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/stg/- Slave Trainer General/Maledom general

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 425
Thread images: 50

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New game and use is back

Source = unknown as of yet

THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(i.e. playing a male and dominating women).

If you're working on a game and want to list a pastebin here speak up please.

WIP Projects (Korra Trainer, Four Elements Trainer, WT Silver, Tifa Trainer, Incredibles Trainer, Fairy tail trainer, Ben ten trainer, Momcest trainer, Carnal valley, etc):

Links to other games:

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:

Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it.

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast, and futa spammers
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UE is back
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In Roguelike evolution, how do i find Kitty?
You don't, she finds you. She crashes into you on a Thursday. Probably the first Thursday. Go to the courtyard (or whatever it's called) in the morning, then go to class. It should start the scene.
Does it work on an old save?
Not a clue.
The greatest.
Anyone have a mega-link to Venture Seas 5.5.0?
And have they fixed the launch bugs?
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Hello anons, roughly a year ago, I posted a teaser for a game I'm working on here. I made it with twine and photos, rather than drawings, so I quickly fucked off afterwards, to not disturb you too much. However I think, the themes are fitting for this general, and last time the reception was quite friendly. So after I recently finished the demo (which has a big chunk more content, so even if you remember playing a game called 'Subjugation', a replay would probably be worthwhile) I decided to post it here again:


If you actually remember playing this thing, be warned though: I only occasionally worked on this, so while there is a chunk of new content, it is far less than you could expect after a year of work.
Aaaaand I forgot my namefaggotry, sorry about that.
I dont trust you.
I remember you. Still working on this huh? Good stuff mate.
>being this salty at UE

It's 1 guy making more of a game than anyone else at the moment. I mean yeah it sucks he keeps leaving but it looks like he's actually been working at the game instead of posting teaser shit and trying to beef his patron. That alone makes him better than the other teams with huge patron bucks. It honestly just sounds like you're a jelly writefag. Dunning Kruger effect is real son.
Korrafag is a piece of shit
Hey so anytime I go to the kitchen it just says under construction makes no sense. Also how do I consistently increase depravity for emily and the sister? Events seem to break all over the place.
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the VN will be named Twised Occupation. Finished, 3 version in the classical colors. Probably will go with the black because is the cool looking, although historically it should be the middle one
The under construction disclaimer is there to tell you that this is a placeholder. Sure, you can take the knife, but you won't need it yet, nor are there any other events implemented in the kitchen.

You can't "consistently" raise the NPC stats, because raising them is dependent on random dice rolls (which in turn is dependent on your stats). Most stuff seemed to work, last time I checked, as intended, but if you can provide a more detailed description of which event is in which way broken, I'll gladly look into it.

I was gonna get pissy but then I remembered I was cleaning up other peoples art for this mostly. So whateves...


Thanks I'm done with thatproject now I guess havent heard anything in months so yeah.

I have a small project I need to do for someone else on this board. But other than that I am free to do whateves, and get back to actually improving my art.
Why doesn't anyone love the Heer?

Also, black<field grey.
Ah makes sense. I actually couldn't find Emily in the house at all. Not in her room or around the house. The only thing I could do was invite her to the cafe but I couldn't do that after 3 times. After interacting with the sister once in her room I only saw her in the bath and toilet a few times. The characters then seemingly disappeared.
You should work with DiCk-Dev, that dude does work. Or even trainerfan, if he updates.
I haven't been active on here nearly enough to know who these people are.... Info please?
Dude makes DiCK the game. https://www.patreon.com/DuoDevelopers
Nah forget him work with tropic and beat him til he updates.
Not sure of what's going on but you can contact me at [email protected]
Like that is gonna work.
The characters are always conveniently placed where you happen to trigger an event with them. Try calling Emily on your phone after you talked to the mechanic about renting the limousine and after visiting the basement. This should unlock the possibility to take out Emily to a club and to order a billard table, which should in turn unlock the possibility to play billard with Chloe.
On another note a lot of stuff can only be done once per day, so if you're all out of stuff to do, simply go to bed.
Lol I think some dude wants to get you an extra artist? By the way, are you gonna change the combat UI? Cuz it goes back to the old one in combat so far.
I see. I got you bro.
yep we didnt updated the old UI because we will change the entire combat system anyway

Someone is suggesting I join your patreon group as an artist I think?

Also I will be working on my Discworld Trainer game soon. I have a list of girls already.. anyone got any suggestions on locations etc?
oh right, we could talk actually if you are interested, you do backgrounds too?
Good on ya mate.
Uberwald and Lancre are cool for non Ankh-Morpork locations.

Mended Drum, Pseudopolis Yard, Patrician's Palace, and UU are all obvious. The Assassin's Guild and the Seamstresses' Guild are solid choices for the trainer theme.
All roads eventually go to Ankh-Morpork. Plus it's the only city that's got its own map that you can base your AM off of. And since everyone ends up in the city anyway, you don't have to bullshit a reason for it. And the "avoid Vimes" thing could add some depth.
Sorry to spam, but if anyone is interested in trying this out you should use this link:


fixed a small bug with big impact (my last bugfix naturally produced another bug...) the smartphone was unusable from the start, and now should be there again
Thanks dude.
Vimes just HAS to be trying to shut you down

Vetinari putting MC in charge of the guild of 'Seamstresses' as they call themselves, would be a good starting location.

Besides obvious Ankh-Morpork locations, Omnian and Agatean Empires could be interesting
This looks really good.
>Vetinari putting MC in charge of the guild of 'Seamstresses' as they call themselves, would be a good starting location.
>whore house shit
stop pushing for this

You can fuck the black chick that lives next to you now
Who cares. Game is shit, aswell as art. I really wish wootch would deliever.
Fuck off wootch
any patron who can tell how is villain trainer going?

seems very interesting.

Actually It's a decent idea, but I think the MC opening a rival whore house is better. It plays on the fact that you can have Mrs Palm competing and eventually recruit her girls. *Reet being one* Plus if you add Carrot into the mix, and the fact at some point you recruit Angua and Sally. a lot of interesting twists come up.
Nice try faggot, TF is banned from posting for shitposting on Tropic at least one week and half.
>more whore house crap
Awful and boring.
wait how do you get banned from the shitposting thread by shitposting?
TF was banned before that post made, he couldn't wrote that.
Suggestions then?

I think Vetinari pulling a "Going Postal" kind of thing with MC is the basic premise, but if not a whore house then what?
Literally anything else, I don't care if it's a stripe club, adventurers guild.

Whore houses are a hackney concept that people need to stop fucking relying on for porn games fuck.
>Discworld Trainer

holy shit yes
Going Postal movie Angua best Angua. For reference.
>Whore houses

Whore is an offensive term. They prefer 'Ladies of Negotiable Affection'
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How about keeping a civic/no porno cinema/bar threater like those used during WWII?
Like in the haven of The Saboteur.
That's an idea?
the brothel setup works because you've worked it well into the premise. Just make sure you are utilizing the characters and world fully rather than making another brothel management game with boring repetitive sex scenes to grind for money and no character. Any game that uses the diskworld setting needs to capitalize on the characters of the world.

I'd request you don't be too hard on Vimes, I always had a soft spot for him. Perhaps Mc or Vetinari could sort of win him over with some kind of greater good speech. Perhaps he's trying to investigate/ keep an eye on you but can't move on you openly without evidence, culminating in him sending the ladies on the force as undercover agents and the more slimy cops as johns.

Cut me own throat Dibbler needs to be a shopkeeper.
No. It doesn't.
Holy shit he is i missed him i hope he doesnt dissapear again
Diskworld has a multitude of stories about the development of the 'x' industry and how it effects the world. Thus a story about Vetinari commissioning the development of the adult services industry fits fairly well into the setting. (though of course the guild already exists). Discworld also probably works better as an ensemble cast than a focused one and a brothel as a base works to that end as well. A by the numbers brothel game certainly wouldn't work though.

There should totally be a moving pictures related location/ questline.
Guild already existing is a perfect reason not to do your shitty idea, especially when combined with the fact it's boring as fuck. I'd rather literally run a the postal service instead.
When is 4house demo out?
Vimes is the best. He also has no reason to be against the "Seamstress" Guild, since prostitution isn't really illegal.
It's not my idea, I'm only defending that the idea works in terms of the setting better than most places I've seen it used really. I could be happier with another route as well but the business needs to be connected to sex so that the game isn't about sexing up all your postal/rail workers.
Nah. It would be better if the business not even remotely connected to sex and that the main character is just a man whore,
Actually know what.. it doesnt have to be a whore house. Or rather A house of Negotiable Affection.

It could be the Pink Pussycat Club referenced in the books. I.E. It's having problems due to the lack of new girls stripping so MC Is given the job of revitalizing it and goes for the "Happy Ending"

As for Vimes, I think having Vimes be Vimes for the first part of the game is fine. Like maybe Vetinari tells Vimes in his usual way to stay out of it yadda yadda, then finds out it was Vetinari all along. Also the use of Golems, Goblins etc it will be a fucking huge game. but with an ensemble cast it should be fun.
perhaps in another setting but not for Diskworld.
It being discworld doesn't change anything. You just have a terrible fetish.,

Sorry man, I didnt even see the post (I thought it was one of mine lol) and yes I do backgrounds as well.
do a background of an African Savannah water hole with animals, and a character of your choice dodging crocodiles
I assume these aren't in the game yet, and are just teasers? I'm unaware of the frequency that the pastebins get updated.
They're in the game. Version 0.11 has them.
link? The pastebin is only 10.c

Here's 0.11.10. It should be mostly bug free.
My dude.
Anyone have Soldiers Life 0.13?
Well there is the email :P either that or give yours, we can talk either for commisions or maybe collab, up to you
oh snap has this been updated?
no but in the next few weeks it will be
Do the witch trainer mods add a decent amount of sex content or is it all just cheats and fixes? Like did someone draw new cgs
There's new stuff, yeah. Even whole new characters from the original
Great, the silver mod is the all encompassing one right? I remember there being multiple
Silver doesn't really add new characters but is does add a few small CGs and some new favours. It also adds tutoring.
Is there a mod with more content then?
Actual sex content? Of course not.
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So even when compared to mods Princess Trainer was a one off miracle huh
It's OK if you want more content for WT scam crab will deliver!
Silver Edition doesn't have more sex CG's but it's got a fairly decent amount more favors and text, plus outfits and some other little bits that slowly get worked on.

Basically what it lacks in fresh artwork it makes up for in writing
What's better witch trainer or witch trainer silver?
I mean if you haven't played witch trainer maybe play it first but silver does add a lot of content to it, it's just not perfect.
Does any one have a link to latest versions of superpowered and the humbling experience?
the one in pastebin are dead.
Put death in this.
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The future is now.
Bitch Breaker 0.0013 is up.

>What's new?
Not a lot.
I added a new tier for the "Let me touch you." Favor.
Replaced the tits cg.
Added a few new scenes with existing npc's
Finally fixed the Mail Boss spelling error where he kept saying "Time to go hogie."
Bug fixes
Introduced new bugs
link for silver>?
Is this real?
you didnt answer yesterday, how much you got cucked?
is there a walkthru on how to get the scenes?
Sorry to hear about what I assume was a divorce. Good to have you back.
Obviously it was a nice try, since everybody believed it. Take advantage of tf's avatarfagging ONE TIME while he's banned and he gets all pissy lmao. That's what you get for doxxing a nigga. 4chan is dumb anyway.
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What the fuck happened to Fairy Tail Trainer? It's like a completely different game.

First it was just Snow, then there were all kinds of random characters thrown in, and now Snow's dead and I'm teaming up with Robin and some bloke named John to take over the kingdom. What the fuck? Am I supposed to play each "update" to completion to understand the story? Or has everything in past updates been retconned?
Lol, fuck this edgy ass avatar faggot.
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Now this is something I can get behind. Whats the premise?
Green feels like american military, the opposite that you want to do.
You are the son of a VIP german and a french woman. Both of your parents died shortly before the war, and of course eventually the city is invaded. While the new administration by the SS is starting to take over, the resistance contacts you and asks you to spy for them, telling you in advance that the SS will ask you to join their ranks. Soon enough they do, and from that point you need to balance your actions acting as a double agent. There are two routes, one with the nazis and one with the resistance, using your infiltration in the other side to your advantage.

Also each side has a plot inside it: In the german side the lower rank officers want to take over, while at the resistance they want to be the only resistance cell (each of the main girls in the resistance is the leader of its own cell)

both middle and right are feldgrau (the right one older and I dunno if it got to be used by SS uniforms) The middle one was pretty much the main SS uniform after the war broke out, while the black was used during peace time. Technically, they should be using the mid option, but the mid one is more recognized and will likely stick with that.
Correction: "but the black one is more recognized and will likely stick with that."
Wasn't the black uniformed used on controlled territory to be more intimidatory for the local population and resistence?
I don't have military history knowledge, so any words i will spout will probably be bullshit.
IIRC, they actually stopped using the black so they wont be confounded as civilians
The Homework favor is bugged.
although is not great research I pretty much went and read every wiki article about the SS uniform, like its historical usages and origins (like how it was black and used skulls because the old prussian kings guard used those symbols), usage, changes over time, etc. And used mainly real uniforms as reference (and a little of john smith from the man on the high castle).

Still I guess there may be details here and there that are not accurate, but tried to be as close as possible. Most of it is taken from photos from reinhard heydrich

The resistance... well, probably all of them are going to be using civilian clothing, so it wont be as fun to research.
Oh shit nigger, i was think you are trolling at first

Nigga already updated that shit too.
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Okay i already like it.
The writing for the game is fucking top notch. I just wish UE would work on it more. I get that he's not exactly making enough money from it to put that much into it but It's got tons of potential.
Why does the pastebin still list BB as inactive?
Yo, glad you're still around. I actually liked your stuff.
Best news in months
oh shit, its almost like updating the pastebin isn't a thing that happens instantaneously
it's already up in /weg/ pastebin. Really make me think.
Thanks! Quick request though, can you put the old builds in a folder, within the mega? As it is, megadownloader pulled each build by default.
still no 4houses :(

thankfully Feo will have an update soon ^^
anyone have Magus labs by Brozeks?
There's a reason why the most inactive game in development is always at the top.
Worst of all the dev doesn't come to 4chan anymore so we can't give him opinions. Doubt he's even still working on it
Hey mate, you got a trip we can call you? (Before you end up being called Nazi Guy)
Hey guys I remember in the old ____ Trainer threads threre were a bunch of links to Witch Trainer mods. Are they still a thing? I didn't see any of them mentioned in the pastebin.
Nevermind I found what I was looking for.
demo when?
Well we just released the info in our patreon, this is a side project of me (the artist) while the writer keep doing the content for DiCK.

So DiCK-Dev is fine


we hope 3-4 months
>Worst of all the dev doesn't come to 4chan anymore so we can't give him opinions.
Lol what? Maybe he doesn't come in stg(because it's fucking dead)
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Fucking hell yes
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Redesigned version of Danys, what do you think now? Don't tell anything about pupil's, will add them later.
I'm posting in in STG because in the game will be elemnt of training.
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Old one for comparsion
go with the middle one imho it looks really aesthetic
The improvement is extroardinary. Well done.

Really like the lips and eyes. Perhaps the waist slightly too skinny? That might just be personal preference though desu.
Left one is more memetic tho
Is the intension to make her authenic to the books, the show or your own version?

Overall I would really like the hair to be more pale.

In the show her eyes are smaller (could be fine leaving them big for more cartoonish effect)
She has a rectangled body shape instead of hourglass, and the breasts looks really natural (here it looks like she has had a breast surgery)
looks good bro
it's fine so now actually get on making something, shes been shown on here for months and months now

I really like the new design it looks pretty good
Better. Barely creepy anymore. It's still there, but just keep at it, and soon it might be gone totally.
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Nobleman's Retort
ehh I don't like rpg maker games that much even when I can cheat
super mom
the only one I could find was some shitty troll version? depression version? idk the dev is supposed to be a lagger huh
In Nobleman's Retort you literally don't need to fight anyone.
I actually really like Bitch Breaker. The writing has just the right mix of humor and story without just defaulting to meme shit and there's very little artificial grind. It's pretty much like a stripped down Akaber game without the bullshit timers and stuff. The arts honestly not that bad either. It's pretty great. Hope the guy actually finished it.
Yeah but it's still a RPG maker game where I have to walk around instead of being able to just click
Post more Galatea.
How do you even get sucked into a project with Tropic? That guy would be the worst partner.

Are you serious? This can't be real. Please let this be real. UE my sweet prince.
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>finally beat your boss in the gym
>choose to be a gentleman
>fedora out of nowhere
>One Winged Angel starts playing

Fucking lost it. Good game.
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You chose that option on first try? You have problems bro.
Lol wut? Where is this at?
Sometimes you can meet nigga security in gym.
He would ask you why did you come, this scene plays if you pick third option.
BB protag is /stg/ incarnate, a spoiled little asshole.
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>like a stripped down Akaber game
It's Akabur, my nigga.
Does his patch say "Incognegro"?
I doubt anyone here fucked their toys tho....right?
> that disappointment as the mc's dad walks in on him fucking skeletor
Feels bad bro.
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/toy/ here...

>>3. No "hot glue" fetish images.

There's a very good reason we have this rule on our board.
anyone got a link to dating my daughter 0.0.7?
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I just uploaded a quick update.

It's fairly minor so I'm simply replacing the last file.
>What's new?
Corrected a few more small errors and fixed the random gym scenes.
Fixed the final tier of the "Let me touch something" favor so the options display correctly.
Choosing the "Tease" option during the "Let me touch something" favor now greatly increases the Bitch's arousal level.

I'll be adjusting the stat degradation on the next build to make it more difficult to max submission quickly and I might add an additional Break Point for the next major build. I'm prioritizing the "Suck my cock" favor, though it may be fairly simple in the first iteration.
>tfw Bad Manners will never be finished & translated from cykarunes
anyone have a walkthru for latest version of Snow Daze?
Isn't that redhare guy doing this?
>v0.0.7 (2017/03/12)
>extra content
I am sure he has something in WWII or similar, but not the same project. I am not certain of what his game is about tho
He is creating a VN, more realistic adult story (which means limited fap material) with slightly strange art. The Cgs at least look half decent.

>tasteful and historical
>But you can expect a lot of BDSM, hypnotism, humiliation, etc.
Is it really tasteful then?
I guess my definition of tasteful is it wont be apologetic and will not have scat, guro, etc.
duck girl
Why keep it historical then? If you intend to use hypnotism or whatever? If it's just a bog standard fap game - does it matter if its historically correct?
Yeah, we've been thinking about how accurate it needs to be, but overall at least with the idea of views, ranks, equipment, etc.

Like, dont expect people wearing weird clothing or weird weapons like in valkyria chronicles
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>Is it really tasteful then?
Well it suits my tastes so i guess you could call it tasteful
solid logic there
interesting game
Since everything is suddenly reviving, does anyone remember that Fire Emblem porn game?
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WIP of the first twin, what you guys think?
You know, most of these games are closer to "Slut Trainer Games" rather than Slave Trainer Games.

A Slave is something you own, something that is fucking yours, something that cant fucking live without you, and when sexual should fucking beg for the dick by the end. Snow Daze was kind of cringey but atleast it understood this, now if only it didnt skip all the inbetween stuff.
hair is too huge
as huge as her ego.
what twin?
what game?

This >>1253104
Twisted Occupation will be a VN set in WWII tho
>No xstoryplayer
big hair
Super excited for the development of this.
Can't wait for the next favor, and when we finally get to fuck her ass.
Holy hell, I tried to get out of the whole "having a bunch of porn games on my computer" thing a while back, but this makes me want to jump in again. I'm interested to see where this goes.
What ever happened to the lewd house and TLHGDev did he just stop or am i missing somthing
Her hair is too unruly for her to be in a military. Tone it down a bit.
whats the best witch trainer?
There was a link to a pastebin with a bunch of 3dcg games that was posted a few threads back. Anyone still have that? I've looked, but I haven't been able to find it...
i like everything except the lines on each of the nipples, looks like they're sewn on
So I'm just making a game for fun, it takes place in a high school and I have three main characters so far but I'm having trouble coming up with things to blackmail them with. One is a goth chick, one innocent bookworm, and one popular girl. I'm having a total brain fart as to what could be big enough to start the corruption
Different for all three.
Goth chick wants to experiment with voyeurism/bdsm-style shit, gets more than she bargained for.
Bookworm girl is nervous about not knowing much about snusnu, so she goes to PC for help (maybe a childhood friend or some shit?)
Popular girl could be a blackmail thing. Maybe you've got evidence she's been doing something a little harder than beer and weed, but she doesn't want her parents to find out?

Fuck me, I shouldn't know these things.

Good shit senpai, loved the moment when you forced Emily to pay for both of you.
But there's a bug in one of the smartphone options. When you go to notes and to "rough up Emily" (or smth like that) you can read a note but you can't go back. Had to reload a game.
Also bought electric wand, cuffs and gag ball, left them for emily (a couple of times) but nothing happened
I'm really happy you actually discovered that it was possible to make Emily pay for you. When I implemented it, it was more of a thing of satisfying my autism, because I thought that everyone will rush through these events early on and not have her submission high enough for the option to show up.
The missing return link is now fixed, but I won't reupload only because of that.
Originally the rough scene with Emily was not planned to be repeatable. But somewhere I accidentally reset the progress of it. This is now semi fixed in the sense, that the scene is no longer repeatable, but apparently setting up the package still is. I'm contemplating changing that scene to straight up repeatable though. (in which case you won't have to by all the stuff every time you want to fuck her)
Got it on second play-through. Realised you can improve your physical and mental abilities with sheer training and reading. So it's better to pick 3 additional sills and spend around 28 days on maxing your stats. Although it made the game piss ass easy.
Also even after going downstairs and calling Emily you don't have an option to buy bilard table in furniture shop (unless you have 500$). Which kinda lead me off track, it would be nice to put at least greyed out options for items you can't afford at the moment.
Just curious but what are further plans with the gun, axe?
Will be there a possibility to fuck up with police by carrying weed everywhere?
Can anyone share Rogue-Like 0.972c ?
What's the difference between that and 0.962b?
New Zombie Life tomorrow
So not worth to make a new save then. okay
Sure, here you go:
Thank you!
Looks like she has monkey king sideburns.
thanks bro
I want to play Superpowered but last time I tried it seemed way too fucking saturated with options.
I'd. Fuck. Her
>BB protag is /stg/ incarnate
Old one was way better.
anyone can link me game about belle and beauty? U play as Gaston, anyone can tell me name?
Library Story.
All this time and the bitch breaker art is still fucking awful, utterly disappointing
>Maverick wrote a guide for scripting

Is there a guide on how to deal with the archives? is harder to make the decompiled witch trainer work than write an script
More like our version but based on the show and books of course.
We are. Next week I'll show some areas of the game.
Yeah, forget to fix it, thanks!
any other women? whats the basic premise? is it just a ren'py game because they are much better than shitty rpg maker ones
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Yeah, have a look on this sketches
Next week we'll tell more about premise, gameplay etc
It's ren'py, I don't like rpgmaker either
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Yes, I'm not that happy with the way stat increases currently work for the PC. They were originally thought more of a short term solution until you can get better stats as rewards for completing event chains. But if you have any other idea, I would be glad to hear it.
Greyed out options is a pretty good idea. You'll find them eventually when there's a next version.
As of now I'm working on an event where a thug racketeers the sex shop. You'll be able to intimidate him with the pistol, or fight him with the axe/knife. Of course you'll also be able to fight him with your bare fists, but that'll of course make the fight significantly harder.
Currently I don't have plans for you getting into trouble because of the weed, but it's a nice idea. Maybe I'll expand on it.
Jelly AF, I'm also working on a GOT game, and while the story is largely planned and coded, the art is way behind.
I'm impressed with the likenesses you achieved, they're clearly who they are meant to be.
What is the basics of the game ?

history gameplay chsaracters etc ?
The art looks good
He fucking wishes.
Thanks! Do you have any demo or something? Just curious
Patience my friend, patience
Make the tits slightly higher on the dragon lady one
>Thanks! Do you have any demo or something? Just curious
Not yet. I have enough material, story and code wise for a demo, but I haven't sat down to put the art together, so it'd be text based, and /stg/ haets noporn.
The pastebin users are slow on updating text only games.
The hair is a big no-no.
For SimBro how do I build the gloryhole? I see the customers' requests for one, but the option never pops up to do it.
It's an actual room you have to build and place a whore in.
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Yeah in one of the build squares, but i only see options for your bedroom, dorm, bedroom, maid's room, showers, security room, and staff room.
What is this and where is it from?
>For SimBro

what is that?
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Supergirl picture from stream.
So I figured out why, the personal bedroom option has replaced the gloryhole room in 2.1, but you still lose reputation for when people get mad at you for not having a gloryhole even though there is no option to build one...
Currently there's a choice between having more physical/mental points at the beginning or additional perks. How about instead giving points at the start, increase the maximum gap of points you can obtain during the game? Like 5 mental and 5 physical is your base and you can improve it to 7 each by reading/training, but by picking exact option at the beginning you can boost them up 9.
Or keep it as it is, but either lover the xp gain or make it more energy expensive so it won't be so easy to exploit.
Other than that? I dunno, make some excuse for why you can't find either Chloe or Emily in home. Like Chloe hangs out with their friends at the cafe, where you can join [spoiler]and fuck her in a toilet, or make her jack you off in public place[/spoiler].
Maybe make that friend from high school fuckable so Emily could get jelly over you.
Invite the geek guy to your house to play board games, invite Emily to play, her presence will make geek guy nervous because he's a sperg, you and Emily start to feel themselves while geek guy either don't notice or keeps composure, when he exits the room, you start fucking and don't give a shit if the geek come back or not.
Something with police, like the bald creep comes back with his bald big brother and tries to grope Emily again, so you buy drugs, drop them in his car/house/pocket, call cops and get rid of him forever.
Have you ever though about making a map and putting locations on it? Right now you can sometimes get into wrong place by accident. Of course you have to discover them first, and there's a risk of missing events.
Hey, I'm really surprised that people are still looking forward to this game. Currently, We're on a sort of hiatus. Me and my artist both have personal stuff going on and I kind of wish I had waited a bit longer to announce that we were doing this. It's not dead, but it will probably be a few months to get back to work on it. I realize that you're probably disappointed and I'm sorry for that, but the game will definitely be made, just at a gruelingly slow pace.
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Well she is ready for some action. Will add maybe stuff like an eye patch in the future and stuff. Hope you guys like it!
I do
I like the scar
Oh good. Glad you're still going to try to work on it,
She's cute.
These are great dude, I am hyped. Any chance of Melisandre? Or Arya?

And I don't know if you'd want any help, but I spent some time working on a GoT trainer game with what is I'm sure a similar premise before giving up due to my art being dogshit. I actually wrote a bunch of scenes and I can give you some ideas if you're interested. The setting lends itself perfectly to a trainer game, it almost kinda writes itself.
Why does she have sideburns? Reminds me of Quint in Jaws. Other than that, not bad.
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Guys, working a game, you've got a harem of girls and can acquire more, basically the same thing as PT, they're royalty, you've got to get them to the point where they do what they're told, marry who they're told, breed heirs etc.
I disliked Akubars 'training school' cop out, pay cash, lower willpower, I'd like to do something more involved so the grind is more enjoyable, but I'm not sure what could be done.
Pic related is a tree of non-sexual acts one of the women can be made to do, (there is a separate tree with sexual ones as well) where the previous act has to be performed several times successfully before moving onto the next, e.g. You have to make her clean her own room before she cleans other places in the castle, including public places, the kitchen, and the stables and kennels. If you have her at the point where she is willing to walk around naked in public and you've maxed out the cleaning tree, she'll clean areas naked, leading to groping, leering and general humiliation. The if you've got her to a point where she'll blow multiple strangers she could end up getting blowbanged behind the stables while naked.

How do you think you could gain that control without resorting to off screen training regime? In real life I suppose you'd just drug and rape them into submission, but that'd make a pretty narrow game.
tl;dr What can I replace the training school in PT with?
The easiest thing would be the public/private favors from WT. You tell her to do it, she either accepts or refuses. If it's something that can be quickly (eg. call the player a new name) she just does it, with some associated dialogue. If not (eg. cleaning another room), she does it and reports back.
Where's the new Zombies life?
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Sounds good, it's close to what I was thinking, you've just clarified it for me.

Ask her to clean her room, code a 1 in (say) three chance she'll say yes. You can only ask her to do one thing per day.
She says yes, add 1 cleaning point. She says no, leave for the day.
When cleaning points = (say) 5, you can ask her to do the new cleaning job, cleaning another room. Again, 1 in 3 chance to say yes, repeat until she is shoveling horse shit in the stables.

Same thing for sex, with potions you can have crafted raising the chance for success (you drug her/lower inhibitions, she's more likely to flash you or suck your cock, leading to full on sex, eventually).
At the same time, every new act attained adds 1 point to loyalty or something, and when it reaches a set amount she is your pliable fuckdoll, which you then have to decide to hand over to your employer or keep for yourself...
What program are you using to make your flowcharts with?
how is it going to be on the art department? can you draw? no text-based pls
Fuck yes.
Yeah, I can draw.
It's a one man show and I have a full time job, so it's slow going, plus I'm learning Ren'py as I go, but there is serious progress. I've got over 2000 lines of script, making about 30mins of play time (depending on how fast you read) across more than a dozen characters with branching dialog trees, so there are kind of two or three different conversations you can have with characters straight up, meaning different players have different experiences with the characters they meet.
I'd love to be able to hand off one aspect to someone else, either the coding to someone who knows what they are doing, working off my game script/dialogue and plot or someone draw the backgrounds, because I find them monotonous, but since I'm never going patreon, I'll never be able to pay someone, so it's all me.
Why is this thread so slow? Normally they're a lot faster.
Everyone's shitposting while masquerading as /pol/ in /weg/. No one's posting here.
-higher levels of repetition for certain acts (eg. you have to get more blowjobs pre-sex, than handjobs pre-blowjob)
-sometimes you may have to attempt something and fail before you can succeed. eg. she has to refuse sex, storm off, before you can bribe/force her into sex
-repetition improves likelihood of success. eg. if you have to repeat blowjobs three times before sex, the first time is a 1/4 chance, the second is 2/4, the third is 3/4, then after that it's 4/4 chance

Sounds good otherwise
>Lady Cersei
Wait, is this the GOT trainer game that was mentioned a few months back involving you as a mercenary for Stannis?
Nothing really going on bro
Uh...maybe. I've been working on it a lot behind the scenes, but I also became a dad recently so the little fella takes up a lot of time. Totally worth it though.

Good thoughts, thanks. I've just incorporated ->repetition improves likelihood of success. eg. if you have to repeat blowjobs three times before sex, the first time is a 1/4 chance, the second is 2/4, the third is 3/4, then after that it's 4/4 chance

Working on Cersei now, she'll be the main character you deal with, but most major female characters are plotted and slated to appear as options, some you have to track down and capture before you can interact with them (brienne, arya, catyln, probably script a mission where you steal Myrcella back from Dorn so you can force her to fuck her mother).
Is there any GOT females not on this list people would like to see?

Olenna (but totally turned into gilf with fuckhueg juggs)
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Lyanna Mormont,
Uh, well, it's going to be a free game with no way to prove who made it. I guess i could sneak in some loli.
I can't get arrested if I post a link here and let you guys distribute it, right?
Is Bitch Breaker worth playing? It looks interesting and I want to know if there's any actual content before I bother downloading it. Can you actually fap to it or is it another shitty grind game with crappy rpg mechanics and puzzles and shit?

Another would be a punish system. As a general idea: More normal stuff/missions. Small chance she e.g. breaks something important. Player can now choose to give her a punishment. Could be cleaning the room with a toothbrush (a classic), one week in darkness, a change in food level for the normal one and something more lewd as an alternative. Depending on her stats she would choose one of them (or a third one) if she does the lewd one or the normal one.
The normal one would increase her fear an thus lower the chance for her to pick it again.
The lewd one would increase her submission, and rise the chance that she will choose a lewd one again/choose the next lewd one.

Player would balance between
i) Value of her problem
ii) Value of her normal punishment
iii) Value of her lewd punishment

If the player overvalues her problem and forces her to choose between two unacceptable there probably should be some repercussion, so it's not possible to choose the harder punishment and a low lewd one. [A solution could be something like a popularity value. Under the assumption that the player is something like a king, he would have to also balance an economic side. Basically: Peasants -> Money (depending on tax rate and popularity) -> Can be used to buy new buildings (e.g. royal stables), items (used for punishment) and mischiefs (paying someone to make her fuck up). Tax rate has influence on popularity. Too low popularity will result in a Game over so. Misjudging the values would result in having to lower tax and thus getting less money for mischiefs towards her. Slowing the game a little bit down, hopefully without forcing grind.
Also I hope the tree is not fixed and should allow some variance. I.e. make cum feeding more akin to a punishment than a food tier.
Exactly. Also incest. Aint no game of thrones without it.
I don't actually watch GoT. Who's hot?
Amazing input, thanks so much for sharing, senpai. I'll look over these ideas, see what I can do with my limited renpy knowledge. The chance to break something and a punishment system is inspired.

>Exactly. Also incest. Aint no game of thrones without it.
Already planning on letting you breed and marry your own daughter if you play your cards right.

Olenna is not hot. She has a face like a dried up dog turd was set on fire and put out with a shotgun loaded with forks.
But I'll make her a hot, classy, super-jugged gilf for that simulated mommy action.

So hot doesn't really count. They'll all be hot when I'm done with them.
It's pretty funny tbqsenpai with you
Is this your first game?
>free game
a noble effort, but if you are trying to keep out of legal trouble, beware of the temptation to make a patreon. Otherwise, you may have to take out ALOT of things or make fake disclaimers
>breed and marry your own daughter
Do you have a sister or mom as well?
No, Olenna is simulating the mom angle.

MC is the most badass warrior merc general ever seen on either side of the Narrow Sea. He doesn't travel with his family, he doesn't know his family. Think Guts, but with a better beard. His family is probably long dead. As you play there will be chances to relate your backstory to various characters. The options are varied, and whatever you choose will be your backstory, and may differ from other players.
the example I gave of this earlier was that Gregor Clegane is dead. When asked about his death you can choose to say that you killed him in single combat, his body was found burned and floating in Blackwater bay, or a company of your merc soldiers pin-cushioned him with crossbows. Whatever you choose will be remembered and referred to at later points in the game. You might encounter a new character and they will say they've heard of you, you're the guy who slew the mountain, so long as you picked that option earlier.

The daughter will be your offspring with one of the previously listed females. It'll either be random or you will be allowed to choose who to impregnate.

Can't do it senpai, if I got caught making this shit my real life career would be over. Not worth it. It'll be free and stay free. That also means I can put whatever fucked up shit I want in there.

Yes. I know I'm aiming big, which is why I've partitioned each character into their own files. I can work on one thing at a time and not get carried away. If I can't deliver any one particular thing I've planned for, the rest won't be held up.
Sounds great. Can you make said daughter with mc's mother?
Ah I get you. So depending on backstory we might get different reactions from different people.
MC's mother is long dead, and a non-factor. An older lady from GOT is there for the mom vibe, but clearly isn't actually his mother.
No reason you couldn't have knocked her up though.
Yeah. You might have a history like Gutts, a war orphan found by a company of soldiers before you rose to control your own in adulthood.
You might be the son of disgraced nobility that fled across the narrow sea before becoming a merc yourself.
One of the options is to basically be Beowulf, which explains why you are such a BAMF.
Fuck yeah. No worries if you can't incest up the family tree, you can incest down it. Daughter is good too. Marrying her, even better. You're also adding loli? And not taking shekles? Nice.
Now this sounds like game of thrones. Can you choose who to impregnate? And marry?
How much actual game is there? Pretty much every wip game from the pastebin has just been crap writing with tons of hoops to jump through before I get any actual fap material.
So, can I assume you're new to programming?

I'm sorry, but that sounds hugely overambitious in general. I obviously don't know you, but you should definitely cull the content down hard.Aim for a single character with some small backstory and the game mechanics working. You can expand on all necessary aspects later.
You're not wrong, it's a lot. I'm working on Cersei first for a release, since she is the most botchy and defiant, then if I'm still motivated, I'll work on the other women. Cersei will have the most content regardless.
Being new to programming sucks because I only have a few ways to achieve what I want. A lot of Renpy documentation assumes you understand other concepts first, making it opaque to the casual user.

No art yet, so no fapping for you senpai.
The art, while time consuming, is something I know I can do. the coding is the real hurdle. If I did all the art then found out I hated coding I would have wasted my time. This way I get the hard part out of the way and use drawing art as motivation.

In terms of actual gameplay completed, you meet with Melisandre after winning the battle of blackwater bay. She gives you your new commission (break the noble ladies) before letting you loose on the castle. You start in the throne room and can visit the maester's tower (meet pycelle) the hand's tower (meet Tyrion) the dungeons (who is down there?) go to the lady's rooms (meet cersei), small council chamber (meet Varys and Littlefinger) go to the courtyard to visit the kitchen, the stable, the kennels, go into town to visit a sept, a brothel, the docks and the markets.

All this is scripted and functioning already. Pretty much every location allows you to corrupt and fuck some woman, be it an orphan streetrat, a septa in training, the fishwife etc.
I was asking about Bitch Breaker.

I'm not really going to get excited for another massive wip with huge ideas and a couple sketches. I'd rather get a small finished game than another big mess that gets abandoned.
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Who the fuck is writing all this shit? And you know it's majorly suspicious that this ambition comes at the ass-end of most people's spring break, with walls of texts on St. Patty's Day, right? Among other warning signs. I'm glad you're excited and all, but be realistic before disappointing yourself, nevermind this the shitlords in this rathole.
>comes at the ass-end of most people's spring break, with walls of texts on St. Patty's Day
>The whole world is America

Cool story bro
It's the most populous Western country. Eat a dick, nigga.
At this point I bet 90% of these posts are just anons shiing their games and shitting on competition.
You realized that he mentioned he is making this game for free
Does that mean Cersei will have the most content overall or just for your first release?
Doesn't matter. Maybe it's a pride thing. Maybe he'll monetize later. Why do fags on /v/ respond to their own posts about why Samus's blue suit sucks? Only the mods know who posts what.
Nice armchair psychology
Both. She's got the most in depth 'breaking' planned, and she'll be a test run for my grander ideas. If I can get her done, I can definitely do all the other stuff I have planned.

And to all the critics and detractors: You make good points. At this point I'm just some anonymous niggerfaggot who is saying stuff people want to hear.
BB isn't bad. Some of the art isn't great, but the writing's pretty good and the overall style of the game is charming. I think it has like 2 main favors in it but there's a good amount of content.
BB is garbage tho
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But you are full of "nigga"

56% "white" but that includes all the brown muslims, America is probably 30% white and falling.

On Topic

>Random numbers pulled out my ass
I really hope you make this game, it's like my dream game.

That being said, don't aim too high. Make a working game with 1-2 girls to start, then expand outward and add new content as you go.
Just name your kids Hector and Tyrone so they fit in and stop being so upset, you chose to live in a black and brown country
Why Hector?
So what about bb that you all hail it? How much content does it have?
BB is like 1/3 of Witch Trainer with better writing and worse art. Make of that what you will.
New proof of concept Lewd House game. Only about 2 weeks of work on it so far and no adult content yet. So far a bit better than that one posted months ago.

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7mrciunysr0eit/Lewd House.zip?dl=1

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elerneron
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Oh, and here's a screenshot of it so far.
I remember the dev refused to post in /stg/ because it was about slave training and his concept didn't seem to include it. Which is how OP got the:

>THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

Good ol' times of content draught (that never ended).

If you're a dev, can you answer whether there will be loli content?
I just played BB for the first time.

What I like
There's more scene variety and scenes change based on like 4 stats that change and affect mood.
The writing is pretty great and the npcs are all pretty cool.
It makes good use of retro themes and music, and it's got a lot of references to stuff from the 80s.

What I dislike
It's definitely not finished. Faces sometimes don't display right and some options don't work.

Honestly the arts not bad at all. It's not amazing but it has a coherent style that makes its crappiness more charming than anything.

I'd say it's probably the closest to Akabur's type of games from all the new wip games. Overall it's pretty fun and I'm looking forward to what the dev does with it.
Not the dev, just posting this here. The dev DID post all this on the F95 forums and in the genre's had this: "Genre: Exploration, Lifesim, Incest, Lolicon, Shotacon, Impregnation, Parody (Bestiality later?)"
Ok, thanks dude, bless your heart
Its the same dev that posted here months ago or is a another person.
That looks like a pic made in photoshop not an actual game

Also why are they making such a shit looking game? They clearly have skill but it's wasted on this weird kiddie crap
Where's TrainerFan?
killed himself since he failed the deadline, good ridance
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Got banned, he's probably gonna korraposting probably next week.
>Make a working game with 1-2 girls to start, then expand outward and add new content as you go.
Will do senpai, thanks for the kind words.
If you get stuck just ask

Lots here can code the basics, some even more but they tend to have their heads up their behinds
Not heading out tonight and am bored......

I'm guessing that 4 houses hasn't come out and that there is nothing new to play?
Doxxing tropic
ah it was him? not surprised autismo chan was him i guess...
I think he just used the links ac provided.
>tfw meta bordello doesn't have anything in it yet.

just kill me senpai.
did the cuck of tropic left already then?
>wanting anything in that
>thinking su will ever have sex besides blueberry
Who cares? Fuck both of them.
whats the cheat shit again?

[spoiler]why the fuck is talia so shit[/spoiler]
Dropbox link is down temporarily, anyone got a Mega for this?
It is 100% made in photoshop.
Will do. I've already got a heap of help here, it's better than any forum, at least here I'll get a response fairly quickly, and people are pretty free with whatever code they cobble together.
Any games with pissing?
Make your own. Simple dialog choices aren't hard to write. I learned the basics of Renpy in a few hours.
BB probably will. UE was talking like he might add it to the bj scene the last time he was on.
Do people want this? It fits with the humiliation theme of these games, but wouldn't it turn some people off?
Whoa Whoa, don't listen to this guy! He's just told you to add grind to your game. you don't need it. you've already proposed adding so much content you don't need the stalling tactics.

If you're really creating a power fantasy, then you want the player's actions to have resounding influence. if the player's conquests are matters of chance, then you've taken something out of the player's control.
>wouldn't it turn some people off?
Doesn't stop bazillions NTR games from existing and it's probably the most polarizing fetish.
Honestly I don't get people being afraid of pissing on the maledom game thread.
Yes it would turn most people off. If you include it make it optional.
It's on f95.
where is the 4 houses?
lyanna mormont
i want to facefuck a resting-bitch-face loli into a sloppy mess
She's been added to the list famalam
same place as the last couple of years, solely in the mind of a fraud
Hey all, just a small update, my computer is pretty much sitting on me after 9 years, I'm on an old laptop I have just in case of emergencies. But My art output is gonna be negligent for a while.

at least through the computer, I will be working on stuff with paper and pencil though. Anyways, I will be in contact with people who have emailed me previously to help put out stuff for games and such..

BUUUUTTTT, If anyone wants to help me get a computer faster they can either subscribe to my patreon or donate on my paypal at [email protected]. Though no one certainly is obligated to, just threw it out there on the off chance.
What art output?
What do you do?
I used to work with Tropic on Supermom, But now he has a new artist.

As for what I did, I could do cleanups original work colors anything really.

And Mostly my output was commission/ Supermom stuff, But I am working on the Discworld Trainer..... But as an allusion to the books, I might call it.... The Training Fantastic... or something.. I dunno I'm not a writer....

Any writers who enjoy Discworld here?
Call it "Rimming Rincewind"
Dickworld obviously.

A disc shaped world on the top of 4 giant Ballsacks, on the top of a Giant Penis floating through space... The Great Ass'Doin

Make it have incest otherwise that title doesn't work
Why are you replying to yourself?
You going to join up with dicdev?

Dunno Maybe, We'll see
Is Broken Heart Bordello any good? I loved Princess Trainer but Witch Trainer was a huge disappointment.
I wasn't

I do believe you are the same person who defends artguy no matter what is said about him though. But then you've had several years practice at it.
Are there any mirrors for Bitch Trainer and the Iris mod? All the ones I can find are for kickass.
Very linear story, I personally think it's pretty good, although not much porn in it.
Is it completed? Looks like it's being done in chapters.
Did you see where he posted his email for you?
>I wasn't
But you did,
Completed 500 lines more of code, allowing you to command her to clean various places in the castle, depending on how rebellious she is.
Working on outside the castle next.

Yes I did.
We are already in communication.
Anyone want to brainstorm a Fallout stg? You'd probably start in a vault with a few test subjects, and you have to lure more in. VaultTec has given you certain deadlines/milestones to meet, such as producing x babies or reducing someone to a slut in a certain time frame.

You have to defend from raiders and supermutants, so you have to build up defenses and not spend all your time raping the subjects.
its not the same dev believe it or not
Simple. Change muntants into different types of monster girls, monster girl fall out. You're a human male in world of savage monster girls and your job is to fuck them all and build an empire
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>Drink cum and piss
>Eat pigs trough mud
Man, I know Cersei is a bitch but I am not that mean yet. These are the things I would make Joffrey do
Well you can always make her fall in love with you instead. The more extreme content will be optional.
Use the vats system
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please respond
I mean is the iris mod really necessary now that PT gold is out?
Is the mod an addition to the old version? I thought it was for Gold.
Bitch trainer came out roughly around the same time as witch trainer and combined PT and WT into one game.

PT gold came out about a year after BT.
Has there been a leak of Feodosiy's test version of his WT mod ?
>Has there been a leak of Feodosiy's test version of his WT mod ?
Is he the guy that's adding the shittily drawn angels to WT?
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Well disregard my request then
Is 4 houses out yet?
I'm pretty sure the same person is asking this over and over again at this point.
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Isolde 3v.jpg
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Fixed her eyes and removed the pig tales, I think she looks way better now
Looks like an evil bitch. If that's what you're going for then it's good.
yep, he is the most evil of the 4 reich girls so im glad it shows
Eh, she's good either way
>10 siblings
is his family mormon?
>removed pigtails
they looked like shit
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30KB, 162x176px
cute bulge
yeah, couldnt do it properly, may fix it later (aka is not a bulge but the ligthing didnt work pretty well)
Steven Universe trainer where you play as Greg
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