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Little Witch Academia

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Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 156

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What's soon?
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>Put babies in me or you'll regret it, anon
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Can't wait for the game stream this month. Hoping we get more info on the game LE and the OVA it's supposed to include. And maybe even give us another deleted scene.
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Oh, i dunno, maybe the thing every anon is waiting for in these threads.
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Diana NTR posting?
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Ah yes the big sleep.
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Give my the tiny witch art!
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You know.
Soon Akko will delve into that sweet sweet Dianepussy.
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For what?

So it was an OVA? Last time I heard about it, it was a Drama CD nad not an OVA.
I still need to pre-order the LE.

Apparently there's an OVA and a drama CD.
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Twigguh, bankwuhp.
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very strong!
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I want Akko to smother me with her S T I N K Y armpits!
Any word on if the English release will have any kind of LE, or am I gonna have to order the nip version for goodies like I did with Fate/Extella?
>akko expressing her daijobu after being gangraped
strong indeed
I'm actually wornking on it, but fuck, I'm stuck with the coloring and I still haven't started Diana and work isn't letting have any free time.
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The strongest!
gambatte anon!
How does this crossover sound anons?

>LWA x Soul Eater
>DWMA sees the ICBM footage from the finale and declares all witches a threat to world peace
>DWMA tries to quarantine Luna Nova until they prove they do not use magic for evil
>Luna Nova and the DWMA tries to resolve the situation but fails
>Especially seeing that Chariot/Ursula is with Luna Nova and DWMA is still upset with the whole "shooting the moon with the Shiny Arc" thing
>They antagonize each other in a series of both serious and comical ways.
I want to give Akko a bath after she's been rolling around in the dirt and mud all day, and finally make it so she doesn't stink up everywhere she goes
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I'm definitely enjoying this one. Basically a long read into Croix's guilt and self doubt and how the girls are slowly helping her realize she actually matters.
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So many nice stuff from Weibo, not sure what i should post first.

I'm reading that fic right now actually. It's really good yes.
Cute non shippy stuff then Dianakko then other ships then lewds
This smile must be protected at all cost
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Diana was the cutest loli.
Personally wasn't sold on it at first, but the subsequent chapters have gotten me hooked.
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but what if it couldn't be?
They doing more of this? It wasn't that great desu
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T E N !
M O R E !
Y E A R S !
How would Akko react to sex for the first time?

Leave plz.
>doushio Diana
I really want a loli Diana episode in S2.
I want Akko to beat the shit out of me.
There already was part of an episode showing her loss of magic, what else could they touch on?
I meant an episode about Akko meeting loli Diana.
Loli Diana and her mom.
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I love just how flexible Dianakko is. You can draw/write it happy, angsty, pure fluff or tragedy, and it just works so well. That's probably why I'm still not tired of it (though of course that doesn't mean I don't want other pairs to get content; I'd be more than happy with new Sucy/Akko or Amanda/Akko stuff)
anyone else agree that [constanze] is best girl?
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Constanze face.png
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Best handheld waifu.
>Shenanigans where Sucy feeds Diana an age regression potion and since Diana isn't as skilled in magic yet, she can't turn herself back to normal
You are a treasure.

For once the author didn't have Constanze talking and actually managed to depict the way she interacts without words. A shame she couldn't do the same with Jasminka
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Jesus christ what happened to these threads, you got a fanfic and visual novel guy in here, you got people posting stuff of Akko getting brutally raped and you got even gayer images of Akko and Diana than ever before. This is wrong, this is wrong,wrong,wrong, wrong. LWA was never suppose to be this degenerate. It's KLK all over again, you shameless, selfish, super lusted pigs! I hate you, you ruined yet another fun time show I had with your depravity
Diana in the panel where she asked to get riced is real cute for some reason.
>t's KLK all over again
But Kill la Kill didn't got a visual novel fag
Much less an official videogame and more seasons :^)
We've become /ksg/ this is what happens when a general long overstays its welcome but I can't stop. I'm addicted to cute witches it's the only thing keeping me from making columbine look like a joke.
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>Akko teasing DIana
>Diana desperate to get R I C E D

Very good.
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Did KLK have new content being made and posted on a regular basis?
Kill la cucks literally got WITCHED by TRIGGER, truly the saviors of anime.
It's like this on every thread on /a/, even 4chan in general. It's anons duty to sexualize and pervert everything.
You're here for a reason.
Is this the preview to ShindoL's LWA doujin?
I want to arrest Sucy for unlisenced mushroom cultivation!
I don't want to admit that I laughed.

But I did.
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I want to do things to this elf!
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>Little Witch Academia
is the Anime as shit as the manga?
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You can't just marry Croix.

Ow the edge.

And to answer your question, no.
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Indeed, you must needs appeal to her with seduction.
What was it?
I just finished watching the series. The ending was so touching. I love everything about this series. I know the plot is over, but I want more adventures with Akko and the rest.
Plenty of other trash gets new stuff, why not this?
Anyone expecting anything for Trigger night?
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Daily reminder Sucy is best girl
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>Still stuck on year 2013

Diana is best girl right now.
>implying Diana wasn't best since back then
>implying diana
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>showing right side
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Sucy is perfect.
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You know it
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I guess I'll post more Sucy to breath some life into this thread.
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So what would your dream date with your little witch wife be like?
was the lwa x inferno cop short ever posted online?
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Playing vidya with Cons, I can't think of anything and I don't think she's into flashy dates.
Those facial expressions might have given me beetus
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She's just european.
That's fantastic.
Here's a mini-Diana.
Adorable. Did you draw it yourself, or find it?
Found it. I can't draw for shit.
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I want to max Diana's social link in the upcoming game.
I can't decide if this image is amusing or just confusing.
Confusing in what way?
fail anime fail.
Why witches need to bother with air travel.
Not every place has leylines.
Yeah but if they're spending time together that'd make it post-series, which should mean they could just fly where-ever anyway. Sure weather issues could still keep them grounded but bothering with regular air travel seems kind of unnecessary.
Well we don't even know if the release of the Grand Triskelion instantly released magic into the world. Didn't seem the case since they still needed to charge up on magic to chase after the rocket. It's not like they're like Harry Potter wizards who live in a parallel society. They use modern technology all the time, especially Croix and planes are convenient.
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I don't think Akko gives it a bad name. If anything I think she gives it a great name.
>C&C Paris vacation
I want this to be an episode. Even moreso if Chariot can't actually speak french and has to be taught by Croix.
Impossible when she's in jail. Better to leaving it for fanfics.
I just want Junko to speak some sultry french, even if it's broken.
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>Can't speak French

With her name being Chariot du Nord, and being born in France, that'd be hilarious.
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As you wish Chariot.
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We don't know that though. All we know is that she was a wild baby prancing around with a stick on the luna nova grounds.
I mean, we see her living as a seemingly homeless child in the English countryside, so it's not entirely illogical.

Though of course there remains the /how/ and /why/ a small child with a French name was frolicking about the English countryside with a magical polar bear.
We really need that Chariot origin story.
I just want Junko to play more roles that aren't shotas so I can stop associating Croix's voice with little boys.
Akko and Diana is boring. One of Akko with Sucy or Chariot would be better.
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>Akko is noncanon
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Agreed. I desperately need more Akko/Sucy stuff.
>mfw going to Comiket day 2 early just to grab this ASAP
But I don't like Diana?
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Just European things.
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had to be done
Is that Diamama?
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Just rival things.
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Official ones, nonetheless.
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Where did the fellow Chariot x Croix fags go.
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The best rivals really
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Hibernating till new content
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Thank you anon-kuns.
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why did the only mirror fics turn out to be trash?
AkkoSucy is literal memeshit and ChariotAkko feels like a nurse taking care of the mentally retarded child she in charge of.
I wasn't implying Diana. I was stating her.
>AkkoSucy is literally memeshit

Have you watched the same episode 8 that I did?

>ChariotAkko feels like a nurse taking care of the mentally retarded child she in charge of.

Have you seen the same character development and story beats that I've seen?
Yes and AkkoChariot dynamic always kept Chariot in a position of power over Akko. SucyAkko literally doesn't exist outside of episode 8 and if we're going with that might as well also do Akkonstance.
I'm not really into Suakko but eps 1 & 23 have better shiiping fuel for them than the joke episode.
I'm still waiting for the Akko/Ursula doujins. Does a AkkoSula fag have to commission that shit to make it exist?
ganbatte, Anon!
>AkkoDiana is literal memeshit

Fuck yeah, I'd ship it. Akko is like a harem protagonist, she fits well with everybody except for Croix and Frank.
Is danbooru the most complete collection of anything LWA?
No, there's no complete collection of LWA fanart, you have to lurk like five sites to get it all.
I actually like all the stories written by the guy who wrote that one. They're pretty good
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This really is the new /ksg/, huh
Who the fuck would still post here after everything has been said before.
We're DarliFra news in an hour or so. They revealed them at Trigger Night but they told people to not say.
>Megumi finds and murders everyone involved in the Shoehorning of the Andrew
>You're standing in the way of me and Diana being together forever!
>panels going from fucking left to right
>shitty art that makes DA look good
>everyone in the thread fucking likes it

These threads are beyond newfag cancer and I hope you got permabanned.
>Data Book incoming
>Comiket this weekend
>Game with more info on secondary characters soon
>People actually getting off their ass and making OC

Have you actually been to /ksg/ lately? Even in it's current state, this thread is ten times better than that. I will never understand /a/'s obsession with wanting to shut down threads the second airing or publishing has stopped.

Quads of informative truth. I wonder what it will end up being but I can't help but considering the key visual I can't help but worry it will be like an LN adaptation only potentially even worse since they will write it as they go along.
There's no reason we can't just have threads when these things happen, anon.
These threads have pretty much become a glorified chatroom and imagedump.
In Trigger Night, when only the animators were around they had a dumb conversation about AkkoDia vs DiAkko.
>These threads have pretty much become a glorified chatroom and imagedump.

I thought that was the purpose of an imageboard though, to chat and dump pics about things you like with other people that like the things you like.

Source me faggot.
Other than AndrewAkko stuff, you would have the most luck browsing Weibo and tumblr, actually, since there are a lot of reposting there.
/a/ is explicitly for discussing shows, not for imagedumps. /c/ and various other boards exist for that.
We aren't even talking about the show anymore, it's all just pointless oneliners trying to bump the thread.
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There are plenty of hidden good stuff that I've never seen posted here though.
Nothing has been decided yet but Toho Animation wants to do more LWA. When it will happen it's up to Yoshinari.
Yes, but from what I've seen so far, danbooru has the most pictures conveniently collected in one place.
>Things happening in the future
You mean like every franchise ever?
>Have you actually been to /ksg/ lately?
Obviously not but it seems you're more accustomed to spending your time in cancerous threads.
Cancerous in the sense that you're overstaying your welcome.
>I will never understand /a/'s obsession with wanting to shut down threads the second airing or publishing has stopped.
>The second
It's been a while anon and the threads are essentially generals, this is an occurrence absolutely unique to shipping shows like Flip Flappers or Yuri on Ice.
AkkoDia sounds retarded, what a stupid debate.

So that more or less all but confirms moar LWA in the future

Now the question is: Season 2 or Chariot Spinoff?

I vote spinoff.
>It's been a while anon and the threads are essentially generals, this is an occurrence absolutely unique to shipping shows like Flip Flappers or Yuri on Ice.

Eh, not really. Any show remotely popular would have active thread for a long time. Just look at MaidDragon, KF or GabDrop.
They aren't debating the name.
I feel like google translate is telling me the opposite, they're moving on from LWA
LWA sequel or new work?
Towards that
>TOHO animationが動いているのは事実。
TOHO animation is moving, actually.
Nothing has been decided yet, though.

You need to learn how to use Google Translate.

Fucking Shiori, I keked
Nah now looking at it again I need to learn English
The episode director of episodes 20 and 25 is a Diakkofag...
Water is wet.
>Shiori is a Diana fag and a DiAkko fag

It's like you never visit this thread...
I really want Aunty Corix to molest me


The hell is wrong with you?
Half the line to buy Bokujoukun's doujin will be Trigger staff.
>Shiori Miyazaki is a Diana and DianaxAkko fag
Surprising fucking nobody. The more interesting part is that apparently a large part of the staff ship it too, but won't say it.
Mai Yoneyama is definitely on that list. She @-ed bokujoukun to tell her she can't wait for it to come out.
So is half the Trigger staff.
So this time Toho wants to fund it instead of Netflix? Sounds good.
Toho is already part of the committee.
>we'll never see all the Diakko lewds Miyazaki must constantly draw
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Is this shipping?
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Diana's way of lying around is more dignified than Akko's.
If you move Diana's head over to Akko's ass, yes.
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>LWA Chronicle will include the full TV-version character design sheets of the Nine New Witches

RIP Hannah and Barbara design sheets.
>When it will happen it's up to Yoshinari.
That doesn't make me feel reassured.
I am still really upset Trigger fucked it up that badly.
>fuck the show up by focusing on hags
>to the extent of having hags replace two of the nine main little witches in the nine new witches
akko is best girl consistently
He seems up to it from the AX panel. The thing is that Trigger's busy right now with 3 other shows, so it's really going to take a while.

But Chariot tho.
Chariot and Croix are more qualified than any of them to succeed the Nine Olde, though. H&B don't really have anything going for them. I don't really see where they're going with that subplot anyways. Maybe it's just Akko being retarded.
Can a nip anon make a summary of what happened in the TRIGGER night?
>implying Trigger fucked up
>hurr the story wasn't to my liking so its shit
Your tears are delicious faggot.
Hannah and Barbara should've been included in Akko's search during episode 23 at least, it'd have completed their redemption and make the epilogue where they are part of the group make more sense.
>I don't really see where they're going with that subplot anyways.

Judging by the way the second OP starts with Akko, Sucy and Lotte holding each others arms like that and the ultimate magic being called the "Grand TRIskellion" I just assumed it was a case of Trigger completely losing the plotline along the way and throwing every "cool" idea for a "dramatic" finale (Nine New Witches, the War Room scenes, everybody playing a part, the launchoff and the giant explosions) they had. Some sticked, others failed miserably.
No, it's fucking stupid. Like really stupid. The only one with anything going for them is Diana. Croix is a criminal and the rest have no talent (especially now the rod has fucked off).
It's meant to be a thematic thing not a practical thing. Where the FUCK WERE HANAH AND BARBARA. I don't even like them as characters all that much but MY God. Triskellon. 3 limbs. 3 groups of three.
It served aesthetic, narrative and thematic purpose but they just shoe horned the hags in.
>Maybe it's just Akko being retarded.
Pretty much this, its meant as a joke. If someone like Woodward had said the line instead it would have meant a whole new different thing.
>Nine New Witches
>actually seven of them do jackshit and only two matter
>just like the Nine Old Witches
Masterful writing.
Hannah and Barbara are just annoying sycophants of Diana. They never proved to be her real friends and are just dipping in her popularity.
>implying Trigger is incapable of fuck ups
Don't be a TRIGGERnigger, be a LWAfag. Loyalty to studios is pathetic, just look at kyoanus
It's like fucking pottery
>needing to capitalise tri
The word refers to a heraldry symbol of the limbs/objects protruding from the centre. It's pretty clear what it was about.

Goddamn the salt.

I thought we were done with this shit...
With how rushed anime production is this is probably exactly what happened. The "making of video" for LWA is some soul crushing stuff.
Being a criminal doesn't really have any bearing on her magic skills though. Who said that the nine olde have to be saints? All we know is that they were really good at magic.
More like, pay attention to the head director over the studio.
>this formatting
>salt xd
Lurk before posting. I get that LWA attracts crossboarders and off-siters but if you can't make the minimum effort you're not welcome.
Do you think the staff were surprised that people care about Hannah and Barbara? I mean we know that their last names are England and Parker, their skilled in lighting and fire magic and have familiars with one having a white owl and the other a mermaid.
It does have a baring on her ability to contribute to society. She's incarcerated at the end of the season. Chariot is an eternal fuck up and no one other than Dianna has a lick of talent in terms of succeeding the NW and contributing to the practice of magic.
>implying I said they're incapable of fuck ups
I am a LWAfag. Trigger only fucked up with Kiznaiver. The rest of their works were awesome even Ninja Slayer.
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does anyone have the non-ant human version of this?
>This conversation Again

We all knew LWA is rushed as fuck, Especially on Cour 2 And Croix & Chariot Episodes.

Even Yoshi & Producer admits it.
Darling in the FrankXX is a mecha anime. Shigeto Koyama is both excited and scared for the moment in which his mechanical designs are revealed because they're... special.
Promare was supposed to be announced earlier but Imaishi kept throwing away Nakashima's scripts.
>contribute to society
Her magitronics were legit, as well as her goal of using science to enhance magic. Just because she's a sociopath doesn't mean what she researched wasn't worthwhile.
>that opinion
>not a triggernigger
Sorry, man. You've caught retardation.
>the good
LWA (OVA) Inferno Cop
>the passable
LWA (tv)
>the 'I don't want to fail you. I'll give you two days to review this essay and resubmit. Don't let me regret it.'
KLK and maybe Inou
Will Corix in the Jailhouse save LWA from flopping?
Imaishi was told to not get involved in Gridman so he is 100% dedicated to Darling in the Frankxx right now.
No, you're right about that but I doubt they'd let her to magic in witch prison. She could have been a major figure in the history of magic but now some dork will take her basic premise, populrise it and be remembered. Probably Const. Which is good because Const's autism is the cute kind unlike Croix.
So yeah, in review:
Diana will contribute and is worth of NNW
Const will and is too
Criox could have been but she got herself put away being a lesbian yandere
Chariot could have but she is an eternal fuck up and lost her yay
Akko technically contributed heaps but it was mostly the rod. From this point on she's as worthless in the long term as the rest of the other NNW candidates.

So given only 3 of the proposed 9 are worthy, who cares about worthiness. The pottery demanded Hanah and Barb.
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Darling in the FrankXX new logo.
>Frank gets his own spin off
What a world.
>reincarnated to generic looking MC
>8/10 aesthetics
>0/10 readability
As a /gd/ I'm offended
>Have a femdom fetish
>Ask Akko to beat the shit out of you
>Unfortunately, your training in the hyperbolic time chamber has left your power level too high
>Akko breaks her wrist when she punches you
>Have to comfort a sobbing Akko as the two of you wait in the emergency room
>implying he isn't body jacking a generic MC
>implying Frank isn't quantum leaping through the Triggerverse to get back to LWAverse
Darlingverse is only one of many quantum lives he's lived. He's also the third Trigger Girl
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Producer said she didn't expec them to be popular.
funnily enough
>claiming your fucking subjective opinion is actual fact
Stop projecting faggot.
Well obviously AkkoDia since she'd be the one that would confess first and be the most forward in public.
This is some pretty big and relevant LWA lore news from Trigger Night:
-Magic in the world of LWA is deeply linked to trees; this due to Yggdrassil being the source of magic.
-On the flipside, witches have longer
-Very powerful witches with magic flowing through their bodies are destined to become trees due to all the power they drain from Yggdrassil. Woodward, Beatrix and many other witches with high magic potential became trees. (Well, it was obvious with WOODward)
-Jennifer Memorial is Jennifer herself turned into a tree.
-The Cavendish State is filled with magical trees that were former Cavendish witches, the larger trees with the most magic power are the previous family heads.
-(Somber tone)Diana herself is destined to become a tree...
-The tree that appeared in episode 9 was Holbrooke's mother
-On the flipside, witches have much longer lifespans for the same reason: the more magic they use from Yggdrassil, the more tree-like they become and trees have longer lifespans than humans.
-Holbrooke is over 150 years old.

>witches have longer
Holy shit. Didn't /a/ theorized at some point that Diana's green-hair was because she was like a plant due to her high magic powers?

Lifespans, I forgot to erase that line.
I wonder who else from the cast would turn into a tree.
Got anymore? Preferably from more underated ships?
What the fuck. I don't dislike it at all but it's not what I expected to hear
I'm somewhat disappointed that they're just saying these things out in the open instead of incorporating it into future material.
I'm with her, I didn't expect it either, I even expected them to try and take Diana's position as the queen of the school once she left, I still feel like that's what was going to happen to them until they saw that they were popular
>-Jennifer Memorial is Jennifer herself turned into a tree.
I fucking knew that was her when we saw Woodward.
>-(Somber tone)Diana herself is destined to become a tree...
Oh trigger don't do that. it also means Chariot is destined for that,too but Akko isn't because her magic isn't that powerful, you're going to break people's hearts if it turns out Akko's friends will become trees someday and Akko will die a normal human.
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>-Very powerful witches with magic flowing through their bodies are destined to become trees due to all the power they drain from Yggdrassil. Woodward, Beatrix and many other witches with high magic potential became trees. (Well, it was obvious with WOODward)
>-Jennifer Memorial is Jennifer herself turned into a tree.
So why is it that Woodward is the only one who's known for being at all tree-like?
/r/ing tree akko thrusting her roots into tree diana's hollow
That's ... unusually sad. Then again, I guess becoming a tree is like them dying. That's some neat lore stuff though.
She probably was the most powerful from the start? I mean, she was the leader of the Nine Old Witches.
You forgot Beatrix "Christmas Tree" Cavendish.
>Witches turn into trees
Well that's terrifying.

I wonder if it's possible for a witch to avoid that fate by going cold-turkey with her magic when her skin starts to turn into bark.
Wait, does that mean all those trees in Actrus were witches at some point?
That huge tree is Beatrix herself. The huge tree on Arcturus tower is Woodward herself.
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>Akko and Diana's final fate.
>dianna catches magic retardation
>still destined to become a tree through hard work and guts
So basically Chariot ruined what could have been one of the most powerful witches in decades?
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So does this confirm that almost the entire cast will outlive Akko by a LONG time?
All this information is really sad...
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D-don't do this man...
How so. Only exptional witches become trees. As they worded it only Dianna will get BARKED out of the current cast.
This is much more interesting and believable than the dumb ass Green team and Sucy backstories.
Yes. And the large tree that envelops the tower in Arcturus is Woodward herself. The large tree in the Cavendish ritual was Beatrix.
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post purest form of love
I like the Anakin/Darth Vader comparison. Diana's magic potential could have been godlike if she hadn't lost it during Chariot's show, but she's still on entirely different level above everyone else, and in some ways she's probably wiser because her handicap forced her to train harder.
I don't think it's sad. It's not like their lifespan is cut short because of this, they live long lives and die in peace by becoming a tree.
This is something they actually used in the TV show, they just didn't explicitly explained. But it was at least shown through Woodward, Beatrix and Jennifer.
any more staff shenanigans during LWA? the thought of animators having ship debates over who tops between akko and diana is hilarious.
Just think the whole turning into a tree thing is their way of "dying". Although this does set up a pretty sad moment where Diana still kind of exists like Beatrix and Woodward do, but Akko's long gone since she doesn't have the magic to turn into a tree.
So what's up with Wagandea then?
>-Very powerful witches with magic flowing through their bodies are destined to become trees due to all the power they drain from Yggdrassil. Woodward, Beatrix and many other witches with high magic potential became trees. (Well, it was obvious with WOODward)
Guys, Akko is not a powerful witch, that's her thing, she'll be her own witch but she'll never be powerful, all her friends however will be, I'd like an episode on Akko realizing this and wanting to spend as much time with her friends and chariot as possible
A great evil sealed away.
The most powerful witch that ever existed.
Does that make Chariot and Croix Palps? What does that make Akko?
>AU where dianna doesn't have shit taste in stage shows and solves the issue of dying magic in her own way, when?
>it's not what I expected to hear
They had lot of imagery about it in the anime, one could see there was something going on between witches and trees. Isn't really that big of a revelation.
>all her friends however will be, I'd like an episode on Akko realizing this and wanting to spend as much time with her friends and chariot as possible
Don't do this to me, anon. LWA is about yay.
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I was right all along!
>branches form a W
Beatrix looks so fluffy and comfy as fuck. Would hug.
>implying akko wont end up being a cute little tree
So does this mean that arcturus forest is just one giant witche graveyard?
Things Yoshinari regrets not doing in the TV show:
-Screentime for Jasminka, Hannah, Barbara and... MOTHERFUCKING AVERY
-Having Diana talk a bit more shit to Akko before they became friends
-Showing how Akko's parents felt after seeing their daughter on TV fighting a missile

I think it depends on the circumstances.

Like, if you turn into a tree when your magic hits a certain level, regardless of factors such as age and health, then it's sad and makes magic seem like a really shitty deal. If you just turn into a tree when you're old or sick and would have died anyway, then it's less sad.

It also depends on what the deal with the afterlife is, and whether being a tree condemns you to spend centuries rooted to one spot, aware but unable to take any action.
A bush at best.
I wonder if that little sprout that Sucy made grow on her head was a hint at this.
There's no reason to think Akko wont become very powerful in the future if she keeps practicing and training.
On the other hand, since both Diana and Akko were stolen of their magic potential maybe that'll affect the "turning into a tree" thing. Croix saves the day again
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i want to hug human beatrix!
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Avery confirmed for getting her own episode in S2!
For better or worse, they explicitly said Diana is destined to become a tree in Trigger Night.
I meant it may take longer.
So what happens if you try to cut down a witch tree

And while I'm glad he regrets not doing these things, he had plenty of chances to do it easily.
>It also depends on what the deal with the afterlife is, and whether being a tree condemns you to spend centuries rooted to one spot, aware but unable to take any action.
That's actually an interesting point. Woodward seems to be able to go everywhere. Beatrix on one hand seems to just stay at the Cavendish estate. Maybe they can travel through leylines? Some witches just seem to prefer to stay on one spot than others.
>I'd like an episode on Akko realizing this and wanting to spend as much time with her friends and chariot as possible

that hurts but what you said is like realizing your friends will die at some point, a thing that we all now it will happen...we all are going to die...Akko is going to die. So if they did that it would look a bit stupid or with no so much sense
>the other 7 witches were too lazy to move from where they died
>You can cut-down Witch-Trees and use them to burn Witches
And in episode 16 Akko was barely affected by the curse where Lotte and Sucy went down like everyone else.

yes there is, she's not from a magic family and she didn't have innate magical connection like everyone else . She's not getting tree'd like everyone else but she will be amazing in her own way because that's Akko.
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>Yoshinari wanted to give Avery screentime.

I knew it. There's no way he could give purple team great designs and just leave them like that. I hope he gives them focus in the future, as well as Sarah.
>Akko isn't because her magic isn't that powerful
We really don't know that. Akko may not have come from bloodline of witches but since her magic was sapped by Chariot she might be actually be powerful once she regained her full magic potential.
Japanese fans are joking on Twitter about Akko turning into grass. KEK
>Having Diana talk a bit more shit to Akko before they became friends
I think that what they did was better. Even though I agree that Akko should've confronted w/ Diana more, I think that it was better that Diana wasn't a total bitch. Her being a rigid and confront Akko whenever the latter does something questionable is better than always giving the MC the moral highground.
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Does Sucy turn into fungus?
>Conz turns into a tree
>She planned for this
>Magitech limbs attach themselves to her arboreal form
>Pulls herself out of the ground and continues on like nothing happened
conz wont turn into a tree because she has no soul
Akko will be long dead by the time her friends turn into witches, remember Akko is a human learning to be a witch, everybody else are natural born witches.
Patiently waiting for heartwrenching fanfic/fanart of Diana turning into a tree next to Akko's gravestone.
> Like, if you turn into a tree when your magic hits a certain level, regardless of factors such as age and health
Nah, it's obviously their version of death. You live a long life and then become one with Yggdrasil upon dying. Holbrooke would be a good example.
>It also depends on what the deal with the afterlife is, and whether being a tree condemns you to spend centuries rooted to one spot, aware but unable to take any action.
Speaking in Nasuverse terms: they lose their humanity and become divine spirits, able to perceive things on a completely different level. They basically become goddesses, I suppose.
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Anything but this please no
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>Akko turns into a vast grassy field on a hillside near the Cavendish estate, with a lone Diana tree keeping it company
What's the problem with Akko turning to grass?
>witches but since her magic was sapped
but Akko's constant exposure to magic can change that... a bit at least
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>goes on to do battle with Kirby
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>Akko's gravestone is surrounded by 8 other trees
>magic grimoires are printed on the paper of ancient witches

they'll bullshit something with akko drawing magic from Yggdrasil
>Dianna's children's children will ride horses through the estate
>they will tier their horses to the dianna tree
>their steeds will slowly devour akko as Dianna bears silent witness
>whichever fuckhead ripped a page off the book on the Grand Triskelion Diana was reading tore a limb off a witch
>people were finally going to fap again thanks to comiket
>TRIGGER dropped a fridge full of feels
What the fuck?
>great witches turn into trees
>Akko turns into a fucking lawn
>proceeds to bitch about it as a spirit
>Akko managed to take 8 witches down with her
What a fighter.
I can write this up for you if you want, f/a/m
It's short but I can add a little story before their becoming trees and leave the lawn v horse story as the punchline ^: )
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Not like this...
do it please. i need a good dose of feels right about now
>Putting leaves in Diana's hair while she sleeps to make her think she's dying
I never asked for these feels.
>tfw the jokes are more sad than the actual truth
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This sucks even more considering that even old hags like Chariot and Croix will outlive Akko by decades.
I'd like to imagine each of them visiting Akko's tomestone while they're all in the process of turning into a tree telling Akko what they did with their lives and where they're going to plant themselves such as Diana having a nice spot at her estate, Sucy finding the most amazing forest and Chariot bidding her a final farewell.
Those old hags aren't worthy of a BARKING. Only Dianna is getting BARKED.
>old hags acting like their waifu are worth shit
>people like: >>160923907 thinking the other witches won't also have graves
Low test witches can't touch the true bliss of the abhorial after life.
nobody said they will "start turning into a tree"
it's more like they die and turn into a tree
which is better than just dying like a commoner
nah, too convenient
have sucy be the last one alive for decades after everyone else either has died or turn into trees
>Everyone starts turning into a tree
>Akko gets fucking mad because she isn't
im between classes and i come to this
people are talking about dead akko and diana why
see >>160923179
Why are you all catching feels now? We always knew pure blooded witches lived longer than humans, them becoming trees doesn't change that Akko will die long before they will.
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Poor Akko.
Lets hope she at least makes a lasting impression.
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>Dying before Sucy
>You're sure she'll test a weird necromancy potion on you
what if Akko turns into a bush upon dying?
>Akko somehow lives the longest because of reasons
>Can't turn into a tree
>In anger, decides to become a lumberjack
For sure Akko's going to become a tree though. She's already more resilient than normal people, just like how witches like Finnelan and Holbrook are already resilient for being two old women. It's pretty much a sign that whatever makes a witch a witch, Akko's in the process of being one.
>...And the locals called it the Weeping Tree, for the strange wailing sounds one can hear at night when sitting beside it. No one knows where those sounds come from but some old folk tell that it's a spirit of someone crying eternally over an old forsaken grave that stands near the tree. Nonsense, of course...
Akko's feet STINK.
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>tfw Trigger completely wrecks your shitty lore with better lore

That's it, VN is cancelled, everybody can go home now while I wallow in misery.

But this does explain some interesting stuff, one of the backgrounds I got from anon was a woman-shaped tree. It's kind of dark now that I think about it, could Acturus be filled with the souls of notable witches? Do you think they party hard under the blue moon?

Yep, I need some time to rest, excuse me.
Definitely. Would be great (and heartbreaking) if she was the first to turn,but the tree itself was majestic and grand.
wtf man I still want to enjoy the VN. I hope you're just joking.
don't you mean Akko's roots?
This whole show is about how she shakes peoples hearts, they'll definitely never forget Akko. Especially Chariot and Diana, It's kinda funny, Trigger did the opposite of what Kill la Kill did, Ryuuko is effectively immortal, she'll outlive Satsuki and Mako by centuries, we don't even know if she can age past her teenaged years now.
This explains why the Cavendish have a ritual specifically meant to rejuvenate trees.

They're all witches, we don't know how notable. The most notable trees were know of are Woodward in the tower of Arcturus, Beatrix in the Cavendish ritual place and Jennifer in Luna Nova.
Don't feel too bad, the work you've already put in on your VN is real dedication that I wish I had for anything in my life
Oh my fucking god I forgot about the tree rejuvenation thing
So that's why Diana was so eager to fix the tree and why she immediately assumed the things on it's roots were bad.
>Tfw Diana's mom is probably a tree at her home somewhere
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I already was expecting some kind of shit like this.
Why must Yoh make everything tragic?
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Akko getting mad at Diana because she isn't a big tree like her

I hope those two dorks still get at it when they're force ghost/trees.
Will Chariot turn into a tree?
Obviously I am just joking, do you think I am such a little bitch to give up now? I'll need some level of rewritting to do though since the reason why Woodward has so much influence while she should be, well, dead, it's kind of an important emotional point of the true ending.

>They're all witches

How many spirits are mad as fuck at Sucy for getting them trampled by a cockatrice during the first episode?

I was just joking around, but hey, don't worry, I also spent my days wishing I could dedicate myself to something until I start this VN, it is my first personal project and so far I'm really enjoying it. Someday you too will find something to dedicate youself to, just wish I could give you a tip but to tell the truth the start of this project was insanely illogical to the point I can't offer advice to anyone.
Doubtful. Her magic without the Shiny Rod is not that impressive, she's a great witch but she's not Diana tier.
Chariot is fucking fat
Of course, have you seen her power? She's definitely got a connection to the grand tree to do what she does, but it really doesn't matter, Akko's going to be long dead by the time it happens. Badcock,Finnigan,Nelson,Piscis, that I-NO witch will vastly outlive Akko, we'll never see this happen in show
>tfw Sucy's the last one and somehow outlived the rest
>tfw she slowly makes her way up to the graveyard where the rest of the trees and Akko's grave lay
>she starts talking as if they're there, telling them what she's been up to since they've been gone
>each story is slightly different since they all died at different times
>she reaches Akko's and kneels down and hugs the cold, scratchy stone as nothingness takes over and she passes
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>soon after the events of the show it's revealed that Yyg is receading again just like it did for the old 9W
>Dianna can't stand to see Akko's dream end like this and dedicates herself to saving it, and of course, magic
>she has to study alone, with H+B occaisionally acting as assistants and screening visitors
>keenly focused she loses contact with the other 9NW
>people try to visit and she turns them away, spurned on by her desire to fix everything
>Dianna even turns away akko multiple times before she finally concedes
"I guess you really do have important things to do Dianna. You just tell me when you're done and I'll get all our old classmates together to celebrate"
>people attempt to visit less frequently as the years drone on
>even akko gets distracted by her family life
She's been living a fujo lifestyle for the past few years, what did you expect?
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>at 45 Dianna finally solves the puzzle and casts the spell to secure Yyg's existence
>and in doing so becomes conduit for too much magic
>she is immediately overwhelmed and her transformation into a tree is near instantaneous
>H+B relocate her to a hill on the estate after breaking the new to the relevant people
>she was taken so young
>the 9NW, among many others, admirers mourn her as a hero
>akko however can never do so
>Dianna was supposed to be her friend
>she was supposed to celebrate her victory with everyone else
>this couldn't protect anyone's smile!
>Akko visits the tree and wails, beating it with her comically small fists before tying a loop and throwing it across the bough
>akko and dianna become cavendish legend
>even as the centuries pass Akko's anguished spectre occasionally makes an appearance riding the breeze with her friend's fallen leaves as winter nears
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stop it
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LWA threads is Cringier than >>>/mlp/ & >>>/trash/ nowadays
Guys no. stop talking about death. man did I pick a bad day to watch PvP
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It's hikki.
This thread suddenly became a lot more depressing. Come on fellas, cheer up.
what are so bad about being trees
this is not sad thing it is just different
you all seem to think becoming tree would be torture but i dont hear trees complain
>you all seem to think becoming tree would be torture but i dont hear trees complain

10/10 logic. You're a miracle of the universe, japanon.
>but I don't hear the trees complain
That's because they have no mouth even if they must scream
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god bless you anon
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Akko's feet FUCKING STINK.
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You're a cheeky blighter, and no mistake
i can make up words too
Thanks. Akko's thighs always cheer me up in more ways than one.
NOO! I was supposed to be excited to fap for the new doujins! I didn't want to feel depressed!
>in more ways than one
Bullshit, name two
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Everybody dies Anon
And they all will buried & become a seed for a plant (or tree)
Theres no need to be depressed about it.

Except if you die on a sea or in a space
bento hayai!
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Remember to always treasure your rivals because they might outlive you and turn into trees.
She cheers me up in my chest and in my pants.
Even in death, Diana still wins
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>Season 2 End Credits rolling
>Anons when Akko transforms into shrubbery.
This is a goddamn comedy show. You don't make comedies with tragic endings, that's what tragedy is for.
Agreed, this is all good world building, but doesn't necessarily mean it's tragic for the characters.
We will live to see the days of "I wanna fuck that tree" posting in /lwa/, what a time to be alive.
We already have people wanting to fuck a small Balkan country. It's just the next logical step.
Hopefully I find that dedication, thanks for the kind words. And well, most big projects start off as an idea that feels too crazy to even try, so being illogical is probably the right mindset to be in lol
If so, then I want to fuck that Montenegro.
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>Witches Turn into trees
>Meaning you can burn a witch with a stake made from another witch you already burned
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sexy borders
sexy sea
sexy magic place for whole family
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>English, Cyrillic and Japanese all in the same map
I swear if they turn akko into a fuckin tree
That's probably what Akko wants to be in the end though. It pretty much affirms that she's a witch in the end.
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>-On the flipside, witches have much longer lifespans for the same reason: the more magic they use from Yggdrassil, the more tree-like they become and trees have longer lifespans than humans.
Basically, Akko's gonna be long dead before they ever become trees. That's fantastic because crazy ass Akko will definitely be an unforgettable part of her friends lives,why is this sad again? Because people die? Through I wonder how Lotte will take it considering how upset she got thinking Akko would be leaving Luna Nova that one time.
So wait, what constitutes being a witch?Didn't Croix say everyone had the magic potential in them and it just came down to someone actually using it?
The official site says that not everyone can use magic to the same degree.
It's witch vs witches with a major connection to the yggy tree, people like Chariot and Diana, who have outstanding abilities and magic are those with the closest connection thus they are destined to become one with the tree when they die. Akko is a not a witch by birth or by blood, she's one of the few humans to use what little connection she has to it's fullest thus while she'll be great and do great things she won't have a witches;s life span nor will she turn into a tree upon death.
It seems like using magic a lot will turn you into a tree regardless. What I wonder is if you can prematurely turn into a tree by using a huge amount of magic.
>Akko is a not a witch by birth or by blood

Seems weird then that Luna Nova would have accepted her in the first place. You'd think there would be some sort of entrance exam.
They were desperate.
Anon, pls.
It's said in the first episode that Luna Nova is in dire financial straits so they had to accept a muggle.
>Akko doesn't have enough magic and ends up as a weird tree/human hybrid.
The irony is palpable
Lotte would be a wise old woman at that point. Of course Akko's passing would greatly upset her, but she will not overreact. I imagine her with tears in her eyes and a nostalgic smile, saying something like "Goodbye, old friend".
Holbrooke started to aceppt more girls from non witch families because the poor economic situation of Luna Nova, Akko was lucky because she was the only japanese who took the exam and because she is fluent in english
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>Akko becomes Harold
Fuck off todd
I picture Lotte to be like Trinity Glassfield, through now I wonder that if things work out with Frank not only will she outlive him, she'd probably be raising her kid or kids as a single mother.
They said Luna Novas has space reserved by country, and students from aboard are enroled depending how well they did against the other applicants from their country. Since Akko was the only japanese applicantt she got accepted outright.
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>elf-chan will turn into a tree

Well, she didn't have to be a witch for that to eventually happen. She's an elf, after all.
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>Akko's feet.
>Every witch that does not marry another witch or a wizard will vastly outlive them

I didn't need this right now. Quite honestly I didn't need this ever. I just hope there's an afterlife so they can be together in death but it's quite possible they would be separate even then, witches becoming trees and being forever rooted into the normal world and their wives/husbands going into the afterlife.
Pretty sure that was clearly from episode 9.
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Why don't they just turn into stone instead of trees? At least petrification will keep their eternal beauty, or maybe even become a sorcerer's stone for energy?
It's Arwen all over again
I don't think it's the case though, only powerful witches have expanded life cycles due to their connection to Yggdrasil.
Because Yggdrasil, did you even read? Magic comes from trees anon, trees!
Fucking treehuggers I swear.
>Yes and AkkoChariot dynamic always kept Chariot in a position of power over Akko
HAHAHAHAHA, Tumblr with their faggotries strike again. I bet you would think that Saitama is a manipulative pervert that wants to rape Genos.
>Muggles found out that trees are the source of magic so they began cutting down rainforests

This, SnK, BnHA or Boruto threads are good for the Tumblr 2.0 award.
But humans legitimately needed wood for fuel and construction materials.
Should Akko and Diana be both certain to become trees after episode 25, anyway? There literally became the core of Yggdrasil, even if just for a few moments.
He wants to, but want to do designs and animations instead of directing.
Now we just need a female Voldemort who got pissed at normies for doing that (and a bunch of other stuff). There you have your S2 antagonist.
I'd hug tree-akko
TG: re should be ahead of /lwa/.
>Akko finds out that witches transform into trees
>Goes around the school trying to talk to every tree
So basically all /a/ generals.
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>tfw no American witch academy
>Starts giving fertilizer as Christmas presents to the staff
I'm surprised there wasn't a Japanese witch Academy.
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I want to be a cute, plump rump little witch and do some pure, nice activities together with an anon! Maybe just one or two lewd ones.
things got a bit out of hand in 1692
I want to sniff a little witch's cute, plump rump.
Well maybe if you witches stopped turning into trees and shit you wouldn't get burned.
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>Akko, please stop humping trees. It won't make you more powerful, trust me.
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Please detail your lewd activities. For posterity reasons.
>Mulch is literally shredded witches

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>Late at night at Luna Nova
>Ursula is going out for a walk
>she's walking past a large hedge
>she starts to hear what sounds like moaning on the other side
>worried someone might have hurt herself, she runs around to the other side of the hedge
>as she turns the corner she gasps
>she sees Akko humping against one of the witch trees
It's like table-kun all over again only this time there's actually two sentient beings involved. Now I wonder if there's a way to safely dick a 2D tree.

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Handholding, cuddling, and maybe a little bit more. Is that enough for you, anon?
>Witches are trees
>Luna Nova surrounded by a vast forest
>There are literally more corpses at LN than at a Sarajevo Football stadium
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Not every tree is a corpse for fucks sake. Only the greatest witches become trees, and those trees are very fucking special.
You people are blowing this info way out of proportion.
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I need more Amanda feet
or any witch feet for that matter
>Chariot starts to notice her body creaks whenever she does any physical activity
>Her skin feels less smooth
>"Croix! I'm turning in a tree already!
>"Calm down, Chariot, you're not that old"
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Oh... Well that's okay too.
Hah, I see your offer and I raise it for sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with the lights turned off and handholding being possible before, after and during the act as well!
I read another translation and it differed in:
>Those who use magic for a long time and those who have strong power, are affected by Yggdrasil. We don’t know what happens to someone who stop using magic.
>The trees at the Cavendish estate used to be witches. We don’t know if Beatrix or Bernadette became trees. There’s mixed feelings about whether Diana will become a tree.
>Witches who live for a long time transform into trees, so since Bernadette died of disease she probably didn’t.
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That's some damn good feet.
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That's way too lewd, anon! At that point, why not add in mating press too?
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I don't have a foot fetish but I fucking love pretty feet.
You drive a hard bargain, but sure why not. I'll be sure to fertilize those eggs and take responsibility, so don't worry.

That's the textbook definition of having a foot fetish.
Rather than different translations, they have different sources because from what I see Trigger didn't make it very clear. This person said that Beatrix is definitely a tree: https://twitter.com/truetomb/status/895318592060661760
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No it's not.
I don't want to rub my penis or my face on them, but I wouldn't mind kissing them lightly a few times. Not interested in smelling them either.
That's a foot fetish, you want to kiss feet, you're a feet lover, a feet admirer and a feet connoisseur, stop hiding it and ask for a footjob already.
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>and ask for a footjob already.
W-would Diana be okay with that?
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I want to massage her feet.

Yoshinari's explicit words were that witches become trees due to their connection to Yggdrasil so this Anon is right and Akko and Diana will inevitably become trees since they were literally Yggdrasil for a few minutes:

Oh god dammit this is too much.
I think she would be surprised, but after Akko restored her YAY she had recovered such a degree of innocence I honestly think she might be flattered you liked her feet so much you would ask that. Might be just me being blinded though, I really like Diana as well.
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>ywn be a cute witch with a nice butt and get locked into mating press with handholding, and cuddle afterwards
Okay then, I switch to patiently waiting for heartwarming fanfics/fanart about Akko and Diana growing old together and turning into a tree with two intertwined trunks.
So what kind of tree would Akko be?

Hard mode: no cherry blossoms.
I'm willing to do that but leglocking needs to be involved.
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She is going to be a plum tree
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That's retarded. I hope he means after death or something.
Obviously it's after death. It would be contradictory for witches to be long lived and suddenly turning into trees because they were exposed to a lot of magic.
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Akko is the strongest!
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I just flew into the thread, Boy, is my broom tired.
Huh, didn't think about that. Would be cute to see a shortish plum tree next to some majestic tree. It would look out of place and people would be wondering about them.
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>ywn be Akko's sparring partner then spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling after dressing each other's wounds.

not fair
>We aren't even talking about the show anymore, it's all just pointless oneliners trying to bump the thread.
Jesus Christ, is like you haven't read this thread.
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You know you want to.
If the tree is bigger if the witch is stronger then WHO THE FUCK WAS WAGANDEA? Did Chariot actually get pollinated by an ancient evil?
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She sure is!
I don't think the fact that strong witches end up having big trees was explicitly mentioned. I think what some are missing is the fact that not all trees are witches. For all we know, Wagandea was some weird mutation of some regular tree, like it picked up all the mana in Arcturus, which is why it's freakishly big.
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>No one's posted the one where Andrew rapes Akko

I'm disappointed in all of you.
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>mfw actually reading the thread afterward
>captcha slim forest
Last time someone posted Andrew/Akko lewds all the yurifags threw a fit
>strong witches end up having big trees
So it's still tentative? Basically it means that if you die of a natural death and had high magic capabilities you turn into a tree.
yeah well fuck them
The connection to Yggdrasil needs to be strong, that's the only requirement. Since when witches use magic they're using Yggdrasil's powers that means Yggdrasil is running through their bodies. So if you have high magic potential and you use magic a lot you will turn into a tree when you die of old age since your connection to Yggdrasil is strong.
Not sure what you mean by tentative. It's probably an idea that they have and on rewatch, you can see that they implemented it in some way. The exact details are still iffy though.
One ship at a time. I wonder how long before the rest of the ships are deterred here.
>ywn put Akko into a mating press after sparring with her
Why would people want to Fuck Akko?
To make more Akkos?
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Because she's a beautiful young women who's blossoming into her prime.
Her body is a little lanky but her heart is big, and that's all matters. I'd love nothing more than to take Akko out on a few dates and make love to her by the end of one of them.
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You mean you don't want to?
Whoever makes the next thread please use a tree OP.
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Season 2 when?
When Trigger isn't working on 3 other shows at the same time.
Where do they even find the money? It always seems like Trigger is barely scraping by.
There's a reason why 2/3 of those shows are collabs.
Akko will end up as a bonsai or however those are called. You know, the little japanese trees.
All 3 are collaborations. Promare is Trigger X XFlag (mobile game company, they do Monster Strike), Gridman is Trigger X Tsuburaya (Ultraman company) and DarliFra is Trigger X A1.
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>ywn fill the world with little Akko's and bring about world peace.

It hurts!
>Trigger Chads are saving anime with shoestring budgets and almost no staff where animators have to do directorial work because no one else would
>Kyoanishit has bottomless vaults of cash and resources and the only stuff they're making is shitty derivative moe garbage that everyone forgets about the day it stops airing
Really makes you think.
>Promare is Trigger X XFlag (mobile game company, they do Monster Strike)

Huh, didn't know that. I wonder if this entails to some further cooperation with Trigger in the future.
Guess which one sells more
KyoAni doesn't sell all that much outside of Free these days anyway.
Guess which one is retarded when it comes to waste merchandise potential
Trigger has nothing to offer other than meme shorts and mediocre shows. The LWA OVA was their first and so far best.
lwa has nendoroids and a scale, do i see something like that with maid dragon?
As if generic moeblobs weren't worse than that
>Kyoani's guys in charge of merchandise stamp their character's face even in toilet paper
>Trigger's guy in charge of merchandise spends his time shitposting on /a/
>LWA has a scale
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