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Secret Empire #0 lettered preview

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Hail Hydra
Keikaku dori
>This is not how the world ends
Even more Hickman references
>Die with your boots on, people!
You suck at this Carol
Where is a Nova when you need one

Or Human Touch for that matter
It was also mentioned earlier on in a flashback, when Steve was on the Hydra Academy
>Atlas joined up with the Masters of Evil
I still don't get HOW they managed to cover up Pleasant Hill. Did none of these escapees tell anyone before this?
Keikaku fucking dori
And here's some unlettered pages
And that's all, I gotta say I can't help but be hyped for this one.
Where's Scanbro when you need him?
>The SHIELD was taken out by a Hydra suicide bomber

Lel, that's pretty sad
It's the TV squad! (Minus Spiderwoman and Dr Strange?)
>trillions of Chitauri

Is this already bigger than the Annhilation Wave and The Builders?
Yes they keep feeding us the lie that the Chitauri wave is bigger then the Annhilation Wave. However none of us are buying it

And who the hell cares about the builders
who's handling how the tony ai gets a suit and re announces himself to the superhero community?
>dat CIA pose in the bottom
Why is Tony wearing his original suit?

And why is Sharon so fucking hideous?
I get that Quasar is super powerful but why is everybody else fucking useless?
Graviton is without a doubt the most powerful member of the Masters of Evil (that we know of), glad that he's the one that gets this speech and big moment.
The Builders were a pretty small fleet. It's just that their fleet was filled with ships capable of going full Death Star on every planet they passed.
its AI tony and I guess it wanted that one
Seek help
>And why is Sharon so fucking hideous?
She was aged up from her time in Dimension Z.
She's an OC for Spencer, so of course she's going to be a power house here.
It also doesn't help that they only brought the GotG, Carol, Blue Marvel, and Monica.
The guy who stopped this kind of thing is on earth. I don't why they didn't ask him to help.
Because he has cancer
Oh thats cool I guess. Where is real Tony?
Do people know that it's AI Tony?
He'll probably be cured at the end of this run, which should be around the time SE starts.
>The guy who stopped this kind of thing is on earth.
Galactus is on earth? As I recall Rich only fucked up Annihilus after big G fucked up the wave. The point I was making at the very least the ultimates should be capable of more than hearding them for Quasar to kill. I wonder if Spencer knows that they are heralds.
didn't she tell shield to fuck off in her ongoing?
>Champions cameo
>no Nova or Cyke

What's all that about?
She's probably still willing to help out when the safety of the entire world is at stake, she just doesn't want to be one of their agents. Plus, Tony probably asked her to.
Nova is in space
Yeah i have a feeling this is gonna be great
Rich and Sam weren't in the space page. I think Spencer just doesn't feel like having them in this event
>nerfed Doctor Strange and those niggas from Netflix vs Graviton
guess he's jobbing
I don't see him in >>91086099.

And that still doesn't answer where Cyke has gone.
Sam got some advice from Rich and they both fucked off to space.
I get SHIELD covering it up, but why did the heroes go along with it?
Meh. Earth's info about the Annihilation Wave is probably innacurate conisder they were brought up to speed with events after the fact, and it was advantageous for Captain Marvel to exaggerate the scale at the time to boost support for the planetary defense shield (although it's not like trillions of Chitauri are exactly a pittance) so i wasn't bothered by the claim
He meant outer space, not in our atmosphere. They're elsewhere right now
They're both on earth right now.
You were better than this Erik, you didn't have to go back. I guess this means that Fixer is also Team Zemo.
Nova is in space helping with the invasion. Cyke is busy with whatever the X-Men are doing.
Right now, yes. Not necessarily when Secret Empire starts.

This doesn't come out until April 19th.
>I guess this means that Fixer is also Team Zemo
Of course he is, he's like a battered housewife at this point, always returning to his abusive boyfriend that doesn't really love him.
I have to wonder if Moonstone and Graviton are gonna have a thing since they're on the same side.
"Oh so NOW you Earth jerks care about the Annihilation Wave."
"This is not how the world ends"
He's really going to bring back Hydra to its origins as the Spear, isn't him?
Let's bring the big cosmic guns!
Blue Marvel! Spectrum! Captain Yaas Queen! Captain Holy Menstruations! Hyperion! Quasar!
>fucking Starlord
Comic shop owners received a digital code to read it early.
oh fuck, I hope they didn't bring back Jolt just to kill her
Old Man Logan must be sperging right now

Yeah, but Scanbro is a faggot he wouldn't dare to leak the comic more than two days early.
That's...overdoing it.
>He's really going to bring back Hydra to its origins as the Spear, isn't him?
I'm surpised Zemo alloed Karla on the team
When has Zubbolts ever been anything but a monkey's paw.
If it is as big as Spencer says it is, trillions may not be enough
This sounds like the time to break out this https://youtu.be/0h64gtpFj90
That's a SpOck only themesong.
Yes, it's a bigger threat than the Wave. But Earth doesn't get immediately overrun and everyone survives. Because fuck you.
You know what? An event needs this needs to fuck shit up. Like, really fuck shit up. Blow up Kamala's house, kill Miles parents, kill the Young Avengers fuck shit up.
>>Blue Marvel
>>Against TRILLIONS of Chitari
>>The only one likely to die is Quazar
Spock already has his own themesong

>Team of intergalactic heroes
>"Die with your boots on, people!"
Who wrote this shit
>Nick Spencer
What the FUCK happened?
Power happened

They let him write the next big event and the power got to his head

It's called exaggerating. There's no need to get triggered.
In fairness, who would believe a bunch of supervillains?
Either Graviton is jobbing or the Defenders will get rek't rather badly.
Not really, telling people in combat to
>Die with your boots on, people
Basically means that you are telling them to die on the battlefield

Is it really so hard to believe a lousy leader like Carol with a military background would spout nonsense like that?
"It's stupid because the character is stupid" would be an explanation I'd accept but then marvel is pushing Carol hard so I don't know man.

For the same reason everyone was up in arms about the multiple mass murderers who always escape and never seem to get the death penalty being turned into actual normal people.

Spencer's an idiot.

It seems to me like you're the idiot because that's exactly what would happen in the real world. The media would report that "people" are outraged that mass murderers had their rights violated while in reality people would probably either be like: "Who cares? They're fucking mass murderers." or "Why do mass murderers get to live "let's pretend" while they should be rotting in jail."
Because normally mass murderers are a RARITY. And no I'm not an idiot who thinks everyone in Pleasant Hill was killing people left and right. But think about it, they did the same thing with the X-men reeducating anti-mutant bigots. And without it being intended to be Maria Hill's big villain moment it would've been a pretty good idea at least for the worst of them.

Besides, intelligence agencies do shady shit all the time, and mostly when it gets brought up people are like 'who cares' even if it's never been publicly announced.
Maria Hill claimed that if Pleasant Hill was made public, all the villains would lawyer up and be released, which is an absolute bullshit argument since that's not how it works anywhere.
I'm pretty sure that Pleasant Hill is in violating of some US amendment, and seeing she put the whole thing on US soil that could land her in a lot of trouble.
>since that's not how it works anywhere
Well how does it work then?
I loved how Superior Foes showed their relationship
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A complicated one
Once again, M.O.D.O.K. inexplicably shows up in an event in his classic appearance. Even though he should be floating around in space.

Good to see the editors are in top form.
Plot armor.
If your rights are violated in prison, that's not a get out of jail free card. At best you'll be able to sue and get some money, but there's no way you would immediately get released. Especially since most of the inmates at Pleasant Hill are murderers that have broken out of prison several times.
>implying someone should care about Gwenpool comic
And MODOK wasn't even in Pleasant Hill
This goes beyond Gwenpool.

Back in the preludes to AvX, he showed up shouting that he was attacking New York in the name of A.I.M., even though he had just left the organization.
Based Spencer. I want him on Thunderbolts

A few months ago in an issue of Steve Rogers, Maria Hill was talking about who she considered the super-heavyweights in the superhuman community, and named them as Magneto, Susan Richards and Graviton. If Spencer is including Graviton in this storyline, he very much has it in mind that he's the heavy hitter of the group by a wide margin.
>only Dr. Strange and Luke Cage were members of the original Defenders

Absolutely disgusting.
There is a good chance with Spencer writing this that Graviton won't actually end up jobbing. Especially since he has clearly read Thunderbolts and knows what Graviton is capable of. He had Graviton's shield keep everyone but Quasar out in Standoff, too.
It would be a win-win situation for everyone involved provided that Spencer gets a decent artist. Thanks to Zubbolts lowering everyone's standards just being halfway decent and not constantly fellating Bucky would make Bolts fans happy, and Spencer'd get considerably fewer 'reeee, you XY a nazi' complains and death threats.

Ah man, Thunderbolts and Superior Foes were some of my favorites, what aren't there any good Marvel villain comics right now?
Any idea who is the narrator?
Sam Wilson? Tony Stark? Rick Jones?

Luke Cage wasn't even an original member, you filthy casual.
My guess is Sharon.
I see Spencer so desperately wants to make his Chitauri shitshow be bigger than the Annihilation wave and he's really failing at it.

Giffen at least showed us what they did and made them a universal threat, Spencer just has character telling us "They are so many, tjey are trillions" "They took out galaxies!" But we don't get a peep of the Cosmic characters that aren't on Earth and if wr ever do I bet it's going to be in another comic and it's going to ne Ewing trying to make something interesting out of it.

Spencer wants his Quazar OC to shine so he won't be involved in this (Sam probably will and poor kid will just get his ass kicked).
No don't make excuses, Spencer even said it himself on twitter that it was bigger.

I'll try and look for the tweet.
The Secret Defenders aren't the originals.
so who is in the armor?
first I guessed AI Tony, but he has a human eye here
or maybe it's just misdirection
Iron Man controlled by Kang as a sleeper agent, but won't wake up for like a decade from his view
Sharon is suppose to be old but Comic book artists can't draw old people, so they draw her the same way they draw women but with shit melted face.
Why "bigger than Annihilation wave" trigger your autism, /co/?
It's like those power level retards
Is gorgon cool?
Mainly because if it really was bigger than the Annihilation Wave then they wouldn't have only become a threat relatively recently. Up until now, the Chitauri have been portrayed as basically space Somalians. Completely incompetent space pirates and nothing more, with Sam Alexander regularly punking them.
He started as Millar making a quintessentially Millar-esque OC villain for Wolverine to fight, with all the edgy mary sue bullshit you'd expect from that. Hickman took what Millar did with him and turned him into a solid villain though.

If nothing else, he's pretty much the only Hand Leader that isn't a forgettable mook.
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Mark Millar Gorgon was an over the top OC edgelord.
Hickman Gorgon was cool though.

He's a mutant that can turn anyone he looks at into stone. However, he prefers covering his eyes and fighting people blind with his superhuman speed and reflexes, as well as his magic God-Slaying sword.
>Actually can turn people to stone by looking at them.
Medusa, Gorgon (Inhuman) and Basilisk on suicide watch.
Huh. Didn't even notice Hyperion was there. Is this just the usual event mess or have I missed something and the super hero community accepted him again at some point?
I'm pretty sure he wanted Thunderbolts in the first place but couldn't handle another book. It's basically a direct tie-in to his HydraCap run.
>If nothing else, he's pretty much the only Hand Leader that isn't a forgettable mook.
Pretty much, and the Netflix shows had to come up with a bunch of OCs and literally whos to compensate.
He brought Namor back to life, quit/disbanded the Squadron Supreme, and helped rebuild Atlantis to make amends. Then he retired from superheroing to become a full time trucker. Guess he came out of retirement for the chitauri invasion, since he also helped test the shield.

Also, Spencer is a massive Gruenwald-fan, so he could just be including him for that reason.
Because the Annihilation wave is an entire dimension invading you
It's not doing a good job at being a tie-in, however. Compare Zemo's recruitment drive on the Cap book with the idiocity on the T-Bolts book.
Probably got the "it was a different Hyperion" option select
What was wrong with Millar's Gorgon?
Because he just says it bit doesn't show us and it just reeks on Spencer cottailing on another event.

If he actually had shown why or made it more credible I wouldn't have much problem with it.
>Literally the second team (Kooky Quartet) had zero original members

What a travesty. Let's call anyone who likes this mousketeers and jerk off over the JL trailer.
They were at least introduced as new Avengers. As far as I know, the Defenders book hasn't shown up yet and nothing has alluded to them getting together other than the obligatory show book. It'd be like if Pietro/Wanda/Clint showed up in the background of a fight claiming to be Avengers before their actual induction.
>the Defenders book hasn't shown up yet
Exactly. You don't know what the fuck is happening there or when exactly it takes place in relation to Secret Empire. So no need to get so fanny flustered over it
Is that Regent?
I'm pretty sure it is

The Chitauri are mindless bugs. Cap trapped their queen on Earth so that's why they're coming over.
Spencer is great. He gets a lot of shit from Trumptards but Marvel was invented by liberal Jews from NYC so a left/progressive lean is to be expected and part of the properties. Love how he follows on all Hickman did in tying the Marvel Universe together and making sense of its history & cosmology even if some of the stuff like Chitauri numbers is off.

Did they ever actually reveal how the world ends or just keep saying this wasn't it?
where'd Starbrand go?! :(

Having messy gay sex with Night Machine?
back to being irrelevant
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>Jessica swinging on a web
It is rope
Yeah because some characters said it but we don't see the Chitauri coming or how big of a threat they are, it's boring and like I said Spencer is just trying to make it seem like this universe destroying big thing and mentions how the Chitauri took down planetary systems blaah blaah yet the rest of the Marvel Universe is not concerned like it was with Annihilus? Pfffft.
Marvel doesnt give a fuck she's a spider person so she does spider things.
and the pages are coded, so if someone leaks it, they will know who did it.
I'm like ALMOST tempted to add this to my pull list, just because the thought of the Marvel Universe getting their asses handed to them by Captain America is kind of cool.

The problem is I know the end is going to be really fucking lame (Oh no! Red Skull dropped the living Cosmic Cube and now Cap's a good guy again), and it'll have no repercussions.

Like, if this led to Cap being outcast by the superhero community and US at large because he's actually just too dangerous that would be kind of cool, but we all know that ISN'T what's going to happen.

Marvel Rebirth when?
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