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/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread: Fuck Stupid Niggers Edition 2:

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 33

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/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread

Alright, you know the drill:

Last thread: >>58611684

If you can't be bothered to:
>search it
>lurk moar
>git gud

Then this thread is for you!
Post your simple/stupid questions here, ONCE
You are NOT entitled to an answer.

Please redirect or ignore anybody asking stupid questions outside this thread.

Protip: If you can't tell if your question deserves it's own thread, its very likely it doesn't. Post it here, we'll let you know.

Why is it so hard for you stupid niggers to cuntpaste an OP when making a new thread?
Going to do a test for a competition using C++.
No sure how difficult the test will be but I basically have no experience in C/C++ but I do in C# and Java.
What are some key elements in C++ that I should know of? Also how are loops and basic functions implemented? Are they that different from Java/C#?
How the hell do I change the panel in Kali?

I don't even want to change the color or anything, I just want to temporarily remove it.
C++ is very similar to C#/Java in many ways when it comes to the basic syntax. Loop syntax is identical, same for conditions. Functions, too, are declared in much the same way. The public/private specifiers are a little bit different, however. You write "public:" followed by a list of all public functions, then "private:" and then you list out all the private ones (instead of prefixing each function with public/private). Main thing you should be aware of is pointers, something that isn't commonly used in higher-level languages. Go look those up. And read the reference for the standrad C library, it's tiny.
Had this problem at the end of the last thread
>Doesn't boot with 970
>Remove 970 and install NVIDIA drivers
>Fine for a few days
>Suddenly get error
>Remove 970
>Get this
If you use your special eyes you will notice an nvidia error
I feel retarded now
I had post default GPU set to PCI still. I get this when I boot now
Fuck this shit, I'm using XFCE.
Alternatively, LXDE.

Which one do you guys think is better?
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All right so my Laptop just broke down and I'm left with only with my PC which has Win7 because of work applications that aren't compatible with Linux. I've been thinking in installing either Gentoo or Arch, I've used Ubuntu, Mint and Solus, which was all in my laptop, I don't like the idea of Dual Booting. Is running them on a VM fine and give me the same experience in a native install?
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Can anyone provide me with a clear overview of EVERYTHING I need to do, to set up a fully fledged company website.

I'm talking the whole procedure.
Depends on what it needs to do
ps don't lie so much on your cv
Fuck this shit I'm just going to reinstall debian because it seems totally fucked
If I reinstall it from a live USB the problem won't come back will it?
buy domain
buy vps
link domain to ip of vps
install os on vps
install web server software on vps
install cms with/for web server software
configure cms to suit company
theme cms to suit company
fill in content on cms to suit company
Feel like going back to a babby distro like mint now desu
Trying to compile C code using GCC on Debian, but every time I try I get:
helloWorld.c:1:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
#include <stdio.h>
compilation terminated.

It's just a basic helloWorld.c program shown:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;

Why won't it compile?
You're missing glibc, do this first:

sudo apt-get install build-essentials
How can I SSH into a Windows desktop with s Linux laptop

Dude, hire a company to build it for you, and take an active interest in how they do things, and follow them up on everything they need to know.

That way, you learn how to do it. Either that, or read Head First Web Design, which actually goes into that sort of detail.
You'd need to run an SSH server on Windows, but because CMD.EXE is garbage, that is kinda pointless in the first place. Use a graphical remote access tool such as teamviewer instead.
You can't. Enable RDP on your windows box and use rdesktop or install something like TeamViewer.
Need some clarification on what the pointer operators are in c/c++.
So does * copy the value of a particular address? Or is it dynamic? Like if the value at address 2000 changes, will the value of i* change as well?

Can a variable using & change the value of the address it's pointing to? Or is it basically used as a reference for a place in memory? What's the difference between this and a variable? It sounds a lot like a pointer to an object.
Anyone got a working pirate bay link? Or a suitable alternative?
>shutdown pc
>some stupid shit happens where both my drives spin up then after they've reached full speed windows shuts down
>my little 2.5inch drive starts making this horrible scratching noise and the drive head keeps clicking
it's fucked isnt it

>Win 7
>AMD Phenom II X4 965
>Gigabyte 870A-UD3 mb
>2x4GB RAM
>1TB Seagate HDD

PC just freezes up after ~5min of use (no usage or high usage doesn't make a difference), has to be restarted manually to become usable again.
PC does NOT shut off on it's own, so I doubt it's temperature related, HWMonitor shows all temperature-readouts A-OK, highest one is the Northbridge around 80°C.
Problem occurs with both RAM sticks, tested them individually, Windows memory test at startup says RAM is fine.
Chkdsk says HDD is fine.

>Problem does NOT occur in safe mode

What do? Really looked like a low level hardware issue, but since it doesn't appear in safe mode idek.
you can rule out low level hardware, I've used a similar setup for years without problems
Not sure but maybe motherboard might be failing ?
>You can't.
but that's wrong
>paying license for installing a known backdoor
you realize we're talking about windows here, right?
I don't wanna rule that out, but how do I check that? And wouldn't the PC freeze up just the same in safe mode then if it actually was a hardware-related problem?
Can't help with that too much, try disconnecting as many components as you can while still being to able to run the PC, maybe something will surface
cpu and mobo would be very hard to rule out, as it would be very hard to check, since you would need another motherboard and another CPU
Try to get a PSU from a friend or somehow and try maybe it's that
Might be talking out of my ass though, just saying what I would try

Download memtest and crystaldiskinfo do some test, also might be the PSU that is going bad, one more thing check windows logs see whats making it freeze.
Boot up a live CD, if it hangs, it's hardware. If not, reinstall your os.
why does some of the pictures need ages to load on this fucking site?
While you're in there, run a SMART check on your disk. Chkdsk isn't the smartest sometimes
maybe they aren't yet in your nearest cloudflare(tm) cache
Seems like they're the furthest away as possible
Best blue light filter for Windows ?
I also need one for Android.
By best I mean, lightest and most discrete.
Is the T420 supposed to have a fingerprint reader? Or is that exclusive to the T420s?
f.lux, redshift for windows. Redshift is open souce IIRC, but I've always used f.lux and was happy with it
On mobile, redmoon
can someone link me to as many wordlists as they have?
Hey guys, my wisdom tooth just erupted, and it already has a chip. How the hell did/could this happen?
That's how far the botnet has come in this day and age.
Does it really work tough ?
I'm desperate about restoring my circadian cycle since it's ruining my life.
I've never tried it and spend a lot of time on my computer/smartphone before sleeping.

(If you have the same problem as me, any advice to give even if I know it's not the right place)
It does work, but it won't magically make you sleep like sleeping pills, you have to find the colour that will do the job but won't look like mexico, I've used 2700K before, then went a bit higher to 3400K I think and it was working a bit worse for me, but the colours weren't so orange, also on f.lux you can make it slow transition over an hour so I personally don't really even feel the transition happening
If you're questioning it working, try turning it off in the middle of the night, your eyes will start burning, that's how you know it's actually doing something
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Anon pls

It feels rough against my tongue
Okay, thanks.
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i'm getting a cloudflare host timeout page right now to thepiratebay.org, but their hidden service is still good
Not working, all my usual mirrors are down
Thank you friend
Not a problem
where on earth can I get parts (motherboard cables/flat flex) for a razer blade pro 17 inch
Same bottom question, but the problem still persists
Running through displaypot on iGPU screen flickers and turns black randomly, any ideas ?
New build, used a GPU with the same build before, everything seemed fine, but I took out the old GPU to replace with a new one that I will get in several days, any idea what could be the problem, since everything is like a month old I would like to return them if there's something wrong with something
I'm planing on buying an external HDD. Are Verbatim's HDDs any good or are all HDDs about the same these days? The one I'm looking at:
Verbatim doesn't make HDDs, they're just some other brand thrown into an enclosure.
my Verbatim drive is in fact Toshiba drive
can anyone smart here answer me a few things about cryptography?
what exactly happens to the password of my choice in let's say AES-128?
the nvidia 10 series all the same for both desktop and laptop, right? performance is barely different?
Am I reducing the lifespan of my router and modem if I turn it off (unplug from the walljack) every once a week?
is there a easy way to remove music from a video? im watching this tutorial on youtube and its a good one, but there is annoying elevator music playing in the background that makes me want to punch my monitor. how can i easily download the video and seperate the music from the guys voice ?
not really, no
Easiest method would be to send a message to the person who made the video and ask for a music-less version.
>set up my 1070
>screen flickers black periodically now
>playing any stressful game ups the temp by 15-20 degrees

i'm too dumb for this shit man
keepvid -> more options -> video only
disregard that. i missed the last part of post
I want to get my parents a chromebook or something so they can do online banking. The bank by my house is closing down and they want to transition to online.
highly doubt it
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How do I disable WMM on Huawei HG255s?
the problem isn't temps
temperatures rising on load is normal
screen flickering is not though
Only when gaming ? maybe something wrong with drivers, uninstall all the video drivers with the guru3d tool and install the latest drivers
A cheap tablet or even a cheap smartphone should be enough for that.
>where on earth can I get parts (motherboard cables/flat flex) for a razer blade pro 17 inch
They're downclocked a bit, but the performance is a lot closer than the m models that came out in previous generations
Temperature increasing is normal, you pump more current into something it gets hotter. Screen flickering is not, before you try anything too fancy check the cable and connectors. The cable could be fucked or just not connected properly. Try a different display connection, i.e. if you're on HDMI try DP, if you're on DP try HDMI.
is there major difference between rx 480 vram versions? the 4 gig used 7100Mhz clock and 8gig 8000Mhz will that make a major difference, so should I got with 8gig for having a bit more breathing more into future?
No, generally speaking they're not as fast but the difference isn't as bad as it used to be.
you should go with 8gb
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Can I somehow force a Hackintosh 10.12 to run Pascal cards? I have a spare 1050Ti laying around and wanted to build a cheap system for it.
Don't be stupid, its budget card and the performance will plummet in 2 years
What's a good way of thinking about abstraction?
I see it everywhere and while I kind of get the gist of what it is, I always have to take a little time to think of what it means when applied to different contexts.
I've been infected with some annoying virus.

It keeps generating ****.tmp.exe files in Windows/Temp.

MBAM can't seem to remove it, says it's an Adware.Elex process module.

Any ideas?
reformat reinstall
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>using fedora
>installed qemu
>made ubuntu 14.04 virtual hard disk installed updates
>made django hello project on virtualized ubuntu
>not able to access from fedora
please help.
Okay, kid.
So, i kinda fucked up.

I bought the MGM111 "Mesh module / radio board" but it didn't had anything to connect it to my pc. I want to use it for a Zigbee solution, but from what i've read i can't even access the emberznet stack in simplicity studio without registering a "kit", and i thought the MGM111 had that register key but i can't seem to find it anywhere.

So... am i screwed? the mgm111 has 2 20 pinned 0.5" connectors, but that's more than probably to control it with another processor. Is there any way i can control, configure and program the MGM111 by myself?
Building a wordlist to hit Ip cams with, any suggestions for names and pwds?
Are you just trying to copy files or what?
What is the "best" Linux distro to install on to a usb for on the go uses.
I'd sorta like to avoid doing that. Is that the only way to go?

I used AdwCleaner and now MBAM isn't detecting anything. Scanning with HitmanPro now, found a trojan named startIT.exe
I just use my phone and e-reader for whatever. I don't even bother bringing a laptop when I travel.
Going to dual boot lindows and winux

What's the best method to achieve the fastest boot times on that? I already have an SSD, but I'm trying to make the process of switching between both as fast as I could.
What are you doing on someone else's PC that requires more than the web browser it already has?
no i would like to access website from the host. also I am able to connect to the internet with guest.
I have a laptop and phone, but got other reasons.

Just for my own use really. Nothing special.
Put GNU/Linux in a virtual machine so you don't need to shut down everything you're doing on Windows just to play h4x0r.
>I don't even bother bringing a laptop when I travel.
Wait, why do you own a laptop if you're not using it when traveling? Isn't that the whole point of buying a mobile computer in the first place?
I kinda want to at least a good amount of tasks on linux though. Be it listening to music, web browsing and the like. If Windows was good at virtualization I'd consider it, but I never managed such thing.
black guy two floors down has loud phone calls outside every day. wat do?
Hitting Ip cams with burp+hydra, not getting any hits, any suggestions for wordlist resources? Thought i had a decent name and pad list, obviously not
It's working. Yes yes yes thank you thank you thanks! This feels great.I really appreciate you doing this for me.
Coming from windows, I tried Mint for development.
Where do I install programs to?
either run some linux/plug the infected drive to other pc and remove the virus manually
You open the Software Centre or whatever the fuck it's called these days, find the program you want and click "Install". You might not be used to the Linux filesystem set-up, which, admittedly, is convoluted as fuck for a first-timer. Unlike on Windows, where you have a "Program Files" folder that all programs install to, on Linux a software package will usually scatter files all around the filesystem. For instance -- executables will go to /usr/bin, help files - to /usr/share/man, configs to /etc.
I got a Nexus 6 for my dad to do it but the vendor bill payment can only be done through the website not the app. He needs a bigger screen and an easier keyboard to type on.
How do I know if I'm knowledgeable enough to participate in a hackaton? I have a fairly decent knowledge of C#, I know some SQL (enough to do stuff at work), WinForms and WPF.

I honestly have no idea how these events work. Do I have to bring along some friends to form a team or something?
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We constantly project movies at an elderly hall and the old projector got busted, so an old, technology-avert uncle of mine decided to buy a replacement projector without asking me about it. So it turns out that the other day he brought TWO projectors:

A Dell s320wi

and a

Epson ex7240 pro

He has lots of money, so he say he wants me to choose which one should we stay with and which one do we donate to another elderly hall. The Dell seems to be a bit shittier, but it goes at a much higher price. Should i convince him to stay with that one so we can sell it and get a cheaper projector? Do we simply stay with the Dell, or do we stay with the Epson instead, even if it's cheaper?
it's quads, you have to answer
Is there a way to run pirated games on latest version OFW super slim?
I was thinking of burning my own blu rays
there is way to emulate blu ray, scorpion or something like that its called
>1024 x 768
>1280 x 800

Can you not return both and get something worthwhile?

>a projected image can never be darker than the surface onto which its projected
Googled it for a bit, found nothing
what do you mean by "to emulate blu ray"
PS3 has no worthwhile exclusives.
Thats not what I asked, if you don't know the answer don't waste (You)'s
I'll try to convince the dude, but i honestly don't know much about projectors. Is there one you'd recommend? If he gets all stubborn, the one we should keep is the Epson, right?
sorry its cobra not scorpion
I'm currently NEET, and I wouldn't take either of those projectors for free. Tell him that.

Is the space too large for a 60 - 90 inch tv?
is this safe?
So basically I get any original game disc, and a flash drive
then I do what the dude did, and I can somehow play the games from the flash drive?
You can get a 1080p Epson for the same price as that one. WTF?
There are no worthwhile PS3 games now that tactical roleplaying waifu simulator is on PC.
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>Is the space too large for a 60 - 90 inch tv

Do you mean too SMALL? As i said, the guy is stubborn. I recommended a big TV, but he said he wanted a projector again for VERSATILITY. I will try to convince him once more, but the reason i'm here is because i want a backup plan in case i can't change his mind. Also, the room is some 12 feet high and pretty wide. Nice for a projector.

I know, but as i said, he has lots of money, and he doesn't mind, so i'm not going to bother.
>he has lots of money
>so I'm not going to bother
If return is still possible, make him understand he bought the equivalent of a crusty old tube for the price of a current HD tv. Or just stop providing technical support to stubborn old people because they'll do it their own wrong way no matter what you tell them?
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Is there anything like this?
Something that lets you make a web page without knowing a code?
He is 70 years old and won't take my advice. I honestly can't do much here.
>Or just stop providing technical support to stubborn old people because they'll do it their own wrong way no matter what you tell them?

Unfortunately, i think this is the case. Oh well... i'll see what i can do.
>your words do affect people
Yeah. Those who are pussies. Thankfully most of society isn't made of pussies, so affecting a minority is tolerable for the entertaining result.
Yes, but you still won't know what to make the site look like.
Or if you're not pussy
I wlll make a start page for me and will stay normie. Name it please.
What do I do if it says there are no lan drivers for windows 10 on the motherboard page? do I just download the windows 8 one? Obviously there are windows 10 drivers cause I'm on the internet right now.

I'm going to install windows on an ssd.
any good laptop for office work? cheaper = better, but not some model from 5y ago please
can someone please explain this because I'm lost

>new ssd
>restore windows 7 image
>get rid of a bunch of unneccessary shit
>112 gb used / 465 gb total
>defrag drive, even though it was only 4% fragmented
>now 0% fragmented
>attempt to shrink volume to set up debian partition
>available shrink space: 3377 mb

why can't I shrink it any more than that?
Thinkpad T520, T530, T550
>new SSD
>defrag drive
Oh my, I remember using this as a kid. That shit was fun.
>>new ssd
>>defrag drive, even though it was only 4% fragmented
Somebody take a screenshot!
Yeah, I thought I was a web developer than a friend of my father came to me and asked me to make a website for his small business, I said ok. Than I failed and cried. That's the beginning and end of my nerdhood.
I have Windows on my C: partition. It keeps fiiling up with dumb shit and running out of space and it's getting annoying to manually delete stuff all the time, and there isn't much left except for system files.
Is it possible to to mirror the drive onto a bigger hard disk so I can just swap them out and have everything work normally?
Cursed simpleton tools. So fun to use, so useless in the end. Like RPG Maker 2000.
Unlike mechanical hard drives, solid state drives can be randomly accessed without any seek time, so fragmentation only adds wear for no raisin.
I believe you can just clone the drive and then expand the partition.

WinDirStat can show you what's using space. It's not normal for so much data to accumulate passively. Something's fucky.
Did seamen often sing capstan shanties just for enjoyment when no one was touching a capstan? Or did they have better stuff?
perhaps i didn't made myself clear: cheap = good. apple tier expensive = bad
I get that, I just wanted to create space for a new partition. Why is it only giving me 3 gb of shrink space?
Well the updates and drivers take space, and there's also a bunch of other programs that insist on keeping stuff in documents or appdata so its just a billion tiny folders. I've already removed most of what I'm not using anymore, but as I said it's getting annoying so I'd rather just buy more space.
They're called WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editors.
have the thought that they should be bought used ever shot through your brains ?
Thank you anon.
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There's a program with a bunch of .jpgs that appear corrupt but open fine inside the program.
What can I try to open/convert them?

Pic related is the content of the folder.

Thanks in advance.
i can't deduct it from invoice that way
You mean like a tax deduction? I'm pretty sure you can if you buy it somewhere like Newegg or Micro Center.
Did those files come with the program? If so, they could well be encrypted in some form or another, so that they can't be opened from the outside. Seeing the name of the executable file, it makes it seem like this is some sort of quiz program, for which it would make perfect sense to do so if the JPEGs in question relate to the questions on the quiz.
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Why does this screen protector collect oil more than the real screen?
oleophobic coating
if i want to buy it "on my company", it's gotta be from the producer or some outlet
Yes, that's what I thought.
The images are the questions and relative answers (both visible through the program).
Isn't there some way to somehow decrypt/open them (maybe using the "jpeg.dll" file that's inside)?

>Did those files come with the program?
Yes. All from here:
How is Windows 10 EDU? Do you approve of it?
Which should I read first?
acid monkey
You got that Humble Bundle? My brother gifted me that. I wouldn't read them front to back, just whatever parts look interesting. I usually just web search how to do whatever.
Why does my external HDD get an intermittent connection when it's connected to my motherboard's USB 3.1 ports, but not my USB 3.0 ports? Like it's connected but then after a few minutes or whatever, it starts going into this cycle where I can hear the head park and then the drive reconnects itself and then the head parks again.

I have USB 3.1 charging enabled in my UEFI BIOS so I don't think it's a power issue.
I often get a 'Not Registered on Network' error on my phone when trying to make an outgoing call. Seems my phone goes into Emergency Only mode.

Is this a problem with my carrier or my phone itself?
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what are these called
It's just a rebranded W10 Enterprise version. If you're not opposed to running W10 it's the best version to download. I've been running in on my PC for over a year now and it works fine. Only downside is build upgrades have to be manually installed with burned DVD/USB drive.
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Hey /g/

How do i get updated headers automatically for scraping? I've seen a few resources in the past that do this for free but can't seem to find it.
>>Using Waterfox/Firefox with Ublock Origins and Umatrix. 4chanX script.

>>Can't post in threads because Google is blocked. Have to open in Chromium because I don't want google getting at me but I must prove I'm not a robot.

Is there some workaround? How do I go full opsec and reserve ability to post?

Is it worth getting a 1440p monitor or should I just save up for 4k? I don't really do any gaming, this is mainly for productivity and animu.
>should i update when i literally wont even be utilizing the main features of what im updating too?
I've taken a look at the DLL file in a disassembler and I have no clue what the fuck they're doing to it. However! The program stores the decrypted file, for a very short period of time, as "ipolar.jpg" as you load the file. If you set a breakpoint on the LoadImageFile function of jpeg.dll (use, for example, x64dbg), you could extract the files that way. It would take ages, though, so I'm not doing it myself.
Buy a 4chan pass
>defrag drive

Never do that.
>Higher resolution monitors are only for gaming
You're going to have problems upscaling your precious cartoons.
There is literally 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001% 4k content, and most of it is porn anyway.

>high res
wow so you have more white space on your websites. Kool
Alright, thanks Anon, I'll look into that.
For now I'm just opening them within the program and taking screenshots.

Thank you very much.
That would probably be faster, actually. Just get a program like Greenshot that allows you to instantly save screenshots to files (instead of having to paste them in fuckin' paint or something) and go keep doing that.
I am cucked for life. Give my data to Google or give money to Jewrishimo.
should i still use TrueCrypt?
7.1a, before the big drama
This, use VeraCrypt. Same program, still maintained, cooler name.
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/g/ pls I am stupid and I keep getting this error when windows logs on
What do
You don't. Allow everything Google besides analytics and direct your effort towards something more than fruitless.

You could live without 4chan? Billions of people do.
can i trust it? no backdoors in the source code?
What's the best loonix to install for my desktop? It's a moderately powerful desktop and I want to go to loonix because I only used windows for games which I never play. I remember that I used to use xubuntu and it was pretty nice on my shitty laptop, but I have no idea what's the best thing for my desktop?
Why not BitLocker? Are you still on a lesser edition of 7? Or is this for more than securing your stuff from burglary?
Thank you Anon
Kmail on my openSUSE Tumbleweed system has been broken for like a week or something.
The Akonadi personal information management service is not operational.

Can I fix this, or do I have to wait for the devs/package maintainers to fix this in an update?
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Ubuntu is pretty good if your computer is a means rather than an end. If you have nothing to do when everything is working, you could install Arch. It will make you feel productive/accomplished without having to put in the effort of really doing anything.

Is Arch hard? I'm not computer illiterate and I can follow instructions, but how difficult is arch and is there any benefit over ubuntu at all? I want to use my computer mostly for media consumption and internet browsing, I also want to make it look nice
Don't bother, you'll come out with the same thing anyway. Arch is basically a barebones OS in its default installation, to which you add whatever the fuck you want, while the *Ubuntu systems already have shit that a good 90% of people would want anyway preinstalled.
that doesn't answer my question but whatever. if it's based on 7.1a then it's okay for me
you must be kidding
I'm on Lubuntu and want to put an ISO on an SD card how do I do that?
It flat out answers your question. You're just retarded.
Installing Arch is easier than playing a Buttbuttin's Creed game. There really is no benefit for the typical user. It's rolling and bleeding edge, but that just means you get bugs before they're fixed. I recommend Debian Testing or SUSE Tumbleweed if you want a rolling bistro. But Ubuntu with select PPAs is usually the best option for most.
Assuming the ISO is bootable as a hybrid image, you'll simply want to do dd if=your_file.iso of=/dev/mmcblk0. You may want to run "isohybrid your_file.iso" first to verify whether it is hybrid, and, if not, make it be so.
What's the best note taking/to-do app that syncs across all platforms, including mobile?

I need one that has folders to sort shit, I hate just using tags.

Alright, is Ubuntu very customizable in terms of the interface if I ever want too get into that?
Linux distros are basically collections of software that are made by other people. Hardly any distro developers add any actual programs that they themselves have made that are of any actual value. So, yeah, you can customise the shit out of Ubuntu as much as you could of any other distro.
Is making a (windows) command line based IRC client in C a bad idea? I like C, want to do the IRC client thing as a learning experience. Had someone tell me C probably was a bad choice. Could do python, c++, or whatever
Depends on the desktop environment you use.

There's different "flavors" of Ubuntu that use different desktop environments.
yea, fixes to bootloader, etc. i couldn't give less shit
learn to read
What about Debian?
Is it significantly harder than Ubuntu for an inexperienced user?
No, I'm serious. If a backdoor exists, it's not going to be wasted on you and your CP collection. The thing about crypto backdoors is they can be used overtly just once.
>couldnt care less
Then why are you making such a big deal about it then, just use it
There's different editions with different default interfaces, and you can install any interface on any of them. Sometimes they get a little messy or buggy if you do that.
>What is parellel construction?

Please go sit in your corner.
which part of "backdoor" you didn't get?
Debian is Ubuntu's grandmother. A lot more stable (in a bad way -- software updates take FOREVER to make it to Debian), a tad bit less friendly, but overall very similar.
help me pls
Debian is pretty much the same but with less convenient default stuff.
There's also the testing branch which is more in line with what a desktop user might want - more frequent updates.

Which interface/edition would you recommend?
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You're one dense motherfucker now aren't ya
I see, thank you.

>A lot more stable (in a bad way -- software updates take FOREVER to make it to Debian
What would the downsides of this be?
Assuming I have a Windows machine for work and gaming, while this Debian one would be for Internet browsing, media consumption, and whatever general computer usage.
Depends. For lightweight use, LXDE (Lubuntu) or XFCE (Xubuntu). For most customisability and tweakability, KDE (Kubuntu).
I personally really like Unity, the default on standard Ubuntu. /g/ mostly hates it.
>What would the downsides of this be?
New version of a program you use comes out that has some cool feature and you have to wait for ages before you can use that feature.
>ask about backdoors in source code
>gives link about fixes
>i'm dense here
How long are we talking here?
Like with Firefox for example, would it be like a month later or a year later?
Days to years, depending on the version of Debian. There's Stable, Testing, and Unstable. Just install Ubuntu so you don't need to waste a lot of time making Debian more like Ubuntu.
1.Veracrypt is sourced off of the stage 2 audit of truecrypt
2.Veracrypt has been stage 1 audited
3.If you you cannot understand results then you are better off not even bothering with it
>trusting sources
Why dont you audit the code your self and look for 'backdoors' then? If you are this security based?

Security is a web of trust, its all about what authoritative sources you allow in your web
help me please
Debian uses Firefox-ESR. That is updated on a yearly basis (besides security fixes -- those are pushed out as soon as possible).
be more vauge
>Why dont you audit the code your self and look for 'backdoors' then? If you are this security based?
because maybe someone here already did it and knows
are there no real dwellers on /g/ any more?
I see, thank you.

I mainly just wanted Debian because I sometimes need to use Tails (which is based on Debian), and if I had to choose one I'd rather go with it so I don't really have to "learn" two systems.
But I guess Ubuntu would be pretty similar as long as it has the same environment, no?
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I use KDE on my desktop because it looks good and I use XFCE on my laptop because it's lightweight. Both have their advantages: KDE tries the most to be a "modern desktop" while XFCE is really snappy.

KDE is the top screenshot, XFCE is the bottom.
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>trusting neckbeard gtards over a company that is literally paid to audit code, and is know in the industry
wew lad
Tails uses the GNOME desktop environment. Get "Ubuntu GNOME" if you would like the same environment in Ubuntu.
I know.
I was thinking about the other differences other than the desktop environment.
I used to hate it too. I've switched back to it recently. It's really useful, can be tweaked to be decently pretty, and a lot of the integration into non-free things (proprietary drivers and google calendar, namely) is really useful.

If you want more of a windows-like DE, go for GNOME 3, or if that's still too far off, cinnamon/MATE/XFCE (they're equivalent, but different).

If you're on a laptop, and have mild autism, consider i3 or a similar tiling wm. i3 is the most hip one right now. It'll let you tweak shit until it works exactly the way you want. Hope you like flat appearances, no effects, and if you do add effects, that they'll be limited and slow (compton). On the upside, i3 is very suited for productivity and laptops.
They're going to be so miniscule you won't even notice. Ubuntu's a better choice for a newbie.
>what is an army of dwellers that make majority of fixes to linuxes etc
wew lad++
>They're going to be so miniscule you won't even notice.
Alright, that's what I wanted to know, thank you very much Anon.

>Ubuntu's a better choice for a newbie
Obviously it's going to be easier, but would a more difficult one be better for learning the hard way? Assuming I make frequent backups and don't mind if I fuck it up.
Or it'd be better to get Ubuntu and learn with baby steps?
Eh. Your call. I started my Linux journey, if you will, with a less-friendly distro, and gave up on the whole idea for a long time before trying it again, and re-starting it with Ubuntu -- which stuck well enough with me for me to actually learn how to use it.
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Amd FX-6100
M5A78L-M LX 3
8gb ddr3
Geforce GTX 650 ti boost

I currently run csgo at 120-140 fps (low settings) but get massive frame drops at times. What should I get to improve the gameplay at a minimum cost?

Yeah, maybe I'll go with Ubuntu at first (which I also use frequently on a liveCD, so it'll be pretty easy to get started at least), thank you very much.
>would a more difficult one be better for learning the hard way?
Generally, no. Knowledge of the specifics of a Linux distro is mostly useless, and the real world mostly runs the easier distros.

My understanding is that Source Engine is mostly CPU intensive. I'm pretty sure that 650 Ti is more than adequate.
Alright, I thought distros were more different between each other, but if you guys say it's negligible (at least for a newbie), then I don't see the point of a harder one anymore.

Just for curiosity, would Debian be considered one of the more difficult distros, or easier (or middle) ones?

has anyone tried it yet?
Debian is effortless to install if it happens to have all the right drivers, just more tedious to configure to your liking. Ubuntu comes with some nice little things like bash aliases and sudo already set up for you.
Level of difficulty: medium

It's not specifically hard, but it doesn't exactly hand everything to you the way Ubuntu does.

Besides, Ubuntu is not used just because of how easy it is to setup, or as an entry level linux distro. It also has quite a bit of compatibility and gives less headaches in some cases. Sometimes you might know how to set up your system right, but Ubuntu may suffice too and save you a lot of time.
Ah, I see, thank you.
My first distro was Debian and I kept breaking my installation because I was uninstalling shit I wasn't supposed to. Works fine for me now that I know that I shouldn't go and get rid of shit I shouldn't.
Yeah, that's definitely what's going to happen to me kek.
How do companies activate cable internet? Reason I ask is I ordered for home (great promotion) but they refuse to give me the same deal at my place of business, so I was thinking of bringing the modem there and hooking it up. Will it work?

Thanks for this, would the snappiness between the two make much a different on a quad core with 8gb ram?
Should I ever use open WiFi networks? Are they safe? How do I protect myself?
will and amd fx 8350 do it?
I have a quad core with 16gb of RAM and I can tell you there's quite a difference there.

Heck if KDE ever gets snappy.
I haven't ever used XFCE on my desktop, but it feels plenty fast.

My desktop has a 6600K at 4.1GHz and 8GB of RAM running at 2400MHz.
It will probably improve it. If the limitation is something single-threaded, it won't be nearly as good as some $50 celeries. I don't know how Source Engine's threading works.
>first semester at uni
>transferring from community college
>majoring in IT b/c it's the only thing I'm good at
>first day of capstone recitation
>daily prog assignments in C++ that need to be submitted in class
When will this IT = = anything vaguely computers meme die? I don't like programming, I'm not good at programming, I will never seek out employment in programming. Why does a bachelor's of IT require that I take this course?

What the fuck do I do, /g/?

I want to die, bros.
Because you're a retard and went with engineering instead of business(IT) when you were picking your shit out.
Would it be a good idea to install linux on a usb external hard drive?
hey thanks mate
IT is not a thing at the university level. It's been phased out in favor of IS (information systems) which is basically a baby form of CS that focuses on business writing, OS scripts, and databases. You're doing c because most OS's are written in C.

If you just want to fix printers then drop out
idk, someone is doing something wrong, maybe you. IT people should know some scripting, but C++ development is outside your purview and should be left to the specialists who don't need to deal with system administration. I wasn't aware four year IT degrees existed for IT Hufflepuffery??? Shouldn't you just have a two year associate's and then start working?
if you need it/feel like it
i do have one
Do you think I could use a universal charger to charge my camera battery? The battery is a Ni-MH type and there are no cheap 3rd party chargers available since everything went to lithium ion.

I'm thinking of using this one:


And pic related is the battery.
How do you search a webpage with the find function and have it look for more than one search term?

Like if wanted to search this page for "stupid" and "question" and wanted all instances of each to be highlighted.
Do all your sticks of RAM need to be the same? Like, if I wanted to use a stick of 8 GB ram and a stick of 4 GB ram, would I have 12 GB, or would I only have the amount of the highest stick? Or the lowest stick?
Anyone have the bootrec.exe file, from Windows Recovery Environment?

If not, then while all the torrent sites I used are down, any ideas where I could get it?
Check the drive's S.M.A.R.T.
It may be failing.
You get the full capacity,but you are limited to the slowest stick's speed
I recently acquired an illegitimate copy of Adobe premiere pro 2017, how do I enable gpu assisted rendering? (cuda)
Probably this.
they can work together as long as the data rate is of the same type
install cuda
Doesn't it need to have the same timings? Is that still a thing?
>Only downside is build upgrades have to be manually installed with burned DVD/USB drive.

Not him, but what does this mean?
AFAIK it will run with different timings
...of course with exceptions. some mobos are picky
Can an Arch Installation be as secure as hardened Gentoo?
What's /g/'s recommended tool/utlity for de-shitting windows 10?

I know there's a few floating around but which is best?
nothing is more secure than Gentoo
Is there a way to spoof your cellular signal strength on a rooted Android phone?

I'm trying to test something, but can't because the signal is always four or more bars. Not talking about airplane mode, but the actual signal.
Thanks I guess, It would be nice If you explained It a lit bit but I'll look It up.
Any Chromebooks or similarly small devices that can run super deepthroat and crouton? I'm guessing it would have to have an Intel processor.
you don't explain Gentoo. you reach it
look at the sticky, anon. look at it
Is there a 15" laptop that's as good as the XPS 15 but with a 1440p screen instead of 4k?
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How often should one shut down ones PC, and what sort of problems can one expect if you don't?

I tend to put it in sleep mode almost all the time.
Only one that really comes to mind is the Razer Blade with the 14" 3200 x 1800 touch display. There's also the Asus Zenbook line but that's smaller than 15".
I see.
I think I might just get the XPS 15 with a 1080p screen.
I was hoping something popped up at CES but I didn't really see anything noteworthy
It doesn't matter.
What are the differences between windows 7 and 8.1?

Been thinking about upgrade to 8.1 if i have problems with the installation with a kaby lake conputer.
Every time you need to.

OS should handle everything to be on 24/7.
CES was pretty lame this year on almost all fronts. The XPS line is pretty solid, I have an i5-6200U 1080p XPS 13 myself and it stays cool and quiet with excellent battery life.
i once made my PC run for 7 months non-stop. not even a reboot
everything still works fine
Generally it needs to be restarted on any updates (windows) or kernel/libc updates (Linux). That's all software, the hardware is fine either way.


You can't just wrap it in grounded tinfoil? Must it be a cellular signal, not wi-fi, so you can't just unscrew the antenna from your router? I know there's software to simulate packet loss, but unless your router is a Linux (or at least pfSense) box you probably can't run it.

Fun Fact: All distros are equivalent, with enough work. They only differ in package managers, repos, installers, default settings, what patches they apply to upstream, etc.

You can poke around with Gparted Live, but it doesn't have any windows-specific revocery tools. It'll tell you if the drive is dead or the boot sector is damaged though

it'll be kinda slow but (IIRC) you can. Make sure your mobo is set to boot from removable drives first, so that when your external is plugged in, it boots from it.

Anyone nearby with a wi-fi card can eavesdrop on your traffic unless that traffic is encrypted. Basically, whenever you're on public wi-fi of any kind you should be using a VPN, or at the very least only visiting websites via HTTPS.

Maybe. Might as well try. They don't give you the same deals if they know you're a business because they know businesses a.) have more money to spend and b.) are less careful about saving it. Some consumers shop around, most businesses just say it costs what it costs.
>>Been thinking about upgrade to 8.1 if i have problems with the installation with a kaby lake conputer.

You can install 7 on Skylake/Kaby Lake machines. You just need a PS/2 keyboard and a copy of 7 on a disc, instead of a USB drive. You can also use a USB expansion card, if you have one. All 2.0 cards will work, many 3.0 cards will.

Once 7 is installed, install the USB drivers your mobo came with and you can use mobo USB ports fine.
In firefox I keep insertrelatedaftercurrent set to false so tabs will open on the far right, is there a way/addon so I can change this on the fly? eg shift-middlemouse would open a tab next to the current
What are some active IRC channels other than #rice?
I didn't know the admin password when I was a young lad. Once it was logged in as admin, so I didnt log out for over a year.
I turn mine off went I go to bed just because I don't like the sounds and lights it makes while on
linux can't play DX12 games anon
Desktop user here, I'm going to buy my first laptop, for uni and such, my question is, the gpu is an integrated intel hd5500, what is it's equivalent to desktop gpu and can it play 720p anime on mpv?

Almost anything can play 720p anime on MPV.
anything can play anime, games though...
Then stick Windows in a VM and use PCI passthrough. You get about 98% of native performance and it makes it simple to use Windows just for games and nothing else. You can also block communication to MS servers from the host Linux OS.
I still have my desktop at home, so gaming is not a problem.

Pretty much this. You probably don't need a VPS though. Shared hosting is cheaper and more noob friendly
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Hey folks,
so my old laptop broke down and I bought a new one - not really expensive, since I do not have any money right now. I wanted to put my SSD harddisk from my old comp into the new one, but saw pic related when I opened - I don't recognize that plug, and my ssd has default input. What do?
That's an M.2 SSD. Best thing you can do is to clone your SSD to that one on another computer or something.
No possibility to change the imput? Reason is primarily because my other SSD is significantly better
No, but why not both ?
B-both? I'm not so good with computers, sempai
Use the better one as boot and program ssd, use the worse one as normal storage
I'm a poor fuck and don't want to buy compressed air to clean dust from my pc. I've heard using a hairdryer works alright on cool/cold setting on high, is this a good idea?
Is your mouth sewn shut ? Blow it yourself nigga, save electricity
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Do I need one of these?
Okay sorry, I didn't understand that the other SSD you have is mSATA, I thought it was normal 2.5in SSD but you noticed the other one while opening the laptop
You can save yourself dozens of dollars a year by having it standby when not using it for anything. If you're not torrenting or something there's no reason to leave it on. Reboots are only necessary for updates. There's some disagreement on what's best for hard drives, but you'll likely save enough to buy a new one if set to standby when not in use.
I know there's a /g/ pastebin for installing windows with a USB if you have a skylake
Can someone link it to me?
#vegan on snoonet
What is not known to need a guide? Put in the USB, boot from it, wait until windows installs, done
Trying to OC my i5 6600k, but running the initial stress test it was running at 60 C. Does that mean i cant push it any higher?
The processor doesn't come with USB drivers or something
There was a regular guide and a skylake guide
60 under load is not close to too hot. Why would you think that?
Intel says 64 degrees. You really have much more headroom than that most of the time.

googling told me i should try to stay around 45-50 C under constant load. I will be using this to run 3 hour plus FEA simulations while i sleep, so i dont want to wake up one morning to find the thing fried
It's specifically designed to not destroy itself and will most likely shut itself off before it can be damaged. Ambient temperature exceeds 45 in some places.
so if its hitting 64 C in stress testing does that mean its at maximum clock, or can i push it higher with the temp not increasing?
are you using stock cooler ?
See for yourself when you can observe it for a bit while performing the actual task. It could go either way. Also keep in mind it will get hotter during summer.
What I do is keep all my computer components unplugged and in their original packaging so they can't get damaged.
>not keeping them in a factory they're made
no, i have a thermaltake frio silent 12. Related to that is the space required in front of the cooler typically unchanging between types, ie is space between RAM and CPU a standard, so most coolers wont bump the ram?

I probably should have specified this computer exists only in my mind, where no one can hurt it
Whenever im using qbittorrent or downloading from a quality website (pornsites with good speeds) the downloads hog all the bandwith of the LAN. Sometimes i cant reach sites i was using a minute ago before the download started, and internet on other devices also becomes really slow or stops working.
It only happens on this network in my apparment, but not in my parents place.
WTF is going on?
While windows has no problem using Kaby lake.
Motherboard will.
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