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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 558
Thread images: 131

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Power Stance Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Coming out This Week:
Hopefully not Andi

>Rebels 3.20/21: "Zero Hour" Parts 1 and 2

>Rebels Recon: Zero Hour
>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)
>Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:
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What is she looking at, /swco/?
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What happened to the budget?
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I wonder if we'll be seeing the Eclipse this December
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Lewd implications, in cute pictures
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just realized how stupid I was
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Who is he, /swco/?
This is golden

These are fun too

What do you mean?
No Krennic, the bombardment of Chopper Base was not your achievement.

Wipe off that facepaint and get back to looking for Galen.
was this ever used?
Jar Jar
There are only four stormtroopers standing there. You might as well not put them there at all.
Boba Fett
>Finn gets sent to First Order base to do a secret mission
>later Laura Derns resistance leader gets assmad and starts invasion on the base while Finn is inside

> Reverse Hoth where Finn succeeds in whatever he's doing but Resistance gets buttfucked
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ancient alien who got bodied by evil TOR era Jedi
Just how good is Kanan at lightsaber combat? Is Ezra basically going to hit a roof due to Kanan's lack of experience?
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*corrupts thread*
>Just how good is Kanan at lightsaber combat?
Very good. Maybe not at the level of a golden age Jedi Knight, but nothing to laugh at.

>Is Ezra basically going to hit a roof due to Kanan's lack of experience?
This is very possible. Was actually one of the things I thought was going to lead to Ezra steering to the darkside, someone who can teach him more.

Maul might be dead now, but that could still happen, we'll have to wait and see.
Maybe Grand Admiral Thrawn isn't that important
A sad attempt at making an interesting villain in the same vein as Sheev.
He's also a really good likeness for TFA. He's Sheev, but not quite, just like everything else in TFA.
are they really being Jewish about TLJ because of celebration?

What will be the money shot of the trailer?
>What will be the money shot of the trailer?
Luke doing something cool probably. Maybe igniting his lightsaber.
that's like saying Sheev in ESB is a good villain
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*corrupts young boys*
Or maybe Thrawn is more concerned with getting results than having a bunch of Stormtroopers standing at attention when he arrives to stroke his ego. Four Troopers would be more than enough for basic security.
>are they really being Jewish about TLJ because of celebration?
Well that IS where the bulk of Star Wars stuff is announced, where all eyes (fans and media) will be pointed, and the influx of all the Star Wars content and news will have everybody hyped.

They usually announce and reveal trailers around this time, might as well line it up with their big Star Wars convention and have the actors/director present it
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Alright everyone, FUCK MARRY KILL + 1 (your choice), Imperialfus edition.

I'll start:

Marry Tua
Fuck Seventh Sister
Kill Pryce
Hang Brunson
Fuck Pryce
Marry SS
Kills Brunson
Cuddle Tua
Marry Tua
Fuck Brunson
Kill Pryce
Be molested by Seventh Sister
Dump ss in the >>>/trash/ where she belongs
Kylo igniting his lightsaber, then Luke igniting his lightsaber.
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*corrupts your padawan*

Luke opening his mouth, about to speak.
smash cut
the last jedi
>New Republic senate bows down to Snoke
>In contact with powerful force beings on the edges of known space
>Possess psychic-like force abilities
>Controls First Order space with an iron, but fair fist
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mortis (Snokengard will be the first city)
>Own 99% of midichlorean editing research facilities in the galaxy
>First designer clones of the Second Galactic Clone War will in all likelihood be Snoke clones
>Said to have a midichlorean count of 30,200. Such high midichlorean counts in the galaxy have only existed deep in the Coruscanti Jedi Temple & the chosen one
>Ancient Dai Bendu scriptures tell of a deformed angel who will descend upon the galaxy from the Regions and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>He owns Nanobot R&D labs all around the galaxy
>You likely have Snokebots inside you right now
>Snoke is in regular contact with the force beings the Father, Daughter, and the Son forwarding the word of the force to the Knights of Ren. Who do you think set up the destruction of the New Jedi Order (leading to the Knights of Ren bringing peace, justice, and order to the galaxy for the first time since the ancient Dai Bendu reformed into the Jedi Order in the year 37,453 BBY) and arranged the best Jedi Knight of the Order, Ben Organa, to visit the Unknown Regions a few days later to the meeting place of Snoke and the Knights of Ren?
>Learned fluent Huttese in under a week
>Planets trust their ancient artifacts with Snoke. The darksaber isn't on Mandalore, it's in Snoke's personal quarters.
>He's about 23 decades old from the standard dating reference point currently accepted by the New Republic and First Order
>In reality he's a timeles being existing in all points of time and space from the creation of the Living Force at the center of the galaxy to the end of existence itself. Snoke creates life, makes it grow. Snoke's energy surrounds us, binds us together.
>Be molested by Seventh Sister
Ezra, leave.
It's alright anon, just tell us where she touched you.
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How screwed are the Rebels now that they've lost their greatest asset?

seriously i'm glad this fuckup is finally dead
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Fuck Pryce
Marry Tua
Kill Brunson
Bisect SS
She touched my heart
Well duh, of course it wasn't. If Krennic was assigned to this mission there would be no Rebellion anymore.
Thrawn has huge ego and loves making spectacle out of everything tho.
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remember to update your Sato pics before (colorized)ing
>yfw the title "The Last Jedi" is referring to a Ben Solo redemption in the film as he is cast off by Snoke who corrupted Rey
>yfw TLJ ends with Ben being handed Anakin's lightsaber by Luke
>yfw IX is Luke and Ben teaming up to destroy Snoke and save Rey from the clutches of the dark side
I know it isn't happening but let me dream
>Jakku is where Sudious did weird force experiments (keep in mind his goal was turning the galaxy into weird End of Evangelion force goo and ruling it like a god)
>Jakku was also an important place to the ancient Sith
>Rebels just introduced the idea of a character potentially fucking up someone's destiny and causing a glitch in the force
>Luke's destiny was to make a new Jedi Order but a fork in the road of time led his Order to destruction
>Jakku is where Rae Sloane created the First Order
>it is also where a rebel pilot named Rae died
>and where Rey lived
>Palpatine totally tried to fuck with destiny on Jakku causing a weird clustering 3 way split in time where instead of Rae being a Rebel pilot (who maybe would have stopped the Empire for good in the Battle of Jakku) turned into an Imperial who went on to form the First Order. Then the force realized what he was doing and reincarnated Rae as Rey who is destined to destroy the First Order in order to fix this glitch in destiny.
that's unironically good tho
Lucasfilm knows how to kino so they might get it right
Suicide carries no social stigma in the Star Wars universe and is routinely used by pilots. Why are you making a big deal out of this one example?
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>420 get
that explains a lot
that said that's probably the best written multiverse/timeline arrangement I've ever seen in 50 fucking years of comic books and shitty time travel movies (except back to the future which was better)

This post reminded me that Wookieepedia has a page for suicide
What doesn't the wook have a page for?
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Pablo said the Ræh helmet was a typo that was supposed to say R&H
Yeah, her birth name is Rey Gascon.
>"wait a minute, those letters on the helmet"
>"they spell out r & h"
>"that almost sounds like "Rey!"

I feel kind of sorry for the idiot who came up with that, probably while thinking it was real clever.
Aurebesh HAS the letters R, E and Y, so why the high-flying fuck would it use other letters?
No that shit is mysgionistic as fuck and there is zero chance of this happening
No it was using the 'ae' symbol, not the & symbol. It was a typo by the prop makers.
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How is that mysogionistic, and why does that even matter?
I don't even think Aurebesh has "&"
It was supposed to be a low key visit for a personal briefing, makes sense to have few there to receive him. He knew Callus was the spy, but what he didn't know is if there were more.
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I love watching the Original trilogy with a nice thick pizza pie covered in salty meats and olives.Sometimes I'll jizz on the 'za and eat it down after watching one of those beautiful boys (luke, lando, lobot, it's all good :D) I'll blow my chunky wads, all over the slice and slurp it down like it's the finest sloppin' sour cream, made from the purest blue milk on tatooine.

I've been jerking my coke can thick dick to luke for over 20 years now, while deep throating the crusts as I watch him flirt with his father in Palpy's throne room, the feeling of near choking on crusts makes me imagine its daddy Vader's crispy dick being shoved down my Lucas gullet while he force chokes me x).

Just talking about this is making me wanna order some battered sausages to fill my filthy sarlacc pit.
how is it mysognistic
there's been female dark side before, it's exploring Rey's inner anger due to her abandonment by her father who is totally not Luke, and her inevitable redemption hammers home the point of the OT (and one could argue the series) that no one is pure evil (besides Sheev) but merely misguided
you sick bastard
Ezra was practicing and learning forms from the Jedi/Sith Holocron(s), so I don't think his growth as a saber-fighter has waned much.
He's being ironic.
They would never have Rey go darkside because she's all the little girl's powerfantasy
>costume designer tried to immortalize their children in a Star Wars movie
>fuck up and accidentally write Rey's name on a prop she would be using before we even learn her name
>fanboys everywhere speculating with theories

They even nod to it in Before the Awakening, referring to a Rebel Pilot named Rae, pure coincidence.

Too bad for the prop designer though. Maybe next time.
This Disney is first and foremost a business and would never do something as risky as letting Rey go darkside. No profit in pissing off Tumblr
Get off, 4chan. The memes are getting to you.
I don't think Disney is basing their multi-billion dollar franchise on Tumblr, nor do I think Tumblr has large enough of a voice to be the boogeyman it's claimed to be.
However, I do think the point is fair though. It's not like they couldn't still market Rey (look at all the Darth Vader toys) though.
Obi-Wan vs. Maul in Rebels was actually the best lightsaber duel in the entire franchise so far.

Search your feelings you know that shit was kino

It also adds to the "slow" duel in ANH because Vader realizes that Obi-wan has honed his shit to perfection and a single mistake could cost him his life.
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I wouldn't go as far to say it was the best one ever.

But it certainly left its mark, a very powerful and poignant moment
>corrupts world
>have to send a hero to decorrupt
>instantly re corrupts
The power balancing in galactic conquest was fucking garbage. That said once Empire gets Darth its GG
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>thread on another message board about Rogue One vs. The Force Awakens
>say that I personally believe Rogue One is miles ahead of TFA
>everybody disagrees in mass, explaining why with verbatim quotes from RLM videos, right down to the "[]Characters []Story []Emotion" chart and "AT-STs AT-STs AT-STs"

Why is /swco/ the only good place on the Internet for Star Wars discussion?
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Which would you fug?
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Actually /swg/ on /tg/ is probably the best place on this site to talk about star wars
Fem Thrawn is easily the best looking one. Hux is a retarded ginger and the rest are too old.
>Why is /swco/ the only good place on the Internet for Star Wars discussion?
Anonymity. While group think can still happen, no one gets any long lasting benefit from joining the herd. That makes it less likely that loudest or largest groups' opinions get transformed into gospel.
>Implying I wouldn't acoustically sperg out and cuck myself if one approached me

Marry Tua
Fuck SS
Kill Brunson
Make Pryce BFF
100% this >>91086831

You're free to come to the thread with whatever the fuck opinion you like, one that defies the latest meme youtubers opinions.

And another anon is free to shit on your opinions, or agree.

Because of this, plenty of people who have "unpopular opinions" are free to actually express their feelings here, and it shows that some of the more unpopular opinions on the internet aren't actually that unpopular. Just takes the right kind of platform for people to feel like they can express whatever they like.

In /swco/, you can freely talk about wanting to choke on Seventh Sister's cock while watching Attack of the Clones, your favorite Star Wars movie, and nobody can downvote you or ban you for your thoughts and feelings.
>He knew Callus was the spy

Anon for fuck's sake.
I wonder what SS cum tastes like. Maybe like sour apples.

Fuck Thrawn, marry Krennic.
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Obi Wan does a good trick.webm
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>no kenobi spin
It's shit.
I don't know why but that spin always makes me smile. There's something charming about it.
Fucking pointless spins with all that cgi, bravo Lucas

this scene killed my childhood
Would have been better if it was just 20 minutes of Maul wandering through the desert confronting visions of the past and with each fight going from the PS style fights to OT style.
Could have had him fight Qui-Gon, Vizsla, Savage, Sidious, and finally faced real Obi Wan.
Which forum?
I can only imagine what Obi-Wan was thinking after that spin.

>You remember that shit Anakin? We did it all the time.
>Shit we got old. Let's just tap casually from now on, and then I'll call it a day.
It's a little-known, private members-only forum.
I want female thrawn to be my mother
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Fem!Thrawn has already devised a strategy of getting into your pants. You just haven't realized you've been defeated yet.
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Do you cummy for mummy?
/tg/ is a good board
no I just want her to make me a pb and j and tell me I'm handsome
>have to go to the store on my way home
>check if they got RO
>only TFA everywhere

They dont get raided by shitposters so much, but they also dont seem to talk so much about /co/ stuff, or follow canon as passionately (obviously due to all /tg/ content stemming from Legends), so I've found it harder to join in there sadly.
Just finished watching The Clone Wars last night. Fuck I want the series to be continued and go with plans for season 8 where they make it cross with The Revenge of the Sith. I love Rebels but now I prefer they would have continued with CW.
A lot of the unproduced episodes made their way into canon material in some form.
What would you rather have, one more series of TCW or 4 Series of rebels?
RO doesn't come out on physical media until the 4th
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One more series of TCW.
Filoni considers Rebels to very much be the conclusion to TCW.

A lot of the stories they were going to tell found their way into Rebels somehow. It seems like from the latest Recon that he was hinting that he was wrapping up the last of the TCW connections in Season 4.

Sure the visuals aren't as great eye-candy, and they were gimped storytelling-wise for a little while, but Rebels is really coming into its own now.

It's easy to look at how good TCW and say "I want more of that!", but it's also fair to give credit to Rebels for starting from scratch, and quickly rising in quality. Especially when a lot of Rebels is giving a fair amount of time to finishing TCW.

Hell, the Season 2 Finale was barely about the Rebels cast, but rather about wrapping up the 8-year-long story of Anakin and Ahsoka in a spectacular display. They clearly didn't want to leave TCW hanging, so they've gone out of their way to connect the shows so that fans didn't feel hurt or lost.
That explains that, guess it's only on the store's website for preorder.
Are they worth reading? I heard arond here that the Ahsoka novel happens at the same time that the Coruscant Battle

One more series of TCW if it's just to see Rex and Ahsoka making their way out of Order 66, it would also be fun seeing Rex trying to convince others to have their chips removed
Self respect.
I'd rather have seen the intended Clone Wars finale last year and Rebels premiere in Fall 2016. Why couldn't we have had that.
Ahsoka novel was actually not part of the TCW scripts aside from the prologue. Happens after ROTS. It's... Meh, but Ashley Eckstein reads the audiobook, I would say that is worth checking out.

Dark Disciple is a novel based on 8 episodes. It gets flak here for the controversial ending, but I liked it a lot.

Son of Dathomir is a comic book that very slightly bridges the gap between Maul's presence in Rebels, and in TCW. At the very least, answering the cliffhanger of what happened after Sheev captured him.

Bad Batch, and Crisis on Utapau, are two 4-episode arcs that are fully voice acted and were released for free. The animation, obviously, is unfinished, but they are good enough just to listen to as audio dramas. You can find them on Youtube.

That's about it for Season 6-7 that we know of.

Aside from that, we just have interviews, Filoni panels, and the occasional unfinished animation they released, and little hints and teases of season 8 content that are being reworked and referred back to into other media. The events of those episodes are canon, even if we'll never see them, so even though we never saw the Siege of Mandalore Season 8 finale, the Ahsoka book still opens with a flashback to it.
More of TCW, Rebels has yet to reach the standard I had for TCW.
Sons of Dathomir and Dark Disciple are worth checking out. Ahsoka only briefly mentions the Siege of Mandalore in the prologue and overall the story is kind of dull and uneventful; the only important parts are Ahsoka getting her lightsabers and joining the Rebellion - everything else is just fluff.
gtfo Levantian!
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What's the average compliment of a star destroyer again? Like 50,000 people?
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>that guy who slams his face against a console
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what is it smiling about?
Can someone provide me with screenshots of the differently colored Y-wings in Zero Hour? I saw Red and Green for sure, but don't know if there were any other paint schemes.
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It took you this long to notice? He was always cute.
Marry Pryce
Fuck SS
Kill Brunsn
Have A friendly, professional relationship with Tua
I think around 50,000
Yeah, for Imperial I-class at least.
"My favorite Star Wars movie is x" tier list:

>Empire Strikes Back
>A New Hope
>Return of the Jedi

>Rogue One
>Revenge of the Sith

>The Force Awakens
>Phantom Menace
>Attack of the Clones

>The Clone Wars (2008 CGI feature film)
FemKrennic if she can lay off GALEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN for five seconds.
FemKrennic a cute. Also she would probably do ANYTHING to please you. Because all she wants is your recognition.
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>Another retread of the original trilogy
True Fan Tier:

Fake Fan Tier:

Newfag Tier:

European Extreme Tier:
>Ewoks II
>Holiday Special
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>European Extreme Tier
He's cutest when he's beat up
Nailed it
Anyone who likes those ridiculous non-canon side-adventures is operating on so many levels of ironic unironic ironic kinoposting they're beyond comprehension.
>pt has beta versions of ot ships
>st has future versions of ot ships

wtf? I hate star wars now
Watching the Scarif battle again now that it's up on youtube, why does Raddus introduce himself as Rebel Alliance to his own fleet?
I should say, anybody who likes them as their favorite star wars movie, because they are quite easy to like in a so bad its good sort of way

/Swg/ anons are Bros and the board is so comfy
he's a big fish

but there's always a bigger fish
Perhaps he was also jumping in without orders, it was a very rushed attack after all.

Possible that nobody had proper word of him coming for whatever reason, so he joined the party like "waddup guys, im here too"
>assmad bitch this bootyblasted more people like TFA
Is Kallus the only imperialfu to avoid the Filoni?
>tfw all the designs on jakku are A+ but the location is so boring that it detracts from them

did they not have enough money to do the junk town?
For now, but possibly only because he is transitioning to Rebel, and that saves him time.

Good guys die less often than bad guys, as to keep the hopeful spirit of the franchise, and not depress kids.

He'll die soon enough though. Probably next season.
Of course they did, tons of concept art had great ideas for Jakku, but JJ ended up going minimalist to make it more similar to Tatooine.
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He's gonna live through everything, calling it now. He has the power of smug and muttonchops.
That's not the point, it's the fact that nobody can form their own opinions and instead rely on what some fat meme men say on YouTube to fight their battles.
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Reminder based Darth Filonius made Traviss ragequit Star Wars books.
Marry Pryce
Fuck Tua
Kill SS
Ignore Hang Brunson
I cant thank him enough.

I wonder if he ever chuckled himself to sleep thinking about that.
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I want thrawn to destroy him

but I also want to take care of him
every night he laughs himself to sleep thinking of all the asshurt hacks whose influence he has negated and dreaming all the fantastical future plans he has for ahsoka that the fans will love but which he must ever tease them
was she the 1 million clones lady
If only she'd neck herself and stop going around ruining tie-in novels.
yes, she was also the lady who did basically everything to mandalorians that deserves and got derision, as well as killing mara jade without the consent of Timothy Zahn
What did I miss?

Also pushed the donut steel Mandowank, killed Mara Jade without Zahn even knowing, made a blog post essentially comparing people who defend the Jedi to Nazi sympethisers, and then ragequit the franchise when Lucas/Filoni retconned all of her shit (as if it was ever really canon)
to play doubles advocate

> forming your own opinion in a society that belittles individual thought and actively bullies those who are openly against the grain

we're both anonymous right now for a reason
She quit writing for Star Wars when TCW showed Mandalorians as completely different from what she wrote.

She was always pushing Lucasfilm to take her lore decisions with the upmost importance, and once she saw just how little her stuff mattered when Lucas/Filoni made the canon cartoon, she ragequit.

If she played nice, she might have been writing canon books today. Quite ironic. Sucks to be her.
The Clone Wars cartoon ignored her EU lore of Mandalorians so she quit writing for Star Wars.
How would you react if KOTOR actually became canon, just not thousands of years ago?
butthurt, because I hate kotor
I don't know anything about Traviss's books, but I once saw someone describe her work as "doing to Star Wars and Mandalorians what Other M did to Metroid," and if that is even remotely accurate, then all I can say is good riddance.
that's an insult to Other M, that's how bad she was
No clue the only book I read is Republic Commando, ages ago, because I liked the game. I don't actually remember anything from it though.

I want Thrawn to gently convince him to come back to the Empire because Rebels a shit a SHIT

Oh well.
that would be so cute
>she knows she can't expect any cuddling from Thrawn tonight
What dropped plot points piss you off the most?
Ezra's fall to the dark side.
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Alright guys, post what ship and crew (if any) you would have if you lived in the Star Wars galaxy.

Personally I would use the 720 freighter (pic related), and my crew would be an astromech droid (haven't really put much though into what model), a pit droid to make repairs in the little crevices where the rest of the crew can't get to (also acts like a little brother to the astromech), and a qt Mirialan chick.
And the Sith holocron
Zillo Beast
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all according to plan...
I hope on the day Kanan dies we find out Hera is pregnant with his child.
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she should have tried harder
Did the New Republic try imperial military leaders for war crimes after the Galactic Civil War? Or did all the ranked officers either die or run off with Sloane to the unknown regions
>shows ezra playing with a sith holocron..
>fades away to show sheev with thousands in his palace

Bad day, anon?
I'd fug tarkin

still just as hot as a chick
>Thrawn promised her dinner once this is over
>She bought the most expensive simmersilk dress she could buy for the occasion
>Then that fuckwad fucks everything up
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>Pryce having to explain how Kallus managed to escape
>Thrawn's face
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It was her own fault. You don't send an ISB officer with a bunch of redshirts.

She should have just shot him in the head herself.



>You did WHAT?
>Did you go full retard, woman?
Fuck I love the executrix

Thank you for this
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Alright /swco/, pitch me your ideas for season 4.
Out of all of the Imperial leaders and officers that didn't run off with Solane, Only Mas Amedda got off scot-free and was allowed to continue his rule on Coruscant under Republic supervision. However, as far as I'm aware, Mas Amedda is the only Imperial who's really been given any information on what happened to them after the Galactic Concordance
This too. Filoni clearly had a plan for who the Sith Presence was but he just dropped it.
Will the TLJ cinematography be on par with RO?
The finale was rubbish. No tension. No stakes. No emotional connection to anything happening at all. The most engaging thing happening was Kallas being caught. And then he basically just walks off.

Thrawn needed to waste a character (I assume he's going to kill Kallas next season) to get the audience to sit up during that fourty-minute wreckfest.
>We get spoopy vitiligo kids by the next season
No tanks
Inquisitors, especially SS. She got that introduction video on the SW yt channel and I though she would be a major villain throughout the series.

Instead they just wanted the SMG hype for a season and the character was a throwaway villain.
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That's some weird angles to put engines at.

>N-1 with souped up engines
>Armour, safety equipment and weaponry stripped for weight reasons
>Super Corelliabeat button (linked to the boosters)
>Astromech port removed to streamline it
>Victories and records written on the panels below the cockpit
>Bleu de France
>Chrome still intact
>A crew of happy pit droids aboard some longer range transport ship between races
>A qt copilot for rally and navigation races copilot seat may be installed aft of the pilot's seat in the old astromech bay.
it's funny how redditors admit to having ADD when they try to critique cinema
if you don't like the finale you're reddit
She can always rightfully shift the blame on Konstantine.
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comfy command of a nebulon frigate
maybe go the EU route and hollow out the upper hull to carry a squadron of y-wings
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>konstantine let kallus escape even though konstantine was dead before thrawn left
It's a very low effort pun, even by Star Wars standards, it doesn't need observed
this guy is the cinematographer, so dunno. Never seen any of the films he's involved in

The engines are actually in the back, as you would expect- the angled parts are actually the docking tubes that hold escape pods. I do admit, it is weird that they're at an angle, though.
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pic related
droids droids droids because fuck having other people other than maybe a qt waifu to fug on long hyperspace jumps
That was the power of his incompetence
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running a star wars campaign right now, where the players are space pirates. I made them pick a ship out of a list, and they picked this abomination, because it was the cheapest. Slow as fuck, high crew requirement and somewhat obsolete weaponry, but they like it, so whatever.
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HCVw A9 Juggernaut HCVw A9 Juggernaut HCVw A9 Juggernaut
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anybody who doesn't call these chicken walkers is a guaranteed newfag
are chickens canon
Micro machines were so fucking sick
Incom T-65B X-wing starfighter Incom T-65B X-wing starfighter Incom T-65B X-wing starfighter

God R1 is just baseless fanservice unlike The Force Awakens which is 100% original I am a fat youtube fuck my opinions are more valid than yours
I don't get this meme, is it more RLM shenanigans?
Not even to shit on TFA, but this design is just way better proportioned, the canopy on the redesign feels far too large.
I don't know about the others, but the last one is a definite dig at RLM.
how do you pronounce AT-ST?
"aee tee ess tee"
"at est"
>"aee tee ess tee"
Might just be because I speak a version of kraut tho.
I say the former.
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something luxurious and fast. I would mod the shit out of it, maybe add some state of the art weaponry. Aside from occasional party guests, only essential staff would be on board the ship.
Not necessarily pic, but it's in the ballpark.
I like to think there are in-universe arguments about how to pronounce them considering how many games had characters say both ways

Fucking brings back memories!

>Be me
>Be a kid
>Live way out in the fucking boondocks
>Going into the nearest big city is a big occasion
>Uncle lives in city and visits sometimes on weekends
>Ask him to get me SW micro machines for my birthday
>Super pumped all week
>Weekend comes
>Uncle isn't into SW at all, never seen it, doesn't care
>I end up with Escape Pod, Lars Family Landspeeder, and Probot
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Get the four engined one for maximum bomber feeling.
first one. who the fuck says "at est"? do you say "at at" or "at te" too?
I've heard people say @ @.
turns out we've all been saying it wrong the whole time

>Ashley worried smile
She has seen those eyes before and knows what's to come
It is an absolute crime that Lego never made one of these.
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>giant walkers with evil grins and cylon eyes that walk like gorillas and can run are confirmed

if you don't think this shit is awesome you can get out
I want that finger up my butt.
What is the worst RLM argument?
>So dense
id like to see it in action first

there are decent arguments against them, and I like hearing them. But everyone just says that and loses their shit. And apparently you can't like ANYTHING from them or else YOU'RE NOT A REAL FAN!!!!
He will.
As they both drown in a vicious death grip into the cold merciless depths
its the empire but unhinged bud

stay mad
Opening Scene:

Thrawn speaking to Vader, Vader assigns a new Inquisitor to help oversee Thrawn's mission into aiding Clan Saxon against the rebellious Clan Wren.

Thrawn leaves as Vader contacts Sidious and discusses the new development and their next moves.

The concept art is a nightmare of Sabine regarding her invention being used against her family and Mandalore yet again.

Ezra gets a jetpack and realizes why Mandalorians fight all the time, because it means they get to use jetpacks.

Ezra kills someone by force-pushing them into an open electrical conduit, a bit of an allusion that he's open to the dark-side since it's similar to using Force Lightning.

Kallus enlisting the support of the Ghost Squad to seek out a new rebel cell that turns out to include Cassian.
Anything about Lucas' vision

I can live with that. That's even kinda romantic, apart from the horrible painful process of dying.
>Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan shouldn't have boarded separate landing ships and met up on the surface, that's stupid
>Instead, they should fight the entire Droid Army right in front of them, stole the landing craft, and flown it back to Coruscant

Great idea, taking on that entire Droid Army and all. How about they start with those two Droidekas they just ran away from? Not to mention how they'd be in point-blank range of the Lucrehulk's tractor beams, guns, and fighter bays. Also LANDING craft probably don't have a hyperdrive.

That stupidity is where I stopped watching their Phantom Menace review, or anything else by them. If someone has something even stupider from later on, I'd be glad to hear it.
CGI will age like piss though. It was really good for the time, and it held up a lot better than it usually would, but it is starting to get really noticable and in ten years it will look reaaally fucking jarring.
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>Cassian in Rebels

but we have enough boring duds
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>"All Terrain" Armored Transport
>"All Terrain" Scout Transport
>"All Terrain" Defense Pod
>"All Terrain" Tactical Enforcer
>"All Terrain" Recon Transport

You know what's more "all terrain" than a walker? Hovercraft. Which is abundant in the Star Wars universe. Also they can't be fucking TRIPPED to death. Why do walkers exist?
>TFA was good because it made money
>Obvious CGI ages poorly
>Obvious paintings are fine
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Please tell me they didn't actually claim that.
because normally they get to where they're going/kill everyone before they get tripped
Who said they aged fine?
>TFA was bad because the backdrops weren't interesting enough

To make us laugh, anon. To make us laugh.

Walkers are the worst thing ever, and I love them.
yeah actually. that aged better than the droids in TPM.
That's the thing though. People are always clamoring about how great the practical effects of the OT are, when half the time they look as fake, or even more fake than a CGI effect.
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The Republic won and the CIS lost.
But none of them are snipers that take out stormtroopers at a distance.

I expect the Ghost Squad to get assistance from Cassian through the barrel of his rifle only to meet him in person at the very end of the episode.

Would make for a fun plot.
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>when half the time they look as fake, or even more fake than a CGI effect

But they look impressive, you nimrod.

A floating hovercar was cool back then and the way they did it was astounding.
>Rey and Finn needed to be romantically involved because a movie can't have a guy and girl just be friends or else it's "soulless".
Internet opinions matter, especially those on youtube?
What's the argument here? I don't get it.
Fury Class Interceptor is my shipfu
I know there's more practical, more luxurious, more powerful, more all of the above choices, perfect for the busy Sith on the go. Plenty of quarters for about half a dozen crew and a droid or two, as for who or what the crew would be, I can't say all I can say is that they'd be like Brothers and Sisters in the trappings of the Sith.
And creating digital worlds and creatures is not impressive? Come on.
Judging by the connotation, possible raging over superior OT content in PT garbage?

I can only imagine them being ready to choke a bitch over the TIE screeching at the end of RotS.
In their Rogue One review RLM threw a shitfit because AT-STs appear for like 30 seconds max
Not in the least. CGI is the least impressive thing in cinema.
You're right, Avatar was stupidly successful because of its riveting plot and characters
Here's your (You), now go
>it made money so its good

Who exactly is RLM here?

Are you a normalfag or are you not, you cocksucking simpleton?
>Someone spends 40 hours crafting a model of a spaceship

>Someone spends 40 days crafting a model of a spaceship on a computer
>Meh, soulless and boring.
Patrician taste.
Nothing major. A Firespray-31 class patrol craft with a small crew consisting of a Twi'lek mechanic and a utility droid
He never said it was good, but that it was impressive.
Never said Avatar was good. I said the impressive visuals were what sold tickets, its what people wanted to see it for.

I even made a jab at the movie in the post. Reading comprehension, anon.
Makes me wonder if they ever noticed the one in ESB.
I remember when I watched ESB for the first time and noticed the AT-ST in the background. I was really confused and thought I imagined it until I watched ROTJ.
>AT-STs are in ESB
While I'll be damned, I never noticed this before.
RLM complained about AT-STs being in Rogue One saying that they were just nostalgia bait even though the movie is literally set 1 day before Episode 4 which basically requires things like AT-STs to appear in order for the movie to stay consistent.
I think it's because of the older generation that can't into computers and stuff. They think creating 3D models and animations are just a few easy button presses. Where as they give more credit for something someone made physically.
Did they say that about the Falcon though?
>the movie is literally set 1 day before Episode 4 which basically requires things like AT-STs to appear in order for the movie to stay consistent.
Well I wouldn't go that far, Rebels hasn't even used AT-ST's yet.

But the one in Rogue One was completely justified.
The thing is you can make a legitimate argument about things like that just being nostalgia bait, but they praised The Force Awakens a year earlier for doing pretty much the same thing.
In my a opinion, I think an AT-DP would have been more fitting for that particular setting, considering the roles of the AT-ST and the AT-DP, but the normies would have just been confused.
No, they sucked TFA's dick.

The TFA Plinkett review spent the first 45 minutes bitching about Lucas, the Prequels, and Star Wars fans.

Then the last 30 minutes was talking about how TFA "did Star Wars right" and that JJ knows better than Lucas, and blah blah blah, almost no complaints about the movie at all.

When I watched their Rogue One video and they bitched about the movie being too fanservicy, I thought I was in fucking bizarro world. The hypocrisy was alarming.
AT-ST's already exists during Rebels, the AT-DP is just used more often by the Empire.
I always thought it was a different type before being told that it was an early design
See, I was going to actually say that in my post, until I remembered that the Imperial presence on Jedah was also knowingly dealing with a recurring (and very violent) Rebel force.

So in this case, the AT-ST was absolutely suitable for the situation.

AT-DP's are more comparable to armed police patrols, makes less sense in an area where the Empire only has a seemingly temporary presence, and are dealing with terrorists. At that point, its better to have the walking turrets instead.
hovercraft either goes fast or goes slow. if you go fast you can't dodge debrii and ruggy terrain very acurrately. And going slow with small hovering craft does hack unless you make them slow heavyweights.

SW walkers are dumb, but hovercraft isn't much of an improvement
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I kinda like how they look in ESB better than the ROTJ model.

>Rebels hasn't even used AT-ST's yet.
I assumed that they only keep using the AT-DP because it's easier to reuse the model they've already made than to make a brand new one for a walker than fills mostly the same role as the one they've got.
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Veers was so fucking based

I'd read a comic about him
so i have to prove there is nothing good about the movies whatsoever, or you wont accept my point at all?
Are you a Sith?
My point is, they say CGI sucks and then don't look at anything else. They aren't objective. They are the Sith in this analogy.
Okay. The CGI sucks AND the writing is abysmal. How about now?
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dur liek star wars isnt realisitic why they use walky thingies when they can space

mmake me think....
there you go. A genuine point.

you're better than the mindless drones that can't think about it enough to get that far.
Don't do death sticks kids.
Kill Pryce
Marry Tua
Fuck Brunson while getting fucked by SS
>death sticks have hardly been mentioned in new canon
Feels bad
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Why choose between walkers and space when you can have walkers in space?
Am I the only one that gets that Lucas www as trying for Shakespearean dialogu, appreciates that the CGI in the prequels revolutionized the technology, and loves the overall story of Anakin turning to the dark side but realizes that the dialogue still sucks at time, the CGI looks shitty (especially in TPM and some of AOTC), and wishes that the first movie had Anakin as an adult? They're good as far as adding lore and backstory but they're not great movies. Not bad, not good, just ok.
What if Luke actually went to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters?
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>Am I the only one that gets that Lucas www as trying for Shakespearean dialogu,
Idk how the fuck I botched that so bad.
>Am I the only one that gets that Lucas www as trying for Shakespearean dialogu
Sometimes I feel like I am the only person who ever remembers this.

Revenge of the Sith is literally exactly what Shakespeare would have created in 2005
that was the most retarded thing in clone wars.
you telling me those tiny little walker cannons can just tear through shields and hulls like they are made of glass covered wood?
that is retarded.
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he'd be having a great time eh
>the other scene with biggs wasn''t added in the special edition
Oh, but Jabba repeating everything Greedo said was totally a necessary addition.
Your phone cucked you
It was a fun scene
>Han tells Greedo to deliver message to Jabba
>Han kills Greedo before he can deliver said message
>Han delivers the message himself
yes, just like a tank can fire on a battleship
even in real life a tank could hardly damage a ship, and that's without factoring in the shields and the massive difference in scale.
If AT-TE cannons can destroy a cap ship that easily, why not mount those instead of gigantic turbolasers, it would seem like a pretty big waste of space, no?
>even in real life a tank could hardly damage a ship
you underestimate the power tanks have

>If AT-TE cannons can destroy a cap ship that easily, why not mount those instead of gigantic turbolasers, it would seem like a pretty big waste of space, no?
because the tanks are not built for space warfare, and are much easier, weaker targets.
not even going to dignify this with a proper response

could you suck anymore cock
>you underestimate the power tanks have
no, you overestimate it and underestimate the armor a battle ship has.

>because the tanks are not built for space warfare, and are much easier, weaker targets.
talking about those tiny cannons, sweetheart.
Cap ships have huge turbolaser cannons, when the tiny little turret on a walker can do the job just fine and take down frigate sized ships with absolute ease? why even bother with the fuck-huge guns then? It's retarded.
Have any deleted scenes shown up in other media, therefore making them canon?
Rogue One with the pilots was footage that was remastered, right?
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Way to accidentally almost be interesting.
rewatching zero hour and I noticed the phantom ii goes missing at some point between part 1 and 2

looks like the crew's going to be looking for a new shuttle again next season.
It's just an animation error, it was attached when the Ghost was escaping the surface and nobody took it to go anywhere.
Not the other Anon, but IRL? Range as far as I remember. There is no reason to put 16 inchers on a battleship outside of range. They are not necessary to sink ships, smaller guns do that too.

Then that got obsolete really fast when everyone realized you could just strap bombs and torpedoes onto planes to murder battleships for better results. Which is I guess why fighter wank is at least somewhat justified in Rebels et al now.

But yeah the lasers are really inconsistent in the shows as is. That could be done a lot better.
Hey George
>homestuck timeloop garbage

You can go eat a bullet.
What if it just fell off in the storm?

I hope not, I like the droid shuttle a lot.
>no, you overestimate it and underestimate the armor a battle ship has.
You underestimate how much of a punch tanks can do
And YOU underestimate my power._______________________
How well known was Dooku's Sith status to CIS residents?
I also don't know shit about Homostuck.
What's outside of the galaxy?
Went back to double check just to be sure, it defiantly isn't attached when they're running from the bendu's shitstorm or as they're running the blockade.

I'd be willing to write this off as an animation error if it didn't happen in the middle of the rebels getting their shit throughoutly wrecked so RIP I guess.
We are.
Wild space and eventually another galaxy. At some point ours would probably show up
Ours is already canon, Ark of the Covenant is in both TCW and I believe TPM
Isn't Kamino outside the galaxy?
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Nibba, ours has been canon since day 1
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there is going to be some asshurt when the trailer drops

>pic related
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he cant control his autism anon ignore him
Rishi Maze.
Diversity Levels: Primate
My guess is that Lothal produces AT-DPs but not AT-STs, which is why Thrawn brought AT-DPs to Atollon.
SMASH OPEN on a davorak with glasses squatting over Senator chuchi before unleashing an incredible fucking volcanic shit onto his face before laughing hysterically and then turning his firehose bum onto the rest of the original cast before wiping his ass off with a PT flag
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>mfw I let Sato kamikaze my ship
Companion Aurek and Companion Besh
Jesus Christ, just reboot the OT. We all know that's what you want to do.
Walkers always show up in the middle movie tho
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What happened to all the based Republic Admirals? Did the Empire crush them over time for being cool or did they all join the rebels?
We know Yularen joined the ISB.
some of them became rebels and some became imperials
Star Wars the Last Jedi final battle leaked.
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>mfw all there is to do on month long hyperjumps is to watch the holonet, talk and have sex
>mfw you will never deck out the inside of your ship to be max cozy becuase it is your house
>ywn put your feet up on the flight console and watch stars twinkle off of beautiful nebulas
>ywn walk in on your qt twi'lek companion asleep at the controls so you put your blanket on her and go to get a space beer out of the space fridge
>ywn just land on beautiful tropical beaches on a distant remote world with a population under 100 to spend a day in the sun
>ywn argue with space kikes over the price of gas
>ywn live in your own starwars ship ever
>Do you think god stays in heaven, because he fears what he created

Still not over this line from buschemi in a fucking kids film
>mfw anon lives in a fucking pig disgusting wreck of a fucking spaceheap
>faps to weird alium porn all fucking day
>wades though mountains of used jizz tissues and garbage to get to his room on the ship
>too busy shitposting on holo-chan to even notice the stars outside
>the complete reek STANK of his monstrously fucking trashed hovel gets him kicked out of any port he lands at
>he's fatter then a hutt and greasier then a Rodian
>two star wars movies don't have walkers in them
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In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.
What about in a game of Chiss?
>Thrawn sets up what he thinks is some amazing chess strategem
>Bendu just flips the fucking table
>never let your adversary see your pieces.

Nigga that is the basics of the game. Even though you're both equal, you have to out keikaku them
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Wew, finally arrived from the UK
I really feel for those poor Halo fans that got saddled with her after she ragequit.

Unlike in Star Wars, she actually has influence there.
Maybe that's why Filoni is doing more Madalorian based episodes; she needs to be punished more, in the name of those she continues to hurt.
it's also why I want Rey to be part Mango.
I haven't followed Halo in 7 years and I suddenly feel violated.
Why do we hate her? I've never even heard of her.
Why is no one talking about how he's not wearing any pants?
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was sabine's family saved off screen? when was that plot resolved
It's Sio Bibble! The fiend!
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but havnt we seen their @@ already
>saved off screen
They saved her ass, actually. Mainly from her mother shooting Saxon and having him die like a bitch. Still mad about that.
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A shield disruption can only mean one thing.
What ep? Do I have sudden amnesia? I even checked tv.com to make sure I had seen all the eps
Can't be.
He hasn't got a beard.
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Obi-Wan movie when?
Legacy of Mandalore, it's the one right after she has her angsty sword training session.
With those injuries? I'm surprised he still has SKIN.

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Thank you based anon
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>Space western
>Obi-Wan trying not to go mad on his own in the desert
>occasionally checking up on Luke
>'I see why Anakin fucking hated sand'
>pondering if Anakin truly was the chosen one
>fuck can't be too exciting better get out of here
>watching him grey

so much potential
Kallus is Snoke.
thank you
The second act is his wild midlife crisis though. Shenanigans abound!
sound like my kind of girl
aw fuck it is isnt it

fucking heck cock darn shitpoot
My god. Snoke's entire evil plan was just to get Kylo to kill his dad, just to get back at the motherfucker who dumped him in the Sarlaac?

I imagine it being a quieter movie. It's a character study, rather than an action flick. Mostly just beautiful shots of the desert, and a man talking to himself. And liam neeson. But it's unclear if he's there, or it's in Obi-Wans head.
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The Bendu.

But maybe Filoni has middle plans for him
Traviss has a bad habit of letting her personal views dictate her writing and not respecting anything that was written before she came along, resulting in her butchering settings.

In the case of Star Wars, the Jedi being babysnatchers set her off, so she proceeded to write the jedi (and force users in general) as incompetent asshats, while turning the mandalorians into a perfect utopian culture that don't need no force and is better than the jedi in every conceivable way. When people complained about this, she compared people that liked jedi to nazi sympathizers and the taliban.

For Halo it was pretty much the same. Halsey kidnapped kids to make supersoldiers, so Traviss dedicated big chunks of her books to portraying her as a heartless bitchy mad scientist and emphasizing how much everyone wanted to put a bullet in her head.
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So she's like Cuck and lets her politics dictate her writing? Jesus, why can't people do bad things for the greater good anymore? I get that some people are evil, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's almost as if people are complex, and not one dimensional.

Take Krennic for example. I honestly believed he wanted a better life for both him and galen, and he worked hard to get it. Even if it meant lying to him. That's an interesting character. One dimensional EVILLLL characters are boring. Unless you are as unsorry and brutal as Tarkin
Was Traviss, dare I say, /wendig/?
Taking the bait, in our moment of triumph?
Worse, I'd say. Wendig is just a shitty writer, Traviss shits over other writers' work and ideas.
What would you consider the key parts of a western, and how would you do a Star Wars western movie?
He's my favourite character. Most of his shit got retconned though. But the new novel is doing good things for him, my point was that he was just evil. He did horrible things, and he was unsorry. He would use you, tell you he's using you, and not say sorry. I like that about him. Meanwhile every other character that's a villain has a 'Waaah feel bad for me!' backstory that explains why they are evil. He's just a cunt and I love it. And he is that way, just because he is, and it gets shit done.
It's less politics in her case and more about her headcanon dictating her writing.

For example, Halo previously has Halsey feel terrible about the damage her experiments did to the children, and has her care for the Spartan 2s like her own as a result; functioning or otherwise.
Traviss has her as an unfeeling sociopath to all of them except Chief, and I'm pretty sure that was done outside under the radar before she could edit it out.
As has been implied with the killing of Mara Jade, she doesn't seem to care what other people think when writing. It's like the opinions of others just don't enter into her headcannon, which was why Filoni telling her to fuck off caused such a negative reaction.
They didn't know.

Dooku even staged a fake parliament and shit. Too bad we didn't see that much of CIS' politics, I liked how they handled what we had in TCW
that sounds like such a good movie, unironically would be kino af
Yeah at least Wendig didn't make it his life's ambition to trample all over the creations of others for his own self-emolument. Karen Traviss is the living embodiment of the stereotypical "bitch," the Hilary Clinton of writing.
Get a boat and start freighting shit around?
Assume I just came out of coma and tell me more about this meme
don't forget Karen Traviss was pushing gay marriage among Mandalorians
She's also directly responsible the Mando fanbase. Sure, people that thought Boba's armor was fucking awesome were always there, but she gave them structure, a fake language, and a pile of official content they could rally around, radicalizing them into a sea of donut steels.
I personally think the best westerns are about the different ways people act when they know they can get away with practically anything.
>tfw gay and annoyed by pointless virtue signalling like this

It's not pandering to me, it's pandering to heterosexuals who want to pat themselves on the back for being progressive.
a dysfunctional fake language at that, and was the poster child of excessive apostrophes outside of Klingon

at least Lucas and co. made sure all their fake alien dialects were proper conlangs
Aren't all the alien languages in Star Wars just lesser-known languages from like Africa or something?
Why can no one do this shit right? It's fine if its there, but they always call attention to it. My favourite films are those with subtle things in the background, not disney going 'AREN'T WE PROGRESSIVE FOR PUTTING ONE MAYBE GAY IN A MOVIE IN THE BACKGROUND'

t. not straight and annoyed by them using this to sell us shit
Star Wars is already pretty much a western, or at least the OT is
I'd be an ishi tib smuggler with an ugnaught mechanic sidekick and a medic droid. I always loved the outrider as a kid so I would probably want that as my ship but realistically it'd be a bigger freight ship.
Are mandofags the furries of SW? They were the big freaks once but now they stay in their corner, any mention of them hushed due to bad experiences.
Some of them are. I think Nien Nunb the Sullustan spoke Swahili, because the voice actor was from Kenya. But some of them like huttese and artoo's beeps are totally made up but actually have a complex set of internal rules (however these precise rules have never been declassified)
Because when you do it right, nobody will be sure you've done anything at all. As >>91094779
Points out, that's the precise opposite of what point scorers want when they write these characters.
When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box.
OT is more of a classic heroes journey. Westerns, IMO, are about what you lose and gain, and the struggles involved with that. A lot of westerns end up as tragedies because of how modern films are done, and there's a general sense of 'loss'.
TFA and RO in my opinion are still pretty low to me on the scale of star wars but I do feel RO is better than TFA because it was something different.
What I was hoping for from the movie was either a story of pilots growing together as a unit
Or after seeing Jyn in the trailer a story that shows a character that maybe lived on an imperial world and was taken in by a group of rebel forces (like the movie kind of had) she could have some dis trust in them for they attacked her home and some resentment for the empire for not saving her family. You could then keep her dad around as well but instead he’s willing to assist in the building of the death star because he believes these terrorist killed his family when imperials saved him from the attack because he is a high valued assist
>just because he is
More that he was introduced into a brutalist, might makes right lifestyle and ideology at age 11 coupled with being a pretty sharp cookie in general. He's got as tragic and morality-explaining a backstory as most bad guys, his is just presented in a much better way than most.
Thats one thing I loved about his novel. He had to prove he was good enough, from a young age. Hardcore as fuck.
Line from the Emperor's New Groove, the peasant guy's describing that his homeland's pretty beautiful to the llama'd emperor (may be before that happens I forget) and says something along the lines of "when the sun hits the mountains just right" while making that pose, became a spontaneous meme a while back with a gorillion edits.

Incom A-24 because of the bubble canopy, a BB unit bro. Sightseeing mostly for me, maybe location scouting for cruise ships for credits. Homeport Rajtiri since it sounds like a fun place in catalyst
Tarkin's an odd duck He's a genuine man's man and an objective good officer, but he's undermined time and time again by his ideology, believing that because his Giant Hammer is infallible all the nails fall into place when neither part is true. Which is the general undertone of the Empire in general, really.
Makes me ponder what would have happened if he wasn't a petty shit and shot Krennic desu
One thing that i would be cool with would be that after arriving at Yavin IV they are put under Admiral Raddus command, it would be the prefect explanation for their presence in Scariff
He is obviously intelligent and good. But everyone seems to want to undermine him in newer media. He never wins, now.Which is odd, considering how powerful and respected he is.
Sonic OCs/furries/gem OCs/bronies/mandofags are all the same concept in action. Simple templates, usually in kid-friendly media with settings that would be pleasant to live in, that people can easily recolor, tweak slightly, and insert themselves into. They're like a build-a-bear workshop for escapist roleplaying.
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Where is the best place to get RO on bluray?

What do you haul?




Droids are people too anon


Cool, would race against
Have you ever read a fanfiction that made you look at things in the SW universe differently?
The EU and nu-canon.
>Rebels will undoubtedly go full SHIELD and shoehorn Han Solo in next year to promote the movie
>just like they did with Saw

>going full SHIELD
>like they did with Saw

Do you watch AoS? If we're doing that, it means shoving in a shitty secondary character as a tie-in.

Like Saw
>everyone seems to want to undermine him
He undermines himself more often than not.
>too high off his own farts in ANH to escape or deploy fighters earlier
>not shooting Krennic could have potentially led to him pointing out there's a design flaw to investigate
>Telling Thrawn to take prisoners leads to the ground forces and I BRING DEATH
At least that tie-in added in some cool lore.

I like SHIELD, but I hate how they aren't allowed to have even minor effects on the movies. Rebels got blatant reverse tie-ins.
To be fair on that second point, sparing Krennic wouldn't have helped since he didn't know about the issue either.

On that third point, having the rebel leaders alive would've given them a chance to realize that the forces at Atollon were only a fraction of the rebel fleet.

You're right on that first one though.
>Droids are people too anon
Yeah but they aren't scummy organic people who have all sorts of reasons to not want to travel with. Give me a couple reprogrammed B1s over ayys any day.
The first one is a genuine mistake

the other two are made sense at the time. Krennic obviously didn't know what the flaw was, and GAALLEENN was dead. How could he have found out?
Rebels has it's problems but it ain't the shitpile that AOS is. Plus it's canon :^)
>good Star Wars fanfic that could also fit into canon

This doesn't exist, right?
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>On that third point, having the rebel leaders alive would've given them a chance to realize that the forces at Atollon were only a fraction of the rebel fleet.
I think people overlook this. The rebels' plan relied on the correct assumption that Thrawn believed those were their entire forces. Mon Mothma refused to help because she knew doing so would reveal that there's a bigger fleet and more cells out there.

Bombing them from space the entire time would've definitely killed them, but then Thrawn wouldn't know if that was the entire rebel military or just a fraction.
The movies and shows operate on rule of cool and rule of drama to make things interesting for the audience. The novels and even comics have a bit more consistency when it comes to fire power and lasers. LOtS and Lost Stars get into some of the finer aspects of combat.
Kylo ren with a green lightsaber
Alright meme-ing aside I still don't get this line.

He says he had the high ground implying attacking from high to low is advantageous but then Anakin jumps and is coming in from the high ground meaning Obi-Wan is attacking from low to high.
Anon, they asked for good Star Wars fanfic that could also fit into canon

Lost Stars isn't canon unless you're into Pablo.
So, what's the symbolic behind the Empire's emblem?

I get the Rebel"s one, but not the Empire.

Also, explain this.
Modern ships are very weak compared to WW2 era battleships and dreadnoughts. If a WW2 battleship or frigate went up against a modern one, the WW2 would come out on top because it had superior armor.
>Obi-Wan is attacking from low to high

From a certain point of view
He expected Anakin to just jump onto the shore, which would've been strategically advantageous to Obi-Wan.

Anakin tries to get around that by jumping over him, but Obi-Wan has sees his shit coming (he pulled the same trick on Maul).
Jesus christ what even is this post
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>entire life is answering questions asked on Twitter by idiot fans

How hasn't this man killed himself?
when all power is diverted to only the forward shields, yes the cannons can do that
The second's more of a screw-up in hindsight, given it's not knowledge Tarkin would have known, though it's still an act of petty revenge that bites his ass in the end.
The third given a rethink is actually more on Thrawn's bad, honestly. Personally, given your safety net to ensure Rebel Scum doesn't fuck off has been compromised, and one already HAD escaped due to this, it would be better to cut your losses and bomb the crap out of what's left and cripple their infrastructure potentially instead of a risky capture, imo. And who knows The One In The Middle could have just chucked mind bullets into space or some shit.
He gets paid to piss off manchildren and do what he loves

he's living the fucking dream
He stopped answering questions
The Empire symbol is a rework of the Republic one
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Modern ships have weaker armor. Are you not understanding?
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Unf. I love big girls.
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>tfw someone insulted my art so I told them to do a better thrawn and they tried (and failed)
Enjoy airlock scrubbing duty.
>bragging about making art work on a Malaysian crafting site for the learning disabled
Don't be that anon.
I'd haul anything (or anyone) for the right price. Just a simple ishi tib exploring the galaxy and earning some credits along the way.
>Malaysian crafting site for the learning disabled

I can't even be mad that's hilarious
Belugan pirate lord

modified Venator-class Star Destroyer(more/heavier weapons, more shields, etc)
modified ARC-170(droids installed to handle co-piloting and for the tail gunner)
Firespray-31-class patrol craft
several freighters of various classes

bunch of reprogrammed B1s to handle the controls of the Venator and the guns and shit
squad of BX-series droid commandos
several Kaminoan scientists/doctors
a gang of Wookiees
>Fem Hux screams like a wild banshee during sex
>Fem Tarkin likes to have you eat her out underneath her desk, once she's satisfied she then coldly dismisses you
>Fem Thrawn always makes you pose nude for an art piece
>Fem Krennic likes to cuddle complain about what a bitch Tarkin is
Modern ships have "very weak" guns and armor because missiles/aircraft pretty much rendered both of those things obsolete. A WW2 ship would be absolutely fucked because its massive guns don't have anywhere near the range of a missile, its AA guns would be lucky to hit a missile, and its armor is just dead weight.

In the specific case you're complaining about, those ships had focused power on their forward shields because of the asteroids, leaving their asses unprotected. Those tank guns aren't as big as turbolasers, sure, but they're bigger than fighter guns, and even a fighter can destroy an unshielded ship.

And if we're going to complain about realism in fucking star wars, that plan was stupid from the start because real asteroid fields aren't that crowded. You could easily fly hundreds of death stars through our asteroid belt without hitting a single one.
>Fem Krennic talking about Galen and showing you pictures of Galen and her and wondering why Galen doesn't love her

>Ends up eating a whole tub of ice cream and complaining about how perfect she is but that douchebag niceguy Lyro totally yoko'd them
I'd totally buy that book.
Ship> GR-75 medium transport

Goal: Smuggle everything that hasn't been smuggled before, and then find more things to smuggle that have been smuggled and smuggle those things too.

Crew: Ehh, 5 of us, maybe a couple of rotating workers that come and go. Either way, some droids but they'll be bulk loaders.

ship name: Chu wanna wanka
try not to give a cringeworthy overpowered mary sue answer next time
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Has this been scanned yet?
>Vader next to ren next to Phasma next to the only interesting design out of JJWars next to Sheev

Why does this bother me so much
I mean if a Star Wars fanfic fit into canon it would be good.

Problem is there is always some break of canon.
Someone remind me why do people like Poe again? Is it le funny jokes?
Who's the red guy? he looks cool as fuck

was he in TFA?
They didn't? Or did you miss the part where they specified they're a pirate lord? Pirates tend to have lots of stuff and a sizeable crew
>tfw the only person who insults my art is my mom
I mean it's not that good but still
he's cool looking and charismatic and we thought the movie was gonna be about him but we were sorely mistaken when he was all but forgotten after the first five minutes of the movie in favor of Finn, who was also cool and charismatic for the next five minutes until he was all but forgotten in favor of GURL POWER REY! <3 <3 !!!!
background jj character in maz's castle.
>so I told them to do a better thrawn and they tried
At least they tried. That's better than most already.
He's friends with Finn, a good pilot, and we don't have a reason to hate him other than he makes jokes. Honestly I want more screen time so we can get to know him more. Haven't read the comics so I could just be talking out my ass though.
My art is shit but people who criticize you with 'lol that's bad' and no constructive criticism are fucking assholes.
A pirate lord is bad enough, but with a venator and a droid army? with all these MODIFIED TO BE SUPER DUPER MORE POWERFULER THAN YOURS CUSTOM BADASS FIGHTERS it reeks of childish one-upmanship that belongs on deviantart
Finn is shit.
Poe is shit.
But, when you have them together, it's magic and they both become great.
Such is the power of a bromance.
I want them to go full JD/Turk in the next movie.
Does he have a name? I want to find pictures of him

or is there only one
Sidon Ithano

He's the guy who Finn tries to take off with at Maz's castle. He has a decent short story about him, The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku, that I'd recommend checking out.
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Pirate that Finn tries to escape Takodana with.
literally just a red construction helmet with flaps

it's SHIT
Sidon Ithano wears a Kaleesh mask, Grievous' species.
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What's it about? I'm definitely interested.
This character was fucking wasted. I'd rather watch about him, than Rey

thanks guys
Forgot picture
Band of pirates race against other pirates to find a crashed ship that contains the treasure of Count Dookue
Unlike Grievous, Ithano is a Delphidian, one of these
>A pirate lord is bad enough
there's nothing wrong with that, I'm guessing the anon meant something similar to Hondo and his gang

>but with a venator
it's a mobile base. It's equivalent to Hondo's base on Florrum or that pirate SSD in the Aftermath books

>and a droid army?
reprogrammed battle droids. That's nothing new. For fucks sake, a kid on Iego had his own droid army of servants in TCW. Reprogramming battle droids is easy as fuck and is common in canon, even outside of the instances in TCW.

I don't think you read his post, or you just read the words "modified" and "weapons" and decided to sperg out

The anon specified that the Venator was modified to have more/heavier weapons on it and more shielding. That's nothing out of the ordinary considering it's operating as a mobile base, it needs to be able to defend itself and be protected.

It's not like he said it had a death star laser on it or something retarded like that. He just said it had a little more protection and defenses on it.

The only other thing he said was modified was the ARC-170, and it wasn't even the weapons, it was just to have droids fill in for the co-pilot and tail gunner seats. Something logical and easy to do

> it reeks of childish one-upmanship that belongs on deviantart
It really doesn't if you actually bother to read the post instead of sperging out like an autist

calm down and stop taking things so seriously
I really don't like Kylo Ren's mask design. It's better with the hood down, but it's still not good.
Why wouldnt you shoot a man before throwing him out of an airlock?
I see it now, certainly does seem to have been made out from one.
>pure suffering for 90 seconds as your blood boils and steams out your eyes

Pryce is a sadist
Tarkin once threw a man out with a days worth of oxygen and piped his open comm to his entire ship while he suffered, pled, and eventually suffocated

good times
Maybe Pryce wanted Kallus to see a ship crash into his body in the small window that he would live in space.
Yeah, it's a bit too close to Revan's for my taste.
Anyone have any good Pryce art?

I need it for my collection.

It was a cyborg Pirate Queen from the Senex Juvex, and as bait to lure her compatriots/dis wut u get bith. He was 17 or something? What a joker.
Could be worse. Imagine if they keelhauled him over the S.S.D.
In atmosphere of course
Republic's symbol likely represents all points in the galaxy converging in the middle at Coruscant. The Imperial logo made this look more like a cog. This is probably why when the New Republic decided to change around capitals they decided to just use the Alliance Starbird with the rays of a rising sun (to represent a phoenix being reborn) surrounding it.
He has done this a lot in his career, hasn't he?

can we get a body count for people Tarkin has spaced?
Tarkin did worse in Canon. Remember the pirate lord and her crew got thrown into a sun whole broadcasting their screams of agnony to every outlaw in the sector?

Where's the harem for qt Kage grils?
Admiral Ackbar. I think he's a pretty cool guy. He fights Imrepials and he doesn't afraid of anything.
Kylo's outfit feels like an amateur Revan cosplay by someone that was okay with cloth, but had absolutely no idea how to do masks and ended up with an oversized ugly helmet.
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Hell yeah I do. That's why Tarkin is my favourite, the man was fucking brutal. Can you imagine word of that getting around?

He should have spaced Krennic, saved him, and then shot him with the death star
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
Damn I forgot them, I'd definitely have a harem of Kage qts

Pretty sure that's the point since the Knights of Ren have visions of ancient Sith Lords and Kylo very likely has visions of Revan since he went to Malachor to get his lightsaber.
Someone post the not canon gif

Why not beautiful Providence cruiser instead of Venator btw?
Revan is in all likelihood canon since Malachor and the Mandalorian Wars are canon, Lucas was going to include him into TCW, the story group wants him to be canon, and JJ loves the character and likely inspired Kylo Ren's mask off Revan.
>Why not beautiful Providence cruiser instead of Venator btw?
I like the Venator just a little bit more. a Providence cruiser would be a good choice too though
Ask Pablo

Oh wait...
To clarify I meant Kylo went to Malachor to get HIS OWN lightsaber, not Revans (although they will probably make parts of his lightsaber from Revan's lightsaber).
Free Dac Engineering makes beautiful and powerful ships. Shame they're Quarren terrorist sympathizers. Rothana made some interesting ships too before Kuat went full Fuher.
>(although they will probably make parts of his lightsaber from Revan's lightsaber)

That's stupid please no
Nice headcanon.
His brutality only ended up pissing everyone off and filled the rebel ranks.
Is his coffee mug the Holy Grail?
Generously laced with spirits, maybe.
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I want Tarkin to dominate me and you can't stop me
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Here is something, though it should be reversed now
Okay, I tried to like Pryce's boot and someone stopped me.

Who? Which one of you faggots stopped me? Show yourself!

We'd all do what Kuat did


Why boot? Should be pits fagget
I need to work my way there! I can't just go for the gold from the first second! I need to make the anticipation last!
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Parricide (N) the act of killing ones parent or other near relative
I'd prefer patricide
>season 4

Hera x Sabine shower scene.
You'll get a Zeb and Kallus shower scene, and you'll like it.
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