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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

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Thread replies: 351
Thread images: 35

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worst car ever
Is it bad overclocking only one RAM stick?
I only have one.
How hot do 1080ti's get? Is it worth getting additional cooling. Founders or custom?
i bought PIA and installed in on my phone and laptop but the installer wont fucking open when i try to open it on my pc. like a window flashes really fast then nothing comes up. wtf
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Hey, I'm looking to start my own personal media server and I want to do it myself but I am having issues finding a good tutorial for it. Can you guys recommend any good guides on ripping and compressing media? Also something that will give me a good overview of mkvtoolnix?
>be me change windows 10 start up sound
>restart computer for test
>try screwing around for another 4 hiccups including putting the thing i want on another setting
>still plays that shitty tune im trying to change

what am i doing wrong
kys faggot
Never get reference cards.

Based on the card expect 70°C tops.
It should work at 50-60°C 90% of the time unless you overclock it, or use a single fan version.
No, just be sure it is well cooled.
I dont wanna OC it a lot, just from 1600 to 1866 MHz.

I wanna get another stick but i rather get a GPU first.

And i have planned to get a Thinkpad T400 so it will take even more time.
"ls" seems to sort by name usually, but it fails to do it for these symbols (LANG=en_US.UTF-8).
~$ ls -1

Is dedup off by default?
Does every HD in a computer have to have the same raid setup or can you separate them?

Can I have raid one for disk drives and nothing for SSD's to be more specific?
You can exclude things from the raid, yes. Although most people who think they want raid actually don't. It's a shit solution for most problems a home user would have.

I don't know anything about motherboards and I was recommended this one.


Could someone answer some questions for me about it:

-Is this a good motherboard? What makes a good one in the first place?
-My current motherboard doesn't have support for the 2 usb 3.0 slots in the front of my case. Does this one have support for it?
-In the M.2 section, why is M.2 slots mentioned twice instead of 2 x M.2 slots?

Thanks for any help and sorry if these are dumb questions. This is my first time shopping for a motherboard.
Well my thinking is, most things on a HD I want to save long term so a more stable raid setup makes sense for those, but most shit on a SSD is things I wont mind losing long term or can easily replace if the drive tanks like an OS/standard programs and games.
what is the best app (nonroot) to record my screen on android?

please no bloatware
should i buy bitcoin miners? a guy has I have 1x S7 (4.73 TH) for sale and 3x S9s (11.5 TH)
at "negotiable" prices.
If you don't care about anything on your OS drive then that's up to you. But you still haven't given any reason you would need raid
The gravy train left the station years ago, anon. Small-scale mining isn't competitive and hasn't been for some time.
Without looking, I'm guessing the reason M.2 is mentioned twice is because one is a M.2 key E for wifi/BT and the other is (likely) key M for PCIe SSD. If you plan on getting an M.2 drive make sure it doesn't eat up PCIe lanes you need for graphics or whatever. And if it's a key B&M make sure it doesn't eat up a SATA port you need.
I've had my Nexus 5x laying around for a while as I got another phone. I've rooted the Nexus and unlocked the bootloader.

Without thinking I start it up and see there's an update so I download and install it. Now it just boots into recovery every time I try to start. I remember now that you can't update the phone with official ROMs when rooted.

Can I just flash stock or other custom ROM and it'll work again?

Aren't those the ones that stop being useful even before the preorders were closed?
so how much should i invest to get reap rewards? thata like $10000 worth of equipment
Are you prepared to build the equivalent of a mid-sized corporate datacenter in a place with unusually cheap electricity and/or a cold climate that saves on the cooling?
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>more stable raid setup
Raid doesn't give any kind of stability you would care about.
What is better.
1x8GB AT 1600MHz or 2x8GB at 1333MHz.
Is Dualchannel that useful that slower RAM speed wont matter
Not having to use virtual memory is a million times faster than a few megahertz difference
i have $50k without a loan and can get $50k from a loan without needing to jump through hoops, would that even be remotely close?
Well, i got a 1333MHz stick from a older build but my current one is 1600MHz.

For whatever reason XMP wont work on it.
Running memtest right now to check if it works perfectly.
I've started posting those just because it pisses people off. I'm tempted to make a layer with 4-5 bottom tier stamps and slap it on my most oldfag pictures just to give people aneurysms
The good ol faggot shitposter tactic.
Since old times it never fails.
Whats the most minimal distro? In size and other stuff.
I have core 2 duo which i used as my main pc, but now i am getting s laptop, for college and stuff and thinking of connecting it to tv and install retroarch on it, i won't be using it much except for putting more roms in it or maybe using browser, help would be much appreciated.
When it comes to m.2 ssd's, what's the difference between one that is NVME and one that isn't?
Arch, Gentoo,

Unless you mean bloated minimalism, try LXLE
Puppy linux.

Just use lubuntu or mint.
Yes, install copperhead OS
Speeds and how they work.
Also if your motherboard would like them being different, its not a problem in recent chipsets but can happen.
Core 2 isn't that bad. Pretty much any linux will do decent on it. Lubuntu is good if you're really going for minimal but don't want things to be a pain. You can also boot into your program of choice instead of a DE.
>Speeds and how they work.
Is it a big difference?
What programming language should I teach myself to get a job?

If not a job then maybe to write a game app that I can just tweak and dress up in different graphics a few times to appeal to different audiences.
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sudo zypper install texlive-lm-math
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 1641 NEW packages are going to be installed:

Do I have to?! REEEAAAALLLY?!
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Can anyone help explain why this for me? Connecting from west Canada to google shouldn't be this unreliable. How can I make this connection more consistent and reliable?
core2 is just i5 except with two cores.

You probably wont even see a difference between an i5 and core2 for most things
setup a vm you pleb
Thats what i am going to do, but the thing is i don't want to download big size os, if all distros are 1gb + than i think i can download anything, i was hoping for a distro of you know 300-500 mb
download: to pull data from external location into local machine
upload: to push data from local machine to external location

but what about when someone is hacked and the hacker steals info from your local machine, is your machine "uploading"?
How small is your HDD that you are worried for 1GB?
No, it's uplinking. Uplinking to the mainframe.
puppy linux fits on a 512 MB usb zip disquette
thanks for the sarcasm, but i genuinely need to know
would ras-Pi-an work?
lotus elise works too.
raspian is just debian with special programs preinstalled for the raspberry pi computer.

It might work, but any of the other suggestions you have had in this thread will work.
Nah downloading is a pain, but i will go for one of the suggestions, perhaps lubuntu
What is Puppy Linux?

Puppy Linux is an operating system for computers. Other well-known operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, and MS-DOS. Puppy Linux is based on GNU/Linux. It is completely free and open source software.
How is Puppy Different?

Small size, ~100MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features.
'Live' booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.
Runs from RAM, making it unusually fast even in old PCs and in netbooks with solid state storage media.
Very low minimum system requirements.
Boot time is well under a minute, 30-40 seconds in most systems.
Includes a wide range of applications: wordprocessors, spreadsheets, internet browsers, games, image editors and many utilities. Extra software in the form of dotpets. There is a GUI Puppy Software Installer included.
Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed. Most hardware is automatically detected.

Looks real neat, thanks anon.
Most minimalist distro.
OS is not a place to skimp on download size. Although if you're really in a bind you can install ubuntu minimal and add components manually.
The most likely answer would be that "ls" doesn't handle all utf8 encoded languages yet.

Why that is, I do not know.
What's the reverse shortcut of Alt-Tab to switch between windows. (I just want to switch backwards) if there's one.
alt shift tab?
Recently bought a Philips white ambience light and a hub with it. The light works but every time I try to turn it off using the app or any command other than physicall flipping the switch it turns itself back on in a few seconds. It's connected to a dimmable plug but from what I've read it can happen anywhere. I've tried reengaging and restarting everything + updated but same problem persists.

I have yet to try:
>Doing a force reset of the hub
>Disconnect from myhue online service
Since I'm at work right now.
>Try other plugs, specifically non-dimmers

Googling has yielded a ton of other people with same problem but no real solutions unless you have things setup with lots of other homecontrol apps, plugs, bridges, sensors and scripts.

Any other ideas?
Yeah, thanks
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is CS actually a meme or is that a meme itself?

t. first year, first semesterfag
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Can you access this site?
How do I fake having a job?
>actually know how to write code
>act busy at certain times every day

anything else?
My PC is suddenly getting a lot worse game performance and when I have a game running the background other things run worse. For example typing this has a slight lag on the keys I press being displayed and scrolling is way less smooth. Never had this before.

It's Windows 10 so I'm going to assume it's that but I haven't updated, all I did was restart my computer instead of their usual shutdown that works more like hibernate.
Oh and there doesn't seem to be any increased cpu or disk use in task manager.
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Where can I buy cheap Windows 10 licenses online? As in legit ones, not shady stuff.
For how long has it been worse? Temps? Disk usage? What programs/services run on boot?

My best guess would be an a/v that runs on boot or something updating
meant for

Only started today after restarting instead of the usual shut down. Nothing running at startup to my knowledge. Temps seem normal although maybe a little lower than normal which I will look into.
How do you sabotage an ISP business?
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I have to setup dual boot on my PC. But I'm noob.

I have windows 7, and I need to instal Ubuntu 16.04 alongside. How do I go about it without destroying my current system?

I've tried that few months ago, but every time I installed ubuntu, I could not boot windows anymore.

Here is my boot order and boot options, and speccy. How do I go about this without destroying a universe?
do they get sorted if you pipe it through sort?

raid gives you less reliability here.

I've seen plenty of dudes fuck up their raid config and end up with an uninitialized array, way more than I've seen crucial data saved by raid (because this is not what raid is designed for, it's designed to keep systems online, not keep data safe !!! !!! !!! this is a very important concept to get through your head).

Stop being a jew and buy enough drives to do an offline weekly backup of your important files. I absolutely guarantee you're not at the scale where this isn't viable, and if you can't afford it you should sort your finances out before fucking around with PCs.
kinguin. Least shady that isnt super overpriced
Bomb their main office.

May Allah be with you.
schrink your windows partition or use a diffrent hdd or sdd.
Install ubuntu on space you made on the partition or other hdd or sdd.
hi my friend gave me a power supply (corsair something) but he doesn't know if it works or not

How can I test if it works or not? I don't want to break components or anything
Other than that?
The assholes are limiting internet speeds, and blocking porn sites.
I've sent complains but they didn't even respond.

And it seems like there are other people sharing the same connection.
Are you doing it on a single disk or multiple disks?

If you're doing it on a single disk, just don't. It's painful and not really the right way to do things.

If you're doing it on multiple disks, the "easy" way is to simply disconnect your windows disk whilst you install ubuntu to the other disk. When it's done, plug the windows disk back in.

When a PC boots, it looks at the first small FAT partition on each disk to see if it holds an EFI bootloader. If it does, it will read that to boot whatever the bootloader tells it to.

When you install ubuntu with the windows disk still connected, it is probably over-writing the windows bootloader with its own. If you install ubuntu without the windows disk, it will create it's own bootloader partition. You can then choose between the two in your bios boot menu.

Do you want to actually check it or just see if it powers on?

Image related shows the pinout of the big ATX connector from the power supply (be sure to check your orientation, the clip to hold it in the socket should be on the right hand side with the pins facing you.

If you just want to power it on, use a paper clip to connect PS_ON with any of the COM pins.

If you want to check the voltages and see if the power supply actually works, get a multi-meter, it it in voltage reading mode then check (all) the 5V, 3.3V and 12V pins by putting the RED voltage meter probe in the appropriate pin, and the BLACK probe in any of the COM pins. If it reads the correct value, you should be good. Do this whilst the PSU is on, using the previous paper clip method, obviously.
forgot my image, fuck.
Okay my GPU doesn't show a temperature in speccy and judging by the game performance it isn't being used. I reinstalled the drivers but that didn't help. What's the problem?
By the way this isn't a new, I've been using the gpu for years.
it's relative.

If I'm hacking your PC, I am *downloading* data from you, and you are *uploading* data to me.

If you're connecting to your bank's website, they are *uploading* data to you and you are *downloading* data from them.

It isn't to do with the locality of the machines, but the direction of flow.

When you go to a website, like 4chan, you are both uploading and downloading. You upload a request to get information to 4chan's servers, then you download the response which tells your browser how to get all the posts and images and shit.

Fucking twink trap heathen! KYS F40 times over, sucker of cock!
Now geforce experience says there is no driver found despite the fact I just installed the same one. What the hell is going on?
Get hwmonitor.

It should show you a GPU utilisation %, current, min and max. With it open, play a game for a few minutes in an intense section. Do you see the utilisation value go to 90-100%?

Are you 100% sure your monitor is plugged into the gpu and not the motherboard? I know plenty of people who accidentally do this.

Grab the latest drivers from their website, and do a "custom" installation and on the next screen be sure to select "clean installation". That will remove anything that was there already and do a full new install of the nvidia driver.

You seem pretty upset over someone's distaste for a car. Based on that sentence, I'd say you should stick to the third world shithole you came from.
Can you check the router and PC if they are showing high traffic on idle? How is the cabling? How are the security settings in your router? Have you tried another router?
reboot your router, see if it goes away. Your router might be holding more states than it can handle (too many connections).

Otherwise do the shit the other guy said.

I'm gonna try that. But what if I loos the ability to boot into my windows? And wont ubuntu's boot and windows boot clash somehow?

Will ubuntu install into legacy be default? Because I can't change boot options in the bios without ruining windows.
No, traffic levels are minimal on idle. This is just one example from this network i've set up. This is wirelessly connected but that shouldn't effect a connection on the other side of the continent...

Router has been rebooted and settings -should- be fine. any specifics i shoulds noop at?

done it
Do you mean the PC is wirelessly connected to the router or do you have some 4G dongle that's wirelessly connected to your ISP? The traffic from your PC to the router is fine, but the problem is obviously between your router and the router that it's connected to.

Some of the security settings can increase latency a lot too, if they keep checking all the packets that come and go. Have you done any changes to the settings or is it brand new device with default settings?
What is the best way to compile C on windows?
Everything I've looked at seems horrible.
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i had a mysql query that took a second or two a few days ago now takes 26 minutes.
it's not a system resource issue, mysql is the only thing running in a 32gb i7 server with only me connected to it. already tried restarting server/rebooting os

what could be causing this?
Why can't I pin a) the recycle bin b) a batch script that opens the recycle bin, or c) a shortcut to said batch script to my taskbar in W8.1???
Anybody know a neat way to get the recycle bin on your taskbar but stay away from your desktop?
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Many times when I "wake" my computer from sleep mode the audio stops working. It only works if I restart my computer but there has to be another way. I've went into sevices.msc and restarted windows audio, but the computer acts like everything is completely fine.
How do I fix this?
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My ISP is injecting ads into my browser now.
What to do?
Uninstall buttnett
firewall perhaps
In Windows 10 , I'm trying to run a program, but I receive the error "0xc000007b" ,..it seems that the program have some files or dll missing.
Now my question, Is it possible on windows to log the "start process" of a program,..so I can easly view the files missing?
Change DNS
Stop using HTTP- use HTTPS as much as possible, or use a paid VPN service.
I recommend the latter as it'll act as a encrypted tunnel that your ISP can't read from and inject advertising into.
>My ISP is injecting ads into my browser now.
Unlikely. Describe your symptoms and post a screenshot
How much up/down would I need for a personal (read: one user) connection? Just got my own apartment and the shitty wifi my landlord offer for free is cancer. Never bought internet before.
Some programs have a debug mode, console output or console log but you shouldn't be trying to install missing libraries manually. Reinstall and go back to school
What do you want to be able to do?
10/1 can suffice if you don't need to upload, and can download at night or stuff. 20/2 is pretty much all you'll need excluding speeding up downloads. Go as high as your budget allows you to.
4mbps is a comfy minimum download. You can survive on 1.5
was for >>59870492
nah dude, that's barely enough for video streaming. 10mbps is minimum for civilized internet. Especially when people can get 10x or even 100x that.
Thanks,..I try to reinstall....
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how can i prolong the life of my s3? ive been using it since 2013 but i cant even watch videos on it now its so laggy. help im a poorfag
Can someone help me with floating point and binary?

How would you translate a number like 21.25 into IEEE floating point binary?

Gaming (usually TF2, Titanfall and PlayerUnkowns Battlegrounds right now)
Torrenting video files (usually samurai jack when it comes out)
Watching youtube shit. A LOT.

highest load would likely be streaming a youtube vid and playing vidya at same time.
I didn't say it would be pleasant, I said he would survive. With only one person, you can go pretty low. Provided you're willing to wait a few hours for large games. But by all means go higher if it's available.
Is iridium browser safe?
Gaming shouldn't need much. 10Mbps is the minimum for videos and you may still get some buffering with 1080p youtube videos. You'll need much more if you want to torrent anything in a reasonable time.
Every answer I find from google doesn't work or it's just a thread of "same here"
If you want help provide more details. It's probably your audio driver fucking up.
Gaming takes next to no bandwidth. And youtube wont cause any issues. Usually unless you're maxing out your connection you wont have any problems. Torrenting can be disruptive though. If you get a lot of lag while you're doing other things, you might look into a router that manages bufferbloat.

You don't need 10mbps for FHD unless you're watching something with no attempt at compression whatsoever. A 3mbps stream looks great. Things will take a little longer to download, but not unreasonably long.
get a new ISP
invest your money somewhere that isn't coin mining

read at least 5 investing books before you do that
>A 3mbps stream looks great.
Youtube videos use more than that and they look like garbage. I guess if you enjoy YIFY rips it might be fine though.
The ads are on every device connected to the router.
This stops the ads from showing
I think my whole browsing session is highjacked.
I used umatrix to block the ISP site that was poping the messages, and then I could browse nothing.
The whole traffic is channeled through that site which pops the ads.
Alright, using Win7 Home premium, 64 bit, went to device manager and disabled/re-enabled it. Nothing. Driver ver. is 6.1.7601.17514, says I already have the best driver software installed when I choose to upgrade it.
What janky-ass ISP are you even using?
Is the audio being sent to the correct playback device?
Some third world country ISP.
The whole traffic goes through some sort of intranet.
The same IP for the ISP webpages and other services like email, TV and such.
Yes. Right click and "Test" makes it look like audio is playing, but it isn't.
As I said, it acts no different than normally, only audio does not play.
Yeah, I'd definitely go for a VPN
Try changing your DNS server. If it doesn't help, get a VPN.
Can't I do anything else?
Since the traffic goes through the same IP just different subnet.
See for yourselves
To what? google? How would that help?
>See for yourselves
>Local IP
Sure, google works. It's common to use DNS to manipulate traffic
>How would that help?
You said you're connecting to the same IP on every website. Your ISP could be using their DNS server to accomplish this.
alpine linux
That's not the local IP that I'm using though.
Does this mean that the ISP is hosting it's website on local LAN?
>Can't I do anything else?
You can continue relying on SSL to protect all your traffic, but I wouldn't. If you can't get anyone to set up a VPN for you back home, just shell out a couple bucks for one.
Disable every playback audio device which you don't use and try again.

Uninstall your driver, find newest one online manually, install that one instead.

Try replugging the audio cords when you lose sound.
i got enough money to build a Ryzen 1700 with GTX1070.

but i got doubts since i need a pc to develop/program.
i can get a laptop for that price, or build that pc.

which one is the better option for general developing /g/? a ryzen 1700 build or a laptop for the same price? keep mobility in mind since my current laptop is a shit i3-3120.
How the fuck do I unscrew my g402? I have god damn clock screwdrivers and even they can't fit properly or something. What is the size of the screw?
Custom roms. Try top posted ones on XDA. Change the battery if needed.
I use a single reference 780ti with one fan on three screens. It easily heats my room during winter as it runs at 83°C idling. I swear she could run a small electric car.
developing what?
Is there an e-Mail service provider that lets you send attachments over 25MB size? Even just 30MB would be good
currently studying cs so it changes time to time.
wrote(and still writing) some chink-level android apps, practicing with unity/unreal
i'm thinking of practising on ai/machine learning this summer.
why not send a link for a hosting site?
If I connect two HDDs with a port multiplier to a single SATA port, is the bandwidth always halved, even when only one of the HDDs is accessed?
Doesn't work for what I want to do. It has to be an attachment.
Damn Small Linux, it's like 50MB
Google, yahoo and hotmail provide large attachment support.
I know gmail doesn't. When I google "yahoo 25mb attachment" a lot of people talk about the limit too... Where did you get this info from?
Using "sudo syndaemon -i .3 -K -d" and the ginormous touchpad on my HP Omen is still making the typing cursor jump around the page while I try to write, or disengaging my tab from its window, or even launching me into other tasks on the computer. I've tested to ensure that Syndaemon is stopping movement while I type, but I can't get it to stop clicks. Am I using it wrong? If not, short of disabling tap to click, what can I do?

Vivid Lubuntu 64 bit with KDE if it helps.
Me sending 100 Mb file.
When I reply to a post with safari on iOS, I come back a bit later and get the "do you want to submit this form again" message. How can I stop this? Inb4 stop using safari/iOS.
Using Windows 10, apparently.
/g/, i don't know what happened

We just bought the Benq MW 633 1 month ago and yesterday the lamp didn't turned on and a led that announce that the lamp is wrecked started flashing. We tried restarting it, unplug it, letting it run for several minutes and nothing.

Then, i found in a 2004 forum post that removing the lamp and reinstalling it may solve the problem. Honestly, it sounded stupid, but i tried anyway and IT WORKED! but it makes no sense to me since i already tried unplugging the projector. ¿can someone tell me what happened?

My projector broke, then it got fixed and i don't know why
Lamps get hot, they expand and contract, maybe just a bad connection and reseating it fixed it.
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Is it dead? When I start up Windows 10 offers me advanced startup/recovery options or a restart. After the restart it bluescreens, restarts for real and won't recognise my GPU. I've done several clean installs of drivers so I would say either Windows is screwing up or it's the GPU.
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so /g/ how do i fix this error?
>Windows 10
I have 700-800€ to spend what's a \g\ approved laptop that let's me install gentoo and also play overwatch that isn't too heavy and big ?
pacman -S readline

or whatever package manager you're using
What's the next step up for monitor resolution from 1080?

The next logical one I guess?
Qt 6.0 when?
I'm not going to post this in the chink shit thread, but what exactly is the point of it? It seems to be stuff you can get from amazon without waiting for silly Chinese delivery times.
underage b&
Cheap prices and often free shipping. The markets are similar but I've found quite a lot of things on chinksites which does not exist for the same price on amazon/ebay.
Does /g/ still have that neato hardware / price point image floating around and updated?

Was super convenient and I want to see what kind of baseline I'd need to jump up to 1440p shenanigans.
I am making Space Invaders in C++.
How do I properly implement bullets/projectiles?

Currently I have a level object, that contains entities, such as the player and enemies.
Should I just give every entity that needs it a pointer to a bullet vector, and let them add their bullet to the vector when they shoot and let the level object handle the drawing/updating?
Well then, I'll check the threads for anything interesting.
electronic components and modules are way cheaper on Ali, etc.
>do I fit in yet guise?
What is more secure to tech illiterates, a local password manager or 3-5 passwords stored on a physical note?
what should I do with my 5 year old macbook air?
contemplating selling it off to some unfortunate cunt and buying a thinkpad for any laptop needs
Don't fall for the ThinkPad meme, they're not terribly good. It's like /k/ with the Mosin and SKS, while they used to be an amazing bargain the times have changed.
see, I was more thinking a thinkpad for the sake of cheap as fuck laptop
Would this support 128 gb micro sd card?
Something like this would work:
struct Entity
Vec2 position{};
Vec2 size{};

bool collides(const Entity &other)
// perform AABB collision test

struct Bullet: public Entity
u32 damage = 0;

struct Enemy: public Entity
u32 health = 0;

struct World
std::vector<Bullet> bullets{};
std::Vector<Enemy> enemies{};

void update(const float delta)
// move bullets
for (const auto &bullet: bullets) {
if (const auto &enemy: enemies) {
if (bullet.collides(enemy)) {
// deal damage
// despawn bullet/enemy
To expand further upon this, I'd personally store them all in the level object (World in my example), then if you need to really know who shot a bullet just rework it so that each entity stored in the level is std::shared_ptr and then bullets could have an std::weak_ptr member that points to its parent entity.
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I've been averaging around 90 wpm for around a year now.

Is it still possible to increase them numbers on a qwerty keyboard, or am I just stuck at this speed forever?
Anyone know how to fix this?
two things; first off, keep the MBA as a backup. You never know when a laptop may take a shit.

second, older ThinkPads have bomb ass keyboards, but low power. Newer ThinkPads are nostalgia pandering garbage. Think carefully about your use case before you go for one. I write for a tech site and have to edit images and videos every now and then, so I use a gaming laptop day to day(fucking sue me), but when I'm out and about or around kids or in other situations that could endanger the good laptop, my girl's old ThinkPad X61 with a Core 2 Duo and Lubuntu on it is enough to do the basics, but I do have to turn down some articles.
I'm doing 135~ WPM on a good day using the QWERTY layout so there's definitely room for improvement, perhaps you're doing something "inherently" flawed that you made a habit out of that you need to break.
Honestly, unless you find a good deal on a Core i model from 2011 or later, you're probably better off grabbing an x86 Chromebook of some sort and throwing Linux on it, if all you're after is something cheap and functional.
I'm trying to fetch multiple rows from a table in java, got a while(rs.next()) loop going but it keeps looping back to the start after the last row and never returns false! HELP ME /G/
How can I protect my privacy without having to buy a VPN?
Are the free VPN legit?
I'm in the same boat. I test on 10 fast fingers each morning to get my juices flowing, and I see scores close to 200, I'm like "these people have to be cheating". I tried DVORAK a couple years back, and after 6 months, I was up to about 60 WPM. Not a bad learning curve, but I did too much typing for work to justify continuing the experiment. Wrist and hand comfort during/after long sessions was far better, though.
what program will let me burn dvd audio discs?
I installed arch recently and I'm having trouble with locales.

I did all the correct locale setup, but I'm getting lots of errors regarding locale.

Like when I run locale I get some errors like
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

and when starting openbox with startx I see some errors like
Couldn't set locale messages category from environment
Couldn't set locale from environment

These errors aren't really stopping me from using anything, except the Hydrus client gives me an error "Cannot set locale to language "English (U.S.)"" and then segfaults.
should I buy this monitor?
all gail
Anyone had any experience with using a cheap Chromebook as a Linux machine? Does it work well? Am I better off buying a thinkpad for the same price?
What a coincidence I just bought the 1440p version of this yesterday.

Dunno what to tell you about that one though sorry.
I see what you mean, but maybe I should rephrase my question.

Level/world contains entities.
Entities contain/create bullets.
However, it's not the task of the entity to manage the bullet, but of the level.
So what's the best way to get the bullets to become the responsibility of the level? Passing a vector pointer from the level through the constructor of the entity so it can add to this vector seems easy, but too icky
Keep in mind that almost everything cannot be sustained without making a profit off something.
So they too, sell your data to buyers.
If you're on Windows you don't need any program.
Just pop the CD into the drive, select the folder on Windows, copy the files over and press Burn then select DVD/CD Audio. After the burning Windows will choke though and display that all of the files are 0 bytes but it's false, the DVD will just work fine as audio if you pop it into your car audio or other stuff.
cool thanks ill try that
is a good monitor
I installed ubuntu onto a new drive of mine and then put my other two drives back into my computer but now whenever I boot up I can't seem to get my computer to go into ubuntu instead of windows. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Did you edit locale.gen and generate the locale?

I'm not too good with Regular Expression and I've failed to figure out any of this. But is there a way to make 4chanX filter highlight posts with 3 or more repeating numbers?

Here's the one for everything above dubs

And is it also possible to make it detect anything higher than 2000x2000 for image dimensions? Current one:
Is IPv6 a big deal?

My ISP supports it but it's not working on my end. Don't really feel like dealing with the run around calling those assholes.
How does normalised floating point work?
So the full binary floating point value is 10101.01 which base 10 is 21.25.

What would the normalised form of this be?
Testarossa > F40
t. Kavinskyfag
how do i use REN in cmd with a file with no extension in the 1st argument?
basically i want to give multiple files an extension

i made something like this with tampermonkey
shit's clunky with no jquery so get that working
Can you use regular JS in 4chanX aswell?
i dont know, only css afaik
You can add it to the script.
Where can I find free mailing lists?
Damn... Wish they'd implement something else

I don't know if I want to go through that hazzle if it's outside the settings pane, just gonna get written over after every update anyway..

Well, I'll try learning RegExp and try again in the future then.
free as in without mail verification so you can ebin trole someone you don't like?
No I just want a big list of random peoples emails
Is it worth waiting for a Rebrandeon RX 580 if I can get an 8GB 480 right now for $210?
>"Is it worth waiting for a Rebrandeon RX 580 if I can get an 8GB 480 right now for $210?"
Probably not
"Error The application has failed to start because the side by side configuration is incorrect. "

Why g told me to use telegram if it wants my fucking phone number
sounds like the side by side configuration is incorrect
Yeah, that's basically the same as an OC'd 480.
do you have a fix
What really matters is the DE.

Install LXDE on any distro. Thats the DE that uses 50mB on boot. You will never run out of memory.

My config:

Celeron 1.10ghz(1 core 1 virtual)
Intel 64mB card
4gB ram Single Channel
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS plus LXDE

Runs silky smooth
Doesnt every OS run from RAM? Isnt that how booting works?
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Supposed to be getting 24Megabits per second but only get 15ish. Stuck with DSL since I can't get cable out in the boonies.
I've talked to my ISP about my speed before and they said that my house is so far away from their building that the signal isn't strong enough to get the full speed. They have a local monopoly and my only alternative would be dialup or satelite.

There is one weird thing about the situation though. My original internet speed was 3Mb/s no matter what. I could barely watch youtube or play games. A couple years ago my ISP updated their system in some way that made my speed absolutely skyrocket. It was (relatively) blazing fast, like 64Mb/s down 3Mb/s up. Unfortunately a couple weeks later, I had to call them to forward a port on my router (Assholes lock down the routers to stop customers from messing with settings. No, its not the router's default login info, I've tried.)

At that point I guess they realized my connection was absolutely jacked and set it to the speed I have now. So obviously there is the potential to get higher speeds on the network regardless of what my ISP is trying to tell me

What is up with that?
This is a meme. Ive seen the same post multiple times.
i have a stupid suggestion but it may work, try getting a nvida antenna for you and your modem. Or just get satellite internet and fuck your isp
Sounds like they're rigging the speeds, not much you can do about it if they have a monopoly.
I have one physically connected network with two routers on it. Router 1 is connected to the cable modem and is Router 2 is connected to Router 1 and runs DD-WRT as a VPN and is

My problem is, how can I get devices on Router 1 to access devices on Router 2?

Example 1: PC on router 1 ( can't access router 2 config (

Example 2: iPhone on router 1 wifi ( can't access a PC on router 2 (
Isn't that what network bridges are for?
I am extremely confused about the nvidia antenna would do, or even is for that matter. Also I play too many games online to use satelite internet. Can't play with 1k ping and most of the satelite plans I've seen are capped at like 50gb/month. My internet is shit but at least I can download as much as I want.

Oh well, that fucking sucks. I'm on the highest tier they provide too. There is actually a 18Mb/s tier they offer, so you'd think it would make sense to switch to that so I'm not overpaying by much, but on that tier, the speed drops even lower to like 8Mb/s. Its fucking outrageous.
Can someone help me? Im using ubuntu and have alsamixer and pulseaudio installed. Every time I reboot the computer, 'Headphone' in alsamixer is set to 0. So whenever I reboot, the sound mutes itself again. I need then to manually set the sound to my liking(pretty annoying).
Ive tried:

alsactl store in terminal
disabling automute in alsamixer
Uninstalling pulseaudio
Running a script on startup:

amixer set 'Headphone' 100%

In etc/init

You need to put router 1 in bridge mode. That way the router will act asa bridge and forward everything to router 2.
Look up your current ISP legislation. In my country ISPs have to provide at least an average of 80% of the agreed bandwidth per month. Daily, it cannot average less than 40%, and it can never reach 20%.
I did.
I'm not sure how to find that. Every search result is just talking about the ISP selling your data shit. I'm in the US
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With the latest update is Edge still shit or is it better now?
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Anyone knew why i got this whenever i use Console.Read() function?
On loonix btw
>With the latest update is Edge still
I dont know how it works in burgerland, but here in hueland we have "Embratel" which is a government office responsible for controlling how much the ISPs fuck us in the ass.

I'm pretty sure you will find ths information on the internet, maybe on a .gov site?

Or maybe you could try looking into your contract...if the contract doesn't say anything about minimum bandwidth, then maybe your country doesnt enforce it and the ISP is not obliged to.
Ignore the greentext
I have audio crackling issues in Windows 10 whenever I get messaged in Steam, a Windows System Audio plays or a new Youtube video starts playing. My headphones are connected to a Behringer u-phoria umc22 USB interface.
i've tried swapping out my cpu fan and my power supply and i still get this coil whine sounding noise through my speakers (using an audio interface btw, happens with other interfaces on same computer and doesnt happen when interfaces are on different computers so i know it's the computer that's the issue)

is it possible that it's the board itself or the onboard graphics? would it potentially be solvable by getting a graphics card?
Should I use page file on Windows if I only have a shit hard drive that fails often?
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This kid stole my little brothers Minecraft account and is gonna "fuck it up" if my little brother doesn't pay him $120. What do?
I've already contacted mojang, and doxxed this kid for his address, phone number, name, IP and parents employers. What can I do with this info?
call parents, pretend to be fbi or what have you, look up name of local police force and say you are working with them in regards to cybercrime being committed at this location or something
Minecraft is like 25 bucks
Just make a new account and assuming your brother is a member of some server, talk to an Op or the owner and tell him to transfer build permissions to this new account.

Unless minecraft has drastically changed, I have no clue how you'd "fuck up" a minecraft account
Idk, I stopped playing too. Its actually my old account. Apparently my brother has payed money to servers to get "ranks" which do something (idk). I guess the account is worth more because of its ranks. Does mojang have good customer support? Im kind of hoping that I can just get the account back through them.
I was entertaining the idea, but I think just calling and talking to the parents would yield better results. I'll probably record the call in case things get dicey.
>Donating to minecraft servers
Good fucking lord. Give up on the boy, its too late for him now.
I'm sure the ranks are for either free shit or operator powers.

>If you are sure that your account was compromised, locate your transaction ID or gift code and contact customer support.
Good luck man. If you bought that shit early on, thats going to be a bitch to find if you dont save emails.
There is a good chance they have good support that can help you still. With a primary fanbase of children, they are probably used to dealing with stupid shit kids tend to do.
Since installing the Windows 10 Creator's Update, I get a 24fps cap in every game, even games I can run at 60fps. I've checked RivaTuner, AMD Crimson Software, and in-game, but there's no cap I'm setting. Updated drivers and I'm still getting the 24fps cap. Any ideas?

AMD FX-4200
R9 280
G.Skill 1600mhz RAM (clocked to 2025mhz)
Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 mobo
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i'm about to buy an used cpu, is it normal for the cpu to be dark like this?
Alright cool, I actually don't think I've ever deleted an email before, so finding it was pretty easy.
And yeah I told him buying stuff on Minecraft was stupid. But then again I play CS and I've payed for skins before
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another pic
its called flash photography
Hello, having problems booting my computer, the BIOS works but after I save and continue there's just a black screen, someone mentioned the problem might be something between UEFI and OS Boot and being entirely honest I don't really understand what that means. But I have a spare USB if there are any boot programs I can download onto it. Thanks.
not really, i took a pic like that with flash, it's different, the metal parts look like they're burned
Discussion reminded me of when I was trying to play league of legends after a long ass time. Completely forgot my account info and email address. They make you go through a fun little questionnaire of things on your account, which champions you bought first, who you played the most, etc. Say what you will about league of legends and Riot as a company, but they have some damn good customer support
If it's lighter on one side that means it's fake.
Ok /g/ I have a Dell P1900s Monitor

It is 5:4 60 Hz, but I would like to OC it.

I tried using the program called Custom Resolution Utility https://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-Custom-Resolution-Utility-CRU

I attempted to increase my refresh rate by 5 hz and that wouldn't work. My monitor would give me the error in the top picture. The middle picture is what manual for the monitor refered to about timings. The bottom picture is the program I'm using.

Is there anything I could do to get a higher refresh rate out of my monitor? Or is it a lost cause
my chrome crashes sometimes when i right click
what the fuck
How and why would it be burned?

It's just the angle and the way it reflected the light
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forgot got the pic like the retard I am
that's really weird, considering i can get my money back if i buy it and it doesn't work, i don't understand why someone would do this
Anyone? I'm really desperate :[
do you know any program that can recursively search a string of text through multiple files in a directory and subdirectories at once?
What OS are you trying to boot?
Does it boot to the screen with a flashing underscore like it wants you to type something? Or just a pure black screen?
Did you disconnect every usb device beside mouse and kb?
how do i put 81 images (100x100 pixels) named (x00.png..x80.png) together in a 9 by 9 format with GraphicsMagick?
Recommend me a good but not expensive router. I'll steam shit like 1080p videos and desktop from my bedroom PC
Just checked after a few days, now its saying "Secure boot violation invalid signature detected" then takes me to the BIOS and yes all the USB devices are unplugged. WIndows 7 also
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Is there a way (besides looking at your screen) for someone to tell if you're using wireshark on a public wifi network? Asking for my mom.
I should also add, I transfered all my old data from my old hard drive onto a new one, I think that may be why it's doing this im not sure :(
if i get audio bugs playing a game (touhou 7) through wine, would i have the same bugs playing the game on a windows VM?
I like chrome but i dont want to be in the botnet
what do /g/
is there any good reason I should upgrade to w10
asking because I just built this new pc and w8.1 alert popped up after an update saying my CPU performance would be better if I did. cpu is i5 7600k
the black hoodie
Antix or PuppyLinux, but in my opinion i prefer Antix, because everything works without much troble.

If you want something pretty and minimal use Elementary.
I think you should upgrade to windows 7
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Hey guys so I got my Ryzen build all ready and shit but there's one problem.
Windows 7 Non-OEM basically is IMPOSSIBLE to find for some reason.
Why do they sell shitty $140 OEM versions instead of the actual retail one?
I just want the last good Windblows OS without the OEM shit.
I searched Newegg,Ebay,Microcenter,Amazon, and even Fry's.
Is there a way to pirate it successfully and still get updates/some support?
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I'm making an image board for use over a wireless network only. I'm using a Pi Zero that i'm SSHing into (the only usb port is being used for an ethernet adapter). It's running a light Debian version called MINIBIAN that doesn't have a GUI.

I unzipped Kareha into a folder in the home folder of a user called 'bb'. I moved all the mode_image files to the folder with the rest of the files. I set the permissions on Kareha.pl to 777

how do I even see files over the network? i'm on a Ubuntu laptop. Under other OSs I've used /var/www to access files via like ... but I'm not seeing any equivalent folder under Debian.

TLDR: i'm trying to run Kareha.pl as a web page over the network. How do?
I had to downgrade to 8.1, 7 was acting up during installation. couldn't install any drivers, no USB, no GPU, CPU. was too lazy to troubleshoot it then, and am still too lazy to trouble shoot it now
If I clean installed windows 7 what would I be losing by downgrading from windows 10?

I hate all the immense bloatware and have 0 time to learn linux so windows 7 is the best option for me, plus ricing abilities are a little cleaner.

Also how much risk is there in pirating it? I really don't care to buy it since we're two versions past now.
just download the official ISO and use kmspico or M$ tool kit, 0 risk
Is there any difference between the RX 480 and the RX 580 besides clock speed?
You can't download it without a key.
The windows 7 iso is unavailable to download without a product key.
these are untouched isos, you can check the checksum/hash on them against the ones on the official ms site
what, do you want me to do, follow you into the bathroom to massage your gouch and hold it for you while you pee?

use your favorite torrent website and download an uncracked ISO
Stupid niggers said download the official iso you fuckwad, that means from the actual website. I know where to get the fucking iso.
then get the ISO and check that it matches the official ISO you dumb motherfucker. Windows 7 aint abouta install itself
Bandwidth is the only other difference I see
it is the official iso dumbshit, that's why I told you to compare the hash/checksum against the official ms ones
ima bout to install your fucking ass so shut the fuck up kid
didn't even pull that off right anon, it shoulda been
>Ima bout to install my dick in your ass
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or what? you'll leave the capslock on for the rest of this thread? oooh, I'm scert
Fucking retard. You can grab official iso from not official site and compare md5 sha or w.e. Stuipd piece of shit.
I once thought I'd need raid as well. But raid just increases your avaiability and what I really wanted was realiability.
I now use mirrored zfs vdevs!
How about you guys just provide a link or something if you know so much about W7 installation shit.

Last question: Do updates still get through on pirated copies?
I did provide a link, see >>59875203
you don't get the download from ms, you get it elsewhere then verify it's untouched by comparing checksums
Dear /sqt/

I tried using Windows 10 build-in proxy function by entering server IP and port manually but when turned on, I couldnt load any sites, so I assume that I did it wrong.

Whats the best open source software for proxies on Windows? Also, is there a trusted list of such servers somewhere? I know I could just search on duckduckgo for that but Im afraid that I would end with ad websites and such.
how do I quote backwards like 122345<<
You cunt this isn't me.
Is cyber ghost a good VPN? I got it in a humblebundle and I'm wondering if I should renew or use a different VPN. I've also tried that free softether stuff but it wasn't that great.
>3 or more repeating numbers

>possible to make it detect anything higher than 2000x2000

but it seems you're trying to highlight repeating digits so you can make epic replies to them. if this is the case I recommend suicide to improve board quality

like this
rly makes u tink
It's OK. Use if its working for you. Avoid, hola and hidemyass, check torrentfreak's guide.
I get a black screen when booting my pc, BIOS works what do i do
neither of those work
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Windows 7 64-bit, Rainmeter 3.3

Wondering how to get Control Panel shortcuts launchable through Rainmeter.

I tried to copy the pathway in the pic, but to no avail.

Do I need to make a seperate .exe or .bin that could be launched through Rainmeter's launcher apps?
Does anyone know a good usb boot program for my pc?I only have a mac for a spare computer so needs to be compatible for both.
Can't download on Mac won't open:(
What should i do, in the phone that i recently got have a problem that, whenever i put a sdcard in it, it becomes sdcard0 and my internal storage becomes sdcard1 so all the apps and stuff malfunction since the all the appdata should be in sdcard0 anyway to fix it? I wrote the same problem a while ago on/wsr/ a guy came and said getexternalstorage() and stopped responding.
Help would be much appreciated, if it requires root i can.
I'm trying to start an SDL project but I've never ever written code from scratch. I know that sounds stupid but everythng I've learned usually has some basic code in main.cpp and I start with init, update and release functions in game.cpp. I've spent 5 hours today just trying to get this set up but its hard.

Does anyone have any tips for how a student programmer can start completely blank projects without blanking out? Thanks
i want to burn a dvd-video disc with sound only so i can listen to audiobooks in a dvd player. how can i accomplish this? the audiobooks are in .mp3 format
bump, need help with this
Anyone know where to get or the checksum for tiny7? I want to dick around with it again and I can't find the torrent link and download sites for it look sketchy as hell.
Can you dd your OS drive with zeros? Will it work? Or do I have to use a livecd?
You need a web server, like nginx or apache.
Technically possible, but you'll need some preparations to make sure it doesn't crash and no new data is written afterwards. Just use a livecd.
Is this link (https://pastebin.com/smjvLZN4) pretty much the definitive way to activate win10pro or are there better ways to go about it? Can I find a cheap key somewhere online? If so, where??
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Follow up:

How do I make this makefile work? I have main.cpp, Game.h and Game.cpp. The functions in game currently do nothing, I just want to compile and make a foundation bit by bit. This is hard.
fstab, manual editing would do. do twrp backup first. editing would fuck your phone up.
Best PDF viewer for android? I'm looking for something that has a menu to look through my files and remembers my last viewed page or has a bookmark feature.
And isn't google.
Is there a way to download a boat program off my mac to work on my pc? most of them won't open because they're not supported on mac OS
BOOT program.
are you a grill?
go away google
stop using background processes and data you piece of shit, my phone can't be rooted
Document viewer is pretty good and can do all those things. It's available on f-droid too.
foxit, adobe, deny their net connection first, as they are botnets.
Is it worth dealing with Athlon Micro to try and RMA my old 290? Not sure what kind of ride I'm in for.
Does it ask for wifi/data
>implying that stops it
It's open source, so you can be sure it doesn't do anything you wouldn't want it to do.

From the FAQ:
>Why does Document Viewer need Full Network Access permissions?
>To download PDF files directly using a URL and for ODPS support.
Is there a way to download a boot program off my mac to work on my pc? most of them won't open because they're not supported on mac OS
Currently have a laptop that is set up to dual boot Windows 7 and Linux Mint (was originally Windows 7). Decided to go full Linux so I put Mint on my main desktop.

How can I convert the laptop back into a Windows 7 only hard drive again? I only have Free Space but it won't let me merge the volumes.

Any help? Thanks /g/uys.
Google how to install win7, delete all partitions and follow the guide to make it windows only.
Yeah that's my worst case scenario, but in hindsight there's not much important shit on this laptop to begin with.
I don't really get what you wanna do, do you want to backup or something, rephrase and ask in a new thread also, this one is kill
Google PDF viewer is pretty clean desu

Do you guys do quadcopters? I just picked up a Ei-Hi S900R for $20 without controller or charger, and am looking for advice as per using my computer as a remote controller, if that could be done with bluetooth or something.
rsync will copy the files again if they have been modified. If it works with -u, they must have been modified on your backup drive.
Or there's something wrong with the timestamps.
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