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It's time.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 230
Thread images: 73

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It's time.
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I love Luffy 2.0.
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Man, last thread was pretty harmless for a deletion, might as well give up for today. Making a new thread just to get deleted is a waste of time, don't forget to make a complaint on /feedback/, lads.
>don't forget to make a complaint on /feedback/, lads.


Here's the link.
Maybe try again in a day or two, but for now let's make the best of this one.

Thanks, anon.
>those heels
Somebody sacrifice their body and go to IRC.
I'm too tired today. Do mods there actually respond?
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About the novel, is there much drama and sentimentality?
You'd have to wait and see, probably not right away at least. That's why it's a sacrifice.
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Gon is cute.
Do you really have to ask?
Yes. Because there are war stories out there without forced drama and sentimentality, even when death is involved. So yeah, my question is what shape the drama takes in the story.
At this point I don't even remember what did I post in the last thread
Check the archive at archive moe. The post number was 161818053

Later this evening, while studying, I will definitely try to get someone to answer me on IRC.
Are those threads about pre 2000 anime getting deleted too? Because they're the exact same thing as these.
So what are you watching next season? For me it's definitely Gintama.
You can say the same about the buyfag threads which are the true generals on /a/ and left intact.
Why would they be deleted if they aren't generals?
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Have you prayed to homo Jesus today?
There are evil people among the moderation.
Those aren't considered generals as they are not up daily.
Is he dead?
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>buyfag threads
It's funny because they belong more on /jp/
Buyfag threads gets new content all the time at least. A really cancer general are the snk ones where they post the same shit in every thread.
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I did. I asked all who were online on IRC about the pruning 3 hours ago, two replied, one doesn't know much about what's going with /a/'s new policy, but he'd try to see what's the issue later and the other just told me to use /feedback/. Everybody else didn't reply, Kino is probably the only one that actually knows what's going on, so I'll wait for him to come back.

They do, but it takes time.

The thing is that you shouldn't get agited, homo threads always suffered deletions and shit like that, this is not new.
Because, just like these, they're threads about the same theme and even use the same phrase every time. Same goes for the "Post your homo OTP", one of those got deleted either.
If those aren't deleted I don't understand why these are. All these double standards are really tiring.
Yeah, same as homo threads. What now?
Homo jesus isn't real. I prayed for a homothread to reach bump limit and nothing happened.
Homo thread content always changes and it talks about seasonal anime too. Homo OTP is mostly image dumping of the same pairings.
Well I guess no point in spamming any new threads for today. Just make another one once they reply to you.
If he's not he will be soon.
Pray the straight away
>this is not new
It is though? The only other time I remember was December/January last year. I thought that misunderstanding/bad will was long cleared.
They shouldn't be deleted either and the anons should contact the mods about it too.
Last time it actually had discussion iirc and they deleted it anyway. They aren't looking at the content at all.
Some threads were left alone too, it's probably a global mod that can't into /a/.
moot please come back.
>I did. I asked all who were online on IRC about the pruning 3 hours ago, two replied, one doesn't know much about what's going with /a/'s new policy, but he'd try to see what's the issue later and the other just told me to use /feedback/. Everybody else didn't reply, Kino is probably the only one that actually knows what's going on, so I'll wait for him to come back.
I have the list of all (okay, 'most'?) the threads pruned in the last 12 hours, if this is of any assistance.
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Who's your favorite boy of the season?
How's Ten Count? Anyone read it?
I miss those wavy locks.
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Nostalgiafag here.
Literal trash.
Also, enjoy your 2-4 pages per month (breaks not included)
At least it's pretty trash.
Homo OTP thread are just an excuse to have an homo lite to be honest
I don't like the characters, but the psychology stuff is interesting at least.
It's better this way, all the retards go shitpost there.
No, just injured. Do you think these two homos are going to turn straight in the end?
I'm still amazed they allow the BL+otome general over there.
>Homo jesus isn't real.
Homo jesus is the only real Jesus.

Most threads share usersbase I bet.
I like it. It's basically corruption, except that it ends well. The sex scenes turned me on too. Nothing groundbreaking though. The characters are basic uke seme archetypes.
Why not? It belongs together with untranslated VN threads. /vg/ won't allow it, since the games are not in English.
>No Sanzou
But yeah Goku is a good boy too
They where on /vg/ for years but moved to /jp/ because /vg/ is too fast. They expected to be hounded with shitposting but it went surprisingly well.
What are his chances of wining?
Maybe it's a sign of /jp/ becoming a better place. I remember several years ago I couldn't stay there longer than one minute - the whole board resembled weeabo /b/, but 1000x the autism.
Zero. They are even setting him to lose whit the whole "even if you love didn't come through it wasn't meaningless".
at this point /jp/ has so many idol generals they hate that VN-related /blog/ looks harmless in comparison.
at least /jp/ has competent mods though. ironically it's become one of the better boards left on the site when it used to be a shitposting hub.
>even if you love didn't come through it wasn't meaningless
Um, I'm pretty sure it was.
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>tfw no playable Yagen
Yeah, but it's OK anon, now he can marry a girl.
I completely forgot that Touken Ranbu was airing this season. Now I have to marathon pretty much the entire show. Good thing I've got a long weekend I guess.
Have kids with her, then go batshit crazy and find a younger male lover with whom he commits double suicide. Oh wait.
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>"even if you love didn't come through it wasn't meaningless".
The mark of an absolutely BTFO loser
meant to reply to >>161824555 but whatever.
Every gay dude's dream
I think Touma will stay homo, but I bet Nisaka is going to end with cowtits or his wife.
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Legend of the Blue Wolves. Have you yet watched this masterpiece of hard gay sci-fi cinema?
I'm enjoying a lot of boys this season but I think this is the one who'll stay with me after the shows end.
We had a blast watching hot space cowboys.
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Anyone knows what it says in Kousuke's shirt?
The pleasure of being cummed inside.
Might as well seek mental help and become normal again.

Homosexuality is a mental illness
True Kino
He's alive, but his dreams are probably dead.

He deserves so much better than a dense MC that's in denial over his feelings for a hamster.
Hitorijime's has been nice
Are we allowed to report these threads?
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You have excellent taste and I second your opinion.
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How would straight girls seek help from homosexuality?
Yeah, class rep spilling the beans to everyone triggered me but it was worth the second hand embarassment, that resolution was 10/10.
You should rather report the actual generals
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>replying to obvious bait
And you should rather not be so easily baited.
Golden Kamui is a gift from god.
Yes you are, but first promise me you'll stop asking your mom first whenever you need to go to the potty.
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Man why are good kuuderes so hard to find, like you can always find a good nice genky boy if you search a little but you need to go balls deep if you want to find a kuudere that isn't shit.
Like pic related the original Rei
You should answer my question
Will Chirico know happines someday?
Define good.
No, because this isn't a general.
His personality doesn't suddenly make a 180%
This >>161797013 especially >>161798130
Gay sex with hats on.
メソポタージュ 文明の起源 
something, origin of civilization. some sort of play on Mesopotamia?
Stoic and aloof but doesn't get dere-dere as soon as MC sees them in a compromising situation. Thaws gradually over time as he warms up to MC and even when he's affectionate it's chaste and with a minimum of fuss or contact.

Problem is a lot of doujinshi don't have time to thaw them out properly so they go from ice king to some kind of mellow tsundere at the speed of light. Especially so if sex is required to happen.
Fucking sea otters, man. That's some potent shit.

I know I'm being made fun of but I'll enjoy it anyway since he took the time to draw it.
What are some examples of good ones?
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anyone here played Shining Live?
You want this thread nuked again for going off-topic? Take it to /blog/
And The Side-M rhythm game
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about two weeks to announcement, are you ready?
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Really for manga design.
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It's what we'll get, anon, time to get used to it now
It's not though? They've said it's not going to be a manga adaptation, and the one promo pic so far doesn't have Reinhard's manga design.
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The teaser visual already uses a completely different uniform design so I think that's pretty unlikely.
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I'm waiting for new fans especially the shippingfags losing their shit over Kircheis' death
Maracas is a super happy guy partly because he has to be a happy guy.
Despite the pixiv file name you can tell the artist of that isn't Japanese.
>westerners on pixiv
fucking gross
Some western are pretty good, but it's a rarity. At least they don't use shitty turmblr noses on pixiv.
Have mods given up?
You'll find out eventually.
I doubt it. It's probably a jannie putting in deletion requests considering it takes a certain amount of time for it to happen.
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Catholic Priest Scooby Doo.
I can't enjoy anything with Kanesan that isn't him bottoming anymore.
I can't believe Mugaro is fucking dead.
JJ from Omerta Chinmoku no Okite
What about nervous top
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That works, but he has to cry halfway through.

I mean, he's probably not.

I can't imagine a normal guy stabbing him with a normal knife would actually kill him, plus as it is, he's the only character in the cast that can nullify Cheerios's green magic shit, even if he can't stop the giant rock hand himself, he's still kind of necessary for the finale.
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I can't like Kousuke man, he's such an asshole. Someone as cute as Settie doesn't deserve this. I can't enjoy this shit show like this, but I want to keep watching it for him.
Also Hasekura is actually pretty nice when he's not the focus of the show. What shitty writing.
>he has to cry halfway through.
Please anon, do you know of any doujins where that happens?
60% of the Kane-san doujins has him as rapist seme not the wussy brat he is, sadly.
It's only at the end as he's getting dicked, but it occurs here.
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Tfw I was literally reading that one just now.
Thank you anyway anon ;_;
My nibba
>Mitsutada doujin with 200 pages by the succ lips author
>DoutanukixMutsu doujin with a quad-amputee Mutsu
I am sorry for your lots ano wish there were more.
my sides
> Tanuki topping
Almost as bad as Bakugou topping
>Doujins about Yamanbagiri being raped by the enemy Uchigatana, falling in love with him and in the end they get together

What the fuck
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So how many of you can control your own penis genie?
That one is pretty hot desu can't wait for part 3
I can.
The fucking undisputed slutmaster of swords.
I found a sequence on Pixiv of Otegine as an amputee and his cheeriness only made it worse when he couldn't mess with anyone's hair.
I shouldn't be laughing but holy fuck
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Delet pls
He just wanted to thank Doutanuki for bringing him breakfast. ;__;

Don't shorten your yari, folks.
I don't think mine has a genie. I've rubbed it enough to be almost certain.
>Almost as bad as Bakugou topping
I don't know, I think Bakugou is designed for dicking, but I think Bakugou gently loving Kirishima while being embarassed through it has is charm
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I love gap moe.
Are they ever going to make more Champloo?
seems like a good guy for such a shitty show, does it actually get better?
They write english just like me.
Does that mean I can write japanese like them
He honestly looks better with his hair down. I don't understand why it looks that way when he dives.
>Made by Manglobe
>"The studio filed for bankruptcy in September 2015 after getting in an estimated debt of 350 million yen."

I don't think so, no.
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The anime has gotten comfy now that the 3 main boys are friendly with each other, but it's not for everyone as I can't quite pinpoint the target audience. That dude has a gf for example, and MC got cucked by his little brother so he no longer has a gf. This combined with the focus on the diving sport makes it seem like it would be for boys. However the SoL segments with the boys bonding and their general nakedness makes it seem it's for girls/gays.

I guess that's how sports series are nowadays but I notice most don't have the MCs getting girlfriends.
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He's the only good thing in Dive.

Not really.
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I hope this thread doesnt get canned again.
anyway reposting from the previous since it died early.
opinion on this one?
Am I the only one who didn't realize that Ryou or whatever his name is left the team?

Biggest loser pussy I've ever seen, and an a grade lazy cunt too.
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I'm seriously done with SOL malebonding and most sport anime now a day. I can't help but snore everytime I try to watch them. Awkwardly, shows that are intendedly throw at Fujo turn me off like Free! and sword boys and for example. While I find shipping characters or panders between characters in a nonfujo more engaging.
Things served on a sliver platter can get predictable and boring since it's so easy.
Congratulations, you're cool and different. Want a cookie?
fetch me milk and oreo, I'll take those.
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>Not superior chocolate chip
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Sci-fi pandering has gotten worse, ESL-chan.
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wont happen. Majority of fujos on twitter prefer the older design.
I highly doubt it'll be a long run anime too.
The only groups in Japan who are excited for this is are old fags in the prime. I just hope they dont crunch the whole thing down into 2 seasons because that'll be shitty writing.
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I want to give senpai all the happiness he wants and needs.
I think the show is actually OK, but also kinda het and no longer even ambiguous homo
At first glance I thought that was Suga.
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>mfw author deleted her twitter
No more cute extras I guess.
>why are good kuuderes so hard to find

Because it's mostly a shit personality type to begin with. So it's harder to craft a characterization of a kuudere that's actually charming vs a genki type for example. Think of real life.
I can't help but laugh when people deem it /y/ or something like that when they're all obviously into girls. In any case I find it to be all right but nothing too special. In a way it does resemble Free! in that it's not as much about the sport itself, unlike shows such as Haikyuu and Kurobas, but about the boys' experience and struggles with the sport.
Gojyo a best of the four. But all Saiyukis are good boys.

I hope Minekura's health will be good from here on out.
>tfw I never got my shit back
It still hurts a bit sometimes. Like Franz.
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Good? Lots. Homo? Not much, except Ballroom and Bahamut if you squint (I'm behind on Bahamut but if Favaro's arrived then Kaisar should be back to his usual unsubtle tsundere lust patterns).

I see one of the episodes of Tsurezure Children I haven't seen yet has a segment called "Oretachi ni Onna wa Iranai" but I'm nearly positive it won't be what I hope it will.
>people love Luffy
>people REALLY love Law
>Combine them

Oda knew what he was doing
The thread for the most recent episode was so off the wall I'm considering picking it up. Anyone want to give three-word summaries of what to expect?
Long wait between chapters made me drop it years ago. It wasn't bad. Cheating, sluts.
Fuck you, For Example is great.
I'm fine with easy. It's the soulessness that gets me sometimes, with pandering. Better not to excessively pander and stick to pure friendship if that's the case. But in nonfujo shows the bonds can come off more genuine because it's not done for cheap fujoservice.
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Has he been shirtless yet after his flashback?

I haven't watched post episode 6.
Thank you Mr Skeletal

> Unsubtle tsundere lust patterns

He's dropped the tsun completely.
I find it so weird watching cute little Goku being ripped. Like I expect him to be at least a bit more lean but then he opens his shirt and BAM muscles.
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A kuudere done right? Maybe.
He's older than he looks.
He looks delicious.
Is it worth watching the show for him?
You'd have to start from the beginning to understand everything. Read the manga.
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The visual has Reinhard in the uniform from the original anime, the DMM game has the old designs in updated art and Koto's figures are the old designs too.
They aren't going to use the new manga.
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That's pretty similar to the uniform design from the original anime, but not the same. I think they're probably going with new designs for everything besides maybe the ships. Even the manga kept the old designs for those.

But even then, things will probably resemble the OVAs in a lot of ways since they'll both be based on the same descriptions from the novels.
where can I find raws for chapters 13-15? I can actually read ch. 16 on the jump+ page, but for others there's just these fucking matomes with butchered pages reeeee
i'm fine with Touma "not winning", if author is that much of a hack to get car-kun involved in this mess, that's just what Touma deserves.
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I'm going to marry Mihashi when he's old enough!
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It's sad that it's a shonen-ai title.
This week's thread was completely boring.
It's a boring season.
People still use that?
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I love him too but mostly his ass.
Which one?
I'm just glad the thread I made yesterday is still here. .
The season is pretty dull, I've dropped about 7 shows of the 17 I started watching and a few more I'm struggling to finish.
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I have to correct myself to use "BL" often enough. Plus a lot of English sites haven't gotten the memo and still use that to tag male on male stuff. Lemons have gone the way of the dodo though.

I want to pat his head and somehow get the author to start publishing again. I keep forgetting what's happened between all the gaps.
>somehow get the author to start publishing again.
She was pregnant. It's back off hiatus now though.
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>MonsieurBarazoku deleted their pastebin
>the basugay sweatfic is gone forever
Read Rookies you guys.
Maybe it's more aerodynamic, or it won't immediately get in the way while he dives.
Morita is my favorite artist. If I somehow had the power to have him illustrate a gay series, I would.
My nigga
But cute, shy, insecure boys are for violent unlubricated anal rape
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Neat. So now it just needs to be translated. Well if ancient BL is still getting updated even though it's years behind maybe a once-popular sports manga can get the same treatment.
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The scanlators are up-to-date with the releases I think. I mean, they have released the first chapter after the hiatus last month
>I can't help but laugh when people deem it /y/ or something like that when they're all obviously into girls
First episode obviously played into the ambiguity, but it got progressively more het.

Except for this stuff with the gay grandpa
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>Fucking www.cartoonnetwork.it/

But seriusly, what's up with it? Why does every BL research get sent at cartoonnetwork these days?
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>>the basugay sweatfic is gone forever
The what?
Definitely anon, the first season is the best through
Can't wait to see the shit blamed on him next week ;_;
Fuck off, tasteless imbecile. They're for marrying and tickling and patting on the head
> browse "josou seme" tag
> 75% results are trap x trap
What's the fucking point

No, that's for the loud asshole type
Traps are literally girls with dick they were a mistake
Sauce? Google gives me nothing.
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Ready to drown in idolshit next season?

It's on MRM, fagget.
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Why is the game play so bad? It's just taping a single circle, who thought this was a good idea?
This kind
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pic related

It's missing tons of shit other than that desu.
>no voiced commus
>no voiced ken tutorial
>2D mode is literally nothing
>no gurranteed SR on 10 card gacha, sasuga scamco

It's my first rhythm game and "pro" level doesn't feel like it at all.
I played the tapping SideM game for a year, yet I somehow got bored by the rhythm game after one day. They truly fucked up.

At least my favourite SideM is in the anime, so I still have something to look forward to.
I've played a lot of rhythm games on consoles, usually the follow the same structure. I don't get how all mobile games fail at making good rhythm game gameplay. It really isn't that hard to make a decent game, even LLISF has better gameplay.
The im@s one isn't good either but it is marginally better than taping one circle.
I wasn't fond of T7S however tapping two circles is better than one in the center.
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There was that one anon several threads ago who wanted the original version of that doujin with adult Satoru and his 'dad' Yashiro. Here you go.

>>no gurranteed SR on 10 card gacha
Ah the good old days when SIF did the same during events and you accidently rolled in the normal box instead of the limited special boxes and got 11 Rs.
File: tomoaki drag.jpg (29KB, 253x241px) Image search: [Google]
tomoaki drag.jpg
29KB, 253x241px
I like it when they moan out loud like a woman, complete with ahegao and everything. You have no idea how much I hate it whenever a seme is like "..." with a poker face during the whole scene and then at the end of the scene you get a "...hn" with a close up of his straight face, or worse, of the uke's face moaning, and that's how you know he came.
I wish all the semes were like Tomoaki during sex scenes. That's just much more entertaining and arousing. At least you don't have to search his face to know he's enjoying it.
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