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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

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Thread replies: 636
Thread images: 119

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Pain Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

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Rebel Rising (May 2)
Poe Dameron #14 (May 3)
Rogue One #2 (May 3)
Adventures in Wild Space #6 (May 4)

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>Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:
First for Vong
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At least it's not some self inflicted pain

Third for fuck Vong and fuck first.
I'm gonna repeat it cause it bears repeating Considering its a thing that ran whole cultures in mesoamerican, you're not making a very good case for how its too edgy.
if anything their descriptions are pretty tame. Get back to me when they start running a rope thru their fucking ballsack and burning the blood soaked rope to appease the gods.
and thats not even the worst. they did that with their tongues too.
>but in general what about the NJO was bad to you/about what book did it go wrong for you?

I was noticing some issues early on but it was around books 7 or 8 that I just stopped completely, though since then I read a few of the later books(particularly the ones touted as "the best") and read up on the events and happenings.

As for what was bad? Here's a few examples:

The more that is revealed about the Vong the worse they get.

The books killed off characters in really stupid ways.

The writing was inconsistent as fuck. Sometimes characters are all powerful and sometimes they're on-par with other characters they were previously much more powerful than.

The plot hinges on a whole bunch of people being completely and utterly incompetent for way too long to be even remotely believable. Especially when other books established those characters as being actually functional beings.

Outside of a few books, the vast majority of the writing is mediocre or downright terrible.

The capabilities of the Vong vary wildly from book to book.

The Vong are also the worst example of the escalation issue that plagued Legends. Before they came along it was just super weapon after super weapon, each one bigger and/or badder than the last. The Vong WERE the superweapon this time. They had unbeatable armor made out of plants. They had ships that were worlds. They destroyed a planet by throwing its moon at it. They were the nuke in the war of escalation in the EU- the be-all-end-all weapon. There's simply no topping what they had. And on top of that they were exempt from The Force because "lol we need to make them even more of a threat".

And again. If they learned how to work iron instead of be edgy, they'd probably still be around.
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Thoughts on this comic series?

Fun fact Luceno is a fan of Mayan stuff and has written books about them.
>old arguments dragged into a new thread
For fuck's sake
I wasn't a part of the vong conversation, I just saw an opportunity to meme and I took it.
Are you the guy that didn't like Vector Prime or thought it was poorly written?

>also what is Starkiller Base
Pretty much a retelling of the events of NJO but abridged, with some new characters thrown in to show some new stuff. Wasn't bad, but some of it was retreading old ground for those who read the books.
>>also what is Starkiller Base

Also poorly written. One thing being shit doesn't mean another isn't. Vast Swathes of the EU were shit. That doesn't mean that Abrams didn't also make shit, or that Wendig didn't crap out three turds with an invitation to write out an anthology shart.
apparently the vong made it to space without traditional tech. tho looking at the pictures, it sure looks like they had iron a plenty
>Pretty much a retelling of the events of NJO
Was it that big of a time span?
For some reason I was under the impression that it only covered a small chunk of the NJO era.
He's being racist and making incorrect assumptions about the Mayans and Aztecs, not the Vong.
Were you the guy who didn't like Vector Prime though?
It jumped around a bit if I recall. Skipped over less major stuff. It was kind of a vertical slice with the new characters occasionally intersecting with the main ones at major battles and shit. I don't know if I ever read the whole series though.

Yes. Vector prime is shit. Aftermath is shit. Force Awakens is shit. The Thrawn trilogy is mediocre and mostly gets by because people remember it as being better than it was. Rebels is cheap and the writing isn't that great. NuMarvel's Star Wars is at best a 4/10 comic on average with a 7/10 high point. Old Marvel Star Wars wasn't much better but it's high points were still an 8/10.

If you wanted to actually compile a best of list for Star Wars you'd be laughed out of any room if Vector Prime was even the last entry.
Vector Prime is great though.
0/10, garbage bait. Vector Prime is a fantastic book, easily in the top 10 all time best Star Wars novels. R.A. Salvatore is a great author.

No. Wedge's Gambit is great. The KOTOR comics are great. TIE fighter is great. Hell, you could probably put Jedi Knight on that list. If you made a best of list, Vector Prime would probably be way down that list at like number sixteen at the highest.
Is Filoni really making a new Old republic setting cartoon?

Does this mean we still might get a live action movie set in the old republic?

Not unless we're missing a whole bunch of information.

He's working on "something" just like EA is working on "something". There's no indication that that's anything old republic era. If that early footage is any indication for what they claim for EA's "something", expect every "brand new era" to feature stormtroopers and star destroyers.
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Can you imagine a Lucas movie with 2017+ CGI?

Think of Felucia...
You mean that game the Uncharted lady is working on? That's just another OT era game.
what the hell is your double spacing ass on about
Thought you said Felicia for a moment
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>tfw Lucas will never make another Star Wars movie

Yeah, but it got built up as a "look, this will be a whole new era" thing early on until someone leaked alpha footage and it was literally just the same shit as always.

So no, I have no faith in anything original or even unconnected to the films ever coming out of Lucasfilm.
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>R.A. Salvatore
not the guy you're replying to but... everytime I hear about that author I hear good things. then I read this, which is the first of a long series, and wondered what the fuck everyone else was smoking.
if Vector Prime is anything like this book, its full of wasted time developing characters into the perfect cliches who dont even need to speak their lines are so easy to predict.
or maybe demon awakens and its associated series are just trash kids stuff and I should pick another by this author
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I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to be an adult and see a new Lucas movie in theaters.
Fuck off to reddit grammar fag.

The double spacing makes it easier for you plebs to see to separate points/questions.
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My advice to you is just to dig deep into Legends.

Salvatore is an ok author who's known for being above average in the genre fiction pool where things can get mediocre and repetitive FAST. He has decent novels, but he also has bad ones. Vector Prime probably isn't his worst but it's probably not his best.

To be fair though, there are a lot of writers who can do a really good book then do immediate garbage, or shitty ones who can do something decent and then descend into mediocrity once again. But even among fantasy novelists he wouldn't make my top ten there either.

>The double spacing makes it easier for you plebs to see to separate points/questions.

Sounds like a thing Reddit would do
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Hey, I have no intention on BUYING that garbage. I already own enough good Star Wars stuff.
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You must have a shit life for something so insignificant to trigger you
In all seriousness, why does 4chan (specifically /co/) have such an extreme aversion to "edge" BUT watches cartoons meant for little children/girls?
>Are you the guy that didn't like Vector Prime or thought it was poorly written?
I'm not who you may think I am but I in fact didn't like Vector Prime. The first half was dull and the second half hints at doing interesting stuff but immediately goes to shit. The climax of the book(the second battle) takes up less than two dozen pages and just feels tacked on to give the book a """happy""" ending.

>also what is Starkiller Base
A poorly written invention from JJ Abrams. It's a one time thing and it doesn't even compare to everything Legends came up with like The Vong, the Sun Crusher, the Death Star prototype, The Eye of Palpatine, the rebuilt superlaser without the whole Death Star, World Destroyers, the Galaxy Gun, etc. etc. etc.

Also, like>>92047440 said one thing being shit doesn't excuse other things.
>The first half was dull
The Ex-Gal stuff is great.
Never read that, but everything else I've read of his is great. Especially Vector Prime. It's very visceral borderline horror but also kind of esoteric and dreamlike with a lot of good lore building for the Yuuzhan Vong and setup for a very dark and violent series. Some of the imagery he created with his writing in that book has stuck with me for 13 years. The way I visualized some of it was almost like a 1960's black light poster of Doctor Strange or something like this art from one of my favorite albums (which is far more recent anyway). Not sure why, but it left an indelible impression on me.
>why does 4chan (specifically /co/) have such an extreme aversion to "edge"
Because it's rarely(if ever) done in a way that isn't cringeworthy as fuck.

>BUT watches cartoons meant for little children/girls?
Just because a particular thing is intended for a younger audience, that does not mean that it cannot be enjoyed by people much older.

For example, Star Wars has always been targeted at 12-14 year olds but people both younger and older than that enjoy it too.
>>The first half was dull

>The Ex-Gal stuff is great
Not really.
>It's very visceral borderline horror but also kind of esoteric and dreamlike with a lot of good lore
I DO like all those things... maybe its time to burn another 10 bucks
I disagree.
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I loved these books as a kid. Especially this one and the one with the skull covered in worms.
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>Exposed nipples
>Exposed Lekku
Remove this foul imagery from this imperial image board.
Maybe if he asked politely enough they might let him
cant make me
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suitable image
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nobody here but us Togruta
Those tits look ready to burst
gotta be well contained or else who knows what might happen in the course of battle
More please.
>Hera and Chop are reduced to performing strip-teases after the rest of the Ghost Crew perish
Truly, Star Wars is an unforgiving universe
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Who /clones/ here
Rough estimate;

How many people has Anakin/Vader personally killed?
Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders
Thousands. The sand people, the Separatists, most of the Jedi, every Rebel he ever met. In Vader Down alone he kills like 300 people singlehandedly.
I'd say it's closer to 4
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Do you think he ever regrets not kill all the sand people?
>Vader and Old Ben will never butcher a tribe of Tuskens together
Sad pottery

Sad for you, double hitler.
Now I want a training level in a game where you're Vader slaughtering sand people.
>Vader will never take the Death Star on a personal quest to annihilate Tatooine.


I'm fucking sick of that planet.
Well you got jakku now
But that didn't blow up either.
So was Mara Jade supposed to be Obi-wan's daughter?

I know the disneyverse fucked everything for the sake of a soft reboot but you know, was that the original idea?

What the fuck are you smoking? I don't remember Mara Jade's backstory ever really coming up. She was a random force sensitive manipulated by the emperor.
>Obi Wan goes to fuck off in Tatooine: 19 BBY
>Mara Jade: Born 17 BBY
Are they praying to Vader?
They view Vader as a vengeful god, and perform sacrifices to appease him.
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here's the story
>Vader waiting to meet a couple of bounty hunters
>killing tusken while killing time
>one tusken survives
>tells another tribe what happened
>tusken so in awe of Vader they view him as a god
>tribe grabs survivor, ties him up, and burns him as a sacrifice to their new vengeful god.

I got a kick out of it because what was a life and faith changing event for the tusken was just a tuesday afternoon for Vader.
I really don't understand the TFA defense squad in the media
It's a well executed entertaining popcorn space adventure with recognizable and accomodating fairy tale/mythic undertones and callbacks to universally known SW stories. That's enough for the mainstream audience.

You have to remember that autismos like us who spend every day discussing cartoon spinoffs on australian kangaroo-taming picture boards have a very different kind of interest and perspective on Star Wars.
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why are you a racist who hates women
What's the worst Lightsaber of all time?

I mean, it's literally broken.
At least he's not always loosing it like Anakin.
The sabercopter
Less than Luke guaranteed.
>You have to remember that autismos like us who spend every day discussing cartoon spinoffs on australian kangaroo-taming picture boards have a very different kind of interest and perspective on Star Wars.
dubs of truth. You all act like our level of autism about Star Wars makes us part of the General audience it's meant for. It does not.
It can. If you simply brudh that aside. It certainly helps if you watch it from the objective pointvof view of a kid. Helps better when you're watching it with kids.
More specifically, kids on the precipice of their teenage years.






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Shit taste.
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>after watching The Phantom Menace;

>“Daddy, why can’t they make more ‘Star Wars’ movies?”
>“They could if they wanted to. It’s up to George Lucas.”
>“Can you tell him to make them so we can watch them? I want to see them.”
>“I don’t think he’d listen to me, Tosh.”
>“But can you try? Because that would be cool.”

My poor heart
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>Luke will never pull out his lightsaber in TLJ
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Help me out here lads.
>his hand is inside his sleeve
he's too good for us

White Power Luke?
He probably won't cause of all the OT wankers who are forever triggered over Yoda and Sdious being lightsaber users
Lucasfilm don't give a shit about them. People bitched about Sideous, and what did they do?

>Fuck it, give him TWO.

They tell the stories they want to tell, the way George would have wanted them too.

JJ withstanding of course.
>They tell the stories they want to tell

Not if Kathleen 'The stronk independent President' Kennedy disagrees.
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Holy shit
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>tfw you got most SW games on steam for $12 in a humble bundle
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The world has gone mad
>it's fucking real
Jesus Christ
/pol/ can shit out anything and these people eat it up
i don't get how people are still falling for this stuff
The power of memes.
/pol/ have mastered the art of trolling. They could easily pull a Sheev and play both sides.
Because it supports their victimization
If a fucking OK sign is white supremacist, then they were RIGHT that they're being oppressed.

It's not totally unlike how Prequel fanatics here see everything about the new movies as direct attacks on the Prequels. If you set yourself as the victim, everything looks like an attack
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It's what happens when you raise your kids with the ''Everybody gets a trophy'' mentality.
Guys, the Wook is wrong about something. What do I do?
The Wook is wrong about a lot of things.

They still cite from "Absolutely Everything You Need To Know" for goodness sakes.

You can try to change any misinformation yourself, but if the mods there don't like it, they'll revert the changes and there will be nothing you can do.
Let's be honest here.
Which one of you made this?
Nah, if I was going to do it, I would make it much more pleasant to watch.
>They still cite from "Absolutely Everything You Need To Know" for goodness sakes.

That's the source they use in this case. On the Anakin Skywalker page, they state that he created his first lightsaber at age 14, which the Obi-Wan & Anakin comic proves false as he had a lightsaber by the age of 12. The article itself even mentions Anakin having a lightsaber at age 12 in the paragraph after stating he constructed his at 14, so they couldn't even remain consistent.
what the fuck is happening in this picture?
Id suggest editing it yourself, citing the comic, and if you have to give a reason just explain that the comic clearly canon, and the guidebook (as pointed out by Pablo Hidalgo) is not accurate canon information.

The book itself says this at the back too.
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Hey you edgelord vongfags from last thread and the beginning of this one: this homosexual decepticon Tonka truck called an Abominor is the reason the Vong abandoned technology and turned into Hellraisers.
How could the Vong stand up to such awesome power?
I went ahead and changed it. Thanks for your help.
That's the problem you want to fix?
How it looks?
Well to listen to, too.

I don't like RLM, and I could make very compelling arguments against the Prequel reviews using facts and actual evidence, challenging Plinketts misinformation and hypocrisy.

But that guys video sounds like he is an overemotional sperg, so nobody is going to take his points seriously.
Fingers crossed they don't try revert it.

They were doing that a lot a few years ago, which prompted some people to make their own Star Wars wiki. (That didn't last long though)
I rewatched the Droids cartoon recently and I was absolutely appalled and flabbergasted at the atrocious inane absurdity and disgusting sexual innuendo of that terrible fucking episode.
Picture this: that Tonka truck faggot is voiced by none other than Long John Baldry, the voice of Robotnik from the Sonic cartoons. He invades some planet for the Empire (Bytoo or something) then goes around enslaving all the inhabitants and working them to death. What's more he takes all the droids, and puts them in his HAREM, HAREM is the explicit word used to describe it and it is used and reused over a dozen times throughout the episode, and from this HAREM he plucks astromech droids, put's them feet first into his mouth, and starts SUCKING them dry until they are destroyed. This big fat gay bulldozer FELLATES DROID SLAVES TO DEATH.

In a 1985 children's cartoon.
I honestly don't know why they would revert it because without my change, that segment of the article contradicted itself. You never know with them though.
This was already talked about on the Anakin Skywalkers's first lightsaber page
>There is a contradiction about this lightsaber. Anakin is supposed to have built the saber when he was 14. However, he already seems to have it in Obi-Wan & Anakin, which is set three years after TPM, making him 13. —Unsigned comment by Jander833 (talk • contribs).
>He also says "Not again", clearly indicating this isn't the first lightsaber he had broken. Darth Prefect (talk) 05:43, January 2, 2017 (UTC)
>I think the "not again" line is just a reference to him losing the weapon during the speeder chase on Coruscant. As far as the age problem, it likely stems from Legends info bleeding into Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (which isn't uncommon), so the comic takes precedence. - Cwedin(talk) 05:57, January 2, 2017 (UTC)
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How did Sam Raimi get away with this
If the comic takes precedence, how come it was still listed as 14 before anon changed it
They changed it to 13 on the lightsaber page, but I guess no one noticed the Anakin Skywalker page said 14.
Oh, ok
Can we just mention how fucking stupid it was that Anakin breaks his lightsaber in AotC?
Can we mention those youtube montages that think the AoTC lightsaber is the one obi wan gives to Luke
I'm sorry, but I can't for the life of me accept Clone Wars Anakin as the same Anakin in Attack of the Clones. They are like two completely different characters.

I can kind of see Revenge of the Sith Anakin as Clone Wars Anakin though. It's a bit of a stretch but it works.
Yeah it's odd thinking that the show Anakin has already murdered an entire village of Sandpeople.
Losing his hand to Dooku put things into perspective. He had to grow up, for his sake and for his newly wed wife.
What happens if I already own two of those games
>Last summer a friend in Dubrovnik told us about the filming and sent us some photos as well. This combined with some new information, I have learned that the sequence begins in the stables. Finn and Rose appear to be on the run, chased by men in “luxury speeders” and the Star Wars equivalent of tuxedos or formal wear. Finn and Rose duck into the stables and they’re met by an alien that tends to the stables. Inside there are jockeys too (someone has got to ride the falthiers). Finn fast-talks the guy as they steal the falthier and race away on the stolen steed. They’re eventually engaged in a fight with the speeder and the fancy Canto Bight guys. After they defeat the guys in the speeder thanks to Rose, they ride up into a coffee shop or cafe and meet their contact as scheduled.

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>not sandanimals
>The cafe is like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory–bright colors of space beans that look like candy, to be honest. I saw it once and it was like a neon Starbucks. I really can’t do it justice but just know it was bright and sugary. The food inside looks like jelly beans but I don’t think that’s the intent.


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Ahsoka Tano

People say they like her a lot and even expect a movie out of her thanks to wishful rumors. Maybe we'll get it. Maybe not.

But the thing is:
Normies have no idea who she is. None.
If you try and make a movie about her out of the blue it'll be completely a fan related work. An in- only fans will know about her and the rest of everyone will be clueless. So it'd have to be an origin story or some bullshit.

Normies go
>she's from a show I never even watched, who cares
>I have to read a BOOK?
>if she was so important why wasn't she in Revenge of the Sith? Why did no one ever mention her in the movies before? This is bullshit.

Anon. How would you introduce her film in a manner that doesn't contradict the current films and organically introduce her in a believable manner for both normies and to a degree that fans aren't butthurt about it?
You can cast who you want but remember- 80% of your audience is completely retarded.

I remember people going "they built ANOTHER Death Star? / Darth Vader is alive!? / Is it a prequel, or a sequel?"

This is your audience.
>murdered an entire village of Sandpeople

No wonder.
Time to riot and burn down Lucasfilm HQ
>Captcha RAWHIDE
>normies don't watch tv shows
>children don't watch cartoons
what ganja are you smoking Blaze Malbus
I think the "normies don't want to see a movie about x because they don't know who that is" is a faulty argument. Nobody knew who Luke Skywalker was when Star Wars first came out. If they can make a movie with a good hook then anyone can get on board with it.
Any movie with Jedi training is an ESB rehash. we've seen it before and we don't need to see it again


Don't they all get training lightsabers at like 6 or something?
>implying luke training on Dagobah wasn't comfy as fuck and infinitely rewatchable
baka desu senpai
she'll be Luke's wife

cap me
>cougar!Ahsoka and cougar!Ventress will never compete for the young Skywalker dick
A training lightsaber is different. We saw the younglings arc of The Clone Wars and those kids couldn't have been younger than 12 when they got their official lightsabers.
To be fair I literally don't know a single person in my entire family, extended and otherwise, who could possibly name Ahsoka Tano.
And we've all gone to see Force Awakens and Rogue One in theaters.
To dust it off- this is the "Casual" audience.
TCW starts nearly a year after AOTC.

War is hell anon, it forges and changes you.

Anakin was always a cocky, arrogant, but heroic bastard though, just look at him at the start of ATOC on Coruscant.
of course they wouldn't know who it is because they haven't watched the fucking shows she appears in are you retarded or something? do you expect to know who count dooku is if you don't watch the prequels?

no but milfsoka and whorephra can
It couldn't have started much later than a few months after AOTC. Both AOTC and season one of Clone Wars are 22 BBY.
Normies had no idea who Saw Gerrera was, and he still got to play an important role in a movie as a rogue Rebel.

You're telling me a wizened Order 66 survivor who was taught under Anakin Skywalker couldn't be in the movie too? Seriously.

Just imagine you never knew about Ahsoka, and in an upcoming movie, they introduced a character who was an apprentice to Anakin, who fled and went into hiding. Like all those EU stories who introduced random Order 66 survivors. Now someone tells you that theres cartoons about her. See? That wont harm the movie or the normies viewing experience at all, but it would be huge for the fanbase.

Hell, look at Obi-Wan.

>Luke meets some old man who claims to have taught Darth fucking Vader
Normies wouldnt even have to know for a second about Obi-Wan being in THREE movies prior to that. And they didn't, for decades.

See what I mean? If Lucasfilm want to do it, there is absolutely nothing suggesting that they couldn't put Ahsoka in a movie. Realistically, I think she'll be a side-character like Saw, rather than a protagonist. But I do think there's a solid shot of it happening, especially with her being the most positively received female character behind Leia. And we all know how Kathleen loves her female characters.
Nobody knew who Jyn Erso was either. Introduce her as a brand new character so casuals can enjoy her while old fans know her history
post yfw no matter what happens in TLJ it will be lauded as a rehash because the walkers are on a white planet
That's why Ahsoka Tano movie isn't going to happen.
However much more likely is an Obi Wan/Bounty hunter/whatever movie which features Ahsoka as a side character.
On the other hand, last time someone on Collider Jedi Council made an argument that the most important moments of Ahsoka's life were already portrayed in Clone Wars, Rebels or the book. I guess we still don't know if she lived past original trilogy, and then maybe we could see her then.
So we have to wait for Rebels season 4 to see what happens to her.
I have yet to see a legit reason why she needs training when she already defeated the bad guy without breaking a sweat.
because she can't replicate what happened
I have a feeling that no matter what, Ahsoka is going to show up in a live-action movie in some manner. It's a matter of when rather than if at this point.
>No George lucas produced, Dave filoni directed prequel era live action
>Normies had no idea who Saw Gerrera was, and he still got to play an important role in a movie as a rogue Rebel.
Saw was retroactively placed in the movie

They had his character all set up and then someones said "Why don't we call him in "Saw Gerrera".
It's not like they said "Hey let's get that one off character from one episode of TCW and imagine him as an old man"

Ahsoka would need to be chosen to be included from the ground up
And that's far less likely.
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>They had his character all set up and then someones said "Why don't we call him in "Saw Gerrera".
Rebels got cancelled, TLJ looks like an Empire rehash and Battlefront looks like ass

is Star Wars kill?
I want pic related to happen so much
>It's not like they said "Hey let's get that one off character from one episode of TCW and imagine him as an old man"
That's what Pablo said Kira Hart said to the rogue one writers
Look up the announcement of his character being in the movie
It was part of the advertisement campaign
>Introducing a character who was an apprentice to Anakin, who fled and went into hiding

Not the guy you're responding to, but when put like that it does sound like a bit of an asspull, especially in the current environment of everyone trying to shoehorn in more competent female role models. The unenlightened will still find a way to lob the usual 'special snowflake' labels towards Ahsoka.

...But, therein lies the key word. 'Unenlightened'. Honestly, I find the comments mentioned by the other fellow a little hard to take seriously. You have the memers (like /tv/), and you have the rest who will very likely change their opinion when told of who she is. It's a headache, but it shouldn't be that much of an issue.

I'll also agree on her having to be a secondary character rather than a main protagonist, because god forbid we get a non-human in the lead role. But that's just my beef.
>Rebels got cancelled

Stop this meme.
>stoic samurai-inspired swordsman whose lost his way voiced by a black dude
>gets an obnoxious asian edgelord sidekick that probably should have died a while ago
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What did Genndy mean by this?
>Kira Hart
*Kiri Hart
TCW Anakin is Anakin as he's matured as the "cunning warrior" Obi-Wan speaks of to Luke. He still has the same issues he has in AotC and later in RotS, but his character in TCW is a mask. Anakin prefers action in most situations, so thus he pretty much thrived in the Clone Wars. He matured as a warrior rather than a man. You see hints of this in the beginning of RotS but when things get back down to life as usual on Coruscant, we see that as a man, Anakin has hardly changed at all.

Try not to look at the TV and movie versions of the character aa different "versions" as much as they are different parts of a whole.
It's Star Wars. We might not be happy with what comes out, but that won't stop the masses from eating it up. Worst case scenario, it just goes back to being a niche thing, but it'll never die.
They wouldn't even need to mention Anakin.

If they wanted to have a movie in which the character meets a Jedi in hiding, and the LSG said "why don't we make it Ahsoka?", they likely wouldn't have to change the story in the slightest. Normies would just be introduced into a Jedi in hiding, and the core fans would cum in their seats when Ahsoka shows up.

Forest Whitaker talked about Saw training with Anakin in interviews, but they didn't mention it in the movie at all, because they didn't need to.

It's very easy to "introduce" characters again for normies or newcomers. Shit, Lucas had to do it for TPM when re-introducing characters from the OT. (Yes I know the circumstances are different, but you get the point)
>You see hints of this in the beginning of RotS but when things get back down to life as usual on Coruscant

Also during the speeder chase, droid factory and the arena, all in AotC. Anakin comes in shades: what we expect to see and what we end up mostly seeing. There's a human behind the hero. Obi-Wan told the story of the hero to inspire Luke. As in RotJ, we see that he was very reluctant to have to reveal the truth of the human.
So, should I spend my hard earned credits on this?
The Vong were gay as fuck.
It literally did
Just a few months ago they were saying how they were planning to go past ANH
Now it's cut off.
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Delete this, Rebel scum.
Tuskens really are completely irredeemable, aren't they?

Like Arabs and Aztecs had a murder baby with a fucking donkey.
Jakku is an even MORE boring Tattooine!
Serious question: did the Tusken Raiders rape Shmi?
only the parts we saw, if concept art jakku still exists

and luggabeasts are cool
Probably, but they couldn't at that without boosting the rating.
No it didn't.

Freddie Prince Jr. said that Disney was supporting Rebels for its entire run.

Freddie said that they have enough material to last 7 seasons, but no matter how long it lasts, Filoni will get to conclude the main story whenever he wishes.

Freddie said that he expected Filoni to at least go to season 5. Filoni says that he chose to end it at 4, and that it was completely his choice.

So yeah, there is 3 more seasons of ideas (of which were never even started to be made into episodes), but the show itself is ending.

Not cancelled. Ending.

Those ideas will be re-purposed in books, comics, and future cartoons. Just like they did with the cancelled TCW episodes.

The main difference here is that Rebels is actually going to get a proper ending, the way Filoni intends. TCW had two makeshift-endings, but neither were intended to be the ending of the show at the time of their creation.
Yoda scoffed at physical, mortal strength and Sidious dismissed a lightsaber as a "Jedi weapon." Shit, we even got to see how Palpatine "fought" in RotJ for the first time, and he didn't need no steenkin' sword.

I wouldn't give a shit if Luke pulled a saber, as long as Ma-rey Sue didn't upstage him. It'd be a good parallel to Obi-Wan.
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"Look at us - look at us. We're the Jews now."
>Sidious dismissed a lightsaber as a "Jedi weapon
> uses a PERSONAL one in ROTS

>Comparing Aphra to Ashit

Vader also used one, and he was no Jedi.
>Yoda scoffed at physical, mortal strength
I bet I could beat up Yoda. ROTJ Yoda that is

I'll never understand why you people just take this stuff at face value, what Dave or Freddie says isn't always necessarily what actually happened - Disney has to save face and people don't like the idea of their show getting shitcanned due to execs in a boardroom

>"We're gonna do seven seasons!"

>"We're ending the show at four seasons but it was entirely my choice it wasn't cancelled, even though everything points to it being cancelled, it was my decision I swear"
he was a fallen Jedi

Palpatine having a tricked out blingsaber he uses for fight scenes is just George being lazy. instead of making the entire fight scene be cool like in the Senate chamber it's just sword fighting
>obiwan movie
stop this meme, this is never ever going to happen
Vader was a Jedi, and everyone from ANH to RotJ refers to him as a Jedi.

He was identified as a Sith Lord in the ANH novelization and a deleted scene.
Well, if we're getting technical, the noveliztion had the term "Sith" and so did the extended version Death Star conference scene.
hey dumbass the sheevsaber is fucking stupid
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>he was identified as a Sith in a scene that was intentionally removed and a novel, which is automatically subordinate to the film
They're both pretty fuckng awful, Aphra just gets a slight edge due to not being in an aural form of media
Grey Delisle and Tara "Vocal Range Ain't Too" Strong should have switched roles desu

For fucks sake, why would you talk about it here? And before you go editing shit make sure you have your sources and talk about it in the talk pages. It never hurts to start a discussion because wooks people have have information from authors we dont
This so much
There are so many people here who have such difficulty with understanding PR speak.
Nothing they say is the literal truth. It's a version of truth that most benefits them
Novelizations are never canon
Nor are deleted scenes
Novelizations are canon dude.
I like this explanation a lot. You see Anakin trying to do this the beginning of ROTS but Obi-Wan stops him from being a hero.
Novelizations are canon unless they directly contradict the movie in some way.
He could always apply for the job, same as all the other directors
>There are so many people here who have such difficulty with understanding PR speak.
Too bad we havent had many PR even speak about this. Jesus, do you even know what PR people actually do?

Ewan has had talks with Kathleen Kennedy which he said he 'couldn't disclose' (means something is actually in the works) and is actively saying he would love to do it

I don't even want the movie to happen but a lot of things point to it

Wow it's like you lack basic reading comprehension
the 7 seasons thing was barely confirmed PR speak anyway, that was never set in stone but /co/ was always repeating it because it was the only information we had one way or the other, stop being such paranoid crybabies
Or could be for a ghost cameo.
if Ewan does work in Star Wars again it will not be an "Obi-Wan movie"

literally NOTHING happens on tatooine

that's the entire story, there is no additional movie material that hasn't already appeared in rebels or the comics

I honestly don't know why people keep harping on this WE WANNA SEE WHAT ADVENTURES OBIWAN GOT UP TO ON TATOOINE shit like its the Droids cartoon
>Found Yoda vs. Dooku to be utterly ridiculous when AotC first came out
>Yoda vs. Sidious (both RotS and TCW) currently ranks among my all time favorite fights

Funny how things change over time.
most of the star wars audience likes tatooine. deal with it millennial cartoon baby
They were very open about Disney wanting TCW to end.

But you accuse them of lying when this time they say it was completely their choice?

That makes no sense. You have no basis for your claims of them lying beyond the very idea that the show COULD have gone longer.

Filoni literally said at Celebration that he is already working on another show.
I'm not saying I dislike Tatooine but nothing happens there. There is zero possible material for an Obi-Wan movie to draw from unless you want a 4 hour introspective art film about Obi-Wan dealing with sunburn and diarrhea.
>cartoon baby
Will this meme ever end?
>"Disney cancelled my last show."
>Well that seems like a reasonable enough statement, no reason to believe otherwise.
>"But this time I am getting to end things how and when I choose!"
That's shitposters way of admitting that he isn't even from /co/. Just ignore him.
when the 45 year old edgelord turbonerds who stopped maturing intellectually at age 17 start dying off
I love star wars.
me too
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You're in the right place, friend.
>millennial cartoon baby
Yousa either too old to be millennial, or too young, I'm inclined to believe the former
>Hello grampa
There's plenty of time for them to say "Obi Wan then went and did this thing when Luke was like, 12"
And it wouldn't have to be much, to be entirely honest I'd prefer a low key movie that payed homage to the Westerns and Samurai flicks that inspired the original movies, with Obi Wan as a lone warrior defending a town or something
fuckoutta here with that gay shit
But that already happened in the comics multiple times, and they went out of their way to say how rare it was and how he stopped doing it because it was outlandishly dangerous to draw attention to himself and interfere with Luke's life. It's not happening, get over it.
The Kenobi novel is just that
Three things happened to Obi Wan in the comics. He tried to help Luke become a pilot, and Lars told him to shove it.
Then he tried to protect the Lars family from Jabba's water tax and succeeded until Jabba figured out someone was screwing with his collectors. As a result he got jumped by Black Krrsantan who'd been sent to figure out who was behind it, and that's what prompted him to stop interfering
But there's years and years of time before that when Obi Wan could have gotten involved in something against his better judgement. Hell the further back you go the easier it becomes, as Luke is too young to be noticed but Obi Wan is still being hunted so must move around some to avoid being picked up the Empire. They could even do a story where Obi Wan ends up receiving his house from some grateful farmers who built the place before abandoning it after the water dried up
There's going to be a Kenobi novel in the new canon? Damn, I missed that announcement
If the show was cancelled it would've been announced. Are you not getting it?
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Mfw I took too long and now the price is back up to $60
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What did you guys think about this? I thought it was great for the most part altough the 3rd act was kinda meh.
Shame we never got to see this on screen.
ventress a CUTE
I dunno about a NuCanon one, I am referring to the Legends one that came out only a few years ago.
Nah, the Kenobi book was one of the last books in Legends.

As for the comics thing, im not the anons you was talking too but I will play the middle man.

The comics DO heavily suggest that not much happened to Obi-Wan on Tatooine.

However it's not impossible, and if Lucasfilm really have a story they want to tell with Obi-Wan, they'll make it work.

That being said, you can infer from what the comics are suggesting, that Lucasfilm probably does not have a story on their minds right now, so I wouldn't be waiting on a Kenobi movie anytime soon.
I loved it honestly.

Yeah, the final act can be quite divisive, but I saw it much like Anakin in ROTS.

Vos got drunk on the dark side, so shit hits the fan very quickly.
Only new ones. The old novelizations are not canon.
Oh neat, I might see if I can dig that up

Anyway, the second guy is probably right. There are avenues for a post ROTS Obi Wan but for the most part they'll probably leave it open. If nothing else, between the comics and Rebels Obi Wan's life is a little to exciting anyway. He's meant to be a lonely old hermit, not some number one problem solver with a laser sword
that faggot vos should've been the one who dies
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>Phone says 78% off
>Laptop says 77% off
What the hell is going on here
> buying games
Vos is actually mentioned by name in ROTS

He was always safe.
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>That's fucking retarded. They shouldn't encounter any crazy aliens or events before the events of the first movie because it messes with the original themes of the story.
Explain to me why the Jedi are introduced as having their signature weapon be a lightsaber then if Yoda "shouldn't use one"

Explain why it makes no sense for a Sith Lord (the ancient enemy of the Jedi) to fight with a same/similar weapon in a time where Jedi were more plentiful.
a-are you in the wrong thread?
Yeah, I also really didn't like how Dooku was many times put in situations where he should be dead then and there.
After all the point of what Vos is doing the entire book (even when he's still on the light side) is killing Dooku. And then for decides not to because "duh i need an intorduction to sidious". Then Dooku gives him the introduction, and he's still working with him for some reason and eventually Ventress dies because of it.
I get it, he can't die because of continuity, but then don't put him in these sort of scenarios. This sort of thing really triggers me.
>>>/tv/ is that way friendo
Did you miss the Obi-Wan movie discussion we just had?
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watching Lost Missions instead of studying for my finals is a great way to fail my classes!
We don't know what happened to him during Order 66 though.
True, I am sure they'll get to him eventually.

Vos was the posterboy for O66 survivors in Legends
>multiple discusions in the thread
>posts seemingly unrelated shitpost
>not responding to any post
>dude I was responding to that discussion we had 20 minutes ago lmao
It killed of mai waifu, therefore it is shit
Are you a fucking idiot?
Because the two things are hardly comparable. Obi Wan is well established by the PT and TCW as a heroic individual, and the comics explicitly bring up the fact that Obi Wan struggles with staying uninvolved when people are suffering
There's plenty of scope for Obi Wan to get caught up in some events against his better judgement
>Includes obscure TCW Clones
>Includes obscure ROTS Clones
>Includes Ahsoka-Clone from the unfinished TCW episodes

Literally 11/10, my dick can't be any harder.

Literally all of these need to be in Battlefront 2 btw
I want to play KOTOR cause everyone says it's great, but I can't get past the increibley boring gameplay.
what do
It might not be for you anon.
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TCW Anakin is bland and boring.
Anakin having his shit together isn't interesting.

>but Obi-Wan stops him from being a hero.
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When will they learn?


TCW Anakin doesnt really have his shit together, its more of a facade. The only reason it seems lile he does is because he has a padawan so he has to pretend to be a good role model
>he doesn't know about Ahsooka
clone wars Anakin best Anakin

>builds custom starfighter
>rekts ventress so hard he destroys a building
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Half of the 501st troopers painted their armor orange in defense and support of Ahsoka when she was being framed for murder.

Those same troopers went to Mandalore with her (while the rest stayed on Coruscant with Anakin) and were going to be seen in Season 7 and 8 of TCW.

Pic related is some fanart, but there is concept art drawn by Filoni that he showed at Celebration last year.
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>is because he has a padawan so he has to pretend to be a good role model
And this is why I don't like TCW.
Ahsoka is fine as a person, but giving Anakin a padawan effectively put a holding pattern on Anakin.

He felt more real in the comics.
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What the fuck is this?
Anything relevant in it?

I just heard of it. Thought it was like a mini or an advertisement or something but it's a whole damn book apparently.
That seems like it could be uber-racist for her species or something.
I completely disagree, giving Anakin a padawan allowed them to show all of Anakin's more caring and heroic traits, as well as his reckless, aggressive and flawed ones.

Also fed into his attachment issues, a very big theme with Anakin and his downfall.

I haven't read it yet, but apparently it covers Jyn's entire life, and has a lot of Saw being a violent asshole. Apparently it's very good.
every time I come to /co/ you guys start this shit
I really enjoyed it.
You're confusing different traits with a different personality.
Lanter didn't even try to be anything like Hayden in demeanor.

TCW Anakin is the just OT babby fantasy version of Anakin because PT Anakin wasn't badass enough.
Should've just hired the Robot Chicken guys to cover them for this.
Bullshit. Lanter, in his most heroic situations, was clearly evoking ROTS Anakin.

In the more aggressive situations, he drew more from Vader.

>TCW Anakin is the just OT babby fantasy version of Anakin because PT Anakin wasn't badass enough.
This was Anakin during the WAR. When he is supposed to be a hero, and saving the day.

There's plenty of times where Anakin is still a smug, arrogant and flawed characters. But the war matured him.
Oh stop your whining and learn how to take a joke you big baby.
>ut the war matured him.
And then he fell into a time warp and became ROTS Anakin again.
Anakin in TCW is EXACTLY LIKE Anakin at the start of ROTS.

Watch the Battle of Coruscant again.
Now watch the the council scene
>how can you do this?!

Not the same person.
TCW Anakin is weird in that it makes him likeable and engaging, but that just makes it all the more irreconcilable when he starts murdering children for fun.
>in that it makes him likeable and engaging
I don't get this.
I find PT Anakin more likeable because he's flawed but trying.
TCW Anakin is just boring.

I guess it's the same reason people like Rey more than Jyn though right?
Rey is more """"""charismatic""""".
I don't like Rey though. I much prefer Jyn.
Vos will never not be shit
>murdering children for fun
Found your problem.
>but Obi-Wan stops him from being a hero.

Anakin is ready to save the Clones and being superhero fighter pilot before Obi tells him they have a mission to do
There's no reason he cant be both.

He is arrogant and flawed even in TCW.

He seems a lot more sound and heroic in wartime, but when confronted with personal emotions, he falls apart.

Do you not remember the TCW arc where Obi-Wan fakes his death and Anakin starts whining when he finds out?

>How many lies have I been told by the council?!

That was the point. Anakin was a hero that had it all, and he fell as low as you can go because of his greed and hatred.

I like Jyn, and Anakin (movies and TCW)

I don't like Rey.
I can't believe Bigger Luke is real
Oh yeah.
>Lanter didn't even try to be anything like Hayden in demeanor.

Unlikeable, childish, and stupid?
But what about Bigger Luuke?
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Here we go...
Why are you even here?
Its not really whining when they just put you through hell purely to provide a legend for an undercover operative. Something which the Jedi don't really ever do either, so its not like Anakin even had the comfort of the vague possibility that his oldest living friend had died in front of him because he couldn't save him
If anything I'd say the best thing TCW did for Anakin's character was make him come across as more serious and grounded in a way that gave weight to his demands to be on the council. In ROTS by itself he comes across as a bit whiny, after TCW you start to see his justification
>In ROTS by itself he comes across as a bit whiny
That was the point.
>I want more, but I know I shouldn't
Who are the worst Jedi and Sith of all time?
> the best thing TCW did for Anakin's character was make him come across as more serious and grounded in a way that gave weight to his demands to be on the council. In ROTS by itself he comes across as a bit whiny, after TCW you start to see his justification
That's just one of many reasons why I love TCW.

I don't like TCW Anakin or movie Anakin more than the either. They work well because of how they affect each other. They are the same character. They're both Anakin Skywalker, as created by Lucas himself.
>That was the point. Anakin was a hero that had it all, and he fell as low as you can go because of his greed and hatred
There's still a big logical leap from "I wanna save my wife" to "I'm gonna kill these kids" though.
Killing Windu was handled well but the speed of Anakin's total fall from grace could have been done better.
The fall is made even more glaring by how heightened the viewers' opinion of him is if they've seen TCW. It makes his corruption more tragic and heartbreaking but also more over-the-top.
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Anakin Skywalker
>Worst Jedi
Anakin for killing almost all the Jedi
>Worst Sith
Vader for killing all the Sith
Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader respectively
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How old is ahsoka?
Because I want to fucking crush that orange alien pussy so hard...
>There's still a big logical leap from "I wanna save my wife" to "I'm gonna kill these kids" though.
>Killing Windu was handled well but the speed of Anakin's total fall from grace could have been done better.
Not at all.
This meme is lame.

It's intentionally extreme.
Notice how the kid looks like Lloyd. Vader is consuming the child Anakin through intense fear.
Was Vader a bad friend?
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What would you change about the old republic era when adapting it for the new canon?

From a certain point of view, he is also the best Sith for killing all the Jedi and the best jedi for killing all the Sith.
The thing is, Anakin had been "turning" for a very long time.

Palpatine was grooming Anakin from when he was just a teenager.

AOTC and TCW shows Anakin breaking rules and going behind the Council's back for his own personal reasons, with his trust in the Jedi breaking every single time.

Anakin hadn't truly believed in the Jedi for months. It was just the desperation of saving Padmé that allowed Sheev to push Anakin faster, with an ultimatum.

>Save me, the big bad Sith Lord
>or let your wife die

As soon as Anakin made that choice, it was over. He was a slave to Sheev, and anything Anakin did now was the illusion of choice. Because nobody wants to believe they're a slave.
Just make it around 1000-1500 BBY, everything else is pretty much fine.
Well da! He's twisted and evil. Now Anakin, there's a good friend.
The aesthetics. That straight up looks like Clone Wars meets Galactic Civil War
Intention =/= execution
But i'm saying that execution is good.
14 when we first meet her, 16 by the end of TCW, 31 in Rebels

I'd wreck that orange cunny all the way from Coruscant to Naboo
Change that aesthetic
Okay, I disagree though.
Like everyone else has said, the aesthetic is the major flaw.

Thankfully, Canon has already done away with that aesthetic. Literally every time they've shown glimpses of ancient history, they've had distinct ancient designs, from the clothing to the tech. So I am not worried about them fucking it up again.
Thats fine. I was expecting some shit like 13 or something...
Not that I would care, id Fuck a 13 year old who looked like hat
he was a good friend.
He was the best friend, and the worst friend.

Truly the chosen one
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Noted. We'll have to agree to disagree.
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The biggest thing for me would be to show a stronger passage of time.

No hyperdrives. Period. Center the stories around needing to take multiple day to week long trips just to get from one planet to another. There is a lot of potential to focus on pirates etc with what are essentially sea bearing ships
Similarly, instead of droids having perfect ai like the prequels onward, make the old republic droids no better than something like Amazon Alexa. They can take very simple orders and answer easy questions that they are designed for but that's about it. Something like this would really put emphesis on how far in the past this is, while also shedding light onto why so many people in the current Star wars galaxy are perfectly fine with torturing droids and treating them like property
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me on the left
>id Fuck a 13 year old who looked like hat
Get ready for v& amigo
>multiple day to week long trips just to get from one planet to another
Make it months to years and weesa good
>mods will ban you for saying you would fuck an "underage" (by human standards), fictional ayylien
Lol, I believe it
I think years is a stretch for planets in the same system. Years to cross the galaxy for sure, maybe even from one system to another, but planet to planet I think would be fine with a couple weeks
u wot m8?
>multiple day to week long trips just to get from one planet to another
It already is like that in the current era.
Without the hyperdrive it would take centuries to mileniums to travel between systems.
>instead of droids having perfect ai like the prequels onward, make the old republic droids no better than something like Amazon Alexa
This and the hyperdrive thing would make it completely loose all the star wars charm.
It would literally be just another near future, earth-like science fiction movie and not star wars.
I like the idea about the droids being more like advanced robots than actual intelligent beings, but hyperdrives and hyperspace is too central to maintaining the speed of Star Wars to outright toss them
Keep them very primitive and very large. Anything smaller than a full blown cruiser either needs to piggyback on a carrier ship with its own drive, or basically has to built entirely around an incredibly large hyperdrive ring. Subtly imply that at least half the reason the Corellians still build things in circles is because their designers are harking back to an age where every freight in the galaxy was circular because they had to be for the hyperdrive to not crush them
And that's another point, make hyperspace dangerous. The precise entry and exit points for systems, even well populated ones, haven't been fully mapped out yet, and crashes between ships coming out of hyperspace too close too one another are still relatively common
Might be too limiting for a story.

I would make it so that Hyperdrive technology is very new, and basically exclusive to public transport.

So people spend days/weeks flying through a system, NOBODY hyperspaces between planets within the same system because its too expensive.

But if they want to travel to a different system, it would take months (maybe years to get to the complete opposite side of the Galaxy) unless they pay for a ride on what is effectively a space-airplane.

I also like the idea that pirates would illegally hook up ships to those Whales from Rebels to hyperspace travel for free.
This is a good compromise
Easy, I like Star Wars, just not the prequel films, especially AotC.
But TFA is objectively much much worse than AotC.
It isn't very good, I agree, but nah.

And, I mean, "feces tastes bad too" isn't really a defense of eating rotten meat.
>but nah.
Then your opinion is worthless.
TFA has crippled an entire era.
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Objectively worst Star Wars movie, comin' through
>thing is bad
>other thing is bad too
>that somehow makes the first thing good?
I unironically like it
Genndy Anakin = more accurate Anakin
TCW Anakin = better Anakin
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At least Chitophiss or what ever looked cool, TFA looks like they filmed in the back of a ghetto parking garage.
Why did filoni hate cody?
>millions of fans says otherwise
Do you even know the meaning of that word?
It works the opposite way with Grievous
PT Anakin>Genndy Anakin>TCW Anakin

>a movie being less unique and less interesting means it's worse

the human centipede is original and unique and a timeless classic now. is it a good movie? FUCK no
Nothing new after TPM, so it doesn't really phase me any more.
Genndy Anakin probably has 10 lines in total.

People seem to forget how short that show was, it's not really a good representation of anything.
Because Filoni is a dumb nigger who wanted his own OC.

fuck off Filoni
Hobbit hangars are kinda cute desu senpai
>wow, I can't believe the Resistance, a terrorist organization, operates out of such a dump
TPM is great though.


M8, Yavin 4 is an awesome location. There was no excuse.
Rex was ok, Wolf was filoni going over the top with shitt OC characters
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The 212th were barely in the show just because the show more closely followed Anakin than Obi-Wan.

Whenever Obi-Wan's forces were around, Cody was usually close.

Filoni gave a shout-out to Cody in Rebels too.

Wolffe was barely in the show though.

And he wasn't shit. He was just Plo Koon's Cody.
Top of OC would be Gregor
but dude it was all real sets and practicals lmao
Hobbits would probably use concrete if they were housing interstellar space fighters.
Also, Sauron would be fuuuucked
Even though i'm not a huge fan of TCW, I gotta admit that Lucas' "shoot it like live action" doctrine made it seem pretty classy.
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> nigger
He's clearly white
It made Grevious a competent badass.

I was legitimately disappointed by how slow and meandering he was in the movie when I saw it. That still sticks with me to this day.
It looks like a tabletop top game set
>There was no excuse.
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>TPM is great though.
You disagree?
it may be boring but it looks better than a Windows screensaver

stay mad
It didn't make him a competant badass anon.

It showed him fighting a group of Jedi at once, a frankly ridiculous feat that didn't belong in Star Wars at all.

I fucking hate the 2003 cartoon for making everybody hate Greivous. ACTUAL Greivous that is.

Everybody has these rediculous expectations of Greivous being some unstoppable Terminator.

Canon Greivous has his own badass moments too, without making him godlike. See: >>92059896
Jesus fuck, have you SEEN Attack of the Clones?
It's not even a movie. It's indefensible.

To this day I have still no clue what the fuck enabled the clones to be used.
Why would the jedi use a hidden clone army?
Wouldn't they at least ask some questions before committing to their use?
Properly investigate?
What the fuck happened?
Why didn't Jango Fett kill Padme directly?
we never really got to see him do anything. We never even got to see the jetback get any use
why didn't they just clone a jedi
Lucas's ideas helped push the show beyond anything I have ever seen in animation before.

I think that helped sell the show as a valid part of the Star Wars universe to fans who were initially uncomfortable with watching a cartoon to continue enjoying Star Wars.
>terrorist organization
>fighting the first order
>backed by the republic
Don't get fooled by the name.
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Why did they have to kill satine off just as they finally made her hot
>have to play as Sam Witwer
>can't make a cutie Chiss character

shit game
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>It's indefensible.

>To this day I have still no clue what the fuck enabled the clones to be used.

>Why would the jedi use a hidden clone army?
had no choice
>Wouldn't they at least ask some questions before committing to their use?
wouldn't help. it's clone army or let Dooku take over the galaxy
>Properly investigate?
wouldn't help. they already know Dooku commissioned them. they need them.
>What the fuck happened?
see above
>Why didn't Jango Fett kill Padme directly?
Because he wasn't actually working for Nute?
He was working for Tyranus.
He shot the dart instead of a blaster because it was tine for the Jedi to find Kamino.
And before you ask, it was erased from the archives so that no one would have Kamino on their minds before the right time.
>Why didn't Jango Fett kill Padme directly?

Because he paid a shape-shifter who paid a droid who paid some centipedes to kill her, idiot. Don't you know ANYTHING about subcontracting laws in bounty hunting?
Nigga looks like gelato salesman

Nigga looks like he's just perfected his granmama's special ragu recipe

Nigga looks like he's greeting the nice-a Greenman familia from-a down-a de road-a to the restaurant his great-Uncle Giuseppe opened in 1948
>Rey is more """"""charismatic""""".
This is an excuse I see unironically for Rey a lot. It's like they excuse her shit acting just because she's "fun". Even though she's not.
I seriously can't see why people like her so much, she's just so incredibly plain.
Lots of terrorist organizations are backed by governments, and the Resistance are definitively terrorists, even if they're durk-allahing a government no one likes.
I can't figure it out either.
That's what Jay said in the RLM review
>Daisy Ridley was charismatic AS HELL

>Why didn't Jango Fett kill Padme directly?
Because he's the Galaxy's shittiest assassin
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>tfw no ganch
Obviously all these people who liked her are just fucking stupid and don't know anything, huh?
>It's not even a movie. It's indefensible.
Opinions are not facts, anon.

>To this day I have still no clue what the fuck enabled the clones to be used
The Sith. Did you even pay attention? They wanted the war to start. Padme was actively trying to prevent it from happening which is why she was targeted for assassination.

>Why would the jedi use a hidden clone army?
They didn't want to but had no choice once Dooku revealed himself to have a massive army and was confirmed Sith.

>Wouldn't they at least ask some questions before committing to their use?
They did. Yoda personally went to Kamino but you know the war led by the Sith fucked everything up.

>Properly investigate?
Obi-Wan uncovered a lot of information as did Yoda.

>What the fuck happened?
Pay attention next time.

>Why didn't Jango Fett kill Padme directly?
Because it was Zam's job.
Pretty much. Sorry champ.
>Properly investigate?
Two reasons. For one none ever does proper assessments in these kinds of movies. Two they or the Republic were at a point where they desperately needed an army. That some guy from a while ago ordered one out of paranoia or because of Sheev's keikaku was a gift to them and without time to spare they just went with it.

>>92060187 This guy seems to remember it better though.
>old man yells at cloud

wrong generation, huh? :^)
Nah. Jyn is great. Rey is a garbage character played by a garbage actress.
Alright nigga, I'm an impfag and I can see rebs as terrorists.
But TFA resistance? No Way.

If anything the first order are the terrorists.
How are people so easily swayed?

How does the ROTJ rescue plot make sense (protip: it doesn't) but AOTC doesn't?

Why don't people think for themselves?
Because she wasn't in ROTS.

And I know that's a meme answer, but in this case it REALLY would have not made sense if Obi-Wan had a girlfriend off-screen in that movie.

Also, because Maul was an asshole seeking revenge, and showing him actually get some revenge upped the stakes and created some genuine emotional drama.

Also, Filoni.
Both the AOTC and ROTJ rescue plots work just fine. I have never heard this complaint for either of those movies.
yes, every single person who thinks aotc is dumb as hell forgives everything stupid about the other movies as WELL is victim of cohesive groupthink

off yourself you dipshit
The AotC assassination thing is comically stupid and convoluted, the RotJ rescue scene isn't.
It's as simple as that.
What's even wrong with the ROTJ rescue?
here come the plinkett drones...
Tippest off all keks
I mean fucking WORM centipedes?
Why not a thermal detonator?
Imagine how different it'd be if Padme actually
>The AotC assassination thing is comically stupid and convoluted
Not at all.

You can't it both ways. You can't call the characters stupid but then call a complicated plan showing a character's skill stupid.
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>talking shit about the prequels on THE prequel general

you have to go back
The First Order is a legitimately recognized state, the Resistance is led by a woman with a long history of hatred for the state the First Order succeeded, commanding a force primarily composed of the sons and daughters of people she fought alongside in the Rebellion to fight against the First Order
Its a terrorist organisation commanded by aa woman with an axe to grind that seeks to destabilize a legitimate government
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PLAN A: Lando
Okay so Lando is disguised as a guard and is already in the palace. Cool I guess but how long has the poor bastard been in there? He had to find a costume, fix up his resume, do the training and presumably live in shitty quarters and eat gruel for every meal. And I'm sure the pay is shitty too. This must have taken at least a week to get him all inducted and trained up. And what is he there to do? Reconnaissance? Fair enough but how does he report back? We never see that. And even then what does he have to tell them?
Day One: "Yo' guys it's Lando. Yeah Han is here, man. He's all up on the wall" Day Two: "Yo' guys it's Lando. So Jabba has a lot of guards and stuff here, man, lot of bad ass guys. Oh and Jabba sits on some kind of ... well I guess it's a throne... yeah a throne. And he's fat". Day Three: "So yeah guys Han's still up on the wall. You guys are coming right? Jesus Jabba is disgusting".
Let's say for argument's sake that Lando IS there to covertly pass back information. Okay, that's fine but how about TELLING LUKE THERE'S A GODDAMN TRAPDOOR IN THE FLOOR????!?!? Because, fuck dude, information like that would have been useful.

PLAN B: R2 and C3P0
Wait so there a gift. How does that work? Luke tells Jabba that he wants to bargain. Peaceful option. But the droids aren't offered in exchange for Han. They are a token of his appreciation. They're like the free set of steak knives that you get to keep even if you don't go through with the sale. So regardless of whether Jabba wants to bargain, Luke is out of a set of droids.
Was there a plan to get them back? Or was Luke really that cold hearted that he just was willing to dump them there? I can understand dumping C3P0 but R2 was an important part of Luke's ship.
Okay... we can assume that Luke was planning to rejoin the droids, because Artoo is secretly holding onto Luke's lightsaber. PLAN DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Let's play it out... one of two things will happen. 1. Jabba will say, "yes. Let's bargain". Peaceful solution, they work out a trade for Han, BUT Luke is out of two droids AND the lightsaber he just built. I guess that was considered a fair enough sacrifice in exchange for his friend. But does he need to offer the droids at all? Can't they just pass on the message? 2. Jabba will say no to the bargain and Luke is out of 2 droids and a lightsaber. EITHER way.. Luke is a recorded message. How will Luke even know what Jabba decides anyway. "Hey want to bargain?" I do but you're hiding out in the dunes somewhere and haven't even left your cell phone number. Doesn't work. That's why it would make more sense to have the droids return to Luke with Jabba's answer?
And this is a fair enough plan... let's see if Jabba wants to negotiate. SO why not make this Plan A? Why put Lando through all that bullshit first?

imagine there being someone so defensive of the shit he grew up with that he writes out a large lengthy explanation for why a scene nobody has a problem with is dumb


It is stupid. Even if the whole point was hetting the Jedi to investigate the Kaminoan dart without killing Padme, then just have Jango shoot at her room but miss her. Involving the shapeshofter, the droid, the millipedes and the speeder chase just introduces a million unnecessary variables where the plan can go wrong.

It's the writing that's stupid, moreso than the characters involved.
>a general for utter garbage
how I know I'm on /co/
>caring about writing and characters

>not caring about worldbuilding and showing coruscant

deal with it aspie. normie fuck.
PLAN C: Leia and Chewbacca
So Leia finds a way to disguise herself and infiltrate Jabba's Palace as a free-roaming member of his crew. WAIT DIDN'T LANDO ALREADY DO THIS IN PLAN A???????? Except Leia is weighed down by a frigging huge wookiee, who is then imprisoned in the dungeons thereby creating ANOTHER person that will need a stealth rescue. Or did they just plan on leaving Chewie behind? I mean, Leia freed Han and then would have had to drag his conspicuous blind ass all the way down to the dungeons and stealth rescue Chewie with a fucked up Han in tow. Doesn't make sense. And then all three of them would still have to get past a billion guards and out of the palace. Unlikely.
So why the fuck couldn't Lando just go up to the control panel and free Han if this was the ultimate plan? BROTHER WAS ALREADY THERE!! And IT WAS HIS FUCKING CARBIN FREEZING CHAMBER IN THE FIRST PLACE SO SURELY HE KNOWS HOW TO OPERATE THE BASTARD BETTER THAN A SPOILT PRINCESS? Seriously, why was Lando even there if they didn't let him do anything? Incredible.
And what's with Jabba? How did he discover Leia? Did he see through the ruse? And is that really what he and his crew do every night... they just stand in a big group, in complete silence on the odd chance that someone might steal the decoration? That's paranoid dude. Why not just put some of those guards on night watch?

Also pretty much everything on the Invisible Hand. The deleted scenes make it quite apparent that Anakin has matured in some way.

>Oh, yes yes yes, you're right, "beep" is up.
>...I think.


>Obi-Wan and Anakin completing each other's sentences and using baseball handsigns to communicate strategy
How was Guardians of the Whills?
But no more stupid than anything in the OT. Which is the whole point.

I like the reversal when he says
>I say patience
The shapeshifter is the most egregious element, why would one of the galaxies best killers fucking subcontract on the assassination of a serving Senator?
If anything that just needlessly muddies the water, since Sidious wants the Jedi to follow Jango to Kamino
PLAN D: Luke
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, marches into the palace and tries to make a deal and is prepared to fight to the death if Jabba won't yield.
Because despite the other three brilliant plans:
Lando has wasted three weeks of his life
Han is still imprisoned
Chewie is now imprisoned.
Leia. Yep. Imprisoned.
Artoo is a fucking bar maid.
C3PO has been getting the crap beaten out of him.
Luke's lightsaber is far away in another part of the palace inside the bar maid.
You know what would have been a better way of sneaking in the lightsaber? HOOKING IT ON YOUR GODDAMN BELT! Nobody was able to stop him from coming in. I mean really.
So how did they ultimately rescue Han? By whipping out a lightsaber and fucking killing everybody. So why not:
Get Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewie all armed up and march them down to the palace TOGETHER, offer the bargain, and then fucking whip out the lightsaber and kill everyone.
If I was Lando I would be the bitterest man alive.

>To this day I have still no clue what the fuck enabled the clones to be used.
>Why would the jedi use a hidden clone army?

Because the alternative was getting steamrolled by legions and legions and legions and legions of battle droids.

>Wouldn't they at least ask some questions before committing to their use?
No time to ask questions.

>Properly investigate?
No time

>What the fuck happened?
See above

>Why didn't Jango Fett kill Padme directly?
Because he wasn't trying to kill her. He was using Zam as bait to get the Jedi to find Kamino. He knew Zam would fuck it up and he killed her with a dart that would link to Kamino
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>there are people who don't think ROTJ is the best movie
shaking my head to be honest family
>No time to ask questions.

The assassin ensures that Jango isn't linked to Kamino until exactly the right time.
When Jedi come on the case, they start putting their plans into motion.
Remember how Palps was the one who had the Jedi guard Padme?
That's not the real answer.



How hard is this to internalize, honestly?
not an argument
>How hard is this to internalize, honestly?

it paints the Jedi as fucking retarded. how can people say that TLJ is doing a disservice to the jedi when they are in canon a bunch of fucking idiots?
Which subset of Star Wars fans is the worst?
>The assassin ensures that Jango isn't linked to Kamino until exactly the right time
What? How?
Are you denying that there was no time for the Jedi to ask questions? Please, tell me exactly when they had the time to.
tie between "only the EU is good" or "only the prequels/clone wars is good"
>about to get invaded by a massive army in the billions
>ignore army created for you
Smart idea anon
I get where your coming from, but there's nothing the shapeshifter does that Jango couldn't have just done himself
If it was a matter of timing, Jango could 'accidentally' snipe one of Padme's body doubles with the dart, or just hit the wrong person by 'mistake' to deliver the evidence into the Jedi's hands
Nu-canon shills and EU haters.
>it paints the Jedi as fucking retarded.
They need the army. It's as simple as that.
So there wasn't even time to explain why there wasn't time to explain?
Funny how when one sci fi property does that everyone hates it, but when its Star Wars I'm just meant to accept it
Tie between

OT Elitists
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>crying about prequels in the prequel wank chamber
How hard is it to understand these words-

They needed an army. Period.
Asking questions is irrelevant because whatever they find, THEY STILL NEED AN ARMY.

Christ on a stick.
Theoretically, the diehard EUfags who hate the new canon and go on crusades to denigrate Disney while simultaneously begging them to restore the EU. However, they are a rapidly dying breed and are totally impotent. The actual problematic subset of "Star Wars" "fans" is the OT purist RLM memers who despise the overwhelming majority of Star Wars content because of nostalgia goggles and eceleb virtue signalling. That group is quite substantial.

The most pathetic group of all is the overlap between the two, the plinkett ribbitors who basically think the only worthwhile star wars content is Empire Strikes Back and the EU. Mercifully, those are all but extinct.
All of them

There as contingency, to have back-up on the inside, maybe tell them the layout, ect.

To get Luke's Lightsaber on the inside, knowing it would have likely been taken from him when he arrived

To convince Jabba that Boushh is legit

Breaks everyone out

If Leia fails, Luke shows up to save the day. R2 has his Lightsaber just in case.

Of course this goes wrong when Luke falls into the pit, but it all works out in the end.

Yeah it's shakey, but the idea of the plan is there and valid.
>So there wasn't even time to explain why there wasn't time to explain
There wasn't time to ask questions or investigate the origins of the army. They had to use the army or get steamrolled by legions and legions and legions and legions of battle droids.
The ones that kill people and molest kids.

Statistically there's got to be some crossover
Because before that it's Zam doing the dirty work.
Using a middle man lets them better decide the time of reveal.
But in the meantime Nute also needed to think that Padme was really being attacked to maintain good faith with Dooku.
The very stupidest part is when 3-PO says
>you're standing on!
And Luke doesn't even register it.
based cAnon, rotj haters btfo
They needed an army because of the war the Jedi started with the army they needed to fight the war they just started
Its circular logic anon, and it only works because the Jedi apparently value the lives of Padme, Anakin and Obi Wan so highly they think they're worth starting a interplanetary war over
>Yeah it's shakey
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>because of the war the Jedi started
Not you again.
Publicly executing a Republic senator is an act of war.
Her ship gets bombed and her body doubles are assassinated or those close to her are killed
I'd say those are more convincing signs of an assassination campaign than one of the galaxies top killers apparently decided to take a night off, hiring some fly by night assassin as a sub contractor who then shoves millipedes into Padme's senatorial apartments
What difference does the time of the reveal matter?

What advantage is offered by the Jedi seeing Jango before the speederchase or after it? It's like, a 10 minute difference.
he's memeing, "I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain" is a spectacularly bad line from a spectacularly mediocre Bungie game called Destiny that's been making the rounds on /v/ recently
>Which subset of Star Wars fans is the worst?
Apologists, of any kind.
People who stir up trouble in the fanbase
When the Senate hears about it, yes
But they hadn't heard about it. There is absolutely zero indication that the Senate where even informed of the events of Geonosis until the Jedi (who are at least nominally representatives of the Senate and to a degree beholden to it) had already intervened by dropping an entire army onto the planet
The answer to your question is this poster right here >>92061163. He and anyone like him are pure cancer.

TPM is really good though, rewatch it - you won't be disappointed
What bothers me is people complaining about Zam not shooting Padme instead of getting worms. Its like they never watched pulp movies or something like James Bond. Hero could have died a million ways but that woulve made the movie boring
Who thought that it was OK to put Harry Potter music in my Star Wars?

Are you retarded?
Zam was the one who bombed the ship.
>I hit the ship, but they used a decoy
Again, to implicate her before Jango is an investigation was done.

Who knows what Sheev's timetable was.
You can't be serious. It's easily the most boring and least important movie in either saga.
AotC is way worse. Not that TPM is good.
>When the Senate hears about it, yes
No, when the Jedi hear about it.
There also 2 Jedi being executed, to boot.

>least important
Did you fall for the machete meme?

Both are great though.
>the most boring
No, that's ESB

>and least important movie
Not this meme again
>No, that's ESB
Yeah, I love the Dagobah scenes and the climax, but everything else is a slog.
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There isn't a single boring scene in ESB you retarded underage shutters.
Heavily disagree.
The entire AT AT sequence is fundamentaly stupid due to how slow the walkers are, every time it cuts away from Dagobah to Han it's a slog, the cloud city before the final fight is boring, etc...

It's an entertaining movie with god-tier art direction, fantastic worldbuilding, good action, and a stellar performance from Liam Neeson. You're right that if judging it as a part of a greater whole maybe it isn't as important as the other movies, but as a film on it's own its great.

I also think Jar Jar is funny
I've said this before but AoTC is a massive improvement on TPM. The plot kicks right off with the bombing and never stops like TPM. The action is better, the effects are better and Lucasfilm learned a lot of lessons from TPM. ROTS is a remarkable improvement on both films.
sounds like someone got triggered hard
I lost an"l" there.

>Strong case of ADHD detected
Not at all.
I slow moving movies. Just not movies that waste my time.
Critics and fans ripped ESB apart in 80's though. Take your bait image somewhere else faggot

nah the prequels go ROTS=TPM>AOTC
AotC is boring as fuck except the part where Anakin slaughters the sand people and the gladiator arena. RotS is ESB and RotJ levels of greatness.
I seriously hope all of you die.

>can't even type because he got distracted due to severe ADHD
people who like ESB the most tend to be plebeian shitter fake fans, but >>92061694 isn't a good argument at all

>Confession: When I went to see "The Empire Strikes Back" I found myself glancing at my watch almost as often as I did when I was sitting through a truly terrible movie called "The Island."

>The Empire Strikes Back" is not a truly terrible movie. It's a nice movie. It's not, by any means, as nice as "Star Wars." It's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty, but it is nice and inoffensive and, in a way that no one associated with it need be ashamed of, it's also silly. Attending to it is a lot like reading the middle of a comic book. It is amusing in fitful patches but you're likely to find more beauty, suspense, discipline, craft and art when watching a New York harbor pilot bring the Queen Elizabeth 2 into her Hudson River berth, which is what "The Empire Strikes Back" most reminds me of. It's a big, expensive, time-consuming, essentially mechanical operation.

The Battle of Hoth is the single greatest scene in the series and one of the best in cinema history. That movie is flawless. You are pathethic, go take a Ritalin and play Call of Duty where you belong
But that's attacking me and not my argument.
>The Battle of Hoth is the single greatest scene in the series and one of the best in cinema history.
>least important movie

I used to think this too but then I rewatched it the other day and realized it's essential to show the fallacy of the Jedi Order and Anakin's eventual corruption. The way he acts in Attack of the Clones is a direct result of the events of The Phantom Menace.
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>The Battle of Hoth is the single greatest scene in the series and one of the best in cinema history. That movie is flawless.

ESB is now regarded as a film classic so it doesn't really matter what a guy from the New York times said back then

What point are you trying to make? That film criticism is set in stone forever and opinions can't change?
>The Battle of Hoth is the single greatest scene in the series and one of the best in cinema history.
Hahaha, no. It's a decent scene (if a little to slow) but it is not the best in the saga or in cinema history.
>That movie is flawless
No it isn't. Just like every movie ESB has flaes.
Talking about structurally. TPM is convoluted as fuck. AoTC is clean in comparison. It's just a marked improvement like RoTS is on AoTC. An example of doing this badly is Men in Black 2 vs Men in Black 1.

>AotC is boring as fuck
>bombing scene
>chase through Courscant undercity
>bar/club chase
>entire Kamino sequence
>Jango vs Boba
>factory scene
>entire end segment
Lol no
see >>92061797
You are fresh from raditz.
>ESB is now regarded as a film classic so it doesn't really matter what a guy from the New York times said back then
So reviewers now are better than reviewers from before the clickbait internet era?

Very interesting.
To be fair, I learned long ago that you have a better chance of making a real lightsaber than you have of finding a decent argument here.

Mostly it's just greentext, fallacies, or just flat-out baiting
>I'm right, and you're a faggot for disagreeing. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
After a while, it just gets boring.

I never said reviewers I said regarded as, i.e people think ESB is a really good movie, and it doesn't matter what a guy wrote decades ago in the New York times
>TPM is convoluted as fuck
Then how come I don't have a problem following it?
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How can Hoth be the best when it has the worst ship in the series? Even the First Order boats were more novel than this crap
The ''I watched the movies ten years ago so I'm a huge nerd and qualified to talk for SW fans on my Disney sponsored show'' kind of fan.
>Even the First Order boats were more novel than this crap

don't talk shit about snowspeeders nigger
esbfag pls
damn son that is some shit taste you have therem the T47 Airspeeder may not be the most interesting craft by virtue of it being unable to go in space, but boy howdy is it a beautiful example of Ralph McQuarrie's bicentennialist industrial design.

y-wing is best girl tho
dont ever talk shit about my husband again or i will kill you cis shitlord

The ones that don't think for themselves.
You like TFA? fine. Just think for a minute if you actually enjoyed it or you were told it was good so many times you didn't formulate your own opinion
You dislike / like the prequels? Fine. Just make sure you're not liking them because its the latest /swco/ trend or hating them because plinkett told you to.
Make your own mind up about shit and like what you like
>bombing scene
Not interesting. Starts the entire snoozefest of a film off on a bad note.
>chase through Coruscant
Least interesting chase scene in film history
>bar/club scene
Boring, still an extension of the garbage chase scene
>Jango vs Obi-Wan
Nothing special, lasts too long
>Factory scene
Boring and too heavily reliant on bad CG
>Entire end segment
Good until the Dooku duel which is just plain laughably bad

It's a boring movie for most of its runtime. That's just the truth.

yeah I tried rewatching AOTC a week ago after I rewatched (and loved) TPM and I shut it off just before the factory scene. It's just not that good of a movie
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Really does make me wonder who is sitting at the keyboard behind this post.
The irony of this post. Nice, subtle way of saying that liking TFA is the "wrong" opinion and that people who have it need to evaluate their tastes.
this 2bh I feel the same way about ESB

I love Empire Strikes Back its a great beautiful wonderful poetic movie but it's not my favorite and I've noticed that people try to fit in by saying its their favorite without knowing anything about it other than cultural osmosis and knowing that they need to like it to fit in because its dark and mature. I don't like to have to be a fandom gatekeeper but I simply cannot trust anybody's opinion on Star Wars if they say they liked ESB best without justifying it, it's the ultimate normie opinion to have, all it tells me is that you're a vapid disposable plastic person. If you can tell me why you like it beyond "le epic plot twist" or "something something battle" then I'll accept your praise.
now that the dust has settled what do we think of new x wings
You are wrong. Ywing is a retarded looking Federation ship. Xwing is the GOAT ship
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>tfw after I finish Twilight Company I only have Servants of the Empire, Guardians of the Whills, Rebel Rising, and a few short stories and I'm completely up to date with canon
>tfw no new novel releases for months so I can read tons of EU books until Fall while keeping up to date with comics (which is easy since there's only like 2 issues a week)
I fucking love Star Wars. I love canon. I love the EU. I love all of it.
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lets be honest tauntauns and at-ats are the only good part of hoth
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rebel base was comfy

I like them
They are fucking garbage like all of TFA designs. Let's take a great ship from the OT and make it worst
The only good thing about Hoth was the JKJA mission


make a new fighter instead of just slightly changing old shit, same for the 'new' X-Wings.

only actually shitty ship was the resistance troop transport being that it was just a bisected b-wing. deal with it
It's ok and I think the split wing is neat but I dislike the little curve the wingtips make as they wrap around the cannons. Also I hate Poe's Halloween X-wing, the blue and silver is great but the black and orange looks shitty on that ship, at least in the configuration it was painted as.

this anon speaks the truth, and isn't blinded by (((nostalgia)))
>he doesn't love that soundtrack
Nah, not that guy but the art direction in TFA was garbage.
The Finalizer is great, the hollowed out midsection is neat

you're incorrect
I like the finalizer. it reminds me of a bulky predator fish.
New Star Wars Show

not an argument lmao
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>Sheev is the clone of a man named Shev, and Shev is snoke.
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Fuck off sleemo, the T-70s and the Finalizer were two of the only good designs in TFA
it looks better from certain perspectives, the barracuda underbite looks shitty and exaggerated from that angle, but it's not too bad in profile
I still think they could have done better
>c-can't p-praise TFA on any level
Love them, wish Poe could keep them flying for longer than 10 minutes
I'm starting to think Poe's "I can fly anything" has the unspoken clause of "until I blow it up or crash it anyway"
best love it or hate it ship in the series
Is is just me or did the Rogue One Star Destroyers look much better CGI-wise?
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The First Order stuff was great, the placement of the cockpit on the lander aside
The Resistance stuff sucked donkey balls though, the T-70 X-Wing is the only exception and that's only because they did what Rebels does for its best designs and stole directly from the Ralph McQuarrie concept art
there's not much praiseworthy about it, but I do like the FO heavy stormtroopers with the chest rigs and the FO tie pilots with their slick Nazi uniforms and Hellboy Kroenen style helmets (the inverted TIE fighter color scheme is the worst part of TFA though)
>the first order stuff was great

Also they chose the absolute worst Kylo Design out of all the concepts shown.
they only look good with the wings closed. Also the blue on the standard xwings looks really boring
It didn't help that the fighter battles n TFA were shiiiiiiit
I would love it unconditionally if it wasn't for that cockpit. Seriously, recess that shit and it would be perfect.
Imagine, clouds of those slamming into Republic ships and spewing forth boarding crews, shit would be awesome
Weren't there only two resistance ships? the a-wings and the republic ships look better in tlj anyhow
This is actually a more logical and functional design for a battleship. It is brimming with gun platforms that are more protected inside the hollowed out section and the fighter launch bays are also in there. It is very clearly based on real Naval ship designs and makes much more sense.
i just dislike the pilots compartment, it just looks ugly sticking out.
I bet they could sell the movie with the name alone.
They did, a lot more effort was put into making the CG look as real as possible (Tarkin and Leia are obvious) and the ships themselves are made to look as if they are kitbashed or vac-formed ILM studio models being seamlessly composited into the movie
Hey man I already pointed out that the cockpit was fucking stupid, apart from that its a great design
Besides, the Kylo designs definitely took a turn after they hired Adam, and considered the direction they took it I'm bloody grateful. The Jedi Killer concepts were the Vader knock off everyone was expecting
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Love it. It's literally just the D-Day landing boat as a space ship.
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>Here's an idea guys!!! Let's take the SD a beloved classic and make it bigger, uglier and edgy we will sell millions
I dislike the t70 because it's a boring uninspired replica that doesn't understand why the t65 was loved. The t65 like many OT ships had greebles and wear and tear. They were gritty and had a used look since they were rebellion ships. It made the universe more alive and fleshed out. T70 are far to "sterile" and "clean" on top of being copy cats. PT had good ship designs
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has the CG improved since TFA?
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real naval ship designs all have exposed bridges on top of a very obvious command island
>posts a cartoon antelope head as a fucking argument
It's been like two years
I'd rather they actually improved the designs first
>the state the First Order succeeded
The Empire became the New Republic.

>legitimately recognized state
[citation needed]
And if the First Order is a legitimately recognized state, then exploding a foreign military battle station that just nuked the siege of government of a sovereign entity isn't terrorism at all.

>primarily composed of the sons and daughters of people she fought alongside in the Rebellion
[citation needed] too, and how is this an issue?
I hope the military of the New Republic (and by extension, the Resistance) is mainly composed of former rebels. Because if not that puts a lot of holes in your thesis, like the New Republic forces being composed by former imperial forces, which implies that reunification went peacefully, and the New Order killing a shitton of former Imperials.

Besides, you can hardly complain about the evil warmongering Leia when the interactions of the First Order with civilians not under their jurisdiction is 1) kidnap and brainwash them into child soldiers 2) put them to the sword 3) straff them 4) explode their planets, usually without provocation.
And they don't even have the excuse of being a legitimate authority like the Empire, since Jakku isn't in their borders.
Clone Wars model doesn't look as good as the movie version
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nope nope nope.png
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its much more aircraft carrier in appearance, what a star destroyer should always be.
I wasn't just talking the ships, that Resistance blaster based off a G-36 is fucking trash. Star Wars has a long history of tarting up real guns, but don't fucking use the gun that's been the generic future weapon in a dozen sci fi series. Even the space M-4's they had in Rogue One looked better
I said it before and I'll say it again, if Lucas' proposals for the sequel trilogy had been worth pursuing you bet your ass they would have leapt at the chance to put his name in the credits to assuage the butthurt fanboys. They didn't, and Disney doesn't ignore good optics like that without good reason
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Totally fine with them.

The OT X-Wing was more or less the best of its class so the idea that the good guy's fighters in the new trilogy are just updated and more advanced versions of them is believable.
Then good thing it is definitely still cool. It's an improvement even.

That's ugly though. That's literally just a retarded version of a Star Destroyer.
My bad I was in a hurry and posted the wrong image. My point still stands however.
>That's ugly though.
The movie version is better.
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if the TLJ trailer is anything to go by yes

just when you think you've seen the stupidest post on /swco/
>"it's boring" as an argument
>prequels had better designs as an argument

>when every jedi used the same fucking ship in different colors

fucking kids
Get a load of this faggot
>>prequels had better designs as an argument
Are you ACTUALLY saying that TFA had better ships than the PT?

I would have much preferred that design in the movie.
it's a flat star destroyer with the jedi temple on top of it

fucking wow
>That's ugly though. That's literally just a retarded version of a Star Destroyer.
You have the shittiest taste imaginable.
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Seriously. The only good design in the prequels is this bad boy.
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I think it's safe to say that we can ignore any opinion from somebody who dislikes the Venator class Star Destroyer.
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>his favorite prequel ship isn't the sith infiltrator
>nope, not the v-wing
>not even the at-te

>it's the star destroyer with bites taken out of it and a pyramid on top
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Venator take-off.webm
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>choosing that retarded motherfucker instead of a sexy venator

You are truly lost
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clearly some anon has been playing with sword chucks
>dat camera shake at the end

They're just regular TIE's with slightly different engines.
Which is a good likeness to the Sequel Trilogy overall. It's the Original Trilogy with some slight differences.
>new republic has nice prequelesque retard ships as shown in >>92062604 with the fun ball turret things like clone wars
>resistance has a-wings, x-wings etc for the ot guys
>canto bight has fancy shmancy new ships
>snoke's star destroyer different than any of the others

>people will STILL complain

I'm really looking forward to the snoke stuff if the leaks are in any way true

>Gold everywhere
>fucking elf shoes

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>not being able to enjoy all the movies
>not being Saga Master Race
I pity the lot of you sad, angry faggots.
the PT deserved an entire movie of this....
what video game is this
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>best multirole fighter is the Xwing and not the TIE Defender
I shiggy
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Snoke's ship is the Eclipse
nope, leaks point to a giant black flying wing
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>tfw bought the print at Celebration Orlando

its such a good feel
or nah
I read that as 'Sega Master Race'
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Battle Over Coruscant 02.webm
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First of all "they do bad things so its completely fine for me to start my own civilian insurrection" is a fucking awful defence, and I never even ATTEMPTED to claim the First Order were innocent in all this, only that pretending the Resistance is a good thing is terribly short sighted
Secondly, the First Order is an openly discussed issue in the Senate according to the TFA Visual Dictionary, and Agent Terex in the Poe Dameron comics discusses the idea of repatriating Poe to the Republic for trial, which indicates the First Order at the very least has diplomatic channels with the NR deep enough to facilitate prisoner transfer. You don't accept prisoners from states you don't see as legitimate.
And the Resistance had no idea Starkiller even existed before it fired, you cannot retroactively justify an ongoing military campaign with information that emerges years after you started it.
And of the people in the Resistance most of them like Snap, Poe, L'ulo are all either the children of people Leia met in the Rebellion or actively served in it. Its a collection of old warhorses raring for another go at the enemy and children raised on the tales of glamour and heroism told by their parents eager for adventures of their own
Oh, and we have no confirmation that they abduct kids. Yes, I know Finn says "I was taken from a family I will never know" but that only tells us that Finn was taken into the Order at an early age. He could have been given up willingly for all we know
No. Seriously. It's The Eclipse. That ship is canon and Gallius Rax hid it in the Unknown Regions for the First Order after Palpatine died.
the Eclipse is canon, but it's just the same type of SSD as the Executor
oh shit so it is the eclipse, its described as the name suggests a dark ship like an eclipse.
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>In Star Wars: The Last Jedi I have learned that the horse we used to call “The Space Horse” is actually called a “falthier.” They’re race horses. As we’ve noted previously, Canto Bight has gambling and we used to call it “the casino planet.” Well, the falthiers are high-dollar “race horses” on the world. The beige/brown falthiers were glimpsed last summer during filming on location in Dubrovnik. The head of the horse is sort of like a cross between a tauntaun and and the luck dragon from The Neverending Story.

>Last summer a friend in Dubrovnik told us about the filming and sent us some photos as well. This combined with some new information, I have learned that the sequence begins in the stables. Finn and Rose appear to be on the run, chased by men in “luxury speeders” and the Star Wars equivalent of tuxedos or formal wear. Finn and Rose duck into the stables and they’re met by an alien that tends to the stables. Inside there are jockeys too (someone has got to ride the falthiers). Finn fast-talks the guy as they steal the falthier and race away on the stolen steed. They’re eventually engaged in a fight with the speeder and the fancy Canto Bight guys. After they defeat the guys in the speeder thanks to Rose, they ride up into a coffee shop or cafe and meet their contact as scheduled.
The Canon ship is just an SSD
The split bridge is pretty fucking dumb, as is the giant ass trench right down the middle. I know they cover it with armour, but the whole point of that ventral run way is to launch fighters, so it needs to be open in combat to allow rearm and refuel, leaving the internals way too open
It is described as black and larger. Doesn't have the mini Death Star laser though.
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>the Eclipse is the ship that Rey wakes up on in the flashback scene that looks like Cloud City
>it shows up with a super laser
>its just a regular SSD with a super laser!
please anon
It's not dumb at all, it's two different towers with two different purposes. One is for the actual conventional ship conning, the other is for flight control for the Starfighters.
Alright /swco/, what games should I get during the sale?
>flashback scene that looks like Cloud City
Nibba that was cloud City
>expects them to reuse the death star meme AGAIN
lmaoing @ ur life
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Obi-Wan leaves for Utapau.webm
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The Last Jedi promos being released tomorrow for May the 4th

pray for Pimp Snoke reveal
>Tomorrow is may the 4th
Welp, time to marathon all the movies at once
>The trailer isn't indicitave of the texture or feel of the film as Jason has seen it so far.

hopefully this confirms they made it ESB-y on purpose
>They'll never do the Death Star again!
>Starkiller base in TFA and then Rogue One about the first Death Star again for good measure
You sad, naive child. They have to keep doing bigger and more destructive weapons because the precedent for upping the ante is already set. Not doing it lowers the stakes too far. You can't have the first movie of the trilogy be the most climactic and large scale.
How do you know this?
>hasn't even watched ESB
Trailers are always overproduced and over edited now, I can't remember the last time I saw a trailer that captured the same energy as the actual film, especially not the first teaser trailer
The full promo tommorow will probably (hopefully) alleviate a lot of fears)
That proves literally nothing.

Has anyone else noticed this lately? Any time someone makes an argument this one guy (or maybe multiple people) just respond with a wookieepedia article as if that's an argument? For example you'll be arguing over whether the Empire used Defenders in a battle and someone will post the link to the canon Defender article as if to say 'Well they're canon therefore they must have used them in the Battle of Kuat!' like that refutes anything at all. Fucking retards man I swear.
>Freemaker short episodes tomorrow
do you know what canon is
Not saying I don't believe you (because it's extremely likely) but do you have a source for that full promo thing?
>That proves literally nothing.

>proves nothing
>tells us it's the same size aas the executor
As I said, more or less. Plus the Defender is obviously a much rarer sight in the galaxy.

I get the feeling we're going to end up seeing some Defender vs X-Wing action at some point in Rebels S4.
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also something interesting I found here, there's a VR game being made where you go with Luke after RotJ to help start up the Jedi Academy

know where it is? Tatooine
Why would Pablo hide Algo anyway?
Trials on Tatooine has been released for months.
But that's not actually true. It hasn't been even shown anywhere, but given a name that contains an implication from the EU of being a large, black, special Star Destroyer belonging personally to Palpatine. The "massive black flying wing" in the leaks for TLJ is blatantly this same ship, therefore it is larger and different looking.
>more X-Wings and TIE/lnfos
>A-Wings are probably going to be the same old thing too
TFA really put a straightjacket on the entire sequel setting, didn't it.
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>blatant product placement

has Rian gone too far?
>old underfunded rebel fleet has same ships

a bloo bloo bloo
Good idea for an updated ship. Badly used just to play into peoples nostalgia or vague familiarity with the series.
Anon, they're funded by the Republic, backed by the Republic, equipped with republican gear and lead by a republican leader.
If anything they are New Republic black ops.

>justify an ongoing military campaign with information that emerges years after you started it.
How about attacking foreign civilian settlements like the very first scene of the movie?

>You don't accept prisoners from states you don't see as legitimate.
Never heard of the pirsoner transferts with the Talibans?

>And of the people in the Resistance most of them like Snap, Poe, L'ulo are all either the children of people Leia met in the Rebellion or actively served in it. Its a collection of old warhorses raring for another go at the enemy and children raised on the tales of glamour and heroism told by their parents eager for adventures of their own
How is that a problem? "My parent was in the army so I'll enlist too" is like the prime reason for most careers in that branch.
You're kind of contradicting yourself
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