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Why do white people keep complaining about getting replaced?

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Thread replies: 269
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Why do white people keep complaining about getting replaced?
The world will be better without those racist bigots anyway
everyone is always afraid of assimilating to the borg but once its done its done
Who knows or cares? I'm white and I couldn't give any shits or even fucks. Probably because I wasn't dumb enough to breed to begin with. It blows my mind that anyone would be selfish enough to drag a life out of nothingness into a world this fucked.
Because they lack a basic comprehension of biology and evolution.

There are no races in humanity. Any two humans, no matter what two, are greater than 99.5% genetically identical.

What they judge "race" by is a basic adaptation to *sunlight exposure.* It's one of the fastest adaptive traits humans can evolve, and is more an indicator of *latitudinal* origin than any country or "race".

Given three to five generations, your decedents will be whatever corresponding darkness of skin tone based on proximity to the equator.
You. Are. Me.
so much edge.
Those racist, oppressive bigots gave you everything you have. Show some respect instead of guilt tripping us.
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You are a victim of a demoralization psy-op that started since WW2 ended. They want you to breed your own people out of existence while people from Africa and Middle East are shipped in to replace you. Being a nihilist who doesn't want children is exactly how you have been socially engineered to be.
>Paints an entire demographic with a broad brush.
>Wonders why people take offense to that.
Because this is not what i want for my family country or race. Although they may not know (or you) its not a "good" thing
Who gives a fuck? Having children is still retarded.
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Because this is not a role model
funniest thing is the biggest racists in the US are not white people.

The most sexist people are feminists.

Personally, as a white heterosexual male, I look forward to having light brown babies
If you say so. At least I'm not wiping any asses and I do whatever I feel like all day.
I wish the whole world were. Overpopulation is insane.
Okay. Feels good man, and I'm happy and carefree. Thanks illuminati or secret jews or whoeverthefuck.
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I go by statistics. And statistically if whites are not the majority (instead brown/black are) then the country is a shit hole. It's not about racism, it's about facts, math, etc.
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This is not a good role model either. The cuck either!
Lol. Daddy run off or he died?
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I mean you're calling an entire demographic out for the actions and opinions of a minority, which is usually what white people get shit for, why is it okay when you do it?
Also prejudice + power =racism comes down to the same thing. If I'm white, poor and badly educated, I have zero power, but I might still have prejudice.
So even in the absence of power, prejudice = racism.
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Exactly, haiti african and all the stans...
Kek, which do you think?
He gone
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White men don't need any outside help to feel pathetic
Meanwhile her former husband
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"the world would be better without whites"

"the world would better without jews"

"the world would be better without blacks"

"the world would be better without mexicans"

these are all the same racist statement, faggot.
Ooga booga
Race is just memes, and white people are the dankest memelords of all.
You can't be racist against white people you fucking Nazi
tehe i made that and put it on imgur and now its here and none of u could ever believe meee
Hey I watched True Detective too! :^)

But I also unironically agree.
You forgot asians and muslims, the top worst 3 are muslim black and mexicans. If a blackican was a muslim that would be a real shit storm...
Yes you can, they're a race too.
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>posted the African as his villages shaman sacrifices and devours his newborn albino child for good luck
Fuck white people. they're filthy fucking troglodytes and should go back to their caves in the Caucasus mountains. Fucking Edomite pilgrims have no culture. To be honest i believe all caucasoids congened from a river that some one shit in in africa. You milkfucks couldnt handle the heat so you chalky bastards moved to the mountains in your shame. Spent centuries being racist murdering raping and pillaging every indigenous population and now white genocide is taking hold because brown people are fucking your women and this generation of white dogs are obsessed with being cucks and fucking traps. I say good riddance to you fucking faggots. Fucking cumskins.
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Muslim is a religion not a race, you dumbass
Hey pot, you're black.
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Look fag, a man that sleeps with another man is a fag if another woman is involved they are both cucks so they are both cuck fags the black and the white, Uncool 3some
Rust is more pithy than I, so it's better to just steal.
It is not true for longer periods in history, and cuttent state with europeans domination (since, say, 1500s) will not persist forever.

Holy fuck this. I don't see why people want ugly mongrels for children. I can agree each ethnicity has its own degrees of beauty but those attributes rarely mix well together and if you are considered good looking solely off those traits like the lady in the picture why would you want to rob your kids of the benefits of being good looking? That girl and her defendants will have to struggle with ugliness and settling with crappy suitors because her mom got caught up in a fad.
I know this makes me sound like a bit of an edgelord but I related to that character a lot more than I would have liked
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Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night. Have some weed watermelon fried chicken grape soda and an old "english" 40 to go with that salty flavor fag.
This is what happens after the USA had a gay racist nigger for a president and a fucking trany for a first lady lol

I'm six four white blond, my girl (see photo) is also white. my kids before this girl are all white and would never breed outside the white race.
My kids with this one will be the same
non-white races have ridden on whitey's coattails since the dawn of civilisation. I feel like everyone subconsciously acknowledges this.
It's just cherry picking man. A lot of mixed race people are extremely attractive.
>I can't find anyone who would want to breed with me

English is the dominant language. Nothing will "change" that.
I've always thought breeding is a bad idea, but I value self-doubt enough to think maybe that I only feel that way due to a violent and traumatic childhood. But yeah, he put it better than I ever could.
If that edgelords me for life, so be it.
> current
That's why they want whites gone, so they don't have to feel bad about their pathetic inferiority.
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When one is Asian and the other is not a nigger.
Without whites the world will just revert back to the stone age shill.
I get laid on the regular, but to be fair I'll fuck pretty much anything that moved that isn't completely vile. Low standards, but I do have them.

I've been the father of two abortions. I had to argue pretty hard for them, and foot the bill both times.
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They are "beautiful" because of one side, where is the "beauty" in the other side when they are full blooded?...
It will split up into independent parts in the future like latin did. How French sound comparing to Spanish? It was the same language at some point

No they aren't. The only time when they are is when they have white features with darker skin. When it's the other way around its ugly as fuck like pic related.

Not to mention some butt ugly children grow up to be stunning adults and some really cute kids grow up to be butt ugly. Hollywood is filled with both examples.

Also on another not why would you want to chance having your kids with crappy nappy hair or other shitty traits. That stuff isn't good to live with look how many of them wear wigs n shit.
Chineses had an advanced culture far before whites' one rised
>Why do white people keep complaining about getting replaced?
Most of them don't. It's just a few vocal ones on 4chan.
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BBC transcends language barriers
Brown people are in a constant state of anger. I love my white privilege.
So what happened? China is a shithole.
Besides the skull shapes and facial features.
If think it would be cool for Humanity to by in large still live in Mud Huts, or in the desert while raping 7 year olds I suppose.
>Whites have always been treating minorities like shit
>They are, slowly, becoming a minority themselves
>They are afraid they'll be treated the same way they treated others
I love half black women, but I also love totally black women. I guess that isn't your thing.
I'm guessing the dna segment for melanin peoduction is a muration hotspot?
Why? The meaning of life is to keep our species alive. If you're not contributing then you're a biological failure and should promptly exit your mediocre existence.
So...OP would rather the majority of the world (other than perhaps Asia) to still live in either Mud Huts in the jungle, or in the desert fucking seven year olds?

If we'll extrapolate, the same will happen to white culture soon too. It is not a persistent thing, it borns, grows up, gets older, dies. The European culture is in OLD state now, and almost dying after the . Give it 50 years.
>Why do white people keep complaining about getting replaced?

I have yet to hear a single person complain about getting replaced. The only people saying it are protesters.
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> after the World War II
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>Hi there, I'll revise history and only focus on when white people were shitheads.
>All of the times nonwhites were shitheads, be it currently or in the past doesn't matter.
You do know that there are plenty of countries who currently have slaves right? None of which have a white majority.
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>gave you everything you have

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Really it doesn't matter. If all black people had a mixed kid those kids would get work white people white out number all other races in the US. Then it wouldn't be but a few generations and blacks would be bread out of existence. Kind of like the Picts in Scotland. A lot of people thought they were killed off but in reality they were just bread out of existence.

I'd like to believe the white race is a little hardier than the azn's and won't allow it to happen.
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>being racist is bad
And yet niggers continue to use white guilt to fuck white girls.
>bread out of existence

You are pathetic, emasculated, effeminate, impotent, disgusting, degenerate pieces of human filth

Get your goddamn act together
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Who says? Who is the arbiter of "meaning" to begin with?

You think my life of fun, getting fucked up and getting laid, feeling awesome all the time and eventually expiring is "mediocre". And I think your life of "Oh my god my life has meaning now because I kinda replicated myself but not really and taking care of this half-me for the next 18 years is worth it because blah blah blah higher meaning blah blah spirituality blah blah some other shit blah blah blah blah so it's all good" is really fucking useless and pointless.

So you do you, and I'll do me.

I'm willing to admit I may end up om the wrong side of history, but I'd bet a jillion dollars that I'll have a better time.

Have fun being a dad, bro. I hear marriage is really really really fun and stuff.
>t. I ruined my life by having children and since I can't be happy noone else should be either
Enjoy your 18 years of slavery faggot.
I love being degenerate. Makes me so hard. Disgusting yuppie faggots like you makes me even harder.
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It's interesting how these get no replies.
>Blaming black guys because white girls love superior big black dick

Its in our interest not to breed. But I think it's been designed so that it's in our interest
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It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:
what happened to snacks anyway?
You clearly dont understand some very basic concepts.
What's her name?
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>I can't get any pussy because of The Jewish Conspiracyâ„¢
>all sources = youtube
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You do have power. You belong to the most privileged and entitled group in humsn history. If you fail, its simply because you are beyond lazy and stupid.
No one cares about your political agenda garbage. Have fun choking on your despair because you'll never change the world despite desperately wanting to.

Yes so advanced Mao had to destroy almost everything related to its "rich history" in order to take China into the modern era.
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Why are jew shills such vile people? Basic facts are a bitch, huh?
Lol. White boy is leaving a trail of single moms and fatherless children.
I generally think grand designs don't happen. At least not as designed by humans. The world is basically very loosely organized chaos.
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The other way around.
I think what the Mao destroyed had almost nothing from that ancient culture lol
Black guy here, i have a question for all the white folks out there: how does it feel that YOUR OWN girls prefers us over you? how does it feel to know you'll be a minority in a few years? how does it feel to know maybe your wife, daughter, sister or mother will be sucking our dicks?
I'm just some white goy in his underwear waiting for someone to up the new R&M in a few hours. But please keep thinking everything is an organized conspiracy. It probably makes your failures in life more digestible.
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thoughts on
or is the news and entertainment media being 100% jew controlled somehow a good thing to you? sweet ad hominem attack, though :)
Prove you're black.
I don't though, I'm not of rich/aristocratic stock, all of my white ancestors were farmers and fishermen, which if you go back far enough were basically indentured servants. My black ancestors were slaves(who incidentally didn't enter my bloodline before my country had abolished slavery) and my romani ancestors didn't exactly have a lot of power either.
But nice try at placing original sin onto me, the Christians didn't manage to do it, but you might succeed if you stay in political power.
Counter Question.

How does it feel knowing your Nigger women often proclaim you to be inferior and worthless.

As someone who lives in the Deep South I've heard many a Negro Woman say "Black Men ain't shit, can't hold no job, can't raise no kids, can't pull up there pants."

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>The KGB founded in the 1950's created a school in 1920's
>Basic facts
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Hmm, this is a strange thread for you to be in seeing as you don't care about the OP subject... really makes me think.
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>How does it feel knowing your Nigger women often proclaim you to be inferior and worthless.

Literally, never happened.
I'm not the anon you've responded to, but holy shit, we still get 43% by 2060!? Nice. I was worried for a second. I'll be 70 in 2060 and still not retarded enough to breed. Feels good, man.
I'm having a blast man. My wife and I tag team other females whenever possible, plus I'm a pot farmer in a legal state so literally nothing you said is relative to my existence anyways.

Lyfes gud
Also incidentally, my ancestors didn't get democratic rights before 1849. We abolished slavery the year before that. So basically the end of slavery was instrumental in my white ancestors getting any semblance of the rights we have today.
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Dont worry white folks, we'll take care of your women... as long as they suck our dicks :)
If you can point me to where I can get shekels for shilling, please do. I'm livin' hand to mouth over here nigga, and I have very few scruples.
Oh it happens.

Alot actually. Hell two of my three booty calls are nigger women, because there men can't do shit beyond getting arrested, and fleeing as soon as dat baby bump shows up.

Tell me. Why is your superior race so incapable of civilization on its own? Why is your superior race the main reason Violent crime is so high in the united states?

BTW Raping a white woman doesn't count as her prefering you.

So again answer my questions.

More pointedly. If Black Men are so superior then why does it seem like by and large they are incapable of creating a stable family unit?
That's great man. So why are you so hostile toward people who don't want children?
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This thread ends now
>43 years from now there will be a slightly slimmer majority of "white" people
zero fucks given
>largest influx is of "hispanics"
>forgetting "hispanics" include "white hispanics"
>b-b-b-b-but m-muh w-white g-genocide
>Inb4 I get called an uncle tom for being of mixed heritage and disagreeing with the "white people=evil" narrative.
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>Oh it happens.
Ya sure, im sure it happens a lot, in your mind

>Why is your superior race so incapable of civilization on its own?
We dont need to, we're already taking over yours :)

>BTW Raping a white woman doesn't count as her prefering you.
Yeah, pic related is so getting raped
Also, you just need to google "white girl looking for black man" to see whats actually going on with your, soon to be, extinct race
Right on. I was making assumptions based on your insistence on procreation (assuming youre the same anon). Have you bred yet? If so and youre still having fun, good on you. I have many peers my age (36) who entirely regret marriage and kids. They look at me like "what the fuck are you doing with your life?" inbetween complaints of how much their life blows.
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So you think white women that literally get paid money to fuck black guys on Camera means they prefer you?


Boy you are just on some dumb ass inmate level shit aren't you lol.
Kek you'd never have the balls to say this shit to a black man face to face.
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>*crickets chirping*
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white here,

You mad bro???
Likely I wouldn't have too.

Anyone dumb enough to show me pictures from a professional porno set to claim there point..would be laughed at. I wouldn't need to say a thing.

Awesome, you know how to cherry pick, bravo

Because we all know >>743423027 is doing it for free LOL
Women love our superior dick, get over it :)
you wouldn't have the balls to say that to my face anyway punk bitch
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Oh look I found a picture of a porno set.

Guess this proves Black Chicks like white guys better.

U mad boi?
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please go ro a store and get shot like your father did. Your "superior" people need you to do it
Oh, i didnt know you were into homemades :)

>set to claim there point
So mad he cant even type LOL
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Man do your women love white cock...prolly due to lack of disease..lol
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What would you do, teleport behind me?
Whoa watch out, we've got a badass over here
name one thing niggers have contributed to society

oh wait, it's nothing
What am I thinking, I'm of mixed heritage and disagree, I'm not an uncle tom, I just don't exist.
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Oh man look at that.

Bred by white, gotta get dem breathing problems out.

U mad black boi?
I need more fnaf porn does anyone wanna give me some
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Doing what Negro women love to do best.

Serve white cock.
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U Mad Negro-San?
Fuck you and fuck your multiculturalism.Niggers will always be disgusting and inferior.
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lol i was watching this stream today
They wont be brown because its only a matter of time before earth becomes to hot to live on.
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Theory already tested
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Looks like I ran the dumb, Tumblr Niggers off.

Thank me with Spider-Man pics.
Which is showcased by nobody replying to me after divulging my heritage.
Sup /b/ro?
>People leaves because he's too stupid to build an argument
>Thinks he "won"

Yes, you did boy :)
Cheka, NKVD, KGB, it's all the same thing retard.
I gave evidence for my white ancestor not being unilaterally powerful, added that my black heritage didn't enter my bloodstream before my country abolished slavery, that same abolishment also prompted my white ancestors to ask for a democratic constitution the year after.
Since this is contrary to the white= evil, no one has been replying to me.
You're the first in a while actually.
Oh I wasn't one of the guys you were arguing with. You just seemed annoyed at your lack of (You)'s so I thought I'd hook a nigga up.
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And humans share 99% of DNA with chimps, 90% with fucking cats and 50% with fucking bananas. You filthy kike.
I appreciate it, I also didn't assume you were. It was me acknowledging that you acknowledged me.
No I just used the dumb-apes own tactics..or lack there of.

Seems to have spooked em off.
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All for you bro.
>At least I'm not wiping any asses

So you've just been walking around with a shitty asshole your whole life?
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damn laci green what happened
Nah I walk around naked and have a Groom Of The Stool.
Laci is getting in shape yo, she's turned right after the Trump breakdown.
We Don't.
These shops are fucking ridiculous
Damn whites are fucking retarded
Its sad their only "arguments" are photoshopped pictures.
Nig nog it will all be ok. Whites still own all the wealth. Also the white women who go after blacks are trash and are not welcomed back into the clan. She is forever marked and sometimes violently beaten and or ridiculed to the point of suicide or death.Whites are gods and were you're masters. Brown eye monkeys will forever be closer to animals. blue and green eyed gods are just that. now go find a camera and act like a blithering idiot to amuse yourself
Oh yeah? Name one country that is Hispanic or black led that is a world economic or military leader. Never mind, you can't, because it doesn't exist. Come on Gregorio and Entimbie, educate me., Fuck you.
The US for eight years. :^)
This meme so dumb. Brrazilification. Whites still run Brasil
I'm white, love being white, would enjoy a white girl if I met a nice one; have met tons more amazing Asian, Hispanic, and Indian girls in the last half of my twenties and they all have less crazy than my own racial women. As long as they're hot and not crazy I'm happy.
Soon to come...CRISPR
Because poor whites have more power than rich blacks. SJW faggot
The thing about white women is the whole feminism thing.
White girls pre-feminism were the best, now they are among the worst.
Who'd go to a jail on purpose?
And her grandkids are going to be chinks, whoop de doop who gives a fuck? You yankoffs sure know how to get pissy over anything and everything
All you idiots are a ploy to the real cause. Race mixing leads to a whiter race. Sure their will be mutts in the litter but white will rule supreme.

Black males & women are dying at the age of 30 because of AIDS. And white people and minorities that fuck them get it too if they don't get it checked out. You all played yourselves. The white population isn't going anywhere. Blacks are being mixed out and it will take another 50 years.
Every single human being will be replaced by robots eventually and then by the next dominant species and so on and so forth until the planet gets eaten by the sun
That's why blacks keep to themselves because their genes are actually weak. Dominate genes don't always mean dominate. The more the two partners have the same genes the more recessive traits come into play.

Blonde hair, pale skin & blue / colored eyes are recessive traits. Both parents have to have them in order for the child to appear whiter.

You cant stay black if you mix with an Asian or a white person. You're black because you keep to your own. Regions also play a part. Black people are getting lighter and lighter.

The white race has lasted since B.C. and it's here to stay. Blacks will stay the minority. It's already been written
dawg that's just sad
i dont see a problem. non white bitches love white men. white men love non white bitches. all i see here is epic win for white men
I would disown my daughter if she dated a nigger. I will not have niggers in my family... even half breeds. Fuck that.
White men are the most desired race
Black men are the easiest to get. Literally. Even if you're gay. They all crave whites and they only further our cause for a whiter world
and white women in white countries are stuck up bitches. i love the influx of brown women. easy pussy, and the white women can do whatever the fuck they want, i dont give a fuck
what are the odds of an actual race or civil war happening in our lifetimes (until or around 2070-80?)
WHITES discord/ 77wrrsa
I would think very low tbh.
Fairly low, the last time they tried playing people against each other to maintain power, it still ended up in indentured servitude and slavery being abolished.
it's hilarious how people go crazy and say things as they wanted to be, it's ilogical what you're saying mate, white women are attracted to black men want or not, it's natural selection, they are the alpha and you well behaved are the perfect beta and no matter what you want, think, do or even imagine, shit it's how it is
>it's hilarious how people go crazy and say things as they wanted to be
>Proceeds to go crazy and say things as you want them to be.
"Pot, you're black" said the kettle.
na im not black
it's just too easy to point out, all you whitebois are insecured as fuck, it's not a concidence 70% of the whites i know wants to suicide or tried while the blacks are happy as hell being racism victims ignoring they actually are superior to all you small cocks
Nobody thing but you only sir
>continues to say shit with no actual basis in fact.
sure man, sure.
Most people don't care. According to recent reuters polls, around 18% of Americans oppose mixed race relationships. Most people do not care so much about others personal lives and want to be literal nazi's who control the relationships of others.

Aside from that, the US was never a white country. Blacks were almost outnumbering the south prior to independence. And after that, many many non-white nations and colonies were accepted into the union. Hawaii is never going to be a European place. It's always going to have statues of Kamehameha (who looks pretty fuckin black) and its towns and Islans are always going to sound utterly foreign to main landers.
Looking forward to seeing white trash blondes with mixed coloured babies. Maybe the little whitish brown babies will have blonde hair hahahaha. When whites and blacks fornicate and give birth the baby is never completely black anymore. But yea... you are going against the whites by fucking black people and deserve respect for being a diverse whore. Thumbs up.
actually, probably yes.

Nationalism is only sustainable with sophisticated technology. Since we have planes and cars boats and the internet everyone is going to hang out at some point and probably fuck and have kids. end result: everyone is racially diverse.

The alternative is to be primitive forever. I choose the former and reject the later.
Most white liberals have never met a black person aside from a few tokens in their university classrooms. For them the topic of "race" is viewed entirely through the lenses of academic theory or Hollywood "history." They've never seen how blacks destroy everything they touch.
jesus, dude.. facts?

/b/'s facts are "studies" where no actual shit is proven, you all look for shit on google to calm you down, well enjoy black men dicking your race
"/b/ facts"
I married a black woman. I am white. Her family is richer than mine by miles. They own a mansion, a huge RV, multiple cars and trucks ect.

My family is broke.
White americans should shut the fuck up their a mongoloid mix of different europeans in a continent their not native to. Europeans have a right to be pissed though.
How did you manage this shit? I'm jelly.
Eh, I'm attractive and well read. All I have going for me. She took notice, I guess. That and I cam tolerate her crazy ass.
Their is a lot of sucsessfull black families in the us and its not uncommon but a majority of whites think all blacks are from the hood
>things that aren't remotely true...aside from your broke family.
That's really it. There are still huge ghettos full of black people and a lot of the deep south is an absolute clusterfuck. But outside of those places everybody is doing pretty fucking well. As always, a few rough neighborhoods is all it takes to slander anybody with a superficial resemblance to the people there. Humans are terribly prone to judgement based on appearance.
you actually have this garbage on your computer? Jesus christ fucking kill yourself.
About 20-30% of black family are firmly middle class and in relative parity with the average white families. Sure. There are plenty of successful black families. But the plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
The actual number of people that think that way Incredibly slim. It just get over reported and blown way out of hand by the retards on the left. Just as how you never really heard anything about the KKK until the left ran out of things to complain about Trump.
If only you had God, maybe you could appreciate life
Ok, not like I've been to my in laws place before. You obviously know better than me internet stranger.

Both are retired. Military/government job pensions are the shit. Father in law got 100% disabled after being injured in an explosion during a training exercise. Worked for the VA for years afterward.
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the data you provided seems to corroborate our point.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't pull that statistic out of your ass.
Nailed it.
This is a stupid statement. For starters, humans are about 25% genetically related to a banana. If you're implying that just because you share 99% of your DNA with a monkey that you're going to have a healthy baby with Bobo is proof that you're a retard.

Secondly, just because your skin darkens in response to the sun doesn't mean that your fucking race changes you asshat. "White" is not a race. "Caucasian" is a race. But the fact remains that yes, the vast majority of people from Europe, Eastern Asia, Northern Africa, and North and South America are pretty much all of approximately the same race mixture.

Also, your neurology is pretty much the only thing that will genetically "evolve" in a time period that humans will be able to observe scientifically. You're not going to see race evolution in a timespan less than thousands of years. Our lifespans are far too long.

Without white people our nation and world are doomed. We will never reach the stars and our species will die alone, suspended on a blue ball in space.
LOL this ugly twat is going to die single and unwanted.
a lot of people lived and died so you could exist you worthless faggot
NatGeo went to shit years ago.
I don't care what you say, just as long as you're saying it in English
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As long as my kids can make a sign better than that. Jesus Christ. What a fucking brain dead cunt.
the worst attempt at bait ever, but you stupid fucks felt for it.
I do believe in God. He doesn't want me to breed. I speak with him daily.

And I love life. Well, mine, not anyone else's.
You've moved me with your eloquent argument and I have now changed my views drastically. Thanks anon
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> Here is the thing these people don't realize. A lighter skin tone is a result of a more successful society because people who are more successful spend more time in doors and have more protection from the sun.

>You can even see this in American blacks, they are by far on average much lighter in skin tone than African blacks.

>So yes for now race mixing might lead to the average population being brown but in a few hundred more years we are all going to be white again. Except maybe for the poor niggers still running around the fields of Africa.
From what I have seen, mixed race babies almost always look ugly as shit but as adult some of the most attractive people are mixed race.
Black guys have all the skill of a shaved ape in bed.
If this was a YLYL thread I would have just lost big time.
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