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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 49

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Recommend me a photo viewer. Something very simplistic.
Honeyview or whatever the default is on Ubuntu
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Why the fuck is foobar still connecting to the internet if I blocked inbound and outbound connections?
I'm on Linux mint. Firefox is using up to 50% and more of my CPU power. Someone suggested turning off multi processing, and that helped a little I guess. But it still makes things laggy when Firefox is open for more than 24 hours. I never had that problem until I updated. What do?

On a related note. Are there any major performance disadvantages or advantages in turning off the cache (I.e. Limiting it to 0 bytes)? I have fast Internet so I value my performance more than my Internet bandwidth.
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Does anyone have any infographics that have a guy to Operational Security? I want to delete myself from the internet and totally separate myself from my anonymous alter-ego with a very low chance of being traced back to myself..
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Can anyone identify these connectors for me? They are all different and are from broadcast monitors
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bump to new thread
complete noob here, I'd like to analyze an exe file I got, I have a win 7 vm in virtualbox and I want to sniff it's traffic with wireshark on my host computer, how can I do that?
On third party archives, is there a way to search for images via ths "save as" filename files have?

For example, the OP pic of this thread being 1487364228701
looks like BNC connections for most of em
Coaxial, used for live broadcast medium
u dummy

its bnc u fuk
Isn't that the case in the Lord of the Rings? All of the magic on Middle-Earth had been expended by the end of the books, which is why the elves left for Valinor and the men of our world aren't capable of casting spells.
so this cable should work ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/BNC-to-RCA-lead-RG59-Composite-Video-CCTV-Wordclock-SMPTE-75ohm-Coaxial-Cable-/151085983801?var=&hash=item232d6d2839:m:mgH_a7QUQo0RPzqlfeop-WQ ) with this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/JVC-TM-A101G-9-Broadcast-Color-Video-Monitor-w-Dual-Video-Audio-Inputs-CCTV-/142272492927?hash=item212019f57f:g:XmAAAOSwjDZYm2YM
Would it be better to use VirtualBox/VMware or Bootcamp to run Windows in mac. I was thinking the former because windows wouldn't have any chance of touching the osx partition.
Try that safe mode or the refresh firefox button.
Is there a way to get some kind of a alert or ! on the google main search page when you have mail in your gmail? Don't like that I need to click gmail to see if I have anything new in there would just like a little ! or something next to its icon to notify me if I have new mail in there
This is what i was looking for. Cheers senpai!
Is that young cumberbatch?
I dunno.
Do you have an email client that has new mail alerts? Just add you're gmail acct.
Is it safe to clone an 8gb sd card using dd and restore it to a bigger sd card?
so is the only tablet worth a shit right now the shield k1

kind of want a ipad 2 though, I only need it for reading books
I recently installed a fresh copy of windows but now i am getting the "windows is not genuine" pop up. i lost my activation key so i cannot authenticate it. Is there anyway to get this pop up to go away without the key? I'm on windows 7 btw
I don't use clients I use my browser
Thanks a lot anon, you are my greatest ally
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wtf is going on here? I was looking through a forum and someone had used an emoticon. I wanted to check whether it was the forum creating it or chrome so I inspected and that shit was in the inspector as well. I google the emoticon and not only does it show up inline it also shows up in the url.

How the fuck do I get rid of this cancerous garbage? It's clearly windows 10 doing something because it's a Microsoft emoticon and it shows up the same way in all my browsers.
Emoticons are standard UTF. There's no actual reason text editors, browsers, etc can't just render them as such instead of raw values.
It's why Swift allows you to use them in code, as retarded as that is.
okay, how do I get them to stop rendering them? Every time I see one it gives me aids, and the fact that it's in the element inspector and URL triggers me beyond belief.
Not him but, is there any way to make these look good? The way chrome renders them is broken and janky as fuck.
read his post again, they're standard UTF. Either install a font that doesn't render them and use that or something else. fucking winfag
I wanna write some software in Python meant to be used as a car deck. What SBC should I use for that car deck?

Raspi 3 - BINARY BLOBS but lots of documentation. Can get it right now, but again, binary blobs.
Beaglebone Black - Good shit, but lacks documentation. Used it before though, love it.
Orange Pi/Banana Pi/Odroid - I don't know anything about these, but they might be better options than the BBB?
should I be using LastPass? Why/why not?
Yes, because it's probably better than any other way you'll end up managing your passwords. So even though there's a chance they'll get hacked, you're statistically better off over all.
use this https://www.passwordstore.org/
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I do
not for my banking or paypal
not for my main email

but for everything else.. sure

it provides what other password managers provide, unique always remembered password for any site
but it has the best around ease of use and browser integration
though its been some time since I tested keepass addons and shit
That's good for those of use who bother to set up GPG and make backups. Not so good for passive shits.
Install wireshark on VM ... profit ?
(A noobs guide to wireshark is out of the scope of a /sqt/, use a search engine)
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>plug USB 3.0 external HDD into USB 3.0 port on motherboard I/O panel
>this speed

What fucking year is this?
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I want to write a program that reads a text file and then allows me to filter and display the information.

I've never used anything but a console log in college so far, but I'd like to have a UI this time. I know c++, java and python. More specifically I'm reading from an SD card that contains longitude and latitude in a text file.

Anyone point me in the right direction?
define "better", it all depend on what you want to do.
A VM allows you to use it while running OSX, uses less space (the virtual disk file varies in size according to content, not the partition) and it is easier to remove/snapshot of/reinstall.
It has lower performance (not much but still), can't use all the ram, it is a pain to access physical devices.

It is highly unlikely windows will access the OSX partition.
python should be the simplest

and what exactly directions you want?
its fucking basic
how to open file
how to read lines
how to find string in string
>I only need it for reading books
Buy an e-reader, not a tablet.
If you really want a tablet, buy whatever has a big autonomy and a nice screen.

If you need to ask this question, the answer is a raspberry pi, community is bigger.
Orange pi and the like are blobfest on steroรฏd, have next to no support (they don't even have images for my 2 year old one to download) and almost no community.

Java with Swing or JavaFX will be the easiest.
e-readers are good for novels, but not textbooks.
I would imagine having search functionality for textbooks would be great. Never used an e-reader though.
I prefer them to tablets, I prefer to read on a non lit screen and you don't have to worry about battery life.
I have an iPad, a chinese tablet and an ereader and I used to read textbooks on my ereader at uni.
ereader do have text search.
My Kobo even has an awesome multi-language dictionary that is very well integrated into the readingn interface.
Idk maybe you should nmap
The raspi community is way bigger, but it's got proprietary blobs and I'm a big free software faggot. I didn't know the chinese knockoffs had blobs. Guess I'll go with the BBB.
British navel connector(BNC).

You can get adapters to change them to RCA. But RCA is shit for long distances compared to coax.
Is it possible for my RAM to limit my ability to overclock?
i7 6700K
Maximus VIII Hero
Crucial Sport 4X4GB DDR4-2400 (free)
650w bronze power supply
Doing a fresh W7 install for the first time in a while, should I download all windows updates first then run Ancile script or immediately block updates and run Ancile?
I've done it a few times. It can and has worked for me, but it's probably not a good idea.
How can I set MPC-HC as my default video settings? I tried looking through the default applications in the control panel but it doesn't show up. I also tried the one in the settings and it doesn't show up either. I was able to set it as the default for audio in the settings.
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I gonna start learning sys admin stuff

Just because windows is everywhere i gonna start with windows server BUT i dont know if i should learn 2016 or 2012

i seen places that use even older server versions and i wonder how i can know what is the best to learn?

il get int linux after
It does not matter how good your interface is. You're still using a platter hard drive with shit random I/O performance.

Try copying one big ass file instead of 2,600 small ones and see if the transfer rate shoots up.

Or just use a fucking SSD.
Is there any torrent client/pluggin with the ability to create it's own openvpn connection?
I really doubt the BBB is blob-free.
Rasperry pi is making big moves toward blobfreeness, look at their blog.
Do you want a UI or a GUI.

Cause text prompts in a console count as a UI.
whats a good office chair to get for my new setup
i sit in it all day so im tired of my ass hurting
I hear the ergohuman is quite good, but it's expensive. What's your butget?
Vertagear PL6000

Vertagear Triigger
Try compressing/taring your files on the fly, it may speed things up a lot because of :
probably $300 maybe pushing $400 is what i can do, i just need something that'll last without having to go outside to actually try chairs
>how do I get them to stop rendering them
... and render what instead, exactly?
wrong video for PL6000
here is the one I saw
>I'm reading from an SD card that contains longitude and latitude in a text file.

Just find an existing program or code that reads longitudes and latitudes.
BBB has binary blobs for OpenGL, but you don't need them. You need binary blobs to boot raspi though. I'm gonna buy the raspi anyway since it does seem like they're making good progress.
I got an iphone 7 on ios 10.2, does vshare work on this? If not, does anything for free apps work on this?
i thought gaming chairs were a meme

well, I've never made a GUI for any of my programs, that is more the recommendation I'm looking for.

I'll check it out, thanks anon
The Ikea Marcus ($200) is supposed to be good.

I researched for hours the other day, and couldn't find a recommendation for a high-back office chair in the $250-$400 dollar price range, so I settled on a ~$340 dollar Maxnomic gayman chair.
>Click verify once there are none left.

Any particular reason joogle keeps singling me out for these? Like seriously it's especially fucking bad today, must be a lot of network traffic or something i presume
I have no idea if they are. On the one hand you have people saying that all gaming chairs are shit and office chairs are where it's at, and on the other hand you have people saying that gaming chairs are better for long sessions.

Then again there's also the kids saying dxracer is the best thing since sliced bread because their favourite internet-"celebrity" endorsed it.

I ended up ordering a Maxnomic because linus gave it a positive review. >>58993182
is there a program i can point at a hard drive with windows on it and pull all the usernames/passwords/password hashes for the browsers and for the user accounts?
Yeah its hard to decide, i just want something that will last. The current one i have feels like im sitting on a flat board of wood

Did you get the chair yet to see how it feels?
Nah, it's probably gonna arrive early next week.
class Thing(object):

def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def __str__(self):
return self.name

Empty = Thing("Empty")

Grid = [[[Empty for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]]

for column in range(10):
for item in Grid[column]:

Index out of range. What's the problem here? New to programming obviously (that's why I'm on python)
now that infinality got abonded
How do i configure freetype2 with harfbuzz in arch linux?

Starting today, something has been causing full screen applications (namely games) to randomly minimize to the desktop for no reason. Sometimes I've caught a glimpse of the little "loading" circle next to the mouse but beyond that I can't figure it out. Nothing seems out of the ordinary under processes and I haven't installed anything new in over a week.

Operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and again, this just started happening today.

Any ideas? Thanks in advanced.
infinality is not abandoned anymore
it was abandoned for like 2 weeks i think
Installed linux what now? Whats the point of linux if yur just in an IDE all day?
Your Grid has an extra []. So it's an array within the first object of the array (list w/e), change to.

Grid = [[Empty for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
What mail client should I use on Windows? Bonus points for a modern dark theme.
Im a first year CS student and our prof is constantly recommending Linux with VIM, but i don't see the point if all our work can be done in Visual studio
Wow wtf how did that even happen. Thanks for that, I feel really stupid now lol.
What is hacker news? Like reddit-lite but for tech stuff?

sorry if this doesn't belong here.
On W10

Is there any way I could quickly access to an option to switch main display?

I find annoying that for some games I have to go over to the display settings and check "make this my main display" everytime I want to have my secondary monitor work with it.
Any more opinions on this?
im trying to research and decide
Pretty much, with a bias towards startup culture, Silicon Valley and webshit. There are interesting articles posted and some worthwhile comments, much better than reddit.
Are you switching the main display for resolution/aspect ratio reasons? Or just to move the game. I used to use ShiftWindow to move borderless windows/games to other monitors. Doesn't require changing main monitor.
Resolution, aspect ratio and refresh rate reasons.

The configuration tool for the game will only let me select the right resolution/refresh rate as long as I open it after setting the secondary monitor as my main one. I have 2 monitors that are vastly different.
I'm about to go to a hackathon and all my team members just quit (other things came up for them) and so I'm alone.

I'm fucked. That much I know, but just out of curiosity, what can I do to be less fucked? Any ideas for projects? The most I can come up with is a shitty file compressor (but I'm competing against people that are going to be using machine learning algorithms. I'm fucked)
the key on this image makes no fucking sense.
It means you are on the bad goy list, and the Ai is training you to post less.
I think there's supposed to be labels on the y-axis (authoritarian vs libertarian or some stupid shit like that)
Don't go? I don't think people will look down on you for pussying out after your whole team left.
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I know the computer is obviously an old OEM piece of shit, so I'm pretty much SOL. But I've found an old Optiplex 330, and like some other Dells, it can be hacked to support a Xeon, in particular the E5450. However, this particular PC only has two DDR2 slots, and it can only accept up to 2GB each stick, for a grand total of 4GB of system RAM. 4GB is laughably low for today, obviously, so I was wondering what exactly limits RAM capacity. Can one make a hacked BIOS to make it accept 4GB sticks, or is it a hardware limitation?

Thanks in advance.
What are the current advantages and disadvantages of all current Windows versions?
What is the expected lifetime of each main PC component on average?
That they're nonfree shitware

beyond that I mean.
Whats so great about linux?
The Chinese knockoffs have multiple GPL violations and a least one known backdoor.
Why the fuck is my 32gb flash drive only showing me 48mb available?
Open MPC, go to options, formats, select all.

Or just right click a file and set that file type to open with MPC.
Is dumping hot grease down the sink really so bad? I've heard it can clog the pipes if it solidifies but can't I just dump some draino down if/when that happens and be fine? Or is there a possibility of longer term damage than this?

It's not like I usually have a decent container handy to dump it into (also not 100% sure what kinds of contaners are acceptable, like can I dump it into a garbage bag or will it melt through that?), and I worry I'll spill some on myself and get terrible burns, and if I just leave it in the pan to solidify it becomes much more annoying to clean. I don't run into this situation all that often but maybe every few weeks when I feel like treating myself to a steak or something similar that will generate a decent amount of grease.
Maybe it was formatted to a small ass partition. What'd you do before this.
Just put stuff on it when moving to another computer. I haven't used it in a while. How do I undo that?
Thanks man!
Nevermind, googled and fixed it.
Fuck an office chair get a lazy boy, your ass will thank you.


Is there anything similar to how the old shadowplay worked? I uninstalled gfe after they fucked it
>Tech illiterate sister asks for help with Mac running slow and warning about disk space
>Probably slow because she has literally 50 windows of chrome instead of tabs, and 50 word documents open at any given time
>Look at what's taking all the space
>Fucking 40 GIGABYTES of swap used
Should she just close everything she has open? Weirdly the uptime is only 20 days.
Should I just install mpc-hc from https://mpc-hc.org/ or just use CCCP?
>Should she just close everything she has open?
yes, and a reboot wouldn't hurt.
Yea get it from that site
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Is there such a thing as a PCI-E IDE controller that is practically *better* than the shit they used to put on motherboards? Because I'd be interested in getting one of muh nostalgia CD drives to run, but only if it wouldn't get bottlenecked and randomly miss features.

So far this is the only decent looking IDE controller I even found, but information on it is scarce. I'd really prefer a high performance one if that makes any sense.

What is a good cheaper Datavac alternative?
I'm a student and a Linuxfag, but I figured I should at least educate myself about Windows server stuff, but the literature is so expensive. I didn't want to give the Jews money, so I bought a 1700 page book about Windows server 2008 of off eBay for 5 bucks.

My question: how much useful knowledge can I get from this book? Is everything in Windows server 2016 different or do most general concepts still apply?
air compressor
One alternative that wont break laptops or fans of how strong it is.
How do i confirm a laptop energy problems come from the powerjack instead the charger?
Can someone explain what VIM is and what are its applications? Also whats the difference between Vi and Vim?
i've used one for years and never broke anything
>Is dumping hot grease down the sink really so bad?
If your sink doesn't have a grease trap, yes

>I've heard it can clog the pipes if it solidifies but can't I just dump some draino down if/when that happens and be fine? Or is there a possibility of longer term damage than this?
Maybe, but why bother with the risk?

Let the grease cool off and then dump it in a zip lock bag and throw it in the trash
just go dump it out in the yard bro
vim is a programmable text editor. That means
that you it can be used to program in any language because it the community has already programmed a lot of convenience functionality to program.

The big deal about vim is that it is available on all linux machines by default, and can be run without a graphic user interface - from the shell. That makes it very popular and well known.

It is a text editor to edit any files. You can use it incredibly efficiently, never using a mouse, jumping all over the place in the text. Like whereever you look at your cursor jumps to it, and it just takes little to master the basics

>vi vs vim
no idea, someone else take this one

t. emacs user

Could anybody remove the transparent REI watermark on top of this video or just tell me how could I do it myself?
I have been looking at building a server, how do I implement a firewall in front of my VMs?

Also, what is better for a home media/torrent server, containers or VMs?
what a weird request, is this work related wtf

basically try to google the raw thing first you dumb nigga
nice trips, couldnt find it without watermark, but since it's transparent it should be easy to remove, right?
Is there a way to completely disable Chrome's "page is unresponsive" message? Like an option or an extension somewhere so that it never pops up.
>just go dump it out in the yard bro
Didn't think of that. Guess I'll try that next time, if I don't have a styrofoam cup or something handy.
Don't that be a pain to sit down in if it's in front of a desk? Unless you can rotate it somehow.
Thinking of making an iphone app to try to make some trickle of income, already know how to do that part but my app will need a remote server with a database that it can query and I've never really set anything up like that before. (Do know the basics of SQL stuff but basically got a lot of reading and learning ahead of me for this aspect.) Anyone have any recommendations in this regards as far as software or good cheap hosting providers for this sort of thing? I don't expect it will have to handle a huge amount of traffic right away, it's gonna be strictly a local thing at least for the foreseeable future.

Also what free database software is best for this sort of thing? Should I just use MySQL or is there a better alternative?
I ilke my VPS on digitalocean.
Oh, also if someone knows a good payment processor that I can use or has input in that regard it would be nice too. I'll need to be able to quickly set up new and multiple payee accounts as it goes since the project I'm doing is in conjunction with a bunch of local restaurants in the area (already obtained tentative participation agreement from several around here once I have something to actually show them) and I'd much prefer that payments go directly into their accounts rather than into mine and have to forward it to them (since I'd wind up holding the bill if someone does a chargeback in that case)
>PC has completely random beeps every now and then although it rarely happens
Would could that mean? Is it my dying HDD?
Define random beeps.

Windows beeps or POST beeps?
How much would repasting would drop temperatures?

Paste in mind: Arctic silver 5 because is easy to get.

Idle: 40ยฐC
Stress test: 75ยฐC.
CPU: I3-2350M.
Repasting from what? Honestly it probably wont be noticeable unless you have none on there or it's dried up.
It has never been repaste.
And the CPU is enough to tell its a laptop.
So pretty much the paste has been like that 5 years, im sure the paste dried up by now.
Ok guys, tell me cause the rest of the internet seems too stupid to give a conclusive answer.
Does leaving an ssd unpowered for a long time (1-2 months) make it lose data or wear out faster?

I don't want to spend money on a piece of hardware that will boost my laptop for 4 months and then lose 30% of its life expectancy.
>1-2 months
6 months
>Does leaving an ssd unpowered for a long time (1-2 months) make it lose data or wear out faster?
No, in the early gen(1st-2nd) gen yes, but you had to directly let it under the sun at 80-100ยฐC or more.

In the lastest ones is not a problem, not since 3 years ago.

Still dont cheap out on them, get a 850 EVO.
How does scaling on Chrome OS work? With the resolution set to 1200x800, everything on screen is very sharp and it's obviously being rendered at 2400x1600 instead of being rendered at 1200x800 and upscaled. Is it just saying that objects are rendered at the size they would be on screen if the display was that resolution, but they're still rendered at the native resolution?
It will lose data if it is unpowered for too long
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3MB, 1920x1080px
What is computer engineering, and should I try to major in it instead of computer science if my main interest is computational linguistics, whitehat hacking, and programming?
You sure? I've had 2 ssds unpowered for about 5 months, and they work flawlessly.
Yours interest lean more towards CE indeed.

CS is only theory.
The liberal sciences of computer related stuff.
It was a problem before, its not anymore.
People keep saying it is though.

I left an ASUS EEPC with an ADATA SP550 for 6 months because the battery died and the fucking needle like charger broke and when i reconnected it again recently it had no problems.
At the university I'm looking at though, the coursework seems to lean more towards hardware stuff. Also a factor is that I already have a bachelor's so going back is already a chore, and the CS would be ~70 credits whereas the CE is ~90. Furthermore, I have no science and math background.

I know this isn't reddit but if anyone could take a look at the course list and tell me what it's all about I'd lick ya http://www.albany.edu/undergraduate_bulletin/computer_engineering_bulletin_information.html
I have a laptop that over time has become increasingly prone to thermal throttling (in the form of completely shutting off), to the point where now even basic tasks have a rather high chance of triggering it.

It idles at no less than 70'C (anywhere from 70-80) and it doesn't take much to push it up to almost 100 (it shuts off at about 97 or so). I've already replaced the cooler (fan bearing failed a while back) and repasted it later on in an attempt to get the temperatures down, but that seemed to have no effect whatsoever. I also adjusted the power management settings to keep it from ever clocking up to full speed under load and that didn't help either.

Is there anything I can do to help it run cooler again, or is it boned?

Anyway sounds like your fan is not receiving enough power.
Is your laptop HSF PMW? (4 cables) open speedfan and check how fast it is working at.
Is it rude for my roommate to start using my new Xbox controller without asking?

I got it for my PC, which I play but not nearly as much as he plays his Xbox, he has a perfectly fine one, and I don't want his dirty unwashed hands all over mine and playing aggressively with it

What do?
How about the Kingston V300 and V400?
The difference in price here is abismal
Those are literally the worst 2 SSDs in the market.
Tell him that he can use your controller if he has someone over and they need another controller, but not otherwise. I think that's fair.
Does it matter if played his Xbox a bit here and there?

The dude really doesn't have good hygiene , probably doesnt wash his hands after wiping his ass and I don't wanna have to use sanitary wipes to use MY controller

But I don't wanna tell him that I don't want him not using it because he's dirty
Look for more recent ones.
Dont get low end SSDs if you are worried about reliability.

850 EVO is the best you can get when it comes to SATA SSDs.
ADATA SU800 for something somewhat cheaper but nowhere close when it comes to reliability.
Crucial is "reliable".
WD is reliable but overpriced as fuck and are just Sandisk rebrands.
Sandisk is cheap but not so reliable.

Kingston and PNY are unreliable, but cheap.
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This is ADATA SP550, a cheaper SSD but huge difference in speeds.
I don't have it set up at the moment so I can't do any actual testing right now, but the fan never seemed to be power-deprived or anything. When it kicks up to full blast (which is most of the time given its "usual" operating temps) you definitely hear and feel it. It just can't seem to keep up with the heat being generated by the cpu and gpu.
AMD HP laptop by any chance?
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Sony Vaio F series (2010). Core i7 740QM, GeForce GT 425M. Pic related is what the HSF looks like.

It's old, sure, but somehow I doubt this is the norm for aging laptops.
don't listen to that guy. computer is more like specialized electrical engineering than the stuff you mentioned. You MIGHT know some matlab after completing the degree.
>1st gen I7-QM CPU with a dedicated GPU
Well no wonder it was so hot.

Also its not at all.
Did you replace the whole HSF or only the fan?

Disable the GPU and only use the IGPU, the computer should run way cooler but you wont be able to do stuff GPU heavy, just to see how much the temperatures drop.
I assume you already tried this before though.
wew lad

You have an actual fireball in there, no fucking wonder the fan cant keep up. Nehalem AND Fermi, two of the hottest architectures of the past 10 years.

Make sure that theres no dust blocking the heatsink fans; take the shield off the fan and blow them off if necessary with compressed air. Past that, see if theres an integrated Intel GPU you can use instead of the Fermi one (through Optimus or something) and disable the nVidia GPU. The GTX4xx line is what spawned the housefire meme.
Is Windscribe a virus?
Anyone know a java facelets library that can be used with maven? I HAS to be completely through maven, I can't download jars and add them. I've tried using primefaces but it doesn't seem to work. maven doesn't download anything and the tutorial just said all i had to do was add the dependency to the pom.xml file. Am I doing something wrong?
Use Adwcleaner and uBlock origin instead.

Sounds shady.
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What is going on with my HDD? Its only six months old.
Post SMART data.
Also install HD Tune pro.
>How to get SMART data
>Did you replace the whole HSF or only the fan?
Whole thing.

>I assume you already tried this before though.
Actually I have not. Never even dawned on me that that was an option. I'll have to look into giving that a shot next time I mess with it.
Well you have a mix of the 2 hottest combinations possible ever.

A Early gen quad core mobile I7 and one of the cards that created the housefire meme(Nvidia Fermi).
Hell my thinkpad gets to 102ยฐC under load with a quad core 2nd gen I7, i cant imagine the temps with a dedicated GPU.
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Also, CPU and RAM scored a bit below model average too. Should i be worried?
There are 0 problems with your HDD.

Are you sure you werent running something in the background while you did the benchmark?
Only 2 tabs of Google Chrome. I guess ill redo with everything closed just in case.
Windows update or defender in the background?
Reposting from another thread.

I've recently switched from using tabs to spaces in Vim. I figured out the basic stuff like tabstop, shiftwidth, softtabstop, and expandtab, but I can't figure out how to make Vim treat a group of spaces as a tab while navigating the file. Whenever I want to move through them, I have to go through each space.

How do I make it so it goes through groups of spaces like they're tabs while navigating?
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No, i turned updates off, no defender either. This time it scored bad again. CrystalDiskInfo says everything is fine.
Run CrystalDiskMark, run it
Then install HD Tune pro, and run the benchmark.
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Is this even okay?
Is that a external HDD?
Then there is something really wrong with your HDD.

Something is using it, or its damaged.

Should be between 70-100MB/s since you got the gimped version.
Why you bought the EZRX when EZEX is way better and cheaper?
I'm new to the Android meme after having an iPhone 4 for many years. I'm looking into rooting, but I'm unsure which method would be best. Is it better to do it straight from my phone or should I use a computer to do it?
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I think i fucked up while ordering. I think i was going for 7200 rpm. Not sure how it ended up like this.
Can you still change it?

Also >2.3MB minimum
Do it again.
>Can you still change it?
Doubt it
>i7 4790k 4.0ghz
>GTX 970 video card, 3.5gb VRAM
>8gb RAM
>I want to run like 20 copies of some cheap games at once, but only one visible at a time
Will upgrading to 32gb of system RAM have a big impact on how many copies of a game I can run at once? Or do I need a shit ton of VRAM?
How the fuck do I add pages to my bookmark toolbar on Seamonkey? Dragging the page to it doesn't work.
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My gf is asking me to explain how software controls hardware. I understand it enough to say that the drivers communicate with the controllers and PCBs, and software breaks down to binary to translate from a human-readable format, but she wants to know how the actual hardware movements know what to do.
For example, how does a string of 0s and 1s translate to the light bar on a scanner moving?

Please help, talk to me like I'm 5.
Hello /g/ this is the situation and I've never had to ask online for any problem computer problem before.

windows 10 x64. Nvidia 970 - i5 - gygabite motherboard I wont go into hardware details.

Computer restarts only on videogames.

I've stressed everything. The CPU, the GPU, the SSDS and HDDS. Nothing is OC.
Did Prime, MemTest, Pc Mark, Aida and many more.
Now with lastest nvidia drivers. I've even rolled back a few version before. Still the same.

It started happend since the last 4 or 5 nvidia releases.

There's no dump and there can't be one because the event visor only logs "kernel problem", for the computer its a PSU problem. Well, its fucking not.

Anyone else having this problem? tips? solutions?
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Here's the last test. Is it better? Is it good?
>Kernel problem
Did you ever got a kernel panic event before?
Also upgrade to windows 7.

Check your voltages.
Yes, now this is more normal.

You have/had something running in the background making your HDD to slow down so benchmarks show weird results.
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Phew, glad thats over. Thanks for the help mate, I appreciate it very much.
I think I caused someone to get rear ended, but I didn't stop because I thought I saw them turn on to a highway. What do?
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Downgrade to windows 7 you mean.
Do you accidentally press or hold down keyboard buttons when you're booting the machine?
Not him but bumping, this is a pretty interesting question desu.
No, he doesn't.
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>Downgrade to windows 7 you mean.

>No spying
>Better dx9-11 performance
>No forced updates
>Less random ass resource usage
If Flash is unsafe, what should I use if I want to properly see pages that require it?

Are you asking how servos work?

1's and 0's make their way towards the some sort of IC chip, and use the signal as a gate to know when to let the heavy-duty magic pixies in to your motor, turning the magnets and making it go.

1 = work, 0 = no turny.

Watch Ave, bigclivedotcom and the like. They're entertaining, if nothing else.
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bought a 2tb flash drive to install games and other space hungry shit to free up some room on my HD. Tried setting up a steam library through steam on it and then tried to install a game, but it was stuck on allocating space for 10 mins without any visible progress. When i stopped it and tried to install to the HD, within 5 minutes it had moved on to actually installing the game. now roughly 20 mins in the game is already 1/3 installed. why wouldnt steam install it on the flash drive? my hd has ~50g free, the flash drive has over 1tb free. the game is only like 18g. looking this issue up on google doesnt net a solution, seems no one really has a solution that actually fixes the issue
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I have had my WD caviar black for 7 years and it never had problems and then suddenly

What the fug??? am i going to die, and if so which drive would be recommended

I only really use it for storing video game while i have 1tb solid state for more important shit
Nothing. Abandon them and let them die off for continuing to use a dead heap of garbage.
Post all info.

Function>Advanced Features>Raw Values>10 [DEC]
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start by using the coarse navigation like w and b, first off.
>2 sectors to be remapped
Nothing to worry about yet or in a long time.

You hit your computer dont you? or dropped it.
How can I tell whether it's my hard drive or fans that are making noise in my laptop? Is there a way for me to temporarily disable my hard drive without fucking anything up?
Booting into a linux USB wont use the HDD unless you mount it.
Yeah I sort of moved it between three different computers for one and I think the drive cage currently rattles actually in the new Corsair 460X since it's a modular cage

May have hit my computer in the night with some dream too
Well dont worry in the next 15-20k hours, WD Blacks are really resistant HDDs.

That's because commands over USB is really slow. Load times for AAA games will be atrocious even if you do get it installed. Adding an extra $50 platter drive is really your best bet.
USB C thunderbolt is what you need nerd
Followup answer to my own question:

Via the bright idea to search for conversations regarding multiboxing, I was able to glean info from users with similar needs to my own. I determined that system memory was indeed as important a factor as I had theorized.
First, you have a 2.5" 5200RPM HDD, expect really slow performance.
Then you have the USB bottleneck.
Your HDD is working at 20MB/s or 70-80MB/s with USB 3.0 sequential read/write speeds tops, also shitty random speed ones which matter in games.
>get internet speed upgraded
>as soon as the guy leaves I start noticing problems with chrome
>it crashes a few seconds after startup
>tells me to reset chrome settings
>check both Antivirus and the chrome repair tool, no problems found
>check chrome on a different user, works perfectly
>other Web browsers work fine, no other problems
I've reinstalled chrome twice now and it's still happening what the fuck is going on
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I'm completely new to building gaming pc's. I want a high end rig that can handle the majority of games on high settings. How's the Little Monster Build look?

Please respond.
I know it's fucking retarded even for this thread but I can't do it.
You dont need a I7 for gaming, wasted money.

Any Samsung M2 is better than Sandisk X400.
Get a WD Black isntead.
Dont waste money on Blu-ray.
Just got a router replacement from ISP. Ping immediately soars to 1900. I reset the modem and router twice, then the internet totally died. Then I reset them again, and a fourth time, and now it's all good.

Have faith in doing the same shit a few times expecting different results, Anon. Might work.
Best usb wifi dongle? Should I get the highest rated on amazon or get a tp-link?
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I have an i7 7700k and a noctua nh-u9s.

pic related is a graph of temperature, cpu usage & core freq, starting when my PC turned on and ending at t+5 minutes. The vertical axis maxes at 100*c, 100% usage, and 4.60ghz.

The huge spike in load is a prime95 I ran for about 1 minute.

Is this reasonable?

I can't work out if the "spikeyness" is due to the cooler not conducting heat away from the CPU effectively, or if it's doing it so effectively it doesn't "smooth" the temperature change.
this is going to be a really stupid question, fair warning
my car's stupid head unit doesnt take regular (3.5mm) aux cables, it needs a 2.5mm. if i wanted to connect my phone to the head unit via the aux cable, i would need an aux cable with a 2.5mm male jack and a 3.5mm male jack on the other side right? already bought the wrong cord once and dont want to do it again
If you look, the core speed is going down intermittently.
Did you install your cooler correctly? What you're seeing is thermal throttling.
It looks very much like your cooler isn't on properly.
Is there a /g/ approved web hosting service other than just using your own hardware?
Is it possible for my RAM to limit my ability to overclock?
i7 6700K
Maximus VIII Hero
Crucial Sport 4X4GB DDR4-2400 (free)
650w bronze power supply
Not so much a question but looking for opinions, would anyone else return a new laptop if it had a slight, but noticeable to a hobbyist, yellowish tint?
alright, thanks. I'll try remounting the cooler.
What do you want to plug in on the other end?
What distro should I install on a VM on my desktop?

Uses: I want a Linux desktop that's minimalistic so I can show off pretty screenfetches and terminal commands
Remove whatever font provides them.
I need help. I want to set my AMD Radeon 480 as my default graphics card over the integrated one I have on my new computer

However when I click the Radeon settings button in the tray, I get a message that says "Radeon settings cannot be accessed at this time. Please connect a display to the graphics and then extend the display."

I don't know what the fuck that means. Help.
is your monitor even plugged in to the GPU?
It's connected via an HDMI cable. And in device manager it says the GPU is installed.

Here's the monitor.

but is it plugged in to the GPU instead of the motherboard?
I'm going to look and see how to do that. Because I'm a fucking moron and didn know that was a thing.
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what went wrong and how do i fix it
Steve Jobs started Apple on April Fool's Day

Is this a sign? Is it all just a big goof? What did he mean by this?
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Does anyone else have the blank Youtube in Firefox problem?

I've found 10+ solutions via Google, none of them work.

Alternately, can anyone recommend a browser that doesn't suck donkey balls? Thnx.
Twitch leecher is being dumb and won't let me download a VoD, what's another good twitch video/vod downloader/ripper?
It's a cloud? What do you think? Store local or fuck off. Pass, KeePass and pwsafe are in the wiki and they're good.
What should I use to remove minor scratches / micro scratches from my smartphone screen? I delayed placing my screen cover, and I have some minor but visible micro scratches on it.

Is there anything I should know regarding application/application time? Please guide me to something that has worked for you. I will place a screen protector directly afterwards.
why doesn't femanon or anon ever id themselves
Don't know what these guys
Are talking about. Just use Windows Photo Viewer.
There's not really much you can do to fix them.
If they're micro-scratches, a good screen protector will be able to almost completely hide them.
Good protectors use a liquid-like substance as the bonding "adhesive", which fills in the gaps between the display glass, and the protector.
is computer science still a desireable degree

im hoping to graduate with my b.s. from an average state university after this semester, i feel like i learned a lot about irrelevent stuff (lot of architecture, OS programming, etc) and im not going to be able to get a job since pajeets with 10 years doing development will push me out even if they dont have degrees
Nah you'll still be good for CS degrees until like, 2024 when hiring is supposed to peak.

Might wanna see what intern/job opportunities and partnerships your college has.
Google first then come to us jesus christ.
Can I cancel the DE download/installation while in the debian graphical installer? Like can I just turn off the power and install it later?
I assume methods such as using toothpaste (like people did with CDs) is bad, seeing as it diminishes the surface, correct?

I'm using this: http://www.gadgetguard.com/samsung-galaxy-s7-active-screen-protectors.html

It seems to have an adhesive side. Do you think this will suffice for filling in those gaps?

To clarify, my scratches are minor, but are visible enough in that rainbow-like color distortion is visible (like when liquid or oil is on a screen).
Adding to that, I have a 100Mb/s connection and it's taking fucking ages to download SSH server and XFCE. Estimated time 12h.
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Is there a way to disable bookmarks from appearing as suggestions when typing into the address bar in Chrome?
>while in graphical installer

If you install debian base first, then install from the properly installed system (not the live CD), you can stop halfway through, and it will keep the already downloaded dependency packeges in your cache for when you want to conntinue.
Doesn't work on the Live CD though.

Yeah, it's called Firefox.
Yes. The toothpaste works by abrasion to smooth out the edges of the scratch to make them less noticeable. Doesn't really do anything at all on glass though, works best for soft materials.

The adhesive does a pretty good job at hiding the scratch from regular view, but you'd still be able to see it if you look closely in the reflection
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>Yeah, it's called Firefox.
Nope, I'd stick my colorimeter on it and calibrate it out.
Toothpaste works on CD's because you won't be touching the surface, and will stay there. With a phone, it will just run off during normal use.
trying to write 2 batch files to change WoW private servers but I keep getting errors

here is one of them


rename "c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\WDB" "WDBelysium"

rename "c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\WTF" "WTFelysium"

rename c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\realmlist.wtf realmlistElysium.wtf

rename "c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\WDBkronos" "WDB"

rename "c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\WTFkronos" "WTF"

rename c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\realmlistKronos.wtf realmlist.wtf

rename c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\1KronosMode.txt 1ElysiumMode.txt
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>A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix streaming was such an affront to freedom that I could not be party to its use under any circumstances whatsoever.

Did she want Stlallman's GNU/Hurd?
She wanted your penis inside of her vagina but your blinding autism prevented that from becoming reality.
actually no this is wrong, my real problem seems to be when I try to rename the 3 files, but im writing it just like websites are telling me to

rename c:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft 1.12\realmlist.wtf realmlistElysium.wtf
rms can't get it up because his dick arteries are clogged and hardened. He won't make it to 70.
Hello. I'm trying to play Dishonored 2 on 1440p, but the setting won't show up at all. I've got a 1440p monitor and play all my games on 1440p with no issue. I tried using GeForce Experience, but it didn't help as it automatically set the game to 1080p. It recommends 1440p for all other games, further confusing me.

I've tried switching to windowed and back to fullscreen

wat do
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PCI Passthrough, every method I try for audio is choppy af, halp plzz.
You mean regular use of the device could result in thinning out the device scratches naturally? Over what period of time?

Also, does anyone know how to clean the sticky end of a screen protector, or did I just fuck up?
shudda bought ay em dee

Emulate a different audio device, that or pass the hardware audio device to the VM.
Software emulated Audio devices can be a bit finicky, try using an Intel HD Audio emulation.
you fucked up.

> You mean regular use of the device could result in thinning out the device scratches naturally?
No, toothpaste will not stay in the scratches on a phone.
This is the first issue I've had with Nvidia after countless years, so... nah, I'm good. But how about something constructive? I already know AMD is cool
For reals, try reinstalling the drivers.
Use DDU to uninstall them.
Is there nothing I can do to salvage this product? This sucks.
update: got the code to work but it only works if I have a "pause" between every line..... wtf?
Using qemu + ovmf through virt-manager. When you say emulate another virtual audio device are you saying try ich9/ac97 etc? Using an amd build off an 8350 so I don't think I have Intel HD audio emulation.
Ok, thanks m8, I'll give it a shot
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You can't unscratch a phone annon.
are those baby protection foams for table edges good for typing and working if your keyboard is closer to the edge?
The squiggly line under a misspelled word isn't showing up in MS Word for me.

How do I bring it back?
That depends, do you wear diapers and watch Yo Gaba Gaba? Then yes. Otherwise be an adult and type sitting in an upright position.
I mean my screen protector. I attempted to apply it, but fucked up procedurally more and more, getting the adhesive side dirty. I then tried to clean it, but that made it even worse.

I assume if I washed it in my sink or something, it wouldn't stick. So, is this product essentially ruined?
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you must be using some low height desks if your elbows have never slouched below the table height making the corner dig into your wrists
anyway do those foams hold up though?
It's a damn screen protector. Just get a better one next time
You can replace the glass...
It's called "emulation" because you don't need the real hardware.
It works fine on my 8320, although since I have a USB DAC, I can just pass that through instead.
In the AMD 900 series platform, you can also pass through the system audio controllers, so that the front and rear panel audio is controlled by the virtual machine.

Install LibreOffice
I would imagine they would. I guess I'm lucky enough to have a chair that raises up enough that it's not a problem for me.
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what is wrong here
You are declaring the variable files within the inner scope of the conditionals. Outside of that scope (which the foreach loop is), they no longer "exist."

Should be:
var di = new DirectoryInfo(s);
var files;
if( checkBox1.Checked)
files = di.GetFiles(....);
>For each occurrence of a given identifier as a simple-name in an expression or declarator, within the local variable declaration space (ยง3.3) immediately enclosing that occurrence, every other occurrence of the same identifier as a simple-name in an expression or declarator must refer to the same entity. This rule ensures that the meaning of a name is always the same within a given block, switch block, for-, foreach- or using-statement, or anonymous function.
I'm guessing that there's a chance that files won't exist when the foreach happens. Try putting the declaration of files up where di gets declared, outside of the if.
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Would it be possible to use the Low-Noise Adapter I got with a Noctua CPU fan with a Noctua case fan instead?
you can't use var without setting a value.
set the type right away.
If this is javascript, use
var files = null;
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i cant set it to null value
its c#
null isn't a type.

>Return Value
>Type: System.IO.FileInfo[]
>An array of type FileInfo.

System.IO.FileInfo[] files;

and don't use "var files" later, you already declared the variable on top.
New Thread

to add to that, var is just syntactic sugar so you don't have to type the object type twice when you initialize an object at the same time.
So instead of
List<int> myList = new List<int>();

you can do
var myList = new List<int>()

and the compiler later replaces var with whatever type you initialized the variable with.

if you do not initialize it, as in you leave it empty or null, it cannot know the type of it unless you cast null.

do read up on the documentation.
I always hated how they never checked for inescapable initialization.

Yeah, it's bad practice to auto-type everything. C# is strongly-typed and you'll run into problems where you think the type is obvious but it actually isn't. Save the var keyword for things like for loops and Iterators.
This is "a better screen protector", and an expensive one. It's tempered glass. I should just toss it because I messed up on adhesion?

Surely there is another option, unless the company would swap me a new one.
I don't mind the screen. I want to salvage my tempered glass protector.
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thank you, it works now.

i have another thing to ask, i have Resharper and it converted my code into this, is it any better?
They usually come with the case fans as well.
They're just a resistor, all they do is lower the voltage, slowing the fan speed. If you have the fans on a PWM controller they're not worth using. Just set a slower fan profile.
it's just a short version of an if.

don't use resharper if you don't actually know the language yet, it'll fuck with you.
My mother has an old (2012, 1.8ghz, 4gb ram) MacBook air. It's running mountain lion right now. If I updated it to el capitan, would It get faster or slower?
It's on the lowest it'll go but it's still too loud. And the case fan didn't come with one, only the standard cable.
What is the easiest way to become a cyborg?
When does the new thread begin?
an hour ago
Most will still apply.
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