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/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 31

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Older thread >>52131647
Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are three ways to try Linux, you can:

1) Install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
2) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full Linux experience".
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with Linux (not recommended)

If you are serious about switching to Linux and if you have Windows dual-booted (recommended for pure newbies),
we recommend you use it exclusively for 2 weeks, and avoid Windows dual booting for that period of time, or it's
likely you will start retreating back to windows instead of getting used to GNU/Linux as your new home and working on
making it feel the way you want it.

>Recommended for beginners:
-Ubuntu MATE
-Debian (For Broadcom devices, use an ISO that includes non-free firmware)
-LinuxMint (Cinnamon)

Before asking, please find the answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe wine can make up for it.

man <insert command here>
your friendly neighborhood search engine
What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?

Babby's First Linux (What distro to choose?)

What software does /g/ recommend? (Please DON'T include the so called infographic -- refer all your recommended software here.)

Ricing on Linux (Make it good and functional or make it worse like those at desktop threads)

A script designed to ease the transition from Windows to Debian

We now have an entry in the install Gentoo wiki!

IRC No one uses:
I accidently installed the lib32 packages on my 64 bit version of kubunutu. How do I go about removing them?
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How do you lads feel about Zorin OS?

Anyone have any experience with it or what I could get into, especially if its botnet or not. Don't really hear much about it here.
What is the most secure out of the box linux os?
>alt gr caps lock bound to pipe
>outputs "gigolo"
pls help
Linux is shit.
Fag deserved to die.
nvm fixed it
Yep. Congrats faggot!
shitty apps guy
I don't even use apps. Dumbass. :^)
Hardened gentoo
anyone know how to make spotify actually close when I hit X on arch?
scratch that how the fuck do I uninstall this piece of shit yaourt -Rs spotify doesn't work
How different is Ubuntu from Ubuntu MATE? I tried MATE and didn't like it. Just doing simple things took 4 clicks at least. Synapse made things a little easier but it still felt like I was taking a ton of steps back compared to Windows 8 in terms of use of use and practicality. Is Ubuntu any different? What about Xubuntu? And what about OpenSUSE?
THIS was the debian guy? I remembered this OP pic from long ago here
always thought it looked like that german singer/actor
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>install unbuntu for the first time on an old laptop
>instantly feel intellectually superior to all my peers
You can feel intellectually superior after you install gentoo
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So I currently have this partition table:
adnan@secondary:~$ sudo parted /dev/sda print
[sudo] password for adnan:
Model: ATA ST500LT012-1DG14 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags:

Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 1049kB 1024MB 1023MB primary linux-swap(v1) boot
2 1026MB 500GB 499GB extended
5 1026MB 2049MB 1023MB logical ext4
6 2050MB 242GB 240GB logical ext4
7 242GB 500GB 258GB logical ext4

$lsblk /dev/sda
sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 976M 0 part [SWAP]
├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part
├─sda5 8:5 0 976M 0 part /boot
├─sda6 8:6 0 223.6G 0 part /
└─sda7 8:7 0 240.3G 0 part

Question: I have got a separate ext4 /boot and a free 240G ext4 partition. If I want to install Arch, should I mount Arch's /boot onto /dev/sda5?
What a strange partition scheme.
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If you disregard sda2, it's pretty normal, I think
Why is sda2 extended anyway?
I don't like the automated partition manager. It's been created without quite letting me know
Automated? Aw shit son, go back and do it manually, it's not hard at all.
Make sda1 /boot and set it to bootable, and divide the rest into the root partition along with anything else you may want like a swap or home partition. Look up partitioning on the Arch wiki
I know it's not hard. I was just asking if I should mount /boot onto sda5 during Arch Install.
I want to dual boot with Arch
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My work software just released a Linux version so I can finally install Linux and use it more often. I decided to go with Linux Mint Cinnamon. How do I install Oracle Java? It came with the OpenSource Java but my work software throws an error saying I need the Oracle version of Java. I got Oracle Java installed but the OpenSource Java is still the default. How do I change it or remove the OpenSource Java?
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sup /flt/

I'm playing around a bit with editing my xfwm theme because I wanted to remove window borders. I got them removed and ended up with something I think looks nice, but now I can't click and drag on the edge of a window to resize it.

Does anyone have an idea how to enable this without window borders ?
All the theme graphics are made up of .xpm files, so I tried making empty files with the proper filenames using touch, but it didn't work.
I also tried looking at a couple of borderless themes to see if they had anything in themerc, but nothing there.
Sometimes when I look at Deluge after it's been running in the background, some things will be paused for seemingly no reason. Happens sometimes when I lock the screen too. Anyone else experiencing this?
Protip that's not documented absolutely anywhere in all of Xfce: Alt + Right click in the window near the side you want to resize but not on the border and drag.
Why is there no fan control program with a GUI?

I god damn hate CLI interfaces.
How do Linux's tiling WM behave on (Ultra) HD? Will everything be ant-sized?
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You can do that in most desktop environments.
Oh that's really neat, thanks.
It'd still be nice to just click and drag on the edge like usual, but I think I can live with this.
How hard is LFS?

I'm a seasoned Arch, Gentoo, and Slackware installer, and I've been looking for an introduction into systems development.
It's ok.
It's literally Normie: The Distro through. The only thing special about it is the DE, which is similar enough to KDE as to more or less be irrelevant.

It's the most "just werks" distro I've used, though.
Is there a way to make applications in i3 stack while being tiled?
For example if I have Steam open can I keep all of steam tiled but when I open a new steam window stack on top of the other steam windows?
i3 can do tabs in the container
asking again because no on replied on the previous threads:

(how) can i make empty containers on i3?
sometimes i want to open programs that don't take up half the screen
use awesome
Are there any good offline dictionaries?
open it as floating
yeah they sell a few at barns & noble
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How can I convert my highly detailed .i3/config file to .xbindkeysrc files that can be used in any DE?
by typing it in a syntax accepted by .xbindkeysrc anon
interesting, tell us more please
kek. I mean something that you can run a search on, like those kindle ones.
Iirc there's no tiling wm that supports windows/gnome/kde style hidpi scaling.
Of course the only part of the WM that will be affected will be the status bar and window titles.

The remaiming applications you will have to set up separately.
But you will probably end up using gtk software, so just set it to scale globally and be done with.

Otherwise, gnome3 is pretty much your only option
any recommendations for jabber/xmpp clients on linux?

i like miranda IM on windows because it's lightweight and configurable. pidgin is a bloated, slow piece of shit.
on Awesome you can manually specifcy the size and font size (etc) of the wimenues so that kinda counts
Or complete an LFS (Linux From Scratch) build, with systemd and Plasma Frameworks 5.
You need a elaborate GUI to move a fucking slider back and forth?
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nobody in their right mind has the time or inclination to manually control some fans.
Ian Murdock yourself
>o manually control some fans.
so make a profile for thinkfan and don't do it manually.

it's not rocket science
Why is there no DE with a tiling WM?
because a tiling WM requires a certain degree of autism to be used effectively

they also require large resolution screen to be used effectively.

also most graphical applications are created with a stacking wm in mind
How do I find what keeps causing my Arch installation to crash?
crash how? when?
check dmesg/journalctl
What did you do?
Log files anon
You can install Xfce on top of Awesome.

Actually you can install practically anything short of KDE and GNOME on top of Awesome.
guess I see what you mean, but man I'd really like a DE with i3 that just has things working out the box, went xubuntu + i3 and most things worked out nice but still having to tweak a bit here and a bit there
huh didn't know that, may try it at some point if i ever feel like changing from i3
It will crash whenever. Sometimes I'm using it and I open a new window or just click on something. Sometimes I'm afk and I come back and it crashed five minutes ago. By crashing I mean the whole thing freezes and the only think I can do is do a hard reboot. It has always been this way.
Will cops beat me if I use Linux?
only if you use memebian and post IM NOT A NIGGER in this thread 13 times
It's cuz the name of the package isn't spotify, but spotify-something. I guess you should enter spotify into the terminal and pres tab or double tab for auto completion.
pacman -Ss spotify

That'll give you a list of packages related to spotify. Find the one you want to remove and
pacman -R
seriously, what happened? what did the cops do to him? why?
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>mfw linux recognises that my ps3 controller has a battery and i can view the battery in power manager

bretty cool
I am trying to get grub to recognize and boot to a dm-crypt luks encrypted root partition. When I boot, it looks for the /dev/mapper/root partition, and then dumps me in a shell.

Any advice on what to do?
don't use grub, it's shitware and will eventually brick your system
What should I use, then?
I am open to suggestions, I basically just want to be able to boot my system with a free program.
grub is perfectly fine jesus
Cool. But can you answer the question?
If you're on UEFI you don't need a bootloader.

If you aren't on UEFI you should be using LILO.
If you are on UEFI but still need a bootloader for some obscure reason, you can't go wrong with rEFInd.

Try out Tkabber or Gajim.
What do I need to take away from using Ubuntu to getting into Arch? I feel like I haven't done enough with it - but what is it?
Ubuntu won't prep you for Arch at all.
Nothing in particular honestly
Nothing. I went to Arch straight from Windows.

That said, it helps to get used to using a text editor, vim is popular. Try manually configuring some of your programs with it.

For help, run 'man <program name>' for help.

Not on UEFI so I shall try lilo. Thanks.
>text editor
I suggest nano to start off, anyone can figure that out. Definitely try vim or emacs after you got your setup though
Yeah, nano -> emacs is pretty much the way to go. Vim teachs you 'the vim way' which isn't really compatible with any other program. Meanwhile nano is easy as shit to use and there's emacs keybindings for more or less everything.
>Vim teachs you 'the vim way' which isn't really compatible with any other program
I use vim keybinds with most of my programmes to some extent, how do you mean here?

Not going all editor war, never tried Emacs but vim treats me well
Very few programs have 'modal mode' or whatever vim calls it. In Emacs pretty much everything is just a key command or series of key commands, so it more closely resembles how other programs function.
No, but there is an argument that vim is about the most popular text editor, so there is no problem in learning the 'vim way'. Nothing against nano/emacs, I was just putting a name out there.

nano is defenitly the easiest of those three.
Basically >>52156685 and >>52156690.

You would honestly need to hate/dislike Ubuntu in order for it to make sense to try Arch.

If regular Unity-Ubuntu is one of your first distros, then the things that it does badly won't seem like a big deal.


The takeaways are that the standard Arch installation is basic enough to be whatever YOU want it to be. If you read the documentation and read the manuals, you can setup your system exactly how you want it.
Oh okay, sure can't argue that. Wouldn't say it's a reason to pick one over the other though, that particular aspect doesn't take long to get used to. Ultimately learning how to use it well and efficiently by knowing when to use what commands is what takes some more time, but that has to be the same with Emacs I imagine
Yeah, that's pretty much true. And I guess if you spend most of your time using Vim or Emacs or whatever then it won't really matter what anything else does.
Pretty much, and if you're 'forced' out by wanting to use an IDE or whatever typically there exists extensions for both. Up to preference really, both seem to have as much support.
I will still use Ubuntu on my main computer. I stole my sister's laptop and I'm just looking to learn. Will Arch at least do that for me?
It will. Technically you end up copy pasting a lot from the beginner's guide but you can learn as much as you want along the way.
It'll teach you how to format your drives and how to install Arch.
That's about it.

If you want to learn shit, go Gentoo or LFS.
I accidentally did
 sudo apt-get remove Ian-Murdock [code/] now it won't let me reinstall it
Windows 10
Does anyone have some kind of guide to the general map structure of linux? (var, etc, bin, and so on)

It's obviously well structured, so what goes where?
Have you just woke up or something?
In xubuntu xfce how can I set alt - middle click to close the window it was aimed at?
1. install arch
2. install awesome
3. use Mod+Shift+C instead
>If you want to learn shit, go Gentoo or LFS.

What will Gentoo teach me that Arch won't?
That compiling is your favourite pastime.
Gentoo is tougher to install than arch.

If you stop at installing, you will not learn much from either. What you need to do is use the system, play with it. You can do this on Ubuntu too.
Hi all, I just installed Debian 8.2 "Jessie" with the KDE desktop environment. I'm trying to switch my DE to XFCE manually without having to reinstall. is there a way to do this?
sudo apt install xfce4

Log out, select xfce session, log back in
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That was really all there was to it!? Thank you very much!

Here is a picture of appreciation!
Useflags and wizardry
Yep, that's how easy it is to switch DE/WM. It's the same with any other environment you might want to try out.
>If you stop at installing, you will not learn much from either. What you need to do is use the system, play with it. You can do this on Ubuntu too.

Is there a list of stuff you could dabble with?
There is no single list because there is too much you can do.

So I would ask, what do you want to do--what interests you? Is it programming? Then wite some programs. Is it networking? You have two computers, learn SSH. You could setup a server. You could try contributing to a project, or start your own.
gpointing-device-settings worked for a second for me but then I tried rebooting to see if the settings were persistent and now I can't get it to work at all wtf any advice?
Okay sweet! So I did a little bit of reading and found out that you can replace the WM with just --replace.

For anyone else trying to figure this out, you will have to know the name of your Window Manager you want to switch to and type --replace afterwards.

for example:
xfwm4 --replace

this will replace the current running window manager with xfwm4.
ok I got it to be able to scroll again but it wont save the settings on reboot
Shit happened.
I'm on LXDE and just started using two monitors but after messing with the settings, I lost my right click on desktop on the second monitor. It's now using the Openbox behavior and I can't get it back.

Any idea? Opening desktop preferences via terminal just defaults to the other monitor.
now it doesnt want to scroll again wtf this is shit HELP PLZ!
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Okay so going based off of what i discovered earlier and the hint you gave me with WM's, i was able to switch to Openbox without much hassle. Now I am trying to figure out how to add a theme.

However, I am unsure as to where people get their themes or where they go to create them. is there a particular setting within openbox to do this?
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Does this vlc setting work for anyone else? It just remembers the last session's volume for whatever reason no matter what I set this to.
Using Ubuntu 15.10 here, with Unity. So far everything works, with 15.04 I still got random crashes and GPU lockups all the time with my AMD card. Crossing my fingers this good streak will hold up.
how do I fix cannot find tocblock error?
Which desktop environment is the best for a ubuntu distro on a chromebook?
I haven't gotten xorg to work on debian unstable in over a month
What the fuck did they do to it
>using sid
>wondering when it breaks
never mind ya fuckers I figured it out
>>52153848 Here. Now I'm dual booting Arch with Ubuntu MATE

apt is shit is not a meme. How do I know if there is any optional dependencies during a specefic package install?
>pacman Syu
>new Linux kernel (4.2.5-1 -> 4.3.3-2)

if anything breaks after i install this, i'm blaming you fuckers
or you could just stop using a distro broken by design
Its not your production machine and you make backups regularly anyway, so what could go wrong, right?
So I installed video drivers and now when I boot, after the grub boot menu I just have a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left.

I can navigate my way to the emergency mode command line, but I don't know what else to do
set nomodeset in the boot parameters
delete "splash" from them
There's no bsd thread so I'm asking here
I have a disk with a zfs pool and I want to add another disk so I can have one directory across both disks
Googling anything related to zfs is making my head spin, lots of posts/blogs about not being able to expand zfs and lots about easily expanding zfs. I don't want to spend weeks studying zfs just to do this
Not seeing 'splash', only 'quiet'
I was still able to add nomodeset and it booted seemingly fine, but how do I actually solve this problem?
you need to set nomodeset permanently in your grub



su -c 'nano /etc/default/grub" or sudo nano /etc/default/grub

then edit GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"
you can leave the splash out of course as well. makes no difference. nomodeset is important so you get text boot.
Use mpv instead. It just works.
Debian minimal with openbox or bunsenlabs. Chromebooks don't have a lot of space so make sure to avoid unnecessary bloat.
works on my machine
So I'm running into another issue which might be a little tougher to fix.

I have two hardrives on my computer, one with Windows and one with Debian. When I boot my Windows drive is invisible, and I'm having trouble even mounting it because I guess I left Windows in hibernate rather than shutting down properly.

How can I go about making my Windows drive visible to grub when I can't seem to mount it?
can someone help me figure out how to be able to use my mute, volume up/down buttons, and mic mute button on a thinkpad T430 in openbox? I don't want to have to rely on pulling up alsamixer every time I want to change my audio levels
Mount in read only mode.
>t because I guess I left Windows in hibernate rather than shutting down properly.
If you're using windows 8 and beyond you might want to turn off the "fast boot" feature.
What it does is instead of actually shutting down the computer it does a partial hybernation, so the next time you turn it on, it does it faster.

and because *nix detects the hybernation file on the partition, it doesn't want to mount it.

Turning off fastboot and deleting the hybernation file should fix this problem (at least it did it for me)
Try to define the keyboard shortcust in your Openbox config and let them execute the amixer command.

Just set keys

to execute
pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%
pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5%
pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle


How it's done in openbox - i have no idea, but i'm sharing what I used to do back in the day of me using i3wm.

I guess you could also add some volume applet (xfce4-volman for example) to your autostart in openbox.
It should make the keys usable as well
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I'm trying to follow the instructions at the following websites, but I need help fixing whatever is going wrong.

Http://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/wiki/More Integrated Applications
oh boy here we go again.

after downloading the desktop_approots.tgz you moved it to /etc

So to access it (like unpacking it) you shuld do
cd /etc[/close]

It should be there

you're moving desktop_approots.tgz to /etc/, from /home/james, but you're trying to use tar on desktop_approots.tgz in /home/james

cd to /etc/ first
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I was messing around with window environments and ended up with this
What packages should I remove to get rid of it?
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I'm sorry if I'm misinterpreting what you're trying to convey...?
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Forget it.

I know it's you you fucking faggot, you will waste dumb people's time by doing stupid fucking rookie mistakes on purpose and pretending you have no idea what you're doing wrong, for hours before everyone realizes it's been a ruse and stop feeding you (You)s
I swear I'm honest to God serious. I am a total rookie. Today was my first day installing Debian Jessie. I was afraid blatantly stating this would be anathema. If you decide not to help me, I can ask another time but please know I have no malicious intent in mind.
[spoiler]I'm just trying to get CDE going. Sorry.[/spoiler]
no fuck off
I've felt for your elaborate ruse twice already
I need to backup few partitions (triple-boot), I read that Clonezilla is often recommended for being newbie-friendly, but after reading its page I found it's not what I need, beacuse mainly
>The destination partition must be equal or larger than the source one.
>Differential/incremental backup is not implemented yet.
and maybe
>Due to the image format limitation, the image can not be explored or mounted.
Can you recommend me fairly easy-to-use backup software that backups whole partitions, but only data on them? (So if I have 20GB used on 100GB partition, it will just "clone" that 20GB)
cp -a
How do I get an app list for tint2? Is there something I need to do with xdotool? I want it to be like what it looks like on distros that have tint2 by default.
rsync if you want to learn something new
Is there a way to list all images with a certain tag in their exif? I just used digikam to sort a bunch of pictures and would like, as an example, to be able to list, move, or view all of the images with say the "long hair" or "dogs" tag.
use something like exiv2 to list info about images, and grep through the results

cd ~/pics
exiv2 * | grep "long hair"

I can't really test this as I have no images with exif data to hand

Found a way to list things. Now i just don't know how to rename or move said list.
My brother used it. It is similar enough to windows that you wont get what's really great about Linux. Try mint or something.

Thanks. That works even better than the previous method I found.
Are there any services available I could contribute to by generating data or something to that effect? I don't actually make use of a lot of my system resources
try gtkraw gallery, I think it can do it
Is there a way to change the font of individual UI elements in xfce ?
I'd like to have Terminus on my panel and applications menu, but I can't seem to figure out how to change those two without changing everything else too.
Does anybody here know how to automatically start the "startx" command on boot? I deleted gnome out of my system and it took the login screen with it. unsure of how to get it back.
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You need a login manager
Try slim
How does one download/enable a GTK theme on debian(jessie)?
Have you installed gentoo? That's the only distro it will work on.
slim was discontinued.
stop recommending abandonware
> all this shitposting in an flt thread

I actually solved the problem by installing xdm. however, this does not give you any opportunity to select what DE you want which is quite problematic.

if anyone knows of a way to reinstall the "gui-based" login screen it would be great.
my bad
Welp I made one step forward to fixing the issue. I installed lightdm. according to some obsolete forum post it turns out that lightdm is the default login manager for xfce (which is what I'm using). Now the last issue to solve would be figuring out why it doesn't give you the little gear to click on to change DE's

Another solution is just to use Restart in Windows instead of Shutdown.
Happy new Year loonatixfags
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Installed Kali.
Now what?
neck yourself
hack the gibson
I just installed Debian. What's a good software center application so that I can manage all of my applications in a GUI and find new ones to 1 click install. Will Ubuntu Software Center work on Debian? What about AppGrid? Any others?
How'd you get transparent terminal?
Why not kubuntu?

I want KDE (I've tried it and need the flashy features), but should I install plain ubuntu and just install the KDE DE?
It came like that, idk.
install kubuntu
>should I install plain ubuntu and just install the KDE DE
This will probably break your system.

If I were you I'd just install Debian and then put KDE on it.
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>actually installing kali, not just using it when required
we've fount the king of edgelords
Ok I will

No secret SJW devs? No nonsense?
Ubuntu itself is datamining nonsense. Kubuntu isn't any worse, but it isn't any better.
>secret SJW devs
how would anyone know, if they're secret?
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NASA confirmed for being /g/entoomen.
Mint better then? All things seem shit.
Debian is what you'll find if you're looking for a "correct' Ubuntu.
It really is the only good apt-based distribution.
Welp. Isn't it effort though? Gotta get them non-free drivers and manually upgrade apps since it only uses super stable stuff right?
Stable is like that. Don't use Stable. If you want stuff that's really new, use Stretch. It's still better than Ubuntu.
That's what you get for using a meme file system.
Reformat to ext4 and we'll talk.
Why does nm-applet fail to open an info window when I click on a wireless network to join? I can disconnect fine, I can add and start/stop a VPN fine. But I can't click a network and have it ask for authentication etc. Ended up adding through cli but it was annoying.

Using i3.
haven't used debian jesse but the easiest way is to download one from gnome-look and dump the files you get into ~/.themes.
>There's no bsd thread so I'm asking here
Make a BSD thread.
>Ubuntu itself is datamining nonsense.
[citation needed]
on a laptop, does mpv automatically use the dedicated GPU? does it even matter?
unity got in trouble a while back for sending search queries in the UI to amazon
there is no datamining in any of the ubuntu spins (as far as I know)
There is a non-free sebian iso you can use. Use netinst firmware non-free.
Doesn't matter if your tearfree or your compositor is installed correctly.
>implying kali is a usable desktop os
font rendering (at least in firefox) looks like shit. arch, kde5.
how to fix?
you can just turn off the search with the click of a simple switch.

also there is an amazon.desktop link in unity when you start it the first time, which you can just uninstall.

given that mainline ubuntu tries to literally be "mom and dad's linux", its not bad. cant blame them to try and make a buck.

I like my GNU/Linux like i like my life: Simple and free from stress and work.

Running Xubuntu 15.10 here
install a good distro not "babby builds his first linux": the OS
i've used other distros before, now i wanna use arch.
then be a good citizen and read the arch wiki

its there for a reason
Copy past a decent font config from the wiki.
File: debian.jpg (23KB, 350x464px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 350x464px
How do I get Ubuntu Software Center or AppGrid or something on Debian?
install synaptic

that is the best they have
>that acne

No wonder this fag committed suicide kek
Linux noob here, I have been running debian jessie for about a month. This is my first distro. I just learned yesterday that the kernel for jessie is 3.16, isn't the latest kernel like 4.3? How big of deal is this
if everything runs fine for you and you have no big issues, just stay with what you have. never change a running/working system
thanks guys, cp -a looks pretty simple, rsynch man page looks like fun challenge, but another question(s): does (can) it create "image files" or just copy files to folders and also can it deal with some hidden shit (for example, I saw in defrag program on windows ntfs partitions some hidden shit like 'Reserved for MTF')? I assume it supports same file-systems as distro I'm using.
Is there anyway that I can reduce boot times on debian xfce. Currently takes 3 minutes minimum to boot.
The latest kernel releases have more drivers and newer stuff but if that kernel works for you don't worry about it. You'll get 4.x eventually anyway. Debian releases are every 2 years. If you need recent kernels try Fedora they're closer to upstream, but they also don't stay supported for as long.

* Add the Infinality repositories to /etc/pacman.conf (be sure to add the servers)
* Add the Infinality-bundle keyring:
 pacman-key -r 962DDE58
pacman-key --lsign-key 962DDE58

* Then install the main Infinality components:
pacman -Syu infinality-bundle ibfonts-meta-base ibfonts-meta-extended ibfonts-meta-extended-lt

* If on x86_64, you can also do:
pacman -Syu infinality-bundle-multilib

After that, restart X (by restarting your DM if you have one or logging out and back in if you don't; or, more generally, by rebooting). Everything should be prettier automagically.
get a load of this ignorant parrot.

Don't install bloat like >>52164812
Me again, not really sure how to proceed from here

I installed Debian on an empty drive I had, but on my other drive I have W10 installed.

The drive is visible, and when I mount it I can still view the files, but when I boot my computer the W10 drive isn't an option on grub.

I tried following a guide to add the W10 drive to the boot menu, but that didn't work. What can I do to boot from my W10 drive now?
Have you tried os-prober?
this actually helped, thanks anon.

unlike the shit in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Font_configuration which mostly just ended up making things worse
Samefagging, >>52164216 haven't even replied yet.
Nice shop.
So I think I've managed to install os-prober, but now I'm stuck

Setting up os-prober (1.65) ...
anon@anon:~$ sudo os-prober

Nothing happened afterwards and I can't seem to find an application installed anywhere with the same name
I have a laptop I bought from Wal-Mart that came with Windows 8. I have been running Debian for a few months now and wiped the entire Windows drive. I now want to install Windows because I need a program for work that doesn't work through Wine. If I download a Windows 8 .iso file and boot it from a SD Card, will I still have my built in serial number for Windows? Or will I need to buy a new product key?

Also, Debian came with a ton of shit that I never use. Is there an application I can download like Ubuntu Software Center that shows all of my applications with a button to uninstall? Debian came with Apper but it is pretty awful compared to package managers I've used on other distros, and I can't seem to get AppGrid working correctly.
Reconfigure grub.
Kill yourself
Not him but os-prober doesn't quite work like this, it's an optional dependency of grub. I never dual booted with windows 10. As for ubuntu+Arch, grub-mkconfig does the job
Gonna kick off the New Year with some LFS
ive installed arch linux at least 50 times but ive never been able to get static ip working. i am using wired, i am trying to use systemd-networkd to do it. my interface is enp0s3, and it is up with ip link

started off starting networkd
systemctl start systemd-networkd.service
systemctl start systemd-resolved.service
then i enabled them for reboot.

then i linked resolv.conf
ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

and plugged


into /etc/systemd/network/Cygnus.network and restarted
systemctl restart systemd-networkd

all this as per instructions on the wiki. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-networkd#Wired_adapter_using_a_static_IP

yet when i ping google.com it just hangs for a good minute before saying 'ping: unknown host google.com'. when i ping, i get 'Destination Host Unreachable'. this is all done in a virtualmachine so i know the network works, and the network worked in the installer disc. i dont really know what the fuck to do at this point, ive never been able to even get static ips to work in gui or any other software either it just never fucking works and linux ignores my requests in the router to force an ip on a hostname/mac address. i am fucking pissed, please help
>this is all done in a virtualmachine

That's probably your biggest issue, then.

Google "[your VM software] static IP". Virtualbox, for example, has some tips.

Is there a better XFCE distro than Xubuntu? I tried Linux Mint Cinnamon which is baded on XFCE but I found no huge advantages in it over Xubuntu.
i still cannot figure shit out. all the results for help assume i have some program which is never actually mentioned because its for catch all operating systems like ubuntu. this page in particular.

i even tried forcing an ip on the virtualbox network drivers in windows, which i assume is what the fuck they expected me to do anyways but never the less that also didn't work. dhcpcd isn't even working, every time i have to deal with networking in linux all the antilinux memes make sense
Debian works pretty well with XFCE.
Working on my Gentoo install while drinking a Jack and Coke
What's a good (un)compressing tool that isn't a buggy piece of shit like Ark?

I am having way more trouble than I should extracting several .zip and .rar files into subdirectories named after the files.

or peazip or xarchiver
for zips you can just use "zip" and "unzip" for basic stuff.
works well for me.
[ben@computer ~/dontclick]$ unzip *
Archive: (C81) [Gainamon (Natsu no Koucha)] Nichijou Seikatsu -2- (Touhou Project) [English] {biribiri}.zip
caution: filename not matched: (C81) [Gainamon (Natsu no Koucha)] Nichijou Seikatsu -2- (Touhou Project) [English] {biribiri}.zip
caution: filename not matched: (C81) [Mothman (henreader,shirakaba,softoof)] Boku Ha Nakadashi Ga Chitsunai I Don't Have Many Vaginas I Can Cum Inside Of (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) [English] {5 a.m.}
caution: filename not matched: (C81) [Mothman (henreader,shirakaba,softoof)] Boku Ha Nakadashi Ga Chitsunai I Don't Have Many Vaginas I Can Cum Inside Of (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) [English] {5 a.m.}.zip
caution: filename not matched: (C82) [Mothman (henreader)] Schoolgirl ProstitutionDouble Peace (Smile Precure!) [English] {5 a.m.}
caution: filename not matched: (C82) [Mothman (henreader)] Schoolgirl ProstitutionDouble Peace (Smile Precure!) [English] {5 a.m.}.zip
caution: filename not matched: (C83) [Mothman (henreader, shirakaba, softoof)] Jyoji (Original) [English] [Decensored] [v2].rar
caution: filename not matched: (C84) [Mothman (Henreader)] Manatsu no Oshiri Bitch + Postcard + Paper (Original) [English] [Facedesk].zip
caution: filename not matched: [Fuyuno Mikan] Center Of Love (COMIC LO 2012-12) [English] [Kameden].rar
caution: filename not matched: [Fuyuno Mikan] Day to day with a grade school girl (Comic LO 2015-12) [English] {5 a.m.}
caution: filename not matched: [Fuyuno Mikan] Day to day with a grade school girl (Comic LO 2015-12) [English] {5 a.m.}.zip
caution: filename not matched: [Fuyuno Mikan] Mei-chan to Issho Together With Mei-chan (COMIC LO 2015-07) [English] {Mistvern}.zip
caution: filename not matched: [Fuyuno Mikan] What's Wrong with Liking Little Girls! [Rin]
caution: filename not matched: [Fuyuno Mikan] What's Wrong with Liking Little Girls! [Rin].zip

1 archive had fatal errors.

what's happening???
too much loli
>those filenames
Oh anon, where do I even begin with what's wrong?
Why are you trying to extract? Wouldn't it be easier to rename to cbz/cbr and open with a comic reader?
I like to have everything uncompressed and I don't know any comic readers.
I've personally had weird problems with trying to extract more than one archive at a time (with p7zip, mind you). I don't know what causes the weirdness, either.
Ark in particular acts weird. It creates folders for each of the files but extracts all the content in the home directory for some reason.
have you tried specifically trying to unzip a single file? I think with unzip it acts strange if you try to unzip too many at once.
That's hardly even 20% of all the archives I'm trying to unzip, anon
I'm trying to think of a good bash script. The fact that all of the archives have spaces in their names is making it a bit hard.
use the find command on the folder that all the zipped archives are and pipe the name into unzip.

should work without too much hassle.
How do I make unzip extract files into new directories named after the files, by default it spits everything in the directory where the archive is
That I'm not sure of as I am still new to linux.
The most I've used unzip for is just extracting to the same location then using the mv command to move the file to the desired destination.
You may need to read the man pages for more info on it unfortunately.
for f in *.zip; do unzip "$f" -d "${f%.*}"; done
Newfriend here.
First thing first, happy new year /g/!
I am running Lubuntu on my old netbook and I was wondering: what password manager should I use?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you, with a little different syntax it worked for unrar as well.
Check out "atool". Supports all installed packers at once cuz its basically a wrapper, also checks for multiple files, if so, it creates unique folders.

aunpack file.7z

Hmm, just figured this out for myself.

With p7zip, I normally had
7z x zipname.zip -o*

which would extract the zip to a folder with the same name (in this case, zipname)

I would try and fail to do this with multiple archives with:
7z x *.zip -o*

I never got anything useful from what spit out: basically, it would read the first zip, spit out "No files to process", and then claim everything is OK.

A random post in the Ubuntu forums showed the correct format:
7z x "*.zip" -o*

Apparently, the quotes are needed, even if the files don't have spaces or anything weird in them.
I'll check that out.
nice one anon happy new years!

> Referring to an entire OS by its kernel
In accordance with >>52167373, I now recommend p7zip for this.

Point to whatever directory you need, and then:
7z x "*.zip" -o*
7z x "*.rar" -o*
>implying GNU is a complete OS
Anon was not at all suggesting that.

For Windows, there is system 32, there is the Windows NT kernel, the Window Manager, et cetera.

What they are saying is that it is wrong to reffer to Windows as 'System 32'. You are saying that that means they think that means the Object manager is, in fact, the OS.
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I wrote a program which I would like to have start when the machine boots up - how do you do this? Everything I find online explains either how to run it at login (not what I want) or how to run scripts which _must terminate_ (the program runs forever or until it receives an interrupt). I'm on Linux Mint, if that affects the answer.

Pic related, the program running.
Jesus Christ anon, I know for a fact that Mint has a better terminal than that.
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It was just for demonstration purposes - I'm remoted into the machine with X11 forwarding. I didn't feel it applicable to screenshot the entire desktop, and cropping the output just looked odd, so I opened the first terminal emulator that came to mind.
I have no idea how exactly you'd do it, but maybe try creating a service with systemd and then enabling to run on bootup.
I got Numix theme on everything in Xubuntu but the Application Menu. How do I change it? When I ran Cinnamon, it would change the theme here too.
is enlightenment any good?
It's okay, it just adds way more shit than I'd expect from a windows manager, like a display manager and taskbar. It's almost a DE.
> installing gentoo
> systemd
> luks encrypted
> xts-aes-plain64 cipher
> hardened kernel
> tries to mount root LVM without decrypting drive
> Can't decrypt when I try to do it manually from rescue shell because it doesn't support said cipher

Recompiling as we speak.... not sure why it refuses to decrypt before mounting rootfs.

I configured the kernel command line in GRUB2 to execure "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdxy gentoo" and "vgchange -ay"
Cinnamon menu and the Whiskermenu aren't the same. Whiskermenu follows the theme, which it did. For Cinnamon menu numix has an exclusive CSS design that takes over the default panel
TLDR: Use a dark theme
>referring yourself as third-person
Debian testing is on 4.3 if you care.>>52164756
Do you get any errors on boot? It takes me like 10 seconds on my 7200rpm wd blue hdd.
There is a recommended software site on the install gentoo wiki.
>implying it's not
Does anybody have a xargs tutorial for complete idiots? I want to master find | xargs command for my work so that I can script stuff better.
>Reffering to myself in second person.
UPDATE: I can now decrypt manually from the rescue shell, make the lvms available, and let it get on with the boot process.

This obviously is a bullshit system. Why will it not just ask me for the password like a normal computer?

I even put "crypt_root=/dev/sdyx" and "real_root=/dev/mapper/vg-root" in linux command line in /etc/default/grub.

Not sure why it's bitching. Is it a systemd issue? When I was trying for openrc I didn't ever get far enough to even start decryption.
It is not.

From GNU's own page (https://gnu.org/gnu/gnu-history.html):

>A Unix-like operating system includes a kernel, compilers, editors, text formatters, mail software, graphical interfaces, libraries, games and many other things. Thus, writing a whole operating system is a very large job.

Let's break it down.
HURD? A piece of shit. Thus, not complete at all.
GCC. No questions asked.
>Text formatter software
AFAIK they don't have it.
>mail software
I forgot the name but they have one.
>graphical interfaces
GNU has no games. Linux has.
>GNU has no games. Linux has.


Please tell me the configuration options for those fun built in kernel games. That sounds interesting.
Anyone else like playing Freedroid RPG?

That game is responsible for me learning to use linux; I was nine years old and my brother showed me how to use Fedora so I could play games on it.

Years later, I've picked it back up. Once I'm done configuring Gentoo I'm diving right back in.
I am not sure if you understand how software licenses work anon. If a project uses gpl you can fork it, change the name and add it to your OS. Take linix-libré for example. Also GNOME is still a part of GNU, even if the devs don't rely on the GNU project anymore. Emacs and nano are also part of GNU and since when are games relient on a kernel?
Have a look at the package list on:
GNOME is GNU's estranged son, while GNU still claims that GNOME is a part of GNU Project, GNOME has removed ALL GNU references on its website, aside from it's acronym.

Linux-libre is a fork of Linux, if Linux doesn't exist, Linux-libre wouldn't exist, we'll still stuck with a piece of shit that is HURD.
This doesn't really change anything thojgh
If you want to play the "if then" game you I'll bite: if linux wouldn't have had gnu it wouldn't have cought on, if linux wouldn't have been copyleft, hurds development wouldn't have effectively stopped, if linux wouldn't have been created, the gnu project could have used the bsd kernel. Rms asked the BSD people to use a free license for a reason.

Thanks for the info. Just going to use Cinnamon on Xubuntu cause I'm too lazy to re-install Mint.
Linux was intended to be an operating system, I copied this verbatim from comp.os.minix:

>I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like gnu)

Remember that he intended to make a complete OS and ditch GNU at all.
Dennis Ritchie referred to the kernel as "the operating system proper."

Linux = OS. /thread.
asked in the other thread, but i'll ask again here:

how do i know linux will have drivers for my hardware?

i will not simply install it and hope it does.
>i will not simply install it and hope it does.
Exactly what you have to do.
shit operating system then.

Goodbye. We don't need dumbfucks worse than Macfags.
Find the model of hard drive that you have. Look for people running linux on the same hard drive, or computers that use the same hard drive.

This is basically what I do for all hardware.
>Goodbye. We don't need dumbfucks worse than Macfags.

Because I won't waste my time making a bootable USB to install and see if it has drivers for my hardware, which it probably doesn't, only so I can install Windows 7 again?

Because I won't spend an hour digging through ancient forum posts for every piece of hardware in my PC to see if it works correctly on Linux?

The only dumbfucks are the Linux shills who don't have a viable way of checking for driver support without installing the damn OS first.
>Because I won't waste my time making a bootable USB to install and see if it has drivers for my hardware, which it probably doesn't, only so I can install Windows 7 again?
That's because you probably have some random obscure Chink 3rd-grade hardware, seriously almost all drivers are supported by Linux, with a notable exception on Broadcom.

>The only dumbfucks are the Linux shills who don't have a viable way of checking for driver support without installing the damn OS first.
You never heard of Live USB, you dumbfuck.
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How do I get my CD drive to show up as a boot option in my BIOS? I'm using Fedora 23 Workstation and I cant figure out for the life of me how to get it working.
Tried the
etc thing, I tried c:/ and all manner of things. I just want to boot from CD drive, please
It is faster and easier to do that, to test diresctly. But if you want, go around every component and check. If the computer is a laptop, or prebuilt, you can proabbly find out relativley easily. Otherwise you can go through each major component.
Next thread: >>52170085
First of all, what does the CD contain?
>with a notable exception on Broadcom.
Oh, well you answered my question then.

Linux is useless until Broadcom is supported.
Well, your fault for using a third-grade Chink rip-off device.
>Linux is useless until Broadcom is supported.

it is supported.
>Well, your fault for using a third-grade Chink rip-off device.
>3rd grade ripoff

Posted from your Thinkpad, right?
Well I have Linux Mint on one and Win7 on another
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>Not having an Intel NIC

Posted from my Lenovo ThinkPad T520 with Intel 82579LM Gigabit NIC
>owns thinkpad
>calls other laptops 3rd rate chinkshit
I know you're serious because no one can actually be this dumb.
do you nvidia?
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 31

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