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Artist Alley Thread

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Old thread >>8893957

Post setups dammit!

>Taobao/Alibaba services
>Artist Spreadsheet
>How to order from Vograce
Does kpop or kdrama fanart sell at anime cons?
Kdrama I'm not so sure, but Kpop stuff sells pretty well.
thats alot of buttons.... how much?
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I can imagine boy group fanart selling well. I sure would buy something if one of my faves was on it
Any other Artists run into this issue?

You set up shop at a con or event and you get the people who ask you specificly what material you use and you really don't want to tell your trade secrets?

I make accessories (fairy kei fuzzy stuff, jewerly) and always have customers about what materials I use (What kind of glue, puff paint, etc.) for my product.

I don't mind saying "Its yarn/stuffed fabric," or "Its resin" but I don't want to 100% give away how I make my product.

Anyone have clever things to say when you feel that customers/potental customers are "shopping" you/asking for very specific details?
I don't see it on the resources page, I'd love to start printing shirts and selling them online and at cons!
Where are some good places to get them printed? Thanks for any help!
When you label stuff for display, can you use the name of the show? I know you can't put show names ON your product becuase of trademark issues but what if you just want to label? Like the OP. I have a lot of buttons and I don't want to just display them all together.
It's generally fine but don't label any Funimation properties with their actual names. Funimation forbids the use of their names and logos, either in the actual product, or in the label.
ya just can;t divulge too much other than to be clever in swaying them to similar ish tutorials online I guess to be nice about it. I'd hate to give up my personal production techniques myself because of the hard work in figuring out the problems and developing your own tools/processes along the way to be efficient is my secret, that way those who try will know the difficulty and expense involved making buying from you worth while for them as a customer.
Thanks! I need to think of clever alternatives then.
I'd be careful with non-Funi properties as well. Some cons I've been to in the past year have made all artists cover or take down anything that had ANY series name in it. It's easier for them to institute a blanket rule rather than go around figuring out what is and isn't a Funimation title. I had some Dragon Age charms labeled as such and they asked me to take down my sign.
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>Post setups dammit!

Sorry for the deco sticker stuff, this is the only picture I saved but this was my setup at the last little event I did. It was a one day thing at a comic book store for little kids so I didn't have my usual signs and my stock is sparse. AAAH EXCUSES!
OP here.

I am always nice about it, but sometimes I will say somthing "Its my trade secret, sorry." Most people respect that but I had maybe 1-2 people scoff at the answer.

Maybe I can try somthing if they ask "Is that fabric paint" (For drippy icing effect on products)

Would a good answer be "There are several ways to do that and if you want to know there are many tutorials online." ?

I encorage everyone to do their own thing, but I don't want to share too much unless if they are fellow artists. XD
Damn really? I'm not sure what is a good way to label stuff. I know some people say "your art sucks if people can't recognize the characters you're drawing!" But it's more of an efficiency issue for me i guess? I have a lot of buttons so I want people to find what they like quickly. Should I just think of clever titles for everything? Lol
>I know some people say "your art sucks if people can't recognize the characters you're drawing!"
I often buy stuff I don't recognize simply because I like how it was drawn to begin with.
I notice you have a Yokai Watch print. Is Yokai Watch stuff starting to appear more in the AAs at cons? My son is really into it and I've bought some of the official merch for him, but I bet being able to get something at cons would make him happy as well.
I would put your labels on easily removable piece of paper - so that way if the con asks you to take them down it won't be a huge issue. At the con where they asked all artists to cover property names, artists that had been using post it notes for the series titles on their prints just moved all the notes to the back of their display so it could still be used for organization purposes on their end. And just put up new post it notes with "fake" titles (ex: School Idol instead of Love Live, Full Alloy Philospher instead of FMA, etc) in the front.
I haven't noticed it lately, but I drew it up for the kid's day event that picture is from. I know it's started to become very recognizable and it's certainly gaining some popularity so I hope it shows up in AAs and your son gets the opportunity to find something unique!
I just tell people because I find that, most of the time, they either get overwhelmed by the detail and forget it all anyway (people tend to get lost as soon as I say 'I use a two-part epoxy resin and alcohol-based inks!' or something like that) or they pick up one or two details and use that to make their own stuff/do their own research, like with deco items or polymer clay charms, because Fimo and silicon are pretty easy to remember. Some people scoff at things being sold for such an outrageously high price when they could make it themselves for so much cheaper, but those people are the sort who wouldn't have bought anything anyway and were just looking to assert their superiority.

The one time I've had to be vague about putting my things together was when a woman marched up to my table and demanded to know how I'd put my octopus plush together. I was pretty new to sewing but I'd spent forever working on the pattern and that bitch kept grabbing it and trying to pull it apart to see how it all fit together, asking me nonstop why I wasn't giving out the pattern. Fuck off, even if I'd chosen to make it available I sure as shit wouldn't give it out for free.
>a woman marched up to my table and demanded
now that's psycho..shoulda made up a story "oh the pattern was in a barnes n nobles book I just bought", I'm sure she woulda believed it too.
It was a pretty shit plush, too, I still don't know what she saw in it that she couldn't find online. Some of it was held together with glue ffs.
>shoulda made up a story "oh the pattern was in a barnes n nobles book I just bought"
I got the feeling that if I'd told her that she'd want to know the name, author, and price.
>that bitch kept grabbing it and trying to pull it apart to see how it all fit together, asking me nonstop why I wasn't giving out the pattern
What in the actual fuck. Was she doing this to other people, too, or just you? Who the fuck is this entitled, holy shit.
Anon, an actress that I follow on twitter had to wait 5 hours in delayed flights with American Airlines today...

I would rec Spirit if you've never had a bad experience with them, as they can't lose your luggage if it's a direct flight to O'Hare? Don't sign up for the extra discount stuff, it's a scam... lesson learned from the reviews!
Spirit is terrible if you have any luggage, it's so expensive. Not to mention their planes are crap. Delta is best.
Not them but I've had people get really grabby and one woman in particular did the exact same thing trying to rip apart one of my plush's limbs and "make sure it won't fall apart if my kids play with it". I had to just smile sweetly and tell her I didn't recommend it for young children unless they were gentle players as I mentally freaked the fuck out. She didn't buy it, thank God, or I'm sure I would have gotten an angry email the next day about how her precious widdle babies barely touched it and it fell apart. It's handmade you cunt. It's sturdy but it's not going to survive rough treatment and WHO DOES THAT to someone's stuff?!
Yeah, it's horrible but if you calculate the extra fees with luggage into it, it might be cheaper? Honestly, I didn't have to travel with art (just one suitcase) so costs were different.
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My spiderburger arrived to me in Australia today! The aud/usd exchange rate isn't great but I'll definitely consider Acorn for charms if I do them in the future. He feels so much sturdier than the shrink film ones I've made (not many artists seem to have acrylic charms at the cons I've been to here, so I haven't had anything to compare against until now).
I've only ever seen middle-aged people do this. Weebs are pretty grabby but they haven't ever deliberately tried to wreck pieces or demand free shit (discounts are a different matter).
She was being a total cunt to everyone, someone not too far from me was almost in tears because she was trying to scratch the ink off their stickers. I didn't see her after about twelve on Saturday so I assume someone got sick of her shit and got her booted out. I was too young and stupid to call security, lol.
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I have crippling social anxiety and I can't stand to go to artist's alleys at any con because I don't want to make eye contact or allow the artists to talk to me, even if I'm interested in their stuff.

How do I get over this.
Holy shit. I'm guessing she was trying to find whatever she thought would sell well so she could copy it. What a fucking bitch.
You have bigger problems than buying animu merch at a con, so go see a psychiatrist.
Wear a cosplay mask if the con allows it and carry a dry erase board to communicate or pantomime if you're scared of taking. It'll help you feel more secure and outgoing and then eventually you might get better and more comfortable without it.
I used to be like this. It can be hard, but just remember that they're just people like you. There's a good chance you're making too much of it and if you feel a case of spaghetti pockets coming on, remember that they probably will see tons of people and unless you literally barf in front of their table, they probably will not remember you later.

Thinking "After this weekend, I will likely not see this person for a year and they will forget me and anything weird I say" really helped me get better at approaching artists. Then again, that's just my personal experience.
or could be one of those that used to sell in AA and is just all salty at youngin's making much better stuff than hers.

I'd yell stop or you are buying that if you damage it! >.< srsly I think that's just wrong watever excuse she says, no one does that.
*scared of talking
Also this >>8911740
I sorta am like that at times...I feel over it if I just let a friend lead on for me at times, so I have a mental block over the anxiety.
I've had a couple of customers like this and they just stand behind other customers, and then point to what they want and hand me the money and walk away. One time this one girl was in such a hurry to leavebc she didn't want to make any sort of convo with me that she left while I was getting her her change.

Idk, anon. Like the other seagull said, get some help first. It may help if you had friends to anchor onto as well? I have artist friends with social anxiety who do conventions so if they van overcome their anxiety to sit there and interact with strangers for an entire weekend, you can learn to interact with artists.
Where do people get those holographic/broken glass effect buttons?
Super cute grab bags! If you don't mind sharing, where did you get patterned paper bags? All the cute bags I can find are too small.
Go to the back of your nearest Hobby Lobby, spin around 3 times while chanting "sparkle stars, glitter glam, show me dat honey and spank my ham", and a magical Leprechaun dressed in Fairy Kai will appear to you offering holographic button services. Bring lots of carrots.
Thanks anon, i'll grab my special undergarments and carrot-dangling stick and head out immediately! (really though thank you, I thought it might be hobby lobby but I wasn't sure)
Thanks! I got them at Target, they're cheap ass brown paper lunch bags, haha. I used a hole punch and some ribbon to tie them closed. I'm not sure if they had other designs because I only saw these polka ones and some really ugly solid dark blue at the time.
>ohh just revealed your secret sauce there.
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Question: What online store/seller does everyone use to sell their stuff?
What are your experiences with them?
Which ones to avoid?
I want to start an online store to sell my products but I don't know which one to pick from or where to start since there's so many different choices.
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No problem!
They're just paper bags from a grocery store it's not exactly a super secret source anon. Plus there's lots of potential for decorating and adding personal flair. Even regular plain brown lunch bags can become super cute unique grab bags punches, stamps, ribbon, etc.
*with punches, stamps, ribbon, etc
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>fucking SM and Korean idol companies in general being stupid and having retarded contracts
>tfw no more Tao

I fucking hate it so much
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Can someone please tell me where I can get one? I asked in the last thread but got no response.
I think that ship has sailed anon, I'm sorry.
i use storenvy.

A lot of people don't like it because of stripe but I've had few problems with it since it isn't my primary source of income

(if you're living day to day off your art and are not popular I might try something else because stripe can take a while to deposit to your account)

I'm thinking of starting an etsy as well though any comparison between the two?
I only use Esty because I don't have much time to market and promote myself. My views and favorites are pretty good on average I think but my actual sales only average out to about 2 a month. I make plush though so I don't really mind it being slow because it lets me focus more on making stock for shows (which will always be where the real money is unless you're ridick levels of popular) while making a few extra bucks on the side.
How about the jerks that come up and pull at the seams, and when you ask if you can help them with anything, they respond with, "Just looking for a pattern!"
Please tell me this doesn't happen. Though once I had this old lady who was selling hats and plush at a table on the other side of the AA manhandle one of my plush and play 20 questions with me while looking scrutinizingly over every inch of it. She didn't outright ask me about the pattern, but she kept making little comments like "Ohh it's just so cute and unique I might have to pick it up....What material is this again?" and "Oh, you said it's X animal? That's so cute. I really think I might buy it!...Is it from something?" and every compliment had this fakey sweet tone. She came over to pick it up and look at it from every angle about three different times but didn't ever buy it or offer to trade me even. It just felt like she was trying to squeeze as much detail out of me as possible without flat out saying "I want to replicate this". To top it all off she started ranting to me about another pair of hat makers who had stolen specific 'styles' of animal ear hats from her or something. Like "we started making our ears like THIS and then ugh they kept trying to get us to tell them how and they got one of our customers to let them see our hats up close and then THEY started making them! THE NERVE." Like honestly, is this just some sort of unspoken AA rule that you rip off each other all the time? Because 80% of the drama I hear from crafters is about this.
anyone else following that WW thread about crafters being kicked out?
i'm mildly sympathetic (as primarily a 2d artist, yeah it does help if someone with drastically different merchandise is tabling next to me) but the people commenting are exactly 'crap crafters' LOL
like I appreciate well constructed plushies, sculpture, jewelery etc but shitty perler beads or patches ripped from official game sprites, hotglued bows from cheap 'nerdy' fabric and fuckin' soap are not art and don't belong in the artist alley.
A lot of people who dislike storenvy use tictail
I felt bad until OP of that thread commented that cons that did that got "couple dozen print artists whose work blends in to one another" and "lose table fees from crafters." It stank of "BUT CRAFTS ARE WAY MORE SPECIAL THAN ILLUSTRATIONS!"

Those table fees are small pennies to WW. They could probably eliminate Artist Alley altogether and still make bank.
Shit, apparently, there's a different thread. Disregard.
My girlfriend is like this, so when we table together I do pretty much all the talking to customers. Lots of us have anxiety of some sort, so I like to think we're pretty understanding of this sort of thing.

You're certainly not alone anon, even if you might feel like it when you first walk in.
Try shadowing a friend around, or have someone do the speaking for you the first few times you go in.
I know healthcare isn't very affordable in the US, but understanding friends who are willing to help will get you a long way when it comes to scary socializing.
Sorry anon. They were being given out for free but only a limited number.
I had an Etsy, but then moved on to Storenvy.

Etsy is good for starting a business because it's good at bringing you traffic, but you have to pay. I was selling a lot on Etsy and decided to move to storenvy since it's free. Downside is that there is a lot less traffic, but if you're good at marketing yourself on outer media (Facebook, etc.) you're basically making your own traffic. You also get to have a customizable store front
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I sold at my first artist alley last year and it was pretty interesting.

The serious prints i made didn't sell very well, on the other hand the silly/funny thing i made SOLD AMAZINGLY WELL. While that's good, I really want to be able to create good prints without relying on dumb humor.

I think I'm a pretty average/okay artist. But I don't know how to "finish" anything I do for prints, like make it look like it's complete. That's even without the background.

Image related: I think I'm in a place where I can create things people will like. I would really appreciate how you guys got so good and any tips on how to improve/create good looking prints.
Really, just practice, practice, practice, and observe, observe, observe. I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but there's a reason for it. Go on youtube and watch (good) speedpaints, watch tutorials on the basics, etc.
How is Uprinting and Overnightprints for business cards and bookmarks? I need to print some and their prices are pretty good. I'm not sure about their quality though so any feedback would be great!
I'm waiting on some books I ordered through uprinting. If you can wait until Friday I'll let you know tgen. I will say that I did have a problem with uprinting's system though. My books were delayed because of some kind of flaw on their part.
Thanks anon! I can definitely wait. Hope they look good!
Me too man, me too. I'll take pics on friday!
So I drew UT fanart for this girl I like, I put a lot of thought and research into it. I even watched play throughs and listened to parts of the soundtrack but I was hoping we would play the game together so I havnt played it yet.
She loved it a lot and said it was one of the better fanarts she's seen and that I should sell it at my table as a print but I don't feel comfortable selling fanart when I havnt played the game and I don't want to attract any drama but I'm also afraid if I don't take her advice she'll get upset.
Any advice anons? My next con is in a week and I need to order prints asap.
>I'm also afraid if I don't take her advice she'll get upset.
are you in therapy? this is such a weird mindset, were you abused as a child?
> I'm also afraid if I don't take her advice she'll get upset.
If she gets upset because you won't sell a particular print, that's really fucking weird of her. If you really want to sell it, then order it and play the game a little. If you really don't then just tell her "Well, Toby only wants people who have played the game to sell things and I should abide by that" or just tell her you don't want to sell it until you've played.
My ex was really shitty so I assume the worst when it comes to girls.
don't let yourself be pressured. other anon has some good advice. please take care of yourself, maintaining boundaries is not only good for you but helps improve overall nerd culture by discouraging entitled behavior.
Why do some artists refuse to post pics or upload items to their online store unless they debut those at a con first? Are they afriad of people stealung their ideas before a con? If it's for stock, I can undestand the store part, but why don't the upload to blogs? Just randomly curious because I post eveything as soon as I finish making something lol.
For some artists, it is about stock; they want to sell at a con where people will make impulse purchases and sell as much as they can before selling online. Also, there legit are people who will rip off more popular artists and it could be really bad if someone started drama over it at a con.

I usually get excited and post things right after I start making them, but that's because I'm so low-profile my chances of getting ripped off are really low. I also only post low-res shit, too.
Has anyone ever dealt with people trying to steal from their booth?
Kek I didn't mean for free, I meant to buy. I asked for a shop link in the last thread and someone replied but didn't provide a shop so I'm still looking to buy.
I don't think they intend to make anymore. As far as I know, they only took a set amount of orders because SpiderBurger was kind of a thread joke that ended up being really cute.
please elaborate on the joke please.
I just thought spiderburger was from Cloudy with a Chance 2.
A few threads back, everyone was talking about how old and played out cutesy food + animal combinations were, AA-wise. So people started suggesting combos that sounded like they would be really gross and ugly-looking, but SpiderBurger ended up being really cute.

I wish I had ordered one myself, but thems the breaks, anon.
Ah shit that sucks, thanks for the heads-up anon. If fera (or whoever made them) ends up making the acrylic ones, I'm definitely gonna keep monitoring the AA threads to catch a pair of charms. Thanks again!
Yeah, I'm really low-profile so it doesn't bother me! I get so excited too haha
If it's debuted at a con it means i have it printed already so i can attach a link to my store when i post it.

Nothing sucks more than watching a post get 10k+ notes on tumblr without a single fucking link to my store because i didn't have the patience to wait till after a con.
Did you guys know spiderburgers were actually a thing before?
I was looking for said charms. ended up finding this instead.
anon...that was made based on this spiderburger. it was even posted in the thread.
sorry. that was two separate statements.
I didn't mean to correlate the two.
NGL, I didn't until >>8912979 mentioned Cloudy 2. I'd heard it had food animals, but I never actually saw the movie.
I'm low-key, just do AA locally, third year finally stepped up my designs and display, sold well - first time people taking pics of my booth. >.<... im like o..k....
>why are people afraid to ask...see people being sooo ninja in taking pics, lol.
>have hidden camera
>watch them pace in background and snap pic when I get occupied. lol.
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Both me.
The one that was made is basically a kawaiified version of the movie creature.
That's why i got a bit confused when I saw the charms popping up in the last thread but couldn't find the sauce. I just thought it was fanart they were showing off, like the standard AA posts go.
That's always weird. This past year, I had one girl, like a middle schooler or something, just come up close to my booth, take an up close picture of my smaller prints then walk off all without saying a word. It was the fucking weirdest thing.
same here.
>see girl walk to corner of table lays purse down
>doesnt say anything avoiding all eye contact
>fumbles for camera from bag
>finds a two pics and takes picture
>face looks all angry frown.
>I know she's asian and probably high school
such a immense aura of a feeling powerful autist moment, as me and my table friend just kept looking, and glancing at each other...this is weird, you say something..no..no..no..you ..no...no..don't do anything then.. yea..yea..
>she puts camera back in back and strolls away with frown still on face
the face is what confused us, decided to not initiate any greeting as her stealth attempt was a creepy fail.

I wonder now knowing it's just social anxiety x10000000, maybe woulda helped her just say hi and just let her know it's ok (for her case anyway), won't feel bad if she didnt have money perhaps - might have even given it to her for free sensing her issues.
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I preferred the croissant with teh buttered hat on.
I am thinking of getting some shirts printed on an online shop I found, for 5 shirts is $15.48 each a good or bad price?
If not where is a good place to get shirts printed to sell them?
Thank you for any help!!
I know that some people have a problem with their art being ripped off and some people just don't have the time to draw a ton of prints and upload them before the con.
Never underestimate how shitty some people can be, anon. There are clueless weebs who think that copying is the sincerest form of flattery and there are 'clueless' weebs who think it's the best way of making a quick profit and escaping scrutiny by bawwing after getting called out.
No but I know people who have. I'm paranoid about it so I only keep display stock on the table and keep the rest behind/under my table. For my friends it only really became a problem a couple of times when people took 2 or 3 of a print and only paid for one, or on one memorable occasion when someone tried to walk off with a plush that was securely fastened to the display from the back and ended up pulling bits of pipe along (the plush was saved and the thief just ran off instead of coming back later, so it wasn't all bad). So, yeah, don't leave your prints in a folder for people to take.
Other than that the most they've had is a couple of cheap buttons and stickers going missing and that might have been miscounted stock so they didn't think it worth counting.
I think the Soft Served Slug Cream is a good mix of ew and aww.

> thinking you can just buy Spiderburger
> like he's some kind of OBJECT
You make me sick anon.
I-I just wanted to give him a good home anon
>pls no bully
>not liking your slug ice cream thicc
Shit-taste m8
The person who drew it mentioned that they didn't mind the design being used by other people iirc, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you used the image to order a spiderburger charm from someone.
i have had people pay for one thing and then take a few 'extras' a couple of times, lol.

haha, I wasn't even the original idea for a spider burger - someone suggested a spider burger during the discussion about overdone kawaii foodimals, and it was obvious to me that the legs would be better as french fries! someone actually pointed out the movie creature a few posts after. I had a few parents buy some for their kids at my latest con though, so undoubtedly they also thought it was cloudy 2 fanart.

absolutely: i'm totally fine with anyone using the designs/art.

convention staff accused me at my first con of selling stolen art (i had a few prints doing the rounds as fairly popular posts on tumblr), out of caution and a desire not to repeat the experience, I just wait now. I do enough non-convention art inbetween cons that it's not like there's dead silence between dumping after cons.
Anon do you use the linework layer on PTS or do you just have hands of God?
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My fav item from an artist ally
linework layer! I wish, haha.
Are those blobfish nuggets? I'm gonna need those.
The plush was listed on Etsy, might still be up for sale.
>convention staff accused me at my first con of selling stolen art
How did that end up going down?
Many years ago when there was only one convention in my home state, I was making fleece hats. They're easy, quick to make, beginner stuff. Another artist kept coming to the table asking dozens of questions about these hats, and they were very basic. She ended up buying 2.

The next year she had the same style of hats with the same but slightly smaller pattern pieces (ears, brim, head). That idiot ripped the pattern but forgot/didn't know to add seam allowance (that always got trimmed after sewing).
er, i basically just logged onto my tumblr in front of them and edited the artposts in question saying i was tabling at x con. I wish I could say they were embarassed and apologetic - they basically just huffed and walked away.
coincidence in this case. happens sometimes
How unprofessional. Which con was this?
Wasn't the whole point of the conversation that everyone keeps just making the exact same crossovers?
It works then. An extra level of parody.
Wth how professional. Not even an apology??
I'd like a sweatshirt with a picture I've drawn myself.
Are there any other places I can use other than arts bovine? I don't want to start a society6 so I can buy my own shirt and then close it.
Any help?
If you just want to make one single sweatshirt, maybe just use an iron-on transfer. As long as you do it right, they work pretty well.
The problem with those is the quality of print and how the iron print works with the fabric chosen. Light colours on the iron print will not translate well on darker fabrics.
I'd rather pay a little for a better quality print.
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Damn, one of these days I need to learn how to properly use the Sai linework layer. Or better yet, Illustrator.
I've always used either the Sai brush or pen, because I'm a control freak about lines. Inking is probably my least favorite part because it takes so long.
I really want the artists page. Do they have a tumblr/twitter?

If you're here i would love to see more of your stuff.
a non-american one. It's not a 'true' con the way north american ones are, and artists get treated pretty shit at times, but thems the breaks.

yeah. i'm not the only artist who's had an issue with them, because there's a shitton of bootlegger vendors who complain about the fact that there even IS an artist alley, lol.

i'm the artist and I hate to disappoint, but apart from my charms my work is very much not in that style, haha. when I set up an online store i'll link it in an artist alley thread, though.
You're gonna want to use June Tailor Iron-on fabric sheets, not iron-on transfers. Iron-on fabric sheets are literally sheets of white fabric you run through the printer to get the design. White shows up the best (the fabric sheet is white) and quality depends on the capabilities of your printer. You have to be careful washing though because of the ink, but the iron-on stuff stays on. Hell it's made for quilting and quilts get thrown in the washer/dryer.
Does anybody have issues woth LD photo paper? It prints fine for most of the time, but sometimes for black lines, it smears a tad bit and looks fuzzy. It looks like this as soon as I print so it's not me smearing the ink. So sealing it with spray won't help. It's not too noticeable so I don't know if I can still sell these. Will people get angry at some smeared:fuzzy lines for $1 stickers?
Ah, okay, where can I purchase those online being a Eurofag and all? I'm still a bit sceptic of the quality, do you have any example pics?
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Is this person for real
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> I've spent all day designing what is basically a shitty version of an icon that already exists inside a blank circle
Google and Amazon are your friend.

Iron-on fabric sheets/quickfuse is what any serious plushmaker used before embroidery became the 'in thing' for faces. Look up some of BabyLondonStar or Hatsukoi's older works.
I was in hobby lobby recently and I couldn't find it. The worker didnt know either and suggested the paper craft aisles, which I already checked twice. Idk if I'm blind or my hobby lobby doesn't have it.
I have con coming up where the only option was a half table and we're only going to have 3 feet of space. Does anyone have any pics of narrow displays for inspiration? I have no idea how im going to fit everything
I thought it was obvious I was shitting with you guys. I just chose HL at random I don't know if they have them.
It wasn't hobby lobby? I wish you just said "I don't feel comfortable sharing"
not that anon but i'm pretty sure it was just supposed to be a joke, calm down
I'm just disappointed. Oh I'm not the anon who went to HL btw. And I don't think anybody understood that it was a joke?
Hobby Lobby does have them. The part anon was joking about was very obviously the fairy dust and ham. If you can't find them then yours probably doesn't have them.
anon she just said she doesn't know if hl has them or not.
it was a bad joke and at first it seemed more like she was saying they do have them there and are hard to find.
Anon was probably clueless, but since no one corrected her, HL probably actually does have them? It's either HL or Micheals, I think? I got mine from taobao, but I know someone shared on AANI about a US craft store.
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As suggested in the earlier thread, I got a Silhouette Cameo and some Online Labels Weatherproof Matte sheets to make some custom stickers. I'm reading through the documentation and looking up tutorials, but you guys might be able to help me better.

If I'm looking to make kiss-cut stickers like pic related, what do I need to know/do? Any particularly helpful tutorial that I've missed?

Can I just upload sticker sheets I've made in Photoshop, add the registration marks, send it to the printer and then cut it out, or do you have to define where the edges are every time?
They're both kinda shit, too. Backgrounds exist for a reason. And I get that this is probably (hopefully) hand-drawn, but you can still use a mirror or at least a ruler to get a symmetrical drawing.
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Here's some pics from AMKE artist alley that I took!
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>those prints of fat, boxing love live girls

the fuck
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I hope more plushie makers with embroidery machines get on the popular TV show trends, like these Osomatsu-san ones look really good!
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it's baaaaaaaaaaack...
what happened to the waffle cone horn
thats the entire point isn't it?
Is it just me or did it get worse...
>Not for sale
Well why the fuck would you display them then?
Also, what is happening in the back?
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at least looks slightly less ahegao...?
Looks like someone having fun cosplaying Karamatsu? Also, some people use props to attract customers ad well as to fill up space on their table. In this case, might just be an example of their sewing skills.
As someone who regularly sells at cons, and has worked customer service, I can assure you the artists will not remember who you are or what you look like 5 minutes after they've made the sale. Just think about the sheer number of attendees and people who probably vist the table, you are just a blip in their day.

As for the anxiety, you need to see a therapist to help you with that.
that's actually the artist for the Osomatsu-san plushies/the table. I think she just has them on display as examples of commission work. The last con I saw her at she was taking custom plushie commissions and then selling a few of the ones she had on stock I think.
honestly one of the most blatant examples of using shiny shit and detail to cover up terrible fundamentals
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$2.50 for a button? What the hell?

It now looks like it's halfway through shitting a salamander.
where....is the pelvis?
oh jesus, I opened the thread and saw this thumbnail and thought this was a Kirby puking blood.
I think it looks cool!
lol okay.

The anatomy is terribad. And not in a "but it's my ~~*style*~~ uwu" way.
Oh i mean the pelvis part ~is~ weird but the coloring is very nice. I honestly didn't notice the pelvis until the other anon memtioned it. Didn't mean to be like uwu
did you miss the point of their post?
I noticed the dislocated rubber left leg first
I just thought the "shiny shit and detail" looked nice. I did miss the point at first and I do see it does look weird in some places. I really do like the coloring though
>It wasn't hobby lobby? I wish you just said "I don't feel comfortable sharing"
>And I don't think anybody understood that it was a joke
Sorry that I lied to you about how to acquire glittery buttons by chanting and feeding a Leprechaun carrots.
...right, the point is it looks like shit but they covered it up with ~fancy~ coloring. i guess you're they're target consumer.
So...I have a question. Do non-artist care/notice stuff like this at all? It feels like we're the only ones being "nit picky" for a lack of better word. Seems like people will like and buy whatever they find pretty regardless of fundamentals. This is what I see but I'm not sure if it's true.
Considering the kind of shit art the major American comic publishers churn out on a regular basis I'd say only artists or those people looking for it really notice.
>I don't think anybody understood that it was a joke?
Do you honestly think that? Also,
>ending a statement with a question mark
it looks 'cool' because it relies on distracting you from glaring underlying flaws. i personally hate this shit because why spend SO MUCH TIME making it 'look cool' if you can't be fucked with your basic anatomy and proportion? I just can't respect artists like this.

People will see that it looks wonky, but yes, most won't understand why.
I thought the anon was being sarcastic because it's something you can easily find at HL lol
>why spend SO MUCH TIME making it 'look cool' if you can't be fucked with your basic anatomy and proportion? I just can't respect artists like this.
What's the point of being interested in /aa/s if you don't like flashy looking illustrations with poor anatomy?
For the Texas artists in here, has anyone done Delta H Con?
Her legs are so tiny. How can someone spend ages coloring this shit and not notice the many glaring flaws? Even assuming the legs are 'perspective', where are her torso and hips?
Not to mention the other smaller flaws, like the fact that she's staring vapidly at the line going past her face instead of the glowy thing, or the way the light sources are all over the place.
i don't fuck with shitty artists at AAs anyway? poor anatomy can be expected at various skill levels but clearly the artist in question has some experience and skill and yet still has 3 inch upperarms and legs of completely different lengths that start a foot apart, at the bottom of an extremely elongated torso.
No anon, it's obviously a unicone shitting its tail out. Duh.
Some do, most don't. People don't tend to notice glaring flaws because they don't know what to look at- for example, if you drew an otherwise okay chibi with two right hands and one eye lower than the other, most people would notice there was something a bit off about the face but pass it off as the art style and wouldn't notice the hands at all. It's only when you get to delusional Etsy levels of bad that people start to pick up on things, like lumpy hands and eyes that go well above the hairline, because there's too much shit for them not to notice some of it.
2bh, I wished I learned how to render better instead of how to anatomy better. Sparkly shit just sells better than a dull dish.
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you don't have to pick getting better at one.
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It looks even worse because it's a new factory and a new first prototype so the whole process gets to start all over! Which means we get to see even MORE revisions every week! Yaaaay!
I guess the original manufacturer got tired of trying to make it look good and struggling through the artist's six billion changes with each prototype.
i'm cringing so hard at how much money must be poured into the creation of this monstrosity
Don't forget she's getting three different "flavors" each with unique faces and details so that's even more work and resources.
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If it was easy to find, you wouldn't have so many anons asking you where you found it!
Man rendering is a skill too... I wish I could render better
enjoy your new giant 300 dollar paperweight
There's a point where you have to step back and give up on ideas that just don't work. This is a bad design. She's going to spend more time and money and other resources trying to get this monstrousity to work out. At some point you have to move on.
Wonder how many'll actually sell once it's all finished.
Question about artist alley selling. I was wondering if things like lotion bars would sell? I can make them decently cheap with cute molds but I'm simply wondering if they'd sell.
maybe if she's selling at craft fairs or something ( but people won't pay the price of mass produced plush at a craft fair....) but it's so grossly outside the bounds of what sells as 'cute' in conventions
i personally am tired of fucking soap in artist alleys, but they do okay. if you can find a way to market it - maybe character or series specific scents or something, idk.
Is the neko atsume copier now doing Undertale lanyards?????? Because those too look pretty sloppy.
someone just needs to tell her to redesign these goddamn things already. the plushies wouldn't be so awful if they didn't have such an atrocious design to begin with
I've got three prints from that artist. Was a girl at the table when I bought them, dunno who if it was her or him who is the artist. Mmm One Piece and Hunter x Hunter art.
I was planning on doing specific molds and scents, with the package being bagged custom for that character.
Clever molds is how to make it profitable. People on etsy who make nerd-specific soaps sell a lot. Hell, I just bought a friend a Han in Carbonite soap for Christmas.
this? i don't think they're the neko atsume one (wasn't that shunao or something). these are literally just redrawn in game sprites, lol.
Wouldn't lanyards not count towards Toby's agreement?
Hey, maybe you guys would have an answer for me.

I just started doing sticker sheets, 5x7, and I am wondering the best way to display them? I don't want to put them in a book because only people who are invested look at books, so i put low-sellers in books.

I have my buttons displayed on a white board (which people LOVE pulling my display buttons off), and while it's easy to display I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good vertical stand to put them on that i can travel easily with? (can withstand air travel)

I'm primarily a print artist and I use pipes, and one of my wings is already mostly gone from the button boards. I'd like to do something thinner so i cover less space with the sticker sheets, which are big sellers for people without money.
>this is another group that does the con circuit
>random girl of guy sits there
>there are various versions of the prints on display - either slightly altered from official merch/fanart
friend showed me some prints on the phone because she recognized some of them - basically near identical copies with minor changes here and there. example hand holding gun sideways -> his print guy holding gun upside down, all other aspects identical.
Can you guys help me? I'm making some charms and wondering if weight distribution matters. I just put the circular hole in the center but I don't know if that will ensure equal weight distribution. I'm probably thinking too much about this but is it something I should take into consideration when designing charms?
Sweet. Thanks for the input friend.
I tested weight distribution of my charms by printing some on a thick paper, putting the hole where I thought it should go and hanging it up with string to see how it shifted. Obviously the heavier charm won't act exactly the same way, but it gave me a good idea at least.
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liefeld drew like that too. but not like I agree people should make up anatomy on the fly.
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at emerald city cc 2015 and at that big guy was at kawaii kon in hawaii during the same days of march 27-28-29. I honestly think they should be in vendors, exploiting the the lower table costs - and prints that probably not even theirs, just mass-printed for cheap.
>I await someone to disprove my statements, just think nobody really cares as long they arent as dumb as Rob Granito's over marketing himself for years as an artist at AA.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if I needed to worry so much about weight distribution lol. I think putting the hole in the center would be fine for most designs but your idea is good!
I actually don't mind weird anatomy in general as a lot of professionals do it too and can still make it look cool. Having said that, it's still a very good idea to know what goes where lol
I've seen these guys at every big con.
> don't mind weird anatomy in general
Even this?
I think something that a lot of these artists get hung up on is that if they don't know how to describe believable forms that can exist in 3d with 2d lineart, it's going to be extremely difficult or impossible to make a decent prototype. The original designs on paper were gaudy but they were also not skillfully drawn. The shapes on the turnarounds shifted from angle to angle and weren't consistent.
That's what I was thinking... it's the only reason I haven't made charms!
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Some customers do notice but others don't. That's why those watercolor texture ~minimalist~ style posters sell so well at general comic book cons. Normies can't tell what is and isn't good art a lot of the time. Or as >>8915492 said, will notice but can't put their finger on what makes the picture feel "off" to them. To be fair, if it's a popular enough fandom people will buy it regardless of how poorly it's drawn sometimes.

Man, the hips are bad enough but why are all of her features so low on her face? It isn't as noticeable zoomed out but when you zoom in, everything seems to sit so low. Her forehead is huge and she has no chin and her lips are as wide as both of her eyes combined... My edit isn't the best but I did it quickly to show what I'm talking about re: feature placement.

Whenever I see stuff like this I get really disappointed because I agree that the coloring/rendering is super cool. I just wish the artist put as much effort into anatomy? You can get by with wonky anatomy in chibis/cutesy stuff but I feel like when you go for a more serious style, you really have to brush up on accurate anatomy or at the very least well-stylized anatomy. I'd take stylized but aesthetically pleasing anatomy over this any day, desu.

It generally doesn't matter unless you're going for a very specific look. If you're super worried about it, places like Vograce will take sample photos for you and you can ask for hanging photos! If anything is off, you can make edits after you receive the sample pics. I'm not sure if US-based charm places also offer that but it wouldn't hurt to ask during the manufacturing process.
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Still waiting on my AA rubber straps.... hoping there isnt a delay because of the large influx of orders.....

On the other hand I realised their vector took out the attorney badge on Phoenix's collar and I don't know if i should pay to have the mold made again if I make another order..
Did you go with Vograce or some other supplier? If the former, I just recieved my 3000+ piece order today so hopefully that cleared up their queue a little!

I can't wait to see the AA straps all finished! I really liked all of your WIP posts.
Went with Vograce! Coco was really good with communication and everything so i was pretty happy. There's still a few days till the estimated production date so fingers crossed they wont be delayed.

Thank you! I'm super nervous since its the first time making rubber straps (and it was a big investment compared to the usual single sided acrylics) Going to post a review once they come in!
I always recommend Southwest. They let you take a 2nd bag under 50 lbs for free on top of the carry-on and their wanna get away prices aren't bad. Every trip I've had with them has been really nice.
>Does anybody have issues woth LD photo paper?

Anybody? The tiny fuzzy lines are driving me crazy...
I think the issue here is the style. The artist going for such a serious look that they need pretty accurate anatomy for this piece to work. If it was a stylized cutesy piece, it wouldn't have been this weird looking.
Yea mass manufactured in China sounds like exactly what Toby didn't want :/
Has anyone sold at a comic con in Belgium before? I am on the fence about booking a table at the MCM there. What's it like? Any advice?
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>Normies can't tell what is and isn't good art a lot of the time.
Well if we're basing what "good" Art is solely on correct proportions, pic related is horrible art.
Not saying the pic anon posted isn't egregious in anatomy issues, but if someone likes the image enough to look past that, doesn't mean the artist necessarily failed.
Dropped reply
anybody else doing the st patricks day 10 for $20 thing on art moo? I ordered some neko atsume coin pouches, partly cause I want some for myself and partly cause i'm retiring my normal cat stickers and wanted some normal cat merch still.
You can have correct anatomy but still look ugly as shit. So egregious anatomy doesn't make something horrible instantly. I think it's just a matter of drawing something that looks appealing overall. Just make sure your style is good for the anatomy you are going for (if you draw very realistically, make sure your anatomy is very on point).
Where did you find the code, if I may ask?
I asked him and he said he was anot artist too that helps with sales? The girl goes to AA at ACEN usually but it's weird that she didn't fly out to AMKE, I'm assuming she was also tabling at Nakakon too? Anyone want to confirm?

Also at least the art isn't the generic shit that populates AA...
Did you miss the part in my post where I said the original artist came up short because their serious style needed an accurate or at least a well-stylized anatomy to balance it out? If it was chibi/cutesy anatomy flaws would not have been a big issue.

The proportions in pieta are specifically stylized and it works for that piece. Which was my entire point originally. It's not that anatomical accuracy = good. In order for your art to be good, all parts of your style - including coloring and whatever deliberate choice you make re: anatomy - has to all work cohesively together. It clearly doesn't in that piece. And it all circles back to the original anon's comment that the artist is masking flaws with their fancy coloring.

>>8916005 gets what I'm talking about.
Derp sorry I found it
I'm this >>8911855 anon, thank for the replies everyone. I guess I'll just wait if someone puts them up for sale and if not oh well lol
So I just got contacted by aa staff for a con, that is in less than a month, letting me know they have a table available. Thankfully it's a local con so I don't have to deal with getting a hotel room but problem is I wasn't expecting it, and I had kinda given up on even trying to get into other aa's, so I have basically no stock rn. Also the style of my stuff has changed since I applied, but I don't currently have any 100% finished pieces to show the aa staff to be like "my stuff has changed here's what it looks like, do you still want to give me a table?"
So my questions for you gulls are 1. Should I let staff know/will they care about my style change? I'm still making the same kind of stuff, jewelry, it just looks different from what I applied with. And 2. How much shit do I need to make in like 3 weeks to have a decent amount of stock?
If you couldn't tell this will be my first aa if I can actually do it, so any advise is greatly appreciated.
You don't need to let the staff know about style changes. They just want to fill a spot and you were next on the waitlist. I can't exactly tell you how much stuff you need to make because I'm mainly a print-based artist. How big is this local con?? What sort of jewelry do you make exactly?
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The con was around 6,000 attendees last year, and I mainly make Lolita/otome/mori themed stuff that are mostly pendants, brooches, and rings. I use copper and enamel for my stuff, so it's not the fast thing in the world to make.
Pic related: two sample pieces that are by no means perfect/finished.
o, that's my friends. They are 2 inch pins, that's what's hell. even if they are tiny ass pins. who cares if they are selling it for 2.50. it's not your problem, you should be glad inflation is happening in the artist alley
If you're unprepared, just say so and have the table passed on to someone in the waitlist who is prepared.
the neko atsume one wasn't shunao. shunao did the neko atsume charms that weren't copies.
I'm sorry if this doesn't belong but It's just some AA drama. I'm tabling with some friends at a con in April and I get a text from a former friend that he is going to be there. One of my table mates freaks out thinking this guy is going to try to block the table or harass us. He's complaining to me that him and the other two people worked too hard for my former friend to ruin things as if I want this guy around or as if I didn't work hard too. I was looking forward to this con but now all i foresee is trouble.
Well, you know the former friend better than your tablemates I'm assuming. Is he really going to bother you? Well, it's not like you can do anything about it at this point, other than giving up the table, so just tell everyone to not jump to conclusions and remain calm. If anything happens, just let a staff member know. Be firm with your former friend and tell them you don't want to meet with him during the con as you will be busy doing your own thing.
We all know him. We went to college together. The problem my table mates see, I guess, is that this guy had very strong feelings for me and even though I made it clear I don't want to talk to him, he keeps trying anyway. I spent too much time and money on my merch to give up my section of the table. I'm going to power through, I just wish my table mate wasn't acting like this is my fault.
Unless it was a juried con they shouldn't give a shit what your style is like
>I get a text from a former friend that he is going to be there.
only problem is if he becomes a smelly table barnacle on crack. if not it just means he will be in the area and may be sighted, may include a hi with generic convo and a bye. since you said college, I am assuming may have grown up since then which remains to be seen.
>if goes weird, plx share in con stories.
I should explain the friendship ended about 2 ish months ago on bad terms. The table mate is mostly worried about him being a barnacle. If it gets weird, I'll let you guys know. I'm just frustrated because this is the first time I'm popular enough to actually have fans tell me they are coming and they are excited to see me.
>tfw I finally have cute merch and cute people want to meet me and this stupid person I hate is going to be there possibly uglying up the set up I worked so hard on.
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Nope, I figured it out, and now I can make and stick dank memes, it's worth every penny

Get rkt m80
do acid tabs next
please tell me your secrets. Do you just set the blade cutting at a lower number until it works?
I read like every tutorial out there, and then made a judgement call based off of what the settings they listed. I actually got this working on my first try.

With the Silhouette Cameo specifically, and the Online Labels Weatherproof Matte label sheets, setting the ratchet blade to 1, the speed to 4 cm/s and a thickness of 5 produced that page of Pepes.

At first I wasn't sure it had even cut but once I slightly bent the paper, I could see the lines and they peeled off just fine.
Was hoping to get a Cameo for Cyber Monday but backed out last minute...how hard was it to set everything up (outlines, alignment) ? Starting to want one again haha
I'm going to try something more complicated with a new design soon enough, but otherwise it was pretty intuitive; you just make your design in the program, you can add in normal picture filetypes, press a button to do the outlines of the file (square, in these cases, but presumably it works with transparent images), and finally click a button that adds the alignment lines (that black box and those corners on the page).

You then send the file to the printer, it prints out onto your paper, you press that paper on the slightly sticky cutting board, then you feed it in; once it's in, the machine registers the alignment markings, then cuts according to the file.
Some people on AANI were talking about table displays when flying out of state. I guess some people stack cardboard boxes or collapsible boxes when they're flying to reduce luggage weight. It seems like a smart idea but will it look good? Has anyone tried this before?
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Anon from last thread - I took the advice from you guys and changed the font, added some texture to the background and lightened it etc.

Is it up to par to sell, do you think?
Which con(s) have been your best in terms of sales/profit so far?
i'd almost prefer this as a charm or sticker, but I tend to buy prints for the illustration rather than the character/pop culture factor. It looks much better now, anyway, although I would experiment with making the white outline thicker.

I feel like cringing just typing this but I keep thinking about this print because my inner weeaboo won't shut up about it. It keeps howling that the text needs to be in moonspeak with the radiating lines/ light rays the other anon mentioned last thread. I'm pretty sure if you did that I'd have to throw some money at your way because I'd have to have it.
>clever clever circuit board texture on text.
the background is meh...spilt milk?
I originally made the watercolour texture a darker blue but the white seemed to make it pop more. Does it really look that gross?
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Are artsmoo bags printing supposed to be a bit washed out? They look alright but I'm a little disappointed that the printing isn't as sharp as I thought it'd be. Any future tips? Also, sorry for the shitty camera pic but the fuzziness is accurate.
Wow it doesn't do your art any justice. Does artsmoo always look this fuzzy?
oh that recent..than I'd assume he ought to have some common sense to avoid you and your table. He may just spy from a table or so distance. Other than that it will just get weird if he does confront and starts something - so perhaps ask AA staff if you may become harassed and physically assaulted then they ought to be able to ban him right there if it happens and escorted out would be the worst of it.
>Just be calm and ask so-so to leave, con security is always itching to reveal their power levels.
I've used american airlines.. usually AA and Delta are the only places that go everywhere

Southwest is the best experience I've ever had luggage wise, Delta is always reliable.. AA and United are for if you dont care about comfort but do care about cost. Same with american eagle
ive printed with artsmoo before and have some bags by them. thats how they tend to look because of the fabric choice. if you want higher quality fabric I'd try spoonflower BUT youd gotta put them together yourself
>it sorta reminds me of bukake - ANYWAY!
the background is just so different from the overall design, if I did this it would be similar style - cartoony'ish, clouds or environment perhaps if thats what the watercolour texture was to imply.
Don't do that. People like her never learn; the new designs would be ten times nastier and more complicated.
Cork boards with a sheet of plastic over them to stop people picking the stickers off. You won't be able to fit that many in but if you've just started selling them you won't have that many anyway.
Chill, m8. Just say they're 2" pins and leave it at that, you don't have to give us a spergy lecture and flounce out.
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made this since the overall image and slogan feels like an advertisement. just a rough background idea...
I was mostly confused because my friends' artsmoo bags look fine - they're not nearly as fuzzy as mine.

Now I feel a little bad about selling them but I guess I could make them cheaper than the usual price?
Hnnn, this is still so adorable Anon. What animal did you make Adonis, I'm assuming bear since thats what Rei associates him with...?

Huge bummer about how fuzzy it turned out though, it's probably because of the fabric they use like the other anon said, I've had pins done by them before though and they turned out really fuzzy as well so maybe a lot of their stuff prints fuzzy? Who knows.
I made Adonis a bear! I based the designs on the adorable kigu notepads but Adonis was a duck in the series so I changed him.

And thanks! Didn't think anyone would notice enstars - I'm going to try to make more enstars stuff with artsmoo so I'm hoping that the quality gets better than worse...
That's m8, you're a champ - this does look better than my watercolour splotches.
>now I can't get the image of accidental-bukkake out of my head and I am ashamed

On a side note, I'm always really happy to post on artist alley threads asking for opinions and critiques, because you're all really genuinely nice and helpful. So thanks to everybody for your critiques, they're really appreciated!

(I don't know if anybody remembers, but I also did those ugly-cute One Punch Man chibis for acrylic charms and I got heaps of useful tips on lining and colouring so cheers!)
That's what I did when I sold some fuzzy looking buttons I got from artsmoo. The thing is not a single person who bought them seemed to notice image quality and I sold out of almost all of them. You probably don't have to worry too much about it at all.
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>theres just something about it that feels...e-v-i-l..
The design over all just looks like those cheap knock-off toys you see in grocery store claw machines...
I honestly wonder how much she's planning on charging for it. Depending on the size people usually charge 25-35 dollars for plush.

Does she even the funds or is>>8915281
she planning on kickstarting it.
I don't know if this will get much response since I know the majority of AA thread anons are american, but for those who aren't, do you have online stores? how do you deal with international shipping? was it difficult for you to get traffic/sales since you aren't US based?
It's one of those things that if you knew him you'd get why my table mate is upset. This guy is an unrepentant asshole. He knows none of us at the table like him which will only want to make him come around MORE. He was mocking me telling me I'm only going to bleed money and how much better he is than me. He just doesn't want to leave me alone.
I try to put a part of the shipping as part of the item price because I know personally I get put off buying things from the US because heck $7 to ship a single charm.

I think it works then you can pop the shipping down or make it flat rate etc.
Can't say anything about traffic as I've only just opened up, but I try to ship everything in a bubble mailer or a thin tube that fits through a letter box. Shipping is only 3 bucks that way, worldwide. Unfortunately adding tracking ups the price to around 10 bucks so I ship untracked by default. I'd love to ship everything with tracking but I'm afraid the shipping costs will deter too many customers.
i feel kind of bad but this is the fucking funniest thing i've seen on aani recently. i'm just imagining some artist with fucking undertale prints and sports anime ship merchandise tabling opposite trump lmao
i kinda hope that after all of this struggle, she won't be able to sell a single plush.
i'm salty because i've had to look at this at every stupid stage of production for what feels like forever
That's when you get staff involved and let them know this dude is harassing you.
I let security know in advance just so they can keep an eye on him. Sent them the weird texts he would send me just so they have an idea of how messed up he is in the head. My dream is that I'll just be so surrounded by customers he wont be able to get through but that wont happen.
Hope you're safe and unbothered at your con anon! This guy doesn't sound like a fun time.
I am so lost. I was going to buy LD photo sticker paper after reading old threads but there are negative reviews out there. Some people say the ink bleeds and the adhesive is really weak. Then there are artists who use this exclusively for their stickers. Is LD paper any good? Am I better off buying other expensive sticker paper? I don't like the idea of spending too much on $1 items but I also don't want them to fall off right away. I appreciate any input.
I used to use LD paper and it's not bad, but onlinelabels has ended up being more worth it. My old LD stickers have turned yellow for some reason, and I'm not a fan. It also never cut the best on my cameo.
For smaller merchandise like charms and makeup bags, how do you calculate shipping within the US for storenvy/etsy listings? Do you come up with a flat rate after buying the bubble mailers from stores and calculating how much merch should cost on average? And then add it to the total cost after the customer checks out the cart?

I'm not used to shipping things within the US so sorry for the weird question.
Cost of shipping materials + cost of shipping based on USPS online price calculator quote. You'll need to know the weight of the item once it's packaged and ready to get an accurate quote. I use a small kitchen scale. Then if it's a really weird number like $2.92 I'll just round it to $3 or something.
Does anyone add small doodles to orders for frequent customers? I wanted to give an extra to someone who bought a lot at once but I'm not sure what to draw the doodle on... Having it on a index card or something similar seems a bit weird.
I draw on the front of every envelope/bubble mailer/box when I ship online orders. Just something quick in sharpie that corresponds to what they bought. If I include art in the package I use paper from my sketchbooks and various supplies I have, usually Bristol or mixed media paper. I have a paper trimmer so I'll just cut it down to playing card size before drawing.
I have a bunch of cheap puffy/3d stickers that I get every time I visit SF Japantown that I usually stick on the outer packages (away from barcodes and such). In the package itself I always like to throw in a hand-written letter, and usually a corresponding sticker and/or something I have way too much of (like Jimi bookmarks). I've only had one repeat customer that I ever felt like doodling for (they'd literally been buying from me since I started AA), but I think everybody's liked the package stickers and extra gifts anyway.
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okay so while I was freaking out I got sent a photo from Coco! excited to receive them now!
I only use LD, my girlfriend has a ton of my stickers on her laptop & her planner and they've stuck super well.
>He was mocking me telling me I'm only going to bleed money and how much better he is than me
that's so immature and petty, another playground bully in AA.
The sad thing is his art is terrible. I know that people on cgl have a mixed opinion on my work but I know for a fact his work is universally disliked by those that have seen it.
OP here. I'm not sure? I mean I know some print artists and button makers are making more than just 10 prints or a handful to tobys agreement, but I know many people are prob only going to be making like 10 or so charm designs at a time unless you got money to burn? Lanyards I can see being iffy and not being in the agreement since usually you need a min amount of 50-100. How can you tell a artist who sends a file to be printed at 70cents a print for a few hundred, or a artist who prints local or whatever the hell at like $2-$5 a print for a dozen or whatever????
...beyond questionable mass-production, this BARELY counts as fanart. It's basically ripped out of the game and then gone over with a pen tool? wtf
Cool, thanks anon!
I think you need to grow up and get over it and ignore him like someone else recommened.

You trying to drag him here by saying his art is bad is basically the same as him saying you'll saying you'll bleed money lol. Stop looking for a pity party and ass pats.
I don't normally bash people's work but the guy is such a smug person that refuses to improve his work. It makes me angry in the same way that type of attitude makes people in threads like these angry. I'm not going to provoke anything and if he stays away from me, I'll stay away from him.
And if he doesn't stay away, you should stay away anyway. Why are you even bringing up his art for? The problem is that he's bothering you, how well he draws is irrelevant. Like what the other anon said, stop looking for a pity party and digging your own drama grave.
For people's first AA's, how much was your initial investment? Mostly interested in those selling mainly prints.
$150 in printing costs for prints and buttons
$400 for button maker and supplies
$90 table space
$80 for wire cubes, tape, misc office supplies for table and pin displays
throw in some cash here and there for bags, an extra square reader, handcart and a money box
$120USD ish? $40 table split with someone and around $100 in prints.
Why is that any of your business if you're not friends? If someone doesn't want to improve then so what. You're just trying to make a whole bunch of people who don't know him, dislike him just because you're not friends with the guy.

If you're /that/ popular then one person being an asshole shouldn't deter from your sales lol.
He acts like a big shot and still harasses me over text. For whatever reason blocking his number did nothing. If he's going to try and act like he's so much better than me in every way, the least he could do is be a decent artist.

Also I never said I was popular. What I said was I was popular enough to have some fans let me know they are stopping by. Big difference.

This is the last post I'm making about this.
Were the faces just copy pasted?
ok but how is that any of our business? keep your dirty laundry to yourself.
What's you're point? Osomatsu-kun is a series about sextuplets?
Sorry to the person I said I'd review uprinting for. Fedex keeps skipping my house for delivery. I'm losing my mind.
Those are beautiful, anon! Do you have an online shop?
not the op, but I realize how AA can be a big deal to the new, young upcoming startups - I was the one who said this was petty and immature because I had to deal with similar people who thought they were all that (local-con-AA-epeen). I have a regular job so this AA thing is all just a side hobby, but oh boy did I see what my friend whom I shared a table with hinted about some issue with a guy that tables at AA (apparently popular? in his own mind and some local followers-I didn't give 2shits I ignored it). But I got hit with abusive customers who I just think were his friends to harass me, verbally say my art is not good etc, even had someone thumb through my portfolio front-to-back and back-to-front probably looking for images that's traced or some shit. Then I realized had I been in my friends younger shoes I'd may have bawled my eyes out or some act of lost confidence to never do AA again, instead I saw it clearly as simple bullying, and been tabling 4 yrs now and much improved nothing to brag, but enough to learn each time what sells.
>I see that guy still tabling as far away from us and sneaks around at what we got lol (love having a dv cam to re-watch my table after an event).
>TL:DR just ignore bullies in an AA
I'm that anon! Thanks for not forgetting about me lol. Omg fedex... Hope you get your stuff soon!!
My first con I only sold shitty postcard sized prints, so it was $75 for the table, $25 for my prints, and $35 on a rotating stand.
I know what it's about you mong, I meant did they draw it themselves or just copy official art.
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My review is not good at the moment. Pic related. They offer entire to reprint all the books at no cost though.
I should note the issue is only with the covers and the inside looks fine.
>3000+ piece order

What the hell did you get made, pics please

An artist I follow that I believe is based in South America recently posted on how she LOST money because she tries to keep the shipping low, and people still send her messages because "omg your shipping is so high!"
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I've mentioned in the previous thread but it was a group order that I handled with 9 or so artist friends. I don't want to post their work on here without permission but here's one of mine from the order!
Anyone printed on the spoonflower minky fabric yet? Considering making some stuff out of it (mostly dice bags), but not sure how much detail it will be able to pick up, so I'm not sure how much detail I can put in to the art.
I wish worldwide shipping was that low. I've been shipping charms in bubble mailers for $13 international, first class. People from other countries are used to paying for high shipping from the US so if anyone complains at you they're probably young.
Holy shit that's adorable. Do you make Garnet as a charm?
Yep! If they've bought a lot of small things that might get lost, like stud earrings or small stickers, I'll add another set in instead. If it's a big order with more expensive things they get a drawing and a couple of cheap goodies like stickers.
I tend to include cheap cute stickers in small orders anyway, just to make people feel that they got their money's worth, they're only cheap eBay ones but everyone's seemed to like them.
I just recently got a banner printed at uprinting if anyone is interested in hearing about that.
I'd like to hear about it. Almost all my books were defective and I'd like to know if there's a chance that the new batch I'm getting for free will be better.
>South America
Yeah, the shipping there's a nightmare. The exchange rates are pretty shit though, she could bump her prices up a bit and keep shipping the same to cover her losses.
Okie dokie, well, I ordered a vinyl banner to hang in front of my AA table from them. A couple weeks beforehand I called them up and requested a sample pack of materials - the customer service reps were super nice. Got the sample pack about a week later - included all their paper and vinyl options. Unfortunately I think it may have been accidentally tossed in a fit of spring cleaning/konmari purging or I would post images. I'll probably call them up and request another. Anywho, got a custom 2' x 6' vinyl banner with grommets from them. I ordered the thinner, cheaper vinyl but the weight was just fine for what I needed. My banner was just a logo on a block of color, pretty simple. The fields of flat color were consistent, the print was way sharper than I thought it would be, and the colors were spot on (checked against pantone chips).

I know they're not the cheapest out there, but I didn't want to go super cheap (vistaprint) because I know their QC can really falter at times. I got the banner for under $50 shipped so I don't think I paid a whole lot for it. Shipping was pretty quick.

I had a pretty good experience with their customer care folks so I'm hoping they take care of you with your book issues! I'd love to hear updates from you on this.
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Thank you. I'm glad you had a good experience. I'm hoping my second batch will be better. I'll sell them regardless since this is for an indie comics thing and people care a bit less as long as it's cheap and looks interesting enough. I'd just tell people about the defects and sell it for cheaper. I will say the colors came out exactly as they were on my computer so that's good.
Just a quick question anon, are these acrylic stands really popular? I see a lot of artists making them now but I have no idea what theyre for and why people would want to buy more than 1-2 of these...
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Yeah! I'm not at home right now so I can't take photos but I'll have her at Wonder Con next week!

I market them as whiteboards and they do fairly well. I actually have a set of Dragon Age boards and people will buy all three on the spot. i've seen other people market stands as cellphone holders or note stands to put post it notes on. It's really a matter of marketing with a purpose to the customers! A lot of people seem to want things for stationary/office use so they can have something on their work desk!
YESSSSS THESE LOOK AMAZING! Please post your shop link when you get them in because I'm one of the Ace Attorney ita bag anons and I need like 5 of Phoenix.
do you have a shop link?? (something for my desk is exactly what i need!)
Thanks for the update, anon. Ouch, that's terrible. At least they offer reprinting but they should get it right the first time.
Yeah! It's asunnydisposish.storenvy.com! The SU board isn't up yet because I just received them the other day but they should be up after WonderCon.

These look so good so far! Will you be putting them up for sale online?
Oh i see, they look super cute! Though personally I see them as very space eating which is why I didn't exactly understand why people bought them. But they look pretty fun to draw up.

Thank you! I actually don't have a store, but I can organise something once I receive them if people are interested in buying them!
i used to hate doing commissions at cons because i never felt like what i was able to draw while working my table was good or interesting or even worth what people were paying. im doing a small convention now and i think i finally hit that skill level where everythings turning out good and appealing and i can get them done fast enough that i haven't had to turn people away yet. i dont feel bad for people choosing me for commissions over other artists in the alley. it feels so great i just wanted to tell someone
I know. Very frustrating. My friend got bookmarks from them that printed way too dark and they did the same thing for him. They claimed though that both these incidents are rare which I don't believe.
New thread >>8920812

Bumping these because I'm curious myself and no one is answering them.
that pricing sounds about right.
im glad for you anon!!
This might sound silly but what are some good things to sell at the con anime-wise?
I know Sailor Moon and magical girl themed shows are always a hit but what is in or good to sell currently?
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