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Scanning some of the interviews from the Little Witch Academia

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Scanning some of the interviews from the Little Witch Academia Chronicles book.
I'll put them all up in an imgur folder when I'm done.

Here's Yoko Hikasa's
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Carro Brillante
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Whoops, captcha made me forget my pic
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Can you scan the profile page too ?
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Yoshi is also a mistake.
Doing god's work.
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Ching Chong Ping Pong
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Bonus: Megumi and Noriko talk.
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Anon, please. Akko is the only LWA girl who would actually understand this book!
>Akko turns herself into a book to better understand a book
Hopefully he also scans the Andrew page. No rush, scan whatever you want.
What is this supposed to say?
Here's all the character interviews. If you want something scanned then please be specific. I don't want to do the whole book. It's like 240 pages.

Nightfall excerpt and the staff interview I'll do eventually but not right now.

Witches Profile page
Could you scan the pages with the character design sheets for the Nine New Witches? And would you get the pages for Diana's family, Lotte's family and Chumlee? Even phone photos would be fine for these last.
Andrew has a single page in the entire book. I'd very much like that one. Thanks, anon.
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hopefully my chronicle book arrives today, or tomorrow

Witches profile page (Akko,Sucy,Lotte,Diana,Conz,Amanda,Jasminka,H&B)
Could you get Yoshinari's commentary for the episodes? Just the little blurbs would be fine. It's stuff like this:
Someone posted photos of the profiles already a few days ago.
I'll get the families and chumlee.

The Quality is very poor & its using camera photo instead of proper scanner.
we can clean it up.
>I originally envisioned Akko as the type of girl who easily falls for cool handsome guy. But there was a lot of opposition to this idea from everyone else. So in the end Akko became a girl that barely cares about guys or romance at all.

Thank God Yoshi is a bit spineless.
Yeah dude but those are like 20 pages. I'd rather do something people haven't seen yet.
Oh, so he did want romance. I was right, cool.
Just scan them later when you have time along with the interviews.
and we love her for it, genki and crazy with little understanding or desire for romance

Thank God Most staff opposed that idea.
I guess it was good that Yoshinari was a little bitch.
if that 2nd cour was about romance on top of everthing it would have been irredemeable trash
Romance could have helped the second cour. Shimada and Yoshi had it right all along.
Should have just let whoever writes 3, 7 and 18 direct the entire series. Yoshi is only good as an animator anyway.
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Daryl and co. only got a tiny blurb in the episode summary.

I like to hear your vision of how Romance can help the 2nd cour
Please tell us more, anon.

Anon, just scan everything when you have a time.
It's funny how both Diana and Daryl had two henchmen.
We can discuss that later after anon stops scanning. It is true though.

We can discuss it now while that Anon is scanning.
240 pages.
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No way. It's a hardcover book and I'm already stretching the glue.
If you want the whole book just buy it
Whenever I discuss Adnrew it brings out some silly behavior in people. I'd rather not drive scan anon away because people can't handle simple conversation.
It's possible in Yoshinari's original vision of LWA the second cour could've worked with romance in mind
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I think Hanbara only got those two pages.
Can you post photos of the Yoshinari episode comments? No need to scan everything.
I still think that romance could have provided much needed exposition on the political side. This in turn would have helped Croix, which could have possibly changed the Croix x Chariot interactions into something more meaningful and less repetitive.
Which was?
>This in turn would have helped Croix, which could have possibly changed the Croix x Chariot interactions into something more meaningful and less repetitive.
Literally just show them at school more often. No reason to bring in any political stuff in.
You're making too many jumps in logic. Romance would only have forced them to give more screentime to Andrew. If they actually wanted to give the politics weight then Diana's mom and Blackwell would have been better characters to give increased roles to.
Yoshinari's original of the show is an edge fest.

May as well make a different IP instead of slapping Little Witch in the title.
I'll gladly discuss it in a few hours.
Well, yeah. There's many ways to fix Croix x Chariot.

Andrew being a muggle & become a /pol/kid is a big mistake in the first place.

If Yoshi wants to introduce male character (and proper Romance) on TV LWA, they should make im a Wizard. Like Yuto on Shoujo LWA.
Bahamut has horrible romance. Thanks god LWA didn't go for shoujoshit.
Should I post my translations from twitter over here it's mostly about spaghetti though
Mind you, the shoujo is even shittier than the series in term of character time distribution. Every characters sans Akko, Yuto and Diana might as well not exist. Even Chariot is a non-person.

Exactly the problem with adding romance in general.
The issue was LWA TV is not a continuation of the OVAs. Yoshi probably thought it was a good idea to give Akko a romantic interest because he's spent years developing her, watching her grow a following and coming up with all sorts of stuff for her universe. Kind of like raising a daughter, he's spent enough with her to want to see her off, get the boyfriend and all.

Unfortunately for him LWA TV resets practically: her character, her relationships, and the time invested. So, Akko having a romantic relationship feels awkward because in the TV's timeline she's only the new student for a short time before she already finds romance, and what a coincidence it's with THE boy all the girls fawn over. In the TV's perspective, everything is happening way too fast.
Sure thing.

When they talked about using Diana to make Akko more likeable they pretty much meant they were hoping that Diana liking Akko was going to rub on the audience, right?
I don't understand why you think Andrew wouldn't be able to give weight to the political situation. He'd be perfect at it. Instead, we had a soccer match.
Yeah, this makes sense. No wonder he was happy with the character Shimada made. I still think it could have been pulled off without being awkward, but that didn't happen.
where did you buy it?

Yeah you right.
But its less shitter compared to Andrew though.
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Chumlee also only got a blurb
Diana having shit taste wouldn't make the audience magically has shit taste too. That's just retarded.
He would have been shoehorned into a story that would be more fitting to Blackwell, who was trying to make the war happening and hates witches, and Diana, since Diana's mother literally died preventing the war from happening.
I think you can get it off amazon jp
Would people be as opposed if she was hinted to fall for Diana instead?
>Exactly the problem with adding romance in general.
You can write around the typical problems that arise when you have romance.
If romance was added the exact same thing would have happened to LWA tv series.

Except the shoujo is still all about magic.
But in TV LWA ? Nope. 50% of it is a /pol/ crap.
>Romance could have helped the second cour. Shimada and Yoshi had it right all along.
It could if it was done with a boy who wasn't a special noble boy snowflake who initially hated magic and Akko made him like it again boring cliche.

LWA would be more interesting if Andrew character didn't exist and his role was given to bunch of different guys who would interact not only with Akko but also other girls in given episodes variation. For me his character was destroyed in the final moments of LWA where a random kid of some minister dictates how whole country should feel and act for the witches and prime minister of course listens to him. That was idiotic.

In this moment I would prefer Akko ending with a normal boy who like her always loved magic than specially priviliged boy.
That's why I kinda prefer Akko x Diana for their love for magic.
It's not just Andrew, Yoshinari's idea of Akko was basically the typical shoujo heroine girl who dreams of a handsome cool prince and falls for every ikemen. Like Usagi from Sailor Moon.
>we will never, ever, get an episode where Akko (and maybe the gang) gets part time jobs in Last Wednesday Society and the entire episode revolves around Akko playing hardball and sometimes causing trouble trying to handle the merchandise
You're exaggerating, barely 15% of the show was dedicated to the war stuff. It was literally an asspul they came up with to have a dangerous final boss.
Never ordered from amazon.jp. I've always used amiami. It's the same price but is the shipping the same? I don't read moon so I try to keep it to English sites.
Not much was found out other than that it was going to be more adventure-like and darker.
What makes you think it was going to be an edge fest? Dark =/= edgy.
Good he was denied, Akko is good character exactly cause she isn't the shoujo girl stereotype.
It might sound like a good idea on paper at the start, but the reality is that even Ikuhara after one season grows tired Tuxedo, thought he was eating up all the girls screen time and wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. It may very well happen to LWA too, and I think it's the main reason why the staff opposed to it.

Ges the one who designed Andrew & Croix, they are main problem of LWA 2nd cour.

Yeah kinda, but still. I hate /pol/ on this show, especially serious /pol/ stuff, not comedic like the Mayor from OVA2.
To be honest the kid who threw tomatoes at her from Enchanted Parade had potential to be her love interest in future OVAs. A time skip could happen and Akko would find out he'd taken a liking to magic since the festival and they meet up at some magic event or something.
Less than /pol/, I just don't want to see muggles at all. I'm watching a show about cute witch, and yet I got some edgy hag, football hooligans and muggle pol shit. WTF.
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For you, Andrewanon.
But mostly for /our boy/ Frank.
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>SAL Small Packet (Economy)
2-6 weeks / Without Tracking / Not Insured
Never thought I'd go back to buyfagging again.

Yeah, this i agree.
Fuck Yoshinari & his retarded plan.
Anyway, it'd explain politics without getting too messy. We don't need seven episodes dedicated to politics, we simply need more information from a reputable source.
>It could if it was done with a boy who wasn't a special noble boy snowflake who initially hated magic and Akko made him like it again boring cliche.
It wasn't really cliche though. It makes sense for Andrew, especially his character.
>character was destroyed in the final moments of LWA where a random kid of some minister dictates how whole country should feel and act for the witches and prime minister of course listens to him. That was idiotic.
He wasn't a random kid though. He was being actively groomed to take over the position. He was the only one to speak up.
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Wild hunters incoming
Scan Diana's page please.
that actually makes sense. lwa really should've continues from the OVAs instead of a reset. if only to go forward with Akko's development much faster.
Remind me of the cool dude in the LWA manga that Lotte likes, oh what could have been.
Thanks anon, you have no idea how much this means. Hopefully some bits and pieces of it will be translated.
Not possible. It has to be a reset so that even those unfamiliar with the IP can catch up, though I do think the series would be a million times better if it carries the tone and characterization from the OVA.
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Here's another interview but I have no idea what it's about.
>Chariot and Croix's surnames changed several times during production; Chariot had ‘Septentrio’ and/or ‘Fontenoy’ and Croix had ‘du Sud’ (in fact the animate website still uses the old surnames) After some trial & error the current names were decided
>Croix is from Croix Du Sud(Southern Cross), Meridies is latin for south to contrast Chario's north notif surname (everyone knows this already, right)
>Croix was backstage helping at Chariot shows while her true motive being reviving the seven words, and though she and Chariot had a misunderstanding, her behaviour was undoubtedly from her anguish over the future of magic (dying)
>In ep 24 her disheleved hair and miserable expression is supposed to resemble her former self when she was a student
>Since episode 20 was about Diana taking Akko's feelings and acknowledging her true/inner feelings(sic), the scene was set up that they started the trial from the basement and progressed vertically up to parallel that
>Akko is a protagonist that is kinda difficult to understand, so there were a couple of plans to make Akko likeable through Diana
>There's a Yoshinari cameo in episode 25 drawn by the animator director, and the during the scene when the magic is spreading throughout the world, there's a building with 「NEXT____」on a sign, quote "could this be Trigger's next work!?"
>Akko seeing the Chariot flashback scene in ep 12 'feels like dokidoki VR', the shiny rod has 7 stones in the shape of the big dipper and in french its called 'Grand Chariot', Chariot getting the Shiny Rod was literally fate
>Guests at Samhain are all OG = Old Girls (alumni)
>1st cour ED is basically unused concepts
>2nd OP was based on the Producer's idea of a 'Girls Anthem' a cheering song for the girls, with Croix and Woodward appearing to complete the 7 words motif
>The feathers in the teachers' hats represent their rank; the headmaster has 3, senior teachers have 2 and the rest have 1

More of like a by-proxy effect thing, whatever fits
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If any relationship came out of EP, it would be this one.
Andrew would've been a much better character if he was a little kid.
Nope, they just could have made Blackwell and Croix being associates and being him that funded Croix's projects. With Blackwell being against Paul and Croix being against Chariot with their own agenda.
>He wasn't a random kid though. He was being actively groomed to take over the position. He was the only one to speak up.

Still a high school kid, and a muggle tries to interfere adult political stuff. The reason why first part of ep25 is boring & frustating is that. And that 180 on paul is just plain dumb.
>Ursula x Diana
>Croix was backstage helping at Chariot shows while her true motive being reviving the seven words, and though she and Chariot had a misunderstanding, her behaviour was undoubtedly from her anguish over the future of magic (dying)

But wouldn't the character limit be a bitch? Why don't you post them here first, makes captures and then post those at twitter?
>implying Akko can read
Maybe. I still think Andrew was the perfect person to bridge the political/muggle world to the world of magic. It was simply the execution that ended up hampering his character.
Oh, that'd be decent.
>Still a high school kid,
He's much more than that though.
>muggle tries to interfere adult political stuff.
He's not interfering, he's being forced. He'd much rather be playing the piano.
>And that 180 on paul is just plain dumb.
I mean, I get where you are coming from, but it makes sense. This was the first time that Andrew stood up for himself; this was the first time the son took action against the father. It was a wake up call for Paul.
>>Akko is a protagonist that is kinda difficult to understand, so there were a couple of plans to make Akko likeable through Diana

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This is a guilty pleasure, to be honest.
I stand that he would be better if he is around Chariot's age and is her associate. Being older would justify his involvement with politic, and he can both interact with Luna Nova staff while being the infodump or key person for Chariot's past.
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Anything on the mechanics of Shiny Charion?

Watch Episode 23 to 25 Again.
Paul ask Andrew to stay away from his stuff
Then hes forcing (shoehorning) himself
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Last scan for today, I need to eat.
I think this is the Luna Nova schedule?

Anyways I think I'm not going to scan the staff interviews cause that's is like 50 pages of different interviews. And no one is going to translate all that shit.
YES, SHE DID AND THAT WAS THE ABSOLUTE PROOF, she only did it for the words, not for supporting Chariot.
Just concept art and a small blurb explaining it, no new stuff.
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oh neat, wand stuff
We'd be lucky to get any translations. Thanks anon, I really appreciate it.
Can you put the Yoshnari episode commentary stuff tomorrow?
Alright, thanks for heads-up.
>We could have magic class and shenanigans like ED 1 still
>Instead Trigger gave us boring word quest and /pol/ shit

Whoever thought of the word quests thing needs to be gas.
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>I need to eat.
LWA's wand designs are top tier, love how it blends semi-mechanical and magical without it looking too magi-tech. Kind of wish someone made a show accurate model with the battery compartment and everything
Thanks. Maybe just post the stuff with more concept art next, not like anyone is translating the shit anyway.
I really love Acko's design.
Very simple and sweet.
Blaming politics will get you nowhere. Everything boils down to Croix.
>Everything boils down to Croix.
Literally being the only saving grace of the second cour.
So, the ED 1 drawings were going to be episodes at some point but were discarded. Oh well. I wasn't particularly attached to any of them. I prefer wacky adventure over comfy and they were too trio focused.

Politics, Muggles like Andrew & Paul, And Croix is main trio why TV LWA Cour2 is shit.

If Ep 18,19,20 didnt exist. Cour 2 will be Mirai Nikki level of shit
Anyone have those LWA Chronicle profile pages ?
Theoretically, with how behind Luna Nova compared to the rest of the world, someone like Croix who mix magic and technology would be their best bet to get their magic to be more efficient and people to be more interested. But Trigger falls into a difficult spot since they can't have Croix steal the spotlight of Akko and Chariot, thus she is forced to play the role of villain, in which she sucks terribly.

Nice concept shit execution. Typical Trigger.
Not him, but that's actually good.
We barely got wacky adventures, though.
No, the concept was fine. Oh well, what can you do.
Andrew was always trash fire, but Croix would've been an amazing way to develop the school and magical tradition in addition Ursula's character
>tfw girl with batwing hair never appeared
I already had it there so eh.

Also if anyone was still wondering >>161882387 this page says it was Croix who used the memory erasing magic, not Chariot when she blew up the moon.

I think the interview with her VA had her saying she was surprised Croix was the last boss, I'll give it a re-read tomorrow morning and maybe translate it

Too bad Croix is still rushed though
Andrew was fine.
Everything was rushed. Trigger had awful time management, especially when it came down to the Croix x Chariot.
>But Trigger falls into a difficult spot since they can't have Croix steal the spotlight of Akko and Chariot, thus she is forced to play the role of villain,

Don't delude yourself, she was always meant to play the role of an antagonist since she represents CGI in the animation allegory. Just because tech wisely used in animation isn't a bad thing, doesn't change that.
Thanks anon, yeah, I'm really curious how the staff and VA view Croix, she was such a waste of a character.

>Croix who used the memory erasing magic, not Chariot when she blew up the moon.
So she still cared for Chariot somewhat after all.
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Yoshinari is now official an /a/ Version of George Lucas in 2017

Cour 2 Mess is basically Starwars prequels
Jar Jar Binks is Andrew
Anakin Skywalker is Croix
By that logic, Andrew would have worked too if done right.
And? Even Trigger themselves use CGI, though sparingly. CGI helps save a tonne of time and manpower, and if you're really good with them they can be used for background with the difference being barely noticeable. If anything Trigger should aim for a solution where both tradition and new tech are incorporated and not just make Croix a full blown shitty villain.
>Jar Jar Binks is Andrew
>Anakin Skywalker is Croix
Pretty on point.

But you're still wrong. Hideaki Anno is still the George Lucas in /a/.

Only fine in Ep 6 & 17
After that is painfully shoehorned political stuff

Thats why i said 2017.
I love LWA TV and to be honest I feel that it would need less changes to to improve. I wrote a post a while back and I stand by it.
The point is that she was never "forced" to be a villain or antagonist, as you put it.

She as always meant to be on the opposite side, even if se wasn't entirely wrong.
There's barely any concept art in the book. Most of it is in the character profiles we already got. The majority is text.
Here it is:

Keep episode 14 the same
Rewrite episode 15 into an episode about Croix's new technology. Diana and Finneran are wary of it. Ultimately Diana explicitly loses to Akko because she refused to use Croix's gadgets and actually gets somewhat publicly humiliated, they actually show off her jealously explicitly before they reveal it later on. Akko still gets the talk about the Words from Chariot at the end and some brief flashback for Chariot and Croix.
16: Rewritten into an episode about Akko learning patience from Lotte and her family instead of some stupid gag episode about a dumb plant sickness.
17 and 18 remain the same but they switch places.
19 and 20 remain the same but they come up with a better excuse for Andrew and his dad to be at the Cavendish state.
The content from episode 15 gets passed to episode 21; Akko falling for Croix's trap feels less repetitive and so does Chariot's silly ineffective fights against Croix.
Episode 22 remains the same.
Chariot and Croix's backstory in episode 23 gets rewritten into something a bit less straightforward that puts Chariot in a moral gray area instead of turning her into a poor innocent victim. Give Croix an explicit motivation beyond "I'M SALTY AS FUCK". The second half remains the same.
Episode 24 just needs to give the audience a real magic fight between Chariot and Croix instead of the Star Wars shit.
Episode 25 remains the same, except change up the politics stuff a bit so it feels like Andrew actually did something.

Other change:
Just accept the controversy. Kill the soccer game shit and just use some Brexit allegory driving up the conflict between the countries.

That's how I would improve LWA second cour.
Even in 2017, Anno stays. Yoshi at least has his ideas shot down.
Anything interesting about LN, the world and the magical creatures there?

I kind of want to know more about the 9 olde witches, too bad there is so little about them.
This. Andrew role should have been reluctantly going on magic adventures with the girls until he started to like magic, no need to involve politics at all.
Wasn't he Sucy's brother?
Fuck no get rid of the nuke. As amazing as the final scenes were the nuke felt like a complete asspull to cause suspense. Chariot vs Croix ending would have been better. If you want the allegory themes then make Croix's drill thing about fracking and replace the nuke plot element is replaced with Croix breaking the seal causing a cataclysmic event that requires magic restoration to fix. There now we have the old, magic nature needing to be preserved theme.
Chariot isn't the protagonist. LWA is still a story about Akko's growth with Diana's growth also being mixed in.
Okay, but you would need to give a reason why Andrew needed to accompany them.
Nah, he was some random local dude from where they were visiting.
What does it say about Frank and Louis?
Man fuck this political thing in LWA in particluar
This is Little Witch Academia
Not My Little Politics
No need for fucking politics in show aimed for children.
Yoshi would hate you.
Basic shit we already know
Still wrong.

Akko, Diana AND Chariot are the pillar characters of this show. One wouldn't make sense without the other. Akko happens to be the protagonist.
>they were too trio focused.
The trio is why I watch the fucking show
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They should take example from Hayao Miyazaki's Kiki Delivery Service (or OVAs)

No Main Villains, No Confusing Plots, Just a simple cute witch doing cute witch things.
Such as? I can't say I know anything about them except that Louis is the son of the headmaster.
The trio is boring in comfy situations.

That was never LWA. The first OVA was about little witches dungeon crawling and fighting monsters.
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Reminder that Diana could have a scottish accent.
People like you are the reason we got that shitty second cour, fuck you.

A Cute Cartoonic Monsters, still counts as No Main Villains
He just happens to be in the wrong place everytime? Also, flesh out more gis relationship with his father and how it changes after each adventure.
LWA was never about the comfy. It was wacky, cartoony and adventurous. I don't want cute witches doing cute things, I want cute witches doing fun things.

The dragon and minotaur were ferocious monsters.
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>Kiki Delivery Service
Which was about as boring as watching paint dry.
I think Andrew and Paul's relationship was done somewhat well for the limited time they had.
Oh, so the rocker chick went to LN?

Wacky, cartoony and adventurous can also be comfy. OVAs is the example.
On TV LWA most things witches do are shit unfunny edgy things with a mix of political shit.
Are Hannahs legs drawn wrong here?
The OVA wasn't comfy. You're completely corrupting the meaning of comfy.
Things can be cute and fun at the same time. And comfy is important too, because only wacky cartoony and adventurous gets tiring over time. Even the Sucy episode, arguably the wackiest and cartooniest of the series, still had that nice little scene with the cinema. Without it, it wouldn't have been half as appealing.
Paul didn't seem to respect even a little bit Andrew's opinions and just did a 180 after the crisis had passed. He should have warmed up to witches sooner, so when Blackwell told Andrew to fuck off Paul should have stood at Andrew's side and then both of them could convince the prime minister.

You have low mentality if you think OVA1 & 2 isnt comfy.
I bet you watch G rated movies every day.
You're completely killing the meaning of comfy. Having a short cool-down scene has nothing to do with what you guys are talking about. Specially since we were talking about the discarded episodes that became the ED art.
Yes, and its all there is in his character description.
Can someone point me to the concept/profile pages of Sucy and Lotte?
Since people don't put Little Witch Academia in the OP anymore, I don't know what to search for.
Comfy means conflict-free.

If you think comfy is cute things like K-ON things, you are horribily wrong.
Watch more Movies,Animes. I recommend Mushishi
Even if we consider Mushishi comfy it's on a completely different spectrum from LWA. LWA OVA was fast-paced, with the characters constantly talking and moving or doing funny faces. Mushishi is laid-back, slow and atmospheric.
Ok then what the fuck do YOU mean by comfy? An episode about them picking out familiars sounds wacky and action filled, but can also have comfy "sit around and talk" scenes. An episode about a boat trip dito.
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>Comfy means conflict-free.
Kek, hownuareu anon
Alright, so what does it say about Frank? "He's a cool guy who likes Lotte"?
Many thanks!

>Classroom scene is comfy
>Cafetaria Scene is comfy
>Preparation before Dungeon Crawling is comfy
>Seeing fireworks after defeating dragons is comfy

>The Entire OVA 2 is comfy
>Monster turns into giant park is comfy
>Classroom scene is comfy
Classroom scene has Akko getting beaten up by a teacher.

>Cafetaria Scene is comfy
Cafeteria scene has Diana and Hannah and Barbara bullying Akko while Sucy also uses her as a guinea pig for her experiments.

>Preparation before Dungeon Crawling is comfy
It has a video of little witches getting reduced to bones and ashes. It's dark humor.

I prefer Yoshinari's idea for the familiar episode. And "boat trip episode" means nothing. "Boat trip episode in which they're attacked by the monster of Loch Ness"? Now, that's something I can get behind even if the monster turns out to be something mostly harmless like Fafnir.
Eh, roughly: He is carefree and easy going. Despite being a student in Appleton he holds no ill will toward the witches. After the bee incisent he has grown to be interested in Lotte.
Thats about it. I would say despite there is so little he is still a more interesting than Andrew, who is just a typical shoujo ikemen anyway.
>those Jasminka faces
A cute, now I'm even sadder they never did anything with her

>Classroom scene has Akko getting beaten up by a teacher.
Which is cartoonic
>Cafeteria scene has Diana and Hannah and Barbara bullying Akko while Sucy also uses her as a guinea pig for her experiments.
Whic is cartoonic
>It has a video of little witches getting reduced to bones and ashes. It's dark humor.
Dark Humor is also comfy

Like i said, you have a low mentallity level.
getrekto patronum :^)
It's not my fault you are completely murdering the meaning of "comfy". Not every comedy is comfy. South Park isn't comfy. Invader Zim wasn't comfy. Comfy is a very specific mood and atmosphere.
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>Dark Humor is also comfy
>And "boat trip episode" means nothing
Exactly, so you can't say that the ED images would all amount to, in your definition, "boring" episodes.
Reminder that Yeti and Skeleton episodes exist.
Not really, comfy is subjective
Can you check against this thread >>161888927
and scan the character pages that aren't in it yet?
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Really should have been a LOTR episode where Akko's team wakes up as hobbits, teams up with Diana the Grey and the lackies to save Luna Nova by throwing a magical Donut into a volcano, then Jasminka goes all "PRECIOUS" and war ensues.
>Comfy is a very specific mood and atmosphere.
And thats exactly why OVA LWA is comfy.
The music, the mood, the atmosphere, they all so calm & comfy even when they fighting dragons, melting minotaurs, etc.
You deleted your original post just to hit the enter key?
That's all of the character profiles.
There aren't any more.
There's two pages of Wangari and Avery, and the rest of the students on one page but nothing else.

Andrew = romantic element mainly focused on Akko
Croix = backstory and development to Ursula and tradition vs innovation
Which one sounds better?
It's fast-paced and the atmosphere is cartoony, wacky; there is also real sense of danger and plenty of dark humour. There is nothing calming about the LWA OVA, it's supposed to be funny and fun.
>two pages of Wangari and Avery, and the rest of the students on one page
Can we get those?

You repeating your answer already
Give it up anon.
People with Taste will consider OVA LWA as comfy, just like Mushishi.
Your taste of comfyness is weak. You cant even consider comedic things as comfy
Join the army.
You're doing nothing except murder the meaning of an already meaningless word.
>There is nothing calming about the LWA OVA
You're an idiot.
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>Comfy is meaningless word
>In a Comfy show
LWA is a fun show. Fun is different from comfy.
A fun show can be comfy.

>Fun isnt Comfy
But they aren't the same thing. Either way, the core of this discussion is closer to saying "episode 3's feel versus episode 4's feel".
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Yuri is comfy.
>But they aren't the same thing.
Where did he claim that?

Both Episode 3 & 4 are comfy.
Your point is ?
Fuck off.
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Keep wanting Trigger to go bankrupt.
So everything without a plot is comfy?
Andrew is a mistake.
I can't believe I forgot to ask Yoshinari about other magic schools other than Luna Nova. Not just the school for guys but if there is another school for witches in general. I mean, it seems like Luna Nova is the only witch school since it's too international.
I think Producer already said there were other schools too.
She only talked about the wizard school, no?
honestly it's not just that the idea of romance in tv lwa was bad, it was also that andrew simply sucks dicks as a romantic lead and there was barely any real chemistry other than when they turned into platonic friends.
his design also sucks. dude simply looks too tall and older compared to the more cartoony akko and it feels weird.
seeing luna nova and the wizard school meet up might be neat
I CAN believe I missed the Q&A. Figures.
But then I can't think of anything to ask anyway.
Although I'm curious, Lotte spending her first year alone is confirmed?

Anyway, Comfiness is based of taste & atmosphere, which is OVA1 & 2 had mostly. Even if it includes Violence & Monsters

Too tired to argue with you any further, got to sleep. You desperately needed to strengthen up your mental strength by Joining the army/navy.
first semester alone. she enrolled during spring while akko (and sucy) enrolled during summer
Did it never occur to anyone to ask if the witches only started being grouped into threes in the second semester with Akko and Sucy joining since Lotte was all alone?
the groups of three was always done as a reference to the grand TRIskelion
they probably just shuffled some teams around and lotte was with others before she was dragged into the forest with akko and sucy.
Poor Lotte was probably like Chariot and Croix in that her prior roommates completely moved on from her and barely talked to her throughout their time together, getting roped into crazy town with the queen of chaos and the degenerate alchemist may be the best thing that ever happened to her.
Is there some sort of Identifier for scanned items like an tiny watermark? I have some items I might want to scan but am afraid of the copyright ninjas.
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>queen of chaos
she's just retarded, anon. although it is probably better she has actual friends now
Nope, Akko is chaos incarnate I can bet the next season will start out with her causing an explosion or running from some dangerous monster she accidentally unleashes
What do you think is gonna happen, Tattun breaking into your house and forcing you to commit harakiri because you uploaded a scanned picture on an anonymous basket weaving board?
Lore details from the spell mentions in the previous thread:

>After a witch has casted an spell a lot of times and has enough experience, she can use magic without needing the incantation. Mentions Finneran taking Croix's tablet or Ursula as examples. Most of the Luna Nova teachers can use these spells.
>Chariot uses body strengthening magic, but this spell only works if you also train your body or it would place a big strain on it. So Chariot keeps herself in shape to be able to use it.
>The spell Chariot and Croix casted to turn the costumes of the witches white wasn't just a normal costume changing costume; it was a protection spell meant to assist the witches. It was what let them breathe in space among other things.
>The Cavendish have a lot of secret spells that are only meant for their clan. These range from healing spells (spells that heal broken bones or dispel curses) to quality-of-life spells (like the one used to revive trees and make plants grow faster) and even attack spells like the energy snakes summoned by Diana's aunt. Some of these spells would be in risk of disappearing because they need the user to be an expert witch, have Cavendish blood and also have accepted Beatrix's ideals in her heart. The spell to remove curses is one of these.
Oh god, I can just imagine her awkwardly trying to talk to the others in her room about what they like to do and no-one responding and it hurts my heart.
spell shit, nice
Cool beans. I like how Akko is so proficient in form-changing now that she doesn't need the incantation. So much for being a magical retard, ha!
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>So Chariot keeps herself in shape to be able to use it.
>/fit/ Chariot is canon
Oh god yes
>>Chariot uses body strengthening magic, but this spell only works if you also train your body or it would place a big strain on it. So Chariot keeps herself in shape to be able to use it.
>>The Cavendish have a lot of secret spells that are only meant for their clan. These range from healing spells (spells that heal broken bones or dispel curses) to quality-of-life spells (like the one used to revive trees and make plants grow faster) and even attack spells like the energy snakes summoned by Diana's aunt. Some of these spells would be in risk of disappearing because they need the user to be an expert witch, have Cavendish blood and also have accepted Beatrix's ideals in her heart. The spell to remove curses is one of these.
so now we know some spells just can't work unless they're in a certain clan, or it's a certain person doing them. Neat
By "done right", I meant making him into a character that doesn't need to be a romantic interest.
Yoshinari says that idea behind the world changing magic was actually inspired by an interview with the main vocalist of Japanese rock band The Alfee. The vocalist said "music might not be able to change the world, but it can change the hearts of people" and Yoshi felt the idea was great; they even paraphrased this in Chariot and Croix dialogue in episode 25 when Chariot says that Akko and Diana still believe that their actions can change the hearts of people.
When was this? I only remember her doing it in the finale while she was holding the rod.
Come on,anon, it was always canon
Wouldn't matter even if there was a tiny watermark, because they couldn't keep track of who got which watermark anyway.
is there a page for the boat mecha? That please
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So, do you think any of the other little witches tidy and trim the hair on their special spot?
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>we will never see all the official Diakko art
Truer suffering has never been known.
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Looks like Boku is mad their doujin got scanned, but is impressed at how well it was typeset in English.
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We got a dedicated Akko though. It was more than worth it
Fucking Dynasty.
and onion chan and the sisters
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My headcanon is that the sisters are extremely protective of their little onion and dote on her.
definitely a strong message. makes me thing the story should've been a lot more intimate and personal with none of that nuke or futbol or political nonsense.
>I only remember her doing it in the finale
That's what I meant.
But that's the rod's power
>tfw I asked that question
feels good man
>The Cavendish have a lot of secret spells
See, this bullshit is why people don't trust witches and rather have science help them even if it's not as good as magic. At least this clarifies that question about why people don't like magic even when is so useful.
Especially considering that anyone can learn medicine, but you've got all these requirements for doing the specialized healing spells that cannot be earned by skill alone.
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now this is a fairly obscure reference for nips
What kind of name is Sóla? I looked around and spelling variations with an accent over the O seem uncommon at best.
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It can't be that obscure.
that would actually be a great goal for diana to set for herself; make the previously hidden cavendish healing magic open for everyone who's willing to learn.
Its Sora
The spelling given in the filename in >>161878636 was Sóla.
We were well-behaved during Yoshi's interview so maybe he will let Tats post the drawing eventually?
Fluff SFW doujin by the Suakko porn artist, though. It's just about how the characters wake up in the morning.
>Diana, you've been talking to them again, haven't you?
>W-What? Who?
>Anyone who isn't me.
>Megumi tightens the rope.
Tattun is truly /ourguy/
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not again
i have a mighty need
suakko for life
The doujin it's not Suakko, it's about everyone.
The thing that you're forgetting you sillies is that not everyone can learn magic.
Niche within a niche.
but they can. that's literally akko's entire being.
nah, they said some people just cannot learn magic no matter how hard they try
and akko proves them wrong.
Akko had magic potential from the start, it just got sucked in by Chariot.
she was a regular human being that still learned magic despite her handicap
No she didn't
Akko simply isn't part of the set of the "some" people who can't do magic no longer what.
Andrew > Bad idea mostly salvaged and was mostly a waste of time
Croix > fantastic idea that was wasted and actively hurts the show
Anon you idiot, there are just some people, no matter how much they train or how hard they train, cannot do magic at all. Ever. you need the actual potential to do it, and the potential is something you either have or don't. you can train back the potential if you lose it, but only if you had it in the first place
Here is what Witchpedia says:
>Witch is a profession and magic is an ability acquired through training. Witches aren't a different race from humans, but you still need to have the quality to become a witch. Most can't use magic no matter how hard they try.
>'feels like dokidoki VR'
I'd pay for a Vive if it meant getting a dokidoki VR game
>posts really shitty tumblr art
How fitting, shipping cancer like you would post that.

Akko was accepted because she met the minimun requeriments, anon.

We are not pulling this out of our asses. The Witchpedia says that not everyone can learn magic.
Wasn't it because she was the only one that applied from Japan?
>Chariot getting the Shiny Rod was literally fate
It couldn't have been any other way, to be honest. Starting from her name and all the constellation theme surrounding her.
She was, but that doesn't mean they can accept applicants with zero affinity. That just wastes everyone's time and resources. Their school doesn't exactly work like muggle schools either.
All that and she yet she is still a fraud and a failure...
Yes, she was, but she had at least a lick of potential. Potential they saw and that they aceppted to put on test.
It's pretty sad, to be honest. D Even sadder that Croix only decided to join her shows just because of the words.
So everyone has potential to do magic, most simply choose not to (because they don't believe in it or don't know about it)
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Can you not read, anon?
No, a lot of people simply can't use magic.
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It literally says some people cannot do magic no matter what
is croix really a goat herder now
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Who needs relationships when you can get free drinks?
Poor guy
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That's why I never accepted the whole "passing the batton" shit with Chariot, she's an unfulfilled person that barely has a lick of her optimism. Hell, she was even sort of projecting through Akko until she realized after the former snapped at her and told her that never cared about finding the words. She never wanted to become a teacher either.
The loss of her roombas left such a big hole in her heart that she filled it with fuzzy bleating escape artists.
One thing is using belief as a means to produce magic, and another having the affinity and talent to use that magic.
No, that's just a concept sketch.
>That's why I never accepted the whole "passing the batton" shit with Chariot
I don't think that's what they intented either, at least not exactly.
Is there a page in the chronicle where Croix's ramen is featured? I need it for something I'm working on.
Given that relationship was actually developed, and apparently the subtext was even somewhat intentional on Diana's part, probably not as much.

As big a Diakkofag as I am though, still personally lean on the "LWA is not for romance" side of things, period.
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You mean this?
>>Croix was backstage helping at Chariot shows while her true motive being reviving the seven words, and though she and Chariot had a misunderstanding, her behaviour was undoubtedly from her anguish over the future of magic (dying)
I wonder if that translation's right? Since in the show it seemed like Chariot hadn't seen her in a while prior to the Dream Fuel Spirit show.

>>1st cour ED is basically unused concepts
Road trip when motherfucker.

>>The feathers in the teachers' hats represent their rank; the headmaster has 3, senior teachers have 2 and the rest have 1
Fascinating tidbit.
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I know there's a color page of them, but this has everyone.
Nope, a close up image or something. Like that grail image.
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So what rank is the two-headed witch?
Did no one else pick up on the feather detail? I kind of noticed it way back.
The feather detail was already mentioned in the booklet of TEP
I think most people figured it out, even if no one commented it. It was not hard to guess the meaning of the feathers.
Now, where the symbols of their hats explained in the book? I remember Yoshinari saying something about the students symbols representing an eclipse, but what did Holbrooke's symbol represent? It was even in the bell at the town.
I don't think there is one. The closest you'll find is from one of her noodle slurping scenes
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>look for Tattun's username
>Yoshinari was here

Ah well, thanks for the help anyway.
When I opened the thread the last post was tattun saying he's done you don't know true pain
we already knew this months ago from an interview though
they wanted to force more Andrew shit in but the rest of the staff disagreed
Tattun even announced it yesterday. Yoshinari even drew a cute Akko just for us
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>mfw I had a file with questions I had been preparing since last time producer san visited us, but was asleep during the Q&A.
You're literally me, At least he answered my question regarding Arcas since it was the only one I could remember atvthe time.
also here:

(2 feathers for senior teachers)
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if its lore related the chronicle will likely have it.
No, this is a bit different. This isn't Andrew-specific, this is an entire character trait Yoshi had in mind for Akko but got removed.
well thank god it got removed then
Evil Diana arc when?
/fit/ akko when?
Akko, Diana and Amanda are already relatively fit. Akko even says she is proud of her atheltic skills in episode 3.
When /fit/ Chariot teaches her
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>tfw I've been trying to get /fit/ recently
>tfw going a lot easier than I thought and I've quit fast food/junkfood/soda
>tfw best girl is /fit/
yeah but i want to see akko train and shit with an impressed amanda and a flustered diana
I just want to see Chariot wear something revealing during summer and showing off all her muscles.
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How big is your Daikko folder?

I'm kind of picky about what I save. I don't bother with all those little low quality doodles artists draw.
would be a lot more if i actually bothered to save weibo reposts.
That can only be possible through a beach episode that will probably never happen.
>weibo reposts
What do you mean by this?
I've looked around on weibo and didn't find all that much Diakko stuff. Most of it ends up on twitter anyway.
Has any artist done non-h drawings of every girl doing "their thing" yet that has them in a more active pose?

I need them for MtG tokens and can't find anything of the sort.
There is a LOT but it's not tagged and a bit hidden. But there are some people in Tumblr that repost art without permission for notes.
stuff that gets posted on tumblr that's from weibo
Where do I start with watching LWA?

The first two movies and then the 2017 series?
Always watch everything in release order no matter what anyone says.
Yes. The moves are stand alone but they introduce the general concept of the franchise. Think of them as pilots.
Also this >>161898337
I call bull shit.
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my shipping folder has around 5200 altogether spread across 72 subfolders
I agree, Chariot really needs to shine again.
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just put a baby in her
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That's literally nothing.
If you're counting all couples.
how the fuck
I'm only talking about my LWA folder, but that is still quite a lot I must admit
I'm pretty picky about shit I save too. I don't divide by pairing, I just have everything thrown in a big ol' "LWA" folder.

Currently it sits at 1452 images (Including doujins). Of that I'd guess maybe ~3/4ths are Diakko?
Oh, alright.
You're probably saving shit if you have that much.
>(about episode 25)
>After Diana came out as a Chariot fan in episode 23 I really wanted to have fun portraying her being "dere" to Akko. The depiction of Diana in the original script was thin so I added plenty of content to emphasize her in the e-conte process.
Is this man a real genius?
Weren't you faggots shitting on him for protraying the lesbos as evil in KLK years ago?
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Truly wise above all.
Yes, being /u/fags the majority of them.
Japanese is vague with singular plural forms, but they didn't specify it was a one time only thing.
Croix's page with the hoodie outfit also had a "it seems like at that time they were good friends " caption on it
The real question is if Croix owned a Chariot dakimakura
Wait, is Tattun not a native Japanese speaker?
>while her true motive being reviving the seven words
She clearly wasn't in it for shits and giggles, much less to (according ro her) waste time in parlor tricks shows, so if she ever had any Shiny Chariot merch, it would be a replica of the rod.
Tattun is American from Japanese parents.
oh, didn't know that.
Chances are that Akko and Diana have them more than Croix.
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>Chariot finds some of her merch in Croix's room
>one of the items is some special 'exact' replica of her Shiny Rod
>she notices that the bottom of it has been smoothed out
>a thought starts to nag at her in the back of her head, but she ignores it. 'Croix wouldn't do something like that...'
>she flips the rod over and there's a picture of her face taped to the top of it
>she moves the rod closer to her face to get a better look at the picture
>notices there's a weird smell coming off of the rod, specifically closer to the tip at the bottom
>she puts the rod back down where she found it and tries to suppress this memory forever
The Luna Nova events timeline mentions a sports competition. If there is an S2, they should make an episode about that.
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>It's a game of baseball
>Akko dominates
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Will there be cheerleaders?
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>seeing Akko in volleyball shorts animated
Anon, remember that Aamanda exists
>"Wow Akko, we finally found something you're good at!"
Clearly, Amanda is a Football fan.
It needs to be a magic sport though. That would make it more interesting
>The event is a football game.
>Amanda appears wearing full gear.
>"Is not that kind of football, Amanda"
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>Amanda starts tackling people mid game
>Ok, what sort of magical sport is this gonna be?
>Akko, we play soccer.
>yeah, what did you think we'd play?
>I dunno. Maybe something involving flying around on a broom?
>That's just stupid.
>shoehorns in Diakko
>abandons all connection between the main trio
they had their moment in ep13
s a s u g a d i a n a b o y z
i'm actually getting a bit excited over the game ngl.
>7600 JPY for the basic version
But how much will the Steam version be?
So what are they saying at the Diana part?
60$. Watch.
Oh hey, Diana. people were worried she wasn't gonna show up at all for some reason
I really want to know what's in the BD. Andshow the Gran Charion game already.
I'd be surprised if it was $60, I would expect $40.
>nightfall-focused drama CD
>Special Contents Blu-rays
>Special Shiny Chariot Card
>Special Box Art depicting that cozy-as-fuck looking common room
I'm going to have to order this from Japan aren't I cause odds are the English release is gonna be just the game, if not digital-only, ain't it?
English version is digital only. Not sure if it will be a download off of the PS4 store or if it will be Steam only.
Welp. Time to fuck my wallet s'more and check Play-Asia.
>Paying for the (((Steam))) version
Just pirate it
Guys help, my heart wants to waifu both Sucy and Lotte
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Diana already announced ???
Source ?
>Implying I don't get FREE money by RMTing digital items
Diana is "playable". She is part of your gang but you can't play as her. She is an independent character that follows you around.
How did you miss the link ten posts above?
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>Diana is like Navi from LoZ
>Diana support only
>AI on all the other characters sucks because the focused all system resources into programming her
She is like the Flynn in SMT4A.
Are you going to be able to make Diana and Akko kiss in the game?
Is the music, it can make anything feel doki doki no waku waku.
>inb4 Diana will just be reading books the entire game
>That lack of Diana boobs.
Don't get me wrong, if the english version is released physically for PS4 I'll buy it, but I have never and will never pay for something just to get nothing in return, which is exactly what happens when you buy something on Steam.
Actually now that I think about it, she's more like Tatl.
This is pre development Diana so no.
God I hope they don't bother dubbing it and just translate the text.
You can probably make Akko walk up and collide with Diana?
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Is Bokujoukun's Diana more accurate than the game's Diana?
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That made me realize how much I want an LWA fighting game.

Maybe once Arc System is finished with Fighter Z.
If anyone cares, the dialogue for the Diana part is:
>Amanda, don't tell anyone else about this! Specially the teachers! They will get mad if they know!
>Ara, I guess it would be bad for you if anyone knew about this...
>Wha?! Who told Diana! Amanda!
>It's not my fault!
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Told you faggots, Diana is a Support & Healer.
I want a Trigger Fighter game by Examu
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With Akko, Sucy, Diana, Ursula/Chariot and (maybe) Croix representing LWA?

That'd be pretty cool. Arc System plz.
Akko's move-set would include Lotte and Sucy in it.
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If you thought Amanda's 3D model was terrible, look at this
It's passable. Amanda is still a disaster.

Just like above anon, its passable, so does Amanda.
Real Disaster is Lotte.
yeah but who gives a fuck about lotte
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I really hope I can get collectables and decorate the room with them.
wow, that's some old meme.
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At least we got the new art from the trailer.
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Don't be rude anon, just because she's as present as a passing breeze doesn't mean you can talk shit about her
Well, you add Diana to the room after day 4.
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>Diana speaks ~ara in the trailer

I like the idea of Akko fighting for herself in a fighting game, but she also injures herself during her attacks. Like Pichu in Melee, her magic attacks have a bunch of recoil based on the strength of the magic spell in question.

She could use the Shiny Rod too for her specials.
>Constanze casually fixing her shotgun.
Oh, and there's Diana's teddy bear, I hope they give him a name in the game.
It takes place right after episode 7 so expect Diana to act cold.
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Exactly what i want, Anon.
We need more of Pre Episode 20 Diana.
Considering episode 1 to episode 19 was 6 months they actually have plenty of places to fill with side-stores.
Fuck you.
This common room looks so damn comfy.

But of course, Hannah and Barbara left out to dry as per usual.
the good thing is that I have until november
Playable gals only!
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>mfw want to buy this but I just dropped $700 on a new suit
This is the most hilarious thing I've read all week.
Diana joins you after the 4th day. You and Diana kinda use each other. During the day in the loops, Diana investigates about the clock and mysterious happenings in the library, in the Luna Nova archives and with the teachers. Akko just runs around the school listening to the gossip. After every day, Diana discovers new information on the library and gives you access to new stuff.

why do you even bother

Jesus fuck, man.
Do you think there will be mods for PC?
what mods would you like to see?
So she's just mission control? Aw. Wanted to see her kick ass and use snake magic.
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>LWA Mods
There is good stuff posted there. And also I'm bored and needed something to mindlessly scroll through in search of shit, and tumblr's less stressful on my browser than Twitter.
Remember they didn't expect them to become popular anon. Future content will probably feature them too
She also follows you in the dungeons, Anon. That post was about the daytime gameplay.
Nude mods are an obligation.
Why would Hannah and Barbara have roles in the game when it takes place after episode 7? They were still physically bullying Akko.
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See, Hannah and Barbara were doing it all wrong, they shouldn't have been physically bullying Akko, they should've been doing it mentally/psychologically
>H and B act as Guards, of sorts. Where if they they see Akko as she travels through the school they force her to run back to her room and you need to start over
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>They just start hiding pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki randomly in Akko's room.
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>mfw reading that
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>tfw the game got more interesting plot rather than the TV Anime itself.
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Get money.jpg
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Is the physical edition confirmed to have no English text/subtitle option?
I don't want to pay Valve $40-60 for $0.02 of bandwidth and a shitty ToS saying I never actually own my purchases.
Can I just torrent it and send an envelope of money to Trigger?
First mod is fixing the stuttering animation.
Any link for the Yoshinari's Q&A? I can't find it in the archives, I guess the thread wasn't labeled as the previous ones.
Suits are expensive m8
>still no local co op
Literally why even bother.
>assigned room inspection duty
>make sure students don't have contraband of any sort
>akko is tactless while diana has had a rare lapse
>find the same toys in akko's room and diana's room
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Thanks, bros.
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Replace Character mod.
Replace the witches model with the better ones
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Chariot doesn't deserve this
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I'm waiting for a scan of Ursula's character page from the LWA Chronicles book. This just won't do....
What the fuck? Every other photo is in much better quality.
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Where can I get some Akko x Ursula?
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>tfw no good Ursula smut

Here anon.
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Ursula petting Akko's head.jpg
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I haven't the foggiest idea.
Right? Even Andrew had a good scan of his page.

Scan is still miles better than Photo quality.
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>Trigger C92 Book scans never
>Other LWA doujins scans never
>LN LWA Scans never
>LWA Chronicle Complete proper scans (Especially Witches page) never
I blame the Italians
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Here's a version I nabbed off the Imgur album.

Can you do Diana & Sucy too ?
It's weird seeing Sucy with a healthy skin color
A lot better than the other one, thanks anon.

I still would like a proper scan tho...
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Apparently, Reddit did a "Top 100 Akko Faces" poll. Here are the results.

#1 is exactly what should be #1.

Go back to that place.
Megumi is insane.
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>not having he actual best Akko face in top 5, or even top 10
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>13. Akko (Begging Lotte to let her come) (Episode 1) - 118 votes
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Finished the show last night. What was the reaction when this happened?
If that anon who made the original >>161888418 image compilation is here, do you mind if the image was shared outside of /a/?
Honestly while we were all very happy for Akko, most of us were more shocked that Constanze fucking talked.
I doubt he would. Get the word out, spread what we have learned!

And let others bask in the misery that they missed the opportunity to ask Yoh Yoshinari random bullshit.
y a y !
I was here and forgot to ask my fucking question.

A smile.
i want these models https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsM_ztQ5JjY
Character selection: Play as any witch.
Holy crap these things kept on going but without titles.
They seem to be a lot less cancerigenous tho.
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