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/csg/ Chink Shit General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 356
Thread images: 69

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In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on rizon

>Discord link

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki

>Chink Shit Infographic

• Anon reviews a Benjie S5 >>60295613
• Anon gets a Banana Pi >>60297377 >>60297404
• Anon gets a tri-spinner, it spins >>60297922
• Anon gets fake raybans that are child sized and broken out of the box >>60299976
• Anon's first chink shit, a USB midi cable >>60300013 >>60300035 >>60300085
• Anon posts webms of spinners >>60301919 >>60302398
• Another anon with yet another spinner >>60303109
• Anon reviews a Motospeed keyboard, gamepad grip for his smartphone and a KZ ZST >>60304999
• Anon buys a bike phone grip so he can watch tv shows while in bed >>60305517 >>60305539
• Anon just got the KZ ATRs >>60308559

Previous thread >>60292222
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The zuk z2 cover and screen protector has just arrived while the actual phone (that I ordered on March the 28th, a week before these) has yet to be seen.
Not even a working tracking number.

Anons please give me hope ;_;
Why did you chase Comfy away? He's the prime contributor to the thread and discord.
best bang for your buck chink headphones? (yes i've read the infographic)
*bluetooth headphones
Sound Intones
He's active in the discord.
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The chink safety razor I ordered arrived today. It's a 6 dollar clone of the 60 dollar merkur futur.
Feels nice and solid in hand, doesn't look or feel like a chink piece of shit. There was a small cosmetic flaw where the coating had chipped off under the 'cap', but that doesn't bother me.
I didn't have any blades on me since this is my first safety razor and the stores I usually go to don't have any, so I'll most likely have to look around more or order some recommended ones online. I still needed to shave so I used one of the 5 blades they send with the handle. The blades have no markings on them, but I guess they were decent enough because it cut very well and in the end I had a clean shave.
It's adjustable in the sense that you can twist the handle to increase or decrease the gap between the lower part and the cutting blade, but I have no idea what's optimal so I just used the second setting (scale is from 0.5 being the tightest to 6 being the widest gap, at least from what I can tell).
Overall opinions are positive. I don't feel chinked yet, I'll just have to see how it holds up.
Can you faggots stop circlejerking about that eceleb shit? Fucking annoying
>thanks, which model of ausdom or bluedio do you recommend?
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bought a tripod for phones and some sd to sata board

tripod has rubber missing on one leg, whoever packaged it somehow didn't notice that, and the sd to sata piece of shit only goes up to 4MB/s R/W

am I fucked or is there some other reason why it won't do anything faster than 4mbs, I wanted this to replace my broken laptop drive.
There can only be 2 tripfags at one time, the master and the apprentice. When Crabster showed up something had to give and RegularOP certainly isn't going anywhere.
Isn't Comfy the one posting dozens of Gearbest coupons in the Discord? If so, thank you so much sir
The blades are rebranded Personna blades, they're pretty good. Be careful with the aggressive settings though. That thing can nick you bad if it slips because it's so heavy.
get a better SD card? It's hardly the adapter's fault.
Whens the next AliExpress sale? I need some coupons.
I thought the same but whatever I plug in there's no difference, even my sandisk ultra cards are limited to that speed which normally go up to 80mb/s or something.
cop or not?
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>Not having a chinkshit custom watercool loop
4MB/s is such a weird speed tho. Good luck figuring it out
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ok don't buy this
>comfy has access to all of Gearbest's coupons
Paid Gearbest shill finally confirmed
is the SD formatted to NTFS? because the start looks fast - almost like NTFS buffering
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>• Anon reviews a Benjie S5 >>60295613(Cross-thread)
Is there any info on chink earbuds cables? I've read the infograph and there's nothing about em'
none of my cards are NTFS, all FAT32 because cameras and phones
Do KZ-ZST comes with volume control?
it's a simple play-pause/accept call button
Fuck autism cubes, sayonara autism spinners. I just got emailed by Gearbest about the new hot autism toy they're pushing. Behold, AUTISM STICKS.

All good children's toy fads spin.
Remember spinning tops? Yoyos?
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I got disappointed when I saw that. Fuck the microphone, I want buttons
I was sad too when I first got my KZ-ATES but you'll get used to just grabbing for the phone to change the volume or track. It's a minor thing imo
don't forget the classic that is the slinky spring
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Autism toys were a hot /csg/ meme WAY before children fell for the autism spinner jew thanks to YouTube. The autism stick is a chance for us to break free of all the underage faggotry plaguing this general and reclaim autism toys for ourselves again.

Sticks > spinners
Autism sticks look boring. If I was going to buy something long and hard I'd at least want something to stick in my ass.

Is comfy even american?
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How desperate can one shitposter be?
Being paid in USD is one thing, it's just that countries that aren't the US don't use cheques, or the imperial system, or signature based credit cards, or roads full of potholes, etc etc
>countries that aren't in the US don't use cheques
Why are Americans so ignorant?
I like how the cheque is dated to 1977
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It was the first Google image result for "Scotland cheque", I'm in Norwich and get cheques from the Tories every year for tax rebates. God bless you Mrs. May.
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>perfect ornaments for your party
Kururin toys aren't new

High markup version: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1038095377/mokuru-the-amazing-desk-toy-that-you-can-take-anyw/comments
>buying clothes from aliexpress and not taobao/yupoo
fucking retard
ah yes a 1972 troll
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Not bad for $10

Theyre mostly plastic, the frame might be metal. Hinges are bit stiff too.
rip computer
If you're not a poor fag, cheques are very much a thing in the UK

Didn't ask for branding myself.
I don't know why you bother to inspect element and lie to make comfy look worse when his patreon does all the work for him. He needs to take that down. E-begging is fucking disgusting.
what is comfy's subreddit?
I can't find any set of metal measuring cups that have a 1 dl cup, all I can find are these.
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How's the quality?

I would never in a million years use chinkshit near my food. Lead poisoning has made me retarded enough through shooting guns, I don't need to be eating it too.
Ben thinking about getting earphones like these, can you wear these without wearing them over your ears?
That shit's so cash
Ordered them. Is there a /csg/-approved sun glass case?
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nice Vaseline you got there anon
Come on son you seriously need handholding to get you that? Find one yourself it's just a sunglass case.
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They cost 1€, there is no need for handholding, I was just asking if someone could recommend one, dude.
plastic. finish is good, didnt spot any defects

the fake ray ban "leather" case was included, doesnt smell chinky as usual.
You can't go wrong with metal and glass, dude. Firstly, lead is more expensive than steel and aluminium so they won't make pans or whatever out of it, and secondly, give that shit a good wash and it's perfectly fine. No solvents or poisons or whatever can stick to metal. And if it does, it won't come off in the food.
I want to order a pair but I'm so insecure and afraid I'll look like a fag.
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Thanks. Ordered this also for 1€ because I need a hard shell case.
Just do it. They cheapest shit sunglasses here cost the same so there is not really a loss.

Donate just one dollar to have access to his blog about bird maintenance and Scottish independence.
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My friend want a dual (not tri) wing spinner.
What should I pick for him? There seems to be many types of bearings and materials.
don't think you can go wrong with classics models. worst case is you get beat up and robbed for the sake of $10 fake glasses
implying you don't already
unban zambz
explain this spam
How does he reconcile wanting Scottish independence with keeping his birds completely neotenized and reliant upon him?
Every time
Should I buy an autism spinner?

GB has one on sale for less than 2€.
>We are here to serve serious autism enthusiast only.
>How do you know if you are an Autsim Junkie?
>How do you know if you are a genuine autism enthusiast?
I wish someone would finally pledge a dollar so it's not so hilariously depressing.

t. not Comfy
Not even Comfy's tripfag discord cabal cares enough about him to donate a dollar. He's doomed.
Autism spinners are old news.

Autism sticks are where it's at.
Ordered a backpack over a month ago and it hasn't gotten here yet. Buyer protection has ended. What do? The shipping hasn't really up[dated a ton. Last week it said that it arrived in Los Angeles, I live in Utah so it should have gotten here by now. What do? Open a dispute?
Any good wifi dongles? With well supported chipset and monitor mode.
got me there

Watch out for these Silicone Test Leads
Works fine with monitor mode and under Linux.

But it will stop working after 2-3 months probably
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>uploads a video once a year
>every other video is an autistic update video about nothing
>stopped reviewing chink shit entirely in favour of boring charity shop vlogs
>never includes birds in videos despite constantly talking about them

Gee I wonder why no one cares about the channel now.
remax s2

awei A920BL


sound intone H6 ?

Can't find HDSE's on stock anymore, are they discontinued?

About the same price
>The FC1307A is a highly integrated solution for multi-channel SDHC interface to Compact-Flash/IDE interface application.
Can you check what IDE to SATA bridge it got?
Anyone ever order motherboards from aliexpress?

They have some really neat sub-ITX stuff, but I'm kind of wary of ordering $100+ complex pieces of electronics from there.
>not going for the classics


https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10030299/7607502-fura-edc-hand-fidget-spinner-focus-toy get dis one
>Cock Mint

why am I laughing at this
You can buy similar boards from newegg.
Can chinkshit beat chromecast?
Who's to say you can't fiddle with it on you're rectum?
Any development boards people can suggest as an alternative to the Pi Zero W?
Ideally cheap ones, because my current plan is to buy about 15 Pis, usb adapters, and wifi adapters.

Also, anything that'd make a good media centre device? I'm currenly using a jailbroken PS3 with Movian.
I'm guessing you mean the chip with that. it's an fc1307a
hold on im retarded and cant read
How about that chip under QC-sticker? FC1307A seems only doing SD > IDE conversion.
it has the jm20330
any android box you find should do the job, that's what I'm using currently.
No newegg here unfortunately, just a few shady resellers that sell very few models at 80% markup.
Are they polarized? For $10 I could get unbranded aviators with real glass lens
Is this autism spinner any good? I've heard that having just 2 arms is the optimal type, but I dunno.
fuck off
I can't get those for $11 a piece though.
Thanks. In theory IDE speed should go up to 133 MB/s, but that adapter must be faulty.
For SD cards it only tells "SD system Spec 3.0 compatible" specs.
Fidget spinner should be a bannable subject.

It basically means the poster is underage anyway

They don't seem to be, tested with hologram that came with other chink glasses.
>For $10 I could get unbranded aviators with real glass lens
You can't though. Glass is rarely used these days, since it is fragile and very prone to scratching. Most lenses today are either CR-39 plastic or polycarbonate.
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I bought one of these for shits and giggles https://www.aliexpress.com/item/88-108MHz-FM-wireless-microphoneSurveillance-transmitter-module-For-arduino-New/2033125612.html

It says operating voltage 2v-9v, so can I just hook up a 18650 directly? Also why does it have two power inputs? does it need both? And how long should the antenna be?

Thanks for the help :)
Get a friend to middleman it to you. Paying extra shipping beats getting fisted by eBay scum.
Are you gonna be spying on your mom, your stepsister, or both?
I don't want to spy on anyone, I got it because it's cheap and I want to practise soldering fiddly shit.
What a fucking waste. Figure it out on your own, then
Again, it's a sunglasses case. It's hard for them to go wrong there, just pick one that looks nice.
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Triggering my autism
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Can you guys give me some recommendations for best smart watches? I don't want to overpay, but I don't want some useless cheap shit either. What models/price range you recommend?
Mi Band
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is it tea?
The second input is for phantom power
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its a NATO strap that cost more than the watch that i am using and some metal chopsticks that i don't remember ordering!
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Looks like it only needs one power input and it can be hooked up to a 18650
Pls no.
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Coolpad Cool Play 6 Official- Gaming Phone, 6GB RAM, Large Battery & More

Dual IMX258
4060mAh battery


Xiaomi is finished.
Is that soldered directly to the battery terminals?
I don't know, I took it from some Ukrainian in the feedback section
Sexy bitch. Does Coolpad care about build quality?
I got my protectors and cases before my phone too.
I've had it for 5 months now, it's great.
Oi laddies, got a big Q for ye
Posted inne /hpg/ but figure ye lots wud have a clu aye ye?? rite so

I was wondering, which earbud tips are generally the most comfortable rated by csg? Also, are there any tips that allow external sound perforation/entrance? I use my memebuds at work (drywall mudder) and I need to be able to hear when people shout necessities but I still need my intense chunez for mad productivity

Any help would be appreciated.
The penis plugs from the OP pdf seem to be great.
I would rate the fonge s500 and tennmak pro as very comfy. But it's a very personal thing.
im zambz and im banned from the csg discord
>fonge s500 and tennmak pro
What tips are you using?
literally WHO
csg discord was deleted, it doesn't exist anymore

>gaming phone
Sure boy.
My thoughts this morning.
Thanks, I got it working, Audio quality is pretty good for the price

please explain
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Nah you're probably just IP banned. It was never deleted.

T. Current conversation
I bought two 256mb microsdcards and this happens
>mongolia :D
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I swear to god, those chinks have something against west mongolia.

ps. Posti is also getting buttplasted by chink shit, we have about 10 million delivers of chinkshit every year. Note that our population is just 5.4 million
but you are one and the same with chinks
Meanwhile Posti is processing chink shit for Russian https://www.posti.fi/english/current/2015/20150608_Alibaba_group.html
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We actually have morgorian heritage, but we still consider chinks and nips to be our cousins and shiet
This is also interesting... Wait god damn it
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I recieved my FM microphone bug. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/88-108MHz-FM-wireless-microphoneSurveillance-transmitter-module-For-arduino-New/2033125612.html

Please excuse the shitty soldering. The audio quality is pretty decent. You should easily be able to hear everything in a room.
I can't turn the frequency adjustment knob because it's so damn tiny but that's a minor annoyance.
I think I should wait for the 60 days and then get automatic full refund.
What do you guys think?
neato, what are you planning to do with it? Did you solder it yourself?
do they even sell such small ones?
what do you have it soldered to? what is your set-up for surveillance?
No idea what to do with it yet.

You only have to solder on the antenna and power leads.Pretty easy to do.
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All microphones work best if supplied with 48V of phantom power.
shut the fuck off
Also I need the cheapest MP3 player that can play FM radio
i think the ruizi does that
Dynamic mics don't require phantom power but their quality is much lower than condenser.
>> RNP3 arrives in October
>> Random reboots
>> Dispute opened, phone has local warranty
>> Wait until January coping with the reboots hoping MIUI updates fix them
>> Don't install Lineage in case I wanted to claim warranty

Fed up. Claimed warranty. Have to send to a local address and if they agree, I'll get a refund in Aliexpress voucher

What phone should I get with the voucher? RNP3 was almost perfect except for the reboots, could live with a better camera or smaller screen, 5 instead of 5,5
I'm thinking sub 5$
well then that anon ought to mod his fm bug with a bm800
>smaller screen, 5 instead of 5,5
do they even make smaller screens anymore
Lenovo Zuk Z2.

Don't ever buy a a Xiaoshit again, they ALL malfunction after 6 months. it's why they're so cheap.

Get a superior Lenovo technology that has actually went through a QC process.
Has anyone bought a DS flashcart recently?

Not sure where to get one, every site looks a bit sketchy.
>I need a professional looking site for buying my illegal goods
Just look it up in the DS community and buy wherever is most reliable. There's a whole DS modding community on /vg/
>DS carts
what cucked country are you on
I've seen 4,7 but usually in low tier android phones, Xperia compact or iPhone SE. I'm aiming for mid range and swap every 18 months (avoiding flagships, not worth, 2nd hand last
year flagships, no updates and potential battery issues, and cheaper Androids, no ROM - bad camera)


No official updates in sight, Lenovo is axing Zuk
I don't entirely understand flashcart legality, but ebay and aliexpress seem to discriminate against DS carts while every other type of flashcart seems to be allowed.
Holy fuck, Lenovo killed the Zuk line so you must do all this shilling """for free""". That makes it even more pathetic.

Stop telling people to buy a dead line of phones with no official custom roms (your unofficial pajeet home-brew ports of Lineage don't count) and no more support from Lenovo. They don't even help Zuk customers at customer service anymore, tons of pajeets are mad on XDA. At least wait until the new Moto line comes out before you shill Lenovo again.
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Lithuanian Xiaoshit shills detected. It's just a rename. it's been called the Lenovo Z2 in pajeetland since ages.

Z2, Moto G5, Huawei Nova are all better 5" choices than the Redshit 4 Crime.
pls give link
Default for the tennmak
Some regular tips for the fonge. The tips that come with it suck.
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I want to stop buying chink knives but this one is tempting me hard.
Tell me, why do you need to buy knives? Like, honestly, what the fuck do you do with them?
Im holding a pair of aviators with metal frame and real glass lens in my hands right now. Not chinkshit, though its probably made in China.
If I had any use for them I wouldn't want stop buying them.

But seriously, the only uses they get are:
- Slicing fruit at work
- Campinb/barbeque with friends
- Fishing bag

So from my collection, only 3-4 knives get actual use.

I don't need more, but I want more, call it autism.
Open boxes of chink knives I get in the mail.
>- Slicing fruit at work
not eating with the peel

>- Campinb/barbeque with friends
You like pitching your tent?

>- Fishing bag

>Open boxes of chink knives I get in the mail.
Yup, most likely scenario.
Buy supercard DSTwo
The skin is poisonous dude
Too expensive. I don't even need a card that works on anything other than a dslite.
>just a rename
Nice fake news, shill. They cancelled the Zuk Z3 and killed off the entire brand. Do you get off on lying about absolutely everything?

Whats hard to understand about fishing bag? You take throw away knives with you especially if you are on a boat so if you lose them, oh well.
>Fishing bag
To keep in tackle box. When you go fishing. Cutting line, gutting fish, etc.

If you ever went outdoors you'd realize knife have actual uses.
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SD card to sata guy here, check this speed out

I have no idea how to fix this and I'm not even the only one with the same 4mb/s read/write speed.

I guess that's it then. What a waste of money.
Tablets with non-shit linux support?
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Is it chinksmass already?
It sure feels like it
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>thinking you made a bargain
update on that, the board gets really warm for something that is pretty much doing nothing
It's a sub brand of Lenovo you dumb fuck, who cares.
>who cares
>semi-independent Zuk division completely dissolved with everyone laid off

That means no more support meaning it's not a "rebrand". Zuk and the whole team who worked on it is dead/laid off. I'm just correcting the record from all the shill lies, faggot.
Couple of weeks ago I saw some anon buying Mao Tse Tung lighters / matches in stylish boxes.

Can anyone give me a link for those?
Any legit chinky ereaderd or should I just get a kobo ?
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7.6" 4:3.1 3000x2143 px chinky comfie ereader for animu and mango when??
w8 until patent expires
>t. newfag
e-ink patent still hasn't expired

get a used kindle if you want something cheap
It already expired. Chinks arent making them because no one uses e-readers
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Wew, my potato camera can't show this well enough, but what a pretty package
They sound amazing as well!
lmao check this out

This channel... is pure... cancer.
Stop hating everything. The video is funny.
how much
Condoms that won't give me cancer?
inb4 breakage: Never practiced how to put one on, gotta do that.
almost every clinic has free condoms
what the hell nig
Anens I got velvet memepads for my superlux 668b from eBay for 5 bux. I tested them today and they are very comfy. The difference in comfort is astonishing. Also no more sweating.
60 burger tokens, thanks to the anniversary sale!

Normally they go for 90

Worth every fucking penny and
Go to your local sexual health clinic and get free condoms
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Here is a photo. And they were originally for the akg k240 but they fit.
>Never practiced how to put one on, gotta do that.

it's not rocket science dawg
Sometimes when preparing meals, you need to peel the skin off the fruit/vegetable you're going to use.
to put on a condom:
1) get your dick hard
2) open condom wrapper
3) hold the tip of the condom
4) roll condom down your dick all the way to the base while holding the tip
5) release
What are some good cheap straight edges?
Not as cancerous as Comfy "Please Donate To My Patreon" Reviews
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Considering the size of the 668b its amazing what fits with a bit of persistence.
There aren't any. You're looking at upwards of 100 bucks for anything decent, and they don't even come honed.

Straight Razors aren't worth it if you're looking to save money. You could potentially find cheap vintage ones but it's a crap shoot, because it's hard to tell if they're in good condition or not.

Cheap razors made with poor steel will NOT hold an edge, don't get chinked.
Do chinks make anything that will help me with my hemorroids
>having this much of an issue with size
Ass cancer guaranteed
wtf are they comfy though ?
Also note that condoms are also chink size, smell like shit and lubricant is probably gutter oil. You wouldn't either practice sex with chink heroin addict hooker wouldn't you?
Yeah very comfy, brainwavs pads though, so they cost the same as the headphones did.
>You wouldn't either practice sex with chink heroin addict hooker wouldn't you?

thai whores is where the good shit is at
>gaming phone
>no game pad built in
Is it an old pair? Because it is uncommon, since the plastic lenses are considered superior in most cases.
What is that demonstrator/clear fountain pen?
Got a link?
because you're an annoying actual underage
Jinhao 599
I bought my Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 one year ago and it's as good as new... And the last update was 1.5 months ago :^)
i may cop that
I bought them from here

Tea autism best csg meme
here you http://www.ebay.com/itm/162028786749?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
is there a search engine specifically for searching for products across multiple chink sites?
inb4 google

Maybe those are some old ass pre 2007 bans.
Any USB 1.0 USBs? I need it for an original xbox.
Zuk is dead anyway. Pajeets will be your only choice for custom roms.
There any chink cathode ray tubes?
Small oscilloscope tubes would be ideal.

They stopped making them in europe years ago.

You don't want a glass lenses. Heavier, worse protection, and worse properties than polycarbonate.
What Chinese teas does csg drink?
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Long Dong
Tie Guanyin

Stop sukkin' your own cock anon
Watch as we unwittingly create local csg meetup on mass scale by joining transience in hospital with toxic chink teas
Ma Huang.
Chink Adderall.
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Where from? I'm about to do a massive Yunnan Sourcing haul pretty soon.
>his cock isn't big enough to be self-sucked
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Bluetooth wireless headphones on amazon desu ka? been looking but i can't find shit worth it. i needa za blueteethza
Interesting. But after the chink tea health scares in SF Chinatown and even herr on csg, where does one get the good stuff?
It is too hung to be sucked anon.
Gravity is pulling it down.
I get my Tie Guanyin/Shuixian/Huangjin from Anxi, Fujian. Longjing I get from Hangzhou
I mean what supplier
Get AWEI or Sound intones
Ali purged all the tea listings.
you can still buy them from eBay and most of them ship from China so it's still technically chinkshit.


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thank you but these are not bluetooth! my audio jack is broken on my laptop
I literally get my friendos/associates in Fujian to buy them for me from the local tea stores or from Anxi/Quanzhou so I dunno.
You are pretty shit at lying Anon




Sound Intones:

If you want more Bluetooth headphones, check out Cowin/Ausdom/Bluedio you goddamn twinky

Actual tea instead of caps.
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Guys, I need your help. I was chinked by Peter.
I ordered a few NTAGs, but chinks sent a pen.
Jim Xuan oolong
Unwind from your misery with a good Chinese tea. Then dispute. That pic will suffice as evidence.
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i'm not a twinky
You didn't tell him shit, what did you expect?
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Don't lie.
Post your Boipucci.
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50 cents
nah that was just a message, he never responded and i filled out a dispute with video proof detailed writeup etc.
Shot in the dark here,
does anybody know if there's a CSG arcade stick that I could buy that isn't a bad PCB that I could gut and put in better buttons and controls.

From what I can tell I can buy the buttons and the control stick separately for about $30-$40, but any controller that already has them in it is around 200. So does anybody know about an arcade stick I could buy for pretty much just a PCB and Case alone?
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What da fucking fuck, Peter?
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some cheap ass puerh that taste like a dank cave, let me tell you bro there is nothing better than drinking that from your semi broken gaiwan while opening packages.
"I'm as sure as I'm sure to get Big Brother Jack Ma involved if you don't fix this shit"
Mr. Ma would fix it at the blink of a chink eye.
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why do you retards shovel your money to Peter and Long Dong?

all of the headphones i've looked at on amazon have some pretty serious one star ratings from recently. i can't find a pair of headphones!
Get ISK/Takstar and Oneodio faggot
I Just ordered a LeEco Le Max 2 on geekbuying with DHL what are my chance to never receive it ?
Are these chink arduinos with wifi shields decent enough? will they do the job just as well as an official one?
you will get it, but also you will get ass raped by customs
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The EINK Patent expired!?
cop or not!?
dosnt look that bad
*its the one called darwin in the site
I heard after buying it for the customs shit, how much will i have to pay?
Theyre new. Same store has well built polarized plastic sunglasses for the same price but half of it is identical to shit on Ali.
Theyre not ray bans.
I prefer them on aviator/pilot type glasses, I dont mind the weight. Glass has inherently assured UV protection.
Doesnt seem like a good deal compared to American e-readers
Doesn't seem like a better price
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I wish I could kill Peter.
>spinners everywhere
Have we started the fire?
Post those pics anon. Let us be the judge of whether or not you're lying.


I wish I was, so I wouldn't be so pissed about that chink laughing my face off.
How's the redmi note 4 in terms of build quality?
Does it still snap in half like it's predecessor?
Will it die after a year of abuse?

Is the software good? Or must I flash it right away?
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How much does the pen weigh
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>proof you are lying
>give you a partial refund

XD XD XD fuck peter
Compare the tracking info you got from them (or the dispatch date) and try and prove the package came from them.

Don't get emotive, just provide the facts in dot points.

1. I ordered X at time, for amount
2. I received tracking information Y from DickFaceMcgee
3. etc etc

Good luck getting unchinked.
which store you bought nfc tags from, i dropped 40$ on tags and theve been stuck in customs for like 45 days
>Don't get emotive.
I'll try.

Just asking, but aren't these things already explicit in AE's own system?

Peter's Reliable Store.
Yeah, but it will make him look like a cunt when he argues with it. Either that or he'll fold when he realises you have your ducks in a row.

Also, don't give AE a chance to fuck it up.

At the end of all this, ram a 1 star up his star.
Try and find someone selling the same pen that was sent to you, I'll bet you find Peter under a different business name
Got it. I'll do it, anon. Thanks!

It's a golden Jinhao-something-something. Many people selling them.
Best of luck.
Maybe you could point to the fact that you've never ordered that pen if nothing else
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mfw can't ching the chong

well maybe just stop supporting peter's business
They get so fucking indignant and self-righteous when they chink you, it's like it's a point of pride to never admit wrongdoing
how big are the tags you were supposed to get
i mean that package looks kinda big
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I mentioned that. Thanks for pointing it.

I won't even answer him anymore, but I thought you guys would like to kek at Mr. Sherlock, too.

It's about 12x18cm. I don't know how big would it need to be, but my [spoiler]girlfriend[/spoiler] received some Gudetama stickers that came in a 11x13cm package.
the link's not working, i believe you only can view it
Oh, sure, I shared the wrong link. Here:
depends on where you live but expect 20% +dhl fees
Where do I go for good aliexpress clothes? Thieve is too inconsistent, /csg/ is too tech-oriented and /cgl/ just talks about period pads and kneesocks all day
men's clothes*
how safe is it to buy ryzen 5 1600x from ebay?
Good starter drone?
Drones / Quadcopters

Floureon H101
[Eachine H8] with Open Source Firmware
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replace yesstyle with aliexpress
last thread has some shop suggestion go and check them out
What an asshole. Chinks sent me the wrong item but it was much more expensive than what I ordered and they still resent the original item and didn't ask for more money or for me to return the extra item. Really hope I don't get chinked on my NFC cards
>128gb shark sd cards are fucking 55 bucks on goibest
wtf. they were like $30 when I got mine some months ago.
I don't get it, they all look like they fit okay.
Don't do it.
Chink clothes are not a good deal. They're all shitty polyester and too expensive. Good cheap clothing is in Bangladesh.
Jesus. Why is /fa/ so ugly and unfashionable?
Mind you most of /g/ is shitty with tech...
Seriously, what's wrong with the image other than not having the autistic looking folds and piling in reality?
They don't fit at all, they look awful unless you have a very specific Asian body type
incredibly thing/ low quality material. Likely will be destroyed in one wash. Poorly sewn. List goes on. But mostly it's just worn by autists.
Where do you think we are? Although nowadays /fa/ is flooded with tumblr users and 16 year-olds, so that picture is off.
Is there a Bangla-express equivalent?
Is there any good chink 6 button mice/mouse, my mouse's middle button doesn't work anymore but I can still scrolling
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>TFW have 3 open orders from January you could take the money for, but you feel the chinks need it more than you.
I know I will get the products eventually anyway. Always do.
You know when they call you dear and say that they hope to be friends with you they don't actually mean it right?
if I actually have to talk to them I do my best to get my way. I just dont file like disputing a chinese kid over $10, when he needs it more than me. especially cause I always get it anyway. Chinkshit just takes forever to get here anyway. My sister games it for free shit all the time. I guess she is more heartless than me.
I've got 25£ to spend shit on what do I buy?
Those whitebois are all skinny and have an Asian tier frame. Its surprisingly loose on those lanklets.
Makes sense, it does look very cheap but I don't know how much those cost. The same complaints can be said for a lot of American mall brands that sell expensive shirts that don't even look or feel expensive then they self destruct even if you handwash them.
Yes yes
Good Chink Car stereo system? want something that'll mirror my android phone and do google maps/ music.
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Let me get this straight
>needs car stereo
>needs to mirror phone screen to the car stereo screen
>you basically use car stereo as remote control for your phone

Is there even such a thing on market? Equivalent?
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>ONYX BOOX e-book readers are flagship of the market over the past few years - IT Expert
why are the best review in ali always from israel customers?
yes its called mirrorlink or something like that.
it's not like a 1to1 copy of the screen its just apps like google maps, phone, music etc are controlled through the system.
bought it.
Use the randomizer dumbass
Yeaa, why not just buy regular 3,5mm cable or Bluetooth car stereo and this


What i quickly checked the mirrorlink doesn't seem to be that good, you need to connect your phone with cable anyway (?).
How much does he think a pen weighs? Mine is at 17g. Which generally goes as 50g and under.

Just post pics of your recent order history to show you've never ordered a pen and the pic you already have and wait for Jack Ma.
wtf posting from the future?
Actually /fa/ could do more exercise.
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