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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 358
Thread images: 55

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It was a punishment from the gods. They would destroy any technological leverage he might craft for himself.
He beat 'em at least once, that's how he got the punishment in the first place. And he's got unlimited time to plot his revenge.
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Is there a goto Windows 7 iso torrent with recent updates?

Also somewhat related, got my Ryzen build on its way, do W10 offer any substantial performance advantage?
It normal that Acronis True Image likes to hang and crash a lot when I actually try to restore one of the backups it has created? Or does it just not like Dynamic Volumes or something?

The actual background service seems to be fine and I can check progress well enough with the tray icon (or just opening the volume I'm restoring my files to) but if I try to open the app to see detailed progress or ETA it will hang almost immediately and crash if I try to interact with it at all.

Honestly don't know if this program is even any good but I got it free with my SSD and seemed a fair bet to do the quick backup/restore I needed since I was reworking a RAID array and needed everything off for a bit.
There's ISOs on mydigitallife, but generally getting modded copies is just asking for raging piles of malware. The convenience rollup helps though.


10 isn't much of an improvement at this point. Dx12 is a little underwhelming and vulcan does about as well.
I asked in the other thread:

What's the static resistor thingy called on cords that a lot of companies put on the end of it? Normally it's like around 1/2 to an inch long. It can be snapped off if you know how. My power cable has one to my PC
Are the update rollups cumulative? I was under the impression that the May 2016 one included everything up to that point, and then from that point on the monthly rollups only included new updates since the last one. Wound up just grabbing the May one for that reason since I couldn't find a single page that had all of them in a convenient list, just links to some of them scattered all over the place. (What the fuck, Microsoft?) And anyway just downloading a bit less than a year of updates wasn't so bad.
I want to caputre video from freecams and cams4 are these programmes safe:

they come without adware or not?
Is there a better RSS reader for general desktop notifications than FeedDemon? Been using it for years (even paid for it back when they were still selling a premium version) but since it has been discontinued by the developer for a long time now been wondering if anything better has come along since. Just want easy desktop notifications from multiple sources, should have some kind of filtering functionality and a nice browsing interface.
Laptop buy guide anyone?
Alternatively, suggestions for a ~1000$ laptop? Used mostly for business, not much gaming.
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Cheers mate
My hard drive suddenly stopped working. I was told that I might be able to salvage some of my files off it by buying a USB-SATA adapter which would allow me to connect the hard drive to another computer and copy the files across. I bought one but when I connect the hard drive up and attempt to view the files, the screen goes completely black until I disconnect it. This happens on every computer I've tried.

I'm guessing the hard drive is completely fucked?
Yes, they are cumulative. You only need the latest one. The convenience rollup is like an unofficial service pack. It covers a lot of ground towards getting you up to date. The potential down side is you can't uninstall any of it's updates individually if you use it. So you're stuck with a couple of telemetry ones.
QuiteRSS is pretty good. You can get it from MajorGeeks
I need a television around 20inch, minimum 1920x1080, on board speakers and HDMI input.

What's a good one I can get? I don't need/want a bluray player or anything else attached.
>screen goes completely black until I disconnect it

You're not trying to boot from the thing, are you?
No, just view the files like the way you would use a USB. Apparently this is how they work but honestly I don't know because I have no experience with this sort of thing.
why does opera seem faster than chrome even tho they the same engine?
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What programs can I use to mount ISO files on Win10?

fucking DAEMON tools doesn't fucking work and I want to set up this hentai game and my boner is uncontained!!
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Any idea how to block these ads? I have uBlock and tried blocking the element but no luck.
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fuck, wrong pic.
You should check the documentation and see what your version is capable of / licensed to handle. Dynamic volumes could definitely be a curveball it's not designed to handle. In general I've always had the best results with EaseUS and Macrium, and I've never needed the paid version of either.
I think those count as annotations on youtube, try have all annotations disabled.
Do you have a desktop you could attach it to directly?
Windows 10 lets you mount ISOs natively.
Whenever i compile something it utilizes only one thread. Does make (or whatever compiles it) has any global settings for this ?
make -j$(nproc)
I've got one but I don't use it anymore. Although I'm sure I can still use it for this. So all I have to do is attach it as a second hard drive, boot up the computer and see if the hard drive is recognised? Thanks
OC'ing a 6600k at the moment.

Is the safe vcore before or after vdroop (nop LLC on his MB)?

Any other tension to change (on a z170) to stabilize ?

It has a worker stopping during prime95 at 1.375 vcore in BIOS (which is high), did my friend get a piece of shit that can't OC?

What's a safe 24/7 vcore (bios)? I read 1.3 to 1.4 on air. Is 1.4 too much?
In my day we used Alcohol 120%
Right click "mount". W10 can read isos natively.
Ausfag here. I hear the government is now storing everyone's metadata, and that if you want to escape this, there's some measure you'd need to take, something about a vpn? Can anyone explain? I'm a bit of a retard on this issue
If you have a good primary OS on that computer, sure. You can also attach it in place of your regular hard drive and boot off a USB or flashdrive. If you need a good copy of windows with all the tools on it, this ISO works well


Sometimes linux can handle things that windows can't, so if that doesn't cut it you might also take a stab at it with ubuntu.
Will look into that, thanks
For what purpose would you mess with an equalizer? I just got a pair of gaming headphones and they sound muddled, like it's not clear when the equalizer is flat. I'm just trying to make everything overall sound better.
VPNs are encrypted links between two far away computers/devices over the internet. You can set up your own, say one at your house that lets your phone connect safely over public wifi, or you can pay someone to be that other end. You trust them with all your internet traffic, so they basically replace your ISP as the ones with the access to that information. People put a lot of effort into trying to figure out which ones are "trustworthy", but really all we have to go on is their word, and the laws of the country they happen to be in. Their best use is usually copywrite infringement and mild anonymity. Most regular websites you log in to will throw a fit that you suddenly appear to be in a different country.
Are they USB or headphone jack? Do they sound good on other devices?
Usb, I don't think I have any other usb devices to connect to other than my tv, but I would have to reinstall the 7.1 surround on there somehow. Should flat eq sound like this?
The defaults should be decent, but it's kinda hard to say in your situation. Gaming headphones are kind of an odd category, and shit isn't always made the way it should be. You can try it with or without the third party app it probably comes with. You could also try booting up linux live and seeing what it sounds like there. Check around online to see if anyone else is having problems with that model. And maybe ask around on the headphone thread

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Anyone know what this is called? So I can find the solution for making these symbols readable.
VPN novice here

I would like to have the ability to access my files on a NAS from anywhere. Bonus if I can use remote desktop. I currently have a PIA subscription and I also have an extra router in my possession (asus rtn66u)

What do I need to do/get so I can remotely access my network via VPN? Do I have to build a server (like with a RPi) or is the router able to act as the server?

Any idiot proof guides out there to achieve this?
what if I don't like typical hedonism
can hedonism be programming?
I'm trying to build something with MSYS2, but I get
>fatal error: sys/un.h: No such file or directory
Apparently sys/un.h has to do with UNIX sockets, which makes sense, but what package do I need to download to get it? How would I even find something like that?
they're placeholder symbols
the numbers inside them denote which unicode character they are, if you search for one, you'll know what kind of font will have them
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how do I add gnatcoll packages to linker?
i've compiled them all but gnatls -v doesnt list /usr/lib/gnatcoll/**/ and i dont know how to add it
please help
gnatbind -I- -x /usr/lib/gnatcoll/gnatcoll.static/gnatcoll.ali
gnatbind: Cannot find: gnatcoll.ali

ls /usr/lib/gnatcoll/gnatcoll.static/ | grep gnatcoll.ali


Router can host a vpn on it's own.
I'll have a look in that soon, thanks, i'll try switching to a different port and see what happens too.
Any way to know if a mobo jas bad sound quality before I buy it? For example my laptop has good sound but my friend's desktop has very distorted, tinny sound.
I have to spend 50 hours working on a comp sci project for school, but I don't know what to make.

What do /g/?
You can google what audio chip is on it, and try find some people's reviews. Generally, don't rely on onboard audio to be consistent because I doubt they do much quality control. Unless you go for more expensive motherboards, which include half-decent chips.
Alternatively, the sound difference you might be hearing is due to power output difference, if you're using headphones that need stronger amplification than your friend's desktop supplies. (Unlikely though.)
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JS question seeing as theres no /wdg/ up atm
wtf is this inside of a function?
$.something ? is it an object/variable/function i dont get it
Can you see this shitpost from a kindle? When do you think the experimental browser will be good?
Why is it Americans are so afraid of alcohol?
As in it is illegal for people under 21, the term "legal limit" isn't just for assigning blame in traffic accidents and people constantly claim that it is the same as weed.
I get that there is a health risk, but you have to drink a lot and you usually pass out or get sick before you get there. Having a beer in the middle of the day is not shocking or signs of alcohol abuse nor does it mean every action you take the rest of the day is affected by you being drunk.

Is it worth making alcohol related technology if Americans is so afraid of enjoying alcohol without being drunk?
Or enjoying alcohol without becoming a drunk?
Well if I do get one with bad sound would a dac amp or sound card fix it?
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Does anyone know what this is? (Image)

One of the cat6 cables in my office is going across floors and the image is just an access panel into the electrical panels.

Anyway, I was checking why one of the ports upstairs wasn't working and this looks like the most likely culprit as to why it's not working.

But it's the blue pair in the cable that has been spliced into a two pair cable (phoneline I think) which I have no idea where it goes too.

Has someone tried hacking in or something stupid? the port on the switch doesn't show any activity or connection, stats/polling give nothing as well etc.
A DAC does the signal conversion from digital to analogue that a headphone/speaker needs. An amp simply amplifies this signal.
Onboard audio and sound cards are a combination of both of these. Getting a fairly cheap USB sound card is basically guaranteed to sound better than onboard. I'd recommend one if you're worried about sound quality.
Its a function that calls a jquery plugin, once the plugin completes it will call the success function.
what is the cheapest tld to register and renew with payment in btc?
.ru would be the cheapest but afaik you need a passport and no bitcoin payments
Is this card good for a high end phone?
When are we going to be left with only laptops that have non-replaceable batteries so jews can sell more "power banks"? Why aren't manufacturers making it as a standard yet? It is a standard for smartphones for a few years already! Even flagshop phones like samshit 8 has non replaceable battery.

It's a NSA wiretap. Leave it be.
So how do I make it so firefox has ALL unicode/fonts "available".
Constantly see these boxes with numbers in them, I just wanna see them all no matter wtf they are.
Don't really know what to search for, google is retarded.
100Mbit ethernet only uses the green and orange pairs, the others can be tapped off for some other purpose, looks like they used it as a phone line. If you want to convert to regular ethernet wiring, chop out the tap, stick on proper connectors.
How hard would it be to program something to print barcodes in batches? From 1-100, 101-200 etc.

Also, how hard would it be to incorporate an active directory in a C# program?
How does one get gtk file chooser to have thumbnails?
perhaps try GNU unifont
You have to install those fonts into your operating system. This isn't fixed at the browser level.
It's one of four cat6 cables going to two upper floors. Installed around two years ago, I've chopped the wire off and tried to splice it back together. The port isn't even working at 100e regardless, so I'm going with the cable being broken somewhere, a problem for another day though.

But the phone line has never been installed in the property under our lease and the door intercom is still working, it smells more like a tap than anything.
Where can I acquire a "Windows Server 2008 Foundation (x86-64)" ISO? I need one.
what's the program people use to record shit from NETFLIX?
check http://datahoarder2.eieidoh.net:2052/msdn/
now now boys no need to turn it into fan fiction
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Is there any advantage to having a graphics card in a computer that's not for gaming?

I have the urge to throw a cheap one in a productivity build, but I can't decide if it's a waste of money.
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>Got my own router
>ISP provided me with their router
>Can't use my own router
>Have to set their router to 'modem' mode
>then connect my router though the 'modem'
How secure would this be? I'm concerned they might be be doing some fuckery
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Is there anything cool you can do with wireless hotspots aside from their intended purpose?
Hardware acceleration for many little things like video playback would help a bit with day to day usage. If you have a display that's higher res than 1080p I'd definitely recommend getting one.
Pls respond
Modem mode most likely means that it is in bridged mode. This means the modem is just demodulating the connection and spitting out packets to your router.

With this config they are probably not up to any funny business.
Not necessarily with a hotspot, but google 'piratebox' or 'librarybox'.

Essentially you're making a little wireless file repository that circumvents network trafficking. But good luck trying to convince strangers to ever using it.
If you don't have data limits, you can connect it to a router and have that as your Internet connection.
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Cheers anon
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Getting a new laptop soon, want something recent and top-shelf. Looking at:
Thinkpad X1C/Y
XPS 15
Yoga 720/900s
SP4 (or possibly 5)

Will be used mainly for PS/CSP and Sketchup
Am a huge drawfag so I value display quality a lot

Which should I go with? Otherwise, what should I consider?
Can someone explain what is the full difference between installing extensions/addons in your browser and installing scripts. Are there any limitations for each of them?
check you havent disabled remote fonts in the browser (some privacy addons probably do this)
Why can't anything be downloaded with the latest releases of Lightning mobile browser?
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I suggest VAIO Z Canvas.
Just looked at it and is on sale currently.

>WQXGA+, 1.5 ratio = not 1.7 wide meme
>cool built in stand
>claims to be adobe RGB

If you're gonna use a lot of PS CSP and technical toolbars then you're gonna value that extra screen height more than wide meme.
Also featured in CSP http://www.clip-studio.com/clip_site/clipstudiopaint/scenes/comic_illustration
I was looking for the ero-manga sensei version but it got updated recently
What's better than RAID?
also on sale currently
fugg that's redundant but i'm gonna say I won't trust lenovo ever again since the superfish controversy.
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You're in the club and this guy slaps your gf ass, what would you do?
I think it's got a problem with the TTL.
Most ISPs disallow use of wifi router-extenders while limiting the allowed number of devices (ISP router always suck)

Slap my own ass.
install windows 10 on his laptop
>You're in the club and this guy slaps your qt boypussi and you faint to his arms out of anticipation
degenerates don't go to club
I have music on my own PC. What's the easiest way to stream it remotely to another PC?
This other PC will be in an external network. For example my workplace.
about to get a Used Gtx1080, what should i do to test that it is fully functional?

first time doing this.
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Can upgrading a router potentially increase download speeds or is this just some meme?
I'd run some benchmarks to make sure I'm getting the expected performance and temp. Check the internet for reference values.
Also maybe check the screws on the card to see whether it's been opened up before. If not and the performance checks out, you're probably ok.
if the router is the bottleneck, then yes.
my old wrt54g couldn't handle my 100mbit so I had to replace it to get the full speed.
So my download speed is currently a consistent 1.5 mbs (wired and wireless), im cant remember what im meant to be getting but its sure as shit higher than that. I've got a feeling that it's a problem my end because other people around here get much higher. any ideas on wtf is going on or how to potentially fix it?
How to find out which processor is compatible with motherboard in my laptop?
adding to this, cause im also new to building pcs.

When you have a Graphics Card with 2 8pin connectors, does each 8 pin require a separate Power Cable?

my powersupply comes with a cable that has an 8pin (with 2 of the pins dangling), that splits into another 8pin.

My Windows Defender somehow got deleted.
Is there a way to download the application again legitimately? I cannot find it on Microsoft's website because they suck dicks.
for some reason, recently my windows time keeps becoming out of sync. I think it's because I'm connected to a vpn. How do I fix it so it doesn't keep auto-adjusting every time I connect
Are you talking about Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7, or Defender that is built-in to 8, 8.1, and 10? Because you can't delete Defender anymore than you can delete the explorer.
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I trust you can take it form here?
No, Windows Defender in Windows 10.
Yes, you can delete it. I have a shortcut that links to the program, which does not exist anymore.
Best VM software for old laptops running GNU/Linux? I'm thinking either qemu or virtualbox.
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Wouldn't unchecking this be much easier?
Oh, you're saying it's looking up the time at the location of your VPN. I thought you mean it was just failing to update to the correct time.

Your solution may work then.
Not sure where else to ask, so here goes. Is there anyway to download a playlist straight from Spotify, without paying for premium? It costs an arm and a half in Switzerland.

I found this: https://github.com/dekiller82/spotify-playlist-downloader-with-windows-gui, but it's not up to date apparently.

Is this too stupid for this thread?
Look up the spec sheet for your laptop and look up processors of the same family.
"[In Java programming: Make a] public default constructor with no formal parameters and initialize all instance variables with generic literal values by using the super() call."

I understand how to do all of the above quote except "by using the super() call." How would I do that?

("public default constructor with no formal parameters" - "no formal parameters" means no parameters I guess, so, minus the super() call, it would look like this: public
No, you can't delete it. It's still there. In fact, you can get to it under settings. All you did was remove the fucking shortcut.
how do i run certain programs through a proxy ?
for example i need to run google earth through a proxy and the other programs i run at the same time should have a different proxy.
also google earth doesn't have a setting where i can change the proxy settings.
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public TheName(){variable1=0;variable2="";}
He would have to do maintenance and build new robots and keep looking for parts forever. It never ends.
The Settings page exists, but all options are grayed out. I get popups saying Windows cannot turn it on and cannot find it.

I have the shortcut, it just links to something that doesn't exist.
Probably very stupid: i used clonezilla to make a full disk image of an old laptop that has a 40GB disk. The result is a 4.5GB folder woth a bunch of files in it, but i expected a single file of the same size of the disk i was cloning. Did something go wrong?
did you have any fre space on that drive ?
Thanks, anon. I'll try.
I'm currently a junior computer engineering major, I've really enjoyed my EE classes because the professors are all super helpful and willing to talk to me, and I like doing math/calculus. On the other hand, all the CS classes I've taken (I've only taken a computer HW & organization, data structures, and SW engineering class) have all been pretty crummy. The professors are never that helpful/passionate, and I've always felt like I could learn more from just studying on my own than taking the classes.

I'm thinking of switching to EE instead. I think I want to be an embedded systems engineer, but if I were to do EE I'd probably take power systems/electronics electives because I would never bother learning that on my own. If I don't do Comp E, I'd miss out on taking classes like OS, and computer networking.

What does /g/ think?
do EE
t. 3rd year UG
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It looks like so, is clonezilla able to detect free space and optimize?
I have a script that checks if a livestream is live via a JSON GET request. What's a good rate to do this that won't demolish their servers but won't have a huge delay? I currently have it set to check every 5 seconds.
>New ryzen motherboard and ram turn on but don't post
>spent all night breadboardjng and shit
>no prevail

I just found out the RAM isn't compatible with the motherboard, but how bad if a problem would that be 4
any recommendations for a vpn? I'm sick of shitty private internet access.
usually you have 2 options at the start,
1 will only backup actual data, so the image is the size of total data used on it at the end,
and 1 will be byte for byte (so no matter if there is data there or not),
sounds like you did option 1, 2 gives you the outcome you want
Disclaimer: I don't know java, so syntax may be off.

So super() implies your class extending an existing one, right?
Then I'd say something like this
class A {
string Foo;
int Bar;

public A(string foo, int bar) {
Foo = foo;
Bar = bar;

class B extends A {
public B() {
super("hello world", 10);
this is me again, basically you want to go into Expert Mode in clonezilla and use 'force to use sector-by-sector copy'. Look up the expert mode docs if you need help. Sorry for my previous garbled post!
herro anyone pls
i get it now thank you, it's because i selected beginner mode so i the two options didn't even show up. Anyway is the sector-by-sector way really necessary if i don't plan on doing data recovery or other advanced stuff?
No, sector by sector is almost never necessary
How do I enable Flash on Android Nougat? I have the old .apk installed, but the settings page doesn't load on Firefox/Dolphin/Botnet and nothing runs Flash.
Hey there, can anyone help? I built a new PC today and for the network adapter I got a TP-Link TL-WN881ND, now it can detect networks but when I try to connect it says "no internet, secured" and has a yellow exclamation mark sign next to the wifi bars. Is there anyway to fix this? Thanks
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no one?
no its not, it explains why you get the smaller image size though
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Thanks, the last question of this thing I was doing was seriously poorly worded and asked me to code other very strange things.
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Are CBZ/CBR thumbnails supported by anything in Windows 10 yet?

CBX Shell Manager doesn't work too well on Win10. I mean it sorta works, I can't figure out why some of these archives have no thumbs. They're all identical. Maybe I need a restart idk.
Should i go with gtx 1060 3gb and i5 7400?
How retarded is this? Will it work?

>buy a $75 used chromebook off ebay
>wipe the chrome OS and install ubuntu
>install wine, microsoft office, skype, etc. (planning to pirate all this shit ofc)

Will this work? I'm a poorfag getting a laptop for my dad who uses mostly microsoft office and some other windows products and this seemed the cheapest way I could do it.
No. The 3gb is badly neutered. Get a 6gb or go for the 480
poolz1          7.7T  3.0T  4.7T  39% /Storage

vs. zpool list
poolz1 10.9T 4.08T 6.79T - 23% 37% 1.00x ONLINE -

Who's correct?
If he can't do this himself, install Windows instead faggot. He's not going to know what to do when he decides he wants to fap to his porno, play a game of pacman, or something.
what about the rx 570?
If you've not used wine before, you're in for some unpleasant surprises. In general don't give normies Linux. You'd probably be better off leaving it as a chromebook and teaching him to use google shit. Or just spend a little more on a windows PC.

send help
Sure. You could step down to the 470/570 if you want to save some cash. The 480 is a little better if you want to max out games at 1080p, but the 70's are certainly playable. I'd be careful about going with a 570 if you can only find reference cards.
Found a asus 4gb 480 $20 cheaper than a gigabyte rx 570
Definitely go with the 480
Is it worth it to get a Chromebook to put a more proper linux distro on it or something?
I have a couple personal 4chan related projects. Should I put those on my Gitlab attached to my resume?
It works for some people. They don't tend to be powerhouses, and the cheaper you go the more concessions you make in hardware and quality. You also usually have to contend with very limited storage. Chromebooks are designed to be always online and offload a lot of their workload to the cloud. You might think about installing peppermint linux. It's designed around webapps, so it's kind of like the linux equivalent of Chrome OS.
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So I have micro-ATX mobo based in micro ATX case (Fractal Design Core 1300). I'm now preparing to upgrade my hardware and I would like to ask if there are any possible issues of fitting nearly twice the size new GPU. It can physically fit, but what about the temperature? Wouldn't it affect other parts in some way?

It's literally the same question as any girl asks guy with a really huge cock when you think about it.

Thanks in advance, anons.
does anyone know where to find a legit keygen for windows 7 that actually works and isnt a virus?
I have two hard drives. One was used from an old laptop of mine and it has an install of windows 10 on it. I want to use it in my new desktop as a dedicated media storage, but windows 10 is not letting me format it, presumably due to the windows instillation.

How do I format a HDD with windows on it?
Are you using disk management?
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>install MSI Gaming App
>click on gaming mode out of curiousity
>screen goes black
>get this when I try to boot up, even after I uninstalled it
>i can still boot into windows just fine but with safe mode
What the fuck?
Use diskpart
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>right click file
>open with
>slow as fuck

is it just me? windows10
buy a ssd
nigger solution
faster hardware is not a good solution to poor software
What is it called when you can press two keys (menu+pg up) to increase the volume or other functions?
My keyboard has menu+pgup/pgdwn for volume control but nothing for mute/unmute.

Are they called macros?

t. retard
use autohotkey app if you're a wintard to map mute/unmute to some kb shortcut
Fine. Install lubuntu then.
pls respond

Are there no Arch Gentoo gurus here?
why cant my keyboard do ascii art?
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I've downloaded recently webm for retards and when converting with audio, it's off sync by solid 2-3 seconds. All the requirements are met.

Any idea what could be done? There aren't any additional settings one could play with.
it doesn't have 256 keys
>use electrum for bitcoins
>phone I used no longer works
>get new phone
>can no longer access google authenticator code for electrum despite re signing into google and authenticator

what do
use the recovery code that authenticator made you do a backup of and have to accept before syncing it.

I have those codes myself. Don't tell me you neglected to do this?
this is fucking great, i'm not even the anon you replied to but wew these win 10 ltsb isos
who runs this? it's not like you can simply grab these from microsoft
never had recovery codes but I just got some from googles 2fa website how do I use them?
they are probably the google 2factor logins, not the ones you need.
see here https://api.trustedcoin.com/#/electrum-help
every 2factor key should warn you in big red letters to save a specific code in case you lose the 2factor device, they call it backup key.
Just upgraded to Android 7.0, but Dolphin doesn't have a Jetpack option for flash player anymore. Firefox is laggy like usual too.
Is there any other option I can try for flash files on this?
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What are some reasons to use virtual machines ? I need help since I don't know what to do with mine
Testing software
Running shady shit
Testing different operating systems
Having specially configured systems for specific tasks
I use one to play Pokemon Yellow on Ubuntu because it was hard to do the same on openSUSE.
i need a very cheap point and shoot camera that is durable and has a battery door that won't break after a year. what should i get?
Should I be torrenting using a virtual machine? Or browsing porn?
It won't change your IP baka.
no I mean testing torrents to see if they are virus or malware free. I was wondering how to go about that
>hiding your ip from skynet
There is nothing to fear.
are you retarded?
why would it be any harder to run retroarch on opensuse?
Just don't download software unless it's from an official source.
I'm pretty sure you either get an authentication key or a bunch of backup codes depending on the site. For Bitstamp I have a single authentication key should something go wrong, while for ProtonMail I got a list of backup codes (can't remember any authentication key there).

Either way, without them he's fucked.
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worked perfectly
Help, I don't know what power cables I need to plug in to my PSU.
i have a windows 7 VM for gaymen, and a VM for pretty much every POSIX system for software testing
What's that?

Anyway, I installed a large update recently and am too lazy to reboot my system, so I can't enter the VM to check, but I think I might have used mGBA or something. Or maybe it was VBA? I forget.
>Just don't download software unless it's from an official source.

I want to use photoshop and watch videos for free

Videos are not software.
a multi-emulator frontend
basically you just install that, and then in the app you can download "cores" which are just emulators compiled as libraries which just werk
then you select some "content" (ROMs) and select the core you want to use, simple as that
there's a shitton of emulators available, especially for all the older systems (no dolphin or pcsx2 though)
What should I use to lock my individual apps with on Android?
I want the extra layer of security to prevent deletion of semi-important shit I view on my phone.
Can anyone recommend me a good displayport 1080p 60hz monitor? One that is cheap, too.
>sisyphus falls for the robot meme
>turns out it's a complex field
>he spends years studying heavy theoretical work to then have the basis to self-learn to build a robot
>he has to program, build, debug and maintain the robot
>fuel and robot parts are budget money, so is getting workers to do it for him
>he longs for the simple days of pushing the boulder
but muh saved game
why doesn't /vr have a /sqt/?
retro games?
So here's a vidya question. I recently bought a new Xbone controller. Because I am a faggot and didn't do proper research, I've just learned that Bluetooth connectivity doesn't work on Windows 10 because microsoft are jews. But I've tried connecting it anyways and windows does recognize the controller and the inputs do work. I've tested with emulators as well and it work fine. It just doesn't work with standalone games.

So is it reasonable to expect an unofficial fix for this in the future? I just want to play revengeance with my wireless Xbone conroller.
Fuck. I meant it doesn't work on Windows 7
Anyone having issues with MalwareBytes recently?

>open it
>program is up to date
>click on scan button
>opens normally
>checks for updates
>works fine
>then says scan has ended after 15-18 seconds of running
>says everything is fine despite not scanning a single file
Is it normal that if you turn a mouse wheel slow enough for it to not register a turn?
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why does oracle sql do this shit?

if i remove the comment it works fine
if i move the comment to another line it throws an error on another line
seems like the editor you are using wraps each line between BEGIN and END, with the comment at the end the END gets commented out leaving BEGIN open alone and it'll throw it off.
is there any reason for it to do that, or is it just yet another silly """feature"""?
what editor is it?
So I just bought a used surface pro 3 and its idling at 60-70c and 85c+ with two tabs open for a few minutes.

Everyone on the internet seems to say everything is fine do not worry the microsoft space magic will throttle the cpu and everything will be fine.

However, 80+ for two tabs? doesn't seem legit. If the cpu is throttling at 16% what is the point of an i5 surface pro? This is an automatic return asap right?
I have tons of images in different folders.

I want to see all of them in a single folder, but I don't want to put them in one, since I use the folders to sort them.

Using shortcuts will work properly?
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Why can't I get Virtual Box to show 64 bit options?

I'm on Win10 64x
I have already enabled VT-d in the BIOS
Virtualization is enabled in the BIOS
Hyper-V manager is enabled
I've repaired the installation of Virtual Box too.

What the fuck am I doing wrong?
I need to study for Security+, which book(s) do I buy?
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I want to upgrade a laptop from W10 Home to Pro, but the Windows Store way costs 160€ and there is no fucking way I'm paying that much.

So I keep seeing in ebay and amazon really cheap '''''''legal'''''' keys like >pic related.

Where's the trick? This shit looks extremely shady but it seems to work.
Literally any screencapture software
oracle's sqldeveloper
default settings (besides for showing line numbers)
If i post my question here, the question must be stupid, or just with me being stoopid is enough, /g/?
I unknowingly bent my audio jack for my headphones, and now after unplugging them my computer is "stuck" in headphone mode.

>wont play through speakers despite headphones not even showing on audio list
>it thinks its playing through the speakers

What the fuck do I do? The only thing I can do to make it play through speakers is disable audio jack input detection. My realtek driver is up to date.
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Try to check if you actually damaged the socket on your computer. If that's the case, then you're fucked, son.

It happened to my laptop. I bent one of the internal pins while inserting the headphone jack. I tried to fix it manually with a needle but it didn't work. Luckily, it was still under warranty.
Can someone tell me what part to switch out of my desktop, whenever i download something. or have load on the disk, the audio from spotify, youtube or whatever im watching or listening to starts chopping like crazy.

What is the correlation?
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i have a modem and some external antennas from another source.
The antennas do fit onto the modem (SMB, plug & jack), however both are female, so not effective at all.

Would putting aluminium in between where the center connector should be enough?? What else could i do in a DIY manner?
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I've been using qbittorrent for a couple of years, now with lte leatest version the stalled meme became a horrible reality, unless I spoonfed it the torrent once at time it will get stuck trying to download a random torrent even if it fdoesn't even have perrs online at the moment

so I need a smart p2p client

both are male* as it apparently is depicted in the picture
I have no clue how to tell if I damaged it inside, but I think it's completely possible.

Would the fact that headphones can work inside of it mean anything?
Submit a bug report and move over to Deluge.
How should I go about fixing a broken ASUS laptop hinge? It seems to have wedged itself into the base of the machine and I can't seem to get it out. I'm thinking about just trying to pry it open but not immediately having the funds available to purchase a new one if this one breaks I'm somewhat tentative.
Just finished up the fresh install of Windows and for whatever reason, the Intel LAN driver shows up in removable storage. Removing it turns off the driver of course. It seems local to this board in particular. (Gigabyte X370 gaming-k5). Intel themselves says this specific board had the Intel LAN driver on the board from the factory. Any way to fix this?
>Would the fact that headphones can work inside of it mean anything?

I honestly don't know. I completely fucked the left channel plus the insertion detection.
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Is there any way out there to convert a 34-pin floppy disk drive to SATA?
Are some images hosted on is2.4chan.org loading slowly for any of you?
>Go to open one
>Open a different image also hosted on is2
>Loads instantly
Fucking goot stop fucking around with things.
What's a good program for coding/working C++ while running windows? Or do I have to install linux?
Images only load slowly on Clover for me.
will do, thanks
>Or do I have to install linux?
It's time to ascend. Do it.
which version should I install? also is there a way to keep my windows OS so that if I ever want to go back to windows I can?
same experience
Is there a simple way to open .qcow2 files without having to run it as a VM? Like just mount it?
You could dual boot, or you could run a hypervisor, like Virtualbox, and just use linux on top of windows.

As for which linux distro, prob Mint, or Ubuntu.
Senpai, /g/ has worldfilters? since when?
A few years.
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okay. KAT died but which one is the real now? katcr.co?
Any backup related books or study material? I've decided to switch from "One HDD hooked on, one HDD shelved" to something more serious, but I have no clue where to start. Heard about NAS, but I think it's best if I start from scratch.
I can't find infos on the soulseek protocol. What i want to know is does it use encryption or is it like torrent and everyone can see what you upload/dowload?
How the hell do I boot from USB in this fucking ASUS laptop? it's a "x502c"

>press power button
>mash f2, esc and del
>nothing fucking happens, boots straight to windows
fuck this
Go to BIOS and disable secure boot.

>Start Windows 8.1/10
>Click off button, press shift and click restart button
>Select your USB to boot from
i can't even get to BIOS that's the problem, I press the power button and 2 seconds later the windows loading thingy starts spinning but with teh asus logo instead
Then do the same but instead selecting the option to boot from USB select the change UEFI settings.
It will send you to BIOS.
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>Have a 1600MHz and a 1333MHz RAM stick
>Try to use XMP to run both at 1600MHz
>2nd RAM stick speeds doesnt change
What im doing wrong?
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Why do my converted files in h265 with handbrake have colder colors compared to the source?
What's a good mouse bungee that doesn't have some awful gaymur logo on it?
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Trying to get all my media library from avi to mp4 so my overwhelmed plex server wont work so hard... Is there ideal handbrake setting for this? Or is there a better program nowadays? Its a few old shows like andy griffith and happy days
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I'd ask this on /dpt/, but I'm afraid I'd get a shitpost answer, so Ill ask here:

What types should be avoided on python? (pls don't say all of them)

There's way more than in other languages, so I figure some must be useless, like tuples for example, but I don't know.
Is Puffin Browser for android alright?
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I want to pep up an old computer that I use as my HTPC with a spare SSD that I pulled from a dead laptop. It only has 4GB of ram so disabling the page file would be pretty risky since memory usage is already in the 3GB neighborhood and it gets higher when I decide to do other things on it.

Will I be taking a big performance hit if I decided to set the page file to the old HDD? Is doing so risky?
I don't think anyone ever really made a viable alternative to Daemon tools, which is a shame since the developers are blatant scumbags that make you run a gauntlet of dodging spyware every time you want to install the thing. Though I think you're still safe if you disconnect your internet at the correct time (after the setup files have downloaded but before it can query its adware server to decide what flavor of shit it wants to serve you).

You can try other stiff (including Windows built in ISO support) but there will always be those few images that won't work properly in anything but DT.
WinISO is one.
only degenerates go to clubs
yes, it will copy only used data where possible, and can compress it as well
you can tell it to make a raw copy, but that's only needed if you're copying something it doesn't recognize, or if the copy is for forensics purposes
It's just jedec tables you're looking at. All your sticks are running at 1600MHz 9 9 9 25
Oh alright then.

How stressing is it for RAM to be ran at higher clocks?
I am thinking of pushing it to 1866, im kind of worried about the Kingston Value RAM@1333MHz im using to fail if i do tho.
Also, is MEMTEST enough to check if its stable?
Another reason for distorted sound is poor cable management.
The wire that connects the front audio ports of the case to the motherboard should be separated from all the other cables and any other devices (fans and motors and drives) if possible. The other connections and cables present in the case will cause audible EMI interference to be present over the connection.
This only applies to the front audio port, but it is something that should be seriously considered.
So I'm trying to make a script (in Ubuntu 16.04LTS) that should cd to a few different directories.

file directory:

going to:

but I'm unable to point it in the right direction with the cd command. Could anyone tell me the proper way of going about changing to parent directories like that?
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Why isn't GPGPU a standard?
why are you using cd in a script? why not just use the absolute path?
RAID shouldn't be used unless you have some specific NEED for it.
RAID can introduce problems with data corruption, sometimes silently.
RAID can negatively impact performance in the case of FakeRAID or software-RAID.

If you want performance (RAID 0), use an SSD.
If you want data safety/reliability (RAID 1), get an external HDD and do regular backups.
ever since I started using mdadm I've always bought two of every disk and put them in raid1 or raid0

it just works
Because I've never made a bash script before.

You're saying I could just put directory1/directory3/directory4 in the very beginning of the script?

I'm trying to do a git pull with this script if that helps any.
How do you clean your LED monitors?
thunar ~/niggers\ aren't\ human/images
Don't listen to this retard. Software RAID is vastly superior to hardware RAID for one.

Anyway, use ZFS.
I recommend VirtualBox for most cases.
Qemu doesn't support USB 3; Qemu just started supporting USB 2, actually.
A lot of the time, VirtualBox offers better performance than Qemu.
VirtualBox is in many ways simpler to use than Qemu.

I use Qemu for some things, but I prefer VirtualBox most of the time. Only in edge cases do I choose Qemu over VirtualBox.

That said, there's no reason you can't simply install both of them. You can't use them both at the same time, however.
>vastly superior to hardware RAID for one.
Citation needed.
Have fun porting your software raid on a new system
you're not making much sense
if you're using a script to do a git pull then you should have an idea of a directory where it will pull them to.

# script.sh
whatuwant = $1 # you specify the github project to pull with the first parameter (script.sh project)

mkdir -p /home/user/github/$whatuwant
git-clone $whatuwant /home/user/github/$whatuwant
Useless temporary files and dead registry entries are the most likely causes of this.
Try CCleaner?
Have fun having to buy another expensive device and possibly never recovering your RAID due to the failure of the previous one. Speed differences these days are pretty much negligible too. There's literally nothing to gain from choosing hardware RAID above software RAID, except risk, lol.
My oldest raid-6 is 10 years old, never had to replace a disk in it.
Newest raid-6 is 6 years old still going strong.
I've moved it across two different systems when the mobo and ram died.

Enjoy a corrupt raid when your system shuts down abruptly/improperly
Enjoy not benefiting from hardware write cache
Enjoy not benefiting from a BBU
Enjoy never porting your software raid to a new system

Software raid is inferior in every way.
>Enjoy never porting your software raid to a new system
Why are you lying?

This shit is much easier with software RAID.

How old are you? You must be ancient!
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>Software raid is inferior in every way.
RAID is outdated anyway. ZFS completely obliterates it.
Does ZFS still require FUSE for Linux systems?
Sorry, I was expecting an answer, not some lame allusion to use Google. I'll ask this question in the next thread then.
>Have fun porting your software raid on a new system
but moving between systems is one of the advantages of software raid, it depends on no specific hardware
>unplug hard drives
>unplug raid card
>put raid card in new machine
>put hard drives in new machine
>connect connectnions
>raid 100% up and ready to go

>unironically using Solaris
ZFS is shit
with software;
>unplug hard drives
>put hard drives in new machine
>connect connectnions
>raid 100% up and ready to go

you're not thinking of fakeraid, are you? that's not software raid
i checked the first result, and it listed multiple methods for mounting qcow2 images
usually down to a slow shell extension (or too many of them), ones on the desktop usually interact with some software that came with your display driver

i suggest trying sysinternals autoruns and seeing what is running for shell extensions
>h-h-here i go
yeah every time i re-use disks or re-create raid arrays in mdadm it's always auto fucking recognized the old array instantly
Fine. Thanks then.
>ZFS is shit
You take that fucking back cunt, or I swear bit rot will find you.
that's why you use wipefs -a or mdadm --misc --zero-superblock before resuing disks
My ryzen shit is coming tomorrow. I've never messed around with overclocking memory, but I bought some 3000 Mhz rated memory as it's meant to be good for ryzen.

Does it auto overclock, or do I have to do that? If so, how, do I have to raise voltages?

Same for the cpu, I assume just raise core multiplier and increase voltage if it doesn't boot?
I'm trying to SSH to my raspberry pi 3 with my windows desktop.

My desktop is connected via ethernet.

The pi is connected via it's built in wifi adapter.

I can easily ssh to it with my android phone using juiceSSH.

However I've been having zero luck using putty to SSH to my pi.

Is it because my windows machine is on ethernet and not wifi? that's the only difference I can think of between my windows machine and my android phone.
>Enjoy a corrupt raid when your system shuts down abruptly/improperly
>Enjoy not benefiting from hardware write cache
Is there really a benefit?
>Enjoy not benefiting from a BBU
Is that a benefit? Never heard of it.
>Enjoy never porting your software raid to a new system
kek, you must be trolling.

Anyway, enjoy your write hole.
wifi vs. ethernet doesn't matter as long as they're on the same network
for example, if you're using a single router that has both wifi and ethernet, then they'll be on the same network
Should I upgrade from an Nvidia 560ti to a Radeon 560?
does it error or just not "find a route"
might be because your rpi and putty have different key exchange requirements
why the FUCK is Pale Moon so bad a video playback?
yeah i figured that. and since its working on my phone i just wanted to rule that idea out. now I'm thinking maybe my firewall is blocking the port or something? i tried to unblock the port it uses.

It goes to the command prompt screen completely blank for about a minute and then an error pops up saying "Network error: Connection timed out"

the terms you just said "key exchange requirements" is completely new to me. do you mind elaborating?
If AXMP is the same than XMP just turn it on and select a speed.
If your motherboard is good it should do it automatically.

With CPU is kinda harder, you have to increase clock speed till it is unstable, then slowly increase voltage.
Im sure Ryzen motherboards have an Auto feature to do it, if you dont know how OC use it.
the firewall/NAT should only be in the way of traffic traversing your network and the internet, not between machines on your internal network (be it wifi or ethernet)

you're sure you have the pi's IP and port correct in putty? you're not accidentally using telnet mode or something as well?
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it's not your key exchange methods then. don't worry about it, but if you check your putty settings for kex should match options in your sshd_config on the rpi
Yeah I know how to overclock CPU's, I've never overclocked an AMD one though, wasn't sure if they were the same.

I guess the AXMP will work, I read a guide with an asus board where it just worked, hopefully should on my MSI one.

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Pic related.
can I somehow recreate my old work email address?
I've forgotten a password for one of my gmail accounts,which still has my old work email listed as a backup address for password recovery.
im 100% i got correct ip and port and definitely doing SSH. i used same ip and port for my juiceSSH on phone.

can you tell me how to get to the correct file for sshd_config? and what to look for? im like completely retarded with linux commands and networking. this is a learning experience for me.
though this isn't your problem. your problem is related to some kind of nat/firewall/port issue between the computer and rpi

what happens if you use tracert or traceroute from each of your devices to the raspberry pi?
How important are RAM timings?
thats what i was thinking too. what is tracert / traceroute? is that a windows client or something?
Can someone give me there thoughts on this: I want to somehow make it so that my desktop background periodically displays different man pages or short networking concept definitions. How would one do that?
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XMP 1885MHz.png
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Should i leave it at 9-9-9-25@1600MHz or leave it like this?
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tracert is in windows
traceroute or tracepath is linux

basically sends out packets each with an increasing number of hops allowed and waits for a response from the middleman until the right number of packets sent to get the hosts reply.

you would see something like this
How do i control my case fan speeds?
if your case fans have 4 prong connection to the motherboard then it's in your motherboard's bios or software

most case fans are 3 prong
fancontrol, part of lm_sensors
Yes they are 3 pin fans.

In BIOS i can somewhat change the speed(800 RPM to 1100 RPM).
looking at the sshd_config now. what do i need to check for
nothing, that's not your problem. try tracert from windows to the raspberry pi ip address and post results
Is there a way to use android pay without giving my cc info to jewgle?
thats kinda the point of android pay
I hoped it could hold credentialed info and basically be an nfc credit card
And yes I know those already exist
I want to host a small imageboard for a community of ~100.What software would one use?
kusaba is old and unmaintaned
Infinite chan.
They shut down
not gonna wait for all 30 hops. but its just request timeout when i do C:\Users\USER>tracert 'pi ip here'
so i did the tracert thing and its just "request timed out" every time. So this probably confirms it's an issue of firewall / port stuff with my PC and my Raspberry Pi?
make a new one
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Is joining the Navy to get good at CS through the US Naval academy a good idea?I dont what "how to learn java 101" bullshit anymore but pure CS.
No u
get into computer engineering and minor in computer science. you will go full transcendence. you will know what programming does all the way down to the physical transistor level.

also made my own thread:

Can't SSH from windows machine connected to local network via ethernet to a raspberry pi 3 connected to via wifi to local network.

I have run tracert in cmd yielding "request timed out."

I have successfully ssh'd to the raspberry pi using juiceSSH on my android phone which is connected via wifi.

I'm trying to SSH using Putty. I am 100% certain I'm doing SSH, correct IP correct Port. I matched everything I did on my phone, and it is just not connecting.

pic semi-related: a retard trying to do stuff with technology
I'm no engineer and dont have the autism for that, silicon isn't interesting to me.
Whats wrong with asagi?
What is /g/'s recommended gaming monitor for under $300 USD?
Implement a MQTT client or if your adventurous, server.
make a game engine from scratch
or atleast the renderer
Thread posts: 358
Thread images: 55

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