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Giantess/Size Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 178

Continuing the previous thread

Post some big girls doing big things.
Lost the pastebin links except for the Kamala stuff, if someone would like to repost them.


This Kamala stuff is spicy hot tho.
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Why is she so perfect?
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There is no one perfect waifu. Only perfect waifus.
nah mate, she's pretty perfect.
>ywn be Raven's tiny pet.
It's not fair dammit!
Here's The_Mouth_of_Babe's pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/The_Mouths_of_Babes
Is the mouth of babes still active? Their giantess Cia story was some good stuff. It would be cool to see their take on other characters. Maybe characters like Camilla, Gwynevere or the sorceress from Dragon's Crown?
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Yeah, they were in /d/'s giantess vore thread yesterday.
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>Giant Kamala made up of of thousands of little Kamalas merged together
>No one seems to notice
Holy shit, I just noticed all the little faces in the skin.
Here's the big list of stories: http://pastebin.com/9VJFzALC
Don't mind me, shilling my own pastebin of stories.

You write really good stuff, nice mix of gentle and vore in some of those stories that I rarely see done well too.
Please share that new Sheela comic.

When the fateful day came that Julie inexplicably grew through her ceiling, she had second thoughts about using her fellow humans for food.

That is, of course, until she tried it and realized just how delicious they were, how great it felt as they struggled in her belly in fear of their digestion, and how hot it was to rise to the peak of the food chain by completely dominating the entire human race.

That was a long time ago. Now, Julie has grown accustomed to being a giantess.

She normally avoids large cities, allowing such major population centers to remain so that her meals could reproduce adequately. After all, she wouldn't want the human race to become scarce: she'd run low on her favorite food!

However, she allowed herself a special occasion on the last day of every month when she would pick a city at random and gorge herself, swallowing as many people as she could. She would pull them from buildings, from cars, even from their homes. Nowhere was safe. If you were in that city, you were going into her belly and becoming part of her that day.

It was at times like this, when she could relax, unwind, and digest thousands of people within her at once, that she truly loved being a giantess.
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How many of you folks here have confessed this fetish to your friends? I'm too embarrassed to share it with them.
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It's not really a secret, but no one ever asked. The only time I've ever been asked about kinks is if I'd ever let a woman peg me, and of course the answer was yes. I rarely have sex without pegging involved.
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I'm still kickin', just not with as much gusto as before. If you have any ideas for stories you'd like to see me write, send 'em on out and I might be able to whip something up!

And while I'm not familiar with Camilla and the sorceress, personality wise, I do recognize them, and they seem to be in my wheelhouse. Ditto for Gwynevere, whom I am familiar with.

>ywn climb as a bug between those buns

This guy knows how to make diamonds inducing art, if only he made shit more often.
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Why the hell would you need to tell people about what gets you off IRL?
Keep that shit to yourself. No one outside of these types of forums wants to hear about it.
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Finally read this. Left me with blue balls.
>Left me with blue balls.
>Giantess Fan Comic.
Well there's your problem.
I just get the feeling the next part is going to leave my balls drained.
That's the business model of Giantessfan, they end every issue with a hint that it's just about to get good, but it never gets good and they lead people on for as long as possible.
What characters are you familiar with? Maybe you could just pick one of those the next time you write something? Personally I wouldn't mind a story involving Gwynevere. Regardless I think you write good stuff in general no matter who the character it is you're writing about.
Just look at a Weekend Alone. It's the best example of leading people on despite things never picking up.

You mean, of all characters I know? Well that's a lot to list. Of those three you listed previously, I know OF Camilla and sorceress, just haven't played their games so I don't know their story. Gwynevere I'm well versed in at least.

I can make a giantess story out of any character and have it make sense in the context of its source material, so feel free to shout out any ideas you have. Also what you want the character to do, if you can.

And thanks for reading my stuff! I appreciate it.
Blue Diamond from Steven Universe.

Sardonyx from Steven Universe

Renegade Female Shepard from Mass Effect

D.va from Overwatch

I am familiar with all of those, thankfully.
>D.va from Overwatch

I just realized how much I need some giantess content for Ana in my life. Like, real bad.

So >>1279287 I will say Ana. Pls do Ana.

Any particular sub-fetishes of giantess you wanted involved? Insertion, vore, crush, gentle, hard, etc.?
Oh vore, for sure. Some insertion and crush thrown in would be fabulous too (especially hand and boob crush). Not sure how long you'd want to make this.

I would hope this goes without saying, but older Ana is preferred.

Alright, sounds good. Don't have a length planned in mind, but I usually do about 2000 words, at most, but I've been known to go way over. Can't promise how quickly I'll get it out, though, but I will do my best to not let the request linger too long without a return.

>I would hope this goes without saying, but older Ana is preferred.

It's the only Ana worth mentioning.
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Hey Mouths of Babes. Would you want to write something about Raven? The premise could be something like anon got caught in the crossfire of a villain fighting the titans and got shrunk in the process. Raven discovers him and decides to keep him for herself as her tiny pet after she fails to find a way to unshrink him. At first she let's him hang around on her shoulder while she does things like reading and meditating but as time goes on, things escalate and she starts letting him explore her body while she meditates and even starts fooling around with him in her room. She starts doing things like teasing her huge ass in front of him and dropping him down her leotard in between her breasts. She does other things like dropping him in between her legs and pulling her leotard to the side and telling him to eat her out. She could also do things where she puts part of him inside her mouth to give him a full body blow job. Anyways I'll stop sperging out now and leave it up to you if you are interested in it.
You're my new hero.
Don't you Ravenfags get enough content? Let someone else have something for a change.
He doesn't have to do it. I'm just putting it out there and he's free to choose to do it or not.
This is like size fetish 101 stuff though.

Even if something is super popular, there'll be a dozen posters to complain about how there isn't enough of it. Otherwise known as the "footfag effect".


It sounds like something I could do, but keep in mind if I do, it'll be in greentext format, so some stuff might get glossed over, but if I do commit to writing it, I'll do my best to give every scene it's due coverage.
I think part of it is to do with how giantess can branch out into many different sub fetishes. Even if there is a tonne of giantess art for a character, there might not be a lot of giantess vore art for the character. There might not be a lot of giantess feet art for the character. There might not be enough giantess murderfag art of the character and so on. You got all these different people with different particular tastes within the giantess fetish so there's bound to be someone complaining there isn't enough giantess content of a character pertaining to their specific subfetish.
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Ok cool. Those scenes were mostly suggestions anyway. You don't have to do them all. And no pressure on you by the way. I can wait. Besides I noticed you said you're gonna do one for Ana and I'm fine with you working on that solely and finishing it before attempting mine. I don't want my request getting in the way of an Overwatch character giantess epic.
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My dick
Is there anyone making giantess stuff in sfm? Tsoni is pretty much dead.
The only other guy making anything like that to my knowledge was Jorabora and he hasn't done anything new with SFM for a long while now.
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That sucks. Analternateusername appears to have gone inactive too which is a shame since he made some mind blowingly good stuff.
Don't worry, Alt hasn't stopped making size animations, he's just a bit busy at the moment.
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How do you know that? Did you message him? I was worried his Titaness vid was like some sort of grand sendoff.
Alt is a big weiner, I too know him.
Alt here, I'm currently doing some travelling and wont be back home until very late April. I'll still be animating and collaging when I get back so don't worry, I should've probably mentioned this on DA.
Nobody asks about me when I'm inactive
cuz you're a talentless hack bruv
That doesn't mean I can't be popular. Quantity > Quality after all
Love your stuff dude. You honestly came out of nowhere and just blew the fuck out of every other sfm animator when it comes to making giantess stuff. Don't stop. I'm gonna be eagerly awaiting your return.
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Well we don't even know who you are for starters.
Thanks! It really is flattering to know there are people worried to think that I quit :p
Why is she so perfect, lads?
Where are the tinies in this picture? Is she sitting on them?
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We need more giant Haydee stuff

Male or female prey?
>Ana swapping out her sleep dart with one that shrinks people
>hits a Pharah using her ult in the air, causing her to drop down while shrinking
>catches her in her mouth and swallows
>mother on daughter vore
>Nobody asks about me when I'm inactive
What did he mean by this?
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We have writefags, but do we have any drawfags?
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Drawfag here. I am busy drawing other stuff but if you got an idea you wanna pitch then go ahead and hopefully I can squeeze in some time to work on it or maybe even someone else will like your idea enough to work on it.
Might be a bit delayed in getting anything written, I apologize. Have to deal with some shit, but once I get it all taken care of, I can start putting more focus into writing.
You're not on a deadline or anything. Take your time.
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Don't worry about it. After all the cool stuff you've written up for us, the least we can do in return is be patient for you.
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More like Jack Morrison's supersoldier drugs were experimental and one caused massive shrinking
>You're just the right size to fit!
>Soldier: All that stuff they pumped into me had to be good for something.
You guys would like the book Enormity by W.G. Marshall. It's right up your ally on the whole giant woman thing.
>Reads synopsis about the book.
>It's about a guy who becomes a giant.
>Anon says it's right up our alley for giant women.
Anon. You're gonna need to clarify because I'm getting conflicting messages here.
It also involves a giant woman.
From what I learned last time the book was brought up, the main character is American, but some opposing country (NorKor or China, or Russia, I forget, but they're commies) has a giant too, and it's a girl.
A mile high giant is entirely too big for my tastes.

Cute shit man.


>muh dick

Source on these two pics?

Does anyone have the full size version of this picture?

Maybe a drawing with Fry from Futurama being put in Leela's bra while she trains as part of some exercise or something?
I'm just here for the micro/shrinking desu
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can you draw Kamala Khan getting frisky with Marvel heroes like Miles and Nova like pic related?
>giant males
u trying to cheat me again?
Artist is Biesiuss but as far as I know, those are the only size pics they've done.

Here you go.
But does the story ever get told from the perspective of a regular sized person when the giant woman appears? Cause if it's just from the protags giant perspective then it kinda cancels out her her bigness since you don't really get that overwhelming sense of scale that would be conveyed from a regular sized persons perspective.
Trust me, the book is not very pornographic. It goes into detail that's far too fine for most fetishists to find attractive.
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Oh shit Gywnevere finally got a SFM model

Well shit, that artist needs to do more then.
I personally really hate the halo stuff but anything else is God like, if you did a 10 min video like that I'd die happy
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This problem could be remedied a bit if 343 made their female spartans look sexy.

Thanks for the full size pic, I can never seem to find it on my own.
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Sometimes, I think to myself "Wow....this stuff is pornography to me."
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Wrote start of some lewd giantess stuff, lemme know if you want more.

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Keep it going man. You stopped just as it started getting good.
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The dick knows what it wants. It is not our place to question it.
That pic is alright, who drew it?
This is top tier murderfag stuff. I love it.
The artist is thaddeusmcboosh.
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Is this furry?
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Only if you think shadow beings are furries then sure.
Moar of this please.
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Holy shit, more of this.
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Source? Cannot find artist.
Took me a few goes to find the link as well. Here's (one of?) the artist's profile(s):


Is this a character from something?
Sinbad if I'm not, mistaken.
Eris goddess of Chaos

>The crosshairs of Ana's rifle began to steady over the image of Widowmaker, who was also taking in someone with her own rifle.
>The one-eyed Egyptian sniper's snarl of detest turned into one of joy as she thought of the revenge she was about to take out on the woman who took her eye.
>Ana squeezed the trigger, sending out the customized syringe bullet filled with a special mixture, made just for Widowmaker.
>As the bullet flew, the French assassin was obscured by a swirl of black and red smoke.
>Before the sniper's purple skin could be pierced, the bullet landed itself in the now appearing Reaper.
>The sudden scream drew Widowmaker's attention, but when she turned toward its source, all she saw was a pile of Reaper's clothing.
>That on its own was strange enough to escape from her position.
>Ana cursed in her native language, but took solace in the fact that her customized bullet seemed to work.
>She'd have to investigate to make sure, and she'd have to be quick about it.
>Luckily for her, her unwilling test subject found it too difficult to escape his bizarre predicament.
>Ana moved the clothes around, searching for her new target.
>There, in the middle of the pile of black was a naked, 3-inch, Reaper.
>The soldier in her told her it was best to dispose of him right now; reduce him to a red paste under her boot.
>However, the wounded, revenge-minded, justice-seeker in her had other ideas.
>"I have much in store for you, Gabriel, but my mission is not yet over. You'll have to wait," she said to Reaper after picking him up by his ankle, holding him upside down in front of her face.
>He was far too disoriented to know exactly what she was saying, but he knew he didn't like it.
>Ana reached for one of her pouches, to store the shrunken Talon member in, but paused when she came up with a less practical, but more fun, idea.
>With her free hand, she pulled down the zipper of her coat, revealing the deep, brown, cleavage Reaper was being carried toward.


>Reaper watched the larger-than-life tits squeeze together, more than they already where in the tight tanktop, as Ana took in a deep breath of anticipation.
>Ana shivered at the familiar yet foreign feeling when the shotgun wielding edgelord was deposited atop her breasts.
>The skin to skin contact was nothing new, but in this new form it felt like the first time she ever had someone else caress her breasts.
>Reaper could already feel himself slipping down between her tits, despite his frantic efforts to pull himself up, finding no way to grip onto her smooth chest.
>Ana pressed him further down into her cleavage with her finger, keeping him snug and secure between her breasts.
>He began to yell something at her, something she couldn't quite make out, both from his size, and the sound of her zipper being pulled back up.
>He was sealed in darkness, and the pressure around him was intense, even though the texture was soft.
>It was also very humid, and her skin was already lightly glazed with sweat.
>His hell was only just beginning, as soon Ana began to take off in a sprint.
>The result was her chest bouncing up and down violently, or as much as it could within the confines of her top and jacket.
>Still, it was very violent for Reaper, who lost all sense of direction during her jog.
>Suddenly she stopped, and he was allowed a brief moment of respite.
>It was short lived, for after the sound of a deafening gunshot was heard, she took off running again.
>Like a good sniper, she never stayed in the same spot after taking a shot.
>This continued on for a time that Reaper could no longer keep track of, his world spinning and the heat getting to him.
>Her skin was becoming more coated in sweat, and threatened to slide him free of his confines.
>He did his best to use that opportunity, wriggling between her tits to try and free himself of their suffocating embrace.
>Reaper found himself under even more pressure when Ana threw herself to the ground.


>Ana was now lying on her stomach, staying low as she took another Talon member in her sights, though sadly still not the one she wanted most.
>Her weight was now pressing down onto her chest, which flattened against the ground and squeezed Reaper between them even more.
>He thought he was going to be shot out from between her tits from the pressure and sweat, though it seemed like he might suffocate before that could happen.
>Ana's heartbeat was a constant distraction, the thundering pumping keeping him from being able to have a single thought to himself.
>Much to his joy, Ana sounded off another shot, and stood up immediately after.
>The damage was already done, and the jostling, heat, and pressure took its toll and Reaper finally blacked out.
>He would awake when he found himself falling down a tremendous height, though thankfully landing on a soft surface.
>Reaper, after managing to recover from the dizziness, realized he had been deposited onto the middle of a large bed.
>The Talon assassin looked up at Ana, who was in the process of removing her hood and jacket.
>He had to admit, despite her age, her body was as fit and firm as the day she joined Overwatch.
>After she pulled off her belt and let it drop to the ground, she finally addressed him.
>"Let me make one thing clear, Reaper, you are going to die today. For too long you've been allowed to roam free, and I for one am not interested in seeing you go to a trial you will likely escape from. So I'm going to deal with you myself."
>There were countless ways she could accomplish this, and Reaper could think of none that he could defend against.
>Through instinct, he began to run toward the edge of the bed, in some vain hope of leaping to freedom and finding a means of hiding from her.
>Ana laughed at the attempt, and easily grabbed him before he reached the edge.
>"I didn't think I could trust you to accept your death like a man."


>Ana looked for a place to put him while she finished undressing, but every scenario ended with him running off the edge or finding a way to hide.
>So, she was left with the best, and most delicious, solution.
>Gripping him by his arms, Ana raised Reaper up high and tilted her head back before opening her mouth wide, letting Reaper have a taste of things to come.
>As he was overcome with a level of fear he didn't think possible, he began to panic and flail, hoping to at the very least fall to a quick death.
>He would have no such luck, and soon he found his feet, then his legs, lower into the wet and humid confines of her mouth.
>By the time her lips closed, only his shoulders and up were still outside of her mouth.
>Reaper kicked and squirmed, but could do nothing to free himself, and only succeeded in making Ana giggle.
>The sniper resumed her strip, pulling off her sweaty top and tossing it aside.
>Due to her standing in front of a mirror, Reaper was allowed to see Ana disrobe, and his mind focused less on escape, and more on her.
>Her nipples looked like two chocolate kisses resting in the center of two caramel colored teardrops.
>They jiggled and moved while she shimmied out of her pants and kicked off her boots.
>When she finished, she could feel something poking at her tongue.
>When she realized what it was, she spat Reaper out back toward the bed, this time landing near the pillows at the head.
>"An erection?! Oh, Gabriel, you are pathetic."
>He scrambled backwards as Ana began to approach, crawling on the bed on all fours, her breasts swinging with her movements, and her firm ass visible in the mirror behind her.
>"I can't say I'm surprised, though. You always did want me, didn't you, Gabriel? Back at Overwatch. Well, today's both the unluckiest, and luckiest, day of your life."
>Ana rose up, staying on her knees and towering over Reaper with intimidating beauty.
>He was mesmerized by the sight of her bare pussy, but soon panicked again.


>Ana sat back on her heels, and with one hand held Reaper between her legs, and the other started to spread her moistening lips.
>He was witness to her fingers playing with her clit, and listened to her moans as they grew louder and louder.
>Reaper peered up her body, along her flat, defined, stomach, between her heavy breasts, and at her face while she chewed on her lower lip.
>As she grew more aroused, her grip on his tightened, her fingers squeezing tight around him and threatening to breaks his bones, and at the very least were bruising him.
>Satisfied with how wet and ready she was, Ana, without warning or ceremony, plunged Reaper headfirst into her snatch.
>She laughed with sadistic glee as she saw his legs kick wildly while he was half-buried in her cunt.
>Ana wanted those legs to kick around inside of her, though, so with one hand keeping her lips loose and willing, she used the other to start to push Gabriel deeper and deeper inside, until she only had to press on his feet with her finger to completely hide him from the world.
>He thought the heat, pressure, and darkness of her cleavage was intense, but inside of her pussy, it seemed like a heavenly dream.
>He could barely move, only struggle. Yet, his struggles caused her to moan louder, and her walls to close tighter around him.
>But he had no choice, he didn't want to get destroyed by this madwoman.
>Ana, meanwhile, enjoyed his struggles, palming her breast and playing with her clit.
>She thought of the old friends she could now pursue romantically, once she had dealt with Talon.
>And she was off to a great start.
>Just as he was about to pass out again, he heard Ana let out the most clear sounding scream yet, as fluids surged around him.
>From the pan and into the fire, Reaper was pulled free by his ankles, coughing and gasping for air.
>He saw now that Ana was lying on her back, and as she examine him, he saw her lick her lips.


>A few droplets of cum fell off of the defeated man as he was carried across her still panting body.
>The fluid that coated him stung at his eyes, and he found it difficult to see what was happening, but he saw enough to know it wasn't good.
>Signaling his coming doom with a hungry moan, Ana gave her lips another coating of saliva before opening them again to him.
>Part of Reaper thought she was just going to hold him in her mouth again, possibly clean him off, before she would likely crush him under foot or in hand.
>But part of him also knew what was really about to happen, he just didn't want to admit it.
>Slower than before he was lowered toward the maw, and as the realization began to take over, he started to struggle, with what little strength he had left.
>Her breath hit him in the face once he passed her lips.
>Gently he was laid out on her tongue, as if he was some sacrifice upon the wriggling altar.
>She was sat up enough that he didn't immediately slide down toward her throat, and before he could reach out past her lips once he turned around, they closed.
>In the darkness of her mouth the pressure began to build.
>Air was being sucked back toward her throat and he was squeezed between her tongue and palette.
>She was sucking all of her juices off of him, it seemed, and based on the sounds coming from her throat, she enjoyed the flavor.
>Next he found himself being tossed around in the pitch black cave, knocking into her teeth before being pushed against her cheek, where he was coated in more saliva.
>Occasionally her mouth would open, very briefly, letting in on the smallest bit of light, to remind him of the outside world.
>Back on the tongue, he was given a moment of rest, and then the lips opened again.
>Wiping the spit from his face, he looked out past her lips and saw himself in the mirror, laying, pathetically, on her tongue, and Ana smiling with her mouth and eye at his grave misfortune.


>The moment he reached out toward his reflection, as if it could pull him free, her teeth snapped shut, nearly taking his hand clean off.
>At the moment of his heart sinking fully into his stomach, the tongue began to lift.
>Gabriel grabbed at the bumps along her tongue, but everything, himself included, was too wet to find any kind of solid and lasting grip.
>He felt his feet press against the entrance of her throat, and almost immediately he was being pulled down by her powerful throat muscles.
>Outside, Ana was finding some difficulty in swallowing him.
>She had hoped 3 inches was small enough to finish the job easily, but she hadn't accounted for prey that could move about in her throat, fighting against its lot in life.
>Ana gripped the edge of her dresser as she continued to struggle to pull him down, using her other hand to stroke her neck to help edge him down her esophagus.
>Reaper found some hope in how well he was resisting the pull of her throat muscles.
>With any luck, her body would naturally reject the meal and he'd be spat up against her will.
>As he looked up, he could see light enter into her mouth, illuminating the red inside.
>Just as he planned to scramble toward it, the light dimmed, and a wave of liquid flowed past her lips, along her tongue, and came crashed into his face.
>Ana continued to drink from the bottle of whiskey, using the aid of the liquid to wash Reaper down into the pit of her growling stomach.
>The liquor burned his eyes more than her sweat or cum did.
>Instinctively he raised a hand to cover his face, which only lead to him to lose what grip he had and slip further into her throat.
>The rushing drink helped to push him lubricate him enough and wash him down the rest of the way, until finally Ana felt the small treat hit her stomach.
>She ran a hand over her breast, pausing at her nipple for a moment, before tracing circles around Reaper's soon to be grave.
>She wondered if Widowmaker would taste differently.

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You're a real treasure, you know that?
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I can't stop cumming

I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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Hot stuff
I've fapped to this twice. Time for a third.
That's the beauty of the Mouths of Babes content. It's got a lot of re-fappability to it.
Magnificent!! Source?
wtf I main Ana now?
Analternateusername made it.
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Window perspective stuff is great. I'm surprised at how rare it is.
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My dick has surpassed the approximate density of a neutron star.
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Holy shit, this is fucking gold. This is my favourite part of the fetish & I feel like I never see enough of it.
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who was this done by?
Analternateusername made it.
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>Weeks of efforts involving science, magic, and sometimes a mixture of both, had provided no results.
>The innocent bystander, who was caught in the crossfire of one of the Titans' bouts in the city streets, remained afflicted.
>Raven looked down at him with another defeated look, wishing she could stop failing the man she promised to return to normal.
>He felt no ill will toward her, he knew she was doing her best, and it was near impossible to hold a grudge against such a sweet face anyway, even when it was giving a stern and disapproving look to 90% of what she encountered on any given day.
>Raven placed her hands on the dresser, letting her purple hair hang past her lowered head, hiding herself from her continued failures.
>Not wanting her to continue on with her misery, Anon rested his hands on hers, hoping to get her attention so she could see in his face that he didn't blame her, and, in all honesty, didn't mind his new fate of being six inches tall.
>Raven couldn't help but smile at his attempts to bring her some joy.
>She overturned her half-gloved hand, signaling him to hop onto her palm, so she could carry him up to rest on her shoulder while she moved about her room.
>Early on, even the simple act of being lifted up was chaotic for Anon. The intense g-force put on him when she lifted her hand was disorienting.
>They had both learned how to behave around one another over the weeks they spent together, however.
>How much force he had to exert to get her attention, and how little she needed to accomplish her goals with him, to avoid hurting him.
>In truth, he had grown to enjoy her company, living in her room, far more than his life before the day he was struck by an errant blast from some villain duking it out with the Titans.
>It certainly helped to be in the company of a gorgeous teenaged woman, near fully developed, and who had no problem wearing a clinging leotard in his, or anyone's, presence.

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>Raven as well had learned to enjoy having this human "pet" with her as well.
>He was quite helpful, and very attentive.
>She was used to her solitude, having basked it in for so long that she assumed that was her natural preference.
>Having Anon around, even at his diminished height, proved to her that good company was better than no company, any day.
>Anon enjoyed riding around on her shoulder as she moved about her room, and there was never a risk of falling due to her often opting to float about, so there were no tremors going through her body that could shake him loose.
>It was also the only place he could clearly speak with her, being so close to her ear and all.
>They had gained a strong rapport with each other, and the other Titans were surprised to see this stranger had managed to get more out of her than the small smirks they all had taken as great accomplishments.
>Raven certainly did enjoy his company, and it helped she found him quite cute as well.
>Not just in the size sense, but looks, primarily.
>She could tell he felt the same.
>Even with his small stature, and when modestly covered up with the doll clothes she had found for him, she noticed, more than once, signs of arousal whenever she bent over in her room, facing him or otherwise.
>She figured it was a foolish feeling to have, for someone who could never reciprocate the affection back to her, but it helped with having him so close to her.
>Eventually, she encouraged him to move off her shoulder if he was feeling restless, while she meditated.
>To only half surprise, he never opted to roam around the bed she was sitting or laying on.
>Instead, he always wandered about her body.
>Raven had to do her best to hide the shivers she got when she felt his bare feet step across her bare flesh.
>And he had to control himself when walking across such a beautiful, soft, body.
>He enjoyed traveling across her long legs, most of all.

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>He would study how her flesh was dented only slightly by his steps.
>He could see the small, nearly unnoticeable, hairs that ran along her skin perk up as he approached.
>Over a few days of this, he grew more and more bold, covering more ground with each trip, and moving further from her bare feet, and closer to her thighs.
>Anon always tried to be slow, gradual, with things.
>He didn't want to offend her and completely lose the relationship he already had with her.
>Still, he was sensing no discomfort, no disgust, coming from her, as he traversed her thick thighs, and gazed down between them to the natural gap that formed thanks to her wide hips.
>He was surprised how revealing the backside area of her leotard was, especially for a timid teenager.
>Anon figured she thought the cape was enough to conceal anything she wanted hidden.
>but to him, in her room, with her cape off, he was privy to the sight of the bottom curves of her ass, bare to him, twitching slightly at random moments while Raven read, lying on her stomach.
>The fateful day arrived where he was bold enough to begin to climb up her plump backside, and was delighted to see no resistance from her.
>It was good she had grown so used to his tiny touches upon her skin, as if he had tried this perverse exploration too early, she may have instinctively reached back to slap her ass, killing whatever odd bug might be crawling across her.
>Instead, her only instinct was to blush and bite on her lip, while he explored her further.
>Once he reached the crest of her left cheek, he looked around at all the progress he had made, and marveled at the sight of the crack separating the East from the West hills.
>He looked up toward Raven, and saw that she was staring at him, over her shoulder, which obscured her smile, so he was unsure of her mood.
>Then, she playfully shook her ass a bit, causing him to lose balance and fall onto the firm yet soft cheek, eliciting a giggle from her.

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>At that point, their relationship had gone from friendly, to very friendly.
>Raven loved to tease him about his obvious attraction to her butt.
>She would shake it in front of him, bend over at the waist whenever possible, and would sometimes warn him of the dangers of her "great big butt."
>"You need to be careful, Anon," she would say with a coo. "There is always the risk that I may sit on you."
>There of course was very little risk of that, as she rarely sat, just floated around.
>Still, she insisted on demonstrating the looming danger by hovering her plump backside over him as he stood in the middle of the chair's seat.
>Her ass swayed back and forth over him, her hands reaching back to cup and squeeze the full feature while she talked about how overwhelming big it was to him, and that, despite how soft it was, it could easily crush him.
>It took a lot of convincing for him to get her to actually sit on him.
>She took it slow, of course, and would only do it if he was on the bed, where there was enough give that she was somewhat confident he could survive.
>Starting at only grazes across his body with her cheeks, then graduating to a mere second of pressure placed on him, and not even all her weight, either.
>Over time, she grew to enjoy it enough to give him the full experience he wanted, with a little magical help.
>A simple shield around him to buff his endurance enough to withstand all her weight.
>She couldn't supplement his air, however, so she had to remember not to get carried away and sit for too long.
>That day did, unfortunately come, during one of her grind sessions.
>Her hips swiveled around in circles, pressing her butt down onto him, and rolling his form against her skin.
>She chewed on her right index finger, while her left hand idly traced circles against the crotch of her suit.
>So preoccupied with her approaching orgasm, she forgot all about the air Anon needed.

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>Just as her climax was resolving, her eyes shot open and immediately she sat up from the bed, spinning around to check on his condition.
>Anon was fine, though coughing and gasping for breath.
>She apologized profusely, holding him in her palms up to her crying face, as she swore never to hurt him again.
>No matter how many words of forgiveness he gave her, she would not relent.
>It wasn't until he approached and kissed her on the tip of her button nose, then moved to hug her cheek, caressing it softly, that she calmed down.
>From then on, they were inseparable, even more so than they already were (though it would take about a week before she allowed herself to be intimate with him, out of fear of losing control).
>Even into the meetings with the Titans, from which he was barred due to not being a trusted Titan, Raven found a way to include him.
>On a day he was prepared to say goodbye to her as she went off to train, she smiled and grabbed him with one hand, and grabbed the collar of her costume with the other.
>Anon peered down at the mixture of shadows and grey flesh, and the curves of her more-than-developed breasts.
>Raven gave him a sweet kiss before gently lowering him toward her cleavage, and then letting her leotard snap back into place.
>It was hot, and dark, and it took him a bit to learn how to steady his breathing, but it was heaven nonetheless.
>He would have been lulled to sleep by the gentle thud of her heartbeat, if it wasn't for how aroused he was being surrounded by the mountains of tit flesh.
>They had other games involving her breasts, as well.
>His favorite was being placed onto her nipple, where he would be challenged to grip onto the erect bud and hold on as long as possible while she started to bounce her tit up and down with increasing intensity.
>He also enjoyed being laid upon her breast, hugging it as much as possible, before her hand came down to massage him against it.

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>Things were taken to the next level on a seemingly normal day, at least for Anon.
>Raven sat in the air, cross-legged, while Anon took a nap on her left thigh.
>Awaking from her meditation, the young sorceress looked down at her pet/sex toy and smirked.
>Gently she lowered herself to the bed, and roused Anon from his sleep with a slight nudge.
>Once awake, Raven moved him down to the bed, sitting him between her now spread legs.
>Anon looked with awe as Raven peered down at him past her full breasts, and used a hand to pull aside the crotch of her costume, exposing her pussy to him.
>"I want you to eat me out, Anon," she half commanded with lust dripping from her voice.
>He didn't even need to be told once to get started on that task, though hearing her give that order did add an extra layer of arousal to the situation.
>The task was more intimidating than he thought when he got up close, and all he could do was explore with his hands, reading her reaction by listening to the sounds she was making up above.
>Once he had roused her clit from its hood, he began to massage the nub with both hands, before putting his lips to it.
>Raven was happy to guide him with instructions, telling him to go faster, softer, slower, or harder.
>Eventually, Anon found himself with one arm buried inside of her, while his other hand played with her lips, and his mouth licked around, and on, her clit.
>He even got to hump himself against her lips for a bit, unleashing a load that was massive (to him), before things started to shift.
>Once again losing herself to pleasure, Raven forgot about the fragility of her pet and lowered her hand down behind him.
>Before he could react, he felt himself being pushed into her hungry, soaked, cunt.
>Even with someone he trusted so much, the new experience was a bit frightening.
>The inside of her was like a soaked oven, and he could not find his barrings with her fingers constantly sliding him in and out.


>Eventually, however, he was able to get her fingers to retreat when he started to move about on his own, directing the pleasure fully rather than have her micromanage him.
>After an expanse of time he could not have hoped to measure in the intense, and pleasurable, environment, Anon found himself ejected by the force of her orgasm, spilling out onto the sheets with the fluids that followed with him.
>Once he had caught his breath, it sounded like Raven had as well.
>With no warning, she reached down and plucked the tiny human up from between her legs, and carried him across the expanse of her body, letting his legs dangle and his feet slide across her skin.
>She gave him a sweet kiss, then licked her lips at the unique and arousing flavor.
>Knowing she owed him one anyway, Raven decided to give him the best time of his life.
>Anon was admittedly fearful of her intentions as she lowered him, feet first, into her wide open mouth.
>He would have started to panic had she not stopped with him only half way in before closing her lips around his waist.
>The suction in her mouth started, and Anon nearly lost it then and there.
>He tried to find some grip on her lip, nose, anywhere, while he was overcome with this hurricane of a blowjob.
>Raven started to giggle and moan, adding vibrations to the greatest blowjob ever given or received.
>With her tongue, she managed to roll him around, so he was now facing away from her, and so he could put his twitching hips to good use and start humping her caressing tongue.
>It didn't take long, after that, despite holding out as long as possible, for him to cum again.
>He hoped, that at his size, cumming in her mouth without warning wouldn't be met with offense.
>Sure enough, after he relaxed, post orgasm, she audibly gulped down the cum and the remainder of her fluids that covered him.
>Raven drifted off to sleep after that, with her pet, her "familiar," nuzzled up between her slowly rising and falling breasts.


Wasn't 100% on whether you wanted it to be gentle all the way through, or for her to gain some fetish for dominating him, eventually turning him more into a toy than a pet, but I decided to split the difference. I hope you enjoy it!
Raven requester here. You've managed to give us two epic deliveries in a single thread? You're a fucking machine dude. I actually liked how you made it progress from gentle to dominant by the way. You went way above and beyond my expectations. I hope you continue to write in the future. Your stuff is really good.

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! I will be writing more in the future, though I am going at an admittedly slower pace than I was a few months ago. Thanks again for reading.
Just now noticed you axed a lot of stuff from your pastebin.
Any reason for that? Just curious.

I moved the non-giantess stuff to a separate pastebin, https://pastebin.com/u/Djinn_n_Tonic . I figured Giantess was big enough of a fetish to warrant a separate pastebin from the others, and folders are only available to paid members of the site.
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Anyone got that Harpy set from Karbo?
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Does anyone know where Pogojo posts his work outside of deviantart? I swear I keep finding pics that were done by him that he hasn't posted on his DA.
He did/does a ton of private commissions, so they end up never being released at all unless the person that paid for it decides to release it onto the internet somewhere.
Yes, now you can't fap to it. Haha, suck it nerd.
So does anyone know of anything else like this situation (I know the art isn't great) where a mini/shrunken guy is inside a girls vagina while she has sex with another guy.

this is by Screeeow btw.
A shameless self plug, but a relevant one at least:

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So for all the art he does we do see, there's a ton we're missing out on? Damn that's going to drive me nuts. His work has always been top tier.
awesome. thanks, babe
Since it seems like you guys post this shit too, gonna share the "If you were vore'd irl" poll from the /d/ Giantess Vore thread.

I hate questions like this because even though I find fatal vore hotter, I'd never pick it as a choice in a 'what if' sort of situation. Part of the whole appeal of it is the total removal of agency on part of the victims and what a truly terrible fate they're having inflicted upon them.
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>Absorbed into an area of their body, becoming a sentient section of fat/muscle
/d/. Not even once.
Sentient fat is GOAT, you're just a pleb
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flaw to that always seemed to be a determined guy with a pocket knife and a will to live
Wrong. A giantess always gets her prey.
get a load of this normie
Speaking of normies, what do you guys think of this Downsizing film expected to release in December? You reckon they will throw in some scenes for us giantess fans or they will just keep it normie friendly?
That's... that's not how an esophagus works
>You reckon they will throw in some scenes for us giantess fans or they will just keep it normie friendly?
All the "interaction" scenes will be gross out humor involving giant dudes. The disgust a normal person might feel combined with the disgust of having your fetish presented in the least appealing way possible will make it hard for sizefags to watch.
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>Disneys gigantic movie is pedo bait.
>Colossal movie is about a girl who CONTROLS a giant kaiju monster instead of just being a giantess.
>Downsizing movie will just have gross out humor involving giant dudes.
Why is having this fetish such a fucking monkeys paw?
As a wannabe writer, it's hard as shit to write this fetish into stuff naturally. Plots that involve interaction with giant women is just too specific of a category to play off effectively.

The only vore you'll get from a major motion picture is unaware, and usually even that ends up with the prey narrowly escaping. Sometimes you'll get aware vore, always from a villain, but it's still rare. Not as rare as you might think, but more than you'd hope.
Tell that to our Queen, Gail Simone.
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Super hot giant alien.webm
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>The only vore you'll get from a major motion picture is unaware
What about the one from Dude where's my car? That one had intentional vore.
Don't forget Sausage Party had vore too.
Well I did say sometimes you'll get aware vore.
It's sad how low valued that is

See, that scene does nothing for me. Is the woman hot? Yes? Does she eat a guy with malice? Yes. And yet, just the way it's shot, the speed in which she does it, it ruins it. I just want one scene of some woman picking up a tiny, hanging him over her face, and dropping him into her mouth. Then a big gulp, satisfied moan, and rubs her stomach. Is that so much to ask?!

This is the closest I've seen, and she doesn't even succeed: https://youtu.be/14uotwbNpRE
Try this

I mean, that is great, but some gulping would have been nice.

I also wish we had gotten more of the store clerk eating the sandwich during the final act.
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Anyone have the Sorceress/Tiki pic done by the /d/ shrinkfag? Archive sites show nothing.

Got a source for that pic there? I'm intrigued.
You mean the shrink-drawfag that you posted the picture from? If so I don't remember such a pic.

/d/ shrinking thread at the beginning of 2017 or end of 2016 I think.
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As >>1319058 said, it was from one of the old shrinking threads, artist posts exclusively on 4chan. But fear not, for I have saved it!
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And the last page was already posted here >>1319347
Fuck, I mean here >>1317573

This is pretty good, it would be nice if comics like these were made on this board. Are these characters from something? I don't recognize them.
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Nah, they're original.

Here's the artist's other thread-relevant pictures.
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(And now for a greentext in honor of Bayonetta coming to Steam.)

>Bayonetta danced through the sky, leaping from one angel to the next, kicking and shooting her way through the countless hordes of Paradiso's army.
>Though she was accustomed to dealing with many angels at once, the storm of enemies advancing through the air were a bit more than she was used to.
>"Tsk, it seems you all decided to stop playing fair," she says with a grimace, which quickly turns into a smirk before she continues on to say, "It's about time. Now I have no reason to do so either."
>Bayonetta poses and spins, and speaks aloud in a forgotten language.
>Her jet black hair slides up off of her body, unforming the skin-tight suit and leaving her pale and bare to the world.
>A hurricane of hair and purple smoke surrounds her.
>The angels do not halt their approach for a moment, knowing fully well that a second of hesitation against Bayonetta was certain death.
>The hurricane continued to grow, now forming more of a tornado as it shot up into the sky.
>Just as the white-clad otherwordly creatures reached the edge of the magical storm, it exploded outward, sending the front line down onto the street with a rain of armor, weapons, and blood.
>Standing in the middle of downtown, though hidden from the sights of those with no perception of Purgatorio, was the hellish witch Bayonetta, in the same shape and form as she always was, although now able to stand at eye level with the tallest building near her.
>The wave of Affinity angels found their wings unable to push them forward, out of fear of the gigantic, yet alluring, foe who towered above them.
>True to her nature, Bayonetta rewarded such admiration with a coo, blowing them a sweet kiss, before then swinging her arm across them, knocking countless down to the street below.
>Though many were undone by the impact of her arm and/or the fall, some were able to survive long enough to look up Bayo's long, deadly, legs.


>Seeing those towering limbs give them vertigo as their eyes traveled up them gave the angels perspective on their idea that her legs were too long, before.
>Since their eyes were so transfixed on the long stems, they were quick to see them rise up, and the sole and gunheel of her boots cast an ominous shadow over them.
>They all tried their best to escape, but the impact of her hand and the street had rendered their delicate wings incapable of flight.
>All they could accomplish was let out their animal-like screeches while they watched the footwear slam down upon them, one by one, until all were snuffed out.
>Bayonetta made sure to give the last one a final twist with the toe of her feet, like she was putting out a discarded cigarette.
>As devastating as her first strike was, still there were pockets of Affinity angels flapping about, shocked by the gruesome defeat of so many of their kin, unsure of how to proceed.
>The ebony-haired enchantress simplified their desires to "escape" as her gloved hand shot out toward a cluster of four or so angels.
>Their wits were too slow, to simple, and were unable to evade being sealed inside the prison made by her closing fingers.
>"Oohoo, they're fluttering about in there. It almost tickles," Bayonetta remarked to herself, before squeezing her fingers sharply together, causing a splash of blood to eject out from either side of her fist.
>The now blood-stained fingers curled back, revealing the carnage she had left in her palm.
>Somehow, one had survived, sitting right in the middle.
>However, his ivory and gold armor had come apart in pieces due to the witch's grip, leaving it only as the meaty creature that had tried its best to appear beautiful to the world.
>"Well, now that you're unwrapped, you're safe to eat, darling," she purred down at the frightened beast.
>Bayonetta's dripping tongue slid out between her plump lips, and dragged itself up her palm, taking the angel and the remains of its comrades.


>The creature threw its hands over its ears as Bayonetta moaned, causing a thunderous and sensual sound to enter into her closed mouth with it.
>Her tongue rose up, pinning the angel to the roof of her mouth, keeping it in place while she sucked clean all the flavors and juices into her cavernous throat.
>Satisfied, Bayo rolled the angel over onto a row of teeth, letting it rest on her molars.
>It had see many of its kind undone by the witch's torture devices, and now it seemed it was going to be victim to an entirely new, yet ancient, technique.
>The top row of perfect teeth slammed down into the angel over and over, applying megaton after megaton of pressure onto its durable, but not indestructible body.
>Before the final blow could be struck, the mouth filled with a surprised yelp from the witch, one sudden enough to cause Bayo to open her mouth in surprise.
>The sun shone through onto the beaten angel, and it reached out its misshapen hand to the heavens, asking for aid.
>Whatever had caused the Umbran survivor to shout in surprise, however, also caused her to involuntarily throw her head back and swallow, sending the combatant to a much slower death.
>After gulping down the contents of her mouth, Bayonetta looked over her shoulder to the cause of the sudden pain.
>More angels had arrived, of course, and were attempting to slay the giantess by thrusting their spears at her plump and perfectly formed butt.
>With a scowl, Bayo slapped her hand down upon her right cheek, crushing a large group of angels against her.
>The feeling of being spanked, while at the same time eliminating many angels, turned that scowl into a face of pleasure.
>So with her other hand, she spanked her other cheek while it was still being attacked by the foolish creatures.
>Bayonetta let out a loud moan, biting down onto her lip while squeezing her cheeks and rotating her hips around in idle motion indicative of a great pleasure going through her.


>Members of a higher sphere of angel were now entering the scene, beckoned by the deaths of so many Affinity angels.
>Two large monstrosities, albeit beautifully decorated and adorned, flew toward Bayonetta while her eyes were closed, her hands still massaging the remains against her firm and spankable cheeks.
>So confident in their advance, they were unable to react quickly enough when Bayonetta's striking eyes shot open, and her hands shot out once more, this time taking one large angel in each hand.
>Their many limbs and wings flapped and flailed outside the grip of her hands, the larger breed unable to fit entirely into her grip.
>"They've sent me more playthings? How considerate!" she cooed.
>Not wanting to let the angels have too long a moment of tranquility, she lifted up one hand and threw down the first angel into the street, severely damaging, but not killing, the behemoth.
>It barely had time to refocus its eyes before it saw her turn on her heel and begin to lower herself down to sit that deadly ass upon its body.
>Though it had been too large for her hand to cover it, her butt was more than enough to turn the creature into an improvised seat.
>While she sat, Bayo lifted up the remaining high ranking angel, studying the porcelain, and expressive, mask it work over its true face.
>She was kind enough to grant it a sweet kiss on the lips, before thrusting that shocked face up against her crotch.
>As if the humiliation weren't enough, the angel now had the crushing pressure of her thighs now squeezing around him to contend with.
>Bayonetta reached back a hand to steady herself as she leaned back.
>Thigh thighs did their best to meet one another, squeezing the angel more and more between them, and against her hot, and covered, pussy.
>Hips swiveled in any direction she could find to increase the comfort of sitting on the bizarrely shape angel, while at the same time driving it into the dirt and shattering its armor.


>It seemed one Affinity angel had survived, hidden away from the others, and was now trying to make its escape while the brutal witch seemed to be occupied with other sinful desires.
>Much to its dismay, it felt its wings being pinched by the witch, and was soon pulled toward her, before being planted on her breast.
>Before it could adjust to its surroundings, that kidnapping hand came back and cupped its owner's breast, gradually crushing the once-lucky angel against Bayonetta's tit.
>As the Umbran witch reached her climax, letting out a powerful moan of pleasure and powerful, blood exploded from underneath her groping hand, her overwhelming ass, and from between her thighs, reunited once again.
>Unembarassed by the lewd and public display, Bayonetta continued to smile as she stood, dusting off the debris and remains from her butt and legs.
>As she tidied herself up, seeing no more advancing angels, she spotted some panicked movement in a building to her left.
>Judging by the way they were reacting, they were fully aware of her presence, which meant they too were currently within Purgatorio, and thus were likely not friendly toward her.
>Once more causing destruction that the humans of the world were unclear on the cause of, Bayonetta shattered the windows of the skyscraper and reached in, pulling out four humans dressed in flashy white and gold robes.
>"Lumen Sages? Hm, I suppose you four lot are the cause of this surge of angel attacks. Out on a double date, are we?"
>She held two sages in each hand, studying them each and trying to decide which one to deal with first.
>One decided to volunteer by shouting, "Unhand us you foul witch! You act against the people of God Almighty!"
>"Foul?" Bayonetta said with honest hurt at the insult. "I've been called many things, but never foul. I think I need to teach you a lesson, you little pest."
>Delicately, and nimbly, never letting the others drop, Bayonetta stripped away the sage's robes.


>Now "unwrapped," Bayonetta began to carry the nude man toward her parting lips.
>The sage looked at the strands of saliva become thinner and thinner, before breaking apart as more of her yawning maw was revealed.
>He had seen the horrors she had inflicted, and began to pray frantically for aid from the heavens above.
>Bayonetta lowered him slowly between her lips, legs first, which were kicking around frantically, hitting her plump tiers a couple of times before settling between her teeth.
>Just as he was certain he was to fall into the abyss below, he felt those pillow lips close again, wrapped around his chest, leaving the rest of his body below that line inside of her humid and damp mouth.
>Any objections he was shouting were canceled as soon as her tongue began to move around him like a little sucker, pulling and caressing, teasing and tasting.
>Bayonetta looked down at the squirming Sage, his look of despair and hate gradually transforming into one of joy and pleasure.
>The sage hugged himself to her top lip as she sucked and stroked him with her tongue.
>Years of celibacy were undone as the lewd woman caused him to let loose all the seed he had held back in the name of God.
>He had never been so happy, even after years of studying under the good book, and working to bring about the age of heaven on earth through the church and the Lumen faith.
>Then, suddenly, his mind snapped back to reality as soon as he felt himself being slurped into her mouth.
>There was not a moment to get his bearings, for as soon as he was past her lips entirely, that same tongue that had brought him a pleasure greater than the love of God, threw him to the back of her mouth and down into her gulping throat.
>"I believe I proved my point, don't you?" she rhetorically asked the panicking men still in her grasp.
>There still remained one more sage in her left hand, and she was still hungry.


>Bayonetta tilted her head back and opened up her mouth while holding her hand above her face.
>Her dexterous tongue slid out past her lips and hung out like a deadly slide, making room for the package she was about to drop straight down her gullet.
>She closed her eyes and released her fingers, waiting for the feeling of the tiny human falling into her throat and down to meet his clergyman.
>When no such satisfaction was met, she opened her eyes to find that the crafty human had slung himself around her finger, hugging himself to it with both his arms and legs.
>She couldn't help but giggle at his feverish desire to live.
>If he hadn't brought down so much misery and hardship to her and her sisters before, she might have felt that was reason enough to let him live.
>As it was...
>Though he had prevented himself from falling, he was certainly no safer than he was before, and was reminded of that fact as he found the finger he was wrapped around being lowered into her mouth.
>The other two sages were witness to the sight of their brother, clutching the long finger, disappear along with it between the witch's lips.
>Seconds later, she pulled her digit out with a pop of her lips, with no sage remaining upon it.
>Though she wouldn't let him live, she did want to reward his tenacity a little, and so didn't immediately swallow.
>Instead she tossed him around her mouth, using that same tongue that pleasured his brother to disrobe him with amazing agility and precision.
>A feat achieved by her skill of being able to tie a cherry stem in a knot with her tongue.
>He felt himself being pulled by the intense pressure of her sucking down all the spit and taste that had accumulated in her mouth, yet he was permitted to live by being pinned against the roof of her mouth.
>Suddenly, a beam of light entered into the pitch black cave.
>He turned around, and saw the other hand that held captive the other two sages, held up in front of her open mouth.


>Both he, and the other sages, knowing what fate awaited him, they all reached out to each other, Bayonetta being just torturous enough to hold them close enough that if he could just scramble to the edge of her lips, he could reach them.
>As he felt the saliva on his skin start to dry from the open air, Bayonetta once more flicked her tongue to send her tasty treat toward her throat, all while keeping her mouth open so the other two could watch.
>She moaned deeply while stroking her throat, guiding the survivors' sight as to where her latest victim was traveling, tracing her finger down past her breasts, and stopping just below their gentle curves.
>"I must say, those two were delicious," she said to the sages in her hand, licking her lips to punctuate her voracious nature. "Still, I think that's enough snacking for one day. I girl has to keep her figure, don't you agree?"
>They couldn't help but watch as she ran her now free hand down her body, rubbing all the curves from her shoulders, over her breasts, along her flat (and gurgling) stomach, around her hips, and ending with a loud spank to her own ass.
>"I guess you two will have to come home with me, although...hm...I don't have any pockets to keep you in...Oh well..." she said, all part of her act to help tease out even more suffering from the men who had aimed to kill her and send her to Inferno.
>Once more her full body suit disappeared in a rushing river of hair, that left her completely naked, and shivering from the cold winds.
>Her legs moved apart, though kept their knees locked so they always looked as long as possible.
>Fearing where they were headed, one sage cried out, "No! You can't!" as if he had any say in the matter.
>"Hm? I can't? I don't- Oh! I see, you're worried about what'll happen to me after I shrink back down with you inside of me," she replied, confirming their fears. "Don't worry, you'll shrink along with me, you considerate little darlings."


>Through their continued protests, the two sages were lowered down her body, watching as her curvaceous form moved past them, before stopping in front of her cleanly shaved pussy.
>The juices from her previous, grim, orgasm, and those that continued to flow from her constant arousal, caused her pale inner thighs to shine from the sunlight.
>The first sage was pulled from her hand, leaving the other to watch as he was carried over to the giant pair of pink lips.
>He was inserted, feet first, so that he may be allowed to watch his body be devoured by the hungry sex.
>He averted his eyes from the voracious vagina, and looked skyward toward Bayonetta's face, staring down at him from between her breasts, her expression that of sadistic pleasure.
>Bayonetta used her fingertip to press down on the top of his head, pushing him the rest of the way in, and sealing him behind her tight lips, inside her even tighter, and incredibly hot, tunnel.
>The other sage now squirmed with more fervor, though he had to admit that if he had to die, this was not the worst way to go.
>He was still relatively new to the church, and the ideas of lust hadn't been beaten out of him like it had for the other, elder, members who now resided either in her stomach or her pussy.
>"Sorry, sweetie, but I'm afraid there's only room for one in that car," she purred. "You'll have to ride it out in the caboose," she finished with a giggle.
>He was not so repressed that he didn't immediately know what that meant, and so continued his fruitless struggles against her grip as she carried him around back.
>With her free hand, she pulled to the side one cheek, allowing just enough room for her to begin pushing the squirming human into her tight asshole.
>This one was pushed in head first, and only up to his knees, as she so enjoyed the feeling of him kicking, rubbing against her cheeks.
>Bayo shrunk back down, and sure enough, the humans did with her, still squirming in belly, ass, and cunt.

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Hm, not my worst, but far from my best. I feel like I rushed this one. Still, I think the bones of it are good. It can all be fixed in the final, full, draft. Which will come sometime in I don't know.

Hope you all enjoyed, regardless!
Does anyone have this?
Thinking about doing a Gwynevere greentext, in the next thread. I keep saying to myself, "No, that's dumb, she's an illusion. She can't do giantess stuff to someone," but then I just counter myself with, "shut up, smut doesn't have to make sense."

I'll let you know who wins out.
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Gwynevere stuff is always great, good luck with your writing if you do go for it.
As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want.

I wouldn't know anything about it, because I never got far enough in that game to even meet her.
Well, Ornstein and Smough are real enough to thump the shit out of you and electrocute you if you subscribe to the theory that they're illusions. Gwynevere being real enough to do lewd things isn't out of the question, if a bit weird due to being controlled by Gwyndolin.

That or you could set the story before things went to shit, with her doing lewd things to human servants/subjects/"pets".
I 100% support a Gwynevere story regardless of how little sense it would make in the games universe. If you are concerned about that then you could do what >>1321435 said and just make it before everything turned ugly.
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There is a real Gwynevere though and she doesn't have a canon size. She could be just as big as the illusion.

Well the votes are in, and the story is a-go. Now to decide between a quick vore story, a body exploration story, or a mix of both.
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Considering that there's already vore heavy story of Gwynevere here http://etlan.deviantart.com/art/And-Only-Dark-Will-Remain-615057518, you might wanna do something different like body exploration as you suggested. But if vore is where your heart is then that is perfectly fine with me too.

Without giving too much away, the idea for the story was inspired by a vore-based event, and prompted by the request for a story about here made way earlier in this thread (or another).
I don't know if any of you listen to the jim and sam show but they recently had a segment where they were looking up giantess porn. I found it interesting because they immediately caught and pointed out everything that is shit in giantess porn They even noticed the shitty "you like that little man" tier acting that's in all of the videos. Even normies know our porn is shit.

It's obvious to everyone, I think. The amazing part is there are enough desperate and pathetic people with disposal income to keep buying that shit and enabling the garbage content to keep going.
I've always hated those geeks.
Eh, I've never really been a big fan of Sam especially when he talks about his wrestling shit but I think Jim Norton is an all around funny guy on the radio. They just need someone on the 3rd mic for someone to bounce jokes off of Jim and riff with him.
I like Sam when it's just him and he's interviewing wrestlers.

Jim Norton has been insufferable for two decades.
New thread
>The amazing part is there are enough desperate and pathetic people with disposal income to keep buying that shit and enabling the garbage content to keep going.

Anonymous producer weighing in;

It's worse than that. The low quality trash is more profitable than the high quality stuff.

The sad reality is that this fetish is too niche. The paying audience is just not big enough.

We can pour solid month of work into something and it can net maybe $2000 in two weeks of sales - after which the sales taper off swiftly.

Then we can make something in an afternoon and it can net maybe $1200 before sales taper off.

So we're left with the option - make $1200 with a few hours of work, or bust our asses for a solid month for less than double that.

That's the situation we're in.

If you want to see quality, buy quality, and stop buying trash.

If you pirate something and it's good, buy it.

That's the only way the market will change.
out of curiosity what type of content are you talking about specifically?

Drawings, comics, poser, stories?
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Woah. It's almost like we have different tastes.
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