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Adventure Time Bomb

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Thread replies: 520
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Available for anyone with a cable subscription
Oh god. I don't know my xfinity account info, any other source like mega?
The brand of void from Berserk and the mark onnthe asteroid xiabalba are Very similar and the contextual similarities of those comics (especially at those points) has me suspicious.

And I see similaries between that stupid asteroid and AT's come of change (especially the first one Finn saw on Mars).

They're just up. Anyone ripping them would have to wait for them to download and then wait for them to upload.
Is anyone working on the upload right now or can I just go to sleep and watch them after?
I watched them on my provider through on demand and you guys aren't going to like it

Ugh. What happened?
I don't know, I like a lot of stuff that some of you guys hate.
this, /co/ tends to have shit taste
Abstract now

others later
Avery you're a gem and I wish you the best in life
I get CN but my service provider isn't on the list
Am I SOL till the mega hits?
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Alrighty good night folks
Thanks, man.
Just saw Ketchup. Bubbline's dead. You guys can quit crying about lesbians in your cartoon now
thank you my dude
Thank you very much it is real can confirm
Wow I totally believe you guy, come over here and fuck my wife while you're at it
>Captcha: Fern AUTO
Deepest lore
thanks senpai you're the best! I really liked this episode
Man, this episode is gonna piss some people off, but I enjoyed it.
My exact thought. The lorefags are going to get their jimmes rustled
>piss some people off
you mean because jake is back to normal by the end of the episode ? it might, but I liked it
man, people who dropped this show are missing out
Not bad. I wish Jake had kept his new form for a while longer (it reminds me of how PB was immediately re-aged in season three), but I knew it wouldn't last forever, and it didn't ruin the episode.
While I'm not excactly happy that Jake is back to his old self so quickly I like how it was handled
If the rest of the episodes were of this caliber, I wouldn't be disappointed
That gave me a good chuckle, instead of fucking your wife, can I eat your ass instead?
Oh thank you!
I'm watching the bomb right now and these episodes are gold. Whispers is probably one of the best episodes ever. It's depressing that we can't discuss these live
nah, because it happened so quickly with little explanation
Don't leak all of them. Let us discuss them live
the other episodes have been leaked as well? goddamn it I want to SEE THEM
its not leaking if CN put them up themselves

put them all now so we can discuss
read the OP, they were all posted
they weren't all mega'd
yeah but anyone with a cable subscription can watch them

so some people have watched them without the mega being up
I think the anons watching the episodes other than Abstract are fat cats with cable
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Putting them all now ruins the discussions. These episodes are meant to be watched with anticipation
They're going to be mega'd all at once eventually. You can't fight it.
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yeah but those goddamn rich sons of bitches are watching them before us and will most likely spoil them
nah, all that does is make you expectations unnaturally high

they were meant to be watched, that is all, if CN put them all up now, I say watch them all now

if you wanna refuse to watch things you can do that, but the rest of us won't
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>Dropped Adventure Time around season 3 for no reason in general
>find it on Hulu
>"Sure, why not"
>Binge every available season in a couple days
>Google when the next season starts
>Read that the last season is next
It's an abstract kinda feel. On one hand, it's good they're pulling the plug on it before it goes stale, but I also haven't watch any western cartoons in years.
I'm hoping that they're mega'd just because I'm going to be on a long flight in a day and it'd be great to have a few new AT episodes to watch
Does this season ends on another cliffhanger?

And Ketchup?
That's very mean Anon
this is definitely not true
if you wanna be believed try posting an image

also we have had the leaks for a week, try harder
It would be very hypocritical of you to tell us all to wait while you've already seen the episodes.
he's just meme'ing
I keep getting heavy finn is depressed vibes whenever I see a new episode and I'm not looking for hate or anything I just want to know: do other people feel the same, I don't wanna start a discussion, I'm just curious
Finn doesn't look despressed at all in Abstract and I would very strongly disagree
Whispers was disappointing
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>Fionna is just an old lady
Literally nobody cares about Fionna and Cake
There's one anon saying Whispers is one of the best episodes ever and one saying it's disappointing. I am very curious.
I think it's one of the best due to how well it's done. The background music, the humor, how the scenes transition. The voice acting sounds natural. The scenes are all drawn to fit the mood perfectly. I've never seen it done this well before. Of course the following episode Steve Wolfhard and Tom Herpich boarded it so it's all fucked up
after these episodes, how many are left?
>before it got stale
They were four seasons too late
How was the episodes? No spoilers please.
Or 16, if Graybles/Frog Seasons count as episodes.
I didn't take the shorts into account, although the cake did say 284 episodes recorded. Regardless 16-18 is a pretty accurate amount of how much time we have left
Apparently the episodes are going to be on the Adventure Time Facebook page soon.
What happens in the season finale?
Bubbline gets confirmed
LSP roofies Finn and rapes him again.
Grass lich i hope
Wait, really?
Its what final 3 episodes seem to be pointing at in my opinion. unless three buckets is the finale i have no idea i hate the bomb format. I could tell spoilers if you want them
Three Buckets is the season finale. Just spoil it, I was waiting for this episode.
>that Regular Show reference
BMO's story was the only good thing to come from Ketchup
Fern gets fed up with being one-upped by finn traps him in a temple so he be the one and only finn while trapped finn happens to find out about features with his robot arm allowing him to escape after escaping he confronts fern they fight finn destroys fern, finn goes home ferns remains gets picked up by a random wizard
>random wizard

Don't tell me it's Huntress.
It is not, it's a new guy
not in ths US so i cant watch, megas pls
That Fionna and Cake episode was a real let down. I expected more from Hanna K and Aleks.
Here are my nitpicks:
The entire concept of Fionna having video tapes in itself. Finn confronts Fionna but gets interrupted by Ice King and then they just sort of fuck off? Were we supposed to forget about Finn and Jake? Ice King steals the tape from "Fionna" and replaces it with a sandwich. We later see Fionna going through Ice King's tapes and she acts surprised. Did she not notice that her tape turned into a sandwich? Furthermore her entire goal was to get to Ice King's tapes. She saw the flyer and immediately thought "better get to this guys house and look for more VHS tapes." How did she know what was on the tapes without playing them? Finn and Jake were clueless to what would be on the tapes, they weren't labeled. And holy fuck did they really need to give her flesh ears? We already know that Fionna's bunny hat stays up by itself because obviously she doesn't have fucking bunny ears. This episode hardly felt like a Fionna and Cake episode. It felt like we were watching Fionna and Cake skits with the other half the cast trying to watch them. I enjoyed how the other Fionna and Cake episodes were handled, you tell a story and it's clear that it's fanfiction but the setting up the story is brief.
Anyone else willing to mega this? I'm so anxious!
Avery might do it later.
yeah in like 8 hours when he wakes up
Based Madri saved us once again
Fucking sweet.
Nothing of consequence, just like the rest of the series.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Man...I just wish that this season didn't have this kinda....finality!
I like the return of cliffhangers
Just saw it. It's Martin
The guest animator parts in Ketchup were great, and I love that the blue jay really was a reference to Mordecai.
Seeing the Queen of Ooo in F&C&F makes me hope the King of Ooo shows up one last time before the series ends, even if it's a minor appearance.
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Look at all the cool shit Finn has in his arm. And I liked the warm message from PB. It sounded MUCH more genuine than conversations in the past and her dialogue in Don't Look

Fleshlight when
Rest in pieces

Guys, it's not a random dude!

It's PB's Uncle Gumbald!
>I am the ceaseless wheel. The last scholar of GOLB.

Damn, I hope GOLB has some role to play in the final season.
I saw you fuck up both of those spoilers anon.
I was wondering what the hell you were talking about. Anon did the right thing by reposting
He will. I'm like 95% sure that he'll appear when we see Magic Man and Betty on Mars.
Fuck me, this was a great bomb overall. Whispers was literally perfect - 10/10. Possibly my favourite Adventure Time episode ever. Ketchup's guest animated stuff was great, and I hope we get to see Marceline resolve her bottled up feelings about her mom in the Hunson and Marcy episode. Abstract and Three Buckets were both solid, and my god that ending. The obvious weak point was Fionna and Cake and Fionna, but it was definitely... interesting, to say the least. So much good stuff though to get excited about for the final season though, holy shit.
I fucked up the second spoiler. The first was another guy.

After watching Three Buckets, I feel bad for NEPTR. First he gets adventure-blocked, then the only guy who considers him the best member of the family turns out to be a crazy asshole. It's cool that Finn's learned about his arm's extra features, and the message PB left for him was sweet. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out between Finn and Fern, but it looks like the latter isn't quite dead yet. I'm looking forward to finding out who that guy at the end was.
It's Martin.
What blankfags? :0
It was definitely Gumbald. He called himself 'Uncle,' is pink, and is wearing a medallion with the letter 'G' on it.
Oh!! I thought the G stands for Goloh or whatever that red God is that Lich is a scholar of
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I find this incredibly disturbing.
I wonder if (I don't know how to do spoilers)

That alternate universe was actually real
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>>yfw he's the Archlich
lurk moar
I don't understand why he would feel inferior isn't he basically Finn?
It's a very strange self exploration. We the audience know he's the real Finn, but Fern doesn't know that. He doesn't know there's a grass sword curse monster is allowing itself to be his conduit. So we're left with a superboy situation here as his point of view.
So is the Lich out of the picture for good?
Is GOLB the final boss instead?
>real Finn
I though he was the past Finn or alternate reality?
I probably should have waited a second before submitting, but to add to that, Fern never truly went thru the Hall of Egress trial himself. He's digressing, entangled by the tentacles of grass in his own labrynth and he never was set free
Not that anon. Yeah the Finn in the Finn Sword is the paradox that it under control by the grass demon
I wouldn't count the Lich out just yet.
There's more. After Is That You, that Finn never experienced and did the things the other Finn did during S6, 7 and 8. That Finn matured. Fern just grew violent.
Additionally, Fern is the version of Finn who never truly resolved the emotional trauma incited by Martin.

I doubt the lich is truly gone, we only saw his hand, I think Sweet pea will have to face him properly in some kind of mind thing, or it could be that the lich could never truly be defeated, but rather he'll always exist as the concept of destruction and/or misfortune.
I doubt that, he's still inside Sweet P. He may resist, but I get the feeling this is "our" Lich biding his time - he didn't want to rule alongside the alternate Lich, and he still influences Sweet P's dreams (remember, he's the only thing the kid dreams about)
Okay Lich, get ready to die! Again. For like the fifth time.
Shouldn't the trapped Finn have a grass demon too? after all he gets the grass sword before the Finn sword, so the trapped Finn should still have the curse. Meaning there should be 2 grass demons.
He probably does. That's interesting to think about, but I'm not sure how that could come into play
True, in essence, Sword Finn is looking thru the sword emblem thing equivalent to how we watch the events looking at a tv /phone screen. Some of us emphasize with the show, and some of us don't connect with it. And sword Finn unfortunately seems to not see himself in whatever is happening. He's watching in isolation with no 4chan or forums to interact with.

All this time I assume he's fine, and is an exact mirror reflection, but we've seen inside the sword. It's an empty room with a stool, nothing like the mirror world that Football inhabits.

He must have really been out of the loop now that he's his own entity again
Anyone noticed how the grass field in the last episode was identical to the one in finn's dream in the episode the blade of grass
You'll have to refresh my memory if this is before or after sweetpea

This is now a goddamn kingdom hearts situation. Fern did weilder two grass swords at the same time
Grass sword- S5 Ep45 Blade of Grass
Finn sword- S6 Ep 15 Is that you?

In this timeline Fern should have 2 Grass demons.
Maybe Sword Finn's grass curse is under his control. He was able to control it just fine before. But when he was trapped in the sword the other grass demon was able to take over his body.
It could be that the grass sword curse monster in parodox Finn also died along with his flesh and physical body as the matter crystallized into the sword. I always assumed tiny Finn is pretty much his soul. I never assumed he shrank or something
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Plus we've seen him before

I fucking knew this was Gumbald.

Nice find!

Nope but that's pretty cool. AT always does stuff like this to retcon past events into being more significant. Like how in Islands, they made Finn sit in between Martin's legs like in The Visitor.
In case anyone was still waiting for the full mega it was posted in another thread

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they are four seasons too early actually. It's been getting only better and better, and I could have gone for a few more seasons.
A much better example is the crown on Simon's skeleton to retcon the animation error
t. shill
It almost makes up for the fact they're continuing to nail in you can't have Marcy without PB

>woah oh oh woah woah oh oh
couldn't catch my sides
Oh yeah, I loved that.
Things are getting hype but the series is ending, fuck this world.
Or, hell, Uncle Gumbald himself.

Was originally just a one-off character before they fully figured out PB's backstory.

Now, well, here we are.
I will be very, very sad if we don't get another Martin episode. I am really looking forward to closing that gap in his story. It's starting to look really implausible now though.
>fionna isn't fat anymore

that's perfect
What's there left to close really? The events in the interim between Min and Marty and Escape From the Citadel don't need to be detailed.
did they did that just to make clear that the grass sword cruse represented in the dream has been fully fulfilled? I mean the way fern just dissolved into pices of grass is similar to the way finn does in his dream
what episode was this?
I think it was The Thin Yellow Line.
I'm not really into the events per se, more like an explanation for Martin's shift in personality or more precisely attitude towards Finn. Sure, you can always have an off-screen hit on the noggin, but jfc the man went from caring father to cold piece of shit. Would be nice to expand a bit further on how that happened, but yeah, it's not really necessary by AT standards.

There's also the fact that he's a really cool char and all of his episodes are gold (escape from the citadel is #1 of the entire series imo)
Yeah, it was Thin Yellow Line. As evidenced by the filename.
>queen of ooo

not that bad of a batch pretty fucking kino
I think Martin is just an asshole by nature. He tried to be a better person, start a family, live an honest life, but when that fell to shit, and then he knocked his head or whatever, he just went back to his asshole-ish ways. I like to think that he also partially blocked out the memories of Finn and Minerva himself. As he said in the Comet, when you burn bridges the only way is forward. It was probably a combination of knocking his head, and his tendency to run away from any kind of confrontation or bad situation. Anyway, somehow he did something bad enough to get locked up in cosmic jail and then we get EftC. If we get some more on it later, then great, but I'd rather they deal with stuff that needs answering.
that wasn't even the real fionna
Abra ka Debora looksfucking disgusting with the clitoris on top of her head and labia hair. Gross! Can't tell if it's worse than the deliberate sexualization of her body form
>It's an abstract kinda feel

Well, shit.
>before it goes stale
I didn't see that as a prophetic dream (the cosmic owl wasn't there), just a sign of the grass sword taking over Finn.
His shift could be attributed to him getting severe head trauma when he fought the Guardian, guilt and just being kinda sleezy in general
Remember, even if he did go back to the island, he wouldn't be coming back with Finn and how would Minerva react to that?
He said it himself
>You burn enough bridges, the only direction to go is forward
Season 8 did not have a single 'bad' episode.
Cute. The guest animation was great
>Fionna and Cake
Wait, are they real or not? Someone explain it to me, please. I didn't get the ending either.
Loved everything about the lich, but this better not be the last we see of him. Fuck Sweet P i want my lich back
>Three Buckets
fern was an asshole, im glad hes dead. I bet that alien thing and that new human will work better as villains than the wasted time that was Fern. Seriously, fuck him.
The tape was just Ice king's dream, intercepted and recorded.
>PB imprisoned her own father
I cant wait til we find out he was an ass and PB didnu nuffing wrong because fuck me if this is wasted potential the series
how do you even do that?
I thought that too, but dear lord, as a fionnafag this makes me want to jump to conclusions that it was all canon if all the other fanfiction writers (in the show) had the same beams going into their heads
still a relative. Even with her brother they came up with an excuse that, if he was free he would destroy stuff or kill himself.
Its like every time they make her an evil bitch they realize they still want her to be a good person so they hijack themselves.
She inadvertently tapped into whatever signal is beaming the F&C adventures into Ice King's brain.
It's because she is good. Well, ultimately at least. She's still done a bunch of ethically questionable shit.
>oh look alien jake
solved in 1 episode
>oh cool marceline´s mom
we ain't going anywhere with that
>oh cool the lich is back
Sweet P just killed him and hes never coming back.
>oh look a fern episode
Nah, hes dead and his alien part will help PB´S uncle as the new endgame villain, instead of the lich. You know, the villain everyone wanted as a final boss? Yeah, forget about that. We just make new villains that are worse than the last ones because we don't know how to write.

This show pisses me off
That Fionna episode was an abomination
>solved in 1 episode
We'll definitely see more of what Jake's discovery about himself means for him, and it was great as an individual episode.
>we ain't going anywhere with that
It'll probably be addressed in the hunson episode.
>Sweet P just killed him and hes never coming back.
You're pretty naive to think that. Lich is for sure coming back.
Are you sure? The uncle guy at the end of Three Buckets is obviously gonna do something big, and the lich´s VA wasnt on the final recording picture uploaded way back
Final recording would've been finishing touches I imagine. They probably got all the lines they needed from Ron Perlman already. Or maybe the Lich is dealt with before the very end. In any case I would be shocked if the Lich wasn't in the final season. There's just no way.
>something big

I member that episode.......... but I think the writers forgot about it.
So, the major stuff the show needs to address before it ends are:
-The plot they just opened with GOLB and the Lich
-Magic Man and Margles
-Betty being on Mars
(honestly, these three might be done all in one episode)
-Gumbald and Fern
-Jake and the shapeshifter (we still don't know what that thing is)
-Unsolved stuff about Marceline's mom and dad (mostly likely will be done in Marcy & Hunson)
-Ice King's crown having one jewel loose (just like the Ice Thing in Graybles 1000+
-The catalyst comet that hit Earth around the time of the war (it hasn't been mentioned once)

And the minor stuff is:
-Martin's cosmic crime and his connection to Billy
-Prismo's boss
oh wait wait I did think of something that would really need explanation: how in the fuck did Billy know about Martin?

But still you both make compelling points. I don't think AT is going to explore Martin further in light of this.
Those episodes were all.... really really good. The ending of F+C+F didn't make much sense, but I almost cried at the end of Ketchup, so I think that balances out.
Damn, Three Buckets ending made me feel sad as shit, like how real it was. Finn trying to tell Fern if he died to tell Jake he loved him, trying to talk to Fern about how they can go home and forget it happened, and then the entire ending with Finn just being lost for words and it just being quiet while Jake and Bmo hug him.

How much more will Finn suffer?
I honestly wanted them to make up.
I think it was the best of them all really
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Where is she?
Anyone else feel horribly bad for Fern? He remembers everything in Finn's life, he loves his friends just as much as he does, he has lived everything Finn has but he can't have it because he is not Finn.

I can only imagine how it is to look at your best friend in the eyes and have him not recognize you, Fern had nobody and it's clear that him trying to imprison Finn was a desperate attempt to "bring back" what he remembers his old life. People are concerned about Finn but Fern had to endure all the torture he did and on top of that suddenly being told that not only he's not Finn, but he's a failure and that everyone that he cares about doesn't even know who he is.

The worst part is that Finn clearly knew how he felt, he related to Fern not only because he it's him, but because he knows how does it feel to have nobody. Finn killing him in the end fucked him up good because he knew he failed to save him, for all he knows Fern could be him, drowning into the abyss without someone to love him, and he couldn't do anything about it

It seem to me the recordings where beamed into Iceking.
>Anyone else feel horribly bad for Fern?
I can only hope hes freed from the grass demon and gets redeemed

Was the best episode for me too anon. Let's hope Finn can save him later.
I don't know about Gumbald, at first I thought It was like Galactic Martin or something like that and was excited but now seeing it's just this minor character
from back in the day I'm concerned.

I really hope they just didn't dig up a random character to make him the villain, or at least not that blatantly.
He IS the grass demon. It assumed Finn's identity by absorbing his memories.
>He IS the grass demon. It assumed Finn's identity by absorbing his memories.
Try again
How would you guys rank the episodes? I'll need to rewatch but right now I'm thinking:

>Three Buckets
>Fionna and Cake and Fionna
doesd anyone have any links to them? I'm outside of the US so I can't use the CN website links
Here you go!
also: I skim-read the thread, but I'm not going in depth so that I don't spoil all the major details - sorry if there's already links
thanks :)
Ketchup #1, just by a hair, then the rest tied.
I actually put Ketchup at the no.2 spot and then changed it. It's hard to compare it to the rest, so I'll need to think about it some more. Great episode though.
>ketchup #1
please Three Buckets #1
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Three Buckets > Ketchup > Abstract = Whispers > Fionna and Cake and Fionna

>mfw the AT team has finally gotten their shit straight for the final season
Three Buckets > Whispers > Abstract = Ketchup >>>> Fionna and Cake and Fionna

All were good though. The show's really fun lately.
I just really loved the guest animation. That put it over the top (or maybe in a separate category). All in all though, stellar bomb.
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give Marcy a non pandering episode please, which means just give her a fucking episode without mentioning PB

she shouldn't be the token gay
It was only like 2 minutes, faggot, get over yourself, the episode was just about Marceline.
>confess her feelings
That doesn't make any goddamn sense. This isn't a fucking highschool anime romcom.
absolutely. Fern is really tragic, even too much for AT standards. He appeared to having somewhat figured it out and was inching towards redemption, and then he lost his grip and fucked it up. The ending of 3B was really sad precisely because he did not deserve that, he was just dealt a bad hand.
Yea, and they almost nailed having her exist outside of being PB's ""friend"" until that 2 minutes where she went on about her a pb having an adventure and more fuel to the fire

Give me a Marcy ep where PB and her have no interactions or mention each other and I'll stop complaining, bitch
oh shut up it was about her relationship to her mother
She was clearly talking about Islands, what the fuck did you wanted her to say?
it came from the nightosphere
memory of a memory
return to the nightosphere / daddy's little monster

plus more
This is shockingly dark for a kids' show.
It felt kinda bullshit that he didn't regen or us his grass abilities(like he did when beating on the grass wizard).
>posting Tumblr post

You do know they take everything out of context right?
Precisely, I knew that, but the faggots they threw a bone to continue to twist what they see in their favor

Maybe a different story? It didn't have to be written around her talking about the time she was with PB

and Islands didn't even need her to be with PB in the first place

I find it funny when we finally get a Marcy centric episode without PB in the picture they go right back to the last episode as a flashback of when they were together and use that

They're incapable of having Marcy exist and not talk about PB
I don't mean you give me an episode, I'm saying give me an episode with new AT's standards that doesn't have her, at some point they just started having PB and Marcy together every time Marcy existed for the time being.

No shit? I used that as an example to the reason they're catering. Everyone knows they treat Marcy as the backhand viewer grabber
Give it some time, he's definitely not dead.
You people literally complain about "AT's new standards" ever single season that comes out.
I worded it bad, my point was just "at some point marcy became impossible to have without PB being in the picture because they wanted to pander with her" and by that timeframe to right now, I'm exampalizing as "new standards", I then asked for a marcy episode without PB in any shape or form mentioned with Marcy, because every fucking episode with her has to have PB in some way
The whole point was BMO and Marcy explaining what happened, she did so.

As for why Marcy was with PB in Islands it's because they said goodbye to Finn, don't be retarded.
Fuck I thought we were talking about Elements, I mixed them up, because what her story was was about them in Elements. She didn't have to be the singer and friend with PB there but they did. That's just an example.

And Marcy and BMO have interacted very little, they could've done a different story that didn't require "remember the last time i was in an episode and it was with PB", even BMO had to remind everyone that the girl was in fact PB
You know I'm not really that provoked by Bubbline anymore considering it sounds like it's only on Marcy's part and PB doesn't seem to fully reciprocate.
I don't care how they feel about each other, I care about it from a writing standpoint, and they've really limited themselves
It's not IK's dream. At the end of the episode, a red beam that has F&C on it shoots into IK's head while he's sleeping.

It's most likely a weird transmission from somewhere.
>Sweet P just killed him and hes never coming back.

There's still a Lich hand in every other universe imaginable.
Not to mention that wasn't the only Lich hand around.
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never coming back, hopefully.

I liked it better when she was originally pitched to be that little girl returning from City of Thieves.
I dont think there's anything wrong with keeping her character ethnically questionable. She doesn't need to just be evil, but there's been a lot of moments when she's just been wrong and it's humanizing
even if he is kind of a background character, anyone who has to do with PB's past has merit to be significant
he's kind of a shitty fighter
So wait is this part of Season 9 or is this the Season 8 finale?
I like how at this point, Finn has kind of given in. It happened really fast, sure, but I don't think he would've stopped it. It's like deep down he knew Fern was beyond saving, and just let fate guide his hand. The look on his face is one of grim resignation. He didn't want it to happen this way, but sometimes the universe just works itself out.
Production-wise, it's the Season 8 finale. By whatever stupid broadcast scheme CN is going by, middle Season 9. I'm siding with the production crew on it.
Neither do I, I love PB, she's my favourite character.
>I love PB, she's my favourite character

said no one ever
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PB a best tho.
Of course. LSP wasn't writing this one.
>PB a best tho.

If you're talking about porn, then yes
No, PB is not for sexual.
>No, PB is not for sexual.

Too late, 7 years too late.
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No, PB is for all the sexual.
Oh, I know. It's all incredibly OOC though.

>Exhibit A
Well Lich is still in the picture be it Sweet Pea or all the Lich Hands that might still be about
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100% agreed
Regular Show Complete Series Blu Rays when?
They've been hinting at Gumbald coming for a while now. He was first mentioned in season 2, then not mentioned again until the season 6 finale. Then they referenced him a few times in season 7, with his log cabin that PB stayed in, and then showed him in a flashback in The Thin Yellow Line. I don't see why they'd go from not mentioning a character for 4-5 seasons, and then a bunch of times unless they had some sort of plan for him.
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This appearance by him is so out of nowhere. What are the implications of him being in some ruins away from his niece?
He wants revenge. Should be fun watching him call out PB and trying to wreck her shit.
Maybe AT referencing it gave it its luck?
Abstract was actually really cool, but Jake completely going back to normal was pretty lame.
Expected, but still lame. It didn't even lead into much character introspection besides faffing about how you can be different but still the same (basically everything stays 2 electric boogaloo. Would be nice if this isn't the complete end of his alien arc, but I'm expecting it is.

Good episode in the end, maybe I'd just give it a 7/10 for lame resolution.
Are we even sure he is evil?
So..... Fake Fiona said that the transmission was from an old TV show.
In Finn's world Adventure Time was real and it starred Fiona and Cake.
I think the TV explanation was just what she belived. For all we know she could have catch a transmition from another universe.
The question is, if Fiona and Cake was an actual TV show in AT universe would it be live action or a cartoon. And how would we be able to tell the diference?
Ketchup was cool and a better guest animated episode than Beyond the Grotto for sure. All the segments were more interesting and fluid, especially the ending which was really nice. I liked Marceline's story even though at this point I could not care less about Bubbline bullshit, but I wish that BMO's story could have actually told Marceline about what happened at Islands instead of being some fun, but pointless bullshit.
Also the facial expressions on Marceline were crappy but it was a Xayaphone ep so what can you do.
anybody know whether the show is going to be going on hiatus or if they're going to continue doing these bombs until it ends?
it lasts till 2018
>Fionna you're such a better hero than Finn!
It's like Ice King is really the AT fanbase circa 2013
No she said it was 'like' an old T show. She was just calling it a fictional thing with no basis in reality.
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Hey Whispers was pretty damn cool. Am I the only one who feels Lick was too poetic with his speeches? I mean, sure he's done them before, but I feel like this time he was just a speech machine and nothing else. But I thought it was damn hilarious when he was talking as the hand, doing that little finger mouth thing.
I like everything they're doing with Fern,
good thing they have a direction for his character now. He was pretty great the whole way through this episode and I thought the way they showed him walking while the demon thing was on him was very cool.

Lots of good little stuff too, like Finn calling Jake and all the stuff he was saying to the Lich, but it bugged the hell out of me the way the entrance to the subway moved from being in a ruined cityscape to suddenly being in a bog.

Damn good episode though, 8/10 by my take. Hope Buckets is a good continuation.
Wasn't the subway at an isIand before?
It was on the other side of Iceberg Lake, so not really an island. It was definitely in a completely different place than in this episode though, at first I thought it was just supposed to be a subway that would connect to the first one but then Finn started talking like it was the same one and it was clear the show just forgot or something.
not too much
That was so wonderful, such a nice thing that a bit of RS is still alive even after the show ended.
I dunno, at the very least this episode confirms Mortal Folly happened during either winter or early spring. It's definitely the same entrance, but there's a lot more vegetation. It's not that unbelievable that it looks different if that was another season.
I really like how they made Fern just a massive fuckup trying to get his old life back because his new one is so shitty, rather than being just some asshole evil Finn clone.

He could have just killed Finn and been done with it, but no, he meant to keep him alive and fed, of course in a fucked up way because Fern is a fuckup. There's a bit of Finn good in him that's buried under the resentment and feelings of worthlessness and that grass Cthulhu. Real good stuff.
I don't know if I can really by that, Ooo doesn't seem to have seasons. There's always a sunny grass area, a desert area, ice area, and they're always stagnant and don't seem to change.
Plus the area all around the subway entrance looked dead and ruined, I don't think it would experience such an explosive growth of flora in just a few short years.

I appreciate your efforts to make it work though man.
There was nothing to fix that was the whole point of the episode. [Spoiler] The episode is as much about his alien side as it is about him accepting he is growing old. Jack might have physically and mentally changed but he is still Jack all he needed was to come to terms with that no matter how much he changes as long as he knows where his soul lies he won't lose himself [/Spoiler]
Thanks dude very nice of you to relink
>I don't like being abandoned! I'm sensitive to it!
I really liked that, they were able to use something that's been with Finn for a while now into a pretty funny joke.
Reminds me of alllll the way back in the Jiggler where Finn was like "Mommas are supposed to love babies!" pretty clear there was a bit of projecting his own experiences there.

>Finn's robot arm can actually do cool shit
>complete with a guide from PB who isn't being a bitch and is actually being funny and cute
Thank you AT.
>not having fap function
3/10 at least she tried
What are you?

A weed whacker.
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>made an /aco/ request a couple months back about Finn's arm having a vibrator function
>turns out it actually has all sorts of functions
How the fuck do I keep predicting the future with my AT requests? First I requested this the day before To Cut A Woman's Hair premiered...
Lick and Jack hehehe
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Then I requested this a few days before Candy Capers #3 came out...
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And then I requested this a couple months before Islands revealed Susan's real name is Kara.
well shit

wasn't expecting that ending

Wish the Lich had lasted a little longer though, wasn't a bad episode but it felt like a bit of a waste of their main big bad
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Depressing ending, I just want to hug him.
Why dosent he fight back against the octopus? Hes basically Finn right?
The Fionna episode was just as boring as the last 2 have been. Man they really have a hard time making those interesting for some reason.

Thankfully everything else being good made up for it.
because he doesn't even realize that its effecting him, it doesn't realize that the grass sword that merged with Finn Sword is functionally a demonic parasite
Didn't Fern completely forget the octopus existed as soon as he was reborn? That's what I remember from Two Swords.
So who or what is sending those beams into Ice King's head?
So I guess they were too lazy to get Rebecca Sugar back to voice Marceline's mom huh? Cause in every other story BMO and Marcy told the characters were voiced by their actual VAs while in the last one Marceline's mom was voiced by BMO.
Yeah. Kinda disappointing, if you ask me. At least she returned to voice her in the series finale (that is, if she shows up)
It was a direct story being told, it didn't flash into the story itself, it still took place with the characters, unlike other times stories are told where it flashes into the story itself

>being disappointed about this minor thing
you'd have to personally care about rebecca sugar herself to be upset she wasn't in the episode and use words demeaning the crew because she wasn't there
I think they also did that because they would have had to get young Marcy's voice actress too. All the other characters are series staples (besides Quintel) so it was a lot easier to do.
I interpreted it as glob intercepting reality signals from other dimensions/realities and sending them to Ice King's head.
>it didn't flash into the story itself
Did you watch the episode? There was that whole fancily animated thing that showed the story BMO was telling, that was the same as the stories BMO and Marceline told to each other. It's not like the USB had a recording that was showing that.

Only thing time BMO was narrating everything instead of the other two stories where BMO and Marceline would narrate stuff but the characters would still talk in their own voices.
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>Finn comes back from killing Fern
>BMO says that's the look when he kills someone
>No audio
Fucking most kino episode I've seen in a while. Finn has really grown up. I wonder if he's still depressed.
It seems like on his own he's still pretty alright, but more reserved and stuff. Then he still gets shit on because he's the universe's cosmic toilet and he goes back into dead inside mode.

I love that the treefort gang is so familiar with each other that they can tell that kind of stuff, and that Finn is canonically a murderer (before Fern). I love that a kiddie show like AT can have the heroes be genuinely good people who still kill a bitch when the situation calls for it.
Take that Fernfags
If I have one complaint with 3 Buckets it's that I think Finn wouldn't have just left Fern behind in that field like that. Even if he thinks he's dead, wouldn't he want to bring him home to show Jake and BMO and bury him or something? Seems a bit forced so that Gumbald could get his remains.
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Forgot to mention this, but this scene didn't show up in the Bomb at all.
Must be the very last episode.
The animation for the last episode isn't even done.
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This is your doing anon.
Maybe he was in shock and left the scene like how a real life accidental murderer would, shaking and not able to think straight
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Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my arm... my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you?
I fixed it anon, now it's properly spoilered
Right, I remember back when the 2 minute clips released, I thought this scene was gonna be in the opening of Abstract for a second, like the episode was gonna start out like a dream or a vision, but then when Jake was still an alien I forgot about it
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>AT starts to get good
>It's also ending
True, that works for me.
He looks kinda fat here.
It's just the perspective really, it's established that Finn is not fat
>>BMO says that's the look when he kills someone
BMO is a national treasure.
I wish I had that screencap from Be More on me, it's canon that Finn has some pudge on his torso, his anatomsy is just so weird looking that it usually goes unnoticed
they even kind of acknowledged it in dialogue once
Dad's Dungeon
>I can't! I'm a whiny baby and fat and all those things dad said about me!
Right after I read this I remembered when Finn made PB out of his belly fat when he ate all that Ice Cream

I was about to say "but that was the old seasons so that probably changed" but I remembered while typing he gained weight from slacking
How many episodes until it ends now
16 right?
not recently

he just saved all of humanity and the land of Ooo back to back

he is back in form
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Once again, that's probably a matter of perspective- For example, even if a fit person slouches they might be able to make themselves look like they have a bit of bellyfat. He looks much more normal in this picture, for example. Minus bellybutton and nipples of course. Joshua said that because in the state he was in, Finn was a baby. And babies are fat. Based purely off of what we know about Finn is very active and probably isn't overweight. This is a super fucking weird line of discussion btw
Yeah that was a 1-episode thing to show that Finn and Jake slacked off in a major way.
Yeah, was a 1-episode thing.
16 IIRC. Pretty sad, we're at the end here.
I'm thinking that's just artistic emphasis put on to show that the situation was pretty obscene/ridiculous
Is that taking into account these episodes?
Fat does mean they're a lardass who can't move at all, I always thought it was strongfat. Finn needs some muscle with those skinny as hell limbs of his to be able to pull off the stuff he does, and it seemed lime it's concentrated in his torso. Plus I don't think that stuff ever shows up when Finn is slouching, he's standing straight up in >>93870449

It comes down to artistic license, you're right that in your cap he doesn't seem fat, guess Sugar liked him skinnier. But it seems like a decent amount of artists have been consistently making him a little pudgier when they draw him, could call that just perspective but always seemed like he just has a little stuff on his belly.

This is a real weird thing to discuss, but as it goes.
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Finn is adorable
These are some weird episodes. Disappointing that they took away shapeshifter-form Jake immediately, especially after he started changing like crazy (into a rainicorn-like dragon form, no less! that could have been an episode itself). Ketchup was just an excuse for pretty - it was pretty. Lich getting BTFO was fun. Fern turning was sadly predictable but handled pretty well nonetheless (i guess just inevitable, in hindsight).
Watching Adventure Time at this point feels like a party that's been dead for hours. But a few people are sticking around. They stick around, coming down. Some of them think that real talk is going to happen, a few more think that there is still some excitement to be milked, but in the end it's just a bunch of people on a couch going "I don't know, what do you want to do?"
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He just spend 6 Months with his mom who can materialize Ice cream out of thin air. I would be furious if she didn't spoil him just a little.
I mean I still enjoy it.
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I need a gif of Sweep P from Whispers

You know the one
I've always just felt that Finn is just a bit on the stocky side. Not fat. Maybe a bit of chubbiness, but definitely has a lot of muscle.
Sweet P growing up to be a badass warrior with dark powers when
When he falls from the shit like a fucking rock right?
Hell yeah
Fern did nothing wrong, anyone in his position would have done the same thing
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I don't completely understand what Fern is. Is he a clone of Finn being controlled by the parasite who entered the grass sword? Is he an alternate dimension Finn?

>tfw kids media is 2smart4me
He's an alt Finn from a universe where he was turned into a sword, and has been watching the life of our Finn from inside said sword.
Eventually the grass sword mixed with the Finn sword, and the curse inside the grass sword took over the Finn from inside Finn sword and created the freaky abomination we all know and love today.

It sort of reminds me of Homestuck with all the different versions of characters and Fern seems to kind of be like a doomed timeline.
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Fucking lost my shit at both the animation and that appearance.
Thanks so much for explaining that, everything makes more sense now
Np prob b
>>93871124 Take a look at >>93869333
Basically what >>93871173 said.
You can tell JG had fun with it, especially the short "wuw" ones, and the times where he chuckled

also JG played a normie on a bed at the start of marcy's story, he sounded so happy
That's not what retcon means retard
Fern is a mixture of time duplicate finn when they restored Prismo and the grass sword parasite .

The grass sword parasite snuck inside the Finn sword when it broke and took over the body of time duplicate finn making him sort of an avatar to control
After watching Abstract and Three Buckets, I think both were foreshadowing for the end of the series I think Jake is going to lose his mind/something relating to his real father, the 5-eyed demon that'll inevitably make him a bad guy. Finn has a "brother" who initially feels that there's nothing wrong with him and is completely normal, and that "brother" is a demon. Brother progressively realizes something is very wrong and becomes insecure about himself, and the demon takes over too. Demon tries to kill Finn. Finn kills demon- Being Fern. Jake is changed and initially sees nothing wrong with himself. Throughout abstract he becomes more and more insecure about having changed. While he eventually comes to terms with it and becomes his normal self again, this is similar to how Fern initially came to terms with not being Finn- Though this is a much more literal change, with Jake becoming his normal self again. I'm probably forgetting a few details that might be important, but basically what happened to Fern is what will happen to Jake, and Jake will die. Maybe. Either way Finn'll end up suffering.
this is NEPTR, say something mean about him
You could actually be onto something, to bad the ending will probably be rushed
Reminder that the images of thin yellow line aren't real. It's just the Banana guards deforming reality. they got it all wrong on all the thing they tell about PB. Like how they think she treated her brother.
I think they have a reasonable amount of time. I'm confident these final 16 will be the quality we're used to.
PB is evil - Fact
I honestly hope so too anon.
>how in the fuck did Billy know about Martin?
My guess he turned kinda mystic in the way and managed to get a deeper connection with reality. he even could talk after death or some shit...
Just his hand and it's nothing without the actual Lich.

Anyway, Sweet Pea is still there.
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A little angel.gif
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underrated scene.
>-Martin's cosmic crime
I will forever believe his cosmic crime was to con a wish master into granting him two wishes.

He makes good pies.
I'd laugh if Martin became Prismo's boss after taking the comet's offer.
best moment
I said something mean, you're not allowed to be nice to NEPTR
He has two faces.
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>>93869678 #
>I wonder if he's still depressed.
>>93869733 #
>Finn is canonically a murderer
>>93871287 #
>Either way Finn'll end up suffering
Finn has been fucking depressed since Flame Princess left him and PB started munching carpets with Marceline. Jake has a family now so he doesn't even spend time with him as much. Susan's gone with the humans and his mother might has well be FUCKING DEAD. The only time he's actually been happy is when he's hanging out with Fern. Now Fern's FUCKING DEAD and Finn killed him. I'm convinced that without all these monsters showing up (Lich, Orgalorg, Betty) he'd an hero already.
It's not murder if it's legitimate defence.
I want to know where this depression meme comes from. He genuinely at ease in the episodes we see him. Just because he thinks he killed someone doesn't mean he's depressed he just fucking went through something heavy this is how he should handle it.
>Finn has been fucking depressed since Flame Princess left him
Hu, no. he got over his depression in Breezy.
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Not all depressed people are huffy puffy woe is me ooooh better write on my tumblr about how sad I am :(
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Yes because that's exactly what my post implies you fucking mouth-breather
Going by that definition Finn didn't murder Fern here, but BMO still called him that.
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hol up did Finn commit suicide?
I've been bothered by the Holly Jolly Secret and Betty inconsistency and they'll never resolve it
I'm autistic
Which one is that? The way they sort of retconned what Simon said in his first tape?
Justifiable homicide is the most accurate thing to describe this as. But murder is easier.
No silly
It was murder because it was an accident and at the time it wasn't self defense, the arm thought he said fatality.
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Why do Finn and Jake have a picture of Gumbald in their house?
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jesus christ
I hate when shows do this, after 8 seasons just have a thing like "yea that was always there"
Punished "Venom" Finn
don't know but I noticed the picture of PB in a chef's hat from Her Parents again, I thought that was neat
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>Wearing the flesh of his enemies
>He didn't even bother to take put his shirt back down or fix himself up a bit
>He just goes straight home.
Damn that boy is ruined. I hope they keep him feeling somewhat down in the next episodes, but I doubt they will.
Next episode when?
Finn seems like he's at peace. Reserved and peaceful. He's grown a lot, and I really love his characterization.
For everyone saying Fern's death was dark for a kid's show, it's par for the course if they aren't human, or appear directly human. Jake could die using the "my pet passes away" special episode gimmick, that's the only way characterized pets can die in most kid shows, is by twisting it, or he could die while in his alien form. Marcy can't die (you know, being staked or something) because she's too close to human, the other vamps could because they weren't as characterized and connected to the viewer. PB could die, because despite being humanoid, she's pink, which registers as inhuman. Nepter could die, BMO could die, Flame Princess could die, and yes, Ice King can die, because he isn't in his human form usually and that's not what the viewer associates him with.

My point is kid shows use this loop to kill a character all the time, exceptions are RS killing humans in every damn episode without twisting shit, but that's usually because they're 1-time characters. Other shows rarely get to kill off an established human unless it's a special or if you're like Batman/Superman or some shit.

Fern being just grass was predictable that he could die. They could even have him beg and plead, say he has a family, etc, because he's grass.
what inconsistency?
Remember how broken he was when the Finn Sword died? It even lasted into the next episode.

HE killed a guy, I'd be pissed if the sword gets a continuity depression but Fern doesn't, because it's a bigger death
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Just finished it now.

And ye, Jesus Christ.
I agree. Though I can't help but feel bad for him, I think things have been rough.
This, he said in that episode that he felt Fern was like a brother to him, or even closer than that. Finn is probably going to be in a slump for a while.
When Simon in HJS records his first tape, he claims it's just after he first put on the crown and that Betty looked at him with such contempt and that he never saw her again
In Betty, she leaves during what appears to be his first time putting on the crown, preventing her from looking at him with such contempt before never seeing her again
It's autistic to be bothered by something so insignificant but it does bother me
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>5 frames an hour
>I don't know how to remove audio on Mkv
*sigh* here we go, OpenShot don't fail me now.
~A Boy denied his Brother~
or its after she first disappears in fear of him, he flies into a rage looking for her but he never finds her because she came to Ooo,

also Ice King's memories are clearly spotty he says so himself, the crown causes him to sort of black out sometimes, its possible that wasn't the last time he saw her, just the last time Simon ever remembered seeing her
He changed the timeline.
It was like 2 minutes and she was only explaining what happened during Islands, stop being a faggot
At this point, I literally don't think so.
Last ep where Marcy was the main focus and PB wasn't heavily involved was Princess day, though even then she chatted to PB in that episode.
to be fair, at least it was relevant info and not just a quip or some shit.

>BMO is adorable
you know I really would have liked to see Marcy actually fighting off the candy curse and trying to save PB only to fail

I didn't mind this episode but honestly I wish that had been an actual episode
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DONT....call me that
>even with all his fancy magic plant shit Fern feels like he's just Finn but worse
That rock paper scissors thing was really cool
>defense force
Any art of Abracadanielle yet?
>that sinking feeling when WEED WACKER option pops up and Finn just realizes what needs to happen, but doesn't say anything
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time to get rid of one of the finns
PB built an onahole into that arm right?
Here's a link to all five episodes.

I hate the Ketchup designs in Marcy's part
two, one based on her, the other based on Marcy
It was her logical theory but there's no way that's possible since Marceline and Bubblegum lived for a long time
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Damn, no more happy family
>Captcha: TREE Fort
She built them because sure as shit he ain't getting none of the real deal.
Nothing wrong with that, it was too weird making new characters when they could have used old characters when their backgrounds aligned such as the Thief Princess/queen. Like goddamn, just Penny, don't make some random ass troll from home stuck fanfiction
Lol, I was just talking about that while scrolling up
Why? they looked really cute.
I just hate those styles
Billy knows a lot of things,!oh wait, that wasn't him
Well he did have a crystal gem so he's probably aware the time line has changed and Finn supposed to have a sister, so the logical conclusion is that Martin must be in prison
So I get the feeling that Gumbald is trying to use Fern to get back at PB or something. If there's any hint of truth to what BG 16 said, PB did something to him back in the day. Maybe he wants revenge, or maybe he thinks she's evil or something and wants to take her down (so he's a good guy or something).

So it's gonna be a Finn and a Bubblegum vs Finn and Bubblegum, or something.
No, she even said in the end of her miniseries she wiII hang with PB forever
Me too! Not hate exactly but marceline's retelling was just an excuse to be totally offmodel.
That doesn't mean they're conjoined at the hip.
Even in Ketchup she wasn't with PB, just told a story about her. The show will always conspire some way to shove PB into whatever Marceline is doing now.
I really liked what happened with Fern, but I wanted that boy to stick around for just a bit longer. I feel like we didn't get enough of Finn and Fern(and Jake) adventuring together.

They started to get at the "third brother" aspect of him in Three Buckets, and I really liked that. I wanted more of that.
>James returns
Good to see Andy Merrill still getting work.
>I could eat beans all day!
>Before it got stale
It was pretty bad from Late Season 5 to Season 7. I feel like Season 8 is when things got good again.
Who the hell brought in tumblr madoka Magica levels of shallowness shit into here? I loved how Marceline actually talked to the ice elemental in that episode too. That was actually neat. It's so refreshing that the women of the show are finally talking to each other a lot more. For years there's an extremely huge drought of these kind of interactions especially when Flane Princess was in a relationship
Pretty much.

Simon puts on the crown > Has visions and freaks Betty out (like he said in the tape) > She looks at him in contempt and leaves > In confusion, he puts on the crown again, and that leads to the flashback in which he's screaming and looking for her > Future Simon opens a portal, Betty gets to Ooo > Past Simon never sees Betty again.
>It's so refreshing that the women of the show are finally talking to each other a lot more.
oh jesus spare me
BMO didn't say murder
Didn't he say "That's the face you have when you just murdered someone"
He did
Kiiiiiiiiillled someone. I would know because I laughed each time black comedically
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Has recent episodes made anyone else really fucking fascinated by Ooo's landscape. It's so fucking ripe for exploring. Every fucking background shot is full of gold.
That's racist.
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I know
He ain't at peace all the bad shit gets pushed inside the vault. Like that one scene with the drawing on the floor in Ghost Fly. He's gonna snap like a motherfucker one day
Shad the fug up antifinnlaidfag
Finn went thru 3 seasons of character development tho. Dot just cite the outdated past. He's been thru a whole lot especially the Hall of Egress episode and interacting with his asshole dad and super dead mother
using Hall of Egress as an argument against him vaulting shit is silly because if anything the end of that episode implies he repressed the shit out of the whole thing
>Jake asks what happened
>"No comment!"
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>yfw Fernfags get absolutely BTFO
It's silly to say the whole episode was a waste of time. It's utterly normal to not share private moments sometimes
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not saying it was a waste of time, saying Finn put it in the vault because it was a terrifying experience that he doesn't wanna remember. I didn't view the episode as teaching a lesson to Finn, just putting him in an interesting challenge dungeon he has to get out of somehow.
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>yfw GRASSEDfags got BTFO

What a glorious day
do those even exist?
I really like Fern but I don't think I'd consider myself that.
It mostly seems to be people who only hype Fern up as being awesome so they can shill their theories about how he's gonna bang Huntress Wizard and cuck Finn. Just people who either have an impressive lack of faith in the show or get off to selfcest NTR.
Though there are people who genuinely seem to like him, but they like him for the exact opposite reason of what I believe Fernfags are, they like him because he's kawaii and sad and has identity issues and shit.
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Never ever, m8

You'll be lucky if Finn makes it out alive at this point.
I kinda like how Fern has no empathy. He has all of Finn's skills and memories plus magic grass shit, but his inability to empathize causes him to things like threaten Jake or want to cripple Sweet P.
He did remember it tho, the parts where he had to leave Jake and BMO behind as he blindly walks away, persistently walking unhindered by anyone else. That's a path he took eventually in the season finales.

If you really think he puts it in the vault, he would have said so loudly

But he didn't. And he already loudly acknowledged he has abandonment issues so he definitely did not put Marten and Min into the vault then. He knows his boundaries after pushing it so hard as far as he could on Islands
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>He has all of Finn's skills


He kinda suck with the fucking grass sword
This scene was hilarious. PB is such a dork at times, and I love it.
There's so few AT threads here, I never seen the hype
I love how it's a call back to the Glitch is a Glitch 3D guest short too
The true OTP will rise

I hope HW shows up in the final season
I think he's a very interesting character, he's basically like a "what if" Finn where everyone forgot who he is on top of all he has suffered.

Anyone saying that Fern is a character made to cuck Finn is failing to realize that there's no character more cucked than Fern, he pretty much went through to everything Finn went through and on top of that more and with anger issues. He's so fucking sad that fucking FINN felt bad for him and tried to incorporate him into his life despite of being weirded out by his clone.

I want to see him happy and him being with Huntress has nothing to do with Finn getting NTR'd
>the parts where he had to leave Jake and BMO behind as he blindly walks away, persistently walking unhindered by anyone else
you mean this season finale? he just got tricked out there by Fern, and in Whispers he was calling Jake for help. he was handling things solo but it was more out of necessity than his desire.

he doesn't put everything in the vault, but some things that creep him out, and Egress certainly did that to him. seems like he still knows it's something that happened given his little chat with Jake at the beginning of Elements, but I feel like he repressed most of the possible years he spent wandering around in there.
Be careful with your heart, you might just get a ___BTFO thingy as well
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Unless there's a fair portion of the new episodes with her as an important character, I believe that She'll be left as an option for Finn after the series or as it's ending. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see them get together, but with such little time left she might unfortunately just be left to fanfic writers and artists. Here's hoping though!
God I hope so too, but there's only 16 episodes left. We know one will be Hunson and Marcy, and there will be one rap episode. So that only leaves 14 to deal with HW at some point, on top of the Lich, GOLB, Normal man, Betty/Simon, Fern, Gumbald, and Jake's demon ancestry. They're all interconnected though, so it should be possible to resolve all of the plot threads in relatively few episodes. I think HW will get another episode still.
Who's Gumbald? Was he that guy at the end?
PB's uncle, been mentioned a few times on and off as the show's gone on. Signs point to him being the dude who took Fern's remains.
I just want to know why he cut down all those taffy trees.
I don't think our minds could comprehend the 4D chess shit Gumbald has been up to.
Oh yeah, that's one of those early season things isn't it? Don't know how she could have an uncle being what she is.
I love you
It was established early on in season 2, but the rest of the show didn't ignore it either. He was referenced near the end of season 6, showed up in the flashback in Thin Yellow Line, and I want to say there was one other mention of him but I can't remember right now.

The show could have buried him but chose not too, looks like they'll explain how the rest of her family works or some shit.
Egress episode happened right before the brief Huntress Wizard hook up. And then the thin yellow line where we got to see what Gumball looked like. So really recently. There's the pre boot/reboot thing, the islands where Finn meets his mom by himself, he had the moment where his Finn sword got stabbed and was sad for abut after that, the elementals drama and dealing with all his feelings and past for Bubblegum and recognizing she's always there for him because of their non romantic bond

We are witnessing him growing as a person and letting go with some of the baggage he had that are referenced throughout the series

There's no real benefit to the plot to have Egress be put in the vault after everything he went thru. Especially if this is written by Tom Herch (I'm probably spelling that wrong).
>a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events
Sounds pretty accurate to me. A retcon doesn't have to be inconsistent with the story.
>There's no real benefit to the plot to have Egress be put in the vault after everything he went thru.
There's probably no benefit to him remembering either though, plot wise. It was a one episode thing that wasn't important in the grand scheme of things, and likely won't be mentioned again bar casual talks about it like in Skyhooks.

I feel like it would be an incredibly lazy thing to say Finn just 'got over' having to repress shit just because he grew up. that's something the show implies he's been doing his whole life and if anything his life has just gotten worse and worse so I'd imagine he's relying on that shit now more than ever.

what you're describing may be more accurate to the show than my ideas, but it's also a lot more boring.
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>Sounds pretty accurate to me. A retcon doesn't have to be inconsistent with the story.
what does that picture mean in response to his post
I think he's saying the brainiac is being retarded and hiding behind a facade, maybe
A retcon is short for retroactive continuity. It can't be retcon if it's consistent. If you don't know what the image means then lurk moar
Fucking newfags reee
The meme is calling him a brainlet that's pretending he knows what he's talking about
i don't know what show you've been watching, but 99.99% of Ooh is ruled by princesses. LSP's debut was during an establishing shot of being PB's best friend. There's great hilarious relationships with LSPxTurtlePrincess LSPxBubblegum LSPxMarceline. The cast had a huge reservoir of gold that can be mined. We all know FP was a shit character because she only existed for Finn's love interest without having any connection with the world. They were way too late when they finally made her to because they chose to make her hate PB as a motivator to take over her kingdom to make sure such harm doesn't happen ever again and the whole fucking cinnamon bun thing that they refuse to retcon out
AT never really retcons stuff, but it is decent shorthand for what they do by making stuff that was definitely not implying anything more significant and stuff and later turning it into something more, like Martin sitting with Finn.
I'm not a fucking newfag, i wasn't part of the discussion and saw a crying wojak behind the brainlet mask, which comes of what i said it did

>being actually retarded
Finn sitting with Martin isn't retcon because it doesn't change anything in the continuity. If anything it's a call-back or a reference
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oh shit he does
this has probably been found already
>i don't know what show you've been watching, but 99.99% of Ooh is ruled by princesses.
hm, right, but i specifically showed distaste about someone caring for the females interacting so much

s p a r e m e
lurk moar for Christ's sake
Fair point.
Yes there was a benefit to it. If anything, egress is no different than those prophecy dreams. It's not going to be exactly re addressed through dialogue, but it hints to his journey he already started and the challenges he had and will face.

If it's so easy to put it in the vault, then it should also be fine to put Hibteess Wizard in the vault and have her zero chance to be significant ever again, and I'd be fine with that kind of compromise
>Three Buckets>Whispers=Ketchup>Abstract>shit>whatever the Fionna episode was called
Whispers > Ketchup > Three Buckets > Abstract > Fionna and Cake and Fionna
that's a plausible idea, but I don't think it would have anything close the significant of cosmic dreams. the setting has gone in depth to show how important they are while Egress was just some rando dungeon.

And why would Finn put HW in the vault? He was a bit bummed that she didn't get with him but it wasn't a big deal at all. vault is for stuff that traumatizes him, not anything in his life that upsets or inconveniences him.
It is a retcon, by definition.

Yes, it can. This is the literal definition of the word, there is no room for debate.
As long as the Fionna episode is at the bottom that's fine by me.

Whispers was cool but the way Lich was acting was kind of lame. He was too verbose, they ruined him by trying to give him all this fancy dialogue. And I don't get how he was talking like he knew Finn when he was a Lich from a different dimension.
What was retconned then smartguy?
>wearing a mask meme picture isn't wearing a mask meme picture anymore
It's not so much. Im just asking for a little trickle. Like geez. You don't see me rubbing salt on "fernfags" (if they exist) or HuntressWizardfags' eyes
>implying that's what I said
Just to use the example from the google definition: "we're given a retcon for Wilf's absence from Donna's wedding in ‘The Runaway Bride’: he had Spanish Flu" This implies that a retcon can still be consistent with the narrative.

The significance of Finn sitting in Martin's legs obviously wasn't planned, but then they decided to retrospectively make it significant by copying the pose in Islands.
Thanks for not answering my question
Words aren't whatever you think they mean. It's not my fault you refuse to acknowledge the dictionary definition.
How do you know it wasn't planned?
>The significance of Finn sitting in Martin's legs obviously wasn't planned, but then they decided to retrospectively make it significant by copying the pose in Islands.
How do you know it wasn't planned? What defines it being significant? None of this answers "what was retconned. Here I'll help you out since you evidently need it.
The Adventure Time writers retconned...
then what was the issue, dickman
There was a post from Alden who boarded the episode talking about how he went back and saw The Visitor, and then decided to copy the pose. It's pretty obvious anyway guys, come on. As for what makes it more significant, when we first see them sitting like that, we don't think much of it, but upon seeing Islands, we think about how Martin deep down still acts like a father to Finn.

The Adventure Time writers retconned the scene in The Vistor to have more meaning than originally intended.
>behind the brainlet mask
Look at the crying Wojak. He has a tiny brain. The Wojak is the brainlet, not the mask. The mask is from the
>tfw to smart to
meme. I quoted the post I replied to to imply that the braintlet hiding behind a mask was the anon I replied to.
How do you know that's a small brain when it's equally likely that it's a facing upward penis?
The Lich is a scion of Golb, who most likely transcends time and space. So maybe all forms of the Lich share a hivemind of sorts.

As for the personality, it could just be an inconsistency in the writing, but it might also be that Jake Lich has a slightly different personality than Ooo Lich. He definitely seems to relish in his evilness more rather than acting like a machine that's been programmed to kill. I wonder if this has to do with the fact that Jake Lich is some 1000 years younger than Ooo Lich.
>what defines it being significant
Answer this. Where are your sources to verify that The Visitor was retconned to have more significance? Where did you even get that this was their intention? How does it make it more significant? It doesn't. It's just a call-back
I feel like the legs thing is more like being consistent with the stuff that's already available. its intention wasn't to change the value to the past frame, but more to keep consistent with the character quirks by repeating the behaviors they've done before like with all of Ice King's behaviors
I just explained it to you. It's not a big retcon, but the scene with Martin's legs around Finn in The Visitor does carry more meaning after Islands.
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there's still an 11 minute rapping episode with 9 songs
>there's still an 11 minute rapping episode with 9 songs
there's still an 11 minute rapping episode with 9 songs
>there's still an 11 minute rapping episode with 9 songs
there's still an 11 minute rapping episode with 9 songs
Or it could just be *cough* flanderization *cough*
Wait what 9 songs in it? Source?
Fuck me that'll just be literally an entire episode of rapping with nothing else going on. And there's so many that they'll all be short and neutered.

Oh well, AT always gotta balance out the good ones with some shit ones.
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>it'll be a HW episode
f u c k
r a p
Oh god, just imagine if they wasted HW on a rap episode. Please let based Alden handle her next appearance.
I don't even know how are they going to have Finn rap, he looked fucking broken after 3 Buckets.
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That would be more painful than if the GRASSED fags actually got what they wanted, fuck
It'll be like "Stan" by Eminem, except it's Finn rapping his suicide note
I like the way how Finn is sort of trying to be a mentor like figure to Fern like how Jake was to Finn when he was younger, it's cute and a nice subtle sign of his growth.
What did Alden do again? I'm still not familiar with all the storyboarders yet
Man.... I'm gonna be so embarrassed as an FP fan. She's no doubt part of it

Did people not like her rapping bit on that one ep? I thought it was fine
On the topic of HW, most notably "Flute Spell", but he also worked on Skyhooks, Min&Marty, Happy Warrior, The Invitation, I am a Sword, Crossover. Etc.
Personally if someone starts singing I will probably skip it.
The fucking blue jay killed me
He just does pretty good episode. He was working with good old Jesse Moynihan before Jesse left the show, who you may be familiar with as the guy who made episodes that were all up their ass with philosophy and cosmic shit and junk.
Some stuff Sam made:
>The Mountain
>Flute Spell
>I Am a Sword
>Normal Man
>High Strangeness
>Several parts of Islands, I think The Invitation, Min and Marty, and one of the last two episodes
>Several parts of Elements, Skyhooks, Happy Warrior, maybe one more

And Whispers. He just does good work.
I would love to see Jesse return for like an episode or something, but unlikely.
Ah great! I'll keep his name in mind from now on
Would be cool, but I feel like it would have had to happen by now. They're already finishing the remaining episodes up.

No problem man.
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I don't know what it is but I hate when shit like this happens

this scene, the "what's going on here" line, it almost feels disjointed and i hate it
I just hate that slightly disjointed reaction
Even if he just had some story input. HW, Magic Man, Betty, GOLB are all his babies pretty much.
Nice thread

Mordecai's cameo saved the bomb from being a "decent and the great at the end" to a "pretty damn fine to great at the end"

Also it was the only thing I liked about Ketchup, I hate Marcy and BMO goes in and out of being a character I can tolerate. At least it'll be remembered more than just a shallow bubbline shoehorning episode now, that is if ATfags care about RSfags or things that are funny
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