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Why the fuck is Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth so fucking expensive?

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This is enraging. Fucking why?
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It hasn't been reprinted.

I really hate it but you know what, let's just read it.
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Paul Dini just doesn't get this character.
WAit. I have a copy that's never been opened. Where can I sell this?
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This and the three other Ross/Dini books were printed in these giant prestige-format books. That's why they're so expensive.

The format coupled with the name "Alex Ross", that is.
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Sorry for the holdup my comics reader keeps fucking crashing
Clearly Amazon, as shown in the OP. I can't remember what percentage they take from your sale but it's not like ebay where you'd have to pay to list it.
It's called being out of print anon, it's the bane of the comic book collector's existence.

It makes things like the reprint of the Walter Simonson Thor Omnibus all the more sweeter though since it's been a pipe dream for years now.
>you'd have to pay to list it.
For real?
OP here. I am trying to buy this book for my cousin. I decided to look on eBay and found Wonder Woman in this guy's set. Is this worth bidding on?

Unexpected Texas Anon Wonder Woman storytime? Daddy likes.
>Wonder Woman movie not only doesn't suck, but actually turned a solid profit
>official remake of Metroid 2 and Prime 4 announced
Y'know, in hindsight, Spirit of Truth kinda sucks despite giving an effort, but that's not going to get me down, because something actually good happened for once!
Every thang is free on the web, thank comic fag you are true pal.
I'll qualify that with the last time I did it was like 5+ years ago so they might have changed it. And I don't think it was a lot but still fuck it.
holy shit you retards, you do not have to pay to list on ebay.
>tfw Wonder Woman's book was the worst out of all of them

Why must this happen
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My comics reader is absolutely eating shit, wtf

Tbh the Metroid 2 remake looks like shit to me, it looks like Other M combined with Castlevania Mirror of Fate which was absolute garbage. But I'm a Metroidfag so I'll take it.

Prime 4 is what I'm really excited for.
It's free to list but they take a hefty percentage if/when it sells.
Holy shit just buy The World's Greatest Super-Heroes which includes WW Spirit of Truth.
>Listing Prime 4 being announced as a good thing
It's already confirmed that Retro isn't developing it. Pretty sure it's actually going to be developed the guys who made Federation Force.
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Dini just doesn't get the character, unfortunately.

Art is amazing, naturally.

Doubt it, Fed Force was Next Level Games. I think Tanabe is pretty bummed about the game's reception.

See the problem people complaining about no Metroid the past few years don't get is Nintendo has a limited number of teams. For Metroid you basically have either Sakamoto's small team (which is so small they had to farm out the assets to Team Ninja) and Retro who are doing their own IP right now. That's why Tanabe had to get Next Level to do a spinoff in the meantime.
is there anyone that gets this character?

i mean i don't read WW books but based on crossover/event comics (like Justice League) or the animated shows every characters talks about how she is compassionate and shit but she always acts like a straight up spartan warrior when push comes to shove.

amusingly enough it's the recent film that made me understand that WW had a "love and compassionate" side to her character.
>doing their own IP
They shouldn't be allowed to do that.
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And Next Level mostly does multiplayer games.

Basically with Retro busy your options are 1) let Sakamoto and his team do it (which they're not going to because they've been turned into the mobile game department), or 2) get whatever C-list team you can get to do it. Personally, I'd rather let the series lay dormant than get a game just for the sake of it, which is what I see Samus Returns as being.
The new mini by that artist and her husband that threw a fit had a pretty good characterization of her

She acts more like she should in her solo
it's the team books is where she sucks most of the time
>Tbh the Metroid 2 remake looks like shit to me
I kinda hate that you and I are fans of the same stuff, yet keep disagreeing on shit. I actually like all the new mechanics, and the game play itself looks fairly tight. At the very fuckin' least, we're finally getting a proper Metroid game, not more of that salting the wound Federation Force trash.

Eh. I certainly wish Retro was doing it, but I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt on this one. If they betray that chance, I'm going to Japan and burning their corporate headquarters to the fucking ground.
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But anyway that's my Metroid talk.

There are quite a few. I think anyone who gives the character a chance can pick up on her character very easily. The problem is so many just don't bother doing the bare minimum amount of research.

>amusingly enough it's the recent film that made me understand that WW had a "love and compassionate" side to her character.
That's really good to hear and what I've been hoping was the case.
Amazon 3rd party sellers are known for jacking up prices. You need to look at eBay to see what they're really selling for.
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This is an amazing page.

Deliz did so well with her in Legend of Wonder Woman that I was excited to see what her Kickstarter or Pateron book or whatever it was was gonna be, but sadly it's just generic GRRL POWER superhero book.

>I kinda hate that you and I are fans of the same stuff
I like seeing peoples different perspectives. Especially since I don't get to talk about this stuff anywhere else.

I can also be very NOT MUH when it comes to Wondie and Metroid.
Most people who write her solo treat her well
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I feel like people overblow the "Amazons are too perfect" thing but this book makes them cartoon characters.

I mean, they are flawed in their arrogance. But here they're kind of assholes.
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>She acts more like she should in her solo
>it's the team books is where she sucks most of the time

Is there any character where this isn't true?
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Diana loves lifting tanks.
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Now that you mention it, yeah that's a common problem.

Superman tends to be always pretty nice.
Team characters that get a solo for the first time and the writer is terrible?

Cyborg is more tolerable as a team member in general. Mainly talking about America.

and desu I've never liked an Iron Man solo but I do like him in some team books.
Not really, but the less popular the character the less likely people will read their solo and see the true form

I guess the exception would be characters created for team books? More likely to get mishandled in a solo without the others to bounce off of
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Who the fuck doesn't know who Wonder Woman is?

In a world where superhumans are on every street corner how can someone be that upset by someone who just saved her life?
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Dini genuinely tried here with the diplomatic stuff. Something we don't see enough of.
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But the thing with superheroes, as Moore kind of definitively put in Watchmen is that they so intrinsically imbalance global politics that you can't realistically even approach the subject in a shared universe.

Yet again and again we get the same tired story of "superhero tries to help in third world, makes things worse". It's a bummer of a concept. Eric Luke did it in his run, notably.
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I like some of the fake politics stuff though, like WW and Aquaman having to do shit with the UN.
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I mean, who reads superheroes to see them fail miserably and get people killed?
Characters who were created for team books.

A lot are underdeveloped, not popular enough to warrant a writer people actually like (some new ones end up like King and are a surprise), and need the members they were around before to bounce off of.
And then usually the writer isn't too good, nobody reads it, and then it's cancelled. Or the writer is good, still nobody reads it because nobody cares about the character, and the book is rushed and is cancelled.

Characters who have years of solos are the one with the opposite problem. They get more in depth treatment and get good writers occasionally, and then the team book reduces them to a certain trait or pile of tropes.
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This is a magnificent page, I adore how the rain forms the outline of the invisible jet.

Me too, but they don't go into really complex issues like terrorism and corrupt governments and religious zealotry, it's just fake international relations and intrigue, which IS interesting to read.
>I can also be very NOT MUH when it comes to Wondie and Metroid
Well, we certainly agree on that.

It's actually kind of funny how oddly similar the two franchises are in many respects. Protagonists who are pioneers for other female characters in their respective mediums, typically low sales despite their influence and name recognition, unfair perceptions perpetuated by ignorant non-fans, both Diana and Samus were raised by a mystical civilization and given their iconic tools by their parental figure, both have archenemies who are smarmy assholes who revel in ruining people's lives for the hell of it, both have a smaller yet passionate fan base who admittedly can get a bit too defensive for their own good, and both have had their reputations soured by an infamously and catastrophically awful entry neither has quite yet recovered from. Oh, and both characters have a lesser known affinity for interacting with animals.
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Now Clark teaching Wonder Woman what she should already know.

Excellent analysis.

Also both apparently specialize in wrestling moves, per Other M and now Samus Returns.
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There's an program that the bookstores use to price these things where they look at the highest price and add a few cents to them. Sometimes they feed into each other and you get ridiculously high prices.
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Also I might be being too negative on Samus Returns just because of how much I hate Mirror of Fate. And from what I've heard the shitty God of War combat in MOF was forced in by Konami to synergize with the console game. So my least favorite part may not even be their fault.
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Diana Prince: Ecoterrorist.
>most expensive
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I do like her solving problems in ways that don't involve punching or brandishing a weapon.
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To be fair most of the ones that say "Good" or "Very Good" are not anywhere near that.

So either they're being honest about it being acceptable or they're exaggerating and it's covered in an unidentifiable brown substance.
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And then she does the exact thing that got her pelted with rocks in the first place.

Also with large tits.
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There's less condescension towards the burka in this than I remember, which makes it a little better.
Also an element of the compassionate warrior going on. Samus did help the Luminoth for no other reason than they needed help after all. And then she just walks off with a nonchalant wave as though it were no big deal.
I fucking love Samus.

>being retarded
Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

Besides, the Melee Counter is just a quick single strike that's meant to finally give you an answer for enemies getting up in your face. So it's not intrusive or anything, just logical, really.

I like how it's a backhand too. She really has no shits to give.
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Still has the lame generic terrorists which I'm so tired of.

Right, I don't have a problem with the melee stuff at all, in fact it was one of the things I actually enjoyed in Other M. Just gave me flashbacks to Mirror of Fate.

Also just how fucking incredible AM2R is colored my expectations.
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I remember after first reading the Metroid manga I felt weird playing Prime and blowing away every creature I saw for the sweet sweet purple energy balls. Kind of clashes with Samus crying when one animal dies.
Crying Samus is the worst Samus.
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Another really amazing art piece. Fuck, I love Themyscira so much.

I also like the line here about her being a person of contrasts and contradictions. It's an important part of every good, realistic character, that their actions don't always line up with their words.
As long as we're brining up the abomination, I hate when people defend the shit game play. Crap level design, forced pixel hunts, lack of substantial exploration, using D-pad to move in 3D, and having to turn the Wiimote around to aim? No. Fuck you.

The melee attacks were the only worthwhile thing in that mockery of game design.
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And that's the end.

But that was babby Samus, or at least young Samus, before she became tough as nails.

It's not her having a fucking breakdown in the middle of fighting a space kaiju she's fought a dozen times.

The decision to make the whole game playable with just the Wiimote was asinine.
It's utterly retarded that the whole "contradictions" thing is used as a criticism against her. It's almost like Diana's a regular person or something. For fucks sake.

Prime 3 got it right. Samus despises Ridley because the bastard ruined her life. TWICE! So she responds to his audacity to still be alive with anger, and shoving three charge shots down his throat. Nobody in the history of anything responds to their hated nemesis they've encountered time and again by breaking down crying.

And yes, the lack of nunchuck support IS fucking asinine!
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