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So I posted a thread about Supersizers Go, a British documentary

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So I posted a thread about Supersizers Go, a British documentary series about two British people trying British cuisine from different eras of history and, I couldn't help but notice, almost unanimously going "holy shit this is barely edible". So I figured I'd start a thread here since international cu/ck/oldry seems to be this board's raison d'etre.

And then that thread got deleted and I got a warning for "shitposting".

Meanwhile, every single LOL AMERIFAT thread I saw here last night is still there.

Just thought you should be aware, you have a buttmad Britbong janitor in your midst.
Did you like the series? Remember it vaguely, might revisit it now youve reminded me
Not shitposting OP, but I enjoyed it, but I wish there were more seasons.
They hated the rich food the worst.
"Why is the soup sweet?"
they must be fucking buttmad for no fucking reason, because they play the fuck up of 50s+.

A lot of it is fucking stupid though, and they don't like it for what seems to be no reason. but hey, whats good is actually good. DESU i wish someone would put american eats up on youtube or whatever. britibongs are lucky that everyone makes their cooking shows available on the tubes.
hmm, fuck damn
shit ?
I really did actually, because I'm a history nerd and they really committed to demonstrating not just the cuisine of older periods, but the social etiquette of eating and hosting parties and the origins of eating out in England. I also always had trouble picturing old-timey foods mentioned in older books, so it was great to actually see dishes from Shakespeare or Dickens freshly prepared.
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welp. I give up trying to figure out whats causing the desu.

anyway op, i'd watch the shit out of american eats if you can find it or something.
This series is really good but nowadays 4chan is complete shit ruled bythe partyvan so it's not surirsing anything decent gets dbaleeted.
I fucking loved that series, I wish they would have made more. But, I find history infinitely interesting, especially culinary history. And yes, people ate some awful things through the ages just to because it was popular or considered "upper class" (or, because they were lower class, serfs, or slaves). Just image what future generations will think about what we eat now.
OP is salty and butt-hurt because his silly original thread got deleted.

It wasn't relevant to /ck/ anyway - it was just another excuse to Bash British cuisine.

Take it on the chin like a man and stop with your Bawl thread.

I suggest you go here:
My first impressions were formed by the WW2 rations episode (they really should've done these in chronological order), and a lot of their bitching DID seem superficial to me, but that may be because I'm a poorfag and a diet of mostly carrots and potatos doesn't sound too bad to me. I kept asking myself "Have they never heard of seasoning?" - now maybe spices was rationed out too, but they didn't mention that either way so I dunno.

In all fairness, a lot of the really rich, hyper-processed food in the 70s episode (and the 80s one too presumably, but I haven't gotten that far), they talk about like it's a thing of the past, but again, to be fair, I know a LOT of Americans who eat like that to this day, albeit with less cocktails and aspic. When the guy freaked out over the Hard Rock Cafe burger and confessed "I haven't eaten a burger in 25 years!" I was all "U wot mate?"
>if i act like a good boy and suck the moderators' cock enough maybe they'll make me a janitor next time
I hope this thread gets deleted and you get another warning.

This sort of cry-baby complaining just makes /ck/ even worse.
>cry-baby complaining
Irony isn't your strong point, is it?
>cooking shows aren't relevant to /ck/
Yeah ok

And bashing on _insert country other than yours_ cuisine is the premise of no less than 4 other threads right now
3 out of 4 of which are shitting on Amurican cuisine/eating habits.

Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
Joey isn't relevant to /ck/ though.
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Ja/ck/ is
I thought the series was fairly interesting, and quasi-entertaining.

Wish they wouldn't have cast a dyke, though, but the entertainment industry is nothing but degenerates anyway....
Just got to the part of the Regency episode where they try original sandwiches. I've known this story since I was a kid, but the Earl of Sandwich still impresses me. Is there a bigger boss in the history of co/ck/manship than John Montagu?

I think my favorite parts of the series are the glimpses of ye olde cooke bookes. Does /ck/ know any resources for older "novelty" cook books?
I've only seen the WWII, 50s, and 80s episodes But, I liked them a ton. Just not sure what else I would be interested in. Anything from with peeing in chamberpots seems uninteresting, but, I def want to check those out in time.

I saw the 80s episode first and wondered if they had sexual tension until I looked them up. They have the playful aggressiveness of a longterm couple
If you're into that kinda stuff check out "Gastronaut" by Stefan Gates. Uses some of the same sources to make a bacchanalia how-to, as well as instructions on how to throw your own last supper
But Devils on horseback is fucking delicious
It's funny because the reality is the opposite of what you claim.

Let's just open the old catalogue, that's 3 threads of Americans obsessing about Britain, one obviously disguised American obsessing about Britain thread and one thread where the OPs image is obsessing about Britain.

Wew lad, truly I weep for you yanks.
Cheers guys, know what I'm watching tonight
I really like that show.


cmon son they were getting bombed to shit importing spices was probably pretty low on the priority chain.
The bit that I saw made me question any validity to the show. Yes, war time rationing and depression food sucked, people knew it sucked, but did the best they could with it. Half of the shit form the 60's and 70's was the attempt and keeping the convenience of canned goods and making them better, but usually failing. It's not hard to make most canned tomato soup taste decent. It takes a little seasoning and herbs, sometimes a little reduction. Canned mushroom soup is usually way too salty or not salted at all, but either way it can be a decent base for something else. My mother said that no one she knew relied on newspaper and magazine recipes because the vast majority were terrible.
English food is horrible, tastes badly,mostly its junk food just made in home,i ordered meat i got goulash with olives... Oh those old good days
Heston has done some historical stuff too.

In one episode he spliced the DNA of a pig and a rooster to make a mythical cockatrise.
That is some serious abuse of the English language.
What, and all the spices from before the Blitz were just thrown out? C'mon, that shit is shelf-stable for years, and you only need small amounts to make plain food palatable.
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