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/bex/ - Becky Lynch General

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Thread replies: 225
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Becky Got Bank Edition

Highlights/Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DacaVmXioEg

Brawl From Smackdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp4j48BKKNA

Previous Thread >>2685246
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becky ass bounce.gif
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>not becky got back
Yeah, not. Flat as a board
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Hi Bexbro
It's a serviceable butt.
How big is Bexbros peen?
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hi anon
5.7 inches
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Fuck off
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You won't do shit stupid cunt, I'll take a picture of becky lynch over your ugly ass and shit-tier communication skills, and yeah I've seen your pictures you skeletal tranny. Kill yourself carter
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i dont know if antagonizing whatever this is is the best approach
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They're so perfect
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Joke's on both of you faggots, I don't even post in this thread. Enjoy, and also
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I swear, a timer goes off in her head if she hasn't shown her pits for more than 5 minutes and she randomly does something to expose them
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Why is everything better in NXT? It's not fair. Can we go back in time?
I love the rare occasion when her tits look good
"This must be my punishment for changing my hair color"
Becky got lazy
Would beg her to beat me up
Get a clue, whiteboi
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>ywn stand over Becky and shoot your load on her chest
Becky Cringch
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That's some Tim and Eric shit
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Beckys workout seems not fun
She should do more cardio so she doesn't gas within the first five minutes of a match
she does all that but shes still too fat to wrestle without a t shirt

Do you think she takes PEDs
Of course. Everybody does except fatties that don't bother working out at all e.g KO and Asuka
I do not recall this ever happening
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Remember how badly Becky looked against Alexa? Boy could it have been worse
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TFW Charlotte wins the briefcase and everyone will be sick of her in a month , all of her threads will plummet and nobody will get behind her as a female Hogan. Meanwhile they could have given it to Becky and we could have gotten even more pictures of her slutty champ outfits and WWE would have probably profited from it in some form.
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Everybody is already behind Charlotte as female Hogan
Holy shit Becky is super cute without all that eyeliner on.

Dude she's only been on SD for like a month.
charles needs to go
And she's been Hoganing the women's division since the middle of 2015 while everybody talks bollocks about her being on another level
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heres a cute one
I can't believe how badly they fucked up the Bayley/Alexa storyline. Like, I knew they would fuck it up, but ho boy that was a shitshow.

Just let Alexa and Sasha fight for the belt. They aren't big fans of each other irl, so it could make for something interesting. It can't be as bad as Alexa and Bayley was
I kinda doubt Sasha's ego will let that happen
You kind of doubt Sasha's ego will let what happen exactly? She'd probably love to stiff Bliss a few more times
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sorry, I meant let it be as bad as the Lexi/Bayley feud.

I'm basing this off of nothing, but I get the feeling that Bayley probably doesnt stand up for herself much backstage and just accepts whatever they have her do with zero pushback. Sasha, meanwhile, seems like the total and complete opposite of that.
>Sasha, meanwhile, seems like the total and complete opposite of that.

Sasha is actually afraid to even speak with Vince (like most women's wrestler, I guess). She clearly doesn't stand up for herself or some stuff during that Charlotte feud wouldn't have happened.
Ah, gotcha. Not sure if Sasha has much of a voice backstage though. Reportedly, Vince wasn't/isn't sold on her. I do think she'd be more willing to stand up for herself than Bayley, though.
oh really? hm. Well that messes up my narrative.

Ok, lets try this then: even if she doesnt actually stand up for herself, I'm pretty sure Sasha would absolutely bitch up a storm if she had to look as weak as Bayley did against someone that she apparently hates.

They do, what they are told or they can have good luck with their future endeavors.

Roman apparently came up with a number of ideas for his character and so on and everything got shot down.

Orton didn't know what would happen at SummerSlam until that very day.

Those guys know pretty much nothing about their stories or where their characters will go. They get to RAW on Monday and then they are told what they have to do, end of story.

That is one of the reasons the product sucks so badly.
Off topic but, Alexa's Reign of Terror is one of the worst things going on in wrestling right now.

I'd be nice if the SD women's match gets top billing over Raw's at Summerslam, but who am I kidding?
Vince would never allow that
Charlotte is on SD now, so they will.
I dunno how to articulate what I'm thinking, and I clearly don't know what I'm talking about and am backtracking here, but I think the difference is that they have a lot of external marketing things tied into their main event level guys like those 2 and people lower down the card thats not as important.

I'm not saying Sasha can be like "Fuck no I'm not laying down for that bitch" and they'll listen to her, just that if they put her in a typical Alexa segment where she just has to stand there and listen to Alexa call her a worthless piece of shit or whatever then get beat up, I'd think Sasha would bitch and get it changed a little bit so she doesnt look like total shit. But I dunno, clearly.

They do, what they are told to do, end of story. She had to do shit like that for Charlotte as well.
At the very least she gets along with and respects Charlie I think.
no way did they book a performer with sasha's ego to cry in a ring, call charlotte "the better woman" and then get beat up by nia jax.

that theory deaded.
Did they?
I don't disagree with Sasha bitching about stuff, but how would you explain Sasha having a literal dancing gimmick in the new piss break division?
Well, she was in a 6 minute mixed tag team with the CWs and still had the longest women's match and looked better than any other woman on the card.

She had a weird tweet yesterday after the show though... maybe she got reprimanded for her "I'm married!" line and killed whatever run they wanted to give her.
Honestly, Sasha vs Fox should have been the kendo stick match. The whole "Bayley is too goody good to use the kendo stick" shit was beyond terrible.

Sasha and Foxy would have no problem smacking the hell out of each other with it and my dick would have been a happy customer watching it.

This is the first time in a while Becky isn't the Jannetty of the 4 horsewomen. Bayley is going to be stuck there for a long time
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yeah I really let that theory get away from me desu

I think that was more to elevate 205 Live since shes popular and would put more eyes on it.
Becky looks good
Every match. She's huffing and puffing straight away
shes just very vocal, its not like shes actually blown up and its affecting her performance.
holy fucking yum
wtf? Now she looks super in shape and skinny. Last week she looked a bit chunky. How does her weight fluctuate so much
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I remember her giving like an actual medical reason for it before but I cant remember it or find the interview right now.

Also she said here >>2719823 that shes been in the process of moving and hasnt been able to work out as hard lately
Based Big Shoulders Becky
Chicks weight fluctuates way more due to hormones. If you get to know a girl you can even tell when she's due to start her period just by seeing how bloated she is.
>If you get to know a girl
what magic is this?
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God fucking damn. Could her getting into better shape mean she might be getting that mitb push? Will she start wearing more revealing gear?

Probably neither, but we can hope
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Almost as hard as my dick
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Want her to murder me
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I would have consensual intercourse with Becky.
Has anyone else here contributed to a cum tribute vid you can find online to Bex?
welp /asp/ is awful. this is why im going back to /woo/
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I know where I want my head to go ;)
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>ywn smoke weed with Becky in a basement in Ireland
>ywn laugh at her puns as you both watch bad scifi movies
>ywn wake up with Beckys head resting on your shoulder

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someone got a new shirt
Tell me about Bex
Why does she make puns
She's a big aspie
in pusi ;^D
Ayy lmao
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She's explained that she just loves to make words sound like other words. Its charming.
She looks retarded in the OP's pic, that's why I kinda like her.
soo...possibly confirmed winning at money in the bank then???
Lol no
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Becky winning at a PPV
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probably not, though I think this confirms that shes staying face for awhile. Would be kinda weird for a heel to have a shirt with the word 'Inspire' on it.

Tonight on Smackdown theyre doing a rematch of the Backlash tag for some reason, so we'll probably see her wearing it tonight.
Be honest, do you think becky would kick your ass in a fight?
I'm a hungry skeleton and she's super fit so probably
I could beat her with both hands tied behind my back
women leading off
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This is a segment
We gonna get some good shots of her tonight lads ass peaking
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Beckys team lost but Becky didnt get pinned, this is progress.

Also she was very cute during the opening promo thing even though it was weird overall. Should be some good gifs then
dubs confirms she "outdraws me"
>stiff Bliss
can we sign up for this?
she is semi retarded and thinks it makes her cute
Who is the hottest diva and why is it based Foxy?
she inspires fire in my loins
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god tier thighs
Literally the first thing she did when she got in the ring
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Congrats to Becky on finally finding a good bra
Dat Charlotte tier ass
I know they are great friendos, but they are so shit together on tv. Bex was less cringe when she was alone.
This. It triggers me to see them acting like half of last year never happened
Based Bellyfu
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Charlynch 18.gif
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eh, theyre cute
I wanna kiss her tummy:3
Pit and tongue action <3

My fucking dick
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True love prevails
Don't you forget it.
Do what, exactly?
>do t for her
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I got happy bex got the biggest cheer last night.
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>becks is coming down to my shitty island tomorrow but I have to take a late shift so I won't get to meet her.
Goddamn Becky is going full Asgooka mode
Lana got the biggest cheer. Becky got the second loudest. Still a positive, though
Beckys tummy though
becketty btfo by a non-wrestler! how much lower can she go?
It also was Lana's debut.

Just have her ruin a match or two...

Poor Naomi having to somehow get that newfaq through a singles championship match on a PPV...
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condolences, anon
>Finn refuses to look at her
>Bayley refuses to look at her
The state of Becky
There was a point during that celebration that Becky went to hug Sasha and she got a big handful of one of Sasha's pits.

Becky might be a pitfag herself, for all we know
>becky and charlotte see anon's penis
She does "smoldering" well
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>sumie sakai
Them 'fuck me' eyes
need video proof for research purposes
Will the Women's MITB match be a spotfest or a clusterfuck?
Boring and tame
>ywn wander the streets of Puerto Rico at night hand in hand with Becky

Life isn't worth living
Wait, what? Did that actually happen?
What are we thinking Becky's chances are at MITB? Personally, I think Mella is probably the favorite, but I'd say Becky is a close second. I'm thinking a 20% chance she'll win
I have no idea, desu
Just check the betting odds. They usually line up correctly.
probably the lowest odds desu. Heck, I could see them giving it to Tamina just to make her not seem like a joke. This wouldnt really fit in with Beckys whole thing.
Becky isn't winning and shouldn't anyway
I definitely don't think she's winning, but I don't see why she shouldn't
Cashing in on a beaten champion goes against everything she's supposed to be about
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tfw no sex tape
I'd rather see a sex tape from when Becky and Sasha were bangin
Becky and Charlotte would be more passionate, Becky and Sasha would probably be rougher.

Both are valid imo
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After seeing Charlotte's nudes, I'll go for the rougher. Plus, Becky and arguably Sasha were hotter when they were banging

I read somewhere the WWE was actually doing seminars with their roster to prevent further leaks though...
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shes pretty hot
I brought up his insane tweets in the last thread and someone got very angry over it
>his insane tweets
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I apparently deleted the screencap, but the dude in that pictures twitter name is like TheZakkIsCool, he tweets at her nonstop and gets mad when she doesnt reply to him, that he "deserves" attention from her, and gets into fights with teenage girls over how weirdly obsessive he is, and steals their artwork and shit to try and get attention from her.

I brought this up in the last thread because we all had fun with Fernando, but apparently everyones over that whole thing now.
The state of Becketty fans...
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Becky has a cute lil butt
I'm triggered by how relaxed she looks with him
>i'm an autist waifufag who posts about someone who either doesn't know i exist or won't give me the time of day
>but at least i'm not as bad as this other autist waifufag who posts about someone who either doesn't know he exists or won't give him the time of day
Lmao, you guys are pathetic
Yes, you said the exact same thing last thread when I brought this up. Was just filling that guy in
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>Try it on for size
You're trying to kill me.
>seething again and constantly entering the thread to do so
Embarrassing, you're obsessed
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cummy goes on tummy!
What did she mean by this?
Becky just wants you to be healthier man.
Thread posts: 225
Thread images: 83

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