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FTM trans non binary here currently undergoing hormone therapy.

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FTM trans non binary here currently undergoing hormone therapy.
If I increase my test dosage will I also make gains?

literally why?
By not being a freak with a mental illness desu.

Also sont eat grapes.

Have fun with your inflatable hot dog penis
You are a woman. If you want to lift and not wear make-up or whatever, then be a woman that lifts and doesn't wear makeup. Don't become a circus freak. Transgenderism is regressive and unhealthy.
ignore the rest, yes you will make gains on test and the more you increase the more gains
you'll make gains, how much do you weigh?
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Lol enjoy your shrinking balls
The test will help with your gains. Ignore these guys, my last bf was a transman and he was reasonably muscular.
> if you don't conform to conservative gender stereotypes, you were born in the wrong body and should undergo years of hormones and surgery to fit those narrow definitions
> this is really progressive
Almost the most ass-backward meme of modern leftism, edged out by the idea of Islam as a tool for women's liberation

This. Don't be stupid, OP.
this 1000000%
Fuck this board. It's so goddamn backwards.

OP feel free to put whatever you want in your body. As for your test dose, the higher the amount of androgen the higher capacity for nitrogen retention resulting in more lean tissue. You'll have more sides though.
Anon please read more carefully.
other way
kys yourself

also this: >>40247225
doesnt FTM imply binary?
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> FTM trans
> non binary here
Confirmed tumbltard. Pic related, go back to tumblr and complain about how you're offended by the captcha because you're robotkin
No. You're a woman and most of your androgen receptors are in your lower body. Regardless of mental illness, societal delusion or hormone injections, they will stay that way.

You will always be a short, t-rex, with a huge ass and huge legs. You will never be a man, or look manly. You'll look like a mentally ill woman who mutilated herself.
Can't give any advice on hormone therapy but i just have to ask why would you do that to yourself? Pretty sure being a female in today's society is significantly better/easier.

I don't even know what non-binary means. Doesn't FTM imply a binary gender?
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What's your dose?
also non-binary. I was also thinking of raising my test levels again.
I'm using adrogel at 5 pumps.
If you raise your dose you will make more gains.
Make sure you're having your blood checked each month.
I would recommend seeing and endocrinologist too if you have the means.
ftm here
if u raise ur dose past a certain amount, it'll b detrimental. u hafta stay within the normal male range for it to b effective, otherwise ur body just converts the t. talk to ur endo. u will make gains on the dose that's right for u
( please, ignore this thread, dont give it the feeling of acceptance)

You can't invent biology, you fucking degenerates. Non-binary my hairy ass, you're either male of female. Seek a psychiatrist.
Obligatory buck angel pic
Also more test will help but only up to a certain point, like anon said. If you use to much your body will convert the excess into estrogen, which is not what you want. Get some blood work done.
lol you disgusting fucking tumblr freaks
try and change your chromosomes
>be a woman
>be born with a myriad insta-benefits to being a woman
>willingly make the choice to become a bottom of the barrel short, weak, odd looking beta man

I don't understand FtM's

of course I don't really understand MtF's either

I feel like this is simply the most serious case of grass is greener mentality
Even if they're short, men make more money than women... Thanks sexism
It's a medical thing, like how some people just have to take antidepressants or insulin or they'll die. I had to transition or I was gonna kms. Now I'm happier.
More like corn dog amirite????
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No they don't. Men decide to pursue full time and higher paying occupations than women do, on average. There's hardly any difference for the same work.

This is literally the liberal version of climate change denial.
it's true that if you're ugly before you transition you'll still be ugly after. some people get lucky w their genetics though just like with cis guys
still don't understand the benefits people are talking about. Easier access to sex? They also get punished/down-valued if they have sex though.

Still something very female about the face and wide hips that the flattering angle couldn't hide

lucky he(she) can wear a beard to cover it up

Easier access to sex, less criticism from men, less expectations than men (the male breadwinner stigma is still very much alive, low earning or unemployed males are very much devalued), less likely to be a victim of violence, easier time in the current educational system,

I don't know, I could go on but I don't generally dwell on this shit because I'm not a bitch but I'm aware that women have benefits, even if I personally wouldn't trade my existence as a man for an "easier" life in that regard. I like challenge.
Obv some trans guys you can tell. But other than being short there's no way you'd know if you weren't looking for it
No you had other issues, socially and culturally you were conditioned to believe that transitioning was the solution.

Having the ability, access and financial stability to CHANGE YOUR GENDER is an embodiment of just how well off your life is.

Also testosterone makes everyone feel good.

The face is an immediate alarm bell. Very uncanny valley, I would never let this guy come near me.
I don't understand why anyone would change genders. Seriously is your life so terrible that you have to match some stereotype to feel complete? And if you for some reason say you don't fit into the concept of a woman therefore you must be a man that's literally a mental disorder. There's a reason a significant number of post-op trans kill themselves. They are treating a symptom rather than the actual mental issue. Be yourself and love who you are as you are don't go mutilating yourself because you might come out on the other side hating yourself just as much as before.

Both of these guys, you can tell by the eyes.
Benefits to being female: more likely to be raped, less likely to be hired than a man for the same position, more likely to be the victim of domestic violence, nobody takes you seriously ever, every gross neckbeard thinks that if he's nice to you then you owe him sex

That's what I think it seems like. Just a serious dissatisfaction with oneself that eventually turns into an obsession with the other gender. It definitely isn't indicative of mental stability.

I'm not going to seriously judge anyone who chooses to do it but I would rather not turn this into a point of celebration like homosexuality so that impressionable kids can start viewing transsexuality as a way out for their latent issues
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Every gender has pros and cons. You're operating from a position of confirmation bias, which is immature. One of the hallmarks of today's women, it would seem.

Men are the "disposable gender" and are much more likely to be murdered, injured, die on the job, die early, die in war, reamed in divorce court, drop out of school, etc

There is nothing productive in fretting over what the other collective has. Worry about yourself and doing the best you can in your circumstances. If you try hard enough it is exceedingly easy to act like "those people" have it easier than you but at the end of the day it's just going to be a race to the bottom.
the only problem is that you'll be stunted by your own intellectual ability
Lmao I will admit I got lucky, my dad died and left me enough money to get top surgery/hormones. I'm telling you, it's a brain thing. If you know someone with OCD then you know what it's like, there's just some things you have to do or you can't function. In any case if it doesn't hurt anyone then why do you care? Everyone on /fit/ jerks off to traps anyway.

First to be saved in a disaster, not mocked for being short or weak, ball eternally in your court for dating, less criticism about your success or status in life, easy tap to self esteem through social media, everyone open to help you with physical or emotional issues

Life sucks for everyone in different ways.
You just described the life of stacies

Are you an idiot?
>more likely to be raped
You mean like men in prison who get raped collectively more than all female rapes put together?
Actually you are more likely ever since affirmative action. Men get passed over for dumb bitches all the time.
>domestic violence
wrong it's highest amongst lesbians.
>nobody takes you seriously ever
Accomplish something first just like men have too.
>every gross neckbeard..
there are ugly fat girls who still expect men to jump through hoops to fuck their folds. It's the same either way.
If you are FTM obviously you identify as male, as in you identify as one of the binary genders. If that's the case how are you non-binary?
Genuinely not trying to be rude I just don't understand and I'm a bit skeptical of how all these words get thrown around.

Some people seem to be incredibly addicted to confounding shit with subjectivity
What you need is mental help. You're sick.
Lesbians.....aren't women???
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Nice mental illness.
>Women literally think you get insta-respect for being a man



if you are beta/poor/ugly you are beaten to the bottom of the hierarchy (sometimes literally) and reminded daily about how worthless and bereft of respect you are

take it from someone who was shoved into lockers in high school and worked his way up to muscular God status

No one, no one, is given respect for free. If you're going to "be" a man that's your first lesson. Until you do something worthy of it you are just a worthless piece of shit like the rest of us, you don't even get the "respect" given to women since they have a vagina and can give sex.
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We can discuss this matter further in my office. Please have a seat.
post pics
women deserve respect, even if they're useless parasites.

males have to earn respect.

Basically FtM will exchange live in easy mode for being bottom of the barrel in the male social hierarchy.
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Stop making us all look bad.
that's one ugly nigger
yep, all the businesses hire more men just so they can pay them more. makes all the sense.

probably could have done something less radical to improve happiness.

social benefits (women first etc), legal benefits (child custody etc), life and death benefits (military drafting, life boat priority etc) to name a few.
>more likely to be raped
i'll give you that one, but this seems to be just as likely as getting murdered. The commonality of rape is very overblown these days.

>less likely to be hired than a man for the same position
yeah, no. if you are just as qualified as the guy next to you, you are in fact more likely to get hired due to having tits.

>more likely to be the victim of domestic violence
this seems to be a personal choice for a lot of women to marry into abusive relationships. i won't pretend to understand, but you can bet your ass that a man is much more likely to get beaten up by another random angry dude just for looking at him wrong.

>nobody takes you seriously ever
you seem to have self confidence issues. females have a very dominating power over males due to having sex appeal.

>every gross neckbeard thinks that if he's nice to you then you owe him sex
oh no people want to be nice to me what a horrible thing.
Fucking disgusting. Calling Mike Pence as we speak, he'll put a stop to this nonsense tee bee h.
>The commonality of rape is very overblown these days.
It really isn't, especially since you can buy rohypnol on darkweb. It's easier than ever to abuse.
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>some fucking mentally ill shitstain can get all the test she wants to further her illness
>i would be literally shot by police if i tried to become a better athlete and have a sixpack once in my life

get the fuck out of here before i tear your inflatd sausage apart. fuck off back to /lgbt/.
Just... Don't try to reason.
up dosage might be good to takearound some AI
>and have a sixpack once in my life
you are too lazy to take advantage of privileges you were born with. T won't help you if you can't be arsed to do the bare minimum of work.
Learn the difference between wages and earnings.

If you're an ftm, and you get pregnant because you're still biologically capable, congrats, you will be earning less then an actual male. You fuck.
>Also sont eat grapes.
>those faggotty woman eyes

nuhuhh not a man.
Everyone can have a sixpack resembling stomach, not the real deal. Atleast not with extra test. Look at the CBT guys that claim four years natty, none of them are truly shredded.
And yes, after a cut i have severe defintion of abs, not a real alpha sixpack.
>it's a brain thing
Correct, however you have just gone with the most radical/extreme solution because of societal pressure. (A solution that in probably 95+% cases does not actually fix the problem)
In very few post op mtf or ftm do you see the actual psychological imbalances and issues subside with hormonal treatment.

I only care that liberal idiots fail to recognize this and I'm expected to agree just because I'm progressive.

Also more than likely it's a few people from /soc/ who come here and post.
oops you're stupid
ftm reporting in as well anon dont be stupid and ask a fitness board abt hrt there's better places to ask
You're looking for fat burners, not T...... Idiot
>non binary
also don't be a retard you are either a male or female, non binary people are retards who don't want to go all the way and transition, attentionwhores, or people who are shit at being their own gender(sex)
Read a national geographic or something if you want evidence that there are many different sexes and genders.
I see my situation as having a different brain development. There was probably some genetic anomaly or I was exposed to test before I was born. Now I take test and my brain functions differently and it feels more like "me".
Honestly I would be unhappy living as either option if I had to pick one. I've decided to live as who I am and It's a lot better. I have more honest and real connections with people and my body is much more aesthetically pleasing to myself. Testosterone is just another tool I'm using to help my brain and body develop in the ways I want them too
>Testosterone is just another tool I'm using to help my brain and body develop in the ways I want them too
I think a lot of the guys here would understand this if they weren't so jelly.
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>ignoring science
get good at life.
>tfw no ftm gym bro to bone after workouts

Sad times
You mean gym Xro don't you?
I take pills for depression and occasionally my sleep disorder. I see my HRT as similar.
Sure there may be side effects and it may take a while to get the right dosage, but my brain chemistry is much more functional now.
I don't personally want surgery since it wouldn't help me much. It just isn't a treatment I need.
Yeah Getting to control ones bodily development is pretty cool. I think that's one of the satisfying things about lifting and transitioning.
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literally kill yourself
This board really hates science
>says the boards hates science.
>Doesn't realise that you are either male, female or (rarely) hermaphrodite
I wonder how women feel about getting tricked by trans mens. Like you get with a guy, everything goes good and suddenly he doesn't have a dick. What do you do?
most of them don't mind
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wwyd if you were chasing some tail, got married to some ultra """christian""" "girl" and they said like no sex until marriage and shit, but they were your oneitis. Then when you are married and you go to bang it's god a willy?
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Just how does one "feel uncomfortable" in their own body and then all of a sudden decides to go through all this shit and take all kinds of drugs trying to change their gender.

Like what's the point in going from F to M, like what do you see in M that pulls you to do stupid shit like this, don't you already have it easier as F, why make life harder for yourself.
>live in self proclaimed free-est country in the world
>but cannot let the < 1% of people who want sex changes do their thing

Remember when freedom and the rights of individuals were an important part of the conservative base? If people want to make themselves into hermaphrodites that's their own business

kys for waiting until marriage christcuck
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This wasn't about me, it was about you. If you waited.
Get off this board right now godless heathens
>doesn't realize the only genders are male and female
hermaphrodites are both, not a unique gender

Hermaphrodites don't exist
Hermaphrodites is a Greek Godess correct?
How do you get the hormones for transition? Does a doctor prescribe them to you?

I ask because if my tax dollars are paying for trans people to get free steroids then I want some fucking free steroids too.
Just buy them from a """(website)"""
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Reminder that XX muscle tissue is more susceptible to testosterone treatment and will look better than most of /fit/ in no time
post ur peepee
You have to talk to a psychologist. endocrinologist and often a few doctors since a lot of people refuse to treat trans people.
Some the cheap parts are covered depending on location (canada typically covers gyno remocal surgery too and T for low test guys so don't fret)
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They always see themselves as men, and try to adapt the body to match it. The uncomfortable part is related to the body doing the completely opposite of what feels natural. For example feel the absence of a penis from the start, and when puberty hit feel the need to impregnate without having anything to impregnate with.
The government doesn't cover jackshit dumbass. Anyway if you care enough there's literally a guide how to acquire unnecessary steroids for men on leddit, all you have to do is go to the right doctor and complain about having "low testosterone" and you're as good as zyzz fampie.

I would rather pay a tranny tax and have a bunch of patriotic attractive ladyboys and hefemales than what we have now which is they repress for 50 years and come out of the closet at 60 yrsold as trans-communists and look creepy and unpassing as fuck. But that's just me.
Jesus christ, I'm so sorry OP. You didnt deserve this many and so extremely retarded answers.

I'm also FTM. As long as your T levels are in normal male range you're good to go
>itt people who don't understand what a neurological condition is, and don't believe in medical treatment
I think we should start with elctro-shock "medical" therapy
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>non binary

for a neurological condition?
No hate here but if you're non binary would it be feminine to masculine transition VS female to male?
The goal is to torture them until they see sense. 2+2 = 5 if we tell them it does.

want to know how i know you don't have a medical degree?
>hurr durr we can't make people believe what we tell them.
It would work, they are tortured until they know they are ill. They will see our point of view. Everytime they have an immoral thought, they will remember the pain and realize they are thinking wrong. If not, we put them all in a big hole. And let them do what they want.

being ill is immoral?
You must be the kind of retard that thinks anxiety and depression are real illnesses.
Would you trust an ill person to maintain the state?
You should have thought twice about posting such a thread

based on scientific research transgenderism is likely a neurological condition caused by hormone exposure in utero, i'm one of those "retards" who believes in science


you're ignoring my question: how is being ill immoral?
It is immoral if it is unfixable and not mental, they should be helped like how I previously mentioned but otherwise they should be put in a hole in the ground to live in with other degenerates.
>someone is mentally ill
>torture them even more to "help" them

You can say being transgender is abnormal because it is and only a tiny fraction of the population is but it's still ridiculous to force people differently. If you sincerely believe that there is only male/female in society then you wouldn't be so offended and embarrassed when you see someone who doesn't conform to those standards, you wouldn't be this threatened by them. Your threatened because they make you question your world view and it angers you, it makes you angry because you know your worldview isn't right but you would rather hurt others than live with the fact that you were wrong.
It's because it is immoral and an a crime against society if they don't change genders. If anyone commits crimes against society they will be corrected

is multiple sclerosis is immoral as well? what about parkinson's? are people with narcolepsy immoral?

torturing people who are ill isn't helpful, never in the history of medicine has torture cured people of any illness so why would you think that would work?

how is being ill degeneracy? do you really equate the two or do you really think that sounds good?

are you aware that finding torture an acceptable treatment for an illness that's out of someone's control demonstrates a severe lack of basic human empathy?

do you know that people who lack empathy have something wrong with them? only a defective human lacks empathy, and since you're lacking there wouldn't that make you defective?

do you think that could be tortured out of you or do you think you belong in that hole you're talking about?
yeah you should a ton. it will make you sprout balls if you megadose.
>FTM trans non binary

It's shorter to just type "woman" since that's what you are and always will be, no matter what.

therapy is part of the transition process
>FTM trans non binary
that does not make sense

How can you be ftm and non binary when ftms makes you binary?
The b stands for bait

I don't understand why posters still respond with this. Most people that go through transition will see a shrink, it's part of the fucking process.

I know shitposting is fun but it's not that hard to educate yourself guys.

why educate yourself when learning about something is so much harder than being ignorant?
>FTM trans non binary
>the b stands for bait
>FTM trans non baitinary

You fucking moron
Actually that makes perfect sense
i don't even know what any of that means pls explain. men have penises, women have vaginas. what is it i'm not getting right?
Especially if you really could care less about the subject.
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yeah mix bleach too you freak
Here's your (You)

personally when i don't know anything about a subject i keep my mouth shut especially when i also don't care

It's nothing to do with gender stereotypes, it's about physical discomfort with your body. There are plenty of trans women, for example, who continue to live as men while taking estrogen to alleviate their dysphoria, because it's just a physical issue.
And I don't know of many passing trans women who are masculine, but there are plenty of trans men who are total faggots.

No one completely fucks with their body for no other reason than they don't like wearing makeup, that's retarded.
underrated kek

also this thread is a mess. most of u have prolly met a trans guy and had no idea, y r u even worried about it? sad to c so many ppl worked up over something that is none of their business
Your family is ashamed of who you are. Kill yourself now.
>trans people take the opposite sex hormone
you're so brave anon! don't let anyone tell you otherwise! they're just bigots

>bodybuilder takes testosterone
lol omg check out this fucking juice monkey. what a fucking fraud cheater! doesn't he know that will shrink his dick and kill him?!?!?!?
explain binary/non-binary? Is this tumblr speak?
Here's another (You)

Except on /fit/ where it's the other way around.
i don't understand what ur talking about. i wrote two posts, yes. r u implying i'm op? cause i'm not.
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>Men produce test naturally, may want more to appeal to opposite sex/break limits
>Women need estrogen to appear more attractive, don't need test unless they're transitioning which is less than 1% of the population
>here you go, good luck

do you want people to tell you you're brave for using steroids?
Ignoring most of /fit/ having no fucking idea what they're talking about...

Yes, of course you will make gains. That's what T DOES. You will gain SOME muscle even if you do virtually nothing, although it won't be terribly noticeable/visible. E.g. I have a task I have to do at work that involves lifting a big rubber mat, which used to make me pour sweat. After the first 6 months of T, I could pluck it up off the floor like it was nothing and I was not lifting or anything.

Here's my issue with your question, though: it strongly implies that you're planning to increase your own dose without your doctor's input.

For the love of god, DON'T DO THAT.

For one thing, if you accidentally take too much, your body will just convert it to estrogen. So you're wasting it.

For another, it is much better for transition to go slowly and try to mimic natural male puberty. If you're just starting out, you don't want to be on a peak dose...you're trying to imitate being maybe 13ish. I believe your vocal cords in particular can suffer from rushing it, and you'll end up with a goofy nasal voice.

>non binary
Stop this, though. It's just pure faggotry.
For all you non-science mongoloids itt
Also, a study of white matter diffusion in FtMs vs. controls:


The only area in which FtMs matched female controls is an area that only differs after exposure to testosterone (i.e. puberty in natal males) anyway.
why not?
grapes contain reversatol which inhibits the production of an enzyme that turns test to estrogen.
grapes are good for test fuck u niggas talking about
>less likely to be hired than a man for the same position
this is straight up untrue aside from labour jobs.
theres is a massive push for female workers in literally any decent industry. you can pass engineering or finance with aweful grades and still expect to get hired at a top firm
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