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Ita thread

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Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 79

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She's supposed to be Belle apparently.
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This is supposed to be ouji
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She's so enthused about lolita and it's killing me that she made literally no improvements on their second coord.
Well thanks god, I wouldn't want to be near that thing in the left.
Girl on right is the most mediocre lolita I've ever known, she hasn't improved since day one and never will
>bitch who wanna sit with you
Agreed. Her attitude always annoys the shit out of me too.
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Please no bully, there are a couple fine coords here but I have noticed that haenuli sometimes looks ita as fuck. This hairdo is so fucking gross

The little prince and deer coords are pretty ita, too, which is a shame since the prints are decent enough they shouldn't be that hard to do a basic coord with.
Hahaha is that thing on the right the "milanoo is lovelies guys!" When then back peddled to the stoneage when people called her out on her shit? Haha so fucking mediocre looking in every coordinate I've ever seen.
She's in my comm and she seems okay personality-wise, but she's so bland. She needs to invest in some makeup and ditch the glasses. She always looks so boring.
Haenuli just suffers from the Hello Batty thing where she really needs to wear a wig. She's a sweet lady, but that color wouldn't fit anything in lolita.
I'm kinda new to the fashion ... is that lady with the orange hair the Haenuli? the same one who owns the brand and makes lovely art?

I'm disappointed.
Surprised she looks like a normal person and not some plastic nymphet like Choke?
LOL anon don't, do NOT do this.
Disappointed? You sound like a cunt.
Yes, disappointed. I'd expect someone like her to at least have decent hair that goes with the fashion, not that disgusting thing.
Especially because she is wearing lolita there.
Why are you quoting >>9363600?? I was telling >>9363593 not to inflate choke's ego goddamn
Go take a look at any successful designer. They never meet the same standards of the clothing they create because they spend all their fucking time creating it. You're shallow as fuck.
Shit, because apparently my screen slipped when I was replying. It was meant for
>>9363600 and >>9363602
Ok I give up, fucking screen.
>pls no bully me
>her hair is so fucking gross

Can dish it out but can't take it huh anon? All she needs to do is redo her roots, it's clean and well styled wtf is your problem?
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I think if this were on a regular sized person it wouldn't be bad. It's definitely not ita, but needs some work. Same with >>9363730. Post actual ita shit.
I agree. Her coords are nothing impressive. Somehow she's a mod in the lolita Amino group despite being so drab.
It's because she's extremely active on social media. That's it. She's around, so it was convenient.
This is tragic because it's ALMOST good. A poofier petticoat and maybe an underskirt would have made this a great co-ord. Actually the underskirt might not even be necessary if she just pulls the socks up right. The skirt would still be too short for lolita, but at least the outfit would like nice as a whole.

Jesus the Haenuli defense squad needs to unbunch their bloomers, that hair looks like shit and so do her poorly fitted, busy dresses
If not for those shorts, this would be fine. But those shorts are just tragic.
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IKR????? just look at her, how horrifying

>The skirt would still be too short for lolita

Newfag much?
Totally agree with this. Haenuli have some coords that use with normie shoes, and it ruins everything she's wearing.
A friend of mine who has been in the fashion for less than a year fabricated the same bloody candy sprinkle coord as hers and it was a last minute do-up cause another piece hadn't gotten to her in time which i feel speaks numbers lmao
Go figure she's a mod for Lolita amino. It must be a prerequisite to be a mod. Be as boring or ita as possible.
Lesbian summer chic
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Are those buttplugs on her head?
I don't like ouji getting more popular since people just throw normalfag clothes on and think it will pass as ouji
Those are not shorts, those are bloomers
It's underwear!
Most, if not all, successful lolita designers know how to coordinate themselves. I like Haenuli and her stuff but her personal coords are questionable as hell.

let's be honest being a 200lb potato kind of makes you automatically ita
>fatty trying to hide her extra chins with her hand
it's not working
Definitely not Ita. An underskirt would be better or tights, then a smaller hair accessory or more volume in her hair to balance it and it would be a really good coord. I think the capelet looks really cute with this!
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Half the designers coordinate amazing, and the other half are very tired potatoes.
Someone please tell her this isn't lolita
I've seen her videos, she has the personality of a cardboard box
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Since this tread is trash here's some more
>that makeup
>that badly-fitted jacket
>those bangs

No, this would still be an eyesore
Alright, she can't help her face but
>that make-up
>those grey roots
>what should that skirt be? It looks like it was a cheap costumes skirt
>Is she wearing sweat bracelets? For sporting?
>socks with holes, or straps cut of of socks with bows added. Both options are not very nice.
>I think the last and she added cheap bow on her shoes too.
>worst of all, who ever though a short sleeved cardigan over a short sleeved blouse, or a transparent cardigan over a short sleeved bloused, let alone a combination, was a good idea?

I'm seriously confused by this. That blouse looks like it was decent before she trew a black lace cardigan over it. Normally the blouse is the first thing people screw up, how did she did everything wrong beside having a lolita blouse?
because she never listens when people try help her
may this may help she cosplays and does steam punk (neither so far all that well)
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I can't decide which wig is worse
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okay, it's not nice... but she looks like Goob from Meet the Robinsons and I can't stop laughing
Somebody actually bought that Milanoo dress?!
I really like the girl who looks kind of like 80s Christine Daae, she has a nice face.

But yeah, Haenuli really needs to get a wig. And I thought Lor and Batty's hair in lolita was distracting...
I think she has potential! Better headwear, shoes, wig, and a more sweet-leaning blouse would do her good. It seems like she has a decent handle on color balancing, though, and I actually don't mind the black and white socks with this. (Although ones without the balloon bear would be ideal.) They remind me of some Putomayo coords.
She's trying. She's also fairly new to lolita and happens to be the sweetest person. What bothers me more is that this was posted on lolita amino... So... Is this Decoden Demon??
Aside from those terrible shoes this is cute. Not ita.
Oh god no. How does she think this looks ok?
Is she one of those people who cares more about being ~original~ and not like the rest than about looking good? There are a LOT of those in the steampunk community and they tend to be annoying as fuck to deal with.
>u laff @ me bcus im different
>i laff @ u bcus ur all the same
Yes she is a snow flake
She looks like she's wearing a slouch sweater with it. Yes Ita.
Thank you so much! I am currently trying to build my career in fashion design and people think it is such a glamorous lifestyle. It isn't. I haven't made anything for myself in 4 years, and I essentially wear a tracksuit most of my days to the studio. The last show I didn't even have time for hair and makeup and I was mortified. Honestly counting down the days until I turn into a fashion hag considering the no. of all nighters I have done.
>Blouse doesn't fit and exposes her bra
>Shoes look too big
>No socks
>lackluster handmade skirt
>Oh dear god those sad hair buns
Her face if kind of cute so its a real shame :(
one on the right should invest in some make up for the plastic look
Well, I mean... nice legs?
Brand itas are the best
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>"cosplay lolita"
This is just someone who doesn't know any fashion rules. That black bra is a dead giveaway and I hope someone will get in her corner and do some teaching.
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Shes brand new to lolita and this was at a new members meet and greet picnic... Honestly the event was more ita than this sweet girl. Way to go Houston comm..
She bought that whole coord at the con. I remember she showed up to one of our meets and was so proud of it.
Nah I don't think it was Isabelle, probably Candy honestly, op is from Houston comm too.
it hurts to look at
>no socks

There's like 7,000 members on there, I don't think you'd be able to use that to narrow down who posted it.

This isn't a nitpick outfit though. Her skirt's too short, the apron front is still giving her boobloaf. The socks are utks, they aren't the most flattering things and there's a reason they went out of style almost universally. On top of the blouse and helicopter head bow. So basically she needs to start over from scratch.

Even then, I'm not really sure there's a way to help her terrible taste/low budget in picking out this outfit in the first place. Her waist bow is pinned crooked too, and her choice of clothes suggest this just isn't someone who pays attention to details.
Even tho the face scared me when I first saw it (and it still does a bit), ad least he was trying to get advice and make an actual good coord, instead of ruining it and getting angry on help as if he knows it all, like most people posted here...
I go to every hlc event and I've never seen her. Is she in hls?
Not gonna lie, that little pouch is kinda cool. Seriously though she's getting crap from Houston and she's new? Houston needs to get a grip if so. They're nothing special.
Houston really does need to get a grip on things, they've been having terrible events now for a while with cringy people in charge of things...
It looks nice.
She just needs to change
And clothing.

Easy to fix
everybody gets shit if they're poorly dressed

not trying to defend houston because she's a genuinely sweet girl (i've talked to her on amino), but the same principle can be applied to a lot of people in this thread. people don't really take personality into consideration, it's an ita thread
>Please someone save me because I can't save myself
Bedsheet kei
she posted this to CoF saying "no concrit please".... like... idek why you would post this, its not lolita. If she was open to concrit she could actually salvage this
What the fuck are you talking about? There have been multiple fun events. Also if something is being held by someone that doesn't dress the best that doesn't make the event itself shit. We've all been having fun and enjoying ourselves. If you haven't then your either a massive cunt that no one likes, or you don't actually come to anything and are just trying to stir drama. Either way we've had a meet every weekend this month, if you don't want to come to one just don't.
I'm just going to leave this here
The poof is impressive.
anon, she's... holding out her skirt with her hands...
On the sides, yes. I was remarking on the rest, there's clearly a petticoat by how it comes forward in the front as she's not fat. It's also causing her shirt to wrinkle like that.
There is no salvaging any of that junk other than maybe the cheap looking white blouse. The skirt is literally just normalfag wear
Shut up dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? This picture is literally 8 years old.
Who is it?
That picture was in style and on trend when it was taken.
>study up or gtfo newfag
Who is this? Reverse image search gives me nothing.
It's Mint Kismet. Someone has a vendetta against her and has for years. I guess they are trying to upset her by posting her on /cgl/ on her birthday. Pretty shitty if you ask me desu
Lol how much of a sad salty bitch do you have to be to do that? That's honestly sad
That's, uh... some vendetta. Somebody needs a nap.
aww I agree she's a cutie. Hope she can find some non-conlitas to inspire her to go all into the fashion and git gud
This is a trend that did not age well, can't wait to see how cringe the current stuff will look years from now.
lmao someone is mad about nothing
>hnnng them legs, that silhouette, those colors
>oh, honey that 5o'clock shadow.

Salvageable. But boy does he need makeup.
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I feel like if this was even salvageable it would still barely touch mediocre.
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"Lolita-inspired" oh boy. Fresh off Amino. I wish I had the nerve to tell her this isn't lolita.
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Dude anon i'm about to do it...i reallywant fucking people also to stop bring in their stupid ass fandoms into lolita.
I feel bad now because I have a harry potter coord. The print was super nice.
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Dropped my pic.
This one is frustrating because while most of the individual items are on the right track, they all have something wrong with them that makes them unsalvageable. Like I can see exactly what she was going for but in order to achieve that look she'd have to trash everything she's wearing and replace them with very similar yet superior pieces. It's almost worse than a greasy ita messing up a nice dress.
Acutal lolita prints being fandom-ish dont bother me. HELL AaTP had a harry potter print, plus i think it also depends on the fandom.
HP isn't badand most the coords are decent/cute. So don't feel bad please.
Probably because people gave her asspats and told her it was
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this was my 1st coord and I'm pretty sure her skirt is a straight knockoff of this one.
It's not a great look even without the shit quality items desu
they're not even close in design so >>9367549
isn't a knockoff.
why did you self-post to the ita thread of all places just to prove a clearly shitty skirt is shitty?
look at the bottom left of her skirt closely -- i'm pretty convinced that it's actually trying & failing to be this one
which I thought was funny because it's a mess
I got this too, two actually. You're not alone in your love.
you really want attention this badly huh

the other skirt just looks like a shitty generic skirt, but any excuse to post yourself right
You should fix your fucking vision & get over yourself rather than assuming I'm "fishing for attention" in an anonymous thread about bad looks
yes, that's the definition, posting yourself in an otherwise anon space, especially for asspats.
you need to deal with the fact that you made a dumb decision.

>that tiered red skirt with adjustable bustle but black lace trim looks like a straightup knockoff of this totally different chiffon/sateen one I wore
>but it looked so bad on me
>I'm a total mess!
>look at me!!!getting proposed to!!!

look at your choices
The thing is, it's not too hard to come up with an actual lolita print.
Do a constellation like one, but instead of constellations, do gallefreyan letters.
havent been on /cgl/ in forever but I thought these "fandom" lolitas would be dead and gone, good to see parts of the community are just as aspie as ever
nah, you're the one that made the stupid decision

but go ahead and try to project more if that helps you cope with your choices

Anon that picture made my day thank you so much

OP of the ita reTardis post. I have a slytherin coord. If fandoms are done subtly and tastefully, I don't really mind it at all. But when it's an ita mess and not even lolita? Then it bothers me. Don't go ott with fandom coords, don't make them ita, and you'll be fine.
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Boring day, scrolled through cof to find some things to pick apart.
Pic dump incoming. No vendetta for this pic, I'm a fatty-chan too but she could have done this so much better.
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I feel like she's trying to look like Kate. God knows why.
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I feel like this isn't lolita. Like,at all. And yet....
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Oh boy....
None of these are ita. Your dump sucks ass.
How is this ita at all? You don't have to like it but it doesn't belong here.
Not ita. Doesn't look like Kate...maybe a bit much on the eye but not worthy of being posted?
This isn't ita. They eye makeup is too heavy for this style but it's far from ita. You may need to sit this tread out and learn what ita is.
what a slut, showing her undies in public
I used to own that, it's literally a shitty hot topic skater dress, shit doesn't come anywhere CLOSE to the knees.
you meant to exclude >>9368370
right? cuz, whooooa boy, if that ain't some classic ita
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I meant to post this picture in COF thread. Pic related. Whoops.

But in my defense, I feel like she looks like Kate due to the "hime hair, ridiculous eye makeup, must be ott sweet"
She's not ita, I'm just retarded apparently
How are any of these except "hime sweet" girl not ita lmfao. Get some goddamn glasses. @the top one, it looks ita to me lmao. @the next one, skirts+sweaters+ a jacket aren't lolita. Fairy kei maybe, but it's not lolita, I don't give a shit if it's a mcd skirt. @the last one... like you have to be kidding right. But I mean I guess if this is your taste, you must be soooo kawaii sugoi desu and should definitely get to say what's ita and what's not
I don't really disagree with you, but what crawled up your uterus and died?
Shit taste-chan acting like all of those coords were just fine
(Minus the ddc girl, looking closer she's a little bit sweet for me but she's a qt, I just wish she had less makeup on.)
In what world are any of these besides that okay to be qualified as lolita
The first one isn't ita though. Just nitpic because of the shoes. It's other wise a pretty boring outfit but not ita. The last two are a mess. Mcd is maybe more alternative fashion and not Lolita but if she called that Lolita then it's ita because it doesn't work to the aesthetic. The last one I don't even know what's going on. It fits bad, the lace looks questionable and needs more then one it two changes to work. That's ita.
How old are you
Sorry about your condition anon. It's sad that you're so blind you can't see that bad coords are bad.
she called it casual lolita it was posted to c.o.f a few days ago. i think its cute but im not sure its lolita in my opinion
Obligatory not-the-original-anon-you-responded-to but you talk like an uneducated middle school aged girl. Good luck having anyone take you seriously.
Honestly surprised whatever photographer this was would slap their logo on a picture like that. Even if I were to ignore the dress - what kind of facial expression is this?!
You have to be over 18 to use this board.
you sound like an idiot ita yourself. lurk more and try again another time
Cry more babies
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Is that a leather jacket

Also what cosplay did she steal this wig from
Don't hate me but I kinda love this
That's her actual hair.
Is this dress actually AP? I know AP comes out with some awful designs, but this dress is heinous.
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It's AP's Ribbon Doll Princess
beat me to it
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>Even Speedwagon is afraid!
The hideous front bow has to go, then it would be coordable. That bow is just such shit.
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The Harajuku fashion walk in my country is a travesty filled with normies with wigs, j fash itas and regular itas. The local lolita community distanced ourselves from it pretty quickly. (Thank god).
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I think this is a common phenomenon with other cities that host Harajuku fashion walks. I've noticed that in my city, the lolitas (whether they dress decently or not) who attend those events don't ever actually attend the regular lolita meets or are not a part of the main community.

/polite sage for no contribution
Lmao XD ded
True story.
The Tumblrita
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Da fuq AP....
you sound so salty rn, please stop being a bitch
>posts self instead of linking the skirt in question and/or using a stock photo
>b-but i don't want attention, guys!!
you can stop defending yourself now ita-chan
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Sharing this gem from the dutch thread
Just like my real-life animes!
The second hand cringe omg
I think I hate the general aesthetic even more than the outfit. And the outfit s horrible already.
Nice samefag
Well then, go ahead, what makes it ita? Except the awful eye-makeup.
She's in my comm and she posts "DIY Lolita tutorials" and I hate it.
holy shit I think I know her
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jesus WHY the cat ears?
Okay. Not same fag but obviously you have no eye in this fashion if you think that's ita.
What's the difference between an ita lolita and a good one?

Don't lolitas know that you ALL look stupid?
Some of them have a method to their stupidity; others just throw shit together.
Keep telling yourself that, dear :^)
Then answer the question, dear. :^) >>9369662
Or ignore and silently prove that you're retarded.
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From these pictures alone I bet she's a huge bitch.
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This would be fine if she'd put on some shoes.
If you really don't see anything wrong with that mess, I suggest you go back to lurking. This is not a concrit thread.
Vendetta/retarded confirmed, go back to lurking pleb. :^)
Face says male but boobs say female. Is this an MTF person with implants or something?
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I found them gem on google...
>gets posted to ita thread
>i-it must be a vendetta
>random not ita gets posted
>won't explain what's ita about it
>all these five anons must be the girl in the photo ))))))):
kek, keep being retarded <3
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Can't tell if this is nitpick or ita but nothing matches w her main piece and this coord bothers the fuck out of me and I keep seeing this girl in my feed
I would say it's ita.
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It's a band that's going to perform at a local con. They say their music is inspired by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Babymetal.. This will be guaranteed cringe
Makeup, unmatching tights, cheap wig, mirror selfie, gold shoes, too small blouse... ita.
I said except makeup.
>unmatching tights
Literally the set tights, holy hell you ARE retarded.
>cheap wig
Can agree with that, but not bad enough to make it ita.
>mirror selfie
How stupid are you?
>gold shoes
With gold accessories and print, when will this trend die.
>too small blouse
It's a bit short?

4/10 troll, made me reply. Unless you actually are serious, then I feel bad for you, get over your vendetta.
>those beta orbiters
Being this mad only makes you look worse. Just fix your makeup and avoid cgl if you're this thin-skinned
Why are you here if you don't like lolitas go away retard
Not the girl in the photo, but nice try. :^)
Seriously tho, post that stuff in the bad makeup threads, I wanna see real itas.
wow holy shit, i haven't seen someone selfpost and defend themselves so hard in a while. sorry the big bad /cgl/ hurt your fragile feefees. remind me to shit on your coordinates every time i see them just to get a reaction out of you.
Can someone attach that image where there's a fish with bait but he acknowledges it's bait. I'm too lazy
No stranger on the internet would give this much of a shit about a blonde Snooki clone.

>comes back to cgl after posting the photo in question on accident because I'm fucking stupid
>sees this shit
Why god
Even though it's meant as a joke, she really did a fantastic job in creating a coord that's so ugly, you inner emo has to love it.
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Is someone gonna call nitpick if I say this is bad? Probably. But I feel like it's ita. What does she have on her hands...?
It's a beluga whale. To match her whale print. At what looks like is an aquarium.
On her hands, anon
Not in them
I think that might be a beluga whale hand puppet? Either way, the coord isn't burning my eyes but it's definitely beyond a nitpick. The dress especially looks low quality, I think it might be the thin, flimsy looking fabric. Not a salvageable coord imo.
No shit, i knew she had a whale IN her hands, that part doesn't bother me.

It's the shoes and socks that are really getting to me. The shoes look yellow, and not even the same yellow that's on her dress. I love giraffes, but should I wear a giraffe hand puppet in lolita? No. I'm not sure. The whole thing kind of conflicts. I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt for some things and say that the lighting is bad.
shame because I like Pumpkin Cat's designs and she says this is where she got the jsk I believe.
So tired of this girl, especially her awful little pigtails.
Hair is burning my eyes pls send help
And honestly it looks like she's wearing a blouse outside of her dress.
>inb4 "it's a cardigan," I know. It just looks like a blouse to me.
Nope, it's a blouse. Her hair is so weird it triggers me every time.
And let's not talk about her makeup.
She also bought cat ears yesterday to wear with her Kiss Me Cat and insisted on she "knows they aren't ita!!" when we tried to tell her it'll look like shit. FFs she's been since two or three years in the fashion,has brand and is in her twenties.
I'm shook anon. How does she think any of this is decent? Cat ears are alright depending on the coord, but I can tell you right now that she's gonna make them look ita af
I somehow get the feeling the point is that it's not coorded properly. And, in that sense, is it bad that I... kinda like it? >>
I actually own this jsk in the Navy colorway. It's a decent dress but definitely for summer because it's a very light fabric (some sort of chiffon blend?)
She coordinated it really poorly though and it makes me sad.
If she got rid of the socks and hand puppet, it would improve the coord 1000%
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This was on FB with her calling it a "lolita cosplay" and saying that she "didn't get anymore good pictures because it was mostly maid cosplays in this style uguuu~ uwu"
Put your titties away. Most embarrassing behavior.
I wouldn't categorize it as lolita, in that case. Maybe some other alt fashion? Idk it rubs me wrong.
OP here. Good to know anon, I love ocean prints so I was thinking about this jsk! Can you tell what color her shoes actually are though? I feel blind and it's really bugging me.
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Nayrt but judging by the color of her whale plush, the shoes are probably white/off white and it's just the lighting that makes them look yellow.
I actually love this skirt, anyone have sauce?
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She's apparently doing a "gothic lolita cosplay" of Jinx from LoL with a dress from... Spreepicky. This is why aliens won't talk to us.
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Posted awhile back in a handmade forum
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I'm glad that you want to join in with these threads but /cgl/ rite-fully gets a nose bleed when someone uses "where" instead or "wear". You might need to spend a bit more time lurking to observe how we use language and how to structure comments here. Just try and imitate how others post and you will pick it up in no time. Genuine welcome, hope you have fun.
Y'all have shit taste and should feel bad. The coord is ita, but the dress is beautiful. I shall now return to browsing MAM.
Oh god, I really like this fabric for natural kei.

Shoot me.
>Na but seriously we have a grill in our band

Fucking Lolita Komplex all over again.
holy shit her hair is cartoonishly hideous. it looks like an 80's mom mullet
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Say whatever you want to make yourself feel better, anon.
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I don't care if they're old, these outfits are so much fun to laugh at
It looks like its most likely a lightweight zip front hoodie
Where is that gif from its lovely,
rose of versailles
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I've literally seen this dress on milanoo. Also this is a man.
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"Neko lolita"
i see an untied waist tie! haha
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it's literally this bodyline parka
the shoes are white, its obviously bad lighting. they dont even come in yellow
weird shoop brows
I mean she looks cute, but this is not lolita, or even cosplay lolita. The elements just aren't there.
I immediately thought of the Kitaki family from the Apollo Justice game series.
This Lady Bunny looking ass hair trend shit has got to stop.
how do people put shit like this on, look in the mirror, and think it looks okay?
The coord isn't bad but that closeup on a horror face...
what are the comments like, caps?
Noooooo. Let's hope she doesnt call it lolita??
Her boobs are terrible
All that money went into those tits but nothing can fix that face.
Two of those guys are hot
Spoonfeed me a link? Coord aside the construction looks decent. The pattern she used may be salvagable
That's just it. It's intentionally ugly. That's why I liked it.





none of them are
it still looks ugly af though
Didn't this one get a bunch of shit on FB for ~cultural appropriation~ or am I confusing it with something else?
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both are ita but the girl on the right makes the girl on the left look downright competent in comparison
Damn, you got some low standards
I had this thing once.. It was quite comfy
Agreed. Maybe one is passable but... hot? Yeah no.

What dress is this though I kind of love the print
Calm down anon I figured that out
Honestly though it's not flattering on anyone
I don't still have the link, I just lurk on handmade threads because I can't sew for shit. I'm so sorry anon but really, it just looks like a basic jsk pattern. I'm sure you could find it somewhere.
As a girl with a big bust, why would you even want tits that fucking big unless you're some kind of fetish porn actress? Big tits are fucking annoying. I'm salty
Male attention, possibly daddy issues.
My dad left too, doesn't mean I want huge balloon tiddies. There are other ways to get male attention like you know not being fucking disgusting.
"Calm down" what gave you the impression anon wasn't calm
How dare you disrespect the hime bouffant in this way.
Why do I keep seeing this hot topic jacket worn by itas everywhere lately?? It's like so many years old.

>tfw you own this jacket and dont wear it with lolita
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So, I saw this in the Shop in Wonderland FB page
Okay?? And what exactly made you think it belonged in this thread?
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Okay...so then what was the point of posting >>9371894??
Anyone who supports the Leighs is ita inside and out
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Oh, you're one of those.
There's nothing ita here, I just wish the lolita had done something else with her hair but that's just a nitpick.
thanks m8
I'd rather pay shipping from across the globe rather than buy it from some bald man squeezing into Atelier Boz.
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Okay anon, good to know
What's wrong with being bald?
That's horrifying, anon
They look great in my opinion, get over the goddamn Leigh obsession. No one thinks you have a moral platform because you take every chance you get to bully people who don't give a fuck about this old drama.
This I believe is also from their "posing workshop" they did a shitty job.
Haha shut the fuck up Houston, stop complaining about having a Lolita shop in your area. Seems like shop in wonderland doesn't do shit and the local comms are the bullies.
So yeah, Lolita posing, of course...
Someonknows saw people where exclaiming it wasn't ita and wanted to start shit to see people post. All it did was make everyone look stupid. I'll admit it was pretty fun watching people comment on it and get mad because they couldn't agree with an obvious troll.
Pastel vomit wigs should be illegal.
You seem to have a hate boner for whoever had these photos done. Pop a xanax, dude
Why is this ita? An Alice and the pirates sapolette, and an angelic pretty op? Get over yourself. Wearing brand doesn't automatically make you not ita, but they coorded well enough to not be on the ita thread at least
English please.
Someone took a image that wasn't ita and used it to troll the board. Easier to read?
Thank you.
i dunno..., she's kinda cute ,methinks. def not ita!!!
Seems legit? Not ita
She's fat tho
Doesn't make it ita, retard :^)
i love you too
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Ok well hot for the Japanfag communities, you're right. Take the glasses off the thin beta and shave some pounds off the romance novel looking dude and they are bretty gud.
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In what world is this girl fat like seriously are you that fucking blind
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Most of this coord is ok, but the kool-aid stained maxi pad headdress was an awful idea.
Couldn't even be bothered to buy the F+F tardis dress. Why do itas always think they can shove a blouse under any old dress and call it lolita?
what planet are you from? she's not even wearing bloomers. sure she's cute, and the photo seems high-res, but the outfit looks more like some weird collage than a cord. it's ita and you know it.
I think its like straight or curly hair, if you have one you just want the opposite. Whatever, i still know that fake tits are like the offbrand walmart version of boobs so it makes me feel better in a really shallow way.
>she's not even wearing bloomers

i mean she's ita but how do you know that and why does it matter
Late response, but yeah that was HLS. HLC hasn't had their meet and greet yet.
The worst part is it's not even a blouse, it's just a long sleeve shirt.
Or she's just old.
>declares everyone has shit tastes
>concedes that they shop at MAM
What is humour?
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Remember yumi king? Her "lolita" dresses still make me choke
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