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Did becoming fit make you happy?

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Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 72

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no gf
No, moving out of the city did
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I'm still skinnyfat but lifting made me realize it won't help me with any of my problems.
You can just tell they like BBC or muslims

I never was truly /fit/. I used to be halfway there, but I lost motivation and I'm pretty much back to square one now. Not overweight, just completely out of shape.

I was a lot more confident and optimistic when I was semi-/fit/. But in reality, my GF, study and friends are what make me truly happy. Although if I can find my motivation back and become truly /fit/, I think it can only enhance the happiness. A healthy lifestyle and confidence work wonders for the state of mind.
actually yes it did. More test, more energy, less bad feelings, less time needed to rest, which in turn is also more social energy.
Fucking elfs reeeeee
Wtf r u on about
Made me more attractive and with that came confidence and a fit gf who also comes boxing with me.

But no, not really. It's more that training stops me feeling bored and miserable, I'm not particularly happy but I'm content and distracted.

While I'm chasing a goal I'm too busy to pay attention to my problems.

t. fighter who doesn't really like competing but its better than doing drugs
lol lifts but is skinnyfat
are you vegetarian or homosexual?
if yes stop this shit, thats why you are skinny fat.
lift harder, eat meat, drink some protein shakes, dont do cardio just lift like a man, and cut the soda sperglord
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>guy who actually lifts
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Becoming fit makes it better, it's one of the crucial parts of achieving true happiness.
Balance of
Is Happiness. All take alot of work and constant maintenance. True Alpha male tier.
no it just made looking in the mirror less depressing
never gonna make it
I'm not saying you need to be rich. But being pay check to pay check- being one accident, one unexpected big bill away from being in the poor house keeps you at such a level of stress it is impossible to be truly happy. Not having a reliable care, not being able to sustain a clean diet, not being able to travel. Shit like that.
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How tall is moot?

that was 100% drawn by a fatty
No. But im not sad either
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j-just more gay?
No, still just as depressed as ever i just get laid regularly.
why are norwegian people so good looking

it's a special type of cope i feel only the monotomy of a strict diet/execise regime can bring about
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They're not. Swedes are much better looking and way way more fertile.
Nah man, just look at those chicks.
Most people will feel good if they look good. But there are a lot of depressed people on 4chan, so that may not apply here.
girls giggle when i walks past, im too scared of them
>Swedes are much better looking
100% wrong.
it made me happier
happy at times
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It made me realize that I needed to get a better job, and made me more confident about being social.
Also, trying to make a better appearance.
>He fell for the Swedish meme
i'm 8x6.5 6'1 and about 11% BF and tall but i'm white. Can you imagine what it feels like to be me.
Imagine being you, but the most desired race on the earth.
I wonder sometimes if I was rewarded for deeds I did in a past life or something.
It really seems not fair.
It stabilized my mood yes. Happy? Sure I guess but there is still a shallowness that a wife and career would fill. God helps a lot too.
It's part of a lifestyle that keeps me happy. I have a lot of energy that needs catharsis through exercise or sex so I'd I don't do one I get pent up and easily frustrated.
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Guys, those chicks are Norwegian, he is hedging.
I wonder, is Moot happy?
Does he regret not being the owner of this shit show anymore?
Did he ever get gf?
Did he ever achieve his dream of becoming little girl?
You're on 4chan in the afternoon.

You're not only a fucking loser but you're a LARPING pol tier loser as well.

Which is even worse. Well, have fun with your faggotry.
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Are those the chicks from here?
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Happiness is the biggest gains goblin
Doesn't make it any less true unfortunatrly...
Are norwegian girls into BBC?
yes, and that's an old photo.

one of the twins is fucking a very ugly guy.
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Happier generally. But I still don't have >her.
Is that really her boyfriend?
It definatly helped alot by making me confident.
What really did the trick was the routine, sleeping and diet habits that came alobg with lifting. I have a shitload more energy, drive, libido and ambition just because I fixed my sleeping schedule and started eating healthy. People greatly underestimate the effeft of good sleep and nutrition on their mental well being.
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All the grass isn't green here in Norway, but I dare say it's certainly better here than U.S. f.ex. It's mostly about the healthy lifestyle and aryan genetics that makes Norway such a fuckfest.
How come he gets 10/10 gf while we lift and go tfw no gf?

Is it all satire?
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How does it make you feel, knowing that this kind of women is gonna probably disappear in about 100 years?

Progress and diversity, repeat after me: progress and diversity.
all about confidence bro. bitches love confidence
nah, that's a myth.
he had the balls to ask her out i guess
believing this
Nope, no.

Went from 120kg (2011) to 85kg 11% bodyfat (2017), I am looking the best I have ever had in my life.

I am still not happy.
/pol/ pls go
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>racemixing and the extinction of the white race is a myth

I wish, fellow paki. Even you wish it, probably.

After all, even niggers and sandpeople agree that Laqueeshas and Amalas are devious.
go back to your containment board.
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Go back to rrreddit you filthy fucking tryhard. There are no upvotes here. suck a dick.
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Are you just mad because you're NEET? No need to be edgy.
The fuck are they eating
People think these girls are cute
Fucking brainwashed coons
No, only norwegian dudes I guess.
BBC gets no pussy in norwegia.
Norwegian pancakes. It looks like a crepes.
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Norwegian men are cucks
how i get help with this ?
fitted cloths and a better posture ?
How come norwegian women are super good looking, probably nr.1 in the world, while the guys on average are meh. That guy is really handsome though.
back to pol please my guy
Because you're a weak white boy while he is a Muslim immigrant.
go back to reeddit my dude pls, this is not a safe space. not your shield
He is Christian.
Jesus motherfucking tapdancing christ
We cant have one fucking thread that doesnt devolve into racemixing, BBC, migrant /pol/ related fuckery nowadays

Shit is so fucking retarded i dont even know why we dont just rename it to /pol9k/ and be done with it
Mods need to do their fucking jobs and ban people from the board if they're making shit-tier race bait.
Im with you

I com here for lift and chad threads now i have to see this germanic faggotz with their pig girls on here

>swede girls are so cute
>norway girls are so cute and pretty

Fuc them
>norway girls are so cute and pretty
>Fuc them
I'm trying really hard anon, but I keep failing.
5 months in and I Bulged a disc, unrelated to working out. It's been a dark couple of months, it's healing up and I'm doing bodyweight so it's okay. I'm not very happy right now. But I'm glad to be recovering.
It made me incredibly happy. Training for my first powerlift meet right now!
Everytime I lift I think about how much better everything would be if I'd let the weight crush my skull or snap my neck.
> leswedecuckfetishist poster
Be afraid witeboi be very afraid

not really but my fap game is off the rails
No. I've never had a time in my life where I was socially comfortable.
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And they love sucking non white dick.
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Trust, im waiting for the day we meet. Millions of us are. Your time is coming. Inbred goat fucking subhuman
Blame the shills and /r/asianmasclunity.
same people who post this shit are the same people who post porn hub statistics.
compete garbage humans.
Go outside Mohammed. How much race mixing do you actually see.
It's such an anomaly that the same pictures get posted over and over to try and create this world that does not and will not ever exist.
You're welcome for civilization monkey.
what the fuck is r/asianmasculinity? Is it like lookism but for Asians?
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>Mods need to do their fucking jobs and ban people

you are this pathetic
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It's a page on reddit that blames everything on white males. Every problem asian males have is becasue of white men. They think that 4chan is some sort of known site among whites and every white guy comes here so they shit up /pol/ (and /fit/) recently with race baiting threads. Usually with pictures of white woman/nigger or white woman/asian guy. They think that by doing so their chances of getting fucked by white woman will increase or something.
They're retards and hyporcites, they shit on white guys with asian women but keep jerking off to pictures of asian men with white women.
Regardless. Melanin makes women wet and if you don't have it then go cry yourself to sleep.
r/hapas, particularly a gentleman named John Bettendorf (Eurasian Tiger) is what's spamming AMWF here.
What the fuck problems do Asian's have. They make a ton of money and have Asian women who are hot as fuck.
I get it, they are the weakest physically of all the races other than that Australian nigger species they have.
But they are way better than like those tiny spanish/mexican people.
And they are smart.
It must be the tiny dick.
Def better than pajeet tho, better looking..

Of all the people complaining Asians should be at the bottom of the list.
It's just asians in the west, Asians in asia are bro tier.
Fags on /r/hapas and /r/asianmasclunity have problem with pretty much everything
>this actor made a joke about asians
>asian stereotypes
>why are asians always shown as weak in hollywood
>how to date white women?
>best places to date white women?
>why are asian women so self hating that they date white men?
Pretty much it boils down to this tiny dick mentality. They also have retarded idea that a baby that was born from asian dad and white mother is somehow superior than baby born from white father and asian mom and they prove it by posting picutres of ugly hapas etc.
Just cancer don't even bother going there.
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>They make a ton of money and have Asian women who are hot as fuck
Asian men are the least desirable partners on the planet. They're short, ugly, tiny-dicked, their women will whore themselves out to superior white western penis in a heartbeat, they all look the same, they're soulless insectoid people.
chinese are for sure.
But Japs and South Koreans are bros.
Japs are the Samurai, proud people, rich history. Almost took out the giant content of China. Should of let em.

But I agree with chinese. Fucking souless animals..
who can be the biggest victim is the moral of todays world.
>who can be the biggest victim is the moral of todays world
weakness and victimhood are virtues in a world where women can vote
Are speaking about swedes?

but its fucking true

the fact that you are getting so butthurt over it just shows you're in denial

yes I agree going full /pol/ is retarded, but it's not retarded to bring up a point that race mixing is not only promoted, but encouraged.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of being white and wanting to continue to have white people in this world.
>but its fucking true
That /pol/ related topic infect almost all of /fit/? yes ofc its fucking true you retard.
If you feel that this is something youi like then there is a place for it, over at /pol/ where you are free and encouraged to discuss these topics
this guy looks like an autistic beta fag
Problem starts where somebody starts spamming with race baiting threads.
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>waaah I don't like this thing people talk about sometimes
>get it out of my sight! this is my safe space!!!
here's where you call /pol/ an echo chamber despite the fact that /pol/ is apparently crawling everywhere on 4chan, while ironically you're sitting here frantically reporting posts and trying to persuade people to leave the board to create your own little echo-chamber safe space

you are too sad lmao
Tom is 5'7
Eurasian Tiger's earlier anti-white male channel got banned by Youtube, here is his latest one.

You can't runaway from those issues. Race mixing is being pushed and males of any race don't like seeing women of their own race dating outside of it. So when somebody spams a thread with race baiting you can bet your ass that people will come argue.

tom is 5'7 but roided to the gills and dosed with hgh up the ass

I got take on a tour at the local Scientology museum/building in san diego and halfway through I asked when would get to meet tom, and then the tour stopped and they asked me to leave

I just wanted to know his routine
I was never fat to begin with so i've never had that confidence boost that fat people get once they lose weight. And nope, lifting is neither doing anything positive for my mood.

The only thing that's kinda working for me is meditation.
I want to give the rare beautiful and not bug fuck crazy norwegian cutey the BBC.
Like horribly brutalize that pussy in a dark alleyway while keeping my hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming too loudly, then make tender love with her in a field under the moonlight
But I'm terrified of catching feels then finding out that she's hooked up with or worse engaged to some blonde haired blue eyed chad fjord and is 5 months pregnant with is kid and I'm nothing more then the side dick/stud.

What do? Forget about the swedish girls entirely?
Why do you people keep posting
I'm serious...
That's weak bait. Try harder.

why do you keep replying if it obviously bothers you so much?

go back to your safespace
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>I'm serious...
yea everyone knows subhuman niggers are rapists
This is a fitness board. Post your race baiting shit on /pol/, /b/ or /r9k/ if you're really autistic enough to need to

I'm not your guy, pal.
Most of my concerns in life base around figuring relationships out, all the feelings connected to it, jealousy, breakups, so many things, so many questions, so little answers.

I just want a woman i can love as much as i want to that also loves me back.
Its so simple yet so complex.
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>I just want a woman i can love as much as i want to that also loves me back.
you can find a woman to love as much as you can.
but expecting her to love you back? not gonna happen. women don't see love as men see. she could say she loves you and can dump you 10 minutes later like nothing happened.

I'm not the one who gets triggered by the truth. I'm not posting anything, you're the one that stokes the fire by replying to it anyway
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This is the very reason why sweden exist.

Based african americans are welcome in Norway. Just be a gentleman.
Is that what the average Norwegian woman looks like?
Why are brown people so ugly?
Their mentality about kids is quantity over quality.
They have families of 8 while on welfare, while the average European middle class person has maybe 3 kids at most.
In Denmark right now. Norway > Denmark > Sweden. Norway is way more homogenous although nignogs have been piling up in ghettos.
No, I hate my life even more because I'm stuck in an endless cycle of maintaining what I got and constant improvement
>although nignogs have been piling up in ghettos
You guys keep talking about these fucking ghettos. Where the fuck are they? I have yet to see one. reee
No because at the end of the day I'm still a manlet with a shitty job and a chronic illness.
Imagine US ghetto, just fill it with muslims. Congrats you've got every ghetto in western europe.
getting fit made me happier
Come to Gronland, Oslo and you will see one. Was there recently because my friend wanted a special alcohol that they only had in a certain alcohol store that happened to be at a mall in Gronland, and the few norwegians in the mall was only there to buy alcohol, they all went straight in, and then straight out.
yes. made me more confident (about my body, and in general) and gave me another hobby to talk about / be proud of / make me more interesting. but at the same time :
i sorta right. If I stopped lifting I would probably feel a lot shittier than I did before I started.
I had no structure in my life before, had a pretty shitty breakup, decided to start lifting, been 3 months now and I've loved every second of it.

Always been really skinny (63kg at 5'11, 19 years old), am now 67kg, got a lotttttt more progress to make but im willing to put the work in and thats what matters.

Before I was very closeminded, was really quiet and just had a shitty demeanor. Now im much more willing to try new things, get to know people and I find myself smiling a lot more.
It helped to build a feeling of self sustainability which lets me maintain the illusion that i know and get what i want.
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Are you okey?
It's also a district in Oslo with the most dense population of immigrants (nothing extreme). They have $$, even if it doesn't look like it. It's certainly not Oslo West, but it's not cheap in any way, shape or form, either.
Sorta. Think of it more as building a good base to help you do the things that actually do make you happy.

Stop fapping too. Or at absolute minimum stop fapping to porn.
>t. nigger
Be nice to black people, guys.
It's always fucking Norway. You could invent a billion dollar industry by selling your genes.

Not yet but it made me less sad.
It made me feel worse because now I restrict my diet and give up an hour of my free time every day to lift
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That's not very nice.
Yes and it even enabled me to bed the oneitis.
Got even more complicated after that but I suppose this is real life.

Fuck these captchas!
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i am 6'o and fit and i am going to die alone and want to kill myself.
This chick have a legit 10/10 face.
>tfw she has your name written on her goggles.
She doesnt

I will get tired pretty fast of that face
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>Eurasian Tiger's earlier anti-white male channel got banned by Youtube
We did it feddit!
That hansel is so hot right now

Pretty sure moots gay and he works for Google now
More like it keeps me from being too unhappy. It's sort of required maintenance for baseline functionality.
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>trex mode
Did he legit turn gay?
I remember before he sold he got "cucked" by some bitch and the animals are 4chink here wouldn't let up on him for a second, was prolly the tipping point for him selling.
moot has always been a specactularly gay man. He is a queen, but he's a queen amongst queens. So have some respect.
but has been so rejected by women that he is now actually taking dicks just to have some kind of companionship?
He's always taken dicks.
That's just a meme. He married Usuka in late 2014.
perhaps now that Moot is living his life working for Jewwgle he finale attained his goal of being little girl.

pic who?
>pic who?
She was the girl that moot used to upload pictures of and music on her birthday because he wanted her to marry him. The last year he celebrated her birthday publicly was in 2014. There's a picture of moot and Usuka on their honeymoon before he officially retired.
uh huh....
>he doesn't know what moot does at Google
Are you talking about that cruise picture where she said they were just friends.?
I hope your right.
I hope shit worked out for him.
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>still a manlet
>still a dicklet
>still a chinlet

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>more confident
>better sex
>better dating life

That being said i was ALREADY happy and life was pretty good in every way. I was just unhappy being a skinny fag.
>American trying to cope
>heartrate doesn't jump up from simply putting my shoes on
>don't sweat from walking more than a hundred meters anymore
>going up stairs is as easy as walking
>don't sweat outside of cardio and lifting in general
>legs don't hurt when I walk a lot
Feels pretty fucking good
There's more diversity of white people today than there was 10, 50, 100 or 500 years ago. And it will keep on happening. White people have been decreasing in total population when compared to other races. But there's more and more white people everyday. Don't fall for the "white genocide" meme.
Fuck off with that "DELETE! REMOVE! BAN!" shit.

People call out the racists and that's enough. Only incels and retards take that shit seriously. And /fit/ is full of them.
>nah, that's a myth.
So you're telling me that if white women will keep race mixing whites won't disappear?
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>Don't fall for the "white genocide" meme.
It's real but not in a sense that whites are getting killed on the streets (not yet at lest).
There's narrative in media and politics for whites to race mix. Movies with interracial copules (always white woman/non white man) ads with mixed couples, tv series with interacial copules, some popular magazines as TIME or nationa geographic saying that kids are waste of time and money. In California schools that are non white (majority blacks/hispacnis) get more funds than schools that are majority white.
White gencoide is happening but in a peaceful way
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>Don't fall for the "white genocide" meme.
What kind of genocide sees the ethnicity being genocided growing in numbers every year?

>There's narrative in media and politics for whites to race mix.
This is true for other races as well. They are race mixing with whites and their racists also consider that polluting the gene pool. Whites have been race-mixing since the dawn of time. Don't act butthurt about white women fucking niggers and muslims. Yes, the media and the powers that be heavily promote that. They want to destroy nation-states and erase what they consider to be the evils of nationalism, tribalism, etc.

Some of us see through it: the nazis recognize the Jews push one thing for us and another for them. The Radical Left is also extremely critical of Israel but they call out their hypocrisy from a non-racist perspective. They are pushing for Jews to marry outside their race and...


if you google it, you'll find out that Jews are one of the ethnic groups that most inter-mix. Jewish women are leaving Jewish men and adopting the religion of their husbands like there's no tomorrow. Of course you wouldn't know that because that's the kind of thread that gets to page 10 in five seconds.

>In California schools that are non white (majority blacks/hispacnis) get more funds than schools that are majority white.
This is true. Same happened in UK and Canada. School was considered "too white". Clear-cut case of anti-white racism.
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MFW crepes are just pancakes, but french people won't admit it.
That doesn't prove white genocide. Look at the dislikes. That's clearly portraying white men as pussies and white women as desiring the black cock. Is that that far from the truth? It is known that white men, because they have a less accentuated sense of racial awareness and ingroup bias (why do you think most vegans are white?) and because they tend to have on average less testosterone, tend to feel intimidated by black men and muslims. Not indians, not asians, not even most latinos. Why? Because their testosterone levels are below or on par with whites. Add on top of that laws that prevent whites from ever beating up blacks or browns because that's an automatic hate crime and you get this double-edged sword: the problem is still racism, but the Left went it the other way, legitimizing racism against whites instead of battling all kinds of racism. That's why the far-right is growing. It's all part of the Left's plan: now they have a reason to legitimize their existence. Though I know it will end badly for them.

You don't need to be a 1488er to see that. Most people see that. Most people on the Left complaining about whites are Jews and other whites. Sure you have the token Yvettes and Pajeets and so on but most non-whites genuinely like and respect whites, as long as they're not pansies.
>growing in numbers every year
whites are not growing in numbers, the demographics are below replacement rate
>growing in numbers every year
Lol that's the opposite, every year there are less and less whites.
>Is that that far from the truth?
Yes, whites are the least likely to race mix, white women race mix less than white men.
>hey have a less accentuated sense of racial awareness and ingroup bias
not true, white babies are racist and prefer their own kid, the fact that whites accetp non whites is due to the fact that since school they're getting brainwashed into thinking mixing is good.
>That doesn't prove white genocide.
It does, my post was saying that the media has a narrative to promote race mixing, and what does this show do? Character that says how good it is to be black in white neighbourhood becasue you can fuck every white woman in the area. Dislikes don't mean shit, just becasue most people don't like it does not mean that media doesn't have narrative to keep promotix race mixing and at the same time shitting on white men.
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General Attractiveness

White/spaniard>Afircan American Black>Kebab>Latinos>Asians/Black

White>Latinos>>>Asians>Kebab>Black in general

Prove me wrong.
No. Since I started for 3 years, I feel I'm always too small, too fat or too weak.
People giggle all the time anon, it doesn't have to be about you,[spoiler] maybe it's about how one of their beta-orbiters tried to get laid [/spoiler]
Fuck you for reminding me
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I agree with you but
>tfw Latino and Asian that likes white girls
underated rxn pic
hate ir when this fat fuck used to talk about how fit he was he is just another fat fuck now.
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you are right brown i mean like indian brown are spooky... its not even black... they have this denser shade.
you can even see it in indian movies none of the famous actors are brown they are all mixed with lighter skin to make them look arab/semetic
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Bad thing all the swedish qts are now property of Mohammed and Jamal
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No. I was already happy. Being fit has added to my happiness, though.
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>tfw you'll never be as big as ur pump
Nah I'm fit but so depressed rn. Guess it's cause NEET but I have nooooooooooo fucking clue what to do with my life
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yes, the attention and looks you get from dyels when you walk down the street in a wife beater during summer is a confidence boost if anything
>tfw asian
Better to be a shredded sad cunt than a DYEL sad cunt
ooga booga yes
cute doggo

he even has a mad face like his daddy grrrr
Im Lebanese non muslim and those are the types of girls i like FUUUUUUCCKKK
but at the same time i have seen so much form /pol/ that everytime they ask me i just say..." its better if we stay friends"

fuck you porn industry making me like white girls with blonde hair
they are gorgeous.
>but at the same time i have seen so much form /pol/ that everytime they ask me i just say..." its better if we stay friends"

you're a retarded faggot and deserve everything that happens to you if you give /pol/ any authority in your life. How self-hating can you be?
brb moving to Norway
no it looks like pancakes because its pancakes.
its not self hating, but i like white girls so much that i know i cant simply delete their gorgeous genes.

though we do have bonde haired white girls in lebanon. so i might look there...
P.S: born and raised in Canada...
>tfw ex wants me back
>it makes me depressive, because I feel like it could be but I have to refuse it
>feels kind of like a new break up
>and I also feel bad for her at the same time, apparently she is doing really bad, can't sleep, crys often

What a world
>African American blacks over West Indian/Caribbean/mixed blacks

>not including mixed girls

>Asian females are low on list

Objectively shit taste.
well why did you break up ?
Asian females are shit

t. Asian
african american over the tanned beauties of the carabbean and light skin...

yup this dumb ass has a really bad taste
A huge story, too huge for anyone to read.
We just think differently regarding some things.

Then went through this on off cycle three fucking times, every single time ending with her saying "it doesn't feel right anymore".
The third time I already has everyone close to me shaking their heads for me trying it again.
It's impossible to do it once more, it would just be fucking stupid.

She tried hard to convince me, saying she changed and realized things and misses me etc.
But I just can't, for the sake of us both.
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trust me ive helped many when it comes to avoiding suicide, moving on with their lives, relationships, and motivating them to be better people.

i honestly dont mind im sitting here all day surfing /fit/ and solving calculus 4 problems.

If you want let me know you the general basis of the story and from there ill try to help.

dont worry anon we are here for each other.
>no homo
Help me then
I had a breakdown after highschool 2 years ago and have been NEET ever since. I don't know what the fuck to do, I used to have huge ambitions (and still sort of do I'm just too frozen to do anything) but now I just feel like a fucking loser.
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first you must:
> give age
> general location [country and if you would like state].
>number of years in education
>what you would like to study or do.
>religious beliefs
>Do you live alone or with parents
>do you have a job if so what is your general income [not specific].

Second you give me your problem.
here you have to be as specific as possible.
Well, it comes down to a really easy concept.
A problem that will probably challenge me throughout my entire dating life and will always keep me riddled whether or not I am insane.

After a year or so in a relationship you notice this shift in attention from your partner.
It goes away from you and more torwards platonic relationships with people from the other gender.
In this specific instance, guys her age she she met at work and added to her phone, started texting them throughout the day every day, wanted to hang out with them, ditched some plans with me to do so, etc.
Combine this with my experience of seeing how she acts in such social settings.
Extremely outgoing, must always make jokes with the guys and make fun of each other, etc.

Well, I don't like it. I sat down, I explained it camly to her, I even admitted to being the odd minded here but told her I can't help it and that I don't want to live a relationship this way.
But obviously went downhill from here, she got defensive, called me jealous, then tried victimizing herself, saying she is now insecure as to what she may do and what not, etc.

You see, everywhere you take this amongst the general society, everyone would tell me I am in the wrong.
That I am jealous and need to work on my insecurities, that's it's normal for people to have platonic relationships with people from the other gender and that I am being obsessive, etc.

But I don't want that. I don't want platonic relationships with girls when I am committed to someone.
I don't have a specific problem with myself. I am very proud of the way I treat people I care about. I am fine with my looks and education/job.

Still, I might be wrong here and expect a level of commitment from a partner, that i will never find.

>After a year or so in a relationship you notice this shift in attention from your partner.
This is normal

It is simply a question of conviction.
When you start dating dont give her everything. Because then she wont have much to look forward to.

>It goes away from you and more torwards platonic relationships with people from the other gender.

Also normal most people who get married and last log end up having platonic relationships... so dont be afraid if this keeps happening to you. Its actually good.

> with people from the other gender.
This is questionable but in this day and age you shouldn't go to far simply because of that.

>In this specific instance, guys her age she she met at work and added to her phone, started texting them throughout the day..

This is also natural. we all have friends boys and girls that we are always connected with.

>every day, wanted to hang out with them, ditched some plans with me to do so, etc.

The everyday is questionable since they are new friends and of the opposite sex. For the avergae man this might seem that she is hinting that she is interested in them. So i completely understand you.

The Ditching you part is too far if you ask me. Absolutely not. If she had a bit of sense for your emotions or feeling then she would ask you to join her so you can meet her friends.

>Combine this with my experience of seeing how she acts in such social settings.
Extremely outgoing, must always make jokes with the guys and make fun of each other, etc.

If she is outgoing that is nice and your lucky to have an always "ecstatic" girl always by your side. The point that she always jokes around with boys and the attention is always kept at them, is once again questionable; however i will give you a solution to that later.

This is Part One After i have analyzed your situation.

I will start to solve the small problems which in turn will solve the bigger problems.

Part two next
>Well, I don't like it. I sat down, I explained it camly to her, I even admitted to being the odd minded here but told her I can't help it and that I don't want to live a relationship this way.

This is something you must completely understand before you get married or go into a serious relationship.

You must never bow down or kneel to the woman. You are the man in the house. and in the house you cant have two lions. one must lead and have superiority. you can never have two CEO's or two kings on the same kingdom.

So the idea that you said i might be odd i personally think was wrong. Eventhough you are odd you dont bluntly say it during an argument or confession.
The reason why i say that is because from here on out whenever something questionable happens she will use this as a linchpin factor, and use it against you to justify her acts.

The way you go about it is changing her but i will go into more detail on the solution after i have finished analyzing your text.

> I don't want to live a relationship this way.
this was right.

>But obviously went downhill from here, she got defensive, called me jealous, then tried victimizing herself, saying she is now insecure as to what she may do and what not, etc.

I swear on my health i hadnt even read that but predicted it in my previous analysis of the line before it.

By that point its what women in general will do.
When they see you weak they will use it against you to prove a point.

>You see, everywhere you take this amongst the general society, everyone would tell me I am in the wrong.

No you are not wrong. Because in todays society a girl who is married should be allowed to go clubbing with her girl and guy friends and act slutty. That is the destruction of the family. What man wants to see his loved one like that or what kids want to see their mom in that situation.

You are on the right buddy don't worry. You just went on the wrong path to solve the problem.

Part Two is Done

Part THREE coming.
>That I am jealous and need to work on my insecurities, that's it's normal for people to have platonic relationships with people from the other gender and that I am being obsessive, etc.

Jealousy is a good thing as long as its put in its correct limit. every man should have a certain amount of jealousy, if he doesn't he would be the text book definition idiot or cuckold.

>But I don't want that. I don't want platonic relationships with girls when I am committed to someone.

You not wanting is your issue, but one can have those relationships... i will tell you how.

>I don't have a specific problem with myself. I am very proud of the way I treat people I care about. I am fine with my looks and education/job.

I telling you buddy you are correct you just went along the wrong way to solve the issue.
solution is coming soon.

>Still, I might be wrong here and expect a level of commitment from a partner, that i will never find.
nothing to say on that.
Coming in the next text
solution part 1

You must never point out the elephant in the room so bluntly unless things have crossed a red line. because if you do and she didnt intend in a harmful or sexual manner ĥer being in platonic relationships with her friends] then she can easily picture you as the bad one with a dirty or unstable mind.

So the way you go along doing this is as soon you get back with her. [if you do]

you have more outings together.

go for walks and talk about subjects that you both like. talk about controversial subjects andwhen you do you must be patient and very tolerant of other ideas. dont let your emotions play a role in decisions or thing syou say let logic play its turn.

Plan to watch a movie maybe once or twice a month.

go to the gym together and on runs or biking.

if she does the cooking help her sometimes. If she does the kitchen work then also help her.

Stay as connected as possible in everything you guys do. basically becoming one in everything you do.

After you have done this Step. we go on to step two.

step 2 is when ever you go out with your friends take her with you. this will play a reverse psychology tactic on her later.

when you go out with the boys take her with you and let your friends bring their girl friends.

Now you said she has a tendency of talking a lot with the guys around... im assuming she knows those guys [or else it would be questionable].

Lets say she talks with your friends and lets a joke out with them, then you connect what she said and make a relatable joke to your friends girlfriend. So the conversation is basically back and forth on opposite directions

after having taken her out where ever you go with your friends You ask to meet her friends. if she says NO.
then you say why not and ONCE AGAIN ONLY USE LOGICAL arguments and remove emotion.
The reason i say that is because if you use emotion she can bring back how you mentioned you where odd.
Solution Part 2

Next what you want to do is you want to have convinced her logically and in a manipulative manner that will convince her without pushing too many buttons [that you can go out with her to meet her friends].

by then if shes says no i don't want you to meet my friends you have the right to leave... because everything in step one was done to make you one, and do everything together.

so if she says no you can either leave or be very patient [i would leave at that point, because why wouldn't she want you to meet her good and nice friends]

Next after you meet her friends you start eyeing out things like how the conversation is going and the general subjects... if they seem to be very bland it means they have an important subject they want to talk about but because you came along they cant.

if you see he is genuinely nice then you also befriend him and get to know see if he has a girlfriend... if not you start teasing him and tell him stuff along the lines of "dont worry bro i got you covered i will find you the girl just for you."

By saying that you have asserted that you are alpha[make sure you know some girl in case your gf says who] [im not joking]. shown your girl that you have left your old self the one that didn't want to talk to girls and you have assured the guy friend that knows your girl that he wont be getting your girl.

In the end you must understand that relationships are a sacrifice on both sides.
you were both raised by different parents and have lived a different life... so you might think in one way while she thinks in another. So its about sacrifice.

I hope this helped and if you have more questions just ask.
Actually there are fewer whites every day. 2 children per family compared to 5 for nogs.

Disgusting racemixing.
That sounds like quite the emotional act one has to go through in order to build up a working relationship.

I get the general idea that you are trying to describe, it's an interesting approach.
You basically act a little more behind the scenes, drawing your conclusions and initiating your counter measurements without actually letting your partner know.
You take things into your hand and try to make them go a route that you would like them to.
And if at any of those steps you need someone help or input of your partner, then you hide the motivation of yours behind simple convincing logic.

I think I get it, but I am not sure if it is someone thing that I want tone doing in a relationship.
I'll think of the general idea when time comes though.

How has it worked for you so far?

And thanks for your input and effort.
you jelly much pol fag...

back to >>/pol/
>How has it worked for you so far?
im sorry mate... im mentally fucked but thank fully i was raised by smart and loving father and mother. Most of my friends i would just sit there watching there relationships and i would sit there creating different scenarios while they had issues. Sometimes pitch my solutions and they worked then i took it online and it worked for many people... and finally a lot of philosophy helps.

sometimes i wish i could meet the people i spoke with on 4chan ...well actually on fit.

are you american or Canadian ?
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No, but it makes me feel about the fuck I see in the mirror each day. At least that bastard isn't morbidly obese anymore.
No, it made it worse.
Chicks digs black men who are actually educated and behaves like a gentleman. Just need HFF too obviously.
>Chicks digs black men who are actually educated and behaves like a gentleman
>things that don't exist
Got fit and I'm still insecure as fuck.
oh gosh wont you look at that an anon that hasnt stepped out of mommies basement...
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Same here. I've been thinking about joining the military as a last ditch effort since my work history is straight garbage. I doubt I would be able to get any decent job at my age.
Did Moot secretly infest google low key to get to a position of power to evolve 4chan?
Is he /ourguy/ on the inside?
>implying /pol/ isn't the most reddit-infested board
and it's time for you to head on back there
/thread pol is a cancerous shit hole with a bunch of reddit fags who want to feel special after HWNDU
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you made my day.
you. i like you.
i wish you luck, lebanon
lmao, i mean KEK
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fuck off you retarded faggot
your entire weak familiy will get wiped out first and the race wars
i will find you kid
It helped me deal with anger issues

I recently stopped working out and I've managed to piss off more people than I can remember, just because I can't handle the anger
yea asian females are cancerously overrated. only like 1/10 of them have a good face, and of those few with a good face, pretty much NONE of them have a nice body. square hips and flat ass even if they work out. literally low test taste
>tfw black male
Mixed feels 2bh
before you read this, im far from .fit/ however as someone who has lost a decent amount of weight, and should be at my target weight loss level in just few months i think i can charm in

honestly? no. i think we all here can agree, its fun flirting with girls and stuff, and not feeling bad about yourself, its also fun doing the same things that your skinnier, /fit/ counterparts are doing, however if you use to be a big guy, you will still have the same craving's when you're big

if you have never been "obese" or higher,you may not know the feeling. its almost like a drug, when it comes to hunger. sometimes it can go away for 2-3 months, but when you get the "craving" it eats away at you

i use to think it went away after months of your stomach shrinking but it doesn't.

sometimes i miss being the 300lb normie who would eat anything he wanted to feel happy
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>parents select the looks of their children
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And in the end those educated black men always do as their uneducated brothers, cheat, get woman pregnant and run away, or kill/injure woman if she tries to break up with them becasue she's racist
Daily reminder to avoid AT ALL COST any white woman that doesn't mind being around or with blacks.
When white woman wants to have kids that will look white she has them with a white men instead of black you stupid nigger.
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might want to rethink that buddy

blacks tied with asians, indians the worst
dang why would any asian want to live outisde asia? your chances drop so fucking low it's sad, also black women are thirsty.
Asians do better than blacks, and only mildly worse than latinos
I agree. I'm a recovered addict so I throw spirituality in there.
Bros, I'm getting almost everything in my life fucking sorted. I just landed a well paying job, 45 hours a week, i'm hitting the gym hard 4 times a week, seeing gains, I'm studying for accounting and have only two exams left to pass, and I'm eating enough to make some gains too.

But I spend most of my every waking day, worrying about what to say to a woman I am attracted to. Worrying If I'm "manly" enough for them. Worrying if I made the correct response to something she said. Did I shut down that shit test? Is she attracted to me yet?

I have spent many years reading the Redpill, and PUA. I am actually quite handsome. But being handsome, but it hasn't done me any fucking good at all since I can't couple it with the right attitude. I feel like I need to fuck hot bitches to feel worthy of myself. My porn fantasies are submissive at the moment. I am afraid of leading incase she shuts me down.

I thought all these shit thoughts would stop once I started working out, focusing on me and trying to get my shit together.

Any bros here know what I can do to getmyself on the right track for a healthy, masculine, not give a fuck mindset?
>better than blacks
That's not really an achievement, nobody wants niggers except some dumpster fires.
Becoming fit didn't, but becoming fit enough to earn her love did.
It's hardcore to play an asian.

desu getting out there and working on your social skills, it's hard but if i can do it you can too man
Its a weird one. I can easily get girls now, and I have a gf, but I have this nagging feeling that Id rather be single because theres so much I want to achieve now that I feel like I can get it.

Training and getting fit taught me that grinding the boring repetitive shit gets you results, so now I want to do EVERYTHING at once.
Italian model paying toll for tasting bbc, wanted to leave nigger boyfriend so he did what niggers do, splashed her face with acid.
Not all black people behave like animals
True, only most of them.
I can talk to guys just fine, and people Like cashiers and that, basically people who I am not trying to get interested in me, I can have quick witty conversations with them. Just when I am thinking in my head" I Could end up fucking this woman", is when my mind goes to shit.
Naw, most black folks are alright.
So stop thinking that. Think of them as friends and when they see that you're not interested in their pussy, she suddenly gets feeling for you.
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Oh jesus christ my sides, have you ever been around blacks?
It's always constant spam of whitey this whitey that, racist this or that. Blacks are fucking awful, take it from somebody who had to deal with them from primary school till his job, if i'd have button that would kill every nigger in US i'd push without even thinking, true there are few good blacks out there but most of them are hypocrites who call everything they don't like racist but pulll race card out of their ass every time they need something.
Everything that's their culture is disgusting, from their music to their fucking mindset that being succesfull and not fucking crminal is "acting white". Fuck niggers, they're leech of this country.
How can anybody defend niggers, have you been around actuall blacks not nigger pets that liberals have? Blacks are obnoxious, racist and violent. They will call you cracker, whitey etc. but try to fight back and you have gang of 20+ monkies calling you racist while poiting guns and knives at you. Even the so called "educated" blacks will try to smash your face if they don't like you.


If anything : crêpes > pancakes in every way
its pancakes
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>mfw it's true
Those are fucking normal pancakes in euro land, fuck french and burgers for turning them into this obnoxious shit.

i will fucking murder you. Its fucking pancakes

t. nordic master race

never respond to me again

Not thick enough to be pancakes.

Therefore, crepes. You should eat some, someday. It's really good.
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I'm French.
But seriously, this is crêpes (you could argue that a crêpe is a special type of pancake, but you know what i mean)
French are retards when it come sto couisne, you're just too butthurt to admit that it's a normal pancake. EVERYWHERE in euroland everybody makes them the same way and calls them pancakes.

You really should look closer. Thinness and cooking tell us they're eating crêpes
[SWEDENYESSING intensifies]

Its easy to romanticize the positive things you miss about it. Because with addiction, you don't thing about the negative parts. For me its cigarettes, when I want one boy do I want one. But I never think about waking up in the morning and coughing my lungs out when I want a dart. I never think about how hard it was to climb stairs when I want a dart. I never think about how shitty I smelled when I want a dart. I never think about how much better my oral hygiene is now when I want a dart. I'm sure there are WAY more negative aspects to being obese than the one positive you mentioned "eating what I want". Whenever you get those cravings eating away at you, think of all the negative shit. Your cravings will dissipate quicker
Why does assume that every pretty blonde is from Sweden? And why does everyone assume that every girl from Sweden fucks niggers and muslims?
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Both those girls are from Norway. He was trying to send burgers to sweden.
No. Still single, and surrounded by fat girls who have an easier time finding an attractive partner than I do. On top of that I have to listen to them complain about unrealistic patriarchy beauty standards because they have to about having a 3rd piece of cake so they can stay "only" 30 pounds overweight
Fuck our society is so slanted
Only when I look particularly lean or big which isn't often
>black female is green on all except black male
What the fuck lol
Nobody likes niggers, not even niggers themselves.
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>White - Female
Life isn't fair.
>that pic
now I understand the refugee mens urge to rape. Hell, even I would if I saw women like that walking on the street.
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Pajeets only have themselves to blame.
Is Asif the gang leader or what?
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you're alright anon, I don't care what anyone says about you
They have some sick names
You are a sad individual
This makes sense but it's hard to trick myself into thinking it. Why else would I be approaching them?
>Why else would I be approaching them

Like this fundamentally changed my life.
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> People call out the racists

This causes the "hehe I was only pretending to be retarded" effect, also known as "bait"
why do you know? I know he's not muslim because his name is "Moina" of all things, but why christian?
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>being called racist
>bad thing
Im sorry im proud of my race, i forgot only niggers can say black power.
Not him, but post pic of yourself.
it helped tho
>if I don't make it to sweden soon and claim a QT for myself they'll all be taken by moslims
So we can laugh at you. I guarantee you look like shit.
Nice cope, i said that every body says whites can't be proud of their race and then out of the nowhere you come up with your shit. How does my body relates to being proud of your race?
I want to see if you actually look anything like the pic you posted.
>we wuz ubermensch
>being proud of being white automatically means you're a nazi
Fuck off nigger
What the fuck is there to be proud of? You did nothing. Stand on your own accomplishment instead of leeching off of others.

I'm white btw you NEET cuck.
Then why niggers can run all day shouting black power and fuck whitey and i can't even say that white countries should stay white you nigger?
>in white btw
Oh wow im so convinced right now!
Because you're above plebery (obviously not). It's like that kid who asks why other kids are allowed to behave like retards and not him. You can shout whatever power you want, it just looks really stupid and autistic.

>willingly being nigger tier

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>that's right goy!
>you've got nothing to be proud of
>only whites have done bad things in history! now apologise for slavery and offer your wife to Jamal as an apology!
No one ITT said that, stop acting like a 5 year old. This is ridiculous.
>when human failure have internet access
Sure that you're white? Get a fucking job.
>tfw mixed asian and white
>I will only ever make It half way
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casual reminder this guy still hasn't posted a pic.
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