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Judge Dredd Questions

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So I bought a full run of the Eagle Judge Dredd comics, and got a couple of questions:

1. Did the Judge Cal arc ever come up in the Democracy arc as WHY the Democracy movement hated the Judges/felt they needed to go? The entire Cal storyline seems like it would be the perfect justification for WHY the Judges had to go. Or did Wagner just pretended the entire "Day the Law Died" arc never happened when he wrote the Democracy arc in the late 80s?

2. Did Ralph Bryce (the kid who impersonated a Judge and then got expelled from the Academy for sneaking out to fight crime) ever show up again? Did Judge Dredd really, as Walter the Wobat said, visit him every week for father/son shit? Or did Walter make that shit up to make Dredd look like less of a bastard?

3. Towards the end of the Eagle reprints, they introduced a cabal of criminal masterminds who "got together every month to plot the perfect crime". The final issue ends with the zinger of the cabal claiming they were going to go after Dredd for interfering in their schemes. Did they ever do so?

4. Did they ever reveal where Psi-Judge Anderson was during the Apocalypse War? She doesn't appear at all until the final chapters.

5. Was the young psychic introduced in the Cursed Earth story, who saves Dredd from a band of mutants (and who's mother states his father was a Judge "from before the Atomic War") part of the group of mutants Judge Dredd met that turned out to be his relatives, who ultimately led Dredd to fight for mutant rights?

6. I read somewhere that 2000AD did a full Dredd issue of the magazine, to wrap up the Jugde Child Quest storyline the same year when the big disaster that was originally predicted, was supposed to happen in terms of the passing of comic book/real time. What exactly was the huge fucking disaster that everyone was worried about?
>2. Did Ralph Bryce (the kid who impersonated a Judge and then got expelled from the Academy for sneaking out to fight crime) ever show up again? Did Judge Dredd really, as Walter the Wobat said, visit him every week for father/son shit? Or did Walter make that shit up to make Dredd look like less of a bastard?
I am not sure if ought to answer this one for you anon. Yes. He became a serial judge impersonator and was later shot dead by Dredd after going on a killing spree. Dredd stopped visiting him as a kid once he became difficult.
1. Wagner basically ignored the Judge Cal storyline for the "Democracy" saga. For reasons you mentioned, as far as it contradicting the plot he wanted to tell.

2. No clue if the Ralph/Dredd playdates actually happened. Bit I do recall Dredd ended up having to kill Ralph in the end, because Ralph refused to stop cosplaying as a Judge.

3. I think that was one of the dropped plotlines when Dredd started being retooled as a super series strip.

4. No. But they did use her ongoing strip to bring Orlock back and start up the running storyline of Mega City 1 being attacked by East Meg survivors.

5. No clue

6. IIRC they brought back the Child Judge one last time, with the whole prediction ultimately playing out that they had to make the Child Judge Chief Judge or else he would kill everyone. A sort of catch 22 scenario where everyone was fucked unless you killed the Child Judge.
bump in the hope of Dredd discussion

I'm really enjoying the new Deadworld thing and I want to talk about it.
Can someone storytime the Orlock/Anderson stuff?
1) Nope. Remember that almost ten years passed between Day and the Democracy storylines. And 'sides, even without Cal the judges are still incredibly abusive and oppressive.

3) Nope. Far as we know they're still rotting in an iso-cube, if they haven't died already. That said, the Hunters' Club did make a comeback in the early 90s when Ennis took over the strip.

4) Nyet.

5) Nah.

6) Yes! "In The Year 2120". Wanna read it?
Sure! Post away!!!
For the record, this story happened after Destiny's Angels and City of the Damned, where Dredd killed the Judge Child twice. So in theory, by now, that particular timeline had been erased.
But some evils never die...

If no-one else does it, I'll post the first Anderson/Orlok story too.
>Social Worker
Dammit, she missed the best part! Vampire Hershey!
Also, damn if this guide don't look like DeMarco.
I'd rather you post the one where Orlock/Anderson mind meld. Childhood End IIRC; I remember reading about that one from a Dredd blog where supposedly it revealed Orlock's origin and how he and Anderson turn out to have a lot in common with regards how their respective Judge Caste seduced them into becoming Judges via playing on their weaknesses and need for love/abusive childhoods.

Alright then! Childhood's End it is!
Ok, so maybe you died, but you died hearing Dredd say he's sorry. That's gotta be worth something.
15 years in the academy didn't prepare Dredd for Anderson's particular brand of "training exercise."
Well, uh... sure, if you say so, Cass.
Before you ask, no, the scar never appeared again far as I can remember.
Anyway, I'm gonna go get some soup and come back in a sec with Judge Anderson: Childhood's End! Or "How I Learned To Stop Caring And Get The Fuck Out".
Thanks Judge Anon
Wasn't Anderson still encased in a boing-bubble with Judge Death's spirit-essence inside her during the events of The Apocalypse War? Or was she (and Death) released before this, it's a long-arse time since I've read all that stuff so I'm probably wrong.
Alright, water's boiling and soup's cooking so let's get this show on the road! Written by Alan Grant and drawn by Kev Walker, this is "Childhood's End"!

The latter. Judge Death Lives happened riiight before Apocalypse War. Lucky for Dredd and Mega-City One.
What year is this comic from? It's post-2000, right? I've never seen this Bisley-influenced linework style from Jason Brashill before, I've just seen his painted, Mode 2-influenced stuff before. In fact Brashill was a graffiti artist himself, for a time.
Bit of background: Anderson's had a rough couple of years. Her best friend, Empath Corey, committed suicide. Her resolve has been shaken by a number of cases. And she sorta kinda found religion in the mind of a preacher who believed, with the kind of blissfully pure belief that's exceedingly rare in Mega-City One, that God is real and Jesus is his son. So she's going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment.

As for Orlok, whose presence in this story is supposed to be a mystery, he's also had a bit of a rough patch after his last scheme to destroy Mega-City One from within went tits up thanks to Anderson, and the government in exile of East-Meg One was forced to declare him an enemy of the state rather than risk Big Meg retaliation.

So in a nutshell, this is the story of two people going through some bad times who go on a holiday to Mars. And then stomm gets real.
She's a big gal, our Cass.
>This thread.
Man, I love Mars. I really hope this whole Mars colony thing happens in my lifetime. Or at the very least a landing. We gotta get our asses to Mars.
>5. Was the young psychic introduced in the Cursed Earth story, who saves Dredd from a band of mutants (and who's mother states his father was a Judge "from before the Atomic War") part of the group of mutants Judge Dredd met that turned out to be his relatives, who ultimately led Dredd to fight for mutant rights?

Novar? He was not no, funnily enough i recently met Mills at a signing and i asked if Novar was ever set to or had shown up again. His response was, he had forgotten about him completely.

Hah! Talk about going straight to the source!
oh shit, not read childhood's end in ages.
shit rip Sting
So, uh... anyone seen Arrival?
last Saturday actually, thought it was good but didnt live up to the hype.

Nocturnal Animals is still Amy Adams best kino of 2016
wait so are these guys the cannon origin for life in the dredd timeline?

Quick question: was one of the things that made Anderson basically having such a shitty time, around this time, her finding out what a shitbag Chief Judge Silver was? As well as her turning against Dredd over what he did to the Democracy movement during the Democracy Now arc?

I know Silver and Anderson were close, so can I assume Anderson naturally freaked the fuck out over what Silver ordered Dredd do?
I don't think Anderson really would have had a cow over Silver breaking the law to fuck over the anti-Judge movement.

Anderson was a huge supporter of Silver, going so far as to go along with Silver ordering her to kill a East Meg psi who was working with Orlock, without a trial....
Oh boy, here we gooo...

Curiously enough, Anderson never said much about the whole democracy thing. Grant and Wagner's storylines were very well-divided, so for instance, Dredd never mentioned Anderson beating Satan on his strip. The wall was strong.
I'm confused here; what did the Judges do to her when she was caught reading a banned book that rejected the Judge system?

Is she talking about how no one seemed to punish her for being a non-hard ass/flippant type? Is that Grant basically explaining away why Anderson gets to behave like a human being in terms of showing emotion? IE it's a bribe that the Judges offer telepaths they catch breaking the rules of conduct Judges get to follow, where they can show emotion and empathy so long as they toe the party line?

It could be that she's talking about the time before she was a judge. She got caught reading the book, Justice Dept. realized just how strong of a psi she was, and decided to try and make a judge out of her, much like how Beeny became one. Or it could be that she read it when she was already a judge and a similar thing happened.
In a nutshell, psis are too valuable a resource to dispose of like you would a regular judge, which probably also explains how Corey got to keep her job when she couldn't stop crying every single time they called her in.
And now...
And that's the end of Childhood's End. What's next for Anderson? Well, let's just say she goes on a little trip afterwards...
Let's see what kind of trip.
Is this Pre-Necropolis or post-Necropolis?

Post. Mid 90s, IIRC.
And that's where we leave our Cass.
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Thanks for the storytime Judge
Thanks Doc.
J'aknow, I never fucking read this. Thanks again Judge Anon, doin' the Lord's work
My pleasure!
Yeah, I bought The Meg religiously but stopped a few issues after the great Wagner/Ranson Anedrson Satan story. That was a great Satan.

What was the name of that artist who did the really flat, almost pop-arty looking stuff? His stuff was really static with flat colours, basically no rendering or mark-making at all, just really bleak expanses of colour...he did a few Anderson stories, I think. Simon something? Anyway his style really fucking irritated me for some reason.
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This guy? Steve Sampson. It's a pretty stiff style and it's not really well suited to action at all, but it has its charm.
Spot-fucking-on. Although this looks a lot later than his earlier Meg stuff? I mean Anderson actually has believable features...his (really) early work just looks flat as hell, no form, no volume, this is a vast improvement to his first forays into comics.

It's crazy looking at Brit artist's development, to me. Have you ever read smith/fegredo's New Statesmen from Crisis (which was basically a grim 'n gritty Watchmen riff/rip)? The art is absolutely fucking atrocious. Yet look at Fegredo now, he's one of a minority of genre artists who has an immediately distinguishable style, masterful anatomist, clean storyteller, gorgeous inks no wasted marks...like Sean Phillips, also. To me all that stuff he's done with Brubaker is basically one long comic, the themes and plots rarely differ but looking at his early Devlin Waugh painted stuff in comparison with his b & w art now, he's come a long way...I dunno if Steve Sampson is still working in comics, though. SO MANY post-'90's Toothy artists stopped making comics for the more ludicrous fields of concept art and never went back. Which kind of says to me that their hearts were never into telling stories in the first place, they just wanted to draw pretty pictures. Like Greg Staples, does he still draw comics? I know he does a lot of concept stuff, urgh he was such a slavish Bisley copyist on his Rogue Trooper stuff...fucking horrible.
One of my favorite things is how so many of the various non-street Judges have uniforms that are basically just "normal Judge uniform with something written on the shoulderpad." Bonus points go to the Med Squad and their ever-changing white and blue (or was it green) outfits and the Accounting Division's percentage shoulderpad.
That last panel is totally a Doom reference, isn't it? It's even got the Judgemonster in the lower left facing the camera like the cheeky demon in the Doom art.
>not-Akira-jacket and bike on the right
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Oh yeah, especially in that early 90s era. A lot of those artists were either aping Bisley or trying way too wild stuff. Luckily, the ones who "survived" that era have really polished themselves. Pic relateed. That's Staples.

The % Shoulderpad is indeed a work of art.

Hmmm. HMMMM. Could be!
That face has some serious QUALITY going on, holy shit.
Shit, Staples IS still drawing comics?! Wow. I remember reading the first Sinister Dexter strip in, I think, a Summer Special or something, with all the Kev O'Neill/Will Elder style grafitti and chicken fat ("Pulp Fiction Addiction!"--although I doubt the artist had even heard of Will Elder at that point), just a straight-up Jules and Vincent rip, the artist wasn't Carl Critchlow but they appeared at almost the same time with the same dodgy Bisley-aping linework...urgh, bad times man, baaad times (though I really liked the Vector 13 strips, for some reason...some of them were spooky as fuck, like the one about the bathysphere and the baby crying...*shiver*...)....
Oh man, Critchlow is another who's grown shitloads since those days. I always thought he was one of the more competent Bisley clones, but nowadays he's really come into his own with a style that's got some gorgeous McMahon-style blockiness combined with some excelent texturing and action. Easily one of my favorite of the current bunch of Dredd artists.
And yeah, Staples is still working, though he's super choosy with his projects nowadays, mostly doing covers. That pic is from Dark Justice, a ten episode story about the Dark Judges IN SPAAACE written by Wagner a couple of years ago. Bit light on plot to be honest but it was really just a showcase for Staples' art.
That's actually pretty fucking nice, man
Yeah that Staples pic looks a little too "illustrator-ey" and slick for my tastes...has his storytelling improved? Sometimes I feel the best storytellers were poached during the first round of Brit talent "going to America". Like Bolland had a very naturalistic, illustrator-ey style but damn if he couldn't tell a story and keep the action flowing. I have that sequence of Judge Fear (?though it might be Death?) putting his hand into a victim's chest, told over four or five one-panel tiers, imprinted in my brain forever--the subtle placing of the hand reaching toward the doomed, the unobtrusive shifts in a layout that essentially stays more-or-less the same over the page's progression and the look of sheer terror on the "perps" face as his body is seamlessly pierced by his deathly assailant--it's just a masterclass, in ONE FUCKING PAGE, of storytelling, gesture, expression and design...some people say he is "the British Dave Stevens" but in his comic producing (I'm disregarding all the covers for this argument) prime he was hard to be touched by Stevens or anyone else.
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His storytelling is pretty solid. Nothing too crazy or wild, good enough to drive the story, a bit stiff and yeah, too illustrative in some points, but pretty damn spectacular in general. He's come a hell of a long way.

I really love the guy. Hold on a sec, I have something short of his to storytime...
Ok, so from last month's 40th Anniversary Special, it's John Wagner and Carl Critchlow giving us a story steeped in... "BLOOD"!
>tfw Judge Anon has the best taste in waifus, comics, and music
>tfw Judge Anon is a cooler version of yourself with cool friends and cool vibes
I dig that transformation, that's kind of Cronenbergian right there. And he looks like he has a pleasing, non-referenced realism to his character's faces, now. Slowly, you're changing my mind about Staples...
hey i see a nipple
Fuck, this shit is loads better than the last stuff I saw by him before I stopped buying Toothy/Dredd titles

He does use some references, most famously Integra Fairbrook (Planet Replica's official Anderson model), but yeah, it's very unobtrusive. It's just cool to see how far he's come from a Bisley clone. Kinda like how Kev Walker's art has evolved.

Leaps and bounds, my man. Leaps and bounds.


If it helps, I'm less than five years away from wizard powers.
And that is that. In this style, Critchlow has done a handful of cool Dredds, including the end of Trifecta, and all four issues of IDW's Judge Anderson miniseries written by Matt Smith. He's not mega prolific but whenever he shows up, he kicks ass.
You're totally correct, my friend
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>that half-visible femjudge in the background with those full, dark lips
grud bless the Justice Department
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Bless 'em all.
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I love these album covers so much.

On >>91048528's note, are there any female Judges who AREN'T drawn with those DSLs when helmeted? Anderson never wears her fucking helmet and Hershey has had hers on like what, three times? Only one I can think of offhand is DeMarco pre-P.I. because they usually drew her as a mess of freckles instead.
None that I can think of right now. I know I've seen a few, background randos, but the thing is that big full lips are one of the basic ways of telling a female judge that most artists fall into. It's either that, super narrow waists, noticeably bigger tits, smaller frams, or all four at the same time.
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I mean, I'm sure as shit not complaining, y'know? There's something about a woman with a tough yet feminine body, covered eyes, nice lips, and a long, hard daystick.
I had "daystick" in spoilers past the D, and for some reason they didn't show up at all (meaning they just disappeared instead of having one side of the brackets break). That's super disappointing and ruined my pun.
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>crisp, clear copies
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Technology marches on.

Hey, keep that shit on /lit/!
Did the Fall of Deadworld series ever finish?
The new series, "Cursed", just started in prog 2023
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Oh neat thanks.

Spoiler for 2023 I guess, but this is the worst graffiti coloring of All Time.

What did the Fall of Deadworld reveal about the Dark Judges?
As of yet not much other than the actual nitty gritty of how they started killing off Deadworld. But they want Fairfax bad, and the bike wants to keep Jess safe bad.
Aside from the Dark Judges themselves stuff, the setting itself is fantastic if you're a fan of alternate/mirror dimensions- not just the more obvious "everything is designed after cow skulls instead of eagles", but specifically how everything went to shit once they got the process started, and how WHEN it happened in this dimension was some time before its 'time-equivalent' in Dredd's world, hence the technology that's much closer to our time (internal combusion engine powered, wheeled vehicles and ballistic weaponry everywhere, with only a single hovering H-wagon to be seen so far with exposed rotors and a clunkier appearance than the inexplicably hovering ones we're used to).
I think Fairfax is about the best inverse of Dredd we've ever seen in 2000AD.
Is this where they get mouthy Lawmasters as well? Seems like their AI tech is pretty good if I remember right.
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Yes to all of this. And I'm also greatly enjoying the idea of an orchestrated, coordinated "zombie" apocalypse. This is no accidental chemical spill or escaped bio-weapon, it's a group of monsters pulling all the stops to murder an entire world. Shit's pretty grand.
Is Carlos doing the colouring or someone else? I wish he went back to the hand-painted stuff that he did in the late 70s and 80s.
Vector 13 was honestly really good for the most part, especially that Moth Man one with John Ridgeway on the art, haunting stuff
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On ToD also, dis hook.
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And dis hook.
i think he's to old and ill these days, sadly.

i think his son has been helping him out with a lot of recent assignments int he drawing department.
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And dat hook.

As >>91055836 says the scale is appealing and it fills the gap we've always had when it comes to Deadworld. The designs and depiction of the failing Deadworld are gorgeously creepy, and it's really neat to see the evolution of monsters like Fear, Fire and Mortis and the Sisters as they become more and more inhuman. Mortis in particular is much creepier in his halfway state that he is ultimately.

The only 'safe' kills in terms of canon from the character we've seen so far are Psiren, Jess and Fairfax but these hints mean the scale of the thing could be even bigger than the death of worlds, so IMO all bets are off.
I thought he was in remission now?
He's great- in a position of power equal to or above Dredd in his own world's fucked-up legislature (Chief Judge's personal fixer) and a total asshole, yet manages to be likeable because basically everyone around him including his bike is an even bigger asshole, trying to kill him, or both. Probably helps too that he's a normal human amped up on power and drugs, not a vat-grown clone meant to serve Law from the start.

Yeah, except in his world they're Lawriders, not Lawmasters. Either way the AI seems to be pretty good, yeah, so it isn't EXACTLY our time, but it isn't nearly as far into the future tech-wise as Dredd's world we know and love. Also, they never had a nuclear apocalypse- there was a war, but not a few-hour one with nukes, areas are still referred to as states (and still exist!), the federal government is apparently still a thing in some form (although Gramps could be just using feds interchangeably with judges, the Justice Department is still mentioned), etc- but between the resource shortages (there's a fantastic shot of the oil fracking fields in the latest prog), the riots, and everything else, their world is on the verge of death as it is and that's before some jerk with a portcullis for a fade decides it's time to wipe 'em all out for good.

It's fantastic and is more of a page-turner at the moment than the actual Dredd strips, if you ask me. I want to know more about this world! Who okayed and gave budget to bikes (Byke, singular, as a proper noun, not just slang!) with potty mouths and fascias that look like dead cows? What the hell happened that Death wound up Chief Judge? Also, the thumbnail for that cover looks like it says "Murder One" next to Death's head and that made me think of >>91049012 and that's just ace biscuits.
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(Please forgive the pirate site, just had to pull these pages from somewhere)

This moment of Fairfax taking drugs to keep psychics out of his mind is some top-notch shit too. Unlike the Future Shock last issue which really felt like an 80s rehash IMO.
Man, I fucking love Psiren's design. Imagine what that would look like in motion, with the two eyes twitching and looking all around. Some real skin-crawling shit.
Dave Kendall made a video on drawing a panel of Deadworld recently, pretty cool stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHXBGpSzRcs
The biggest actual change in Deadworld canon is that we've shifted from an American-influenced Britain of a certain period to a more modern, but more rural timeline outright set in the States. And to be fair that could just be because we're in a different place in Deadworld's US.
Pick your obscure dark judge-fu, Sister Despair is already claimed

thats fantastic news if he is, i haven't heard anything about it though
I think in the way Dredd IS the law Fairfax IS the law of Deadworld, at least as it was before Sydney. Corrupt and abusive as hell but still with certain responsibilities of security and to not let shit go too badly wrong. It's also just immensely enjoyable to see him beating on his fellow judges and bantering with the bike.
Well he had lung cancer 7 years ago and had an op to remove one lung. Apart from that, I assumed he is in better health. His hair has grown back.
It follows in what we saw in Boyhood of a Superfiend and Cass' mind-trip back in Half-Life. Deadworld, even before it became deadworld, was very much a dead world of gray walls, sad people and constant dull misery. To me it always felt like a world too beaten down to create anything. It looks like a world whose soul has been ripped out, just full on dead inside. Like Death and co destroying it was a mercy killing.

He is, but he's still plenty old. No chance of any hand-painted stuff right now. To be honest, I kinda wish they'd let him do more black and white strips. I know people sort of expect color from Dredd and Strontium Dog, but if you see his inked commissions over at FB it really looks phenomenal.
The dream is for Kendall on a new Nemesis ongoing story.
There's actually even the possibility that the Deadworld we see here is not the Deadworld we've seen before, but that's getting into some superhero style continuity shenanigans.
Well drokk, you already took mine, so I guess I'm going with eyes-on-the-inside 99 insight Judge Janus over there.

Oh man...
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>Mortis in particular is much creepier in his halfway state that he is ultimately.
>yfw this comic was right
It's cool and unsettling seeing the transitions for sure, I wasn't expecting it at all but it's 'neat' watching everyone from the Dark Judges to the street judges to Johnny Law at his no-name Midwestern outpost all get warped and corrupted, doubly so if you've already read Dreams of Deadworld and saw what those who "lived" to the end looked like.

Surprising there's no sign for gas prices at the station there, that's one of the most common ways to tell how fucked a world is.

Psiren has the body but Bedlam has oven mitts on her shoulders. KITCHEN JOKES. Best waifu is _Byke.
Oh MAN...

Oof, I hope it's not. I'm already getting whiplash from all the time splittan and dimension jumpan in The Order.
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gonna do a very brief story time for my fav Dark Judge
>To be honest, I kinda wish they'd let him do more black and white strips.
I'm just saying, we're establishing in this story that the entities which are the Dark Judges have existed before the ones we know. So it's possible. I don't really expect it.
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I'm 99% certain Kendall's been inspired by the Requiem: Vampire Knight series with this
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Do miss b&w in 2000ad, much like b&w in film, it gives the image a different depth and feeling, in the same way colour can. But at the same time, I love my coloured Carlos poster that I got from Vice press.
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Those B&W shots of the Street Fighter film are something else.
Man, this has to be one of the absolute best opening pages in recent years.
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I'm not sure if she's supposed to have a pudgy belly or a really low-slung belt.
The stasis comment on this page doesn't quite ring true for me because that's what the dark judges do want, stasis in death.
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R.I.P Dark Judge-fu, least theres still Karyn, kinda
Come anon, storytime all of Dreams of Deadworld. Mortis and Death ones have the best dialogue.
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>when Mortis has to make shit up so he doesn't lose face against Fire
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gotta disagree there, but sure.
Wait no, that Fear was in Fear's story, not Mortis. That one was the best.
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The Yool had a real cool spaceship design
i wonder what death would think of Mortis and his vineyard considering he killed a bunch of others for being to human
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Niggas can't even get out of wine bottle without their OG Death saving their asses. Best be duly grateful.
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Would Dredd and Officer Downe get along?
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>Wagner does a social commentary of the recent graffiti hate crimes in the US and le evil Drumpf
>doesnt mention that said hate crimes have pretty much all turned out to be fucking hoaxes

Dissapointing desu.
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Only thing that somewhat irks me about the Deadworld strips is Dark Judges other than Death having the ssssspech impediment.
I'm sure Wagner doesn't browse /pol/
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is that what it was?

I didnt really feel anything anti-trump by it

Anyways onto Fear
What has /pol/ got to do with acknowledging these hate crimes have all been hoaxes?
I didn't even know that was what the story was getting at.
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mortis always had it at least
Well that's where I've usually found the links to the news articles confirming these as hoaxes. Wasn't trying to use its as a stick to beat your statement with.
>spraying graffiti about "getting" someone on a wall in Donald Trymp block

Yeah what could it mean? Really make me think.
I thought it was another of the old "citizens do stupid shit out of herd mentality" thing, like the stonings in Hot Night in 95 or even the pies back in that time in the 80s where citizens risked getting cubed to throw custard pies into judges' faces. Only with the added wrinkle of the guy never intending for things to end in death.
Can you link me on the hoax thing?
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How do Trump voters feel about the
Not the first time the blocks have been named topically without the story being topical. I took it as just a Mega-City society story. I'm pretty sure Theresa May gets named on-panel too.
Well thats another problem with current events.

Story of a jewish man having a scuplture in his black garden being arranged into a swastika by racist antisemites gets a gorillion likes and shares on social media and in the news.

And then the story revealing that it was actually some black kid gets ignored and swept under the carpet.
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-Day the Law Died storyline

just saying man, think you're looking at things which arent really there.

Now the guy who does Zombo, he hates Trump
Vigilantism is illegal.

The lying muslim that said she was assualted and screamed Make america great again at? Or the black church that got burned down with Trump sprayed on the wall (by a black person who went to that church) or the jewish man with the swastika sculpture in his back yard?
I, for one, can't wait for Trump to get killed and upload his consciousness into a computer to be revived as a Kirby-esque "HOMO-DIGITUS" and have a virtual Tron thumb war with Simon Cowell.
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I wonder how long til Sadiq Khan gets parodied, seeing as the guy aint all to popular now
Most of the 2000AD writers likely hate Trump. It's never been afraid to run political strips and the leaning is usually liberal. British too so inherently to the left of America.
I don't care about politics at all but if someone made a Hershey 2020 bumper sticker I'd put one on my car. Even if everyone asked why the fuck I liked chocolate bars so much.
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What because of what happened the other day? Or has his popularity gone down for another reason?
I don't know about any of them dude. Calm down.
Downe is a real cop though.
I'm with Hershey.

What a punchable face.
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And now the final chapter, in which we get a lot of cool DJ designs

To be a 2000AD writer i think the requirements are to hate every politician ever, under the law of the Mills
>I'm with Hershey.
Oh fuck that noise then, if it's anything like that slogan I'd rather stick on BOB BOOTH FOR PREZ 2024.

"The only Chief Judge to get literally crucified for her city" was a bit too long for a bumper sticker, I'm afraid.
I'm really looking forward to Kek-W and Kendall finally telling the story of when the DJs tried to make it as club DJs. It's a part of their history we've never really gotten the dirt on.
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the whole "living in london means you ought to expect a terrorist attack" thing got a deserved amount of flack, doesn't help it took him a day to actual call out and condemn the attack.

He's also been unpopular for apparently sorting through a lot of non problems like the woman's wage gap and enforcing more multiculturalism in places that dont need it, but i dont really know enough about that and dont wanna sound too /pol/.
Something something dying to get in, fuck it that joke's been made a jillion times before.
>Judge Death's second kill when arriving in Mega-City One was a button-jockey

No ssstomm, Sssidney. Also,
>That one Dark Judge cupping his mouth like "Oh noooo"
Donald Trump Jr's rant on that will only have made Khan more popular. His argument was badly phrased but more intended to be about how big cities have to deal with the reality of that, whether you agree with that or not YMMV. These vehicle attacks are hard to see how you avoid. Beyond that he's a typical Blairite kinda Labour guy.
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A cool note on the side, according to the artist, Judge Silence became this way thanks to judge fire mutilating him with his hands and burning off his nose, eyes, ears etc.

And the guy with the clock face is called Judge Chronos, as in god of time chronos
same, been hoping for something like it ever since it was mentioned there were many Dark Judges back in the old Arthur Ranson/Ransom (?) stories
>"living in london means you ought to expect a terrorist attack"

Christ that was a stupid thing to say. Not even in retrospect, it was stupid no matter how you slice it

>took him a day to actual call out and condemn the attack

Well, it was done by one of his people.
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>Donald Trump Jr's rant
what did he say, first i heard bout it
>Stab someone in the brain with their leg
Oh man, I just noticed Sister Bedlam's shoulderpad even has the nuthouse cell padding. That's a scary fucking thought.

A lot of this comes off like a bit of a riff on IDW's 13 new Dark Judges, too.
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forgot to mention but i LOVE Judge Scourge's design, i really hope he shows up in Fall
>The little wisp of Scourge's spirit as it leaves the body.

Nice detail.
Death's design by Kendall should really be the design that any future live action adaptation should take note from. If we get a future adaptation at all.
It's interesting to think about what Fairfax might look like as a Dark Judge. Or Byke
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its not quite what he said, so you may wanna look it up for yourself, but its certainly what he meant.
honestly i felt a few of the IDW ones were ok, sleep, smoke and skinner at least. Most were shit though.

Perhaps with a more suited horror artist it could of worked.

Still ticked they made Link Angel a gay pedo for no reason other than he looks like a leather daddy
You Brits and your ratcages.
>I took out the door, Winston. The whole world is Room 101 now.
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Anyways, that was Dreams of Deadworld, hope you all enjoyed
Thanks for the storytime, SA. Can't wait for that TPB to come out.
Thanks. Isnt another one coming this year?
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And now i leave you with the first piece of Dredd fetish art i have ever seen, its not even that good but still

Mods its SFW so dont be dicks again, i beg ya
And here I was thinking it was an oven mitt. I guess even the Dark Judges' most customizable part of their uniforms is that damn shoulderpad.
You say potaytoe, I say knife missile.
It's nice that there are reasons shown but I think it's a good thing that an alternative timeline isn't all beeper or worse at stuff. (MC1 might be able to build talk bikes I reckon, dunno how small they can make sentient AI) That bit of nuance is good to see in a writer.
Chronos asking the real questions here.
There's definitely a missing one-shot somewhere about the fashion designer who was inspired by Sydney.
also, considering doing a storytime of pain for Babe Race 2000 later if anyone's interested

of course you are
or this guy:

complete with fake blood and fake body
even a fake arrest and soon a fake trial
>Mechanismo returns

Look, I know psis get special treatment, but that uniform's not reg.

I imagine a lot of it comes from the Sisters of Death, but it's kinda interesting how all these Dark Judges seemed to embrace an individuality they didn't have in life. It's like Death told them all to either get a gimmick, or get a gimmick thrust upon them.
The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is being able to see the empty eye sockets behind the 'visor.' Might just be me being used to the classic "mouth full of teeth, head full of empty" Death.
Congrats you found a real one. Still outnumbered by hoaxes though.
HERE WE FUCKING GO AGAIN! Let's hope nobody comes out of this one speaking in the royal "we".
Also, real talk: John McCrea is kicking all kinds of ass between this and Howl of the Werewolf.

whoops here's another one

notice these are the ones with people DEAD not some graffitti
Don't go searching on the internet much, do you?

There isn't much Dredd fetish art and 99% of what's out there sucks. For a comic series that's been going for almost as many decades as I have fingers on my fapping hand, you'd think it would be at least a little bit more popular!
>(MC1 might be able to build talk bikes I reckon, dunno how small they can make sentient AI)
Lawmasters have some form of AI, don't they?
The numbers of black violent crime towards whites will always vastly outnumber the number of whites against blacks. No matter how many articles you cherrypick.
but that's not what we're talking about
we're talking about hatecrimes
some graffitti vs 3 DEAD PEOPLE, I think I know which one is worse
Im just glad it isnt Colin MacNeil anymore.

His jump to digital was a complete mistake. I hate seeing his modern stuff.
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Yep, although it's definitely not something that's been showcased much lately.
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Theres a bondage fake by an artist called Undoingota or something but thats the only other piece i ever saw.

Have considered commissioning Elijahpink for a Anderson/Hershey piece, as i got stuff from the dude before, but i'm probably gonna wait it out.

is howl the new IDW mini?

How was the alien/predator/dredd one?
theres a real good one off where a rouge Law Master chases Dredd across MC-1

think its in the third case files or somthing
>but thats the only other piece i ever saw.
I guess it depends on what you define as fetish art, then.
Yeah, much like Ezquerra, he's found a way to make it work. But it only really works in a handful of very particular kinds of stories. Give him a dark, moody, oppressive thriller like Mega-City Confidential, something where he can go hog-wild on the black inks, and it works. But give him something like the end of Every Empire Falls and it's like sucking all the air out of a room.

The new IDW ongoing seems to be more of the same as Mega-City Zero. Which to me was absolutely terrible in every way except art, so I'm not holding much hope. As for A/P/D, it's been delayed to hell and back god knows why and you can tell Layman's never done Dredd before. Plus, it kinda died a little for me when it turned out it wasn't set in the base 2000AD continuity, so no Dredd going "Drokk, not YOU guys again!". Honestly, the only saving grace of IDW's Dredd right now is the art in general.
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Truly it's all about you, Anon. Did someone deface your copy of Atlas Shrugged?
oh, thats tragic.

I honestly feel it'll be all good as soon as they get rid of Farrinas having so much control, like the mars attacks mini. He's like the Max landis of comic books
Every FUCKING time.
this was a mistake

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for what purpose.png
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I'm a simple man. I enjoy dadrock, breakfast foods, and girls with belliwheels.

Speaking of which: there is art of the generic purple-clad female fatty from the Dredd Vs. Death game. Someone looked at the ridiculous list of possible characters and said, yes, THAT is the one I want to commission art of. The fact this exists astounds and disappoints me.
I thought Max Landis was the Max Landis of comic books?
Sounds terrible, I'm game.
IDW's Dredd so far has been a textbook case on how creative team > character, and in a more particular case, the importance of having some experience with the character. Every IDW mini has been good to awesome because they have Matt Smith, Al Ewing and Douglas Wolk writing, all people who are very familiar with Dredd. But when they get someone who isn't, his voice is all fucked up.

Thank God for Naavs.

... huh. Ok.
he's better at comics then he is at films.

I mean he's still shit, but credit where its due
Yeah, but I don't recall it telling Dredd he's a cunt.
At least that's just ironically bad, judging by the other things in the 'tittybat' tag (it's too early to be clicking things like this help). There's perfectly acceptable porn under the series tag. HERSHEY BUSH IS BEST BUSH.

Maybe the Deadworld bikes were actually imports from Oz.
I mean he is a bit of a cunt. Clearly Deadworld AI is just more truthful. Byke is totally going to have someone's fucking brain in it. Remember we never got confirmation of who Fairfax's wife/girlfriend/whatever was in the flashback.
Could be Brit-Cit built as well. "Do you know what Nemesis means?"
mars' core is dead, so no terraforming :(
I like the thought and it is fairly bulky so it could work.
The absolute best bush in all of Justice Dept is still that judge from The Skinning Room who had her trimmed in the shape of an Eagle of Justice.

Oh God, I want this real bad now.

I... I'm sure we can revive it, right? With the right tech? C'mon man, don't do this to me.
I totally forgot that I been extracting and compiling dredd comics. Ive been caught up with other shit recently.


If any of you are interested.
>that spoiler
[desire to know more intensifies]
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By the way Judge Anon, who is your favourite illustrator of Hershey. Personally I have a soft spot for Flint's interpretation, hate Carlos' version.
>If any of you are interested.

Are these the Complete Case File versions? Hate how digital copies of the early stories are scanned Eagle Reprints with the fucked up colouring.
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Pubes of Justice.jpg
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You're doing Tharg's work, anon. You really are.

Of the artists working right now, because fuck if I'm gonna choose between everyone who's ever drawn her, it's gotta be Carl Critchlow. He makes her look equal parts old and grizzled and does the best Chief Judge badge with the awesome giant gold chains and all.
Ezquerra's I like a lot, but he could stand to draw the badge bigger, and he also tends to give her hair a lot of odd layers rather than just making it a perfect helmet.
>Hate how digital copies of the early stories are scanned Eagle Reprints with the fucked up colouring.
early casefiles are b&w, bro
I think what you have there are someone's compilations from scans of those eagle comics that are just named "casefiles" by the compiler
Its only the recent shit from like 2010 onwards.

I did it because Case Files isnt even into the 2000's yet and also that I dont want 500 issues of 2000AD on my tablet so I thought id just compile all the dredd stuff together.
I don't have a sweating man reaction image sweaty enough for this.
Who else originally hated Boo Cook's art here but now loves it?
He reposted the arctical with the quote about terrorist attacks being a part of living in a big city like it was a response to the recent attack instead of a story from a year ago.
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>doesnt mention that said hate crimes have pretty much all turned out to be fucking hoaxes

[citation needed]
>niggers and mudslimes
Oh, same. But I think that's kind of the usual cycle of life with a lot of 2000AD artists. You start off thinking why they can't all just draw like Bolland or Gibbons, and a couple of Case Files or progs later you're wishing they never leave.
stop engaging him, it's about as useful as talking to a tree
It also depends on the strip. There are some artists who I'm meh on with one story and wild about with another.
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Added everything from 2017 we got so far.


Youre welcome Dredd fuckers.
there's also this:

and for other 2000ad stuff:
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so, who draws the best Anderson?
>Death's chin
Holy shit what.
why are dredd threads so comfy, is it because /co/ has turned into a hive for cancer and autsim now?

All it takes is to look in the Justice Leauge trailer sticky to see just how bad its gotten, there are anons actually upset about people liking DC
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Good man.
i like ewins fat ass anderson
/r/ing example
>mfw trying to aswer to that
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Cheeky! Cook does give her a fantastic butt, too.
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Ewins draws nice Anderson, but sometimes the face he makes on her is always the same
Ranson, easy.
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005, The Possessed, 11 eps 0146.jpg
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Exhibit B.
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>that organisation
>all that 2000AD content

Wew my list BTFO

Arthur Ranson is GOAT Anderson
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Dillon made cute Anderson too
What exactly are all the privileges Psis are allowed? IIRC off the top of my head:
>Allowed to take drugs
>Allowed to drink
>Allowed to eat junk food
>Allowed nights off
>Allowed relationships as long as they're kept quiet
No helmets (duh) and allowed to be pretty aloof and unproffesional. Anderson can be really snarky and sarcastic that im sure would be whipped out of a regular Judge right and quick.
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I want Judge Anderson to sit on my face
IDK, I think even Street Judges can get away with an attitude if they still meet their targets. Plenty of snarky Judges out there.

Forgot about Wally Squad who have pretty much no restrictions on-duty too.
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That is a pretty reasonable thing to want.
Does wearing a thong help with her psychic powers?
Not wearing a helmet does, so sure, why not?

I know
i wish to die and have my body be sent to resyk and broken down into its base components before being partially used to make a batch of justice department synth-leather so that some tiny part of what was once me may go on to have even the slightest chance of touching judge hershey's ass
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Would the DCverse be fucked if the DJs found a way to get there?
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No chance. They get fucked up by non powered people and guns all the time.
please don't make fun of me
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W-why is Gitte Stallone wearing a judge helmet?
Oh wow, fukken saved.
Eldritch horror DJs would be a high level threat but DC's seen worse and fucked it up. Four psychic dudes with powers kill some D-listers for drama and then the heavy hitters stick them in containment.
(Which holds until someone wants a DJ storyline but hey, Dredd works the same)
What about the Sisters? Nearly killed Dredd halfway across the Cursed Earth, and Deadworld implies they are more cosmic horror-level than anything the DJs can aspire to be.

We still appreciate your pun, anon, don't worry.


Goddammit, I wish I'd read Deadworld. It's like this huge hole in my Dredd knowledge base. Ignorance of Dredd mythos? That's ten years iso-cubes, creep!
That's what I mean by eldritch horror and yes, stuff like the demons of Ysmault is horrifically nasty and by my reading worse than what's behind the DJs, but high tier DC groups can fuck it.
I dunno about that. If you think about the Wilderness Days and stuff I think the DJs probably have just as much psychic potential as the Sisters do, but are less knowledgeable about using it. It fits with their backgrounds.

The current Deadworld stuff implies the whole idea of the Dark Judges annihilating a world is a cosmic threat that has existed before and will exist beyond the current incarnations. In the DCU I would agree they are a low to mid level threat: the power level of the universe is much higher, and you *can* fuck up the Sisters and Dark Judges with technological, magic or psychic counterattacks. Maybe not destroy them, but certainly halt them or put them away.
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Ahh, sweet sweet late 80s/early 90s hand painting...

>that feel when I'm working on a Judge Dredd erotic fiction piece but it's weight gain and Fatty centric

I feel like a monster but also it means I have an excuse to research Dredd more, so, 50-50
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>that spoiler
>check username
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Thanks for the name for my new vaporwave trashmetal band, Dredd.
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Where do you even put your stuff nowadays since your dA is kaput?
Well, can't say it's my cup of tea, but just in case you haven't read this story...
Never let it be said that Dredd doesn't have a sense of humor. Oh, he has one alright.
It's just really fucking bad.
>Citizen's arrests are illegal, citizen!
I could've sworn cit arrests have shown up in other strips with no issues.
Also, one more, because I fucking love these super early McMahon colored strips.

As a general rule of thumb, anything that involves a citizen taking the law in his/her own hands is very much prohibited. Monopoly of coercitive force and all that. Snooping, peeping and tattle-telling, however, is very much encouraged.
>that touching story about the autistic kid memorizing the perp codes and becoming a paid justice div informant

Also I swear to fuck we better see that gorilla jimp again.
I'd like to show this page to any writer who has trouble keeping things compressed. This single page alone introduces the protagonist, the antagonist and the main conflict, all in less than six panels. Talk about economy.

I hope so, yeah. Judge Harry Heston. I know he was a one-time deal to honor its dead creator, but I'd love to see him again.
That lady on the roof of Joe Loss block must be like 25 feet tall.
Well, that's not gruesome at all.

They sure make 'em big in Mega-City One!
Yeah. I don't know what the rights might sit like or anything but obviously the original fan comic was well received at the time and you can absolutely see why because he just works amazingly within MC-1. There are places for that character to go and I really want to see it, it's got that perfect blend of comedy and weirdness and pathos that just *is* 2000AD.

The anecdote is something like "Practice writing for 2000AD by rewriting an American comic book in 4 pages" right? Not every 2000AD story is well paced but Dredd tends to be slick as hell.
There is a 50 foot tall sexy punk babe wandering around the Cursed Earth in the American flag anon. Not even a mutant.
And all's well that, uh... well... y'know.

From what I know, Zarjaz and other fanzines are A-OK with you using a character as long as you give them a "First appeared in" credit. And they are non-profit publications anyway. Of course, there's the problem of character ownership and such but I can't imagine any fan-created character becoming a big enough hit to require that.

This woman's cute!

Also anyone got a pic of vampire Hershey?
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Has anyone got a pic of Vampire Hershey, he asks.
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Oh boy here we go. YOU GOT HIM STARTED.
Can you imagine the alternate universe where Hershey was both vampire and still Chief Judge?
Anyway, Vampire Hershey appeared for just two eps in City of the Damned. Unfortunately, she hasn't appeared in anything else. Yet.
Is there an alternate universe where she sits on my face?
...also the alternate universe where she accepts acceleration in Strategy and rather than a street Judge or Chief Judge she's like interstellar SJS tactical command or a general-equivalent in Sovwar.

There are a lot of alternate universe Hersheys you can think about it.
Oh, I can. I definitely can.
It's a bit of a headcanon of mine, but I've always enjoyed the idea of Hershey liking space a lot. I mean, she was literally just out of the academy when she became second stringer of Justice-One, she had her crew running hourly systems checks when she had to put in her time onboard, and when she was voted out she spent years in "the colonies" instead of some other Mega City. It's not something that's been stated anywhere, but to me there's a part of her that really likes the stars.
Anyway, yeah, Vampire Hershey. Shine on you, crazy dracula.



Yeah, I know, I'm a sell-out. But I'm trying to keep it as inexpensive as possible. I don't value my work above $1 a month for the most part--I mean come on, it's porn, not the fucking Magna Carta.


I haven't read this one! Putting thread on auto refresh for research. Fatties are both hilarious and kind of hot in some scenes so I'm always up some ishes on them.

Dredd only appears in a few scenes in the story I'm working on, so I'm trying really hard to nail his character. Which is hard to do, due to the sheer amount of writers who have written him. Ditto on Hershey, Anderson and Psi-Judge Karyn, who are the main players and all get fat due to a MYSTERIOUS CRIMINAL SCHEME that Anderson and Dredd have to solve.
I find your lack of silly pauldrons disturbing.
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>Main players
>That spoiler
Aw fffuck, I just knew I was going to regret this. Anyway, if it helps, one key aspect of Dredd's character to me is his agency. He's constantly moving forward, pushing, worrying at a problem until he solves it. He's not the kind to wait for a clue when he can find or make one. Far as writers go though, just focus on the Wagner/Grant stuff, which is where 90% of his character comes from anyway.
I would recommend the Mills stuff as well, its not much but it sold his character in the very early days
Bumping with screeching about shills, cucks and maybe mudslimes because why not?

It's OK Judge, the story won't be outside my Patreon so it won't taint your waifus too badly. But I'm trying hard to nail their characters too. Your posting of the Anderson Mars arc was very helpful, Karyn is a bitch so that's easy, but I find Hershey challenging. I highly doubt the story will find much audience even in my "community" of deviant criminal scum, anyway. Who the heck reads Dredd outside of /co/ anymore? ;_;

I agree on Dredd--the main thing I want him to do is cut through the bullshit and basically ignore all the fetishy elements to seek JUSTICE. He's definitely the straight man of the piece. And yes, there will be Dredd-puns.

No, looks like they just created humans from themselves and local stock.
so how does everyone feel about Strontium Dog now being cannon?

Sure you didnt mean to post in the JL Sticky?
damn, Dredd's not fucking about
no, 'cause she is dead. DEAD.
fucking kek
Yeah, Straight Man Dredd is definitely the way to go. Hershey should probably be a bit similar, very straightforward and to the point. If you're doing young, pre-CJ Hershey, she also used to have a bit of joviality to her, as seen in The Graveyard Shift and bits of Judge Child Quest.
Speaking of fetishes...

Ehhh, 's OK. My only worry is that by the time the progs have to acknowledge the great nuclear war that created the SD's, both Wagner and Grant will most likely be gone, so it's gonna be a heavy weight on whatever poor bastards are writing it at the time.

Shut up! She's still alive in my heart, dammit!
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im expecting Wagner already wrote it and for it to be released on his death in his will
>It's OK Judge, the story won't be outside my Patreon so it won't taint your waifus too badly.
can i just lurk the discord for the links to be posted anyway
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is there more anon-kun?

oh cool not read this one
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I hope so. But I'm still salty that Rebellion isn't interested in Wagner's DKR-style "Death of Dredd" story.
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oh fuck wat

source me on that
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>Big admirer of your work. Sometimes while showerin'.
>Karyn is a bitch

>so how does everyone feel about Strontium Dog now being cannon?
I think it's great. You get a glimpse at what might be the post-megacity world what with the Chaos Bug and the knowledge that Brit-Cit is going to be royally fucked itself sometime in the next few dozen years whereas conversely Calhab will actually become more habitable. If you had the planning for a seriously long vision it would be an amazing asset; I don't think in reality you will have that but it's still fun.
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>that last panel
Oh boy.

He's mentioned it in a couple of interviews and panels, most recently on the 40th anniversary panel. In a nutshell, he has an idea for an DKR/Elseworlds tale of Dredd's death as he imagines it, since it's clear that Rebellion/2000AD are not going to actually kill him any time soon. But they've said they aren't interested in it so he hasn't given it much thought. I really hope it happens some day.

Oh, you got no idea. Gimme a sec...
Same guy. What a guy.
I think that Hershey still has that humorous streak but nobody to share it with now. She can't really share it with Dredd anymore, and nobody else is her equal. She sort of had a bit of banter with the Psi-Judge she's propped up in Texas City.

Giving Hershey a non-Dredd aide-de-camp to bounce off of would probably help with giving her character in her appearances.
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Anyway, it wouldn't be the last time we'd hear from Mega-City One's nudists, and just one short year later...
>FIVE YEARS for making lewd suggestions
Shit, dog!
Wow Judge Anon I didn't know you had one of those goofy French mustaches!
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A few more yeah, some artist on tumblr is making lewds of Anderson and Hershey.
thanks for the storytime JA, shame about the rushed artwork but Russ Meyer block was a nice touch
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True, true. She does try to make a few very tiny snarky comments when Dredd's around, but you can tell their relation right now is a bit glacial.
Really hoping she gets along well with Beeny.
>That spoiler
I havent used it much in ages, but i remember there being a real good dredd/2000ad community on there
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A bit of funny trivia: "Letter from a Democrat", the seminal Dredd story that kicked off the entire Democracy plot, was originally supposed to be about nudist terrorists. But editorial nixed the nudists and Wagner and Grant were left hanging, so Grant (I think) suggested "Well, why not make them democrats?". And the rest is history.
>that birthmark
Artist touch or forgotten trait?
The terrifying world of Judge Dredd where every imaginable kind of social preference (no matter how minor) becomes a live-or-die terrorist or extremist front seems more and more likely.

It's small but pretty knit and cool. Also, a sizeable bunch of RP blogs, mostly movieverse. And for some reason, a lot of folks have taken a huge liking to the Clan Techie from the last movie...
Man, I DON'T see Hershey and Beeny getting on
jimps-with-gimps.tumblr.com he only made one lewd tho.
I hope he draws more soon.
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This page.

90% sure it's artist's touch.
Huh, I would have figured it's the former, I can't remember any other Hersheys with it.
Eh, when it comes to Dredd for me it's on-model or bust.
I really wanted to storytime the XXX Case Files at some point on here. Dredd actually does its dumb sexy funny strips surprisingly well, I've legitimately laughed at a few of Wagner's.
No homo but how big do you think Dredds fucking COCK is?
>dredd's bantz

I'd love it to be one of those things where on the surface Beeny seems to frustrate and annoy her, but on a deeper level Hershey is glad to have her there to sort of be her conscience and keep her in touch with the streets.
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A lot of it comes down to Wagner's sense of humor, but it also helps that Dredd is such an aggressively straight man. Like, he can stare in the face of thirty naked dudes without feeling the least bit of embarrasment.

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Would trump make a good Chief Judge?

i mostly remember a dude i spoke to about Stront a lot

Never has a headline imagine been more accurate.
i remember seeing in a few 90's hershey's, never on early strips tho like Judge Child or Apoc war
If you look at Bolland's first Hershey pin-up she kinda looks like she has one, but on the actual Judge Child Quest there's nothing there, so it was probably some bit of shading.
Peart definitely gave her one though.
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>Would trump make a good Chief Judge?
He would be like a cross between Judge Cal and Dan Franscisco.
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He wouldn't even make a good street judge.

As far as anyone can tell, he already IS Judge Cal.


Dem hips! I like the subtle linework here--it's like the artist had a real knack for the soft bulges and curves under the suit. Needs moar Lawgiver though.
He'd make a fine Booth except Booth showed regret.
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Hey JA, completely unrelated to Dredd but there isnt any chance that you have either of the fletcher hanks torrent collections do you or any fantomah/stardust stuff.
he did?
Thought Booth was pretty A-OK with the whole nuke the world/mutant army guerrilla warfare thing
Didn't he after OMG SPOILER Dredd & Co thawed him out in the Cursed Earth arc?
from what i remember he tried to buy his way out with gold or somthing
All I have is an old "The Complete Stardust" collection, ripped straight from the original issues: http://www.mediafire.com/file/n56q5qt7enob0te/The+Complete+Stardust.cbr
For the rest, I'd suggest putting up a request on the win-o-thread this wednesday.
thats an excellent start and will do, thanks
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Oh man, is this your first time? You're in for a fucking TRIP. Enjoy!
nah i owned all the fantomah stuff before, just lost it in a hard drive failure.

thanks again though the stardust stuff is new
I stand corrected, then it seems Trump would make a fine Booth.
In before some asshoke libertarian screaming about how triggered he is.
Peter Thiel could obviously play the part of the blood-sucking robots that keep him alive.
OH MY GOD, that's brilliant
Just reread it, you were right my mistake

Niiiice. Thanks!

Though I prefer delicious brown Hershey myself.


Maybe she'd go for sustainable blood sucking instead of unsustainable? Or at least say that mutants should live in Mega City One because their blood is (usually) just as good.
All Hersheys be fine. Even cowgirl stripper Hershey.

So... he's not even a good Booth?
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he can be a okay rule 63 Oswin if that helps
at least Oswin is kinda hot.
Storytime thread
Trump would make goat Chief Judge.

He would want to keep the fucking mutants out. There's already a god damned wall and it works. Everytime it's came down there's been a massive tragedy.
Putting it up was great for everyone too, it was a huge job and everybody came together.
Opposite. I liked it when it was more cartoony
>Trump would make goat Chief Judge.
Pat Mills has already made the jokes about Judge Cal
Oh yeah, that one was very eerie. Some of them were a bit meh (like the Spear of Longinus one) but when they were good, they were great.

Trump reads exactly like Bad Bob Booth or Judge Cal. JD is a strip by left wing if not outright socialist Brits..
Ohh, what he say

kek, I actually really liked that one
Heh I can remember that last panel clear as day, cool ending but it wasn't nightmare fuel like the best ones, imho

Goddamn, I love Staples' art, gotta be one of my favorite Dredd artists.
I figure they could just get a Psi judge down there to read him and confirm but I guess why let it get in the way.
>and a long, hard daystick.

All I'm sayin' is if she needed a place to store her Lawrod and had to requisition my rear entrance, I wouldn't do the cube time for resisting.
I'm super digging this art, fits right in with the tone and creepy factor of the Dark Judges.

Kinda weird the way they're describing this stuff. Lifeforce, murder, ect, I'd figure a change in vernacular would be appropriate since their whole point is to extinguish life.
>Would the DCverse be fucked if the DJs found a way to get there?

Not really. Too many Skyfather types rolling around. What is the plan for Superman, what's the plan for "literally outrunning the concept of death" Flash. All the big gunner magic users?

There's just too much raw power in either the DC or Marvel universes for the Dark Judges to do too much damage. They might fuck up a city block or something, but they could actually be 100% deleted if they come across the wrong person, like Doctor Fate or Specter or something.
>Hey kid, want to /ss/?
>Would trump make a good Chief Judge?

Better than Cal, but that's about it.

Neither would I. Perfectly happy to comply with Justice Department MWR needs.
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Ho-leee shit.

Now THAT's dedication to your work.
God bless 90s comic artists.
Mills always comes across as an outright anarchist to me in that (as someone else ITT has noted) he doesn't trust ANY politicians but Wagner and Grant are very much staunch socialists of the noble Scottish tradition. People always say this but it's no fucking accident the comic came out at the height of the punk movement, nationwide strikes, the three-day week etc under a pretty catastrophic Labour government.
I respect your point of view and he's come a long way from the Bisley clone he started off as but I just think his stuff is too "prettified". His storytelling and page breakdowns have gotten better over the years but I just can't shake the suspiscion that he is, at heart, a "pin-up" artist.
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>Wagner and Grant are very much staunch socialists of the noble Scottish tradition
it's pretty obvious
ah, the Ron Smith Chopper...this is from The Phantom Scrawler story, isn't it, featuring a grafitti-writing, pre-skysurfing Chop...Unamerican Grafitti, sorry, not The Phantom Scrawler...amazing story but the Supersurf 7 arc will always be my favourite...dat last page...first comic that ever made me cry! And very few artists do action scenes (especially big shootouts) like Cam Kennedy, he's a maestro of storytelling, his page breakdowns (or "paneling" as /co/ likes to refer to it), character designs and inking, fucking amazing.

Good old Marlon, he'll always be my favourite (non-Judge) Dredd character (although I have a soft spot for Two Ton Tony Tubbs, Max Normal and Reginald Snork)...ahh man Dredd/2000ad threads are so fucking comfy...
You type like my dad.
Is he a good dad?
>Anderson's read Stirner

Well, she -is- a spook.
Yes, but every time he has to use a keyboard.... he types like this .... with a bunch of fucking ellipsis ....... for no reason and sometimes he fucks up and,,,,,, types commas instead.

I think it's something everyone over the age of 50 does automatically or something.
Well that's great, then. Him being a good dad, I mean. And I don't always use loads of ellipsis and I'm not that old.
I don't think my Dad can even use a fucking computer, he struggles with text messaging. The curmudgeonly fuck. Nah, he, too is a Good Dad.
>Even gets in-water light distortion correct.

Fucking hell, this is BRILLIANT. I want Dave Kendall to do everything, now.
>Unamerican Grafitti, sorry, not The Phantom Scrawler
yeah, it's ron smith
the story's called unamerican graffitti, the phantom scrawler is one of the characters in it

>Doc Fate and Spectre fight the Dark Judges

I'd pay money for that. Spectre is criminally underused against foes like Judge Death.
Yeah, he's the main antagonist, I suppose. Or would that be Chopper?! Difficult question. One of the great things about Dredd's character, I suppose--yes he's a total badass but a lot of the time he's just being a bone-breaking fascist cunt to people who're "morally" innocent of any "real" crime. Imho some of the best Dredd stories are the ones that exploit this tension of sympathy the reader experiences. Of course we want him to kick the Dark Judges asses but when he's picking on some poor Cal-hab cartoonist for wanting to just do the job he loves or whatever, those stories are golden. I know it was called Unamerican Grafitti, I just got mixed-up as I was writing the post mate.
I agree, but on the other hand they might not care much. There isn't much world left after all.
Spectre will just straight up annihilate them - Spectre fears only one and the Dark Judges are no Dogwelders.
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