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Ita thread

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Thread replies: 337
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Oldest one saging >9552961

Post the best of the worst. Criticism expected, baww'ing is optional
i saw this shoot on weibo and loved it. not sure why you picked this for the ita thread...
Nayrt but it looks like she randomly threw on a jsk and left the house. Hurts my eyes
that looks good,
sure she is using a jsk
not lolita, but rocking it.
its a photoshoot. its styled. the rest of the pics are cute.
A shoot for the dress? I dunno, I know Chinese are a little more chill with "da rules" but it doesn't look very Lolita to me coming from the Lolita tag.

I'll try to dump some better shit, you be the judge if it's any good (bad)
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I think this is a cute casual outfit, I love the simplicity of that skirt.
This specific outfit doesn't look lolita at all, just a random normie photoshoot.
I have some nitpicks here but I wouldn't say ita. She needs a better petti and a few more accesories but she clearly knows what a lolita outfit is supposed to look like.
The socks do not even come close to matching any part of this and I'm honestly triggered by them.
see this is the kind of ita i want.
this is like ita romagyaru
it's Emily Temple Cute http://weibo.com/1832279495/FbUXwqZCk?type=repost#_rnd1499887027985
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I'm slightly salty because this thread was up before the old one actually saged but whatever I guess.
D-Did she make rips in the dress at the bottom? Or is it naturally supposed to look like that?
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If this anon is still interested in buying my horrible ita dress from days of old, lmk.
I'll make a throwaway tomorrow because I put in the wrong birthdate and now google is being a cunt about making a new account.
This is the same Ita who was banned from Lolita amino because "Wahh ppl are meanies! Alice in wonderland leg Avenue is totally Lolita!!!"
no, that's bodyline's design. the worst design choice ever, without those parts it would be a really cute OP
Tagged with lolitafashion
It's a weird Bodyline one, If you look around the skirt area it has the same cuts around it.
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Diner doll girl looks cute, it's the other girl(?) I'm worried about...
Gothic girl needs a MUCH better wig, that one's Hallowe'en quality.

I think the dress is an old Bodyline one (but I'm not 100% sure), but it doesn't fit her, or at least the detachable sleeves certainly don't, and I think her bodice needs adjusting.

If she took off the detachable sleeves, got a decent quality wig, sorted out what's wrong with the bodice on her dress, and wore a petticoat with more volume, she could work on that. I wonder if this is a newbie or con-lita.
She'd do well to have a Lolita compatible blouse and ditching the pompoms in her hair. Lolita from the waist down. The simple skirt is quite nice.
This isn't even good for kawaii Tumblr-core fashion, and it certainly isn't Lolita. That's a petticoat, not a skirt.
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This looks like those school photos with the cheap "outside" background.
This girl tags her ddlg shit as sweet lolita and lolitafashion. God, I hate littles,daddies,... and their gross kink so much.
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There are so many gross kinksters and weebs misusing the tag it's annoying. How is this lolita at all?!
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AX had a set like that in the "photography area"
It's pink and girly, duh~
Skirt and shoes are fine, switch the turtleneck for a cutsew or casual blouse and replace the puffy hair clips with a bow instead
Ditch the striped socks, they pretty much throw away this whole coord. Replace them with sheer tights that match the blouse or cape
In major need of petti. Ditch those sneakers and the cringey makeup. Not sure if this dress is salvageable if styled better
Ditch the tshirt and sneakers. A cutsew or blouse would fit the classical feel of the skirt and mary janes or some cute boots with maybe some lace tights might be good with this
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How dare she involve that innocent pupper in her depraved quest for daddy's attention.
It's not that this is painful to see so much as it is a perfect example of how casual often just looks off. This would be vastly improved by swapping the lolita skirt for a normie one. Casual still requires balance and a level of effort.
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Is this real life?
lol holy shit i was just about to post this

EGL chat box is such an ita mess
This reads like something from an ita dress up thread.
>you can call my cupcake kitten
Fucking kek
I was wondering why she chose that wig until i saw the tiny hints of teal in the dress..
Still a bad idea honey. They're accents, not giant miku-wig inspiration.
Yeek, those poor boobies. That shit don't fit.
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Found this in the local buy/sell group. $40
Between her neck and knees she doesn't look so bad.... then she does nothing with her hair and makeup, and wears black and white stripy socks. Why couldn't they even be pink and white stripy socks (although that would still not really work, especially with the shawl and blouse). It's another of these outfits that can't seem to decide on a theme. Stripy socks and short choppy hair could work for punk Lolita, blouse and capelet/shawl is more like Hime Lolita, and the JSK and cuffs are straight up sweet Lolita.
Couldn't she wear a less OTT Miku wig, at least - like regular twin-tails size? Her bodice doesn't seem to fit right, either.
hot damn, pretty sure this was my first ita dress from forever ago. pawned it off to someone for cheap recently. i wonder if i'm responsible for this
Is this some unfortunate child/teenager lacking in social skills? I know what they're doing is really cringey, but I don't see what posting them here will do to help that. Apart from the scruffy wig, the picture aren't even clear enough for us to see her co-ords (although I'd suspect she hasn't learned how to do Lolita well yet from the wig and the fit of the bodice).
Depending on the length of that skirt, this might actually be salvageable by someone with some sewing skills.
they would need expert level sewing and lolita skills to salvage it though, its pretty nasty looking

As someone with sewing skills, nah.

The fabric doesn't look worth the effort, the ruffled/elastic shoulder straps tends to look awkward and the design is neither old school nor modern. Much easier to start over from scratch with better material.
That awkward posing
That triggered face
More awkward poses
I like the pose on the right but that what were you even
Poor bunny.
It's a little girl. I wasnt so cringy when i was young, but i had bad moments.
I'm so glad social media wasn't a thing when I was 12 and we were told to keep any identifying factors about ourselves a secret. Imagine looking back on shit like this and not being able to easily get rid of it.
This girl is in my comm and she always shows up to meets smelling like BO. Her hair is always a frizzy mess and she has no manners - when I brought some clothes to give away for free she dove into the pile and clawed at it like a starving 3rd world orphan. She can't eat food without getting it smeared all over her face. I wonder if she is legitimately special needs and I tried to get our mod to talk to her (or her parents) about practicing better personal hygiene before meetups - so far efforts have been unsuccessful.
That's what I thought. Such a good pupperino involved in such a disgusting thing. Truly revolting.
Apparently she's claimed to have gotten a score of 86 on the Lolita Level Up quiz. She's clearly lying.
Not exactly ita-related, but I was bored and checked out the website the onesie is from. The customer pictures on the front page are so cringe it physically hurts if I'm not laughing at the sheer ridiculousness. Why do ageplayers have to ruin the kawaii aesthetic. Someone save those poor dogs in the photos.
the headwear is severely lacking but I love the cutsew. not ita.
some good elements here but this is one disjointed mess. the blouse capelet combo is quite beautiful. shoes are too sweet I think. of course the tights need to be saved for a different coord. headwear and hairstyle needs major consideration.
yes ita, but some of her choices are encouraging. go forth youngling!
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Looks all right, but she kinda needs one of those "no body's perfect" bras that even out boob size. Also at first I thought she had cotton balls on her head and I can't unsee it now. Other than that and the lack of accessories as another anon said, I think it's ok for a casual coord.
I'm so glad someone who's not me finally posted her.
Not technically ita but get this nasty kinkster away from that cute puppu immediately he does not deserve that!!
I don't even know what to say. Is this real
Is it... Like... Not a bad dream? I hope it might be. Or a joke. Please one of the two...

Also this thread sucks ass so far so I'll dump after my run.
whyyyy one of my fave dresses with that horrendous wig? she doesnt deserve that dress.
why does everyone have such bad makeup
lol i know i saw that post... i was like, uhhh probably not. and she said she's been in lolita for a "looooong" time? you've not even been on this earth for a loooong time

>>9559751 is not a troll, see >>9560121.
Was this originally Milanoo? I don't think you'd be able to get anything super amazing from it, but maybe something wearable, probably Bodyline-esque. I think the fabric is either thin or shiny, trying to figure out the weird shifts in colour value in the photo, which means it will never be amazing. Elasticated shoulder-straps are pretty common - I've got some on a few of my dresses, and busty Lolitas like them - but I agree that they're not the best. In this case, they might also be stretched out. I think if all the tacky lace was taken off this, and then some nice edging lace put on the top ruffle, then similar edging lace on the bottom, with a layer of longer lace underneath to give a faux-underskirt effect, it might be enough to make the skirt look at least the right length. No point replacing the armpit lace, it's pointless anyway. Lace overlay at the top of the bodice is probably crap lace, so replace that, maybe to match the faux-underskirt.
This just looks trashy as fuck. Like, goddamnit woman. Can't be fucked to get a blouse, actual shoes and ditch the clusterfuck on top of your head?
>tags it specifically #lolitafashion
>the tag where people originally escaped from this fetish shit

these people need to be shamed and burned. seriously. gross pedophilic shits who only serve as a burden to everyone who they involve into their nasty shit. disgusting.
I don't have a problem with ddlg or whatever but when people group it with lolita then I do have a problem

as long as they don't go to #eglcommunity which they have no arguable reason to think applies to them i won't work up rage
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More appropriate for an ugly dress tread but there can be no avoiding ita-ness in this dress.
I'm scared...
I have never found something so funny that I was incapable of laughing. Thank you anon, I think I might explode
Jesus fucking christ, someone needs to take her laptop away.
I kind of love this I'm not gonna lie, obviously not for lolita, but I could see some crazy deco chick rocking this at a J-Fashion walk. That and props to whoever has the patience to work that fabric from hell
Where was this posted???
This is when bath-tub mat-kei was born. I'm not sure if I love or hate this thing.
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I mean, I'm sure she's trying.
I-I like it desu
Not for lolita, nah. But fairy-kei or decora? It would be wearable for sure. Pair it with some of those fluffy chocomint accessories + a better petti and I'm sold for another jfash that isn't lolita.
Also the changing colors of lace is sort of cool to me. Props to this person for being creative with decent construction but I take them back bc they think it's lolita
She's got a lot going on but this could be fixed I think? Or is that some sort of replica? The picture quality is absolute potato.
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Darling... Sweetie... Honey motherfucking bunches of Oats...
Homemade sundresses are not lolita
Oh my god that's like an ita stereotype. It's just missing cat ears/"desu" and it's perfect. How scary.

>doved in the pile and clawed at it
>can't eat food without getting it smeared on her face
Hope you guys find her parents to talk to them about it. She looks like a kid but an annoying kid.
Underrated comment.
I feel that this girl can be salvaged. That blouse looks nice and has nice lace, the shoes are cute and appropriate... I mean everything in this is good separately, just... literally nothing goes together. If she gets a white-white blouse, and gets a paler pink pair of shoes, maybe better headwear, and a petti, she'll be alright.
Tbh this looks comfy as fuck. Would wear for rolling around in a pillow fort watching movies/10
I agree. She's got the general idea. I feel like she has potential to improve.
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Normie Tumblr girls who also watch anime are very very annoying.
report them. even though insta says it only removes actual nudity in the report form i've gotten several ddlg accounts taken down from reporting them as pornography.
Lel that's honestly not even rude if they're going to be stupid then they need to get deleted.
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This is "can i wear a petti under a normie skirt? :3" taken to the extreme
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This looks like something I would have worn to as an edgy eighth grader to a middle school dance
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You sure Annon?
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Oh dear
Sauce on the dress?
Oh dear god.
Fucking how?!
She looks like she's trying to show the petticoat, not like she's gonna actually go around like that
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i actually really like this as a partial fursuit.
as a lolita coord its godawful, though.
NOTHING in that outfit fits - just look how that waistcoat and blouse are training. Face and limbs say 'dude', so I'm going to guess that's a stuffed bra so no excuse for that. Was this some guy cross-dressing for shits and giggles, or do they seriously intend this as an outfit?
a u t i s m
Hooooly shit that looks bad
>i actually really like this as a partial fursuit
I don't want to live anymore. The lace isn't even sewn on at the bottom.
He was serious
... wow. It looks like he tried to force himself into his girlfriend's/petite boyfriend's clothes.
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Nothing matches.
I was going to post her but I felt so bad because she has potential even though she's fat. I love the idea of the planet bag but it just doesn't match.
Yeah and he's not fat either? Like baby honey please just get something that fits properly.
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So close yet so,so far.
>so close

cute tumblr-kei tho
Thumbnail looks like there's dildo on her head.
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I mean this person has a concept going. There's just some guidance on quality and proper coordination needed.
Unlike pic related who has no clue what lolita is obviously and wants to make it a ddlg fetish thing.
>Holds up spork xD
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I'm more concerned about the BDSM collar
Why does this dress keep being bought and with the same results? I'm just so horrified honestly.
Yeah it looks like one of those pastel goth or whatever ones from aliexpress. They're constantly being labeled as kawaii and lolita by normie shops.
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Hello Kitty does not a lolita make. Also what is that trainwreck on her head
I came here specifically for this one. There's just so much going on....

>I even had enough fabric to make my niece a simple pullover dress.

No. No you did not. Should've used that fabric to make it longer, it looks like some creepy ageplay fatty shit.
Is this a new lolita perhaps? It's not too bad for a first coord.
>not too bad

get some standards
This is an adorable old school coord imo
How is it autist always dress either awful, or are extreme nitpicks to themselves and dress great. Like, I understand the nitpick thing, and I guess bad fashion influences will talk more easy to people who are social awkward because most people find them cringy, but why is there no middle way, or at least never a visible one?
The red socks need to go. I'd also pick a maxi pad headdress that didn't have the chiffon ribbon-- seems a bit out of place.
This is actually cute but the only other red I see is Usakumya's eyes so I'd do different socks. Now, I fucking hate it when people say nitpick in the ita thread. Especially when the problem is huge and glaring.
This problem is not huge or glaring. It's passable now, but I would just tweak some stuff and this could be proper.
Now that wig is a huge glaring problem and makes it not a nitpick. Try again.
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She's wearing so much indie brand but it looks so frumpy and not lolita...
would be rad at the goth club, looks fun to dance and twirl in
The good auties never make it known that they're auties, anon...
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She took a sweet skirt and tried to make it goth. Didn't work out so well
I can't say I hate this. My main gripe with this coord is the peignoir. Otherwise it wouldn't look out of place among KERA streetsnaps.
It makes me think of the short-lived bittersweet movement. If not for the peignoir, I'd literally tell you that this was a coord from that point in time and you could not convince me otherwise. I don't like the white shoes. I would have gone for black. I understand what she was going for, and she missed the mark on that for sure.
>pours one out for bittersweet
RIP i guess
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This is all bad no matter what but I know someone will try to defend it

The only thing even remotely saving this is the level of poof
Those shoes look gross.

>ice cream cone bag with perfume print
>mismatched pink on the ice cream cone to boot, though at least she overexposed the photo so it's less obvious
>followed by drippy socks
>wristcuffs and necklace with crosses
>that floppy front bow on top of that blouse
>that necklace in the middle of the mess

this doesn't seem like someone trying to take a sweet print in a gothic direction so much as someone throwing a bunch of black things together and hoping it's messy enough that no one notices it doesn't really go together. the peignoir is actually brilliant, you're so busy wtf-ing at it you don't even notice the entire outfit is basically nitpicks from head-to-toe.

The really weird thing is that the blouse and skirt alone go really well together. I wonder if she started out trying to put together a simple outfit and then decided "eh, fuck it" and did this instead.
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Sometimes I just don't have anything to say about the things I find on the internet
Not ita
You could put in a little more effort, anon.
can't read the sign but is this a fucking childrens event???? and its a fullbody suit too, kill me
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do not give me your subpar reply anon I only partake in the finest of bait
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"But anon-chan, this is a cardcaptor Sakura cosplay!"

Maybe, but the girl in the picture doesn't know that
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Isn't this a cosplay??
She tagged it as lolita fashion and lolita style and said something about how she needed a parasol. She didn't tag or mention a character either or I wouldn't have posted her here. Idc about cosplay all that much it's cool and I admire it. But even if she's cosplaying a "lolita" character,( like i would consider the Rozen Maiden dolls, Celestia Ludenberg, etc.) it's not well done. If you cosplay those characters, construction and quality seems to really make a difference and even though I'm no cosplay expert, this does not look good.
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This girl seems to have only a very vague idea of what lolita fashion is.
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Is that an extremely shitty jsk replica or a replica of the salopette which literally sells for nothing
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Why is she in the bathtub
Looks like a regular case of babby's first honestly. Nothing too shockingly bad
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That eye makeup
But but it's hip hop rori desu
It says children zone
From the thumbnail i thought she had no legs
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It's even better with the caption.
>The good auties never make it known that they're auties, anon...
I know many autist that dress good irl, but they are extreme nitpicks towards themselves, being extremely strict in matching and looking well and get almost uncomfortable if that isn't the case. I've also met autist who act like the above, but I don't really want them in my friendlist so to say. But then, I never met an "average autist", so to say. I'm not just talking internet, of course people won't scream it of the roofs, but also people I met in rl.
Fucking gross.
>bittersweet movement
bittersweet never existed. Someone made up the name for sweet coords with black as the main colour because there were two opposing sides screaming "baww it's not sweet if it's not pink/blue/lav" and "it HAS to be sweet because it doesn't fit anything else".
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It looks like she took a kawaii-ified mop and just plopped it on her head.
Those eyes.
Mana pls kill ddlg
Bittersweet was a thing for a really short span of time because people were salty about black color ways of sweet prints but then most people decided that pulling the stick out of their ass would be better than trying to shoehorn a new substyle into lolita. It never actually turned into anything much but everyone went autistic because black isn't sweet enough or whatever. I feel like most lolitas have other, not necessarily better, things to be retarded about and not whether AP is going to release Pastel Vomit Carnival in a black colorway.
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This wig is actually triggering me
Not just that wig. What the hel is wrong with her face (make-up wise). Why do people think it looks good to make everything one tone when there face shape shows it's obvious they plastered there face with to much foundation? Don't people understand that only works on really smooth skin and makes you look like a sexdoll otherwise? Pink lips ain't helping and her brows look like she shaved them off and the first stubbles of black hair are returning.

A beautiful dress worn by an absolute retard. :(
I'm pretty sure this is the ~edgy~ Emo bathtub photo pose from around 2003 - just thankfully without fake blood and razor blades/knives. Her outfit appears to be a straight up Goth outfit - ruffles on a Goth outfit =/= Gothic Lolita, but there are some who never seem to learn this.
... I think that IS a full-body anime girl suit. Are those LEDS IN the petticoat?
From the thumbnail I thought "oh, some Goth that thinks they're Gothic Lolita when they're just frilly Goth, again" - but nope, this one clearly attempted Lolita, but missed. There's definite references to Lolita fashion in this outfit, but there's so much that's just off - and she needs to brush that wig desperately. I'm not sure what's going on with drawing a button on their nose - trying to be a 'dolly'? I kinda wish they'd take that wig and those bows off, clean the button off their nose, and just have a cute Goth outfit. Hopefully she's a newbie that will learn how to do Gothic Lolita properly (and learn that it's not about being a 'dolly')
Totally cute as a Tumblr (the hair and boots) influenced Goth outfit - just not Lolita. Lots of Goths (and I'm speaking as a Goth myself) don't seem to know anything about Lolita as a fashion, so will tag things that approximates it inappropriately. Wish they'd just call it "Lolita inspired" or something. (I'm guilt of having done this myself years back).
This is not ita tier - it's just not the best co-ord. Someone has already said that the main things to fix with this would be a rectangle headdress without those specific ribbons, and to swap the socks for ones with a black pattern (or I'd say ruffly long socks with black ribbons). Certainly this co-ord has its mistakes, but it's definitely not Ita bad.
Why is she wearing 1 random cheap mallgoth lace glove?
I though it was supposed to be an animal nose. Not that that's much better. Only worse as it's not clear XD
It's new but I think you're right and I just really tried to block that era out
Yes they are
I want that bag
lol I was in the middle of posting this then my phone died. Yeah this is an ancient official "gothic Lolita" Haruhi that used to go for top dollar.
While it may not even be Lolita, I'd say it still looks ugly as sin

The pictures that is. Haruhi looks fine
This is what "wigs are mandatory" lolitas have created. without the wig it's a fine newbie coord
Like others have said, not lolita but I fucking love this.
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>describes this as a schoolgirl outfit
>people asking where she's getting her "Japanese" clothes
> "oh it's called lolita fashion"
Please kill me

That shoop is horrifying.
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anon post the full thing.
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'Sewing level: veteran'
"For a friend's wedding" dear god
There is nothing worth saving here.. Not a single aspect correlates into the same sub-style, let alone a lolita coord. Those dreads aren't event put in, just kind of laid on top of her head..
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>I think the expression 'painful' is very rude, and it also gives you a sense of the low awareness of those who say it, so I don't think we need to get swallowed up in that word.
Bad translation but it's apparently a quote from Mariko Suzuki. Okay? Of course people in the spotlight are going to say that.
How is it that there are people with such low self awareness that they think this kind of trash acceptable to wear to a wedding? It'd only be appropriate if her friend is also major cringe and having a glorious Nippon themed wedding.
I thought about posting con-crit for about four seconds and decided against it. I'm in disbelief about her wearing this shiny eyesore to a wedding as well...
I just cannot imagine. I hope her friend is a weeb like her. Not even my autistic brother is this socially unaware that this is very, very bad.
can someone troll the post and ask to see what the bride wore. we need pics of this weebfest
Where is it posted?
one of the handmade groups, I believe lolita sewing collective
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Nope but I dump her previous handiwork.
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This one's a real kicker.
Sorry about the hideous frame, she does not have a copy of this image on her public profile without it.
that does not look like a lolita skirt at all.
Oh shit it's this chick, yikes
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Don't even make me look at the other terrible handmade girl anymore at least this one is trying
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It gets worse though.
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Saw this girl on LM trying to sell the shitty replica that she's wearing.
Why does it look like she's taking a photo through a dirty fish tank filter?
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Matchmaker kei
She looks like she takes makeup tips from Miranda Sings.
This was only lolita inspired for a con maid cafe.
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Not ita, get a life
These aren't ita
Aside of the girl in black being a landwhale I don't think she's that bad but the other girl is 100% ita, she just looks like she's wearing grandma kei. It's passable for a normie look but not lolita. Sorry your friend got posted but maybe instead of mindlessly defending her, a real friend would be focused on helping her improve.
I'm not sure what planet you live on, but I suspect it's Planet Bait
Right girl has
>shiny fabric for skirt
>no poof
>mismatched flats
>white socks, beige cardigan
Left girl isn't too bad even though she's pretty big but she has
>poor skirt construction
>plain black crew socks..?
>deflated skirt/no petti
Honestly though what really kills her is those awful ass frills on the edge of the vest and skirt.
Pic related, tried to apply to this group on Facebook after seeing this post. Mentioned I was into shironuri and uchuu-kei as well. Despite the fact that I've been in two J-fashion shows in the last year and provided pictures of myself in lolita (since shiro and classic are the only styles I do), the fact that I was actively and mostly into cosplay meant I wasn't a "good candidate" for the group

All the while, itas like this girl are approved. Should I be offended...?
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God dammit, I'm so tired.
Are you absolutely shitting me
So it's a shitter hugbox. For some reason, I'm not surprised.
Like, what criteria do I have to meet that ita-desu-chan above meets and I don't? Because apparently two years of participating in the community and being in a couple J-fashion shows and meeting the designer of Atelier Pierrot etcetcetc... is not what they're looking for.

If I had lied and just told her I'd been into lolita since I was a fucking fetus, would that have gotten me in instead of telling her I'd only been into the fashion for two years?


I'm not surprised either, but I sure didn't expect some rando lolita admin of a hugbox group to message me and question my "lolita credentials" or some shit
>is that some sort of replica?
i doubt it, that print is bodyline
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can't put my finger on what it is:
>giant jingle bells
>lumpy uneven construction all around
>that dress
but something about this pushes it beyond regular ita territory, beyond fursuit territory, and into someplace entirely more unsettling. this belongs in a cursed pic thread and possibly even on /x/.
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This is a cute dress for normie wear (maybe even larme idk) but it's certainly not lolita.
What? They didn't ask me a damn thing and all I have that isn't normie on my fb is a picture of me in a pink wig. Yet I still got accepted.
Okay, now I'm really fucking confused. Then why did one of their admins message me and question me about whether or not I was in lolita? How do they choose who to question and who not to question?

the admin questioned me as well and she kind of creeped me out. the only reason i stay in the group is to lurk. believe me, you probably don't want to be a part of this group

>admin only uses it as platform to blogpost about herself
>literally everybody who actively posts is an ita
>"off-topic wednesday" ft. itas and lolitas at heart complaining and taking their turns to blogpost
>no concrit!!!!
If I had to guess, based on what others have said so far, you probably looked too good. Can't have someone doing it right other than the admin, or her status as queen bee lolita goddess holy mother of all frills might be threatened.
Pushed on another mod and ended up getting accepted.

We'll see how this goes. : ^)
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I'm all for hijabi lolitas but why could only that one hijabi girl everyone hated coord properly
I hate this chick, she always shoops her eyes to hell. Lolcow thread when?
NAYRT but you're right about most of the fixes... but look at what a long ass list that is. Not worth the time and effort, making something from scratch would take less time and the result would be better
...a lolcow thread dedicated to somebody just because they shoop their eyes too big?
misfired >>9566360
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the level of filter on this has me shook
I'd steer her to gyaru if the black layer underneath is changeable. the colors are a bit too dark because of it. pretty damn cute but in no way lolita.
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She has potential but I don't think she knows what she's doing.
The filtering is so high, at first I thought the ears were one of those OTT wigs people were doing a while back, with the "horns" made of hair and all decorated.
I got approved and I'm a pretty big cunt XD I didn't realise that shit show was from that group til I saw it the other day, while looking for some itastic content

its run by green-lipstick chan so you arent missing out
I think she knows but doesn't care. Doesn't hurt to look at, not ita.
I love this
There's something so precious when they look so happy like this.
You're probably better looking/skinnier than the admin if they're letting in 12 year old disasters but questioned you. Or maybe message her back like
'Hey bitch why are you interrogating me when my friends have said they got in no problem?'
she's also a cam girl that wears Lolita in her streams
Your eyes don't have to physically ache for something to be considered ita.
That fucking frame just makes it better anon.
I can't believe people still have to explain this shit. Ita is the japanese equivalent of "Ouch!" people say it when they're physically in pain. For something to be considered ita in lolita terms, it needs to make you recoil and want to express pain.
Done with the patriarchy AND with the diet i see
Is that Ken-sama's wife?
I feel like, on cgl at least, it now means everything that doesn't fit the mold.
admin questioned me when I joined, and we chat every now and then, she seems nice. idk, i was looking for a place to just chat with other lolitas when i joined but yeah it is pretty ita.

>>9566306 idk, not going to toot my own horn but i would say my coording is better than the admins, so i dont know why they accepted me... but i only mentioned lolita as my main interest in joining, maybe that was the key and your comment about shinonuri was misleading?
This makes me wanna puke.
>No one coords like Gaston
Thanks for admitting what I have always argued on here. This is actually the thread for "things cgl is triggered by" and not actually an ita thread.
Sorry you got posted, but if you're trying to be lolita then this is majorly ita. If you're not going for lolita this is still a pretty dumpy dress. Sometimes it helps to care about doing things properly.
I can't believe I still have to explain this shit.The idea that something ugly burns your eyes is already hyperbole, just like the term ita. If it's ugly it's ita. Your eyes don't literally have to be in pain like you're staring at the sun. Is nonliteral language just too difficult for you?
ok this literally hurts my eyes
I'm >>9566676 and I just don't think she looks thad bad. I don't know what she was going for so I just judge it based on whether it looks awful or not. Yeah there are like hundred things she could improve but that doesn't make it hella ugly.
The black and red skirt would almost be passable without that weird print on the red fabric. Why does she keep picking THE WORST fabrics?
Why these outfits don't work:
Grey outfit -
- headdress to dainty for the sturdy fabric of the skirt and waistcoat
-waistcoat doesn't fit well
-blouse neckline is too low for Lolita
-mesh ruffles on waistcoat and skirt are poor quality
- socks are too short for that skirt/outfit. Tights or OTKs/knee-socks would be better.

Why the ivory/pink outfit doesn't work
- shiny fabric bad
- cardigan cut not suitable for Lolita
- brown shoes don't match anything
-no petticoat, and
- skirt waistband construction not suitable for display OVER a blouse due to shirring at front
-lace trim on bottom of skirt attached badly with points where it clearly pulls the fabric awkwardly and unevenly

Are they the worst? No. Do they have room for improvement? Yes. At least both people involved seem to have an idea with what they're aiming for, they just haven't reached it yet. Handmade takes a LOT of practice, and it also requires using really good materials in the first place - cheap-looking mesh and shiny brocade aren't suitable for Lolita (but maybe that skirt fabric could make a cute cushion).
The dress is perfectly fine, this to me just looks like a normie who borrowed a jsk from a friend to wear for an event or something. This is kinda cute for a fancy event but definitely not lolita.
Oh, someone meant well but missed - again, it's all about materials. The lace on the seifuku collar is about passable, but the lace on everything is else is just NOPE> The mesh looking stuff at the waist and sleeves is just totally not a Lolita material, and maybe that skirt lace could have looked OK in some other situation, but not here. I actually think that it contrasts nicely with navy, but this outfit can't decide if it's a sailor-style school uniform or a folksy outfit. If she'd kept the bottom lace, and the lace on the seifuku-collar, but instead of the stripes, gone for solid navy on the collar, and ditched the unnecessary rear bow, something better could have been made of this. And what happened to her lace and petti at the back? Did she sit awkwardly and smush it together?
Put a blouse, petticoat, and socks/tights and head-dress on her... It's a nice JSK, but she's wearing it as /just/ a JSK, not a Lolita outfit.
Why won't this disaster of a dress just vanish? I pity the newbs that buy it.
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I cannot believe you retards still fight about this. Something doesn't have to punch you in the face to be ita. This is not a thread of outfits that "just don't fit the mold" this is a thread of incohesive outfits that have major problems that need fixing. And if you think that they don't consider most of this shit ita in ~*~glorious Nippon~*~ then honey you've got a big storm coming.

Pic related, this is totarry rori you guys
People sometimes post pics in this thread that were not meant as a lolita coord. I'm not going to Google all the coords so I just judge them on ugliness and not on how lolita it looks.
Usually you're either smart enough to gather enough clues about how to dress yourself (and do great because autism makes you pay too much attention to everything and overfocus) or you're stupid and will do whatever and not have the self awareness because you're literally retarded
source: am autistic

Hamplanet's outfit looks fine
You are actually retarded for thinking people are talking about physical pain. Of course a picture can't ~actually~ hurt your eyes, jesus christ. It's cringe pain anon.
>Is nonliteral language just too difficult for you?

This applies to you too anon.
Most of these things have been specified that they are intended to be lolita fashion. Bad coords are 99.9% of the time, ita. This argument is age old and very pointless.
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Let's get this thread back on the rails
Main problem with left's coord is that it's being worn by an ex-heavyweight boxer named Tony
>that feel when you were the one that introduced her to Lolita and now she's here
>It's just missing cat ears/"desu" and it's perfect. How scary.
Do you seriously not see the cat ears in both those pics?

Look closer.
I've got to say I think everyone on this page is pathetic. Why waste your time posting about other people's coords? Why not try to help make them better if you think you are so much better than them? I'm so glad my local comm isn't filled with sad, pathetic people such as yourselves. Every lolita starts somewhere and I'm positive almost 100% of them would cringe at their first coord. I hate that people exist in the world that would hide behind an anon tag and bitch about how other people are trying when they know nothing of the person who is in the picture. You people are messed up in the head and seriously need mental help. Your words make you uglier than any of the coords in this post. Go seek Jesus.... or the holy spaghetti monster...just get help somehow. Good Lord....
Know that fell anon, I've totally encouraged itas to join our comm in the hopes they would improve. No such luck sadly.

>I'm so glad my local comm isn't filled with sad, pathetic people such as yourselves.
It is though, and they're probably talking shit about you. If not for your coords then for your attitude.
> saged for responding to this sort of thing.

desu i got a lot of good advice back in the day when my early coords got posted.
>she means to pair it with a bondage collar
Looool. Go back to your hugbox.
How am I the one with the bad attitude? For calling people out that attack people who are not present to defend themselves???
Grow up
It's time for you to go, sweaty.
Good advice and posting how horrible you think someone looks and calling people land whales and such is not the same. If they gave opinion and then said how they could fix it, it'd be different.
Am I not allowed to voice my opinion like the rest of you? That is sad... you can dish it, but can't take it when someone doesn't agree with you?
you have to just make it through the weeds. I was like "that's me, anon. help please" and people helped.

not everyone's going to be nice, but with a bit of a thick skin you can work with it.

> i'm a hugbox but i don't think that some people throwing insults means we shouldn't be able to discuss bad coords
Itd be fine if they were only discussing bad coords. Try having someone you know posted on here, knowing how stressed out they were about meeting all the rules of lolita and having 2 weeks to prepare something, then taking a picture because you actually were having a good day and felt pretty and then someone stole that picture from the internet and proceeded to make fun of that person in a way that wasn't helpful at all. Would you not want to punch that lot that is acting like that towards the person you cared about?
>Am I not allowed to voice my opinion like the rest of you?
This is your mistake; you are literally asking us "if you are allowed". Of course you are allowed; grow an ego and stand up to adversity. Having a differing opinion takes a spine; so start practicing now. NEVER ask about if you are allowed to think one way or another; at that point you've lost your position and your power.

I'm getting tired of people asserting themselves and then crumbling at the first objection to their opinion.
Do you not read sarcasm well? I wasn't legit asking "Can I please have an opinion" I was being sarcastic....
honestly can't wait until this thread goes into autosage. OP's pic pisses me off every time I see it. It's not ita tier at all, the most ita thing about it is that it's an uncropped screenshot.
Happened to me. Except it wasn't my friend being made fun of, it was me. I got over it and so can you.
I have seen that happen to several friends and they all delt with it like adults. Sorry your friend can't handle the heat.
that is your own fault desu, this is an imageboard. use images to convey what you mean.
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I came across a photo where the bunny is not in front of her dress
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The gulls in this thread haven't even been as rude as normal and someone is still mad? Go figure.
Generally, of postees come to this thread with a good attitude, we do concrit. It's only the ones that start having a massive conniption who are even remembered, and they usually go on to be lolcows. Just something to ponder on.

Getting back on track, girl... That is a petti.
I love all the stupid ellipses and cringey ending, saving this for copypasta
Thanks :^)
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Friends got posted once, this is how they dealt with it and how I dealt with it when I was a fattychan
I have been posted here many times but I don't sulk in the corner because of it. I laugh to it, I laugh to the replies and if my fellow lolita friend is online, I send it to her and we laugh to it together. Laughing at yourself is something you need to learn. And then I think what could be done better.

It's a learning experience to be posted here, you get the most honest opinions about your coord anonymously. Anons can be mean but you can get what you got wrong. You can't get any better if everyone always praise you. It's really important when you are starting out since you don't yet have own "style" you want to keep.
I come here waiting for my coords to get posted so that I can learn all the nitpicks with my outfit. Although harsh, it is better concrit than the cof hugbox.
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I'm not sure where she's getting the idea that this is lolita. It has no elements. Also, I cannot for the life of me tell for sure but is that a wig
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Those shoes look like ankle braces.
It's a wig, no one puts on a lace front that well and then doesn't brush it.
Open toe shoes for lolita
Yes or no?
Like all things, if done well then yes
Shit. You fucked up, stupid.
I think it was a fat joke.
God, Photoshop makes a difference, doesn't it? Those bags under her eyes are terrible.
-hair/wig/whatever needs brushed and styled
-no headdress. That black whatever is NOT a headdress.
-Gothic choker with attempted sweet/hime
-blouse sleeves are not the worst, but neckline and giant neck ruffle are not Lolita
-cut of dress is not Lolita, and is not flattering to her body
-no petticoat, and outfit does not fit any Lolita shape (bell, a-line, babydoll)
-dress fabric looks cheap and thin, lace is suspiciously raschel-ish
-black shoes don't go with outfit.
- unflattering selfie poses

Just because something is feminine and ruffly doesn't make it Lolita.
No. Always looks too Gyaru for Lolita
About the pic
If she had picked the peach from that floral pattern, or the green, or maybe the pastel pink, this would be so much better... but nope, the accent colour on what I can only assume is a handmade piece, was the brightest colour on there. Taking off a all of the unnecessary ribbons and putting a proper obi - based waist tie would improve this so much, and then maybe a pair of RHS and a nice headdress. Wa-Lolita is probably the hardest sub-style to get right, and beginners always try it and fail.
This just reminds me of old street snaps. It's ugly, but like, pleasantly so, imo. To me it borders more into 'quirky' than actual ita. (Yes I'm aware that the socks match Nothing and the headdress is not the best choice. But for what it is...pass)
That's a really stupid way of looking at lolita fashion. If we all had your attitude we would still be wearing old school so we would all look ita.
That's pretty mental
NAYRT but not really? Generally in lolita comms if you offer nice concrit you'll get viewed as a meanie. /cgl/ is also my place of choice for coord critique because I know people here will be brutally honest without worrying about the dumb "lolitas must be lovelies!" types scolding or privately shit-talking them.
not ita, go home ur drunk
I looked up thread until I got to the OP of that discussion - that doesn't fit the context. They fucked up.
You also get people lying about how you look though. They could be giving you concrit in hopes you'll do something stupid.

>inb4 typical gull response of "hurrhurr you can't tell when you're being trolled"
Be real. Most gulls can't tell they're being trolled and always take the bait. Why would you be the exception to the rule? You're not.
I've personally never seen that happen and still prefer here over most public lolita communities. The times I've posted here seeking criticism I've gotten thoughtful and encouraging responses while not being sycophantic.
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Good luck getting rid of it.
they match the rabbit eyes is what she must be thinking
Your comm sounds awful, is it full of teenagers? I've seen such bad concrit on cgl that it makes me wonder if they ever wear lolita.
Did she really modify that dress so she could have her boobs hanging out?!
Hasn't this already been discussed to death?
lace on skit is cheap and fugly, bodice of dress looks like it had 0 effort put into having it fit her torso, plus it's far too plain for Lolita. Is she actually intending that blouse and mini-hat for a co-ord, or is this just a pic for showing off the dress she made? Dress genuinely looks unfinished.
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>It's like a mixture of Lolita but I accidentally mixed it with my own style because I forgot my sketch book somewhere. This was my first time sewing so I kinda failed but I think I did OK.

Accidentally mixed it with your own style? Shit taste and shit sewing.
That girl has just stopped caring as much. She's a very experienced lolita who has entered that "not giving a fuck" stage of the fashion lol.
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Here's an old one of me
My facebook is full of satanic black metal stuff and I got in lol. Never had much problems there. Some are ita, but every once in a while some intro post also have really nice coords, they just don't get posted on /cgl/ much. And like >>9566077
mentioned, it is kinda a hugbox. But between all the other groups, it's quite nice. Didn't have drama when stating opinions, but it's not the group to post hate. One person started hating on /cgl/ and after people told her it's not hell on earth (including me), she deleted the topic and started being a cunt in PM. Made screenshorts of both topic and PM, she now got a permaban. It's a nice group for positive topics. Anything that really can cause drama, it's not the group for, but those are not posted either, and luckily there are more groups around that are more suited. It's really more for superficial happy talk about the fashion. Stuff you got in, talking about dresses you like, that sort of stuff. For those moments you don't want drama.

Handmade groups. No good experiences. Last time I was in one, someone was complaining about big sisters of lolita fashion, but completely twisted the story. There where some things that just looked bad in the way it was made, and she had asked for opinions. Then she started talking about people being evil jerks who said all this mean stuff while she didn't even ask for it, and how she didn't care. When I pointed out I saw that thread (she had already deleted of course) and that people where being respectful and where giving concrit she asked for in a respectful way and that she seemed like she was trying to blackmail, I was banned without a warning lol. And then they wonder why people don't feel bad for them being posted here.
Saw a friend posted. I thought "it's just an oldschool-coord, like. really old-school". Then ignored it and went on. 2 days later when checking /cgl/, people where calling nitpick and siad it was just a really old-school coord.

If you don't want to risk people posting you on /cgl/, don't upload things on the internet. If I can access people their private google drive photo's with a simple google query, why would you trust a "private" Facebook page. And yes, I can, and it's been known for years. Nice links on google dorks if you want to know more (like creditcard outputs that are for some reason hosted, including all details to use the card, steal identity and more)...
Or they are completely unhelpful because they make comments on things that are irrelevant. Fat chicken knows her coord doesn't fit well because she has lost 50 lbs. Her top button won't stay, but at that point she couldn't fix it. She had been on her feet for 3 days straight by that point and had gotten 4 hours of sleep between those 3 days. She looked like sit and knew it. She knows she's a cow, and doesn't look good but she still dressed up for her sister. The picture wasn't posted anywhere but to one of their pages and someone chose to go onto their personal page to take the pic and post it here. They knew they didn't have 100% awesome coords. The other girl had like 1.5 to 2 weeks to put what she put together. No time to buy anything legit but tried so she could in some way dress up for the maid cafe and see if she liked Lolita at all before she invested into it. Yet ignorant idiots take her pic from her page and share it and act like she's an idiot. Ignorance irritates me and that's why I'm annoyed at this. Everyone here is ignorant and just judging people. There are very few constructive opinions. Childish people annoy me. I can't help that.
I mean I guess I admire her for being able to not give a fuck but it just doesn't really look lolita to me. Maybe mori.
Fantastic bait, I'm shocked someone hasn't replied yet.
It's a meme you fucks
People online don't know if you're a special snowflake who things his/her coord is awesome or if you had something going on like you said. You do, so when you read that, you think to your self "agreed, that is true, but it was because this and that, and I know better", and there is no reason to get your feelings hurt because of some people online you don't even know. For the taking of personal Facebook part, see >>9568458 , people need to realise a personal Facebook place is not personal because you control it, but because it's about you. People are being stupid online, stop thinking, and complain about the consequences. And just like they shouldn't worry about random people online, I'm not going to worry about them too. Humans are egocentric, hypocrite, and sadistic in nature. Deal with it, the whole world won't like you, and the internet won't hide that from you.

And if you're fat and don't want to hear about it. Loose weight. Yes a few people can't. Explain the case politely and people will understand, and further comes down on the first point "you know better than them, so why care for unknowing people you don't even know?". But most people are just to lazy to lose weight and get butthurt, and naturally, being fat is not attractive, because it shows being unhealthy, which is in nature, is not a good thing, so I don't see why it has to be praised all the time because some people need a safespace. If you're to lazy, deal with the consequences...
You guys pick and choose what you want to respond to. 50lbs weight loss means she is losing weight and her clothes are too big because of it. How does that bring you to she must be too lazy to lose the weight and is butt hurt that someone called her fat? She is a freaking cow. She is not offended by that and that was not the point. The point is that this thread is a bunch a lowlife people sitting at their comp or on their phones insulting people they don't know to make themselves feel better. That does not make me sensitive that makes me more mature than this lot. Judging people you don't know with no background of anything is childish and stupid. Insult people by all means but have the balls to do it to their face or on their page. Not behind their back like a pussy. It is the cowardice and immaturity behind these comments that irritates me. This is why it is pathetic. Post your name at least so people coming here know you are a scum bag.

I have a thing called dignity and honor. Obviously, no one commenting on people behind their backs do. Anything I have to say about you, I'd say to you. Grow up. Good lord. This is why the digital age blows. It breeds cowards and scum.
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Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah!
It was bad, then I saw the feet and spat out my dinner. I actually now feel nauseous.
this outfit has fuck-all to do with lolita but she cute tho
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Do you use that choker when you're with Daddy?
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Tages as goth-lolita
>50lbs weight loss means she is losing weight and her clothes are too big because of it. How does that bring you to she must be too lazy to lose the weight and is butt hurt that someone called her fat?
It wasn't about to big clothes, that argument was about people complaining about fatty-chans, and others complaining about having to be positive about body movements. If you lose weight, you need new clothes, simple as that. If you can't buy new ones or don't want to, rule one, you know the case, others don't, so why care so much about random unknowning people on the internet?
>The point is that this thread is a bunch a lowlife people sitting at their comp or on their phones insulting people they don't know to make themselves feel better.
No, the point is people being butthurt about how mean everyone is and making crypost on youtube about the evils of /cgl/ while they are to stupid to understand the world is not your safespace and people don't always like everything you do. Jerks will always exist, and mindlessly uploading stuff online without thinking and then crying about the consequences you could have though of and shouldn't even care about is just stupid.
>That does not make me sensitive that makes me more mature than this lot.
Then why are you on the ita thread? Just so you can tell everyone how mature you are for being here without being mean? Humans are sadastic and egocentric. One more than the other but we all are. You're not more mature because you go to a place made to watch people look bad and not post mean comments. Most likely, you still think them, or you're here to cause drama and neg. Doesn't make you better anyhow.
>Insult people by all means but have the balls to do it to their face or on their page.
I often enough insult people in their face. I wear lot's of satanic imagery insulting pretty much all Christians around. I tell people what I think on their pages just as well, and people have randomly send me hate messages and then block me without me even knowing what I did exactly. I don't care, I honestly don't. If you're being butthurt about an honest opinion while you asking about the opinion, don't my fucking problem...
>It is the cowardice and immaturity behind these comments that irritates me.
Again, why even come here. You know how 4chan works right? I think you being here and saying this is plainly hypocrite, which I find worse than people being rude jerks.
>Post your name at least so people coming here know you are a scum bag.
See no reason too, but like I said, I say my opinion on Facebook as well. I talk where the conversation is, and I see no reason to say my name because you're being butthurt and feeling I'm to immature. I don't really care.
>I have a thing called dignity and honor.
That's why you're on 4chan in the ita thread.
>Obviously, no one commenting on people behind their backs do.
So where is your name while calling me immature and such? And the whole point you're here. We are bad for saying things without knowing the backstory, but say we're all without dignity and honour without knowing who we are, how we look, or what our backstory is? GG.
>Anything I have to say about you, I'd say to you.
In the anonimousity of 4chan, may I mention.
>I'd say to you. Grow up.
You only make me think I'm more mature to start with. I at least realise and don't deny on hate on what I'm doing myself too...
>This is why the digital age blows.
Oh no, thousand of things have improved, lives have been saved and much more greatness but you can more easily see people are assholes. This is a horrible age...
I thought this was hover loli from the boots up.
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