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no /FPH/ ? /FPH/FPS thread

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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 71

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no /FPH/ ?

/FPH/FPS thread
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Is John Burke /ourguy/ ?

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>wasting NHS money

Medical expenses are backloaded though, and fatties die earlier. They probably save money.
Well u just got him another subscriber
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Name one reason why being obese shouldn't be illegal.
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>The blog Confessions of a Funeral Director describes a blaze resulting from the cremation of a morbidly obese person as a "grease fire".

>for millennia
>obesity stated becoming a thing in the 1980s
>literally only 40 years ago
The medical costs of treating them, even if they died at 35, exceeds costs of a healthy human who will live twice as long. Also medical community has less time, energy, and resources to treat ANY patient. Docs are fatigued from treating useless fatties all day. They take up a hospital bed, all those resource put into surgeries.
They are absolutely s drain on ANY health system. Even here in America.
>using tax money for fat loss surgery
They should just be euthanizing them
I say let people be as fat as they want, but once they venture into the obese category there should be zero publicly funded healthcare or benefits. If you want to be fat, fine. Go for it. But pay for it and everything that comes with it yourself.
They do kind of have a point with the lower left one, lots of ad campaigns use "skinny" girls instead of actual fit girls to promote their fitness gear; it is kind of stupid and sends the wrong message- female version of fit is just being "skinny"
Because there's not enough room in the prisons
Still a drain, even w/o direct benefits. Who has to employ that Lard ass? Where does he get money to buy excessive food? Someone has to pay fattycakes. I'll tell you first hand being forced to work with an obese lazy fantasy is torture. Especially when you work for tips that're divided evenly. Theyre a nuisance just be existing and should be dropped off on a deserted exile island


>However, because of differences in life expectancy (life expectancy at age 20 was 5 years less for the obese group, and 8 years less for the smoking group, compared to the healthy-living group), total lifetime health spending was greatest for the healthy-living people, lowest for the smokers, and intermediate for the obese people.

Maybe we should convince fat people to start smoking? It causes weight loss and would save even money by killing them off faster.

And as gross as smoking is, having a bunch more smokers around would be more aesthetic than having herds of greasy land whales roaming the land.
remember second-hand smoke, dumbass?

only thing worse than fatties is fatties literally giving us cancer
Prisoner obviously. How else am I to start the violent gang rape group? First i'd offer my own hole as a release for the lads then after a few weeks warm them up to the idea of taking turns. Eventually the guards are going to get jealous of our hole stretching sessions and willingly submit to our group. One by one they will be corrupted and have their holes violated until everyone has joined.

There will be no division, no hate, no pain.
Only the holes and filling them will matter.

And they shall be led by me, The Great Gape Anon the First.
I shall lead their minds into the light of pleasure and their shafts into holes of dark.
>remember second-hand smoke, dumbass?

Second hand smoke was unpleasant to be around, sure, but it causing cancer was an overblown meme. It isn't that dangerous.
ignore this wrong thread

You should be forcibly removed from society.
If they can do their job then thats fine, but if they start to struggle then employer should be able to fire them no questions asked. If they are self employed and pay for food themselves, that is also fine.

Let them take personal and financial responsibility for their gluttony, if they can't hold down a job then they are on their own. Fuck them.
>data and research based in the Netherlands
Costs of healthcare and living in America is way different than the Netherlands. This would only apply if we are assuming everyone scales health care costs like the Netherlands. Also it only lists people as 30+bmi, a lot of fatties in UK and the state's are way fatter than just 30 bmi. A 600 lb person will be more costly than a 200 lb one. So that study isn't nearly enough to say that it'd be cheaper to treat fatties
>600 lb person will be more costly than a 200 lb one.

And die even faster.
Worked in cafe with this fatass and he could NOT do the job. He was literally physically too big to fit behind the counter with the rest of us, so he'd walk around through the line of customers in the lobby each time he went to the back (we have to run back and fourth fairly often). So not only was it awkward for customers, but he avoided going back there and took FOREVER to get ANYTHING. He was lazy as fuck, always took too long on breaks, and I always had to clean up his lazy messes.
The manager was a fat little Persian guy who I think hired this guy to make his ugly ass seem more appealing. I ended up quitting because I was tired of doing all the work, yet having to share tips with this lazy fatass
Have you seen the my 600 lb life show? Have you seen the resources wasted there? And that's at an American level of health care costs, not the Netherlands
as science and spending increases, you'd be amazed at how long we can keep these bags of human filth alive. the limiting factor, unfortunately, is usually money related, or family related ('i don't care if they're braindead, i want them on life support')

t. nursefag
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If only 46% of the U.S. jail and prison population wasn't incarcerated due to drug offenses
Not to mention such grotesque obesity puts your body so out of wack that they need to take 20-30 pills a day to get their biochemistry back on track. I bet these fat fucks pay $20-200 for their prescription, but insurance ends up paying $2k+ for. This reflects healthy people's premiums since it's discriminitory according to the US government to make the fat people pay more.

But if you look at auto insurance, shitty drivers are penalized by paying higher insurance rates. Being a fat shit who doesn't give a fuck about their health is akin to an auto insurance company insuring someone who has a history of speeding tickets, DUIs, reckless driving.
i started smoking to lose weight then quit a few years later and been sorta fit since then

works pretty good tbhs
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>A policewoman who gained weight because she had a under-active thyroid claims she was forced to resign following pressure placed on her to pass the 'bleep test' fitness exam.

>She told an employment tribunal that she was put under huge pressure to pass the timed fitness test, which she repeatedly avoided due to health or childcare issues, or failed.

>The detective, who was referred to by her colleagues as 'Blue Moon' because she was so rarely at work,
>can't pass basic fitness test so don't show up to work
>"im being unfairly discriminated against!"
>The detective, who was referred to by her colleagues as 'Blue Moon' because she was so rarely at work

My Seids
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>We also object that the beautiful pig is used as an insult
post cute piglets
post the one where it describes that guy on the left's thoughts
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Did she eat #2 and #4?

>jail drug offenders
>jail obese

Yeah most blacks are already in prison

Feed the obese to prisoners to cut costs
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I was saying we should stop incarcerating non-violent drug offenders. We shouldn't imprison fatties, we should just fine them.

An obesity tax
>blue moon
>physically can't do the job she's paid to do
>I'm being discriminated against!
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by standard BMI most buff people are obese
no, then they'll just eat worse, fattier, cheaper foods
>'i don't care if they're braindead, i want them on life support'

Yeah I don't understand that. It just seems fucking wasteful to keep braindead people alive and seems like they're clinging. Must suck but Christ that's cruel as shit.
I want a bodyfat% based obesity tax starting at a low minimum at 20/25% (male/female), a warning fee, then increasing in brackets of 5% until Gordo Fatkinsson must choose between food and house

We kept my brain dead grandma on life support for ~72 hours. Long enough for the family that was out of town to get back and say 'goodbye' to her while she was still technically 'alive'.

It was pretty terrible, and I can't imagine dragging the process out any longer than required for necessities like that. How can you look someone you love in that condition and say "this is good, we should keeep this up for a couple years"?
>blue moon

fuark mirin double insult
I say we tax cheap shitty junk food so it's no longer cheap, and subsidize healthy foods.
You can get fat on beans and rice too
i want off this ride
I'm actually all for this. why do they tax tobacco and alcohol so much, but you can get a $1 400+cal cheeseburger? Tax the junk and use that money to subsidize healthy food. This will also help mom & pop restaurants compete with the mcdonald's on every corner.
but it's very unlikely
So this study is based in the Netherlands, where healthcare costs are approximately 40% cheaper than the US, on average.

In addition, only 18% of the Netherlands population is considered "obese" (BMI 30+).

With these facts in mind, it's possible to see how the difference in obesity rates and cost of healthcare in the United States can lead to vastly different results than in this study.
>by standard BMI most buff people are obese

No, their overweight.

Being /fit/ and obese is pretty impressive.

it's not about the quality it's about the quantity

when it comes to weight anyway, nutrition wise of course it's a different story
There have been fat peopke in the past, they were just unusual. The Ancient Egyptians had a wall to weird shit they found in the world (like a cross between a book of World Records and Ripley's believe it or not) that described a fat African Queen they'd made contact with. They though it was weird as fuck. And then there's the incredibly famous example of King Henry VIII. So there's always been the possibility.
i'm so confused, he's unattractive even though his bone structure is amazing how does that work
he has a weird nose
They apparently cost more than smokers, in Canada at least.
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>comically fat chick comments on how she can't swim
>says she has a pool at home but almost drowned in it, saying "i almost drowned on land!"
>bite my cheek to keep from laughing at the landwhale
>have access to private pool
>be fat anyways
I just want to do laps but I hate public pools.
It's turned out medical professionals assume a patient is braindead way way way more often than they actually are. Keep up with the fucking research.
>his bone structure is amazing
Ly shit*

When a guy is lacking good cheekbones, jawline and has no good symmetry going on, that's bad bone structure.
lmao nice one
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>natural shape
>one legged negress
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Saw this while shopping
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This has to be satire.
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I got a few ill dump.
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If we can fit it in.
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how is this possible?
american exceptionalism
She's going to go sit on a bus seat. Fucking gross.
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Orlistat is a drug that, when combined with a calorie restricted diet can help fatties shed the pounds. What it does is act as a lipase inhibitor, reducing the body's ability to absorb dietary fat. Unfortunately fats, as has been well established over and over again, are not keen on anything requiring effort and view this drug as a magical quick fix. Thus they take orlistat without any dietary modifications and since their bodies no longer absorb the fats from all the pizzas and cheeseburgers they compulsively gobble down it gets purged from the system as this foul orangy liquid you see in the pic. Since the diabetes does pretty severe nerve damage they often don't even realize that they have shit themselves and will happily go about their day in public with orange, foul smelling leaky buttholes.

It's quite foul.
Daaaaaaayum that's well written
ngl this one is kinda cute
>beatiful pig
>well written

that poor fucking thing, how much it can't lift the person. That's goddamn cruelty.

That's like if a grown-ass man sat on a pomeranian .
>can't tell when a photo has been shopped to hell and back under copious amounts of makeup
nobodies face literally glows dumbass. Overexposure hides tons of flaws like folds, wrinkles, and cellulite.

I've seen everything on 4chan from gore --> poop ---> rape and yet this photo actually made me feel sick

fucking unacceptable
Oh man laughing so hard at this one
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All that tie thing in the front does is draw attention to her gunt.
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>Hello Kitty backpack
Why does no one understand the most basic of dating concepts? Imagine yourself as the sex you're attracted to. That's who you can realistically date. It's not that hard.
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>that moment when you go to snap city
No matter how many times I see this, I always expect that poor animals knees to give out. At some point someone had to question if letting him try to ride it counted as animal cruelty right?

So barely any nigs or spics. Do it in the US and watch the shitskins tip the scales (literally and in the study).
This has to be trolling.
Natural selection.
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Not posting fatcat
I want to slap this asshole and adopt the horse. That shit is just fucking cruel.

but silly anon, white trash america has by far way more fat monstrosities per capita than any other group.

This is disgusting. Fuck every person involved.
>I know that the items with the most buyers usually have cheap prices
Like the dollar menu.
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>They probably save money.
Maybe the 600lb and up ones save money in the long run, but the 300-400lb fatties can live into their 50's and usually need expensive as fuck medical care during that entire time.

Boogie is a good example, he's 500lbs and in his 40's and he's chugging right along while consuming nearly six figures worth of healthcare services every year.
I'm in the UK and we have this arguement over the NHS, free health care. You americans have only just caught up with Obamacare.

I think that free health care should come with stipulations that you try and be healthy. If you ignore a doctors order to lose weight/change diet/fitness, then you don't get to continue being treated.
To be fair to her it's not like English police do anything, they're basically a mixture of nanny and mall security guard, you could probably let her do the job from a wheelchair and she'd be just as effective.
There was one screencap I saw on here awhile back where the fatties all took Ali, a drug that does the same thing. Basically they were all shitting everywhere and going "teehee" about the poor fuckers that had to clean it up, one of the testimonials was from one that was on a plane and shat all over the seat and then joked about the person that would have to sit in it for the next flight.
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Found it after a bit of searching, this is the length that fatties will go to not to have to watch what they eat.
Replacing one detriment to society with another isn't the way you mong.
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>That's OK if you are in a public restroom because the janitors will have to deal with it
Obamacare is in absolutely no way shape or form comparable to the NHS. All Obamacare is is a law saying you have to have health insurance, some subsidies if you can't afford it, and some regulations on insurance companies.

It's not free you jackass. I made 25k and paid 27% in taxes, paying for a system I didn't use. I was actually paying for private healthcare and still had to pay taxes to fund that stupid fucking program. Maybe in a perfect word free healthcare would be fine but we're far from it and they're stealing my money to pay for ignorant jackasses like yourself.
that's unbelievable...
how can you have no sense of shame?
if you're shitting yourself in public, maybe you should look at yourself and realise that ain't normal?
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>Uses Prader-Willi syndrome as proof that obesity is both genetic and prevalent for hundreds of years
>Despite being a genetic condition the reason it leads to obesity is because it causes the sufferer to never feel satiated and as a result they never stop eating
>Being that overweight was considered so unusual that it warranted the attention of the King of Spain

>it affects between 1% and 5% of the female population
>king of a big deal
I don't really care for the moralistic argument because the biggest cost to the NHS is of course the elderly, who have taken good enough care of their bodies to live til needing hip replacements, Alzheimer's care etc.
Being fat is bad for oneself- health and aesthetics- and people are statistically a lot more motivated by that than by cost.
That is a wild overestimate, but if it were true- 1% is a big deal.
If there was a condition which occurred in one in a hundred people at any time, and could cause mortality, it would be one of the most dangerous conditions.
However, that depends on diagnostic criteria and prevalence estimates.
That's still a good 2 million women though.
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You're gonna want to look up the difference between tax funded and social insurance schemes there m8 Obamacare's part of a market of health insurance schemes the UK's a tax funded one. Also I hate this just exclude someone from treatment if they're fat meme you'll always unfairly effect people who are the poorest and still require them to pay for it.
Yeah, this is the reason for all those pictures of 'incontinent' landwhales - diet pills. They gobble up pills that make them not process fats in their food and the fats barrel straight through their guts and out their asses. And ooh boy, are there a lot of fats in a landwhale's diet.

The level of acceptance these people have for something outlandish and disgusting hits just beyond the sweet spot after which disgust turns into shock.
Why do so many fat acceptance activists use such anomalous cases to justify their views? PWS affects 1 in 10,000 children.
~5% of all obesity cases have anything at all to do with genetics. That means that there is a ~95% chance that being obese is caused by lifestyle choices. Why don't they talk about the other 95%?
Explain how drugs being illegal has served to stop drug use

I have all day
>fat non white woman lusting after true aryan ubermensch
Bitch will never get the white seed. Guy was trying to poliely tell her no without hurting her but she still god asshurt about it.
>In Great Britain in 2014, there were 28.9 million people who reported that they drank alcohol in the week before being interviewed for the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey. This equates to 58% of the population
>Estimates suggest that it was towards the end of the 1990s that heroin use in the UK peaked - with around 350,000 users
>According to the crime survey of England and Wales, a peak of 3% of people (885,000 people) in 2008/09 used cocaine at least once
>cannabis was the most commonly used drug, with 6.5% of adults aged 16 to 59 having used it in the last year (around 2.1 million people)

Legal: 29 million users
Illegal: 2.1 million users max
I said stop.
Also, those are self report surveys and """estimates"""

Let's look at some real numbers.
>The statistics are have the authorities stumped because drug use is restricted by severe legislation in Sweden, and, relative to other European countries, not very widespread within the population.

boy, that prohibition sure is making it safer

just look at alcohol prohibition in the states during the 20s and early 30s, more people died from alcohol during those years than before it was criminalized. You just agreed with me that you can't stop drug use even if it's illegal, why not make it legal and safer?
>being able to eliminate anything from society

Outlawing murder sure hasn't resulted in completely eliminating homicide so why not make murder legal and safer?
>Make murder legal
>Less people die from murder
see your analogy doesn't work the same way as it would for drugs, but that was a sick strawman

far more people die from "safe", legal, readily available alcohol than people ever did from black market moonshine during prohibition
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Look at her face, she could've been 10/10 if she wasn't fucking fat. Waste of genetics. She should be captured and forcibly made to lose weight then turned into breeding cow to pass her face genetics.
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Just like how many more people today die from "safe" legal prescriptions of opiates than from black market heroin.

Your point?
>Your point?
That keeping recreational drugs illegal leads to fewer deaths and is therefore preferable to legalisation
You haven't shown that at all, you made a comparison to prohibiton deaths compared to today's deaths when the population is much greater and alcohol usage rates are different.

What you need to do is compare pre-prohibtion of alcohol and post-prohibtion with the death rates during prohibition, and you'll find that more died during prohibtion than before and after.

Look up the "Iron Law of Prohibition" it should help explain why illegal drugs are much less safe than legal drugs.
>alcohol usage rates are different
that's the whole point
>despite not being eliminated entirely, drug use is significantly lower when illegal
>as a result far fewer people die from drug use despite the drugs themselves being more potent due to the significantly smaller sample using them

Legal, safer drugs would reduce death rates but not the absolute number of deaths due to the increase in use that legalisation would result in
Citation needed on your speculation
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No srsly, the complete disregard for the fellow human that some people have is just depressing.
>If your body tells you to stop... then stop

My body is a product of evolution and laziness is its defense mechanism, to avoid excertion when no immediate danger exists. Such being famine. This was very useful when food was scarce, because it ensured it wasn't wasted.

Since we live in times of abundance, we are permanently in the "laziness" mode. It is a no brainer that my body will tell me to stop when basic existental needs were met.

It is a sign of character to force it to do your bidding - that includes becoming a better man when everyone degenerates.

No, when my body asks me to stop, I push it a little harder.
400k of them are going to die.

Good riddance. Weak must perish.
They just go through expensive end-of-life care sooner and for longer, while producing nothing of value in the meantime because they're useless fats.
>pretending mom and pop restaurants are healthier than McDonald's
good joke comrade
Didnt say anything? Pussy
It really pisses me off that somewhere out there fat people have killed horses before.
We need alpha men to just do this.
A whole chicken is $5
A bag of carrots is $1
Bag of beans I don't know but is also cheap as fuck
Bag of apples is like $5

This will feed you for at least over a day, eating mcdonalds for every meal is much more expensive

Candy bars and sweet cakes are more expensive too to fill you up.

The act of gardening itself burns calories and increases happiness

Fat people arent fat because it's cheap
>mentally aware but trapped to a bed for years barely alive, never doing anything except seeing your family cry over you
This is worse than being braindead
He's like, savage yet wholesome at the same time. This is awesome.
Yeah Shariah gangs do all the law enforcement in bongistan
Low cost of junk food is definitely one of the factors why fat people are fat.

Eating healthy is also way more expensive than eating shit.
Vegetables, fruit, and anything with protein is expensive, and doesn't contain many calories.
But candy, sweets, cookies, chips, and all that shit is really cheap (especially per calorie).

I can't buy any kind of berry or avocados or mangos or whatever because they're so expensive, so I stick to the cheaper fruits and vegetables.
It would a lot easier to keep eating healthy if fruits and vegetables were cheaper.
Same goes for fish and nuts.
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can't she just float?
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how does she take off the backpack?
>>The detective, who was referred to by her colleagues as 'Blue Moon' because she was so rarely at work,

top bantz
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>Trying to start a serious argument about the prison industrial complex over a joke about fatties

You are autism
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>you can't talk about things I don't want to talk about because THIS IS MY BOARD REEEEEEEEEEE

>finish my term of service in the Army
>boarding connecting flight to get home
>no seat assignments
>seats everywhere taken
>walk to the back
>only seat available is next to fat, greasy, sweaty looking blob of shit
>I look at him
>I take in the fucking hideous sight he is
>"fuck you and everyone like you"
>walk back down the aisle, I'm willing to buy another flight home idgaf I'm not sitting next to that for 5 hours
>elderly couple wave to me to let me know there's a seat between them
>sweetest old couple, great conversation
>not fat pieces of shit

I fucking haaate fat people
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Can we make this copypasta pls
>Be obese and gaining
>Start eating on a deficit out of lust
>Start exercising out of anger
>Lose weight, can wear clothes from ten years ago
>Living in euro country where people are traditionally overweight but not obese
>Start noticing that morbibly obese people have increased exponentially
>Today I snapped under their weight
>Pass an ugly round fat on the street and comment about fatness with my brother
>Fat guy on parked scooter looks up from his phone and looks triggered
>Go to the supermarket and wait in line
>Notice a whale waiting in the next line
>Complain to my brother about having to buy new clothes now that I'm not fat but also cheerfully comment that my shape is defined by my ribcage and I can eat whatever I want
>Whale gives me a deeply hurt and hateful glare
>The guy in front of us or the guy in front of him has an annoying fat son
>Turn the conversation with my brother towards commenting on my childhood obesity and the production of fat cells
>A number of people heard me

I did a few more things that aren't thread related. I'm gonna make a habit out of triggering people.
you sound like an asshole bro
what the fuck is your problem ?
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you remind me of this chucklefuck
Did I trigger you?
Post pics of you shirtless

I didnt think anyone else had this screenshot

I'm a Hulk kinda guy. Leave me alone, don't come knocking. The problem is that people won't leave alone and I've fucking had it. Being fat isn't a knock or anything, but the aforementioned hate that drove to exercise hard was self-hate that I'm now projecting to anyone who displays the same qualities that I hated about myself.
You sizing me up, bro?
Show me that fat pathetic flabby body

Unless you're ashamed

>blue moon

How the fuck are the commonwealth countries so good at the bantz

I couldn't watch, I was scared the pony was going to break.
>shit that didn't happen

I hope to christ there's straight up mental illness going on there, not some kind of rationalization. Like she better be mumbling to herself about how she's Napoleon or something.

Good fuckin link anon
>I'm a hulk kinda guy
if you have to say that, you are most definitely not.
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Depends on where you live.
I can buy a kilo and a half of oranges for the cost of a McDonald's cheeseburger here. Strawberries are very cheap too, but tropical fruit except bananas is expensive.
My fav fruit are medlars and they are only available now, 2.70€ per kilo. Not very cheap but hey, not so expensive either.
>Eating healthy is also way more expensive than eating shit.

I found that to be true until I learned how to cook and shop productively. Basic dry goods and frozen vegetables are generally dirt cheap, and once you learn the kinds of substitutions you can make for expensive ingredients it gets even more economical. I spent far more money on shitty food in college than I do now on good food.

I wish home economics classes could come back and teach this kind of shit, but I'm sure everyone would reeeee about muh patriarchy.
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>I'm a Hulk kinda guy

Plus knowing that produce in season will be cheaper and better than out of season, and that you don't have to spend $4/apple at fucking Whole Foods when apples at Safeway or Costco are not appreciably different.
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Even today I still manage to be surprised by what can be considered 'creepy' by Americans
>And die even faster.
Yes, but also contribute less taxes and to the economy overall throughout their lives.

When I was in college I first did a budget, and found that my bill for dining out was greater than my rent most months. Not even good stuff, just shit like pizza, chinese takeout and fast food.

It still shames me to think of it.
>contribute less taxes and to the economy overall

This only applies if the net contribution is greater than their cost in public services. That's a long term study I'd love to see.
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Given that it's a hello kitty back pack it's quite possible it's been stuck there since her childhood obesity day

You're talking to more than one guy. I like the other guy though, he is funny.

>Unless you're ashamed

Course I am, you dumbass. You think I'd inspire self-loathing and work on improving myself if I didn't feel shame about my situation? No. I'd see no problem with my situation and blame society like the fats we hate here do. I'm far from my goal anyway.


What do you want from me, a shoulder cam and livestreaming?


No I mean I'm an autist who just wants to be left alone, not a macho force of nature.
jail is not prison
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fuckin kek'd
>emergency meeting
Unless your company is literally in flames there's no fucking reason for meeting in the middle of the night, even the most urgent ones take place when the working day starts.
>What do you want from me, a shoulder cam and livestreaming?

You said it.
so let me get this straight -- you're a fat fuck who hates other fat fucks because you've lost a little bit of weight?

That's absolutely hilarious. In a sad way, not in the "I'm laughing with you" kind of way

this is true, jail<1yr ; prison>1yr
>That's a long term study I'd love to see.
Good luck getting funding for such a politically incorrect study
This hurts my self esteem
>"you can get fat on beans and rice"
no you fucking can't, unless you use oil on it. i ate nothing but rice, beans, and frozen veggies, as much as I wanted for 2 years and I never gained fat. EVER.
How'd you cook it? I would shoot myself if I tried to live off that. Do you have a good recipe, or is your willpower just that good?
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lol hope that fat fuck broke his pelvis
>As much as I wanted
Holy snakes batman, are you saying that everyone on earth wants exactly the same amount of food as you do?

I can kill 2500kcal in beans and rice EASY. Could it be that all you wanted was less than you needed??
Didn't they try taxing soda somewhere and everyone bitched?
My state actually has a soda tax
Well said
Be the change you want to see in the world
Holy shit that last bit was actually pretty inspirational
Gardening isn't free. It requires supplies.

The poop looks photoshopped, but that's still pretty gross.
>china doesn't have an opioid problem
lol I guess that's why you deleted your post
i wonder if they put the horse down because of this

> System I didn't use
> I paid for private healthcare instead

It's not anon's fault you're stupid
? you do know that public healthcare is still much shittier than private, right? you get better care at private
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>2am meeting
>clock says 3am

You know that's just a stupid meme right?

Public healthcare doctors have still gone through the 10+ years of education and rigorous training.

My cousin is in her final years of med school, she has an A+ average and the university nearly didn't let her progress to the next year of study because her average wasn't high enough.

Public healthcare is excellent. Yeah, if you're going to have an extended stay in hospital and want a nice big room to yourself go private, or if you're getting some super rare 1 in 1,000,000 surgery or something go private to the like 1 doctor that has bothered to learn it.

But if you're just kinda sick and need treatment you're a literal retard who's pissing money away if you choose to go private instead of public, the public system will make you healthy just as fast.
Not all doctors are the same mate, some are better than others, it's that simple. It's the same in any other profession, do you think that everyone with a teaching degree is an excellent teacher or everyone with a programming degree is a great programmer?
#6 is the reason I'm not suicidal. My mind whispers
>kill yourself
>turn into traffic
>jump off the balcony

and a tough work out shuts it right up
you are a fag tho
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> American Cereal
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wow im glad im not the only one, i was considering talking to a therapist
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therapy didn't help me, but you might have better luck. they are worth a try. the trick is finding something that works and sticking with it
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What a fucking joke you are holy shit
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Get rekt fatties.
type 1 isnt fatty type. its genetic inferiority type

boss fell asleep and woke up at work at 2am

Maybe the most Jewish propaganda thing I've read outside of /pol/

Where did he say to base the law on BMI instead of bf%?

Don't forget paedophiles. They're wrongly jailed too.
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shit nigga, make a meme of THIS :*
>back and fourth
What's the female equivalent of a shaved head and full beard?
Your mother is a fat little Persian guy who you think hired that guy to make her ugly ass seem more appealing.
fucking lol blue moon
>You know that's just a stupid meme right?

I take it you have never tried to get an MRI in Canada.

8 month wait.
>stop incarcerating non-violent drug offenders

I feel the same about non violent thieves and child molesters
ughh this is exactly my boss.
>do all the work, start to finish. she puts her name on it and send it to the superior.
>i wake up early, eat breakfast and lift. start work promptly on time every day, no days off.
>she chats with other coworkers for half an hour and sits down and eats breakfast at her desk for like an hour. pretends to take calls or send emails.
>constantly makes up excuses to leave early or call in sick.
>brags about how much she went out drinking the night before and how tired she is from getting no sleep.
>such an angel to everyone but behind closed doors she's a fucking bitch to me. nobody realizes it except 1 other cool girl that works closely with us.
fucking depressed. losing weight, lifts have gone down.
Type 1 isn't fatty type. That's the type you're born with.

Fatties literally ruin their privilege of not having to inject insulin by stuffing their fucking fat faces every day.

It's like when people mock Taco Bell as if they use different suppliers than everyone else.
Except that actually hurts people beyond themselves you dumb shit
Insulin is insulin you dumb fat fuck.
any have any idea what the weight of a full suit of armor was during renaissance europe? i'd guess like no more than ~80 lbs. including weapons.
Poor public healthcare is almost never the fault of the doctors employed. It's because 90% of the time they're overburdened and inefficient. Private healthcare organisations have to maintain higher quality service otherwise they'd lose customers and money. But since public healthcare companies get money directly from the taxpayer, there isn't much incentive to improve service, since their profit wouldn't change. This, coupled with people's tendency to overuse free services, is why public healthcare is almost never as good as private.
>too lazy to change what you eat
>take a pill that inhibits fat emulsifiers and enzymes in your body
>thinking this is a good idea
>discover that it causes uncontrollable, orange, oil liquid to seep out of your anus and get onto everything, everywhere, and it's difficult to clean
>still thinking it's a good idea
>being an insufferable, absolutely abhorrent, disgusting, waste of a human being instead of simply not eating imitation food

I hate fat "people"
Underrated post

Dude, you need to keep lifting like a badass and get fucking chiseled just to spite this bitch. Be as sweet as pie to her and the rest of your coworkers while you do it.
thanks bro. exactly what i'm doing but i still needed to hear it.
That doesn't look like an American city
If your pic related is meant to illustrate your point, I think it fails. Based on the timing, I would say that pilot tried to fly the plane away from the crowd, and only ejected at the last possible second. Some people do have shit-tier empathy skills, I agree with you on that

The original story is some fanciful /fph/ shit of course, but I've had a series of IT jobs that can involve calls in at 0200 for massive OT.

Not to pull a fucker out of a chair, granted. But it does happens, especially in healthcare IT.

Too fuckin right. I have a whole bunch of these that I'd like to see, but in the last 10 years I've learned there's a difference between Science! and science.

I guess he was late and it'll come up in his performance review.
>reliable, safe public transportation

Nice try europoor, that's the UK

It took me ten years to learn that you can go to the gym AND a therapist. Consider DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy). It's practically custom made for lifters, as it kind of treats your mental state as a routine that you can get better at with practice.

This is the kind of shit that is packaged and sold 'ironically' and then eaten in one or two sittings unironically.
Shut up hippy. Drugs are fucking dangerous
How could you possibly enforce that? The term "junk" is so vague
Where are you buying a 400+ cal burger for a buck?
Europe: the post
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Is it related to the failed food additive Olestra? I recall that caused people to have orange greasy shits.
Lets make murder legal while were at it
you don't even need to, shitty cheep food is cheep and shitty because it is subsidized
We should make rape legal. That way it can be safer
Are you fucking 12?
>grow your own food
Do you realize how much land and work would go into maintaining a farm that was self sustaining for yourself much less an entire family? The low cost and mass availability of calorically dense foods is by far the biggest factor. Poverty and obesity are directly related
>hurr durr just live on lentils
See my first post
I could gain on rice ez
>I can't buy any kind of berry or avocados or mangos or whatever because they're so expensive
Good thing you don't need any of those to eat healthy.
Or just tax fatties for being fat so you don't Jew people who are actually responsible enough to enjoy shit food in moderation.
About 50-60, similar to the weight a soldier carries today.

The really heavy 120lb stuff that people talk about was only for jousting tournaments

Check out Knyght Errant on youtube, the guy knows his stuff about armor
Can lefties please fuck off and push their agenda on Facebook.
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That sounds reasonable but another thing to keep in mind is that there are huge horses that would have no problems carrying very fat people regardless of armor weight. I imagine some old timey knight in full plate would be riding something closer to pic rel than a pony.

I feel like that huge horse is a result of modern breeding I doubt they had horses that big back in medieval times

Actually most modern horses are smaller than older ones. We've evidence of ancient ancestors of horses which were fucking huge.
mirin those muscles

yeah ok ancient but we're talking middle ages here


>Horses in the Middle Ages differed in size, build and breed from the modern horse, and were, on average, smaller.

>There is dispute in medievalist circles over the size of the war horse, with some notable historians claiming a size of 17 to 18 hands (68 to 72 inches, 173 to 183 cm), as large as a modern Shire horse
>17 to 18 hands
That's fucking huge, big enough you could label it six foot, label an NBA player five eleven and make a meme out of it.
Horses can carry 20% of their body weight without long-term issues. Average riding horse is about 1,000 pounds.
Horses carrying over that load or too near it fo long periods of time permanently damage their ability to build their "topline" (aka back muscles) which determines their ability to carry weight safely/correctly.

Modern draft breeds aren't actually built to be riding horses and are actually MORE prone to long term spinal/back damage from heavy people trying to ride them.
This is so incorrect I'm crying
>Horses in the Middle Ages differed in size, build and breed from the modern horse, and were, on average, smaller.
cheaty horselet rom
Whatever else you say that one legged chick has great balance.
It's a shoop you tards
>The detective, who was referred to by her colleagues as 'Blue Moon' because she was so rarely at work
Pretty fucking clever.
Go really early. You can avoid crowds that way. You could probably even call the front desk and ask them when what laps are not reserved or if you can even reserve a time for yourself.
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If you don't squat ATG, you are doing it wrong. I took this today. She was squatting there for several minutes. Good for her.
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He was referring to diabetes you fuckwit. Type one is typically an auto immune disorder the body doesn't recognize the insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. Type two is caused by being overweight/irresponsible. It's pretty funny you made the mix up to be honest because when we administer it to diabetics it's a drug that has so many more preparations than most medications. pic related

Great anecdotal evidence, you're a credit to the human race.

That is legit evil.

Fucking animal abuse
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Nice trips, why hasn't anyone checked them yet?
completely agree anon.

Working part time at a restaurant. I get most the same as all the other overweight employees but they make me do all the work. Almost expect me to do it all.

I've started loathing fat people just by working with/for them.

They will accept you working your ass off if it makes their life easier. I usually always go out and help people who may need my assistance. Even at work.

It's like my whole world view is warped. I genuinely fucking hate working with/for fat lazy pieces of shit.

We all die and have limited time, why the fuck am I getting paid the same wage and having to do all the extra work tiring myself out.
I think you are thinking of cows mate.
The whole living off tips shit is one of the big things that makes me think Americans are backwards as fuck.
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>involved in an argument, has a position
>presented with facts contrary to position
seems legit
it's what happens when you have a government bought and owned by the corporate class. it's like how walmart doesn't count like half their employees as actual employees, just "temporary contractors" (even though they work there for years) so they don't have to pay them dick or give them any benefits or anything, then turn around and have fucking thanksgiving food drives for their own employees because they're all so fucking poor. the businesses cut costs in any conceivable way, i.e. not paying their employees dick, and expect the general public to make up the difference, in this case in tips
>how dare you try and stop the youth of today from making the same mistakes as me and encourage them to grow up healthy and proactive!
Once you have it going it is cheaper
He had been there for an hour already trying to pull him out

Use your brain
You dont have to grow all your own food, numb nuts. You can grow quite a bit of veggies in doors.

This is a shittier idea if you live with a family of course because you need a lot more.

Poverty and obesity are related because both relate to laziness and lack of willpower. I know that this isn't always the case with poverty, but often poor people *are* just dumb and/or lazy.

but m-... muh freedom!
Freedom to work for basically no money.
What are you talking about he looks great
you are fucking retarded
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>Uses Spanish Baroque to claim fats aren't sick

Spanish painters were notorious for painting ugly and deformed people for the amusement of the court. That's why there are so many paintings of dwarves.
i-is that peter dinklage?
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>TFW I'm on a bus right now
Someone photoshop that into a sumo match plz
You ever see somebody so fucking fat they breath loudly while sitting down? Completely at rest for several minutes in a row?

Listening to land whale coworker in break room struggle to breath. How do you let it get to that point?

Holy fuck you're retarded. Type 1 has nothing to do with being fat.
Is this from Cracked?

If it is, then it's really turned to shit.
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that won't work
that's what they want
you cant stop the hole stretchers that way
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Wait a minute - is the chick on the left the same from that pathetic running webm?
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this remove corn subsidies
Everyone always posts pictures of kids squatting, and yes, on the way down they have good form, but their knees completely collapse on the way up, and I'm sure it's the same for this bitch.

Wow, she can spread her legs wide and go ass to grass on the way down, great. But the way up is the part that actually builds the muscles, and she's ruining her knees by collapsing her form.

>le fat women are all 10s if they lose weight meme
very few women are unfuckable if they're young and at a healthy weight
So are they purposely standing on a group scale?
It's at the Heart Attack Grill, where you get to eat free if you're over 350 lbs or something. They think they're being praised for their weight while the rest of the people there get a free freakshow.
I do not know but I would like to see this webm
I didn't save it, sorry.
No I just got banned for a bit for fun posting on another board

Anyway, China's problem today is no where near what it was when the British forced them to sell legal opium after the Boxer rebellion, the addiction rates fell drastically
There's some room between 0 and 10, unless you count in binary.
China solved their opiate problem by shooting addicts

We'd win the war on drugs if we treated like an actual war
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>One thousand five hundred and sixty-fucking-eight
>tfw each of them have to be more or else 500lbs
Must be Peter Dinklage's spanish ancestor.
Story time /fit/
>be me
>work at shitty fried chicken restaurant in shitty town
>work with this girl, easily +350, loud as fuck, black as they come
>she talks all the time about wanting to get /fit/
>I give her some good pointers
>where to eat, what to eat and how much, etc.
>I tell her to go to subway and get salad or healthy subs
>she gets a footlong Italian hero, buried in every topping and drowned in sweet onion sauce, two bags of chips, and a large (diet) Pepsi.
>I tell her that is counterproductive to losing wait
>"but anon, you said Subway is good for losing weight!"
>can't argue with her for more than a minute
>apparently all that food wasn't enough for her, so she went and got Mexican too.
>easily a +2,500 kcal meal.
Fml /fit/
that poster has literal autism
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