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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>723606002 The rules

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 205
Thread images: 151

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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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Add Nobody#5930 on discord
stop being gay
Avatarfags get out of my thread
Spiders get out of my bed
Voices get out of my head
Zombies get out of my dead
Niggers get out of my shed
Spics stop stealing my bread
hehe anon you a real cutie~
Gas dogfuckers

this is a autistic avatarfag internet dating rp thread
i wish i was dead :o
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初音ミク – 422.jpg
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I will when you least expect it.
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Idk, the logo on your cup maybe

What is that uwu supposed to mean
But yes, my self confidence is broken :(

Ha good taste right there
How long have you been around here?

Because it's always so hard to decide which one to take, but you can't just go without a good old grunt tank :/
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Mash Kyrielight (166).png
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Shielder is now claimed~
I recognize you now, it used to be 8/10. +1 for the hug.
That's not a girl, but I'm not going to be like that. +1 for you too, 4/10.

Nice avatar :o
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Syndra [340].png
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what in tarnation
weebs are everywhere
If you're having bad luck now, that just means something REALLY good-luck is gonna happen, and it's trying to balance it out!
Just got it

Hmm, mine was working just fine last night, too

I'm good, and you?

Why not both?
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Alice (628).jpg
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I'm not sure which order your replies are meant to be in.
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Saya 176.jpg
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Claiming best girl

>>723610763 (Mashier)
That's a really low price for something I'm quite fond of..
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very good
i hope it stays that way for you friend

it's actually based on alice in wonderland? not just "inspired by" or whatever?

easier said than done but ill try

i don't think i can give you any advice friend, sorry

are you saying you don't?

i guess you really aren't a weeb
not sure if i should congratulate you or be disappointed
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Kyouko (285).jpg
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Saber claimed
Best Girls

I hope you're right, Louise is such a cute
At least someone likes me, besides this Alice fag

yum spaghet hehe
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i'm not really sure uwu
it's okay my avatar is here for you
you too :o
what did :o ever do to you
you sound butthurt :o
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>>723610570 (Tali)
Would be the first time in recent history that this happened but good idea anyway!

>work experience
Can't you work where you've been before?
Or maybe some college or old boss knows someone who could need some help.

>>723610614 (Saya)
I've been told that it's cute as well q_q

It's fake news, all of it, lies and slander!
Loli a best!

The rainbow colored 's'?

rude :o
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Seven Deadly Wins.png
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>>723610650 (Alice)
Sure there is.
Even standoffish-ness can be a novelty.
Novel =/= fun, necessarily
It just has to be yours.

>>723610749 (Haruhi)
Been awhile since I've seen you around, though. Do anything cool lately?

>>723610763 (Kyrie)
I have family in Alaska, and wanted to live there as a kid. The cold feels good, as does the rain and snow, at least, to me it does.
I don't long for the sun much, and my immune system is garbage anyway so nothing really helps. What's it like up there?

>winning girl claimed

>good poster: no
>likeable: not really
>picture quality: low
>Louise updated
Makin' progress!
Yeah! Everything'll start looking up.
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Alice (792).jpg
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You could say "Inspired by", but there is a LOT of elements from Alice in Wonderland that are used. All the characters, most of the chains, the concept of the Abyss is really just the "Wonderland"
There's an entire article on the Wikia for the comparison of the two
Take your spaghet and mix it with a poutine tbh famalampai
I thought I had a fellow loli lover in you, I'm going to have to break the news to Hibiki tbh
I wouldn't really consider personality to be a sort of novelty thing that you could "brand"
If that were the case, my morbidity could be considered "novelty"
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i said to you im good and sure ok?
im bored
same as before i guess
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I hope you're right again, I have also been updated !
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I was removed?
I never thought I would fall out of relevancy so quickly.
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No! Anything but that! I'll suck your dick!
I'll add you back in
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Saya 178.jpg
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>feel of intelligence: low
Still happy with this..
Not all traits, but some, definitely.
That's why people fall into cliques, after all.

I don't really know what you do, or you for that matter, so you'll have to be more specific, friend.
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do you wish that?
cut me yuno
oh oh do nazrin

that's really interesting, i guess the wikia page confirms it
some day ill get around to reading the pandora hearts manga, some day
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I appreciate it

Dude, did you just make that or do you have a collection of cups for every occasion

Overdid the explosion magic?
Nope, been asking randomly along the past year if I could get a job there, answer has been either "no" or "remember x? his contract didn't even get renewed".

But yea, I guess asking around is important to find a job and that's something I'm terrible at.
>Italian poutine
Tbh, this shit is delicious
In half an hour we start the game on roll20, so that should be fun, right?
If you want we can Terraria until then
There ya go! Looking greener~

Would you recommend I watch that? It looks pretty good and she's a cute
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Slow replys, playing For Honor.
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Yours is as well :o
Grunt is pretty awesome tbh
Not objective in any way. The more i read the more i hate you.
True hopefull trump does something useful.
Theres a face i havent seen in a while
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Saya 050.png
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Hai Hama
You one of those filthy neckbeards or weebs too?
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Alice (929).jpg
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But I asked if you were the Haruhi from before, not how you were
Here is link, but it's not actually running right now. It kept disconnecting and such so we're just waiting now
And it's been cancelled. I can give you the link to follow if you want
It's too late. She's been told and your name has been struck from the list of devout followers of the DFC
None of mine really appear to be anything that you could call it a "thing"
The manga was excellent. There's so many things like this you can see just by reading the manga. The anime is much more fast moving and you don't have as much time to think critically sometimes
>cuteness 10/10
>Good posters yes
>bad poster no
>lewd no
>average time to reply kind of slow :(
>friendliness 10
>feel of intelligence mid to high
>do other posters like you yes
>picture quality high
>they make lobster poutine here
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Mash Kyrielight (264).png
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you recognize me? who are yew~?
>little mexican girl
>why not both?
i don't know, maybe, maybe...
alice is upset because i wouldn't date Hama-chan because i'm not emotionally ready for something like that
that's a monsterous gaming computer!
no i don't lol
>shielder is best Fate
it's really freaking cold
also eat some raw garlic, it'll boost your immune system~
haruhi an ultra cute, good claim
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ok :o
Well, while I don't think you should have led Hamakaze on, I also don't think not being ready for something like that should be held against you.
Not ok :o
I'm so bored -_-
>Meh tier
I'll take it
Thanks anon
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sitting at the computer all day
i hope the times line up well im about to go somewhere
just take out the good then
i know thats why i do it
it's all hamakaze's fault!

>I do play a lot of Shugoki though
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Alice (117).jpg
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That's not the reason for which I hold him in such disdain
Worst poster here tbh
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Hamakaze (270).jpg
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Is it really?
>tfw no haruhi to beat me up and huff at me
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Soon we will both be all Green mark my words
>about to go somewhere
every time..
Well, maybe next Saturday

Don't blame hama for that, that's no good.

What is the reason, then?
you making a waifu tier list nigga?
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Hamakaze (74).png
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Alright cool.
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YOU are all crass

my waifu is wise

fuck dont take this down she isnt a furry
Point me to someone that likes both Rias.
i know...
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i (probably) won't be disappointed if you tell me what anime besides detective conan you've seen

thank you
i do need to work on my response time though
also would you say it's worth reading the manga from the start or should i just start where the anime left off?

Off by 1
Thats mean
Still shit and colored wrong
borderline furry
qt tho
20.5 points
It's good to have a goal to strive towards!
I-I'm not really sure I want to update the 'virgin probability' meter though

Then why did you?
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Saya 180.jpg
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..That's what you'd use the money from my kindey to?

Played yesterday/day before?
Those filthy pagans were at our doors, but we managed to drive them off in the end.
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Hamakaze (75).png
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Dont talk to me fam :^)
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Other than the outright lying to people within the same post and him leading on my friendfor no reason? My personal disliking for narcissists
Most of the first part is the same, but there are some large changes towards the end of where the anime left off. I would recommend starting from the start, but if you dont' want to, starting somewhere around chapter 20 might be fine
mash is BEST GIRL
I'm only watching the Oscars because I want to see them bash Trump for 3hrs.
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can you do me?
we all wish for a Haruhi
i can explain it on discord if you want its pretty important
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Hamakaze (94).png
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It was like that on the xbox branch but we managed to fend them off and new we're good.
A quaint example of this would be, within the same post:
Calling himself a better person than me, whilst asking me later in the post to help him be a better person. Absolutely disgusting
Pretty sure hilter qpuld have gassed all waifu fags
Honestly everyone here seems to have a 'feel of intelligence' of low or lower.
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Alice (322).jpg
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Forgot to reply. Either way, nice to hear you're doing good
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Claiming Toko again
Pardon the late replies I'm playing Vidya at the moment
When did you get the idea for the chart?
you forced my hand tali I will be more fair in the next update
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Collection. I have a drinking problem.

You really need connections, especially when the economy isn't too well.
What exactly have you been designing?

He doesn't even need to, the opposition is already taking care of the race war.
Those are all three very good reasons; I'm inclined to agree, but I feel like everyone deserves at least being cordial too...

You don't need to if you don't want to, but I am a little curious
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>Implying nothing can be learned from those who are less than us
Then you are a worse person
the truth hurts
good claim~
because he came on too strong and it scared me, it shut me down, it reminded me of all the other relationships i was in, i just knew it'll end badly
i... yes... but i would totally let you play on it too!
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I Can't Wake Up.jpg
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nowai she'll bully all of us!
>tfw I'll never be invited to discord
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shoo shoo geh weg
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If you'll excuse me now, I'll be in my room, hanging from the ceiling.
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tfw cancerous :o poster
This slightly worries me
But it wasnt all hia fault
But in the wrong direction!
don't wake me up
is trump gonna build a wall around waifu weebs after mexico?
I know it's hard, but you can't let your previous hurts carry over into new relationships.
Pretty sure trump doesnt care about waifu fags tbh
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Alice (494).jpg
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I'm inclined to disagree. Some people do not deserve it, I feel he is one such person
I didn't say you can't learn from other people. But who would try to help someone who straight up says they think themselves better?
I'll take good care of Shiro
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Saya 002.jpg
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18,5 ehh.. is that good?

How did that even happen?

Oh, in that case.. still no!
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if monster girls aren't furry then a pair of animal ears aren't either
don't worry about it

hmm 20 chapters doesn't seem like impossibly much
ill probably just read it from the start at that point
Trump is a waifu
The sun is already shining, hon
If they are better you can become even more better by helping them become better that way we're all butter
wew lad
Lets just say I was stupid enough to lose 90% of what I did along 3 years of multimedia classes, not having a portfolio makes it all even harder to me.

Random stuff, during my work experience I designed banners for a few websites, one of them belongs to a famous national artist.
Also designed and paginated the yearbook of a richfag college and an album with random photos my boss took from around the world.

The yearbook was the hardest one because I had to go through thousands of pictures, treat them and pick the best one for each student/employee on the college. Took like 3 weeks in total.

one of the best in the top 5 I think
Dont wew me lad
And you're welcome to, but I don't think anyone deserves that.
Even with the people (person) that I hate, I'm pretty cordial to him.
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Eu claimed
what you wanna fite me irl?
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that would be a good thing though
Bring it m8
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Update now!
see u at mcdonalds kid
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Because everyone plays as the Weebs and neckbeards
Time for lunch bye thread~

it was
he shouldn't have fell for me when i first posted
We voted for Trump, he likes us~
im kind of enjoying all the negative attention im getting from Alice hehe
i don't know what's wrong with me ...
lets kidnap someone and sell all his slippery mushy organs for a lot of money~
wait, you're not my tomoko...
no bully PLEASE
also you're cute... stop that.
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I will stop being mean to Tali.png
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Hi kids
I eat at burger king
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Alice 89.jpg
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I'd say reading from the start is the best anyway. More Alice!
I wouldn't want to help him anyway, and I certainly want no help from him. I very carefully chose the word "disdain"
>the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt.
I can generally agree, but to some it is beyond a human such as I to be good to them. I can think of only 2 such people
lets find a middle ground then, subway
Fuck no, im not a pedo
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And anothet cute art.jpg
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Top kek. Thank you
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Not doing terribly at least.
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I Hate P.E.jpg
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I'm just Yuiko. A founder of this shit who sometimes passes by
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whats wrong with my Haruhi pictures?
ok sorry
Gotta go for a bit
god fucking dammit
chick fil a
People like Mash would never change anyway. They're born with cluster B mental illnesses so it's better to just leave them alone.
btw, Rias (fake) is :o poster
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Good evening everyone!

How are you?
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Damn sweet ass collection, I love the second one ha. Teachmemaster. So aus welchem Teil Preussens bist du

A few, like Elfenlied, Toradora, Higurashi no naku koro ni, Gate, Avatar, Death note, Another,Clannad, High School DxD, No game no life, One Punch man, Mirai Nikki, Paprika, Attack on Titan, SaO,... Are you pleased :S

When will you stop being mean to Ai
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Is It Good.jpg
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I should start stopping by more again. There used to be a time when I'd be on that list

Fine and you hon?
Maybe see a therapist?

I can certainly understand that, I know I sometimes don't want to treat the person I hate well at all.

Best poster sighted
Please rate Chara
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Hey Chara, was geht
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Would you really care if you did terribly?
Thats partially your fault too
I am ok with this. Only complaint is my friendliness is >9000 and i still response sonic fast.
But why do you feel distain?
Hello chara
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Think again
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Saya 087.jpg
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That's true. They seem to be more popular than knights.
Do you use that war asset thing?

Excellent idea.
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dead on the inside
-bites your ass-
Hey Yuiko it's been ages
Doing well I hope
fuckin gottem trips trump
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Hmm..? Oh, that's nice. Who's making this? Looks fun.

I'm doing good, thank you!

>best poster sighted
no u

Alles was Beine hat, außer Tische, Stühle und Querschnittsgelähmte

Evening Tali!

Just like everyone else

O-ouch, s-stop that!
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Afternoon on hrt yet?
I would assassinate that motherfucker if he did that.
Yeah. Since one of the discords I used to go to talk to ya dissapered I haven't seen any of you in a while, are are you my love?

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Hamakaze (99).jpg
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Im sorry chara.png
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Alice 49.jpg
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That's why I ignore him generally
Which is why I don't
Jumping into a conversation and not reading the previous parts where I explained it. Not bothering to retype everything
-is sorry- v.v
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that is a very good point

i wasn't expecting that much at all so you're good
do you have any anime you're watching right now or plan to watch?
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Der ist Älter als deine Oma
wait sorry Aya I meant to keep your picture on mid- high
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My sisters internet friend is worried she's gonna be deported topkek freedom isn't free

>tfw everyone is offline for tabletop

I'm under the impression that you don't much like me, either

Thank you!
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Mine hasn't changed at all
Is this all based off assumptions or you've been lurking for some time?
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Soft eyes and smile shinoa.jpg
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Do one with me please
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Alice 75.png
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I've not really got much of an opinion of you, it's not as though we've really talked, and you're active most when I'm sleeping
Same goes for Chara, he felt the same way
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I'm occasionally watching Conan (big surprise), Kono Subarashii season 2 and Ansatsu Kyoushitsu season 2
Nothing I really plan to watch, also wasting time with watching Star Wars the Clone wars and Rick and Morty
you went from 5 to 7 you dip shit
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TomoyoKanzaki {131}.png
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Can you do me?
I had a girlfriend with cluster B and it was just a pain to deal with, they genuinely feel as if nothing is their fault, they can do no wrong, god complex, they only love themselves, list goes on and on. I see it in Mash too. Hama dodge a fucking bullet.
name is shinoa?
Btw, how am I lewd?
I've been doing good! Playing Vidya at the moment. Are you up to anything right now? Yeah Rubys discord was deleted unfortunately. Glad to see you again!
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1MB, 1366x776px
We are getting there
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Alice 97.png
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No, I'm still a 2
I can post the one from this morning if you'd like
That's what I'm saying my dude. I thought about it quite a while before I said anything
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That stopped being funny a month ago

How about you? Haven't seen you in ages?

I wonder... how are you evaluating those charts? Based on your personal experience?

It's okay, how are you sonata?

Weißt du was noch älter ist als meine Oma? Meine Uroma. Aber die sind beide tot

>tfw just having time for you then

Hello Haruhi! How are you?
Add you?

Well, you're not wrong..I just sort of got that impression from you, glad to hear it's not true.

Yeah! I think I'm as green as I'm gonna get~
you posted an ass shot a while ago
I'm the great lurker
Never mind, I see it now.
The first row isn't coloured and threw me off
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Somehow I doubt that.
But meh
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aren't you a :o poster
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初音ミク – 233.jpg
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By previously claiming Amatsu.
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Saya happy 002.jpg
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Eh, my feel of intelligence went up? That's quite something.
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im going now but ill be able to play when i get back hopefully soon
still whats wrong with my pictures?
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That is my favorite sort of time..

I'm not an admin or anything there, I would be overstepping I think to add someone!

Alrighty~ Don't teel like you have to rush home, that is pretty important
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Fucking bulli tbh
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TomoyoKanzaki {105}.gif
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I'm not
>I really need to get to 50 for Venomous Wounds

Is she an illegal spic?
-is not sonata but is happy to be mistaken for him- ^.^

Just doing nothing in bed. I'll probably sleep late af today too but it's carnival so i won't have anything to do until March 2nd or so.
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Vigil - 55.jpg
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May I be evaluated as well?

Good evening Chara.
I'm doing well, I suppose.
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Alice 62.jpg
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It's probably because I only have a friendliness ranking of 2
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Und meine Ur-Ur-Oma ist noch viel älter - wahrscheinlich zumindest

Auch noch ferien bis Mittwoch oder arbeitest du?
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NYET Aya.gif
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hail to the MVP of waifu
I'm 1.5 away from being up there
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how's the second season of konosuba holding up? i kind of dropped it after the first episode because the bad animation bothered me that much
right now im watching most of the current season's airing anime (15 total)
im also watching chuunibyou and cowboy bebop
oh and also kore wa zombie desu ka together with alice
Gotta be careful around these sociopaths, thank you for your service.
Is Shugoki your only character or do you play others too?

Her dad is apparently.
>>I really need to get to 50 for Venomous Wounds
Sorry I don't speak Italian
Why would a sociopath care about having internet friends?
The term I used was narcissist. Which would
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