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Hunter x Hunter

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Thread replies: 514
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Leaks in 5 minutes.
o my knowledgeable maid
o my kitty ant
The next person who posts a sentence that starts with O gets shot by my gun
they are already out retard
Other than our beloved leader and future king, Woble-sama, what princes do you people want to see survive the succession war?
Zhanglei seems have some standards.
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niggastream chapter when?
My bet is Friday evening that would be consistent with last week.
The maid is Hisoka
No they're not, retard. The spoilers are out, not the chapter leaks.
how can kura realistically defeat the spiders now? they know all his abilities and he can only take them on 1vs1 to have any chance to win
disgusting slut
This is why Hisoka currently exists as the anti-spider plot device
ahh right, that's true
will hisoka kill kura after he's done with the spiders? seems like a reasonable decision
Leorio will kill Hisoka as a plot twist
leorio is to be used up to defeat a DC calamity, cant be used against hisoka too
i want Leorio to secretly be a huge badass
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Thats a good question, Hisoka has been chasing after Chrollo the entire series, who will be his next target when the Spiders are down
>And he can only take them on 1vs1 to have any chance to win.

So same deal as before, then
Zodiacs, obviously
>The cooking hunters are in the box, but no Razer
The Zoldycks, after he kills Kalluto
without them knowing his ability he could possibly take on 2, using both jail and dolphin, also it's almost granted they now have some plan to deal with him as soon as he pops up
gon would have been a good pick but he's done for
maybe togashi will kill him off for good, now he will get bored since his zombie nen is op
Why did Togashi decide to get rid of all the consequence for Gon?

Kite's alive
Alluka saved Gon's life
He doesn't have nen but will most likely get it back
Because consequences are for adults, and side characters.
>Hisocucks think their clown will survive
he did
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Hisoka immediately acknowledged his defeat, Chrollo lost two subordinates, Chrollo is worse off.
Hisoka and Killua made me realize how retarded Transmuters can be.
Kite being alive or dead doesn't really matter. It could have just as easily been Killua's head on Pitou's lap.

We already knew Gon's sacrifice was meaningless the minute we saw that Pitou couldn't bring him back from the dead dozens of chapters prior to third reunion. It was more about delving into the scenario of what would push Gon over the edge? We already caught a preamble of this when he gave up his limbs for no other reason than Genthru slighting his pride. Even after all this, the reader now knows that he can be a dangerous fuck when provoked.
what will be the most retarded transmuter power?
Do you think Ging went through the same thing Gon did?
You don't survive if you die.
>Chrollo is worse off.
No, Hisoka is. Chrollo's subordinates can be replaced, Hisoka needs to constantly use up his Nen just to be able to walk now.
Ging seems way too chill to have that kind of side to him.
turn your nen into light
Only because he's in his 30s now.
> Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
what the fuck Togashi was smoking?
I honestly hope that Togashi stays true to his words and kills them all on panel, both the shitty clown, Qworof and every single limb of that spider, with Kurapika forced to stay in ET forever.
>every single limb of that spider
What the hell did Kalluto do to deserve this?
Dress like a fag
He already killed Hisoka though.
But he doesn't dress like you, he wears a kimono.
>all the spiders die
>they come back to life because nen is stronger after death!

Truly, the magnum opus of our lifetimes.
You want to kill Illumi too?
Aren't kimonos neutral?
With how slow the chapters seem to be I'm guessing Togashi will be with us for more than 10 weeks.
I wonder about the kids that stumbled upon Shalnark's body and Kortopi's head being pecked at by crows.
which Nen category is the weakest?
I was like you anon: always optimistic, before being crushed by reality way too many times.
Kimono as a term refers to both garments that men, and women wear. Kalluto's Kimono is however rather feminine.
That might be true, considering all of his comments have been 'positive' so far.
Kikyo is the one who probably dresses Kalluto anyway
>stays true to his words
Those who take these words seriously are retarded. He also never said he was going to kill Hisoka. It already happened anyway.
Been in this ride for over 10 years. I don't know if I'm being overly optimistic now but I just see 20 chapters or so being more in line for this.
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easily enhancer. The mindsed with the simplemindedness + the nontactical enhancment make them the ultimate canonfodder in battles. Well we have not seen a real range enhancer so maybe that changes.
Manipulator. Bunch of pussy ass bitches.
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>20 chapters
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Why can't Togashi create Hatsu's as creative as stands?
>literally the 2 strongest nen users shown were enhancers
really tingles your neuronal engine
Ahh yes, the category consisting of people such as Netero, Gon, Ging and Uvogin must be the weakest.
Specialist is the weakest faggots. Literally "take someone else abilities" nen category.
I'd imagine all of this happening at the same time, too
Because Hatsu aren't supposed to be near absolute effects.
Manipulation. Too dependable on external circumstances or manipulation tools
is this a jojo reference?
They're called SUTANDO you fucking pleb.
Enlet will die to Kurapika, not Hisoka

you must be retarded
1 vs 1 Manipulator is the strongest.
they have the most useful abilites, they are just not that battle oriented
Unless something amazing happens in 2 or 3 chapters from now and we go to a hiatus.
When has that ever been the case?
common sense
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So, no arguments? Go fuck yourself
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Chrollo doesn't stand a chance.
He didn't have his phone on him so he couldn't defend himself
>implying he could stuck his antenna on an opponent he couldnt even see
Why didn't encoderanon add the dub to the 99 anime? Didn't he encode from the American DVDs?

Because now I have to sync the dub myself. Hmph.
Will Togashi ever get over himself and hire some assistants that will, at this point, probably even work for free and will he ever start doing a monthly consistent run?
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No it's the Nen category consisting of Jobbunaga, le hatepower Gon, and Uvogin who all do stupid shit the moment you set your eye on them.
Why would Togashi kill such a cute boy? Honestly, I think this is the first time I've seen a series off a cute boy. Usually them being cute makes them immune to death.
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so is Hisoka stronger now with "nen is stronger aftter death" thing or just as weak as before?
Nobody wants a dub, nobody anyone cares about anyway.
And they are still consistently strong when it comes to fighting, I'm not excusing their shortcomings, but they're no way near the weakest category.
You forgot Netero and Youpi, dipshit
as a Hisofag i have to say that i think he is weaker now because he has to use nen all the time to control his fake limbs
emission seems the gayest
literally nen bullets everytime, k cool but now let the adults fight

in order from strongest to weakest

There is none retard. What matters is how compatible it is with you and how you use it.
the strongest are the specialists, they can do everything.
The 99 dub was both the best and worst thing I've ever seen
Kurapica is a fucking garbage character
>be paku
>be a specialist
>be an ogre
>get chain cucked
>still strongest
It's Kurapika with a k, stupid
t. Kuvorolo
He didn't change at all.
You realize that the limbs are conjured right? He doesn't need to maintain anything. They are real.
what is up with the 5000 chimera ants anyway? seems like their power would be more than enough to destroy the hunter association and the world, what will do with them
how do they move ?
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>what will do with them
Fun things.
they expand and contract
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
They are attached to his body?
Some character sound pretty bad, but it's passable as far as dubs go.

That's not really the point. If it exists, it should be included in a release for it to be more complete. There's no reason to leave it out especially when this release is the best out there.
Can someone explain to me how is Nen such a close guarded secret? When its used freely by hunters and fighters how can the public still not know what the fuck is Nen?
Because Nen is supernatural and only conjuration type can be seen by normal people?
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When it comes to looking at all the HxH art, the Kurapika artists are incidentally the best HxH artists.

Why? Because they know perfection when they see it.

>Androgynous beauty that surpasses both men and women
>Book smart, street smart, combat smart
>Kurapika is a person of focus, commitment, shear will
>Retains the best of humanity without being vulnerable to evil

Drawing him is equivalent to creating divine artwork, like interpreting a mythical figure who should be revered.
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>make Gon sound like edgy 14 year old
You're making him sound like the biggest Gary-stu ever
>making Gon sound what he actually is
incomprehensible, right?
is Dragon Quest even that good? I know it's better than Final Fantasy but still.
>I know it's better than Final Fantasy
Pigs don't understand when pearls are thrown before them.

A person like Kurapika being born is like the universe justifying the existence of humanity.
this is not related to HxH.........oh wait.
Gons not edgy at all, and he's 11/12 in the 99 series, no young kid sounds like that
>If it exists, it should be included in a release for it to be more complete
It doesn't. It only needs nip OG voices.
Are you going to complain about the lack of arabic voices?
t. pig
current state of FF is shit.
get off muh board and masturbate to your tulpa pls
DQ is just a shitty Chrono Trigger.
he's trying to say that kurapika is a girl
I resent that; that's just sacrilege.
What I've understood it's different from FF to really compare them. FF has more coherent story while DQ offers lot of options.
Talking about the old Snes era games of course, nobody gives a flying fuck about ps onwards.
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I dunno, I think their sundaes are pretty good
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come on togashi, let oito show some skin, we need a bit more fanservive.
you should read his old works, there's plenty
he seemed to like that old drawing style more too
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>More Kurapika shit.
Wake me up in 12 years when this mary sue extravaganza is done.
I like this one
Theoretically sure, but manipulators are not inclined to have the speed needed to meet whatever conditions they have for a control other person hatsu, when faced with others that have a higher Enhancement rating than them. Many manipulators may be able to win a 1v1 fight with a single hit, but getting that hit in is far from certain.
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hunter x hunter is the only one i enjoy sadly
We need to see more manipulators.
no love for baka-ouji-sama?
bad, very bad
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Jesus christ.
>Kurapika teaming up with women
>All the men are killed
>Actually having to rely on the women more than the men so far

What is togashi trying to say?
It has always been a theme in Togashi's work that women are better than men.
>what is Sailor Moon

You didn't notice? His wife has been drawing the manga for a while now. Togashi is buried in the basement somewhere.
he even went to the point of saying pitou is a boy to make her innocent to the world
He has rubber limbs that he is keeping active at all time. That's something I guess.
No he didn't
Who is this?
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Let's all be honest here. Would Hisoka be a better character if he was a woman?
Only then would I accept hisogon as a decent pairing
>keeping active at all time
Speed reader.

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i want oito in a tight dress
He literally has a canon dick and wants to fuck Machi.
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No. People would just call her a slut.
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Female Hisoka would be fun but he is perfect the way he is
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Har har har. This is an English website and so is most of the torrent sites, so of course the English dub should be included. There's no reason not to other than personal preference. Then again, you're not forced to watch it dubbed.
He's transmuting all the time. You know what I meant. Stop trying to look smart, dummy.
>Control of the quantum electromagnetic field

Sign me up
>wanting to fuck the opposite sex
>meaning your hetero
A good majority of anime dubs are all fucking shit, if you don't watch sub only you shouldn't be here
to end the dumb rumors that he was Pairo
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Unless tranmutation ids something wacky like rubber and gum, it's too powerful imo and even bungee gum is op. Like what fucking Killua can do is limitless, right now he's just a dumb kid ho wants to use it to move fast but he could be doing so much more with it.
I want to say no but in truth my dick probably wouldn't be able to resist
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>He's transmuting all the time
>Rubber prothesis
>Applies Texture Surprise to it
>It becomes real
No he is not transmuting all the time.
>of course the English dub should be included
No it shouldn't. Only the original voices are necessary. Everything else is just fluff. Not to mention every dub is inferior to the originals.
"Oh Goan!"
"Oh keeluah!"
"Oh kuraahpikaa!"

The limbs have rubber properties, so I though he was transmuting, but what you are describing is actually pretty fucking OP if he can work it out like that.
i think he places texture surprise on top of his transmuted limbs
Kurapika is a woman confirmed?
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just imagine
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What you call Rubber prothesis is just his aura being transmuted.
If he doesn't keep it up the limps he has replaced would just disappear.

We've already seen an example of that with Sadaso during Heaven's Arena.

Hisoka is just a better version of that camouflaged with texture surprise to look like his real limbs.
Poor sushi, I miss him
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the only good thing about his chains is that they work their way into fetish art
why don't Togashi just heal Hisoka limbs?
Because now the clown goes squish to indicate that he was swashed.
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Because now he can do that.
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The maid is kurapika
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could you do this one aswell brother?
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Kurapika, forgive me. I have sinned.
He will slowly become a rubber zombie.
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Because now he is SPRINGY and this is kinda sorta power-up
her boobs are not that big, that's way too fulgar for a refined girl as machi
Who is more twisted Hisoka or Illumi
his level E aliens were way more fucked up than this
>dumb kid
What? And whatever you think about "limitless" potential takes training. Years of it.
>Killua and Gon
>Trained 4 times in anime
>still shit
Togashi is a hack.
with the limited amount of current he can produce that use is more than good
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kind of disappointing that baise was the only character with a sexual nen.

i can see the potential she had
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Here's a hackjob.
Stop triggering me with these pictures.
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As Killua looked above at his trusted companion and saw the blood pour from his upper right limb, he cried " why hath thou forsaken thyself for such a deed? Why must you put yourself in such agony?" Gon-San then uttered these peaceful words "I am cleansing myself of the sins that I have committed. But do not fret my child, as Christ once said to his apostles: 'know that I am with you always ; yes, till the end of time'". With that, Gon gently pushed his friend out of the way
Just write HunterxHunter fanfiction with your own OCs.
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positive trigger or negative
>HxH OCs
Do those even exist?
You keep posting images that aren't cleaned properly. I'm pretty sure you're sending that anon into an ocd induced fit.
Piero, I think. ぴえろ
*hyori ittai piano in the background
DQ8 and DQ5 are amazing games
Why do most Shounen fans have the mental age of a retard toddler?
It's like you gave up on the images half-way bro.
Togashi go back to drawing HxH
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I want more of this!
10 days until Dragon Quest 11.
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that anon is a cool guy, not afraid of a few images
honestly i did
This gif alone > 2011
Texture Surprise is just 2D. He transmutes rubber limbs and places Texture Surprise on top of them.

So yeah, Hisoka does have to constantly maintain his aura.
That at least looks decent on the board.
>Well Gon you found me so it looks like this is he end of your Dragon Quest
What did Togashi mean by this?
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>So this...is the power...of the Dragon Warrior
What DID Togashi mean by this
The stories of DQ are considerably more standard fantasy than those of their contemporary FF equivalents, but I think they get away with quirkier characters, structures, and mechanics precisely because of that. For example, Dragon Quest 4 had a chapter structure that gave all the main cast introductions filled with personality, and DQ5 had monster training back when the only franchise to do it was MegaTen (and I am talking about MegaTen, not SMT) and it suited well the sort of "loner" personality that the protagonist had most of the adventure.
what the fuck did you just say about naruto? It's my favorite cartoon and I can't have you insulting it without my permission, heh


Got a source for that?

As far as we know he has ( to some extent) the ability to copy other people's hatsus, and I don't think that's something an enhancer would know how to do.
People usually speculate that he's either an emitter or a specialist
Or transmuter.
Source please
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I did this for you to upgrade a week ago.
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dunno if your the anon that been fixing the images but could you fix this one aswell.>>160016044
>>160016497 if you want of course.

boichi terra-formers.

I must have click on the old one by mistake...thanks you anyway. it such a small world

leaks in 5 my ass
same she is hot
Not bad on that.

It's pretty hard to fix images that has chunks of it deleted. You should learn yourself anyway.
Use Pen for shapes. Magic wand is enough for black and white.
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we have the plot
Poor shoot ;__; Died too young.
Reminder that Killua saved Knuckle.
He survived!
Damn animeonlys. He died in the manga.
>no one is discussing the chapter
It's not out yet.
>spoonfeeding retards
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there not much to discuss, togashi is still setting up the players
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>half koala half insect
>not a drooling retard but a smart business guy

who's idea was this
>Kurapika being a passenger to maid/prince shenanigans and not even getting close to Tse

I wonder why.
But everyone used to be all over the spoilers previously
Now it's like the current chapter doesn't even exist
He got better.
>muh sekrit club
You shouldn't spoonfeed retards irl or in 4chan. Retards are to be abandoned in the woods to be eaten by the wolves.
jairo, the spiders, and maybe hisoka should have their own gaiden
you probably have an iq less than 100

That's Shoot's brother, Phoot.
Jikan desu
It is spelled Fhphooxtrl according to Togashi, showfag.
We don't know how Shoots name is pronounced.
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It's an Kurapika plays political games for 49 minutes episode
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What's your opinion about films? I only watched Phantom Rouge but I thought it was utter trash. I really doubt this is made by people who actually read the manga. like, how can Gon and Killua recognize Uvo?
seems like a pretty simple pronunciation to me
>like, how can Gon and Killua recognize Uvo?
Movie magic.
It's just an animated glorified fanfic like most other shounen movies
Ok Netero was an ehancer

But his hatsu is purely Emission+Manipulation
Nowhere did I found that the punch were actually ehanced

Why did he go through the assle of manipulation, he must tend toward emission so that's not really a problem
I honestly feel they are the definition of "generic" for rpg. I even prefer FF over them.
>that Killua suicide scene
What were they thinking?

It's a movie you virgin just shut your brain off and enjoy it.
Kurapika's backstory in Phantom Rouge was a part of the manga, the rest is garbage.

The other movie is trash too, but there's some good scenes such as Hisoka acting like Spider-Man and Gon using the fishing rod again.

everything non canon is complete trash

that includes anything shown in anime that isnt in the manga (although all anime adaptations are trash to begin with with zero respect for pacing or direction)

i learned at a very young age that side movies are fucking trash and should be avoided (thx dbz)
tfw we'll soon have enough material to read a chapter a day for a year before Togashi comes back from his next hiatus.
Maybe that's because it's the series that started every trend you think is "generic"


Excuse me?

Apparently they were physical sound attacks, basically his faster than sound punches, but emmited from different directions?
Who will kill Jobjamin? Will it be Tse, Zhang or Tubeppa?

Will Kurapika teach Nen to Zhang and Tubeppa?

>Emit statue
>Manipulate it's arms
>Restriction is that he have to pray to activate it

At least that's what the wiki says, but nowhere does it mention ehancement
his buddha was emitted but punches faster than sound were most likely enhancement
also he was able to react and do the prayer thing within less than a second, again probably enhancement
i also remember when he was observing Pitou from far away, that could have been enhancing of his eyes
all of this is my speculation
What's Pitou's Togashi-romanized name?

You have all of them here:
Quwrof Wrlccywrlfh
I'd watch it if it were on HBO
I remember some people praising it.

Enhancement is what makes his reflexes/movements be extremely fast and precise. Also, assuming the shockwave is produced by a hidden punch somewhere, it would also be used for that.
>It's another mindless exposition episode
And to think I was once excited about this series being off of hiatus at one point.
O my kevlar vest
My fight erection demands an alternate reality where Gon-San fucks up strong ant man

make it happen DEEN
>meruem is meeleem
Oh my god..
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I wouldn't be surprised if Deen made these movies, seeing how shit the quality is
Epic meme dude.
Why did Togashi make Chrollo look like some teeny-bopper edgelord in those chapters? He looked perfectly fine before
The trick is that the bookmark actually does not do what he says. Quwrof is still half depowered, which is why he cheated during the fight.
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He looked like a 30 year old edge lord before.
I have to laugh at the goofballs that somehow read past Ch 350 and thought Togashi would simply change gears all of a suddenly and give them the standard big battle action fare where they could get thier fix elsewhere. Just fuck off already.
Phantom Rouge at least has a cool intro with Killua going to assassinate someone, and some weird fanfiction level events with the Ryodan.

The 2nd movie is one of the worst things I've ever seen in any medium.
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That looks a lot better in all honesty there
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He also looked exactly like in the new chapters couple of times.
I lost all hope when Gon went all "my nakama" and got Tokyo ghoul eyes
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What would Bill's romanized name be?
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Pretty sure it's just the hairstyle and the clothes
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>Im-fucking-plying Hisoka vs the troupe doesn't sound infinitely more interesting than watching princes sitting on their asses and refusing to interact
He looks like a complete faggot in that panel
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I want to see Chrollo in casual clothes from now on.
First time seeing bishounen?
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Pitou is the cutest girl
No Linnet Audoble makes me sad.
We know troupe and Hisoka, getting to know these new characters is more interesting when you know they are all going to be playing together in the future.
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that's a good idea and the clown is very feminine already
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If Qwrof had become a hunter instead of a thief what type of hunter would he be? Treasure Hunter?
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It's over.
that's the only thing really bugging me
how the fuck could he maintain all of this when gon and Kira last for 3 hours in ken mode?
His abilitys name is Skill Hunter.
This whole succession war is irrelevant and so are the princes. Everyone is only interested in the DC, before getting there the only juicy part about the voyage is a bloodbath that involves Spiders, Hisoka, Zodiacs, Ging and Pariston.
No one gives a fuck about the princes
becoming a hunter isn't that important, it's just an official system made to regulate the use of nen
best nen users are wild ones
is chrollo the john wick of his generation?
What's actually funny is how insecure you fags get the moment someone says the chapters are boring. Instantly assuming people who watch/read this series up for fights and not the character interaction which is the actual cornerstone of this series. But dismissing dissenting opinions as shonenfags being unable to sit though plot, brainlet.
You don't speak for anyone but yourself, you twit.
The only reason I'm reading these chapter is because I want to see Kurapika get the eyes back, but it's going less than a snails pace
Havent you noticed how slow the last threads have been? Its because people find it boring; since nothing happens, there is little to discuss about. Everyone wants to see the popular characters interact with each other. No one cares about some pointless sub-plot
Is it me or is there a lack of solid Machi hentai?
I'm honestly surprised people didn't give up on this series a long time ago, seeing how long and slow it's been going. This shit should've ended 9-10 years ago
>No one cares about some pointless sub-plot
I care, but it is moving really slowly.
There is a lack of porn for most of the female cast.
Are there any HxH threads before 2011 that are archived so I can view? I'm curious what they were like before newfag[\spoiler]
How is it irrelevant? It's a survival game for the whole ship and it involves 2 main characters.

I'm sure lot of 12 year olds who only read for "hype" who probably haven't even read the whole manga don't like the princes.
It's good that they are slow. Nobody needs your bait.

CA arc was the same, it will deliver.
Does Oito want Pika's D
I can spot these fucks for miles. This isn't new.

Same people blubbered about the auction bidding sideplot in Yorknew, called it irrelevant and boring. They cried that Greed Island had too much exposition, cried CA dragged on with the narration and focused on the side characters "nobody" cared about. And now the same babies are crying "Urgh, dun give a fuck bout princes n' shiet. Gimme muh Ging and muh DC, dis is boooorin'!"

Can't be too shocked seeing how it the state of affairs after 2011 came 'round.
Because the whole appeal of the DC vastly outweighs some silly succession war. Kurapika is carrying the whole arc on his back and it's not going well
Is Kuroro Rushirufuru on the boat?
Yeah Pitou needs more lewds, she doesn't have enough.
Just because your 12 year old self doesn't like it, doesn't mean it isn't going well.
Just because you don't find something interesting doesn't mean someone else does.

Stop being a kid.
>boring arc
this arc is about urban relationships, so as interesting as York shin

Kurapika finds one piece gets the 7 dragonballs and is half human half god and half hunter with the powers of the 9 tailed NEN monster
I'm not a 12 year old (as I wouldn't be on here). And also you say that people that complain about arcs isn't unusual and stupid, so why are you giving them the light of day?
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>first post
What made you leave /v/ and come here?
amazing meme
I've never been on /v/ and don't plan to be, I'm just confused about why you'd result to insulting someone who doesn't share your exact opinion, that's pretty low down
You're wrong. Everything in CA was relevant to the main plot (Ants vs Humans). While this succession war is utterly irrelevant to the DC.

It would be as if Togashi spent 5 or more chapters trying to develop those NGL milita group characters during the CA arc
It's just an opinion a typical /v/ goer would have.
Say my name
I wish Togashi would actually write something entertaining and not a succession war that reads like a shitty game of thrones rip-off. I guess I had too high hopes. He's clearly out of his element here, and it shows.
If it gets too bad, Togashi will drop it just like the Killua rescue arc.
>While this succession war is utterly irrelevant to the DC.
We don't know yet.
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Who am I kidding, it's impossible to have any civil discussions here without being called something
Quilonzo Jimenez
The king probably has a NEN beast that will give them access to the Dark Continent
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Senor Abravanel
While I'm not fond of these chapters, I think it's better if you see the current arc as something different from DC. This arc is probably just going to be about Kurapika and the spiders.
Nope, he's committed to this and it shows for the past 10 chapters.

Think he's done trying to appeal to the 13 year olds and want to focus mainly on the fans that's been with the series since the start, who are practically all adults by now.
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That has to be one of the worst made edits I've seen.
>the past 10 chapters
>Hisoka vs Chrollo
If he really wanted to pander to the adult fans (in Japan) he would've made killugon canon already
Well it's been 20 in all, and that fight was lasted 6-7 chapters.

Keep dreaming
>civil discussion
>this hugely important thing is irrelevant and nobody likes this because I don't
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I only just got to the chimera ant arc but what evidence is there to suggest he isn't a spy for Ging?
>Everything in CA was relevant to the main plot (Ants vs Humans)
Like the important Kites assistants? Like the very important random mook ants? Hell if you think of only the main plot, the whole arc is irrelevant.

You just weren't there when the ant arc was going, people complained all the time.
When this arc is going on people will look back with the future knowledge and say how hugely important all these people were.
>who are practically all adults by now.
The "hxh is seinen" shit is embarrassing but this arc does feel like something you'd read on some political seinen manga. First time I think the meme has some legitimate ground.
Ging doesn't even know he exists
Honestly the most seinen thing about the series is actually the way it's written, not the subject, but the kanji.
I feel that HxH is just 5 different manga wrapped into one.
>my speedreading has the properties of both rubber and gum
Why is there kanji always sprinkled in with hiragana in manga? Is it to shorten the character length?
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The thing that's clearing missing here is an overall lack of chemistry with this new cast. the princes are all stuck in their respected bubbles while kurapika is playing bodyguard to an completely uninteresting damsel in distress. In ASOIAF, we immediately got the sense of the bounds and relationships the characters had with another while the plot was secondary. At this point Togashi needs to put the plot intensive exposition on the back burner and drive into these characters more because we've gotten the complete gist of this war weeks ago.
What's different about the Kanji in HxH?

They only do the hiragana for the kids.
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In to the trash it goes.
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I always found Japanese to be a bit too complex of a language, it mixes both Chinese and it's own original character sets together and it looks pretty baffling. Especially seeing as there's more than a thousand kanji
I would prefer Theta as the MC than Pika
Writing system is the only complex part about it.
ive always been a little disappointed that 2011 made Gon-san less cute, he looks a lot more angular while in the manga he still looks a bit boyish
>Mentioning Pika in a post that has nothing to do with him
Why are Pika haters so obsessed with him?
been out for a while stupid nigger
I hear from MS and some anon that tried translated HxH that it's a bitch to translate because of the complex wording in addition to the density.
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Because they are in the closet for him and don't want to admit they want to fuck his boipussy.
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>this is the current state of Crapika apologists
You are disgusting.
Just accept it. It'll be easier that way.
I'm not even a Kurapikafag but what I said is true.
It's so dense.
No, something like they hate him because he isn't Gon or Killua is more believable.
They have low grade nen, can't stand a character with passion.

Are you me?
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There was a thread were they posted the romanji names of togashi, can someone link me?
Togashi is the romanji name of Togashi.

We just had an entire volume dedicated to Chrollo fighting Hisoka that cut right into this arc for no reason and now you want another Ryodan fight? I swear Ryodanfags are the worst.
Be gentle with the 2011fags, they don't know better.
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What would the romanized name for Yup be?
The subtle part of HUNTING is lost in these people.
If this arc better than troupeshit why is it barely being discussed on /a/?

I really don't get the hate for this arc, the narrow and confined corridors, a claustrophobic atmosphere. Monstrous nen beast who have an unknown function, Psychotic princes some of which are serial killers and cat and mouse games.
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What if Chrollo kills Hisoka again? How will clownfags ever recover
>blind people before they can even notice
>burn them with gamma rays
>cook them from the inside out with microowaves
>all in a few fractions of a second, without them being able to notice it

it's a broken power
>Hype = quality

Can you faggots go read something else, please.
People hate change.
Steve-o Carellcifer
How can you make a manipulator not suck? Morel was the only decent Manipulator in the series.

>blind people before they can even notice
what is en
>burn them with gamma rays
visible light isnt gamma rays
>cook them from the inside out with microowaves
>all in a few fractions of a second, without them being able to notice it
even if all those powers were to be true you dont have an instanuke in your hand, they take time to work
Except Hype is direct testament to the quality of the writing. Even when the story isn't balls to walls action there should be buzz about the developments in the story for longer than single thread one release day.
>Except Hype is direct testament to the quality of the writing

Stopped reading there.
>It's popular so it must be good

2011fags ladies and gentlemen.
Manipulator is amazing, though. Pretty much everyone in Avatar the Last Airbender is a manipulator and it had techniques like manipulating a person's blood to control them as puppets and manipulating the air in someone's lungs to cause asphyxia.
What does this have to do with 2011, why do 99fags feel the need to pin the blame on it whenever they can?
Not an agruement.
waiting for this guy to shine
>Not an agruement

Retard can't even spell, nice.
>Not an agruement.
It sure isn't.
Wrong. That was a shitty romanization only used by one piece of Merchandise.
Pitou and Meruem are officially Neferpitou and Meryem.

Because that's their logic, everything is dictated by how "hype" something is. I was there last year when the Hisoka vs Chrollo match was happening, the discussions were nothing but straight up back to back shit posting memes. That's where that shitty "O my rubber nen" meme garbage post came from. So, I'm very skeptical of the idea that hype is indicative of good writing.
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>Dragon, consume my foes!
how do you know? i only found meeleem and nephelpito official romanizations, never seen meryem
It's a good arc. The people who currently hate it will come around once the action picks up. It has the potential to be a large massacre and we might even see everyone shipwrecked by the time we arrive in DC.
>people already want kakin arc to be over
>is properly only about 7-8 chapters in

give it time. its probably gonna be 60-70 chapters
Who did he kill now
He ran away and borrowed abilities from the Troupe and Togashi gave him a power up (the bookmark), so I doubt he can kill Hisoka especially if Hisoka kills the Troupe first or finds him unprepared.
This is the hype: the arc.

Please read the manga before commenting.
Inserts from a couple of the omnibuses spell their names Neferpitou and Meryem. The shit on the wiki was only ever used by the packaging of a keychain.
Now it's very possible if not probable, that Togashi himself didn't have a hand in writing out the romanized names for the omnibuses too, but the Shueisha published material is far more official than outsourced merchandise.

Why do these threads gather so many crossposters?
Leave my board.
Would it even be possible to manipulate somebody's blood or take the air out of their lungs in HxH?
it would probably require some strict restrictions or conditions, or years of intense training
Suzuku's Deme-chan can already suck peoples' blood from their wounds at a medium distance so I don't see why you can't do either of those.

It's neater to imagine a hatsu that matches who you are before considering how to use it to cheaply win battles.
He can't.
>implying he would stick it in himself and become super sayan
Wew lad
clownfags will not be able to recover?
Chrollo will not be able to kill Hisoka
But who would be able to kill him?
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So how do we know that Hisoka is not a Machi puppet?
Why hisoka does not go after Ging if he really wants to fight strong hunters. Wat is his obsession with lucifer ? we need a flashback to get that answer.
Chrollo cheated
He never met Ging.
How do we know it was chrollo and not Machi?

I'm a newfriend to Hunter x Hunter but if Machi can control people like puppets then she's absolutely fucking terrifying
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>controlling puppets
That's Pitou, you'll meet her later
>You'll love her later

Machi is a transmuter, making and controlling puppets would be manipulation, there is no way she could pull off something that complex in her opposed category.
That cat's dead ain't s/he?

Well she could conjure a puppet, and in theory use her threads as puppet strings on a normal person
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Yup, she gets btfo by a good boy
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a cute
>Machi transmutes her aura into threads to manipulate her target's movements like a puppeteer. She can also use them in elaborate traps to capture, strangle or cut enemies. Maki notes that the strength of the threads is inversely proportional to their length: a thread as long as the Earth's diameter would be as strong as cotton, but a one-meter long thread could lift a ton.[15] The threads are also very durable, unable to be cut or torn. However, if the threads leave Machi's fingers, their ultimate strength drop significantly.

Hmm, well she has the ability to do it - but since she's not classified as a "Manipulator", it's unlikely?

I sorta can accept that logic, but the category of "Manipulator" exists in universe, right?

Therefore, if you were a crafty Manipulator, what's to stop you from posing as a Transmutor?

I'm VERY new to this series so please correct any misgivings - I got that from the wiki
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I thought she was half human/animal like Pitou was
Post rare Killugon tranny
bugs are not animals and humans are technically animals
i understand what you're saying, but still
>is inversely proportional to their length: a thread as long as the Earth's diameter would be as strong as cotton, but a one-meter long thread could lift a ton.[15] The threads are also very durable, unable to be cut or torn

Like this shit

Basically Machi can manipulate fucking anyone


This scares the fucking shit out of me
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>bugs are not animals
Anon please
You need to go back to high school
Seriously guys if Machi's strings can't be cut or torn and can EXTEND THE DIAMETER OF THE WORLD then you've got a Puppeter God Empress in the making.
When did insects become this foreign species?
>Machi's strings can't be cut or torn
you're already wrong, so stop trying.
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Pitou did nothing wrong
He did though. Couldn't even kill Gon.
Like I said - new friend. So when are they cut and torn? What does it take?

Machi's power is fucking terrifying as I understand it given its range
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Leave the treasures to me.
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She was controlling people during the Requiem
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Anon literally made the compassion to game of thrones, but way to ignore the point of my post because you're incapable of actually discussing the nuances of storytelling.
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Right but that's not even what I'm spooked by

The range of her threads are batshit crazy. It's true that Machi says "Well if my threads spanned the diameter of the world they'd have the strength of cotton" - but imagine this more ominous possibility

Guy with his finger near a trigger, halfway across the world.

The force of cotton could make the guy fire his gun

While the culprit sips a cup of tea

Halfway across the world
You're dead silly, you can't be embarrassed anymore.
Nobody cares about your fascination to books written by a fat people.
No bully GRRM;_;
>hxh is back from hiatus
>at the same time it triggers adhd redditors away
can it get any better?
That would require Machi to have an active thread at all times. The implication behind such a thing is ridiculous. Very crude "puppeteering" is possible as we've witnessed in chapter 97 but it's nothing on the level of the remote accuracy that someone like Pitou was capable of, reduce the range of that and what the fuck is Machi supposed to accomplish?
>That would require Machi to have an active thread at all times. The implication behind such a thing is ridiculous.

I bet the only reason you pretend to like these recent chapters is that most people find it boring. Typical contrarian faggot.





I'm a new friend though - so I'll read the whole series to make sure I'm grounded in the "ruleset" of the universe.
So why bring it up if you realize how ridiculous and utterly impractical it is?


But again - newfriend. I'll read through the manga and get a feel for the possible and impossible but I swear to FUCK IF PEOPLE'S BODIES "JUST START MOVING ON THEIR OWN"
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You need to be 18+ to post here.
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>Pitou will never use her powers on you to turn you into her puppet and use you as her personal sex slave
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There's no strings on me, you mindless puppet!
>meme of thrones invented succession wars
t. Togashi
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You don't suppose we'll get the chapter tomorrow?
>She will never bang you until she cums so much that she has to suicide to not go insane just to be reborn with an even more lewd nen
Why live
>99 bait
>Homo shit

Kill yourself the REAL thread is here
Both look dead
Killua is cute!
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Anyone else think of Koenma in his human form whenever they see Chrollo?
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where i can find complete set of scanned dvds? please help!!! (i would like every chimera ant dvd)
Either him or Sensui at times, yes.
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