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Would Mordred have been a good Servant to Shirou in the Fate Route?
She would have been a good Daugher for Shirou.
Oh, subs are out?
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>And that, Tokiomi, is the story of how I got here.
>Did you have to include the part where you fucked my daughter?
>Astolfo with Waver
>Shota and trap

Lord fucking save my dick
Would Gilgamesh have also fallen in love with Mordred like he did with Saber?
wait who's the woman in between shirou & saber?

Nigga, that's double gay.
I think EMIYA could have a better shot than Gil did, on the virtue of not being a complete retard like Gil is. He'd probably snipe Masters/Servants at the docks from a building 4km away.
Lancers original master before Kotomine killed her.
What's the difference for Sakura's Arturia? Other than the short skirt and untied hair.
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I'm in love.

That Mordred having the time of her sweet little life. Fucking make this happen. Carnival Phantasm this shit or something.
>Astolfo and Waver
That would be entertaining as fuck.
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hey retarded homofag, who are you trying to fool with this poor shitshop?
Wait so what are their classes
Just hairstyle. I honestly think Artoria would've gotten along far better with Sakura than with Shirou. She may be a softy, but Artoria might see a lot of her old optimistic self in Sakura.
That looks ridiculously fun, who made that?
Would Mordred be a good mother and wife?
They get along well but Rider is a better match for Sakura and Shirou is a better match for Saber.
She'd kill you if she heard that
Who's that on the top left?
>people say there are no insertfags in Fate series
>these faggots here keep writing fanfiction about female character x their MC insert
You sure showed people you can't insert in Fate.
I didn't play the VN at all though
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Let's say Mordred already had the kid and you were already married
It depends on what sort of Shirou becomes her master. If Fate Shirou, he'd try to protect her because she's a little girl and you know how she hates that. She'd probably murder him the moment he inevitably uses up his Command Seals like a retard. If Shirou can treat her like an equal and let her do her thing, she'd be fine with him and maybe even become a daughteru for him.
At the very least I suppose she'll try to be the parent she never had growing up. The problem is, marrying her in itself is a problem because she gender identifies as a man. And not in the modern snowflake feminist sense of the word, back in her days you had to be a man to be king so she could have genuinely convinced herself that she was a man so she can rule Camelot. You'd need to undo all that before she falls for you.
Mordred is prettier than Arturia, her color scheme is better, her armor is cooler, etc... Seibah is old and busted and a shit dad too.
I suppose she can keep pretending to be a man while she's pregnant once the sperm from the mana transfer reaches her womb and a child is growing inside of her belly
Why the fuck do you want to soil Mordred so much with a shit person's DNA?
>You'd need to undo all that before she falls for you.

Shirou did that to Saber.
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Yes, and?
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>non ufo fateshit

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>Ufo fateshit
I just watched the episode. A lot of shit character designs, especially among the masters. Didn't leave a great first impression.
>multiple saber class
where or who is berserker? tokiomi team seems full of GAR.
>Arthur Alter
Holy shit that'd be awesome and terrifying
This isn't by UFO? Judging from the style in screencap I thought it was them.
It's A-1. Was pleasantly surprised by this episode though
Why did everyone choose Saber? And why is Rider dressing like that?
>UTW is back
is fansubbing saved?

It would work so well, make it happen please.
Is arecher going to be fine with tokiomi commanding him to die if he gets to kill shirou? assuming the holy grail can still act as a gateway to the void
Is this a new group? I prefer Horriblesub more because of their numerous outputs
Top right corner, is that Saver Jeanne? The outfit is the same
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I'm probably being baited but I'll reply with this anyway.
Mordred would call Shirou a faggot for having the same kind of inhuman messiah complex that Mordred's dad had. Stop being a bitch, Shirou, or you'll end up alone on the sword of hills.
Arthur Alter wins on the first night.
>Fate Route
He can have Gil with a nicest persona possible and will still fucked up, dude is fucking moron in that route.
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Why would anyone not choose Saber?
A NP is supposed to be the symbol of a Servant's legend, but can anybody really call Clarent a symbol of Mordred? It's only mentioned like once offhand in some poem.
Afaik Mordred killed Arthur with a spear. Such is life.
why is this show is full of autist?
>stop mordred girls shouldn't fight!
>gets stabbed
>mhx alter
When did this happen?
It happened the last time Takeuchi's handlers let him out of their sight.
Valentine's event.
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Arthur used the spear to kill Mordred since he dropped Excalibur during the battle. But Mordred brought down his sword through Arthur's skull before he died
Yeah, Mordred does not think much of the Holy Grail and is okay with dying without getting it. If she gets insulted, she'll just stab her master to death and wait for the next summoning opportunity. She already did it with Kairi, and their affinity is already the strongest due to how summoning from a Round Table shard works. How much more against someone the affinity isn't as strong as?

>Second best girl
Who is the Master of vanilla Seiba?
I want to fuck Sawashiro's voice. Not the actual person, just the voice. Holy shit how glorious her tone is.
Ayaka from fate/prototype
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Do Mordred and Arturia have any interesting interactions in the games? Never played any but it would still be hilarious to see them figuring out they are both males (girls).
So does this cartoon come out on saturadays?
Is Okita and Musashi as strong as the western Sabers?
>end up alone on the sword of hills.
That's fine, he can take it.
Yes, right before Symphogear so if you ever come to wish to kill yourself at some point of the series, know that more fun things await you afterwards.
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Yeah, it's subbed by UTW.

>mordred as rider when there's an actual fucking artoria for the class

kill yourself casual secondary
>mahou shoujo
are you retarded?
Isn't that a show about magic girls?
Okita would be pretty strong, but her tuberculosis brings her down heavily.
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Reminder that Astolfo is exclusively for (You).
Arthur in a landslide.
Assuming no MC plot armor, Arthur Alter will eat all those niggers in breakfast.
>Emiya not fucking around
>Alter Arthur
Whatever town this takes place on is fucked.
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Is this a fanfic thread now?
now i feel like an idiot for searching subs all around. Guess i deserve this for forgetting the superior subs for Fate series.
The third season was about them beating the shit out of one magic girl.
It is, plus they sing(screech) while fighting
Its cringeworthy and pretty fucking shit
Would Mordred call Shirou "father" or "mother" ?
mother (male)
She would treat Shirou like he was her housewife, so something like "Sweetcheeks"
Actually quite a few portions of lines were not translated fully.
Can't be worse than crynchy's shitty memesubs.
That's gotta be the laziest word to describe something.
>She would treat Shirou like he was her housewife
Shirou is a shit magus and Master.
Mordred is already sort of gimped by her own weapon rejecting her, last thing she needs is it to be even weaker and have a less capable master
Doesn't that make it mahou shoujo? Or the term for magical girls cartoon is called something else?
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explain then
Remember when these guys accepted $4,000 in donations and then just vanished
I already said its magical girls dude
Why are you still asking
now they're back as Commie-lite
Mordred and Shirou would be the best team with the shittiest start.

It's even got the pre-built theme of "succeeding the father" provided they survive long enough for Shirou's philosophical musings to kick in.
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The best Master/Servant Combo would easily be Bazett/Caster Cu.
>My Wife's son(female)
Shirou won't live past the first episode. The only reason he's not dead when killed is because of Avalon.
The fight with Herk is actually likely to go incredibly different anyway - Archer is heavily implied to be thrown off by Saber's appearance and basically got distracted by the pretty, hence why she managed to land the hit that actually took him out of the War's starting stages.

Significantly less likely to happen, so the beginning of any Mordred route would be closer to UBW than Fate.
How? why?
She would've lost against every F/SN servant.

>D Rank LUCK

She would've died as soon as she came out Shirou's cuckshed to fight Cu Chulainn
These are facts.

Mordred is a one trick pony, and I say this as a Rider-fag so It's not even SEIBA bias.
Marik got tired of children's card games
mfw, Mordred can be Gudako girlfriend!
is amazing how many girl are bi in this franchise
>shipping two characters means self inserting as one of them

Really powers up the neocortex..
Which rider
He smelled children's card games, so he came.
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Fuck this sound design.
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How would Mordred react to her dads husband?
Fuck you its sounds good
Can his hair kill servants?
>Something is competing with me for Father's attention
>It must die
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I think you forget how ridiculously powerful the Clarent is. Sabers are still the most powerful class by far.

Would Mordred even listen to Shirou though? She seems like the type who would run her sword through him the moment he begins his "No Killing" messages.

Also, what sort of future would Shirou have under Mordred? It seems like being with Mordred actually might push him towards turning into EMIYA more than anything else.

I agree. Their personalities are perfect, and I really wished we could've seen more of them. From what I heard and read, Bazett is bascially a more successful and less annoying Rin who actually loved the Cu legends
>I bet dad would be really mad if I stole his woman
Fuck you it doesn't.

Are you the kind of faggot who looks up bass-boosted music?
The thing is with Shirou and Saber, their romance was executed very poorly, but it had to potential to be incredibility amazing. out of all the girls in Fate, Saber suits Shirou the best
>dude is fucking moron in that route
He's not though, while naive, Shirou in fate is not stupid. Just very naive, this part of Shirou's development, where he refused for Saber to fight his battles is just skipped in UBW and HF. But it does make sense, he just doesn't want someone else to get hurt instead of him.
>I think you forget how ridiculously powerful the Clarent is. Sabers are still the most powerful class by far.

Archer, Lancer and Riders shit on them on average.
Shit, the strongest version of Artoria a.k.a the staple Saber, is her Lancer class
That version is also not a servant.
Lancer Artoria (not Lion King) is a thing and even she's stronger than Saber.
>Kotomine Shirou
This is some fanfiction tier shit. Like DA fanfiction tier.
Fucking Shirou in Fate is an epitome of self insert MC, anon.
>Shirou in fate is not stupid. Just very naive
Nigga, you can like him all you wan, no body mind that but your excuse is ridiculous.
Who joins Sieg's harem
>hill of swords
he's pretty much fated to end up there no matter what he does
Just Jeanne. There's no harem.
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Is there even a possibility that Mordred would fall in love with Shirou? I mean what could he possibly do to make her love him?
Where'd Alther come from? Just from that poster or magazine or something?
Cute tomboy, I want to put her in a dress
Did my husbando Sieg appear?
Arthur Alter, I mean.
Except Bazette and Cu are horrible combination due to personality.

Cu loves fighting. Bazette loves Kill Stealing with her NP.

Before Cu can fight, Bazette already activated her NP and ended the fight just as Cu's opponent activates his or her NP.

Cu would get fucking pissed off at Bazette for doing that.

That is why Rider is better for Bazette since Rider doesn't really give a shit about fighting for fighting's sake.
All Saber clones love eating.
Why isn't Arjuna in this?
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Can any servant beat Seiba when she has Avalon?
Post more mordred
That EDs probably the worst I've ever heard.
So the necromancer guy gets shanked by his own servant?

The round table shard thing is funny, like a russian roulette of arthur's knights
It grows on you after a few times, I've noticed. The voice is just a bit jarring at first, but the song itself is good. I'm also pretty sure that they just put the OP at the end like what often happens, so next week we should have a new one.
What are some plausible candidates for grand servants? King Hassan makes sense as the very first assassin and both Solomon and Merlin are decent choices for grand casters. How about other classes? Some people have been saying that Herakles would be good as grand archer and I think that's a good fit. For grand rider maybe Genghis Khan since he and his mounted mongols rode across all of Asia or maybe someone like Odysseus or some other ancient adventurer. I also fully expect to see a Japanese grand since the Nips can't stand not being speshul in their works but I don't know who it could be since they've already used the most famous figures. Grand saber is also a bit of an issue since Arthur and other famous knights have already appeared as normal servants.
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Cain would probably be Grand Berserker, I'm guessing.
What the fuck is a grand servant
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Oh you sweet summer child.
I wish I could spoil you in how wrong you are
>replying to the "selfinsert" shitposter

Dont do this.
>He's killed by Super Heracles who literally can't lose and then revived by Crazy Racist Priest as Dark Saber according to the at book thingy that was released along with the anime short.
>executed very poorly

I see this sometimes and I cant help but disagree. I thought their romance was done pretty well. I replayed the game not long ago and their chemistry was there from the beginning.

Sure there were some silly moments but everything past the forest scene with them is solid as fuck as far as romance is concerned.
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>strongest servant
>lost to a high schooler
>lost to saber
Explain this.
Assassin role would fit him better in my opinion,but that one is already taken.

There's also Samson for the berserk role if we're going by biblical stuff.
Though I'm sure they're gonna make Grand Saber some sort of Saber clone, like "True King Arthur" or some shit.
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The Saber and Shirou romance is already fine. It's by far the best out of all the routes.
>If Fate Shirou, he'd try to protect her because she's a little girl and you know how she hates that.
>F/SN is 10 years old
>people still misunderstand why Shirou feels inclined to protect people

When will people get that his whole "girls shouldnt fight" is just him trying to find some normal excuse to justify his "Nobody should put themselves in harms way for me" mindstate.

Shirou's life revolves around being useful to people and protecting them. Being protected by anyone feels wrong to him. Their gender is inconsequential.
Fate Shirou goes to Avalon does he not?
He is the strongest but only sometimes
Heaven's Feel Shirou is safe isn't he?
It's rushed as fuck, though I wouldn't mind an entire VN dedicated to a well-paced and well-written romance between the two. That'd be nice. It's the romance with the most compatibility and potential by far.
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>That great final scene
>Ruined by that shit-tier OP
She isnt a shit dad. She never asked for this but even then didnt want to burden Mordred with the Crown as she would be very ill suited to it.

Saber would have given it to Mordred no problem if Mordred had the capacity to be a good King. The responsibility of the crown would have crushed Mordred and killed the Kingdom.
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He does, Fate Shirou is pretty much the ultimate winner
>becomes a hero without becoming EMIYA
>lives his life without compromising his ideals
>reaches Avalon to be with Saber for eternity outside the confines of time
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>Impying the Mordred-Shirou route where he gets to date an angry tomboy isn't better
Its kinda rushed into the 2nd half of the route, sure but even then it was still really good, in my opinion.

Fate's 1st half suffers from being exposition and world building heavy. It affects every aspect of Fate, not just the romance bit.

If anything I'd fucking love a re-written Fate route with the lore and world building already established.
Biblical stuff could also include Noah as rider.
>NP is ship that can survive a world ending flood that also contains a male and a female member of all the creatures in the world
Not too shabby.
Anon, if Shirou reminded Mordred of Arturia then Mordred would admire the fuck out of him
>or you'll end up alone on the sword of hills.
He knows that it is hell that he is walking into, dont worry,
So Bazett wouldn't fight unless it was absolutely necessary. She'd be more than willing to respect that.

Seems appropriate for her trump card.
More like the Ark gives EX rank protection to the people on it, but there can only be a single male and female of any species on it.
He isnt stupid. His actions are entirely governed from him being fucking insane. He has no sense of self or self worth and cant fucking accept people fighting and getting hurt/dying on his behalf.

He is sharp as fuck, just like Archer is. He simply operates on vastly different and unrelatable logic than any other normal person.
She has a limited number of uses for Fragarach, it's not like she could just keep doing it. She'd probably just let him do his thing and attack the masters.
No, Arturia killed Mordred with her spear (Rhongomyniad)

Mordred's sword had a curse placed on it which caused it to move and strike at the person who killed her. This took Arturia by surprise.
I though even Nasu said that he handled the romance between them very unrealistically. I do agree it is the pairing in the VN
Not really, when Bazette partnered up with Avenger, she canonically won the war multiple times due to Kill Stealing.
He may be strong but he's also retarded
>But Mordred brought down his sword through Arthur's skull before he died


Clarent had a curse placed on it by Morgana which made it move in reaction to Mordred's death.

It stabbed Arturia in the guts.
Who is with Kotomine? Arthur Alter? Who is he?
Dumb gyaru slut
>that image

Fuck, as soon as I saw it F/Z's ending theme started playing in my head automatically.

What a fucking great ED that was
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How would Mordred stack up against 5th Holy Grail War Servants?
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Will we get more Flat in Apocrypha?
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I think the unrealistic part is why it's so great, it's a fairy tale romance. It has a magical feeling to it.

Western Folklore and myths are overpowered compared to Eastern
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So I'm not too familiar with Arturian lore but is Mordred an asshole in the Nasuverse? Like I feel like Mordred is the type of person who would have zero issues going around murdering whole towns of people to get what she wanted

T-that was a girl?
Dies to GAE BOLG instead of lucking out.
>implying Cu wouldn't recognize his own fucking sword and understand how it works
>implying Cu doesn't listen to his master and knows that he'd get to fight so that she could activate Fragglerock.

You misunderstand Fragarach, Cu and Bazett. Cu would get plenty of fight time in any fight where Fragarach wouldn't be necessary.
Because Avenger is a shit servant and she had no other choice.

She respects Cu and will do things his way until forced otherwise.
He wasn't even supposed to be in this episode so who knows. Waver shows up again though.
She would want it for herself.
She's kind of an asshole but not really evil.
Certainly not with Avalon active.
>lost to Saber

She has the highest servant kill count in the game anon. Its not surprising.
He is an idiot and a brat, not much to expect from a literal 7 years old who got constantly told that she would inherit a throne and then the one who would relinquished stone-walled her.
She certainly doesn't live up to Artoria as a knight, that's for sure.
I like the idea of a Gate of Babylon for animals more. Actual animals probably aren't all that special in combat, unless they get buffs for being ancient, but if the Ark worked like GoB in that it held the originals of various weapons, then the Ark could also hold things like mythological creatures such as dragons, the Kraken, the bull of heaven that Gil fought, the Hydra and other things that Herc fought, maybe Echidna and Typhon and so forth.
What Nasu says about his own work is often complete bullshit.

The guy is an extremely sensitive perfectionist who is constantly worrying about his own perceptions of how people perceive his work.

When he mentioned that he throught the romance between then was poorly handled most people reacted with "what the fuck?" as it was clearly the strongest in the game.
How did waver became a professor at the clocktower if the 4th HGW never happened?
Fate in a nutshell.
It would make no sense for the ark to have all these unrelated mythological creatures in it
Especially ones that are already sea-dwelling, they don't need an ark
Mordred wearing Arturia's clothes is so fucking cute holy shit
He's a strong independent man who needs no Iskandar
It's motherfucking Waver Velvet, what would you expect to happen?
Anyone else think it was a tease to a Strange fake anime? Since he got voiced instead of just being a background cameo.
In this timeline, Waver and Kayneth took part in one of the fake Holy Wars. He summoned Rider there.
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We get the Flat Cat
The Alter version of Arthur, the original Saber who Nasu genderbent into the female one we all know after Takeuchi asked him to? He's in Fragments of Blue and Silver LN, and Fate/Prototype which TM only released as an anime short and a character design book outlining some main aspects of the story

He's also available as a summonable Servant in FGO, but then again, who isn't?
Realistically you're right, but Fate likes to play with the more conceptual side of things and the idea of Noah's Ark is a refuge for all of God's creation to shield them from the destruction of the world. You can bet that in the Nasuverse it would include pretty much everything that isn't somehow directly blasphemous, which gets complicated when you try to apply biblical definitions in a world composed of many different mythologies. I think it's an interesting concept at least.
My question is, why is Waver so popular. Apparently he is in Strength Fake too?
I love LE so much
It's a FGO thing, Servants who are the true embodiment of their class, much stronger than any other servant. For example Grand Assassin is the first leader and founder of the Assassin guild, the original Hassan-i-Sabbah. The guy can make an immortal monster god mortal with his skills, so (You) can kill it.
The Grands just have a better saint graph than normal servants, that is all that make them better, freaking Gil can be grand caster thanks to his EX clairvoyance.
Maybe or TM advertising SF through Apocrypha because some anon said that Flat wasn't supposed to show in that episode.
How op is Sieg
It's almost approaching Berserk levels of CLANG but at least it's mostly appropriate.
His power is plot.
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I love King Hassan.
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The Papa Hassan images were great.
Before I watch this, is this the same universe as stay night? and do I need to know anything about it before watching it
UTW is back... wow
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It's very heartwarming.
alt universe were the grail got stolen i think around the 3rd war, SN is the 5th war, and people started making bootleg grails.
Mother, then she'll introduce him to her Victorian girlfriend (male), Jekyll, who is also a hero of justice retard. They'll get along smoothly.
kill yourself.
Mordred really couldn't give a fuck aside of her fanservice ooc summer version.
Why is Luvia Sakura's servant?

And why the fuck there are 4 saber class?
With the use of a command spell, he transforms into SIegfrid. He can fight as his full-powered self for 3 minutes. Plus, he has a Servant with lots of useful gadgets. And a flying lioneagle.
Saber: Galahad even if he would fit best as a possible Grand Ruler as the one who brought the Graal back, Arthuria, Musashi because nip wank, if we go by pure power levels, Astolfo without his mindwipe would be a prime candidate (I wish I was joking)
Archer: Herc, Gilgamesh, Arjuna could be possible too. I remember there was a chinese hero who also pulled impossible bullshit with his bow but I forgot his name.
Lancer: Seriously I'm at a loss for that one, I guess they'll just wank Longinus to take that place since he has the most renowned spear.
Rider: Genghis Khan, Karna.
Caster: Merlin, Solomon, Gilgamesh, Zhuge wouldn't be too surprising either since they can slap his insight on Clairvoyance EX, perhaps Baba Yaga if they say that she's the same person everytime who takes on different identities.
Assassin: Cain, King Hassan (who can be Cain)
Berserker: Enkidu
The grands are grands because they have a better saint graph, nothing is given to them. Gil doesn't qualify actually, Merlin narrows it down later.
He can't be one either because he would never fight to protect the world.
tell me about it.
> First fate anime in which shirou does not finally appear.
> Summerfag try to imagine situations in which he appears.
Kill yourself
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Shirou IS Fate, kill yourself.
>Shirou is fate.
you already wanted summerfag.
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Mordred is such a tsun for her father (female)
But shirou does appear. SHIROU is shirou in case you haven`t noticed.
but is SHIROU the red man?
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>you already wanted summerfag
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>feel obligated to watch this because Fate
>everything I've seen about the MC makes it seem like a Jeannefag's self-insert fanfic got published by accident
How off is my intuition?
Shirou is the BLACK MAN BABY
I feel like in this scenario Mordred and Shirou are going to die an awesome death.

That fight ain't fair with Kotomine & Alter Arthur and Tokiomi & EMIYA.
Shirou emiya is shit taken out of nasu mind.
Shirou amakusa really existed and is based.
Literally every fate is an x-fag self insert fanfic.
About right i say
>Siegfried killed himself to save some random Homunculus who gained the ability to turn into Siegfried and suddenly the plot began revolving around him and him alone, with barely any focus on the more interesting characters. This was never even hinted at in previews for the novels, which pissed people off. It's a near-universal view that Sieg ended up ruining the potential Apoc had and ended up turning it into the adventures of a generic LN protagonist that had others die to power him up and then lead to a ripoff of the Realta Nua Last Episode.
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When does illya and kuro appear?
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All y'all are my niggas. I do enjoy CotD very much as well
Wait until prisma film.
Spears doing CLANG has already been a thing since Zero. It's a same fucking audio file.
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Seiba a perfect.
I'm getting baited but thinking Shirou is self-insert is retarded, even if he may seem that way first.
What class is Bazette's Medusa?
Ironically, she's a insufferable bitch in her own route but a bro-tier waifu in UBW.
Sunny days best ending.
It's a porn VN with routes to fuck your preferred girl. Get over yourself.
>fuck your preferred girl.

Then where is my fucking Issei route?
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You mean Shirou's film?
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Fuck you, Fate route Saber a best.
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How is she Lancer
Someone dump Fate route Taiga already.
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No, it's a VN where I get to become a hero of justice.
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My nigga.
>Strange fake anime
Maybe in 2019-2020
At all costs.
Nasuversefags, I have a important question.
How big is Astolfo's cock?
Worst end.
Loli fanservice rendition edgified for the FGO OVA
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What do you think Shirou and Saber do in Avalon?
in what world does a porn game have the porn take up 0.5% of the game
Cook, train, stare lovingly into each other's eyes and screw each other's brains out.
Question: I downloaded the Apo episode from UTW's website and I don't see the subs. What can I do to see them?
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If you're asking how it makes sense, I don't know, there's a younger version of Medusa (younger than her sisters) as Lancer in FGO who appeared as an adult in First Order

It could be the artist taking liberties with original Rider Medusa too, it doesn't say anything on the picture. I think Lancer makes a bit more sense for Bazette though
I just don't get where the lancing comes in
She gets Harpe
Loli Medusa has Harpe, the shit Perseus used to slay Gorgons, and adult Medusa's skills
Why would she have the spear that was used against her
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Because the event left such a impact it allowed her to use it as a servant or something dumb like that, they just wanted a loli Medusa in a new class.
Because Fate
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Yes, yes, well done UTW.

Doesn't netflix, like, never release the stuff they stream until after it's over
That must mean in particular countries or something, not the West. Unless someone here won a HGW again.
the funny thing is her design is ugly and decidedly way worse than her sisters'.
I was looking for it myself and found this article

Considering Fate's got some traction in the West thanks to Fate/Zero and UBW it seems like something they'd get and market it big if they had, even before they started airing it. Unless they plan on doing a dub.
I mean it wasn't horrible but this first episode felt like it was trying WAY too hard to be the "next fate/zero", throwing as much "hey this is Fate series!" stuff at us as possible in a single episode. It's like they were screaming BE HYPED desperately.
>netflix subs
I would rather die.
They actually do regular weekly streams for shows in Japan (which is what they did with LWA), so it's not impossible to do it in the west.

It's obviously the US because it was announced at
Saber: Arthur (Prototype)
Archer: Orion (real)
Lancer: Sun Wukong
Rider: Death (Pale Rider)
Caster: Solomon
Assassin: King Hassan
Berserker: Samson
Honestly seeing Flat and hearing about ther third grail war just made me think "man this episode isn't bad but i sure wish i was watching one of those two stories rather than this one"
WTF! Delete this,
>november 11th
wow thanks netflix
What was the meaning of Solomon dropping the red pawn below the table? Aside from the fact that he lost on purpose, of course.
It either represents his betrayal or Siegfreid I think.
that's not Solomon
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Big Saint Tiddies
why did you summoned the cancerous saber/shirou cucks?
She needs to raise her flag.
because the grail is a fucking retard

I do believe they don't outright call it harpe but an "immortal killing scythe" or something like that in the material. since she is closer to godhood in this form it's possible that she is carrying the weapon harpe is derived from in mythology? but the answer is they just wanted a loli medusa to go with her sisters.
What? Yes he is, he was called Avicebron, that's Solomon Ibn Gabirol's other name.
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I really like this spooky Hassan. He probably will be very OP as Kiritsugu/Zouken servant.
What player should I use with the UTW Apo release? I can't seem to see the subs.
mpc hc
And guess what, it'd be less powerful with Shirou providing Mordred with no mana.
The fact is, Clarent is already pre-gimped, and Shirou being a terribad master makes it worse.
>Fate Stay/Night is a porn game!
Fuck off you fat dumbass.
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>Kariya summon another Angry Frenchman as avenger instead of Lancelot

What would happen?
So they will stream the first episode that day?

Literally who cares
He's not wrong.
Wait and hope
That is how Apo is, you've interesting premise but in the end it ends up just being bunch of SN&0 references devoid of any real identity.
But he isn't correct
Male Arthur and Sun Wukong are spot on and Solomon and Hassan are of course already confirmed. The others are a little iffy. The pale rider in SF is pestilence and not death and I think it's a bit of a stretch to call a figurative embodiment of disease the embodiment of the class of rider in the first place. It would be like making the grim reaper a lancer. I also don't feel like Samson fits as grand berserker, I think that one should be a viking/Nordic since they were the OG berserkers but I don't know if there are any famous ones. Orion is good as far as feats go but he's not all that well known, though I guess you could compensate by the age of his legend and fame as a constellation.
It's not wrong but it's a tricky statement.
FSN does have sex scenes but they are scarce and barely relevant to the plot. Calling it a "porn game" gives the impression that it's something like Sengoku Rance where the porn makes most of the gane,
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Could you baptize children with their milk?
So who wins in a fight, Arthur or Arturia?
>one is takeuchi's waifu
>other one isn't

You should be able to figure this out.
I'd like to remind you Saber straight up beheads Shirou if he gets too indecisive in the visual novel.
Who is the writer? That's the most important part.
>Jack: Day 1, the Hassan have accept me as one their own.
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Saber Alter > UBW Saber > Fate Saber desu.
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How 2 get saint gf
>Like I feel like Mordred is the type of person who would have zero issues going around murdering whole towns of people to get what she wanted
King Arthur did this too you know. And Lancelot.
Is this fight breaking out over a argument on who has better cooking, Shirou or the fate/prototype chick?
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Fuck like rabbits. As it should be
Alter a shit.
Step 1: be Jesus
There's no step 2
Sorry, dragon cocks only. You can get on with Alter, she is a slut like that.
>Bazett doesn't get Cu
>Sakura doesn't get Meduseless or an Alterego

One goddamned job.
Befriend a trap, convince the trap to get Sumanai's heart for you, become a dragon, proceed to fug a french saint.
Merlin is in there too right? Seems rather awkward knowing that he watches them the whole time.
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>Shirou is just selfinsertion for people to fuck their preferred waifu
>Always Fate or UBW route, never heaven's feel
>never talk about how broken shirou is, nor the fact he's so fucked up he'll sacrifice his life in a heartbeat to save anyone

really gets those sodium ion channel gates opening
Merlin is too busy shitposting and catfishing.
Except Cu was under orders by Kotomine to only scout and not kill any participant yet
Didn't stop him from Gay Bulging Saber
There is Kalafina?
Egoist and Gardinelia
Saber was great in her own route. I liked how she opened up and eventually accepted some form of normal human love that she had denied herself in life.

Saber's character growth after escaping the Einzbern Castle I thought was excellent.
People that think Shirou is a self insert are retards
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>you will never summon mordred and fight in a holy grail war
just kill me already
I agree, I was saying they never focus on anything that makes him unique or his own character
Probably Arthur. He's just more powerful.
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>treat her as a girl, get stabbed
>treat her as a boy, get stabbed
>say anything positive about her father, get stabbed
>say anything negative about her father, get stabbed
>don't pay enough attention to her, get stabbed

And to make matter worse she is one of the less fucked up knights of the round table.
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You just have to treat her like a knight and praise her from time to time.
>muh kingdom
>muh duty

It's like she was on PMS the entire route. Her UBW self is much more down to earth and composed.
She didnt mention the Saxons once and she was never angry about what she perceived to be her duty.

Stop acting like a melodramatic cunt.
> I was saying they never focus on anything that makes him unique or his own character

Thats the point of the shitposting and why this particular shitposting tactic gets the faggot some (yous)
>And to make matter worse she is one of the less fucked up knights of the round table.

Agravain fucking when?
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Grand Berserker could be Thor, or whoever the fuck the crazy goth loli installs in Prisma 3rei.
It stopped Gay bulge from working properly
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Reminder that Mordred has a penis.
Saber's luck did that
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HF is the most well thought out route in the game, and the one that explores its characters the most. That being said wormslut is still the worst girl, and Shirou's ending in that route is pretty fucked up, he doesn't even have a proper human body anymore.
Just because SLH is the best ending it does not make Superhero the second best one, anon.

In fact, Fate SN would have been great with a fourth, Superhero arc.
No, that was Saber's Luck Rank. Gay Bulge doesnt have any way it can pull any punches when its Noble Phantasm Heart Stab effect is activated.

And Kotomine told Lancer to avoid fighting if he could but he didnt expressly ban him from killing other servants if he had to.
Mordred would listen to Shirou about as much as Saber did - which is to say, not all that much in the grand scheme of things. But then, it's not exactly as though Mordred is high up on the list of Servants who EXP grind on civillians, and Shirou in nearly every fight quickly turns to "whelp time to shank a a bitch" for someone with a professed preference for non-violent solutions.

That said, Mordred going "fuck this shit I'm out" as Shirou is in the church could be an entertaining leading segment as he basicallyu has to track down and convince his wayward Servant to join forces with him.
Thor isn't really known to be a berserker though, is he? He's boistorous and overconfident (such as when he was about to reel in the world serpent) but he's not someone typically angry. He's pretty much always chill.
Also, he's a god. Isn't that shit almost impossible to summon or something?
Divine Spirits can't be Servants. Artemis is only as she is because she's piggybacking on Orion, but Divine Spirits themselves can't become Servants. Though it wouldn't be the first time something otherwise impossible happened in Prisma, I think the possibility of there being something more to the hammer loli than just being Thor was brought up.
>It is easy to deal with Mordred:
>Do not insult the King.
>Do not praise the King.
>Do not treat her as a girl.
>Do not overtly treat her as a boy.
>Do not be too formal.
>Do not express too much interest in other Servants.
>Do listen to her opinions.
>Even a fool can do it!

Mossan is a misguided Yankii child. Please understand.
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>HF is the most well thought out route in the game, and the one that explores its characters the most
>well thought out

It is an utter clusterfuck and a horrible amalgamation of Sakura's planned route and Ilya's planned route. And as far as exploring its characters, no route goes more in depth than UBW in this regard.
Touko's puppets are fucking first-rate though, he's a lucky bastard for that.
If anything I think Mordred would respect Shirou's desire to fight alongside her rather than sitback and bark orders and toss Command Seals like a regular master.
>no route goes more in depth than UBW in this regard.

UBW ignores pretty much everyone except Shirou and EMIYA.
Adding Garden of Avalon to the Fate route would make it a masterpiece in my opinion
a hype and amazing clusterfuck tho
shirou is probably the most badass in this route imo
>UBW ignores pretty much everyone except Shirou and EMIYA.

It gives Berserker and Ilya great scenes; shows you the awesome side of Lancer and even Rin gets some good screentime.

All HF does is show Kotomine up well. Which is awesome dont get me wrong but its limited.
>no caps

HF fags everyone
she wouldn't be like seiba and complain about the master fighting
if he is able to figure out projection and can fight, she'd probably respect him a bit
Could Shirou copy Clarent?

All I want in relation to F/SN is an adaption of the Fate route by UFOTable with lots of Material taken from Garden of Avalon.

Would be excellent.
Excellent refutation of my argument, anon. Before you I am but a fool. I will now use capitals and punctuation as I guess it is important to you.

Yes or to some extent. The only things he cant copy are weapons with materials from other dimensions or worlds, like Excallibur and Ea. And even then he is able to reproduce a gimped version of Excallibur which is still powerful as fuck.

Does Clarent have alien material in its composition? If not then Shirou can project it.
UBW also gives focus to Fake Assassin, Medea, and Kuzuki. So really, UBW gives the most characters some time to shine out of all the routes.
You know, criticizing their grammar and the words they use just makes you look petty and unable to actually refute them, so you might want to work on that.
At least your sarcastic reply wasnt such eyecaner to read this time.
I don't see why not, he can copy Caliburn and even Excalibur, although it kills him.
He is known for flipping out at the drop of a hat, but mainly on giants. I believe he also goes mad with grief after Heimdall (sp?) is killed. Berserkers just need to go mad once notably to qualify.

He's been close enough to mortal in the Eddas to count as summonable in the same way Herk, Gil and Cu do. Especially Herk, since he ascended to full on godhood.
It'd actually be entertaining to see a Servant strike the middle ground of just telling Shirou to hang back and shoot people, since he's apparently such an amazing archer.

And then for the enemies to be surprised when shit hits the fan and he pulls out a gun he's burrowing from the Fujimara group.
The problem with UBW Rin is that Rin works better in non-love interest roles and thus even with the extra screentime that being heroine of the route gives to her she still pales when compared to her Fate&HF counterparts.
Refuting that HF is "hype" and "badass" is something thats been done every day since it came out.

Dont get me wrong. It has some of the best moments but they dont make up for the horrible grind that is 90% of that route.
The twist is backwards; he's Shirou, but not EMIYA. He's Amakusa Shirou, a Japanese fake saint who survived from the third grail war. EInzebern cheated to summon him in this world. In Apoc world-line the Einzebern's summoned Ruler rather than Avenger during the third war, which caused the grail to be stolen by Nazis. Because of this the grail is uncorrupted at least. Amakusa became human after being splashed with the grail or something. He's a very weak C rank servant normally, but his Ruler privilege allowed him to win the war previously, only for the grail to still be lost.
Wasn't there something recent more recent that stated Ea couldn't be Traced because it is, by definition, supposed to be a singular existence to be wielded solely by Gilgamaesh? So Shirou's Eyes of IP Law Vioaltion couldn't work it's way through Babylonian DRM.
I think Rin works really well as a love interest. Her working really well in a "parter" role is something separate to her as a love interest.

That scene with Rin and Shirou in the Graveyard was one of the most touching in the VN. Second only to Last Episode.
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>current year
>complaining about people using internet slang on a mongolian cave painting forum
Ayaka doesn't cook, Arthur cooks for her
Tohsaka comes off the best in UBW in her true role of protagonist.

The sex/waifu stuff is just to move units.
>It'd actually be entertaining to see a Servant strike the middle ground of just telling Shirou to hang back and shoot people, since he's apparently such an amazing archer.

Unlike Archer he doesnt have the knowledge or magical capacity to spam things like Caladbolg or Hrunting at people. He also cant load his regular shots with prana.

Him sniping people wouldnt really be that effective.
>Strongest being on the planet, Arcuied
>Lost to a teenager with a pocket knife twice

I don't think you get how TM works at all. Its anti-power levels. Anyone can beat anyone situationally or with the right strategy.
Thats the first I've heard of that but that would be a pretty neat explanation.

However the idea that Ea is made from some bullshit overpowered alien technology also works.
can kerry's origin rounds affect a servant?
If they can, all you gotta do is get a rifle (as if I remember right he used a modified pistol chambered in .30-06), sit back and sniper servants
Angry Frenchman is easy mode, he can make everyone else fight each other while he laughs his ass off in the background. I don't even know what can counter him, maybe exceptionally strong magic resistance or something
>caring about post quality
>on a board that has traditionally given 100% of a fuck about post quality
>a bad thing

Summer really is here.
shiki can kill servants confirmed
I wonder if that ponyfucker who has hateboner on A1 will shat on first episode or he's afraid using fansubs and talking about it due years of crunchyjew shilling
>The Grands just have a better saint graph than normal servants
This was already disproven when it was translated. No its not just a difference in saint graphs. Only the apex of servants would be a grand.

Its not that Mata Hari would beat everyone if she was in a grand container. You gotta be the strongest to be a grand.
>since he ascended to full on godhood.
True, though the Herc in F/SN is summoned from before his ascension.

Honestly the most "divine" existance in F/SN is probably Gilgamesh since he is 2/3rds God.
How is he related to Shirou though? Shirou was just some random jap kid until the end of the 4th HGW when angry manjew decided to turn fuyuki into barbecue.
Amakusa is the patron folk saint of the Japanese Christian community. He's no faker.
>Second only to Last Episode.

In my honest option LE was a horrible clump of Saberfag pandering that retroactively tried to ruin one of the better endings in the novel.
>can kerry's origin rounds affect a servant?


Dont you think that if they could he would have been out sniping the Servants themselves from the start of the war?
He isn't, they just have the same name.
"Shirou" is a pretty common japanese name.
How does he not just not get instantly killed by Rider or Archer?
He isn't, they just happen to be namesakes.
This is the false equivalence. What told you he's related to Shirou? He is Shirou, but he's not the Shirou you thought. As already said he's Shirou but not Emiya.

He's a fake saint
in name only, they have no relation otherwise
Your honest opinion is shit.

LE was planned but Nasu took it out last minute in a poor attempt at melancholie.
Says a man who defends an asspull ending that makes HF True and UBW Good look good.
His name is Shirou but he isn't Shirou. He's another person entirely.
It is entirely wordplay, although he is Kirei's adopted big brother. He also realizes how fucked up Kirei is and doesn't want to be anywhere near him if and when he snaps.
He can't win if his opponent likes to bone his sword
>asspull ending

More asspull than some supposedly "lost" magic showing up at the end of the route and conviniently saving Shirou's soul that is conviniently attached to a Touko puppet that is conviniently found?

Get the fuck out of here.
Fuck sniping Servants - the Fifth HGW is chock-a-block with Masters getting in on the action, or being fairly close at hand. Shooting them when they're proving a danger to other people isn't exactly beneath Shirou.
Does he fight at all in Apocrypha?

He's a false savior, but the actual Amakusa is a real folk saint.
Inb4: "Why is he named Kotomine then?"

Since he's a saint, the Kotomine family was participating in the 3rd war, and they are very much Christian; they allowed him to crash at their house after the war and be registered into their family. Amakusa hasn't aged in 60 years between wars, but they fake his identity. Because of this he's technically Kotomine's brother, but Kotomine never found himself in this world.

Both of his Names "Shirou" and "Kotomine" are just a misdirection to point you away from something else. Its kind of a red herring.

A few times; against Frankenstein and Jeanne. But he's a fairly weak servant.
>shooting Shinji
Yes, fair enough
>shooting Ilya
Probably has some means of stopping it
>shooting Kotomine
Good fucking luck hombre
>shooting Kuzuki
Good fucking luck hombre
>shooting Medea
Good fucking luck hombre
Who did Rin marry in HF and Fate route? Do we know if he's a big guy or not?
>It's a porn VN with routes to fuck your preferred girl
But I never got to have sex with Illya!
i don't like this. With the exception of the King, all the Hassan felt like they were supposed to be more or less equals in status(that's why they each hold their own trademark Zabaniya but they're all classified the same way). Then Strange Fake rolls out one that can use everyone's Zabaniya and another who's a super-duper mega Assassin who can conceal himself from absolutely everything
UBW = Fate Saber.
The only difference is Fate Saber falls in love with Shirou.
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Also he changed the way he looks inbetween wars. Originally he looked like this.
Some random fat old man from Europe.
So did Apocrypta Kirei just live an "ordinary" life as a church executioner and priest?
Probably an old man
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Well meme'd good sirs!
I want to hold his sword.
So UBW Shirou?
>Then Strange Fake rolls out one that can use everyone's Zabaniya
She's not a real hassan. She's someone who tried to be a Hassan, but was cast out for her heresy or something. She also can't exactly use everyone's Zabaniya, she can only replicate the effects of each one based on how she thinks they work from reading about them. Some of them are weaker than the originals, some are better, but one of them is entirely made up. Her personality is weakness, and her PC is low.

In two ways she's basically more useless than other hassan. Because she's still not really a match for other heroes, yet because she's stronger than other "Hassan" she might think that fighting them is appropriate. While other hassan would only go for the master since they know they're weak. A hassan should excel in stealth not fighting.

Also having 18 NPs that do the same basic thing is useless. The entire point is that she might be very talented but she's all too fallible in some ways. She faded away in history and became nobody. She's no Hassan, she's just a zealot without a real legend.

>and another who's a super-duper mega Assassin who can conceal himself from absolutely everything

In exchange for his other stats being lower than other Hassan. Also always telling his master that he'll kill him if he doesn't honor his contracts. Also he was sent to kill one guy so far, and for some reason ended up killing dozens supposedly.
With the exception of Medea, all of those are more susceptible targets than their Servants. And to his Servant, still preferable over Shirou trying to fight one of them, and can even provide the advantage of possibly providing a distraction to their Servant in the fight.

I just want more scenes like Fate's Shirou vs Shinji, because it's really good at dispelling the notion that Shirou rarely jumps to violent solutions.
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Dont get me wrong anon, I agree that more master on master would have been cool.

Its just I cant see how Shirou could snipe people who are bullshit strong. Kotomine's coat can deflect Kerry's bullets as it made of a fibre that can strengthen due to prana and Kuzuki is literally bulletproof whilst Caster is buffing him.
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>Kirei's life in the world of Fate/Apocrypha is briefly mentioned. Differing from the world of Fate/stay night, he has a foster brother, Shirou Kotomine, and he never gets the chance to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War due to the Greater Grail being stolen from Fuyuki during the Third Holy Grail War. Kotomine Kirei is living as an extremely respectable priest in Fuyuki even now. The Fourth Holy Grail War didn’t occur, so he didn’t shift his focus to his own nature. It might be a different story if he participated in one of the subspecies Holy Grail Wars, but he’ll never have such a chance as long as he is in Fuyuki. He is still in anguish over the meaning and karma of his existence even now. He heard about who his older brother Shirou is from his father Risei, but they have rarely interacted with each other. This is not done on Kirei’s part, but rather because Shirou consciously avoids him. This is because Shirou noticed the “distortion” within his stepbrother Kirei. Of course, he would very much like to free Kirei from his anguish, but no matter how he thought about it, it wouldn’t end well. Additionally, if the one-in-a-million chance occurred where an event caused him to affirm his own distortion, Shirou was greatly worried that the first person Kirei would target would be him. Thus, Shirou kept his distance from Kirei as much as possible from the beginning to end of their relationship. Risei dies at some point in time, and Kirei sets out on a spiritual journey looking for "something not yet known to him."
Im not even gay but the Shirou on the right is the most attractive male design that Takeuchi has ever done.
>Kotomine's coat can deflect Kerry's bullets as it made of a fibre that can strengthen due to prana

What. I thought he just wolverine'd the bullets
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>Shirou never lost his parents and became an empty husk
>Rin and Sakura never lost theirs
>Sakura was never given to the Matou to become a living worm hive

Apocrypta's timeline seems to be a bit jollier than the original one.
He both Wolverine'd the bullets and deflected them with his clothes.
It's funny, despite being weaker in theory, he ended up being extreamly fucking dangerous thanks to a few things. It's not common for someone to survive a EX NP that is entirely focused on destroying something after all.
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I married her lol
>fat old man
It checks out
A bit jollier? Apocrypha Shirou is literally a LN Harem protagonist caught between wrestling champion Sakura Edelfelt and kung fu witch Rin.

It's the most comedic timeline outside of Carnival Phantasm.
Arthur's version of Excalibur is probably the strongest of all of the Noble Phantasms, but that's only when certain conditions placed on it by the Knights of the Round Table are met. If we're talking about a battle where only a few of those conditions apply, as would be the case vs. Artoria, Arthur would probably lose due to how downpowered Excalibur is if being used improperly.
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I'm not usually gay though I occasionally want to suck a shota penis but I agree completely with you and I'm sad that the design is wasted as a Craft Essence and not an outfit for him in Grand Order.
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He was powered by the grail at the time, and used all its power to just barely survive for a few minutes. Even if he survived a bit longer than her it still really fucked him and the grail up to withstand slightly. Hard to even call it entirely surviving.

Although Jeanne is a top servant, so a lesser saint surviving her at all is something. But being hooked up to a grail almost invalidates anything since you should be able to do almost anything in that moment.
Way too girly in this one.
Trap artists sometimes go overboard.
>shirou - autistic samurai
>sakura - another vaguely japanese costume
>rin - wild west prostitute
She's a girl, though.
I like this meme. Its fresh and wholesome.
No he isn't.
Well, Edelfelt's are the experts in sluts.
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What is that monster?
Alter or nothing.
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Strongest NPs
>Angya Manyu(CCC)
>Cursed Cutting Crater (Potnia Therom)
>The One Whom from Birth Mastered All (Ars Salomonis)
>Lord Camelot powered by an unflinching pure heart. Ars Salomonis was said to surpass all things on Earth in power, but Lord Camelot blocked it.
>Virgin Razor Palladin (Speed of light attack that killed a beast who had absorbed the entire world. It represents Athena's spear which brought forth the end of Troy surpassing any defense)
What's wrong with his right hand?
witch servant could make a good boss in a souls franchease

Joan seigfrield ,and vlad can make it
Takeuchi cant into hands.
Sakura is a samuraiko housewife, with an extended version of her HA Angry Manjew mystic code on. It's a visual call to her (and Shirou) being in Archery Club.

Rin's Wild West Whore look is a visual call to the Edelfelt Sisters from the Third.
Are the pictures in these craft essences meant to be what each of them look like in the near future?
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Champion of Ash is literally one of King Hassans nicknames. Then you have that Artorias proto-Saber from the Ilya manga.
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Damn good doujin
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Semiramis and Avicebron
They will be soon I imagine.
We also still don't have Kotomine yet either. Guess he enjoys spooking too much.
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Astolfo is garbage.
Mordred Carnival Phantasm NEVER.
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Except Sengoku Rance and FSN are both great, with or without porn, so trying to insult them by going
>b-b-b-but muh porn!!!!1!
Is retarded and only normalfags do it.
Why would she have Bellephron?
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Hey now, I loved CotD, but I do think that LE fits in very well with the 'miracle' theme that Fate has going for it. And besides, the girl called Arturia deserves a happy ending!
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>we'll never get another CP season
Looks like one of these

That's sung by a choir, silly goose.
>People bitch constantly about loli Medusa getting Harpe all the time saying its wrong. Despite her originally self getting Bellerophon.
>It was never actually specified to be Harpe
>Her NP isn't even Harpe, her NP is "Eye of Medusa".
>it might not even be harpe
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meant for>>159311161
Gonna point out that Harpe has a weapon page in FSN and it looks nothing like that
Hair-down Arturia is a real beauty.
Reminder she a canon cucker, she fucked Arthers wife (male) and stole the crown
How, since Apocrypha Emiya Shirou shouldn't even exist. There's no Fourth Grail War to burn down Fuyuki.
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a best
Amakusa Shirou best Shirou.
Shirou himself would exist, he just would not be adopted by Kerrry and would grow up to be a normal person.
If it's just a random spear then that's almost even dumber
This would be one of the worst possible pairings. Mordred would literally kill him within seconds.
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>mfw I just rolled JAANU in the middle of Septum chapter
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