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/fraud/ general

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Steroids general

Cheating manlet vegans stealing your girls.

I once took steroids for the lungs when I was a fat kid with astma
shit op general
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>pic the fuck related
THINN girl master race

>you'll love it
Mast is pretty meme level for me I never really get any discernable benefits. Then again I run proviron and mDHT too.
Anyone tried SARMS? I've been liking LGD so far, but its still new. Anyone with more experience want to comment?
kek I meant the vegan eggs thing, the girl is fine as fuck tbqfh


Says the guy who didn't step up and make one
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>mfw i started test for the confidence gains
>mfw it just made me apathetic to everything except lifting
test confidence is a meme. i felt nothing from it, not even on the blast.

i mean, im definetely more confident than before, buts thats because im getting big and people look at me all the time
Trt was a life changer for me
My gf is running GW, LDG, MK677 ans S9009 and she's making deece gains going into our first couple comp lmao
Anybody knows if steroid use is safe while taking propecia?

I want gains, but not at the cost of hair gains.
Your blast is fairly small though

Try Dbol 40mg for 4-6 weeks with test, it is literally the worlds best anti-depressant and anty anxiety drug on earth, you'll feel amazing, many people get actual euphoria off it, I'd spring for pharma grade hearts to be sure because it's still cheap as fuck
What you run mast at?
I like it at 600+
I'm Aussie so I can't afford proviron, its cheapest at like 30x 25mg for $120
Anything low androgenic I'd say?
Im sure low test with Primo would be fine, eq possibly too
Anavar (oral) - Anavar is safe for my hair. The biggest issue is - underground labs fake this compound ALL THE TIME. It's expensive so unethical underground labs will give you 5mg Dianabol tablets instead of 10mg Anavar tablets. The Dianabol will significantly munch on your hair. You NEED to make sure you are getting REAL Anavar. It's expensive stuff so guys in their 20's might be tempted to just "fuck it" and use Dianabol or a cheaper compound. I highly recommend against that.

Epistane (oral) - This legal steroid was hair-friendly to me. It's not particularly strong so I'd rather use Anavar or Superdrol. There have been reports from others that said Epistane caused hair loss or shedding.

* Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin/NPP) - By itself, Deca/NPP should not cause much hair loss. If you are taking Finasteride (which you should be indefinitely), it will cause significant androgenic hair loss that can last up to 18 months. Avoid this one unless you are trying to be a competitive bodybuilder, in which case you shouldn't be using Finasteride.
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Apathy and confidence are practically the same thing.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - Once only regarded as strictly a post-cycle compound, I (and thousands of others) use this compound while ON cycle (or HRT) at a small dose (250ius, every ~3 days) to maintain testicular size and function. Basically, it keeps your balls from shutting down. As you might expect, it produces all the same hormones that your balls would - Testosterone and DHT being two. Since it increases your natural testosterone levels, Finasteride should do the job to prevent that DHT from reaching your hair follicles.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - HGH is safe for your hair, for the most part. Any hair that you lose is likely due to "shedding" (I explain this concept in "Good Looking Loser's Hair Loss Prevention Guide - Part I") and will regrow once your hormones stabilize. Anytime your hormones (not just DHT) fluctuates, you can shed hair. HGH isn't a necessary or realistic option for guys in their 20's because real HGH costs a lot of money. You are better off using Ipamorelin or a peptide substitute. Over the counter "HGH Boosters" are garbage and aren't something that you should ever consider.

Post Cycle Therapies (Nolvadex/Clomid) - Like HGH, these medications shouldn't give you any permanent hair loss. Any hair loss you experience is either from the compounds you used during your cycle or just a general fluctuation in hormones (back to baseline). I've lost so much hair during PCT that I'd be bald 10-times over if it was permanent and not hormonal shedding.

Superdrol (oral) - This is highly debated but Superdrol has been kind to my hair. If you haven't tried it - it's AS GOOD as Dianabol but without all the gross bloat. It's really that good (provided you get legitimate Superdrol). I have gone up to 50mg and not seen a significant increase in hair loss or shedding. There have been reports from others that it caused hair loss or shedding but it was nice to me. Real Superdrol was a great one. Probably my favorite.
Testosterone (under 350mg/week) - Assuming I am taking Finasteride and using a Ketoconazole shampoo, Testosterone won't begin to destroy my hair until I go beyond 500mg. A lot of guys can go up to 750 or 1000mg of Testosterone and be fine if they are taking Finasteride. I am not one of those guys. It seems pointless to take anything less than 500mg of Testosterone but it's not. A 250-350mg dose can be used as a nice Testosterone base so you don't feel like crap on your cycle, you don't need a huge Testosterone dose with your orals unless you are trying to get huge.

* Turinabol (oral) - On paper, Turinabol is safe. I've used it with some success and it didn't touch my hair. One time, however, it seemed to attack my hair. That is likely because the product I receive wasn't actually Turinabol. I suggest that you avoid Turinabol unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE of the product you are getting. Like Anavar, it's often faked as low-dose Dianabol. Turinabol isn't that good so I'd just avoid it altogether.
How's the S9009? Been entertaining the idea but I see mixed reviews.
probably albuterol, I used to take it as a kid and I plan on searching my parents' next time I visit to see if there's any of it or any valid prescriptions for it lying around somewhere for my next cut
GW, MK-677 and SR9009 aren't SARMs
>I explain this concept in "Good Looking Loser's Hair Loss Prevention Guide - Part I
It took me a while to realize you were copypastaing and not the actual author lurking /fit/ kek
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This is a weird question but can minoxidil grow my eyebrows?
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Is it realistic to find juice online that ship to Canada?

I'm too awkward to ask dudes at my gym
Yep, not a whole lot of good domestic canadian sources tho, and canadian customs tends to be pretty good at catching international orders. It's definitely harder that US but not impossible.
Breh don't be that guy

using 4x a day is optimal, cholesterol is low, shes horny all day and is getting leaner but she's adding mass, biceps are now 13.5 inches but the mk677 has her holding some water, I think that's the max she can stay at for figure
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Between 250-1g never noticed much except for maybe more oily skin. Didn't order more with this recent raw order.

Pinned for the second time today 65mg Test E, first one was Friday.

Saw the changes in about 24h after first pin, wake up fresh in the morning, no more foggy brain, no more being anxious from nothing. Great pumps at the gym.

I had low T(~200ng/dl) and low E2, if you're feeling like shit and you're not progressing do your bloodwork, you might need hormone replacement therapy.
sounds nice. still gonna read up more, and kinda no way to tell what of the gains is from that and what is from the others, but thanks nonetheless.
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Anyone else notice on preacher curls u do 6 like butter and after that they get hard as tits

> pinned...65mg Test e
to be fair you notice almost no compounds because you run them with literal fistfuls of other shit at any given point
Yeah man I Use LDG to kickstart cycles though and run GW for the last 12 weeks, so I know mass is great from ldg and GW is awesome for tren sides, MK677 has bloodwork of lads going mid 300s igf levels but I prefer CJC with GHRP2 for that, I wonder if running them together would be good.

Stay away from S4 but, nearly blinded my mate

Not sure what you mean man, I take 130mg/week split into 2 injections...
I'm curious how you measure 65mg tbH
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I know I just keep expecting some massive surge of libido from mast or something but nope.
Its not anabolic but it will help cut fat.
TRT dose I'm asuming, I use 150mg to cruise for 6 weeks

Test E 250mg/ml

0.25ml is 62.5mg
Probably. Why would you want bushy eyebrows though?
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How many grams of fat is optimal? Obviously we know 1g protein/kg lean body mass, but what about fat?

Assuming carbs are the one to get the short straw.
Only source that seems good is not taking orders right now because customs cucked their raws and are waiting for me.

Only other source really is gd but since they were a sister lab with tp idk how much I trust them.
fats are stored into adipose tissue with extreme efficiency and should be the lowest by far, all you need are your essential fatty acids then eat the rest as carbs, low GI mostly but fast acting before and after gym to spike insulin.
>click leaf flag
You need some, but too be honest you'll probably a accidentally get all the fat you need, if you're eating high protein.
>get full report of biopsy
>literally nothing is apparently wrong with the tissue

Am i just not meant to live?
pics of you yet fgt?
What's the roids equivalent for the monetary world? I'm finishing up a degree in computer science, and I do not want to slavery away in front of a PC for 40 years. I truly could live happy on 35k and benifits, if the stress level is low. What kind of carear fits the bill?
>1g protein/kg lean body mass

Isn't it 1g protein/lb lean body mass?
Fraud lmao
If scamming betas via fake dating profiles had health care benifits, I wouldn't have even have posted.
1 perkg if natty
1 per lb lbm if on juice
1.4 per lb lbm on tren
higher if on tren with a gh stim or anything else like t3 to increase synthesis

50mcg t3 on bulk is a great way to increase protein synthesis and battle lethargy from tren ect, also means you gain just as much as regular bulk without extra fat and you get to eat more

Bulking doesnt mean you have to be fat, it means your muscles bulk up
god literally hates you. kys and reroll.
Prami vs caber boys tren e at 600 whats best
Neither for test. Just get asin you bitch.>>40872139
Caber has fewer side effects than prami but dont use it unless you have high prolactin confirmed by bloodwork. Dopamine aint something to fuck with.
Is it possible to increase test levels to 1000ng/dL with roids?
well above that, my sweet summer child
oh my you're so cute.
yeah my bad 2g/1kg
My first blast with test at 250mg e3d got me to 3368ng/dl when I got tested, and that's a beginner blast.
Can HGH help me grow a few inches at 20y/o or am I too late?
blatant troll post unless you are on 10 different compounds

I know when I was anorexic in my teens I ate as little as 20g of fat a day. I didnt understand it was nescessary for hormone production.

So now I am eating around 145g of fat daily and minimizing carbs to cut.
Im not getting bloods before I hop on. But what would the natty test of a 18 year old, 240lb 6'1 male who can squat 4051rm and 430 deadlift 1rm?

Like 600ng/dl+? Im curious. I feel high test, for a natty.
Lifting doesn't make that much difference to your test levels. And get bloods done at least occasionally before, and while on, or risk dying. You need to know your healthy baseline, so you know when your body is getting ass raped by the drugs your pumping in, so you can act accordingly.
Gonna get my test level checked, at which level should I start juicing?
Do it. I grew an inch at 21, made it to 5'10". Wish I had hgh then.
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wew lad. although I've seen people reach 4k+ from moderately high test blasts alone, so might as well believe you.

gif related
Any level you want. Natty high levels is something like 31.4 nmol/l (904 ng/dl), and as I said in my post >>40872289, it's 3.5 times high natty levels. I haven't tested myself on my cruise dosage yet though to see what I'm like year round.
what do you mean?
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> up to date on latest /fraud/ posts
> guess I'll check somethin else now
> how about /fraud/
> switch tabs
> its another tab of /fraud/
> realize how retarded I am
Troll post how?
Insulin and IGF are not a meme, all anabolics increase nutrient partitioning and increase these effects
you need fat for testosterone
are you a fucking idiot?

rhetorical question don't answer
Are you a meme?
Where the fuck did you get that idea?
You're in the thread for injecting massive amounts of test you dumb nigger.
Also high levels fat and cholesterol are horrible on cycle, you're asking for heart disease
yeah better eat carbs and get diabetes so you can get cheap insulin too huh just allp arrt of your plan eh
I've done this.
Good troll my man
I'd probably talk to a doctor about it before dropping hgh money.
I put up 325x4 on incline last night. I hadn't lifted in a bit and I haven't pinned in like 10 days. Still felt dope. Getting my oils in the mail today so I'll be 100% soon.

Talking to two really solid hunnies. One white girl with the "popped 3 xani, gonna fuck other girls bf" look. Face piercings, gauges, tattoos. Major TnA, 5'9. Cropped hair.

Other girl is a really well behaved black girl that's wants me to thicken her up.

Both are insanely into my weird fetishes.

Maybe I'll date both make them meet and it'll be a thing.
mirin just about anything about that post tbqh
Where do you guys get your bitcoins?
Is there a guide for retards anywhere?
>Maybe I'll date both make them meet and it'll be a thing.
Do it.
Kinky 3somes4lyfe
1. Go on internet
2. google buy bitcoin
3. ???
4. profit
for >>40873392

I hate laptop use
Hello friendos, I have two (2) questions.
1: I will add tren to my cycle soon and currently I'm doing 500mg/wk of test e changing from left to right glute. When adding tren, how would it be good to "split up" the injections? First inject will be test+tren in the same inject, but how should I continue to split up the inject?

2: when I did my last inject in my right glute, the needle got stuck mid-way and I had to push it pretty hard to pass like "a barrier"? Didn't hurt it just felt strange..
1: why not do it like the first time, for the rest of the tren cycle? Why should you split it up any different? Unless you run 2 different esters

2: ur weak, you cant even puncture muscle tissue

jokes aside i never had that.
maybe you hit the bone and pushed through it
1. Because day 1 will me test+tren, day 3 only tren, day 6 test+tren. Maybe I'll go two times in the same one..

2. It was super wierd, I thought the needle was fucked or something because usually just slides right in.. Only "stops" when hitting the muscles but this was something new, i felt the muscles deeper.
you're going to need a lot more sites if you're using tren a

if you're using tren e just pin both together every time
>maybe you hit the bone
That seems pretty unlikely unless you're really messing up.
Scar tissue maybe? I'd try adding more injection sights to your rotation.
You should rotate with quads and glutes, you're hitting scar tissue from jabbing the same spot too often
Yeah I thought it might have been something like that, will probably start doing some quad injects.


below 5'4" or you're not a real woman.
How the fuck am I supposed to cut on tren when all I can think about is eating? Most days I all I can do is stay +/- 200 cals from maintenance but goddamn I can just eat infinite food.
ignore ECAfags, modafinil is the absolute shit for appetite suppression
I found shoulders easier my first time, now its all easy, get 25 gauge 1 inch for quads and delts
Where's the cheapest place I can get slealed sterile vials in the UK? I don't mind ordering from abroad, as long as the end cost is cheaper after shipping.
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How long after the first pin on my first blast of 500mg/wk test and 40mg/day dbol should i take blood work for E2 values? Also, what's the best time to have blood work, day after the pin? I'm currently taking asin 12,5mg e3d on pin days
I've never had blood work done and I've been b&cing for over 2 years
i think it's not the best thing to do though
Fuck sakes.
Good food poisoning last friday, couldnt eat at all, saturday and sunday my food intake was low as well. Its slowly getting better but im mid cycle and just added tren for the first time (last tuesday) i missed 2 workouts so far and i cant go very hard still.

Taking a deload week this week since i cant do much anyways but what a set back

Hold me
What do you guys do for a living?
inb4 gay 4 pay
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Mirin incline, I have yet to hit 345 once.

Also making me miss the single life
How much did your first cycles/blasts cost?
I'm gonna have to wait til after I graduate to touch anything stronger than SARMs because I'm struggling to put together a cycle that's under £250 with ancillaries, PCT etc. included
Also, g4p.
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>tfw I have to lose like 8kg before I can blast again
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considering doing a anavar only cycle for abit of a bulk/recomp for summer. thinking of 50mg ED for 8 weeks follow my clomid pct. what would you guys recommend running with. with a first cycle/support. i am also on week 6 of taking mk-2866 should i still do a mini pct before taking anavar? thanks guys
kill yourself
I've spent like 1.5k and I've done 2 blasts, 2 SARMs cycles while cruising, and been cruising in between for a year and a half. But I did blasts with tren and take mk677 a lot
250 test e twice a week 15 weeks
Are you a girl?
copywriting and other text faggotry for an advertising firm

aaaand s4p. as in, straight for pay kek. straight without pay too, but I literally sell myself to needy sugar mamas because I get off on milfs and don't mind the disposable income.
yeah that happened
I don't need your approval on how to live my life, but thanks for the (You).
I'm not disapproving of your life, you're just a roleplayer
do not assume my gender.
I wouldn't be that surprised. You get all sorts of offers if you put yourself out there. I've been offered a grand to drive out and fuck some dudes wife. lol

Iirc someone wanted to pay bimbo for fucking his wife too.
I was gonna suggest a bettter stack for a girl if you were i want trying to be rude
whatever lets you sleep at night
How did you set that up anon?
Melatonin and hgh
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Well shit. Work QT is 5'2. Short girls are superior anyways, plus you can hold them up in the air while fucking.
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Doctor prescribed me the following acne treatments, would they be enough to combat acne from steroids? A first cycle, or further down the road?

Benzoyl Peroxide 5% on face, chest, back - morning
Retinoid gel on face - evening

I am also meeting with an allergist and a dermatologist for other shit. The derma could possibly prescribe accutane.

I told the MD I wanted accutane, he told me he is not licensed to prescribe it. He also told me the side effects perhaps aren't worth it for me. I did not tell him I plan on using AAS in the near future.
Now we're talking.
always had a habit of going for older women, it kinda evolved from that. it's not too far a stretch from getting pricey boytoy gifts anyway to outright asking for money, most don't really mind. if you meant how I actually get """"clients"""", they're mostly friends and friends of friends of an ex of mine who want in on the fun too. I also used to have a related craigslist ad but I literally never use that anymore because it attracts the wrong crowd tbqfh

fair enough, kek
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The girl I took drivers Ed with in highschool was 4'11. I think I've always just liked short grills and I'm 6'2.
You're in fraud, you ought to be able to hold up 250lbs linebackers during sex. lol

I love short girls too, but I don't know if I could do it long term and make a bunch of manlet kids.
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Eh she doesn't want kids right now anyways so I'm good.
Why do men want "long term" anything with women?

It used to be that men only put up with women long term because women forced marriage onto men in return for sex. Men only begrudgingly accepted this deal.

Now women don't demand anything for sex. They just give it freely. There is no reason at all to get married and have kids in the modern age. When old men say "don't ever get married," it's not a joke. They mean it. Women are dumb consumerists with vapid interests who will take you away from your buddies. What all men these days should do, if capable, is sleep around without commitment and when one girl makes noise about settling down, you leave her.

Give me one reason that "long term" is something you want to do with a woman.
I really wish I was into milfs and fat chicks. Gigolo life would be sweet.

I think most tall dudes like short chicks. It's like the manlets who go crazy for tall girls. lol
the main reason for me is not being an overly redpilled cunt. I can see where you're coming from though, I just don't share the same sentiment.
>Give me one reason that "long term" is something you want to do with a woman.
I've got baby making fever.
ideally though, I'd just knock up a married chicks and have them raise it.
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>Why do men want "long term"
Maybe because you genuinely love each other and enjoy each other's companionship.

Keep up the neckbeard redpill shit and see how far you get.
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>It's like the manlets who go crazy for tall girls

I'm 6'2 and I lose my shit when a girl is over 5'11 or so

I blame my ex tho
it's a blessing and a curse. I feel like a freak for not appreciating young thinnn pussy as much as the next guy (I mean I had my fair share and enjoyed it, just not as much), but I'm not complaining either.
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Sometimes you wanna get a girl into a shallow "relationship" so you can bust nuts inside her and do freaky butt stuff that maybe you wouldn't wanna pull on some random one night stand.

Ideally you get this arrangement with 5-7 different girls, but that takes a lot of time, energy, and money. Guys that play around with multiple hotties are usually rich because that's the only way to have enough time to organize that shit, when you're not at work being cucked for 8 hours a day.

Marriage is a sham, don't ever sign a contract with a woman, much less one you rely on for sexual release.
I'm 6'5, I can toss around 6' girls easily.

5'2 is fun, sure, but your you're just defending your inferior size.
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>Give me one reason that "long term" is something you want to do with a woman.
>Maybe because you genuinely love each other and enjoy each other's companionship
That's true too. Maybe you want them post sex cuddles to feel meaningful.
It's probably going to be great as you get older. Not chasing 18year olds at 50+

Running a cruise dose of test e 150mg a week.
I just picked up some sdrol in 7.5mg tabs.
Recon I should split one for the first few days or just go 7.5mg morning and night?
Also have some TUDCA which I will run at 250mg ED
6' girls tend be thicc af
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>Maybe you want them post sex cuddles to feel meaningful.
Sure there's that but if she's just a cool person and you guys 'click' you probably want her to be around you on a constant basis rather than just a ONS.

>defending your inferior size.
Well according to the doctors I'm 6'3 but I usually just go with 6'2.

>thicc af
All about that THINN life cuzz.
eh, a good part of the attraction is the sexual experience they have and such, the actual age gap and the fact they adore my young fit body. I'm not sure I'll be fucking 70 year olds at age 50 topkek

might just do a full 360 and chase young pussy then, I dunno. ooor blast so much stuff that I will kick the bucket at 35 tops, that works too.
I got about 2 months to lose 10lbs and look as good as possible so should I;
A: Suicide cut weeks 1-4 and then eat 200 kcal above maitance with;
Test E 300mg w -8weeks
Var- 50mg ed -1-4weeks
Sdrol- 20mg ed 4-8 weeks


B: Eat at matience calories with;
Test E 250 w
Tren E 350 w
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I've never met an attractive girl that was Amazon hieght. I'd defintely try it out though

>Driver's license says 6'3".
>Pretty sure I'm 6'2",
>maybe even 6'1"
My whole life is a lie.
>ooor blast so much stuff that I will kick the bucket at 35 tops, that works too
Suicide by swoleness. Swolicide. I like it.
Option A but add tren A throughout and cut the whole time
Has anyone ever actually "kept" their EQ gains? Gonna start a test/deca blast next week and wondering if I should even bother including EQ. Vascularity and giant shoulders while on are cool but I'm mostly interested in lasting LBM gains. The sides are so mild that I'd just say fuck it yolo and run it for fun, but I don't know if I can fit ~4 ml of oil into a single VG injection
Or run all three?

p.s its my second cycle

Oh and p.s.s I am going to run more that 8 weeks but im just giving an example for the time frame
where is your tranny porn you fucking nigger.
I'll watch it just because you.
definitely kept some. of course such a soaking wet blast will lose some of its might once you stop but provided you lift hard and heavy while at it you should keep a fair amount.
Went to the doc today and I got measured 6'1/2"

I'm like 6'2 in shoes.
I already have 4 vials of tren e because my source had a buy 3 and get 1 free deal. I know ace will kick in faster but what if I was to run the E eod?
Test/deca/EQ is the best stack for bulking. The bump in vascularity and appetite make it so much more fun to bulk than without EQ. My favorite stack for sure, dosed at;
Test 750
Deca 600
EQ 900

or less as long as they're at that ratio
I'm kind of th fence about the legitimacy of frontloading, maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in.

I absolutely prefer tren e to a but the results would be much more satisfying in an 8 week window. I think more important is cutting that whole time though. Low bf is really the deciding factor in looking great.

What you prepping for?
Well one should hope two and a half grams of ronalds should be fun to bulk on kek
Pretty much want to look good for cosplay.
I've already been cutting on 300mg Test pw and 24mg Ephedrine 200mg caffeine ed for 4 weeks but Im at the point where im going to need something a bit stronger to get me to my goal.
Btw I got a similar body as you right now but just with a smaller chest.

Thanks. Was thinking 600/600/900 because I've never run so much at once (kickstarting with sdrol too) and the potential for sides has me kinda sketched out. Might start at 600 and bump it up if everything is cool.

Yeah man, my body is ready for this. Gonna get yuuuge
Needs dbol too.
What are you going as?
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Do you guys do anything to combat tren lethargy or just general lethargy? I don't really want to add ephedrine because I feel like it fucks with my erectile quality.

How often did you give blood on that?
>Maybe because you genuinely love each other
Watch Cops season 24 episode 3, that's all I have to say about that shit.

You can get "companionship" from your male friends, there's no reason to rely on a flippant woman whose looks will fade when she is 30.
>I feel like it fucks with my erectile quality.
That's because it do, nigguh.

Take 10 mg tadalafil daily. Prob solved.
EQ truly is a blessing, no diminishing returns even on grams of the stuff and relatively low in sides if you're not prone to le anxiety meme and pay attention to your hematocrit. if it weren't for the blood sludge, I'd be half human half boldenone by now.
My total testosterone levels are in range but my free testosterone is low. My female doctor refuses to give me TRT because I'm a 23 year old white male.

What do
I've always been prone to anxiety so that'll be nothing new. Got some phenibut if it becomes a problem.

Could try modafanil. That's about as benign as stimulants get without being caffeine
Bicycle time
Do any of you go outside for cardio or do y'all just do shit like stationary bike? I think I'm gonna get some cheap shit Craigslist bike this summer and ride the bike trail a few days a week. Getting fucking tired of staring at the gym walls and listening to podcasts, plus outside I can get some tan gainz at the same time
>basing your view on basically anything on a Cops episode
>half human half boldenone

I was in a similar position (23, total test in the mid-300s). Doctor said there "are too many side effects" and that I'm too young.

Bought my own stuff and started a high cruise dose. Never felt better.

Have to figure out how I'm going to travel later this year, but I have the benefit of being able to blast when I'm ready.
Get a new bike. Any entry level mountain bike from an actual bike store will be fine. Stay away from Craigslist unless you know what you are looking for, and only shop at Walmart if you're getting a single speed. Bad bikes are everywhere, and the amount of enjoyment you will get by spending an extra $100 to $200 is astronomical.
>tan gainz
It's feel a bit retarded biking around town shirtless.

Still wanna get a bike for cardio+gas saving gains.
Who you cosplaying bb?

Adrol* but close

Get your own blood baka
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I kinda have this same question. Wished people here were more helpful.

I'm cutting now from 25% bf and I'm thinking of running my first cycle ever of anavar, just not sure if it's even worth it. I've read you can actually get some small decent gains which is probably a lot better natty.

Can anyone without trolling recommend something like anavar + noval for a first timer?
No because test is better.
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I've spend the past 5 hours scouring the internet about dieting on tren and literally everything is conflicting broscience. Half the shit I read says tren doesn't even make you lose fat while the other half gives bs about losing like 1%/wk and still gaining strength.

How is it that all the knowledge on one of the most popular sterons is just pure memes? You would think people would agree on tren by now

>cutting now
>25% bf
>first cycle of anavar
>How is it that all the knowledge on one of the most popular sterons is just pure memes
Cause it's Iliganto most places, you can't really do large scale clinical testing. Pretty much everything we've got on tren is anecdotal.

I'd just wait till you're ready to roid for real.
Mostly because hormones are a fickle drug. There are basic effects associated with each compound, but how the drug acts with each individual varies widely.

As an example, tren doesn't add any noticeable weight loss in my experience; it dries me out and I look stringy but striated. If I want to look full, I need to add more test and carbs/sodium or add npp.
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First timer, just looking for something small to finish my cut then I'll go something stronger once I have more knowledge and better sources.

What I can get now is anavar or dbol, and considering my goals, I've been reading that anavar is better.

Why is fit the only place that recommends people to shoot up right away instead of starting gradually?
Waste of time.
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If you absolutely had to choose one, bar is less retarded.
>shoot up right away instead of starting gradually?
Because an injected test only cycle is starting gradually. Despite being easier to take, orals aren't a good place to start.

Bro i'm asking a real question.

Please explain? Everywhere I've read including steroids.com states that it's probably the best one for a beginner with realistic expectations of course. I'm not expecting huge gains, but a decent amount while I continue to build a foundation and hopefully find a better source is not so out of the question no?
>tren doesn't add any noticeable weight loss in my experience; it dries me out

Thats kind of my worry... I've never gotten proper BF measurements or anything on tren I just know I LOOK leaner. Don't want to spend a cycle cutting only to gain it back in a week once the shit leaves my system.

Guess I'll eat near maintenance and throw DNP in there for a couple weeks at the end
Give me some good gym interactions, I'll tell you my last two;

>super fine tattoo girl approaches me asking to help setup her meme bands
>qt says "please and thank you tall human"
>wasn't expecting it at all
>turn down my lil yachty radio on pandora to make small talk
>brain malfunctions
>random autism comes out of mouth
>walk away
Smh can't remember the last time I botched a social situation like that. Gf has me totally rusty with talking to randos.

Then today;
>fatty natty approaches me
>"how many more sets" makes weird impatient body gesture
>blood pressure doubles
>say "I haven't even started yet and lose the fucking attitude"
>he virgin walks away
>adrenaline courses through my dick the rest of my workout
>doesn't matter, still weak
Haven't felt like attacking someone that much in a while
A waste of time. You'll come off of car, which doesn't add any weight, and you'll feel like shit while having lifts drop and possibly regress.

Var is a cosmetic drug, or a QOL drug.
how about you try different things until one of them works, faggot
cuts out subq water

youll shut yourself down for basically no effect

trenbologna mental sides : the post
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So would you say that DBOL is better? I've read that you lose a lot of the gains. Remember, as of now my goal is to cut
>how about you try different things until one of them works

Because I have better things to do than to waste a cycle "trying new things".

That was me a couple of years ago before I put on a lot of fat and got to 200 lbs. I still have the baby muscles, and my cut is going well, but I want to retain some strength and finally get rid of a lot of fat. I look skelly when I cut. I'm tired of it. Is either bulk all year for me or skelly.
I'm telling you to pin or wait until you want to pin.
>Ask receptionist for a towel
>They're out, they're all in the wash
>Has a secret stash, of cleaned towels people have left behind
>Gives me one
That's why you to your receptionist.

>In locker room
>Take out ear buds
>Still hear song playing
>chubby black guy next to me is listening to the same queens album
>compliment his music
>He precedes to gush about how inspiring my progress has been and ask for advice
Was a pretty good feel. Would have been less awkward if I wasn't naked at the time.
better things like what?
Ok so if I decide to pin, what would be the best shit for beginner? Considering my goals?

from >>40876921
This. I'd probably wait till you finish your cut though.
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not necessarily, but look up dbol and what it is a methylized version of

but really, you gotta pin in this biz

excuse me
this thread is for small breasted women only

Ok fuck it I'll wait til september/october when I usually start my bulk.
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>tfw EQ and Deca just landed
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What kind of monstrosity is that meme?

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are you creeping on her fb
give me her number
I'll #makeherday
Mirin friendly disposition. I gotta work on not acting like I'm in jail sometimes.
No need to be all grrr tough when I live in the suburbs lmao.

Ayyy my dude
EQ still hasn't shipped my source can take a while.
But my tren will be in Thursday haaa
Having a problem with acne. I'm not sure what to do

I added 100mg Drol and 50mg MDHT as a blast while on my weekly 300mg Test-E..

I had clear skin with the proper A.I. and Test, but now even with 10mg Nolvadex added with the other Androgens.
My skin is progressively getting worse now. Planning on lowering MDHT to 2 10mg doses or 3.
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>25% bf
>first cycle
need the name of this semen demon
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Nah her IG.
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Ermuhgawdwtf on leddit.
>tren doesn't add any noticeable weight loss in my experience

But then why do people always use it on "recomp" cycles? People would agree its not as effective for bulking as most other drugs so wtf is the point of it?

If it doesn't make you burn fat and just lets you run a higher deficit why doesn't everyone just use DNP every time they need to lose weight? No mater how low you put your cals on tren you can always burn way more on DNP.

1/4 fat
Except tren is great on a bulk.

Here's the secret to literally every drug: you don't know how it will affect you until you take it.

You fuckers are so autistic. Take the drug, if you don't like it, bummer.
tren is great on everything

also i got the full results of my biopsy and literally nothing is abnormal on it

getting someone who is not a non-english speaking chinese factory slave to look at the slides now because that is fucking ridiculous
Yeah, why in the world would someone not want to do DNP?
because they haven't tried it and don't know you can drop like 10% bf in 3 weeks
>not want to do DNP?

I mean I'd rather feel like shit for 2-4 weeks then just cut normally for 3 months

Anyways, whats the lowest I can reduce my cals on Tren while making some gains? 1k below TDEE should be more than fine right?
>cardio bunny does some meme bosu ball dumbbell squatting faggotry or w/e
>obviously loses balance at some point, falls over,
>happen to walk by in that exact moment
>catch her with one hand by instinct, didn't even really realize
>thanks me for saving her life (as if, would maybe have lost a tooth or so but nothing serious), then gets mad at me for indirectly grabbing her tits, then thanks me for saving her again
probably not the first time she hit her head tbqh kek

another one, was a while ago but I still chuckle
>random guy plays cliché meathead (and that means a lot coming from someone like me) doing grunting deadlifts, mating gorilla levels of noise despite pulling literally my ohp
>then-gf gets annoyed by it, tells me to tell him to stop
>am kind of a grunting meathead myself, no way I'm pulling a planet fitness lunk alarm on this guy
>brilliant idea
>go over, ask to work in
>looks at me funny like I just asked him to suck me off but agrees eventually
>clean it and front squat it
>suddenly he's docile and friendly, does his remaining set and leaves
>>suddenly he's docile and friendly, does his remaining set and leaves
Reminds me of the guy a few months back that was screaming like a wounded lion, while benching 1pl8.
No homegym stories dude.
we have a lot of rather vocal lifters (me included), but most of those actually move some considerable weight at least (me included, >implying)

hearty kek, every time
I wish. too poor for that home gym life.
Gotta embarrass myself in public.
I like going to public gym. It's fun making small dudes and trans men feel inadequate.
>trans men
which ones are they?
XX plus shitload of test
I'm generally of the opinion, that if you're the biggest guy in your gym, it's time to find a new gym.

I think "trans men" is the pc term for grils who wish they had a dick.
so hairy women
So I'm small enough to have ran a -1k/day cut with just 250 test and lost very little LBM. Would using the same diet with a bunch of Tren let me put on some LBM?

Basically do I spend half my cycle on -1k and then clean bulk or do I just go with -500 the entire time? Would it even matter?
I know an FtM who regularly gives me shit for pinning test because for some inane tumblr logic reason that's offensive to his transition. I wish I was kidding.

Has fucking feisty molly though so I shall put up with his shit for a bit longer.
I shot a quarter gram of molly with a 23g pin once it was a nightmare
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>rather vocal lifters (me included)
I've noticed I'll occasionally make these weird erotic grunting noises when letting the air out on my last rep.
has anyone ever stacked cialis and viagra together?
Yeah often.
Lol I knew someone would mind that. But hey, he's got some good stuff for me, as long as he keeps em coming I'll use whatever pronouns he/she/it/xir/benis/Cthuluh/they/them wants me to.

Why in all things that are wrong in this wretched world would you ever come to the conclusion that this was a good idea.
am I going to die
I have a pill thats a bit of both. This pill has helped me get it up after drinking and doing coke all night when it absolutely wasn't happening so 10/10.
It's lit

You underestimate my power
Lmao no.
retard alert
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>am I going to die

Aren't we all?
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I pinned on my chest. Get on my level. Come at me faggots
not so much erotic, but I cuss a damn lot when close to failure. then again, given my recent tren amounts, cussing IS erotic thing too, huehue

goes together like root beer and ice cream... with boners
>frozen mixed vegetables cocks
Is prolactin a meme? About to stack deca and tren for the first time.
Never needed caber/prami before. Only ran 19nors at 600 deca or 500 tren though.

Also, GF picked up per diem shifts at a different hospital that pay $700 a shift.
I don't even know if I should work any more or just stay home and hang out with our dachshund.
I've been where you were too (without the gay stuff, but you know what I mean), but apparently I truly did underestimate you lmao

Pec pinning is nothing to be proud of. Used to shoot my mtren there. Jesus fucking Christ, not fun.
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Good night
Definitely don't do that. Women resent the fuck out of you and won't respect you if you just chill all day, even if you are bringing in a paycheck.

Prolactin is a meme for me, maybe not for you.
If you look good, the amount of mires you get will be well worth it.
night lad
*turns tv up*
holy shit I audibly kekd, just watched some not two hours ago. sadly I don't look like him or I would absolutely pull that off both in the gym and during sex.

>stacking 19nors
keep caber or prami at hand (probably prami cause you'll like caber too much you fiend, muh dopamine). it's better not to need it than waiting weeks for some ancillaries while prolactin has you in a headlock already
It's not too late for the gay stuff bb

I don't even know what I'd do with myself without working.

I figure prolactin is a meme for me too based on my experiences but I'll get some cheap prami just in case. Crazy how much roid stuff is a meme huh?
The only real threat for my health and sanity is high estro
Lel I earn more than g4p ever could, also happily married now, inb4 redpilled shitstorm

I could see myself pull off some muscle worship though. Getting paid for mires, what a flawless concept.
Same here. High e2 fucks me up. I wish I'd had ai moving in with my ex. Things may have been different; like not raging at her and calling her a whore until she broke down sobbing in the fetal position.
What kind of roids do powerlifters use? What kind of roids do bodybuilders use? How do they differ?
Don't we all roid for true love?

I was just getting a strict talking to the other day from some anons in here for being emotionally abusive. A very different reaction that I expected.

I like to think roiding promotes a sense of "mindfulness" as the liberals call it (keeping a focus on your thought life) that ultimately leads to focusing on not acting on emotions.

IMO keeping e2 low helps with this.
I practice mindfulness a lot. Examples:
>you don't have to own every thought that pops into your head
>you can't control others, just your reaction to them
>others actions are a direct reflection of their internal struggles

I was emotionally abusive and verbally abusive in certain instances for sure. I feel they were human and justifiable though.

When she's taking nudes for a Snapchat that she purposefully hid from you and you confront her about it and she lies to your face, I think it's okay to call her a whore.
i took a long time to internalize this, but it made life better. shoutout to bimbo of all people (no offense) bringing some deep existential thought into /fraud/
I think it's ok to bring that to your minds forefront when you're feeling remorseful/entertaining contacting her.

I do that with my ex, try and focus on how I felt at our worst. It's kind of like self torture but I think the ends justify the means.

Welcome to nufraud.
2017 were focusing on self improvement and helping each other out.
The only meanposting that's allowed is
>roiding for this
because it always makes me laugh
I've been practicing these things to some extent since I saw a therapist in September.

I figure the past has passed. The future hasn't happened. The focus needs to be on the present. It's important to identify the emotions you feel in the moment and dissect why you feel that way, more so than identifying the emotion and dwelling on how you feel.

You should understand the stimulus causing you to feel a certain way and act accordingly.
>gonna cosplay
>fraudinf with extra orals isnt enough

I want to double fraud like people on live tv.

What do you use to countour and flesh out your striations? Do people just use a darker shade of eyeliner or make up pencil? A sharpie or permament marker seems too fale and shitty

Ill be sleeveless so i want to really show that horseahoe tricep and those fingermarks on my boulder shoulders
I didn't do any contouring but letro and adderal really made me look lean as fuck when I cosplyed toguro.

A lot of dudes will do bodybuilder style prep, a light spray tan or have a slight oiled appearance.
yup. it takes a while to do it without turning into autistic anxious overanalyzing at some point but once you have the concept ingrained, it becomes a part of you. i still rage or let myself sink into whiny beta sadfeels occasionally, but only with due reason and when i feel i can afford it without jeopardizing anything i hold dear.

also not running so goddamn much tren anymore has helped, but that was not part of the actual process, it just helped lmao
When I was at my worst was when I was on tren. Everyone here remembers that.
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>understand the stimulus
Fucking roasties
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Hey bbs I have a question about the effects of AAS (particularly Testosterone-e) on the endocrine system. I know that when you take test your body shuts down its own production of test, but does it also shut down the production of other hormones created by the endocrine system? The main one I am curious about is the production of hgh.

Thanks in advance lads!
No. Test doesn't impact gh.
>ex texts me and then immediately starts blogging after taking two weeks off from it
>blogs about how good she is at showing men affection
Certainly coincidence
You don't need one lol. Just imagine a fat neckbeard with a swollen moon face like I'm doing.
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Thanks for the quick response, now a follow up question.

Would supplementing testosterone possibly boost your natural GH? i.e. if you were eating say (x) calories while natty bulking, and (x+y) calories while bulking with roids, would there potentially be an increase in your natural gh levels other than the ones attributed to the (y) increase in calories. Potential boosters for gh from testosterone that I could think of are: bigger lifts from roids = more hgh secreted from lifting, increased muscle mass leads to more hgh secretion (idk how true this is), increased hunger from testosterone leading to more hgh secretion (i recall reading something about how hunger can actually stimulate hgh secretion and might be why IF increases hgh).

Would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this thanks
Holy fuck you're a faggot.
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>a person whose age identity changes over time

guys holy fuck i never realized it before but 2 years ago i felt 2 years younger and now i identify as being 2 years older does that mean i'm age fluid???
> week 6 on 100mg tren ace/day, 250 test e/wk, asin 12.5mg EOD
> Pros:
Strength gains and libido off the charts
Fap 3-5 times daily, sex at least twice daily
I literally walk around feeling like god now, i think it's helping me with new friends and bitches i couldn't approach before
> Cons:
Itchy dry skin, paranoia greatly increased,
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Guys I just got my first cycle in the mail, I got a bunch of tabs that are supposed to be Arimidex, but it says "ANA" on the front, did they just give me fucking anadrol?

Do I take the risk and take it and possibly not have an AI for my first cycle?

Pic related
take one pill and find out lol
How do I find out?

I don't want to risk being a bloated mess with bitchtits because I had to wait two weeks for my arimidex to arrive after finding out it wasnt arimidex
Maybe ask your source. Duh.
They wont return my emails :(
Then don't eat it.
>tfw on dnp and a cocktail of orals/clen/sdrol to go with my injectibles
>stomach feels hungry and somewhat nauseous a lot of times

I don't understand, I'm having 2500+ cals a day and my deficit is only in the 1200+ range give or take so that does not warrant this feeling of weakness/nausea.

I don't feel the "mental" hunger of a regular cut but my stomach always feels funny and I have nausea and weakness, which is way worse because mental hunger is something you can ignore and it goes away but this physical shit does not ever fucking stop till I consume some calories.

I don't know how people cut pre-2000 calories on this shit, I'd literally be limping and fighting the urge to vomit.
Probably because dnp has you burning a shit ton more calories than you think, probably leaving you with a deficit that's bigger than 2.5k

I'm 175 lbs on tren/test and drol+dnp+clen.

I work out maybe 30 mins tops now and my shelf stacking job isn't that physically intense(just lots of walking).

No way I'm burning 5000 calories.

I estimate my roided out TDEE is near 3000, with clen its just a little over 3000 and 250mg dnp close to 4000.

I did do 500mg dnp for the first 4 days(bout 4500+ tdee), but now it's my 2nd/3rd day of 250mg because I was absolutely dying on the job so it's closer to 4k.

Surprisingly, I don't feel deflated at all in terms of my shoulders and arm size, could the winstrol/sdrol be in effect? also I'm not really retaining water, I can see how much leaner my waistline is getting.
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I do this like three times a day.
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sup /fraud/, got a question for y'all, but first my stats

23 M, 4 years training, diet in check (WFPB with a bit of meat and fish occasionally)

I'm beginning to plateau pretty hard in my lifts and aesthetics, so I've decided to jump on the juice, but there is a slight little problem... About a month ago I went to the doctor, and for the hell of it decided to see if my growth plates are closed or not, lo and behold apparently they aren't closed yet, which doesn't surprise me all too much considering that according to my mom, my dad grew until he was 25. Right now I'm 5'10 so I would like to grow a bit taller, and squeeze out every centimeter I can get. Hence I'm a bit scared about doing roids because I've read that they can prematurely seal the growth plates, but I also have read that the reason this happens is not because of the testosterone in of itself, but actually the estrogen into which it aromatizes. Now my reasoning is that if I run an AI the whole cycle to control aromatization and properly do PCT, then there will be no excessive estrogen to seal the growth plates, so it should be no problem then right? Any input and knowledge on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

For reference the 10 week cycle I was going to run is:

500mg test pinned once a week (I've also heard people reccomend pinning twice a week, any thoughts?)
12.5mg aromasin EOD

I haven't set a PCT yet since I'm still doing research on what would be best, but I'll probably just follow a standard one found on a leddit wiki. Any advice for the PCT and cycle would also be appreciated but not really the main goal of this post. Had my blood drawn today for a physical, asked them for a testosterone and estrogen panel, doctor instantly got suspicious, refused the estrogen panel, and i had to question her about the testosterone panel until she admitted they only test for TT and I had to then request they did FT as well... fucking sly cunts.

Ana from Anastrazole, just Google it.
Is the reason that one can run such high amounts of EQ (1g,2g,3g+) mostly because EQ is underdosed? Every UGL EQ I've seen tests of is at 72-78% purity. Apparently it degrades.
Eq is just a safe drug my man
Weeks 1-2

Week 1-5
Test e 750
Week 6-20
Test e 250/300

Week 7-20
mast e 600
week 7-20
tren e 600

cjc no dac 3x100 ed
GHRP2 5x100 ed
LDG 10m first 12 week
GW last 14 weeks

adex .5 eod suitable to change
Caber on hand
finasteride on hand

What am I missing?
btw its a lean bulk ill only be 500-700 over maintainance, hoping ill make gains on this
Maybe 4 weeks of stana to finish?
Maybe 6 weeks of tbol at 50 with the ldg to kickstart?
DOnt want much water
Oh right, forgot that arimidex is just a brand name, they also finally got back to me and confirmed with pics that it was arimidex, so at least I got that worry out of my mind
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