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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 99
Thread images: 84

Gerry edition
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reddit and morty.jpg
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This board is shit
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Rolling for NOONYboy.
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Lewd time?
Also, four threads? Anywhere else we should make a thread?
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I propose going as lewd as possible without showing any genitalia or nips.
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Can you remember the first thing you ever came to? Pic related for me.
Sinn fein are commie traitors.
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Not sure I have the image ammunition to win that war.
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>not 3D on your first time
You must have been some sort of prodigy. That taste from the offset.

Why are they traitors?
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>thread on red board
>"lol let's just barely above blue shit"
west brit thatcherite spotted
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Some random board like when someone "accidentally" posts a general on another board. There was a Sonic the Hedgehog general on /diy/ this year for like 3 months.
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>can no longer make an anonymous snarky reply to you because of the ID

I also used to wank to this one a lot too.
I don't think I ever watched a proper 3D porn video. Whenever I tried 3DPG sites years ago pop-ups came up and scared me out. I tried pornhub in recent years but it just doesn't do it for me.
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The feeling's mutual.
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Tiocfaidh ár lá
TFW you're a northerner
32 county soviet socialist republic WHEN???
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börk börk, vart är alla svarta killar någonstans?
Are we all /marbh/ again?
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Think so. Probably shouldn't have split the poster base this late at night.
Which thread we posting in? 1/2/3?
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I'm going between all of them.
Well same here but we should probably focus on one.
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Alison's more active but K-On has Froggy.
I'm only posting in the Alison thread. Monitoring the others however.
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I'll probably go Alison. Froggy will see the light eventually, I am sure.
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I'm in both.
Brits out, blacks in-Gerry Adams
Muh socialist republic
Being idort feels good.
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what does ireland think of second generation burgers im 100% irish but ive only been there once am I a disgrace
In console war terms; one who owns more than one console/ isn't a poorfag and doesn't need to spam brand loyalty as an excuse for their shitpposting. I though this was common knowledge.
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Stop posting this shit.

Why did I pick a meme tier ship?
Should've picked Kaga.
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I think you've been spending too much time on /v/.
I barely remember now that you mention. Thats really old underground knowledge from like 2008 though isnt it?
I see the link, I think...
That's like saying you've been spending too much time on /a/ if you know what waifu means, /tv/ for kino.

I see it posted a fair amount.
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>Should've picked Kaga.

>that Prinz ass
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I now see that her ribbon is more like a hairband wrapped around her head. Still looks ridiculous though.
Also why is it always SMW with Japs?

Not too late to change.
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>Also why is it always SMW with Japs?
Not always.

>still wearing nylon stockings
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>Not too late to change
Need to start organising my images more, find myself reposting the same ones a lot.
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The real life Kaga had serious overheating problems that made serving on her rather unpleasant. Hence why kanmusu Kaga is frequently shown to be giving off excessive amounts of body heat.
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I know how you feel. But then by over organising you risk throwing images into folders you're unlikely to bother checking compared to the chaos of the larger folder.
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>But then by over organising you risk throwing images into folders you're unlikely to bother checking compared to the chaos of the larger folder.
Yeah, I'm guilty of doing that. I think I have image sub-folders on my hard drive that I haven't opened since their creation.
I meant that stocking are supposedly quite stuffy to wear so if she was feeling hot she shouldn't be wearing them.

Though that is a nice detail, I thought she was supposed to be some kind of computer component.
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Years of posting on blue boards has given me an overwhelming lack of NSFW images.
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Same here. Will know for the future to save some.
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Yeah, when I gave up wanking I deleted all my porn. Hence why my preference for posting images that are lewd but not explicit.
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I still have a small amount both 2d and 3dpd.
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>when I gave up wanking
Did I miss this in one of your blog posts?
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>gave up wanking
How long have you been nofap and how have your balls not exploded? Or did you get ED?
Fair sure that's a guy.
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I only mentioned it in passing way back I think, possibly before Christmas. I stopped wanking around the time I graduated from college.

I'm not doing if for nofap, but rather because my body/mind seemingly lost interest.
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>lost interest in wanking when no longer living in a house with other men
It's not to bad if it's just a mental thing I guess. Do you miss it?
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You still do it on occasion though right, you haven't not done it since then?
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>Do you miss it?
Not really.

>You still do it on occasion though right
Nope. I was actually surprised at how easy it was to shut it down once I denied myself access to porn.
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I do it fairly "regularly" so it just seems like a natural part of life and my routine. Which might not be the best thing.
Trying to cut down a bit, but fair play to you, make it sound fairly easy.
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Was this a conscious decision or did you lose your desire one day and decided to go with it?

I do it quite a lot. No desire to stop but I do hate it when my brain switches gears and wants to keep going forever and after I'm done I'm disgusted with how overly long it took.
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>make it sound fairly easy.
Most likely because my sex drive was always fairly low. Like you, it had become part of my routine and one day I just realised that I was doing it out of habit more than any innate desire.

>did you lose your desire one day and decided to go with it?
This. I had to cut myself off from porn to make sure I didn't relapse though.
Delighted to be privy to this conversation.
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>Delighted to be privy to this conversation.
I'm not.
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We're delighted to have you.
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>No desire to stop
Same here. At least from an urges point of view.
Might just cut down a bit to see if there are any benefits to my life, or if my urges are actually just routine driven.

Should've made a Discord group...
Now that we've shared our habits anon, you should share yours.
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>Should've made a Discord group...
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>Might just cut down a bit to see if there are any benefits to my life
The claims that nofappers make are grossly overstated.
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So it doesn't give you the ability to see beyond the time?
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No. Claims that comely maidens will start swooning in your path are also dubious at best.
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H-ha, I was only j-joking Prinz poster...

>best poster in /éire/ claims nofap doesn't grant mythical superpowers
Lies. Those posting powers didn't come from no where.
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Dev has let me down.
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>full body tights
You are doing great things for my dick right now.
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You have to stop. Think of the mythical posting powers you could achieve from nofap.
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It's Hatsuzuki for reference. One of the Akizuki sisters.
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I'm fine with the posting powers I achieved from my own magical powers.

If you had told me a year ago that by this time next year I'd be wanking to water craft I'd say "Yep that sounds about the direction my life is heading".
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Do you know these names off the top of your head or do you look them up?
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I know all the Carriers, Battleships, and Cruisers off the top of my head. I struggle with the Destroyers though because there are so fucking many of them, and I'm very bad at the support ships and submarines.
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Something about wearing shoes makes girls in swimsuits seem hotter. Like it brings to mind that they're practically naked by removing them from the environment of a beach or pool.

I should really writing a book on minor shit that's more arousing than it should be.
Me second from the left in the second-most front row.
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>Like it brings to mind that they're practically naked by removing them from the environment of a beach or pool.
Perfectly said.
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>hot in any scenario

Think you mentioned you read kancolle manga or comic strips before?
Is that where most of your knowledge and such comes from?
Big talk coming from someone who posts disgusting individual toe tights.
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It's late. I didn't notice my error.
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>Think you mentioned you read kancolle manga or comic strips before?
>Is that where most of your knowledge and such comes from?
That and hanging out in the KanColle threads that used to be a permanent fixture on /a/.
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Well I'm heading off for the night. Thanks for the lovely discussion.
Oíche mhaith.
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Semi-related: while I don't know whether Kancolle is really /a/ I do agree with the recent purging of sadpanda threads. We have actual hentai boards and they should be used.
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I'm going to bed myself now in a few minutes. Night.

>I do agree with the recent purging of sadpanda threads
I hadn't even noticed.
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Nighty night.

I didn't either until someone pointed it out. Goodnight.
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Irish gilr sunbathing.jpg
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Do the troubles start back up after Brexit?
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>weather forecast
>37 degrees
Thread posts: 99
Thread images: 84

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