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barry allen fucked the timeline so hard flash had five talkbacks made five minutes before it aired tonight. i actually made one of the unused ones, so im part of the problem but don't worry, cause the bad guys are here to make it all better!

>BETRAYALS — After obtaining the Spear of Destiny, the Legion of Doom rewrites reality, leaving the Legends changed, perhaps forever. Frightfully, the Legends’ and the world’s hopes rest with Rory (Dominic Purcell), but being the “hero” is not easy for him. Meanwhile, there is tension within the Legion of Doom and the reason why the Spear of Destiny needs to be destroyed is revealed.

/co/ specific trigger warning: felicity will be featured in this episode as a vigilante in the new universe. guggenheim already revealed her costume design on twitter.

>Stream 1.


>Stream 2.


>Stream 3

Is Snart back?
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what a rush
eobard is a weird name
Oh shit thawne!

>Superhero Felicity
oooh baddies doing the CW intro
>Eobard opening
>Eobard VO


Top ones this season were totally Dahrk and Mick though.
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>Eobard opening
>Brave New World
worst timeline confirmed
>that fall
Fucking ouch
I'm really glad this is the season finale

whelp i'm out

>it's a felicity gets beat up episode
there are people who don't think LOT is the best
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Oh wow... you have got to be fucking kidding me.
Ha ha ha ha AH HA HA HA HA HA HA


>Wild Dog mask in the trophy case
>Dead Felicity
>seeing Felicity getting her shit kicked in
>Seeing her die
Thank you LoT writers
>Killing Felicity
but you're missing the best part
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>Reverse flash intro
Oopsie... you fell down the stairs.
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>Seeing fefe getting cucked
>and busting her ankle
>and her death
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>Felicity as a hero
>That shitty voice
>That shitty line
What the fuck
The episode opens with Felicty getting beaten half to death.
>dead felicity

whelp, i'm back

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Shit, that broken ankle was a good argument against jumping off shit.

RIP Doomworld Wild Dog, you died as you lived I assume, shooting people and eating burgs.

>>Superhero Felicity

Not for long she wasn't!
The payoff was fantastic. Killed off almost instantly.

>you can even clap again

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I'm immediately rescinding this comment, fucking based
>now felicity stans know how laurel stans feel
feels good man
>And you can even clap again!
Okay, that was pretty funny.
So how is Cold alive again, anyway?
>Closeted existence in Ohio

>flash mask on the shelf
Did I just hear angry helicopter noises.
>helicopter noises
Time travel.
Malcolm you are such a stick in the mud.
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>Eobard opening
>Brave New World
>Killing Felicity


They pulled him from season 1 of Flash, and then changed existence
S C I E N C E!!
I'm a few weeks behind so I'm watching the Apollo 13 episode

Thawne just said he remembers working with Cisco and Caitlin

But I thought he was from just after he killed Barry's mother and before getting trapped in the past and taking over Harrison Wells' life
>plan an escape just like old times
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>Rory fixes the timeline because he can't be a criminal
so stupid
Cold is just playing games.

This Cold is boring.
Get it?! Because they were both on Prison Break!
>Mick doesn't want to play Crime on easy mode.
This is Timeline 1 Thawne.
Free ad space eh
This episode will have the Doctor Doom effect
>Villains take over the world
>It's boring now
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>A time traveling bakery
Where even is RIP.

Is he just trapped?
so much flapping sound
so Rip was the only one unaffected? seems weird
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They did it!
so for any Arrow fans here that haven't heard apparently Katie's leaked pics did the job
>Star labs looks like the Legion of Doom headquarters
Holy fuck the hq
Why does Rip still remember?
Where even is RIP.

Is he just trapped?

Keeps looking at ad

Time sphere whatever who cares I'm sick of trying to explain plot holes in this show
Holy shit, Ray is going to Good Will Hunting!
Rip's still on the ship. Everyone else may have tried to stop them and got whammied.
Why the fuck is Eobard still in the president?
>the world is fucked up
>his legacy erased
>but that superman smile is still strong
When did timeline 1 Thawne work with Cisco and Caitlin?
Thawne Made America Great Again...the son of a bitch.

This world keeps getting hilarious.
plot convenience
Janitor Palmer
>weekend golf
>at your hotel

trump president?
>These timeline changes

Good on them.
>Best to Mel
Thawnes a Trump supporter lmao
>Golf on Sunday
>Dinner at your hotel after

timely kek.
Season 1 of the Flash. It's the Eobard that was sucked into the Wormhole.
>Thawne supports Trump
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Oh God we're in the Legion of Doom timeline!
He solved Global Warming though.
and saved the planet lol
And no one will save us...
One less thing his glorious leader has to worry about
He actually liked running a 21st century tech company. Apparently.
>Thawne literally solved all the worlds problems
>Felicity is dead
Truly the best reality
You think we'll see Barry locked up in an Eobard cage?
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>not changing the president to Obama term 3
Fuck this alt-right white cis male hatemonger!
Tell me someone's working on a gif/webm of the opening neck snap.
We have to save ourselves, anon.
>Glorious Leader
He's not talking to the fucking norks, Trump was elected, not because of his bloodline. .
Ok this is weird. Eobard makes a new universe and doesn't have Barry Allen constantly suffering? Out of character.
24th century sets would cost money/plot/if he was in the future it would be harder for the team to stop him
Probably not. We saw his mask in Damien's collection.
i was hoping he would turn barry into some intern who would just get him coffee and fetch his dry cleaning, but i assume they couldn't get grant gustin in for a cameo
Barry is dead. Thawne probably still made him The Flash just to get to kill him
Since this is apparently post-Flash S1 Thawne he actually doesn't hate young Barry.
Dahrk might have the cowl... maybe Thawne has the rest?
Mick you're still good! Mick best guy!
>Because I'm an idiot

Man, they've really ramped up the character quality this season.
And so we're left to wait for Superman who'll never come.
>Ray's playing an ATOM game
This episode is the gift that keeps on giving.
Ray and Nate's Bogus Journey
Atom Video Game
This is the best three way gay ship on the show.
Dumb Ray is cute.
This episode is so good!
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What a stupid plot device gun.
But he disintegrated when Eddie killed himself.

And if this is him, why did he go back in time to kill Barry's mother again then?
>Trans Reality Multi Plexer
He forgot the Uotan.
So, LoD Sara is fucking the shit out of Vixen, isn't she?

>It's an 'everyone punches Mick' episode


Aw man, it's over too soon
hnnnnnnnnnnnnng dat sara
You mean the guy who builds a super shrinky armor isn't gonna build loopy reality shit?
Ebony & Ivory. Lez together in perfect harmony
this show shouldn't be allowed to exist
This episode gets better and better
So, who thinks next seasons big crossover is going to be the public founding of the League?

Forget it Jake, it's Legendsville

Barry just caged him up before he could do any damage in the past. Then ran into the then-present.

This is why Black Flash wants his bones and why Eobard keeps him caged.
LoT is a
>dude just turn off your brain lmao
show that actually works.
I don't like how tight she has her hair pulled, but I love the ponytail and how she plays with it.
For exactly four minutes we had a Booster and Beetle approximation.
>Oh no Mick is bringing the Legends together!
>Let's lead two of his teammates directly to him

Though they do look hot
>she will never leak nudes, but that trashy skank Katie Cassuckdy did
Feels bad man.

It was fucking glorious, they should have kept it going for at least half the ep
Dahrk isn't really that smart (see Arrow season 4)

Also, he didn't know about the Brain Fixer Gun.
This show has dumb writing but for some reason it's incredibly fun to watch this season. Even though Flash was ok tonight I'm enjoying this episode of Legends so much more.
they couldn't know about the plot gun
You know I missed Sarah in tight leather.
>That Sara kiss
We're in the best timeline.
So Darhk's fantasy is Amaya and Sarah as a bondage lesbian
This is the only time Vixen's been interesting.
So Sara and Vixen are lezzing out, right?
God dammit guys...
So, this season is like, 100% going to end with Mick using the Spear to make him and Snart Rogues again, right?
Everyone punches Rory.
Wait what where'd Amaya go

I fucking hope so, them being on this show has been a detriment to Flash
Wait, what happened to Amaya?

Also, Hilarious Drunk Rip Hunter.
I could go for rum cake.
>Big Head Rhum
>he just keeps baking cakes

>no nachos
rude gideon
Fucking no cheese on a sandwich... Savages.
bitch, nachos now
>And some natch-os.

Drunken wreck lonely baker Rip is almost as good as Weedman Director Rip.
>Rip's robo waifu is giving him a pep talk
Gideon's going to sacrifice herself for the energy to power the ship!
It's a Chekov's gun I will be mad if they don't fire it.

Like, it's all he wants and the reality warping spear can totally do it.
>dead lance joke
>that's the thing about sara lance, she never stays dead for long
>Eobard's machine is just a device bringing Barry back over and over killing him in different ways
Goddamn it, Sara just can't help herself
>those heaving bosoms
>my favorite kill was black canary
Hey he got his magic back.
Black Canary, that's just jerkish of you Darkh.
Wait, how the fuck is Darhk referencing shit he knows nothing about? He was taken by Thawne decades before Arrow S4.
It aint Black Canary until she's got the Fishnets.
Oh right... He was magic.
>Amaya got brainrayed but Mick wasn't there to punch

Ah, she's not in the club!
>for what it's worth, it was a very good bad guy monologue
legion of doom are the best, i want them to stick around for s3

>Implying your bald overlord doesn't mess time up every episode
He knows about it now and was just fucking with her to make sure
>Vigilante's helm
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>You will never have a reason to give a bad guy monologue.
They filled him in to convince him in joining their cause.
I like how that last shot seemed really unmotivated
just as well, he said he was gonna punch back

poor stein
Will it be Stein, Jax, or Rip who punches Rory next?
He was shown the future

He was talking about killing Black Canary in this reality

He knows he did it in the future because Sara couldn't shut the fuck up about it
Second Chekov Gun, Black Flash in a Box
She fucked up too, she might be more sympathetic.
So did the Flash cowl have silver lightningbolts on its ears?
Stein's gonna make form for punching then see Mick's face and give up
Dahrk and Merlyn still have the best chemistry.
fa/tg/uy here; join a one shot parlor larp, play a villain in a supers game, or play the long game at a long form larp of the genre of your preference.

Be prepared to be merc'd immediately after though.
Definitely Stein, if he doesn't go right for the throat.
>if thawne made this world to punish us... HOW ARE THESE SANDWICHES SO GOOD
You posted that "we will build machines to fuck them" didn't you? I haven't seen that one in eons, thank you.
"If they made this world to punish us, why are your mom's sandwiches too good,"

>Mick wants a Sun X 100 Gun

Yeah, that fits.
>trade the spear for a plate of Nate's Mom's sandwiches
Shit now I want a sandwich
Nope. Not me. You thank the wrong anon.
>Liking Passion of the Christ

Mick you sadistic fuck you would like it.
>What language was it in?
>Dude, how do you even know what Aramaic is?
>Passion of the Christ. Good movie.
So they're gonna rewrite reality and somehow it's going to have minor effects on the other shows again
Fucking yellow power tie
I missed a few moments - what happened after the commercial break, up to Mick's Passion of the Christ scene? How did they get Jax back?
Its more than a yellow power tie, it bears the design of the Cross of GIDEON.
>they still don't trust Mick
>Mick's staying here, he can't trust him
are you fucking serious, mick is the one who brought your memories about jesus christ

you didn't trust him before which got you in this in first place, jesus this bitch is dumb.
Fuck off Sara, now I really hope Mick and Snart leave
Sara is going to bring her sister back probably, isnt Kate to return?
power of sandwiches
That reactor looks an awful lot like the Time Machine from JLU.
Mick is going to save everybody with a brilliant plan.
Fixing your fuck-up isn't the same as erasing your fuck-up from memory. It'll take time to trust Mick again, clearly.
Is Rory preparing a Triple Cross?

No, it's confirmed she's Black Siren
Yeah but as Black Siren.
Dahrk and Merlyn wouldn't have any problems with Thawne if they had made themselves speedsters in this new reality.
Mick is the hero none of us deserve.
Technically JL, unlimited is after that
Odds Mick is the one who ends up with the Spear?
Merlyn/Darhk buddy comedy spin off when?
I'm sorry, but the Legion crew without Thawne is just so chill, I'd love to bro it with those evil dudes and rewrite reality with them. Thawne is too bossy
>Mick gets the spear
>"Undo everything Eobard did. Send me and Leonard home. With no memory of this."

Ah that sucks.
>Mick just wants to rob banks with his boyfriend again. Time travel and world conquering cabals were a mistake.
I have a feeling that Mick has a Keikaku
yeah but to make a big speech about how they can't trust him, while he's in the room to boot, is a dick move. he's the reason their memories have returned. despite his fuck up, he's the one who brought them back
Most likely
which is great since he will make a great speech
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Mick is going to use the spear to meet his favorite movie character.
Yeah. Thawne's a total bossy douche.
>Mick gets the spear and rewrites history
>the world becomes a blazing inferno as far as the eye can see
>he finally forces himself to rewrite it back to normal
>Returns home, goes around with Snart before going back to Central City
>On one of his heists he passes by his statue
>"Huh, that looks an awful lot like me"
He's being a hero.
His friends don't trust him, his enemies don't trust him, and no one is letting him help their cause.
But he's still going to fight for the right thing, now that he's realized what it is.
thawne is fun because he's so bossy though
I'm guessing Mick will be a villain when they rewrite reality, and it'll be to everyone's agreement since he doesn't feel he belongs as a legend.

Yeah his plan is to get off the idiot boat with Snart and back in Central City God willing
He's fun to watch, not fun to team with
Mick gets the Spear in the end.

And then he and Snart have a full team of Rogues when they go back to central.
Jax you idiot! You should have just shot him!
that's fair.
Going on Twitter to see people's reactions to all this shit was a mistake, Felicity is a fucking blight on these shows
Damnit Stein.
Well, shit, how do they fix Stein now?

Jump into the Reactor to turn on the Firestorm Matrix?
inbox he fuses with Stein to make him remember
Jax you stupid fuck, shoot first
>do you know how infuriating it is to admit that merlyn was right?
>Merlyn was Right.

First time for everything.
>Mick goes full Jesus.
Oh look now even the cold gun doesn't work properly
>Bored now

Fuck I've missed Snart
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>Thawne slide himself into a wall and knocks himself out
>they almost high-fived
this is the fucking campiest shit in the world.
Man, I miss when Cold's Cold Gun made shit cold.

>That near bro high five

Everyone on this show is so charming.

>Nails Eobard
>Goes for the high-five
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>That high five moment

That was the funniest things ever! In all these shows!
>Hits Thawne with spear
>They both laugh and almost high five
This is a great episode
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>You keep finding yourself on the wrong side of history
>cold gun knocks back a speedster
>regular human Nate knocked Eobard 50 feet across the room
This is fucking crazy.
Keep away with the spear.

You will never almost high five a supervillain.
Regular human with a magic spear.
With the magic spear dude
Oh, the gun freezes stuff again now.
Oh shit, the Freeze Gun working as a Freeze Gun.
There! The gun just did some cold shit!
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Dat's Cold, baby
If you guys get the spear, you can re write all this
Mick is gonna get Black Flash
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I only watched a few episode of season 1 and it bored the hell out of me. Only cared about Cold. Any episodes worth watching or should I just skip to 2 for Legion of Doom?
Yeah no one shoot him with your cold gun or paralyze him with magic or anything.
wow ok

the only person that cared about him just got killed, what else does he have left?
Why couldn't Darkh just magic the Spear to his hand? Or Mick himself, holding the spear?
Jesus fuck, this got real dark.




They still have a time machine. It's not over yet

What now?
Do you really think Mick could remember the incantation?
That spear killed Jesus. It's literally magic.
Well, what the fuck happens now?

If only someone, like RIP Hunter, had a Time Machine?
>mick didn't char Snart to a charcoal briquette
Mick is such a storm of emotions right now, poor guy
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>Amaya dead
>Thawne wins
>Only 5 minutes left
Well shit
Well this is gonna be an asspull of epic proportions
Skip to s2
Dude makes me wanna go watch some kamen rider now
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>yfw they go back to get the spear originally and have to stab Jesus themselves.
It's literally magic because it killed Jesus, not the other way around.
Just skip to S2.
>That spear killed Jesus.
Pretty sure the Cross did that, m8. They were just sticking a f̶o̶r̶k̶ spear in him to see if he was done.
I'm asking why Darkh, who I'm assuming could chant the spell, didn't use his powers to get the spear - if not directly, then by dragging Mick toward him while locking Mick's hand around the spear. A little loophole just in case the spear is anti-Darkh or something, since it is a magical item itself.
Spear was to speed it up because he was taking too long and everybody was getting real bored.
>have to stab Jesus themselves
It's basically whack-a-mole only with jews.
fucking brutal eobard
"My Mom's not gonna be cool with that,"
>No one go upstairs and release Black Flash
>Can't change time

FUck y'all you do it every week
bad writing?

lol he shunk the waverider
>they made the waverider tiny and trapped rip on it
holy shit so much for rip not getting punished
Surprised some members of the legion didn't try to set black flash free

Wait, wait! Was it in the earlier scenes in the office? Did they tease his location near the start of the episode?!
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>The Waverider was miniaturized
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LoT beats Flash again. Nice.
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That last clip on the preview was awesome. This show is great
I can't help but feel the big hologram head on Gideon is eating more power than needs be.

>Next Week: Tiny Waverider vs. Time Paradoxes

Still calling Mick using the spear to go back to crime that's actually challenging.
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It was the spear that sealed the deal.
After three days hanging up there, he was still alive, so Longinus poked him between the ribs to finish the job.
Next week looks so HYPE
I think the first scene in Star Labs was a zoom out of the ship
And every scene in Star Labs had the ship there
>Special time 8pm

Is Flash not on next week? Is LoT 2 hours?

Also fuck Season Finale already?
If anyone is making WebMs can I get the high five bit and the build up?
>he was taking too long
Didn't he kick it in just an afternoon, though? Like the shit was supposed to take DAYS (and, if they really did get tired of waiting, they'd break their LEGS ... because the whole point to crucifixion is that it causes you to asphyxiate as you're slowly worn out and can't arch your back to breathe; which you also can't do if you can't put any weight on your legs).
So, has anyone made a webm or gif of Felicity's neck snap?
izombie returns next week
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17. Aruba (April 4, 2017)
>SEASON FINALE - As the Legends are about to take off for their next destination, a massive timequake rocks the ship. In order to try and fix what has happened, they are forced to break the one cardinal rule of time travel. But if they are able to destroy the spear, they will face the ultimate consequence.

Ready for the end?
Flash is on hiatus until April 25th.
No Flash for another month.
yeah Flash is on break until the end of April. LOT is at 8pm, iZombie at 9pm
No new Flash till April 25.
Yes, it's hiding in plain sight.
Flash is on a 4 week break because they don't know what the fuck they're doing anymore.
Well iZombie starts next week and with LoT on it's season finale I guess Flash has to take a break
Flash is off until the 25th. Same day the future newspaper comes out
Next week really is the best week. I wonder what other good things will happen on Tuesday.
Flash, Arrow and Supergirl are all on break for the next 3 weeks (not counting tomorrow). Also, Legends already has budget problems as-is - no way they need a full 24 episodes. And they do fine with the reduced-length seasons.
Flash is not on for a whole month.
The Doom timeline Legends are going to cease to exist. We'll go back to season 2 beginning and end in loop
Do you think they will revive the JSA
And hint for season 3
>Is Flash not on next week?

Nope, nothing until the end of fucking April.
>based Snart
Felicity negated, based Snart is best husbando
Anyone have a screencap of the LEGION OF DOOM?
>But if they are able to destroy the spear, they will face the ultimate consequence.

So who dies off "for good"

Did Season 3 get confirmed?
Even better:

>19. The Once and Future Flash (April 25, 2017)
>Barry travels to the distant future in search of answers about Savitar and learns more than he expected on what tomorrow holds for him and his friends.
It's called May Sweeps.
It'll be Rip.
Probably Amaya.
She has to die for present day Vixen to exist doesn't she?
Not before she actually has a child.
She needs to not die to have modern day's Vixen's mother.
Literally the only one that can't die. Nice work.
It'll likely depend on if Amaya is going to be a mainstay now, or if she wants to go back to her original life.
Assuming they remember to revive her, of course.
Surely there'll be a huge hint for S3, like Hourman popping up at the end of S1
Not now at least
I doubt someone will die, but...

Not happening. Most popular character and face of the show.

Not happening. The other face of the show plus I believe Brandon Routh already made comments about prepping for season 3.

Unlikely, he's one of the three core characters of the show.

Actually pretty likely. He doesn't do much and they barely use Firestorm, might as well cut it altogether.




Most likely.
>After three days hanging up there
Gospel of Mark:
25 And it was the third hour, and they crucified him.
34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
37 And Jesus uttered a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.
44 And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead


I guess Barry fucked the timeline up harder than anyone thought ...
If Vixen is dead doesn't that seriously fuck with the timeline?
>Jax dies
>Mick becomes the new body for Firestorm
>Mick is now the happiest man alive
Alt reality. Besides they're going back in time.
But the Rogues come back (in theory).
I guess I got it confused with the three days that he was dead, I don't know half this shit, I never went to church.
>Stein hates Jax
Truly the worst possible timeline
Nobody dies. The consequence is that the legends we've been following for the past two seasons will be erased from time, along with the previous timelines.
>I guess I got it confused with the three days that he was dead
Pretty much:
(from John):
31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

32 Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.

33 But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:

34 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

But that's because the Bible contradicts itself left, right, and center. For example in the other post I quoted his Last Words ... but:

(Luke 23:46)
And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, "Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit:" and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

(John 19:30)
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished:" and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
...wait the "no touching" Timecop rule?

Holy shit. That IS the most important time travel rule.
Also, was the cop that tried to stop Snart and Mick once they left the bank Kazuhira Miller? It was only a second but it really sounded like him.
that is a horrible crime, making someone live in ohio
... remind me again, what was the deal with the secret room on the Waverider with a message from Future Barry? I completely forgot what it brought to the plot.
Nick Zano, who plays Nate, already confirmed he'd be returning for Season 2.

Rip I think is definitely gonna go down with a heroic sacrifice.
It was just for the crossover plotline
It might have relevance with Savitar plot
The future Legends are time remnants, they'll be erased. If they get the spear or destroy it it will stop Thawne's reality.
Damien is so fun in this. Remember when he was on Arrow and he was terrible?
it's so he can go to the crisis date. april 25 2024
Yeah because he was upset that he couldn't kill cops or be a real criminal.
They handed him a reality warping relic, an act of a ridiculous amount of trust. And he betrayed them

He had no problem making Sara and Amaya Dahrk's harem hit squad or turning Jax and Stein into Thawne's science bitches
Sara and Amaya murdered their friends in this reality.

Why the hell should they trust him near the spear again?
you just made my dick hard
Man that was a good episode
>felicity dying
>betrayals everywhere
>cold gun colding someone
>that almost high five
Huh I can't believe the season is almost over

Weren't they supposed to go back to ancient Egypt and run into Chay-Ara and Khufu?
they replaced that with the tolkien epm I think. they rewrote the last few eps.
They need to keep Ray, Mick, and Stein, those are the characters I enjoy the most.
i need screencaps of Sara's ass
for research purposes of course
Mick is great, but writing him onto Legends left us like a season and a half of the Flash not doing Rogues.
I mean, it was said the show WAS planned as an anthology series. I wonder if they'll actually do it. I could see it working.
She dead
Flash has a big rogues gallery that Flash writers continuously fuckup by discarding one after the other. They could have done a season with Mirror Master, but not the one they showed imo. Heatwave is not much of a criminal without Cold so just because Mick is on Legends is not the reason Flash doesn't do the rogues.
Hasn't one of Reverse Flash's main goal's been to get back to the future through the whole CWverse?

why is he just chilling in modern day central city
Only the Thawne/Wells that was marooned in time because him "erasing" the Flash cut him off from the Speedforce. This Thawne can freely run through time because his connection never got severed.
he has power and appreciaton here. He was so obssessed by returning to the future because he couldn't do it. Now he can do breakfast in the future ,dinner in the past and supper in the present
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Thawne's a time remnant with knowledge of his future so he sets out to rewrite history with the spear. It's implied he could already go back to the future since he had his time machine with him.

The bigger LoT goof was is that the spear didn't actually work since Black Flash is still chasing him because Thawne's a time remnant. If history was rewritten right, then he would have stopped Eddie from shooting himself.
But this Thawne remembers working at STAR Labs and working with Caitlin and Cisco
Yes, I know. That was the one hole in the story they've had.
In the future, they'll probably give an episode further back in Thawne's timeline but the present for the Legends where he has to work with Star Labs.
And it's a goof because Thawne's whole motivation was to not be a time remnant and to get Black Flash to stop chasing him.
Well if the Laurel, Arrow, Flash and Felicity of Doomworld were still vigilantes, then maybe the Eddie of this world still somehow died before getting laid?

But this time Eobard was ready for the Black Flash so he build a permanent trap for him.
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Barry's in a box just like black flash
Best thing is Jax's nod suggests he agrees and likes the movie too
I thought nothing could top seeing Felicity Smoak get killed, and then Snart's cold gun actually fucking froze something again
Only complaint is that nobody said MEANWHILE, AT THE LEGION OF DOOM before or after the actual fucking HQ showed up
Merlyn changed history so Nyssa was not a major part of it. Thawne would have done the same to Eddie to safeguard him. They forgot their own mythos. Thawne wasnt changing history to run Star Labs he was doing it so he wouldnt die.
And has others have said, not having Barry as a guest was too bad. Thawne basically was sentimental about the Star Labs team so he should have made them apart of his team in his reality. It would have been great if he included at least Cisco.
No, Darhk. No.
Magic powers is what made you a bitch. You were competent without them, why would you want to have them back?
Actually Stein is very likely to die. They have been hiting to it several times, preping Jax to be more independent. Also there is precedent in the comics of the asian girl as Jax other half of firestorm.
maybe Stein goes back to being on the Flash since Snow is a ho now
They have to remove the connection with Jax because they cannot be apart for long.
Also I don't know if the actor wants to keep doing this.
I thought the cardinal rule they were hinting at was that they cannot go back in time to the moment Jesus Christ was crucified and steal the spear back to prevent all of the events from happening.
Sarah could fix that with the Spear in a second after bringing back Laurel
I don't know how they can top it next season. Any new villain is gonna suck compared to the LoD
Can this just be the show from now on? No cast changes, no new villains, just have the Legends as they are now trying to foil an evil plan by the LoD every season.
Yes please.
>Season 2

Yeah he's been in the season we're discussing/presently viewing since episode 1. We've known that for months.
honestly, this was pretty fun.

Time Trapper? Though they could fuck him up. The Legion of Doom could use for a membership drive but I can't think of anyone who could go there. Maybe Abra Kadabra? But the actor just doesn't faze me.
Any reason why Rip is making cakes?

Because he is British?
Or for Lex to steal?
Are the Legends jerks for wanting to "fix" the best reality?

I mean, putting aside that there's a hyper corrupt mayor of one city and another city has a couple criminals running amok... I mean, this is a world where global warming's fixed, the polar bears have been saved, there's cold fucking fusion and sustainable desalination. All for the price of 5 guys running around like kids in a candy shop, confined to just 2 cities. And as far as we know, neither Malcolm nor Thawne are all that destructive. Snart and Mick are small time. Only Darhk's causing any significant grief.

The Legends will instantly kill thousands and lower the quality of life of millions the moment they correct reality.
This is the best cw capeshit hands down.
Flash and Arrow cant even come close.
And that's not counting the millions, if not billions of lives, who would benefit from Thawne's technology.
What did Damien mouth to Merlyn after Thawne was talking about letting them all go?
>Amaya's death

Damn, Start is one cold motherfucker..

Also the team didn't seem that broken up about. Don't think one of them even shed a tear
I like it when they start using meta dank memes
>>Superhero Felicity

Watching her get snapped this quick was so satisfying though. I was expecting felicity would get mary sue'd to hell to save the day and restore reality

I'm guessing the felicity fan base died off considering what they showed
Do they just shuffle the characters around all four shows? 'Cause I'm totally down for that.

Also when is Black Lightning coming?

Its possible that he is getting memories from another timeline like Flash got from teh Flashpoint

My head canon is he wanted to keep a close eye on everyone, easier to do if everyone is on the same time period including him.
I cried :-( Why did they hurt my waifu? Stay away from Felicity!
-High tier

-Mid Tier

-'STAHP with the relationship drama' tier

-Kawaii Tier

Legends fully embraced the campiness and that's what makes it even better now.
Arrow S5 has been surprisingly great and I really hope they'll continue to do so in the next season
Flash just need to drop the relationship drama already.
That's right, girl! Fight for your city. You're the strongest of all heroes!

nah Thawne always wanted Barry dead in this version. Only reason he hadnt was when it was problematic for him like losing the speedforce or attracting time wraiths
NO-O-O-O! You fucking haters!
Too bad this is the last season.

Aww man I bummed now that this didnt happen

Maybe they will use it in the finale

What if he changes his mind again? What if Snart convinces him to deceive them again. These were legitimate worries the legends should have

They literally dedicated n episode taking jabs at S1 themselves, thats how shit S1 was skip to S2
and join us for the finale
I am not even sure how AMaya coudl even know about it
I don't understand you guys. This wasn't FeFe, it appeared to be a fairly good Felicity. That's like rooting for the death of H.R. or Harry because Thawne used Harrison Wells' skin.
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I hate you. All of you! I hope we'll see Felicity suit up next season. Legends or Arrow. Or both.
Nate found it and their mission was to retrieve the staff. They probably had everyone memorize it before they went in
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Fuck you! And fuck Guggie!
He didn't even try using them against Thawne
Remind me what ep that was plz.
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Hope 480p version is ok

He was decent but the writing really butchered him
His ass, all of the superhero shows were confirmed for another season a couple of months ago.
thank goodness

They can do legion of superheroes collaboration and do their villains
I'm an olicityfag. Seeing Felicity die didn't really bother me that much honestly because she's still alive on Arrow. :)
I'm so angry. That whole opening felt like a twisted fan service. I was looking forward to EBR interacting with the Legends. Unfortunately she only met two and they kicked her ass then executed her.
>-Kawaii Tier

You mean shit tier, the supergirl talkback thread didnt even cross 160 posts. Very few people care about that shit show

episode 9: Raiders of the Lost Art

I wish I could use your tears to jerk off. I wish I could roll in twitter tears like elizabeth bathory. It will be the only noteworthy thing LoT has ever done.

I forgot how the original STAR Labs looked like in CWverse
Evil Sara was hot. Would've used the spear to make the women of the Arrowverse my sex slaves

She doesnt even need the spear to do that
I care.
>Evil Sara was hot
Yes! Any webms/gifs, you guys?

Considering only reliable posters in those threads are lesbo shippers, I'd say tubby ladies are only ones keeping those threads going.
>MEANWHILE ON SUPERGIRL'S EARTH, Lena Luther, the half sister of the villain Lex Luther, starts to have a strange craving for confections.
You fell for the most obvious troll ever and you did nothing but write the same shit again and again until some idiot finally replied, probably high fiving yourself after seeing the one (you) you got. You deserve each other.

Fell? I'm enjoying myself Felicityposter. I'll take all the stale setups in world if I can squeeze one more ounce of enjoyment out of watching her die.
So maybe after this episode the Olicity fandom will give up hope. Seriously, I've seen them try to get something, anything out of season 5. Some apparently deluded to themselves into thinking that poor Felicity was alone and abandoned and that's why she joined Helix and hate Susan Williams only because she was dating Oliver. It's actually kind of pathetic and creepy

Honestly buddy I'd go balls deep in her corpse just to see you cry.
Came out wrong, sorry. Correction:
You fell for the most obvious troll ever and
you did nothing but write the same shit again and again until some idiot finally replied, probably high fiving yourself after seeing the one (you) you got.
You two deserve each other.
I hope somebody fucks your corpse in your funeral.

I'm enjoying her death so much, with her faux shitty green batman voice as she gets her neck snapped like a beaten, worthless cur.
>Felicity fans cheer and applaud Laurel's death
>Sara is the one who snaps her neck
It's like pottery

and the best part is she's coming back.
And Laurel shilled Olicity, so not only did they cheer and applaud her death, but she praised their ship.
Sweet revenge
was this the season finale? or more episodes are coming?
Season finale is next week
Laurel benefited from Sara's death by stealing her costume and weapon and burying her in a corset
/co/ doesn't talk about good things so this makes sense

Except it isn't 'good' it only fixed some of the problems that it had on cbs. James wasn't the only issue.
>Not happening. Most popular character and face of the show.
Is she seriously the most popular character?
She's bottom of the barrel for me along with Jax and Stein.
any of you please screens or webms of Sara's ass during the 18 minute mark, when they tracked down Mick
Also they crafted a theory the real Oliver died and was replaced with Human Target to explain how he doesn't love Felicity
>Tfw Mick's statue is gone
/spoiler no
Wait was Felicity supposed to be Spoiler?
Crisis on CWverse when?
God damn she is hot in leather. So is Vixen
Barry is going to 2024 in the next episode of Flash when the "Flash vanishes in Crisis" article is supposed to be written
So is Mick.
here is Caity Lotz dancing 'naked' in The Machine


Highly recommend the movie, it's with Toby Stevens (from Black Sails) and I think it's a better version of Ex Machina
Isn't that what the cold gun was designed to do?
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She has a fine ass.
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