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/egs/ - El Goonish Shive - Kitty Edition

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Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 81

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> What is El Goonish Shive?
A webcomic. The early years were awkward and sketchy, but it's grown into something awesome in the last fourteen years.

> Why is it in /aco/?
Loads of fetish material and a Patreon-funded pin up blog. The thread image is an edit of one of those pin ups. The comic is still technically worksafe, but our discussion of it isn't.

> Any links I should know?
egscomics is the main page. egspinups is the Patreon-funded art at Tumblr. egs-edits, also at Tumblr, takes pinups, sketchbook entries, and comics and makes pretty good nude edits. There are a few good fics at AO3 as well, but any drawfags, writefags, or editfags that want to hop on the train are encouraged to.

And, not to forget, rule34 paheal for a porn archive.


archived here: http://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/1092022/

and, the one previous to that:
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>The thread image is an edit of one of those pin ups.

Whelp. I screwed that part up. Sorry. Correction:

We are hoping that panel gets some edits ...

The OP pic-related is a hi-res single panel from the current story arc of EGS-NP. EGS-NP ( http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php ) is a second comic the author runs in parallel to the main comic ( http://www.egscomics.com/ ) ... sometimes the content is canon to the main story, sometimes it isn't and Dan Shive just uses it to 'blow off steam' and get other misc. debris out of his brain.

The current arc _IS_ canon and the events are, of course, part of the main story.

The character, Kitty, is new to the EGS universe and was introduced in this EGS-NP arc. Will we ever see Kitty again ..? Some of us, at least, hope so. But, she will probably be peripheral, at best, like a number of other delicious characters.

Start the current arc (which is now in its 4th chapter) here: http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=490 ... only about 100 pages ago.
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EGS-Edits was kind enough to do something with that final panel for our viewing pleasure. URL on the pic-related.

Visit the desuarchive link in OP for other such efforts. The system malfunction we had at 4chan last week deleted quite a number of images in the official /aco/ link for the previous thread.
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That's a weak opener, OP.
Here's a few more images.
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We really need some fresh content, aside from pinups and edits.
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It was unnecessary to start the new thread so soon. The old one has a week or two left in it. Now we've cluttered the board with our faggotry for that week.
also of note is that there are more reasons then just repeating a year for someone to be one year older then the norm for their grade. Myself and a couple others in my graduation class had either not been enrolled in kindergarten immediately or had to participate in 'pre-first grade' a sort of in between of first grade and kindergarten for those with some behavior issues.
Ehhh, it's past the bump limit, probably getting archived in a few days.

I think the funniest thing for me is that kitty goes from making eye contact with goth platonic friend to having her eyes straight at the boobs of the now-catgirl friend.
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>a few days.
Not a few minutes, or even a few hours. For like a week, we're being obnoxious with our extra threads.
It's already on page 10, dumbass.
>Huge-titted catgirl meido
Fanart WHEN?
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Give it some time
I wonder if drawing with a boner is difficult
Pic unrelated, just posting stuff from the sketchbook
Is EGSedits ded? it hasn't updated in forever
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So, uh...how exactly do we immigrate to the El Goonish Shiverse?

Dan asked for someone to stop him before he makes another storyline with those two. No one stop him. In fact, try to encourage him.
Lets hope he includes them in his Patreon polls.

The term is emigrate because in this case, the speaker exists in the universe that is the source rather than the destination.
Both are correct. Immigrate is entering another country. Emigrate is leaving a country. Immigrate sounds a bit better in this context though.

Immigrate would be if someone was coming to our universe. Since it is discussing someone leaving our universe and going to another, the term emigrate is the correct usage.
If I knew I wouldn't be here, posting on a Cantonese calligraphy board.

I prefer "Goonishverse," if you will. Say it out loud. It's silly fun.


"Immigrate" means "leave the place I am in and immigrate into another." Usually "immigrate to."

"Emigrate means "leave that place over there and emigrate into this place." Usually "emigrate from."

Either can be used, depending upon the situational perspective defined in the context of use.

"How do we immigrate to the Goonishverse?" is perfect usage.
You immigrate _to_ somewhere, and you emigrate _from_ somewhere.
If you're going somewhere, you are not emigrating to or from that place.

Migrate. Migrate is the word y'all are looking for.
Migrate to the Goonishverse.
That sounds way better.
I don't ship Tedd/Elliot... There's friendship, and then there's pic related. Though I think Elliot just isn't into guys ever (in this universe), and that's fine.

Also I would ship Justin before Noah anyway, except Justin finally got thrown a really nice bone (ha!)

I must be getting soft, because I really like that Kitty's first priority is whether he's okay and trying to help. Good way to make the cute fetishist even more likeable.
If someone here is in the patreon or in contact with Dan, tell him we need pin-ups of that catgirl. Preferably a full transformation scene too.
I like it.
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>A lot of people have also said they want to see Felix and Kitty's story continue. I don't believe it should right away, but mostly because this storyline (and the related one before it) have been going on for a really long time, and if I do a storyline with Felix and Kitty, I want to write it well in advance.
>In short, it'll happen eventually, but there'll be some other things before then.

Good job everyone.
> it'll happen eventually, but there'll be some other things before then

And this anon is OKay with that situation. Quite a number of Goonishverse threads I want to see some progress on before he invents an entire new arc.

Also, if anyone has the ability to suggest out loud to Dan ....

Felix / Felicia. Because, Reasons. Assuming that Dan hasn't already come up with something that obvious.

Felicia the Catgirl.

It just sings.
>"male-to-female transformations are GREAT.. unless the person actually WANTS to be a girl.. then they're just gross hurr durr"
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Tried something with microsoft paint since the sequence didn't go far enough. If anyone can fix feel free. I don't like the nips at all.
They could be a bit fuller/softer, but I'd also question being seen at that angle at all.
I started reading the comic because of OP's image, I'm up to comics from year 2012 and I'm already feeling the dread knowing I'm more than half way through the archives.

either way this comic was not the commitment I expected from a porn thread on a chinese temporary image host and discussion board
I started around the time of the magickal gatherings tournament because someone was posting images on /tg/
I would have loved to follow it since the deviant art tier beginnings and see it mature by my side
EGS is almost as old as its characters are. I've been reading it that entire time, and there are other webcomics that I've been reading for even longer.
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Ah, good ol' sketchbook posts
It's been almost a year since the last update... Fug
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That last panel makes me really happy.
how long before the irst fanfic ya think.
it's okay to be Takai
If there doesn't already exist one, then I'd bet on 'within two days'.
Such a great strip, too naff is ruined by that commentary
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Dan "our guy" Shive
Ech, his style failed on the sideways eyes here.
Yeah, not sure why he doesn't just copy the (particularly SFW) pinups there just to keep it in use.
>Yet another trans character
Us regular old perverts need representation too!
Two seconds longer, and those hands would not have been as visible.
I can only think of three, including Tedd who's an edge case of uncertainty. Everyone else flipping genders don't have a strong preference.
I think that it is easier to make them Trans if you somehow want him to want to stay on that form.
Damn it why are they clothed? Shive you can't do anything right.
If you didn't want so many characters with a larger or smaller interest in being other genders, you probably shouldn't have chosen a comic by a person with a pronounced transformation fetish.
Three (not counting Grace) in the past... three months? When was Sam introduced?

>Crush is a lesbian, and likes being so
>Plot power makes spell permanent/useful
>Just has a fetish for it
>Gets tangled up in a web of lies involving their gender
>Part of a bet/deal
There are tons of other ways.

I have a transformation fetish too, anon. Why would I read this otherwise?
I'm going to assume you prefer other sorts of transformations?
Nope. TG is one of my biggest fetishes - I just like it purely in an erotic sense, as opposed to the wish-fulfillment style that's become associated with the concept of real-life transsexualism..
sam was... a while ago, that was around the tournament arc
not that anon but gotta admit, I went the full circle starting with ranma it was fun, then a fetish, then wish fulfilment, then I got to read a fuckton of material like that on the internet and now I kinda miss the freshness of just having gender changes be wacky

That or I guess, it hits a bit close to home. I really like that eliott is getting more comfortable with his female form a lot but I'm not that intrested in what tedd's going through right now.
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Speaking of Ranma, I find it funny I had sort of the same experience with that series as Ashley
Tho in my case, it was with the anime
That's funny, I read the first four volumes of the manga and stopped because I realized I hated every single motherfucker in the comic and didn't care what happened to them
I would have liked it if shit ever progressed, but alas
Honestly, for me it's mostly just "this appeals to my interests/fetishes" and a lot of nostalgia
I'm kind of bummed /co/ hates egs but at least this general is good for discussion.
I'd like it if egs ever fucking progressed too.
at least it's not going to end unless dan has an accident
it's his life's work and his escapism
So we can all agree that Diane is the best character right? Her normalfaggotry is really refreshing in this godforsaken degenerate comic.
I still prefer Eliott, Ellen and Sarah.
They're pretty normal by the comic's standarts but they are used to the weirdness and have their few own deviant quirks.
Diane is harder to identify with since she's stillnot in the know at all.
>Bitching about that on 4chan
Wop, please.
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Speaking of Diane - do we have any headcanon fetishes for her yet?

Besides "Nanase".
Sounds like I struck a nerve my dude
At least I like the characters who are getting nothing done.
I found I burnt out on gender-transformation as a stand-alone thing fairly early. However still find it makes a lot of other things hotter when mixed in.

>That or I guess, it hits a bit close to home
You know theres that thing where you get convinced 'real' trans women aren't into tg fetish and stuff like that.

And then you find the correct corner of the internet with people you know are IRL trans girls and their discussions alternate between transition and their favourite fictionmania story.
All I can see her really getting into is bondage, particularly as the bound one.

She might be up to experimenting with some magic stuff like TG or sizeplay, though.
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The thrilling conclusion!

These two have some very interesting reactions.
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Diane is for multiple stratas of dom/equality swtching.
Topmost personality is lapha bitch packleader, under that she's an honest femina normie.
Then in a relationship she takes a gentle femdom role, thinking she's very dom for it despite being very soft.
Under that she's embarassed that what she considers kinky is entry tier fetish and tries being a bit of a sub while getting introduced to the rope and things like that.
[spoiler]And final layer is when you flip her switch while playing with wax and end up with hard femdom and her not giving an inch away unless you're out of the bedroom.[/spoiler]
Bet you anything that's what happened with Dan himself.
Imagine what would have happened if he read Simoun instead.
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Stop telling lies. /co/ is an advertising platform for the film industry. It doesn't have human generated opinions on webcomics, just any threads that compete w/ movie/tv threads.
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So when is Dan gonna deliver on this one?

I've been making this request for a long time.

As far as Dan doing something canon with it, I think the hesitation is writing it up with respect to how Ted will behave & react. Keeping in mind that, as far as canon that we know is concerned, I believe Ed is still married to Ted's mom, even if she is off on another continent being one of the most bad-ass magic-user/hunters on the planet.

Probably the thing that gives me some disappointment at this time is that Ted has grown up enough to handle a lot more than his dad is giving him credit for. Clearly, Dan is portraying Ted as a young man with issues. But, fucking come on already. He's old enough and he has matured enough with his friends ... and then you have to compare what his alternates have become in other universes.

tl;dr -- Ed is coddling Ted far too much. He should just show up at the homestead one night with Lavender. "Ted, give us some space tonight. You and I will discuss this later." Ideally with Lavender hanging off of Ed, glowing with happiness.
In the Zombie Survival storyline, there's one panel with Lavender's tail wrapped around Ed's shoulders. Dan made the storyline canon FOR THAT ONE PANEL.
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In the last thread, I brought up "the age question", but never clarified. What I meant was:
If Tedd can transform into a "non-time of the month girl" at any point, can he transform into a girl at a different age than himself? Is it a time-based thing?

<--- The TF gun can do it at least.
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Also hadn't realized that the Sarah/Grace/Tedd threesome was teased this far back.

>ANYWAY, panel one of this comic is what ultimately made me decide to officially declare this storyline canon. For reasons.
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>the tail wrapped around his shoulders in that first panel
>"Gotta go. Bye!"
>call abruptly ends
This is all shaping up rather nicely if you ask me.
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Greg looks so goddamn good in V5
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Also, female squirrel Dan is a cutie
YEAH she is.
And not for being a tittymonster. Uh, maybe more for being an occasional party animal. Relatable morning-after expression.

Wow, I never noticed that. Maybe there is hope.

No pic, just a clip from a Michael Jackson music video... I considered transformation a minor fetish personally, but this caught me off guard. Thoughts?
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My dick remains still but my sides were caught off-guard by the redheaded girl turning into that black dude

I hated everyone in Ranma too.

Lets take Shampoo for instance. She beats up on Ranma, turns herself into a cat right in front of him knowing full well he's afraid of them and she even tries to blackmail him by making him unable to change back to a male by making him hypersensitive to water temperature...

And yet she EXPECTS him to jump right into her arms? Let's not forget she has a guy who already loves her like she was the last woman on Earth, and treats him like shit.


AND I hated that as well. Never any character growth. Its just the same stagnant status quo
That was her Grandmother who got Ranma sensitized to water temps so she couldn't change back to a guy. She had a way to reverse it available if Ranma agreed to marry Shampoo.
dubs confirm
I just realized that Tedd rhymes with Ed. Bravo Dan.

Honestly, I think that was kinda the point. By introducing a bunch of unlikeable douchebags into an overly-complicated love triangle there was sort of this parody of will they-won't they stuff, which took a back seat anyway to the wacky situations and goofy characters. There's basically no reason for any characters to like any other characters, so the point is you're supposed to laugh when stupid shit happens to them.
Naw, it wasn't a parody of overly complicated romance plots. The woman who wrote it started out doing it because she was a bored stay-at-home housewife. She wrote it to BE an overly complicated romance plot. And she liked the way the characters interacted. Whether a person finds the characters unlikable or not is up to them. The fact I don't like any of them doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Poof cat girl maid!
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So has anyone read Friday's comic? Pic related, its Friday's comic.

Can we get a cutout of that last panel? It seems useful.

Well why *isn't* he banging Susan? Honestly!
Fucking THANK YOU!

Seriously, I was waiting for something to pop up when they started that show, and even had a few pics commissioned based on what I thought
To happen; Susan's hormones suddenly smack her right between the eyes and she jumps him on that couch.

The set up was right fucking there!
Also, as someone who uses Ranma 1/2 as fetish fuel and is somewhat a nostalgic fan of same, I would like to say that there are a lot of reasons to hate the characters, but it depends on how seriously you take the series as a whole, and how much leeway you're willing to give the over-simplified and drawn out cliches.

Akane smacking him and calling him a pervert, being a jealous/abusive bitch can be understood, considering she was assaulted for 3 months by a bunch of wannabe rapists, who didn't care that she whipped ass every time.

Then one guy shows up, beats the leader and they say, "We give up, he's officially claimed you now, even though he's acting like he never wanted it and didn't even try to attack us."

She was terrified, insulted, disrespected, and wasn't even allowed to save herself. Her behavior becomes a bit more understandable at that point.

She still needs to take a long, tall drink out of a Shut The Fu-Cup, but it's very easy to take her character away from being one of the worst Tsundere's ever. And that's true for ALL of the Ranma characters.

>Hilariously, a friend told me that Princess Leia is how you PROPERLY make a Tsundere.
I like today's update. Private interactions between Elliot and Ellen are always cute.
I prefer shampoo anyway.
Mostly because she's got a litany of relationship and personal issues that make relationships in general and physical relationships specifically difficult.

Remember first that Susan was raised by a harpy who drilled into her head from an early age that men are scum who will only try to use you. She's realized the error of this line of thinking and is trying to move past it into a more egalitarian version of feminism, but it's still a work in progress.

Another thing that she is trying to move past is the fact that she doesn't like to be touched in general. I dunno how familiar you are with the act of sex, but it usually involves touching each other.

And anyway, I believe she's outright said that she has little or no actual sex drive.

TL;DR: She's kinda broken a little, and in ways that make her unlikely to seek or offer sexual gratification.

Oh, and also on Elliot's side of things: Dude, he wouldn't fuck Sarah, and that was part of the reason Sarah broke up with him. If he wasn't going to make it with a girl who was actually down with the D, then what makes you think he'd fuck a girl who has intimacy issues, hates being touched, and has speculated she's probably asexual?
Well said. Perhaps one day they'll be a viable couple in canon, but until then, it isn't going to work.

Also keep in mind that Elliot has an intense fear of knocking a girl up, likely because of his mom.
Yeah, if you want there's something despicable about every character (though some like Akane certainly have decent justification for their faults), so a lot of the question is if you find their gag funny. Really, the only characters in that show I actually hated were Happosai and everybody connection with Martial Arts Tea Ceremony. Why did they keep bringing that stupid thing back...?

Anyway, with regards to the latest EGS I'd say Elliot should actually read *more* internet comments. His magic is already geared towards self-transformation. If he keeps getting angrier in a glowy way like this it's only a matter of time until he unlocks a female Super Saiyan transformation.
Isn't the glowy shit a power he had from the beginning? Ivoking his inner demons something like that?
That was a power Dan planned to give him, but later decided not to implement because it went too far in the Painted Black direction of tone, so he made it a general "hates hates HATES bullies" thing. Plus artistic licence.
Judging by the commentary, there's no demons but the glowing is probably literal. Anime style martial arts are a hell of a drug.
Last panel is great.

But wouldn't make more sense people thinking that Ellen is cheerleadara?
>you will never be a cute soft girl and cuddle with other cute soft girls

why does the world suck so badly
So the moment we make it un-suck will feel even better
[spoiler] not being a cute girl still sucks, tho [/spoiler]
>speculated she's probably asexual?
Susan realized that she is attracted to men and that she likes to watch.
People at Elliots school barely remember Ellen, people at Ellens school don't know Elliot.
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>no new page today
Every teen I knew who read this back in the early years grew up to be a tranny
especially me

I fully understand the actual, canon, reasons. I've just been shipping them since Dan first teased the idea about four or five years ago, so... Yeah.

Why, for the love of <whatever> do you still use .gif in 2k+17? We've had superior formats for over a decade.
I feel like Dan doesn't play off of the fact that Elliot and Ellen are basically the same person often enough. I know he did that alternate universe memory bullshit so that they wouldn't be the exact same person, but it's still such a cool relationship for two characters to have and it would make for great storytelling if he actually tried.

I guess I'll settle for "I can tell when you' want to punch people."
Their interactions are cute but need to be limited.

Mostly because of Elliot barely having changed as a person since the start of the comic and still being just as much of a predictable lawful good boy scout. He's developed some as a character, but it's dwarfed Ellen's differences.

Ellen has his memories but in the whole "nature vs nurture" deal there are apparently some minor things that result in her being more outgoing and rebellious despite having Elliot's mind as a starting point. She grew away from being like him pretty quickly and the result of such a dynamic shift is a more self-aware and introspective person.

The result is she knows him better than he knows himself because she has the context of where she is now. Essentially she is on the outside looking in and he is on the inside looking out. She can see the big picture as far as the inner workings of his mind go.

So their interactions now are him seeming naive while she calls him out constantly, predicts everything he does, and is generally always right when it comes to any issue he is having.

She would probably get annoyed and tired of spending excess time around him, or bored at least, and would rather run wild and do crazy shit with any of the others.

When with the whole group they balance each other out, but too much of just the two of them would get old fast.
>So their interactions now are him seeming naive while she calls him out constantly, predicts everything he does, and is generally always right when it comes to any issue he is having.

This is a cool insight.
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>first and second best girl are gonna star in their own np story.
>he's experimenting with animation techniques to make chibis easier to produce
If that works, that mean pretty much all egs:np will be chibi in the future. But it also means a lot more time for story comics. Except if he launches a new canon arc like mall escape.
Looks like he's way more swole when he's angry and frowning.
That doesn't look like the difference between flexing/relaxed. There's definitely powerups going on.
That shouldn't be surprising, he's been dealing with shapeshifting issues lately.
Dan is addressing the early installment weirdness. Holy shit.
I clicked on the link and I realised what a throwback that was.
And then I started reading again from the beginning.
You poor thing
Elliott need to learn to fucking chill.

I don't get the disconnect, that was before Elliot knew Ted wanted to be the little girl.
His confusion over Ted's motive was 100% justified.
Elliot is getting mad at transphobic people for being assholes over things they don't understand and likely haven't been exposed to.

Grace is pointing out that Elliot acted in a transphobic manner over a thing he didn't understand and hadn't really been exposed to.

Grace is, as she is in pretty much every situation, in favor of patience and empathy.
>Well Grace, it gave me a huge boner.
Dammit, didn't think I'd be regretting the chibi style. Maybe we can get a maid Grace pinup down the road...
Takahashi-san has been a professional comic artist+author since 1978. She also did Inuyasha, and is currently doing a YYH ripoff.
She's done a lot of stuff, I'm not sure of the point you're driving at. You could have been a bored housewife in the late 70s.
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New cutie, this one is a fusion of mall girl and goth form, that came loaded with a modified personality. Apparently planning to play dress up with femtedd
nice same
Dan (Our Guy (The Madman)) Shive does it again!

I think the main thing is that she was in art school for comics during her University years and has never been married.
Grace is probably a decent match for Tohru, if you gave her some sort of curse ward.
Oh god Grace has lewdface. This needs more occasions to come up.

>"Now hug. Now kiss. Now..."
> "Grace!"
> "What?"

Increasingly convinced that Dan spends time developing mad troll skillz on 4chan.

The magnificent bastard.

> Grace x Elliot x Ted all-girl 3-way
> Grace likes to watch Elliot x Ted, give directions
> Grace's turn comes up:
> "Now I want both of you to be boys while you service me ..."

Wish I had time (& my own skillz) to fanfic that.
If Dan wasn't evil, he wouldn't understand his audience. What really sells it is the double entendre of "Now hug." Grace is just so innocent, her line is so innocent, in the sense of now be friends and be friendly. "Now hug and make up." Not hug and make-out.
Still it meets Grace's requirements of a minimum of one Ted involved, so yeah, she's tonight you'ing them.
One thing i like about dan, is how he grew so autistically attentive to minute things like that by developping his art slowly from deviant art chicken scratch.
A ton of effort goes into that and yet he's still one of the most productive webcomic artists I know.
Mad respect.

This confirms it, Grace ships em. That means it's ok.
Me too. Now I really want to know what percent of the fan base is trans.
I cosplay female characters and I have a feminisation fetish but I'm not trans.
Just AGP.
Autogynephilia. There's a word for it. :o
Wait, but how does the One True Trio of Grace/Sarah/Tedd factor into this?

Dan, you can't just go and tease two conflicting triangles at once!
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New pinup.

Itty bitty Kitty titties.
Every character will have increasingly awkward closeness to every other character until it all explodes into a frentic orgy.
wasn't that already a fanfic?
Probably, I don't make a habit of reading them.
>oh hey I haven't been on /aco/ in a while let's see what's happening
>"EGS?" What's this?
>Skim the thread
>Proceed to binge the entirety of EGS and NP

I'm glad this thread existed, EGS is [spoiler]____absolutely wonderful_____[/spoiler]

A fair amount of the fanbase for EGS also follows Wapsi Square - http://wapsisquare.com/ ... so, you might want to give that a try.

A couple things to keep in mind: these comics are nearly polar opposites in a number of ways. Art style, plot. The only thing that seems to be in common is both artists are prolific, have a wicked sense of humor, like to play a good bit with gender & social issues. The development of their art from origins through current is impressive, each in their own way. Dan Shive (EGS) is a lot more open to the community taking liberties with his characters, Paul "Pablo" Taylor likes doing sexy stuff, but is less happy with the fanbase taking extreme liberties with his characters ... meaning, you'll generally find a lot less porn of Wapsi characters, but often a good bit of just quality & sexy fan art.

Just wanted to mention that. Don't hate me if you end up not liking Wapsi Square ... I'm trying to do good by you. It can be hard to follow because Paul often leaves out excessive detail & assumes the fans will figure it out, but I've found it rewarding.
This is better than both forms.
That's what agp means.
I am familiar with your vernaculars.
I used to read Wapsi Square. Eventually got to the point where I was only reading for fanservice with Monica's boobs and Shelly's muscles, and I finally dropped it altogether after Monica's out-of-nowhere "RAPE IS BAD BECAUSE I WAS RAPED MULTIPLE TIMES AS A CHILD!" bombshell a few years back. Cheapest form of drama imaginable.
Welcome to the bunny pile, friend.
Don't forget the Sketchbook, pretty cool stuff
Cheaper than Loss?
>Every character will have increasingly awkward closeness to every other character until it all explodes into a frentic orgy.

Unironicaly, I could see this happening. There are too much chemistry between them.
I can't even look at arrangements of things with right angles properly anymore, someone please help
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Double - Moo News Is Good News

>When Carol found out she was going to be stuck doing some on location "nothing story" on corn farming on live television, she incessantly begged her incredibly powerful wizard sister, Sarah, to make something interesting happen during the broadcast.

>Sarah eventually agreed, and when the time came, quite an interesting thing did happen. Sarah would never admit to it, but she forgot to take both broadcast and spell range delays into account, and made the transformation even more "interesting" than intended.

>Though it is speculated that Sarah's choice of something interesting might have been an attempt to keep Carol from asking for something like this again, it accomplished no such thing. Carol absolutely loved the results, and was particularly thrilled about the boost to her fame.

>It wasn't long before it was just expected that something like this would happen during Carol's live reports.
Really digging that kimono/wizard robe hybrid.

Sexual harassment/assault & rape have all been some of Pablo's top triggers since very nearly Day One. If (you) hadn't noticed that by the time Monica came out as a rape survivor ... and even figured it out years before that reveal ... you weren't following pretty much any of Wapsi with any serious level of comprehension.

> pro-hint: Rape isn't some sort of "fetish." Except amongst the seriously mentally diseased.
Fair points perhaps, but to his credit that arc's is the only time it ever came up. I'd sooner criticize the hard turns taken by plots and character focus, it's hardly integrated at all. I mean shit that little aztec that was significant earlier dissappeared so long the art style evolution barely left him recognizable when he came back for three strips out of nowhere.

But his latest character is a girl that was just a regular spider that happened on fae magic and transformed, so I'll give him points for that.
>Elliot had gotten a new spell, and for once, he had checked his spellbook in time to realize that he had it. More routine, however, was his inability to understand exactly what the spell was.
>When Susan arrived to record a movie review with him, she asked her to take a look at it. Even Susan found the description confusing, but she concluded the spell was some sort of public speaking enhancer.
>On the verge of doing public speaking of a sort and with a history of spells being easily reversible, they decided to try it out while doing the review. Elliot used the spell on each of them, and they felt a bit more energetic and ready to talk.
>As they did their review, they started changing, as did their clothes. Their figures became more exaggerated, and their clothing became less and less.
>Neither took notice of this and kept doing the review, feeling better and better all the while. Their own physical changes soon stopped, but their clothing kept going.
>Elliot and Susan seemed to keep their focus on reviewing, mostly looking at the camera and talking about the movie, but they also kept moving closer together. Susan’s hand found it’s way to Elliot’s leg, and though their review never stopped, certain other things began…
>Though very surprised later by what the spell actually did, Elliot and Susan decided they should use it for all of their reviews in the future, which would no longer actually be posted anywhere for some reason.
won't lie. This is giving me boners off the scale
All the nipple-less cockblocking/off page sex is annoying. Can't he just do some genuinely nsfw stuff? That Siren chick's legal now. Can't suck some cock now or something?

Without the body alteration, Susan jumping Elliot's bones during/because of that review show was one of the first things I thought of when it first started!!!
His decent into explicit lewdness is maddingly slow, but he'll get there. Until then, enjoy your cursed edging.
My bad, misread what you were linking, thought you meant shive. Might still be true but I'm a lot less sure about him.

Anyways, succu-siren will be munching carpet for the foreseeable future.
It's actually hotter to only have a written version of this imo.
Dan's expertly slow pacing is educating my libido back to enjoying erotic stories and curing me from porn addiction as well as reparing my imagination.

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I'm not gonna follow up on Wapsi here anymore; it's too off-topic. Originally, I just wanted to make a pointer to another comic that most EGS fans seem to appreciate for those who might not already know. I'm not up for it right now, but perhaps we could all collect some Wapsi art & fan art and start up a Wapsi thread in a week or three-ish.

Anyway, my last words for now:

>Wapsi Square
> latest character is a girl that was just a regular spider that happened on fae magic and transformed

Just gonna say 1) she was not "just a regular spider," her home of origin (the Library) probably made her other than "just regular." And 2) she damn adorable in many ways; looking forward to more of Digit. Her potential is amazing.

>>1296302 >>1296416 >>1296420
> nipple-less cockblocking
> decent into explicit lewdness
> munching carpet

I rather admire Paul for the restraint he's imposed upon himself. He has become more lewd over the years, but draws the line at explicit. Frustrating, yes. Still top art, storytelling, and r.e.s.p.e.c.t. This piece: >>1293865 is pretty stunning for him, and I could be enthusiastically happy if that's as far as he ever goes, but does a lot more like that. Especially in-canon storyline.

The majority of his characters are lesbian &/or bi ... even Atsali has made it clear she goes both ways. And her current girlfriend has morphing capabilities that could go full EGS (and beyond) on their relationship. IF Paul takes it there.
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>we're getting into Egyptian magic now
I really wanna see where Dan takes this, both story wise and stylistically.
Ah, I'd totally forgotten that she came from the library. I find it hard to keep track of that shit sometimes.

I suppose I'll agree that we're getting off topic, but if we got various webcomic lewds going on I don't think I'd mind.

Giant Robo?
Some relative to the sphinx, I'd guess. Similar size, region and role anyway.

I'm just waiting for it to be transformed into a cute girl.
Is this a JoJo reference?
That would be pretty amusing, but for all we know it could be an Amonkhet reference.

Also, FV5 Damien drawing when?
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Ok, no. Everything is someone's fetish. No matter how seriously you take it, or how terrible it is IRL, someone faps to it.
El Goonish Shive is older than 4chan. I think he's stronger than our powers combined.
I hate how he trolls those of us who still ship this. But I'm not gonna complain too long about new content!
With how fast eliott is exploring his own sexual deviance (partly because of ashley but also because of his spells), we might actually start seeing more developpements.
I expect really lewd stuff around 2021.
I'll mark my calendar!
Maybe it's like superman keeping his power contained in a wimpy alter ego. His powers of lewdness are actually so much that he must keep them in check at all times.
>Yfw Dan goes full on lewd
I don't think my dick could take it
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It would probably be the death of me.
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False alarm, he's just another fuccboi.
Listen, you can't have too many.
Edit when?
Its just for the last page of the comic, when every character will have an orgy together.

You can see that it is building up to it!
I like this god.
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This is almost certainly the case. And we are like the Justice League. He doesn't need us at all, but is happy to let us help.
Egs edits has been awol forever, who knows when he'll be back or another picks up the mantle.
you eventually start cumming blood. You think he would stop around then.
you're not the boss of me old man
I had your reaction initially. Rape as drama is a cheap trick. Looking back through the archives, though, The hints are there. Without revealing why up to that point, there are multiple strips that make it clear Monica's stay at the mental hospital is a dark time she's trying to put behind her. My primary problem with the series is Paul himself. It gets annoying after awhile when he draws multiple cheesecake pics of a large breasted scantily clad teenager and when anyone says anything remotely sexual, he goes off on a "don't you dare sexualize my underage titty monster drawing" rant.
The problem is that for a lot of fiction, rape as backstory has become just as pervasive as dead parents as backstory. In Wapsi's case, Paul had been foreshadowing that something seriously fucked up happened to Monica at the mental hospital for a decade of story writing, so this is not that. As I said in another post, my problem with Paul lately is that he's drawing teenage girls in skimpy clothes as pinups and then gets offended when someone makes a sexual remark about it.
(Based simply on this introduction) He's like a mix of Justin and Noah.
But also a god of magic, medicine, and guardian of a library...
I think I've found religion!
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I really appreciate how Shive puts references under the comics. It makes it follow the very interesting plot despite the pace of a comic-in-progress, without resorting to a discussion forum (and I only recently found this one, which barely even counts).
Actually, considering this is 4chan...

> Seer
Dominic Deegan crossover incoming!!
Dominic Deegan would have been readable if everything that happened ever in it wasn't so cliched that you could see it coming from a mile away
So Dominic Deegan would have been readable if it wasn't Dominic Deegan?
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Anyone know if his new comic "Star Power" is any good?
In the interest of potentially being fair to Ed, he could be privy to any amount of information, from minor to world-shatteringly massive, that we are not which might influence his parenting. I think it's more likely that he's just a big softy with serious issues relating to fear of losing his family, but what with this "traumatizing the seer" storyline evolving, we can't expressly assume that Ed isn't aware of the existence of multiple universes, or even specific information relating to different ones.
Is this from the new season of voltron?
Literally a green lantern ripoff. There's even a ring that creates constructs and everything.
>Dominic Deegan crossover incoming!!
I'd love to see a nod to DD. I really loved that comic. I found it around the same time as EGS, I think. Damn, EGS was only about 6 months old when I started reading it. Was that two thousand freakin' three? Holy shit.

>Anyone know if his new comic "Star Power" is any good?
I don't know if it counts as *new* anymore. It's been around for like 2 years now, hasn't it? I've been reading it since page one. It's fantastic. Go check it out.

>Literally a green lantern ripoff. There's even a ring that creates constructs and everything.
*spoiler alert*

Reminds me of Green Lantern, yes, but her powers don't come from a ring. As for her being able to create constructs, I think she's only able to create energy swords and fire energy blasts. I don't recall her creating anything else.
they should fuck.
>Anyways, succu-siren will be munching carpet for the foreseeable future.
I'll believe it when he draws pic.... oh no he won't.
What a shame. She's been a walking erection factory for years and now she's legal that body is wasted unless she's shown using it.
I thought she was cuter before the sudden implausible heaving bosom kicked in.
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Still fooling around in Microsoft paint
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>MS Paint
I respect your ambtition, but GIMP is free
This brings up an important question: does the first panel represent the upper limits of Sarah's new muscle fetish, or will change blindness spur her to go even bigger?
Inkscape or Krita would probably be better for this kind of thing.
...At present, we can only speculate. We can also only speculate that Susan is 110% in Troll Mode.

Semi-related: With GSA being a thing and no Westermark effect, what are the odds that Diane and Susan end up snogging?

...zero, right? Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.
Not with them actually, but maybe with some shapeshifting...
Voltaire's objective is to cause Lord Tedd, isn't it?
It's clear his goal is to destabilize the status quo in order to inspire a new order. Lord Tedd is almost certainly also due to the purpose going awry, and hunting down the other Tedds relates to that, but we haven't seen anything to suggest that something special concerning immortals or magic is going on in his dimension. I'd guess that a Lord Tedd like result would work towards his ends but isn't actually what he's out to accomplish.
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Egs-edits is back, baby
Oh yeah baby
Bumping with shiny titties
Wait. The NP arc is non-canon...
...who wants this to end with Sarah/Grace snogging? SHOW OF HANDS NOW.
In one hand we're gonna see things a bit more risqué.
On the other hand, I don't feel much of a thrill when it's non canon.
Well, I mean, look at that strip again. Grace removed Sarah's shorts and swapped them for a skirt without her noticing.
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Is it just me, or are these "hidden things" actually pretty obvious? I mean, I'd be shocked if Tedd wasn't going to choose if and how magic will change, and that instead he'd get to decide whether or not to flip the sex of everyone in the world.

(As for the ancestors, it's either human-immortal coupling or people who were marked unknowingly by powerful immortals.)
A fair guess on the second purpose, but I'm not sure what the fist is supposed to be.

Your guess as to the descendants sounds reasonable, but I'm not sure it'd invoke that response.
Is there a egs booru? paheal is trash
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it's easter. bunny-girls ?
why would easter mean bunnies?
what do you mean?
>What is the Easter Bunny
huh, never heard of that
for me it was rome's bells announcing the resurrection and lamb for dinner
I suppose it's mostly an american thing, buts it's memed around so much I'm surprised anyone anyone who uses the internet enough to find their way to 4chan hasn't heard of it.
I guess I saw it before but I thought it was from alice in wonderland
Huh, didn't notice that.

Dan's going to be doing that deliberately often during this set, isn't he?
Sarah just lost her sleeves as grace was size changing. Shive is just fucking with us, plain and simple.
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First off you gotta remember that Easter is taken from a pagan holiday. Still uses the goddess' name. The Roman Catholic church was big on taking pagan holidays and repurposing them when they converted a populace (which is why Mithras' birthday is now used as Jesus', despite his actual birthday being sometime in the Spring). In some areas the customs changed drastically, while in others the customs remained pretty damn much the same while the purpose changed around it. Rabbits, chicks, and eggs - all originally symbols of the goddess in question - all remain a part of the nominally-Christian holiday in England and English-speaking countries.

tl;dr - Holiday customs are weird, yo.

Bunnysusan to stay on topic.
That's the historical version. The one that actual people use is that there's a bunny that hides chocolate eggs and the kid has to go find them all, for fun. There are baskets with brightly coloured shredded plastic strips, children paint eggs, and people sometimes wear bunny-ear things on top of the head. Then they go to or come back from mass because the whole "Christ was nailed to a cross, died and was risen" thing. Charlie Brown and the Easter Beagle may be shown, or, if older, Jesus Christ Superstar.

Also the line "What, no pancakes?" is a reference to a pic of a bunny with a pancake on his head.
Well see, my parents told me the bells laid the eggs. Not that they were christian but that's how they explained why we got chocolates.
And I guess they kept the lamb dinner because it made for a fine family evening.
Well we know half immortals are sterile, they would have noticed it that were otherwise. Or maybe if they live 200+ years their offspring is then simply magic humans?

Patrician taste, good sir.

Well, there's another thing that could cause an extra-atmospheric what...But werewolves wouldn't really make sense.
More to the point, that has nothing to do with Pandora specifically. She's somehow an example of the reason lies were told about the origin of magic humans.
Oooh, maybe if an immortal gets too old without resetting, they become human.
And her hairband changed color.
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Oh good point! She's been so reasonable lately, I forgot that important thing about her.

I don't think she's becoming human, but something related to her lack of reset. Raven, maybe. Maybe half-immortals are only sterile until their sire undergoes a reset? Might explain the lack of knowledge.

Pic unrelated except happy Easter.
Susan is straight, though. Even after going to extreme lengths to not be.
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>Dan adds another stripe to Justin's shirt
Is he gonna keep fucking with us like this for the entire duration of this story?
>Making the reader wonder if they have change blindness as well
The theme of this NP arc is "Change Blindness". The entire point of it is to screw with the reader.
The background is a little different too.
Grace's backpack is different too.
Bet you didn't notice her hair color changed, huh?
You joke, but that really was the only change I noticed myself before reading this thread. Change blindness indeed!
Thought for the moment: Sarah/Carol shipping, yes or no?
Nah, but I'd throw them into a threesome.
I ship femle Elliot and male Tedd. Yes I know that's the inverse of most people.
That's the original ship. It's also canon but in another universe.
you need to re read the beginning
I ship ANY Elliot/ANY Tedd. I also like the idea of Elliot's alter ego forms developing deeper personas as he uses them more, then getting accidentally split off into their own bodies like Ellen was, just because Not!Elliot Heidi would be the most incredibly adorkable person out there and have the weirdest damn chemistry with EVERYONE. ESPECIALLY TEDD.
I like it as a one-sided thing. An occasional fantasy that passes through Sarah's head, twisted and wrong on every level but FUCK her sister is hot...
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>sister arc IV
>eliott secret identities become new sisters via dewitchery diamond
oh god please no
Eh, I'd think they'd be more interesting characters if not attached to Elliots lame ass.

Dewitchery isn't going to happen again, though. I sooner imagine giving them the Fox treatment with a new spell.
Eliott is fine, they just need a little more screen time.
Especially the goth one. We need to get ashley on that asap.
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They upgraded the nipples, apparently. I thought they were fine, but we know how egs edits does.
uunnghgh... bigger...
other than that, nice fix on the nose, it was bugging me
Let's say Elliot climbs into Susan's magic chest to hide from her mom barging in. But her mom is actually a demon in disguise, the chest is magic and sturdy and can't be opened from the inside, Susan suddenly really wishes Elliot were there to help her not die to a demon, and Elliot really wishes the same because he's Elliot. She consciously tries merely to summon her fairy during this situation. What shows up instead?
Writer's Block
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NP is out; pretty obvious this time around.
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Oh no she's h- actually, not really?
Pecs hipster best worst husbando.

It took me a reread or two to notice the background. Sorry Shive, I read it for the articles and other words.

She looks too much like Elliot probably. Pic related, where she doesn't, and daaaang.
I swear that male form reminds me of some oldschool manga.
And that guy is actually pretty smooth.
Yeah, hadn't thought about it but he has kind of an Ataru Morobishi look.
Easter gets it's date from Passover, and they have the same name in most languages. It *is* named after a goddess (in English), but only indirectly; the Old English word for April was (maybe) named after her.

Random easter symbols have nothing to do with Eostre, they're just traditions that mutated over time.

Christmas might really be from one of the various solstice celebrations on that day, though! Nobody is sure.


Still the fairy.
I'm not a huge fan of Grace, but that male form does things for me.
So what all did you guys see? Aside from the obvious hair/outfit swap in the background characters, there's a book that got darker, and I swear the guy's collar is bigger. Was there anything else?
book ain't darker, it's the color of the shelf, the parent picked it inbetween panels.
Nice find on the collar though, I was looking at the buttons
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Shive posting lewdish out of context comic frames on tumblr, clearly trying to taunt the threeway shippers. Which is probably all of us.
I think it might be an age/role swap rather than a hair/outfit swap.
Either works, there's no way we'll ever be able to tell the difference.
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Elliot is summoned, except he is a human-sized Susan fairy.

After the demon is defeated they have hot lesbian sex.
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A moment of silence for the Sketchbook
Yesterday marked 1 year without an update on it
Dan confirmed that on Reddit IIRC.
Awkward nerd girl is a tasty dish
He's not even trying anymore.
>the colors of the covers

What do I win?
The background's flipped too.
Strange how on the background person, the lighting on the arms changed (especially the left arm), yet the lighting does _not_ change across the person's back. I wonder how that would happen.

Oh, and background person's back hair ruffle became smaller. I guess he smoothed it out a little between panels. Makes sense, ruffling with hair is a common fidgeting action when deliberating on a decision.
It's almost as if everything he does is an excuse for fetish bait. Imagine that.
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We need to get Crit Grace and Nerdy Girl together.
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