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/co/ boys

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Thread replies: 262
Thread images: 151

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a continuation of this thread >>93869311
nevermind I learned how to link threads, don't mind me
One of my favorite boys.
a hot fella indeed
Btw, what do you guys think about your favorite /co/ boys drawn as femboys? Do you love it or don't care for it?
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depends on what you mean with "femboys", do you mean genderbend, trap, crossdress?
Personally I fucking hate the first two, I only like the art if I can still see that it's a boy, if that is possible then I don't care how feminine it gets, I love it, I especially love when they're drawn in dresses, long hair, stockings (fishnets too), high heels or nail polish
no boobs on my boys though, ew

I hate it. I wouldn't mind it so much, but if a character crossdresses just one time, then the lewds become saturated with the crossdressing version, sometimes they just flat out gender bend them. And suddenly the actual non trap version of the character I fell in love with becomes a rarity.

I've got nothing against femboys, but I prefer actual boys, and I HATE when the concept overtakes one of my favorite boys.

That shit going on with Link is unbearable. He's either a harem girl or he's touching some gross reptile dong.
this too, that's why I hope morticia never appears in the cartoon
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Tom is such a cutie, he's my favorite Star boy.

So much this... it happened to me with Marco Diaz.
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Yeah I feel you guys. I've seen way too many genderbend art of some of the characters I like and that it's rare to find a non genderbend version of them.
wish there was more love for Randy Cunningham
especially for Howard
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Camp Camp is great boy material.
I just watched one episode of this show, the one where we see the tall red-haired guy's childhood.
I'm already in love.
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I'm not really into femboys personally. The boyish shotas are more my type.
It's one of the best shows I've ever seen. Who's your favorite character, anon?
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I don't like it at all. I don't like crossdressing/traps and I really dislike it when female versions of characters I like are more popular than the male version. It's happened with Marco, Morty, and Robbie.

It's depressing. Straight girls and straight guys like female characters or males characters with female appearances, so male appreciation is the minority.

>It's one of the best shows I've ever seen.
You should watch more shows then. Camp Camp is good for a few of the characters, but it's not super great.
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b-but that's forbidden love!.jpg
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After only episode, I'm confident my favorite is the brown boy, love his looks and his attitude. The boy with the hat in >>3118467 is cute too.
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>/co/ boys
>no Adrien

You guys suck at men.
I like Space Kid
he's too pure for his own good
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Let some chubby /co/ boys have some fun.
>r63 boys
there's never enough
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Ah, I KNEW the poll was gonna be about fat boys for some reason.
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Pablo DaVinci.jpg
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There's so many cute toon boys to choose from...
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he's always in these threads, along with pic related
[spoiler]as they should be because they are best boys[/spoiler]
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the boy.png
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time to post some of my favrit boys
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Gunther is pretty cute.
Who is this?
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You that drawfag from the other thread?
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Pablo Davinci from The Davincibles.
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Oh fuck, he's beautiful.
Is he from Voltron? The anime-like art style looks similar but I never watched it.
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he's from RWBY
I'm still dissapointed he lost his leg in the first movie but he's still cute to me.
Will he be in the new Blazblue cross over fighter?

He has no powers and no canon fighting style so the answer is almost certainly no but still, i'd like it.
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He is going to be your prize, you will be free to do as you wish with him if you win.
You taking any requests now?
Yeah. Hope ya don't mind but I'm willing to draw some /co/ boys with lewd or non lewd expressions. I won't draw full body just yet. I know it's not much but any /co/ boys and obscure ones are welcome.
Can you draw a lewd expression of Russell from Up and try to make it accurate to the original design as possible?
I would kill for some numbuh 2 x numbuh 4
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hi guys I've seen the new AT episodes and now I feel depressed, here's a rare and underappreciated /co/ boy
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Raimundo wink.png
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Best Xiaolin boy.
>mfw someone saves my Zeke reference sheet
Time to unleash this monster!
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I'm almost done with Russell. Also, I hope you don't mind but I'm currently drawing Russell with a 1O face
Sure, I know you can't draw bodies yet, but can you draw partially of it like the ones in your chart?
Would you please draw some Max from Camp Camp?
I'm really sorry but I can't. I tried drawing partially of the body for Russell but it didn't turn out right. It looked messed up.
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it's a quality refsheet anon!
I made some of my own but they were made out of comicbook parts when it was still all available, though I haven't posted them anywhere yet
Sure. Lewd or non lewd expression?
can I have a non-lewd finn please, possibly crying or well, generally depressed, thank you pham
Well I'd prefer lewd but it's all up to you.
Ok, just his face is fine
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Jake and Rai (sketch).png
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If you have them, I could update this reference and include some of them (and remove some of my own too), if that's okay with you.

I'm thinking of drawing Zeke but I have no ideas, I am mostly a pin-up guy... pic related is kind of my style.
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ah I'd rather not, sorry... but please do draw zick, how about him eating one of those blue popsicles while dressed in his summer attire (you can find what that is in the episode they go on the beach)
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>Not Adrien/Ketchup Jew

Absolute low
I would do unspeakable things to adrien/chat noir
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You're the one who did this with Kevin and his show's bully, right? That was hot, i'd love some more Kevin stuff, preferably with Tyler, or Jock is cool too.
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Kevin's pole dance (tone fix).png
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Oh... it's okay, no hurt in asking, heh. I'll try this idea, had something like that in mind. Will look for the episode "just for reference"

That's me!! so happy someone remembers...
I'd love to doodle some Kevin, I neglected him so much in my Supernoob's drawing rush.
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He's flat :(
You take any requests in general?
Are you kidding? That's a totally... huggable ass, I wouldn't even mind using it as a pillow.
no man he's fit, he could crush your skull with those buttcheeks
he's a professional model
he probably isn't allowed to eat anything that has more than 100 calories
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I'm sorry for the long wait you guys. Just got done with your requests, thank you guys for being patient.
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that max is hella good man, I love it
My nigga, I love you.
Thank you guys! I'm glad you love the drawings. It's pretty fun taking art requests from people on here.
I forgot to ask, did you have something in mind for Kevin?
fuck, this picture makes me sad that the pilot was never picked up
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Eddie of the Realms Eternal.png
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Seriously, man... I'll never get over it.
there's canon boy kissing in this show?
fuck what did it get passed over for?
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Haha, no, I wish. It's just an edit I made.
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Jack Frost is a cute
Danger & Eggs, plus another cartoon I don't remember
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>best Xiaolin boy
>not Clay
oh man yes
[spoiler]he was like my accidental tulpa for a year, not really an actual tulpa but like, after I saw the movie I was so obsessed with this guy I imagined him actually living with me and doing stuff on his own and always being near me and I would talk to him and stuff, like for example while I was on the computer I would pretend that he was playing with the console I owned at the time, when I went outside I always imagined him floating beside me, and it just came natural and it was so weird, nothing like this ever happened to me again even though I've been obsessed with other characters since, even more than how much I was with him at the time. I was a really weird kid[/spoiler]
That's a really good edit.
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spoilers don't work here? eh, makes sense
I'd like to spoil David. With my dick.
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same, anon, same
Max too
let's get totally retro

small childhood crush for tiny me

Tom Little
He's pretty cute.
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Not sure, are these lewd or sfw or something in between pics we're talking?
I don't mind lewds if you'd prefer that! I'm kinda rusty and want to practice a bit.
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Oh yes
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How about a Kevin version of the boy in the middle? Just him lying down in his underwear (or removed if you want) looking at the viewer?

Instead of the worried expression though can he have a more teasing / naughty one similar to the one where he's domming Jock like >>3118547

If too lewd maybe link in an imjur or where you post your work i guess.
Yessss, I had the biggest crush on Raimundo when I was younger but I actually somehow forgot about him up until I posted that pic. I really need to watch it again!

Latino boys are just top tier in general, though... I mean just look at Marco.

Oh damn, Raimundo looking thicc~!

This is amazing. Jake is also a cutie I had a thing for.
Wish that Bee and Puppycat make more episodes
The more I watch Harrison and Preston, the more I like them. I might like them more than Max or David, sorry.
I still have a little faith. This season of Amazon pilots didn't have much shit and it was mediocre overall, I think they could consider greenlighting this.
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>>3118627Billy us3d to be for me. But going back I started to notice Pud'n. He's just so adorable. He's a typical 2000's boy caricature but not as gross as Billy.
Ru34 when?
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Jake and Rai.png
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Thanks!! Jake is my total favorite of all toon boys, been drawing that lil dragon for years.
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Totally forgot to add Danny to this.
Ooh nice, colored version! He is pretty dang great, if I could draw I'd draw him all the time
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Danny Vasquez.jpg
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Heh, another one of my faves
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Heckin yes, best anon
Okay. There was this lad from the animated Jackie Chan show. For the life of me I can't remember his name. Or the name of the show. Whenever I use google all that comes up (that's familiar) is Jackie Chan Adventures. The boy isn't on that. Does anyone know?

I saw this in the last thread. You were underrated even there. This pleases me as both a shota lover and a footfeg. Good junk anon.
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Ryan Defrates.png
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Working on the Kevin butt request right now.

So, meanwhile, I'll just leave a cutie I discovered.
Sadly, he's from a trash very-christian poorly animated show but holy fuck.
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You mean Paco? Jackie Chan Adventures was amazing
I remember this
when it first came out /co/ drew a couple of gay shit for it
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Not a fan of CG but mc from Coco looks cute in some frames.
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Oh yeah, I actually saw that trailer. Wasn't a huge fan but he was still kinda cute looking. Maybe my feelings will change more when it comes out.

Tim from The Boss Baby tho. Adorable.
Yes! Thanks anon! Anytime I'd look up kid or boy ftom Jackie Chan cartoon I'd get the girl or some guy telling about his expierience watching it. Thanks.
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> No Dick

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They did?! Man, I can't believe I missed it...

One Kevin delivery for you!
And here's a bigger version too (with another small difference, heh)
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Fucking nice. Based drawfriend delivers.

Did you also do that little game screen too? Looks good, like something you could find on the app store.
Heh, I'm glad you like it!!
I only found a screenshot, I remember reading somewhere that Supernoobs started as a mobile game.

The Jock nude in the big version is from a /y/ screenshot edit thread.
Face looks a bit awkward but nice work. Kevin is top tier.
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Yeah the face feels a bit off, not sure if it's the hair or the feature placement or what. Body is great though.
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>Supernoobs started as a mobile game.
Well that is a surprise to hear.

Even more surprising they made a cartoon out of it. But it was worth it for the great boys it gave us.
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We're talking about tiny boys, I only recently learned of the Littl Bits, and Willibit is a total cutie, he reminds me of the /vr/ character Milon.
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Can you do one with either Russell or Gunther (surprise me on who you pick) just in their briefs in a lewd pose doing something like reading comics or playing a game on their 3DS?
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Here's a reference for Russell as well
Yeah, my Kevins are always off for some reason. I can't put my finger on what happened there but I'll try to fix it, anything for my Supernoob boys.
But I have to leave for now, gotta get to work very early. Thanks for all your comments and help, guys! I hope the thread stays when I come back~
Didn't notice this request over here >>3118647 so just a bit of an alteration, just show either of the two lying on their back?
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Later drawfriend and thanks as always.
Bump for bois
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Threads here last a while, you dont have to worry about it falling off overnight generally.
Deckard is a qt
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the traps thread has been here for as long as I can remember (more than a month I think) so don't even worry about that pham
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weird how no one has posted Lincoln yet
HoIy crap seriously? And I thought /aco/ was slow. There's actually some pretty good threads on this board.
>tfw been here for 8 years but I still sound like a newfag ffs
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Arthur is love Arthur is life
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These need to be in here
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do you mind if I
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My Precious bat boi

(...at least pick the older Stewies, those were cute)
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I'm happy Tracer got a sex change. I'm glad that she eventually found herself.
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>don't sexualize babies
said the anon in a shota thread
>older stewies
you mean the one in the movie? 'cause that man's kinda ugly
I've got a soft spot for Max, I love him
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I've got a soft spot for PJ, if you know what I mean.

PJ was king of masturbatory fuel for furry chubby chasers, until Clawhauser dethroned him.
Max is super cute, i love his boy-next-door vibe. The kind you'd be happy to introduce to your parents.
I don't play overwatch so I didn't even notice this haha
I'm pretty sure if you're a budding chubby chaser in your teens back in the 90s, I'm sure you find PJ hot.
Not enough love for the Loud boys
I love that small prince boy whom I have no idea who it is
jesus that forehead
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Lola rule 63.
called Lexx
here he is with his twin
Danny is my childhood babe
Here's a sleeping Dexter.
I love shotas that are made to suffer
Shotas are perfection
He's pretty much like Mandy but for shotas. Too short to be sexually attracted to
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This thread is somewhat lacking in Style. Lets change that.
Do they count as cute boys?
That's exactly why he should have even more fans, see all the porn (and art in general) Mandy gets.
I've always had such a crush on Hank and I haven't even watched the show, I just find him cute as fuck.
Dean > Hank
I'm gonna it. Gonna draw some fanart of him and post it on here either tomorrow or in 2 days.
Lewd or not lewd?
Its a suprise.
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Bobby is better but Bobbycoln is still best Loud ship. Especially with the canon bromance episode.
I mean... if your into pederast sure. I think Clyde xLincoln is slightly better seeing how
1. They're the same age so they click better than an older guy would a preteen.
2. Clyde's adopted by two interacial gay guys. He's probably got a sense of how a relationship should be the same way a kid with a white mother and father does.
In fact I think with everything shota-related/fetishy the writers have the boys do, it's pretty obvious the two interacial gay guys are supposed to mirror Clyde and Lincoln's relationship.
I cant get into ClydexLincoln just because he's black. Sounds racist i know but i'm just not attracted to it.
Chilling with your bro isn't degenerate. And taking cartoon character's ages too seriously is dumb.

Clyde sucks.
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who /yugo/ here
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after hearing about a "bromance" episode I was thrilled, but age gaps really don't do it for me, I might still check it out if you give me the episode title but I'm not sure I will ship it
what >>3119036 listed sounds far more interesting to me, but it looks like nothing will come out of it, I don't think I've seen any teasing with these two, so it's too bad
The episode is 'A Fair to Remember'.
Okay, I just watched it
to be honest, I didn't like it much
it wasn't that funny, I didn't find myself invested in the characters (lincoln was barely present and ugh those bro jokes)
plus the ""bromance"" felt way more "bro" than "romance", but maybe I'm just used to the kind with countless gay jokes thrown at them, or those that are so extreme it's basically almost canon, this felt too undertone-y to count
sorry bro
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The jokes in the show aren't that great at all, but people like the characters and fanart opportunities.

The bro is the best part of a bromance.
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So guys who's your top 10 /co/ boy? You don't have to explain why if you guys don't want to or anything. Just curious.
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I'd have to think about it a lot. And there's so much /co/ material I haven't gone through yet. I even have difficulty making those charts even though you can have as many spots as you want.

I just know that Steven would have a spot in my Top 10 somewhere.
my three main boys are hiro, adrien, and hiccup
also >>3118497 but he's so obscure he doesn't even have a name so i don't think he counts
Steven Quartz
Gunther Magnuson
TJ Detweiler
PJ (Goof Troop)
Wade Load
Junior Commissioner Vallejo
Ferguson (Star Vs.)
Numbuh 2
Sophocles (Pokémon Sun / Moon)
Haruyuki Arita
He has a name, Brian. The kid with the cast does too, Timmy.
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perfect boi.png
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where did you find that out though?
That is not Hiccup right? Isn't that one of the kids from Overwatch?
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Found it out at the Overwatch wiki.
I wish the threads were more active.
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Obscure boy. I love the show. I love the comics. I love the *ahem*live action movie
If this was a peach board it'd be. Blue Boards generally tend to go slow.
Tack from Thief and the Cobbler is really cute.
He's adorable.
Muh sons.
He is! Wish there was more fanart of him.
>Me: brain, what did I tell you not to do?
>My brain: become obsessed with the two time travelers from Milo Murphy's Law?
>Me: And what did you do?
>My brain: ...become obsessed with the two time travelers from Milo Murphy's Law
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Good tastes
Fry is hot
FryxBender is megahot
that episode where Fry drinks a fuckton of coffee and becomes all twitchy is super mega hot
for some reason characters high on coffee or extremely tired (polar opposites) are really hot to me, like, that episode in Sonic Boom where he's super tired, Sonic is normally very attractive but that was almost Too Much
I may have an unconventional fetish
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>that episode in Sonic Boom where he's super tired, Sonic is normally very attractive but that was almost Too Much
>normally very attractive
Each their own, m8
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I like Fry on his own, i just want me a cute, boyishly charming, lazy but still employed, nice bachelor boyfriend from the past with a sweet ass. Is that so much to ask?
>not wanting to hit that hot piece of hedgehog when he's at his most vulnerable state
Tim is too pure
this thread went places
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What does /cm/ think of Hanazuki: Full of Treasures?


It's got cute boys, but they don't show up until 2/3rds into the season.
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A preview of what's about to come either today or this weekend.
Well a wip I mean. My brain isn't acting right since I'm tired.
that looks like the boy from Bubble Guppies
I haven't watched it yet but the designs don't look convincing enough for me to care, maybe the plot is better? how is it?
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You sure about that?
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i demand Tim lewds!!!1!
That scene is actually from the movie
True, that baby is a perv
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On the surface it's a series about a species called "moonflowers" that are born with an inherent duty to protect the moons they're born on, by growing trees based on their emotions that repel a black space ooze called the "big bad". Kind of like the Lanterns from DC comics.

With all of its colors, shapes and how most everything is pretty cutesy, you definitely get the feeling that it's still just a kid's show, but there's some neat elements to it, and it's animated by titmouse who generally always have a seal of quality.
Is that a boy?
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This. An anon said there was a slew of Tembleton ru34. Haven't seen one. Is he that pure?
I've never managed to find any
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See? He's pure.
Pure filth maybe
Also I need that image
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some anon said teen Stewie is hotter, well I found a pic for him
this guy would canonically suck your dick, remember
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Shota David needs more appreciation
the voice tho
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anyone else watch this yet?
Niko's pretty cute
I guess this comes close for Tim Templeton... I can't not hear Alec Baldwin's voice which is a tad off-putting.

That was me and, fuck, I'm in love...
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Tim is okay and all but NOT THE BABY
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This thread is so chill, it's slow and all but I like it, there's just no rush that the thread reaches lower pages and I get to see all these cute boys.
Hope we can get more /co/ boythreads here in the future.
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Yeah it's nice. I hope the drawfriend checks in again.

Another /co/ thread would be cool too.
fuck you, shota Jasper is where it's at
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welcome to the club pal, it's just you, me, and the artist who drew that pic, get comfy
Why not both?
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you know what? you're right, I'll pick both
maybe even ship them together
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I finally finished that drawing of Dexter I promised that I would do. There was gonna be other drawings but each of them were inconsistent and looks like shit and this is the only drawing that looks good [spoiler]to me at least.[/spoiler]

fuck the spoiler didn't work. Damn itttt.
Pretty good. Face is weird desu. I get that it's supposed to be an O Face but the eyes are just a bit off. And the penis is odd too. Unless it's a robot's. Just a bit too... "liney"?
Eh... Doesn't matter what the age or physical qualities are. As long as he has the boish innocence it's fine.
Thank you! Haha I kinda figure that the face and penis is a bit weird. I was gonna fixed the eyes but I was like, "No, no it's fine. It's ok. There's nothing wrong with it." Yeah, I should've fixed it. The penis, to be honest, I'm actually satisfied with the penis but yeah I see what you mean by it being too liney. But thank you for your criticism, I really do appreciate your honesty and because of that I can git gud.
This is a good boy
I'm fixing up the drawing right now. Seriously man, thank you for the criticism. I'm really sorry if I sounded rude and passive aggressive earlier (wasn't my intentions to sound like that). I sincerely do appreciate your honesty.
Its fine. I like the effort and didn't wanna sound whiney.
CG Casey is cute but I'm not sure if I want to watch the show just for him
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Andy is so cute but nobody likes him
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Andy Bangs... he was such an asshole but still cute. I drew a lewd of him once for a 8ch/shota/ request.
Literally who?
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Yeah I'm the one who requested him he's a pretty obscure character but I hope he appears in more episodes
See above
brandon is good tho.
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Hey by the way do you take commissions? I would love to see you do more Andy.
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Just for fun.
what's the difference between thin and skinny?
Fuck.Excuse my dumbass self. I thought thin meant having a little more body fat (not the point of being chubby) than skinny.
i think the word you're looking for is just average

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Personality > Body Type

Just as long as I can imagine the character with a nice long uncut dick and some body hair, I'm not too picky.
New thread?
Is it normal for new threads to be started at image limit here? If so go for it.
>andy bangs
fuck, totally forgot about him
if the artist i'm currently commissioning for another shota opens up another slot
I'll definitely commision something of Andy
God bless you, anon.
I really appreciate that you consider me, anon!! But sadly I have some commissions I have to finish and don't want to risk taking more (to avoid the whole backburner thing and taking even longer, my job takes a big deal of my time), I'm sorryyy

I still do silly doodles for these threads when time allows... in fact, here's this Andy teaser for you: http://imgur.com/a/XMf0r
It's alright to make new threads as long as the old ones hit the image limit
this board sucks because we end up doing image dumps instead of discussions, this thread was a breath of fresh air because we actually talked, we should keep that going
anyway yeah let's make a new thread why not
Do you have a place where you post art that I can contact you at? I'm fully willing to wait until it's most convenient for you to take my commission. Cute drawing by the way ~
yo that's super nice
new thread when?
New thread here
Thread posts: 262
Thread images: 151

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