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What is your current program /fit/?

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What is your current program /fit/?
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Pic related

It's been two week and it's fucking hard to do ohp 3 times a week
Pic related.
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Front squat 4x8
BB press/BB bench 4x8
Weighted pull ups 6x6
DB bench/DB side press 3x12
Cable rows 3x12
Traps 5x12

Snatch grip deadlift 3x5
BB press/BB bench 4x8
DB bench/DB side press 3x12
Rear delts 5x12
Bicep curls 2x15
Leg raises x30

Front squat 4x8
BB press/BB bench 4x8
DB rows 4x8
DB bench/DB side press 3x12
Cable pulldowns 3x15
Traps 5x12

Standing Overhead Press 1-3RM or 4-10RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Klokov Press 5×3
High Pulls 5×2
Dumbbell Shrug 3×20
Cable Side Raises 5×20
Reverse Barbell Curl 3×15
Zercher Squat 1-3RM or 4-10RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Leg Press 5×20
Seated Calf Raises With 3s Pause 5×10
Donkey Calf Raise OR Toes-in Standing Calf Raise 5×20-30


Incline Bench Press 1-3RM or 4-10RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Push Press 5×2
Power Shrugs 5×5
Dumbbell Upright Row 4×12
Face Pulls 3×15
Hammer Curl 3×10
Front Squat 1-3RM or 4-10RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Pistol Squats 3×3
Standing Calf Raises With 2s Pause 5×12-20
Calf Raise On Leg Press 5×12-20
Standing Cable Crunches 5×20


Seated Overhead Press 1-3RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Viking Press 5×8
Power Clean 6×3
Farmer Walk 5×30-60s
Crucifix Holds 3×30-60s
Reverse Barbell Curls off pins 3×3
High Bar Squat 1-3RM or 4-10RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Single-legged Leg Press 5×10
Standing Calf Raises Off Block 4s Bottom Pause 3×10-12
Seated Calf Raises Toes-in 5×10-15


Wide Overhead Press off Medium Pins 1-3RM
Zydrunas Press 5×8
Power Snatch 5×2
Barbell Shrugs 5×15
Scarecrows 3×10
Reverse Cable Curl 3×15
Bulgarian Split Squat 1-3RM or 4-10RM + 3 Back-Off Sets/Triple Dropset
Hack Squat 4×12
Calf Raise on Leg Press 5×30
Standing Calf Raise 5×10

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Feel free to r8 mine
ATM my gym doesn't have a lot of stuff because I am living in student accomodation. Only free weights are dumbells desu
Would very much like other peoples opinions.
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What font is that?
Windows console, I coded it to say that in the console
>I'm actually a hacker
>*tips fedora*
Anyone tried this GSLP? Was gonna start on phrak's but wanted some more volume work for arms (skinny fag). Will this work?
Jokes on you I am a white hat for a famous company
No you're not.
yes i am
>posts ass mad bullshit
>it's a fucking joke you shit faggot
sure, captain assblast, it was a joke
i'm also in this situation and would like response
day 1 : ohp 5/3/1, btn press 5x10, seated db press 5x10, pullups 3xF, facepulls 5x20
day 2 : deadlift 5/3/1, front squat 5x10, rdl 5x10, kettle swings 5x20
day 3 : flat bb bench 5/3/1, flat bb bench 5x10, flat db bench 5x10, rows 5x10, jerks 5x5
day 4 : ohs warmup, back squat 5/3/1, back squat 5x10, power cleans 5x5, lunges 3x10 (10 per leg, 20 total)

It's a great program, i've done it last summer for 3 month and i had good result

8/10 would recommend
I am
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Once per week?
Looks solid
Looks great add curls
>db squat
>no deadlift
Read 5/3/1 beyond
Always great
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Someone just read 5'5destiny's new book.
>Zercher Squats
lmao when will this meme die. they're an upper back exercise and a poor one at that, you will never, ever fell your legs with Zerchers.
I believe you vro
>people still do retarded routines with no programming
you will never make it
I don't understand how this is a good routine, I see it everywhere, but it honestly looks like it's missing so much volume that you won't get anywhere.
Have you seen any beginner programs? They have no volume at all. 3x5 5x5 etc.

Where would you add volume? The goal of these routines is to get baseline strength for people who have never been in a gym before. Hypertrophy with 10b dumbells isn't going to help them.

Where would you add more volume?
has anyone here tried out nsun's 4 day 531? thinking about trying it out
Do i really need to ? The chinups and rows are not enough ?
im doing this program and I switched chinups with inclined press, added curls and pullups to failure at the end of each workout
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dubs of truth comfirm, zerchers are useless
just look at this, what the fuck is this shit?
>in b4 "L-Louie Simmons likes them"
Powerlifters are so obsessed with "muh old timey strongmen", Hackenschmidt could've shoved a barbell up his ass and Westside would include Barbell Shove-ins 3xCompletion lmao
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I run this one PPLPPLx

Just switched to it yesterday from a brosplits that only hit each muscle group once a week. I've been lifting consistently for about 2-3 months
is this that garbage reddit PPL?
Basically Hepburn method plus accessories. What do you think of it?

A (tuesday/friday)
> ohp: 8x2 > 8x3 + 3x6 lower weights + 2x10 even lower weights
> deadlifts: 3x3
> rack pulls above knees: 3x6
> curls: as many sets of 6-8 I'm able to do

B (wednesday/saturday)
> decline bench press: same rep scheme as ohp
> squats: 5x3 once a week
> seated rows: 3x8-10
> rack pulls above knees: 6x8-10 lower weights
> triceps extensions: same as curls

> 8x2 > 8x3
Start with a weight I can do for 2 reps, adding as many reps per session as I can; once it hits 8x3 all sets across, weights go up.
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Not that guy, but there's just so much conflicting information regarding lifting. I see most beginner programs are 3x5 or 5x5, but then there's guys like this:

>noobs need more volume

Also another thing i noticed
>SS/SL/Fullbody is retarded, enjoy your t.rex and/or dyel body, just do PPL from the start
and then next week the /fit/ consensus seems to be this
>you fucking idiot you need 1/2/3/4 before you start doing splits or PPL otherwise nogains

like, fuck...
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Yes. Yes it is. Can you recommend a better one?
I have been doing it for the last couple of months. Its okay, but my chinups were not moving at all, had to add lat pulldowns to see some progress
Read the sticky or get memed
i have read the sticky
post some arguments or don't fucking ever reply to me or my wifes son ever again
looks solid. will probably #rekt you once you reach some serious weight. based hepburn though, I approve.
im doing:

chest & arms
Back, shoulder & traps
Legs and Abs

I used to do PPL, but my OHP suffered since it was the same time as my bench, so i switched up the order at which i train muscles
Well after reading several peograms and articles I think it suns up to
-Novice/intermediate lifters should S/BP at least 2-3week, OHP and DL 1-2/week
-weigth increase should be 5-15 lbs/week according to stress level/performance
-total reps should be 50-100 per muscle compartment
-1 or 2 accesories so you don't neglect other muscles that might help you lift more on the main lifts
-lift 3-5 days according to performance, conditioning+mobility on off days
Personally I like FB workouts because it actually feels taxing and satisfying and soreness doesn't last as much
I'm about 3 months in and doing coolcicada's PPL with a few more accessories.

People here saying not to do volume as beginner but that shit works for me. Going up about 5 lbs a week.
i do like semi ppl but with a bunch of extras on each day after i've done the main group
cutting as well atm so hitting cardio p hard
when hitting similar groups in the same workout i tend to vary the weight and reps for a mix of hypertrophy and strength
>bench press
>incline db press
>decline cable press
>tri extensions
>lat pull downs
>db pec fly
>cable shrugs 8x6 (3 hands in front, 3 hands behind back)
>side and front shoulder isolations
>briefcase grip db wrist pronation and supination (trust me on this, forearms explode)
>some shit with cable and tri rope where you stand over the cable and pull the rope up to your chest using bis and shoulders, saw a gif of it one time but idk the name
>kettlebell russian twist
>leg raises
>weighted pushups
>20 min row (aim to get 5000m done in that time)
>15 min run
>10 min sprints (30 secs on/off x4, 25 secs on/35 off x3, 20 secs on/40 off x3)

>pullups/chinups (alternate sets, 3-4 of each)
>standing bent over db row
>lat pull downs to behind head
>cable shrugs
>low cable row
>overhand grip bb curls
>incline db press
>cable rotator cuff exercises
>lat flies
>kettlebell russian twist
>leg raises
>wrist pro/supination
>16 minute HIIT cycle (1:30 medium intensity, 30 secs flat out)
>15 min run
>10 min sprints

>parallel squat
>a2g squat (lower weight, slower, more reps)
>cable hamstring "curls" idk what else to call them
>calf extensions
>leg extensions
>lat pull down
>incline db press
>db punches
>wrist pro/supination

and when i can be arsed (maybe half the time) i do an hour of just cardio the days after push and pull

been doing this for about 4 months, seems to be going alright. not got quite as far as i'd have expected but i think that's more to do with diet, or did i fall for the
>noobs need high intensity
meme? also i feel like i could use a bit more variety, any suggestions?
>I switched chinups with inclined press
>Wtf ? I feel like if i do any more push movement i'm gonna die. Try to not injure yourself

>added curls and pullups to failure at the end of each workout
Yeah i think i'm also gonna do some curls
shrugs every workout?
yeah i guess, idk i just find them really satisfying
I was going to make that joke but you beat me to it


Whatever i'll find something else

Hey bro I'm on the program as well, but all my squats are 4x4, do you think that is helpful? On 4x8 bench days, I do DB press instead. I do 1x5+ on deadlifts.

Also since I can't do chinups, I do barbell rows and curls.

If I'm feeling good, sometimes I add an additional set to the workout. But squatting 2 sets every deadlift days is a bit troublesome, so sometimes I cut that off.
way too much shit if youre not natty wtf
can't deadlift mate no barbells shitty gym to b h
thx man
i am natty so
>but all my squats are 4x4, do you think that is helpful?
Not really, one of the perk of this program is to fluctuate volume. But if you like it it's not really a big deal

>On 4x8 bench days, I do DB press instead.
Why ?

>1x5+ on deadlifts
Yeah that's not a bad idea 4x8 / 4x4 is a lot for deadlifts

>Also since I can't do chinups, I do barbell rows and curls.
It's better if you have both a vertical (like pullup , lat pull-down...) and a horizontal (like row) pull movement. In the long run it can cause muscular imbalance to only do row. But as a beginner it's ok i guess

>But squatting 2 sets every deadlift days is a bit troublesome, so sometimes I cut that off.
Yeah no way i'm squatting after dl
i meant its too much if youre natty* obviously
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>It's better if you have both a vertical (like pullup, lat pull-down...) and a horizontal (like row) pull movement. In the long run it can cause muscular imbalance to only do row.

I'm not that guy, but i have a genetic defect that makes it impossible for me to do anything that involves raising arms above shoulder height, like chins/pulls, lat pulldown, facepulls. Am i just fucked?
Well it's not like you have much of a choice anyway. I guess you already have muscular imbalance but in your case you can't do anything about it so if you don't feel any pain don't think about it
My motherfucking nigger. Pretty much the best beginner strength program out there, fuck SS
No program currently. But as a novice I did phrak's gslp, except without microplates because I ain't on some pussy shit
Great program, and I highly recommend it.

Right now i just most do the big six and shoulder raises. calculate weekly volume, and try to atay around my mrv

I mix in some accessories at random, go for 60% of my 1rm for higher volume lower intensity and most of my "higher intensity" work is still 75-85%.
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>bench every single workout
gotta get those chesticles bro ya hear me bro
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it takes around 2.5-3 hours but i like it
Bench + Deadlift + OHP 5x5
Tricep extensions 3x8
Curls 3x8
Dumbbell Sidebends 3x8
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3x8

Lift MWF

Will probably start squating on Mondays to help improve deadlift.
Forgot to add - two mile run Tuesday and Thursday. Might try to up how much I run just for the hell of it, gf wants to do a 5k with me.
i like this
how long will i have had to do SS before i do something like this?
probably good for cutting, no?
>2 minutes crunches
>30lbs dumbbell overhead lift
>Incline bench
>Tricep pulldown
>Assorted chest and tricep exercises until I feel it's enough

>2 minutes crunches
>Seated row
>Lat high row
>Lat low row
>Lat pulldown
>Rear delt flye
>Rear delt pulls
>Incline shrugs
>Barbell wrist curls
>Rack holds

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i dunno


I use DB because apparently it works the chest more? That's what I have been told anyway.

Anyway what's the perk of 4x4 Vs 5x5? I just know that the weights I use for 4, which is pretty light, I'm dying by the fourth rep and I don't think I can squeeze out a fifth rep most of the time.

A Lower
>High bar squat: 5x6
>Calf raises: 3x20
>Leg ext: 3x8
>Leg Curls: 3x8

B Chest and arms
>Bench Press: 5x6
>Flies: 3x8
>barbell curl: 5x6
>Tricep ext: 3x6
>Cleans: 5x5

C Back and shoulders
>Barbell row: 3x8
>Diddly: 3x5
>seated row: 5x8
>Behind shoulder lat pull: 3x8
>OHP: 5x5

Still working on improving upper body before adding chinups/dips. Probably a shit routine but if it needs improvement I'm open to adjust.
I'm not sure what emotion your image is trying to show.
>not understanding that this is example numbers
lol what a retard
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Tried that.
It's pretty shit.
They're useful if you want to do strongman and are fairly relevant for fuctional strength. I work in a brewery so picking up and carrying awkward things is standard for me
Why ?
Doing nsuns 6 day squat emphasis right now. I'm really enjoying it and making good progress again especially with pressing.
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It's the dopest shit ever anons.
If you're still on an LP after 6 months and are having trouble just hop on it.
I do
>531 on the big 4
they work quite well together, I progressed so fast when I started, and now that I came back after 5 weeks I am gaining strenght so fast
that looks like a lot of trouble for the lower back
nigga the only use of reddit is to find guides to learn shit.
dont listen to anybody there

the fastest way for a beginner to get gains is increase strenght, you cannot start with high volume, their muscles are not even used to training

YES, SS and SL are trex centric, but they're just a way to get acclimated with the lifts.
The moment you are good with technique you hop on to Greyskull (or a program tailored to your needs, like canditoe's for fatlifting) and then hop on to phul or any other intermediate routine after that
Fellas I'm on PHUL and I wanna do something about my chest
It's better than before but I wanna fill it up
The inner chest part is asymmetrical and empty

My 2 pec exercises on Upper days are Bench and db press (low incline)
Should I switch the db press for crossovers? (which angle)
or should I just add them? I notice I am not that sore the day after nowadays, might be I can stomach 20-30 more reps
What do you guys think of this routine Bill Starr gave on one of his articles?

>full squats, 5 x 5
>clean-grip high pulls, 5 x 5
>bench presses, 3 x 5, 3 x 3, plus a back-off set of eight reps
>chins, 4 x max
>incline dumbbell bench presses, 2 x 20.

>incline bench presses, 5 x 5, plus a back-off set of 8 reps
>light squats, 5 x 4
>good mornings, 4 x 8
>straight-arm pullovers, 2 x 20
>weighted dips, 4 x 8.

>full squats, 3 x 5, 2 x 3, and a back-off set of 8
>flat benches, 4 x 8
>shrugs, 5 x 5
>straight-arm pullovers, 2 x 20
>chins, four sets of as many reps as we could do and then three sets of free-hand dips.

I've been following his advice on ohp and it's legit. What about this program?
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Doing Fierce 5 atm, but deadlift 3x5 instead of front squats 3x5, and Leg curls instead of Romanian deadlift.

5kg/week lowrrbody
2.5kg/week upperbody
Always doing OHP after bench will hinder results.
That program could be good if split in 4 days.
Please give advice, but keep in mind I cannot load spine (back squats) or deadlift because of back injury.

>Bench Press 3x5
>Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3x5-8
>Incline Press 3x8-12
>Dumbbell Lat Raise 3x8-12
>Tricep Cable Pushdown 3x8-12
>Hanging Leg Raise 3xF

>Seated Cable Row 3x5
>Chin ups 3x8-12
>Lat Pulldown 3x8-12
>Facepulls 3x10-15
>Bicep Curl 3x8-12

>Dumbbell Lunges 3x5
>Goblet Squat 3x5
>Lying Leg Curl 3x10
>Hanging Leg Raise 3xF

Current program is SS, gonna move on to something else before long though I've begun to stall quite a bit.

Deadlift: 255
Squat: 230
Bench: 170
OHP: 115

Haven't really stalled yet but just kinda bored, what comes next?
Give me advice on this routine. I've been doing this on and off since Jan 2016 and have shit lifts

A Simple beginner's Routine
You will do 3 work outs per week on non consecutive days. The first work out is your heavy work out. The second work out is your medium work out, use 10% less weight for your work sets. The final work out for the week is your lite work out, use 20% less weight.

Do a lite warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight. Do a medium warm up with 1/2 of your work sets weight. Do 2 work sets with the same weight. Choose a starting weight and start light.

These are the seven exercises you will be starting with.

Bench Presses
Bent-Over Rows
Overhead Barbell Presses
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Barbell Curls
Calf Raises

You will be running this program on a five week cycle as follows:
The first week do all 4 sets for 8 reps.
The second week do all 4 sets for 9 reps.
The third week do all 4 sets for 10 reps.
The fourth week do all 4 sets for 11 reps.
The fifth week do all 4 sets for 12 reps.
If you got all of the required reps on the fifth week then increase the weight by 10% and

repeat the cycle. If you didn't get all of the reps on the fifth week then repeat the cycle with the same weight. You shouldn't need more than one minute rest between the warm up sets and you shouldn't need more than one minute thirty seconds between the work sets.
Do some cardio and abs work on non weight training days.

I also do situps and pushups.
Right now I'm cutting to 180lb and starting my bulk in the fall.
Planning to add weighted pullups or dips if I don't switch to another routine entirely.
what faggotry is this

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Deadlifts 1x5
Barbell rows 4x5, 1x5+
3x8-12 Pullups OR chinups
3x8-12 seated cable rows
5x15-20 face pulls
4x8-12 hammer curls
4x8-12 dumbbell curls
4x5, 1x5+ bench press
3x8-12 overhead press
3x8-12 incline dumbbell press
3x8-12 overhead triceps extensions SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
3x8 DIPS SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
3x8-12 dumbbell bench press
2x5, 1x5+ squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 leg press
3x8-12 leg curls
5x8-12 calf raises
Modified Daniel Craig plan. As I've said before, I'm oldballs and not looking to get bodybuilder YUGE or powerlift, this is for general health and fitness

Every morning:
2-3 mile jog
20 minutes yoga

1km row machine
stretching and light weight work

Circuit of:
Clean & press 4x6-8
Chinups 4x10
Weighted stepups 3x10
Incline pushups 3x20
(Monday: BB curls 4x10)
(Friday: Light weight bench 4x12)
Dips 3x12
L-sits 3xF
Hanging leg raises 3x15

DB Bench 4x10
Cable fly 4x10
Weighted dips 3x8
Tricep pushdown 4x8
Pushups 2xF

Squats 3x8
Calf raise 3x10
Box jumps 4x10
Battle ropes 3x60s
DB OHP 4x8

Snatch grip DL 3x8
Weighted pullups 3x8
Cable row 4x8
DB curls 3x8
BB 21s 3x

40 minutes swimming

This is allpro's right? I was thinking about doing this but without the medium/light days and increasing the reps each workout instead of each week, reducing it to a 2 week cycle, any thoughts?
When to move to Phrak's GSLP from Strong Lifts?
any suggestions tho? or is it solid
The general rule for SS is you move on to an intermediate program when you stall.
You're making progress which is good don't get me wrong but that's slow m8.
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How does this look? I have a few accesories added to both days.
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5x5 overhead press
5x5 squats
3+ times a week

Rate /fit/ <:
Oh and I use the same weight for presses and squats C^:
post pic of body
Monday -
Cable Fly
Chest Fly (machine)
T-Bar Rows
Rope Lat-Pulldown

Rope Tricep-Pulldown
Dumbell Curl
Lateral Raise
Leg Press

Bench Press
Dumbbell Fly
Dumbbell Benchpress
Seated Cable Row
Rope Lat-Pulldown

Tricep Pushdown
Barbell Curl
Dumbbell OHP
Leg Press

Front Squat
T-Bar Rows

hmu if im missing anything
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running madcow and spending tues/thurs doing power cleans for fun and upper body accessory work because development is lacking
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How do you find the right program for you, /fit/?
>look at programs
>has squats, ohp, deadlift, bench in it
>start doing it

im this guy btw, gslp is really great, pick one of its variations and start it, after 2-3 months start adding some "plugin" exercises (curls, skull crushers, w/e floats ur boat), Im having good results with this one
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>On SS
>what comes next?
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currently cutting, started lifting 5 months ago
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build up to a heavy single on snatch. back off singles or doubles
build up to a heavy single on the clean and jerk. back off singles or doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the back squat. back off triples.

build up to heavy single on the power snatch. back off doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the power clean and power jerk. back off doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the front squat. back off doubles.

build up to a heavy single on snatch. back off singles or doubles
build up to a heavy single on the clean and jerk. back off singles or doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the back squat. back off triples.

build up to heavy single on the power snatch. back off doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the power clean and power jerk. back off doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the front squat. back off doubles.

build up to a heavy single on snatch. back off singles or doubles
build up to a heavy single on the clean and jerk. back off singles or doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the back squat. back off triples.

build up to a heavy single on snatch. back off singles or doubles
build up to a heavy single on the clean and jerk. back off singles or doubles.
build up to a heavy single on the back squat. back off triples.

rinse, repeat, every single week.
gimme your lifts in kg nigga, e-statting optional but welcome

the OHP and benchpressing become easier over time...also this program will make you look like a ice cream cone (all upper body and hardly any legs)
we including the bar?

82kg snatch. 102kg clean and squat jerk. 142kg back squat. 122kg front squat. only been doing this sort of oly program for like, three months at this point.
we of course including the bar. also mirin. I don't actually do an oly-specific program right now so of course you'll outlift me, but feck, impressive.
I'm t-rex mode a the moment so that's exactly what i want
goal for the end of the year is a 100kg snatch and a 120kg clean and jerk. trying to build up for a comp at some time, the 77kg class is pretty barren for amatuer small gym comps so i'd like to challenge myself.
highly interesting

you must have zero upper body though. why no pressing
>snatch and c&j all damn week
>no upper body
o i am laffin
last time i benched was like 3 months ago, got up to a heavy single of about 102kg for a paused rep. again, including the bar. but yeah, no real pressing movements, i use some light strict presses when warming up for the clean and jerk but that only goes up to last time i checked like 60kg.

totally press deficient.
sweet, godspeed mate. I'm too thicc rn and only doing it for the novelty, planning to compete eventually but it's far down on the list of priorities for the time being.

>tfw bodyweight c&j as a builtfat cunt
94 and 85kg weight classes are usually pretty stacked. and oly programs are best to approach either with complete committal to competing or just for funs.

That's what I sorta thought.. Benching 3 days for a beginner is kinda tough.. What do you recommend modifying this program for those chest gains?
my texas method model i made:

Bench volume
Squat volume
Chins volume
laterals and facepulls for the delt pump nigga

Bench recovery
Squat recovery
klokov press 4x8-12
machine rows 3x8-12
cable flies for the chest pump nigga

Bench intensity + back offs
Squat intensity
Deadlift intensity
Chins intensty + back offs
High bar squats 2x3
laterals/face pulls again for the pump

conditioning 2-4 days per week depending on how i feel. bulking at about a 250 cal surplus. this routine is great for an intermediate, it gets you strong and big, but the deadlifts aren't increasing too well. oh well, that's the texas method for you
aiming for 94, cutting weight for 85 would ruin any semblance of strength I might claim to have. but yeah, I just have a dedicated oly day in my programming and very light technique stuff in the AM on two days where I have a normal powerlifting routine in the PM. it'll do. most "for fun" oly guys around here literally just do it to meet friends at the comp, and I have no chance whatsoever of competing with the good guys anyway, so I aim to place straight in the middle of the two kek
Rate mine lads

Weighted Dips 3x5
Weighted Pullups/Chinups 3x5
Weighted Chinups/Pullups f x f (until I can't do more than 3 in a set)
Bodyweight ring dips 3xf
Weighted Ring Horizontal Rows 3x5
Front Lever Progression
Straddle Planche Progression

Pistol Squats 3 x 10
Manna Progression
Side Lever Progression


I need a better B workout. I'm thinking about adding hill sprints for legs, but I'm not sure what else I can do without a barbell. I do have some plates though, is there anything I can do with them as accessories?
10 sets? ur probably using bitch weight lol
theres no other mainstream ppl than the reddit one but trust me its trash, just make ur own one based off of that but dont do the bullshit supersets on push day and u probablt need to row more than once a week and deadlift more than once a week if ur a beginner
>hammering the pull ups till failure mulitple times per workout, 3 times a week
how the fuck do you recover from that in time for the next workout?
I'm not sure, I feel recovered pretty much the next day, so two days is more than enough. I've been training just bodyweight pullups for a couple years though, maybe that helps.
post 3x5 pull up max and bodyweight pull up max and comment on whether weighted helps bodyweight max

asking for a friend
I only just started this program two weeks ago so I haven't progressed much yet

My 3x5 pullup Max is 12.5 lbs, and for bodyweight I don't know what my one set max is but I usually can do either 3x10 or 6x6. My training hasn't been consistent so I've never been able to reach impressive numbers yet.
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3X5 squat
3X5 bench
2X8 weighted chin

3X5 ThePress
3X5 Deadlift
2X8 Weighted dip


All last sets are to failure
Pretty much Coolcicada's PPL with some changes due to taste (like adding deadlifts on leg day and alternating between bench and OHP on push day). I'm happy with it so far, it's pretty fun. Progressed SS -> Madcow -> This, so it's a nice variation. Volume increase fucked me up the first week but I adapted quickly. Will be interesting to see how gains hold up
What it never really explains is do you do either dips or bench or do first A day bench and next A day dips? Same with chins/pullups.
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a: squat 1x5, bench 1x5, rows 1x5, hammer curl 3x8, pull up 3xf

b: squat 2x5, ohp 1x5, deadlift 1x5, lateral raise 3x8, dips 3xf

c: squat 1x3, bench 1x3, rows 1x3, pull up 3xf, rowing machine cycles


essentally madcow with accessories and conditioning
alternate the lifts on alternate workouts, which really makes it a 4-workout rotation, where A and C differ by dips/bench or chins/pulls and where B and D are identical.

... then repeat

I suppose if you didn't have a bench you could do dips every time, but if you have a bar you can alternated chins and pulls
On my third week of stripped starting strength. Still finding my ideal weights. Haven't hit my current roof yet.
>stripped starting strength
how do you strip the most basic routine there is even more? or do you just mean no power cleans or accessories?
aaah I see, totally forgot about that one it seems. well, go on then.
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My goals are to get bigger and to get some strength as well. Been working out pretty well.

Stats (these are all for 5 reps)
>Bench 190lbs
>OHP 110lbs
>DL 315
>Squat 240

What do you think?
Method: 531
Variation: BBB
Added work: SSL FSL
Split: PPL

Squat 531
Snatch grip DL BBB
Leg raises

Chest supported rows 531
Weighted chinups BBB
T-bar rows

OHP 531 (plus push press singles emom between the 3rd and 4th sets)
Bench BBB & facepulls
Lat raises & cable pushdowns

DL 531
Pause squat BBB
Ham curl & Back extension

Weighted chinups 531
Chest supported rows BBB
T-bar rows

Bench 531
OHP BBB & facepulls
Lat raises & cable pushdowns
Thread posts: 153
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