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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 39

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I just discovered these are real
That's just the puppy look btw, older ones look different
Whats a good program for strength that wont t rex mode me?
I thought that was an adult one. You've ruined everything.
Lol what an idiot
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puppers and doggers are the only good thing in this world
Whats a good program for strength that wont t rex mode me?
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workout was about as fun as watching paint dry (again)
2 step walkout is feeling very nice now though

nn friend

are you gonna watch it with friends? I kind of like baseball live, but on TV I can't watch it. maybe that's just because the brewers are shit and not really worth watching though.

started in december of 2013
here ya go pal

and friends
and qts
and you :)

spotoshot 2.0

They only love you because you feed them
This is Rafael. He was always a heartless bitch who hated dogs.

Fuck off raffy
Wtf this general gave me a Canadian passport, a drinking problem and ruined my squat
kys rafael
SS with an upper push/pull 3x10 added each day
Just like all these faggots here fed you attention for so long? KYS
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Pretty close, yeah. RIP buddy...
What does spotoshot 2.0 consist of?0
rip old m8
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Thanks man, he had a pretty good run.
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are we posting our doggers

>coming back from knee tendinitis
>bench is about 90% of where it's been in the past
>dead is probably the same

Should I just LP it from lowballed numbers for six or eight weeks? A B A with A: squat/bench and B: DL/push press maybe?
Any /momentumbuilders/ survive this run? How'd it go?

That's what I'd recommend for coming off a break of a month or longer, or after some competitive season in a different sport prevented you from being in the gym full time.

Except OHP instead of push press. The point of lifting the bar overhead is largely to strengthen elbow extension and shoulder abduction, it doesn't work as well if knee extension is taking away some of the resistance.

And if you don't want to do power cleans on "A," at least do chin ups. Some other, lighter, quasi-pulling exercise.

I'd usually just do the SS template for a month or two, just about to failure, and then get back on a weekly program until the next season started up.
haha okay raffy
Begone catcuck, don't spread your lies here
>Except OHP instead of push press. The point of lifting the bar overhead is largely to strengthen elbow extension and shoulder abduction, it doesn't work as well if knee extension is taking away some of the resistance.

I've always found push press a little more useful for bench assistance and """general strength""" because my OHP stalls out so quickly and just a small push gets a lot more weight moving. Plus I lower it with decent control and le eccentric is supposed to be the more significant part of the movement for building muscle. I'd do pulls both days, probably two pulls for three or four sets each.
I survived
I thrived
And I built momentum
I ended up with a 50ish kg pr with a little left in the tank
I loved it, I didnt really feel too beat up. The only problem was the program took an hour and a half to 2 and a half hours to complete some days.
Im running my own version right now up to my meet in like 13 weeks.
that super tall dude with the long hair thats instagram famous was at my gym yesterday someone link his instagram i was there
Would you say you were conservative with RPEs or did you push it?
A little of both. If I had a number in my head all day I would sometimes get hard headed and go for It regardless of how warm ups felt. But most days I tended to be more conservative. I feel like being conservative on the rpes helped in the program, as long as I was about .5 away in terms of rpe I was cool with the set for that day.
need rap to lift to its the only thing that does it for me
actually some electronic stuff does too
Run the jewels, big pun, slaughterhouse, tech n9ne, older eminem, futuristic, apathy and jarren benton are all great for hype music
thanks senpai

i really like electronic stuff with nightcore shit volcals too idk why
that's because strict ohp pretty much only builds front delts.
triceps are hardly used.

If it makes you feel better, I think cats are dicks. Dogs at least love you if you feed them. Cats are still dicks even if you feed them.

The only benefit a cat has is that it can as least sort of manage its own feces.
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>triceps are hardly used.
>In a OHP
My triceps are weak as shit and get worked a fuckton in ohp. Lockout is the hardest part for me with ohp.
Objectively wrong. They just don't express their emotions as much or the same way as dogs.

t. dog and cat owner/lover(not into furry)

(just a bit)
Why are powerlifters so fat and ugly?
panzer stop
>Look mom, I posted it again!
You seem to have committed a fallacy here my friend.
Powerlifters are not inherently fat and ugly, but the fat and the ugly choose to be powerlifters to cope with the fact that they will never gonna make it.
drinking myself to sleep 3rd time this week hahahhaa

suicide never seemed so right like it does now haha
banned from my go to board so i'm stuckj with you fat cunts haha
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good luck proving that in court little man
>norse keeps getting weaker
>wank quit pl and lifts for aesthetics
>ssb is awol

Make heavyweights great again.
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My doggo after a copperhead bit her :(
>when you check your food log and realize you accidentally ate 70g of fiber today
Oh shit.
How the hell did I get stretch marks on the top of my bicep when I dont even train them? What is this sorcery?
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>are we posting our doggers

>70g of fiber
>Oh shit.

No, you will not

The opposite is way worse.

They are real, look up Alaskan Klee Kai, or Pomsky.
>eating fiber stops you shitting

u wat
Haha, ok raffy
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My neighbor has an Eskimo/Pom one.
He's a pretty cool little dude but designer breeds are pretty stupid.
Ahh, just like women
What ever happened to Jesse Norris? He seems to have dropped off the map lately

I didn't know bitches ate money.
When to add weight when running sheiko?
I asked Ben Rice during his livestream and he said he increased his max when he just assumed he got stronger. Forgot to ask him if you need to max in order to increase.

Can I just add 2.5 kg for each prep cycle?
I've run 28 free for DL 2x int without maxing. I've just added 2.5 kg for each month. Worked like a charm.
what is the most reliable 1rm estimator?

I have mostly used Symmetric Strength in the past for this, but after doing first cycle of Candito, the difference between the 1rm of SS and the one gotten by Candito method difeer like 7 kgs..
Which one is more reliable?
Is sheiko 29 good for someone who just hit 1234
canditos multiplier he puts on his program is really fucking conservative

i just test mine and input it 5-10lbs higher anyway
What's a good way to ensure activation of your quads during the start of a deadlift?

Half the time my quads aren't doing anything for the first half a second, which makes my back take over, which then causes severe rounding of my back and makes me have to fail the set.

Also, my abs seem to be "giving up" half way through the ascension of the deadlift, even if i try to keep them tight. Any help with this?

I am doing lmao3plate at 70 kg (154 lbs)
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nice doggo
thanks for confirming my hunch, it seemed a bit low to me. I'll just keep using the Symmetric Strength one, that one seems pretty accurate for me.
I feel like shit. I'm cutting on texas and today I need to do intensity day 6 hours earlier than normal. Fuck my life.
Get the runt of the litter. It's possible he won't grow much. Though the proportions will change.
Idk why but slightly blurry pictures like this always looks really endearing and genuine. Like it's not the best picture, but it doesn't matter. It was good enough to keep and it's about the dog not the quality of the pic. It just feels more.
yeah and it doesnt make sense since the higher the weight the more you theoretically progressed when you multiply it when it should likely be the other way around
I think about pushing my feet into the floor. Like you are pushing the earth away, instead of the barbell up. If you can understand this, haha.
>cutting on texas method
Why would you do this to yourself?
I'm starting to ask myself the same question. I'll eat a shitton of food in an hour though. Better to go in a surplus today than to fuck up everything.
so i just did this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgZXwer6eZU&feature=youtu.be

any r8? or h8?
maybe include the timespans in your chart too?
Yeah that makes alot of sense, actually. Thanks a lot
Hey guys, I posted this noob question of mine in the QTDDTOT thread but wanted your thoughts.

when doing deadlift sets of more than one rep, how should you do the 'negative' portion of the lift?

Just drop the bar and reset?

Obviously lowering the bar in a super controlled manner isn't very good for your back
Please be my new plg gf
slam it into the ground as fast as possible and bounce the weights to get as many reps as possible. It's even better with bumper plates for maximum bouncing.
I think most here reset between each rep. Lower the bar how you see fit, just don't completely drop it
>Obviously lowering the bar in a super controlled manner isn't very good for your back
never ever do this, I slipped a disc doing this not even kidding
wow benni did it with a lot of weight that must mean that its safe

controlled eccentrics in the deadlift are known for causing injuries dude
I didn't say it was safe, I just wanted to post a cool video
yeah. I went for my first deadlifting sesh and was lowering them controlled, but it didn't feel sore in a good way. Luckily I'm weak so the weight I was lifting wasn't very much


He's the exception breh. I sure ain't no Benni
>tfw will never unslip a disc
with my chimp tier wingspan I was so good at the deadlift now I cant even diddly anymore dude

I was doing slow eccentrics with 500lbs for worksets for a month or two. I moved to a new gym and didnt wanna damage the equipment
>I cant even diddly anymore dude
:/ sorry to hear that breh
Please tell me people call them Pomeruskies.
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i benched 120kg at 77 kg bodyweight and in some angles, i look like I NEVER TOUCHED A WEIGHT IN MY LIFE


this is clear disinfo, the person the that pic does not bench 120kg
Your technique must be godly then. I bench 115kg at 88kg and my chest is absolutely massive compared to yours.
fuck off

idk man i have it on video it wasn't good form it was touch and go but i still locked that shit out at 77-78kg my muscles are so stringy i dont have big muscle bellies at all i look like absolute shit in some angles, i deadlift about 210kg at the moment and i swear to christ i have no clue, let me find a pic in good lighting for comparison
>i have it on video
post it
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here's a pic in better lighting

i still look like a flabby mess wtf
You're 77kg, how can you expect to be big?
Is this Dale post transition?
Nah you're fine. Keep eating tho. You're on the right path.
i'm uploading that shit to vimeo hold on
here you go


not the best technique but you get my point im a fucking stringy skeleton i dont understand how im progressing so much on all the lifts yet i dont have any fullness at all
>be this goof
>probally cheat on the bench to have a 1 inch rom(wide grip + huge arch)
>hurr why do I still look dyel
do CGBP instead of your normal ''bench'' for 6 months and then look if you still are dyel

>bounced rep
just a bit, felt like my pec was gonna fucking tear while approaching that bottom
>just a bit
>a bit
>a bit
you need to rewatch your footage son

the only real work you do is the lockout

you look like shit because you have been doing these bounced reps, do everything paused from now on
alright mate
So I'm sitting here taking a shit right and Thats when I get a whiff of it.. How I'd imagine topkek100s home to smell like on a daily basis.. Like the turds plopping out of my asshole, gonna flush this Norman khan the fuck back to India
Nice Norway doggo
Im doing the same thing right now there was a fat log in my bowels but there was also a fart stuck behind it and the fart propelled the log right out of my anus into the toilet bowl, really relieving TOPKEK100 norman khan today
>thinking about cutting
>neglected arms for months
>my fatceps are going to disappear and leave my with noodle arms

:( how do I fix this lads? can myoreps help, or are they a meme?
you won't make up for months of neglecting arms with a few memereps

why would you ever not do curls? they're so easy and fun
strength =/= size, you are living proof
>120kg bench

Daily reminder that looking good is all about bf%, lighting, and angles.
And being strong. Shredded guy with a 3pl8 bench gonna look way better than a shredded guy with a 2pl8 bench


anyway. if I bulk for another 2-3 months and do hypertrophy work for bis/tris, will I see any development?
I've seen guys who look jacked struggle to bench 120kg, the amount of muscle mass it's going to take to move X weight varies ridiculously between people

at the extremes you have guys like Chewning and that gook who benches 405 with a flat back and no arch at 150lbs bw
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Well yeah, that too. But even if you only bench 2pl8 if you cut enough and take pics at perfect angles you can look good. My bench in this pic was 185 lbs.

This is true too. But I guarantee "that gook" looks jacked as fuck shirtless.
yeah of course

if you're already doing heavy pulling work you don't need a ton of direct arm work, you could probably get away with like 3-4 sets of biceps and triceps at the end of the workout depending on how good your >genetics for arm size are
that gook has a nice pair of pecs, but hardly looks impressive in a shirt

definitely doesn't have the amount of mass it would take most people (read: already the genetic elite who have a shot in hell of benching 4 wheels) to bench that
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this video never gets less impressive, and i never feel like any less of a benchlet watching it

>he thinks you need direct arm work

unless youre skipping on your upperbody compounds you wont lose any arm gains signifantly
if I had good arm genetics they wouldnt be so shit. I'll give it a go and if they havent grown in 3 months I'll just kms :^)

what would you recommend for tris? I already do CGBP but it doesnt seem to be doing anything for size
>I already do CGBP but it doesnt seem to be doing anything for size
thats because youre weak as fuck
lying tricep extensions, tricep pushdowns (try them with a v-bar)

depends on the person, and you will never ever get your best possible arms without direct bicep work
I do my upper body compounds and theyre still shit. checkm8 athiests
>and you will never ever get your best possible arms without direct bicep work
dudes on steroids have skewed your perception

in reality if youre getting stronger on your compounds you dont need any arm work, Most of you dudes neglect adding weight on your pulling and bench with a very wide grip

thtas because youre weak as fuck

post your max CGBP or weighted dips and weighted chin up/pull up
>tfw cant tell if form is breaking down because it's actually bad or just because im getting fatigued

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I miss him lads.

Does anyone have an opinion on CWS's, "Thoughtful Pursuit of Strength"?
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Why does everyone here shit on 5/3/1? I've heard so many good things about it
Havent read it but I watch everything CWS puts out. I think him and mike t are the smartest coaches in the industry.
It is actually russian, I took it from VK from some russian who posted it
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>that 12yo spotter
Ed Coan rode a very similar routine to the top.
Coan is retardedly talented. Many people require more volume, coan could have succeeded on a bodybuilding split, hes literally the goat
Joe died?
im sorry senpai.. I think I still have that picture somewhere of him all happy with his head out the window
How old was he? He looks like he lived quite a long life.
Worries were unfounded, my workout went well. 160kg for 5 in the squat, the press went to shit with 65kg for 3, though.
Stop posting this everyday, "slipped disc" isn't a thing. You can't drop weights at a meet, so hang on to the bar at least.
>internet meme coach
I'm happy my pupper made you guys happy
You stole that doggo ? :(((
kike israetel
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>Why does everyone here shit on 5/3/1?
Because people that jump on it way too early barely make any progress. Also backlash from all the Jim Wendler cocksucking out there
isnt he italian or somethig
>all the Jim Wendler cocksucking out there
There is a yuge amount of that. Simply mentioning that "5/3/1" is just a fucking ripoff of the program he was given to do as a hs footballer is enough to get you b& or dv into oblivion in many places.

Not to mention BFS is a superior program with more working volume in the right intensities and more main lifts, along with a conditioning plan for the off-weight days.
I saved picture of the doggo because it was a nice doggo
he's (((russian))) and so obviously on test hgh insulin that taking advice from him as gospel if you're a natty is beyond retarded

read everything he says with a grain of (((kosher))) salt
Sooo just add more volume after your main lifts, which he says to do?

Sounds like the whole SS hate thing
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Turn on CNN at exactly 11:30 and give it 5 minutes to show up
bbbbbbut he says 30 sets for the chest is enough per week
>Sooo just add more volume after your main lifts, which he says to do?
but the original program (which he ripped off) has enough volume on the main lifts ... and does TWO main lift a day ... so that you don't need to put a bandaid on it

at least when mehdi ripped off starting strength he didn't fuck it up as much as wendler fucked up his ripoff of BFS
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One of my pupps
>Clinton news network
Does meal timing effect your performance??

I aim to eat an hour before i lift and get at least 2000 kcal in for the day, but does it actually make a difference?
old joe
he was a good boy
fucking aesthetic

Digestion is a very intensive process for your body, I would say have a smallish meal before you go to the gym, I eat 2 hours before the gym and I have tons of energy.
>but does it actually make a difference?
of course it does

try not eating before you train, you'll get fatigued quick
try eating right before you train, you'll feel nausious and cant lift as heavy
I feel the opposite. I need big meals, 1 hour to 30 minutes before.
It varies per person and what you eat

I personally eat a big meal 2 to 2.5 hours before
We get it, he ripped it from another program. That's not really an argument as to why it's a bad program tho

>less volume
Fixed with accessories/variations
>ripped off
Not an argument
When doing programs like C6W or Nuckols 3xint med for bech, do you guys do all your reps paused, with wide grip, competition style?
Or do you do normal touch and go with a decent arch?
kek Im in that screenshot
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My pypper before she ran away :(
no point in doing wide grip big arch if youre not close to a comp tb h
t. Binchlet
>no point in improving your technique
neck yourself
I'm asking because I'm getting no progress for bench on Candito and I'm wondering if pausing all my reps might help.
If you're that butthurt by Jim's contribution to the lifting Community then don't buy his books or subscribe to his blog.

Don't just sit around on an anonymous internet Forum whining like a little bitch about a program that has consistently provided results for countless lifters.

The way he presents simple Concepts and principles is extremely effective for many lifters even though it might not be the quote-unquote best program ever like some of the Russian shit that burns everyone out cuz it's boring as fuck.
Trip on poutine
well said jim
>Russian shit that burns everyone out cuz it's boring as fuck.
If you find lifting boring you might wanna pick up another hobby.
tips for clavicle pain when cleaning? for some reason I started fucking up my clavicle recently, never happened before

not sure if I messed up my form or hit the bone somehow which now hurts because I am not letting it heal
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531lets BTFO
not sure what exactly your issue is
>tfw Ive been running a modified 531 for 5 years that fits that criteria

>tfw it fucking works too

should I just drop my shitty template for you guys and see what under 30 year old children think
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what's up bby, I've missed u

really the only ones of those that aren't a definite amount of time are the max every session and the one that's exclusively spotoshot, right? I spent about 6 months on max every session and 8 weeks on the spotoshot.

each phase pairs the exercises accordingly, but it starts as a hypertrophy phase that has autoregulating XRM's you need to hit in a certain range or you lower your max

dead/rows or cleans
alt squat/alt bench
4th day alt deadlifts with some accessorries

hypertrophy with AR > strength with minimaxes for alts and front squat etc > murder phase with prexaustion to make rep pr's on main lifts> peak phase
not even the same person lmao
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r8 please

Looks solid
3/5/1 with singles? How's it working for you?
I decided to max out next friday on texas. How do I do it with deadlift next week then? Normally I do intensity deadlift on monday, but now I am going to do 1rm for it on friday. Can I still pull a pr 5rm on monday? I am going to reduce squat volume and stuff.

Not Texas Method/10
Fuck off, you pedo queer. Thanks.
the purpose of the single is so I don't have a 10% jump before the top set.

Working fine I guess, monday barbell rows suck
Shoo shoo rafaello
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How is your wilks coming?
Is it possible to be a "CNS-heavy" lifter or something like that? Both me and my brother are kinda small for our strength, and I'm wondering if it's a genetic thing.
We're both into having proper technique and being generally knowledgeable about lifting, but I still feel there's a discrepancy.
Of course dude. Some people need 50% more muscle mass than others to lift the same weight
It's called good genetics I guess
Well that's nice, but I also wanna be big
My first ever interviews are coming up and I'm nervous as heck.
How do I get comfortable and relax at an interview?

Whats the best lift for getting the job?
Eat more and curl then
i was the same, only ever done one interview, got the job lol

>How do I get comfortable and relax at an interview?
nothing really matters
Some reason not making progress on this months training cycle, all my reps have been under what i maxed out at last months cycle.

Im eating at 2700kcal a day, 94-96kg bw. I have been relatively sedentary aside from lifting last few weeks too.

I am getting a min of 200g protein a day, anout 80-100g fat and rest carbs. Not sure why i am struggling to add weight on the bar though, am i eating to little it is my maintenance.

3 weeks ago i hit 120kg and 115kg for 3 on bench, in two weeks i should be hitting 120kg for reps but i have only been able to hit 110kg for 4.
>nothing really matters
very good advice
How to stop glutes lifting off bench

push your knees out
>Im eating at 2700kcal a day, 94-96kg bw
Maybe it's just me, but it seems a bit low for your weight. I'm eating ~2600kcal@70kgs and it's just enough to gain about 0,5-1kg/month

is that the same as spreading the floor apart with my heels
get knees lower than bench
Congrats, you have better body composition than him
Thank you. :)
It's 2800 my bad, and that is to maintain. To gain I eat like 3400.

But I am not that lean like 16-17%.
Point your toes forward not outwards
>ran 1 mile
>can't stop feeling small and skinny

what the fuck, I always experience this after cardio

here I am eating like crazy to make up for 100 lost calories

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brb smashing my fingers on the safeties
>lifted twice this week first time in months
>gonna fast until monday
>starting up memeko adv. after
Is this going to work
Weird. Running gives me a full body pump and I look leaner and Fuller.
How long did it take you to run a mile?
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I already get nervous enough about pinching my fingers when I'm reracking the bar
it's going to be extremely painful
Just do snatch grip block pulls, same movement and no finger crushing
something miserably short, a few minutes
I went beast mode

It felt nice running though, i used to do that a lot before lifting

strange, opposite here
I am no longer a big guy
You can run a mile in a few minutes? 2? 3?
lmao not that fast, that'd be brutal

world record is like 4 minutes or some shit

I meant a bit more than that, I always misinterpret what 'a few' means because I am not an English speaker

I'd say around 8 min 30 sec
Ooooooh lol, fair enough. I was gonna ask for your autograph if you could run it that fast.
I wouldn't be posting here atm if that were the case
Idk mang we have/had (former) record holders in this general but then again lifting is an autismo niche ””sport”” while running is serious business
But lifting is better than running in every way, why is running so big and lifting so small?
that's now what I meant at all, if you're being sarcastic

I was merely saying I would probably be training like a motherfucker if I had that running potential, not that lifting is not subpar or anything
cuz normies dont wanna get too bulky like those gross bodybuilders teehee

(also running is healthy)
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I guess. Had a dude in a different thread today that would rather be this guy than Savickas.
Is that a model or a professional swimmer? If the latter, I can understand. But if the former, I'd always choose greatness over chicks.
He is olympic swimmer I believe. But he based it not on those merits, he based his decision purely on looks.

>Savickas looks fat
I say it is a powergut and he is actually not that fat (showed him lean pics)
>"powergut", there you are excusing obesity again
He's 80% serious, 20% trying to trigger me I think.
Wtf I did forget about her
Can someone link to the sheiko sheets
Here's all the spreadsheets:


Intermediate Small Load

Intermediate Medium Load

Intermediate Large Load

Advanced Medium Load

Advanced Large Load
Whoops I accidentally posted the wrong pasta


Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

Dietmar Programs (translated by c’’,)):

>New to competitions:

>Veteran competitive:

>Guide for competitive programs:

>Volume program:

>Volume program: (by Haugen)

>Guide for volume program:
I fkin hate fat retard
Self centered cunt
Ruined plf
Could I be a genetic chad/SS model?

Up 6lbs bw and 60lbs in 2 weeks so far on my squat with no experience.
Ily2 bb

You're literally just doing the program man. 2 weeks mean jack shit.
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nerds gunna get lit.webm
1MB, 588x394px

I'm aiming for a bench record at a meet in October, should I really peak to secure it. I'm doing the c6w and 3 into bench but I'm thinking about hitting smolov Jr. to fuck shit up, thoughts?
What's a synonym for narcissist? Egotistical? no... Selfish? Nah... Fat retard? Bingo.
One of the great albums imo
I'd sacrifice my other lifts on the day to get a record

Go for it
World record for the mile is not about 4 minutes and shit. It's 3:43.
fuckin love that song bro
>What's a synonym for narcissist? Egotistical? no... Selfish? Nah... Fat retard? Bingo.
Ask Raphael. He's the king of narcissistic personality disorder besides Sean.
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body dorito squat.webm
3MB, 690x540px
SOAD was so. fucking. woke.

like, fuck me dude, they denounced jeff sessions place on trumps admin back in 2007 lmao
post those big arms then fatty

oh wait you won't, you look like dogshit yet you spew this Medhi tier garbage

never isolate arms, compounds only, look like a sack of undefined shit

don't you ever let me catch you posting on /fit/ again kiddo
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>tfw getting an uncomfortable pump in my right bicep while benching

What could be causing this?
Ive recently been doing more curls and it feels like arms are .1 in bigger if that matters
Could be descending weirdly, or you're just fatigued
Descending weirdly how
Not keeping your elbows under the bar the whole time


>tfw people dont know what the meme shoes are anymore
time goes by so quick

Tell me please
I'm so bored. You guys are so boring.

I think the only thing that would make me not bored if Buda and Bodorio both randomly appeared right now

But that wouldn't happen..... Right?
mark bells power shoe
>aka crossfit lite tr

dont think they make them anymore

theyre not mark bell meme shoes. theyre made of leather and look nothing like them
they are
you could get them leather, canvas, black, white, multicoloured, whateverthefuck
Oh rook is me Body Oreo ching Ching ding dong
haha good one pajeet haha
desu I'm the trip closest to being a narcissist now that raffy is gone (not counting Sean of course)
thoughts on raising your input max as your training cycle goes on? ive done it everytime on c6w and idk if its a good or bad thing.

i start at something so that i can do all the high rep stuff but as the reps get lower i feel like theres no reason i shouldnt go up 5lbs or so
*picks nose#
*raises paw*
*breathes heavily*
quality posting
*kills self*
I want to be a neet so bad
No you don't.
>just got done with volume squats, got an ass and thigh pump going
>walking on sidewalk
>realize I've seen the same car trailing a bit behind me out of the corner of my eye for like 45 seconds
>turn to see what's up
>the woman driving grins coyly at me and speeds up, finally passing me
D-d-did I make it, brahs?
na u odon't bruv. not unless u got 5mil in bank
how much you squay
I'm an attractive young man looking for somebody to take care of me and give me food and clothing
I just want to be a stay at home husband

Anyone here want a fuckboy???
Ha ha no, raffy.
lol no
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2017-05-13 01.08.15.png
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got dumped ~1 hour ago midset at the gym

just fucking kill me
There's more to life. Women aren't everything.
yeah no shit women arent everything.. hes gay
Ew then who cares
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>when you don't have time to train and just wanna sleep but have shit to do


At least shit's clean :^)

You should be relieved, wouldn't want to have fag sex with an idiot, besides he obviously didn't/doesn't care about you, find someone who does.
she referred to you as a boy m8

you're not a man in her eyes
7 reps on 105kg bench with my amrap

Last cycle I got a nightmare 5 with this weight.

Finally feeling good about my bench again
im 18 and he was 20 so i guess thsts why
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mark bell reebokz.jpg
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fucking this

>tfw i couldn't find that picture of KK holding a CF lite meme shoe with his glasses on

>dont think they make them anymore

fuck me

they don't lmao
the meme shoes were shit though.
ive always wondered, when im doing an amrap set what should i be hitting? last amrap bench set i did 9 and failed the tenth rep. is my entered max too low?
On what program?
What's the percentage for the amrap? Don't have the Excel sheet on me and I never did the bench portion.
Sounds about right

I'm not doing C6W and my amrap set was quite a high % of my old 1rm
i did my calculator and i got 77% of my entered max
>this webm
fil is such a sickunt
why is lil yachty the best rapper?
im gonna raise my entered max 5lbs for today i think. supposed to do 3x4-6. i usually end up raising my entered maxes as the rep ranges get lower is that dumb?
77% for 9 is probably about average, considering 80% is generally what your 8 rm should be.

Do you make as good gains or better than if you left it unchanged?
Man, fuck them kids, bro.
idk this is my 3rd time running it and ive done it everytime. i figure if im hitting the reps at higher weight i might as well do it

i only usually do it on bench and dead and inflate my squat max the same way but leave it the same for the whole program
No fags
fuck you so good you be callin out to christ

I feel like if you want to put "dorito" in there as it's name, "boy_dorito" sounds a little better.
was that trip on purpose in order to raise heart rate and adrenaline?
If you're really good at squatting a tiny inflation probably won't make or break you, but I personally would never inflate on C6W because that shit is hard enough as it is.
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body dorito deadlifts 310.webm
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I personally like how saying "body dorito" is sort of clumsy and has too many syllables

knowing fil, he probably practiced it in training
day one is honestly hard as fuck for squats and i split up the sets or lower the weight that day but the rest is fine
I always think the arbiter is on a wheel chair.
pretty sure he is
Always? It's not just this webm.
idk but what else would it be
Just saw the last webm. Definitely a wheel chair in this case.
I was joking. The IPF doesn't have a rule saying arbiters should be in wheel chairs.
I stayed up til like 1AM nz time watching these on the livestream.
>tfw /plg/ is a shell of it's pre-trappy self




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