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Katsucon 2017 new thread- Hows it going anons? Make any new friends?

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Katsucon 2017 new thread-
Hows it going anons? Make any new friends? How did your cosplays turn out? Any one enter the masq? And post any good cosplay pics.
we've still got another 36 hours to flood a room, damage some walls, or set a fire!

don't let us down, katsucongoers!
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Wearing witch Mercy today! I've bumped into a lot thus far
Meetup today when?
>bra strap
2/10, distraction, would give t-shirt and three day suspension.
lookin cute!
Any meet ups planned for tonight? I'll probably bail the cosplay dance for it if it's around 8 or 9
We might go back to the Irish pub.
What is everyone in today?
Ya boi is in Terry Hintz
When's the meetup?
Whats the cosplay dance? I just took off my dress but I'll trow it back on.
That would be pretty baller. Pregame though, booze is expensive.
Basivally cosplays in formal attire (suits, dresses, etc.) Go in and act all fancy, aka it's a middle school dance with all the social failures lurking around asking girls for a dance. I cosplay Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko though so I always stop by .

It's at 8 in main event room.
Meet up at 9pm again. Meet behind the fountains and we will move up to the bar afterwards.
I wonder what would happen if I showed in a dress.
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>Make any new friends
How do I do this
Not cosplaying unfortunately
Come to the meetup at 9, and try not to be a complete autist.
Well assuming youre a girl, you'll probably be approached by guys. If you're a guy, you'll be exposing the trap lovers. Win/win
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I did catch some gulls today around the con, wanted to know if anyone else found me.
Cute felix you got there
Thx fampai
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Meetup in five, get to the fountain.
I'm at the fountain, where are you guys?
Back corner, theres a Homura among us.
Look fot the guy who looks like a walking pol meme. Mr cia with a moon man patch on his head.
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I'm here bubby.
Is it worth going to?
Lower turnout so far but some are here.
A solid group is here, plus a bar crawl.
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Assassin kills Archduke Fran Ferdinand (Colorized) 1914.
At The Irish pub, look for a Homura with panties on their head.
you took a pic earlier today next to me while I was dying emotionally on the floor playing phoenix wright

I kinda wanted to destroy your bussy desu but I was feeling like shit
Got separated at that grocery, what room you guys said you'd be at?
Tfw around normie friends, don't want to say hi to traps incase they try to get me with gross Trans friends.
Why are there no idubbbz cosplays is his image banned or some shit? Ive only seen some ok pink guys and franks
All you had to do was say hi
I mean I'm not trans but fuck your friends' opinions lmao
10106. Listen for Moonman.
meet up tomorrow? I was the spanish guy in the akatuski cloak
Nope try again
Saw a fat guy walking around looking literally exactly like Hurley from Lost. Not sure if he was cosplaying or not.
Were you at Magfest?
Any parties happening?
I'm trying to get in contact with crackhead anon, but he's not picking up his phone.
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Anyone at the rave right now ?
kek did you hit his crack pipe
Anyone doing anything fun or interesting today?
Indeed I was
You look exactly like a trap I know. But they're shy and I was gonna flip if they were a seagull.

Okay so why is half the gazebo floor roped off? Did I miss something in a previous thread? I get the whole roping off when there's a photo shoot even if it's fucking obnoxious to walk around but there's no one in these areas. Are they reserved for the ~professional~ cosplayers?
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This sounds awesome, how would I love to waltz away the night!
It was alright, just a lot of awkwardness haha. I don't even know why I go desu
A lot of life shit just got real for me. I'm leaving in 2 hours, what can I do between now and then to not leave with a bitter taste?
is it worth coming back for what left of this day? Ijust want to talk to a qt Mako who isn't underaged.
Which mako? Korra, KLK, or something else?
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Happy last day!! If you see me walking around, say hi!
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Is anybody still here?
I am the Zaku 2 at the bottom floor near cocoa bean
As far as I know the rope was put there around lunchtime on Saturday. I think it was strictly for the different photoshoot/meetups that were going on.
Did anyone see my bro and his QT3.14 gf? I couldn't be there to see him in action so did his costume work good? Did it clank a lot? How nervous did he make the staff?
Thx for this friend I'd hug you
Rando security dude says hello!

Wondering what y'all thought about it and all, felt like passing by!

Also wondering which one of the folk I ran into browse this board as well.
Kek! This is brilliant.
Honestly it felt like they were trying to regulate the foot traffic, but ended up just doing more harm than good.
Putting large group meet ups in the gazebo and fountain was a terrible idea. They need to go in that tucked away corner behind where they hold the formal ball -- the place where Fire Emblem does its meets -- or on the steps leading up to the panels.
Who are you supposed to be?
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Cozy end to a pretty k con. Was wonderful to see everyone Friday night. Sorry I didn't make it the meet last night, I got caught up with things.
Out of curiosity how badly does your dakimakura smell after a weekend of dragging it around everywhere? Asking for a friend.
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This was my first time cosplaying but I think it worked out well. Here's to next year.
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Nice quads
Mika Jougasaki in her Tulip outfit from im@s: cg! We had all 5 girls earlier for a shoot
How many of you faggots am I going to see at Otakon?
Me. Even though im not at katsu, ill be at ota.
Anyone familiar with the new venue? Is there a spot with good lighting like the gazebo or the fountains that cosplayers can congregate at?
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I don't really notice any bad smells cause I'm rarely letting it rest on anything that isn't me till the alcohol kicks in. Either way, it's disgusting not to wash it immediately once returning home.

When I went there for awesomecon I didn't really notice anything special that could be used as a photo-landmark. But it does have it's benefit of being a huge venue with lots of open space. If Otakon is smart, they should have a section that's just full of different scenes for the cosplayers to take photos in.
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where did you get that daki? is more lewd on the other side?
That's what bothered me about Awesome Con. It was a huge fucking place but all the cosplayers were in dealers room section with ugly lighting. Then again AC is much smaller in comparison, and I think the crowd was more interested in getting autographs and buying stuff than cosplaying or getting their photos taken.
PRAISE THE SUN!!!! \ {-I-} /
>Dat Mamimi in the back
Don't lie now anon, how many times have you hotglued that little slut?
Its underwear or a swimsuit, I don't remember. Not the guy but I remember seeing it.
Yeah, I'm hitting Ota.
>be female
>cosplay noctis
>go to ffxv meetup last night
>drunk lunafreya shows up
>2/10 face, store bought dress
>starts touching my leg and exhaling booze breath on me
>goes to cop a feel
>nope the fuck out while she's confused

let me die
Photo of the Marvel meetup. Anyone else go? I'm one of the spider-men
Room stuff anon from a couple threads back, we ended up having 2 dropouts a few days before but everyone paid on time, we all became close friends, and it was a fucking blast. 10/10 would sardine with them again!

(Except for this one bitch but I honestly expected them to be a problem. They weren't like, sketchy or a thief, just a gigantic ass hole like usual.)
Who home safe and comfy here?
I was going to go as Adam Warlock but one of my friends damaged my costume before we even finished loading the car before day 1
Does anybody know what the deal with the psychotic traffic getting in and out of the harbor this afternoon was? Our uber took 45 min when the app said 10 and we missed our flight. Has never been that bad before?
>sticking a fuckhuge casino in a small residential town
I'm still at the Gaylord with my bf. Riding back with some other friends we didn't get to see because they couldn't get here until the middle of Sat. Super tired, but watching some CCS before we go to bed.
>small residential town
>right beside alexandria
>right beside washington, dc
>small residential town
>small residential town
>small residential town

Are you retarded or not from around the area?
There is nothing small and residential about the national harbor or the surrounding area.
Very comfy indeed. Normally I'd be feeling kinda down at this point but I'm surprisingly ok with getting back to my regular schedule
Yes thank you for asking. I am safely back inside of my wank fortress playing multiple accounts of Fire Emblem Heroes.
Just flew back in, got dinner, came home. Good katsu this year, thanks for not setting the maid cafe on fire.
I'm still here too! My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon so we're having a chill night of eating pizza and packing. I brought my PS2 so we could play some games and put on some anime. Love the Gaylord and hate having to go back to class on Tuesday
Just got back to LA safe and sound.

Had a hella great time this year, one of the best con experiences I've had. Everything fell right into place even though we had a last minute room drop and ended up adopting two new friends who found themselves hotel-less on thursday night because of complications. me and my friends cosplays were super well received. Happy to be back and wiped out, time to get some shut eye before going through all my photos.
Where are all the con pics
Instagram, Reddit, Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr. Just use the Katsucon hashtags. Some people use them all, others use a few of them

What's the most popular social media cosplayers use? Is it still facebook or has instagram overtaken it yet?
I see more migrating to Twitter lately or IG. You can blame FB fror that because of it's shit reach that they fucked.
I'm glad it worked out for you! I can't even imagine that many people and honestly I probably would have died but I'm glad you all came out of it for the better!
>Go to official photoshoot
>Can't find official photoshoot pictures anywhere

send help.
ended up passing out in one of the hallways in the gaylord and when I woke up our group had doubled with random people making conversation with us, god I love these cons lol
Just wait a while, some photogs take time to go through and edit photos before they post them.
>not allowing yourself at least two buffer hours to get to the airport before your flight, especially in the DMV area

But yeah casino traffic was shitty af. My crew checked the casino out Sunday afternoon and it was pretty legit tho

Googlemaps and Waze both lied to us :(
Okay but I am really curious about this. Was there an event going on in the harbor or was that just nice weather + tourists? It was a fight to the death just to get out of the parking garage.
The DC area always has horrendous traffic.

She's actually a pretty bad person, but hey jerk off to her

If anyone catches an album, please post links! it's always hard to find pictures

Both of these are by /u/justhetipp on the riddit.

I've been going to Katsu for 5 years and getting out on sunday was never this bad. I'm guessing it's casino related.
Wait what did facebook do this time?
http://cpac.conservative.org/ this was next and it takes a lot of prep, which is why so many people were getting in. The Casino did not help, and DMV traffic is shit.
Facebook has been nerfing free reach for ages in an attempt to get you to pay money to get to your usual audience numbers. Nothing new honestly since it's green going on for a while
>tfw went to Katsucon this past weekend
>tfw am going right back to CPAC this upcoming weekend
It's gonna be pretty surreal seeing the Gaylord not being used for cosplay photoshoots.
Checking out in about an hour and just wandering about. Heading to a nice restaurant then straight to the airport! Best Katsu yet
I know that feel bro, the main research conference I go to for work uses the same convention center as fanime, sometimes back to back.
>couldn't gotten yourself a tomboy girlfriend

you fucked up now
If you don't count the skin suits the conservative lizard-people wear.
Do you think it's worth it for a photog to ghost through the event? I'm hoping protestors show up. Or maybe catching some people in MAGA hats or holding proTrump signs.
Now that the con is over, any favorite cosplays from the weekend? There always seems to be one group that steals the show every year, but not so much this time.
If you wanted people in MAGA hats you could have gone to the Touhou photoshoot.
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Ssssssnowflake detected
Oh god that edit is so bad.
Katsucon has been lacking in the last couple of years. I don't know how they keep themselves afloat but this year is starting to drag down even further. They need to hype the cosplay burlesque events next year have it more lewder as fuck like showing some bare breasts. Also make the guys/girls good looking not tumblr whaletier whores, bring out instagram whores and bring out money pit to throw money at cosplayers, make them feel humble and great to give an opportunity to strip and bare it all.

Make cosplay burlesque great again goddammit
QT gf (thanks) /Judeau here, the costumes were suffering for the first half hour but they were good, we only got stopped by security when he was openly explaining his sword which wasn't until later when we were about to change so it all worked out.
There was plenty of clanging and we lowkey made Man at Arms a bit jealous.
did anyone get pics of any jojos?
I didn't even know katsu had a cosplay burlesque.
I probably would have gone to laugh at the whales.
You ain't gonna find anyone laugh and insult on these fat whales. It's sad what burlesque has become now, very sad.
I meant actual Trump supporters, not epic memelords.
If they went through the trouble to get an actual MAGA hat, they're probably beyond just being a memelord.
Hi Sean.
I'm not Sean. Cool to know someone else is doing the exact same thing, though.
It was a Sean Spicer joke.

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Shes the one that was giving everyone at the meetup the fuck me eyes.
Someone should have brought some milk to drink at that meetup.
Kill yourself please
I don't get it.
i was the omega red im just a head in that pic haha
According to the MSM milk is racist now.
My first year going. I have so many conflicted feelings. I had a great time in 3/4 of my costumes and met a lot of great people, saw some incredible crafstmanship. But the 1/4 was kind of a bad experience, all the meetups were crowded, and I felt like there was nothing to do besides cosplay/take pics/get pics done.

Any suggestions to improve katsu experience? If I go again I want to feel way more confident in everything I bring.
>Any suggestions to improve katsu experience?
Did you go to any panels? Not that it matters since Katsu's panels are shit anyway.
Katsucon is too crowded. They need to find a way to cut down on ghosting and then cap ticket sales.
yeah I went to a few. they were good but all so empty. Wanted to try masquerade but ended up being too busy.
I personally knew 10 people ghosting. Like, you already paid for a hotel, travel, parking and all your cosplay. You can't spend $80 to support the con?
What? The attendance this year has been pretty average normal where I was there. .
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You heard me kiddo.
ouch, new friend time

I thought this year was way less crowded. The weather was great and a ton of people went outside, so walkways were so much clearer than usual. Refreshing.
Why would you pay $80 for a ticket if you dont go to dealer's room or panels anyway? I didn't even go to the con center, just stayed in the gaylord the whole time.
I wouldnt mind getting a badge if I didn't have to always wait 90+ minutes in line for it. That combines with >>9363486 pretty much makes Katsu badges the most worthless out of all cons I go to.
You're right, the walkways were clearer (especially those chokepoints from the hotel into the convention center). But the prime photo-taking spots seemed more crowded, both indoors and outdoors. They got full earlier, and stayed full later.

To support the con. As you may recall from Katsucon '13 (or Sunday this year), some of the spaces in the hotel are actually conference spaces that has Katsucon has to rent out, or someone else might rent them and rope them off. For example, Katsucon has to rent the Cherry Blossom Ballroom to get the gazebo terrace and some smaller conference rooms to get the wooden floor space in the atrium. If you've taken a photo in those spaces, you're using something Katsucon had to pay for.

I waited five minutes pre-reg at 3 or 4 on Friday afternoon. The registration line was equally short.
Katsucon should get in touch with MGM to do some huge concerts to bring Nana Mizuki, Megumi Hayashibara and others.

Make it happen Katsucon.
Youre right, why would you try to pay the organization that actually pays and reserves the space that you cosplay and shit in? Its almost as if they use the money people give them to actually do these things. Stop shorting them, asshole.
I can delete it, but it wont tighten your waifus slut cunt.
Hope you like MCU garbage, because that's all there really was
Make anime-conventions anime-themed again?
and spiders.... lots of spiders
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Anyone know who this Felix is? I shot this in the dealers hall and heard they were on CGL.
If I had to guess, I'd say that's Alec
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>mfw so many god damn canadians
What? No, he's probably just upset that most costumes are just MCU versions because that's all people really know. Which is to be expected, but at the same time is a shame about the lack of variety.
Spiderman is one of the most well-known fictional characters so it should be no surprise. Also shout-out to the guy who did the costume from the upcoming PS4 game
Were you guys also Foo and Weather Report on Friday? I swear you both look really familiar but I might be thinking of someone else. If so, you looked really good!
There was still far too many half-assed Overmeme cosplays.
There were about 3 guys that did the PS4 game suit. The best one "to me" had a textured suit for the white parts, was really well done. I was in the Raimi suit myself
Overwatch is an ok game, but i'm growing displeased with it because my friends won't play anything else now. Also a friend i went to Katsu with was Gremlin D.Va on day 1 and i now i see why people are getting fed up with this
There were at least SOME good overwatch cosplays there...
Facebook name is Ruby Setsuko. Seems to hang out with SJW-types so I highly doubt they/he/she/whatever would be on here.
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Indeed we were! Thank you!
lol anyone run into ash
They were kind of drowned out by all the "Soldier dad" meme cosplays, and the halfassed d.va's.

I still saw some pretty obscure cosplays, including all the dolls from Rozen Maiden.
Hi! I barely use 4chan, but that Felix was not me. I actually have Ruby Setsuko written on my badge, but thanks for posting about me! <3 I actually don't hang out with a lot of SJWs
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Did anyone else attend the masq? What did you guys think of the winners?
don't namefag
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Sorry to say, but I'm not.
don't namefag
I don't see the point of masquerades...

See even I knew that.

Ash who?
Oh hey Schwit right? I follow your tumblr
The good milk is on Lolcow
She apparently tried to talk to con staff about everyone spreading rumors about her on chan boards
Why should they? I mean they have lawyers as guests and fucktards still come to this con just to rub shoulders with cos famous. It's literally self feeding now. The con chair can take a shit on the stage and have a ask me anything panel with the pile of shit sitting in front of a microphone and people will still come to this con. They are not going to waste money on deals when they don't have to.
Katsucon needs to take a cue and a clue from Otakon and start mailing out badges because that prereg line was a mess Thursday. Pretty sure people will happily pay a bit extra to have a badge mailed to them instead of sitting in a line for 2+ hours to get a badge.
Winner 100% deserved it. She had literally over 300 different HAND MADE pompoms. God, I wish just an ounce of her talent graced my hands.
People are bitches. I see people bitching about the overcrowding and how they can't try to make it more traffic flow friendly and shit, but same time people can't legit buy badges to support to con and show sales are increasing, so they plan for just aboce the number of people what they think is coming . You have photographers charging for prices but still piss broke to pay for a badge
I will never use a photographer that doesn't pay for the con. Its disrespectful, and scummy to try to turn a profit on a space that you are freeloading in.
Yep, Shwit.
You wanna be the one to send that shit out? It's hard work.
Other bigger cons do it. Yes, it's hard, but I'm sure more people would buy badges if they knew they wouldn't have to deal with standing in a huge line for one.
Do you guys know where I can find who the winners were and details on the costumes? I didn't get to go to Katsu this year.
Shwit... I know that from somewhere... do you run a NSFW art blog too?
>You wanna be the one to send that shit out? It's hard work.
That's why you hire out a contracting service to do that for you. How difficult would it be for the con's CFO to factor the cost of contracting out the badge mailing service into the cons operational budget?
A con is as good as you make it. Be social, make new connections, spend time with friends enjoying your time.

A good Katsu for me is showing off some cosplays I put my heart and soul in to, and spending most of my time with my east coast friends, especially if were in cosplay groups together. I go to a few cosplay meet ups, enjoy interacting with others cosplaying from my series. I dont do a lot of panels, but I do enjoy late night panels, and bring a comfier cosplay to change into at night. I also find Katsu helps if you book a few shoots ahead of time. I'm a cali gull so I dont like the idea of paying for shoots, so instead I find my photographer friends and we just hang out, get photos, and shoot the shit, and then I usually treat them to a drink or something afterwords.

Masquardes are also fun, though time consuming. Honestly just take part in something. Like maybe try hosting a panel, or participate in the fashion show if you dont want to devote a whole day to the masq. There's plenty to do if you look for it and engage.
Difficult? No. Costly? Probably. That's money they could be pocketing,
Either go get your badge later on friday when the line is nothing, or honestly spring for a VIP badge. They arent that much more, and you skip ALL lines. I didnt have to wait in line for any panels, registration, or dealers hall, the other perks were nice too.

Did not get to attend, but had a good chunk of friends who entered, a lot of whom walked away with judges awards or prizes in their categories. Was super proud of all of them. Honestly the craftsmanship I saw going into it from my friends side was astounding, so much hand beading and detail work on a lot of them.

Major shout out to the gull from the meet who entered. So glad you did well! You deserved it!
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Raise your hand if you caught the con plague...
You mean herpes? Guilty. Fucking sluts. Swear this is the last time I'm having unprotected anal sex at a con.
I'm pissed off that she made Appa Man miserable in an elevator. That man is a saint.
Do you live around dc?
I'm in the 'Burg so about an hour south of DC
So I can still complain if I bought a badge and only shot with photographers who bought badges, right?
Oh cool, I just moved to Alexandria. Wanna snap? I'm looking for new friends in the area. Mcfa4
lol, CFO. I'm not sure you understand how volunteer cons are run, but it sure as shit isn't that efficient or that simple.

You're right, that's hard work compared to running a convention which is just signing a bunch of papers.

Who were the assholes taking up the gazebo on Thursday night with the boombox. Bunch of assholes sitting there and a couple of them dancing while people were waiting to take photos. They needed to be shot
I'm so friggin pissed that there wasn't a fashion show or /any/ J-fashion programming this year. I know a ton of panels got submitted, I can't believe Katsu didn't accept them!! There's so many J-fashion people at Katsu -.-
People were pretty inconsiderate this year. If you're in a desirable spot and there are people waiting to use it, work efficiently, don't stop and giggle. And if you're going to be there more than fifteen minutes offer to let people cut in.
I thought there was a fashion show? They had model applications earlier in the year
I saw the assholes you were talking about. two of them are photographers, as I saw them shooting through out the weekend.
Added m90
They had the boombox playing around them all weekend and the tall one I think was shooting at a photo booth in the dealer's room to.
Nah I don't.
Except we don't need people buying more badges place is crowded enough as it is.
Different anon, I was the Jolyne outside of registration Friday who took a selfie with you guys I'm pretty sure!!! You all were super nice.
Sure we do that way the con and hotel can properly look at traffic of the foot traffic and work more deals with local hotels. I mean yeah they are aware there's ghosts at the con, but they need to get a reliable number on attendees too to work out business deals with parking locations, hotels, and restaurants.

You can't blame the con for planning around 20k con goers if the actual number is 35k thanks to ghosters.

I wouldn't mind seeing badges tied to the rooms, so people ghosting the con can't get a room in the Gaylord at least.
We need the people who are already going to buy badges so Katsu can afford to rent the glass ballroom the Gaylord is building outside and turn it into studio space.
I'm the Vigilante suit Spider there in the front on the left. I should have gotten a better mask for it.
two of the sakizo's are lonalia and atelierlicorice on instagram! they both have a ton of progress photos showing close ups of different parts.
>mailing badges
>current year
We should really be working on a smartphone app and operate mostly on digital badges or something. Have a few physical badges for the poorfags who don't own smartphones.
Digital badges seem eay too easy to abuse and duplicate. Additionally,the digital infrastructure wouls be much more costly. I've seen cons that split the lines up by last name and pick up usually goes super quickly with those
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The fat, greasy, creepy asian guy photographer club was out in full force. I don't remember seeing a fatter greasier group in a long time and apparently one of them managed to talk a bunch of Overwatch cosplayers in do doing underwear shoots?

Its like they don't even have to try anymore. Promise a cosplayer some exposure and they'll get naked for the creepiest of creeps.

Way to stay classy.
I tried to stay away from that group, seemed pretty sketch. And on Friday some chicks got roofied, so I'm not surprised.
>OW Lingerie shoot was a thing

Why the fuck was that a thing? Seriously why?
Whos the far left? Is that a Lucio??
This was actually Stella Chuu's idea, for her suck husband and cosfamous friends to shoot. they did it at Dragon Con too
No, but here's some DIOs.
Yeah I remember! That was us!
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Bullshit, I knew I recognized that name somewhere!
You're pretty good, you should continue.
anyone else tired of slut cosplay? "boudoir madoka" "boudoir d.va"

put on the real outfit instead of prancing around in lingerie for fucks sake, its not the AVNs, its not a porn convention you attention whores.
LOL, I actually honestly forgot about it!! I haven't touched that side blog in over a year. Working on cosplay has taken over my time from art.
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that is some good ass art
Someones mad they're not cute.
You can look cute without stripping.
Hmm no
They're not stripping? Last I checked their outfit was pretty static. Let people do what they want, lmao.
>bunny suit versions
That shit has been around forever you moron. I wouldn't necessarily call it "boudoir" or a good thing, but if this is just now bugging you then man that's sad
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Just when I thought it would be nice to go to Katsucon one day.
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I don't know what's worse, the orgy or a dude making edgy jokes.
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>that polnareff
well mostly because she did a swimsuit dva suit "cosplay" after

i don't care about bunny suits when they're something the character would actually wear. or if the character is slutty and dressed revealing anyway.

its when a character who is innocent and pure gets sluttified, it's horrible
She's cute, so it doesn't matter.
Only if they're over 110lbs
Right? So many of these attention whores show up in things that actual prostitutes wouldn't wear and then cry and complain when creepy guys creep on them.

What do you expect when you're literally bending over and shoving your genitals in some guy's face? You expect that he's just going to stand there and smile and click your like button or he's going to try to finally fulfill his fantasy of actually touching a woman?
Haahhahahaha, Stella Chu is married to that fat greasy creepy guy? He must have a ton of money.
OC donut steel costumes are shit all around. This isn't any better or worse than those fucking Eeveelution/Disney princesses battle armor bullshit.
I am cute but I don't understand the point in putting on a wig and lingerie and calling it cosplay. I cosplay because I like a character's outfit and I want to recreate it, not because I want to be an attention whoring slut. I don't need creepy overweight neckbeards drooling over me, because I'm confident that I look good without their validation.

Like I said, it's not the AVNs, it's a cosplay convention. Wear a real costume or get out, normies.

The back of her bunny suit was literally a thong. You could see labia when she bent over. It's a classic insecure cross-eyed horse-faced attention whore trying to collect orbiters to make herself feel better.
Would a Homura wearing panties on her head count as prancing around in lingerie? I saw one of those, and really wish I had gotten a picture.
What does seagull think of this group
No, don't be pedantic. You know what I meant.

That just sounds cute. I'm talking about girls that wear bras and a thong as their entire "cosplay" - why not become a camwhore at this point? That's all you are anyway.
How do you know that they want to surround themselves with fat neckbeards? They could just want to do a costume and know they look good, same as you. Who are you to define what fits as cosplay? You're an entitled shit, desu.
To anons who talk about the lingerie cosplay (currently OW and Madoka), isn't it cold inside Katsucon to wear so little clothing anyway? To me it looks a huge hall inside a glass house.
Get your vendetta out of here, haha. I've got $10 that you creeped on her and got rejected.

Its very warm inside, the convention center is well insulated and theres over 20,000 bodies keeping it warm. This year was also super warm!~
Your salt is showing, anon
>How do you know that they want to surround themselves with fat neckbeards?

Because that's what they do, retard?

>Who are you to define what fits as cosplay?
"Cosplay (コスプレ kosupure ?), a contraction of the words costume play, is a performance art in which participants called cosplayers wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character."

If your character - a 13 year old magical girl who is pure and innocent and whatever - isn't wearing a hookersuit but you are, chances are you're just an attention whore looking for orbiter dick.

>You're an entitled shit, desu.

Sounds like I baited a triggered slut.
Me? I'm disgusted. People in Twitter talk about someone having taken a shit in the hall way, messing up the stairways with lipstick and what not. Those poor, poot cleaners. Are people trying to make Katsucon not happen anymore or what?

You're probably her yourself.

Showing off your flat ass isn't going to distract from your crossed eyes and turtle lips, sweetie. You can keep surrounding yourself with neckbeards to satisfy your daddy issues tho.

This is fucking disgusting. I don't want to see someone's genitals at a convention. This isn't the fucking zoo. You aren't a fucking chimp trying to attract a mate.

Oh, though, so many girls who go to cons these days act exactly like a chimp in heat.
Ah I see. So technically you could go in swimwear and still feel like it's 120 F inside. I noticed that this year it had a nice weather, no raining whatsoever.
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>It's a "robot gets assblasted" episode
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>It's a Purrblind vendetta out of nowhere episode
You're certainly not the first gull to make your grievances known, but the last thing we need is to derail the Katsu thread with this same old song and dance whenever the Canadians are brought up

>calling everything you don't like a vendetta or a robot

Take your Canadian whores out of here.
Unfortunately not, I'm a guy and about a buck 50. I couldn't work a dress like that.

It was in the 60's and 70's all day. I did a shoot outside, it was fantastic.

The honey must intentionally bring the flies, because the flies show up

You knew who the character was, so they must be in cosplay, since they are wearing costumes and fashion accessories to represent a character.

See above?
Obviously it needs to be brought up because it keeps happening. A small group of attention whores ruin the con for the rest of us who are tired of being told to "show some skin" and "wear skimpier costumes" by the ridiculous teen-age boys who attend cons. Sadly, those boy's ages tend to range in to the forties but the behavior is exactly the same.
>You can keep surrounding yourself with neckbeards to satisfy your daddy issues tho.

Meh, there's always an open a port for every lonely ship at sea.

If the snowbunny wants to thot it up then thats on her.
Hate to rain on your salty parade anon but that's Purrblind she's fucking legally blind you dumbshit
So you're an aforementioned beta orbiter? Go back to /r9k/ in that case.

"legally blind"

She can see, you retard. She just has poor eyesight and has to wear contacts. What a fucking tumblrina to boot.
Why does the opinion of a horny teenager matter? Unless you're an attention whore yourself, why don't you just do what you want to do?

Sex positivity? On /cgl/? That's new.
>A small group of attention whores ruin the con for the rest of us
There are thousands of people at Katsucon friendo. Are you going to be some kind of self-proclaimed anti-smut Gestapo and carry a notebook around? Not saying i support this shit, but no need to be a drama queen about it
I mean if you want to call me that, go for it. I was cosplaying the whole weekend and had a blast. But if you get your enjoyment brewing in a corner and staring at some blind chicks labia, thats on you isn't it.

It's not a sex convention, it's for cosplay. I'm tired of the orgies and hook up culture and half of the crowd trying to look like they're one step removed from a cheap JAV porn.

Under the guise of "sex positivity" from tumblrinas like purrblind.
They were at the /cgl/ meet-up. He ended up running into someone who was his supervisor when he was in the marines while dressed like that.
Physical badges don't require a signal to operate, and are harder to forge. Not to mention, some of us like having a souvenir from the convention (other than merch)
That was a fantastic night. Well, least until we spent an hour watching the Greatest History Never Told.
>There are people who don't collect their badges from every con
I have a plastic bin full of them.
>implying that wasn't fantastic as well

It was amazing how fast he disappeared after recognizing that guy, and after bitching about wearing heels the whole time too.
Why is reading comprehension so poor on this site?
Its not the horny teenagers, its the horny guys in their 20s and 30s and 40s who go to cons specifically to pick up the easy girls who dress like whores, then assume the rest of us are also whores.

I don't even feel comfortable wearing a knee length skirt because so many of the fat greasy creeps think they are clever by laying on the ground to get "interesting low angles" i.e. upskirts.

That's what cons have come to. People post invitations for fucking orgies on con forums but you can't get three people to talk about what the con is actually about. Its ridiculous.
Fear makes the asshole pucker and the legs move. The movie was a nice meme, the fear was the tench-coat mafia that had it ready on a flash drive.
I'm having second thoughts about going next year. What's the deal with someone shitting on the floor? And the gummy bears?
I've got a stack myself, and I intend to frame em!
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If I don't let this ruin my mood for ever going to Katsucon, could I ask some questions for those who went there this year or years ago?
I don't live in USA, do foreign (aka outside USA) cosplayers come to the con as well? I was thinking of going there one day, I live in Europe if that helps.

Does Gaylord have special discounts for room reservation for Katsucon? Do the rooms go fast that I have to keep my finger on F5 if I want to make sure I get one for sure? Is it better to get badges day before the con or early on the day the con starts?
Anything else expenses related to just to get badges and hotel room in time is welcome.
Whoa, what? Gummy bears?

I knew someone took a dump on the floor, but never heard any details about it...
This has nothing to do with slutty costumes and everything to do with cosplay being more mainstream. You take the good with the bad or you stfu about it and go. Complaining is just as annoying. If you go to cons for the right reasons (to enjoy yourself, cosplay, etc) then you wouldn't even be thinking about any of that.
According to Twitter there was shit in the hall way. Haven't heard of gummibeaes before, what did they do them?
Age is irrelevant, why do you care what they think? If they hit on you tell them to fuck off. If they creep, call security? It's almost as if they try to keep the horny neckbeards at bay.
triggered slut is triggered

we don't have to stfu if we don't want to. sluts should be shamed. if you don't like it, dress differently :)
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I wasn't there but I have a few friends on Facebook that have been posting about it. Apparently there was just a huge tub of gummy bears sitting out in the hall? I heard they were being used for a photoshoot but idk if that's true
I wouldn't spend the money to cross the Atlantic for Katsu personally, but if you want to thats fine. Nobody cares about where you're from. They don't have discounts, and you do have to reserve fast. Not NYCC fast, but same day usually.
There are a decent number of Canadians and a handful of Europeans. You don't need to F5 for a hotel room like AX or DragonCon but you do need to do it a few minutes after the announcement.
Can you draw Polnareff anally giving birth to the baby version of his stand?
Asking for a friend.
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>sluts should be shamed
3/10 got a reply
Yup, they were being used for a slut shoot.
Do reservation fast, within same day. Check. Thank you. We don't have cons this large in my country.

If that was me, I would be suspicious why there would a gummi bear carriage in the hall without further explanation, like a note attached to it to tell what it's for.
Its on haileyscosplay page. Video of her and a bunch of cucks in the bathroom. Also discussion of a bath bomb like its the ultimate sexual photography.

Enjoy the autism.
Yeah, from some posts I've seen that was when they were taking them out to chuck them after being used? Was for a bathtub shoot with several people. Saw some video/photos from Hailey S Cosplay with the gummies.

You're mad at Purrblind specifically. And it's really obvious. You're not even trying to hide your vendetta.

I saw a lot worse at that con all weekend. Plus, she pulled it off well.
Nah, I'm tired of cosplay sluts and shit like pic related.

It is 2017 and this is now acceptable on /cgl/ because "they're just having fun". Wew lad.
Even if you don't get a room in the Gaylord, there are like six other hotels in easy walking distance of the Gaylord. As long as you book a few months in advance, you'll at least get a spot at the Hampton or Residence Inn.
>Implying there are pure and innocent 13 year olds anymore

>Implying the rest of you are not also whores
>Implying that if you're not a whore, that we actually care anything about you or what you have to say
I will agree with you, that picture is fucking terrible. Honestly though, its hard to classify yet another DCU slut and a reasonably put together Bunny suit Madoka.
>>>Implying the rest of you are not also whores
>>Implying that if you're not a whore, that we actually care anything about you or what you have to say

The sad fact is that these nusluts on /cgl/ will defend this literal /r9k/ logic because it helps them get orbiters.
>cross eyed
>saggy cleavage
>no shape even with corset
>tiniest white people lips

Yeah I'll pass.
Yes, by the power of positive thought I can stop someone from shoving a camera up my skirt. What a wonderful mind you have.
Would it be unreasonable for Katsucon to limit reservations in the hotel block to people who purchased a badge? Would it be feasible?

Would it be reasonable for Katsucon to limit access to the gazebo level and the wooden bridge area in the atrium (which are rentable conference areas, not always accessible to guests) to badge holders, presuming that Katsu also mailed badges? Would it be feasible?
Kek. it's hard to classify them together because you find one hotter than the other for some arbitrary reason.

At the end of the day, they're both lazy, attention whoring sluts.
Katsucon and the Gaylord don't have enough communication for the first option, the second would be pretty easy since its just a badge check with some rope guides.
>assuming I find that pixie stick attractive
Shes not thick enough, desu. I just have a very low standard for DCU cosplay at anime conventions because I'm a faggot. I never said they weren't attention whores, I just said you're being butthurt at their actions.
Explain to me how it effects you. I'll wait.
Yeah, I'm "butthurt" because I'm tired of seeing conventions turn into slutfests with normies on the prowl for orbiters.
There are pure innocent 13 years olds and its disgusting the way you're sexualizing kids. Way to creep up the convention, pedo.
Someone shoved a lava lamp up there ass and all y'all can talk about is whether or not you're okay with skimpy cosplay. GG cgl
Because I want to go to cosplay conventions where people are expected to have cool, accurate costumes.

Yet lately, I go and it seems like the majority of people are expected to have slutty, attention-whoring costumes like something out of a cheap porn video.

Like I said, I didn't buy tickets to go to a convention to gaze upon thousands of saggy used up labia in too-tight premade swimsuits just so some whores can have their daddy issues saited. It's a cosplay convention, not the AVNs.
The unironic use of normies really discredits you, friend.
Did you even go to Katsu? Literally hundreds of well made costumes. Your hands must be tired of cherry picking, anon.
i don't care what people do privately. you're prob one of the sluts posted itt
>All these con threads have tons of posts about people fucking all the time
>I never see any of this on my con outtings

Do you people look for this kind of thing, or what? Like do you attend parties advertised as "sexy times gathering 18+++++" or something?
What a waste of perfectly good gummibears.
Thanks for the tip, good to consider other hotel options as well.
I remember having a conversation with this dude about the women at the con. He pretty much said "You're better off picking up a chick outside of con instead of at one."
That was...something. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where the idea makes sense and I'm drawing a blank
Hundreds of good costumes doesn't make up for the recent trend of saggy flabby chicks in cheap swimsuits having "boudoir" photoshoots. I'd prefer not to indadvertedly lose my lunch.
Suck on a chill pill
I wasn't aware that you were forced to attend a photoshoot. But you're right. We should tailor every convention to your personal tastes and shun all others.
Tbh I don't know if that is just rumor. Wouldn't that person need to get checked in hospital afterwards, considering it's a lava lamp.
Yes, I'm going to buy plane tickets, hotel tickets and con tickets and then not step out into the hallway so that I can avoid seeing sluts.

Again, conventions are tailored towards COSPLAY - its usually in the name/description. If you want to go to a convention for sexual stuff, hit up the AVNs.
You like to complain, but what would you propose be done about this 'issue?'
Slut shaming. It was never this bad when it wasn't acceptable. Even back in 2010, boudoir shoots were unheard of except for the likes of jnig, I guess. Now every slut w/ daddy issues wants to be the next j nig
Like don't get me wrong, but I don't think nothing can be done about it as long as there is a (silent) acceptance for it.
I don't like bunny/swimsuit/lingerie cosplays either, so I don't pay attention to them and move on.

I watched few con videos of Katsucon 2017 and most of the people at all times wore full costumes or normie clothes. Can't remember any bikinis.
Tattoo a scarlet S on the head of every slut!
Only if it broke.
Well I can tell you right now that's not going to work. Last I checked, thats harassment.
I saw maybe a dozen all weekend? Unless you count Zentai suits, then its a a few dozen.
By your count, what percentage of costumes this weekend were anime related? video game related? western animation related?
Eh. Few dozens is small amount in a con of 6k-7k visitors.
Hence my point of the butthurt seagull.
Anime 60-70%, vidya 25% (so many OW, holy shit. Fire Emblem too.), western animation 5%( I remember seeing Moana and at least one Snow White.)
You can't tell grown ass adults what to do with their time. How is the sex bothering you any if you're not involved? I never see any of this shit going down because I don't make it my priority to find out
I think people usually make separate groups for them or something? I don't know, I've always found it odd too. I don't think I've ever ran into one let alone several people at a con that I'd willingly want to sleep with
I saw a Maui by the gazebo on friday I think.
Moshi moshi, trench coat mafia desu. Can't believe I actually had that specific flash drive in my pocket when you guys were talking about maybe watching The Greatest Story Never Told. Might've saved you guys a V&ing since you didn't actually have to download it yourselves.
Are these the same people who were handing out gumibears at the con? Fuck my life I had one. Tell me they're different people. Pls.
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You're a real American hero. You going to Ota?
If I managed not to get v& despite all the /k/ meet-ups or torrenting the do/k/ument a while back I probably would have been fine with a documentary. But still, thanks.
t. Homura
If only it wasn't 6 hours long. At least we got some Shia shitposting in.
Hell yeah I'm going to Ota. Probably gonna try and make a better version of the cosplay I had this time for it.

Should I bring Triumph of the Will next time?
Birth of a Nation would also work.
Downfall is pretty good too.
You know, I'm starting to think that the reason prices on hotels and con tickets are rising is because of the people who destroy and ruin hotel's property. It happened to ALA (moved to Cali for tha reason, because the hotel got sick of the con goers destroying things) and just reading aftermath of Katsucon, at this rate it won't take long for it to happen to Katsucon as well.
It is, believe me. I'm staff at another convention where escalators were broke on the regular and the convention center charged the con for the repairs and the next year the ticket prices went up to compensate for any damages that might happen.
Hell i'm surprised the Kalahari puts up with Colossal's shit. Last year they hit capacity, but they're such a big earner for them they didn't want the con to move. So they opted to make a sister con instead of a cap or moving
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>You know, I'm starting to think that the reason prices on hotels and con tickets are rising is because of the people who destroy and ruin hotel's property.
>starting to think
Are nitpicking on my grammar or something? I had this thought at 2 am, sorry (not sorry) if it didn't turn out perfectly.
My guy is implying that that's been the reason for the longest time, even if you're just becoming woke to the fact.
Anyone here do D&D for beginners?
Yes! But >>>/tg/
Lol, I doubt the fa/tg/uys would tolerate me putting a post up on there asking for reviews or opinions of the work me and my staff did.

Thus, I reiterate: Did you do D&D for beginners? If so, who did you have as your teacher, and did you enjoy the game?
Katsucon is where they're at now because they got kicked out of the Omni Shoreham hotel in DC.They fucked up that historic hotel badly.

Funny enough the residence inn across from the gaylord is very up front to katsu guests that if they fuck the room up or get a noise compliant, they will kick you the fuck out and slap charges to your card.

Fa/tg/uy here. I think it sounds like a good basis for a thread.
Good on that Residence Inn.

I missed out on the 2009 Katsu in Crystal City. Anyone here attend that one? What was it like?

The rest of TG does not, it appears.
Wow, have you seen a pic of this person? Would like to avoid them forever.
Everyone on my fb is sayin fuck katsucon, whats going on?
Victims of the phantom shitter.
Except that you're bitching about a canon outfit. It's one thing to slutify a character that doesn't exist, like sexy Virgin Mary, but Madoka has worn a bunny outfit so yeah
Praytell, did we ever get any additional information on the phantom shitter?
Nah, skinny white guy who also photographs her
Someone shit their sheets on the fifth floor and left it out in the hall. Hotel ahd to come up and get the sheets.
That was actually the last Katsucon I attended. It was crowded, as to be expected, but overall I didn't see anything bad about it. Great musical guests but I still haven't figured out why they had YMCK and Aural Vampire perform Sunday morning.

Getting through high traffic areas was the worst and they badge checked escalators to other floors which caused traffic jams with people waiting just to get on the escalators from the main floor. That was the year they capped attendance at 6,000 I think? I'm glad they did because it was really damned crowded but I don't remember any damages or too bad behavior like they've got now.
>shit their sheets
Dear god Katsu is becoming Rainfurrest.
At least most of them are looking out of a window like they're looking at something
>D.Va spreading her asscheeks
It doesn't help that D.va was the con slut flavor of the week with their shitty Chinese printed bodysuits.
It didn't hit me till Monday but I have something funky. Extreme muscle soreness everywhere and feeling like I'm going to fall over, unfortunately might be the flu. I'm just happy I didn't get it AT the con or during my 9 hour drive.
Yeah when me and my friends went to go take pictures these two girls tried to be sneaky and cut in front of us, but thankfully my best friend isn't afraid to be a bitch and called them out on it. At the same time, when we were going to take pictures my other friend's purse just flew open so we offered up our spot to the people behind us while we cleaned up. It's not that hard people, just be decent. I can't count how many times I walked past and saw people trying to shove in during photoshoots or cut in line.
Has anyone found videos from the masquerade?
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