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looks like bad cosplay, like really bad cosplay
But then again, I've seen worse.
Everything looks fine.

Except medusa... my waifu what b have you done

Maybe it's just Medusa? Can CGI fix the hair color?
Only ramzy bolton looks the part.
Fucking Scott Buck
That looks awful. And I'm not even memeing, Medusa looks like something out of a porn parody.
It looks like some weird modern reimagining of the Addams family.
crystal is hot
I really like that Crystal costume. Everything else looks budget cosplay tier
black bolt looks like will ferrell and medusa looks like a strange psycho.
Those are some CWtier crappy costumes
>Video Games

DC running out of things Marvel doesn't destroy them at
I undertsand not wanting to give Black Bolt a cowl but couldn't they at least give him some sort of crown or something. He looks so unremarkable.
Medusa looks really bad.

I like Black Bolt though.
Couldn't they at least give BB a fork crown?
Karnak looks like the porn star Ip Man.

I hate everything about this. This looks like VERY shitty cosplay.

Can the MCU just fucking die already?
Is Gorgon black now?
Nah nigga, that's clearly Lockjaw
Medusa looks like she's holding in a fart.
Shocker that Inhumans and Runaways look like ass in the end. Or that Cloak and Dagger will never really do costumes. Or that New Warriors will be a sad joke.

Leob, where's the consistency you were suppose to be bringing to Marvel TV when we finally got you away from Marvel Animation?
HAHAHAHAHAHA inhuman shills BTFO!
Long live the X men
>Can the MCU just fucking die already?
he says as GotG2 is about to break records and make a billion at the box office
>a property like Inhumans on a TV budget
Why even fucking bother?

TV is only good for street level stuff because it doesn't require that much money.
>Medusa looks like something out of a porn parody
The costumes would be accurate if it were.

Because they think costumes will look silly in live action.
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What the fuck is this shit? Medusa is like THE hottest girl in the MU and they cast a granny to play her?

And I know those fucks at r/marvelstudios are eating this up.
How can they still think that when the movies constantly have people in costumes?
I'd say bad porn parody.
Because people who write for TV still think we're in the early 00s when it comes to capeshit. I dont care if you like Daredevil but the entire S1 really did feel like a show made in the early 00s.
>a property like Inhumans
Why even fucking bother?

And now MCUfags have no ground to talk shit about Fox's X-Men. Their worst looking X-Men is better than the best looking Inhuman.
It looks awful
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>EW's article title is "The Inhumans Come to TV- Finally"
They haven't finished Medusa's hair yet, they are still working on it
I don't understand Perlmutter.
>shill Inhumans
>hire the guy who ruined Dexter to run the Inhumans show
Is this some sort of keikaku I'm too dumb to comprehend?
>if something looks like shit you can't criticize something else that looks like shit
But isn't Medusa that girl from Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe?
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This looks...awful. Like, this looks insanely cheap. And they want this to premiere in Imax?! More and more, it feels like the Marvel TV division is sinking the entire MCU, and this takes the cake!

I don't want to see how Auran is fucked up.
Maybe he genuinely thinks Scott Buck is a good showrunner.
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>Black Bolts mask was the line
>but somehow Medussa puffypads made it trough
>How can they still think that when the movies constantly have people in costumes?
>almost everyone is either tacticool or just wears somewhat stylized clothes

Only Ant-man, Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk wear somwhat comic accurate costums which are also the fartest from the classic spandex style. Not to mention the defenders who mostly don't wear any costum at all.

>Gorgon is just wearing an old carpet to hide that he doesn't have any costume design
>Karnak has an overcoat from the local thrift store and LINES
>Black Bolt looks like a chad biker
>Medusa has drooping granny tits and a horse face
>Crystal looks okay
>Last guy is so bland I can't even tell who the fuck he's supposed to be, but he's probably Maximus

What the fuck is wrong with capeshit TV?
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She was Zatanna in Smallville
What the fuck, Smallville looked better a decade ago and that show used fucking hoodies instead of costumes for everyone
So, whos willly wil he cut off now?
The movie division really needs to come out and say the TV stuff is not canon, otherwise the MCU brand will be hurt by shit like Iron Fist and Inhumans.

If WB did something right, it was to acknowledge the low budget CWshit is not canon and to keep the movie and TV side separate.
Most likely he's one of those idiots who doesn't get the process of making a movie/show good and just thinks "If you make it, the money will come"
ike and kevin had powers in the early days of marvel studios

inhumans was ALWAYS ike's pet project. he didn't have x-men, so he was responsible for forcing NOT X-MEN down our throats

he was responsible for all the cheap petty shit that studios did behind of scenes to the actors/directors

once kevin got freedom from ike, inhumans got dropped from the slate of MCU films, which shows that it was always ike's baby, it makes sense, it was the last picture of the films, feige always talked about it very briefly and PR-esque diplomatically. but ike is a faggot and still controls power in the TV department and that's why we're getting this trash

this looks like shit, has scott buck (iron fist) running the show again, and it's not even on netflix, it's on AB fucking C. it's fucked. i almost feel sorry for the 5 inhuman fans out there but then again ike has been forcing them down our throats for so long i can give 0 fucks
You spandexfags are the worst, it would look like shit in live action. Look no further than the Cap costume from the First Avenger montage.
>being this THICC and this wasted in the MCU
>Only ramzy bolton looks the part.
The show premieres in September. They better get their asses in gear.

Fuck that, then it wouldn't feel like a universe. It's tiring seeing the same 3 shit.
Why was she so much more attractive as Zatanna?
>“It was an exciting proposition,” showrunner Scott Buck (Iron Fist) says of tackling the series’ challenges, which include visual effects-heavy favorites like Medusa (Serinda Swan) and her prehensile hair, and the one-ton teleporting bulldog Lockjaw. But Buck stresses it won’t be an SFX extravaganza. “We approach these [characters] all as real people who just happen to have these abilities, so they’re all very grounded.”
>real people

>won't be an SFX extravaganza
what's the fucking point of IMAX then???????

>implying the MCU brand is first quality or something
I applaud your stubbornness, o intern.
>The movie division really needs to come out and say the TV stuff is not canon, otherwise the MCU brand will be hurt by shit like Iron Fist and Inhumans.
As much as I hate to say this...yeah, Iron Fist was the first time a show in the MCU genuinely made it feel rotten. Like a bruise on an apple.

Looks like foxs version of inhumans.
But porn parodies often have better costumes than Hollywood movies.
>“It’s a little bit difficult to write him, because Black Bolt does not speak, but yet he is our hero and the center of the show, so it does certainly present challenges in how you tell his story,” Buck says. (Mount reveals Black Bolt will use sign language, choosing his words carefully when he does speak.)

>sign language
>“We approach these [characters] all as real people who just happen to have these abilities, so they’re all very grounded.”
They are not even supposed to be grounded. They are a royalty of fucked slave-owners.
It is to the general public, intern of rival company.

Your opinions on the MCU don't matter, the fact is that the public loves the movies. The TV shit is not that loved though and it will hurt the brand in the long run.
just give up Marvelcucks
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they have several times

even the tv side has said it
once he put a helmet and an army jacket on that shit looked good.
But I do agree full on spandex suits are silly in most cases, only spider man and other speed/agility centric heroes can pull it off.

CW's DCTV costumes at least try to be both comic-like and realistic for all their shit budget.

THIS is a disgrace.
Have a cent. You've earned it.
marvel is really sticking to that whole progressive meme by hiring a tranny to play a female character.
Someone edit Will Ferrel's head on Black Bolt
Because she was 10 years younger.
I'm sure WB would pay you too if they actually had any money
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Better pic.

Now Medusa's "hair" looks even more fake.
he also ruined Iron Fist
this show will be in the final nail in the Inhumans shilling
Sexy costume and no shitty looking wig.

If she was gonna look ridiculous, they might as well go all the way and use the goddamn costume and mask and make her irises white. why are people so afraid of doing this shit? I really thought film making was supposed to be fun. Nope, it HAS to look dreary and modern.
Call me a shill but everyone looking like shit aside, that is a perfect Maximus.
>Are there any story lines from the comics that you’re inspired by?

>I was so curious to see what their origins were, so I started at the very beginning. Obviously if you look at those comics from the early ’60s, they’re a very different tone than what we’re doing. It was fun to see how it all began, but I just continued to leap forward. I have not read all of them, but I continue to look through some of them. There were so many different incarnations of the Inhumans, though, so it was more a matter of figuring out, what’s the story we want to tell? Going back and then reading the whole backstory of them all was very helpful, but from that, we just pretty much moved forward.

aka lmao fuck the comics nigga i aint read that shit
Who is the black guy?
I'll watch this for my nigga Karnak and for nothing else

I seriously couldn't give a fuck about the royals, but I'll watch Karnak solving murders n shit

If there's one thing the Dextercuck won't fuck up its procedural shit
I foresee Ramsay Bolton being the only saving grace of this.
Yeah he actually looks pretty spot on.
People in hollywood look down on comics.
Only those with a modicum of talent. Otherwise Clint Eastwood would have played Nick Fury long ago.
That makes sense to be honest. I hope its sparingly, though, and not just a replacement for spoken dialogue. That'd be kind of a cop out
Which is strange since capeshit makes all the fucking money right now.

Fucking kikes need to be gassed.
>the hottest girl

You deserve to be disappointed.
She looks downright disturbing, like a doll from Conjuring.

Of course they do. They tell a better story than the trash that's release in cinema.
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oh jesus

And it's progressive as fuck.
They look like shit

20 good men looks good though
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Outside of waiting for Season 3 of Gotham to end so I can binge watch it, I'm kinda glad I dropped Superhero tv shows. Not going to even give this one a shot either.

I waste enough time as it is on /co/.
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I think these costumes look alright if this was some near future scifi series
And yet the TV Power Rangers somehow look better than the armor from both the Ivan Ooze movie and the new one.
>How difficult is it to bring Medusa’s hair to life on film?

>It is very difficult. Even now, it’s still a process. It takes quite a long time in post to make that effect work. We have some of the best visual effects people available working on our show. We still haven’t seen the final version of it; it’s very much a work in process.

>insulting your bosses
Silly goy. No jobs for you.
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everyone looks down on comics

just like everyone wants to be a part of Marvel
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Mate, the worst MCU movie is better than any of the shit comics Marvel pumps out now.
more stuff on BB
>Turning to the characters, Black Bolt is such a stoic leader in the comics. How does that translate to screen?

>Black Bolt is a very difficult character I would think for Anson, but for any actor to play. But Anson is tackling it in a hugely fantastic way. It’s a little bit difficult to write him, because Black Bolt does not speak, but yet he is our hero and he is the center of the show, so it does certainly present challenges in how you tell his story, but fortunately we came up with a really good story. Anson is terrific. I think everyone’s going to be very pleased and excited by his Black Bolt. We’re not doing voice over. If you read the comics, you see Black Bolt does find a way to communicate to people, but he’s also a very enigmatic character as well, and he keeps a lot inside. That’s part of what’s so fascinating about him is that a lot of times, we don’t know what he’s thinking.
You know this show is going to suck seeing how the showrunner is Scott Buck, AKA the man who ruined Dexter and Iron Fist.
Talking about producers and writers. It was worse decades ago.
>Are characters like the fish-like Triton motion capture?

>Oh no, they’re all actors.


Sorry, let me rephrase that.

>anything that's not modern and cucked


Why do they look down on comics? Is it because they simply can't just adapt what they see on it?
...Not really?
What the fuck would be the alternative? Writing shit down on a white board?
Hey, if Valiant can...
Who is the target audience for this shit
>more celebs that no one hires as main characters anymore sign up for a small role in some crap cape movie
/r/Marvel and /r/marvelstudios
Wait a min....wheres triton?
Wow...that looks awful. Like, really awful. Wow.
Just went over there. Seems like they hate it too. It's early though so the shills probably haven't brigaded the subs yet.
Triton will just be a dude who can survive underwater rather than covered in scales, fins and all that fish stuff. it's GROUNDED!
Do you know how much time/money would they had spent in his make up?
Karnak looks pretty good desu.
She won't have cute ears or any visible mutations at all. Because fuck you.
Wait, what is this?
Is he supposed to be Maximus? If so, great casting choice.
>tertiary canon MCU properties

Interconnected universe was a mistake
im glad inhumans keeps failing, this looks like garbage. fuck marvel for trying to replace x-men with not x-men
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>asian man play character that knows kung fu
>Movie studio told you to fuck off
>Inhumans kicked off the MCU
>Agents of shield ratings plumetting after wasting entire budget on Ghost Rider
>Inhumans written and directed by the guy who did Dexter season 5 and Iron Fist
nice tv universe you got there Ike

Seeing as how they're filming this shit in IMAX, they have no fucking excuse.
I didn't watch IF but to put it in perspective, Buck had
>setting up a creepy guy who seems to know Dexter's secret and was the only somewhat interesting thing about season 6
>in season 7 it turns out that he doesn't know shit and his motivation was literally "it's just a prank, bro"
>gets killed off by this season's big bad who after all the build-up gets killed off in the most anticlimactic way possible so Buck could focus on his waifu/pet character
Season 7 is considered by many Buck's best season, so brace yourself.
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at least crystal looks cute
Is that Lauren Phillips?
Can it not? Please?

Hopefully they take the entire MCU with them slowly so the comics will stop being dictated by them.
I might watch this only because of him. Oh, and Auran, if Auran is good.
YouTube "Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe"
because comics are fucking stupid
Will the bj scene make it in?

So is the MCU, what's the difference?
>Seeing as how they're filming this shit in IMAX, they have no fucking excuse.
That because all the money went into lockjaw
You just reminded me that I'm pathetic enough to know who you're talking about.
>porn parody quality
>shit IP
Why even bother
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>tv shows
>canon to mcu
I wish this meme would die.
They're stupid, but not "Retcon-happy Cosmic Cube Loli makes Captain America a HYDRA Agent" stupid.
Medusa looks especially horrible. Where the hell is her long hair?
>if you look at those comics from the early ’60s, they’re a very different tone than what we’re doing
>if it sucks, it's not canon
>yfw none of the MCU is canon
And OP's pic was the crew's idea of not silly?
I think casting call asked for someone experienced with heavy makeup. Think Doug Jones level of heavy makeup. So at least Tritom might be good.
>this shit is less shitty than that shit

So, don't use the current comics then.
Gorgon has the hooves!

The CGI is still being worked on, see quotes >>92082290
>near future scifi
That's kinda what the inhumans setting is though. It's a scifi super-city that's tens of thousands of years ahead of anything else on Earth.
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I hope the show has vanilla
Triton probably will be cgi on a human guy.
What specific event in the MCU movies is dumber than the comics?
I wish they would just come out and say they don't have enough budget instead of pretending it's an artistic decision.
Civil War
Age of Ultron
GotG 1 and 2
Why cast someone with makeup and prostetics experience then? They could've hired Doug Jones for a stale cheese sandwich, dug up the old prostetics from Hellboy and boom, Triton.
>he doesn't think high cheekbones are GOAT

how can you disappoint me again /co/
>normie says, "hey, isn't that Killer Croc?"
How was movie Civil War dumber than comic Civil War?
Nope. To troll.
>not having the full head mask
Fucking hell.
better be lying cause it looks like garbage
At least a fucking crown. Quiet Room style crown+tuxedo.
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>easiest way to be hip and cool even if you are old as fuck
>easiest way to make big money with no effort and you don't even need to know the source material
>easiest way to jump start your carrier

oh gee, they truly must love the high art that is capeshit movies.
>Black Bolt costume has a fly
Because CW, like the whole MCU, is cursed to be dumb.
But why is the MCU dumb?
Is....is she giving him a blowjob?
I wonder if Maximus's does.
You're too dumb to know.

Inhumans writers have never revisited this incident.
Is Black Bolt getting cucked his whole shtick?
Then she kisses him on the next page. With Black Bolt watching
>the MCU is dumb but I can't explain why
That sounds pretty dumb, anon.
It's actually a Skrull.

Wait, what? That's not fan art? What the actual fuck is going on here?
Maximus has mind-control powers. He uses them on occasion when he's in the mood to cuck his brother.
It literally takes no more than a few days to read them all and this faggot can't even do that despite the fact that he is making a TV show based on them.
Why hasn't Blackbolt just killed him, then? He's basically raping his wife right here.
What do you think? BlackCuck Cuckagon is getting cucked. As usual.
>mfw when She loves my cock by Jackyl is playing on the radio as I type this.

So this group of people from multiple different diverse real-world ethnic backgrounds are the singular royal family of a fiercely isolationistic culture who has had no interbreeding with the greater human population since the dawn of history, huh?

Like, okay. If there were any genes from people from Asia or Africa in addition to Europe, after countless millennia of inbreeding, they'd all just be beige at this point. There wouldn't be any members of the royal family ethnically distinct from the others.
>Marvel was planning to do an Inhumans movie and then it got delayed. Is this meant to be a primer before the movie? How do these things connect?

>I have no knowledge of the movie or anything other beyond this. People high up at Marvel may have some sense of what’s going on there, but for me, I’m just working on this TV show, so I have no connection to any movie.


Ike Perlmutter.
Because >>92082791
Was season 5 the season with MUH RAPE! As the motive for everything going on? I lost track after... Oh jesus, was he called the trinity killer as a nod to Third Rock From the Sun?
According to filmmakers casuals get turned off by bright and flashy costumes that don't belong to superman or spiderman
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I'm confused and upset. Fucking Agents of Shield have better costumes than this. And what the fuck is this medusa?! Why does she look like a fucking tranny in a wig?
So it does look very cheap. Do we blame Ike for the budget restriction?
A better wig would fix the hair
>Black Bolt (Anson Mount): From the neck up, a stern vice principal on a power trip because he’s slowly becoming aware he peaked in highschool. From the neck down, your uncle who just bought a motorcycle after the divorce.

>Medusa (Serinda Swan): THAT WIG. I could write 5,000 words about that wig that they had to buy special on Amazon because Party City didn’t have it. It was a brave stylistic choice to take Medusa’s famously fire-engine-red hair and make it bright orange. Equally brave, that center part. Girl, so many nerds are going to ask for your number in San Diego this year.

>Gorgon (Eme Ikwuakor): The coolest thing about Gorgon is his hooves and we don’t even get to see them. Yup, that guy on the far left is supposed to have hooves (does that make this show more lame, or less lame?) but since they’re completely blocked by shadow, this guy just looks like he’s preemptively cosplaying Idris Elba’s Gunslinger and got a little chilly.

>Karnak (Ken Leung): Why are you with these people? Just… make new friends, guy.
Fucking one shot heores and villains on CW and Agents of Suck have better costumes than this garbage.
I mean the brown tarantula
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>Gorgon has hooves for feet but no goat legs


I really don't know too much about the Inhumans in general, I've seen some appearances in comics but never really followed them, so this is an honest question:

Was Karnak ever shown to be asian?

From a quick GIS all I'm seeing is caucasian depictions in the art, from that pencil mustache I'd imagined him as being a pasty-white frenchman.

Did they really yellow-wash the character? And they did it to the *martial artist*? The optics of that look really bad, apparently asians can only be martial artists or have rising-sun fire powers.\

>go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
Because it's a tranny in a wig.
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IMAX means almost nothing these days. They sold out their brand roughly 7 years ago, and now people just think that IMAX is a slightly bigger screen (and higher ticket price). There are still very few real imax theatres around, and barely any film or documentary use the actual imax film anymore
>implying that reporters even knew who the inhumans were before 2016
They were D-tier Kirby shit and always will be
Costumes won't fucking matter when they'll just be in normal clothing 90% of the time because of muh grounded approach to capeshit
Not only that he got the most boring "we are ashamed of Jack Kirby designs outfit" outfit.
This is probably the second saddest thing I saw today. Check /asp/ for the first
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I just want to be able to see Ike Perlmutter's face today so I could spend like an hour laughing uncontrollably at him.


And then I just do a golf clap which lasts for hour after hour after hour, long after my hands are bloody and raw, but I never stop laughing for a single moment.
There's a full storytime of it over here:
Wait, so he's not a visual Fishman? Less Abespaian, more Kevin Costner's character in Waterworld. Doesn't that change the reason for Karnak not going through terrigenesis?
It could just mean they're going for practical effects, not mo-cap. Or maybe it is just gonna be some gills on the neck grounded shit.
Here >>92073463
>video games

At some point the movie division is going to tackle one of the TV prooerties and do it on their own and then you will know the TV shit ain't canon.
What the fuck is this? This is some shit I would expect from the most deprived NTR porn.
Did black bolt kill him?
>Minimum black lash over that, because of Buck's previous project.
Inhumans go through physical changes after going through terrigenesis. It's entirely possible that Gorgon was white until getting his powers.
He's cheap as fuck and has zero respect for the importance of creative talent. He's a very successful man with no vision at all.
The whole plot line was dropped after a few issues.
>No masks.

Absolutely terrible. But completely predictable

don't say words you don't know the meaning of
That's not actually Black Bolt. It's a skrull pretending to be Black Bolt. Also, Black Bolt would never kill his brother despite the countless times he's done things worthy of death.
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Me too. Me too. I hope he will be an asshole.
They actually look pretty good on a TV budget. Really looking forward to seeing how the show turns out. Damn Crystal is a hottie too.
>release the interns!
Is that Barry from Misfits?
Bright liliac was NOT the correct choice for 'dusa's dress. Should have been dark violet.

Practical effects is what I would have gathered, too. Don't know how much will be there, though.
Eh They all look more or less how I assumed they'd look tho the red hair on Medusa looks shit.
Da. Good ol' Melon Fucker has gone far.
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Well done.
I saw it on twitter.
He lacks the messy hair though, maybe they didn't wanted people to think "oh hey, Ramsay changed his clothes and went to another show".

But then again, that could be solved by just shaving him.
oh my god, that looks disastrous
I mean really? What the fuck is this?
I pity anyone who is hyped for this.
I can't stop laughing
By far the worst I've ever seen
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Fucking fixed it.
>why is The Flash dressed in black and with a cape?
>so many different incarnations
nigga, for the 50 years it was all about royalty. what different incarnations are we speaking of?
What is this from?
It is not like Inhumans have that much material. You can read it all in less than one week. And if you cut what came after 2014, then you can read all in two days.
Do you only read America and the Champions?
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Jesus Christ that's embarrassing.
if you say so
"Marvel Cuckolding Special Mega-Sized 80 Pages", 2007
>Budget bin X-Men look like budget bin X-Men.
I'd say they actually accomplished the look they were going for.
oh yeah thats way better
>black bolt in a tux in le quiet room
>OMG SO SMEXY i want blackagar's babies!
>blackbolt looking kino in a tux in his TV show
Someone make his jacket bolts into an X.
I'm already dissapointed
The shills in r/marvel and r/marvelstudios are trying to do damage control now.
At least in comics CW, Cap realizes everyone is just having a superpowered catfight and calls quits.
Marvel just need to cut the losses now and stop pushing the Inhumans. Even neofag and CBR are laughing at the promo image.

But they are really late.
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How do you want your Medusa senpai?
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You can't make this shit up
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>Spiderman and spiderman 2
>not good
>what the fuck am I doing with my life?
Why does Marvel keep pushing the Inhumans so hard?
More people hate them than like them by now
God I want to see the shitstorm that happens when BB uses the sign for ok
This year it will probably end. We just have to suffer for few months only now
So does /co
Completely unrelated, but when women shave their hair, do they have to worry about the hairline?
Maybe this all looks like shit on purpose. Feige might have secretly made moves to tank this project to get Ike out of power 100%?
The only thing I find particularly egregious is medusa looking like she's uncomfortably craining her neck forward because of the collar or something. The color's kinda Periwinkle but that stuff always looks weird in photos.
>Marvel Actor Sneaks in White Supremacist Hand Signal
I am actually disappointed with blackbolt. I honestly wanted him to be black.
that would be based.
It would be also based if he made some agreements with fox
>i almost feel sorry for the 5 inhuman fans out there
don't worry, we gave up a long time ago, we weren't even that big of fans to begin with
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Reminder that storytiming inhumans stuff might get you banned
I think it's x-fags curse. When you have such a massive hivemind sending out negative energy, bad shit happens
>Is Black Bolt getting cucked his whole shtick?
Of course.
>shown to be genocidal maniacs
>dicks who just show up anywhere and settle there
>"No more inhomos." after the end of IvX, when the last of terrigen was destroyed
>Royal family practically exiled into space, king sent to space prison, rest on Earth either forming a group of irrelevant people or getting sent to concentration camps
>relegated to generic origin like "lolmutie" was for two decades before, if not more
>planned movie pushed down to fucking ABC show

Nigga where the hell are you seeing this push.
Based Mods
Lemme see
>Civil War II - Inhuman ends up a key player
>Monsters Unleashed - Inhuman ends up a key player
>IvX - Inhuman ends up a key player
>Secret Empire - Inhuman likely will end up a key player
Marvel Legacy poster has more Inhumans than mutants, both classic and new, while muties are stuck with the current teams.
Inhumans? who gives a fuck about them?
Except for the inhomo prophecy in MU, every single one of those stories would've played barely any different if the key player was a mutie, going back to the generic origin.

No it doesn't, it has around 5 inhomos and 10+ muties.
C'mon now.

Since 2014~ Inhumans have been pushed HEAVILY, more than any other Marvel franchise in the comics section. The problem is that this backfired.

The Marvel population treated them way better than they have ever treated the X-Men, every new hero happened to be an Inhuman, several events happened around them, the Inhumans were in the right in their conflicts (even when they obviously were not) and so on.

They are getting fucked NOW because treating them like VIPs made them unpopular.
just stop. even for a shitposter you are horrible
or are you one of the damage control brigade?
As someone who only really knows of Black Bolt and Medusa, who are the other four supposed to be and how accurate are they?
They got around promoting them by shoving them into every book out there because their main title sells like shit.
And in return, the main titles are not selling at all
The black guy is Gorgon, a character that is supposed to look like a fish.

Then we have Karmak, Inhuman Bruce Lee. Pretty alright

Crystal, the one who cucked Johnny Storm.with Quicksilver.

And Maximus, Black Bolt's brother, "LE Mad Inhuman", who fucks Bolt's wife when he isn't looking.
This shitty bait is getting old, famalam.
>Medusa is like THE hottest girl in the MU
No she's not, unless you're into old as fuck cumsponges.
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>they look like cosplay
This Medusa is better
>no beard on Karnak

What the fuckety fuck?

Isn't Gorgon normal apart from having bull's legs? You're thinking of the other royal inhuman, the fishy one.
Is that some new politically correct Addams Family? With a nigger, chink, trans wife and gay son?
Marvel. Literally only them

Cosplay Medusa is hotter than OP Medusa. Better hair too.
Yeah, I mixed the two.
They look like The Munsters.
>The Marvel population treated them way better than they have ever treated the X-Men

Leaving aside >marvel citizens, they treat anyone better than an X-men, it's why fucking Dark Reign happened.

>every new hero happened to be an Inhuman

My point about them relegated to generic origin, like lolmutie was before.

>several events happened around them

Several more happened around muties, while inhomo-centric events only happened since last year(3 events and now they're being thrown into concentration camps); the only event where Inhomos were relevant before was Infinity, and even then they were BARELY relevant, if only because Thane happened to be an inhomo(again, new "lolmutie").

>the Inhumans were in the right in their conflicts

Only barely in DoX, they weren't relevant in CWII beyond the mcguffin(and I guess the Stark tower incident), got shit on in IvX for most of the event(and were practically genocided at the end of it due to that exploding ship), and now's Secret Empire. I'll give you MU, but like I said, outside of the prophecy it would've played barely any different if Kei was a mutie.

I'm neither, you haven't proven me wrong.

If anything was getting pushed in current Marvel, those were the young legacy characters, while people are more upset about inhomons being slightly more relevant than muties despite barely being pushed. I mean, muties have been in extinction for fuck knows how many events now, and if you ask me, it was about time they stopped with that.
>I'm neither, you haven't proven me wrong.
Such denial would be funny, if it wasn't disturbing

also, tl ; dr

don't waste my time, idiot
>they weren't relevant in CWII beyond the mcguffin(and I guess the Stark tower incident
>they weren't relevant in CWII beyond the reason CWII happened
come on guy
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>this production quality
how bad will Lockjaw look?
>the reason CWII happened

The reason was the Minority Report rip-off motive, the Stark tower incident at most would be the reason why Tony hates the rest of the inhomos.
There is being obtuse, and there is being you
Hey, that was me
Look at your own post, dude

>like lolmutie was before.
>Several more happened around muties
>people are more upset about inhomons being slightly more relevant than muties

Inhumans were barely known before 2014. They having now the role that the X-Men had is already a proof of their push.

Also, the Marvel Universe was so mutant-centric because X-Men are undoubtedly their biggest franchise. There's no way that the Inhumans could get that spot in less than 3 years without being pushed.
That's uncalled-for. The Munsters actually had great outfits and makeup.
Some anon in the other thread is claiming that this shit has a higher budget than GoT. How the fuck did they manage to fuck up so much then?
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>great, release the photo
>that'll really show Feige
Lockjaw was a mistake.
Spending money very, very poorly.
I mean he even likes to watch.
BTW anybody has the pic of Medusa with his Skrull lover, Ithe think the one of Secret Invasion???
>Let's make our women more slutty and unloyal, it's more realistic that way.
What did Marvel mean by this?
>The black guy is Gorgon, a character that is supposed to look like a fish.
Wow. I mean, I don't blame you for not knowing your shit because the shithumans fucking suck, but wow.
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>If you read the comics, you see Black Bolt does find a way to communicate to people
>“We approach these [characters] all as real people who just happen to have these abilities, so they’re all very grounded.”

So X-Men?
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shills working overtime
Everyone looks good except for Medusa
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Alright Black BOlt is a skrull here, but is Medusa really Medusa, whathe fuck is going on?
Just read Silent War. It's actually really good. Storytime here. >>>/tv/82381096
>And there's no storytime anyway
Sorry, meant here.
Using all the money on a CGI dog.
We all know what you meant
>Triton not even in the picture
PFFT, it's amazing how little of a fuck anyone gives about Triton, even by inhumans standards.
Does he actually deserve to be cared about? Other than 9/11 a Stark building, what has he actually done on his own?
Looks like X-Men : Apocalypse tier cosplay.
This is what passes for quality in Marvel
Don't insult Apocalypse
Remember Mutant X, /co/?
What about it? Never seen it
Fox better watch out! Looks like the X-Men have so competition!!!!!
Are you implying that Fox would sue Marvel for making another X-Men rip-off? That would be pure gold
Lets be honest here, every X-men movie has looked like budget cosplay.
At least the women were hot.
That's what these things should look like instead of the tacticool straps we get on every other costume.
yeah suuuuuure
also, your pic is from 2002, do you know how many years have passed since then?
This is the worst thing I've ever seen. No effort has gone into this.
Just google Inhumans Irving.
I know you are shit posting but one is an alternate character in a short mini series in which the tone and context for the tux to work existed.

This is regular Black Bolt wearing street clothes.

Besides the tux incorporated his spandex design in a classy way, instead of muting everything cool about it on his super hero garb.
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It looks pretty okay if you take out Medusa. Still hoping it's just a bad photoshoot/photoshop by EW.
so much time wasted in ms paint and it still looks like shit. can you do one without any characters, only with background? maybe this will improve the pic?
Silent War. Storytime here >>92054306
we know it shill. it was posted here like thousand times
OK, he gets it.
Top kek this is Giarruso making fun of Benis Illuminati comics
That fucking wig.
>People actually hate the costumes.

Fuck, man. These are the best costume's I've fucking seen out of the MCU, especially Crystal, you all can fuck off with your tacticool trash.
Yeah especially gorgon and karnak. Exactly like in comics. Also, this is the most accurate Triton I have ever seen
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Yes, but apparently Fox doesn't.

I really don't get why they just don't go full reboot now that Jackman retired.
The costumes in the pic weren't x-men costumes. They had ones at the end of the movie
Yes, the ones in the last 20 seconds of the movie totally count, which they go "now you're finally X-men!!" for the 3rd or 4th time in the series. Thats the look to back.
This looks pathetic.

The woman isn't even ugly, but you can't just take a straight-ahead picture to show off her square jaw like that, and you shouldn't keep the smile-lines to make her look like a granny.

I hope this shit looks a lot better in movement than the pitiful angle they chose.

Also, where's triton and lockjaw?
You sound like a stupendously cringy 12 year old.
Yup. It's still thousand times better than OP's pic

99% of the audience doesn't give a fuck about canon
Porn parodies and cosplays actually look like the comic costumes. This looks like a cheap TV show.
its about the same level of shit
who was the costume desinger on Deadpool and why isnt he doing more capeflicks
yeah yeah yeah, have a (you)
I feel pity for interns today
you dont seriously think those suits look good right?
Underrated post

That's what you get for selling marvel to disney, you fucking idiot
I don't care currently, t b h
I just humor you
>After a military coup, the Inhuman Royal Family escape to Hawaii where they must save themselves and the world.
Lmao what a crock of shit.
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Runaways doesn't look that bad. Nico just needs to look more goth and Molly needs a hat. Gert also isn't as fat as she is in the comics but that's on the casting department not the costume design.
So by this point who has not cucked BB, I know Spiderman was attracted to Medusa but Johnny beat Peter to it.
Older i get, the more I realize video game and cartoon adaptions and what if else worlds are better.
Won't the whole concept of alpha primitives get the show banned? I mean eugenics played a huge role with inhumans and slavery was essential
Holy fuck! We're living in the current year and this looks like a poor cosplay attempt.

Way to go Ike!
Well, at least Crystal looks cute.
I can admit to being intrigued now. But I wonder if I will still be intrigued 5-6 months from now or whenever it is it's slated to air.
>anything not movies
Are you having a giggle m8?
If it's being shot in Imax I hope it looks better in action and with CGI and filters properly in.
Without the brand name people won't even bother to watch shit like AoS or the Cloak and Dagger. Runaways and New Warriors shows which I personally wouldn't mind, but corporate wise is marketing suicide.
>the main hook of Inhumans is being an fantastical alien society with lots of weird looking inhabitants every single one of them with some kind of super power
This is Thor 1 and 2 all over again.
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Blackbolt be like.
>the MCU brand will be hurt by shit like Iron Fist
I really don't get all the controversy. Yes Iron Fist has serious flaws. But this whole idea of the other Netflix Marvel shows somehow being masterpieces with Iron Fist somehow complete and utter hot garbage. Is just ridiculous. They're still relatively comparable.

If anything the Netflix Marvel shows in general, are really overrated. And Iron Fist as it is, is really underrated. They're much closer to each other than people seem to want to admit.
>James Gunn
It's really amazing how Beast manages to look worse with every movie.
I don't understand how this got greenlit in the first place. Even most Marvel readers don't care about the Inhumans. Who is the target audience for this show?
Hey! Porn Parodies tend to have much better costumes I'll have you know!
>all the white people on one side, all the minorities on the other
Hating on Iron Fist is pretty much a meme by now. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and some of Daredevil S2 are equally if not more terrible.
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>I don't understand how this got greenlit in the first place.
Do you think Ike had the guy who took that photo killed shortly after it'd been taken?

>jews arent a minority and are white

Please stop.
Eyebrows was shown wearing the hat in the trailer. To be honest Runaways it's an easy as fuck adaptation and can easily be done with a CW budget since none of them use costumes and the only real challenge is Karolina's powers.
Inhumans is Ike's mid-life crisis personified. His baby was taken away by Kevin (the movie franchises) so now he's thinking throwing money at things will be the way to get ahead.
Oh and the Velociraptor.

How the fuck did I forget the Velociraptor?
>thinking Jews are a minority
They're more common than you think, anon, perhaps there's one in your home right now...
>so now he's thinking throwing money at things will be the way to get ahead.
The only problem is that his wallet is still tightly shut (classic Ike!) as we can all see.
What's happening? A piece of shit tv show? Great
That would require Ike to be actually competent. Instead he probably sperged out about people stealing his DNA again. Fucking nutball.
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>When Japanese Bugmen with big goofy eyes look better than your superhero costumes
Unironically better than Gadot.
I honestly think they looks perfectly fine except for Medusa. And I expected Medusa to look like trash.
>sales plummeting
>Cap Hydra controversy
>Iron Fist controversy
Will this be the straw that breaks the camel's back? Will this being DAO finally force Disney to check on Marvel Entertainment?
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You blind?
Everything about this picture is sub-par. I can mostly tell who each character is supposed to be, but they all look like cheap fan mock-ups. Medusa looks especially shit.
I'm fully expecting his Maximus performance to be the saving grace of this whole thing, because everything else seems very lacking.

A fucking dress...
Couldn't even give Black Bolt a tuning fork crown? Goddamnit this is awful.
this is going to die a death
That's fucking disgusting. Looks like Fox's X-men back in the early days.
How much does the Rat pay you
>And I know those fucks at r/marvelstudios are eating this up.

Nah, they think Medusa looks like ass and they're panicking over Buck saying he has to "keep the characters grounded".
hair grows back anon . . .
she buy that costume at walmart?
How can Maximeme be so smug?
Disney kicked his ass off movies because he was pulling shit like this.

The total fuckup of Civil War 2 had them out their foot down on comics, so hopefully this finally rids TV of his stink.
Marvel TV was a mistake

No wonder Feige told them to fuck off
What's that? a shitty syfy seies?
Marvel TV isn't part of the MCU. Not in the canon and not in the corporation.
>Or that Cloak and Dagger will never really do costumes.

They're gonna wear the black guy in a hoodie getting oppressed thing out.
This may very well be the last shot of the show, but they did show a floating-looking cloak in the trailer.
What? I'm pretty sure it's canon at least. AoS had that whole fallout event with most of SHIELD being Hydra agents and all.
Outside of Medusa it looks alright. She looks fucking tragic though.

Don't bother arguing with them.
>X-men origins wolverine

you can promptly go fuck yourself ma'am
Lmao if the movies didn't reference the TV shows before, they sure as shit won't now.
That trailer was all from the pilot.

Medusa looks like shit
Hire a hot actress
Hide her in her grandmother's dress
>didn't see this coming
Really, anon?
Karnak looks fine seems that combined his Lee look with the long green hoody he has now. I can see gorgons arms so he should have typical vest under that um whatever the hell it is. Black Bolt just needs the fork. Crystal looks great. Maximus needs the horizontal lines that he always has. Medusas wig looks like shit but the rest is fine.
Everyone hating on Medusa.

They just decide to make Gorgon a black dude since he's part animal looking.
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H-happy 100th birthday Jack Kirby...
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>God I want to see the shitstorm that happens when BB uses the sign for ok
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Is absolutly confirmed, now he don't even has his powers working at his best, be cucked is actually his best skill.
LOOKS fine. However they are obviously going with a Kung Fu action Karnak instead of the philosophical hyper-serious weak link breaker Karnak. Karnak is best written less as Ip-Man Bruce lee and more of the "Satan was a fairy tale, I am Karnak" motherfucker who is scary as shit cause he can break fucking anything. Without sweating, or moving around a lot.

This show looks like it was crowd funded by wannabe actors who are trying to get their Sag Card and have never read a comic in their lives.
Christ, that looks like a lazy cosplay.

The casting for Maximus is good at least.
inhumans are nothing but replacements for mutants since the MCU can't have 'em

nobody gives a shit.

t. WB employee
Honestly, I was too swept up in how shitty everything else looks to check who the black was supposed to be, but yeah, that's some racially questionable design choice.
This is like a fucking cryptid sighting. I'm actually kind of spooked.
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why are these shows perpetually feart o'their source material?
I'd rather have an Eternals show. They'd probably fuck that up too, though.
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yfw when they change their looks in the comics for synergy
good job anon
oh god. they need to fix this
It just now occurs to me.

Why do they wear masks to begin with? None of them have secret identities.
Hey this is hot garbage buddy but c'mon now.
Just look at flash, Savitar was literally a Bayformer.
That's something that always bothered me about the Inhumans.

They do not have secret identities and also seem to wear their costumes in-doors, like all the time, sounds lotta impractical.
Starfire looks like a frigid bitch.
It's like the Beast and Mystique make ups peaked at First Class and went down from there.

Also here's a video.
>The Inhumans XXX Parody: A Royal Family Fuckfest!
>Posting Armin the eternal MCU dicksucker
TV Actors look so boring
At least they gave Crystal her weird Kirby hair design. Black Bolt and Medusa look terrible though.
No. It looks fucking awful under normal lighting.
Game of thrones as interpreted by Perlmutter.
I was think he killed him recently
You're right intern, cosplay looks better.

wtf I love Inhumans now

oh god poor ramsey/max looks like he's going to be the only good thing in this
Why does Karnak have dog nipples?
>Everyone looks good except for Medusa

No they don't.

Everyone looks good in comparison to the abominable Medusa.
It's actually Lockjaw.
They will probably just skip over the Alpha Primitives. They get ignored a lot. Also Agents of SHIELD already did them in a different way.
It's one way canon. The movies aren't allowed to reference the TV shows at all. It really wouldn't be hard to throw in easter eggs referencing the shows but at this point it's personal and Feige won't let the movies contain anything he doesn't have complete control over.
Wow, tough competition for Mystique's obvious body stocking in those X-Men promos awhile back. Medusa especially looks like a man in a bad cosplay wig, holy kek. The rest just look like generic post apocalyptic sci-fi. This is so bad.
Dr. Strange worked at the hospital from Daredevil.
He just pretended to do it, Maximus is still alive and even currently married to Medusa (even if disguised as BlackBolt when was the hypothetical wedding).
in fantastic four: the end they intoduced the idea that the more human lookin inhumans wear masks as a sort of ceremonial apology for retaining human appearance after they change, dunno if that idea ever migrated into regular continuity though
No man, I agree that was some shit costume design and styling and Nightcrawler... my god he looked bad... Not even cosplay tier. Home made haloween costume with one of those shitty liquid latex skin 'F-X' kits. How can they ruin one of X-Men's best characters so badly?
>Why do they wear masks to begin with? None of them have secret identities.

Because it looks cool. Keep in mind that Gorgon was the 2nd introduced Inhuman and Crystal was the 3rd and they never wore masks.
>Metro-General Hospital

Wow, that's not a completely generic hospital name at all!
Some of it is salvageable, but you've only proven that there is no saving that Medusa.
Doesn't matter. If it was that big a deal Feige would've changed it.
>someone thought any of this looked good
>someone on /co/ is seriously defending it
I've heard this on /co/ quite a bit, but I'd like some citation for it. Any decent source will do.

>When asked about that prospect, Anthony Mackie had the following to say while speaking at Wizard World Cleveland:

>“Different universes, different worlds, different companies, different designs. Kevin Feige is very specific about how he wants the Marvel Universe to be seen in the film world. It wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t work at all.”
I hope they include the Medusa blowjob scene
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holy fuck that looks bad
That'd do it.

Feige sounds like a dick
No problem! It's just a quote from Mackie, but he seems to be in the know about Feige's attitude towards crossovers. There's certainly no reason that the movies couldn't contain TV cameos like the Defiant and the EMH appearing in Star Trek: First Contact, but Feige doesn't want it that way now.

He does. but anyone in his position would go power-mad.
If you took a decade to craft your successful cinematic universe, would you want Perlmutter coming in with garbage TV shows which are now apart of your universe?
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Medusa has Gossamer affixed to her skull.
>tfw Medusa is your waifu
>tfw so disappointed in live action

i blame disney's wig department
Wow that wig is fucking ratchet
>Karnak doesn't look like Rasputin

Why bother?
Like Fifteen years less
Nico's mother is in Dr. Strange. The Staff of One is too.
She is also pulling a cold bitch face, she is really good at it.
War of Kings is all you need for Inhumans.
>War of Kings
Duhh....that is called just war... invasion coup d'etat

The fuck is this. Why do they look so bad.

Is this a TV show?
AoS and DD S1 are good though.
And it's not like the MCU is nothing but perfect films. IM2, IM3, AoU, Thor 2 etc all suck.
That looks just as shitty.

/co seems to have a raging hate boner for Inhumans though.
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It's just the costume I guess
She was hot as Zatanna
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