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Thread replies: 529
Thread images: 163

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>my daughter is a thot and she must die

Is Diavolo, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
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Post the best JoJo OST, Game or Anime
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>They'll use GW for sure!
He could've been, but our guy he is not. In the end he lost to a thot. On the other hand you have Pucci, whomst slayed his thot and preferred (getting fucked in his boy)pucci.
Is part 5 announced yet?
Yeah over 20 years ago. The anime no, though there's a possibility it'll happen some time at this event.
has part 5 anounce yet???
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>Banpresto JOJO'S FIGURE GALLERY 6 X Diamond Records Jotaro

>More photos from inside JoJofes

>Another half of page from DNA
6 & 7
Is called vento aureo retard
that's the joke faggot
Is called Part 5 retard
>dare I say it
Fuck off back to whatever board you came from, newfag.
It's Ogon no Kaze retard. Vento Aureo is the Pasta translation.
It's Ougon

t. Houi Woua Mouata Noubourou
is call gold experience retards
So has part 5 been announced yet? How long does the festival last?
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How has Jojolion been going? I forgot the name of the site I used to read the manga during the beetle fights
Ahem, gold experience requiem
Did Yukako use Cinderella to brainwash Koichi into falling in love with her?

When I first read through those arcs it made me quite uncomfortable. It seriously seems like he was forced to do it against his will.
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>Araki-JoJo is retweeting stuff from Hiroshi Matsuyama (President/CEO of CyberConnect2)
>as well as Mori Ryosuke from Shueisha
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>tfw animeonlyfags are gonna take over the thread asking for part 5
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Eh, it's hard to say, honestly, Cinderella seems to be able to play around with fate a little, but it's not like Koichi was completely brainwashed to ignore her bad points, it just made him see them in a more endearing light.

So yeah, it's a bit iffy, but I don't think you could go as far as to say he was brainwashed, Cinderella just made Yukako really pretty and played with fate a little so that Koichi and Yukako could meet up in a 'right place right time' kind of thing.
Are we getting another game doc?
>jobin is a character
>10cm range of making things kinda hot

> Jobin has shit range but his normal hits cause way more damage since he's also using Speed King each time he hits to boil your blood or something.
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Quick! What is Koichi thinking about?
How is SBR...

I keep trying to read it but I get bored during the first few chapters or so. It's not that I even really dislike the concept. But since I can't help but miss the old universe I get distracted and can't enjoy the story of SBR. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was just a new series and had nothing to do with JoJo.

Anyone else deal with this? Should I just power through?
It IS a new series and has nothing to do with JoJo, you mega autist
Why is it always posted about in JoJo threads then?
It's the spiritual successor to the series. It's just a story about a guy and his retard friend racing across America to win some $$$.
Diavolo didn't deserve to repeat death for all eternity
Ok, i'll try and turn my autism off enough to get past missing the old world and just try to enjoy it for what it is.

Yeah honestly, he was a horrible person but he really didn't deserve a punishment that much worse than just death.

I guess Giorno always was the vengeful type with people he didn't like, but that's just ridiculously extreme. I could only hope that he made GER stop it one day so Diavolo could just die properly.
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>not wanting Jobin to be a luchador beetle-themed wrestler with occasional speed king shenanigans
>his ultimate attack is running you over with his lamborghini and a bus at the same time
He legit says in the finale that he doesn't know what GER did. GER did the eternal death thing on it's own, and Giorno is sweating profusely and looking very concerned after Diavolo disappears because he has no idea what happened.
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He still knows that he's been taken care of by GER though, I'm pretty sure he says it when Trish and Mista are freaking out about trying to find Diavolo.

I don't think it's to farfetched to believe that Giorno would try to learn more about/control Golden Experiences requiem form, and then potentially thinking that enough is enough for Diavolo.
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Now let me see their Quality Queen sketch.
Fuck off back to Tumblr.
I know that, I'm just saying it's not really Giorno being vengeful or a cunt but GER. I'm sure that he'd release Diavolo if he became aware of what was actually happening to him.
You think Jolyne ever wanted to marry her dad when she was a kid?
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> I'm sure he'd release Diavolo if he became aware of what was actually happening to him

He seems to have the general idea at least.

why don't you link the next threads
I dunno, Giorno is ruthless to people he thinks are evil. Pollo was nothing but curt to him and he shot him in the fucking brain.
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Just how badly did the guard want a dicking from goldenboy?
requesting the blushing police girl edit

I don't know, I would have thought a guy, even a pretty one, sweating profusely with a look of pain on his face while I was searching him would be fucking weirdo.

Also since he was going to see Polpo I imagine she took a disliking to him right away anyway.
Because Polpo's Stand killed a guy for getting involved, that was the whole catalyst for Koichi seeing his Joestar spirit and Giorno's sense of justice awakening.

Not that anon, but I mean, Giorno WAS joining a gang, he even says at one point that he knows gangsters aren't good people, that things like selling debilitating and addictive drugs is fine as long as it isn't sold to children.

Polpo couldn't even control his stand in that way, and it's obviously meant to just be a system to kill the person who's doing the challenge if they fail it/alternatively to give them a stand, it was a tragic coincidence that the old dude saw it, but again, it's not like Polpo intentionally wanted to kill the old dude.
crazy new stand user, and cool new character
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The old man wasn't involved with Giorno's trial, what he only was involved in was helping Giorno even though he tried to protest it. I guess that's what Giorno saw as wrong? Maybe he thought Black Sabbath should've only attacked him, not anyone who sees the lighter go back aflame.
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>Damo & Little Gappy
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>dad is damo
>son is gappy


> The old man wasn't involved in Giorno's trial

I know, that's why I said it was a tragic coincidence, but the nature of Polpo's stand means that it is compelled to attack anyone who relights the flame with the arrow, it's not like Polpo can stop it from attacking strangers.

I can understand why Giorno would still think of it as wrong, since indirectly or not Polpo's stand killed someone, but he also seems to place part of the blame on himself for letting the old dude try to re-light it for him, again, indirectly being part of why the guy died.

As it is, Polpo didn't really do that much, and he was completely unaware of what went down that day, but Giorno still thought that slight was still enough to kill him for what he did.
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>tfw Stands aren't real
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>part 5 isn't happening
I don't know whether to be happy or sad.
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I can't really argue against that as much but I guess it had to be done to move the plot. Bruno and Giorno still had the goal of defeating the Boss and betraying him in the long run, but Polpo's death got Bruno initiated to the position that would make him sacrifice himself as he did.

Even if it didn't make sense for him to go as far as to kill him, his death was definitely important. THEY STILL DON'T FUCKING KNOW GIORNO DID IT
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I found another photo of them.
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A couple pages from the movie visual book.
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What was the Duwang gangs plan with Kira once they found him? Were they gonna straight up murder him or what?
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You can tell this little guy gives zero fucks.

It definitely had to be done to move the plot, but I was just using it to try and point out how ruthless Giorno can be to people he thinks are evil, but even so, his infinite Diavolo death definitely trumps everything else, and I can only hope Giorno learns how to shut it off one day so Diavolo can stay dead.
I wish I could find those Cream hoodies. I think they were only released in Nipland but they looked comfy as hell.
Premium Bandai only I'm pretty sure.
Check madarake or yahoo auction.
Josuke could just Angelo him, right?

Jotaro probably had the idea to cart him off to the speedwagon group, since I'd imagine they have some way of dealing with evil stand users, but Rohan/Josuke/Okuyasu and maybe Koichi probably thought he was just better off dead.
They were praying for a rogue ambulance driver.
Yes, that would've been a shitty fate if he were kept alive, no prison would hold him down
They were going to tell him that he was a mean person and he should apologize
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>"Dad I wanna go home"
>"No son, we're going to be here until tonight. No lunch breaks either. Now quick, I need you to make a few poses for the internet"
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>479th in line 5h ago
>Still waiting to enter
the beginning can be pretty slow and boring, but it's definitely worth it
They'd probably Angelo him or something, Josuke and co's whole modus operandi was no killing because it was more lighthearted, but fate had other ideas in mind.
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>a competent fighting dev will never make a jojo game with all the characters adapted with fun and balanced movesets
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>we will never get quality single part JoJo game adaptations
>7th stand user
Where do you people come from with these new words?
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It's ebonics, more specifically an acronym for That Hoe Over There, so basically blacks.
Still a better father than Jotaro.
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Thanks for the tip. I still didn't have any luck though. It's sort of a crapshoot trying to look for something that old.
>Gappyfags having to google slang and bleating about black people
>Posting an unfunny JoJo image so they can pretend their post is on-topic
Typical, worst posters in these threads
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whatever makes (You) happy with Gappy :^)
part 5 never
>yfw they skip straight to part 6
>yfw they skip straight to part 8
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In 10 years, that kid is going to smash his dad's head.
>King Crimson erased all the time that lead up to Diavolo's death
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Rohan could take away Killer Queen with Heaven's Door, but who knows what the plan was.
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Now I want a picture of Jotaro cosplaying as Damo with little Jolyne as Gappy.
>Rohan seals Killer Queen in Kira
>Kira goes insane because he cant fulfill his killing urges

What else can he do? Unless Rohan removes his urges, but then what does that leave him with? Won't that be awkward?
Does it matter how rough a guy's life is after he's killed dozens of people?
Yeah but Kira really isn't as smart as he lead people to believe he was, he only got away with his crimes because of his Stand and luck, if he had to try and cover up his tracks himself more than the once like with Reimi he'd be fucked and found out super quick.
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poor DIO
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10.10 of the mosaic delivered
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Couple more DNA panels
True, I guess you can seal his stand then just keep him in prison for life if not just executing him.
Is that a milf? She's actually pretty attractive either way
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One more.
>bottom right hair faces one direction
>rohan moves his face down just a few centimeters
>it completely changes direction

What did he mean by this?
He's wearing a wig
That's Yukako.
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It's Yukako dude.

Jesus Christ what did he do to Heaven's Door?
>Rohan is using Heaven's Door to give kids sex ed

He truly is a genius.
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Why does Heaven's Door have Jobin scars?
It's Yukako with bangs.
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>Heaven's Door has the generic headlight eyes
Why Araki
Don't knock Heaven's Door anon.
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Crickey, looks like Araki's improved her
Naughty Yukako or something.
He always had them
Yeah I don't think he's drawn in her in years, she translates really well into JJL's current art style.
By the time you get to Scary Monsters you'll be loving it.
But yeah, it's a brand new story. Look at it as a new story.
Hairjobs and mangaka threesomes.
Foo Fighters' tight plankton pussy.
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I think that they may have hired an actual Italian.
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Why is Jobin such a good Jo?
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That guy kinda has Nicholas hairstyle
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Scientifically speaking, is there any kind of food or ingredients that can really have any instant effects on your body? All I can think of are those Miracle Berries that change all sour taste senses to sweet for a brief period of time.
Anything spicy.
Does anyone know the source of that fanart?
Learn to reverse search, and not with Google
>tfw no Mentors reference yet
Search up Trish EoH OST
Click the youtube link by Vish
Check the description.
Which Stand is the broest and why is it Star Platinum? It brought Jotaro games and comics whole he was in jail. Now that's a friendly punchghost.

> Broest stand
> Not Hey Ya!

It literally exists just to tell you how great you are.
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Your Stand doesn't bro until your Stands give each other brojobs.
So what's the new Rohan oneshot supposed to be about?
pardon my ignorance, but has the Rohan OVA been uploaded yet?

g o o g l e . c o m
These look so great.

That was the Koreans' fault.
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>"A woman" who lost her husband when he was young asks Rohan to cure her daughter, born from a sperm bank, of "certain traits" that have appeared in her body.

I meant the Blu-Ray Quality Queen
I wonder if Hey Ya still encouraged Pocoloco to do dumb shit after his "period of great fortune" ended. Probably not, since it seems like a manifestation of Pocoloco's supreme self confidence that was brought on by the prediction, but it's still funny to think about.

Yeah I mean it was basically just talking him up so that he would take advantage of his amazing luck. I imagine after that it probably just settled for making him feel confident and keeping him in a good mood.
Rohan using HD to teach kids about Sex ed
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A little bit more of DNA.
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Getting 2.7 cleaned up before it's finalized which I can't figure out how to do cleanly but I'll figure it out sooner or later.
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An article about Araki at JoJofes.
Well he's starting to look kinda old, isn't he
I think it's just the lighting.
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Yeah, this >>161024745 confirms that it's just lighting. Still as immortal as before.
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I mean, he definitely looks a little older due to the bags under his eyes, but that might just be tiredness. Even at that it isn't really noticeable.
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>having to google slang
Where I live it's 98% white, so I don't know any negrospeak. I have to admit, as far as slang goes, it sounds like a pretty stupid word. Look at this:
>my daughter is a that ho over there
>he lost to a that ho over there
Does that make sense to you? Why wouldn't you just say "ho"? It's pretty stupid as far as slang goes, because it's actually longer than what would be more accurate to say. It's half the letters. It's also literally in the word. Maybe these two used the term incorrectly, but my gut is telling me you and your kind are just really stupid.
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"Two" more pages of DNA spoilers.
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>post yfw he eventually gives every old humanoid stand generic headlight eyes, including Crazy Diamond, The World, and Star Platinum
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I honestly don't know why he does this kinda shit
probably just to fuck with us
That shoujo manga looks pretty cute.
No danger of that. Generic headlight eyes were all over the place in 4, 5, and 6, but they've showed up only like twice or so since.
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Are there any cucks in jojo?
i know very little about jojo part 5 mostly from the fking spoilers on every jojo related video on youtube is this part gonna get adapted? is good or better than part 3 or 4?
>the motion blur on his hand
Who's he fighting, /a/?
Read the fucking manga, animeonlyfag
These two are great.
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>that gappy color scheme
It's still cute though and I really like Damo too.
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>That point
It's the worst part to date. But the nips love like part 3, the other worst part. So it. A matter of when really.

It's probably got the most fun fights in the series, and the main group are all generally pretty interesting.

People just rag on it because they either don't like the ending or don't like Giorno, both of which are meh at worst.
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Absolutely, but it probably lasted shorter than usual due to her dad practically abandoning her and her mom. That's where her daddy issues came from.
Most likely going to be adapted. When? Nobody knows.

In my rankings for every part, it's just below part 4, but I think it's a lot better than part 3.
Does Yukako have kids in DNA? Can't see why else she'd be involved and I keep seeing young children.
Have you even looked at the spoilers?
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What is your favorite?
holy shit, saved
Saw the pages in this thread but I can't read nip.
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Yamazaki Kento with Hirohiko Araki

Thanks anon.
Another one
wtf is dna
Deoxyribonucleic acid. What are they teaching kids in school, nowadays?
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Some closeups of the anime stuff

The new Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan one-shot "episode".
This news is months old.
A song by Kendrick Lamar
KQ looking swole af.
My favorite right now is Part 8, but that is subject to change as it progresses, and it might just be because I'm reading it as it comes out that I like it so much. Part 7 is my solidified favorite, followed by Part 4.
It has been mentioned plenty of times. You can even find a summary in this very thread. If you read it you'll see why she's involved in this.
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Is it just me or does that Kento guy really look a bit like the Cheap Trick victim? He's got a similar coat and that friendly-ish face
Giorno knows little of automatic stands
>This news is months old.
It's been like 1 month. Does staying in these threads all the time distort your perception of time that much?
Come up with Rohan one shit involving Rohan, Terunosuke and YUYA.

Catching a mythical beast?
Clearly the work of an enemy stand.
It's been a month and one day.
That is technically two and thus months.
Probably Yukako r34 btw does anyone have any?
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This is Kento's favourite cover according to the conversation between them.
A bit too lewd for a christian anime forum, dont you think ?
Fuck I love how pleasing Ashiya's art is to look at (at least I'm assuming this is his because of all the white).
I really wish I could be at JojoFes now.
I really want him to stay for part 5 too.
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A real american hero
So the entire Golden Wind plot happened because Diavolo didn't use a condom? I'd read a story where Trish doesn't exist and Giorno proceeds with his quest to become the boss of Passione anyway.
It's boring as fuck right now, but at least we have Rohan 2.0 with Jolyne's Stand.
I lean towards 'no'. Aya promised Yukako that she'd get closer to her fated one, so she was bound to get together with Koichi anyway.
Power through. The only part of SBR I disliked was the Mandom fight. I loved the rest. If you still can't enjoy it after getting a bit further, then it just isn't your jazz.
Trish was just a convenient reason for Giorno and Bruno to be able to get close to Diavolo sooner. There really isn't a single catalyst for the story, but the two most significant ones are probably Dio impregnating a random woman and Diavolo starting Passione.
landwhale detected
>in the west we have tons of fat landwhales cosplaying thin characters
>only in Japan you have thin people cosplaying fat characters
>"I, Diavolo, am Burger King!"
Does this guy not have any legs or something?
>tfw I met a qt skinny male (male) Gappy cosplayer at a con only to see him being grinded on by two landwhale Yasuho cosplayers.
How can they have the confidence? I'm jealous.
>How can they have the confidence? I'm jealous.
I wish I could grind on Gappy too
Do you think we will get a JoJo Part 5 Trailer soon?
how long does the festival last?
A Month or so
I hope, but I've learned not to get my hopes up at this point.
Also it'll be a teaser at best if it does happen.
If he didn't use a condom I'm sure that would be weighing on his mind.
>people are impatient about getting new adaptation in less than 8 months when it took shows like Berserk and JJBA part 1 ages to get theirs
Granted, Berserk would've been better off without it but still, patience is the key.
I don't expect Part 5 to be released soon (not until 2018 but i would love some sort of annoucement that it's happening
Where do you guys download your JoJo from?
NSA headquarters
There's this amazing place called Google, try it out, you faggot. Or you can lurk more until you no longer need to ask dumb questions.
It's not like it's going to be aired soon, people just want an announcement
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Part 3 was confirmed 6 months after the first season (if you don't count the little teaser with Jotaro at the end of the Part 2 anime)
Part 4 anime was revealed 4 months after the SC anime ended.
DiU ended 8 months ago.

I just need a confirmation teaser and some key art, god dammit.
And it took Phantom Blood 25 years to be confirmed. It'll most definitely come, confirmation probably comes this year if I had to guess. I'm just here waiting patiently watching other shows
Did part 5's quality drop after Mystery of King Crimson?

>bruno becomes a zombie for some reason?
>motw villains are at their lamest
>narancia just dies
>the fights-clash was crap, green day was a grateful dead rehash, that ending
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129KB, 1280x720px
Wtf is this shit
No way
Shit taste
>green day was a grateful dead rehash
What? How?
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0 (2).jpg
39KB, 200x150px
Weaponized autism.
I was talking about the imgur link.
I think the answer still works for that.
Which part is absolute trash and why is it 6?
parts 1-8, 9 was pretty good
Trash taste
>implying there will be a part 9
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58KB, 500x210px
how long till the potential Part 5 reveal
read the fucking thread and manga while you're at it. Nobody knows. It comes before 2050
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>tfw you will never have a stand
thanks doc
Isn't Terunosuke a book now?
Do they have other sections for other parts or are they shilling part 4 into oblivion?
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558KB, 681x500px
It's cute how Araki bows awkwardly right after cutting the ribbon and everyone else has bowed already
Araki marry me pls.
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There is a gigantic Diamond is Unbreakable section with all the manuscripts from the manga.
Part 8 is supposed to be showcased too because both parts take place in Morioh, but I think I can barely see it when Yukimoto Ito talks about 3 minutes in.
They also have a little section for the other 6 parts off to the side which I will post once I find it.

They will be closing the place for one day on the 24th to replace the manuscripts of DiU with the second half.
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3MB, 1536x2048px
>They also have a little section for the other 6 parts off to the side which I will post once I find it.
Here you go.
He's already married and has 2 daughters anon. That ship has sailed.
The whole theme of Jojofes is Morioh. It focuses on parts 4 and 8 and takes place in the town it's based on.
I'll marry one of his daughter then.
You'll have to defeat him in honorable combat, first.
I feel like this was drawn by a certain guy who drew Jolyne but I don't know who he is
Ok then. Do you know how I can contact him?
Send a carrier pigeon with a scroll tied around its leg. If you're worthy, it'll reach him.
>Where I live it's 98% white
I can tell
Ty for the advice. Are both of his daughters taken? Have you already sent your pigeon?
Oh, I'm gay, so I've been waiting for him to have a son or his wife to die.
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>giving a shit about the nu part names
Gimme some of that good ol' Golden Heritage, Proud Lineage and Heritage for the Future senpai.
Why won't challenge her to an honourable battle?
She got dibs, dude. You don't dispute dibs.
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>You don't dispute dibs.
But what about dubs?
Not you, then. Peasant
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Literally ザ・ベスト・テイスト・エバー
Youu are fucking lying. Mandom fight i the best jojo fight
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3MB, 1125x1500px
"One" more panel from DNA.
Pfff. Pathetic
Are you even trying?
Let me show you how it's done
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>Rohan didn't remember Yukako's name
Step aside, fool.
Will Araki ever write something that compares to the pipe strip?
Close, but no cigar.
Aishou, Kawajiri, Anasui
Look who's talking.
You need to aim higher.
No you
Good taste, but something about his face pisses me off.
>implying JoJo wouldn't be better off without it too
JoJolion's final act, though it takes 40 chapters to do what Jim Davis did in 3 panels.
Mostly yes, anime didn't help this fanbase at all. Not for those who have been around longer than that, at least.
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>When an ambulance isn't enough.
On a side note, I really want a group of cute little Harvest cutouts like this:
good meme
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Daiya transparent.png
2MB, 1206x1536px
Haven't been here in ages, did they finish the VA color translations yet?
oh yeah those wryyyyyyyyy meme were hilarious

jojo sure was better off when it was unknown
Yeah it's been fully retranslated BW and Colour both. Both by JoJo's Coloured Adventure.
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2MB, 1280x692px
>Manhole covers
>Posters in shopping centers
I'm almost crying at how successful this series is growing, and at such a fast pace as well. Musical when?
>mangas nowhere to be found
>people only talked about SC
>le wryyyy xDD

Wryyy was just one of those memes popular among people who didn't even know anything else about the series. We've got a lot more of those now.
To some extent you're right, and it's just because I can tolerate Josephfags more than WRYYYORAMUDAROADOROLLAfags
Not like this is anything new for Japan, it's been big there for decades. This is more like phasing back into the public sphere than growth.
Thanks friendo, time to re-read
Read the old parts again then
I don't know about you but I love when the thing that I love gets recognized. Sure some people are obnoxious but at least it shows they're passionate
How big is Hot Pants' dick?
I fucking love Pucci's theme so much, sounds so heroic even if it conveys a sense of everything ending, I love it. Diego's also GOAT

However big she wants it to be.
>Musical when?
Musical NOW!

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But you realize a Tactical RPG is not out of the question
Arcsys'll do one eventually.
The creators of persona should just say fuck it and adapt a part
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1MB, 767x772px
Here's something I've been thinking about:
According to a popular explanation of Part 6's ending, the Ireneverse is the result of Pucci never having existed in that timeline, hence Jotaro not having to look out for remnants of DIO's agents as much, being around for his family more, Jolyne being called Irene, etc. But how does it explain the differing fates of the other crew members, for example Hermes' sister is still alive and Anakiss is apparently much more well-aligned. If I recall, Pucci had no influence on Sports Maxx killing Gloria and we don't really have much backstory on Anasui to know what fucked him up so much, so either the crew members all just live happier lives or perhaps Pucci's indirect influence was just that immense. I mean, he was scheming for almost 25 years, so it shouldn't be too impossible for that.
What do you guys think?
Thats BS, our Jotaro would never break the JoJo naming tradition.
I guess it is a case of the butterfly effect just like you said. We can't explain it because that's how fate works in JoJo. Although F.F stayed dead
Because they died, the entire course of their lives are different. They make choices that are different than they would otherwise make. Also, what this anon said >>161033157

F.F only stayed dead because Pucci was her only reason for existing
Maybe the Fate of them becoming friends was more powerful than the Fate of their imprisonment.
t. non stand user
Yeah, I know, it's just sad when you think about it. Even worse when you consider her speech about "intelligence" and that being what makes her herself.

Actually now that I think about it, imagine how crazy it would be if somehow they got a hold of F.F's memory disk, and eventually Emporio could use it one someone in the Ireneverse. That'd be nuts.
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Are we seeing Monogatari?
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138KB, 900x1200px
Can anyone translate this?
Just more stuff from Jojofes.
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So IF Part 5 is going to be announced, when would it happen?
The plankton that received FF's disc is still alive tho
BUt how would it become F.F without Whitesnake?
calm the fuck down DIO

I heard sunday but I have no source
In a few hours.... I guess
Seeing as it's almost midnight in Japan, not really likely right now. Besides, have some patience. Like, hell should we know.
Yeah that's pretty sad. But if we go by F.F.'s beliefs, all intelligent life is predetermined and always existed beforehand. It isn't important whether she was created by Pucci or not, she existed, that's what's important, as F.F. said herself. So if it happened before, it's bound to happen in the new universe, at least that's what I hope. And going by Iggy's example, F.F. could just develop sentience and a Stand by itself so there's at least hope that, somewhere in the Ireneverse there's some kind of F.F. waiting to meet with the rest of the crew, as a colony of plankton or perhaps, a cactus.
Considering Dadtaro's position as a Marine Biologist and his involvement with the SPW, it would be sweet to see F.F reappear in that way.
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Why isn't there any anime artwork of Koichi doing his signature pose?
In the grand scheme of things, who's the REAL hero of the series?
Pucci, he has approval from God himself.
Depends on the part
if it's past 3 it's Jotaro
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Jonathan had the noblest intentions by far. Buccelatti is pretty close too
Emporio killed Pucci and thus freed the Joestars of their curse.
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2MB, 180x320px

Funny Valentine
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Mosaic Dio World 004.jpg
2MB, 1466x2798px
Yes, it's time to continue this weird thing.
We have still a lot of panels left, but let's keep the "three panels per anon" rule, at least by now. And nothing much to say, you all now how everything works. Feel free to start claiming and posting your art, and let's hope Part 5 gets announced soon.
0.K, do your best!

Thanks for your work! And to the 2.7 anon, the panel is fine like that, so don't worry too much about the cleaning thing.
Claimed: 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 5.6, 6.8, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 10.4, 10.6, 10.10
Done: 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.8, 6.7, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
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>You appear just before I go to nap.
6.7/8 here.
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363KB, 1000x1000px
Much better than 3 and 4 in my opinion. Also read the fucking manga
>better than 3 or 4
fucking kek
>better than 5
What kind of pleb are you, anon?
It's straight up an upgraded 3 and 4 is up to taste
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daily reminder to respect all women
Respect is something you earn :^)
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Sitcom with Kosaku and his family when?
Hol Horse was the best character of Part 3. Fight me.
explain pls
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123KB, 225x272px
Hey Doc do you still have that imgur of renders where people are running?
ZZ was the best character of Part 3. Fight me.
Kenny G was the best character of Part 3. Fight me.
Dan of Steel was the best character of Part 3. Fight me.
I'll take 6.4
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631KB, 373x590px
It was Dio that forced Johnathan to learn Hamon to defeat him, which became the key in defeating the Pillar Men 50 years later. Through Dio awakening his Stand and in turn, all his kinspeoples' Stands, he gave the Joestars the means, knowledge and power to defend themselves against all kinds of malevolent Stand Users. He and his successor Pucci sacrificed themselves to purify the world and to ensure a peaceful future to the Joestar lineage. Dio played the bad guy and died, so that the Joestars may live.
People say that Dio gained all he had from the Joestars, when in reality, it was the Joestars that gained everything from Dio.
Dio truly is the hero of Jojo's bizarre Adventure.
Centerfold was great too.
Claiming 8.9
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That's Ora.png
22KB, 204x184px
Level with me here, is there ANY hope of Part 5 confirmation during jojofes or what
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370KB, 1128x1080px
Not worth a (you) at this point
Forever was the best character of Part 3. Fight me.
Prince, Michael and Lionel were the best characters of Part 3. Fight me.
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1MB, 1024x713px
You did a great job, anon. Sleep well.

This is perfect, thanks!

0.K, do your best!
Claimed: 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 6.4, 8.6, 8.9, 9.1, 9.2, 10.4, 10.6, 10.10
Done: 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
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2.7 fix.png
70KB, 281x224px
>And to the 2.7 anon, the panel is fine like that, so don't worry too much about the cleaning thing.

Daga Kotowaru.
On which chapter coloured scans of Jojolion are now?
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2MB, 1368x1080px
In terms of the raws it's the start of Beetle Tendency. In the terms of translations, it's in the middle of Shakedown Road.
Fuck off
Do you have a link to raws? One in the pastebin doesn't work.
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normal jobo.png
1MB, 960x757px
Sorry, I don't. I have a normalized Jobin though.
he looks so awful without his defining details
Thoughts on this? I think that it's a well-made theory and it fits with the speculations I had
That's hella smooth boy.
Why would you think that this was a good idea?
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53KB, 200x200px
>Jojo youtubers
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good crossovers please my autism
Does that take away from his theory in any way?
>good crossovers

But that isn't one.
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86KB, 154x318px
>his theory
That's not his theory, it's been a popular subject of who or isn't the main person. A lot of people believe it to be Doppio as well. All he did was get his chromosomes on it and talk about it. I don't care for his theory nor do I care for any jojo youtubers. The only one I like is Kaleb.
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95KB, 736x588px
never said I had high standards, anon
He compiled evidence and threw in some of his own. That's what a theory is
Dead Nigger Association
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42KB, 149x269px
Sorry I don't want to watch fucking JoJo "theorys" on YT.
>Araki will never draw a touhou in Jojo's style.
I've already seen crossover art with Eternity
>Pillar men
>Wear clothes

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97KB, 827x507px
that would be pretty damn rad
>Happy Cioccolata

This physically hurts.
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917KB, 1025x803px
>youtubers at all
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>He compiled evidence
That was already said/brought up by others.
>and threw in some of his own
I had to actually give myself diseases by watching it. He calls it his opinion, twice. Either way bringing up JoJo YTers is the last thing you want to do here.
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10KB, 933x769px
>60% of people in the hread have a YouTube channel and are now too afraid to mention it
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Sorry, I don't upload anything or even watch it most of the time. However, I'd say at least 90% of all people have at least one account seeing as it's linked to gmail account and you can't avoid getting one, at least not that I know
90% of all people here*
I should stop drinking now
How was the movie?
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3MB, 3176x2824px
ZUN is ageless and cute too.
Around 2007ish, one of the reasons why I got into Jojo from touhou was because I love when creators want to share their love. Araki with showing off other cultures. ZUN with random bits of Nip mythology and that he doesn't feel are represented enough.
I also imagine Araki still uses CRT monitors as well.
The strongest are destined to rule the weak, Anon. Why wouldn't he be happy?
I did it once before and the reception wasn't so aggressive (it was NZanimemanga). I guess it was quite a while ago in a decent thread not focused on shitposting. I just thought it was a decent theory, even though he didn't create it. A nice way to present evidence without writing a paragraph here. Whatever the fuck he did on his channel to be hated here is not the point of discussion
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I have a youtube channel with jojo maymays and I also watch other jojo channels.
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Finished 8.9.
>what are herbal drugs?
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>At least you haven't made the mistake of telling the /a/ about it
Do you know how much hard and how unprofitable it is to make non-JoJo videos!?
I made a one decent jojo meme but I'm too lazy to make more. Also I watch almost every video of XForts even though I know he uninformed and his content is a mixed bag
I'm trying to finish a quality leitmotif before someone else shits it out.
Post fastidious and precise Stand users.
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Omaewa Mo Shindeiru
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Mosaic Dio World 004.jpg
2MB, 1466x2798px
Oh anon, you didn't have to but thanks.

This mosaic needed at least one Koichi.
Claimed: 2.3, 2.4, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 6.4, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 10.4, 10.6, 10.10
Done: 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 8.9, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
Anime only here...
is part 5 announced or not?
I love this edit
Can I stop following JoJo after part 6???
I mean part 7-8 I don't even understand what's going on??!
What don't you understand? I'll help you
10.6 soon, also claimin' 1.0
Fun fact: I've always wanted a Kendrick typed-stand
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1007KB, 202x258px
>MFW just a week left until the new chapter

I didn't even notice it at first.
Claiming 2.1
Already? Month isn't even that long, definitely better than rushed weekly chapter
It's "Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio Parte Cinque: Vento Aureo"

Also, that what he's pointing out you mongoloid.
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Good Greif.jpg
79KB, 1280x720px
>The most powerful JoJo is not even a Joester...
How the fuck can Joesters even recover from this?
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By being Giorno, the actual strongest.
Giorno's technically a direct descendant of Johnathan. He's arguably got more of the Joestar surname DNA than Jotaro, Josuke and Jolyne.
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d's wood 6.4.png
169KB, 380x250px
6.4 done
Best song in the Jojo OST
I love Jolyne!
Claimed: 1.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 6.4, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 10.4, 10.6
Done: 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 8.9, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
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Then you'll love my big fat, throbbinf MAD
Claiming 6.3
Claimed: 1.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 10.4, 10.6
Done: 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.8, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 8.9, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
i don't get it, you just add a weird gradient to stuff? what's so amazing?
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982KB, 500x190px
Is it just me, or is the /jojo/ threads almost always degeneratively retarded, but when something nice happens it's the best place on /a/?
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82KB, 848x140px
It really isn'tamazing, it's just that guy liked my edit
Well it's better to be comfy sometimes over being retarded all the time like DBS threads. However, I wish these "Is part 5 confirmed already?" people would learn to google

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Done: 2.1, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.8, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 8.9, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
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so i've been looking for the manga of this series. I dont get it they have like JJBA manga then they have all these off branching hardcovers. Are they the same thing? what do I buy?
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>off branching hardcovers
get off or be spoiled
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132KB, 379x173px
Here's 6.3
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61KB, 236x400px
there is a manga series then there is this
If you are talking about Jojonium then it's the new issue. There are like 17 books in japanese(first three parts), it has a couple of partially colored pages, nice paper and a little bit of Araki insights on creation of JJBA.
English version volumes come out once in three months and they have released like 12 of them or something like that
There are recent Jojonium releases which cover parts 1-3. Other parts you'd have to read online or know Japanese/French/Italian. Or wait until Jojonium covers all parts which would be about 10 years
That's a re-release
>10 years
>implying they won't stop at 3 because of localization issues
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Kasr El-Neel Lions.jpg
567KB, 2529x768px
Can anyone please explain what you guys are doing?

Here is a picture I made I live close to that bridge.
They will stop at 3 because there are no hardcover volumes in japanese as well/
>USA (And UK by extension I supposed)
>Recently Spain

Which other countrys have offcialy published JJBA?
It's not hard to scroll up or check the archives.
China and Korea.
>get curious and google Polish jojo translations
>there are TWO (2) WHOLE CHAPTERS of Jojolion translated. Nothing else
I have no clue why Jojolion in particular but it's honestly a shame there isn't more
What chapters were they? I have a weird feeling that they're two random ones.
Shit, they gave him lipstick too
>I make jojo memes lol
Please kill yourselves.
Then go tell her personally, you excuse of a father

>we're going to pat you down for weapons
>a closed fist is cool though

Okay then.
We are taking individual panels and making jokes out of them, eventually forming whole chapters. We've made a parody of Let's Eat Italian and are on the 4th of Dio's World
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>Giorno squeezing the lit lighter in his hand
>his fucking face
Fucking madman, I love this kid.
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What extremities do you think Araki will go for with Equivalent Exchange?
Claiming 3.0!
Nice, thx anon.
Fuck, I remember thinking Giorno was really cool in the beginning.
>We are on the 4th of Dio's World
For some reason Mosaic anon skipped the first chapter though.
Because it doesn't have Dio or anything all that interesting.
This man's face has something special, it always makes me laugh.

We take panels from certain Jojo chapters and edit them as we want, and basically what this anon >>161045260 said. Also, you have to take the panels from the Batoto colored scans.

Claimed: 1.0, 2.3, 2.4, 3.0, 3.1, 3.4, 4.1, 8.6, 9.1, 9.2, 10.4, 10.6
Done: 2.1, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.8, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.7, 8.9, 9.0, 10.5, 10.10
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I think he was pretty clever in his first few chapters, up to the jellyfish tooth scene. He was rightfully smug where it wasn't too much, it showed some weakness that could be manipulated I guess.

Then he went full robot. I like it when he's serious, but damn his fucking smile is the best one out of every JoJo.
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>his fucking smile is the best one out of every JoJo.
Brosuke exists.
I can't wait for the inevitable Latin American dub that will BTFO the Spanish dub once again.
someone link the pastebin or a dl link for sdc ova plz
I'll take 9.3
There's a torrent that works. Go find it.
Why are the latin americans so supposed with dub wars?
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Mean obsessed
7.0 please. DEJA VU
Because we can't decide which is shittier, the emotionless mexican/neutral dub or the butchered spanish dub.
The amazing brazilian dub is always the winner.
キラは醜い !
Anyone got the mosaic of Let's Go Eat Italian?

グーグル =翻訳使用しないでください

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10.6 2.0.png
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1.0 tomorrow.
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You clever madman.
Anon who does the Ronald panels every mosaic You are a god send.
Thank you.
They checked it and Giorno turned it into a flower
I just want a fucking JoJo dub for us already, I don't even think their dub is bad (but I do think DIO sounds particularly underwhelming and plain as if the Spaniards couldn't do better, sometimes it's like the Spanish can only possibly have two different voices)
>Latin American
When one has to keep their accent hidden so that every latin country can actually watch and understand what you're saying a lot of emotion goes away yeah
He went full robot ever since he met Buccellati. The guy scared the smugness out of him with that eyeball trick.
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>Giorno offers you a flower
>You do nothing
Dumb prison bitch.
Few recover from the classic Buccellati eyeball ruse, shit's spooky.
Women can sense faggots.
Still there's more emotion in a good Latin dub than in a Spanish one. Even an average neutral dub has more variety.
Depends on the medium mostly, I like Warcraft 3's Spanish dub better than any Latin dub, though those work better on TV.
Giorno is gay?
>Didn't get an erection the instant the cute woman felt him up
>literally holding a flame with his closed fist
Not the first time.
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Try popping a boner while concealing a lit lighter within your closed fist after you've already done it once in the past 10 minutes then, Anon.
I agree. Latin live action dubs are garbage too, but I guess that's normal in any other language. Anime dubs are fine, however.
The first time she felt him up he didn't have the lighter
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