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ITT: Characters you never understood why they have a cult

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Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 162

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ITT: Characters you never understood why they have a cult following fanbase.
>cult following
Those... aren't really supposed to make sense. Isn't that the entire point?
like in most cases, the answer is the porn my friend, susie has 10/10 r34 would fap again for eternity
I know, but it's not like she is the qtest goth cartoon girl ever created.
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>qtest goth cartoon girl ever created.
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Who is then?
the entire world of gumball show
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>Take a character that isn't really appealing sexually at all
>make tons of threads saying how fucking hot character is, but in a very shitty disguised thread sorta way
>eventually other anons delude themselves into believing character is a fucking bombshell and more threads are made
>drawfags eventually come across said threads and make tons of porn and cheesecake of character

This isn't hard to understand, this happens like every few months

I'll be honest, I still don't understand why /co/ seems to love Jenny as much as it does.

>Implying Velma isn't a bombshell
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These three.
I had a crush on Velma as a kid, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone in that.
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Don't talk shit about my waifu
Which one is your waifu?
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goth girls dude
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...what? is this official??
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You have a fetish for ancient grannies?
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velma is the exception to that one boy, but yeah, you are right.
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Creepy Susie storytime?!?!
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Yeah. Jenny is ugly as sin

I guess people love 12 year olds trying to emulate shit anime animation shorts where their mouthed are on their cheek whim their nose is looking on the side
This is happening, huh?
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This just happened, huh?
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Your alright anon, your alright...
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>implying you wouldn't fuck her brains out
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I think it is because of the fusion falls redesigns.
There are some very cute designs in the pile of character design atrocities.
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my dad got me that book for christmas a while back.

fun times
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She's female. That's why she has a following. Fucking losers.
you are making the world a better place, Anon, you do know that right?
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never read this before, thanks
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>there exists a universe where the chainsaw girl got a following instead of Susie
Still find it interesting that The Oblongs was made from shoving characters from this book into a sitcom setting. That show was ahead of it's time.
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>gigantic butts

Sammy seems alright in my book
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Maybe it was the fact that she constantly hovers two feet above the ground?
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I wish my vagina tingled
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Should have gave her something slimy instead of flowers.
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she took it
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The Bellybuttons.


I'm sorry, that isn't fully up to date. I think that up to issue 7 has been translated into English.
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It's the accent
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>you will never make creepy susie vagina tingle
why live
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I like the tone. It reminds me of the tangents in It's Such A Beautiful Day.
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>that skidmark
jesus christ
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head like a fucking orange
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>So they cooked and ate them
Wow. I've heard of shocking swerves, but that takes the cake.
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Oh I see
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i don't get it
I don't understand why /co/ blows their wad over Gwen from Ben 10. She's a pretty generic character
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How does Susie float?
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Cause she's creepy
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the planet is creeped out by her and doesn't want to touch her
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Lemme guess, she kills everyone.
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nope she grows up to be a dyke
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>it's a wig
I feel like this writer is kind of a hack.
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you aren't a faggot
I'm pretty sure this is an incredibly obscure reference to a very obscure Christmas comedy song...
Will this stop susiefags now?
I'm pretty sure it would give some of them a boner.
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>Characters you never understood why they have a cult following fanbase.

Well I guess I don't 100% understand how all the porn and sex stuff happened here...
I think the revelation that she's wearing a wig and has liverspots would be more of a turnoff.
The answer to this question is always "because she's best girl"
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I can't even imagine anything making any difference at this point
Lol!!!!!! Phew!!! So glad it didn't turn into incest
Women really aren't as concerned with how men look as men are with women. Bill is a bad boy (or at least he was until they fucked it up and made him a worthless fuckup in the finale) and women love bad boys. Especially charismatic bad boys who talk fast and know what they want and are proactive and dominant in getting at it.
Sharp curves
He's confident and a snappy dresser.
Tumblr wanted a new Once-ler, so they turned Bill into a palette-swap.

That's the entire process.
>if I don't like THING then no one does

This is literally your mentality right here.
pagodas and vindaloo metaphor
I mean, I don't know

Obviously there's morally queasy things here, but both these niggas were very evidently fucked in the head

I guess I feel like this is a good end
It's kind of a really nice day.
yeah wtf she looks like a character from salad fingers
I don't just mean tumblr though I mean all this porn shit coming from china, japan, russia, and so on this doesn't explain all of that

I guess but it would be funnier if the secret to getting laid the whole time had to do with triangle (see /pol/ NWO conspiracy I guess)

That's Creepy Susie's appeal. Salad fingers is sexy.
>characters being dykes stops them from being waifubait for /co/

If this were even remotely true then the nonstop SU threads here would not exist.

Also, these books do seem to be a separate "canon" from the show, whatever that means. She's barely a character to begin with, just a design that wound up in tons of cheesecake art and people's fantasies for whatever reason.

Though I guess the French accent was kind of cute. But she barely had any lines.
Then explain all the non human porn.

Does anyone get this ending? The boy just disappears.
It's called the Charlie Sheen effect

my guess is he got her pregnant and left
Reread the post dumbfuck
>Dick and Muffy
This book isn't for children, right? Or was she not allowed to call them Cock and Pussy?
The metaphors weren't representing multiple counts of sex, but instead a single varied and enjoyable one. As soon as the male orgasmed, he left.

Haha, men are selfish lovers. A pretty shit joke by itself, but by having reality change to suit the metaphor in the boy's sudden disappearance, and by having the girl looking at the viewer sadly as if to say she was following the metaphor, the joke becomes brety gud.
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If they look like this, I'll be more than happy to pick up that fetish.
me irl
Is her hair slimy?
Herny's still butthurt?
I wonder how the show had turned out if Angus had gotten completely free reign.

Probably quite different, since he eventually went NOT MUH somewhere along the line.
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Goth girls are top tier. Even 3D ones are great.
His hat is actually a dick.

>a fedora tip actually makes her cum for once
But his hat had bones in it.
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It won't be long before goth waifus disappear completely so leave me alone with my monochrome cutie.
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>QT goth thread
>no Death

/co/ has fallen
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What about brown goths?
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I'm assuming you're not American. Dick is a real name. It's a short form for Richard which is old and not really used anymore for obvious reasons, but it's still recognizable as a name. I've never heard of anyone called "Muffy" but I'd be a lot quicker to believe that then someone called "Pussy".
Sure but why turn Shantae into one, she's about the furthest possible thing from a goth character. Maybe Risky Boots but even that would be a stretch, everyone in those games is way too bubbly and enthusiastic. You have to have the personality to match the aesthetic, man.
Poor bean.
Probably for the worst. Angus's sense of humor is pretty much a one trick pony, as you can see with his book. He likes sudden abrupt changes, and that's about it. The Oblongs wasn't exactly a great masterpiece of a show, but it did have character humor and a lot more depth then this book has, which is pretty much the only thing Angus Oblong has ever done.
10/10 ending
I don't hate her, but I don't get the daily waifu threads
Fuck, I'm much too immature for this story. Giggled the whole time.
Bubbly goths are best goths!
So, the lazy eye is fake too?
It was brother and sister doing innocent stuff that looks like sex. You're begrudgingly reading on expecting them to eventually happened. That did not deliver thankfully.
I had the same thought, what else could it be?
Velma has existed for well over 3 times this site's life.

We are not the center of the internet, anon.
We're a relatively large pillar of it, but that's not my point here. Nerdy, ambiguously chubby girls have been a thing for lots people for a VERY long time, quite possibly even because of Velma considering how long she's been on TV.
What, three overly-flirty girls who constantly try to kiss the MCs? That's not hard to understand
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A cult following is just a small but dedicated fanbase

Ravenfags are a cult following and that one's easy to explain.
wait who now
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It was a fucking 3 second cutaway gag.
Yeah but she's hot.
And you're a overly thirsty faggot, what's new
>implying dicks don't have bones
>character has nothing going for her but her fighting ability
>only appears in a medium thats really bad at portraying fights
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>217 posts
>still no bait
I feel like there's an image macro to be had here...
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>Mike Pence collaborates with Breitbart.jpg
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Why the fuck would you be posting on /co/ if you weren't an overly thirsty faggot? This is possibly the most degenerate, slaaneshi worshipping board on the site outside of /aco/.
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was it rape?
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>eating lone pizza crusts
>tfw we probably didn't even get a Betsy cameo on the Oblongs cartoon
Because out of all the girls in her show she was the most attractive
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Holy fuck, I've never seen a more horrifying costume since I was my family's Easter Bunny.
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This gremlin along with the blue bitch Zuke loves so much.
>Gigantic butts and homosexuals

is he /ourguy/?
This isn't /d/ or /x/ so no. Body horror does not beling on /co/.
It's not like all the porn of her isn't drawn completely off model in the first place. r34 Suzie may as well be her own character.

An argument can also be made that this is just Alpha Suzie and the slightly retconned cartoon Suzie is the popular one.
One of the characters in Arthur was called Muffy iirc. I assume it's no longer a common name in the same way that it would be madness to call your daughter Fanny in the UK.
Herny's Susue is like some weird art uni student with a sensitive neck.
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This one was popular here for awhile and god only knows why, she's completely sexless.
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Allison was popular with the fanbase because why. She's just a blander version of Lisa and Yeardley Smith even said on the DVD commentary that she was a plot device rather than a character.
>That goddamned Loch Ness monster had tricked me again!
i fucking hate this 1998 /a/ artstyle
Is that a chuck E Cheese character?
It's Fat Alfonso, the caporegime of Chuck E Cheese crime family. He killed after a dispute with Papa John.
I'd be a lying sack of shit, if I said that pinup didn't get me into Susie.
The books were surprisingly great, actually.
god shadman makes creepy susie look really bad
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no, sorry
That makes me want her even more. Only thing that will stop me if she has a dick.
Gothic chicks are under rated and so fucking sexy.
>letting that stop you
I don't get it.
the sheep has a dick
2bh the worst part is the fact that it's a fucking sheep and not the fact that it has a dick. I ain't no furfaggot famalam.
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"Whimsycore" is an online tag that means "feel-good" to pretentious artist types who bought too hard into the -core meme. It's found sporadic usage in transsexual art show tags, as well.

I'm pretty sure magic-kai wave doesn't actually exist, though.
>doesn't know magic-kai wave
Uncultured swine, get the fuck out right fucking now.
I like that hairstyle.
Too bad it's a wig faggot.
So she's got good taste in wigs.
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>implying that's a bad thing
She's on her period.

Underrated post.
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Technically a goat.

I may be wrong but:

>Winnie from Ghoul School
>Tiff from My Life as a Teenage Robot.
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Pic related
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The thing with Winnie is how all almost none of her art looks like her. I get taking liberties to make a character more attractive but this is just a completely different design.
Okay you win.
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>ITT: Characters you never understood why they have a cult following fanbase.
>whole thread is just 'waifu' fagging
Consider suicide.
Because Biru-chan is Best Girl, anon.
I mean, I can understand changes like giving her a different nose and ears and adding a tail, because it makes her look more like a wolf. But why completely remove the outfit?

Personally, I feel like the redesign's outfit seems too formal for her. The ripped up dress just works better imho.

Is she /scrapper'sgirl/?
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Seriously, though, are people asking

>why does a cute goth girl with a French accent have a cult following

because that's not really a question, is it? Just depends on which one gets picked up by the masses and snowballs. Also "goth" girls are pure nostalgia at this point I would think. That subculture is dead.

>Thumbnail to that video is cropped porn

Don't know why I expected any different.
because you're a god damned fool anon

If you won't die for your waifu then you don't deserve her.
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This Susie cosplayer is really good.
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Anyone from My Life as a Teenage Robot
Damn, luckily her design is hard to fuck up.
>talking shit on ghoulfus

what comic?
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What the fuck happened to that guy? The artist, not the guy in the pot.
Son, I'm hoping for that.

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Not white enough. She needs to be albino like pic related.
>the most popular character in a very popular show
>cult following
>anons delude themselves into believing character is a fucking bombshell
Try again retard.
I dunno is the waifu or husubando thing ever not stupid, at the same time is there anything wrong with it? cartoon waius seems the best route, people who pick real waifus to stalk wind up in fucking prison for 30-life getting ganraped, make believe waifus are harmless
I don't think it belongs here at the very least
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>useless annoying shit-voiced twat
>huge fanboy following and obsession
>dem tiddies
It can happen with the bubbliest of them. And it's great, I love goth girls who can be cheerful.
Critter Coven
wtf I like muffy now
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I love Gadget, I just don't get the Russians.
That's not the meaning. A cult following is just a niche audience like Rocky Horror or The Big Lebowski.
They trust her. She's an engineer
The boy liked shaking his bottle so much he went to look for other people's bottles to shake

Velma was considered hot before we did, my dude. Other than that though, you are 100% correct. Most waifufags are stupid herd animals who move from girl to girl, creating horrendous r34 and encouraging even worse versions by reddit and tumblr on deviantart.
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