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/PLG/ - Powerlifting general + Strength training

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Thread replies: 337
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>smolov jr w3d2 7x5
>get 7 reps on last set

it doesn't stop
I want to run this so bad, its only 3 weeks right? I might just have to take holiday leave...
nice doggo
I'm not convinced it is...
How strong are you? You probably don't need to be running smolov
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good fucking morning goddamnit

how is everyone today
Technically 4 if you count the max attempt

But it's been easy so far so I'm just going to keep it going and add 5kg every week til I start missing reps
Better than people constantly asking about beginner programming
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Is it though? Is it really?
Morning chadlex im doing well, new job starts in a week, and my internship starts in two weeks so im a lazy bum for the next few days. Just sitting and watching nfl network rn.
How are you?
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you're doing a job and an internship at the same time? good luck my dude, I wouldn't be able to do both of those at once. what kind of work is it? also what team do you cheer for?

I'm doing pretty well. slept in a good amount, have to go to class in 17 minutes but after I get done with class I should have a pretty chill day. this is my last week of classes so I have no more homework to do for the semester, so I've just been lifting and hanging out with friends a lot.
Yes. Anyone who doesn't read the sticky should be shot.
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The job is about 30 hours a week cuz its just some shit part time job at a modells for the summer and the internship is 14 hours a week so the workload would be 50 hours a week max. So not that bad, the internship is only 6 weeks anyway so its worth it for building the resume

>what team do you cheer for
Been a skins fan since birth, ive been a huge kirk cousins skeptic but I think we can make a real division run this year. Our draft was incredible and free agency was pretty good.

>last week of classes
Nice, I finished up last week, feels great to know I have no responsibilities for a bit
>+ Strength training
What should I do to celebrate squatting 200kg in a few weeks?
Is ENFP + T good?
I just got it and don't know what it means
Plan out how to squat 205 kg
squat 205kg
counting the chickens already lad?
Squat 206kg
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the...
squat 206.1kg
Squat 206.10000000000000001kg
Literally nothing bc Myers Briggs is useless and retarded
>people talking without speaking
>people hearing without listening
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oh 50 hours a week isn't awful. and a 6 week internship is really not bad at all.
that's acceptable. sorry about the AIDS ownership though.
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Gonna see if I can manage pic related
Didnt you injure yourself lad? Your name truly is accurate.

Im training
Front squats -1x1, 5x5
Spoto- 1x1, 5x11
Dips w/ slanger- 8x10
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reminder to do weighted chins to bench more
>aids ownership
Yeah, cuck snyder has been shitting on this team for almost 20 years
Just a mild upper back strain. Should be moderately ok to do the benching as a minimum. The one thing I definitely know would aggravate it would be ohp, but I'm not doing that today so I should be fine.
>arguing with trumpeteers on social media

wew lads, I'm a grown man, what was I thinking?
You're obviously obsessed over losing, so much so you brought it this powerlifting general where it has exactly zero relevance.
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Should I, lads? First ever meet
Ummm this is my personal blog, what are you, new?
Yeah, why would you not?
Shit meme/10
Autism and sub 1000 total
Do it
Do it
Reminder to accumulate volume with moderate to close grip, minimal arch benching in order to adequately develop the relevant musculature through a long range of motion.
I had 900 total at 165 while being 6ft tall at my first meet in june laat year. I was a super twink, dont be a bitch, compete
Remember to lift weights!
Gotcha, I thought it was worse. Good luck
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Reminder that your house/apartment is still probably not clean enough.
Mmmnahhh, CGBP and feet up are both good accessories but bench is definitely a lift where doing it comp style and doing it a lot will be the best use of your time. You can get away with HB and other variants for a lot of your squat volume and deadlift of course is a total mystery, but doing a good majority of your bench comp style works pretty well.
I'm cleaning it now reeee

What do you do for a living, run a maid service?
Dont you have momentum to build somewhere
how you doing poutine?
Front squats are hell, why do I do this to myself?
What makes you think that it is a meme

The best benchers all have a developed upper body musculature

Chin ups hit about 80% of the upper body musculature and thus is one of the best exercises to help your bench. One way to load it is to do it weighted
They're the best?
You doing high reps or are you immobile as fuck
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what is this based on
Why are powerlifters so fat and ugly?
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>orchestra band practice at uni in the middle of the exam period
5s with a new ohio bar and shit mobility. So my clavicle is getting sliced and im dying
what's a total that won't get me completely destroyed at an average local competition?
83 kg weight class (but any weight class is fine really, i'm just trying to get a rough idea)

no memes pls
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When replacing the bench programming in C6W with 28free 3xint bench, do you guys replace the whole workout? Or do you only change the bench sets and keep Candito's accessory work?
Middle of the pack 83kg lifts would be, in my opinion at least, 180/130/200 or something along those lines. The weakest 83kg lifters in the meets I've attended were around 150/100/170, weaker than that and people tend to be too scared to compete (even though their fear is completely unwarranted).
Take a science class, correlation does not equal causation. You are wrong, everyone in powerlifting that understands training agrees that you are wrong.
I unironically did under 1000 at 83, just compete. Ur total will never be enough to "compete" in your own eyes. Just compete
>correlation does not equal causation
wow what a smartass

do you even know why they even use correlation at all in research?

Show me a top tier bencher who only does bench, go ahead
Whatever you want
Have you tried the bench for a cycle? It is not that bad still make gains on it.
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Today I tested my one rep max on the Deadlift at 100 kg ( 84 kg bodyweight )

It didn't feel bad, but I think it looks like shit.

Is that lower back rounding ?

Please, I need a form critique.


You arenr listening. Everyone in powerlifting does back work, that does not mean it increases your bench. Everyone in pl squats too, does that increase your bench?

Its used in research to say their may be something of a connection between a and b. Then they do more research. The research is in, back work doesnt help bench. You have to be a troll at this point, you cant be this ignorant
I made the two lower sessions full body with a lighter upper body day for day 2 of the bench program. Benched between squats and deads.
I did my first cycle and literally progressed 0kg on bench, while squat went up 7.5 kg and deadlift went up 5 kg.
looks fine for a 1rm
im assuming your working sets look a bit better
Whats your max?

I am adding 5kg a cycle, i have heard people say it stops working once you are past 3plate but so far im up to 125kg and still going strong.
please read starting strength

also, why are you testing 1rms when you're at these low weights? no point at all

- take of your shoes, deadlift in socks or barefoot
- put your hips higher
shoulders should be 10* in front of the bar
- push the floor away with your feet and keep the bar close to your body
Thats not too bad, thats definitely not your 1rm tho. You had more in the tank, it looks @8-9 rpe to me
>Its used in research to say their may be something of a connection between a and b.
Exactly, hence repeating 'correlation =/= causation' like any other dummy does not prove your point

>The research is in, back work doesnt help bench.
show me the research

protip: you cant
Are you eating properly? There is no reason it should not work, there is a lot of volume and frequency. More so than most intermediate routines.

I doubt the routine is the issue, perhaps look at your form and diet.
Every program ever run by any good powerlifter shows this. Im done this argument is autistic, continue with your chins
>show me the research
>protip: you cant

Really really good argument for when there's no research to prove or disprove your own stupid viewpoint
I doubt it's my eating, since all my other lifts progressed really well, even the assistance excercises.
Bench form could be better, my arch is seriously lacking, since I used to do SS style bench with little arch.
I think I'll try the free program though, maybe my bench just needs more volume than yours to progress?
And I'll work on my arch in the meantime.
>straight up lying
You keep changing your arguments lmao seems like you cannot back them up

>muh program
Yeah no shit Im not saying your bench will go up magicly by just doing chin ups, its an accessory, just the best one
SS sucks balls and you are stupid retard.
Yeah maybe try different things see what works for you.
alright thanks lads
I read it a long time ago but I have no time to study it properly.. I rely on YT form videos.

I thought shoulders should be exactly above the bar with vertical arms, and I could then rotate my body backwards at the ankle joint.

At lower weights, I can keep my hips high, but when I approach 100 kg, I feel I have to lower them.

This is the first time I try lifting with these boots since they have a very hard bottom.

My warmup sets look much better.. My internet is utter shit I couldn't upload another set.

Should the lower back by exactly straight while deadlifting ?
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>SS sucks balls
There are a lot of people for whom it has not worked well for bench, I would not point to C6W as 'the program that will take you to 3pl8'
will do, thanks for the input
>should the low back be straight
Ideally yes, a lot of conventional pullers struggle with keeping it neutral @ high rpes
What would you say is a good bench program?

I tired sheiko it was shit didnt even move my max.
Powerlifting, a sport about glutes and thoracic erector strength -- discuss.
Is that accomplished by pulling the Chest or the lower back up ?
If you paused every rep and did small ramp-ups from set to set I bet it would. Other than that the Nuggles three days are pretty good.
Yt form videos from who, by who?

No, shoulders 10 degrees infront of the bar, for at least half the movement. And hips high the whole time.

Watch these:
Did sheiko paused every rep it was easy after a few weeks, i dont know why your not meant to up the weight after each month.
Good thing there are no pressing movements
A-alan thrall and B-bbbuff dudes..

Yeah I follow the exact steps in these videos.

I don't understand though, why should my hips stay high ?

Wouldn't lowering them, just above the knees make pulling easier ?
you bench with your glutes or your thoracic erectors?
I prefer the glute bench, squeezing the bar between the cheeks gives me at least 10 extra pounds. Erector benchers are cheating glutelets.
Protip: chalking your glutes on the glute bench press is advised to avoid swamp formation.

Noatter where I place my feet, my butt goes up while benching. My flutes certainly aren't a stable point during the lift.

Even while clenching my hamstrings and trying to much the bench towards my head.

What do ?
post vid
Sorry I have no video..

I bet they don't go up to be visible enough, but I can feel it.
You are obviously do not follow these steps, since you are sinking your hips way down..

lowering them, just above the knees wouldn't make pulling easier, because your shoulders would get behind/over the bar.

Shoulders slightly in front of bar and barbell over middle of the foot are the two most important elements. All heavy deadlifts are pulled this way.
Ok. Thanks.

I will keep this in mind next time.. Will post a vid.
make a video next time then, and tuck your shirt in your shorts so it's visible.
I would also narrow your stance a bit, seems a bit wide.
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What is a good deadlift to aim for as a natty 90kg lifter? I am approaching 260kg within next month or two, and still feel like am relatively intermediate i have long arms so DL is easy for me.

What would be something to aim for?
pls be kgs
300+ would be good
kek, nope, lbs. Im looking at hitting a 1300 total @198 in august though so im close to leaving twinkdom
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Erectors are the first thing to cramp on a max effort bench, so yeah.
Hamstrings are the first for me
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Can we get some qts in this thread, qts on /plg/ are usually the best.
Look up the elite qualification in your fed
Why does my pecs always cramp up when benching

What am I doing wrong
1300lb total is really good 380 wilks is decent.
Idk, you got a video or pic?
I know this isn't /owg/ thread but isn't she jumping too high?
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What is arching? And yes, you absolutely bench with your glutes
youre supposed to extend as much as possible so no
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No you don't. Are you high on drugs?
Leg drive is quads btw - not glutes. Quads drive your upper back into the bench, glutes don't.
Really? Maybe after the set but I've never felt 'cramping' during.
Not really what I meant, but thank you anyway :)
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Not a powerlifter, but a lifting cutie at least
Glutes are the end piece of your whole arch, if you're not firing them hard, you're not a very good bencher
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>Powerlifting, a sport
What does your diet look like? Do you follow the eat big to get big meme or do you track your food and eat just over maintenance?

Powerlifting seems to be getting smarter and more technical wondering if the diets are changing too.
Nobody told me that if I had long hair I would have to comb it or it would get tangled
373 kgs
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Doesn't make any sense from a biomechanical point of view.

What stabilizes your arch is what counters the force of the bar trying to flatten you out.
And that is your quads driving against that force.
Your glutes do nothing for that.

I don't know if you are trolling.
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starch based diet with 3 moderate sized animal protein meals with little junk

I eat slightly over maintenance, aiming to gain 1kg a month
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Can anyone help me with routine? Should I change something or move on to other program?

I'm not powerlifter (so full natty and not competing), but I enjoy doing strength training. It's also useful for me in other things I do (like boxing), so I'm not planning to play with bodybuilding shit.

Current routine (kinda madcow):
all weight is ramping through sets
- day A - squat 5x5, bench press 5x5, pendlay row 5x5, dips 3x10
- day B - lighter squat 4x5, OHP 4x5, deadlift 4x5, snatch press(klokov press) 3x8
- day C - squat 4x5, 1x3(progress weight), 1x8 (light weight), bench press and pendlay row same as squat, chin ups 3x10

weight - about 73 kg/161 lbs
height - 174/5'8 (I'm not sure, used google to convert)
lifting for about year 1-1,5 years, I'm not really sure

Important lifts 5 rep max:
Squat - 5x 120 kg/264 lbs
Bench - 5x 79 kg/174 lbs
Pendlay row - 5x 89kg/196 lbs
OHP - 5x 53 kg/117 lbs
Deadlift - 5x 162 kg/357 lbs.

I feel like I'm really lacking when it comes to OHP and bench and I don't know what might be wrong.

So basically:
- should I move to more advanced routine?
- should I change some lifts in routine?

Any protips are welcome.
do i need to have some precise lifting numbers for starting with Texas method? also how do you incorporate cardio into it?
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>Not natty
Pick one and only one

>Not giving percentages or RPEs alongside the reps and sets

>Ohp and bench lacking
Do more pressing volume and upper body work overall

You need to not be able to progress on a beginner routine anymore

Just don't be a dumb shit, do cardio after lifting (preferably low impact like biking or swimming), and make sure you eat and sleep enough
HEy, I am ENFP-T also. Just means we're kinda weird talkative spergs who have some social skills somehow

It is a fun type to be but sometimes we can be overbearing
How much does a red slanger help with dips? For some reason I can only do dips without pain in a slingshot and im curious
why the fuck would you do those

where do you get pain with dips, if its in the shoulder you need to work on mobility
It makes dips easier than push-ups I could probably do 100 dips in my slingshot
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You are joking with powerlifters being natty, right?
Anyway, here are percentages (typical for madcow I guess):
- if I assume that last 5 reps are max (100%), then for 4 sets it starts from 62,5% and for 5 sets it starts from 50% and it ramps for 12,5% per set (up to 100%).

How would you recommend to incorporate more volume? Just add more accesory exerrcises or lessen weight so I can do more reps?
>doing madcow with those stats
go back to SS
>ponder running smolov earlier this year
>b-b-but anon, you're not strong enough! you should really stick to slow and steady progression
>run it anyway
>skyrcket my squat from 140kg to 172 kg in 3 weeks with base meso
>end up with 175kg x2 after failing intense phase like 3 weeks in because i used actual 1RM
>switch to madcow and continue progressing on weekly basis
boy, i should've listened to /fit/
40+kg in 3 weeks nah.
Trappy made me happy!
so i have a bit of an issue.

im quite a big dude (around 100kg atm) with pretty big quads. but i squat very narrow and highbar. I sometimes have the tiniest bit of valgus coming out of the hole causing the top of my quads to squeeze into my dick and balls. since i have big dong i cant really position it otherwise to make it not look obscene

wat do
fil pls go
not fil

fil is a lot heavier than 100 and doesnt squat highbar lmao
>lot heavier
>5 kg
he is in the 105 class but walks around >110 im sure
Its in the shoulders, im lazy and dont wanna do the mobility work

It definitely didnt make them easier than push ups for me but they were pretty easy. I figure ill just add a bunch of weight if I have to cuz this is the only way I can do them
He is 105, but Filip does actually squat high bar. I'd call it mid bar, autists call it high bar tho
>im lazy and dont wanna do the mobility work
with this mentality eventually you will snap something
ok whatever fils specific stats are

how do i stop my quads from crushing my junk
Nah, if it was on a main movement I would do the work. Like im doing with my hips for sumo. It just isnt worth doing mobility work that I hate for an assistance movement that I can still work around
>unironically says mid bar
>calls others autists
cut it off
any why do you think stretching your shoulder in a movement similiar to the bench wouldn thelp your bench or prevent injury long term
Im not saying your wrong, it may pop up later. Id just rather not deal with it as its been this way for years and never affected my bench
You're* fuck im dumb
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fuck off bernie
but where will i get my testosterone from
staple it to your head

Squat lowbar with a proper stance width and keep your knees out.
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You want more meaningful volume, start the ramping higher and use smaller jumps, then you'll get move volume in the working ranges. Of course you'll probably have to add some warmup sets and this might lower how high your top set gets, but try 80-85-90-95-100 for the 5x5 and base the four sets off it 80-85-90-90.

Another way of getting volume, if you like the easy ramping and higher top set, is to pyramid. Start at 50, 62.5, 75, 87.5, 100, then go back down 87.5, 75, etc. Make it a 9x5. I would leave the light day as "light" though.

Also that percentage/rep table is Baechle formula rounded to the nearest percent. Another common one is Brzycki.
im a lot stronger highbar, and yes keeping my knees out the entire time would be ideal. but no matter what i try i still have valgus on some off reps. not really a big deal to me except for my problem
So your ass is flatly resting against the bench while your quads magically transfer energy through your ???? to your trunk. Cool, thanks for the anatomy lesson, Haino.
Haha, ok raffy
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Haha ok Paul
Went too heavy on deads yesterday, got some back doms plus if I bend backwards/hyperextend my back or arch my bench towards my left side I get a minor sharp pain in my left glute/left low back. It doesn't hurt to bend forward or to do anything just a little sore and the minor sharpness if I hyperextend. What could it be lads? I don't think it's a disc bulge cause it doesn't hurt to bend forward, could it be my SI?

is this kino?
I need shoe like wl shoe but without heel

so I need tight shoe that is protective, keeps my feet flat on the ground but has no heel

Used to squat in chucks to this moment and its not so fun, I have also power perfects and dislike squatting with heel
Wrestling shoes?
Probably goes away. Stretch your hip flexors.
its a bulging disc, trust me I had the exact same thing and asked the exact same thing on here looking for confirmation bias because I was scared of having a serious injury

try rounding your lumbar spine and see if that hurts, if it does its a disc issue guaranteed
Now I slowly get it. What about doing something like:
- standard ramping 5 sets for 5 reps
- another set of, let say, 75% RM until failure?
Is this good idea to get more volume?
I'm disgusted how good I've gotten at running in a little over a month and how bad I am at lifting after a year and a half. Disgusted.
wtf all you do is spin in circles like I'm seriously so confused I thought you were going to play baseball omg
Yeah, I'll stretch and ice again some more tonight and take it easy on squats for a week or so

But it only hurt a if I hyperextend not if I round forward. Oh well, even if it is a disc bulge it's minor, I'll just do some light rehab and be okay
hehe another successful ruse my the one and only
>Oh well, even if it is a disc bulge it's minor
Yeah its minor now, now its easy to make it worse

be careful
That's dumb, getting pretty good at running is easy. If you dedicate a month or so to it you'll be pretty close to peak condition for running.
I've had similar pain in the past anon, actually much worse. I just rehabbed it and went easy. I'm careful anon no need to scare me. Blaine sumner has popped his back apart and still puts 1100lbs on his back, I think I'll be fine
dude im not trying to scare you I had a minor disc issue aswell and by not taking it serious I barely can do anything lower body related for months now

i just dont want anybody to go through what im going through
He doesn't actually lift (like you). So don't worry about it.
You ain't Blaine, kid.
Well, I'll just do what I did last time I got this sort of injury, I treat any back pain as a disc bulge. My protocol is
>ice every night
>don't squat above 80%
>decompression stretches throughout the day
>good posture and focus on staying upright in my squats
>planks and reverse hypers

Usually makes the issue go away after a few weeks after aggravating it
Sure but the point is if I he can recover from a major injury to squat 1100 then I can recover from something very minor to continue squatting in the low 400s
What are you implying I'm implying?
I don't care what anyone says anytime I get any sort of injury I ice it and it feels better
I don't know whether you're right or wrong. I currently can run a sub 7 minute mile at 92kg bw (I haven't tested in a while so maybe even quicker)
Do you think that's exceptional or average for a month of running going from absolutely zero running experience?

I don't actually know in all honest truth. It seems to be higher than most other people I've spoken to about it.
Yeah bro just ice that shit nvm what other guys are saying including me with l5s1 herniation

Also, icing is detrimental and retarded
Don't bully Icebro
If you could sustain it for several miles it would be impressive, if it's for one mile it's "not bad" to "pretty good." In my somewhat extensive running experience, three or four weeks is about all it takes to get into pretty good running shape if you do it three or four days a week.
the research does not show icing to be detrimental

but it's not beneficial either, other than pain relief.
Ok dude, I'm just saying I know what works for me and what doesn't. Plus I know a lot of people who do use ice as a rehab for back issues - my gym mentor popped his discs to the point of barely being able to walk and recovered back to near 100% in under 3 months just through strengthening his core and lower back, doing decompression stretches, and icing
fuark im in a golden era whhere all of my lifts are progressing beautifully. i don't dislike a single one of the 3 right now
What cycle are you on?
That's reasonable, and probably why I'm under the illusion I've improved so much in running.
I do actually run for several miles when training, but I don't actually have to run farther than a mile and half so I tend to not go far past that.

Sound, I always thought running was harder than lifting and only really for people who were proficient at it in their childhood.

I can do the 2.4k in around 10-11 mins, usually the latter. So I mean, I guess I can mostly maintain it for probably another mile tops.

You've changed my opinion though, thanks.
duh because it reduces the inflammation, why do you think that helps with healing though
Yeah any of that will work.

Say your actual 5RM is about 88% when you're fresh, and the loose ramping from 50% to 100% on the sets means that you're fresh for it, then the sets are, in terms of your actual 1RM, something like
> 44%, 55%, 66%, 77%, 88%
It's light like a warmup for the first couple of sets. That's because Bill Starr made this program for HS football players and tricked them into doing warmups which he knew they wouldn't do if they weren't called working sets LOL. "Madcow" is just the guy who spread the program on the net.

Now with a tight ramping of 80-100 maybe your top set is only 85% (estimate, I don't know, but it ain't as high as in the above example). Your sets in terms of actual 1RM are something like
> 68%, 72%, 77%, 81%, 85%
See how much more work that is?

Now if you kept the light ramping in the first example, either going back down the pyramid, OR doing a burnout set at one of the lower weights, would give you more volume and it would be in the working you want. If you did the "75% of top weight" for your burnout, that would be close to 66% of your 1RM and you'd be tired from your top set so you might get 10-13 reps out of it.

So how much volume of reps you want and how much time you want to spend? If you're short on time and want intense volume, ramp 80-100. If you have a lot of time and want a lot of volume but a good high top set, ramp from 50-100 and go back down the whole pyramid. If you're in the middle, step down to the 3rd set's weight and do one burnout set.
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No, obviously it contracts in some way. But that's more a byproduct than the actual driving force.

Have you ever wondered by asses tend to come off the bench during heavy bench attempts?
Because the legs apply the pressure, not the fucking glutes.

Take your feet off the ground and tell me you can stabilize your arch by squeezing your glutes.
You can't. Because the quads do that.

People like JP actually specifically mention that, many other PLers also mention the quads not the glutes when talking about leg drive.
I don't know if this is fact, but think about it - a disc bulge is fluid leaking out of the disc, which compresses and inflames the sciatic nerve, and maybe muscles in the area too. If the nerve and muscle's inflammation is reduced, there'll be less compression, and the chilling of the disc fluid could reduce its size and help it get back into its right place along with spinal decompression stretches

I don't know if this is true or not but icing is easy and at least reduces the pain temporarily (not that I even have pain anyway, other than back hyperextension and some light DOMs) so it's worth a shot
"good" genetics and still intermediate but i have gone further than i think average person makes it as intermediate feelsgoodman
>Take your feet off the ground and tell me you can stabilize your arch by squeezing your glutes.
>You can't. Because the quads do that.

If I do a feet up variant I'm definitely still squeezing my glutes hard af
think about this, it took millions of years of evolution for the body to come up with the process of inflammation
then in the 1950s some guy said fuk u body i know better and thats why everyone ices today
really makes you think doesnt it
That's a lot of explanation. Big thanks for help anon.
The body breaks down and fucks up occasionally. Disc fluid is not supposed to leak out and inflame the sciatic nerve. The SI joint is not supposed to sting for no reason. Hell, people aren't supposed to have inflammatory responses to thngs like peanuts or pollen, but we do. If there's a way to remedy our body's fuck ups why not use em

And besides, anecdotal evidence isn't worthless. Icing has always helped me with anything from joint pains to DOMs to whatever back/hip issue I may have or not have that gets aggravated from time to time. If it helps I'm gonna use it, maybe it may just be placebo or temporary relief but maybe not

Cardio gains come faster than strength gains. They also detrain faster than strength gains.

When I played rugby, most of the offseason would be spent lifting heavy ass weights to build up as much strength as I could for the next season, with about 2-4 weeks of strength maintenance and conditioning training before practices started back up. I'd come back to practice is decent enough shape to survive practices and be in better shape for the first game (usually that was after 2 or 3 weeks of practice), and still be carrying a lot of the strength I built up in the offseason.

The point is, I could be at or near collegiate rugby levels of stamina in two months or less.
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>our guy
haha ok josh
I hope its bodyoreo
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is it /ourlad/ BENNI???
Our lad is screamer thank you very much
this is what peak performance looks like
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but our lad sreamer didnt go anywhere, wheres he coming back from? not euros thats for fucking sure lol (no bully)
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HEs coming back from depression and recovering to new highs in his strength levels. 340kg squat soon
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I sell my screamer tiddy pics on the PL back market for £££
dude those tits. He def. has high estrogen
makes me think, is a tendency to high estrogen levels correlated with high chance of depression? there must be a study?
Or hes just a great bencher
>high estrogen
>not even a touch of gyno on massive tits
dont know about that mate
he's not, his bench is his worst lift
Why is he such a faggot
no he literally looks like he has female tits. fat storage in the chest area is linked with high estrogen
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he'll squat 400 and drop it on that cheating polish cunts head as the official ipf punishment for roiding (and making screamer cry)

>says hes not cheating on heather
>post pic of a 5some with kaz and two GBPL sluts
what a lad
>not fil or bryce

lad there is a shit load of muscle there
female looking tits dont move weight
you ask these two >>41394821 theyll tell you its pure fucking muscle mate
>big meaty mantits

>that guy who doesn't like fun
>with kaz
lol didnt even catch that
is this oilsoup?
yeah lad. Im posting as anon because everyone thinks Im an obnoxious cunt trip kek :^)
Cooking dinner for the diabetic gf lads, anyone ever tried cauliflower "rice" and was it okay or shitty?
here dont you listen to those bullys, i think you are a good lad
we always need more support for our boy screamer, keep up the good work

>tfw thought about going to bed at 11... still up
night lad
night m8 :)
>1 vote for hadcock

fuck off sean
shit, I cant read. no votes for hancot

people who voted some other nerd, who is the other nerd? and why do you like him more than screamer???
Doesn't he have close to a 500lb bench? Or am I wrong there?
that's what i thought of feelsbadman
pls come back
h-hi, im a noob that is doing SL, and im barely getting the last two reps of my BP, and im using the medium grip.
Should I keep adding more weight exactly how the app shows or lift the same weight until i get 5 reps easy?
how much do you bench?
Not even two weeks into a bulgarian method program I found on lift vault and my knees are dying. It is also incredibly boring as well
Ok raffy

sorry, i should have added that. I'm currently benching 125 lbs 5x5, but I'm barely getting the last two reps.
last reps of the last set, or of every set? anyway, my advice would be
>do ss (3x5 not 5x5)
>eat more
>try harder
>take longer rests between sets
if you dont get all the reps, try again next session
Squat 206.10000000000000002kg
Every set, the last two reps are very hard for me to get, but I still get them. I think the eating that you mentioned is my problem, because I'm kinda obese, and I've been eating a bit less..
if youre trying to lose weight and gain strength at the same time youre just going to have to accept its going to be hard t b h. your noob gains are going to run out much faster than someone who started from skelly and got to bulk straight away
is this the perfect female form?
If you're barely getting it, you're still getting it. Just try hard and make sure to sleep and eat enough. Eventually your rest times will have to increase as well.
My pinky went numb briefly after doing a set of dips. Will I died
Thanks for the advice. Will the fat ever go away, as I get stronger? Because right now I want to get stronger, but at the same time, I don't want to be fat anymore.
You have to pick one and stick with it for a good 4-6 months, minimum. You will definitely recomp somewhat as time goes on, but it's much more effective to bulk for a period of time, cut for a period of time, and then repeat.
No, but you will need to get that pinky amputated
>Gym has two squat racks that are always in use
>People constantly complaining about needing more racks
>Gym owner finally buys three more racks
>But he doesn't buy a single new barbell
>Now there are always three racks and/or benches without a barbell
>More if someone is deadlifting

God damn it. It's like buying a car without the wheels. I feel like that fucker did it on purpose.
personally i would cut first. but try to think about things long term and accept that you will probably have to do both, once at a time. in theory people can lift for years and years of their lives so don't let it discourage you to be slowed down a little
I like you a lot oilsoup you are my friend and you're a fellow screamer fan
>working on my 2/3/4 plate goal
>did a simple google search, and found someone who achieved it
>He looks like he doesn't even lift
2/3/4 is baby tier goals. Even 3/4/5 is still powerlifters first step, Works out to be more like 3/4.5/5.5 but still.
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I am a baby though, so starting off small is fine. I just figured he would have a little more muscle development than what is shown.
A shame its sumo and doesn't count
Old school meet videos are so odd but comfy

Except for the double knee blow out at 23:45
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As a normie trying to get into powerlifting
I'm at 2/3/5/6 right now

I've been hearing a lot about squat programs, bench programs, and deadlift programs.

This shit confuses me seeing as I've never used any routine or program.

When you do a squat program, do you not to anything else?
Let's say your squat program has 4 days, do you go 4 days, squat, go home? Do you Squat, do other lifts, go home? Do you squat, go home, and do other lifts other days?


thanks in advance
>Do nothing else
Almost never unless it's a specialty program like smolov where deadlifting would cause injury unless you did a couple singles at 70% occasionally, but even then people do tend to bench on it

>Dedicated day to each lift or multiple compounds on the same day
Depends on the program
>As a normie trying to get into powerlifting
>I'm at 2/3/5/6 right now
oh wait this is bait
Alright, thanks for this, so basically, you can combine a bench and squat program if they're compatible in that sense.

How is this bait?
if youve never programmed before and seeminly dont know what youre doing and can squat 495 and deadlift 585 thats great but youre most likely estatting
you only count the plates on one side of the bar buddy
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I'm probably going to get ripped to shreds but here's a picture

>bumper plates are gay
yes i know but i go to my country's version of planet fitness.
You can, but the vast majority of programs are already built with the big 3 in mind. Known exceptions are: Coan-Philipi, Greg Nuckols' 28 free (however these are made in such a way that they can usually be easily be combined with either each other or another program), Smolov, Super Squats, spotoshot 2.0, and a couple more I'm positive I'm forgetting. But other programs like Candito 6 Week, CLutz intermediate, all the sheikos, all the Dietmars, starting strength, stronglifts 5x5, ice cream fitness, PHUL, PHAT, PH3, Texas Method, 5/3/1 and it's tens of variants, Juggernaut 2.0, The Journey, the BLEST programs, project momentum 2016 and 2017, and many, many more are all fully thought out programs that involve, at minimum, the bench, squat, and deadlift.
Sounds good. I've heard a lot about 5/3/1 so I think I'm going to read up on that and see about doing it.
recovering skeleton here
looking into 5/3/1
is it recommeded?

been just doing very basic strength training the last couple months to work up stamina and basic strength, coming from neet mode.
Good luck. Read 5/3/1 and beyond 5/3/1. There are better powerlifting specific programs, but for general strength it's not too bad. PDFs can be found on powerliftinggeneral.com in the Dropbox.

5/3/1 for a recovering skelly is a no. Way better programs that you can do that will give better (and faster) results
What are some better programs then?
Lifts, height, weight, speed of progression? Current program? Past programs?
>modify bench and work on arch
>widen grip
>hit a 3RM PR
>didnt feel tight, or proper at all
>film says Im solid, barpath and speed is good
>still felt shitty
Cool, thanks. Just entered my numbers on powerliftinggeneral.com, too. Is this actually ordered by Wilks? I dont have a lot of experience with that, but apparently I'm not doing too bad. #31.
Unless this was the decently strong dude, then it depends on what you want to focus on, how much time and how many days a week you can dedicate to lifting, what you think you will enjoy, etc

Don't worry about the chart lmao, nobody really maintains it. The access to the Dropbox is really the most useful part about it.
Alright, Let's hope I can turn this 2/3/5/6 into atleast a 2/4/6/6.5 using 5/3/1. Thanks for all the reading information from the dropbox!
bench is 80lbs, ohp is 60, squat is really lacking at 90lbs, deadlift is 150.
5'10 130lbs, +5lbs every few weeks on weight

>current programs
>past programs

i just kinda do lifts desu with some isolation on dumbbells, i should probably get started on a program.

inb4 you're a retard
yes i know
Because you're a dirty fucking cheater that's why
>wide grip
>have to cheat ROM to lift more
PL is a real joke honestly
Good luck and no problem!

Run starting strength (read the book) and don't forget to eat and sleep. Add in some basic accessories as well. Try to gain around 0.5 lbs a week, maybe a little less.
I have short arms so I have to take every advantage I can because DEADLIFTS SUCK FOR ME
can i ask what you used to do when you went to the gym? it's pretty weird to not have any plan at all, let alone get decent lifts with it. how long have you been lifting, because this seems possible but i bet it took longer than if you were on something efficient
meant for
I've always had kind of a thick build, and I started going to the gym 2.5 years ago with a friend, we were doing bodybuilding-style workouts for quite a while. He had a decent idea of what he was doing, I didn't. He kind of lead along, until one day I made a friend that deadlifted 180kgs and benched 100kg, so naturally, I was impressed. I gave it a try and within 2 weeks of deadlifted I hit 180. 1.5 year later and this is where I am.
Thanks man, appreciate the advice.
barely related to powerlifting, but when curling is there a certain level of RPE that I shouldn't go over? what actually causes bicep tears and how do i avoid them
Pick a weight you can comfortably do for a 4x10 and a 1 rep per set each session until you get to 4x15 then go up the next size. Because the starting weight should be modest and not difficult you may not have to worry about getting to a point where you're failing. Also instead of curling 50s for reps I've read that once people get around the 35lbs territory they'll do sets of 20 instead of going up in weight.

I have never done a program for a specific lift, but I'm 99% certain you usually do the other lifts on separate programs. Most of these ridiculous, overwrought "[So Many Weeks] [Lift]" programs are more advanced that what even you would need. Do Texas Method

Doing particular lifts on particular days is an option for someone as strong as you, but can run the risk of not preparing you for meet conditions, where you have to do all lifts heavy on the same day, leaving you unusually exhausted for deadlifts at the end.

Also, post vids of lifts. It's either suspicious or pretty impressive to be squatting 5 playt, benching 3 plaet, and deadlifting 6 plait without having done a program before.
I don't have any videos, but I put a lot of focus on actually getting my hip crease low enough on my squats etc.

I've read quite some stuff about powerlifting and how lifts are judged, as well as watched a lot of videos. I have a great sense of how lifts work, I guess.

It's just that I've never structurally tracked progress and worked with percentages. I just walk into the gym on any given day and lift whatever I feel like lifting.

A qt3.14 at my gym confronted me about my lifts, and asked my why I don't go to meets or use any programs. Told me she has a meet coming up in october and she wants me to go, too.

can i be ready in time?
Oh so your buddy and you squatted 5plates together, youve gotta say what you can do on your own silly
yeah close feels like i have more leverage but i move more weight wide

feels good there too just different so i stay wide
basic fit?
jacking off isnt doing it for me anymore
it's obviously a quarter squat.
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this video is quite good
How do I minimize strength loss on a cut?
Also how does one get strong and lean
volume but why cut why not just maintain and recomp or something
its stupid
I'm going to cut to around 12% then recomp forever at the 105s
One huge benefit of short femurs is that my dick goes down over halfway of my thighs, making it look bigger

This is especially obvious in a sibglett
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i just want a girl to talk to me
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Brett just pulled 533lbs
ok why do we care
What do you have to offer her?

Guys chase girls. If you want someone to chase you, pull a Raffy and get your butt fucked.
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