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Hunter x Hunter

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Thread replies: 526
Thread images: 111

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There are fags on /a/ who think Theta will live for longer than 5 chapters.
Theta's not important enough to die
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ponzu and bootleg link would love a word with you
Ponzu was very important
Im sure there will be another break letting us keep her alive for atleast 2years between chapters
who is Squalla? who is Shalnark? who is Kortopi? who is Pokkle?
in becoming food for ant king sure otherwise she was mob character 101
Pick one.
>it's taken theta ~2.5 years to appear again already
Theta will live if she becomes the prince cock slut.
All the princes are going to die and the fat king won't have an heir but it won't matter because his country got taken over by all the enemy countries while they were out on the boat.
>Not important

Pick one.
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>bootleg link
the spiderniggers are destined to die at the hands of edgelord pika and his homo clown friend.
>Shalnark was important
>BTFO in ONE (1) hit
They ate her ass, pussy and tits.
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Show us Bisky already, goddamnit.
She was important to Pokkle. Gave his life much meaning.
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This is the face of peak performance
this adds an interesting component to the shalnark = pairo theory because theyre both fucking dead
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Cutest girl
He looks like a bad influence for my children.
More like the face of fetal alcohol syndrome and neglectful parents
pitou best waifu
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too bad he's ugly as shit now.
nice fanfiction, faggot.
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So cute before.
Togashi just can't draw anymore
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Half monkey before.
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With a good nose this would objectively be the best looking Chrollo.
I can't vid any pic of what the cover to volume 34 is even though its supposed been out for weeks
I like Pokkle!
Maybe king use ritual as inmortal life procedure or transfer body, just lie every time begin fight on it.
He's fucking dead!
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yeah he was a total chad before
his brains were magically delicious
silly rabbit, trix are for kids.
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>implying important characters die in HxH
Togashi is a fucking pussy
She wasn't even eaten by the queen
Sure, kid
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How can you people keep reading Hunter x Hunter? How can anyone consider everything that's happened and not jump ship?

Keeping up with this manga that I loved so much for over 10 years as it was plagued by numerous agonizing hiatuses, a flawed adaptation that failed to capture the entire essence of the source material and unspeakably shitty threads that actually used to be pleasant was like watching a beautiful, pure and kindhearted young girl grow into an unremarkable, mediocre woman, her character mutated by the harsh realities of the world.

I will not read another chapter of this god forsaken manga because just thinking about it depresses me to the fucking core. HxH is dead.
>The reason that Hisoka is going after the Phantom Troupe is to get back at Chrollo for damaging his pride

you can not defend this
so she's even more worthless she went mob character to just ant bait
Fix the nose and he'll be more handsome than ever
I didn't know Netero wasn't important.

And what's with this hard-on for killing characters without reason? For the edgy teens that thinks that means something?
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He's never been as good looking.
Correct, there's a reason Togashi made her cute and detailed
>How can you people keep reading Hunter x Hunter

Not reading Wan Piss is a good place to start. It keeps your IQ and ability to pay attention at a certain level.
go to bed anon you are tired
>that actually used to be pleasant was like watching a beautiful, pure and kindhearted young girl grow into an unremarkable, mediocre woman, her character mutated by the harsh realities of the world

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>Pitou will never use her powers on you to make you her puppet and for her to use you as her personal sex slave

It's pasta. Do not get baited.
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Spoilers are out?

Looks like Kurapika successfully sheltered Halkenburg with the help of Hanzo.
>can't name another character besides netero because apart from antagonist no one important dies
Why are you sperging over the two times the weird nose has been shown compared the the rest of the time where he's normal looking if not more youthful. You fellas love the memes, don't ya
I like that Chrollo has gone from looking like a mafia boss to a bishie.
Hanzo my boy.
Well, he was important, but never a core character. Also this >>159365898
>And what's with this hard-on for killing characters without reason? For the edgy teens that thinks that means something?
What? I was just replying to some fag who implied important characters die in HxH, which is just not true.
And character death can be a very well utilised resource, just don't do it for shits and giggles and you're good.
uh oh baldy death flags ahoy
With makeup and without. Hisoka was the same way

Shizuku is shown dead.
Nobunaga is shown in the middle of a fight with Hisoka.
Sword is broken but Nobunaga is using a nen blade of some kind.
Hisoka throws cards, Nobunaga cuts them with his nen blade.

He went from greasy weirdo to a fuckable man.
pls dont
And I ask again, why exactly is that important? The stakes don't magically lessen because they didn't die in the end. Go to AoT if you want that shit
I want more FS of shizuku :(
Why did Togashi have to give best girl a horrid death?
Who wants some wacky possibly fake spoilers?
even for fanfict homo clown would rape vacuum bitch before killing her off
It was about 6 six panels that Chrollo nose looks fucked up in.
Tell me the pages, I'll look at them.
Aot is the same, only important character that has died so far is Erwin
Want to laugh about FS in general shonen
Togashi please don't kill our favorite absent-minded gal :([/spoiler[
Because there should be at least some tension in the battles.
I mean, not even fucking Kite stayed dead and his death was a huge deal.
Is this another Nothing Happens chapter?
Spoilers out, chapter is focused on Benjamin
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How can there be waifufags in these threads. All of the females in this series are basically non character, bar Paku and Bisky. I can at least understand the homos.
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Hisoka atleast looked handsome in his last appearance, Chrollo went backwards completely backwards.
Real spoilers out: http://onepiece-jump-manga.com/1066578047.html
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What did Hisoka mean by this?
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>no bisky

Wake me up in two weeks.
b-but chrollo cheated!!!
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>More prince snoozefest
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>crying about anything ever
You got the wrong guy, champ.
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Chrollo's rage is always calm and sublime. When Hisoka gets mad, he generates a mountain of salt so big he decides to kill two defenseless people for no reason at all.
What about Marco?
The reason he is going after the troupe is that he is butthurt that he lost to chrollo and is now going after his friends
Finally Camilla will speak and we will be one step closer to finding out she is a trap.
>more prince shit
Wake me up in 20 years when get back to troupe vs clown.
So in this world, conjuring a thing with complex surface is harder than a thing with simple shape, right?
So it's easier to conjure a shadowy figure than to conjure a lifelike clone of yourself.

It's also safe to say that if you use a microscope, you can see that Kastro's clone has cells but a conjured shadowy figure has nothing but shadow on it
I liked more Chinsoka and his kiriko eyes.
The tension doesn't disappear just because the characters didn't die in the end. Knuckle and Shoot had two good chances on dying and were saved by either tactical thinking or luck. And even at the times when they were luck, it was nowhere near as egregious as fucking Reiner transferring his consciousness to the rest of his nervous system for example. The stakes are still present.

And Kite could have easily been Killua in that instance. It's more about what that does to Gon psychologically, something that's been building since Yorknew than the death itself.
And Chrollotcucks will say that Hisotards are the only shitposters.
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>Literally laughed about getting killed
Nice fan fiction.
>Feitan looks like a chink, acts like a chink, and likely smells like a chink
>Kakin is introduced as literally not china that was formed by literally not warring states period + nen. King is a big fat stereotypical chink emprah.
>Princes are white with one back and one tibetan monk looking fellow.
?????? more like togashit
Go back to tumblr/pol. Just leave alredy.
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What was togashi thinking? What did he mean by this?
Strong old veteran who dies in any manga?
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I don't speak moonrunes, please someone translate.

It's fake, don't worry about it.
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At least Benjamin is wankable.
Why would Chrollo ever join Heavans Arena? Considering he is a floor master it means he has been there previously
It's not fake retard.
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That's actually a good question. Here's a good answer: It's a good place to meet talented people to steal abilities from.
He joined after recovering his nen and became a new floor master. He chose this place because of his plan against Hisoka.
Doesn't make his death unimportant. Essentially the death knell for practically all the guards sans Pitou, got to have his fun, and the only one to put the fear of God in the main antagonist.

Not some random old dude dying to pump up the MC to beat on the villain extra hard.
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Ripping off Lions head without nen is pretty impressive.
Why do you write like if those were facts? All those things are mere assumptions.

It is.
World's most wanted criminal has a nice floor on the world's most famous coliseum
you did not consider his many brides
No since they say he is a new floor master. He chose this place to fight Hisoka because of the abilities he picked. This is beyond obvious. His plan would not work without the crowd.
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help me! i want to FUCK this princess!
I'm not gonna argue that his death was meaningful because you're right, but I was talking about how Togashi doesn't have balls to kill anyone sans mobs and character tropes who usually die.
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What did Togashi mean by this.
she's a spineless twat who will inevitably get tossed as a sacrifice for her bitch of a sister
>No since they say he is a new floor master
You're right, I speedread that but now I checked. Sorry.
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she likes gardeening
Nice song, thanks for sharing.
are you fucking with me. I'm gonna check but I'm going to be mad if you're right
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How is this young lad going to die?
He meant this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_wm4KmrDH0
And unless those deaths had good buildup and had a reason, they are practically meaningless. It's amateur hour just to get people all panicking for the moment then they forget about it later on.
And no one is arguing about that, it's a fact, why do you keep bringing it up?
Just stop acting like big characters are gonna drop dead at any time.
It's a girl.
Yeah, a girl (male).
she has a penis
Impaled upon this phallus of mine.
Femenine penis.
What makes you think alluka would be interested in you?
>benjamin and camilla chapter
aw shit
Right desu.
What makes you think Alluka would have a choice?
I'm a fat old bald faceless man
This whole argument started on a pretty stupid claim. It isn't true because of Netero to start off. And apparently, antagonist don't count either for whatever reason but I'll let it slide. It isn't some badge of honor, it's all depends on what the writer feels is necessary. I could name several acclaimed series ,not just in a/m, where that doesn't happen either. Cheap drama is all it amounts to if you're going to kill some one off for the sake of it.
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I don't think you would be interested in this
We agree, cheers mate.
If death has no place in a characters arc, then it shouldn't come up at all.
Guess his Hatsu
I'll guess a manipulator that drives people as insane as Zzig himself looks.
Q - Bouncing Bomb
W - Satchel Charge
E - Hexplosive Minefield
R - Mega Inferno Bomb
He looks like he did a line of some good shit he found in the DC
The silver hair didn't come from nowhere.
He's a transmuter who can give his nen the properties of both crack and ecstasy.
>no passive

Reminder that this guy fucked a calamity.
He looks mad enough to pull it off.
I would guess some variation of godspeed but crazier and more destructive.
Passive - all his grandchildren will be homosexual or mentally fucked
He really does look like Zig and his name is similar. Wtf togashi
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Who's zig?
The weakest design ever, generic big animú eyes. Ruins the troupe for me, followed closely by Phinks.
Ziggs I mean.
League of legends character
Zzigg anon, you fucked up twice.
Benjamin sounds really kingly in the new chapter. Him, Tserriednich, and Halkenburg are the only three that are interesting.
When they cure his ass due to bringing back shit from the DC, and the inevitable outcome from it. Can't wait to see that little shit killua cry again.
I'd take Slavic dude over hair down Hiei or ugly ass Machi DESU
mind wanting to give the TL;DR version?
Momoze is interesting and cute.
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is the chapter out?
Soon my little ant....
It's probably still being worked on, so maybe late reveal
>Pitoufag knows nothing about chapter releases
Do you even read this fucking series?
it's from /v/
Are you the guy who has dumped twitter art in other threads? If yes can you give me some suggestions on good hxh twitter feeds to follow?
Bad move...little ant....
Pitoucancer everyone.
I mean... Leorio could have probably done that by volume 5.
Is it time for spoilers already? Where did the week go?
Most of the people in the exam that weren't using cheap methods could have
Phantom Troupe member identities are a secret. No one knows that Chrollo is from the Troupe.
But wouldn't they have taken pictures of the "dead" bodies back in the yorkshin arc? Actually, are the phantom troupe believed to be dead because of that? I forget.
Antagonists don't count because it's expected that they'll die off, rarely do antagonists survive in a series where people die. It's not difficult to kill an antagonist, but it does take some balls to kill a main character from the "good" side.
>Heaven Arena
I guess no
Wow, you're pathetic.
I'm pretty sure they're considered dead, so it's okay for Chrollo to appear in public.
The mafia took and dissected the "bodies" in Yorkshin and put it on the internet. You'd have to be actively looking for those pictures though. Practically a snuff film.
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Much more girls than in previous arcs
I'm pretty sure they're dead, so it's okay for Chrollo to appear in public

Mafia bosses are dead and people saw phantom troup.
And all of them will die a horrible death, except Bisky MAYBE.
Poor alluka
ew fag
Senritsu can't die without recovering her true form.
Not him but I'd recommend @huangdanlan if you don't mind some occasionally shitty pairings and a little fem-Pika
Have there ever been this many girls in one place in HxH?
None of them are even traps (as far as we know).
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Thanks, anon.
I want to hold her hand
She was too cute for that useless Emitter (=jobber) manlet.

She paid the price for it (=her life).
Her hat looked dumb.
Take that back.
>tfw no theta gf because you are beta
why live
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Yes I am.
Tell me, in which characters you are inteterested in, and may be I'll be able to suggest someone.
I have this.
idk man, she may take 10 chapters just to actually die, they will have to explain her nen abilities, and her enemies nen abilities, plus some over story to explain the death, giving how toga writes... idk man I say she survives until the very end of the prince war
Pokkle is cuter than her.
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so cute
Fuck off to tumblr please.
But the general public doesn't know that.
he kind of looks like a black chick now
My favorite characters are Killua and Pariston, but I'm interested in artists that post art frequently after new chapters and don't often put their art on pixiv.
Full script is out.
Wew Benjamin is a nen user but can't see ben beasts, also much more rational than se thought. He's gonna be a major player.
Who made the announcement?
At the end It was probably Woble's nen Beast in action somehow.
How can he use nen and still not be able to see them?
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>openly racist towards non whites
When Reddit tries to fit in.
Homosexual male.
The general public doesn't know what the Troupe looks like.
probably innate nen talent but he can't use en or whatever it is that allows hunters to see nen
I guess is a rule for Nen beast. who has one just can't see them
Yes, that's my point.

Hey that's literally what I wrote last night when someone asked to decipher the cobbled up Engrish post.
It's the upturned eyes and broad nose.
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You need to review the basics.
Zhang Lei is walking across the floor with his guards. (His skin turned black)
Zhang Lei: Woble’s royal guards are all dead?
Guard: Yes, the information comes directly from the army, so it’s true. The only remaining 2 guards come from outside and are hunters.
Zhang Lei: No idea who did it, but targeting a baby first…Hm…Wait a second…The guards that were with the youngest prince are all associated with the other princes.
Guard: Yes.
Zhang Lei: Then is it a bit strange that all were wiped out? Did they kill their ally too, so they wouldn’t look suspicious?
Guard: There are a few problems I need to tell you…
Zhang Lei: Nen Beasts?
Guard: I asked all of our guards, but it seems they don’t know anything. It’s likely that this word is connected to the incident where all guards were killed.
Zhang Lei is thinking about it.
It's gyo, speedreader.
One of his guards assumes that the direct participants in the succession ceremony can’t see Nen Beasts, but mentions that there could be other reasons, as well.
It's part of the ritual, the princes can't see their nen beasts no matter what.
pls no bully, i read that part years ago and i forget it everytime togashi takes a long break even if i review it
She will live on in my heart.
[Ceremony Hall]
Camilla: Father, it’s Camilla. I want to clarify this with you. There are few interpretations one can make from the word “To survive” and I think the fate of the ones “dropping out” is too ambiguous. I want you to agree that the ones that are not dead have not officially dropped out, okay?
Nasubi: Hohoho. Although the nuance is slightly different, Zhang Lei asked about the conditions of becoming the King too. I will give the exact same answer.
“The only one surviving is the official successor to the throne.” The way you interpret this is also a part of the succession fight hoi.
Benjamin: Kukuku you’re worrying about pointless things, Camilla. If your premise is to become King, then you shouldn’t rely on someone else’s perspective!
Camilla: Cami doesn’t like that! Cami wants to control all people in the world the way Cami wants it! To begin with, all princes aside Cami need to die! The ideal scenario is, everybody should proceed and die by themselves! I want everybody to think that Cami will be King so I should die!
Benjamin: What an arrogant woman…! Entrusting you the throne is like asking a mad dog to babysit!
Camilla: How dumb can you be? Cami won’t babysit anybody! Move away!
Nasubi: Camilla, respect your older brother.
Camilla walks away.
Camilla: I can’t forgive them…! This world is wrong! Cami has to change it herself! Only wishing it won’t change anything. How unfair can this world be!
Camilla’s Nen beast is transforming.
But hunters can see nen creatures without activating gyo. I thought it was established that nen users could always see nen constructs unless they were being hidden with In.
I know, I was just trying to get (you's)
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The story doesn't even show the use of gyo very long past its inception. It's presumed that it's reflexive to all the experienced users.
Can't normal people still see nen bests/conjured objects like Kastro's double?
Threadly reminder that "speedreading" is a shitty forced meme, because not everyone can possibly remember every fucking detail from the manga that's been around for 20 years and takes long-ass hiatuses
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Benjamin: Father, this is the reality of someone who is not qualified! As her older brother, I’m deeply ashamed! I, Benjamin, will make sure to responsibly punish her for that! I promise to you here and now that I will protect the spirits of Kakin!
Nasubi: I expect great things from you hoi.
Benjamin leaves the room.
Someone: Bejamin Sama leaves the room. Area one is now under the maximum alert level!
Benjamin takes off his outwear.
Benjamin: I will kill you now! I will kill everybody! I can’t wait for the disembarkation. Tell Balsamic to bring Tserriednich to me!
Guard: Yes, sir!
Benhamin: I don’t care about the methods! But don’t kill him! I will do it!
Guard: Yes, sir!
t. speedreader
t. speed reader
Looks like you were wrong, Benjamin does have nen
He used Conjuration. Conjurers are distinct from emitters in that they create non-aura physical objects with their nen, while things created by emitters are made of aura and can't be seen by normal people.
Yeah, that was one of the goals of
Biscuit's training in GI
t. speedreader
Its hard not to speedread when the manga gets turned into a book with walls of texts
Nen beasts have no relation with any application of nen previously showed. They're almost literally stands.
Exactly, so it's perfectly reasonable that they're just using In
[Benjamin’s Room:]
Benjamin: Nen beasts that infect other people? Then why can’t a Nen user like me see it?
Balsamic: It’s just an assumption but I believe the contract is that the direct participants of the ceremony can’t see Nen beasts. Or there are other conditions that you don’t satisfy. The fact that the Nen Beast didn’t protect Prince Woble could mean that there is information that we don’t know about. We need to grasp this whole situation before the other princes! This will be the key to overcome this challenge! And taking rush actions before that could be life threatening.
Benhamin: You are telling me to way…?
Balsamic: Yes, there are two main reasons. The fact that our enemies are Nen Beasts and the fact that you can’t see the enemy means that it’s extremely dangerous for you to act by yourself. Therefore, we need to re-evaluate our plans. The second point is about the announcement call that was just made. The fact that they talked about “Nen Beasts” and “Nen Ability” means that all the princes’ guards became aware of Nen. Which means that are advantages are basically gone.
Benjamin: I see, hunters.
Balsamic: All of them are nen users and their history and knowledge about nen is higher than us. But protecting the princes is a secondary mission for them and they do not know much about Kakin’s insider information. We were in clear advantage in terms of the information battle. But because of the announcement made by one hunter, everybody became aware of their enemy.
And because of that, the ones capable of using Nen will be extremely cautious. Meaning our plan to use nen and do a raid strike is not possible anymore.
Benjamin: That really did the unnecessary. But I can’t understand this…why did that person do an announcement to leak all information? Oito surely didn’t tell that person about the ceremony of the vase, right? So why did that person leak the information to the other princes that the true identify of it are Nen Beasts?
t. speedreader
>Reading is hard
Go back to one piece, kid. Only intellectuals can appreciate hxh and its deep storytelling.
Why didn't the zodiacs Investigate the huge power that they sensed?
Thanks for the info dude.
Gorienu and the kong squad doesn't count?
Balsamic: I didn’t expect any less of your Benjamin Dono. We struggled to make sense of that part too. Deterrence is likely the reason. And in fact, because of that, we have to be patient now and reconsider our plans. The hunters’ primary mission is in the Dark Continent. That’s why they want to avoid any crushes on this ship and aim to maintain this situation. This also matches to the wishes of the younger princes. As their military power is limited, they are more passive in this battle. The other hunters reacted to the announcement by actively sharing information.
Benjamin: So the younger princes and their hunters want to work together to prolong their own lives...The way the hunters and the princes will use the Nen beasts will change the situation drastically.
Balsamic: It’s exactly as you say! The Nen beasts and hunters’ ability are unknown and depending on their abilities, they could pose serious danger to us. Also, the older princes’ private soldiers could be Nen users too. And the princes that became conscious of Nen may try to acquire it.
So several of the Princes without Hunter bodyguards have no bodyguards with Nen?
very creative naming
Benjamin: Call all the private soldiers to this place!
Balsamic: Yes sir!
He is directed by emotions and likes to take the most efficient ways to achieve his goals, and often misunderstood because of that but…Benjamin Dono has no fear and always takes the most logical ways and when we provide him with all the information then he always makes logical and exact decisions.
All the private guards gather to Benjamin’s room.
We are still a developing country and in order to make the leap to a bigger country, we need someone as flexible as him…!
Benjamin: From now on, I want you people to work as the room guards for the other princes and interchange with this group. The mission will remain the same, continue to guard the other princes and continue to observe them. But, because of the unmeasurable danger that the nen beasts pose, the mission has changed become extremely dangerous! Pay the highest attention to the Nen beasts and the ability of the hungers! If the enemy attacks you or if there signs of potential attacks, then you have my permission to use your powers. In other words, I allow you to kill your enemy!
Guards: Yes! Sir!
Benjamin: Balsamic, and you guys, can you see my Nen beast?
Balsamic: Yes! It’s a nen beast that is deserving for the next King!
Benjamin’s nen beast is smiling.
That's a lot of Titties.
No because he's a skilled nen user who came up with a hatsu, not a prince out of not-china who took a misterious pill out of the pot from Yu Gi Oh.
Do you really think they're remotely comparable? He summons the gorrila at will while the princes have a ghost haunting them without they knowing it.
Doesn't he just name people after shit he sees on TV when first drawing the character?
Does this imply that Machi just healed Hisoka out of sentimentality? The mangastream version and the wiki implied that she was actually paid in advance, but the Viz translation makes it sound more like she was lying.
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>Camilla talks in the third person
I hope she dies first.
Machi will be the sole reason the Troupe perishes in DC arc
Morel and Kiev know it, just tell about killua use something to heal gon,maybe pariston know something about calamities.
[Zhang Lei’s room]
Zhang Lei: So Benjamin has used his most powerful private guards to spy on the other princes…
Room guards need to be official soldiers King’s army to be accepted that role...
Benjamin is the Military supreme counselor and the only person to have private guards that can be assigned that role. This is clearly caused by that announcement. I see this is the perfect opportunity to know more about the Nen Beasts.
(Camilla's room)
Camilla: Make sure that they don't appear in front of Cami's eyes!
If they take even one step into the living room, kill them!
Call Mom!"
(Tserriednich's room)
Guard: "Whatever shall we do? Given you are the 1st Queen's child, you have no obligation to respond to the request..."
Tserriednich: "Tell them 'You're all fools'. I am in the middle of my Nen meditation."
(Tubeppa's room)
Tubeppa: (The person with that emergency announcement... Stagnation is probably their aim.
Tubepaa: "I want information on that Hunter. Bring it to me ASAP" Guard: "Yes sir"
Kortopi means "she shouldn't accept money from an enemy".
Going off of >>159367390
your dream might come true.

I bet it was the power of love that activated Hisoka's rubber & cum nen.
Yeah he said when he runs out of ideas for names he just watching TV to get ideas
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(Woble's Room)
Kurapika: (The phones on this ship are managed by the King's guards. Contacting Melody's side via normal means will surely be dangerous.)
(The wireless phones used by the guards to each prince has their wireless channels restricted. Meaning it is not possible for guards of different princes to contact each other.)
(It would be nice if we were able to acquire a different set of wireless phones to exchange information...)
(Whatever we do, we are overwhelmingly short on manpower.)
Bill: "If we use Sayird's powers, aren't we able to investigate the other princes?"
Kurapika: "It's possible but we can't snoop around blindly. If we don't narrow down on a target or some piece of critical information, we won't be able to properly guard the prince while also doing this high-risk scouting."
Someone rang the doorbell.
Kurapika: "It's probably guards from the 1st prince." (During this precarious situation, yet another surveillance guard enters the fray...?)
The maid answers the door.
Maid: "Coming."
Guard: "We have made contact before. I am Vincent, a Royal Guard to the 1st prince."
Woble starts crying.
Oito: "What ever is the matter? And here I am breast-feeding... I may be getting sleepy. I'm going back to my bedroom to rest. The baby is feeling uneasy."
Kurapika: We understand. Let's make sure to guard the door and shift our turns.
Bill: "Understood."
Bill notices something.
Bill: "What the...!?"
Kurapika traces Bill's line of sight and there he saw... Vincent and the now deceased maid, who has been stabbed dead in her heart.
Vincent: She suddenly attacked me with her knife...I had no other option...Yes...She also carried a small poisonous bin with her...yes...She probably tried to use it on us...So I used my rights to defend myself...Yes...
Kurapika: So it's not about observing but assassinating...

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>Pariston Hill
>Paris Hillton
Benjamin is going to suffer isn't he
First all the Princes without Nen bodyguards will die
>benjamin makes the most logical and sensible decisions
>dude just assassinate them lmao
can't wait for tserr or camilla to BTFO him

It's not an uncommon naming method.
Benjamin has a beast, guards with Nen and knows Nen himself. Hard to beat this.
How many more chapters until the succession war is over?
Togashi: Ubermen muscular dead first.
and he's overextending himself by having his guards assassinate the others
he'll probably be one of the first to fall, in a battle royale it is always advantageous to gang up on the strongest first

doesn't matter, the real question is how many years
>If the enemy attacks you or if there signs of potential attacks, then you have my permission to use your powers. In other words, I allow you to kill your enemy!
The guard who attacked Kurapika is retarded. He asked them to kill only in extreme cases. He killed the maid and made up shitty reasons.
He also has overconfidence and easily triggered as seen in >>159367390
what nen categories would the examiners in the hunter exam fall under? Buhara would probably be an enhancer, right? What about Menchi? Someone post Hisoka's nen personality test.
I wonder what's her canonical hair and eye color.
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I assumed it was more of a straw color, but green also looks good.
>>If the enemy attacks you or if there signs of potential attacks, then you have my permission to use your powers. In other words, I allow you to kill your enemy!
depending on how this is worded, it could just a wink wink, nudge nudge moment where he doesn't outright state it but implies it
we'll just have to wait and see
So I'm barely starting Greed Island, and I'm an anime-only right now. I can tell that this arc would be better served by the manga and more descriptions, but overall how much content would I be missing through the entire series by watching only the recent anime adaptation?
he can overextend because he has the most power with those special guards
IMO the woble beast did something there
She's fickle so maybe a transmuter.
>Vincent: She suddenly attacked me with her knife...I had no other option...Yes...She also carried a small poisonous bin with her...yes...She probably tried to use it on us...So I used my rights to defend myself...Yes...
>Kurapika: So it's not about observing but assassinating...

The guard is retarded.
What if all the Maids are in fact Assassins planted by one of the queens?
I'd assume she's bright blond with green eyes
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machi is tsundere done right
>Emitter: Impatient and not detail-oriented
Can't Feiten remember every specific event that's happened and how long since it happened.
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It will probably end when the boat finishes the 2 month voyage to the New Continent.
The only important thing the anime changed was chapter 1. Everything else that was removed was pointless and trivial shit.
the way he repeatedly uses yes and then says i used my rights to defend myself makes me think he's just looking for an excuse to let rip
or wobble's beast is fucking shit up
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it's hillary!
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Who's Feiten?
I don't like the translation used here, high-strung means nervous doesn't it? Not the most accurate word for conjurors.
Also, this test isn't always accurate, it's just a vague indicator.
Then it's a good thing he's a Transmuter.
Feitan is a transmuter, and I don't think that was ever a thing he did.
Meta narrative togashi tells about how he make characters using hizoka test
Don't insult Theta like that.
High-strung means nervous, but it means more than that. It's like tightly wound. They are always on edge and they are usually overly serious and easily angered. I think the scanlation translation was "nervous and serious" which means basically the same thing.

Remember, Hisoka's test isn't supposed to be entirely accurate.
I can't wait for the spiders to appear and shake things up, this prince business is beyond boring
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with names like Kurapika and Chrollo Lucifler you should cut me some slack
I thought the son was an emitter attack and the armor was conjuration.
>and I don't think that was ever a thing he did.
When arriving in Yorkshin, he recalls the exact amount of years/months and days since all the spiders meet up.
I don't really care about the spiders, more interested in Pariston, Ging and Leorio.
I'd enjoy watching Nobunaga die though.
>never ending exposition
It was understandable during the setup of the arc but this is getting retarded and boring
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Woah who is this QT?!
probably something emitter related like the non-shit zoldycks
He's classified as a transmuter in one of the databooks. His sun attack is a combinations transmutation and emission attack. He transmutes his aura into heat.

Him and Phinks are one of the flagship Enhancer/Transmuter duos.
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@LZfnwl draw cool Paristons sometimes

Sorry, not a fan of Killua + there are no known artists who systematically follow the manga plot so far, but I'm sure it'll change soon
He just remembers the years and months, something everyone who's not a retard can do.
well more then 30 characters are at play here.
I like ging and pariston but I dread the day day they'll be relevant because that would bring the zodiacs into the spotlight and I fucking hate the zodiacs
That's less than everyone else
Thanks for the clear up guy
cuold've sworn that was one of his quirks.
Gosh, you're so annoying
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Mizai is just gonna kill everyone, don't worry
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Don't know, mate. I don't recall him using that quirk for anything, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have it.
Togashi add too much psychopath but it's fun
>30 characters
let's be real, it's the kurapika and royal family show at this point, everyone else is quietly awaiting their queue.
Mizai is Kuroro
Awesome, thank you! I'm just a compulsive fanart collector, and I know those elevens like to hide some of it away on twitter where nobody can find it. Thank you for sharing what you find there!
Dumb speedreader, the order to hunt Beyond is from V5 and that's what's being discussed in that panel.
To think I was finally understanding every main character.
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>wipes off the cow makeup and proceeds to blind Kurapika
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Understand... THIS!
>chink words in gook comic book
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>comparing Feitan to based Hiei
>Oito: "What ever is the matter? And here I am breast-feeding...
He's not Slavic he wuz Egyptian
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But he wears designer tracksuit just like rich russians.
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you think togashi will show them, i mean if nen beast can, surely oito wmd can be shared
>"you'd put your political beliefs before the chairman's last words?"
We did have a double page spread of breastfeeding. Oito's gotta be no exception, right?
HxH always surprises me, every character they want to introduce have something unique to it (artistically speaking), Tetha even tho she is just a "simple" women design is quick to get into your memory because of her hairstyle and facial design, most intriguing in her case author isn't even trying, she is the most simple possible character, I wonder what kinda of nen she will use and how badass will be her death
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>I wonder how badass will be her death
I expected more Leorio in this arc but he has had barely any screen time at all
he did his part in election arc, now he is too weak in nen to be having a truly important role in a fighting arc
Her nen will be something simple, all the people with good nen made a name for themselves.
most street-level nen users have stupid powers like talking to dogs
It's about Kurapika and the princes for now.
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>Oito: "What ever is the matter? And here I am breast-feeding... I may be getting sleepy. I'm going back to my bedroom to rest. The baby is feeling uneasy."
holy crap those slant eyes
>in a fighting arc
This is not a fighting arc and you don't know how strong he is.
Leorio is a Zodiac for ~8 months, he probably trained under Cheadle.
>rich Russians
you mean gutter-trash russians, just like he is.
he joined to receive medical training, of course we cant exclude that he also got nen training, but it's not the first option
not yet
he is below everyone, also showed his hatsu to literally every hunter in the world, cant even get what did hisoka see in him not to kill him during hunter exam
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>gutter-trash russians
That is a tautology
Did anyone else notice that all delusional theories are from Chrollodditors?
I'm surprised Togashi has not been complaining about his back in the authors comments
I thought the ones who came up with the 6 billions vs 1 shit were Hisowhales?
the deal is for a volume, after his 10 chapters are done it will be hiatus, back or not back
This gives me hope.
stop doing that
Humans....how interesting....
>cant even get what did hisoka see in him not to kill him during hunter exam
The same Ging saw: plot armor
solid point
does leorio too has his own share of leoriofags or is an ignored character?
>cant even get what did hisoka see in him not to kill him during hunter exam
That's because you are retarded.
guess this answer my question
That is not a theory that is an objective fact. Chrollo fought 5000 v 1 Hisoka.
>lobotomy punch

the only hits hisoka managed were due to the heads of those pawns tho, should we call cheating on that too?
spoilers when?
Reminder that the umanned rock that can generate 20,000 kilowatts of power for one entire day was clearly written in as a powerup for Killua
>one volume per year
I'm totally fine with that
I am not a Leoriofag.
Look >>159366234
This is from the same guy so it's real.
>all the people with good nen made a name for themselves.
I don't believe this, in HxH nen is basically a secret you don't tell even your best friends depending on the situation, im certain there are many powerful nen users that are not famous because they keep it as a secret, this of course doesnt means she will be godly powerful, but she can easily be at Knuckles level
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amazing oc
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Leorio is loved by selfinsertfags, fujos, tumblrwhales and dimwitted americans
Looks a bit too manly
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It's calle making the best out of a bad situation
Reminder that we still have:

>"chrollo" using a fishing line (which is machi's ability, who was coincidentally in HA immediately after the fight)
>someone who looks suspiciously like the meteor elder in the crowd (which would also be a much more plausible explanation for why S&M behaved the way it did)
>chrollo making an absurd amount of puppets (the real user of GF was coincidentally in HA immediately after the fight)
>chrollo talking to someone on the phone in the middle of the fight (black voice was always controlled via buttons when Shalnark used it, the only time it was spoke into was when it was functioning as a regular cell phone)

If you really don't think Chrollo cheated you're just deluded.
i still dont get what kind of conditions did gon put on himself to evolve to gon san, even kurapika who risks his life doesnt get that much of a gain
Gon sacrificed all his nen and potential; basically, he sacrificed 99% of his life force.
Because he's a special snowflake that had the potential to become stronger than Meruem, he deserves losing it for killing best girl.
is kaito2.0 on another power level now that he has faced death? what kind of nen trick can let you cheat death, basically reborn until you become stronger than who kills you
but kura is putting at risk 100% of it everytime, that's what i dont get
he must have used some heavier condition to get that power, but i cant figure out
maybe something about pain or feeling? feitang power seems way too strong for a broken arm, maybe linking nen to feelings gives more power than simplier conditions
Gon had a stricter condition.
Kurapika can still use his chain jail on 13 people as many times as he wants without dying.
Gon could only become Gon-san once. Period. And then he'd be put in a near-death state regardless of who he used it on.
Kurapika put restrictions on himself, that's all. Gon sacrificed his life. Gon's vow is far stronger.
mmhh this could work, if he stayed in that near death state for the same time he should have lived, maybe that could work
Hey, сука, this is very rude. Delete your post, please
im thinking about aura numbers, knuckles estimates gon aura around 22k if i recall, and yupi around 7 million. we can say that pitou must be more or less in that tier too, so it means it got like 500x times stronger, since he reached king level
is there any realistic condition that can give this much power
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>Kurapika wanted to avoid the succesion war, quietly and cautiously sneak up on Tsetse, take back his eyes and leave
>managed to warrant the attention of literally everyone possible instead
If you made a condition to stay a virgin for life how strong would your nen become?
depends on if you're chad thundercock or an incel
It's not just the condition, it's about Gon himself. Gon had enough potential to become as strong as Meruem, so he was able to trade that away to get all that power immediately. No one else could have done what Gon did.
in your case nothing would change
i wonder what kind of ability can let you grow 20 years in a second
doesnt even sound like reinforcement
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who sacrificed their life force better, gon or yusuke?
the author mess up up by making the villains so powerfull, so we got gon-san
it called been a hack
well, all the others couldnt be defeated by nen users in the end tho
only gon managed it, if they were all to win hand to hand i would agree
If you made your conditions specific and restrictive enough, could you create an ability that's able to reshape reality?
Like lets say for example: Can only be used once per lifetime on top of a world tree on the DC on a cloudy Wednesday the 27th while five other people (two male, one female, and two traps) who know nothing about nen are present and are doing a coreographed dance routine involving a seal and a mango.
I don't think he even had the potential to become as strong as Meruem. He basically compressed all his lifeforce into 30min of godmode. I don't think it was a sneak peak into "what could've been". A good analogy would be the supernova the sun emits before it disappears or turns into a black hole
not all stars go supernova though, our sun can't
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Say he does comeback through a Togashi asspull, he still needs a reason to become a hunter since he found Ging. What kind of hunter would he be?
not him but i think it was a metaphor, not to be taken literally and start discussing about how star death works
Sea Hunter
It's mentioned that nen can't exceed the bounds of human ability. You can't get god-like powers, no matter how talented you are in nen or how restrictive your conditions are.
i was adding nuance into his point by saying not everyone could do what gon did you moron
Can ANYONE explain why they didn't just nuke the shit out of the hive before the king was born, or even the castle where the king played with Komugi.

No one except Gon-san laid a finger on any of the ants, not even the strongest human on the planet could do significant damage to Meruem, yet a nuclear bomb effectively oneshot Meruem. Why sacrifice the most talented people on the earth when a far easier solution is readily available?
i asked same, probably because a lot of humans were gathered to the castle, so they took the king far away to nuke him if couldnt defeat him with softer methods, and probably underestimated the royal guards thinking they could be defeated by normal hunters
How is it not just enhancement? All he did was grow his body into adulthood, and gained more muscle. All of the properties were already there in his body, he just enhanced them.
They didn't expect that such an extreme action would be necessary, back then.
Nope. Taking the king away wasn't something they could ensure or even planned for. It ONLY turned out that way by accident because the King didn't want Komugi to get caught in the cross-fire.
that was the only thing he hired zeno for, couldnt do anything before the king proposed it even before they could make a move
They didn't realize that the hive was that dangerous, and it would have taken time to get a nuke. When they learned of how dangerous Meruem was he was already gone. There is a good chance though that some V5 military group was ready and waiting to nuke the fuck out of the palace if the plan failed. Their entire assault plan was literally Netero's only chance, and they put a bomb inside of him to make sure he would do the job.
It's explicitly stated by the narrator that Netero payed Zeno to seperate the King from the Royal Guards. Then Knov at some point mentions that Netero and Meruem have arrived at the predetermined location to fight. The entire thing was planned that way from the start. Stop speedreading.
to find Don
The whimsical kind, like his dad, just going after whatever catches his interest at the moment.
Please explain to me how they can forcefully move someone infinitely stronger than themselves against his will. It's like two cats attempting to relocate a tiger
that was the plan, even if you dont like it, it's stated clearly
They didn't know he was "infinitely stronger" than them at the time they planned their strategy.
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Do you guys think this panel shows Benjamin's hatsu in some way?
Nah, that's just plain old aura.
Could be just bloodlust
everyone has that.
Did you read the script? He is doing this on purpose for stagnation, like that the chances of Woble's death are lower.
Wobles stand will kill the king
seems a reinforcement guy, probably no relevant hatsu, he will be dead soon
I wish I could speedread like that.
>be a prince
>learn nen
>be a manipulator type
>manipulate your nen beast into attacking other nen beasts
i think it's a legit question, if the risk is extermination of mankind then nuking the whole country wouldnt be all that unreal
>MC coming back is an asspull
You are retarded. Gon is similar to his dad, it's been said multiple times.
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>Gon will come back
>If he come back would it be an asspull?
the princes cant see nen beast due to restrictions
Let me guess, you think Hisoka coming back is an asspull too?
Manipulators can't control beings made of aura.
I don't understand how you can possibly miss the whole start of that arc and completely misunderstand the timeline. The operation was plagued by lack of information and international issues, that are consistently brought up to remind the reader. It was a miracle it succeeded in the first place, mostly because of Gon's and Netero's efforts and a ton of luck.
>The MC's story is done.
Anon, you are retarded.
>dat shitty ass scan
I don't but faggots left and right keep telling me other wise.
I'm probably exaggerating how sadistic he is, but what if his hatsu allows him to twist and rend a person's body to his heart's content without them dying but still feeling the pain?
he pretty much grasped the situation when the ant told netero he would probably die before even getting to the king, that's the reason he got a nuke implanted in him in the first place
pitou got killed by gon but even if it wasnt the case he would have died of nuke poisoning
hunters basically didnt do shit, without the nuke they would all have been killed
1. They were at NGL so it was hard to gauge the situation and ants could develop more easily.
2. Said in 1, hard to gauge the situation.
3.Netero didn't want too much help when he heard that the king was super strong because he wanted his dream fight, which is the reason why he didn't request help from the zodiacs.
4.Pariston was making things even more difficult for his teammates behind the scenes.
5.Hunters are not burgers who would kill citizens so easily.
6. Partially said in 5, the rose's poison would have spread too much.
7.Partially said in 6, and that's why Netero fought Meruem at a place which was a test site for military weapons.

Basically, you are a speed reader.
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there is asspull and asspull
I implied most of that. If you're going to change the point then there's no reason to keep this up
Isn't Halkenburg kind of handsome?
they had plenty of time in ngl to get the potential of their enemies and adjust their plans, especially after trick room guy got cucked by en
lul point 2 is point 1 but let me make more points to make me look cool
can be agreed with, but just conjecture
even more of a conjecture
it's called freedom
only logic thing in this post so far
why add another point again

basically, you are autistic and most likely a trap lover
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Survives Buddha point blank...dies because of radiation poisoning.

talk about hack writting
can cockroach even get kill by radiation?
>lets imply everything
If you want people to take your posts seriously don't act autistic
How many Phantom Troupe members could the Shadow Beasts Uvogin fought take out in a similar situation?

I don't see how Phinks, Bonolenov and naturally weak ones like Kortopi and Pakunoda or Kalluto could stand a chance.
it was chemical, not radiation
try better bait next time
>they had plenty of time in ngl to get the potential of their enemies and adjust their plan
Plenty of time? Maybe. But keep in mind that The level of these ants was superior to normal and Netero didn't want too much help. Only speed readers don't know that when it's even said by Cheadle when Kanzai asked.
>even more of a conjecture
Read volume 23 or 24, or both. I don't exactly remember where Morel mentions that.
>it's called freedom
Spotted the burger
>only logic thing in this post so far
Maybe because you are retarded.
>why add another point again
Because i know a speed reader like you don't remember the place where Netero fought was important
>basically, you are autistic and most likely a trap lover
The only thing that wasn't part of my post was about Gon. I never said they didn't get an idea of the situation with Colt or that they would've succeeded without the rose. If you're out of arguments at least try not to shitpost like an angry child.
bonolenoc rape them hard
i sum up your solid arguments
>read somewhere i dont know where

sounds like you should check twice before posting
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Goodnight,me and Pitou are going to bed
Nice rebuttal retard. I am explaining things to a speed reader like you and that's how you react. It is clear, if you didn't understand why they didn't simply nuke the country, you are a speed reader.
he could have at least had the zodiacs on standby for if the nuke didn't work, or to ensure a guaranteed victory against the royal guards
good luck pham, you will need it
Bonolenov would have massive problems with Labid Dog and I am Worm.
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>that's the reason he got a nuke implanted in him in the first place

where did he put it anyway. I doubt he'd be in peak fighting condition as was displayed with a bomb ingrained in his chest. Did togashi write the bomb into neteros ass?
>cant fit a nuke in his cavities and still be 100% functional
normie get out
Maybe they replaced his stomach with it.
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Name the rest of the Shadow Beasts.
>good luck pham, you will need it
Thanks but are the one who didn't understand anything, not me.
Jobber Beasts
Right to left:

>Finger the Ladies' Man
>JoJo Reject
>Vonelonob (Bonolenov's brother who ran away from the tribe)
I wanna fuck Theta!
Yeah, but this action will significantly increase the complexity of his own mission.
I'm free I guess.....?
Kill that retard >>159377174
Benjamin is obviously an enhancer. It's pretty obvious Nobnaga is going to kill him anyways.
My body's moving on it's own!!?
so this....is the power.....of dubs...
i wont die that easily
humans are so very....interesting.. they think they are invincible when in fact they are really just weak pathetic bags of meat..
why didnt hisoka attach his bungee gum to chrollo when he got a hit in with the head flail?
hisoka is dumb
Will Kurapika discover the Hunter x Hunter? I mean has luffy found the one piece before them?
Netero wanted to fight someone strong, that's literally it. Netero was like, sweet finally someone strong to fight.

Did you not understand Netero as a character or something?
Then why didn't he fight Hisoka?
Delivering a nuke would be a big problem. You need to have a powerful nen user that can overcome Pitou's En and control ability to do it, which is basically what happened.
Hisoka didn't interest him as much. He was old as shit and knew he had one last good fight in him, probably wanted to fight someone worth fighting.
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Take that back faggot.
Because hisoka wouldn't have been able to last against 99 hands. That and I'm sure Netero just wanted an excuse to use Zero hand on someone. The man was Goku but old (big ear lobes too!)

Naive little sheep.

It's all politics. That's why. Nuking a country with a conventional way would cause massive political uproar. Having a Hunter do it would shift all blame if something goes wrong on a Hunter (and Netero managed to distract Meruem and make the explosion far far away where no one has seen it).
hairstyle is fucking gay now, and lost all his creep glaring
Hunter x Hunter #34 (868 650 / 876 566)
My Hero Academia #14 (31 876 / 489 650)
One Piece #84 (21 735 / 2 499 480)
Dragon Ball Super #03 (17 280 / 236 720)
What do these numbers represent? I'm not a "economics" hunter
Gon sacrificing his life force actually had some side effect so him
Now he'll be able to live a normal non-dangerous life. Even have a female companion that he could date!
But he's gay and adrenaline junkie
if you google them nen police will come to rape you
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>Benjamin knows nen

Everybody is going to die.
This week's sales / Total sales
Gon will you silly goose
If everybody and their mom didn't have a bodyguard that could use nen, maybe
He's probably just a poor man's Uvo
So only 2.5 million One pieces got sold in its lifetime?
More intelligent than someone who thinks Hisoka could be an interesting opponent from Netero's perspective
this year

Don't do this to me. I love Benjamin.
he's a dumb reinforcement noob, will be the first to die
I hope he gets to kill Camilla at least
What a obnoxious cunt

Just an extreme ojou.
Killua is cute!
Tse mentioned he hated girls that talk in third person.I was kinda rooting for Camilla but now I can't wait to see her get skinned alive~
Good memory
I was also expecting her to be one of the big players in the succession arc but now I think she'll just be Tse's prey too
is he?

Viz fucked up there.
>Tse mentioned he hated girls that talk in third person.
Holy fuck where?
>draw a man
>give it a womens head

why is this allowed?

Respect for attempting a Theta tho
what is a Theta?
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