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OP is back from pic related. You are the hero of legend. Your

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Thread replies: 311
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OP is back from pic related.

You are the hero of legend.
Your deeds are to be retold for generations.

You find yourself by an active river
Behind you and on the other side of the river is a veil of trees.

You have a short sword, a filled waterskin, and a scroll tied with a red bow which you have not read yet. You have a pouch not large enough to fit a person into, but it could still hold a considerable amount.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
empty the waterskin, fill with piss
Fuck yes! The legend continues.

Guess I know what I am doing all day.

Shove the scroll into your anus.
Read scroll
read the scroll
Seems logical enough.
les saymenc
Fuck the scroll, swimming through the river is faster than walking
Change class from White Knight to Chicken Chaser.
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Do this good man, do this.

Undoing the meticulously tied bow, the scroll unfurls.

It reads:
"Please, my daughter is still missing! She was taken by the dragon and the last fellow I sent has not returned!

I am offering a large reward for her safe return!"

That's all it says. You aren't entirely sure where you are or where the cave is.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
Undress, then proceed to helicopter-dick into river, using the force of my wang to carry me up stream.
Sit there until another hero comes by, converse about dick-hero OP
Proceed to gather information about said dragon.
You take off your pants, shirt, and shoes and jump into the river.

The cool water is coursing with force, and nearly knocks you off your feet.

You lower your waist into the water, and begin gyrating to propel yourself with your phallus.

Your phallus unimpressively smacks agaisnt the surface of the river.

You also forgot to take off your socks.

You feel ashamed.

You are standing naked in the river with your socks wet.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
Float downstream in the hope of finding the cave and dry socks
How can we kill a dragon if we can't air boat spin? try again, harder
masturbate in sock, might as well make use of it
i ment this>>555526665
Get out of the river and search for materials for a raft.
Standing disappoint, I dig inside my large pouch for any sort of map of the land. Still naked though. I must defeat this dragon in my birthday armor.
Yell "fuck it, imma save a bitch" walk my nekkid ass to the cave
cut yourself
ask the fire bender standing next to you if he can dry your socks
am hero with my weapon
You should really limit the choices available by 3-5. Else, the faggots from 4chin will want to make everything about the Hero's dick.
You... you DO know which website you're on, right?

Hard to enjoy a chose your own adventure..thing with all the autism.
You don't want it to be about dicks? Faggots.
Hero begins to scream this at the Gods!
Last thread was epic, even with dicks.
You sadly slip your sock off of your right foot and slide it over your phallus

You begin simulating sexual intercourse with the sock.

It feels like dry humping a sock plus water.

As you manage to climax, the rocks underfoot shift, knocking you off-balance leaving you at the mercy of the river's current.

Your clothes, sword, and pouch disappear from sight on land as you are carried away with only one sock and a soiled sock.

You are trying to fight the current as the sound of crashing water draws near.

A waterfall is a short distance away. The fall hieght is impossible to determine from this distance

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
good guy OP
swim down the waterfall and use the sock as a parachute
Yeah, 8chon. Still, as the guy above me stated, it's hard to enjoy a choose your own adventure due to all the rewards posting.
Fuck the waterfall.
Maybe if I breath enough water I can obtain gills
fall down the waterfall grab onto a vine or something
Eat cumsock for a boost of protein so the hero can escape
ask the old gods for help
using the power of your on-board motor located inside of your anus, travel upstream to the nearest village to restock on supplies since you just lost everything.
Cast a dumb shit spell. Unknown effects
Throw yourself off the waterfall, screaming at the top of your lungs, so as to establish dominance and fear over anything that might be in the surrounding area.
swinging into a hidden Waterfall cave
Swim to shore, re-evaluate life choices

Lol captcha: nigger phobia
Try grasping for dear life for the nearest tree branch or large sharp jagged rock that may eviscerate me.
Put the sock over your body and jump. since socks absorb water, it will absorb all the water and you will land safely.
this, did we get gills?
You dunk your own head underneath the water.

You inhale under the surface, and tepid water fills your lungs.

Now that wasn't very smart, was it, hero?

You cough and weeze uncontrollably as you are thrown over the edge of the waterfall, which was only a few feet high.

You are flung upon the rocky shore, still coughing up blood and water.

You lost the sock you fapped with. He will be missed.

Your left sock is still on.

A small voice asks "Are you ok mister?"

Looking up and wiping the water from your eyes, you see a small faerie floating just above your head.

Beyond the faerie is a oddly colored forest.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
I appreciate the fact this suggestion is not about dick but something seems samefaggy about its replies.
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this is the cave we find
Kill fairy go to forest
ask fairy for help
Catch faerie, stick her inside sock as hostage/emergency rations.
masturbate in left sock, it\s part of the plan
I am become the wizard of oz
Ask the fairy for help, I need another sock and some clothes.
Ask what the faerie's name is.... then try to fuck it.
Have sex with the fairy
You accusing me of shit?
Fuck it in the bellybutton
Try to seduce her, using your charisma, and the fact that she can see your gigantic erection
This is clearly a hallucination due to a concussion, try to wake up.
trap Fairy in other sock. Go into Forrest at maximum speed
catch the fairy with left socks
make fairy your slave
Ask fairy for tits.
Actually, that one.
Ask fairies name, stick in ass for further questioning
Without breaking eye contact, you swipe your sock off of your foot, and in one fluid motion, guide it upon the faerie, who was caught off guard.

Scrambling to your feet, you look upon the strange forest, which seems eerie. Kinda like someone took a forest, removed all the trees, and then replaced it with an nearly identical forest. Yeah it doesn't really make sense but the strange feeling you get from looking at the foliage is very clear.

You hear footsteps on the other side of the treeline.

The faerie is buzzing around in your damp sock, whatever she's saying is muffled.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
masturbate in left sock with fairy in it, it\s part of the plan.
attempt to chop down the trees with your dick
cum in sock on fairy
Eat the fairy and absorb her strength. Become a super fairy hero and investigate the treeline with new-found powers
Cast lumbridge home teleport, beg for gp>>555530256
Shake your erection threateningly at whatever is beyond the treeline, establishing your alpha male status.

... It works for monkeys.
Prepare your cock for battle, by wearing his fairyskin armor!
tuck balls between legs and run to nearest cover out of sight
Not so much an accusation as a vague suspicion. It's just that all the replies you got were the same text, and that I couldn't entirely get behind your reasoning.
Begin swinging fairy sock around while in crab position yelling "WOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL!"
Make your way back to the gear you left behind
Ask fairy whats going on, then close her back in sock.
Stick in ass for safe keeping
yell "here ye, here ye, i am goriglio, the nakedest knight" at the footsteps

laugh to yourself confidently at off intervals until the intruder reveals itself
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
You ignore the footsteps and smile evilly at your sock.

You open the end of your sock for a brief moment and hear the faerie interject "Wha--" before filling the hole with your phallus.

Small muffled screams are suppressed by the cotton of your sock, bringing you to climax yet again. Small whimpers come from within the sock.

You feel your obsession with socks has developed to an uncomfortable level.

The footsteps end when two warriors, one female and one male, emerge from the tree line.

"We heard screaming, are you ok?" The male asks. He looks you up and down and reaches into his pouch, retrieving a few cottony dressings for you to wear

"Here, you should take these and come with us, we'll take care of you."

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
Shit in the sock.
360 and walk away
No one must know about the fairy. I must cum in the sock again to down the fairy.
Fuck them both, shoving our dick through one and into the other.
befriend the fairy and tell her you were possessed by an evil spirit
ask for a fedora.
Stare eerily at both warriors until they squirm, then take the clothes and fashion them into a toga. Keep the sock on your dick.
Top kek.
OP how are you so great at making stories? You should be a writer. This shit is gold.
It's a trap, follow them cautiously while you fill the sock with your cum
Follow them like a normal fucking person
In exchange for his offerings present him with the cum ridden fairy sock.
Those damned witch hexes, ey?
kek this
Second this, we need to conquer it's village.
Remove cum fairy from sock and stick to a tree. Point and laugh at it
go with them but don't tell them about the fairy.
try and befriend the fairy without them noticing
Fling your cum covered sock with the fairy inside at the warriors and run, you aint a part of their system
yell rape and slap him. Ask female to help you overhtrow this blatant abuse by the patriatchy

You decide the situation could get real ugly if the faerie squeals on you.

You open the sock and look down on the cum soaked faerie.
"Those damn witch spells, huh?"

You laugh awkwardly as the faerie screams and escapes from your sock, shedding your cum mid-flight
You say
"I was possessed"
Except you accidentally yelled it at full volume.

The faerie shrieks and flees to the two warriors
"Please respond"

The warriors immediately realize you are responsible for defiling the faerie and draw their weapons, advancing slowly

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
cut of your dick and choke yourself to death with it
hadouken them to death
start running eating all of the berries, mushrooms, etc. on the way, throwing up periodically into the sock and cock
see nearby cave and run into it
scream, gurgedly, and run into the river backwards
Very calmly slap the male in the face with your sock. You challenge him to a duel. The weapon of choice: Erections.
"What you fucken listen to fairies now" shake head and try to walk away
start charing up for the kamehameha masturbation attack
go on your knees and pull your pants down, waiting eagerly for the warriors to approach.
Throw pocket sand at them (From th river bed)
Prepare thy cock for battle!
Jerk off into the sock
someone screenshot and post when done
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its already on 4archive

"HADOUKEN" you cry as you pump your hands vigorously in front of you

You lose grip of your sock as it flies through the air, planting itself upon the male warrior's face with a *squelch* sound

Your sock unloads it's contents as your cum dribbles off of his lip.

He screams and flails, slaying his female partner.

In his screaming, he breathes in a drop of your cum and begins choking on all fours on the ground.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
Fuck woman while they are both distracted.
Fuck his left nostril while hes down.
When finished, cock slap him and take his stuff.
save males life
befriend male and fairy
loot female corpse
walk up to the dude choking, say
"psshh.. Nothing personell.. Kid.'
Mount face
Get the sock back and jerk off into it.
Took my cum, gotta get married now
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Let's teach him a face fucking lesson
Now is your chance to run.
Yell at him to do pushups.
make out with him to retrieve your precious essence
Can someone post the screencap from the last thread?
Suck cum out of mouth choke on it and die
Capture, make sacrifice to the Dark One
Steal their everything and prepare to find and rape the girl/dragon
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The day op was not faggot.png
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archive http://4archive.org/b/thread/555500265
<- screencap
Retrieve sock and fAiry
Shove your penis down his throat and whisper "it's all ogre now" while doing tyrannosaurs noises
i also archived the other one, should be an hour old or something
Sat nothing personal, grab cum fairie, head to cave

You walk up to the man on the ground, smiling smugly. You crush his nine inch nails (the body part) under your bare feet. He rears up in pain as you caress the coldsteel of his helmet.

"Psssh...nothing /personnel/....kidd"

He passes out, falling unceremoniously to the ground.

You retrieve your trusty cumsock from his head.

They have quite a good deal of armor, weapons, and supplies with them.

You see a trail through the shrubbery where they came from.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
Steal their everything and prepare to find and rape the girl/dragon
moonwalk yourself over there
shit on their loot, leave it there, birthday armor is the best
Tell him your sorry he triggered memory of hearing conflicting opinions and freaked out begin to cry and shove clothes into ass
Leave the weapons, arm self with trusty cumsock, and advance into the woods.
Make it look like they were fucking as they died.
refill the trusty cumsock and walk the trail ahead.
Recapture cumfairy, tie a tiny leash around her neck with sock thread, make her lead you to her village to become its overlord.
forget the equipment it'll slow me down, all I need is my sock and my dick.
acquire the weapons and goods, and proceed to track down your sex fairy.
Helicopter sDick into the river
Walk the dinosaur to the trail while swinging the cum sock around to hit everything with your DNA while shouting "if you don't do the jiggle you get the dribble"
eat as much of the surrounding flora as you can, at random

call for the fairy in a deranged manner until she shows herself
undress the body of the girl and cut off her skin, and wear the skin as armor.
Shit on your hand and smear it across the armor to mark your territory , after with the same shit covered hand grab and shove the fairy up your anus for safe keeping
This plus recapture fairy. She's now your love slave. Eventually she will fall for you and become broken.
We already did the whole becoming king thing though.
Let's go with this one
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toppest of lel.png
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>nine inch nails (the body part)
>the coldsteel

You decide that your sock and birthday armor have not failed you thus far, and so you decide to leave the fallen with their goods.

You make a lasso out of crusty thread from your sock and begin chasing the faerie who is screaming bloody murder as you chase, cum dripping out of your handy sock onto the ground

She flees through the forest and you follow. As soon as you believe you've lost sight of her, you see her disappear into a dark cave. You hear a female crying echo through the cave.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
Turn back around, you dont want to deal with more bitches and their crying
Keep chasing fairy. She has shamed you and must pay the price. By being your tiny tiny tiny love slave.
And possible emergency rations.
Charge in, penis erect.
dumb bitch it trapped now. go in after her
Slither into the cave like a snake and respond with "Silly Salamanders" every time she screams for help
catch fairy
use cum sock on dragon
save girl
force them both to fuck you
prepare for a wicked fiveway with the fairy, the dragon the girl and your sock
Bend over ass toward the cave, spread cheeks, shit with the force of a thousand sun's into the cave until your cum fairy gives into capture.
run into the cave swinging cum sock like a mace
I second this
Don't exactly agree with the reason but do this anyway.
ejaculate your penis while searching for the voice and release your load as soon as you see her.
Cum in the sock for extra stickiness, and throw it at the fairy to trap it.
Shit on your hand and rub the shit all over your nipples making sure not to dirty the sacred sock of cumdrippings to guard you from what ever darkness is in the cave
just get the fucking fairy
why can't Skyrim be like this...
With fap socks?
great, op, now this adventure will be about only the fairy until... well.......
Until we spaghetti out of orbit

mods my friend, they are your friend
story ending:get friendzoned by fairie
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You run into the cave, breaking brittle bones underfoot as you swing your cum sock blindly.

The crying draws closer.
You feel your privilege swell with anticipation

You stumble upon two bloodthristy life-enders. Only one was the girl and one was the dragon.

The faerie is hiding behind the dragon.

The dragon's crimson scales shine glossily in the light of a crude campfire made of its most recent victim.

It raises it's massive head and stares at you.
He chuckles to himself as he rises, until he notices your sock. He frowns and takes a few steps back in fear, before smiling slyly, confidently, and advancing

"So, you've come. The legendary hero to-be."

His footsteps shake the earth.
The blue flames from his mouth lick your skin as he speaks.

"I'm afraid you're going to need more than a sock with cum in it to defeat me. I've been waiting, preparing, for you."

He laughs and closes his eyes

"Now, hero, you will become the ash of legend."

He is most definitely preparing to exhale the flames that will end your life.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
kill mysself
make the sword and the cum sock fuse
making a true legendary weapon
appeal to the president of zimbabwe that oppressing whites will not make up for 200 years of enslavement, dig up rosa parks and build a house in the hot sun of africa
eat the cumsock and take advantage of your birthright
tell the dragon to go fuck himself
throw the cumsock in his eye and run away while he's distracted
Throw sock into flame tube in its mouth, cause explosion
shit in sock to reinforce weaopn and start beating his shit in
leave 4chan forever
Throw the socks to the dragon, flank him and go inside his butt then destroy its inside,
Proceed to use your thu'um "Fus Ro Spaghetti!" Shouting projectile spaghetti from your anus to challenge the flames
I second this
drink contents of sock and profit
Throw cumsock directly into his open maw. While he chokes/screams in disgust, kick him right in the scaly jewels.
use piss & cum to fight flames
ding ding ding
Tell the dragon a jew joke in hope of him biting his tongue and bleeding to death
>+1 cum sock
also this

OP here, you unfortunately do not have a sword.

Your shortsword was left behind at camp, and you did not loot the two from earlier.

You only have your cumsock. Reroll.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.
suffocate dragon with scrotum
drink sock content and profit?
Still for this
>Throw cumsock directly into his open maw. While he chokes/screams in disgust, kick him right in the scaly jewels.
fap into sock
shit in sock to form +1 cum sock
Fuck the dragon!
to do the forbidden masturbation technique
Rip off the dragon's fucking tail with your barehands , infuse it with cumsock and then create legendary sword
ingest the cumsock and flare your nostrils violently, taking advantage of your birthright
Fuck that dragon!
> Proceed to use your thu'um "Fus Ro Spaghetti!" Shouting projectile spaghetti from your anus to challenge the flames
bump for joke time

fuse cumsock with cock and rape dragon
drop on the floor and walk the dinsoaur
climb onto the dragon's face then fuck it in it's eye
Sex with dragon
Join the Marines
This story makes me sad. Anons have no creativity.
Projectile flatulate into the dragons face so taht when he breathes fire, the methane cloud around his face will ignite and kill him. #rekt
op i have a question, is the dragon a male or female
>Implying it matters
Propose to dragon, offer life of happiness and tell tales of the children you'll raise together.

You throw the sock at the dragon as he breathes in. It lands in his mouth and is unceremoniously blasted out by the dragon's firebreath. The sock, and you, lay lying on the hot cave floor, roasting alive.

The dragon, pleased with his work, picks you up by its claws to eat you.

You are dangling above the dragon's mouth.
You are seriously burned.

What do you do?
The first post to receive a reply from 2 different IDs decides.

You could not see its genitals but it has a manly voice. You conclude it is a male.
pray to moot
Shit bricks. Literally.
Pray to God and Saint George, the dragonslayer. They'll save you with a miracle.
Shit in the dragons mouth
do eet
Start screaming disgusting words in order for him to loise his apetite
Cum in its eyes.
do this
start shitting everywhere hopefully gross it out
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Thread images: 8

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