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Work In Progress

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Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 63

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Old thread has hit the limit. Let's see your progress. Post it here.

Old thread:
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Just finished making my Zeon pilot helmet. Luckily, the padding added inside makes the helmet look slightly less over-sized. I used an M3 face-shield visor for the visor and was amazed that the shape and curvature of the plastic was a near perfect match. Was about to use the clear plastic from a soda bottle or something but looking through the stuff would've really hurt my eyes.
Paint will come later.
Now on to the actual suit, which should be easy enough.
Working on a tusken raider mask. Currently I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to darken the leather for the mouth.

I have a bunch of leather that's cream colored and I'd rather use it than buy darker leather. I wanna use boot polish maybe but I don't know if that'll darken it permanently.
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If you don't have access to a alchohol based leather dye, dilute some brown rit dye and paint it over top and let it dry. This is one I made years ago.
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Had finished this just before the weekend (following on from previous posts), though I misjudged the size of the monkey arm to the width of the raincoat so I fucked up a little there.

Oh well, it's a learning lesson. And I now know how to make skirt pleats so that's a big bonus.

Sweet, I really like the texture of the leather. Did you use that brown rit dye on it?

is that an undertale character
That specifically wasn't no but it will work well with what you're trying to do. Get like a cheap chip brush and paint it on that way to give it some wear. Also dilute some black acrylic paint in water and throw some splotches in.
haha nooo, Rainy Devil from Bakemonogatari

It's really too bad that Rainy Devil isn't a guy because Rainy Devil is a qt.

Fuck Numachi.
still lookin pretty good. Do you have any plans to wear a wig?
that helmet is still way bigger than it has any business being.
Yeah, I way over-compensated when I when making the mold for fiberglassing. Can't do much now.
Are you getting a black wig? It will look way better if you do.
Im waiting for the gundam wing guy to show up.
His facebook page is UbersCosplay if you want to follow him.
Temjin is the one who posts the giant mech costumes here. I think he just namefags and doesn't use a trip.
I've got a dark purple wig I was hoping to wear for it but I opted against it since I was already dying from heat under what I was wearing already.

I might do for a future rewear, and when I get contacts so I can see.
It'll be costly, but smooth-on came out with a couple of products a little while back. Essentially it's a casting material that shrinks or expands with time depending on which product you use.

You take a mold of whatever, cast it in the shrink material, when it shrinks down to the size you want make another mold then cast it in your final material.

Like I said, you'd be spending a ton in silicone, but you do have options if you so decide
Ah ok. I didnt even notice he had a name. I was just looking at the pics and whatever he wrote. Ill definitely have to look at his previous builds.
Yea at that point it would be more worthwhile to just redo it. The cost of everything would more that quadruple the amount he spent to make the helmet.
this is true. I think that my suggestion makes sense if the helmet was already complete and looked perfect, but not otherwise
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I like It! Any plans to make the jetpack to go along with it?
I know nothing about this show but damn the effect you were going for came out very well.
I'm alive. Zero is nearly done I am just waiting on a few last bit of electronics to show up in the mail before doing a final test of everything. Have a preview of the sound system in the meantime.

Nah, the idea of this project was to make a plain vanilla Zeon pilot suit, since I've never seen one made before. That, and I'm too lazy at this point to make another prop.
You make me feel inadequate.
Just imagine that guy whacks it to farm animals
Or floor tiles
you could trim some of the fur so it tapers in and doesn't overstuff the sleeve
I agree that the fur needs a bit of trimming, but I think the jacket is really the problem. If you look at the reference image >>8949924 the sleeves are really wide while this guy's >>8949894 is not.

That being said, Even as is, it doesn't look bad by any means.
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Doing the Power Armor from the cover of Fallout 4
I have the helmet done and have the entire suit pretty much blocked out for casting and molding.
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Made my skirt for white day Hanayo with some help from the help thread! I'm attaching the outer layers to the top, the waistband is from a hoop skirt.
this is really nice! do you have a fb/insta where i could follow your progress?
Teach me your ways of scalloped edges that actually look nice.
That looks really nice. How did you do your scallops so cleanly? I need to do the scallops for my white day Nozomi.
it looks like she's trying to do that trick with those scissors that do the edges like that, even though they will still fray, people think they don't. she didn't actually sew them, just cut them.
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Hi I don't visit here much but Animazement is in a few short weeks so I decided to pop in and have a sense of progress for my cosplay
I'm going to be the MtG character Ashiok and so far I've only made the brooch
I'm working on a pretty tight budget so most things are going to be kind of make-do but I'll have to make horns, a veil, the pendant, and a skirt
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Character reference picture
I forgot I also have to make the shoulder thing and the belts and straps
More progress on my cosplay of Silas from Fire Emblem Fates.Main Shoulder piece pretty much done
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Torso is all together now
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working on Henry from Fire emblem, still have a lot of small pieces to work on...

>please excuse my weeb ass room...
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>planning on making a DxD dragon gauntlet this summer
>chestpiece is basically the same pattern

Uuuuh, anon, im pretty scared. This does not look like a budget friendly build. Hope you do well tough, i love MtG character art.
Not bad, anon! You're brave for taking on Nohr armor. Watch the symmetry and alignment on your pieces-- if it's not permanently glued yet, you might want to nudge the placement a little, since it's kind of pulling off to the side.
Beautiful. Are you building any weaponry?
well it's a lot of fiddly bits but i think i can manage if i spend wisely
i've decided that i'll have to skimp on the horns, veil, and pendant but the pauldron will be metal
i'm not terribly sure what i'm going to do about the cloth under the necklaces but all the cloth straps and stuff should be pretty simple
i'm a brave soul and i don't have a strict budget beyond "could i afford this", i'd just prefer to not spend too much
Good luck anon! It's always awesome to see more people cosplay from Magic. (Ashiok is a pretty cool character too.) My boyfriend and I plan to cosplay Jace and Liliana to DragonCon using their outfits from the Shadows over Innistrad set. So far we have all of the materials we need but we plan to really get down to work this summer.
Don't make your armor in metal. There are literally dozens of tutorials about how to make armor out of foam, worbla, or other cheaper materials. There's just no reason to make it out of metal.
yeah i really should get better at planning ahead, since i always back myself into a corner with last minute plans
i'm going to the fabric store this afternoon to see if i can't find either the navy or violet fabric that i want for the skirt or black strips for the belts and sashes
i know my way around a sewing machine enough to do a simple skirt that's going to be belted on anyway
i mean craft foam is a lot cheaper and easier to work with than metal...
i suppose you're right, it would look strange if the shoulder were metal but the pendant is foam
thanks! i really appreciate the input
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when you said your pauldron will be metal, I thought you meant it was going to be really cool. Like saying it's brutal. Pic related.

I'm not very smart...
i hope you're going to style that wig
i mean, Ashiok's pauldron IS pretty metal if you mean it that way
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Pinking shears? You better fray check that or your hard work will be spaghetti half way through the day...
yes pinking shears, i totally forgot that's what they're called(it's such a cute term too!) but i digress, it's a bit of a lazy 'alternative' that looks cleaner but will go wrong quickly if you think it won't fray. spray on fray check tends to work best for that.
Thank you!
Probably just gonna mod some nerd guns or somethings and rust it
>nerd guns
Nerf guns
I am, still in progress. Going to be wefting some extra parts to the sides.
>dat poof

what petti are you using? did you make your own? or is it the hoop skirt you mention?
Same difference
Anon, are you in Georgia? I think I saw you pop up in the Momo thread. If that's the case, a good buddy of mine is pretty active in the GA fallout cosplay community. Those guys can point you in the right direction if you want to build stuff.
Yep. I know a ton of the fallout cosplayers here, whats his first name?
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Thanks Anon,surprised the Nohr armor is turning away the large group of cosplayers that did Awakening stuff before,so I hope once I do mine then there might be a larger growth on the more armored characters.
The alignment thing could just be the shape of the foam itself,but I plan to heat the foam with a heat gun to better shape them downwards.Plus I can just heat the hot glue up to move it if something is too off.Whatever though,nothing is too final until I decide to start priming.
Aw man I was hoping youd say super sledge. Nothing scarier than a man in full body armor deciding to run at you with a hammer instead of using a gun.
Haha,I was actually thinking about that but I dont really have the time for it unless there's something similar to it on the market I can just mod
yeah a lot of weaponry in fallout 4 seems to be very custom. I cant really think of easily modding an existing real world item to resemble something from the game
okay,wow.went in and looked at the alignment and symmentry of the right side spikes and its completely off compared to the left.looks like I'm going to have to hit them with the heat gun and reglue
No problem, anon. Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes. Hot glue bonds can also be loosened with rubbing alcohol if you want to re-glue that way!
The guy's got a sort of unique name, why don't you shoot me an email? I've got a temp email up there. Why don't you shoot me a message, we can talk about it.
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Dropping a few pictures, the newest and most disgusting costume yet, preliminarily named the McNope

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first pic was just after painting, this one is with the bacon cape attached. Yes, it has a bacon cape.
Need to make some leg guards and then it'll be done.
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and then here's what it looks like (without cape) while wearing.
I feel sorry for your grass. Also wtf even is this?
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>not just laying down newspaper on your grass
it's going to be some bastardized hellspawn based on the McDonalds restaurant.

Have to mow the damn thing tomorrow anyways.
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But why
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for the glory of McSatan
You need to make a samurai helmet but make the forehead piece the McDonald M
There's a smaller convention this weekend that I'm making this costume for, this is the v1 and I was planning on styling a large red spiky wig for v2. The v2 will be for a larger one this summer.

I haven't decided if I want to theme it as a samurai set of armor, if I do then I'll be making a new chestpiece of the slat armor and doing a fancy kabuto helmet.
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Finally finished my Cainhurst sculpt. Now to mold!
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Really cool Cainhurst Helm!

Just finished my first Saw Cleaver and making the Yharnam Hunter set.
Looking real good, man!
I'm the guy making the Fate helmet, I've hit another wall where I can't decide on a set of eye holes. Is this what hell is?

This also looks amazing. Is it "functional"?
Looks good! Hope to see the finished costume.

Ohh man I know exactly that hell. Whenever I have to do anything symmetrical I pull my hair out. Calipers help so much for making sure everything is the same size.
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Forgot a stupid picture.
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Some part 8 Holly progress. I need to fit the tunic more after trying everything on. The cape is stretch velvet which feels really nice. Still figuring out what I want to do with the wig, but I think I want a color similar to the dress.
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yay i did a lot of shopping and now i'm ready to start measuring and cutting and sewing
also i realized i set aside probably too many plastic gems for the pendand, since it can logically only be about hand-sized
the yellow and grey material is just cheap craft foam but i'm not confident enough to work with anything better
also, i'll need a circlet-type thing to hold the horns and veil together and in place but i haven't worked that out yet
Sadly, it isn't a functioning trick weapon. I made it in about a day for Wondercon with the Foreigner Garb.
It's made out of EVA foam and foamcore so it isn't stucturally sound enough to flip out. I plan on making one later that can though
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And I also forgot my picture. Whoops.
That's freakin impressive for a one day build. I look forward to the functional version

Yeah, luckily for me I've got a line going down the center. But the other side looks equally good. Are you going to block out the ears or take a mold as is?
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Made my first thigh thighs and shoe things today.

I need to get some cheap tights to sew the thigh highs on so they can stay up and do little more alterations
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Yep, I have to mold the skeleton jaw/neck piece separately so I can fit it around my head. Then the "shell" will be over top of that on hinges so I can flip it up like a visor. Eitherwise I wouldn't be able to see without insight.

I would say just dirty that up and it would be complete.
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McDouble Manslaughter back again with another update.

A friend wanted to join me this weekend so I last minute repurposed and threw together a Little Caesar's costume. Not going to win any awards, but maybe tickle a few funny bones.
>not pictured: crown
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darn rotating pictures
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Have an artistic representation of the toe placement applicable to tabi socks, based on my true scale leg and foot.
needs moar leg hair but ye they aren't the comfiest invention.
Shoulda gone as burger king, that way you can get the fast food royalty thing going
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Ashiok here
The skirt isn't even started yet but I'm not in fantastic shape so I don't want to subject you to my stomach
But I got the pendant and brooch completed
The pendant is just cheap craft foam but I'm happy with how it turned out
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>Not even bothering to paint it.
Are you serious? It looks like a kids craft project right now.
i also forgot the things dangling off the sides
forgive me senpai, i'll finish it properly
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Yeah, @majokkolivia on instagram!
I actually bought specialty pinking shears with the flatter scallop shape to imitate the art which does the typical Love Live thing with the tiny ass scallops on big scallops. I tested the fraying beforehand and miraculously they work a lot better than regular triangle-shaped pinking shears.
I made my own hoop skirt. It looks like complete shit by itself and the construction is garbage tier, but it's basically a circle skirt with wire. Pic related.
I traced half of an easter egg around the circle skirts and used these scissors to cut them out:
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It's funny you say that, I've done Burger King once before.
I'm going to OMGcon this year. Will you be wearing >>8958615 ?
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You guys are such inspirations. I wish I had the space to experiment with fabricating more complex pieces like what you are doing but renting a room from my aunt doesn't give me much options.
Glad to see you're still active! Nice work on the costume!

Wip for my Tenshi Hinanawi costume from Touhou. I'm using a design drawn by a doujinshi artist so i looks slightly different from the original. Left with some minor adjustments on the main dress but her accessories arent finished yet. Goofy face edit cause I dont have makeup on and havent shaved in days
That's so pretty! I love the swirls on the skirt! Applique, or fabric paint?
Something of the sort. Havent decided what costume i want to iron down but it'll be Mcdonalds something. I think my friend will be Wendy's, and a third may be coming as well.
Thanks! I attached those using heat and bond. I figured having stitches hold the edges down would make it too bulky
Looks damn great so far! Could I ask which fanart your basing off the design from?

One thing I like about Touhou cosplayers( that actually put effort) is when they do alternate designs and stuff, especially if it's fancier than the original design.
im currently working on my first eva ffoam armor creation of the doom guy.
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looked like this before the plastidip application
and before that
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Got a few more things to make for the armor,but it's essentially done. Going to spend some time cleaning it up a little and then I'll start sealing the foam to be primed and painted.
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closer shot of it
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It is based off this design. Just made the hat today and I'm pretty sure the belt will be the death of me. I'm bringing this costume to Reitaisai to meet the original artist so yeahhhh, not gonna halfass it
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Thank you! Your dress is turning out rather nice.

Working on Holly's hat. Slowly bedazzling the shit out of it.
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Next update on my Hanayo cosplay. The skirt is just roughly pinned on because I made the stupid decision to keep the skirt low-waist but use a hoop skirt with a waistband at the waist, so I'm still figuring out how to make it work.
shitty instagram quality alert
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a few inconsistencies and some tweaking to do, but hey, it's done!(sort of!)
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Head progress. Had to use a hand saw for the crack but I'm really happy with it. Used a dremel tool for the first time today to widen the eyes a bit and the teeth are just sanded Eva.
This looks awesome! What is it?
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Just remade my Karin skirt. I'm not super happy with the proportions? The blazer was made for another skirt and I wish I could re do the button. I might chop a few inches off the skirt (and a good ironing and starching) before wearing this out
I really think the pleats in your skirts should be a lot deeper. They barely look bigger than half an inch.
aaaah is this the tetsucabra set???
I think you're definitely right, it's sitting wonky atm. Thanks for th advice, I'll fuss with it today!

Why did you glue the gems on before painting it? That's going to ruin the finish of your foam if you take them or get paint on your gems if you don't?
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Took your critique and I think it looks a lot better! Thank you!
It does look a lot better, good job.
Much better! The whole silhouette has improved, nice work.
The teeth dont looks very good but the rest is good
do you have an IG or somewhere to watch your progress? I'm dying to make Dark Knight armor from fates and I wanna see how you tackle everything
Damn Casinojames did a really good job on the base helmet.Still some obvious blemishes,but everything is turning out nicely. Doing an au cosplay some justice.
Sealed the foam and now I need to find either a good black spray paint I like or use a metallic silver face and dust some black/rub acrylic
How does the armor attach ? Does it open on the sides or in the back to put on and take off ?
i'm loving your progress anon. seconding >>8971977
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Its just elastic strapping on the back of each piece.Works well so I dont think I'm going to change them.
Chest piece are the only pieces I'll end up covering on the final costume.
Only got a tumblr which I pretty much upload the same pics to,but I am gonna upload patterns there. Feel like I should have been recording my work on it since armor seems to have shyed away alot of FE cosplayers so far.
Tetsucabra set from MH4U!

You can follow me on twitter though @kingubneo
and my tumblr is the same name
To be honest I hadn't thought that far ahead or thought about painting it
I'm still not entirely sure how I would even paint it at all? It's kind of just smokey smudged gold as far as I can tell
This is the first cosplay I've ever put any effort into so a bare minimum of competence may be a bit much to expect
I also have to restitch the navy skirt because I fucked up the seam really badly
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They make stuff for things like this. Stuff like Rub and Buff can work fine on foam.

I'm going to be honest with you.

I would honestly remake it since you're also missing details. Just looking at >>8963978
You can see you're missing several details, the pendant looks like it's attached to the dress, not on a necklace. Also, the gems are huge, the gems you have are the wrong size, and the ones you have going off the the side shouldn't be there since that's actually a carved detail on the pendant.

You should probably ask for help in the general help thread, and check out the resin threads to get some ideas for the gems. You could practice casting your own resin gems so you can get accurate ones instead of settling for what you've got now.

Right now it looks like baby's first cosplay prop.
Your foam is yellow not gold. Get spray paint, get rub and buff, get acrylic foam. Any of these will make your prop better.

Listen to >>8972570. This is a complicated costume, and it sounds like you really haven't thought this through at all. Stop working on your project, ask for some help in the help thread and plan this out some more. Gulls can be mean but you can also get some solid advice.
>bare minimum of competence may be a bit much to expect

then this isn't the costume for you. You picked a complicated costume, and you didn't even think to try to ask for help on how to paint foam?

There's no shame in asking for help, you should stop now and start over if you want to take this costume serious.
Are you wearing it inside out?
Oh OK...
I think I'll get the rub & buff and neaten it up a bit
Also, it's going to be attached where it belongs I just temporarily put it on the longest chain I had
I'm taking the sewing seriously but I've always been kind of garbage at crafts stuff
And honestly the stitching isn't that complicated although I'm a bit stumped on the six belts
Would it be fine to use velcro or is there a nicer way to do that?
Button snaps maybe...
It wasn't even stitched in that picture, just clipped on
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Finished the bulk of Maya Fey's new outfit a little while ago. I still need to make the armbands, wig and get shoes
I wasn't really referring to the raw edges, it's because the top looked hemmed, but with the hemmed edge on the outside.
Make sure your kimono is wrapped left over right and not right over left, since Maya Fey isn't dead.
Thanks for the heads up! I also have the bow on the wrong side & need to wear it correctly when I do it whoops
good way to remember this is "leftover rice" as in left over right.
oh... are you looking at my chest?
that's a separate piece of fabric and it always seems to curl over like that sorry
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If you are having problems with the edges curling forward your chestpiece might be abit too tight or the material too sheer. If you fabric can be ironed though, see if you can attach a band of fusable soft interfacing to give the edge more body so it doesn't flop around. Example of this from my Tenshi dress. You'll have to redo the bias tape or hem though, to tack the interfacing down
i think i just have a tendency to tie it too tightly, and it's also pretty sheer now that i think about it...
changing it would mean entirely replacing what i have and with all i have to finish and redo i'm not sure i'll have time or extra money in the next few weeks to do something about it
now i feel bad
Well. It is your first serious cosplay so don't beat yourself up too much with regard to it. I guess the biggest takeaway is that you should plan more before undertaking projects. Btw if you havent painted your pendant. You can use a hitglue gun to add more detail and texture to the pendant. Make sure you prime it well afterwards before painting though. Paint doesnt catch on hotglue quite the same way as it does on foam and it will show up
i am a master of doing things with zero planning so i'm very much not used to doing things properly
thanks for the tip though
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Finally got a test of everything on. Some adjustments need to made still to reduce some of the gaps. Im about 99% where I want to be with this right now though
God damn boy. Just fuck me up, this looks great. Where are you gonna wear this?
Badass. Nice job Temjin.
At first I thought this was gonna be a Devil is a Part-Timer cosplay... but nope.
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Painted my armor.Just a few minor pieces I actually have left to do for the armor until its finished
Thank you. Probably Anime Festival Orlando, Cosplay America in North Carolina, possibly Supercon in Miami. Still very much up in the air. My plans have been thrown all out of whack this year.
Thanks :)
Yeah He's a great sculptor. I sealed the crap out of it and base painted it today, so it doesn't look much different and isn't worth posting, but wednesday I'll be finishing up all the paint and he'll be airbrushing the details so i'll post when it's all done.
you insult me
Yeah, it's even worse.
Awesome work as always Temjin!
Got some tacticool shit in the mail for my rule 63 Terra cosplay
Fucking hell dude
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Karin is just about done! I'm not %100 happy with the shoes, but I'll fix them next time I wear her.
That character is garbage, but your cosplay looks fantastic. Even with the missing white line, your shoes look fine. I'm sure you know, but you should iron everything before you take it out, especially the skirt.

Do you have any plans to wear gloves?

Amazing work as always. Cant wait to see pics of you around the internet.
Thank you! I do have bias I'm going to add for the shoes, I was hoping to floral paint them since the reds don't match, but apt living makes it hard. So that'll be done!

I have some leather fingerless gloves (rehashed from Ash Crimson, on the topic of fg characters) they re not super accurate, but they'll do for now!

And yeah, the skirt for sure needs some love! Thank you for the compliments and critiques! I'm only going to the sakura matsuri, I def want to fine tune it for when I bring it to con!
I do not want to work on this commission anymore. I want to go back to working on my Trinity Blood scythe. Why am I so incapable of responding to "can you make me this?" with "no"?
This looks wonderful so far anon, you really nailed the shape! I'm sorry it's taking away from your personal work.
If you don't mind sharing, what was your process for getting the form? How are you planning on covering it with black? I'm actually trying to rework my own penguindrum hat and this is really inspiring with all of the misshapen versions of it out there.
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I'm very excited.

It's my first time trying to make a mask, this one is a gift for my boyfriend.
I know it isn't perfect, I want to practice a lot in the following years, but God did I love the process!

There's only one place in my country where they teach this kind of stuff and I was lucky enough to get the last spot, so this was made with a bit of help from my teachers.

If anyone here has tips or any knowledge to share on sculpting and this kind of thing, I'd like to hear.
Critics are also welcome although at this point I won't be able to do much to it but I shall apply it in future projects.
The basic hat-crown shape is Fosshape with steel wire sewn in at the brim. The contours of the face are layers of quilt batting basted to the Fosshape. It has a rolled brim sculpted out of upholstery foam but that's not in the picture because I have to cover that separately and then attach it. I'm using a stretch fabric to cover it, so I should just be able to drape + pattern, but if that fails I'll do what the fursuiters do and make a duct-tape pattern.
>I know it isn't perfect
... i-it's not? Could have fooled me, damn. Is that your clay positive or the finished cast?
Just the clay, we're learning the next step this week!
And thank you very much! I'm very happy that you think it looks good!
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