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Are you happy or sad that the age of female superheroes and villains

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Are you happy or sad that the age of female superheroes and villains dressing in skimpy outfits is over?
It isn't over, it is just on hiatus. It shall return
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This, and even then

When the fuck did Storm ever wear that?
If capeshit is gonna bend over backwards trying to take itself seriously then they should take their costumes seriously.
Gleeful. Finally, I'll be able to take these characters somewhat seriously. It's difficult to get invested in a story when the characters dress like strippers.
It wouldn't work with the tone of today's comics and a lot of the designs were horrible. Shame that 90's artist prioritized tits, I would have loved some booty during the lewd age.
Thank god capeshit finally realized that Skimpy doesn't mean sexy.
And yet Spider-Man's costume is still trying to violate him 24/7. Thank god.
Since when? As long horny nerds are buying this stuff, it's never over.
It's not why I got into comics and it's usually more corny as shit than not, but it's nice to look at every once in a while.
Depends on the design
I really fucking hate shit artists who shove high heels on every female hero/villain because GUESS WHAT FEMALES WEAR HIGH HEELS
>ITT tons of fucking cucks
What if they go full frontal instead?
Storytimes of pain taught me nudists are fucking creepy.
Luckily you're a virgin and you can't cuck the uncuckable.
You don't have to lack virginity to get cucked. The prerequisite for getting cu ked is being in a romantic relationship with another individual. Not necessarily a sexual relationship.
The problem is heels are really bad for crimefighting. Unless the heroine can fly, she'll have a really hard time running and kicking with her five-inch hookerboots.
Mi libro, Luna de Plutón, está siendo un éxito de ventas en las librerías de habla hispana, por favor léelo, sé que te va a encantar
People who have to wear business clothes to meetings?

I hate it when every female character gets high heels unless they can fly, that shit just isn't comfortable to stand on or especially run in
and yet people don't often complain about heels being "impractical"
Female heroes with superhuman strength should weak few clothes, like female boxers or female ufc fighters.
on some characters armour is ridiculous
In the video game Marvel Nemesis
Thats what Im talking about
Sometimes the artist wants to give the character a somehow functional costume but then give them high heels on the simple virtue that the character is female
I mean seriously look at this shit. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
If people cared about functional/practical as much as they say, they would ask for both Hawkeye to wear full body bulletproof suit (with light material, like X-Men uniforms) and for bulletproof heroes like Colonel Carol or Blue Marvel to wear less clothes
And lot of pouches for everybody
Combat sports would be so much better if the fighters didn't dress like strippers. It'd be fun to watch people fight if I didn't have to see all that flesh slapping around.

>implying super strength=bulletproof
You're kind of a fucking idiot, you know that?
Kind of sad. It seems as if these days female cape characters, if they aren't quirky womanchildren then they are strong yet sassy girl scouts. Sex symbols aren't allowed as much anymore.


>if the fighters didn't dress like strippers
What kind of fights are you watching?
They dress like that so they can keep cool and so they don't have extra clothing for people to grab onto.
lol. This is why that tacticool bullshit took off. People forgot that comics were supposed to be escapism, not supposed to be "muh realism".

It's funny that more people bitch about females wearing high heels in combat than Superman "breathing in space".

Also if we are worrying so much about "realism" in comics, then why aren't people bitching about Batman's Cape? How would a guy be able to fight 10 guys in a alley way, with a long piece of heavy material hanging from his back that could be pulled,grabbed or be caught on something?
You can't cuck someone that has never and will never have sex.
I don't think you know what a cuckold is.
>What kind of fights are you watching?
None. Every time I see and add for a boxing or MMA match, I pass on it because all I can think is that I'd be watching a glorified game of grabass.

>keep cool
Are the buildings hosting the arenas not air conditioned?
Nigga you are going fucking 15 rounds shit is sweaty as fuck
It coincides with the rise of the nerds, I'd say. Now, soft sci-fi is disregarded and everything has to be as ~realistic~ as possible.
And here I thought tacticool bullshit took off because it look cool.
Probably because I can't relate to breathing in space or fighting ten dudes while wearing a cape, but I can relate to wearing high heels for ten hours straight

Mundane stuff sticks out more than fantastical stuff
Sure, if you're fighting in a boiler room.

Tacticool became popular because it looks slightly less fucktarded than the hooker clothes.

Nobody is demanding that fiction be more realistic. If they were, none of these characters would be having adventures with fantastical elements in the first place, they'd be sitting at home watching TV and bitching about having to go to their shitty jobs. You're projecting.
Yes the absolutely do.
>quirky manchild and snarky yet caring asshole
Let's not pretend that male characters have a wide variety of flavors here.
Have you ever played a sport or been in a fight?
>Sure, if you're fighting in a boiler room
I don't think you've ever been in a fight. Or seen a wrestling match.
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Pic related is Moondragon's All-new All-different design. Look at that and tell me it's not a skimpy outfit. Or how about Lady Hellbender over in Totally Awesome Hulk. Bitch has her tits and ass hanging out in every scene and is drawn by the king of cheesecake.

Just because we're no longer in the 90s levels of every female character running around half-naked doesn't mean that skimpy outfits don't exist anymore.
>what is suspension of disbelief
That isn't that skimpy of an outfit. That is more than most girls wear IRL
We need more Lycra and spandex, bring back the high waist unitards! Superheroes are ridiculous already so I don't see a problem dressing them up like hookers from space. I respect that more than the fake tacticool b.s we have going on. If they could take Power girl's boob window and make it a vag window I'd be even happier.
>Nobody is demanding that fiction be more realistic. If they were, none of these characters would be having adventures with fantastical elements in the first place, they'd be sitting at home watching TV and bitching about having to go to their shitty jobs. You're projecting.
Yeah you missed the point entirely. Take The Martian. It is fiction. But at the same time it is "realistic", in that it could theoretically happen IRL. That is what people like to see. Even with superheroes we see them more grounded to reality than in stories of the past.

And stop with the buzzwords
Wow, Argentinian memes. Who do you expect will get this?
>the age of female superheroes and villains dressing in skimpy outfits
I think he meant the time where it was common place not that they don't do it at all.
>Tacticool became popular because it looks slightly less fucktarded than the hooker clothes.

Comics are inherently silly. You have men fighting crime in their underwear. Tacticool is boring as fuck. It's what cape movies did in the 90's early 2000's because they thought the comic accurate costumes looked silly. Hence X-Men wearing black tight leather.

Tacticool is a fad, a boring one too. The Extreme 90's were retarded but at least it was fun. At least they were creative in how stupid they looked most of the time. Now a days a super hero is wearing a fucking biker jacket and khakis and calling it a costume.

It's shit.
>Even with superheroes we see them more grounded to reality than in stories of the past.

This. It's even happening with videogames. now and it sucks.
>Are you happy or sad that the age of female superheroes and villains dressing in skimpy outfits is over?
are you sure about that?
there is always fan arts
Are you complaining that hard sci-fi exists?

>Comics are inherently silly.
They don't have to be.

>Tacticool is boring as fuck.
To you maybe. But then, you sound like the kind of nerd who doesn't like anything anyway.
It looks like a perfectly normal bathing suit, not everyday wear
Mostly happy
I like sexy costumes but ones like that (on most characters, it works on a few) usually just look dumb as fuck
You remind me of one of those assholes who like comics but are ashamed of that so you need some sort of realism/maturity angle to make yourself feel better about it. I see the same thing with videogame nerds these days and it's pretty amusing on both fronts.

Also it doesn't take much "imagination" to have someone running around in a regular jacket and jeans to fight crime. It's lame.
>Who gives a shit

There's one in every thread.
>You remind me of one of those assholes who like comics but are ashamed of that so you need some sort of realism/maturity angle to make yourself feel better about it.
That's called having standards, retard. I like to read about people going on fantastical adventures, but I'd also like to be invested in them as people, and I can't care about someone who dresses like a total moron.

>Also it doesn't take much "imagination" to have someone running around in a regular jacket and jeans to fight crime.
And having character run around in swimsuits is just the height of creativity, right?

>It's lame.
No, the hooker clothes are lame and make the character look like idiots. Do you have an actual argument, or are you just in denial about wanting softcore porn?

I'm not really into fanservice

>Superheroes are ridiculous

Says who?
I'm going to split the difference here and say that skimpy costumes and cheesecake are fine as long as they're appropriate for the story they're trying to tell. Empowered is the perfect example of a story driven by cheesecake that works just fine.

But for the more serious superhero fare? I'd like my heroines/villainesses to dress up like somebody who's about to kick some ass, not like they're about to grind on a pole. Can you even take someone like Emma Frost seriously? She literally dresses like a stripper.

Pic related is what I'd like to see more of. Ivy's outfit here is a great redesign that still keeps her sex appeal but also allows you to take her seriously. She looks like she could be a real threat.
>I'm going to split the difference here and say that skimpy costumes and cheesecake are fine as long as they're appropriate for the story they're trying to tell.
Fuck you and your bullshit compromises. If a character starts posing like a whore, I'm tossing your shitty book into the fucking trash.
I'm sorry, but have you read comics ever? Superheroes are some of the most ridiculous, over the top character concepts we have. Everything about them is silly. Batman is a crazy dude dressed up as a bat. Superman is an alien that was shot to earth in a rocket by his parents just before his planet explodes. They literally call him Superman. He's a man, only SUPER! Wolverine is a mutant with super smell powers that gets thrown into battle by a man made out of organic steel and he has a team mate that is a blue monkey bear, as well as british mind swapped asian psychic ninja and his team was run by a bald telepath in a wheelchair. I could go on. Superheroes are both amazingly awesome and absolutely ridiculous.
Please fuck off and die you crybaby prude, go read some more Frank the mass murderer and masturbate to your hyper realistic gritty grim dark tacticool garbage.
You know there are comics other than superhero ones. Some of them are even made in foreign countries.

With that "reasoning" any work of fiction is ridiculous.
Well seeing as cuckold means man with a promiscuous wife and that anon has made it clear he's no intent of getting married neither do you.
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>Superheroes are some of the most ridiculous, over the top character concepts we have.

Not even fucking close
You know, even if that was the case(I don't read The Punisher), it'd still better than worshiping glorified softcore porn, to the detriment of good storytelling and interesting characters.
Not at all, this is simply pointing out very basic facts about the characyers . Nothing is being played up. Romeo and Juliet can be made to look absurd if you exaggerated aspects of the plot, but if told in a bold and straightforward manner it is the tragic romance it was meant to be. Nothing about what I said about the comic characters was exaggerated.
Wolverine is a short grizzled dude that walks around sniffing things all the time (he literally does this. They have 'nif nif' effects for it.) and tucks into a ball so a large Russian made of steel can throw him at their enemies. These are some of the defining themes in wolverine stories. This at face value is ridiculous. In the con text of the stories they are presented in, it is still pretty fucking ridiculous.
>Nobody is demanding that fiction be more realistic.
Superheroes are some of the most ridiculous over the top character concepts we have. They are joined by video game characters, but I don't know why you bothered posting liefeld fan
The angry nerd pixies floating around in your imagination do not count, anon.
You write as if the depiction of hot chicks in skimpy outfits makes you angry. How is it a detriment? The stories can't be good because of cheesecake? The characters aren't good because they show a little skin? The writing is affected by the art? Was sincity garbage because it had t&a or because the writing was poor? Please stop being so angry at the sight of women not wearing bullet proof burkas.
>How is it a detriment? The stories can't be good because of cheesecake?
No, because it's distracting and annoying as hell.

>The characters aren't good because they show a little skin?
No, because showing off skin makes them look like idiots with little to no common sense.

>The writing is affected by the art?
Of course the writing is affected by the art, dumbass. It's a comic book.

>Please stop being so angry at the sight of women not wearing bullet proof burkas.
I could take a lot more characters seriously if they wore bulletproof burkas. At least they'd be wearing some form of protective gear.

>This at face value is ridiculous.

Only if you confuse premise with the tone of narrative which you seem to be doing a lot.

You don't even know what's going on in that picture, do you, capefag?
I don't think anyone is saying a good story can't have cheesecake but it can be distracting. Cheesecake is usually cheeky, lighthearted, and fun. Tonally it clashes with a post-apocalyptic story, for example, or something that's supposed to be really serious. I personally like cheesecake because I'm a straight dude but even I'll admit there's a time and place for it.
I don't know if it's really over. I'm glad it's a bit more sensitive now though, because it really depends on the context of the character. If your character dresses skimpy it might work against what you're trying to get across or be incredibly distracting if you don't have a good reason for it. That's why pic related bothered me so much when I watched GitS, but on the other hand you can have someone like Shanna who is always semi-naked because she is a jungle woman.

tl;dr context is king
>I don't think anyone is saying a good story can't have cheesecake
I am. Go fuck yourself, you goddamned twelve year old.

>implying premise and tone can be separated
Not how that works, dude.
A lot of what you say is subjective opinion but you are an absolute moron for saying art and writing go hand in hand. A story can be amazing and have art that doesn't do it justice, or the art can be fantastic but the writing fails it. You are trying to say a story suffers from the addition of cheesecake, but that's just your opinion. I think that cheesecake can be perfectly acceptable and with it a story can still maintain it's strength. The problem is that you are getting super serious about something that for the most part, is not super serious.
You are an idiot. You don't recognize sarcasm. Please die you fucking retard.

>Not how that works, dude.

Then maybe you would explain to me what's so different in premises of batman & robin and batman begins that made them so tonally different
Premise and tone of narrative both lend to the reader's understanding and opinion of a piece of work. Trying to make wolverine being thrown like a hand grenade serious is even more ridiculous.
>I think that cheesecake can be perfectly acceptable and with it a story can still maintain it's strength.
You're wrong though. How can you possibly remain invested in a story about characters who are by implication stupid as hell?

>A story can be amazing and have art that doesn't do it justice, or the art can be fantastic but the writing fails it.
Also wrong. This is comic books. If literally one half of the completed product has totally failed, then the whole thing fails. It's like if someone was missing an entire half of their brain. Sure, maybe they could function, but only just barely, and they haven't got long to live.
So what's stopping people from doing that for characters wearing high heels?
>Also wrong. This is comic books. If literally one half of the completed product has totally failed, then the whole thing fails. It's like if someone was missing an entire half of their brain. Sure, maybe they could function, but only just barely, and they haven't got long to live.
Holy shit.
Its only over if we let it be over.
I just realized that.
That looks really fucking stupid.

I'm very happy - if I want porn for my characters I have the internet.

I'll never forget being in my first year of Uni and wandering around town with some of the normies from my course. They took a friendly interest in me and joined me in looking around our local comic shop (A nice one, not the usual nerd hole), and the look on their faces when picking up comics was excruciating.

"Dude, this like... children's porn. This is so fucked up. Who the fuck draws this shit?"

Such an eye opener. You couldn't get away with that shit in other media: it's mostly pervy nerds holding it up.
Nothing is different. Batman is stupid premise, so anything that shares that premise has already failed because it's impossible to take seriously or be invested in.
I'm not wrong, that's my opinion. How can I invest myself in any character from a comic? Punisher is no more realistic than power girl or bikini storm. I choose to enjoy the comics I want to. I have Ennis's punisher and preacher runs in graphic novel format, but I don't enjoy Crossed. I own most of transmetropolitan but nothing from the invisibles. I invest in what I want to, not what you want me to. I can enjoy power girl's boob window and batman's hell bat armor at the same time.
Saddened, because it's just another sign that SJW's have more influence on comics than writers. I garentee you next time we see Selene The Black Queen, she will be toned down as far as her outfit is concerned. The last crazy sexy outfit that I saw and loved was Starfire's from Redhood and the Outlaws (that was the last time she was written to be an enjoyable character too, not that annoying thing in the cartoons.)

That's okay though, cause I know that soon enough we'll be back to how things were.

So Nolan's trilogy is ridiculous and over the top, is this correct?
Them fight scenes totally were, I couldn't believe that Batman was a master of all martial arts while watching any one of them movies
>You remind me of one of those assholes who like comics but are ashamed of that so you need some sort of realism/maturity angle to make yourself feel better about it

So the anon posting is Bendis?
>She literally dresses like a stripper.

Yes, and? She's a psychic dominatrix.
>I can enjoy power girl's boob window and batman's hell bat armor at the same time.
And for both of those, I'm going to call you out on your shit taste. Honestly, your opinion is shit, and "people" like you are why comics are so lacking in good stories.

Yes, because they are movies about a rich dude who beats up criminals while dressed up in a bat costume. The villain of the second installment is an evil anarchist clown who at one point crossdresses in a nurses outfit for fucks sake!

Batman, is inherently over the top stupid. And before you ask, yes, that DOES make it bad. To hell with this chucklefuck bullshit.
I used to be really annoyed by SJWs but now the backlash against them is so far in the other direction that I can't help but enjoy people getting buttmad about them getting their way. I guess I'm just an asshole like that.
Did you watch it? Of course it's ridiculous. No matter how much political commentary or flashy fight scenes he adds, it will still be a story about a man dressing up as a bat and beating people up. It is not realistic. You are meant to suspend belief in realism or it simply doesn't work. In reality batman gets shut down by the military the moment he drives his bat tank into the streets. In this make believe world of batmen and spooky gas attacks (the actual repercussions of which are ignored and rightly so) it is perfectly acceptable, and yet some how still silly. Bane was silly, the Joker was great and yet still silly, scarecrow was fucking goofy. Yes it was absolutely over the top.
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>Selene The Black Queen, she will be toned down
you are about 2 years too late bro.

Spider-Man's costume isn't skimpy, which is what made the Hawkeye """"""movement"""""" so retarded. The only major difference between women's and men's costumes from the 90's that wasn't simply an aspect of the difference between women's and men's fashion was that women's costumes were often these ridiculous outfits literally from strippers and pornos, which is a thing that has basically gone away years ago.

Complaining about idealized bodies and skintight clothing in fucking comic books is goddamn stupid, but asking for girls to at least wear something more than your average slave doujin character is reasonable. Look at the 80's costumes of Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk, they show plenty of leg and shoulder while still being comparable to the men's costumes. Women and men's fashion are inherently different.

How do you feel about gymnasts? Should the Olympics start instituting "cargo pants only" dress codes?
Lol you are a fucking crybaby and the only thing shit here is you and your fucking loser attitude. Was Watchmen shit? Yes or no. You don't want comics, you want boring police procedurals. You're the reason comics become boring Gary
Have. Go read phonograph or some crap slice of life bullshit meant for soap opera loving faggots like yourself.
wew someone's mad.
You make me embarrassed to like capeshit, fag.
Lol typing is hard.
But your name probably is Gary you're so fucking boring. I bet you don't like Prophet because there isn't enough skin covering ultra armor. Seriously, the only thing ruining comics are crybaby bullshit artists like you trying to tell people what they can and can't enjoy.
Ignore the shitposter. He shits up other threads to complain about comics, and has stated he hates reading comics but has no other options because he's autistic.

Grayson is a fun book and interesting direction for Dick
God fucking damnit
>How do you feel about gymnasts?
Outrageously apathetic.

>Should the Olympics start instituting "cargo pants only" dress codes?
Maybe they should make swimsuits that don't make people look like whores.

Randomly attacking other genres only serves to make you seem like the cape obsessed nerd you are.
Hahaha is that it? Does that work? Does that shut other people down or something?
Are you an autistic robot wizard? I think the answer is an obvious yes.
If anything we need a cheesecake renaissance. More she-hulk and tigra. More unitards on crazy Asian ninja chicks.
>Does that shut other people down or something?
If it did, then I wouldn't shy away from talking to capefags in real life, because I'm afraid they'll be insufferable manchildren triggered by change like yourself even though we share interests.
Instead I just avoid eye-contact and look at my trade collection and whisper "I wish I could quit you".
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desu this is probably my favorite of Kris Anka's sexless redesigns, like it's something you could see Selene wear if she had to go grocery shopping or church.
Lol you avoid eye contact no matter what. I'm a manchild because I can enjoy cheesecake without getting worked up into a fit over a boob? Take a break, nobody would want to talk to you anyways. You probably try to have conversations in real life like you do on the internet and wonder why people don't include you in the group.
I still see some fucking ankle you goddamn pervert!
I know you're trying to be funny, but that is still a sexy dress
>Maybe they should make swimsuits that don't make people look like whores.

So showing leg equals whore now? Wow, I bow down to your superhuman ability to jump to conclusions.
It's actually not a bad design and works for the character.
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Yeah it's not like it's traditional for fighters to not have any cloths on.
I can only fap so many times today anon.
Storm is a fucking nudist. Her first comic appearance has her nude and Claremont continued it with all her 'shower' scenes. Her and Emma should stay skimpy cause its part of their characters. Same with Jessica Drew who manipulates people with pheromones.
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Blame, Nolan, Snyder, Singer, Feige and Diane Nelson
Sad As Fuck

Couldn't be happier. It completely takes me out of the story and I find it an insult to the readers' intelligence. I can only stand stuff like this in comedies and parodies, when you're supposed to be laughing at how ridiculous the behavior of the characters is. If your story is so shit that you need to put all the characters in skimpy outfits for it to sell, then maybe you should take a few writing classes.
Why do people always immediately cite Romans/Greeks when using historical examples?

Their civilizations fell. They are not a good example of anything. And traditions are almost never smart or practical things to do.

>So showing leg equals whore now?
I don't want to see your gross flesh, and you have no good reason to show it to me. I keep covered up when I go out, because I have a sense of consideration for others.
I stand by this as the worst casting choice in the entire MCU. Perhaps the entire capshit film medium as a whole. I don't think anything will surpass this shit.
To be honest she was not a gamora we really needed to see in that outfit. She had a booty yeah, but her angry Ru Paul face throws everything off.
>muh srs writing.
>muh mature comic book literature
Comics are a visual medium.
It really isn't over, and even if it were, frankly who gives a shit. Porn is so easy to find nowadays we don't need it in our comics. Plus there's always R34 if it means that much to you.
>Their civilizations fell.
All civilizations fall. This is what history teaches us.

Our current civilization will not last forever either.
Wow. This says a lot. You are an autist wizard of the highest order and we thank you for keeping your disgusting cheese skin under wraps. The rest of us however are able to handle the sight of skin when we go to the beach.
Suspension of belief is accepting the fantastical elements of a story.
>Porn is so easy to find nowadays we don't need it in our comics.
You're the reason why Playboy magazine is dead now.
And they should make sense visually. It doesn't make sense to put the master martial artist in fishenets and high heels.
>And they should make sense visually.
That's entirely subjective.

Ok anon.
I should beat your fat ass so at least you know what a work out is. But instead you will just sit in your mother's basement eating pizza and drinking pop and never know a day of work in your life.

You are the reason for the geek stereotype, get a fucking job, sweat a little and make a fucking life.
Well there's also /a, /tv, oh wait we're on 4chan so just everything here is a joke, might as well get in on the laugh.
>Our current civilization will not last forever either.
Thank fucking goodness for that.

So, you basically just have no argument whatsoever, right? Because you're not actually saying why you object to the views of your opponent.

>The rest of us however are able to handle the sight of skin when we go to the beach.
One can only speculate how. Human skin is a waxy, porous, grease-drenched nightmare.

So give me visuals that are cohesive with the story. You want to establish this chick as a stone cold badass? Having her spine contort in inhuman ways and dressed like she's going to a strip club are the worst possible visuals for conveying this point.
Of course it's dead, why pay for a subscription to a magazine just to see a few naked women every month when you can go online whenever you want and see an infinite number of women, not just naked, but engaging in any sex act imaginable?

Are you seriously crying about Playboy, the magazine that's been obsolete for almost two decades?
>You want to establish this chick as a stone cold badass?
No, I don't. Female characters like that are a dime a dozen. Sexbomb females are extinct and need to return.
>Can you even take someone like Emma Frost seriously
Yes, she uses her sex appeal for its advantage. She has never been afraid to use all the tools in her toolbox, she doesn't give a shit about other peoples opinions of her she just does what is for the best and takes advantage of whatever abilities she has.
Ambivalent. You can take them away in books but you can't control my thoughts. In my mind I am free. And there are tittymonsters everywhere.
Everything you say about how you regard the human body is pathetic and warns people that you are autistic and wizardly. You are not my opponent, you hold views so far out there we aren't even in the same discussion. You view the human body, regardless of appearance or level of fitness 'gross', whereas I enjoy sexuality and celebrate the physical form.

And jumping the shark is when you go too far and break the suspension. Having a chick in a bikini fighting a bunch of dudes with machine guns and the story still take itself seriously just breaks the suspension.
I'll be honest I do not mind the drift away from the skimpy costume. I think theres a time and a place for it depending on the character. Namor will never not make sense wearing little to nothing, Likewise Emma Frost, makes sense dressing in more outrageous clothing.

But people love to use the word 'pandering' to describe what comics do these days for SJW's and female readers and minorities. That shit back then was pandering to. It was drawing big titties with not much covering them in silly poses that are there for no reason but to show off tits and ass for the sol expression of spoon feeding you horn-slop.
Sexy and even sexualized characters are cool in my book. but id love for the character to come first rather than how 'hawt' they look in a few buckles and straps. and i'm not gonna ball up my wittle fists and cry 'SJWS RUIN EVERYTHING' just because Psylocke doesn't dress in a blue bathing suit anymore.
>a visual medium has to make sense visual
Are you sure it's subjective?
I agree with everything but the Emma Frost thing. Her overtly sexual appearance is part of her character and personality.
When they had for instance Sue storm dressing like that though...it was kinda dumb.

>Sexbomb females are extinct

HAHAHA! One, my point wasn't to put more female badasses in comics, it was that the visuals need to convey this fact when you introduce one, just like how a sex bomb female will flaunt her looks when the occasion calls for it. Two, sexbomb females are extinct? With at least two femme fatales in every major male superhero title??
Robot body. Why would she wear pants? She's covering her vagina and nipples because its legally required, she has a jacket for pockets. Also, while she doesn't get naked in the series she has to in order to wear the invisibility cloak she did in the movie.

Why would she care what she wears? She never has and would probably go nude if she legally could.
>Everything or Nothing

This mentality is what's wrong with everything today, you have to be one way or another, there's no room to just be.

not everyone likes their food either spicy or bland, there's always room for a middle ground.
>see sexually liberated alien girl
>turn into 'you want sucky fuck fuck' living blow up doll
Yeah that was brilliant.
It's a robot body that looks exactly like a real one, and she goes out in public in a society where nobody else dresses like that. It's just a bizarre design choice.

she looks frumpy and uncomfortable to be there.
>that gloss
so it's true, the "skin" of that costume really is latex
>With at least two femme fatales in every major male superhero title??
Name 4 that dress provocatively in current comics. CURRENT comics.
Makoto doesn't really have a sense of her body as a human though. She would have sex with a kid just because he was curious. It mentally doesn't bother her . She acknowledges her skin but doesn't think of it the way people do.
>You view the human body, regardless of appearance or level of fitness 'gross',
Because it is. You, me, and everyone else is a writhing mass of meat, blood, fat, and bones. This is an objective fact.

>whereas I enjoy sexuality and celebrate the physical form.
Why? Rather, how? How can you possibly find anything alluring about visceral tissue and stretchy membranes full of holes which expel salty fluid? And how can you be proud of it?

>Yes, she uses her sex appeal for its advantage.
Which makes her a whore. Emma Frost is a whore, anon.
The material is too thick and the sash is so high its making the fucking costume look like it has built in mom jeans.

Honestly i would have rather they gone with the modern full on skin tight body suit.
Oh and chosen real fucking actress.
Harley quinn
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What's the diffrence between Starfire asking someone if they want to has sex and Dick asking someone if they want to have sex anon? I was never able to figure this one out.

Also, I know it's painful to do, but if you read more than that one page of RatO you'll see why I liked that version of Kori so much. I just wish that comic wasn't so bad.
Wrong. A whore has no advantages.
Well they're both male fantasies. When Starfire ask for sex we imagine she's askong us and when Dick ask for sex we see ourselves as him.
Star's current comic is hardly provocative at all, at least I don't find it to be, infact it's incredibly generic.

Magik, aside from being barefoot, has actually put more cloths on since leaving the cast of Uncanny X-Men.

Harley Quinn is a dumb slut who should dress like a whore
The Greeks and Romans are cited because it is them more than any other civilization that has influenced our current one.

I am a bit of a nudist i hate clothes they are impractical unless you are cold. I've worked in a few bars and been lucky enough to never have to wear a shirt. Women go to clubs and wear little clothes especially at raves because those get fucking hot! So fuck your sensibilities,you want to not be offended by seeing skin. You are exactly what is wrong with the left these days, your right to not be offended is bullshit. I should be able to wear what i want or not wear what i want (unless I'm at work).

And that is why Hercules is the best Marvel hero. He doesn't give a shit, he wants people to be free of social constraints.
I dunno whats the context of Dick doing it. Because with starfire heres what I read (and yeah sorry its what caused me to groan and put the book down as so much pandering garbage).
Starfire emerges from the water in a series of 'look at all that orange skin dont it make you horny' way. It didn't set up a funny moment or an awkward moment. It was just 'hey here look at this'. Then she walks up to green arrow junior and goes 'want some fuk' and hes surprised for a second then cool about it.
It didn't seem to serve any purpose beyond going 'hey look at how willing this alien lady is to fuck immediately'. It didn't give insight into her culture or her character. It was just there to present her as a super hot lady who will fuck immediately. It was some nerd fantasy pandering and done in a way that i think took away from the character.
You are insane. This is an objective fact. If what you have said is what you truly feel and not just super bait, you are insane. We as a species are served better by the fact you, most likely willingly, will not reproduce. You are the broken link in the circle of life. Do not ask me why, ask yourself why not? What part of your mind has been scarred, what part of your brain is damaged? That is the question. I have no answers for you, and fear what spells you may try to cast with all your wizardly might.
>when Dick ask for sex we see ourselves as him.
maybe we imagine ourselves the other person
No, I'm asking for a diffrence, not how they are similar, from what I gather fans of the characters only complain about casual sex when it comes from Kori. Even this bit here isn't enough to diminish Dick's rep, whereas if it was Kori, plowing Jason right before inviting Jim to her and Dick's wedding fans would be up in arms and foaming at the mouth. Just strange ro me is all.
This just demonstrates how much of a dick Dick is. What kind of jackass would ever do that?
She would prefer to to wear anything. She compromising.
I doubt that's true but even if it was, so what?

Capefags only care about 2 things: fanservice (in any form) and brand loyalty. The past 70 years prove that they'll keep buying this shit no matter what DC/Marvel do.
>I should be able to wear what i want or not wear what i want
Not anywhere I can see you, faggot. There are public decency laws for a reason. Go back to your filthy nudist colony and stay there.

>Do not ask me why, ask yourself why not? What part of your mind has been scarred, what part of your brain is damaged?
The only thing damaged is my eyes when some screeching ape decides to flash their disgusting body at me.
Right, have a miserable virgin life then. The human body is very enjoyable to touch and taste.
People complained about Kori's casual sex ecounters because she was emotional cold and detached.
One of Batman's kids?
>complains about public indecency
>never leaves the basement
You almost had me. Almost. Seriously, I almost believed you. You are good sir, and nearly had me on the line.
Oh yeah right, then it makes perfect sense.

>Oh and chosen real fucking actress.

If it wasn't Munn they would've went with some british goblin from GoT.
i appriciate that theres more practical logic put into someones costume (especially if theyre going out fighting and shit) but if it works for a character to be skimpy it works
why not both? variety is good, after all people are diferent
and a banana hammack cape just for kicks
>How can you possibly find anything alluring about visceral tissue and stretchy membranes full of holes which expel salty fluid? And how can you be proud of it?

I could maybe have understood the points you made towards the beginning of the thread (assuming that was you), but statements like this suggest that you not only have a problem with sex and women in comics but that you have significant and possibly unhealthy hang-ups with sex in general. Sex is a part of life for (most of ) us, so of course it's going to have a place in comics. The question is to what extent it should be depicted, and if Big 2/cape comics currently do a good job or an egregious or gratuitous job of it.
See, here's the issue with your argument. Just because sex is a part of life, doesn't make it a good thing. Cyanide and war are part of life too, does that mean we should celebrate it? Fuck no. So why the hell should we celebrate sex?

>you have significant and possibly unhealthy hang-ups with sex in general
Excuse me for not being particularly proud about being a filthy animal programmed to be nigh obsessed with sticking my dick in every hole I see. Are you actually okay with that kind of existence? Don't you find it the least bit hollow that this is how your reality is? Cause I do, this is a shitty way for life to function.
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Wanting more out of life than being a walking sperm bank is "edgy" now? Sure thing, pal.
Go back to your fucking SDLG shit group you fucking faggot
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why would any sane heterosexual male not want to see women in skimpy outfits??
grew up in Africa people are surprised she doesn't wear lots of clothing
'Cause I'm trying to read a story and slutwear is very distracting.
If capeshit wants to be taken seriously it shouldn't be capeshit in the first place.

It's a genre that falls apart when you try and make things practical.
>Harley Quinn is a dumb slut who should dress like a whore

Ah, and there it is. Someone who can't come up with a constructive argument so he just pulls insults out of his ass. Buddy, you're going to have to resort to google if you want to see drawings of women in slutty outfits presented seriously. Deal with it.
Harley Quinn IS a dumb slut who dresses like a whore. Whether one means it as an insult or not, it's true.

>Buddy, you're going to have to resort to google if you want to see drawings of women in slutty outfits presented seriously.
And this is why comic books have been reduced to script fodder, because nerds will fight to the death to keep the comics themselves terrible.
it just made me realize i also have a fetish for women in uniform

it's a win/win situation
A lot of anons here are missing the fact that a chick can be very sexy without dressing like a slut
>without dressing like a slut
>skin tight leather dress.
Am I the only anon who believes this "above biological needs" anon have been called on his bullshit multiples times, and every now and then he resorts to samefag to keep his bait thread alive?
>People forgot that comics were supposed to be
stopped reading right there
And a lot of anons are missing that fanservice distracts from telling a good story. You either have to devote your resources to proper storytelling, or to cheesecake, you can't allocate to both and expect a good product.
Moodragon is known having sci fi bikinis all the time

>expecting cho to not draw skimpy women
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But anon that outfit is horrible.
Forgetting the "sluttiness" bullshit the giant cat face is idiotic. All that outfit is, is her old one with tacky cat eyes and the white trim taken away.
Even if you don't like sluttiness, that's a poor solution to it.
I don't think I buy that. Maybe if it's poorly done but if you're just completely taken out of the story because something mildly titillating happened that sounds more like an issue with the reader than the writer/artist.
but it's selene

she's a sadistic whore-queen of rome that wouldn't be found dead going to the groceries

she's the kind of person constantly wants to emanate sex. hell she sacrifices people to look younger
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>And a lot of anons are missing that fanservice distracts from telling a good story.
Does it?

I wouldn't say so. Ripley in her underwear didn't undermine Alien.
I like how none of you could be bothered to actually answer the question. Probably because the only answers are "Yes" thus you'd have to agree with me, "losing" the argument, or "No" and making yourselves look like simpleton retards.
>I'm above biological needs

The main female character in my new comic is completely nude, and Image loved the concept. So looks like the bare super heroine aren't over yet.
>Their civilizations fell

BAHAHAHAHA, my God you're actually using this as an argument. I thought your type only existed in Tom Kratman books.
What argument?

All desires, including the ones you deem superior to sex drive, are just chemical reactions in your brain. There's no reason to consider any of them better than any other.
>Ripley in her underwear didn't undermine Alien.
Yes it did. Skivvies add unintentional humor to a scene that's supposed to be scary.

I certainly try to be. And honestly, nobody NEEDS to fuck. Maybe they need to rub one out every now and then, but nobody actually needs to fuck anybody else. Nothing's going to explode if you don't get laid.
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I read somewhere that Munn insisted on the swimsuit costume
>That's why pic related bothered me so much when I watched GitS
They actually did explain it. She dresses up like a sex doll as an expression of how she doesn't consider that body "hers". It's a mass-produced model and it's not a part of her self-identity.

You'd have less bodily modesty if there were hundreds of people out there who look exactly like you and people have seen those ones naked already.

that's well and good but I imagine even in the future most militarizes have some kind of dress code
>stories where people with ridiculous superpowers, colorful skintight costumes and attention-grabbing titles solve problems by skipping all due process and just beating up obvious bad guys with similar costumes/powers/names
>But if these costumes show too much skin it's just silly
>Yes it did. Skivvies add unintentional humor to a scene that's supposed to be scary.
To you, maybe. The vast majority of audiences found it scary AND sexy, but not less scary and definitely not funny.
What insults? Anon is right.

It's absolutely in-character for Harley to dress the way she does.
Poison Ivy is effectively a nymph. She seduces her enemies and turns them into thralls or destroys them. Wearing an awkwardly designed black latex suit doesn't seem to go well with this theme when in the past, the design worked around a naturalist look. Yes, this meant a lot of tasteful side boob and implied lewd, but that was her character.

Poison Ivy is a poor example for reasonably covering up a female character.
some artists did draw Poison Ivy full nude for a while there.
>scary AND sexy
... That's sick.

>There's no reason to consider any of them better than any other.
Sexual desires lead to shattered relationships, violence, rape, immuno-deficiency diseases, prejudice, annoying neckbeards drooling over shitty artwork, and (in one very memorable case) war.

So yeah, sex has quite a bit going against it.
Help me, anons! I don't have enough tips fedora images to describe how utterly cringe inducing this guy is!
She's part of a private extralegal security force run by one guy with ridiculous loophole-abusing skills, and she's the best they have.

They let her dress however she wants because it doesn't affect anyone's ability to do their jobs.
>people can't have different personalities in Africa.

Oh cause nudists only exist in America
That being said, she does decide to start wearing pants in the second season.
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ugh who let all of the feminazi sjw retarded safe space college kids in here? fuck off back to tumblr with your bullshit, if they aint fucking each other in detail its not porn heroes can dress or be dressed by the artist how ever they want, if you dont like it then dont read it you fucking idiots!

no one outside of reddit and tumblr likes you feminists sjw morons! nobody, the whole world is getting sick of your shit! its not ok for you to keep trying to ruin movies games and comics by telling people what they should like and how fictional characters should dress and act, right and draw a book or program a game yourself you self important overly pretentious fucking pricks, you sjw feminists people are absolute garbage and the diarrhea of our current society!

speaking a foreign language on an english speaking board,,, for what purpose do you type this gibberish?

this guy fucken gets it!


She did. And when they were making it black she fought back and told them it has to be purple.

your a literal idiot
Or just Replace the She Hulk will a Buxom powerhouse of a tittymonster. Imagine a black porn starlet who bulks out when exposed to semen.
Seriously, you guys have no argument whatsoever. That's kind of amazing.
>Sexual desires lead to shattered relationships, violence, rape, immuno-deficiency diseases, prejudice, annoying neckbeards drooling over shitty artwork, and (in one very memorable case) war.

Lack of it also leads to broken relationships, sexual violence, major aggression, and all sorts of other mental and physical problems. Sex is healthy, both mentally and physically. Europe medical community has understood this and will give severely d issabled people money for prostitutes. Sex isn't just wham bam thank you mame. It connects people with humanity in a way you don't get any other way.

I'm not saying it doesn't have its darker side but sex makes you connect with life. It is important and healthy to every individual, unless you are an enlightened one like monks who meditate and shun all desire. Then denial is a tool.

Go and find a girlfriend, experiment and hopefully have sex with someone you care about,not a one night stand
So much salt
Sounds outdated, we need to modernize.
We're getting left behind in the sexy game.
Out of touch nerds let out of wack feminists delude them into believing the modern world is devoid of gratuitous sexuality. But it's simply different. We need to look to other media and how they handle it.
Then we need to interpret it for the comics medium.
So y'know, more ass injections.
>Sex is healthy, both mentally and physically.
>It connects people with humanity in a way you don't get any other way.
It's much healthier to see someone as a person and not as an ambulatory fucktoy. Seems like if you need to have sex with someone to have a good relationship with someone, you're both just using each other.

>It is important and healthy to every individual,
How presumptuous. As before, nobody absolutely needs to fuck, it is not necessary, and there are more cons than pros to the act itself and the repercussions of it.
Right up there with Nuke as one of the absolute worst handlings of a character in the MCU.
Damm you, this was a few pages away from dying. Why didn't you sage?
You seem to think that loving someone sexually and loving them as a person are conflicting, rather than feelings that encourage each other.
Sad to lose the TnA, glad to lose the heels.

God, heels look dumb.
>You seem to think that loving someone sexually and loving them as a person are conflicting
That's because they are.
>hates the celebration of the necessary
I bet the Food Network triggers you into a coma.
They are not at all. The reason we have them both is to encourage lasting sexual relationships, so that we keep reproducing and sticking around to care for the kids.
>keep reproducing
>implying this is a good thing
Uh huh.

>>I have never had sex
Damn right I haven't, and I don't want to either.
This attitude, which certain blithering idiots earnestly hold, is why I wish all men would stop donating sperm. Frankly, we'd then need the same individuals who bomb abortion clinics to bomb the sperm banks and wipe out all the reserve stock.
>She did. And when they were making it black she fought back and told them it has to be purple.

You know I don't really know how good an actress she is or how the movies gonna be

but everything I see about her in it really gives me the impression that's legit trying. And compared to some others, well she got my respect
I just wish they had cooler outfits. Usually end up being sexier for it as well.
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I always felt it wasn't ever really the costumes so much as well, shit like this.

The costume itself is really no more revealing than a gym leotard or a swimsuit but the way artists contort the bodies in ways that defy anatomy and physics just to get an ass shot is just jarring at best
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most skimpy outfits are incredibly boring. cleavage, no cleavage, pants, no pants, whatever, just make it aesthetically interesting
You ever hear the saying, "Don't knock it 'til you've tried it?"

Your ignorance on the subject is clearly poking out of your argument.

Also, a birth rate of at least 2 per couple is necessary for life to be sustainable. Otherwise the retired outnumber the working who support them, and everyone struggles to make ends meet.
Nah it's the costumes they bitch about
Then do please explain to poor ignorant me why sex is necessary for any reason. I'm sure you'll cite reproduction, vital to preserving our species and our approximately zero worthy accomplishments. Can't wait to hear about that.
>ITT: sour grapes

well that's why their complaints are often disregarded as being petty and dumb. If they took the more logical approach I think everyone would be a bit happier to compromise
Holy fuck I hate weekend /co/. That's when all the new age faggots and vitriolic asexuals come out.
It's about a necessary as art or friends.
Define "necessary".

If you mean purely in terms of survival: To prevent an aging population. If nobody had kids they would die as soon as they couldn't work anymore.
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It's over only temporarily. These things are cyclical, and the pendulum will swing back.

That said, what I want is a spectrum. I want every sort of outfit from basically normal clothes to "she would be arrested instantly if she walked around in that", and all steps between them. Variety is the spice of life. Spliff of lime. Something.

Also, attention needs to be paid to what kind of character is in question. A designated slut character such as, say, Catwoman, should never dress "realistically". On the other hand, somebody like Renee Montoya should always stay within the boundaries of decency, because that's just the type of characters they are.
I mean in terms of anything. In the greater scheme of things, why is sex necessary? Will it prevent the heat death of the universe? Will it stop everything you or anyone else has or ever will do from becoming 100% pointless? No? Then it's pointless.

If you don't want people to express their opinions about certain subjects, don't make threads, you little bitch.
>it's coming
and so have I
>I mean in terms of anything. In the greater scheme of things, why is sex necessary? Will it prevent the heat death of the universe? Will it stop everything you or anyone else has or ever will do from becoming 100% pointless? No? Then it's pointless.

You sound like a highschooler going through his nihilist phase.
I can see why though, hide imperfections and establish a 'smooth lines' look (prevent skin from pushing out of those tiny openings on the top part of those gloves for example)
When you back up that much, there's no point to anything. Nothing has purpose without desires. Desires are what make us decide the value of anything.
>Nothing has purpose without desires. Desires are what make us decide the value of anything.
But our desires are artificial, merely a set of pre-programed chemical reactions to various stimuli. So really, nothing has any value since our desires are not real, and thus can't determine value.
How does being a chemical reaction make our desires "not real"? That's literally what a desire is and has always been.
>soft sci-fi is disregarded
Literally more popular than it has ever been
That is the exact opposite of what "artificial" means.
better idea: just force retired people to live somewhere else
I don't want to die when I'm too old to work and I don't think you do, either.

Are you the kind of person who would just leave your mother to die?
Our desires are determined by a process beyond our control, so it's not what we want, but what our base instincts demand of us. Human beings intrinsically lack the ability of self-determination due to this, so we don't actually want anything, we just seek out what our subconsciousness tells us to go after.
Those pre-determined instincts are exactly what "wants" are. Saying we don't have wants because they're beyond our control is nonsense.
But we don't have wants. We're merely puppets controlled by strings made of neurochemical compounds. A true desire would come directly from the consciousness itself, unbound by physical mechanisms.

That, sadly, is impossible as far as anyone is a aware, so we're stuck being puppets.
>A true desire would come directly from the consciousness itself, unbound by physical mechanisms.
According to who?

You're just making up your own definitions of "want" and "desire".
You, apparently a slave to biochemistry, argue against yourself. How can you lack the urge if you are a slave to subconscious? How can you not understand sexuality if it is a primal and undeniable need? If we are mere puppets, how can you say your strings are not pulled upon as they are for everyone else?
>>scary AND sexy
>... That's sick.
Have you watched Alien recently? The fact that sexuality can be fucking terrifying is a major motif of the film.
I gotta rub one out every now and then. I didn't say shit about having my strings pulled, dude.

It's slightly amusing, and totally sad the shit people make up to avoid the idea that some people just don't like fucking.
It's slightly amusing, and totally sad the shit people make up to avoid the idea they are undesirable tryhards better off as virgins.
So who is currently the sluttiest superheroine, and who's the sluttiest hero?
But Nuke was handled fucking great in JJ.
Harley is getting covered up after rebirth.
So Fucking what?
The skimpier the better
>And a lot of anons are missing that fanservice distracts from telling a good story.
That means a book that has it is made for the people that it is not distracting to in a non positive way, that means it's not made for you, you god damn selfish prick.

>You either have to devote your resources to proper storytelling, or to cheesecake, you can't allocate to both and expect a good product.
Bull Fucking Shit.
Storm or Scarlet Witch having cleavage has ZERO barring on the quality of the writing.
No one is asking for double page spreads of back broke poses.
We are asking they be posed the same as they would normally just have cleavage and revealing atire.
>It's much healthier to see someone as a person and not as an ambulatory fucktoy.
You can see someone as a person, friend and fucktoy/buddy and not want a serious relationship ship.
This idea that If your sleeping with someone but not having a dating romantic relationship with them equals not seeing them as a person needs to die in fire it's fucking bullshit.
Semi agree, I am one of the absolute strongest preachers in defense of Cheesecake out there and I am absolutely not asking for back broke poses, their will be plenty of other times when we could show her butt from a natural perspective that Land shot is retarded.
they didn't foreshadow enough his history of addiction, so him throwing away everything at the chance to get back on the reds came out of left field for anyone not familiar with the character

and honestly I don't think people would even really notice all that much if you draw a butt shot from a natural angle every few pages

the further you go for one the more you draw attention to it
>Storm or Scarlet Witch having cleavage has ZERO barring on the quality of the writing.
Yeah it does. It makes it clear that the creative team's priorities are on titlation and not the story. And the story will go out of its way to accommodate the fanservice.

>This idea that If your sleeping with someone but not having a dating romantic relationship with them equals not seeing them as a person needs to die in fire it's fucking bullshit.
Really, anon? You say this, and yet you're getting legitimately angry when someone wants to take your precious cheesecake away.
You don't see a lot of super heroine wearing high heels in comics nowdays. And when they do, a lot of artists can't draw them consistently.
She can fly...
Pissed cause in exchange I should actually get good stories, when in reality, We've lost the skimpy costumes and got bullshit semi-pandering stories that have the women barely fighting crime while acting like 14 year olds.
She was pretty grounded in the scenes against Doomsday
We need more tittah tittah tittah! Num num num gimmie milkies from them tittahs. Bounce them offa mah foreheaaaaad and tell me ah'm a bad boy! Slap them tittahs together and lemmie hear that CLAP! Hell yeah them tittahs give em a little jiggle, give em a little shake. Let's see them tittahs!
I'm said that the age of female superheroes and villains in skimpy outfits is over because the alternative is terrible. A superheroine's costume is supposed to be fashionable as fuck, not boring.
>women having cleavage breaks my immersion
So are you for or against comics being more "realistic"
I don't care either way if they're realistic or not. I just can't get invested in character who dress like strippers.
If superheroes existed in the real world the women would be wearing skin tight lulu lemon brand names and nylar sports bras. It would probably be even more scandalous than anything they've ever put in comics. We'd probably be straight up looking at taco and bootyholes flying through the sky all the time.
Honestly, the shift in personality bothered me a lot more than her outfit. And I'm pretty sure the movie would still work if she was a bit more agressive and cold.
>It makes it clear that the creative team's priorities are on titlation and not the story
Yes... because multi tasking isn't a thing.
>And the story will go out of its way to accommodate the fanservice.
Only if they are doing the elaborate poses and back broke bullshit which once again no one is asking for.
OK take this for example...
Take Cliff Chaing's Wonder Woman run, give us the exact same panels and poses that we got... only change being that for Cliff not to have drawn WW's breast plate almost up to her neck not allowing any cleavage to be visible.
That's is, it's that simple. That takes jack shit away from the story process.
>Really, anon? You say this, and yet you're getting legitimately angry when someone wants to take your precious cheesecake away.
And what the fuck does that have to do with seeing a fuck buddy as a person?
I can see a person, be interested in Sex and still see them as a fully rounded human being.
I can see a character in fiction, be interested in seeing them be presented visually sexually and still be interested in reading their story and pathos AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME!
There are no resources being "used up" by sexiness that would otherwise be applied elsewhere.
Whenever a female character fights these warlords and psychopathic supervillians I can't help but feel that their going to get raped for dressing like that.
In fact, you're telling us that you're so obsess with sex (for whatever reason) that any hint at sexuality breaks your immersion into a story, you just can't handle it.
I think it sucks that a lot of the replacement outfits are shit, and some of the skimpy outfits were iconic so it's a shame to see them go, but the skimpiness itself being gone doesn't really effect me positively or negatively.
That's your problem. Most people have more empathy than that.
Why would it matter how they're dressed? I can't imagine a cosmic warlord would look at a thin sheet of fabric and be like "ugh too much work to tear that off, guess I won't rape this bitch".
You don't see the person, you only see their ass. That's how your brain is programmed.

>Take Cliff Chaing's Wonder Woman run
I'd really rather not. Ever.
If you think about it, most of the villains in mainstream cape comics are actually really decent guys. They respect a woman's right to her own body even as they're using giant ultrahammers to mash them into the cores of dead planets.

If the villain was going to rape them then they'd do it regardless of how they dress
This is how your brain is programmed because you are a closet pervert.
So you think that if a woman has cleavage, she is a stripper? You realise how stupid that assumption is right?
I think you just have a person problem.
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3D > 2D

He seems like the type, but considering he's liking in his mom's basement, that'd be a bad thing.
fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum. if a scene resembles a stock cliche then you are inserting that subtext. 'scantily clad heroine gets defeated then raped' is such a cliche and if you don't want people to see the scene through such a lens don't have your heroine dress like red sonya.
>So you think that if a woman has cleavage, she is a stripper?
No, you're right. The more accurate word is ho.

Our brain is programmed like that because we're human. And that makes us a pretty shitty species.
Lol you are a retard. Humans are top tier species. You of course are a human animal, while I have passed my gom jabbar and have joined with the other thinking human people.
You are a human animal, and I am a human person. Reading your words is like reading the simple scratchings of a chicken in the dirt. Please consider suicide.
>You don't see the person, you only see their ass.
The definition of a ho is a prostitute. Since very few superhero women sell sex for money (aside from X-23), we must say that this is objectively wrong.
Ho does mean a women in a deragotory sense, which would make you right. But if it's being used in a derogatory fashion, we're not really being objective then now are we?
I reiterate, you just seem to have a personal problem.
>You don't see the person, you only see their ass. That's how your brain is programmed
No, that's how YOUR brain is programmed. Psychology does not suggest that sexual attraction inhibits romantic interest, but the opposite.
It's a mixed bag for me. While my penis is thankful for skimpy outfits and all and I'm going to miss them, I know they're pretty dumb. Unless the entire characters gimmick is to be a mattress actress, I don't see why they would dress like a whore.
Has anyone here actually tried being a vigilante with an outfit that was mostly leather? I have and it smells easily and you overheat and exhaust yourself very very quickly. skimpy clothing in a place like los angeles makes sense.
Hey woah buddy, settle down. Many of them are dressed like figure skaters, gymnists, female weight lifters, swimmers...
To be honest, most of what we're calling cheesecake isn't too far off from what women professional athletes already wear. Saying they're dressed like whores when they look like the Brazilian world games volleyball team is kind of a disservice to women in general. It's actually insulting if you think about it.
only useful if she is killing bad guys just like at the butchers, where heels where originally made/used if those infobites are true...
you still haven't figured it out?
people will see an argument on the front page and use quick reply to add their two cents, and only autists bother to preface with 'not that anon but....'
I find that answer a bit unsatisfactory.
Like yeah female athletes are typically low dressed because when done correctly wearing practically nothing is very practical however a lot of heroes male and female aren't half naked to practical means. Even the chicks who are just in leotards are typically in cuts and not "supported" the same way as a female gymnasts on top of having accessories that go against the "practicality".
It's pretty obvious that a lot of skimpy outfits are just because it's cool/sexy and that's fine every medium loves their ridiculous sex appeal , comics get a bum rap because they're just so desperate to seem mature.
Eh, I don't give a fuck. Maybe we should stop professional woman athletes from dressing like whores too. Since if it's too sexy and revealing for comics, it should be the same for the real world.
Except that it's more likely the latter. Remember what site you're on.
where in Africa?
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right well that brings me back to my point that it's the posses that are the problem.

Guys like sexy girls. That's never gonna change nor should it. You don't have to be ashamed for liking or for being sexy.

It's the Superman argument again. His suit is tight and shows off his power physic and musculature. You're flat out wrong if you say this isn't what women like.The counter to this is usually, "It's male power fantasy" and that is true so that being the case why not draw the women heroes in more dominant poses. Draw them as the ones in control of their clothes, their sex appeal and so on and so forth.

Draw power girl standing proud of her victories. Draw Psylocke standing firm flaunting the fact that she KNOWS she's deadly and hot as hell.

There's nothing about the costumes themselves that are bad. It's that they're being drawn by idiots who have the sexual maturity of a 7th grader.

Honestly I find confidence very attractive in women far more than the standard anime KYAAA Panty shot or twisted spine poses we see in comics
The problem with confident women is that those don't usually go for guys that don't at least have twice as much confidence.
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Felecia while showing off her clevage
>always tries to do what is right

Felecia covered up

Look Im not saying I DISAGREE but you're example was terrible.
You are a misogynist, you lack respect for women.
Most of those people complain regardless, though, so it's alright.

yeah there's that. I don't disagree that there's a lot we can improve on on the subject but it's not really near as bad as they would lead you to believe and frankly we shouldn't really worry too much about the people who don't read the books anyways.
I don't really care what other people think I am, I honestly just think it's silly reading a comic where it shows a band of heroes and the female is dressed and posed like a piece of meat.
The problem is that the people writing comics are too concerned with making comics into a 'serious' thing instead of something fun like they should be. Comics are flat out crazy already so who gives a fuck about being taken seriously. Just get back to fantastical stories about people flying around in their underwear.
Comics are already silly. Nothing will change that. Comics are a silly strange little hobby. No matter the comic, it is probably silly and weird and perhaps more than a bit childish. You are already a silly person for reading them. The problem is not comics, the problem is you and your disrespect towards women. However since you're already a child about comics it is no surprise that you are a child when it comes to women.
Dude, Marvel is so depressing nowadays.
The pose argument is weak, since "dominant" women are drawn constantly, the broke spine poses aren't as common as made out to be and not always an issue of "sex appeal" since it happens to dudes as well. Plus people who complain about costumes period rather than specifying it's the pose

No, slutsuits just look fucking retarded
I wish the word autistic and autist had a wordfilter to something, like wizard or robot.
>media board
Kill yourself.
What I supposedly do shouldn't be any concern of yours, especially since we're no name fucktards on a Timorese logging forum. I don't hate women as a whole, they're people just like me. Do I disrespect some individual women? Sure if they deserve it. Hell I don't deserve respect. Feel free to get angry
I'm not 12 years old so I prefer cool and/or functional over looking like something they wear into a swimming pool.

Good riddance.
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Quit making virgins look retarded, you retard.
Is it colored to match her skin or just clear? Seems to be just clear.
A goon like you can't make me mad, because you are such an obvious loser. You disrespect women. I can say that just like you can say professional athletes dress like whores. You don't seem to get that. Must be all that hate you've got going.
After reading this thread, I want 20 minutes of my life back.


>hurrr comics are supposed to be unrealistic
>hurrr naked women scare us

Honestly, who gives a shit. This comes and goes, nobody gives a fuck. And if you're getting worked up about it, you're an autistic sperglord.
Meanwhile, Spider-Man is drawn as if he's nude and wearing red and blue bodypaint but no one bats an eye at that.
So the fact that I think professional athletes wear revealing clothes that seem to call to mind the outfits worn by prostitutes must mean that I hate and disrespect women, not because I have a very limited understanding of clothing huh.
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Don't really read cape comics. So eh. Whatevs.
The same person that thought she would make a good Wonder Woman.
>while acting like 14 year olds.
Except they somehow get laid less.
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They certainly have their close calls. But they are a resilient lot, heroes.
So you're an idiot, is that the defense? You are saying that woman athletes wearing outfits designed for performance and comfort are dressed like whores because you don't understand the purpose of their outfits? You are stupid enough to try to say that? Any way you look at it, you just outed yourself as a retard.
If you want functional costumes then you're in the wrong genre.

Capeshit's core defining traits are all cartoonish and impractical, and the more you try to undo this the more obvious it becomes.
Because that was kind of in-character?

It makes you go "God, Dick is stupid/an asshole" rather than "God, the writer is stupid/an asshole".

You'd have a point if Spiderman looked like this
Never said I was anything more, sweetheart
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I'm sad
I haven't seen a decent bubble butt in comics for ages

but the stories have gotten better since those days
That outfit is not any more practical than his normal one. It provides exactly as much protection and looks identical other than the color.
Well at least you can be honest about being retarded.
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That's more or less the exact costume I'm designing for a Spider-man OC
They generally start him in costume and strip him with battle damage when they want to objectify the Spidey.
This is true and I apologize.
It's no more offensive than calling someone stupid. Lower intelligence isn't something you choose.

Also, "retarded" never exclusively referred to people with Down's and other well-defined mental dusabilities. It just means "slow" and can be applied to anyone less intelligent without being a comparison to people with recognized disabilities.
My main complaint.
It does get cold in NY
they have Namor for that.
Any fabric thin enough to show clearly defined abs is not gonna make a difference.
1. Spidey's abs are not typical.
2. Undershirt made of SCIENCE.
This is the thing I don't get ,what's so wrong about sexy and and the do called "unrealistic" outfits ? super hero comic books are fantasy and are supposed to be unrealistic ,that what good and attract about them
What is so wrong about like sexy women in sexy outfit and fanservice ?
Are we in the time when men can no loger have a bit of sexual fantasy and enjoying fanservice anymore while women can ? Why does every thing has to be so serious and realistic
Not in the movie, her Kryptonian DNA is going to be too diluted for that.
Because of the War on Fun. Things cant be FUN anymore. They have to match the gritty, depressing realism of the real world. How can you possibly enjoying some silly and escapist? Thats preposterous.
Holy shit you are ignorant of capes to think 40k outdoes capes.
>Implying "fun" isn't the biggest trend right now
Lewdness is to controversial for light and fun stories of today.
Spoken like someone that didn't understand the scene.

He'd been in love with her for years but she kept brushing him off, the whole thing she even says she understands and isn't upset with him over it.

It's been steadily changing for the worse because people refuse to accept basic concepts such as fantasy.
There's no such thing as functional for them though.

99% of their costumes still make ZERO sense.


None of their gear is appropriate.
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The upside is that I can more closely follow the story without having to constantly stop to masturbate.
>No, the hooker clothes
Keep bringing up "hooker clothes" because costumes must be grounded ONLY when its on a female. Fuck that lets do it all across the board, why should it be females only? Lets give Spidey a baggy track suit and sneakers. Batman too. Lose the cape and give him sneakers a bullet proof vest and baggy Khaki jeans. Also a hard biker helmet with "bat ears".
You act like people don't try to do that shit to heroes.
I hate practicool and tacticool. I'm tired of lame segmented armor and bike jackets.
That looks god awful. Not as bad as that other trash bag they had her in for a while but bad.
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You have a point, though I'm thinking of Berserk. Caska getting raped was a part of the plot many a times, and she was wearing armor,
No they just apply to female characters. They have to have to have "realistic functional look. ( fucking KEK) but the guys are ok having underwear. Hypocritical tumbler fags
I have no strong feeling one way or the other.
I just want them to stop wearing high heel boots into battle.
Filthy neutral.
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FUCK I hate Spiderwoman's new look. Functional my ass. How is it that this bitch ain't ID'd in like, a month, at least? same with Silk. Unless their identities aren't a secret
She was almost raped many times
The only time she is actually raped is during the eclipse.
They look like bad cosplay. Like you see good cosplay that looks like they worked really hard, and then you see that one fucker who just sowed a spider symbol on a t Shirt or some shit!
Right my mistake. But she was target for being a woman and her armor didn't help at all; most of those monsters were just horny,
How many actually do that? Especially in modern days?
Yeah but everyone in Berserk got raped at one point, men included. Even Guts took the fucking BBC.
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Cindy looks nothing like Silk. That's the kind of vicious rumor Spider-Man would make up.
Her old costume was dreadful.
I liked it better than her new one.
I think it works better in simple styles.
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>implying anyone but Carol cares about Drew
I actually agree, but the new "costume" isn't good either. It's not even a costume, it's regular clothes. The fuck is this Heroes?
it's no less a costume than what Punisher wears
Man if I were built like Thor or Superman you wouldn't be able to pay me to put on a shirt.
The Punisher doesn't even wear a costume anymore and hasn't in years. For him it makes sense, he goes around shooting people. This is mother fucking Spider woman.
Not that anon but I'd argue that infinitely more people care about Punisher than Spider-woman.
who mostly goes around shooting people with venom blasts
So you agree it makes more sense for her to be in a costume that reflects her fantastic elements whereas Frank typically lacks such elements
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Though, to play the other side, Frank hasn't worn a costume for a long time.
You know Spider-woman's origins, unless they've been retconned again, was that she was a spy made by villains to infiltrate the Avengers and other superhero organizations.
That's why she had the seduction pheromone powers. That's why she's got generic flying brick abilities, and that's why she dressed in traditional superhero spandex. And it's why she had the breast implants if you don't consider that to just be a gag in that one page.

But fuck it. Much better to have a gymnastic character in form fitting leather.
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I actually do miss some exploitation costumes but hate hateHATE some others.
For instance: Teen Titan's Starfire was alien, literally had an alien perspective of Earth morality regarding sexuality and the taboo on nudity, it made sense that she'd dress in a skimpy swimsuit.
Likewise with the X-Men's Storm, the nudist who grew up living with half-naked tribespeoples in Africa being worshipped as an elemental goddess of nature. Her being all "natural" about her body makes sense. Plus all those X-Men always play things a little pervy.
And let's never forget that WonderWoman's "classical" Greek. I half expect her to wrestle women on the Isle of Lesbos wearing nothing but olive oil.

BUT when they throw The Invisible Woman in a themed whore's getup and expect readers to approve it's just insane. The respectable astronaut matriarch who's part of the very first superhero super-family? That's way out of character.
Some superheroines need to be more conservative depictions of women than that.

AND FUCKING P.S. --- an exposed mid-drift on a young woman is not slutty. The slutshaming goes way too far when it comes to comics, it's not feminist, it's just hating on women.
He has an iconic logo and color scheme. That can go pretty far.
If he goes diving in a black wetsuit with a skull logo on it anywhere the criminals he harpoons will know who did it.
Superman can pull this off too, the blue Tshirt with the "S" is all he ever needed.
Yeah I'm going to miss it. I hate how sexy looking and sexy acting characters are shamed now. Power girl by Amanda Connor is the way we should be going not, the other way around.
This is a really valid point, context does matter.

Like I'd say to the OP "I'm glad it's dead and gone" but at the same time if you tried to change Power Girl's costume again I'd just laugh because that's always a terrible idea that ends in failure. It suits her, it's part of the character, the good writers of her own it.

It'd be like putting Emma Frost in a SWAT team uniform. I'm still traumatized by that time she showed up in an issue dressed up in Goth-Punk.

The reverse being unless you've got a GOOD reason for a character to go exaggerated sexbomb... don't.
itt virgins & sjw
I-I don't hate it. In fact, I like it much better than her original, which I always found retarded. Spider-Woman II on the other hand, used to have a 10/10 costume.
Not only is that incorrect but
>finding black girls attractive
>letting your racism inform your sexuality
Black girls are just
Not sexy whatsoever
spoken like a true racist

the alternative is tacky ugly tumblr costumes

no thanks
wasn't that the x-men uniform for a while in the 70's?
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modern female heroes and their costumes are fucking trash
that looks way better than the granny panties

You are just hilarious.
That's not a dress?
>Skivvies add unintentional humor to a scene that's supposed to be scary.

No. What it did was show that she felt comfortable and safe enough to expose her body because she thought that she'd gotten away from the Xenomorph. Her complacency is shattered when she realizes that she is trapped, nearly naked, unprotected, like a snail out of its shell, with the Alien, and there's nowhere to run.

Not funny, except in the darkest of humors.

No. Spoken like a bloody idjit.

Don't be ridiculous.

sad, but Power Girl cleavage widow resist.
>90s hero
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I dom't have much problem with her costume, but I'm that fag who likes the original the best...
Complaining about unrealistic poses in comics is like complaining that Mr Krabs doesnt look like a real Crab, anon. If you dont like it, dont buy.
I would be happy if it wasn't being done to appease the most toxic people in fandom.
Sexual preference isn't racism. Being gay doesn't make you a misogynist.
What the hell does that even mean?
Don't pick up JoJo or Conan.
I never liked most skimpy costumes, they seemed absurd on characters who were constantly physically fighting for their lives.

But this anti-sexy push is coming from left-wing moralists, the type who invade fandoms, never actually buy anything, demand everything cater to them, and leave once the medium is a smoking ruined husk because no one else feels safe or welcome with them around.
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Ever see one of those threads were you really want to join in on the conversation, but you know you'll just end up leaving mad? This is one of those threads for me.

All I'm gonna say is that ideas never die. Realistic, or skimpy.
I thought you were coming from the other end, this makes a bit more sense.
You're right. It's sexism.
I didnt know organization like one million moms were left wing, anon.
There's another end? There's no shortage of right-wing moralists out there, but the entirety of pop culture hasn't been bending over backwards for them for the last few years.

Hell, pop culture fought so hard against groups like "concerned mothers", it's hard to believe they surrendered to their left-wing equivalent without a fight.
I gotta agree with you, tumblr is the far left acting like the far right, but for different reasons.
No, I thought you meant cheesecake was there to appease some sort of sexist comic fan group. I can be simple on occasion.
Good show. I sure as hell wouldn't want to work out like fuck for months and then not show off.
Peacocks are much more recognizable/popular/famous/iconic than peahens.

Keep on trying to "fix" female cape costumes. Then when no one gives a shit about them and they blend into the background, you can complain about that. It's a perfect system!
>No, I thought you meant cheesecake was there to appease some sort of sexist comic fan group.
It is.

>But this anti-sexy push is coming from left-wing moralists
No, it's coming from people who want nerds to have some standards for once. But it seems nerds want to continue to enforce the stereotype of being filthy creeps.
I always assumed the sexy outfits were to appeal to lonely teenage fanboys.

It says a lot about the other side that I'd rather fandom be filled with desperate sweaty fanboys than with them.
Getting an Ellis snowflake vibe from the sparklies and that's a fucking terrifying concept.
>>But this anti-sexy push is coming from left-wing moralists
>No, it's coming from people who want nerds to have some standards for once.

Who all happen to be left-wing moralists? What a coincidence!

> But it seems nerds want to continue to enforce the stereotype of being filthy creeps.

I'd prefer the filthy creeps, they don't tell me how to live.
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Horseshoe theory.
What kind of standard is "no sexiness"? Who decides that that is superior?
>Who all happen to be left-wing moralists? What a coincidence!
How do you know they're left wing moralists. Your personal bias demands you clump everyone into specific groups.

>I'd prefer the filthy creeps, they don't tell me how to live.
Yeah they do. Just look at what you're doing.
>"If you don't like sexy, GET OUT NORMIES REEEEE!"
Please stop, I can't even. Just no.
It's almost like you're not just some talking ape slinging shit because you don't know any better, but then the moment passes and you bare your incisors at us with devilish animal glee and once again show off the monkey with poophands.
>. But it seems nerds want to continue to enforce the stereotype of being filthy creeps.

Continue being salty.
>How do you know they're left wing moralists.

I'm paying attention. Looks like you aren't, or you have an agenda to push.

>putting words in my mouth

That's unhygenic
>everyone who likes cheesecake is a filthy creep nerd!
>even though you didn't tell me to leave I'll misrepresent your statement as if you did!
I have no problems with the occasional operator dressing tactically to operate in tactical operations, especially when that makes the character's look contrast against that of others.

When it's the damn X-men I get antsy though.
>or you have an agenda to push.
Everyone does. Even you.

>>everyone who likes cheesecake is a filthy creep nerd!
I've yet to see any evidence to the contrary.

High heels are bad for pretty much anything. Except porn.
>making baseless assumptions about others

Isn't that what you were just complaining >>80955383 was doing?

It works for Emma because she's not supposed to get physical. She can fuck you up with her mind.
>I've yet to see any evidence to the contrary.

You've already established you never leave your basement, so of course you haven't.
I could go on and post all the classic pin-ups and cheesecake enjoyed by mainstream, I could go on about classic nudes, or how fans of comics and cheesecake aren't stereotypes, I could argue with you in a million ways. I won't though, because that isn't what you want. You, on a board dedicated to these 'nerds', chose to come in and try to get some hurt feelings by insulting people, implying that you, on a board dedicated to 'nerds', aren't some gross loose skinned pasty goof trying to chuckle to yourself by being better than 'nerds' and getting a rise out of them.

Red Hood Starfire had the personality of a rock. I'll take positive, bubbly Starfire anyday.
A whole lot of of women in cape books are like that with ranged fighting styles though.
And the remainder are basically just pro-wrestlers.
Either way there's no real reason they need to do the Kris Anka Leather Jacket and Yoga Pants thing.
>Can you even take someone like Emma Frost seriously?
She's a fucking telepath, you see whatever she wants you to see. Just because you see her dressing like a white dominatrix doesn't mean she isn't REALLY wearing a sweater and sweatpants.
>baseless assumptions about others
Nigga, we're on 4chan. Are you seriously denying that we aren't sitting in a pit filled to the brim with filthy creeps? Cause if you are, you've lost your mind completely.

And I still haven't seen any evidence that cheesecake-fags aren't a bunch of creeps.
Fat girls with dyed hair and bearded hipsters.
>Everyone who likes cheesecake is a disgusting nerd!
>That's not true anon
>I meant everyone on 4chan is a disgusting nerd!

Backpedal much?
>I'll take positive, bubbly Starfire anyday.
Who dressed just as skimpily, and acted dumber on top of that, but I guess dumb girls are cute and fun now and thus more empowering.
>Can you even take someone like Emma Frost seriously?
I don't even take Wolverine seriously. I'm not supposed to.
There isn't any evidence because what you really want is pictures of 'normal' people, some handsome, smiling gentleman wearing business casual holding a comic book filled with scantily clad ladies with a thumbs up, and even then you'd say, because he enjoyes scantily drawn ladies, 'see, a filthy creep.'
When you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you. You provide proof that it's the case, you don't ask for proof that it's not.
Someone needs to make this photo now.
Backpedal nothing, EVERYONE who likes cheesecake is a disgusting creep. 4chan is just one of the strongest concentrations of this bullshit.

You won't argue with me because you'd be fucking wrong. "Classical" nudes, such Renaissance pieces, are only considered art because they're old as hell. There's nothing artistic about a naked body. Rather the opposite in fact, as literally anyone could see that if they either looked in a mirror or looked up some porn.
I thought the Amish weren't allowed to use the internet. Are you in rumspringa?
99% of humanity are disgusting creeps?
sad considering that sexual exploitation nowadays is bigger then ever
but I´m more sad about the fact that modern day comics seem to hate white men so much

just did a test I just went to http://viewcomic.com/
and clicked at 7 random comics.

all of them either only featured white female or none white male main characters
female characters easily out matching white male characters

almost every comic featured a evil white men.

why do modern day comic writers hate white men so much?
Because modern day white girls
YES. Finally you get it. We are a species of filthy, screeching apes, who's only purpose is to fuck until we die. And it's almost like we've been hardwired to fail to notice how absurdly depressing and hollow that is. We've got nothing going for us, and you idiots seem almost proud of it.
Glad. I've never liked the double standard.
Because you can write them as evil without offending people.
But this is the wrong direction. We need to go the MGS route and have equal opportunity sexy.
so how come that you aren´t complaining about the insane amount of male sexualisation in modern day comics?
especially in a time when 70% of all suicide victims are male
like anyone ever acknowledges half naked male heroes
>equal opportunity
You're a lying faggot and you need to kill yourself at once.

Also, fuck you for implying that anything needs to take cues from Metal Gear. Seriously, go to hell.
Seriously you write like a sanctimonious asshole. Everything you say is wrong but you can't prove it. You don't even know what you're talking about. You are completely ignorant about art, and probably just about everything about life in general.
I imagine you're thinking 'hohoho I'm getting them so salty!' as you rub your sweaty hands together and smack your greasy fat lips. You aren't even a troll. You're obvious. You're a college campus preacher screaming into a megaphone. You're Hillary Clinton trying to tell us you aren't a liar. You are a dog eating it's own shit and wondering why we don't want a bite.
>EVERYONE who likes cheesecake is a disgusting creep

Yes, and?
Somewhat indifferent. In some cases like Sue Storm's 4 window or OP's pic (that I don't even remember being a costume, When was that?) it is ridiculous. And then in almost all other situations, I really don't care. I think there's an argument that it's not practical for a fight. Wearing spandex isn't practical for fighting crime, a cape isn't practical for fighting crime, not having a helmet isn't practical. Choosing not to wear a mask is dumb. I swear for awhile It was, I don't even know, just Ironman, maybe who had a suit that was was mostly functional rather than style. Maybe Batman but I'm pretty sure all his under armor was retcon exposition. It's about style yea for the creators but also in universe for the character. I look at it as some heroines like to feel feminine or sexy and they choose to dress that way for whatever fucking reason. God knows people do it in real life and if you say anything negative about it there's hell to pay. Sometimes... most of the time the look is pretty good. I didn't like Spider Woman But I do like Squirrel Girl and Bat Girl. Well I like Bat Girl's design and this is a good example of "practicality" argument that screams it's just as much about looks for the people that want change as those that want to keep it the same.

The Bat Girl costume, is not barely functional as non powered superhero costume at all. You see her make it out of old clothes in her closet, The cape is held on with snap buttons. The shoe laces are loose and dangling around. The cowl has no padding or protection and barely serves as a mask, not being able to tell (especially her father) that that is Barbara with that much face exposed is just as ridiculous as no one knowing it's Superman when he puts on glasses. But it looks cool. The suit does look good, it's designed well. So I let shit slide like I always did with skimpier costumes.

On either side of things I can go along with a lot as long as the final product turns out good.
This double standard doesn't exist in a bubble. It's because of the other double standards ("Women can't be evil", "Only men lile looking at muscular men, these are male power fantasies", etc) that this perceived double standard exists

>You're a lying faggot and you need to kill yourself at once.
What's he lying about exactly? I haven't played as single MGS game and even I know about the Snake's ass memes and that time Raiden (it was Raiden, right? the blonde guy?) had to traipse around naked
If this is true for you then the most moral and appropriate thing to do is to kill yourself.
I guess it's not quite fair to call MGS "equal opportunity" when it's overwhelmingly males being sexualized.
Yes! No one else really agreed with me but I didn't like her love story with Quill. It made her feel more like a damsel in distress than a warrior.

And wearing that skirt at the end? Ugh
See, you say that, yet you haven't actually put forth any argument. What is artistic about a naked body? Nothing, because it's just a naked body. The only reason that appeals to people is because their brains are wired to want to fuck it.

You can call me ignorant all you want, but until you can prove me objectively wrong, I'm sticking to my guns about what life experience has taught me.

And that's just plain sad.
Things only have value when we ascribe it to them. There is no objectively good or bad, so why would the natural state of all life depress you?
>why would the natural state of all life depress you?
Why doesn't it depress you? Don;t you want more out of life? Are you honestly content with being a tiny spec of nothing who will never have any significance to anything? That's another problem with humanity, no ambition whatsoever.
What is not artistic in a naked body? What do you not see in the lines and curves of Modesty or David that millions of others do? Why must I prove your subjective opinion to be wrong when it is nothing more than your opinion? Not fact or truth, but how you see the world. You have no argument but to repeat the same trite 'It is not art because I say so'.
I have have no need to prove you objectively wrong because there is nothing objectively correct about your statements towards your own opinion. Your ignorance is your own, your empty life your own. You lack romance within your soul. Beauty does not speak to you. A poem is just words, a rainbow nothing more than light against vapor.
Basically what I'm trying to say is nobody has to prove anything to you. Shit talk all you like. I'll keep speaking down to you and you can keep trying to troll.
Were you conversing with tumblr users?
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>All these posts and very few cheesecake pics
What is artistic about anything?

Nothing has inherent value. ALL thoughts, including the ones you treat as superior, are equally just chemical reactions beyond our control.

Anything that we call art is art. It's not a concept that exists outside of our animal brains.
I'm not depressed because I have no reason to be.

Why do you feel the need for more?

Where are you getting the idea that ambition is inherently good?

These feelings of yours are no less human or animalistic than wanting to fuck.
Agreed on the first half, but what's wrong with the skirt?
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>You lack romance within your soul. Beauty does not speak to you. A poem is just words, a rainbow nothing more than light against vapor.
Pfft, holy shit, what?

>Why must I prove your subjective opinion to be wrong when it is nothing more than your opinion?
Because you claimed to be in the right, dumbass. You speak as though your opinion is correct, so you must then prove that others' views are wrong.
You sound depressed, do you want a hug? Are you lonely, do you need a friend to talk about things?

Because there's nothing wrong with sexualization when it happens to both genders in equal proportion, at least as far as getting rid of double standards is concerned.

Namor is the only one that comes to mind, and the loincloth-clad barbarian warriors of yesteryear. What are some examples, please?

I don't know what suicide has to do with it. If women are sexualized, men should be sexualized as well, and vice versa. Fair's fair.

Let me see if I read that right. Are you saying that female characters being dressed like whores because they're female and male characters fully covering up because they're male isn't a double standard?
>You speak as though your opinion is correct, so you must then prove that others' views are wrong.

Well considering you've been speaking as though you're correct this entire time, bit funny for you to try and pull this stunt on others. But you've already been outed at a troll and this thread is in auto-sage, so whatever.
>Yes! No one else really agreed with me but I didn't like her love story with Quill.

I didn't realize she had a love story with Quill? WHUH? We're talking about Gamora , right?
I'm not saying any of those things are bad. I'm pointing out that value is something that exists purely within our minds, so claiming that something someone sees value in doesn't really have value is nonsense. If somebody sees value in something, then it has value. If somebody thinks something is art, then it's art.

The anon who's depressed that these things "don't matter" is being silly, because whether something matters or not is entirely up to us.
Not at all. You made claims that everyone that likes cheesecake is a filthy creep nerd. Prove it. You said the human form lacks artistic merit. Prove it. Those are your claims. Prove them. I say that nothing anyone provides as argument will change your opinion. Every responds you've given proves it.
You are not a smart person. You probably think you are, but you're the kid they stick out in the hall during class so they don't have to deal with your fits.
My "opinion" is supported by basic facts. Unless you seriously want to argue that neurochemical reactions suddenly don't exist because that's not "artsy" enough.
He's saying you're autistic, you autist.
You can believe in cold hard facts and still enjoy art. You know that, right?
You have no facts, you have a highschool understanding of biology and a nihilistic attitude. That isn't fact.
It's not, though. Nobody is arguing that our thoughts aren't simply physical processes beyond our control. But you're claiming this somehow "proves" your subjective value judgement.

You're also blatantly wrong because you're acting like concepts that describe human thoughts are meant to describe something that exists outside human thoughts.
>You made claims that everyone that likes cheesecake is a filthy creep nerd. Prove it.
I already did by pointing out the nature of human sexuality.

>You said the human form lacks artistic merit. Prove it.
It is understood to the point of total mundanity. The human form is no more interesting than a steak. Both are just slabs of meat after all.
I'm saying the fact that you view them "like whores" is a double standard. Namor *IS* a male power fantasy, not a manwhore? Women should be able to wear as much or as little as they want without being judged unduly for it.

(Oh wait. I forgot it's only brave and empowering if the woman is a size 20 while being half naked.)

But more importantly I'm saying that the reason this costume and character design double standard exists is because of OTHER arguably more insidious and difficult to fix double standards. The costume paradigm doesn't exist in a bubble berefet of influence from any other socio-cultural factors.

Like for example the great body type debate that goes "It's a double standard that men in cape books can be fat or muscle hulks or deformed but women are all super models". That's a part of this discussion too, but no one ever wants to examine that the reason WHY this is. It's because women in cape books live on the intersection of the "beauty equals goodness" cultural paradigm and the "women can't be as evil as men" positive discrimination BS. These things are all connected in such a way that makes arguing one particular point or aspect of the whole thing kind of impossible.

tl;dr: You can't just isolate the amount of skin a character is showing without looking at the whole scope and history of why it is how it is.
>It is understood to the point of total mundanity.

That is your opinion. Please provide facts. You've strung some words together but that itsn't proof. Please argue with evidence beyond your opinion on why with human body isn't art. Please provide with evidence how liking cheesecake makes someone a filthy creep. You making a few statements in not evidence or proof of anything. Make a case for what you say with actual evidence.
>But you're claiming this somehow "proves" your subjective value judgement.
Oh please, even you and the others agreed that nothing holds any intrinsic value, so why are you even arguing this point?

>you're acting like concepts that describe human thoughts are meant to describe something that exists outside human thoughts.
These things do exist outside of human thoughts. Other animals have similar feelings towards things, the only difference being the smaller number of neurons give rise to far less complex thoughts.
Artistic merit is something determined by human thoughts. Of someone thinks it has artistic merit, by definition it does.

You're a retard who sounds like you just discovered basic neurology and is trying to use it together with a previously-held, incompatible belief that things are supposed to have a purpose beyond what we give them.
You missed my point entirely. "Artistic merit" and "value" arise from our physical brains. Claiming that something doesn't really have either because it doesn't exist outside of our brains is completely ignoring the definition of those words.

Nothing has instrinsic value because value that we assign is exactly what value IS. It's real because those thought processes physically do exist and effect our behavior.
I don't mind "less sexy" costumes, but I wish people would stop calling them practical.

>loose hair
>no head protection
>mostly just normal street clothes
>loose parts that hang off
This person believes they are clever. They think their view of the human condition is the grand and total sum of what is correct and true. Salvador Dali would refuse to eat this person's flesh for fear of tainting his own body with bilious toxins. Alester Crowley would call him a greater beast than he ever was. We witness a true miracle though, the first ape able to communicate in full sentences. A flesh autonotam bringing forth the low opinions of knuckle dragging tree dwellers has come to tell us how life truly is. Not with facts but dribbling emptyness, a great black void billowing forth from it's craggy maw to astound us with a profoundity so deep it resembles nothing more than a hole in e ground. Watch now with amazement and delight as this hunched, slope headed beast explains to us how to live and experience life.
>EVERYONE who likes cheesecake is a disgusting creep

How dare you kinkshame like that, you repulsive shitlord.
Kill yourself then, you cosmically insignificant monkey
I didn't know Renaissance pieces were only art not because they've been painted exceptionally well or sculpted masterfully but because they're old. Thank you so much!
Good point. The kinkshaming shitlord is ageist, too.
Yeah i'm sure it helped when she was shielding herself from the explosion in the trailer.

You're either an extremist misanthrope, or one of the most convincing trolls I've ever seen.
It's not even masterful trolling, it's just some kid saying "DUDE NOTHING MATTERS EVERYTHINGS CHEMICALS WE'RE JUST A SLAB OF CARBON AND BIOELECTRICITY HUMAN ACCOMPLISHMENTS MEAN NOTHING LMAO" like that 15 year old who thinks he's a fucking badass because he thinks life is a joke that only he gets
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