp newfag here, what the fuck is the use of fill-pointers in arrays?

Well, it means you both tried to redefine a type called mytype, and you tried to use a type called mtype that was never defined. Seems simple to me.
mYtype vs mtype

Didn't even notice the typo even after copying over here
How's your thesis going, fag.
It's just the number of elements currently stored in an array. To keep track of the current size and whatnot.
that picture makes me feel dumber for even just having looked upon it

It's not a thesis, it's a research paper (although it is nonetheless what is going to get me a master's degree). I'd say it's been coming along rather well and should be ready to submit by Friday, which is the deadline.
Post it here.
What's it about

Case insensitivity is a cancer.


1. It's not finished.
2. I don't want my real name to be known on /g/.
3. My advisor has also contributed some work to this paper, and I do not know how he would feel about my posting it around on 4chan.

I will be posting a picture of my master's degree diploma when I receive it, however, with the name blurred out.
And then show us your dick
What was the topic you finally ended up doing?
Yeah, but what about this.
(setq A (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4) :fill-pointer 4))
#(1 2 3 4)
[3]> (fill-pointer A)
[4]> (setf (fill-pointer A) 3)
[5]> a
#(1 2 3)
[6]> (length a)
[7]> (setf (fill-pointer A) 4)
[8]> a
#(1 2 3 4)

Why isn't there a nil where the 4 is?
Why do you need sensitivity?
You don't go around naming functions with the same letters but different cases, do you?

A convincing ICS honeypot.


Stop being a pussy. Just post it.

Not typically, no. That doesn't make case insensitivity a good thing. It allows for inconsistent usage of identifiers.


I have stated my reasons for not posting it, and I will not budge on them.
Nobody worth respecting is inconsistent though.
That index was already filled by the 4, but you just set that region of the array to be inactive. Thus, almost no array-related function will "see" the 4. Check https://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/node162.html.
Continuing off of >>60510242 and your example,
CL-USER> (vector-pop *a*)
CL-USER> (length *a*)
CL-USER> *a*
#(1 2 3)
CL-USER> (setf (fill-pointer *a*) 4)
CL-USER> (length *a*)
CL-USER> *a*
#(1 2 3 4)
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>tfw created a program for quantum-secure cryptographic signatures


Here are the functions:
>sign(messageHash, PrivateKey)
>verify(publicKey, messageHash, signature)

Here is my public key:
What I read from this is that vector-pop doesn't actually pop, but just changes the active region of vector.
What do those buzz words mean?
Yeah, that kind of surprised me. I guess it's just a synonym for (setf (fill-pointer vec) (1- length vec)).
Wait, so (length vec) is O(1)?
That seems like a natural conclusion, but I don't have any literature to back that up.
Actually, found this: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/node142.html
Appears correct for vectors.
Danm, the Scheme IEEE standard is only 70 pages.
Common Lisp is to Lisps as C++ is to C senpai.
fuck haze & his dumb language
captcha: Calle Calle
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>get the most common captcha twice

>post about it
It's the "short public key" version of this:

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Threadly reminder that dlang-chan is not dead; she's going to have her GC tumor removed (eventually); and she's super duper cute and easy to prototype in! Say something nice about her, /dpt/!
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Is C the most autistic programming language?
In an interview i was asked to create a memory leak in a c# app.
How the fuck do i do that? Garbage collector raped all of my holes so hard during that i won't be able to sit, swallow, or pee for a month.
>Is C the best programming language?

P/Invoke malloc.
Rate my fizzbuzz /10

double counter;
double upper;
double mod15;
double mod3;
double mod5;


print "Limit: ";
input upper;
jumpif upper < 1 err;
jump loop;

print "Limit must be at least 1\n";
jump start;

counter = counter + 1;
jumpif counter > upper fin;
mod15 = counter % 15;
jumpif mod15 = 0 fizzbuzz;
mod3 = counter % 3;
jumpif mod3 = 0 fizz;
mod5 = counter % 5;
jumpif mod5 = 0 buzz;
printvar counter;
print "\n";
jump loop;

print "FizzBuzz\n";
jump loop;

print "Fizz\n";
jump loop;

print "Buzz\n";
jump loop;


Writing an ImageJ-like image processing application in C++ (Qt). I've got the basic stuff like blur and edge detection down, now I'm doing the sharpening filter and planning on doing the Fourier and Radon transforms later.
>not declaring wariables like:
>double counter,upper,dmid13,mod3,desomorprine
It's not meme-technology thread. Go learn C11 and GTK3.
I really wish there was a GUI toolkit that isn't complete crap.
I hate having to use anything which has a dependency on GLib.
Qt is by no means pretty but suggesting gtk is just retarded. The gtk devs are incompetent. The only reason gtk survives is due to some reason people insist on using gnome.
Ok, if you don't like GTK3, you can use anything else.
For example EFL - good GUI toolkit.
GLFW - tiny library - perfect choice for small app like yours.
>dependency on Glib
Everything depends on it.
>not using SDL and C11 to create your own toolkit and using that
step it up, senpai
GTK app are great, Qt on my system not only looks like shit, but performs bad.
I wasn't the original anon. I was just saying that I fucking hate GLib. I hate all of the "do everything" libraries, really.
>Everything depends on it.
There is plenty of shit that doesn't. It just gets forced into all of the GNOME shit.
SDL2 really will be much better than GTK or QT5.
But perfect choice - GLFW.
Every CLI (command line interface) depends on it.
Why not vxwidgets?
Your sentence doesn't make sense. Also, I just want to make sure, I'm not talking about glibc, the GNU implementation of the C standard library, I'm talking about GLib, which is the OOP/bloat library that GNOME uses for all of their shit.
It doesn't supports Wayland Display Sever Protocol. Deprecated library.
Oh, yes. but Qt also OOP-bloat.
Perfect tool for your tiny app is - GLFW + C11.
You don't need full C++ toolchain for such simple task.
Again, I'm not the original anon. I'm not currently making anything which needs a GUI.
I'm the original anon. I don't care about your faggy special snowflake C library russian poster. Fortunately my employers don't either. :^)
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>learn LISP /g/ said
>open clisp
>see menorah
Clisp is dead. You should be using SBCL.
Having no pronouns is incredibly inconvenient.

It forces everyone to refer to you using your name every time they talk about you. It's like asking everyone to address you as 'Mr. Anon'.
Are you CIA-nigger or something?
Tell me more. I have to know opengl to actually do something useful outside creating windows right?
Yes, but you don't need to do so much for simple image editor. GLFW does great job, app development much easier than pure opengl.
GLFW is a small C library that allows the creation and management of windows with OpenGL contexts, making it also possible to use multiple monitors and video modes. It provides access to input from keyboard, mouse and joysticks. The API provides a thin, multi-platform abstraction layer, primarily for applications whose sole graphics output is through the OpenGL API. While GLFW is very useful when developing multi-platform OpenGL applications, single-platform developers can also benefit from avoiding having to deal with kludgy platform-specific APIs.
It doesn't actually matter what part of the agenderqueer fluidity spectrum you identify with, the only thing that matters is that you dress like a cute anime girl.
C++ is an unreadable piece of shit

D is way better
Can you clear the direction flag in C?
Sure, I can say that one pile of shit is better than another pile of shit, but at the end of the day, it's still a pile of shit.
>startTime is static, so it should be initialized when the program starts, and never again.

This is slightly incorrect:

memory for static locals is _allocated_ or w/e when the program starts but _initialization_ is deferred until the first execution of the function the static local lives in.
But we know your name; it's "Ruby".
You would be better off learning scheme/racket
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>D is way better
This makes no sense.
Nobody here told you to use CLISP. If they did, they were tricking you.

SBCL is the only answer for CL.
asm volatile("cld");
That's assembly, though.
Help depetee i can't into sorting..... wat do?
> CC := g++
What are you even doing? Use CXX for that.
inline void clear_direction()
asm volatile("cld");
git gud
In Lisp, this is just
(sort '(2 4 3 1) #'<)
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who is this.jpg
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I'm bored.

I need a new programming project to work on. Any cool suggestions, /g/?
That's assembly, though.
Neural net that controls your house
Strong AI.
there are a few anons working on /g/tetris
That shit has nothing to do with Turing Completeness.
Loli AI that insults my tiny penis
That's pretty much my point:
>Any program that can be made, can be made in C.
He phrased it VERY badly.
In POSIX, how do I wait till the semaphore is *locked* (zero)?
I need an equivalent of SystemV's semop() with sops->sem_op = 0.
Looking at some functional programming.
Can anyone explain to me:
1. why the fuck do we need closures?
2. how can we implement persistence?
Can you elaborate on the questions?
Hi guys, if I'm using the python3 pycopg2 library for working with databases.

I've set my connection and cursor up and now I want to insert my data:

mysql = """INSERT INTO reply VALUES()"""

How do you insert variables in string literals? I read that you aren't meant to concatenate as this is how SQL injections occur.

Say my table has attributes:

id : int
poster : string
date: date
genre : which is an enum in my database
I'm guessing pyshit sql lib has a bind function for that. Read the manual.
What is a real-world scenario where a closure is needed, and why would I use a closure over a normal function?

How can I keep data in memory, like objects?
> No pronouns
My mind is so full of fuck right now.
How would that even work
I hope this is some very difficult ruleset and not just tetris.
1) A closure is simply a function that captures data from its environment.
It is not unlike a partially applied function.
(And partial application is very useful)

2) Assuming you mean pure FP, you generally don't do that except in cases where you need performance or do work with some concept like a database.
In pure FP, it is done in much the same way as it would be done imperatively, but encoded in a monadic data type.

For instance, in Haskell, the ST monad. (or IORefs in the IO monad)
Thoughts on puralsight?
just tetris
"Obot went to the store and Obot put Obot's pencil in Obot's ass. "
How do you address obot the first time you meet obot?
The language does not yet support such advanced features, but soon it will
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2MB, 4500x2531px
Write gentoofetch in C.
thank you for what you are doing but c is obsolete now.
visual studio 2017 is THICC
you can choose features though
>would you like to be able to use the mouse? Y/N
>Emacs with all packages available on melpa =10gb
>Visual studio 2k17=30gb
5 GB visual studio + 25 GB of bill gates pics that he took while on shitting on toilet
>shitting on toilet
that's how he got promoted to CEO of microsoft
>capitalistic cisgender heteronormative patriarchal white supremacist systems
using words that complicated is ableist and triggering
no that's nutella
Good taste, in women and style as well
sql = "INSERT INTO movie VALUES(('%s','%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'));"
cur.executemany(sql, (movie_id, movie_title, director_first, director_last, genre, media_type,
release_date, movie_studio, retail_price, stock))

Been playing with it and reading the manual a bit but the above doesn't work. And nor does just cur.execute()
Is there are reason why you put another pair of parenthesis around the initial one in the insert statement?
P = NP for N =/= 1
CLion: 200 MB
LOL some butthurt fag spammed the "i like rust" option
I initially had each %s in one because I saw an example like that. Removed them and removed each ' ' and it works.

I just finished writing an audio frequency spectrum visualizer in C++ and using OpenGL.
Go fuck youself, useless hipster.
All your software dies with your memelanguage (rust, c++, haskell, swift, java,) .
>get paid less than $10K per month
Try poo in the loo.
C is obsolete

thousand year cinnameg reich
>No new posts
Why it's obsolete?
Is it a bad idea to allocate big objects on the stack?

Depends on the stack size
depends on how big the objects are relative to the stack size. you can set the stack size according to your needs.
Keeping my smoking habit in check

and learning GO at the same time. Tell me why Go is so damn comfy?

Any comments? I plan store them in a json file and just marshal and unmarshal things

package main

import (

func Index(vs []History, t string) int {
for i, v := range vs {
if v.habit_id == t {
return i
return -1

var p = fmt.Println

type Habit struct {
description string
created int64
id string

type History struct {
habit_id string
fulfilled bool
date int64

var Ledger []History

func (Ledger []History) info() {

func (a Habit) info() {
p(a.description, a.created)

func main() {
a := Habit{"Hello", time.Now().UnixNano(), "23a"}
r := time.Now().AddDate(0, 2, 3).UnixNano()
t := time.Now().AddDate(1, 2, 3).UnixNano()
d := Habit{"Poop", r, "22a"}
g := Habit{"Pee", t, "22c"}

b := History{a.id, true, time.Now().UnixNano()}
x := History{d.id, true, r}
y := History{g.id, true, t}
Ledger = append(Ledger, b)
Ledger = append(Ledger, x)
Ledger = append(Ledger, y)

I have a bunch of

variable = input("")

I just need to check if the input is empty and if so, ask for it again.

Each statement asks a different question so I can't use a for loop to obtain the data.

Do I have to just write

while item_one not = ""
item_one = input("What is item_one?")
if item_one == "":
print("Invalid data.")

And have this for each item?

Or do I do

def isEmpty(item):
if item =="":
print("Invalid data")
return false
return true

while not isEmpty(item_one):
item_one = input("What is the data?")

And repeat that while loop for each data item?

Is there a better way to do this?

I just wrote that code up in this post so apologies if it isn't very clean.
>{ ;} everywhere
Why the fuck man?
As for traps (not himegoto), you mean signal traps? Since a shell can only have one trap per signal, the trick I usually use is to wrap it all in a subshell

mkdir /tmp/SSHFS
( # start subshell
trap "rm -rf /tmp/SSHFS" EXIT # Triggered when the subshell exits; doesn't matter if it's on success or failure
# ... do things ...
) # closes the subshell; from here down, you can consider /tmp/SSHFS gone

And it can nest.
The second option won't work because it will immediately return Invalid data assuming you have item_one set to "" to run the loop once.
>def isEmpty(item):
> if item =="":
> print("Invalid data")
> return false
> else
> return true

you don't need the else
>her name spelled backwards is Meme
which she is, actually, she's a meme gone wrong.
Ah yes, do you know a solution to this, the other piece of code just seems clunky.

That I do not, thank-you. Can you see a solution to the fact that my error message will always display once?

Also you will have to set the variable name beforehand each time which almost uses as many lines at the other version

item_one = ""
while not isEmpty(item_one)
item_one = input("what is the data?")
Yes xzye does

A perfect use case for tail-recursion IMHO but that's a ball that imperativefags will catch.

The isEmpty is a clever workaround to the limitation of the language. Personnally I'd do
while True:
data = input("whatever: ")
if data: break
print("please write something.")
# and then it starts again

Could wrap that up into a
nonempty_input("Whatever: ")
function too.

Try this
#I just need to check if the input is empty and if so, ask for it again.

#I just need to check if the input is empty and if so, ask for it again.

def my_func(question):
q = input(question)
s = True
if q != "":
s = False
return True

# Ask a question

x = my_func("Who's your daddy?")
Oops this should be better

def my_func(question):
q = input(question)
if q != "":
return True
return my_func(question)

x = my_func("Who's your daddy?")
What are some good resources for learning more professional web design?

Only time I've really touched web design is when I've been doing functionality and very basic testing layout, but I'm looking at expanding into freelance work and it seems like website/mobile stuff is absolutely critical for that.
Maybe I don't know enough of the subtleties of python, but what's the purpose of s? are q and s global variables?
s is nothing, q is just a variable to catch user input

that was a mistake. this works
python a shit
>single-line nested loops considered good practice
>whitespace treated as meaningful
>pythonfags actually defend this by saying anyone who doesn't like it doesn't indent right
>as if that even had anything to do with why it's bad
>useless enforced difference between expressions and statements
Not a python fag but I do wish more languages used whitespace(mostly tabs, using spaces for this is for faggots) for block scopes.
Won't that just print "True" though? It doesn't seem to capture the input?
he didn't want to capture input he wants to check if its not empty and ask again if empty.

code can be modified to return the input easily
if I was writing an android app in java, that in the future I plan to port to iOs, is there anything I should do early to make the switch over easier? Or is it a complete new start in objective c/swift?
That's way better. Cheers.

Recursive solutions never come to my brain intuitively.
heres the code that returns the input if question is answered, else it asks again.

def my_func(question):
q = input(question)
if q != "":
return True, q
return my_func(question)

answered, answer = my_func("Whos your daddy?")

if answered: # if true, print the answer
I just modified it to return q

def set_attribute(question):
q = input(question)
if q != "":
return q
print("Invalid data, please try again.")
return set_attribute(question)

item_one = set_attribute("What is the data for question one?")
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Okay I'm fluent with php and fairly knowledgable with c#. which world should I dive into; laravel or .net core/entity?

i've been planning to pursue laravel up til now but to be honest im tired of being scrutinized for using php. what does /dpt/ thing?
new thread, though
separate the UI from the other stuff
No idea.

I don't think Obot realises that 'no pronouns' means no 'you' or 'your'.
Thread posts: 326
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