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JoJo Thread

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Thread replies: 497
Thread images: 137

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Reminder that Anasui can BTFO Superman.
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Reminder that Araki prefers this.
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I prefer it too, they would unironically make a great couple.
They could probably beat Superman too.
How would Love Train D4C fare against time manipulation stands?
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What would their kid's stand end up being? The power of Velcro?
I'd kill to see what happens when they get into their first argument.

Seeing some of Araki's SO illustrations make me really wish he moved to Ultra Jump earlier. The bigger pages would have made some fights so good.
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So where was Mickey anyway?
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Are they bros? I like seeing them hang out.

My favourite Stand abilities right there
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Velcro could make for a great power, not to mention this kid would be the best JoJo ever, you can't fuck it up having these two as your parents.
Shame we got that bitch cripple faggot instead.
>bigger pages
What the fuck?
can anyone tell me the difference between the new versions of the trades coming out for Stardust Crusader? Is it just a different cover or is there something different content-wise too?
Her foot is gross
Yes. I wished we got to see Weather and Hermes hanging out with anyone other than Anasui and F.F respectively, excluding Jolyne. The SO crew would be my favorite if that were the case.
holy fuck
What's your favorite?
It's a beautiful Araki foot, someone post Lucy's, that's gross.
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Rate these feet.
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No footfags
Yeah, same goes with me, mate. Their crew just feels so damn comfy, almost on par with part 4's.
Part 5's, I even like Giorno and the rare ocassions he interracts with others, and I'm pretty biased towards Fugo because of my autism. I don't feel like it has any kind of low point with any member, but with Part 6's every other crew member that wasn't Jolyne lacked interactions with someone else, even if it was a one-off moment. I like everyone though, maybe not Hermes because I don't find her remarkable and sort of forgot she existed until the crew left the prison
>Just randomly tries to rape Lucy
Valentine is stupidly evil.
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Oh my god, I completely forgot about this.
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Fugo is great, the hate he gets is pretty undeserved.
But Kira is HIDEOUS
Why hasn't Araki made a Velcro Stand
but dude gotta make another string/rope stand!!!
So can Foofoo
He just wants to get closer to Jolyne so he can father the next JoJo
Velcro could definitively be used in unique ways and would make for a fun main charcter stand
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Let's call it Sticky Fingers and change the actual sticky fingers to Frank Zippa
Koichi steals girls uniforms "just to wear them"
Personally i would like to see JoJo had a Spring Based Stand and a Velcro Based Stand. If Araki does make a Spring based Stand it has to be called Springsteen
That's cute
He is. This may be a negative thing to say about me, but I really relate to Fugo, especially his relationship with Narancia. I grew up the youngest son in my family but have been an uncle since I was seven years old, and basically have been taking care of kids while being myself one. So I can lose it just as easily as Fugo does when Narancia messes up a math problem up to simple instructions, except the whole stabbing thing, I hope.

Actually has there been a Bruce Springsteen reference in JoJo
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Nah, they were hanging out, before they even met Jolyne.
I think Anime Watchers will end up really liking Bruno and Mista
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Well Murika ruined JoJo, how can you fuck up the ORAs?

Why didn't they just go with the test dub ORAs? That version was amazing.
Other than that, the dub was pretty good
Ultra Jump is a physically larger magazine than Weekly Shonen Jump. More page space for more details.
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Kira knew exactly who was after him, why did he not just mail a letter or any other inconspiciuous object to his enemies and blow it up right in their face?
He could've just touched their door rug and wait for them to step on it
Just monitor them remotely with binoculars or use his father to give call outs
For someone with the ability to plant remote bombs anywhere he really didn't do a whole lot with it
I relate to Fugo a lot too, sometimes I lash out people no good reason, just to be very kind/encouraging the next moment.
His quiet thoughtful moments, like the one where he's wondering about Trish's condition, also hit home.
Thinking about it, Fugo probably did care about Trish, in spite of what he said, he was probably just too scared of betraying the boss. Were she awake, could she convince him to jump in?
Feet are gross.
So how's the movie? Any where online post it yet?
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Because Araki didn't think cleverly enough. Okuyasu was still a bomb in the scene where Hayato blew himself up, and even though he could've just detonated Okuyasu again since Josuke was holding him, he just makes an air bomb instead.

Araki's been a hack for years. This is expected.
Part 8 is a fucking train wreck
Could Killer Queen turn an entire house or street into a bomb?
Seems like we agree on our reasoning then, I'm glad I'm not alone.
I don't think Trish would try to convince him to join in though, she didn't even understand herself why Buccellati's gang cared about her. I think she would have agreed with Fugo, even if it meant her death, but that could have triggered some other emotional responde from him. Sort of like Narancia's "Trish is me" moment.
Here it is
if he can make a tiny explosion he can probably make a big one to cover a house. They wouldn't explode, the only real things that go boom are people or people inside.

KQ was heavily underused 2bh.
I blame Kira
>I think she would have agreed with Fugo, even if it meant her death, but that could have triggered some other emotional response from him.
That's exactly what I was thinking, just seeing her awake would be much more emotionally powerful on it's own, had she said something along those lines Fugo could potentially see the whole situation on a different light, and ultimately change his choice. It would be sweet to see him and Narancia as two dorks swimming for the boat together.
But I think it was very smart to keep Trish out of the boat scene, it allowed the guys to be more rational, since it's easier to not sympathize with someone who's not conscious, it made their decision more powerful.
I love discussion Fugo but I always get salty because he was written out and PHF is dumb.
>KQ was heavily underused 2bh.
What? It spawned 3 of the best arcs in the series and a really good fourth one too. Are you actually complaining Kira didn't blow up a house?
Yes, and I'll do it all day if I have to.
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Just reminding you of dub ORAORAORA. Or should I say, RRRUUGHGUEUGHUEAGH?

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How did he feel no guilt?
>Are you actually complaining Kira didn't blow up a house?
Yes, his bombs should have increased in size and grandiosity as the part went on, as a parallel to how his quiet life keeps on getting more and more disturbed.
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In all seriousness, how did they possibly fuck up this bad?
By letting Matt Mercer do it instead of Seitz.
>no spin off where diavolo runs the gang and tries to be a decent father at the same time
He sorta did, when he first appears he's crying like a little bitch about it
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>he literally says RRRUUGHGUEUGHUEAGH
fucking kek
Yeah, he'd have seen Trish as one more of them by being so willing to just reject the one and only chance to keep being alive. But it was probably the smarter choice to have Trish unconscious, although she could have very well have recovered in the middle of the conversation or something among those lines to have this scene happen.

Actually, I knew Fugo was going to be written out but I thought he was going to be killed. Something among the lines of the Boss specifically requesting for Fugo to escort Trish because if he tried to pursue him, Purple Haze had the chance of killing Trish for him, basically killing two birds with one stone. Fugo would have pursued the boss thinking he was a random enemy and not the boss, pretty much misunderstanding the situation.

I actually don't mind PHF, I just think it tried to hard to connect Fugo to both Buccellati and Abbacchio more tha necessary. I'd love it if the issues it had could be fixed and be directly tied to Golden Heart Golden Ring though,
since from what I've seen it doesn't conflict with PHF and I just need more Fugo in my life.
Why did they even let him do it if he's that fucking awful at it? Hell, I'd cast a whole new person as Jotaro if I heard that garbage as the casting director.
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>no good daddy antagonist
Jobin could have been it but he doesn't pay attention to his kid at all.
Has JoJonium for Parts 4 through 6 been announced yet?
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>you will never watch kira fornicating with shinobu while hayato watches helplessly
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Mercer is a fucking hack
Considering this is Viz, they'll censor HOLY SHIT to HOLY CRAP like they did in their manga.

>reminder that /co/ thinks this is acceptable
I dunno, they already used bitch quite a few times.
Who's voicing Joseph?
>she could have very well have recovered in the middle of the conversation or something among those lines to have this scene happen.
True, maybe after Mista and Abbacchio had already entered the boat and Fugo was ranting about how they were crazy for risking their lives for someone like her, Trish could suddenly come out and say something like "he's right you know, all of you have already went through so much to protect me, I wont be happy if all of you die for me".
I feel kind of dumb for never picking up on how drastically different the scene would be had Trish been awake and how that could have affected Fugo. Araki could have taken this whole thing in a very interesting direction, and even develop the relationship between Trish and Fugo to a great extent.

I would have actually loved to see Fugo fight Bossu, and get killed by him. He would probably get called a jobber a lot, had he not taken part in any other arc. I wouldn't have him in Mystery, but I think having him in Risotto's place would actually be really good, while having him fight Risotto himself before. There you go, Fugo working for Bruno from inside Passione would be the fucking best. Tailing Doppio, studying him and such. Him dying to Aerosmith's bullets would be heart breaking, Narancia and Bruno would have flipped when finding his body.

My big gripe with PHF is Mista really, I love Fugo in it. Having it tie back to GHGR would excellent too.
>I just need more Fugo in my life.
Me too.
Richard Epcar, aka BoBoBo. He's actually pretty good and fits his role, unlike Mercer.

Because he wanted his quiet life back asap and thought he can get away with it. If he actually took initiative for himself (at many intervals), the part wouldve ended right there or alot more people may have died.

He shouldve known he would get caught again (he got traced through a button and a ghost for god's sake), he had many many opportunities but always manages to fuck it up somehow. Thats part of his gag.
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>that avdol and joseph

It's a shame the dub is going to trash, these are good voices.
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Wait. The things that KQ touches don't explode,only the people that touch it explode. So how did he explode Aya and the real Kosaku Kawajiri's body?
You're right, but
>alot more people may have died
That was something that was honestly needed more of Part 4. I'm especially surprised Okuyasu survived.
Nah Kira deserves to be a jobber
>maybe after Mista and Abbacchio had already entered the boat and Fugo was ranting about how they were crazy for risking their lives for someone like her
I can't help but imagine Trish waking up to Fugo screaming "We don't even know what kind of music she likes!" and how hilarious it would be that he's actually right. Maybe if Fugo decided to come too they could have had a talk about it, with him feeling embarrased about using that as an argument. But yeah, I didn't actually notice it either, it's pretty neat.

>He would probably get called a jobber a lot, had he not taken part in any other arc. I wouldn't have him in Mystery
Yeah, me neither, but on my first read that was what I thought was going to happen. It's funny because Giorno would have had to put a ladybug inside Fugo's clothes through the millions of holes he has, but we would have lost the moment between Buccellati and Trish, and the relevance it serves between him vs the Boss. Actually, I think that scene would have gone relatively the same if it were Fugo. Just without his personal vendetta against the Boss.

>Fugo working for Bruno from inside Passione would be the fucking best. Tailing Doppio, studying him and such. Him dying to Aerosmith's bullets would be heart breaking, Narancia and Bruno would have flipped when finding his body.
Oh god, and right after that they would have found Abbacchio's body, Narancia wouldn't catch a break. This is breaking my heart now

>My big gripe with PHF is Mista really
Why though? He pretty much had no relevance in Fugo's character, other than mentioning how maybe he was right about the number 4. I quite liked Eyes of Heaven's take on their relationship were Mista doesn't mind at all that Fugo didn't come in the boat but Fugo's not only mad at himself for it but sort of to Mista as well for forgiving him so easily and being so carefree about that.
Anyone else feel like a certain element of suspense will be lost in part 5 because everyone already knows what Diavolo looks like? There won't really be a mystery to it.
For the people who already read, sure. For the animeonlies, no.
Not for animefags.
>You will see QUALITYvolo in your lifetime
>You will see King QUALITY in your lifetime
>You will see ZIPPER MAN in your lifetime
so how did diavolo pull off burying his mother alive & why did he do it?
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What's your opinion on what's the worst things about these JJBA threads?
namefags and "X is le UGLY"
That they exist
the guy who posts that one webm
namefags are shit
discussions are usually shit

doc and mosaicfag bring fun times
the 19th is a grace period for part 8
Worst - everything
Good - nothing
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Aussie fag?, just send him this
He might have been born with King Crimson so after she was released from prison he hid her with it before she could make her presence known to the village and used his stand to feed her and such and ensure she wouldn't die.
>why did he do it
He had a mommy complex and wanted her all for himself obviously.
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That I don't feel like there's anywhere else I can go into autistic details with and actually get an even more autistic response. Oh and actual JJL discussion.
That I'm still here after saying I'll close the tab and move on at one point.
Reminder that Joshu will rape Gappy next
>how did diavolo pull off burying his mother alive
Standard procedure, because he probably didn't have his stand back then.
>why did he do it?
I believe because he just wanted to torture her, which is why he kept her alive but sewed her mouth shut.
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>Maybe if Fugo decided to come too they could have had a talk about it, with him feeling embarrassed about using that as an argument.
I can see that happening, Fugo is so awkward around her.

>Actually, I think that scene would have gone relatively the same if it were Fugo.
Maybe the elevator scene, but the arc itself is Bruno's character defining moment, having anyone other than him is just wrong, see pic related.
Where did you get that impression from? Someone gave you fake spoilers?

I wonder how Bruno would react. Say, if Fugo was doing all of this on his own secretly, he probably be really sad that he died but happy that Fugo never left his side, and that his trust in him was never undeserved. Fuck I need spy Fugo now.

>I quite liked Eyes of Heaven's take on their relationship were Mista doesn't mind at all that Fugo didn't come in the boat
That's it. Mista being such a cunt to him in PHF threw me off a lot, it was completely OOC of him to act like that. I think EoH nailed it in the head with their interactions.

As of late, ugly posters. Overall, vore.
>ugly posters
What do you mean?
that is clearly a universal studios guidebook in which case what it would certainly have like wizarding world of harry potter on it or some shit
The namefags
You know, Kira is ugly, Doppio is ugly, those faggots.
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I'm ugly?
You're actually a very handsome man.
Just remove the lipstick, please.
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People who call the SC dub complete shit because of the ORAs and nothing else.
Matt Mercer was actually a great choice for Jotaro.
He was hideous in his first design, an ugly skinny hunchback.
Second one sucked too.
Melon a best.
>Maybe the elevator scene, but the arc itself is Bruno's character defining moment
That's what I meant yeah, Fugo had no personal motive to go against the boss. It wasn't because of fake spoilers, but I figured that knowing he was going to be written out it would go like any other story so far; A member discovers the bad guy's plan or power (Kakyoin, Shigechi, Buccellati, F.F) and then gets donut. So Fugo would have followed that pattern.

>I wonder how Bruno would react. Say, if Fugo was doing all of this on his own secretly
That's actually what Golden Heart Golden Ring is about from what I understand. Fugo trying to find a middle ground between protecting his crew while not being seen as a traitor. It leads to some questionable stuff which is why I can see it being connected to PHF without problem.

>That's it. Mista being such a cunt to him in PHF threw me off a lot
Yeah, me too, but I thought Mista was acting that way so that Fugo wouldn't catch on to Giorno's plan, allowing him to find resolve for himself. In the same way that Giorno did for Mista during White Album and the such, that's how I interpreted it anyways. Maybe Fugo should have had more inner monologues about how Mista was acting to tie him with Giorno in some way
the pacing of this is actually pretty amazing. everything but the "ORAORAGUAHGUahGHHH" seems to be super fun?
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4balls over power 2balls my friend.

There's so much going on with JJL at he moment. I wonder if we will get another Joshu's nutty outings chapter in the future or it will be some sort of set up for the Jobin solo arc.
I feel like something is going to happen where he's either gonna have to pick whether he's a man of the land of the man of the sea.
It probably meas Yasuho is going to get molested yet again.
Although I've asked this before, what of Kaato's stand? Does it take on full Enigma properties where if say Jobin heats it up, the thing inside will heat up? I would love to see some sort of card based brazen bull torture. Maybe that's what might happen to Iwasuke if Araki wanted to do a some sort of Danny call back.
>Although I've asked this before, what of Kaato's stand?

You seem to be right, yeah. All I want is to have a Kaato arc where we get to see her power in action.

And by that I mean her screaming "It's a road roller" before flipping a card.
Do you think Fugo alone could defeat Bruno and the rest of his gang (no plot armor, no GER)?
Joshu/Hato arc please.
>Kaato's stand?
It's gonna be a reference to this
literally can only hear Poseidon from smite when i hear Joseph's voice.
>So Fugo would have followed that pattern.
Now I see where you're coming for.

>That's actually what Golden Heart Golden Ring is about from what I understand.
Someone needs to translate this damn thing already. Why did PHF get the priority over it anyway?
>what of Kaato's Stand
I can only dream but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-pswfTBt78
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The thing about that is that Giorno has inmunity, so by default he can't kill any of the crew. I had this autistic concept where during Silver Chariot Requiem Fugo could have been involved in Narancia's death via Doppio tricking him leaving Diavolo for an easy opening on him, basically making the whole traitor thing a tragedy.

>Someone needs to translate this damn thing already. Why did PHF get the priority over it anyway?
There's a guy that has the book but hasn't posted notes on his progress. I think PHF got translated first because it was from the guy that wrote the Boogiepop series? We still don't even have a translation for the Part 3 and Part 4's novels either
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I like this actually. I loved their interactions early on in JJL.
If Kaato says "I'm going for a slash" I'm going to cry and then promptly end myself.
I'm surprised there's no Yugioh references done with her.
Although I find it funny. There's jokes of Teru being YGO character when in the new universe, Kaato has potentially a yugioh like Stand.
Same And I remember the same thought.
You know a nice thing about these threads is you find a lot of good music. It's a nice pic Anon.
I've always been with the "The King is Dead, Long Live the King!" album/song by Enigma but I would love for her to have a Queen based one too.
I could imagine Fugo using tactics to divide the gang up, basically playing with the idea that Fugo actually knows all the members well, and then facing off against Giorno in the end in a one-on-one brawl.
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>Jorge Joestar got translated instead of these novels
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>stores objects within a closed space of cards
>within a closed space of cards
>closed space

>CAPTCHA: Dolomiti Transit
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Honestly, I like everyone but Jotaro, the only one who's a huge role in other Parts.

I feel like they got Mercer because he's a big name, but they should have just picked someone who's good for the role. Steve Blum would have been way better with that deeper voice. Hell, if they even wanted the same vocal range as Mercer, Robert Atkin Downes does a great aloof personality. Jotaro just sounds like Matt Mercer.
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Yeah, actually, could the Sex Pistols grab onto the virus capsules at all? Maybe Mista could actually counter Fugo if that's the case.
>And it's 666 fucking pages long
Although we memed it so hard that we had it coming.
Kira's not the best choice for the "virgin" side of this, since girls are all over his dick as well.
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Replace it with Joshu. It always works with Joshu.
That just makes him an even bigger virgin.
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I never understood why Valentine did that to some random guy. All he wanted was some help and it kind of feels out of character for Funny to warp an innocent to another dimension out of the blue.
This is a really nice song anon, thanks for sharing.
Fugo looks so cute in the top left panel.
Yes, they have a really good relationship, I want to see more of it. Joshu and Hato will save JJL, we've been with Gappy for way too long now.
This is the same guy who gets tingles from a scared little girl.
Valentine is literally Satan.
>could the Sex Pistols grab onto the virus capsules at all?
Wouldn't they easily explode? If not by touch, then by kicking them around. And if Fugo worries about it as well, then he could shoot them out in secrecy, which I think he would, assuming all the other members are alive, whom he wouldn't want to alert, as he could otherwise be overwhelmed by them. It would've been a bit like with Kira, only that Fugo would've been on the offensive.

Either way, Fugo would have made for a pretty good penultimate villain (even if it would've been a bit of a dramatic change) in Vento Aureo imo, a final trial before facing the boss.
Because he is the """"best villain"""" or so 7fags say.
There aren't any better Jojo villains fag.
It's perfectly in character for him. He literally cares about nobody but himself. If you actually believe that he did everything for America and his countrymen because he's such a good person, then congrats, you fell for his lies.

Valentine is such a one dimensional evil character and it pains me whenever people say there's more to him.
I kind of wonder if he was planning to, but remembered how many people bitched about Abdul dying and decided against it. Wouldn't be the first plot shift he dropped out of the blue in part 4.
Only in the final fight and that was just because he's pragmatic and was in a position where he was fucked.
part 1 dio
Fugo was always meant to be the Vanilla Ice of Vento Aureo, yeah, but with the current setup I don't know how that could have worked out. There is a post detailing the paralels between him and Giorno, though, further hinting it was built up from the beggining.

Johnny literally states that he wanted to believe him, why do people trust him?
Is Kira a virgin?
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>worse villains

Valentine was pretty weak dude.
>Only in the final fight
Oh wow, only in the single time during the whole part he has any interaction with the main characters. I mean, there were those other times he told the truth, like when he told Lucy that he wasn't going to hurt her. Oh wait.
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You sure about that?
Literally everyone before him except DIO. Even fucking Kars is better.
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is my taste good enough to be in these threads?
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He promised he wouldn't kill Steven so he just beat him to near death. That has to count for something.
appreciating true best girl already puts you in the top tier of jojo fans
What kind of nap are we talking about here
make one with Joshu and Gappy
He also said that he wouldn't double cross Diego if he helped him fight Johnny.
>Diavolo is the president of the United States, Doppio is the First Lady
What changes?
Hardcovers with larger pages and more chapters per book.
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>ywn witness lucy seducing doppio and then killing him
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Reminder that normalized Jobin is best Jobin.
America turns into an Empire.
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Early Jobin doesn't have the dangle on his shoes?
Did he go and buy a new pair of shoes with the same dangle thing that's on top of Gappy's hat after meeting him?
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I said normalized not early. He had it.
Dopp is completely loyal to Prez. He wouldn't be so easily seduced.
I know Anon, but I wasn't sure.
Then you are a monster for removing it.
I'm a monster for fixing a design? It looks shit in color.
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You can smooth the Jobins out all you want.
Don't touch the fucking shoes.
And of course he looks shit in colour, the choices are pretty bad throughout for JJL.
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>Then you are a monster for removing it.
I only did what I was told to.
don't make me put shoe dangles on his eyes
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Diamond Recordsfag here. I just pulled DIO. I feel bad, since I know I won't use him as much as I should. Either way, I just thought it was momentous enough to be worth posting.
I want to kiss Jobin
what else was dropped, i do feel like to many characters were introduced to quickly do nothing, i just want more tonio i guess
He can choose if the thing that he turned into a bomb also explodes.
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The Bites the Dust sequence in the Blu-Ray looks great.
Link for the movie is finally up, how long do you think till someone subs it? It's standard qualify btw, not cam or HD
* torrent

Not link
TV Killer Queen looks fucking ugly
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I just found this Part 9 preview

Araki really changed his artstyle
I will call my room Atelier from now on
which anime do i start with? the 2000 or the 2015 one?
Go with the 2022 one, it's directed by Anno.
>hating giorno, diavolo, and part 2
good stand design, villain, and brojo choice at least
This anon >>160820107 is completly wrong, you should start with the 1512 one.
2015 of course, 2 - 4 is prime jojo and part 1 goes well with part 2. after that the series takes a nose dive don't bother
>not starting with the caveman cave art
Diugg's World was amazing in those.
the 1987 manga
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>after that the series takes a nose dive don't bother

I actually can't tell if this is bait or not at this point. I need to lay off these threads.
Superman can travel faster then light, probably the same speed as Puchi/Made in heaven. Do you think Anasui can touch Superman to use his powers on him?
Why won't you use him much? I got him recently too and he's so fun and amazing to play especially if you have his skills.
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>Speaking of movies, JoJo's live action film performed ~25% worse than Tokyo Ghoul's live-action version (231,742,200 yen). Very "meh"

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>KQ reveals himself for the first time in anime
>Looks like shit
>Every forum on the internet simultaneously lost their mind
Man, even if it was for the wrong reasons, that was a great moment in the fandom
Looks alright to me.

He didn't say he hated any of them, though. It's entirely possible he really loves them and they're just his least-favorites. Giorno and Phantom Blood are my least-favorites, but I don't hate them. Giornofags nearly always freak out about it though, it's weird.
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Where do you guys watch jojo my old site does not work anymore.
Run along, Giorno hater
It was a good day
haha funny
Give me something to draw pls
Jotaro being impregnated by Sans Undertale
a happy gappy.
Download torrents on nyaa. If you can't for some reasons then I don't know, if you search on google some results show up but it's rarely above 480p.
The guardian of the corpse's eyes. That thing was fuckin cool.
How does that even happen? Did it already get a DVD release?
>not going with the 50 BC one
Davidus Productii nailed the Regina Assassinorum arc
Great-grandpa Joseph with baby Jolyne.
Or maybe Shizuka
How would they interract?
>It's standard qualify btw, not cam or HD
Funny Valentine is a filthy communist
>real American
pick one
I never thought of it before but I just realized Gappy is the first full blooded Japanese protagonist in JoJo. The rest were either white or half white.
>A real american
Hes a fraud
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Johnny is a real American, he represents the man who betters himself based off his own merit.

Funny is just a communist who happens to love America

underrated site desu
It's not that I'm not gonna use him, I just don't play the game as much as many other people.
Lots of pop up ads though, even with ad block
>even with ad block
Not him, but that's your problem.
uBlock Origin + uMatrix will solve 99% of your problems. uMatrix will take a while to get used to.
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Is he? If he's part Kira, wouldn't that not make him 100%? Or Hell Josefumi probably isn't fully Japanese either.
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He can't keep getting away with this!
Thanks lad
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Ah shit I forgot all about Kira's mom. My bad. At best Gappy would probably be 75 Japanese/25 White.
Pucci's voice is accelerated, therefore he sounds squeaky when he talks
Before I derail any further.

Make sure to go to your uBlock settings to head to 3rd-party filters and pretty much enable everything but the following.
Adblock Warning Removal List
EasyList without element hiding rules
uBlock Protector List
Spam 404
and all the regions, languages.

It should still take up less RAM than adblock and ABP.
Seems like uMatrix doesn't work well with 4chanx. Well I'll disable it on 4chan. Thanks for the extensions my man.
12 year old Jolyne babysitting 6 year old Shizuka.

I imagine they would be like tiny Josephs getting into trouble.
>Seems like uMatrix doesn't work well with 4chanx
Like I said earlier, you have to get used to the settings as it is for advanced users.
I have it working perfectly.
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>tfw I get more help from anonymous people on 4chan than anywhere else
I'll fool around with uMatrix, it seems to be fun for someone like me. Have a Kars.
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This guy is behind you and asks you for a later. what do?
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now this is the content i come here for
Ultra Jump is physically bigger than Weekly Shonen Jump, like twice as big. The reason the art improves so much once it moves to Ultra Jump is not just because he gets a month rather than a week for each chapter but because there's much more room for him to draw. I don't have the source on me currently but around the time he made the magazine change either in an author's note or an interview Araki mentioned part of his reasoning was that he felt restricted with the smaller pages and often found himself wishing for just a little bit more space and having to compromise on what he wanted to draw and what he COULD draw. It makes sense too considering when you look at a lot of pages in SO and late GW where there's a LOT more two page spreads than average and generally less panels per page so they're bigger and give him more room to work with.

Moving to UJ was one of the best moves he could have made, both in terms of art and story. Just look at the difference between weekly SBR chapters and monthly SBR chapters, they're practically different series.
Shoot him!
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I got your later right here, boy
Is it incest if Kyo fucks Gappy?
Is it Josefumi's rod?
I don't know, his dick might be the same as his eyeballs where it's a fusion of the two.
Gappy is half her brother and half her cousin
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Twice the incest, double the balls.
what jojo part is objectively the best guys?
My favourite is part 6 personally.
For me, it's probably a tie between part 6 and part 7
Four times the amount of cum going inside of Kyo
who sanded him down and why
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So is Jobin going to be the main villain and reveal some super OP ability outside of making things hot (10 cm range LMAO) or is he just a ruse?
Some anon and doc were taking turns on editing things out one by one.
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Post YFW SBR is animated before Golden Wind.
I really think he's just a part of something bigger, like Dolomite was hinting at. It would be cool to see him bust out some secret ability though.
What if Bohemian Rhapsody worked on memes?
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I think since there's already a character in part 8 named after the heart suit, this will most likely not be it. Something either based on the Joker, a full deck, or gambling will probably do. Or we just get another Doggystyle name that has its own unforeseen meaning to it
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From the thumbnail, I honestly thought that was Carne.
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This is why I hate Japan.
>trying to seduce your husband
>he lightly brushes your skin
>you collapse to the ground and scream like you're about to be raped
>no doubt during sex you intended on making it look like you are writhing in pain
Screw college frats, Japan has a literal rape culture.
David Production employee here

shut the fuck up retard
Yeah, screw women. Literally the only thing good about the is their neck and hands.
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yeah the bluray release looks gureto daze
The TV version is obviously Cell.
Pink dark boy is shit
Rohan is a hack
His manga is shit
Why does part 4 look bad sometimes
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When's the next chapter again?
Is Part 5 going to be revealed at JoJofes?
Why does the part 4 blu-ray look like shit?
19th of the month
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Near the 18th of each month.
The new Rohan one-shot is on the 12th.
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Give me ideas to make a Virgin vs Chad meme that's Jojo related.
Jotaro and Gappy.
Bodybuff vs Twink
Hol Horse and Mista
Virgin gunslinger vs chad gunslinger
Joseph vs Kars
The virgin Hamon user vs The Chad ultimate lifeform
Please, fuck off with the normalfag memes, these are not funny and won't ever be.
Shut the fuck up retard
Gappy canonically has the same build as Jotaro though, and whenever he's illustrated without his shirt on he's ripped. It'd be better as Jotaro and Giorno or something like that.
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Damn, Nutman beat me at chess and stole my girl again
>literally born on /r9k/
>normalfag meme
Can Nutman come back and save JJL already? I'm really tired of Gappy.
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Reminder that Funny was cucked in an alternate universe, and he just stood there and took it
>Some mafiamen wanted to turn Lucy into a prostitute
>Mountain Tim wanted to bang Lucy
>Alt Diego harassed Lucy while threatening to rape her
>Valentine tried to rape Lucy
>Lucy is 14 years old
Araki plz
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I miss Lucy.
Valentine probably gets cucked in most universes

His wife is a whore who's more interested in girls than his fat ass
>the virgin sharpshooter
>the chad gunslinger
>the virgin stand user
>the chad Stand MASTER
Already done>>160812877
What if Yasuho is actually Lucy's descendant? Would explain why she gets molested so often.
>Mountain Tim wanted to tenderly love Lucy while also giving her a stable and comfortable life
FTFY. Do not diss Tim.
The moment Araki switched to seinen, he crank up the rape to 11
If Gappy cums does it come from Kira's or Josefumi's balls?
All 4 of them
So it's like a fire hose
Don't forget that his kindness and adoration towards her was not dependent on her reciprocating his feelings. Even after she made it clear that she was loyal to her husband, he didn't resent her or get angry, and never even considered betraying her after Blackmore attacked him.

Mountain Tim was probably the most morally pure character in SBR.
Mountain Tim was too good for this world.
His death is up there with Jonathan's as far as emotional impact.
The setup and execution were also god tier
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>in his last moments Mountain Tim only reflects on his lonely life and how he regrets not having a home to return to
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>Johnny and Gyro without Tim the second time they appear on the spine art
where is this pic from?
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Pic related.
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I hope to god that when part 8 gets animated, Josefumi and Kira get voiced by the same VAs of their main universe counterparts from part 4.
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Why the fuck was Abbachio such a dick?
>Sandman appears on more spines than Johnny
it's to show off how charismatic Gio is, because he eventually gets Abbachio to like him
I'm glad he died.
>Sandman appears on more spines than everybody else
He had numerous reasons.

Giorno Giovanna joined the gang with ulterior motives - he didn't want to just be a gangster, he wanted to overthrow the boss and take the position for himself, and didn't care who he had to kill to make that happen. Giorno lied to and manipulated all of his teammates (aside from Buccellati, who was in on it) every step of the way up till the boat scene, where it all came out. Abbacchio knew there was something up with him and was understandably cautious and suspicious. He was proven right to be, too - in MITM, Giorno refused orders and prioritized saving Fugo over the mission. While it turned out well in the end, it showed that Giorno wasn't a team-player.

Plus, Giorno is very similar to what Abbacchio was when he was younger, which is an idealistic kid who genuinely wanted to make the world a better place. But whereas Abbacchio became jaded and miserable and ended up fucking up and ruining his life, Giorno succeeds at everything he does. Abbacchio projects his self-loathing and jealousy onto Giorno.

There's also another more meta explanation in the aborted traitor Fugo plotline. Abbacchio being suspicious and paranoid about Giorno would have been foreshadowing for Fugo turning traitor - Abbacchio would've been absolutely right about not being able to trust everyone, he just would've been wrong about who it was.
Abbachio never really liked him at the end tho, just respected him imo
Nah, Abbachio was hot, he deserved better

Unlike Narancia
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>tfw no stand
>no stand user allies
>no get rich quick schemes or comfy villainy
i want to be a minor villain who becomes a bystander/ bro
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Do you like my edits anon? (1/4)
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Her husband has been an unloving shy robot for years
Of course she'd be surprised
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gyro is on 4
Technically five if you count the steel ball (obvious reference to him) and his hat-brim on the first one
He's on 3
Does that small bit of hat in the first one counts?
I did count it, my small brain just didnt notice his second appearance was spread over 2
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>tfw I like everything about the dub except the ORAs, arguably one of the most important parts

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I hope they get Mike Tyson to voice Gappy in the dub.
>tfw I like everything about the dub except the ORAs

It's still inferior to the Japanese audio, but I like it.
>Implying that the japanese ORA's, or anyone actually acting it out, doesnt eventually start to sound like ORARORORORORORORORORA

Kill yourself
It sounds like everyone's trying too hard for the most part. Yet another dub that doesn't come close to Cowboy Bebop.
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haha holy fuck
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>that fag that refers to jjba as "jojo's" instead of just "jojo"
But where did I say that? My problem with Mercer is he's actually far too meticulous in making sure he pronouncies every last ORA properly, making it sound way too slow and less savage and brutal than Ono. Way to pull an argument out of nowhere.
>not referring to it as JoBizAd
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I don't really know if JoJo is a series that requires sombre or underplayef acting.
>he doesn't just call it weaboo trash
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I enjoy JoJo.
Reported for Homestuck
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>Not calling it just JoJo's (with capital J's) Bizarre Adventure Part [Part No.] [Part Name] [No.Chapters/Episodes] [Dates Manga/Anime] [Special thanks to Hirohiko Araki]
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I'm really tempted to get myself some french Jojo volumes, some of Part 5 or 6 to have at least some physical copy of some of my favourite chapters. Does anyone here have any kind of knowledge if they're any good or not? I mean, the last time I had any french in school was 6 years ago, but as long as I know the gist of what's being said, I should be fine.

>go on Amazon
>at least one copy of pretty much every volume of 3,4,5,6,8 available to order
>except SO Vol. 17
It's a series that requires voice acting that isn't shit at the very least. So the dub fails in that regard.
>Not calling it "Hirohiko Araki's™ JoJo's™ Bizarre™ Adventure™"™
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>tfw i thought kira was kira yoshikage's first name
>tfw i realize that's actually his surname and his first name is yoshikage
That's how Nip names work anon, family name then given name.
Yoshikage Kira.
Kira Yoshikage.
I've always wondered which order flows better.
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>Does anyone here have any kind of knowledge if they're any good or not?
Quality wise?
They are nice. Not hard back though and they are small. It looks much better in print too. It comes with authors notes, stand pages and everything. It's all pretty good.
Translation-wise, there's some minor I hesitant to say censorship and some really odd translations.I did an English v French v French (Translated) o pic related for a friend and it's a little more localised,some characters are accented and it's less...Dry sounding? It might because my english is garbage but some parts are certainly more flowery than Daxing's.
The covers are removable too if for some reason you want to display the covers themselves.
French-level wise you can take a good jist, it's not that hard and there's only a couple things that might be a little weird. (Cioccolata's torso speech is worded very oddly.)
They can also survive a cup of tea being split on them without damaging the insides.
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that fucking Josuke haircut webm
How though? Did his dad being called 'Kira Yoshihiro' not clue you in? Or everybody else sans Joseph being surname before name?
I know, but before I finished reading part 4, I kept seeing people refer to him simply as Kira, and I'm used to having the shorter name be the given name.
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Anasui best boy.
Fair enough. If you're not at Part 8 yet then be careful when you do because the good translations keep it as surname and then given name and I get the order mixed up on some characters.
Did you not live through the days of Naranciafag or something?
>that's not "Gappy makes me happy" anon AKA probably doc
Sounds pretty good. Thanks, mate. Having a printed medium always has a more exciting feeling to me than digital. Not just manga, even simple text. You feel much more immersed and it kinda leaves more of an imprint(no pun intended) on you, dunno how to explain it.
In any case, I ordered myself SO Vol.15 and 16 just now. I wanted to get some of VA but
>White Album sold out
>Grateful Dead and MoKC up for some odd 26 bucks
You're French, right? You guys got it so good, over here Jojo is absolutely nothing. Well, I live quite close to the French border, so I might pop over there some time and look for some volumes.
Yeah buying individual volumes is still a paint if you don't want to splash out for the entire collection.
>You're French, right? You guys got it so good,
Yeah, I need to pick up JJL at one point but they are taking forever to come out.
I'm still kinda bummed Araki mentioned Pink Dark Boy being in Italian and not French. We've had Jojo for a good deal of time now.
It's the Italians have everything.
If you want to check your French, the PDFs are here:

I'd also say be wary of the SBR French translation. It's really wonky.
Why the fuck did araki kill him off so quickly?
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That guy and hair.webm guy are pretty much the same, they post one thing and that's it.

Naranciafag posted constant bullshit and actively avoided filters by changing it to 'I love an Italian gangster' or 'N+++ncia' or whatever.
I dont get it
It's not supposed to be a joke I think, have you read Part 8? The thing on the left is Johnny's memorial.
Alright thanks, gonna check it out.
Oh yeah, I remember that. I thought there'd be more to it than a reference. Is it from a phone app?

Also wasn't Mutsukabe in one of the one shots?
It's a reference to Pokemon Go.

Mutsukabe is from the Rohan one-shot as well as JoJolion.
Mutsukabe Shrine is where Dolomite resides.
>tfw the anime won't have the fugo traitor subplot
What if the girl from Dolomite's flashback was also the girl from that one-shot.
You're a fucking retard
I know but that has nothing to do with my post.
>in Florida
>guidebook in Japanese
So I'm up to Part 6 so far, and SBR is up to a great start, but I wondered something that has been bugging for a while.
Should I be reading in colour, or original black and white? The coloured artwork is great, but it looks very weird at times and almost distracting, but the black and white versions have very poor scans. Which one should I be going for?
Coloured SBR is awful for the most part in terms of just covering up the details with block colouring, though it's excellent in a couple of later chapters near the end. The scan quality does improve though, so go BW and switch to coloured for scenes you can't quite understand. Same for every Part really, though I'd recommend only BW for 8 since the scan quality is all good and the coloured butchers tone in a lot of cases.
Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I thought. I'll probably end up re-reading in BW too just for the heck of it.
NP my man. Enjoy the rest of the manga.
I want to feel Kira on top of me
Jacques Joestar
I want to feel Kira's corpse under me.
>Look over here!
I want to feel Kira
I want to feel Diavolo's weight on top of me
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>tfw reading Vento Aureo for the first time
>and this guy shows up

Part 5 > Part 4 > Part 3 > Part 2 > Part 1
>Kamikaze douga will never make another opening

why live
Bruno and Narancia die
Where did his glasses go though?
i tend to read spoilers before i get into a series. and yes, I also know that Jotaro dies but dont spoil SBR you fucking fuck or i'll fucking kill you
Best villain
Leave before you get spoiled nigga.
>still reading it
>clicking jojo threads
How likely do you think it will be that Part 5 Anime will be announced in JoJo Fest starting on Augest 13th
Patrician taste desu
Gyro dies and his quest was useless anyway since the kid dies of a cold anyway
I think it will be a lot higher then that - remember how DIU was announced a month after SDC Blu Rays ended. So i don't think it's unreasonable to expect a Part 5 Annoucement
Definitely possible but I'm not entirely certain. It's the first major JoJo event since all the BDs for Part 4 are out, and the DiU movie is out now too and all that's left is the OVA which has probably already been shipped, so there's nothing DiU related for David to work on anymore. The anime itself was originally announced at an event like this for the 25th anniversary 5 years ago, so they might celebrate the 5th anniversary of the anime with a Part 5 anime reveal. We probably shouldn't expect it to air any time before April next year though, since DP were working on DiU, Sakurada Reset and Monster Hunter at the same time hence why DiU came out rushed and barely finished and they literally would not have had time to work on GW for very long if it's announced here. However the DiU anime was announced in October 2015 for April 2016, so August doesn't seem like too much of a stretch. If they do announce it here we might luck out and have it air earlier than April, though I still think that's pretty unlikely.

It's definitely possible though, and this is the first event where an announcement is actually possible since there was no way they'd announce a new season before all the BDs of the previous one was out. Anyone expecting an announcement before then was fucking retarded.
Part 1+2: 2012
Part 3: 2014
Part 4: 2016
Part 5: 2018
Part 6: 2020
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Part 5 is gonna need more time to bake though since its action heavy, unless they want another Quality Queen
>his quest was useless anyway since the kid dies of a cold anyway
How do people still miss the point of Gyro's mission?
I think announcing in August and releasing it in April is fair enough and gives DP enough time to work on it
Time is definitely a part of it but David were working on 3 full size anime projects at that point and they're a pretty small team relatively. They don't have the manpower to do 3 shows, one of them being 3 cours uninterrupted, at the same time and the quality of the DiU anime has hopefully shown them that they either need to hire a lot more people if they want to keep doing that or focus on less projects but with more manpower on each. Seriously, the ED was unfinished in the episode it aired, the second OP was awkwardly cut from the episode it was meant to first air because it was unfinished and the third OP aired when it was meant to but reused stills from earlier episodes and had unfinished shots still until they actually finished. It's a wonder it turned out the way it did really. They should be able to handle 39 episodes again provided they aren't trying to do two other shows at the same time, and DiU has sold very well apparently so hopefully that means Warner will give them a bigger budget for this adaptation.
Would you be satisified if we get a Part 5 and a key art of what the charcters would look like in the anime at JoJo Fest
Yeah. I'd like at least a little bit of the main theme or beatdown theme to be aired too, but I'll take what I can get.
DP aren't working on any shows in 2018 so they will likely focus on VA. I would be willing to bet Warner will give them a larger budget
Stop posting Kira, is it lonely in the afterlife?
Since JoJo's popularity has increased even more this year
I hope that VA is 39 Episodes. I would argue it's the perfect length for VA
39 episodes was the perfect length for part 3 but you see how that ended up.
Will Giorno's beatdown of Cioccolata will become as highly regarded as Jotaro's beat-down of Steely Dan by Anime Onlies
Yeah it has 20 less chapters than Part 4 which eliminates the need for the rush job 6 chapter episodes that 4 was plagues with. Same with 6, though it's a couple chapters longer than 5.
True but i hope to think they have learned their lesson. 48 Episodes would murder the pacing of VA which is far more fast paced then SDC
People still think that Pucci was a mindless DIO peon and that Valentine was right.

Some people can't think very well.
Part 5 has a lot of 8 Chapter Arcs which is perfect for 2 4 Chapter Length Episodes. Most episodes will be 4 chapters which is perfect
VA should be 24 episodes. A lot of it could be cut out without losing any details.
Nah - 24 Episodes would make it rushed. They need 39 Episodes.
To be fair Part 3 had tons of 3 chapter fights that are too short for a single episode each and 6 chapter fights which are too long for a single episode and not long enough for 2 episodes, so unless they awkwardly cut most of the fights in half and had them end halfway through the next episode before heading into the first half of the next fight and so on they'd either have to rush it like fuck or drag it out, which is what they elected to do. For 5 and 6 there's no excuse though, they're just the right length and the majority of fights and arcs are separated into nice little chunks that are perfect length for anime episodes.

It's got MUDAMUDAMUDADADA xD in it so it'll be popular regardless, though if DP keep it equivalent to how they adapted Steely Dan it'd have to be like 45 seconds long since Jotaro's 3 page ORA was 20 seconds long animated and Giorno's MUDA is 7 pages long.

I found a way of doing VA well in 39 Episodes
This is a terrible idea. Do you want every ark to be Cinderella episode on steroids?
I come from the future. The GW anime is indeed 39 episodes long, as is the SO anime. The GW anime uses Dream On by Depeche Mode as it's ED, and SO uses Little Black Submarines by The Black Keys as it's OP. They're both pretty good adaptations outside of QUALITY, but that isn't anywhere near as bad as DiU quality or PB quality. SBR and JJL are yet to be adapted, as of 2023.
I do admit - Diavolo Rising was tricky plus Sleeping Slaves. Personally i would heavily cut the Restaurant scene
Kind of similar to mine tbqh. Might post it if I can find it.
From Sleeping Slaves
I think if they want to expand charcter interactions then Firenze Bound Super Express would be the best place to do it
Fugo should be removed entirely, same with Doppio because he doesn't add anything
I do admit that a lot of chapters will be adapted into the 2nd cour and it will have a lot of action to it
I expect that Baby Face will look kinda eh compared to the other fights - giving the animators a break
You've got a point, unfortunately.
Baby Face is kinda a boring arc but it shouldn't be cut into 1 episode
>Spending two episodes on that dogshit
I hope not.
>getting a break during the best fight of the entire arc
Eh ?
Baby Face is 8 Chapters long - how can you condense that into 1 episode
Baby Face won't be nearly as animation intensive as a lot of arcs from Part 5
They have to do it in 2 Episodes
Without Doppio Diavolo would be an autist who doesn't talk to anybody instead of an autist who talks to himself.
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It's not funny guys I was halfway through SBR.
To whom'st art thou replying?
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Sheer Heart Attack is creepy in the movie. It's like always clicking it's teeth together.
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Best boys wear fishnets. This is a well-known fact.
That looks legit creepy
Diego gets cut in half by a train
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Only Diavolo and Anasui do though, the other two are wearing sweaters.
>Seakira doesn't wear fishnets
Anyone else notice how similar Mista's outfit is to King Crimson's design?
Holy fuck that really gets me hype to watch it
>fishnet pattern
Close enough.
>king crimson possesses mista's body during silver chariot requiem
Kino Aureo
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Where d'you find this.jpg
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Wait, they cut Akira and made Kira take his place as the murderer of Keicho ?
>not calling it JJBA or Jjuhba
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Wheres the torrent link for the movie i need to see it goddamnit
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2 webms of SHA scene incoming
Josefumi should be added
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after "art book" flyer dump
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First webm is enormous, trying to get it smaller. Really just shows SHA driving around fast like an RC car and how it sees everyone like the Predator. Neat effect.
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Might be shit quality we'll see
is this movie gonna be in three different parts>
how unsettling
Does it at least say "KOCCHI WO MIRU"?
More than satisfied. I'd be happy with just an announcement.
What are your favorite part 5 arcs?
Mystery of King Crimson, White Album, Grateful Dead/Beach Boy, and Green Day.
Mystery of King Crimson, Grateful Dead, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Green Day & Oasis
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This one.
Real funny, there's clearly only three in that image you stupid piece of shit. Don't even reply if you're not going to take it seriously
You asked him his favorite part 5 arcs with an S as in plural
Damn, now I'm the stupid piece of shit

I'm not the person who originally asked by the way, don't let me ruin their anonymous reputation
The voice acting isn't that bad. It's really just Jotaro.
>dat crazy-eyes femAnasui

oh what cold have been
rank the parts by their fights
1 and 2 don't count
Sorry for the late reply; doesn't speak.
Hol Horse fucked bitches around the world. He was a ladykiller. That was literally his thing.
Where did you get the movie torrent from?
Oof baby, Mista is gonna hate this
Not torrent, took a few small videos.
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I see, feelsbadman. i really want to see it
why don't 1 and 2 count?

Kinda hard to rank some parts because you have Parts like 5, 6 and 7 which have both some of the best and some of the worst fights in JoJo history. So do you rank them by their average or their best, yanno? Well

4 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 7 > 6 > 1

Like other anon said about Mista, 4 just doesn't have any bad fights.
Part 6 > Part 5 > Part 7 > Part 4 > Part 8 > Part 3
oh shit forgot Part 8. Wedge it between 3 and 5. Part 8 is remarkable for making enemy stands like Fun Fun Fun into interesting battles, and it just has some fucking amazing fights like Vitamin C and Beetle Tendency.
sorry man. :( now that its out in japan publicly expect a camrip soon.
Y so ded
Vento Aureo this sunday
I touch myself while watching SC. I want to suck Jotaro's cock so much. No homo.
Go home Shokotan
I touch myself while reading JJL. I want to suck Gappy's cock so much. No homo.
Will DP add in a life shot to make it even more satisfying?
I knew a kid at my university who insisted on calling it "Jojo's Bizarre"
I touch myself while reading GW. I want to suck Giorno's cock so much. No homo
Ha, what a faggot
I was referring to the digits
>4 just doesn't have any bad fights.
all of the beginning fights suck
GIO IS okay
Why does 17 look like trash
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